The Wee Man (2013)

This film is based
on a true story.
You have not done badly.
They're back, Dad.
- Who?
The samples.
- What?
Why do they do that, Dad?
That's not good.
No, that's not good boy, that's for sure.
But it is what it is, come.
- You said it yourself, you know.
They're monsters.
But that's all they are.
It is his creeps, they hunt in groups
and they have provided on the weak.
Yes, but not for me?
- No, not you, I promise.
How can you be so sure?
- Because if you do not know:
Always remember,
outside this house is a forest...
...a big, dark, scary forest
full of bad characters...
...waiting in the trees
to get you to take.
That's why I tell you, boy.
- I do not like it, dad.
I know, but do not worry.
There are three simple rules...
...that help you to survive in the
scary forest.
And if you remember, nothing will
you ever lost or can not do.
What are the rules, dad?
- Okay, good.
A: Always pay attention to strangers.
Do not always know what they say, because
can the wolves in sheep's clothing.
Two: be loyal, boy. Especially to people,
you love and you trust.
And three: it's time to go to sleep.
- Dad.
No, wait, I remember.
Three, yes.
This is important.
Act like a lion, boy
not act like a lamb.
Do not follow other people.
Go on your own instincts
and stick to what you think is right.
Live in the scary forest,
follow the magical rules.
Then nothing will ever get
or something can participate.
The time now is 02:00.
You better go to sleep.
- Why not help anyone?
There is no one to help.
- We'll call the police, they stop it?
Go to sleep, boy.
If we see you again
then I'm not happy.
Okay, now you little bastard.
- And you know what you forgot?
Thank you to say.
Say it.
Say, thank you, damn.
- I think he's had enough.
Let's go.
Since when vacuuming your
the kitchen floor, Jenny?
- Do you have headaches, Willie?
You were quite drunk last night,
you could not even come up the stairs.
It happens when you go out with the guys.
- Yes, you say.
A man works hard all week
and then requires a drink.
A few drinks? You tell him, Paul?
It is true, Daddy.
You made us crazy.
You started to sing a song
the Black and White Minstrels.
And when you tried to go watch TV.
- Is that really so?
And when you fell asleep and snored.
- Your father has his old behavior again.
There was probably nothing on TV again.
What do you think, boy?
No comment.
- That's better.
Where is my new shirt, Jenny?
- That's the clothesline stolen.
They have things again
stolen from the clothesline, damn.
What is a Snowdropper?
- A Snowdropper
is the lowest form of life
on this planet, boy.
Harness that clothing clothesline
steal from other people.
They even stole the diapers
the clothesline of Pearl Jones.
It's getting worse.
- Yes.
Where are you going?
- I take a walk.
I'll make it up with Johnny and Jimmy.
Put your coat on because it's cold.
- That's right, do the damn door.
Be careful and 16.00 back, yes?
- Okay.
- Go hang out somewhere else, asshole.
- I ram it together.
I can not earn as you're here.
It's still early,
just do what you gotta do.
Give me a loaf of bread, please.
- Bread?
I will give you a much, Corey.
You stay do annoying.
Come, come.
I just saw the Banks brothers.
- Where?
Down the street.
- I hope they die, that ugly.
And I had to wash this finger again.
- Why?
Lisa Boyue
- Lisa Boyue, you can not.
She gave me three flying saucers
if I would do it.
And I would get a Bazooka Joe
if she could sit. to my dick
But I did not.
- When?
About ten minutes ago,
there in that alley.
I'll get you, you little shit.
- Get the colre.
- I make you off.
- I kick shit out of him that little bastard.
So hard I fucking kick him dead.
Was that you like, who stood to peek?
- That was not me.
I've seen it with my own eyes.
- I have not seen anything, I promise.
Make sure it stays that way or I'll stab
your eyes out next time.
Leave him alone, irascible.
- Ugly bastards.
We count with you later on.
- We know where you live.
Go to your friends' sucker,
come on, now.
Kick that ball is to me.
I said, kick the ball! Here.
It's settled.
- When?
Friday, it must be at your service.
- Okay.
If the money is not paid in advance,
I do not know what happens.
And if it goes wrong you can not get it back.
You hear that Ferris?
I see.
- You must arrange own
you get solitary confinement, so you
can be. not blamed
If you do, we will do the rest, okay?
Look at that now,
you look good, boy.
I hope she is prepared.
- Shoot it out now, please.
I told you dad, you do not come with me.
- It is rough to it there.
You do not know what can happen.
Jenny, have you seen my wallet?
Why do you need? Your portfolio
You bring your son out for a date.
That must be another excuse to go to the pub
to go, he thinks I'm stupid.
Maybe I'll just go along
for a little refreshment, yes.
Yes, and I've heard before,
Willie Ferris.
Come on, stupid stuff.
How are you?
- Fine.
Are you okay?
- All right, Dad.
Are you sure? You still
problems with the Banks brothers.
How do you know?
- I saw a large knife in your pocket.
- Yes.
That is only for protection,
everyone has one.
Yes, I know that.
I had myself always with me.
Come here.
Give me that knife, boy.
You do not need it, believe me.
If you carry it with you
then you use it, that's a fact.
And if you do, then what?
To jail for murder and why?
For a bunch of cowardly thugs?
I know they're over the years
have geterorriseerd
and every time that you had bruises
when you came home.
But you're better than them, boy.
Better than they will ever be.
I would like to change.
I did not want this for my family
but we have to live with,
as good as it comes.
