The Watchers: Revelation (2013)

Thank you for coming.
I trust all is well?
Good. And how is your game?
What is it called again?
Golf. Fascinating. We have nothing
quite like it. Our games are more . . . colorful.
I would be delighted to teach it to
you sometime, Mr. Ambassador.
lt would be the least I could do
for what you've done for our people.
Thank you. But unfortunately, I do not
believe time will permit me that opportunity.
Your people have
entered a nuclear age.
lt was not enough that you
have ended your world war with it.
You, and your counterparts continue
your tests, endangering all of humanity.
Soon, you will be
entering into our realm.
Your search for better, faster
ways to annihilate one another
will ultimately lead you
into space exploration.
Mr. Ambassador, I can assure
you we have no intention - - -
Of course not.
Your intentions were to preserve your people,
better humanity, provide for national security.
And in the process destroy your
enemy and possibly your world as well.
Your people have
become too dangerous.
Therefore, I must inform you that we are
discontinuing our direct involvement with you . . .
. . . For now.
The knowledge and technology that we have provided
you should sustain you for a number of years to come.
And hopefully,
keep you safe.
Do not stray
from the schedule.
As that would be most
inconvenient . . . for you.
I understand.
But with the Soviet threat our
people are still in need of protec . . .
[Addon interrupts ] -
Your people will survive.
That is all that they need.
[Eisenhower sighs]
Diplomatically we
are leaving for now.
We will return at a
time of our choosing.
Until then the knowledge of our
existence should not be disclosed.
We will make ourselves known
when we think the time is right.
ln the interim know that
we will be watching.
Ambassador Addon,
the free people of the
United States thank you
and bid you Godspeed.
You are most welcome . . .
Mr. President.
[Beaming sound. Music begins.]
Thunder sound
Shovel hitting dirt.
Hey Robert, come
look at this!
What is it?
What do you make of this?
- Wow.
Maybe you should get Dr. Jamison.
[Softly] Hurry.
Dr. Jamison!
Dr. Jamison!
Yes, Robert?
We found something.
Well, I would hate to think
we'd come on the expedition,
at the university's expense,
spend all this time digging,
and not find something.
Dr., I think you need to
see this for yourself.
Robert, what is it?
We found a tablet;
it has some writing on it.
Robert, the Ancient Mississippian culture of
Native Americans didn't have a written language.
I don't think this
is Native American.
So, where have
you been off to?
Why do you always respond to
a where question with a what answer?
Why do you always ask where
when you really mean what?
Next time you need to
concentrate on how.
Hand me your handkerchief.
Stick out your tongue.
Cut myself?
Well, you try shaving in a creek while
fighting off ferocious animals.
You saw a bear?
A squirrel.
A squirrel?
Yes, but he
looked mean.
Maybe he was just gathering nuts and
thought you would make a good lunch.
Speaking of rabid animals, did you
call your folds to check on Kara?
No, I didn't. It's Sunday morning,
they're in church by now.
Ah, you forgot about
the time change.
They're on central time.
They won't be dragging poor
Kara off to church for another hour.
I did forget.
Besides, Kara actually
likes going with them.
lt wasn't until I was a teenager
that I stopped liking church.
At Kara's age Sunday School
involves cutting things out,
coloring them and pasting
them back together.
If Kara had her way she
would be teaching the class.
She's a smart kid.
She's smarter then
I was when I was six.
I can't get anything out here.
Must be the mountains.
There was a clearing back near the
creek. Im going to try from there.
Okay, Ill start gather our things,
unless you need me to with you.
I mean, that squirrel might have friends.
I think I can handle it.
Ill be back in a few.
Uh, be sure to tell them we'll
be there by five to pick up Kara.
[Dog barks]
Where is he?
Oh no!
[Jim groaning]
Sweetie, are you alright?
What happened?
This is impossible.
I don't understand, your beard.
They were watching.
All those days, watching.
What are you talking about?
You've only been gone an hour.
[Door opens]
Hey Peter.
What a nice surprise. I thought
you were still on a dig.
I was. I just got in
a few hours ago.
Well, come on in.
Have a seat Ted. Can I get
you something to drink?
Uh, yes, thank you.
The usual?
That would be great.
I hope all went well. Did
you find anything interesting?
Uh, yes. We had
a remarkable time.
ln fact, that's why Im here.
I need your help with
something Peter.
It's not like you Ted,
to ask for my help.
You're the real expert on
Native American culture.
Maybe I should have asked
for something stronger.
Why? What happened?
I had an experience, Peter,
and Im not really sure
what to make of it.
It's something more in
your realm of expertise.
What do you know about
the Cahokia Indians?
The Cahokia?
Roving Native Americans, part
of the confederate Illinois tribes.
What else?
The Cahokia mounds.
Instead of just burying their
dead, they buried their cities.
What if, instead of burying their
cities, they were hiding them?
From whom?
The Anunnaki.
The ancient gods of the Sumerians?
Why would you think the Cahokia
knew anything about the Anunnaki?
This is a rubbing of what we found.
This is cuneiform.
We discovered it among some early Native
American artifacts near the Cahokia mounds.
