The War Between Us (1995)

[birds chirping]
[children playing]
[music playing]
Mas, I thought
that was a new bike.
It is.
I'm making improvements.
[horn honks]
It's Dad!
WOMAN: He bought it.
Nice car, Dad.
How do you like it?
MAN: I like it.
WOMAN: It's beautiful.
We'll get that fixed, hm.
New tires too.
OK, Mas, start it up.
He can't drive.
FATHER: It's not difficult.Sister, I'll teach him.
It's about time.
Shigemitsu assured him
that Japan does not
intend to attack
the British empire anywhere.
However, here in Vancouver,and in the lower mainland,
the RCMP are ordering allpeople of Japanese race
to register with their localdetachment as soon as possible.
This includes all
those born in Canada.
Vancouver RCMP urge cooperation,stressing that loyal citizens
have nothing to fear.
[typewriter clacking]
OFFICER 1: Attention!
[phone ringing]
Thank you, sir.
[dog barking]
Come on, hurry, honey.
The boat's leaving.
Me and Pooky found
you some silver.
Oh, boy, we're rich!
Come on, let's go.
Let's get up on the wagon.
Come on.
Get up.
Oh, my goodness, my moustache.
Here it is.
Why can't they find a
guy to play this role?
Oh, every year thisparade gets more pathetic.
So do Mabel Tibbits' hats.
Hey, sweetie, you look terrific!
Remember when we
were on that float?
Oh, yeah.
And look what's become of us.- Yeah?
Well, at least you
don't have facial hair.
I'm proud of you.
You ready, Madam Mayor?
- Yes, yes.
Come on.
Up you get, sweetie.
Oh, Ed, behave yourself.
And keep an eye on your brother,one eye and three sheets
to the wind.
[whistle blows]
My, my.
OK, Let's go, girls.
Jigger, lay off the sauce oryou're gonna end up in a ditch.
You guys all look great.
You ready?
Band, everybody.
Some things never change.
Except for the worse.
[birds chirping]
Listen to this.
"The Chinese expression
is likely to be
more placid, kindly, and open.
The Japanese are more ruthless,dogmatic, and arrogant."
There was a Chinaman
here when I was a girl.
He was a good cook.
Mary Jean, where is your hat?
In the shack, I think.
Me and Pooky picked
it all up in there.
What have you been eating?
Chocolate pudding
with ice cream.
Mud with snow.
You're gonna be sick.
It's your father.
Mary Jean, you go
upstairs and change
quick before you catch a cold.
[pot lid rattling]
Oh, no.
Now what?
- Oh, good.
I hate that venison stew.
Well, I hope
you like porridge.
We'll all be eating
mud at this rate.
Come on in, fellas.
Go on through there.
I'll be in in a minute.
Hello, John.
JOHN: Hi, Peg.
Rob, Bill.
BILL: Hiya, Peg.
Ed, not again.
I figured we could
use some cheering up.
Well, why can't you
cheer up someplace else?
And what are you doing
home so early anyway?
Oh, no.
All of us, as of
Friday, out of work.
The mine's shutting
down indefinitely.
Excuse me.
[clock chiming]
Aya, what do you think, huh?
This one or this one?
That one.
It's a nice idea, Papa.
Mama will love it.
[phone ringing]
Hello, Kawashima Boat Works.
Papa, [japanese].
[japanese] Eh?
Pearl Harbor?
Japan attacked
the United States.
AYA: Oh, no.
NEWSCASTER [ON RADIO]: Canadahas declared that a state
of war exists with Japan.
Here in Vancouver, ablackout will be enforced.
Starting tonight,
all householders
must see that no lightshines from their residences
into the street, and
motorists are advised
to get home before dark.
Headlights are to be
blinded, and citizens
are urged not to
use the telephone,
except for emergencies.
[bird cawing]
Come on, let's go.
Good morning.
Did you see the
sale on tea towels?
[bell rings]
Oh, Mr. Smyles.
Um-- I'm going to need
this on credit, just
until the end of the month.
Ed hasn't ponied
up since last month.
What the hell is this?
What do you got their, Joe?
Oh, the stupid buggers.
They round them all up
on the coast, put them
in those Vancouver[inaudible],, and now they don't
know what to do with them.
What's he talking about?
The Japs.
They figured they'd
put them out here
where there aren't any people.
Look at all those boats.
PEG: Confiscated?
What are they going
to do with them?
What are Japs, Mom?
Thank you.
SOLDIER: Nice car.
[bell ringing in distance]
Absa-bloody-lutely not.
Now, these people
are not dangerous.
The commission can
assure you your safety.
Mr. McIntyre, don't
you try and tell us
these Japs are just
ordinary people.
If they're so friggingdocile, what's all the fuss?
Leave them on the coast.
doing all of this
to protect them as
much as anything.
Protect them from what?
Folks on the
coast are nervous.
They're unpredictable.
We don't want any violence.
Didn't you read the paper today?
Jap soldiers bayonet
prisoners in the back.