You can not do this, boy,
I can not.
It's not worth it, come on.
That's good, son.
A fun evening and be careful.
How many girlfriends have you had?
- You're my first.
Do you think I believe?
- You think I'm lying to you?
I do not know, would you do that?
- And if you were not the first
then definitely the best.
- Leave them alone, get off him.
The Banks brothers are here.
- Get off him.
Damn bitch.
- Fucking what?
You know.
Ferris, let me look at you girl.
- Fuck you.
What the fuck did you say?
You told me to fuck off.
Do not believe you.
He said I had to rot.
What did he say?
Outwardly you.
- Please Paul, just go.
They will demolish the whole thing here.
- Yeah, just listen to your girl
because otherwise I will get you.
Yes, that's what I mean, man.
Rot in hell.
- Nice boyfriend you, have not you?
A sissy.
That was the last time,
the last time.
Your boyfriend's gone, so there
we have no more trouble.
Dirty cow.
Have you ever had a good turn?
No, stop it.
No, damn it.
Hell, no.
You have to stay here until
something arranged.
The Banks brothers...
What has inspired you, Paul?
Mom, get a heart attack
when she finds out.
Do you want to be just like your brother, Billy?
Life in prison?
You're not so, Paul Ferris.
This is not the little guy I know.
I enjoyed it.
- Paul?
For the first time in my life,
I was not afraid.
The first time I do not me
felt intimidated.
I tell you Cath, I enjoyed it.
- Paul.
I'm telling you.
It was easy.
I had the upper hand, I was in control.
For the first time in my life,
I what they really are. saw
I have admitted that they exist.
- You've changed.
I can still look in your eyes
and see a little boy
A little man full of life and ready
for what's coming at him.
I look in your eyes.
And you know what I see?
Paul, why do we do it?
You're about two months.
Why the hell would you do that?
- It must be so.
Listen, we're gonna murder a young guy.
Nobody stands in line to do so.
No, we have to drive over, it's
almost always destined.
It's always been the same
with guests, the rule.
Can not you
change your mind, right?
You know what? I've always been afraid
you were going to murder them. lunatics
And now going to show you that I'm right.
Okay, time to go to work.
I see you, big guy.
You'll be fine, right?
No worries for me.
Fuck you assholes,
you fucking assholes.
You get up, you lazy bastards criminal.
In the row for a thorough examination.
Ten seconds and then
You can stay where you are.
Did you hear what I just said, Banks?
I said if you do not...
Jesus Christ.
He is as dead as a doornail, get help.
You two, back to your cell.
The director wants to see you Ferris now.
- Fuck you, tell him I want to see him tomorrow.
- I said, now.
I hope it continues business
and that you motherfuckers do normally.
Ferris, have enjoyed
of your solitary confinement?
Yes, thank you, sir, great accommodations
if I may say so.
Do not take me for a ride, Ferris.
- I'm not taking you for a ride, sir.
I actually enjoyed the experience,
I found the solitary confinement inspiring.
- I have a poem made, if you...
- Ferris.
I do not hear those kinds
BijDeGraaf answers.
Why do you ask that, sir?
You think you're smart, do not kid?
You are self-righteous.
You think you're a lot.
But let me tell you something, Ferris.
Look in the mirror.
Look in that black hole
of that soul of yours
and then you see that you are nothing.
You may think
that what you're on the street
but for me you are nothing.
Because this is my world.
Where do I hand out the sheets,
I am God.
People like you are the foam
of this earth, Ferris.
You may leave here in a few days
with a giant reputation.
But I'll tell you this:
You come back here,
I guarantee you.
Can I say something, sir?
You should look at yourself.
- I fuck, warning you Ferris.
Let him say what. Let
see what the little guy has to say.
The way I see it,
if you would look closely at yourself
beyond all monsters and demons that you see.
You than a lost
frightened little boy sees,
who has chosen
to close in itself at this
large ivory tower of concrete.
And who has surrounded himself with suckers
in uniform who serve him.
A bunch of yes-men who all orders
follow without asking questions.
That might be your world and your God.
And for what?
That you just said yourself, that is
for the foam of this earth.
That shit in your shoe.
And I must say that God,
no idea of?? what is happening.
Blind to the blows being dealt
and all the corruption
where you morons you every day
keep doing here.
Because if you say you know it all
then you are really no better than us.
You know what, sir? It's funny
but I feel sorry for you.
I walk out of here in three days, but you...
You have life.
Okay, you bastard, we will once
show what suckers we are.
I think that is our size.
Welcome back to planet F, Mr. Ferris.
Good to see. You
We make it right, little man.
- I have a couple of credit.
What the hell happened to you?
- We had our own battle.
Is that so?
Who, Mike Tyson?
What is going on?
- Not much Paul.
What little things, but nothing
that we can not handle.
Is that really so?
- Yes.
You still have the stitches?
It's not Paul, a few threads
in my back, no worries.
How much?
- Fifty.
Jesus Christ.
How's your girlfriend, Jimmy?
- She's a little moody, Paul.
That's all.
- Arthur Thompson
wants a meeting.
He gives a party
and he wants to talk about our problems.
- When?
- I'm not going there tonight.
Just take me home.
- He gets angry if you do not come, Paul.
What can I care, mate.
I did not ask for a party.
What should we say to him?
- Tell him what you want.
As for me, tell him
he can get. colre the
That kind of stuff you do not say
against the Godfather, Paul.
Just get me to go home, okay?
Look who's next to us, boy.