How did that get there?
That's what we wanted to know.
Have you verified this?
I can't.
Why not?
Because the tablet and all the
photos and records are missing.
Well, how did you even get this?
One of my students made it.
Everything else is gone, Peter.
I packed the find myself including
the cameras, tapes, files, everything.
I sent them to the university
and they never arrived.
The elders of the city have set up
mourning for their daughters.
Their sons have become slaves.
Many tears have been shed because
of those who from Heaven came.
Hide your lands and cities.
Beware of the Anunnaki.
Beware of the Anunnaki.
What do you make of that, Peter?
Among the Sumerians there
were good gods and evil gods.
They also wrote of the Igigi,
the younger gods who, like
the Anunnaki, came from heaven.
Who's to say?
I take it they weren't
the friendly type.
No. The Anunnaki were gods
whom the Sumerians feared.
Why would they be afraid of their gods?
The Anunnaki enslaved their people.
Kindness was not one of their virtues.
And the Igigi?
Some believe they were the offspring
of the Anunnaki: the younger gods.
They had children?
Many ancient cultures had
myths such as these.
Both the Greeks and the Egyptians
had various gods and goddesses
who mated with humans and had
children who were half god and half mortal.
The sons of God saw
the daughters of men,
that they were beautiful;
and they took wives for themselves
of all whom they chose.
It's from the Bible.
Just another book of myths.
But it is a book that talks about
heavenly beings interacting with humans.
Theologians see this interaction
as something spiritual.
But others have seen it
as something extraterrestrial.
How do you see it, Peter?
Other ancient Jewish texts,
such as the book of Enoch,
speak of these 'sons of God'
as helping humanity:
improving weapons for protection and increasing our
knowledge of plants and herbs for medicine.
They were known as "The Watchers",
guardians of humanity.
Some believe they are still
among us extraterrestrials
who visit us from time to time advancing our
technology and defense capabilities in case . . .
The Anunnaki return.
Even mythologies can have
some basis in reality.
If we can find your tablet and verify its date,
it would be real tangible evidence linking early
Native American culture to the ancient Sumerians.
And perhaps even to extraterrestrials!
The Anunnaki . . .
Peter, do you really think
they might be coming?
I don't know. lt may be that
some of them are already here.
[Sound of fishing line]
Oh, Lord, how you
love fishermen.
You know, a trout
would be nice.
Have you caught anything?
Josh -
Don't be afraid, I didn't
mean to startle you.
That's all right. I didn't
hear you come up on me.
I heard you talking and didn't
think you'd mind me saying something.
I wasn't talking,
I was praying.
Ah, the two do seem to
go together, don't they?
That they do.
Im Josh Sanders.
I know. You're Peter's
uncle. Im Ethan Ward.
Pete? How do
you know Pete?
I knew him back when he was
at the University of California.
Ah, you're one of
his Berkeley buddies.
You might say that.
Well, you're a long
way from California.
What brings
you out here?
Peter told me about this place.
About you; how you taught
him to hunt and fish.
I thought Id stop by
and see for myself.
Well, you've come a long
way just to see a fishin' hole.
That's right.
Ethan. That means
"strong" or "optimistic".
Yes, yes it does.
You make a study of names?
More of a hobby.
[Splash of fish being caught.]
Whoa! Would you mind
getting me that net?
Whoa, would you look
at those beauties!
I never caught two
before, at the same time!
Are you hungry?
That sounds like
an invitation.
Well, it is.
Thank you.
Great! I caught
him, you clean him.
I just put the tea kettle on.
Nothin' like a nice cup of tea
to finish off a good fish dinner.
Thank you. Peter said
you were a good cook.
Im glad to have
found out for myself.
Well, you have to be.
When you live out here by yourself,
you either learn how to cook or you starve.
So, Ethan, you didn't happen upon
me by accident, now, did you?
No. It's about Peter. He needs
you. Or, at least, he will.
What do you mean?
For a long time you and
Peter were very close.
That's right.
But you haven't seen him or spoken
with him for a number of years.
You are a man of science and faith.
Ive never seen where the two differ.
I mean, to me, it's not
either one or the other.
It's both.
But that's not true of Peter, is it?
Peter had a deep faith,
just like his mother.
But then he went away to school
and he abandoned his faith for science.
His mother died a few years ago, and
they were very close. She was a single mother.
I tried to help where I could,
but he wasn't interested at all.
So he began looking for answers;
became bitter, he wouldn't admit it.
Then one thing led to another and now
he has weak faith and a weak science.
Because of his belief
in extraterrestrials?
The heavens weren't made in vain.
I mean, space, it's pretty big.
And who all knows what
God has made and why.
But this ancient astronaut theory he's bought
into, has nothing to do with science or faith
- at least biblical faith.
It's all just pseudoscience.
Now, I guess I represent everything he's
against. Or, at least, once believed.
Don't give up on Pete
or the walls he's built.
They are not as strong as
they seem. They will fall.
You need to stay here and wait.
You also need to be ready, not to
argue with him, but to convince him.
Convince him of what?
That God still loves him.