They make captured
officers shoot
themselves with their ownguns, for God's own sake.
Wait a minute.
We're not talking about
Jap soldiers here.
Mr. McIntyre said it's
old folks and kids.
Now, we've got a lot of
buildings sitting idle.
We've got a lot of menthat can't make a living.
This may be an opportunity here.
- Yes.
This is the
government's position.
Now, your town can
accommodate 400 people.
CROWD: 400?
Mr. McIntyre, you dorealize, we'd be outnumbered.
The government will
upgrade the electricity
and put in a telephone service.
And about time, too.
And hire 50, 60
people at least.
WOMAN: Well, my husband
could use a better job.
How long will these jobs last?
MAN: Yeah, that's
a good question.
As I understand the
economics of this area,
any job of any duration wouldlikely be an improvement.
The work required will besubstantial, quite substantial.
WOMAN: It sounds good.
try and tell me
you bunch can't use the money.
Pay a few bills, eh?
MAN: Yeah.
[rooster crowing]
It looks like thebuggers are stuck with us.
You mean you agreed?
I'm really tired
of this subject.
Well, Ann said
they carry diseases.
Yellow fever.
Just keep the
girls away from them.
Ed, they'll be right in town.
All I can say is, I
start work on Monday.
Full time?
Well, maybe we shouldn't looka gift horse in the mouth, huh?
Especially when it's comingat you ass backwards.
[airplane noise]
Your house will rent quickly.
I'll be looking after it.
I can't thank you
enough, Mr. Stein.
We'll be back soon, eh, Papa?
It can't be helped?
MAS: Why can't we take my bike?
MAS: Let's just refuse to go.
Make a fuss.
[taunting yells]
BOY: Jappy, go home!
Go back where you came from!
Yo, slanty, go home!
NEWSCASTER [ON RADIO]: Warcame to the west coast today.
The Jap bombers andfighters twice raided the US
base of Dutch Harbor in Alaska.
Meanwhile, 22,000 Japanese arebeing moved hundreds of miles
away from the coast
to the deep interior
where they will no
longer be a threat
to the security of our nation.
Men between the ages ofseventeen and twenty-five
will be assigned to work campsand kept under surveillance.
Any acts of protest willbe dealt with by the RCMP.
Hey, Smitty.
How are you doing?
Nice day, huh?
- Go right through.
- OK.
Here we go.
OFFICER: After you dropthem off, go on to Nelson
and meet the 5 o'clock train.
[dog barking]
[hawk screeching]
[indistinct conversations]
There's so many of them.
bottom step, it's loose.
Where's our luggage?
Probably in Timbuktu.
Well, let's look for it.
Come on, Mama.
It's here somewhere.
[baby crying]
Excuse me.
I'm looking for something here.
Some of them speak English.
Do you speak English?
TOM MCINTYRE: Takiyuchi.
Go get him, yeah?
TOM MCINTYRE: Haminishi.
Yoshiko, it's Aya.
Aya Kawashima.
Why can't he ever rememberto chop the kindling?
[goose honking]
They'll be living
in Pooky's house?
Come on.
Come on.
Missy, inside!
[cat yowls]
MAS: It's just a cat.
[wings flapping]
We can't live here.
Where should we go?
It's only for a few months.
[speaking japanese]
It's filthy.
Help me!
[lock clicks]
[church bell ringing]
MAN: Morning.
Did you see?
They are building a groupbathhouse for men and women
I had no idea they'd
be right next door.
But you have to
admit, they dress well.
Oh, Mabel.
Well, thank goodness
it's Sunday and we
can be with our own kind.
We welcome our new neighborsto the congregation of St.
I'm sure you will all
be pleased to know
that we are now able tooffer weekly church services.
We are privileged to haveamong us Reverend Yamamoto.
He will minister to
this parish for the time
that he is living here.
Please stand, Reverend.
MAN: What?
Now, if we could all turnour hymn books to hymn 721.
All rise, please.
Mrs. Parnum?
CONGREGATION: [SINGING] Allthings bright and beautiful.
I gotta go.So I'll come by this afternoon.
- Bye-bye.
There must be a gramophone.
Come on.
Hi, lady.
Why didn't you say
hi to the lady, mom?
Mary Jean, please.
Well, she looks very pretty.
Why didn't you say hi to her?
I think you should say hi.
She looks very nice.
Good day, Ma.
I think we should
apply for assistance
if the house isn't rented soon.
Aya, we don't need assistance.
Mr. Stein will find someone.
Don't worry.
But Papa, in the meantime,you're spending your savings.
It isn't fair.
MAS: She's right, Papa.
ED: Light!
PEG: Oh!
It's beautiful, the electricity!
ED: Now we can
rent a gramophone.
It looks like the savageshave discovered electricity.
ED: We've got lights.
We're gonna have
Christmas lights.
And a radio!
PEG: Oh, Ed!
Oh, what happened?
One, two, three,
and-- and that's four.
And there's something
to drink over there.
Thank you.
So what do you want?