Who's that, Daddy?
- That's Arthur Thompson
a hard bastard
you can not trust.
It sells grandmother for a penny.
Hello Arthur, get the shit.
- What does he do, Dad?
He's a leech, boy.
- He lives off the blood of the weak.
Like a vampire, dad?
- A vampire?
That's a good description.
- Listen to me carefully.
Stay away from that man.
- He's the devil in disguise.
Paul, you're home.
You step out or not?
- Sorry Johnny, I was somewhere else.
How does Anne Marie it?
- You're going to see that, Paul.
What happened?
- I do not see it forward.
Really honey, it's nothing.
That's true.
This can not, Paul.
What, dear?
- This, all, look at yourself.
It's okay.
- No, it's not okay.
I'm afraid.
- Why?
Get the colre, Paul Ferris.
I do not understand what's going on.
You spent nine months, the last
two, I have not even gotten a letter.
You could perhaps have been killed.
- I was in solitary confinement, Anne.
That's what I mean.
Do you hear what you're saying?
I was in solitary confinement, Anne.
As if you were on holiday in Spain.
Already you feel
lost to reality?
This must stop if we have a future
have together like that really.
I still care for you.
- Fuck you.
So does an ordinary guy too.
His wife also gives money
but her husband does not risk life.
Or worse, he'll die.
You take everything out of context.
- Mothering me, Paul Ferris.
Who do you think I am?
Some bimbo from the pub?
I just...
- Shut up, please.
You know I did know, why do you say that?
Sorry, okay?
I'm sorry.
Everything will be fine, I promise.
- Paul I'm afraid, so afraid.
Look at me.
What has changed everything?
Nothing has changed, right?
Do you believe me?
Do you believe me?
He was really angry
that you did not appear at the party.
They have distributed.
Anyone in any case.
Arthur thought no one there to
could come to you would be free.
I feel sorry for him, actually.
Arthur Thompson?
- No.
with that guy a sandwich
took with cheese and onions.
Thompson junior, broke both his hands
with a pool cue.
Did the Fatboy that?
- Yes, and he made a show of.
Everyone was watching.
It was like those things
that you see in places like Iran.
A damn public execution.
- And to finish the
he pushed the cue
in the poor guy's ass.
That part was fabricated.
- Really.
- Where was Anne then?
- I do not know.
Can I have a Harpins, darling?
I met Arthur Thompson here.
Is he there?
Junior, sitting there.
There he is at last,
the little man himself, Paul Ferris.
Come sit with us, Paul.
Drink with us.
You know what this is, Paul?
- Pepper spray.
What the hell is that?
That was a test.
These are the two knuckleheads.
Paul Come, come sit next to me.
You want a drink?
- This is okay.
Look, we've all heard what you
've done with that bastard Banks.
Had it done like himself, Paul.
I swear to God.
That's just a rumor, junior.
Do you believe what he says, boys?
He cuts out half of the opposition
on his own and calls it unfortunate.
I love your style Paul, that's true.
Better a house that is empty
than a bad tenant, not Paul?
I'm here to meet your father.
- The Godfather?
And we know he's waiting for you.
- I'm here now.
He is at his office, the snack bar.
You've done good work, Paul.
A fucking swim in a pond.
A child of six years old,
can you comprehend that?
That beast.
How's your father?
- Fine, Mr. Thompson.
A good man.
You are from a good family, Paul.
I've been watching you.
You make name
and you get respect on the street.
So you do not waste time and go for it.
It is time for you to make promotion.
Would you like to come work for me?
Nothing you have not already done so,
some groceries and small jobs?
Simply, to begin with?
Are you interested?
I am interested.
You work for me now, boy.
Ferris small bowl here.
- Holy shit.
Yeah man, he's gone.
We have warned you twice.
It will not happen again, Arthur.
- I'm sure.
In his head, that's a surprise.
Is he dead?
Flies lay eggs
in the eyes of dead people.
That's why they do that are close in movies.
Do you feel John, he was as cold as ice.
- You get diseases from dead bodies.
We must be careful
that we do not have it already.
- Who is it?
- I do not know.
Here is his portfolio.
Jesus, get shit.
Indeed Paul, you're rich.
I'll take the first 40 pounds
and we share the rest.
Where you Paul, I was worried.
- Nowhere ma, I was with the boys.
I was thinking Mom,
buy something nice for yourself.
Paul Ferris.
I'm sorry, I had to
give it all back.
We're not talking about theft, boy.
We are talking about a murder investigation.
But I just found.
You should learn something here, boy.
This time you get a warning.
The next time...
You must bring him to the office tomorrow.
Would you go back agent?
For the neighbors?
Are you sure you
've seen nothing, little man?
I promise, sir, I have found it.
Why did you give him
that money returned, Jenny?
What do you think?
There is a boy death
Willie Ferris, someone's son.
- Who has the money do not need?
The agents keep the money
probably just themselves.
Bunch of assholes.
- He has come.
He gets what from?
- Get it back and forth, Willie.
Listen boy, if you've seen something,
but I'm not saying that it is so.
I saw something.
- Wait, listen to me boy.
You never say anything about that,
against anyone, you understand?
Not against your friends, not to your mother,
not against me, against anyone.
- I promise, Dad.
Good boy.
- I have not returned anything, Dad.
Look at it now.
I think everyone here already
Strangely, it does not matter here.
It looks a bit tatty.
I mean, what is that?
- An attempt to stay out of the picture
but with little sense of taste.