That his fears are misplaced.
We are in a very strange time, Josh.
lt will not be long before He comes.
You mean Peter?
[Tea kettle whistles.]
Ill get the tea.
You take your tea
plain or with sugar?
Jamison -
I don't understand.
Unnamed voice -
I know.
Please, don't.
Im sorry!
[Gun shot.]
Good evening, Mr. Ambassador.
Thank you for meeting with me on
such a short notice and at such a late hour.
I appreciate your . . .
[Addon interrupts]
Madam President,
I am aware of the
time as you measure it.
Please be succinct. Why have
you called for this meeting?
Using the equipment you provided,
we detected an Einstein-Rosen Bridge.
The first one occurred about . . .
[Addon interrupts again]
The first one?
There's been more than one?
Yes, Mr. Ambassador.
May I continue?
My apologies
The first one occurred about 90
minutes ago just outside Washington.
I received word a few moments ago, that
another one was detected in eastern Montana
The equipment that you gave us to detect wormholes
has only activated when we've met with you.
Madam President, I assure you that the
Igigi have nothing to do with this.
The device you speak of, is very specific.
Since we share a common heritage,
it can detect when both the Igigi and
Anunnaki travel through space-time portals.
So it is the Anunnaki?
Since it is not the Igigi,
it can only be Anunnaki.
The first one occurred
in Alexandria, Virginia -
about 6 miles from
the White House.
President Connolly, if the
Anunnaki were targeting you,
you would not be
here right now.
True. The Secret Service would
have moved me to a secure location.
No, Madam President, if
the Anunnaki were targeting you,
you would already be dead.
The first incident took place outside
the apartment of Dr. Ted Jamison.
Dr. Jamison was the discoverer
of the Anunnaki Tablet.
ln order to encourage his silence,
we gave him a job with the
government a few years ago.
The second one occurred
outside a compound,
the western headquarters of a paramilitary
group known as "The Soldiers of Light".
Soldiers of Light? How quaint.
The group believes that the government
is under the influence of extraterrestrials.
lt is their goal is to remove all alien
influences from the earth, at any cost.
Before Jamison cooperated with you,
was there anyone he may
have confided with?
A professor, Peter Kenner.
He is particularly interested in Sumerian
culture, especially as it relates to extraterrestrials.
He saw a rubbing of the tablet
and he was able to translate it.
Professor Kenner is in grave danger.
Your people need to remove him from
his current location as quickly as possible.
Then we must also do the
same for "The Soldiers of Light".
Madam President, if the
Anunnaki have already arrived,
then it is already too late.
Computer, activate name
recognition. Jenny Dover.
Code Dover-Gamma-Zed, 158-1241.
[Computer still talking]
Good evening, Ms. Dover.
Access files. Members.
Update. Soldiers of Light.
Computer - Request complete. Do you
wish to add or delete information?
Add member.
[Dogs barking outside.]
Computer, pause.
[Dogs still barking.]
What is it now?
Computer, continue.
[Clears throat and now talks with Dover's voice.]
Computer, continue.
Continued. Activated.
Member files. Soldiers of Light.
[Dover's voice.]
Access file. Sara Pennington. Read.
Sarah Ann Pennington.
Active member, level 7. Recruited 28
months with husband James Adam Pennington.
One daughter, Kara, age 9.
[Dover's voice.]
Additional information. James Pennington.
[Computer's voice.]
James Adam Pennington, deceased 11 months.
Cause of death, brain tumor.
Believed tumor caused by excessive radiation from
alien abduction and teleportation 35 months ago.
[Dover's voice.]
Additional information. Kara Pennington.
[Computer's voice.]
Kara Elise Pennington -
daughter of Sarah and James
Pennington. Current age - 9.
Gifted child. Last tested IQ of over 180.
Currently living with mother - Sarah.
Paternal grandparents - Robert
and Rebecca Pennington -
committed religious views
with strong influence on Kara.
[Dover's voice.]
Display all known residences
for Sarah and Kara Pennington.
Current and past, with topical maps.
[Bana clears his throat.]
Hey, you're on private property.
Step back from the computer, put both
hands on your head and get on your knees, now!
I said, both hands on your head.
You've got to be kidding me.
[Bana in his own voice.]
It's your move.
Im going to tell you one more time,
step back from the computer,
drop your weapon,
put both hands on your
head and get on your knees.
NOW, before we open fire.
[Gun fire and men screaming.]
This just came down for you.
I don't think "By-the-Book"
Bast is going to be thrilled.
I assume you are referring
to Agent Bast's professionalism . . .
and proficiency.
Yes Ma'am.
Sorry Ma'am.
We need to go.
Dr. Peter Kenner,
Professor of Archeology.
He's also an Ufologist.
Busy man.
Anyway, they want him
in protective custody.
Says here he's from
upstate New York?
He's not there now.
Agents went by his house
early this morning and he was gone.
A runner?
I doubt it. He has no reason to run,
no warrants or criminal record.
Unless someone's chasing him.
Perhaps, his house
was clean, though.
No sign of struggle or break in.
Most likely we just missed him.