A telephone?
It's just over there.
Vancouver, 432.
BOY: Oh, hey, Dad,
you got a nickel?
MAN: What?
BOY: A nickel.
MAN: Oh, forget it.
BOY: Dad, come on.
You promised.
I can't keep up.
I'm gonna have to hire somebody.
Mr. Stein, it's Aya.
Yes, we're-- we're fine.
Have you found a
tenant for the--
Well, I'd rather you--
Well, is the commission
looking for a tenant?
I hope so, too.
They want us to be
self-supporting, but--
Uh, it shouldn't sit
empty too much longer.
No, no, no.
Thank you, Mr. Stein.
We're very grateful.
You did your best.
Yes, we will.
You rang the till for yourDaddy every once in a while,
didn't you?
Once in a while.
I was just a kid.
Well, look, honey, Icould hire a couple of Japs.
I mean, they're cheap enough.
Two bits an hour.
But I'd rather have you on thetill, if you know what I mean.
Well, I don't know.
I have my hands full at home.
Fifty cents.
Telephone, fifty cents.
Fifty cents?
Smyles' store was so
busy today, it looks
like he's gonna need some help.
He offered me a job, andI think I'm gonna take it.
You don't need a job.
I make enough money.
Well, I thought wecould save something for--
Who's gonna look
after the kids?
I've got that all figured out.
Don't worry.
You've got it all figured out.
So, this is an announcement.
I thought we were
having a discussion.
I'll be in the shed ifyou need something fixed.
Mrs. Parnum?
I'm Aya Kawashima.
You live in the back.
I'm sorry, I will
be having a visitor.
Perhaps there's been
a misunderstanding,
but the commission sent me.
Oh, my goodness.
Come in.
Your English is very good.
In fact, my parents
often complain
about my poor Japanese.
Oh, really?
Well, this is headquarters.
Would you like a cup
of tea while we chat?
Yes, that would be nice.
[chicken clucking]
Please, sit down.
Have you worked
domestically before?
I worked for a family inVancouver when I was younger.
I have to admit, I
still haven't quite
mastered cooking with wood.
I seem to burn things
or not cook them at all.
You're used to adifferent method of cooking?
Yes, we had a gas
stove in Vancouver.
Oh, of course.
I hear they've been
giving you green wood.
It doesn't burn as well.
But I guess they're
doing the best they can.
Oh, I won't be here
during the day,
so I'll need you to do
dinners and suppers.
Can you cook?
What, uh--
Western style?
Um-- I'll need
you to perform basic
housekeeping duties and to lookout for my youngest, Mary Jean.
And I suppose I'd need youto do some of the shopping
and the gardening.
Goodness, it sounds
like an awful lot.
I would expect to
work for my wages.
I can start right
away, if you'd like.
Well, I don't know how MaryJean is going to take this.
Oh, here she is now.
Oh, hello.
Mary Jane, this is--
Would you like to
hear a song I learned?
Oh, well, sure.
[SINGING] Leeloo
was a friend of mine.
She would do it any time.
For a nickel or a dime.
Jean, where did
you learn that?
Uncle Jig.
Wanna see my worms?
Um-- Yes, that would be fun.
Are they for fishing?
They're for Pooky, my cat.
She's black and white.
She used to live in yourhouse, but now you live there.
AYA: I know her.
Aya Kawashima.
The only other choice
is to take assistance.
Papa doesn't like that andneither does the government.
I'm sure we'll get
to all go back soon.
Sally's in Tashme.
She says the Oda family's goneto sugar beets and somewhere.
It's hard to read.
[water boiling]
All right.
That's ready.
All right.
Jesus Christ, would
you look at that.
It's a bit formal, isn't it?
Well, she was a maid before.
This must be how it's done.
JIG: Mm.
These carrots.
Oh, fluffy.
Mom's are always flat.
She probably has a recipe froma different part of England.
Yeah, the flat part.
I may not know
how to cook them,
but at least I know
how to eat them.
Hey, Eddie, we really creamedthem at Midway, didn't we?
- Aye.
- Yeah.
Whip nips.
Whip nips.
PEG: Mary Jean.
Thank you very much, Jig.
CHILDREN: [singing in japanese]
Hey, look at that one.
Honorable old man-san.
Mike, shut up.
What's the matter, Jap?
This is still our town, nibby.- That's right.
You can have it.
Oh, big shot.
What'd you say, chopstick?
Don't push your luck, kid.
BOY: Kill him, Spike.
[speaking japanese]
MARG: You deserved it, Spike- Jap lover.
Am not.
Are too.
McIntyre says they'reshipping in all families.
That, and the husbands come,and the young men, that brings
another couple of thousand.
A couple of thousand?
ED: Funny you didn't
mention that before.
Better double my orders then.
Could you be quick with that?
I want to lock up.
They put them in tents.
They don't realize wintercomes in September around here.
I tried to tell them.
Look at this.
The old coot's making apile without even trying.
To bad the old man
let this store go, Peg.
That'd be all your money now.