As Arthur Thompson
it announced in every newspaper in Scotland,
I would not expect that.
Yes, it's good.
I'm glad you are come
though you are very late.
- How's your father, Paul?
He still, is not alive?
- This morning still, when I left.
Well, put him greetings from me, okay?
Nothing, why do not you come
sitting at a table for some cheese?
Where did you get this?
- I feel fine.
I'd rather be on my own if I'm honest.
- Mother, do not be rude.
Mother, do not be rude.
With all those young people talking
while she was born in the slum.
- Do not worry, Anne.
Soon she is drunk and falls asleep.
- I heard that.
That was the idea.
Paul, we're gonna go outside,
for some fresh air.
- No, you watch your grandmother.
- What, I...
Nothing to buts, do what I say.
I want Paul to speak alone.
- Okay, father
as you want.
Be served watch too great.
That plays when you're Godfather.
I think nothing, that was the cause
that the Crays stuck 30 years.
I have not noticed, you understand?
- I understand you, Arthur.
The whole game has changed,
the rules are changed.
People afford freedoms where they
a few years ago not to dream.
Look in that bag.
Those filthy bastards, they have the zipper
with glue smeared
so junior could not check properly.
I had to cut and it goes
about 50,000 pounds of stuff.
50,000 pounds, damn.
And if you are going to work
I want my 50,000 back.
- Have you had a something to do
with Licensee McGraw?
McGraw no, but I saw him
even going to work.
Why do you think they call him the licensor?
That is not because he
the owner of a pub.
That's because he police
provision of information.
And in return they give him freedom
to do what he wants.
Who is that?
- Tam McGraw.
He is the owner of this tent.
Ladies and gentlemen, Gary Grishaw.
How are you tonight?
We have a good evening. Yes?
And you honey, you're very fair, right?
And if you got a penny for your thoughts
then you would get some money, right?
And there is one,
how would we call it?
Okay, come on.
- I know, asshole.
Well, that's quite funny.
Help me.
If you see this, which is the largest,
who actually did the least pain.
But this man, you do not know.
Yes, you did very very.
Too many cuts.
- The wounds of Jesus.
That's Johnny, just nonsense.
A butcher holds it, is not it dear?
Do not you want to work for junior?
- The Fatboy?
I do not work for that bastard.
I work for his father.
I am just overwhelmed with his bullshit.
From what I saw, I thought
he was in charge.
Take it from me to size, the Fatboy
is a dreamer like Walter Mitty.
Do you know what movie he ever look back?
- What is that?
The Godfather, 24 hours a day.
I had to guess.
- How do you like to make promotional treasure?
- I do not know what you're talking about.
The promotion of Paul.
- Promotion, I am just lost.
Did he never about his job?
- That's true, but not with me.
Have you ever wondered why?
- Because I do not want to know.
A man like Paul, a strong woman
behind them.
Maybe he should then go looking.
- A girl like you should be grateful.
- For what you can get, damn.
From who?
- From us.
What is respect, Rita?
I do not want anything from you.
People would give their right arm
to be working with us.
Maybe, but that his
Paul's business, not mine.
We're going if you do not mind.
- Yes, of course, I'm also a little tired.
Just bring mama home.
I'll take her if you want.
- No, I have put her off.
It is nearby.
Come, I take that on.
Careful now.
Maggie, that you may be
call an evening sherry.
It is my only sin
and I only have a couple.
Yes, but boarding.
'Godfather' Thompson slain
with a car bomb.
I'm sorry Maggie, Arthur.
She was a nice old lady.
A damn shame.
Where is that damn son of mine?
He should be here.
He is very upset, Arthur.
He is not himself.
Drunk mean you or
the world of coke.
I want the person who did this.
- Do you have any idea?
Do you think I would be here as
if I had any idea?
Go do something, it does not matter
what it costs, I want names.
I want names.
- Good boss, we arrange.
He was lucky.
- Tell me about it.
I have someone close
see shooting in Gunfield him.
He was so angry that he
went after that guy.
And Arthur grabbed the arm of that guy off
and hit him dead with that thing.
That's incredible.
But that was in the old days.
- Yes.
Strange that it is not true.
With what she drank that night
she probably sounded like fireworks.
It's okay.
It was those damn Banks brothers.
Do you want to taste it, sir?
- No, thank you.
Do you want me to inschenk sir?
- No, I just want you to fuck off.
That's a serious accusation.
- They walked to boast in the pub
for about ten minutes
after the car exploded.
They were so sure that he was dead
that they could not wait to tell.
Why would they want to stand up against him?
- It was an easy attack
and are a bunch of assholes, that's why.
They seemed to work. Way up
And what does that have to do with me?
- We'll let you know that we take revenge.
The Banks will want to hide
and you do not want on the wrong side.
Of course, the world is
a better place without scum.
You tell Arthur that I 100%
'm on his side.
He knows that, Tam.
He wants to offer an olive branch to
so to speak.
He said you way
had to find ways to work together.
Thank him.
And I feel really flattered me.
If this is controlled by the Banks brothers
we will arrange a meeting
and we see what we can do.
Paul, if you need help with that rig
you say it.
- No, we handle this.
Well, that Paul that gets me there.
I can not believe it.
- I was afraid to tell you.
Bang, why?
- I do not know
I did not know how you'd react.
- For me not?
It's the best news I ever got.
You are everything to me.
So we have a baby, really?
A baby.
What do you know Paul, I never thought
that you would cheat.
Say John he can play billiards me?
Paul, these are the men
I was talking about.