The report contains some addresses
of friends and family where he may have gone.
We need to check them out.
This is the only one in our area.
Well, it looks like it's out in the country.
Maybe the fresh air will do some good.
Kara! Breakfast is ready!
Im right here mom.
Ooh, pancakes! I love pancakes!
I know.
Do you have any leftover batter?
I might, if you eat
the cooked ones first.
[Dog barking.]
What's got that dog all excited?
Kara, have you seen any strange
men around our house or at school?
No. Why?
Just wondering.
Who are you?
I remember him.
Who are you and what do you want?
He was a screamer.
His name was . . .
who cares what his name was?
He's my husband.
No, you mean he
was your husband.
He taught me how to use this.
You're one of them.
One of those creatures that took Jim.
You . . . you killed him!
You killed my Jim!
Mom, who are you talking to?
[Kara screams.]
[Gun shots.]
Don't be afraid.
No one is going to hurt you.
It's ok, Mom.
He's a good one.
We have to go.
Are you alright?
Did they do anything?
Did they take you anywhere?
Take me anywhere?
Yes! Did they take you anywhere?
No. But we need to go.
Ethan said we should be going.
Don't worry. I know
how to get there.
He's one of them.
He's an alien.
He's not an alien, Mom.
Then what is he?
He's a "B'nai Elohim".
[Walking on gravel.]
[Walking on gravel.]
If you're going for bass Id
use that old bug jig of yours.
Well it seems to me it caught
you more times than the fish.
Yes it did.
My fingers still hurt
every time I see one.
Well it's always brought me luck.
Well you're here aren't ya?
Glad to see you Pete.
You to Uncle Josh.
Ive missed ya.
I know Ive missed you too.
Im sorry that I haven't
been around more;
I should have come
and seen you sooner.
That's not important
you're here now.
Come on inside.
What about the Fish?
Aw they can wait;
they've got all day to get caught.
lt looks the same.
Well when you get it right
there is no need to change it.
Go have a seat; you know
how to make yourself at home.
So what has been going on?
How are things at the University?
Great Im a full Professor now.
Yes I know; I might be in
the middle of nowhere but,
fortunately even nowhere can
access the internet these days.
Uncle Josh I need to
ask you about something.
Sure go ahead.
Well; last night I had a dream,
really it was three dreams.
One right after the other,
you were in all three.
Wow. I must be popular.
They weren't like dreams
they were very vivid.
Well, if you were worried about
me you could have called.
But I wasn't worried,
it's just that when I woke up I
knew I had to come and see you.
I can't explain it other than that.
Mom always said that when things needed
an explanation she would talk to you.
Well, your Mother and I were
always close ever since childhood.
I didn't have all the answers;
nowhere near, usually I just listened.
I know we don't agree on some things,
but Ive always respected you and
you've always listened to me too.
So tell me about your dreams.
We were here at the lake;
you were pointing out
constellations like when I was a kid.
Ah, sounds normal we
did that several times.
But in my dream you
were very specific.
You pointed to a tiny cluster of seven
stars and called them the seven sisters.
Pleiades. lt looks like seven
stars with the naked eye but
really there are hundreds
of stars in that cluster.
Yes I know.
That's exactly what you
said in my dream.
You then pointed
to the Big Dipper.
Ursa Major.
Yes, but then you pointed
to a really bright star
following the handle
of the Big Dipper.
Yes that's the one. You
also mentioned Orion.
Let's see, Arcturus, Orion,
Pleiades, and the Big Dipper.
Anything else?
Well that's when the
second dream started.
You and I were playing Scrabble.
Yeah, I can still see the board.
"Orion" was there as were the words "stars," "seven,"
"sang," "sisters," "mornings," "run," and "job."
[Josh laughs.]
Not "job" but, "Job."
All those words are grouped in the
book of Job; well except for "run."
You're kidding me?
No, really look here in chapter
38 verses 31 and 32.
Can you bind sweet
influences of the Pleiades,
or loose the bands of Orion?
Can you bring forth Mazeroth
in his season? Mazeroth?
Constellations. It's a
Hebrew term for Zodiac.
Or can you guide
Arcturus with his sons?
"Pleiades," "seven," and "sisters."
Pleiades is the seven sisters.
And Orion was mentioned as was
Arcturus, which some translate Large Bear.
The Large Bear.
The Big Dipper?
Exactly. Run probably means to . . .
Run to you. But what
about the other words?
Look at verse seven.
When the morning stars sing together and
all the Sons of God Shouted for Joy.
And all the Sons of God Shouted for Joy.
That's what he said.
What? What who said?
ln my dream there was a man there,
someone I had never seen before,
but felt like I knew him and he said
and all the Sons of God Shouted for Joy.
What happened then?
That's when the third dream started.
You and I were disagreeing.
What about?
Science and Religion.
What did I say?
You said I had to choose.
Between Science and Religion?
No, between choosing to believe
or choosing not to believe.
Then I woke up saying your name.
I felt like I had to see you.
I felt like I had to . . .
I knew that I had to get out of the house.
I knew that I had to see you
but, I don't know why.
Hold that thought.
I don't get many visitors out here.