Thanks for
pointing out, Smyles.
Hi, Ann.
Are you OK?
Oh, yeah.
I have an idea, and-- and--and you just tell me no if you
think it's crazy, all right?
Now, I know you and [inaudible]had some money put away,
and it won't last forever.
And you being a
widow now, you'll
have to look out for yourself.
And I think this
idea is foolproof.
I think we should start a shop.
Dry goods, like clothes
and fabrics and hats,
and maybe even Japanese
specialties on the side,
like rice and things.
So what do you think?
Wait a minute.
So this is another announcement.
You can't look a gift
horse in the mouth, Ed.
All these people.
Smyles is not making any effort.
He pays me nothing.
ED: I say no.
Ed, we shook on it.
Thank you.
- Jig?
No thanks.
Aya, why don't
you pull up a chair?
Oh, no thanks.
I've got work to
do in the kitchen.
M-- Mary Jean?
Aya, can I help you?
You see?
Aya's got things under control.
The kids like her.
Excuse me.
Where is she going?
ED: I don't know.
My mother won't let me wear it.
[dance music playing]
Come on, Kitty.
Hey, Hannah, is
that a Japanese dance?
It's called the Jitterbug.
It sounds like a disease.
Can you dance like that?
Do you think you
could teach me?
[indistinct speech]
Me and Aya made
you a sign, Mom.
Thank you.
It's beautiful.
Thanks, you two.
Can you hold this?
What do you think?
Isn't that nice?
Maybe the wrapping
paper should be right
next to the cash register.
But the counter space
here is for wrapping.
No, no.
Aya's right, Ann.
If we move the cash register andput the paper right next to it,
then we can have the lineuphere and the wrapping done here.
Uh, excuse me.
ED: Should we hang it up?
AYA: Can I give you guys a hand?
Good job.
I didn't expect to be
working with your maid.
ED: Ready?
- She's just being helpful.- OK.
Are you ready?
Do you want to give me a hand?
The parade gets
better every year.
MAS: Hey, it's Aya!
Over here!
You look terrific!
MAN: Hey.
Hey, he's here!
Oh, Loomis.
Come here.
No, this way.
[brakes squeak]
Hello, Mr. Parnum.
How are you doing?
Here you go.
Thank you.
They're pretty wet, butit's the best I could manage.
Appreciate it.
Hey, sandbag, let
the man do his work.
Form a single line.
Hey, who do you think you are?
MAN 1: Leave us alone.
MAN 2: We don't need your help.
Just leave us alone.
MAN 3: Go away.
Help yourselves, guys.
If it wasn't for me
delivering scrap wood,
there wouldn't be enough.I'm doing that on my own time.
And if it wasn't for the Dookaboys, they'd be starving.
Now, what are you doing, huh?
You're supposed to belooking after these people.
We're trying to deal
with, as you can see,
a very unusual situation here.
You're doing bugger all.
Lookit, I didn't want acouple of thousand Japs dumped
on my doorstep any
more than the next guy,
but I'm damned if I'm gonna letthem freeze their asses off.
We simply haven't
got the funds.
There's enough to
keep your butt warm.
Mr. Parnum, if you
can figure out a way
to fit all these peoplein the commission office,
I'll gladly comply.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm alittle behind on my paperwork.
Do you know what
paperwork's good for?
Starting fires.
MAN: [speaking japanese]
[wind whistling]
Oh, Papa don't get up yet.
I put the water on.
I was awake all night.
It's not good to have
the house empty so long.
I know, Papa.
I've written, telephoned.
I don't know what else to do.
Ask Mr. Stein to
send our winter things.
Mama can't manage the cold.
Try and get some sleep, Papa.
I've got to go to work.
Come on!
MAS: Here.
AYA: That's enough.
MAS: It's bloody hell in here.
Hey, where is everybody?
JIG: I don't know.
What are we gonna
do, recruit some girls?
Where's Jimbo?
He put his back out.
All right.
Hey, what do we have here?
What are you guys doing here?
I hear your boys are tryingto get a team together.
BOY: Hey, Mas, let's roll.
I didn't know Japs
could play hockey.
ED: I'll be damned.
[speaking japanese]
Sorry to keep youwaiting, but with the sale,
it's just been so busy.
Be right with you, sir.
PEG: I'm not sure Iunderstand what you want.
Hi.PEG: Now, is this what you want?
Hi, Mom!
Oh, how cute.
Aya, who's this elf?
Mom, it's time to go.
I know the whole song.
[SINGING] On the
first day of Christmas
my true love gave to me apartridge in a pear tree.
Just a minute, sweetie.
This-- this one's what you want.
How much do you want?
AYA: Can I help?
Oh, please.
[speaking japanese]
[speaking japanese] She'd likethree yards of yellow cotton.
Three yards?
ANN: Peg?
- Hm?
It's broken again.
Oh, just a minute, please.
Mom, it's time to go!
AYA: Shall I take her?
Well, no, no, no, no.
I'll just be a minute.