This is Joe Hanlan.
- How is Paul?
This is Bobby Glover.
- Thanks for the meeting, Paul.
What do you guys?
- We want to join with you.
I have all this done for the Licensee.
I heard.
- You know I think what he's doing, Paul.
That guy is a fucking snitch
and everyone knows it.
And he gives guys like us,
a bad name.
Your timing is not so lucky,
, you realize that?
Yes Paul, the Banks are outlawed.
I assure you that we
100% behind you.
We have to pick up a pack on the south side.
We're going to show what happens Glasgow
with guests the Thompsons bother.
We send them a message, you hear me?
A damn message.
Their damn engines, walking dead
are those bastards.
I'll tell you what Paul, I want their eyes.
Do you understand what I mean?
I want their eyes in a jar.
You do not say much, Paul?
A quiet guy.
Hurry you, damn fool.
Throw away that old thing, do me a favor.
Look who steps through that door,
that the Banks brothers.
Do not, I have no weapon with me.
- They let go?
We need to work, junior.
- I said I did not have a gun at me.
Get the colre.
- I talk to my dad when we get back.
Paul, shoot them all.
Fucking shoot them all.
Flight but, you little dick.
Talk to anyone, grab some weapons
and come right back,
No, I need to talk to my father.
- Why do you talk to him
those two are fucking there.
- This takes planning.
We talk to the old man.
- If you can not handle it
give me but a weapon
and then I'll go back yourself.
Shut your fucking mug close.
They help themselves back to shit.
They have embedded themselves
and refuse to come out.
She had to get
when you had the chance, Paul.
What should we do?
- We go through the front door.
If that is what you want Arthur?
- That's what we all want.
They dishonor the family.
- Do not give me that bullshit mafia.
What is that?
I want their fucking heads on a plate.
It's serious.
We take no prisoners now.
If their children there,
I'll take those too.
With all due respect Arthur, let
us with citizens.
Fuck your citizens.
- Will you just shut up?
You have definitely come of that mess
put in your nose?
You do damn about.
It is clean, clinical job.
The sooner, the better, so we again
can go. to our real work
I'd like to just talk to junior.
I'm sorry father.
Do not give me that, I'm sorry father.
Never say I'm sorry, damn.
What's wrong with you, boy?
Your brains are shriveled.
It just comes down you get me
in the face of that beautiful boy.
- Damn Ferris.
You love him more than me.
- You're fucking awfully stupid.
You lead him to take my place.
Can you hear me, you fucking sinner?
Shut up.
Hear that?
If you goes through, you
more than to fear. Ferris
Do you hear me fuck?
- Yes, I hear your father.
I think we should go there
before they come here.
Then they come over here as
they know what is best for them.
That is so ma, you tell them but.
- Yeah, you're funny.
It was your idea to blow them.
- Is that right?
Yes, it is hell.
It makes no sense to it now
about to go cry, right?
Who whines now?
I'm just saying what.
What the fuck is that?
What the hell is that?
You bastard.
You're gonna die.
- Terrible is not it?
All your sons are dead.
- All your fucking bastards.
Do not worry, you're going after them,
you dirty old cunt.
Do not you dare.
- Get the colre.
Damn I'm serious, Fatboy.
Get out.
Let's go, hurry up.
- Take Everything out.
There will be gigantic measures
follow Arthur.
No one will miss the Banks family,
but we can not do much, Arthur.
So it is written off as
a drug deal that went wrong
but people are not that stupid.
Give us someone to throw to the wolves
and then I think we can run.
Otherwise it will break you.
Soon, Arthur.
Thanks for the drink.
Look, look at that boy.
- That was George the problems doctor.
- He is a bad cop.
I thought he only
worked for the Licensee.
He is the worst, he has more people
attached than a real doctor would dare.
He is a friend of Arthur.
- He's a fucking cop.
I'm with you.
- But what are you gonna do?
I believe you 50,000
have for me, my friend.
These are the costs of the Iron Brough
and you have proposed.
I want every penny back or go
many people get beaten.
It's the same with all owners
of small pubs.
I did not know they would.
- You did not want to be here, mate.
I told Arthur that I would settle.
I need a little time.
I am also zeroed.
I need. Still a week
Go get the money, motherfucker
or I'll burn your house down.
I even give him my house
if I can not pay.
On my children Paul, I promise.
Than a week.
You do not want me to come see you.
Thanks Paul, thanks junior.
- Do not thank me dick.
You leave us no choice.
- I promise solemnly.
Thanks Paul.
A message from the Godfather.
That was not necessary.
This was necessary, an uprising of the mice.
Let's go.
I want to talk with you about.
If the baby is born,
I think we have to move.
I want to be here no parent.
- Paul Ferris lives in Glasgow, is not it?
Do you think it's a boy?
- A girl.
To educate my child in this shit hole?
- I've had enough.
How to get here?
We have done what someone recently.
I'm not happy.
It's not that I did not previously
have been a bad situation.
I lie well in the market, that's for sure.
It was just a man
that our money was guilty.
This has affected me.
I realized that I am
what I have always detested.
An aggressor and a leech.
I go out with those bastards who
made my life hell.
Where the hell am I doing?
So I've decided that I myself
late pick up and then I quit.
Are you serious?
- I'm serious.
Pigs can fly so?
- I want to stop.
Enough is enough.
- We'll see.
You want, make plans?
What plans?
- Taking over the old man.
He just does things to you about?
- Not really.
Do you understand, are you interested in?