Are you Josh Sanders?
Yes I am.
Mia Andrews National Security Agency.
This is Agent Jacob Bast.
We are looking for Peter Kenner.
Have you seen him lately?
I am Peter Kenner.
Mr. Kenner we have orders to
take you into protective custody.
Peter -
Why? I haven't done anything.
Andrews -
I understand that; you're not under arrest.
We are simply taking you
under our protection.
Mr. Kenner please
come with us.
I will call you as soon as
everything gets straightened out.
I am sure it's nothing serious.
Ill be praying for you.
Thank you.
Ethan -
I have a message for you.
Josh -
I wondered when you'd show up again.
Josh -
I know who you are.
You're friends with Dr. Ted Jamison.
ls that correct?
Yes we've been friends for several years.
We both taught at the same University.
What this about?
I am sorry to inform you
that Dr. Jamison is dead.
What Happened?
We 're not certain at this time.
Dr. Kenner did Jamison have any connections
to any paramilitary or subversive groups?
Ted? No that's absurd.
He was an apolitical archeologist.
His only cause was to reveal
the past, to study cultures.
And we are not suggesting
otherwise Dr. Kenner.
Im sorry about your friend.
Im sure he was a good man.
Someone will be contacting you shortly.
Someone who?
A Government official.
An official. From our government?
If you need anything Dr. Kenner just
ask the agent outside your room.
Kara -
This is it.
I don't know about this Cara.
How do we know that we can trust him?
Trust me don't you Mom?
Yes but - Kara, Kara.
Whoa. Where did you
come from young lady?
From there sir.
Im Kara Pennington.
Im sorry that I ran into you.
That's okay.
Kara, slow down. I don't
have as much energy as you . . .
I found Mr. Josh.
Um, sorry about that.
Im Sarah Pennington, and it
looks like you've met my Daughter . . .
Kara, yes she just introduced herself.
So, how do you know my name?
Ethan told me.
Ah Ethan.
So your name really is Josh.
Yes, Joshua Sanders.
She thinks you might be
one of the B'nai Elohim.
No, Im as human as they come.
So you know about them;
these Ben . . . Ben . . .
B'nai Elohim. Yes.
Why don't we go inside we can talk about
them over a nice cool glass of lemonade
I love lemonade.
I know.
How did you know?
Ethan told me.
[Beaming sound.]
Who are you?
My name is Addon.
How did you get in here?
What is this?
We call it an IST.
An I.S.T.
An inner space transporter.
lt allows us to create small wormholes in order
for us to travel from one location to another.
Yes. May I?
For some time now, Dr. Kenner, you have
believed in the existence of extraterrestrials.
Your friend Dr. Jamison
claimed to be a skeptic
until he found the tablet and
came to you to explain it.
About three years ago.
I never saw the tablet,
just a rubbing of it.
And what did it say?
lt was a warning.
About the Anunnaki?
You know about the Anunnaki?
Dr. Kenner, I am an Anunnaki.
Sarah -
I appreciate your kindness
But, what can you tell
me about these aliens.
That they're not aliens.
You don't understand.
Ive seen them.
I know what they can do.
I know how they can take -
- take people you love from you.
I don't have all the answers as
to what you've been through.
But these beings are not
what you think they are.
What do you mean?
You and Kara both
call them the B'nai Elohim.
B'nai Elohim are not
aliens from another planet.
It's a Hebrew term,
it means the Sons of God.
Addon -
Dr. Kenner those you know as the Anunnaki
have been known by many different names.
Eons ago before the rise of your people,
we roamed the Heavens.
But unfortunately some of our kind were
more interested in ruling than in exploring.
Sarah -
I thought angels were supposed to be good.
These creatures aren't good.
Ethan is good.
How do you know?
Because they look different.
They look the same to me.
That's because you
don't see what I see.
Angels are good Sarah.
It's just that there are
different types of angels.
What do you mean?
Long before human
civilization angels existed.
Chief among them was the Anointed Cherub
who was great in beauty and power, wisdom.
So much so that he thought he
could exalt himself above God.
So he convinced some angels to rebel
and to follow him; and they were defeated.
He's now known as the Opposer
or Satan and the angels who followed
him are known as fallen angels.
Addon -
Over time we realized that you had become sentient.
You were no longer animals to be used.
You had in a sense become our children.
Then what?
Some of us believed you should be freed.
You were no longer tools for us
to use for our own enjoyment.
Those who fought for your freedom
were known as the Igigi; the liberators.
Since then we've been care takers
watching over you, guiding you.
Ready to help you protect yourselves.
Against what?
Against the day when the Anunnaki
would return to enslave you.
Sarah -
But why would these fallen angels pretend to be aliens?
Their all about deception.
Pretending to be aliens from another
planet is as good a deception as any.
They don't look the same.
When I see them they
look different to me,
the one in our house he
looked different than Ethan.
They were two different people.
I don't mean that.
When I saw Ethan he gave out
sort of a light that made me happy,
when I saw the other one
he looked like flames.
ls that possible?
Peter -
So why are you here?
Why are you telling me all of this?