I, uh--
I'll take her.
I want Aya.
No, Mary Jean,
go with Ann and I--
I'll be there very
soon, all right?
You can sing me a song
on the way, all right?
MARY JEAN: All right.
PEG: Thanks, Aya.
You're a godsend.
[dance music playing]
You're welcome.
Yes you can.
No, no, no.
Come on.
I can dance like I used to.
I just can't breathe the same.
What are you doing
sitting down, huh?
I can't.
I can't.
Mary Jean, dance
with your old man.
Aya, come on.
Oh, no.
Oh, come on, Aya.
Oh, come on.
Save me.
You dance very well.
Thank you.
Well, that was short.
Should we go again?
I love the polka.
call you Sweetheart.
They tricked us.
Excuse me.
May I cut in?
How come you wouldn't
dance with your old man?
Because you stepped onmy foot last time, Daddy.
I did not.
MAS: That was fun.
MAN: We're in a camp
about five miles uptown.
It's freezing.
MAS: How about some cocoa?
Um, do you live around here?
Not too far.
Just in town.
Do you live with your parents?
Yes, and my brother.
Can I see you again?
It'll be hard.
You know how it is.
We'll just have
to be resourceful.
[car horn honks]
MAN: Hey, Toyo!
I gotta get going.
MAN: Toyo, come on!
I would like to see you again.
All right.
Right away.
[whistle blows]
Hey, Ed, your team's a
little yellow, isn't it?
You're jealous, Angus?
And you're over the hill.
CROWD: Seven, six, five,
four, three, two, one!
Did you see that?
What a player!
What a player!
I'm gonna [inaudible].
All right.
I'll see you.
See you later.
So, who won?
We did.
ALL: [SINGING] Sing we
joyous, all together,
fa-la-la, la-la-la, la, la, la.
Heedless of the
wind and weather.
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.
Is dinner ready?
Oh, my goodness.
Sing, let's go.
Which one?
Oh, my goodness.
The pudding for Aya.
Mary Jean, you take thisto Aya and you tell her--
Merry Christmas?
YOSHIKO: Come in, Mary Jean.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
We have something for you too.
What are you
making, Mr. Kawashima?
I am making a
cabinet for Buddha.
Here you go.
Oh, thank you.
You're welcome.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
[door opens and closes]
They don't have
a tree or anything.
No presents.
Can't they come here for supper?
Oh, sweetie, I'm sure theyhave plans of their own.
Why don't you go in
the room and show
Daddy all your presents, huh?
Go on.
MARY JEAN: Look at all
the presents we got.
ED: Oh.
MARG: That's so soft, Mary Jean.ED: Look at that.
MARG: Is that one for me?
ED: Where's mine?
[singing in japanese]
[distant laughter]
Snowball fight.
Go around the back.
The back.
Come on, Aya.
Let's go.
Come on, Yoshiko.
It'll be fun.
Come on.
It's a snowball fight.
PEG: Take that!
Now that one hurt, Ed!
ED: Oh!
[laughter and yelling]
MAS: Oh, stop!
PEG: Aya!
Aya, help me!
Hey, Aya.
MARG: Please don't!
I give!
I give!
I give!
Well, we really
loved our gifts.
Oh, thank you for the pudding.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Good night.
ED: Look out!
TOYO: I don't want to leave you.
I don't.
I just don't think they'llever let us go home.
The only choice is
to go east, to Toronto.
We have no future togetheras long as I stay here.
Aya, this was my grandmother's.
I want you to take it.
I-- I can't take it.
We might never see
each other again.
I'm giving this to
you so that we will.
There, it's finished.
What's he called?
Teru teru bozu.
If you hang him in the window,he'll bring good weather.
Can he make it sunny tomorrow?
Maybe, maybe not.
He reminds us that
the blue skies are
there behind the
clouds, even when
it doesn't seem quite possible.
CHILDREN: [speaking japanese]
We've had no response
to our repeated inquiriesabout our home and business.
My father served this countryin the First World War
and deserves some respect.
Please make an
exception and give him
permission to start a
business if you intend
to keep us here much longer.
- Good Noon, ladies.
- Hello.
Do you know where a fellowcould buy a pair of wool socks
around here?
Sir, we have the
most extensive line
of socks in town.
What do you need?
Size ten.
Got your girl working
for you now, have you?
She's a great help to me.
Well, it's a fine opportunityto learn some valuable skills.
Actually, Mr. McIntyre, I havea business college certificate
and I worked for my
father for years.
He owns a boat buildingbusiness, and I did the books.
TOM MCINTYRE: Did you know this?
ANN: You went to college?
AYA: Yes.
How about these?
Excuse me.
I'm going to go
get Mary Jean now.
PEG: They must have
had good reasons
to move them from the coast.
They looked like a gang
of spies to you, huh?
Of course not.
I just don't understand it.
We're looking at a timberlicense up at Mosquito Creek.
Who's "we"?
I'm going partners
with the Endo brothers.
You can't do that.
It's not allowed.