Can I ask why?
- Do you mind?
Go ahead.
Want some?
- No, do not thank me, you.
Do not get me wrong, Tam.
I love my father.
What I'm worried about is getting old
too soft, things run.
Spoken between us he wants nothing
have to do with heroin.
He says it is too great a risk.
Damn Tam, there's all the money.
I'm fed up with only those exactions.
You can get hurt and there is
at least no money.
If you have the police surrendered
then nothing is left.
I listen.
- Okay.
This is what I'm thinking.
When I get to that old, lose
people's respect for me.
Do you understand what I mean?
Inappropriate, how could he do that.
He is not loyal, that bullshit.
I still listen.
- But if you turn it off
then it's just business.
There is a large funeral...
And then everyone forgot.
I'll handle it for you, Tam.
It will be so easy.
And then?
- And then I put it in with you.
Who wants a war?
We divide the empire with a line.
Every 50% of everything.
Drugs, clubs, protection
the damn pimps
and hops, thank you all.
I hear what you say junior, but I think
you've forgotten
you have a small problem.
I say a little problem.
He? Let the fucking Ferris
to me.
I have big plans for him.
I'll deal with that bastard
for once and for all.
That's part of the deal.
Raymond Bonnar. Show my name on.
I was not even there.
He is trapped by Ian Brierley.
- This is a serious situation, guys.
This is going to be high at stake.
Where did you get that information?
- Vanco, gave me that information.
He is a good source.
Bonnar is caught for murder.
He gives them information
in exchange for a deal.
Police say that dick
super selling marijuana.
Arthur, I do not understand.
- We are the three of a team not?
Junior, Tam and I, right?
So why do they only know my name?
That's a fucking mystery.
I do not take risks.
I love me just lay low.
You are safest with Paul.
No, I already thought of a holiday.
And if I'm wanted for attempted murder
then it will be a long holiday.
That's all I need right now.
Someone must sit for nothing.
Take her out to Comney park.
Employee of the month.
It is beautiful there, you see
those lovely little squirrels.
Not gray, the little red.
Very soothing.
I am suspected of murder and he
talks about red squirrels.
Do you want to take it easy?
To take it slow, take a break.
Junior, will you bring it back.
Go get your stuff
and do not worry while you are away.
I will knit all right.
Here we are.
What do you think?
Not bad, right?
It's fine.
I point the way.
If you need anything, call me, okay?
- Okay, thanks.
I like to do it, no problem, Anne.
You need to relax and enjoy.
Look, I better go.
My old, you know.
But do not worry,
we do it all, right?
Thank you.
- We keep in touch
and we'll keep you informed.
Keep your head up.
It's beautiful.
Nice that we may use.
Yes, I thought you
could use some distraction.
This is where I want to live.
One day, Anne, ever.
What shall we do?
I am hungry for a nice lunch.
There are many fine restaurants
in the harbor.
No, we have come here
to the people to be away.
To relax, just you and me, okay?
- Okay.
That sounds good.
Hello, who?
I think you have the wrong number, okay.
- No movement on the floor.
Down and your hands behind your back.
Do not move.
- You little asshole
you know what I'm gonna do this?
Damn, stay where you are
and do not move.
There is a woman in the house.
- That's my wife, she's pregnant.
No accidents, can you hear me?
- Shut up.
No accidents.
- Shut up.
Remove the WPC here, now.
Do you want her out
, please?
- A bat and some money.
Are you sure?
- I've searched and it is clean.
What's this?
- You tell me.
Brown powder?
That's heroin.
Get the colre.
- If it is purely
you will get 8 to 15 years for trade.
- Get the colre, you bastard.
I can disappear
but that's gonna cost you.
If I must be down, then makes
it does not matter how long it takes
but then I look at you
and blow your fucking head off.
I'll shoot you, you bastard.
- Shut up.
No, you keep your head.
I'm fifteen years
but you can wait a lifetime
until I come get you understand me?
Get the colre.
- Get the colre you, you fucking dick.
You're a bigger criminal
than I'll ever be.
You've crossed the line, buddy.
You're fair game
and I'm coming after you, you understand me?
Only you, I just grab you.
You're already dead, man.
Fucking dead, asshole.
I'll fucking murder.
Paul, you are associated
with the murder of Raymond Bonnar.
Do you have something to say?
- No comment.
Raymond Bonnar, has stated that you
tried to murder him.
What do you say?
No comment.
We have pure morphine, money
and weapons found in your residence.
Would you comment on that?
No comment.
- We also found...
Without respect, that's nonsense.
Tell me what I've done.
Let me tell you this, Ferris.
Who do you actually think you are?
You can not threaten to shoot me. Down
Well, listen to me.
We got a tip,
that you would sit in that house.
Think there is about it. Someone,
has put a price on your head
and that is not a waste.
You're a fucking legend.
If I could sing, I was not...
I want to see anybody.
- Who wants to know?
The debt rapporteur.
- Yes.
What the hell are you.
- I want to talk to you, coward.
This is a disturbing case.
With many snags.
The indictment for attempted murder
was repealed by Raymond Bonnar
at his request.
Jurors who do not want to appear.
Prove that disappears from police safes.
A whole list of incompetence
to the police
and the magic of your hand,
without a doubt.
I have a good idea of?? who
and what you are, Ferris.
But unfortunately
I am bound by the law.
For possession of offensive weapons,
18 months.
Take him.
A message from Paul Ferris, you bastard.
The job is done.
Very lucky that he survived.