Because of your association with Dr. Jamison.
Because of something you
read a few years ago.
The Anunnaki tablet.
Yes. He knew it was a forgery.
A forgery?
That is why the tablet
had to be destroyed.
with only a rubbing there would
be no way to verify the tablets age.
Josh -
Kara you can tell the difference between the two of them?
Yes that is why Ethan said the
bad ones were after me.
She's just a child.
They can't take her.
I won't let them.
Ill kill them first.
Mom you tried killing
them. Did it work?
They are stronger than
us, smarter than us,
faster than us and
they just can't die.
Ill find a way.
You used Dad's gun and shot one. He
didn't die, he didn't even fall down.
I know something that
we can use against them.
It's very strong very powerful.
Addon -
I am afraid Dr. Jamison has fallen victim to his own device.
You think that Ted forged the tablet by himself.
I think that he was in desire of recognition.
He knew the history of the Cahokia Indians.
He knew of you and your
expertise of Samarian culture.
He alone had access to dispose
of the tablet and he benefited from it.
Yes he received a lucrative contract
with your government because of it.
If it were a fake why would the
government aid in such a scheme?
Dr. Jamison was unaware
that what he forged was true.
The Anunnaki should be feared.
And then they killed him because he
was warning others of their coming.
Yes and unfortunately you
were connected to that discovery
which is why I had to put
you in protective custody.
Once the threat is over
you'll be free to go home.
Have a good evening Dr. Kenner.
[Beaming sound.]
Truth. It's the most
powerful weapon we have.
I don't see how truth
can destroy them.
There has to be
a way to fight them.
It's not about destroying them
Sarah, that's not up to us.
It's about exposing them
and defeating them.
How can you defeat them if
you don't even believe in them?
He does believe in them Mom.
He believes in them like I do.
[Dog barking.]
What's wrong?
[Strange sound passes through.]
You need to come with me.
To see Josh.
You won't get very far that way.
There's a guard outside the door.
lt will be okay.
Ive done this before.
You cannot tell me that
wasn't an alien ship.
Was it physical?
lt was a ship. Of
course it was physical.
Well if it was physical it would
have to obey the laws of physics.
And it didn't do that?
Nothing physical can move like that.
Nothing we know about.
But maybe their science is beyond ours.
lt wouldn't matter if there
science was advanced.
A physical object has to
conform to the laws of physics.
So how do you explain
what we just saw?
What we saw wasn't physical.
But we saw it.
Just because we saw it
doesn't make it physical.
It's OK Mom.
What we saw was certainly spectacular,
but think about what you saw.
I saw what looked to me
like an alien spacecraft.
But did it move like a craft?
No it was much faster.
Exactly right.
And what happens when a physical object
moves at a tremendous amount of speed.
There's a sonic boom.
There was no boom.
But it did make a noise.
A hovering sound.
Like a helicopter.
Or wings.
President Connelly how
very good to see you.
Thank you Mr. Ambassador.
I thought that I would
contact you this time.
I believe I have some
very exciting news.
That will be most
welcome Mr. Ambassador.
Ive contacted the Anunnaki home world
and they have assured me that there
people have been recalled
and that there is no thought
of conquest at this time.
At this time?
One never knows the
future plans of others
especially the Anunnaki.
How certain of this are you?
Our Government has a vested
interest in your world.
Its betterment and security.
The Anunnaki would not
want another war with us.
Our people are truly
grateful Mr. Ambassador.
Because of you our world
has something it has long desired;
peace and safety.
One more thing Madame President.
Professor Kenner, he is no
longer in any danger.
You may release him
from your protection.
I will make sure that is
taken care of immediately.
Anything to report?
Nothing yet ma'am.
Hey you should be going
home soon we have all clear.
When was the last time
you checked on him?
About forty-five minutes ago sir.
You're suppose to make visual
every thirty minutes Diaz.
Give me the key.
By the book!
Yes sir.
Where is he?
Explain to me. How'd Kenner
leave a room you were guarding?
I swear to you sir, no one went in or out
of this room the whole time I was here.
None of the other agents
saw anything either.
Where do you
think he went?
Where we found him.
That's the most likely spot.
But why would he go back there?
I don't know but it's a start.
We no longer have to
authority to hold him.
I don't care.
I want to know exactly how he got out
of this room and if anyone else is involved.
Next time you do it by
the book, you understand?
Yes sir.
I feel bad about moving
you out of your room.
No need too.
Im certainly not going to make you
two sleeping out here or send you to a motel.
Besides, it's almost like camping.
Sarah -
Well thank you, you're very kind.
Well I have new sheets on the bed,
and fresh towels in the bathroom.
So please, make yourself at home.
Can I play Mom?
Sure, but don't turn on your
GPS strip, just use your computer.
Kara -
May I use your table?
Sure. What are you going to play?
It's a high tech treasure hunting game.
lt lets you find hidden
objects in GPS enabled boxes.
[Sound of computer humming]
Wow, there are several caches nearby.
There might be some Geo swag.
Sarah -
Geo swag are prizes found in the GPS boxes.
[Rumble sound.]
Im sorry.