You're gonna get
us all in trouble.
If we get caught, well,
they're working for me.
That's all the
commission's gotta know.
So, this is an announcement.
Pretty much.
We're putting in the same.
We're equal partners.
I couldn't do it if
it was any other way.
I'm gonna check out
that pool downstream.
[ducks quacking]
[birds squawking]
So, can you sneak out tonight?
I'll try.
[accidental knock]
Mary Jean?
Come and eat.
[rooster crowing]
I'm going to
Hannah's after, OK?
That's not where
you're going, is it?
You are too young to beout gallivanting with boys.
I wasn't gallivanting.
That's right.
You weren't, were you?
You were spying.
I was not spying.
Well, we were hiding, soyou must have been spying.
Well, if you didn't sneakaround, I wouldn't have to spy!
Marg, use your common sense.
This boy has such a
different background.
- Are we talking about Mas here?- Can't you see?
He's the best thing around.
I don't care if he's the onlything around, you're too young!
Too young?
Is she spooning with a Jap?
No matter how nice the boysare, they only want one thing.
Come on you two.
No, Ed.
Maybe the ones you know.
If I wait around forsome blockhead from here,
I'll wind up old and
grouchy like you.
ED: Marg?
What do the boys want?
Aya, what do you think
about Marg and Mas?
I mean, I just don't thinkMarg is quite old enough
to be so serious about a boy.
Could you maybe have a
little chat with Mas?
Well, my father has
already spoken to Mas.
[birds calling]
There's places up there wherethe horses could get through
without cutting a skid trail.
Lots of good wood up there, thebest that we've seen so far.
We could start in right away.
Then let's start
right away, huh?
This silent partnership
stuff is horseshit.
Hey, don't worry about it.
We'll make plenty of noiseonce the war is over.
Yes, we will.
Good, huh?
ED: Come guys, let's go!
Hi, honey.
I'm not gonna be
home for supper, OK?
See you.
And a big, black bear whoshouted around and the way
that he went was [japanese].
And a deer that went [japanese].
And a monkey that
went [japanese]..
And they all lived
together in a--
You can go home now, Aya.
Oh, I'll just finish
reading the story.
That's all right.
You can finish it
some other time.
Now, Mary Jean,
it's getting late.
You go upstairs.
- No!
It's too early.
I never go to bed--
AYA: Well, what about her snack?
She'll be fine.
No I won't!
I want Aya.
Say good night.
Good night, Mary Jean.
I've got to go now.
MARY JEAN: Don't go!
I want to come with you!
No, that's enough.
Now, upstairs.
You've been up far too late.
Go on now.
MARY JEAN: I hate you!
You're very, very mean.
It may not look it
sometimes, but I'm
still the mother around here.
Yes, you're the wife,the mother, the shop owner,
the free-voting citizen.
I understand all that very well.
Aya, we are not responsiblefor your being here.
Do you want me back tomorrow?
I'll see you at 8:00.
DAN: [SINGING] Oh, the parlorboys, they built the mill.
They built the mill on
the side of the hill.
And they worked on
there, they worked
all day just to make the[inaudible] Come on, Jigger,
help me out here.
[SINGING] Oh, well the parlorboys, they built the mill.
They built the mill--
Shh, shh, shh.
The war department's
gone to bed early.
What's the matter
with you, Jigger?
I already told you.
I don't like it.
Jig, they're stand-up guys.
Holy smokes, can they drink.
You forget, we're at
war with these guys.
Uh, uh, uh.
We're in business
with these guys.
It's different.
You're in business
with them, not me.
I don't trust them.
Yeah, you don't know.
You don't know nothing.
I don't know nothing, huh?
I don't know nothing.
I know when you need
a job, a loan, a place
to stay, who do you come
to, little brother, huh?
It's the principle
of the thing.
When did you ever
stand on principle?
Since Dunkirk.
The Japs are the best thingthat's happened to this place
since they found silver!
[birds calling]
MARG: So what would
you do if you found
a nugget the size of your fist?
Buy my way into Harvard?
Maybe even Oxford.
What are they?
Look, don't make me
feel like a hick.
I just want to know, all right?
OK, well, they
are universities.
Kind of where your
marks don't count,
it's just that you went there.
Oh, I bet you'd
get good marks.
Yeah, well, so would you.
[car radio music playing]
Oh, gosh.
What's wrong?
KID: Whoa, who's car?
This is our car.
Yeah, and I'm
Winston Churchill.
[dog barking]
I saw our car.
Someone is driving our car.
Everything's gone, Mas.
The business, the
house, everything.
What do you mean, gone?
What happened to it?
Sold off.
MAS: Who sold it?
The government.
You mean, some dirtyhakujin's living in our house?
Riding my bike?
Using Mama' china?
Speak English!
We speak English in Canada!
It's because of the
old people crouched
by their little radios,
believing the lies,
worshipping the Emperor.
Look, they meant to
get rid of us all along!
MARG: Mas, I'm sorry.
MAS: Just leave me alone!