- The old man had a bulletproof vest.
It is not here fluff at the time, Paul.
- The Fatboy is at it again.
The knives are drawn.
- They say you gave the order.
I have some serious issues
arrange when I get out.
Do you still think that you are betrayed?
- No doubt.
There were only two people
who knew where that house is.
And I do not think Arthur has betrayed me.
It's someone else's work and
Fatboy is the name written on it.
It seems that Fatboy and McGraw
now have become good friends.
Of eternal enemies
the best friends now.
A Glasgow murder, a bullet
in his ass and in his head.
Everyone knows that he
a bulletproof vest.
Why is not he
murdered on the way Glasgow?
I just lost you.
- It was a fake attack.
They have deliberately screwed
to slide.'s on me
There someone pulling the strings here.
What should we do?
- Go get Fatboy.
Take that old grazing and McGraw also
if he so wants.
That starts a war, Paul.
- I did not start here, Jimmy.
I am taken to graze,
that I will not let go of my hand.
I think not, damn.
- You screwed this thoroughly.
He only bruised ribs.
He checked himself after two days.
He is suspicious. He himself
now surrounded by bodyguards.
That's bad luck, but it'll be fine.
We just have to be patient.
It is a travesty Tam,
a fucking travesty.
We must show that we deal
go straighten, you know junior.
What, Ferris?
- Yes.
I wanted to divert him. Prison
I lost two good people
and it cost me a fortune.
You must show that you
there are personally doing.
Otherwise it does not look good.
He is a few weeks back.
I'll get it myself, personally.
Where are you looking?
Pretty boy.
You're my little boy.
I think you better for a while
can go away.
How long?
- Until the dust settles again.
And then?
I swear Anne Marie,
you mean everything to me.
When this is over, I'll step out.
I really mean that.
I want the rest of my life
spend with you.
That's all there is.
You sound like a fucking record.
I do not want you. Cliche promises
I think you mean well
and that you think it will happen.
But if you deep inside
're honest with yourself, Paul
then you realize that it can never be so.
It has gone too far.
It has become a part of you.
It has taken over your life,
your soul repossessed.
I have thought long and hard about.
And I will always
for you are with your child.
But I do not think I love you.
What is this all about, boy?
I'll keep it simple for you, Arthur.
I have 100% loyalty data.
I have performed all orders
without question.
I thought if I could prove myself
I should work independently.
Would be like a son. I treated
But what I got in return?
I'm thrown to the wolves.
- Bullshit.
You son of a son who minkukel
you, acting in meat.
He has taken me to hell graze.
And I hear, I'm not the only
which is taken to tackle.
We can arrange this.
- Therefore it is now too late, Arthur.
It's gone too far.
What do you want me to do?
What the hell do you want from me?
I want to make sure you
I have not betrayed.
And then what?
Then you fucking take my son.
That's not gonna happen.
I did not ask for this.
It's up to you to find a solution.
And it makes me really matter
whether you believe me or not.
But I was not.
Look over there, that is Glasgow.
A lot of blood, sweat and tears
is it sit.
I am who I am and I do not give up.
And if you want more, you can get that.
He was not.
He did not betray me.
And now what?
Now it is starting.
The old man is not the same
since he met him.
I guess he did not suspect him
and that's weird. fucking
You are paranoid.
- Do you think?
Well, he's not going after him.
He says, let the dust settle
and then we'll see what happens.
Perhaps it lead him to you.
- Time you to do something, junior.
Show that you are a leader.
Take the fight to him.
Do not let him take the initiative.
We're in this together, right?
You're right behind me, is not it?
- Of course.
You switch from Ferris
as we agreed.
I put the old man to
and then we go together.
I can not get to him.
He is careful when he comes out.
Lure him out.
Damn, what is this?
- Can we talk?
Do I have a choice?
- I want you to pass a message.
That's enough.
What happened?
- Junior Thompson.
It was with a bunch.
- Your father is right, mate.
Look what has cuts, bruises
and a broken arm
but he's as tough as an old leather.
- He was lucky, thank God.
He's a fucking citizen.
- I know.
Listen, McGraw has
also had with Fatboy.
He wants a meeting.
- Paul, should we regulate today?
Do nothing, guard the house.
Do you have something to say?
Fuck you, both of you.
Fuck you, get out.
See this?
This is my hit list.
And top of the list, Ferris.
I want you to know,
I'm with you, Paul.
He has crossed the border,
he has gone too far.
Who can you trust when your
own people can not trust?
Is that so?
It does not matter to him,
coke in his nose
challenge everyone to get involved with him.
Where is he?
- Everyone has respect for the Godfather.
Who does he think he is?
Damn little asshole.
He will sleep with the fishes
is over for the day.
I guarantee you fuck.
Johnny Davis, Jimmy Pearson, Glover
and Harlan, are all dead, you hear me?
And anyone with ties
with that bastard, going the same way.
Fatboy, I'm coming to get you.
Where is he?
I do not know, he's not here.
No, you do not, I'll walk.
It's just a little bit.
That's not a good idea, boss.
Remember who you
damn it works, you unconvincing.
I'm not afraid of anybody.
I'm not afraid of anyone, yes?
Look at your face.
Tell your father that he'll
a lesson, you fucking asshole.
Father, please.
Paul, get in the car.
My Child.
We have witnesses who heard
that your name was called.
The old man said it was you.
He said you also wanted to murder him.
He has made a statement
and he will testify.
You are using this time, young man.
You're stuck without bail
to the process.