A holo-computer.
I didn't know they sold such things.
They don't I made it.
You made it?
Science project.
[Knock at door.]
You know you're off duty, you
didn't have to come with me.
Are you kidding. I want to know how
he got out of there as much as you do.
We've never had
someone escape before.
Usually there afraid, feel
safer knowing were there.
Everyone's different,
take Kenner for instance.
How do you go from being an
archeologist to believing in aliens?
I have no clue.
What do you think Bast,
is there intelligent life out there?
Bast -
Not that I've noticed.
I was talking about the
aliens not the humans.
Well anything's possible.
Well there you go.
Maybe his friends beamed him out.
Well it seems like we've
had quite an eventful day.
To say the least.
So you have no idea how
you got out of that room.
Oh I know how I got out; I was led out.
But how we did it I have no idea.
And you have no idea who he was.
Id seen him before in that
dream I told you about.
lt was Ethan.
Pete -
He didn't tell me his name.
He's a B'nai Elohim.
That's one of the names
Addon used for his people.
The good ones like to be
called the B'nai Elohim.
Yes it's Hebrew; Im
sorry how old are you?
She's nine.
This Addon did he
say he was an Angel?
No he didn't. He claimed
that he was an extraterrestrial.
But he used his technology to enter and
leave your room without being noticed.
He used what he called an I.S. an inner space transporter.
Addon claimed it created small wormholes
that allowed him to travel from
one place to another instantaneously.
Sounds like something
beyond our technology.
It's beyond anyone's technology.
First of all you'd have to
create two wormholes or funnels,
one would be the entrance and the
other would serve as the exit point.
Then somehow you would have to
connect the ends in space and time.
Second general relativity would dictate
that these wormhole would be highly unstable
with a remote chance the connection lasting a fraction
of a second assuming you could even connect the two.
Maybe they figured that out.
lt still would be against the law of physics
and the gravitational force alone would be so extreme
it would stretch the physical matter of anything entering
these wormholes to the extent it would simply disintegrate.
Well what about the light
I saw when it happened?
lt was a magic trick.
You know the magician
pops out of puff of smoke,
you think he has vanished but in reality
he's simply slipped out the trap door.
Or steps one dimension to another;
the spiritual to the physical.
Deception would be
there calling card.
[Knock at door.]
Expecting company?
Mr. Josh has had
company all day.
Pete our friends would like
to ask us all some questions.
How long?
Did you get anything
from the mother?
Just that she's convinced there's a
government cover up of alien activity.
How about you?
Nothing yet.
Kenner claims he followed someone out of his room
but he has no idea how he got here from there.
He had to have help. How else
could he have gotten here so quickly.
I agree.
Let's shake things up a little.
You take the uncle,
Ill talk with the little girl.
Maybe they'll let something slip.
Dr. Sanders, Kara
would you come with us.
You must be very
proud of your daughter.
I am.
Since her father died she's all I have.
I understand.
My father died when
I was very young.
My Mom had to raise me by herself.
It's not an easy thing to do.
Uncle Josh is the closest
thing to a father Ive had.
He understands the
pain loss can bring.
Although my Aunt died years ago he hasn't been
able to bring himself to take his wedding ring off.
He loved her very much.
Jim would have been so proud of her.
What do you think?
Do you believe these
creatures are angels or aliens?
Well, a few months ago I would have
been convinced they were extraterrestrials.
And now?
Well now, now Im not so sure.
The things Ive experienced
are more than coincidence
and the things my uncle told me years
ago have proven themselves to be true.
What things?
I became convinced that ancient writings,
including the Bible, spoke about extraterrestrial life.
That we had been visited
by these aliens before.
Uncle Josh and I had many long talks
about the arguments I presented.
But for every point I raised he seemed
to have some scientific explanation.
So Ive noticed.
ln a way Kara is very
much like your Uncle.
I guess that we're both
blessed to have them in our lives.
People who love us even
when they don't agree with us.
Well I have no idea how
you got out of that room.
But it's not my problem either.
Where's Agent Bast?
He and Kara went outside.
Bast where are you?
Bast come in.
[Bast click radio off.]
Where's Kara? What happened?
This is Agent Mia Andrews
identification number 120156
Im requesting a 1024 GP NSA
56 possible 207 in progress.
1158 have GPS tracking
sent to this phone thank you.
Apparently Agent Bast has taken
your daughter into custody.
Why? Why would he do that?
I don't know.
Where did he take her?
Again ma'am I don't
know but we will shortly.
All NSA vehicles are
painted with GPS tracking.
As long as they are in the vehicle
we will know where they are.
Ive got them.
Dr. Kenner I need your car.
Of course.
This has my cell number on it,
if Bast returns call me.
Ill send someone here as
soon as possible.
The three of you
remain here until then.
[Sarah crying.]
My baby.
lt will be alright.
Where is she?
We have to find her.
Pete, has Agent
Andrews left yet?
She's leaving now.
Would Kara have
her GPS strip with her?
She always has it with her.
It's a games she plays
on her holo-computer.
A holo-computer?
[Click and sound of computer.]
Good girl!