[fire crackling]
Here you are.
You paid me too much.
Well, don't spend
it all in one place.
There are two stores in town.
I can't take this.
Aya, you earned every cent.
It's charity.
I don't want to hurt
your feelings, Peg.
We don't want charity.
We want self-respect.
I'm sorry.
PEG: Me too.
[SINGING] Black, white,
the little kitty cat.
[door squeaks]
Where are you going?
I'm moving out, kid.
I want to come too.
Suit yourself.
If you're coming, you'regonna have to do your bit.
That's not how
you pick up a bag.
It's like this.
Jig, let me down.
I'm getting dizzy.
So am I.
Are you gonna fight
the Sauerkrauts again?
No, I'm just moving
down the street.
Don't worry.
You haven't got rid of me yet.
See you, kid.
MARY JEAN: Bye, Jigger.
[indistinct conversation]
Good night.
Good night.
I have something to tell you.
I know this is a bad time, andI don't know how to put this,
but Peter and I have
come to a decision.
Well, when did you
start calling him Peter?
Peg, we're gonna get married.
And we-- we feel it's bestfor me to give up the shop.
You want out of the shop.
It's just that a wifeshould stand by her husband.
And with Ed and Pete, well--
I know how much the
shop means to you.
I think you should keep it.
We can work something out.
It's been great, Peg.
We just feel that this is best.
I see.
[door squeaks]
- Are you ready to go?
- Yeah.
All right.
Let's go.
Oh, what a nice night, eh?
AYA: [japanese]
BOTH: [singing in japanese]
AYA: There we go.
Now, get in slowly.
It is hot.
Well, somebody should makea protest, don't you think?
They make it
worse for everyone.
MARY JEAN: What does she mean?
[singing in japanese]
AYA: Yoshiko?
[continues singing]
[chicken clucking]
Bye-bye, Mary Jean.
Yoshiko, where are you going?
Well, you look
absolutely lovely.
Is it a special day?
MARY JEAN: Where are
you going, Yoshiko?
So, what are you
gonna do today?
I don't know.
[rooster crowing]
Is it Yoshiko's birthday?
I don't think so.
She was wearing aspecial dress this morning,
but she didn't come back.
Did she say anything?
Mama asked her.
Come on.
Show me where she wasgoing. [CALLING] Yoshiko!
MARY JEAN: Yoshiko!
AYA: Yoshiko!
MARY JEAN: Yoshiko!
She must have been here.
[water lapping]
AYA: [singing in japanese]
[birds calling]
This is where I come too.
Was the shop busy today?
I really wish we could talk.
Did you come here hoping itwould make you feel better?
That's fair.
I did.
And I know I haven't
been much of a friend--
Well, how could anyone reallybe friends in this situation?
We were all thrown
into this so unprepared.
No one knew what to expect.
What happened, Aya?
Why did she do it?
Yoshiko died of shame, see?
Shame like my father feels, mymother feels, even Mas feels.
I will not feel it.
I will not feel shame!
I love this country, Peg.
You never really
know what democracy
is until they take it away.
Well, it's like beingbetrayed by your own family.
Well, when the
war's over, you--
you'll pick up the
pieces and things--
There are no pieces.
[birds calling]
Uh, Mary Jean's really
worried about you.
She asked me to give you this.
[music - "fur elise"]
What's the matter?
How did this happen?
How did I get to be
part of this, hm?
How did we end up
on the wrong side?
Read this.
Good morning, ladies.
[cow mooing]
They've given us an ultimatum.
We have to make a choice.
If we want to remain in Canada,we must leave immediately
and go east to the Rockies.
Otherwise, if we
refuse to move away,
we have to sign to go to
Japan when the war ends.
We have three weeks to decide.
Three weeks.
We know people
who have moved east.
They'll help us settle.
I have no wish to start
over in this country.
Well, we could take
care of you and Mama.
I could get a good
job in Toronto.
MR. KAWASHIMA: I will not stay.
There will soon be anhonorable peace with Japan.
What do you mean?
They're crazy over there.
They could win.
Then who will we be here?
Papa, it doesn't
matter who wins.
Japan means nothing to us.
Even when we have been
so humiliated by Canada?
My own children.
I don't understand you!
[fire crackling]
If I wasn't a Jap, I
wouldn't have met you.
If you weren't a Jap,
you wouldn't have to go.
It's all my fault for
being a goddamn Jap.
Mas, don't say that, please.
[birds calling]
What are you doing?
Come on.
Let's go in.
Is it cold?
Come on!
Are you chicken?
It's perfect.
Don't leave me here.
You are not going to Toronto!
It's you who's making
a mistake, not me!
I love him.
Margy, honey, it's not enough.
It's not?
Margy, wait a couple of years.
I can't wait until
you decide it's OK.
He's leaving now.
You'll be treated like him.
Like a second-class citizen.
And what about your children?
Well, you were 17.
Didn't you know you'd be happy?
I thought I knew everything.
Aren't you happy?
What's happy?