I feel that I owe them something.
I could not find those bastards.
I can not believe that Arthur,
has shown me to the police.
Usually, we arrange these things among us.
He knows the rules.
He made them.
- Yes, for his own convenience.
Paul, that man is a crook.
How is Anne Marie?
- She's still upset.
It'll be fine with her, she comes
get over it, they have to.
Listen Paul, newspapers
have you actually been convicted.
But that can work to your advantage.
The last pub still,
I was beginning to be.
This is not so important anyway.
- Who we actually meet?
I need to get some money for
a small job that I did.
It would be a nice bedragje be.
So that will be fun later.
Here deflect to the right size
and stop there, but on the left.
How is George?
- Hello, fine, and you?
What do you think?
- I do not know
It is serious information
that Paul can help.
Do you trust them?
- Course I do not trust them
Okay, I'll go with you.
- No, you stay here.
There is enough paranoia, we want
those bastards do not scare.
It'll be okay.
- All right, mate. "
Tam is there?
He's expecting me.
Do you have a weapon on you?
- No.
Can I just check?
Go inside.
Tam, are you here?
You coming in?
Your size is asking for you.
Yeah, okay size.
Because of this, right?
- Yes.
What the hell?
I bury my son tomorrow.
I wanted to be sure,
that you would be there. well
This will not change anything.
Eye for an eye.
- McGraw?
Damn, for God's sake.
How are you guys?
Get the colre, Arthur Thompson.
No, damn it.
Four Victims In A Gang War.
What you dream?
I dream that one day
when we are old, we all
will be together.
We live in a big golden castle.
We are kings and fighting
against monsters and demons.
We are a country without the Banks brothers.
- Yes.
A beautiful country with knights
with a shining armor.
We are richer than your wildest dreams.
More than my mother of bingo.
But the best thing is that we are happy.
A country without aggressive men.
Yes, and we can all go to the big
tits Lisa Boyue look.
Forever and ever.
And we live happily ever after.
Till death do us part.
I swear on my mother's grave
I had nothing to do with Paul.
What can I say?
I'm shocked.
Ripped open, it's not good.
to kill because he wants to touch you. man
It is a travesty.
I only wanted a
and another right turn, Paul.
Let you know that I'm with you,
all 100%.
I'm that old address for you,
God is my witness.
- I know.
You know what, Paul?
I know, damn it.
- What the hell do you know?
You, fucking bastard, you.
You're the devil.
All this was not necessary.
There was plenty for everyone.
But you wanted it all for yourself,
you greedy bastard, is not it?
We will see what it will cost.
The fact is, right?
It has always been.
You and I, we are the same.
We all are.
If I was not, you know,
the old man, Johnny
Jimmy, I do not know who.
It is a big bad world
there, friend.
Who dares wins.
There is one thing I do not understand.
Why did not you kill me? Fatboy
Simple really.
You're a pro, you had your
never let you get.
You're dead.
I'm coming to get you.
- No, if you ever come here.
You have life, boy.
What happens, happens.
I'll come see you.
Sleep well, Tam.
Who do you think you're not, little man?
You think you can threaten me?
I am now the governor.
I will personally ensure
that your life does.
Do you hear me, little man?
I have more connections than you know.
You sit still life, you dick.
Paul Ferris, are you afraid for your life
Now you're outside again?
No, not at all.
- How does it feel to be acquitted
for the murder of Junior Thompson
and the assassination
on Arthur, the Godfather, Thompson?
- I'm being framed from the beginning
and it is no doubt
proven in court.
What do you mean with being framed?
The police lied, witnesses lied,
but worst of all
is that drawn letters having me
depicted as a paid informant.
Those letters were only made for a purpose.
To serve as. My death sentence
To portray as a traitor to me.
Loyalty to all that I had
of taking. myself
I never said that I
something other than what I am.
I have the murder of Junior Thompson
not committed.
But Arthur Thompson to the witness stand
climbed and testified against me
I had nothing but respect for that man.
But now I know how he really is.
He is a mercenary.
A lying police informant.
That man is out
in order to protect themselves.
Anything else, Paul?
- No, that's enough.
It's over, I'm going home.
Thank you, sir.
- Thank you.
Get the colre, Ferris.
Yes, sir?
- May I have another?
Make it a double, please.
- Please, sir.
Thank you.
Excuse me, I must also
two whiskeys, please?
How do we come to Tenerife?
- In about two hours, sir.
A year later
I've never hurt so much in my life
fear and desolation felt.
The loss of my son.
They say that those who live with violence
by violence will die.
Those who condemn be condemned.
It happens in our world.
The way we do things.
I accepted without question.
Until fate knocked on my door.
Some people believe
that fate is predestined.
I'm not so sure.
I think we choose our own path.
Arthur was a gangster
and did terrible things.
I do not do different for me than what I am.
And right or wrong, I really believed in
a world with a code and honor.
There I was wrong, and many other things.
I was blinded, but done is done
and that life is behind me.
And I'm sure there are people
who think that I can not change.
And to be honest,
I can not blame them.
We'll see.
Anne Marie and Paul
have since divorced.
After several attacks Arthur died
Thompson still a natural death, 61 years
The murder remains unsolved junior Thompson.
Rita Thompson is the death of her husband and son
never recovered, next to her husband.
Tam, The Licensee, McGray
died at the age of 55.
Bobby Glover and Joe Hanlan murders
have never been solved.
Paul Ferris, still lives in Glasgow
and has renounced the crime.