Pete you go with Sarah in her car.
Ill call you with directions and once I
get a final destination Ill follow in my car.
You've got to believe . . .
Kara's going to be alright.
Uncle Josh we're no trained
for something like this.
What should we do?
Don't be afraid, there
are more on our side.
It's time for you to choose.
Kara has a good mind;
but she's got even a greater faith.
I think it's time you two should see what
Kara and I have seen all afternoon.
[Faint whispering words of faith.]
Got the girl!
They're using you.
Yeah, kid, people use
people all the time;
same is true with
the government.
They're not either one.
Oh really?
Then what are they?
Principalities. Powers.
Rulers of the darkness.
Sounds like government to me.
[Sound of metal screeching.]
You know you were followed.
That's impossible.
I switched vehicles a few miles back,
it would take those fools from the NSA
some time before they even find me here.
Not from your car.
I hate it when you do that.
I hate every minute I got to
spend with you hairless monkeys.
Bast -
A GPS strip?
Your pals at the NSA should've taught
ya how to look out for one of those.
I don't have any pals.
Bana -
I guess not.
What are you gonna do with the girl?
Don't tell me your growing a conscious?
People in my line of
work don't have those.
But she is just a kid.
I don't see how she can be a
threat to you or your people.
Aww, that's precious.
Little Bast does have a conscious.
Where was it when you were
putting a bullet in Jamison's skull?
Jamison? Jamison was different.
He was a threat to national security,
he needed to be removed.
Well, Kara here is a
threat to our security.
I delivered the girl.
What you do with her is not my concern.
Are you waiting for something?
I know who you are.
Do you?
Your Bana, the slayer.
Oooh, I must be famous.
I know WHAT you are.
Yea, what's that?
A fallen one.
And are you, afraid?
Why not?
Because I know WHOSE I am!
Sarah -
[Bana roars.]
[Sound of flies.]
[Sarah moans and cries in pain.]
[Sarah moans/ cries in pain]
You both want her?
You both can have a piece.
[Crashing sound.]
No, Look! Look! It's okay!
Bana -
So Daddy sent you on a little errand, did He?
You are NOT allowed to
touch what belongs to Elohim.
You're not going to stop me Ethan.
Im gonna kill this little girl.
How could you choose this Bana.?
We were together when
He spoke this all into existence.
I don't even remember
the sound of His voice!
Get up.
Come on. Come on!
Bana -
Watch this.
(Hebrew) Gaw'ar Ad'o'ni.
The Lord rebuke you!
Kara are you alright?
Im fine.
Thank you.
You're a . . .
A B'nai Elohim.
And you a B'nai Adonai.
Why? Why now?
We are but heralds . . .
and guardians.
The days are approaching when the
fallen will make themselves known,
and their deception will
pave the way for the lawless one.
He WILL be coming soon.
Pete -
This lawless one?
That's not who he means.
Drop your weapon!
No, I don't think I will.
Why Jacob?
We're in the middle of a war Mia.
It's my job to protect
the people of this nation.
You think you're a patriot?
I am a patriot!
Im making sure we don't
become slaves to them!
By kidnapping a child?
Betraying your partner?
Turning your back on the NSA?
The NSA? Do you really
think I work just for them?
You're not going to shoot me.
You know how this works.
Do your country a service.
Lower your weapon; walk away.
Tell them I was already gone.
Shouldn't have come alone Mia.
Who said I came alone?
Get on the ground! Let me see
your hands! Drop your weapon!
Diaz -
Just like you taught me, Sir.
By the book.
Andrews -
Are you alright?
Yes, Im fine.
Everyone else okay?
We'll have some questions for
you, but they can wait a few moments.
Thank you Dr. Sanders for calling me,
we never would have found him otherwise.
So, what happened?
What was that verse you use to cite
to me when I was young?
"... the Lord knows how to
rescue the godly from trials."
Your friend, the one you
were telling me about.
The one that Addon said
forged the tablet.
Ted Jamison? What about him?
I think Agent Bast was
the one who hurt him.
So what about his tablet?
I don't know.
I do know that while Ted
was an excellent archeologist,
Sumerian texts werent
in his field of study.
He simply could not have forged
the tablet as Addon claimed.
Was that what gave him away?
That, and something
you taught me.
Something I taught you?
Yes, that names
have meaning.
What are you two talking about?
His name, Addon.
lt is very similar to one found
in the Book of Revelation.
A fallen angel described
as the king of the bottomless pit.
His name is Abaddon, the destroyer.
So Kara, what did Ethan
tell you just before he left?
He was telling me
about the Watchers.
The B'nai Elohim?
No, they're not the Watchers.
They are the heralds . . .
And the guardians.
Then who are the Watchers?
We are . . .
We are the Watchers.
My Lord.
Bana is lost.
The girl, she still lives.
I take full responsibility.
Soon, my friend, Bana and his brethren
shall be set free from the pit.
Victory, my Lord.
[Closing Music.]
He will cover me.
He will cover me.
All the day, all the night.
He will cover me.
He will cover me.
All the day, all the night.
Athousand may fall,
ten thousand at your right side.