How can you think of this?
It's not her fault.
We will not see you
again [inaudible]..
[rooster crowing]
They're gone.
Ed's gone after them.
It'll be OK.
We have friends in Toronto.
You have friends in Toronto?
You knew about this.
They should be
here, safe at home.
Why didn't you stop it?
For God's sakes,
they're just kids!
[water rushing]
[birds calling]
MATTHEW HALTON [ON RADIO]:They broke into tears
when they saw I was Canadianand they kissed me twenty times.
Then they took me
in their car and we
drove through the wildlycheering crowds with our arms
around each other.
We crossed the river
to the Ile de la Cite--
That's something, huh?
MATTHEW HALTON [ON RADIO]:--the cradle of Paris history.
Where's Aya?
RADIO]: My friends were
shouting, "Il est Canadien!"
Eat your soup, Mary Jean.
RADIO]: He's a Canadian.
And I knew what it was
to feel like a king.
In a few hours, we made
friendships that we'd
treasure all our lives.
Paris is free.
Paris is happy again.
[dance music playing]
Mrs. Parnum, I'm
very disappointed
in your shop assistant.
I see she signed
for repatriation.
I didn't expect disloyaltyfrom such an agreeable woman.
Tell me, Mr.
McIntyre, how is it
that you can repatriate
someone to a place they
have never been?
Hey, how about a dance?
Why don't you stick
with your own kind?
Excuse us.
I thought you were
supposed to ship out?
Hey, Angus, why
don't you take it easy?
I hear your daughter gotherself knocked up by a nip.
You lying bastard!
MAN: Angus, that's enough now!
Mas is a better man
than you'll ever be!
You and you, you
stay out of this.
You're in enough
trouble already.
I reported you for not signing.
We're not signing
anything, McIntyre.
Why should they sign?
You guys don't know
what the hell you
are doing one day to the next.
This is none of
your business, Parnum.
You two better go home nowand make plans to leave.
Why you--
Gene, Gene, not worth it.
MAN: Nice one.
Are you nuts?
I should have done
it three years ago.
MAN: You should have
done it two years ago.
[dance music playing]
I know you like to thinkyou're just a regular guy,
but you're not.
You're a gem, Eddie Parnum.
[wind chimes clanging]
[door squeaks]
I got a letter.
They're staying with friends andMas thinks he might have a job.
They got married.
I guess this makes us family.
[both crying]
He says to me, out of the blue,I mean, this is his proposal--
"Well, Peggy, shall
we hitch our wagons?"
I thought it was so romantic.
My mother, of course, thoughthe was too wild for me.
Of course, he was
just wild enough.
So, uh-- we eloped.
Hey, what about you?
How come you never got married?
Well, my parents wanted me tomarry this rich, old gentlemen.
Oh, well, you should have.
With bad teeth.
Oh, ew, ew.
Well, of course,
I can't refuse.
It's not our way.
So what happened?
He died.
[bell rings]
He was really old.
PEG: You're pulling my leg.
You rascal.
Tommy says they droppeda great big bomb in Japan
and everyone's dead.
Why would anybody
in their right mind
want to go to Japan now?
You signed on the line.
If you had reversed
your decision
before the war was over--
You didn't give us a choice.
Look, your parents
are nationals.
They signed, they
have to go back.
Mr. McIntyre, I thought
we lived in a democracy.
We're under the
War Measures Act.
The government does
what it has to.
Yes, but the war is over.
But the War Measures
Act is not over.
Oh, that's clever.
Could I get a job
like yours, making
up rules and harassing people?
You realize the rules
apply to everyone.
Don't you--
[water rushing]
Here it is!
AYA: Really?
[birds chirping]
Thank you very much.
[bowl rings]
[speaking japanese]
I'm gonna wear
this all the time.
No, Mary Jean, I need
this for my kimono.
I don't wanna say goodbye.
You're just like me.
Little Japanese girls
are taught not to cry.
That way, strangers can'tsee what's in their heart.
And that way,
what's in your heart
stays secret and stays strong.
Let's have a look.
TOM MCINTYRE: Yamaguchi.
Have you seen Aya?
She might be over there aroundthe back of Eddie's truck.
I'm not going!
Don't pull!
[indistinct chatter]
I'll send you a care package.
AYA: I'll let you know what todo with my Birth Certificate.
Now, you write me as
soon as you get settled.
Careful what you send.
If I send any contraband,I'll be sure to hide it well.
TOM MCINTYRE: Kawashima.
I'll see my parentssettled, then I'll be back.
Oh, Mary Jean.
Thank you for being sucha good friend, Mary Jean.
TOM MCINTYRE: Kawashima.
[truck engine starts]
PEG: In 1947, the
government repealed
the deportation orders.
It was too late.
Thousands ofJapanese-Canadians had already
left for war-devastated Japan.
Those who remained
were scattered
across the country,
faced with the problems
of starting over from nothing.
No Japanese-Canadian wasever charged with treason
or acts of disloyalty.
[music playing]