The White Cliffs of Dover (1944)

Out of the Sea
That once made her secure.
I have loved England,
and still as a stranger,
Here is my home, and I still am alone.
One moment.
Come in.
I brought you a cup of tea.
I thought it might be welcome.
It is...
You really are an angel, Margaret.
Thank you. What time is it?
Just on 4 a.m.
Really? Sit down, Margaret.
Why don't you take your cap off
And lie down for a while?
We were told to stand by.
There must be some very good reason.
It helps to be doing something.
You're worried.
Who isn't nowadays?
I thought your son was to
spend the week with you.
He phoned to say his
leave had been canceled.
I haven't heard anything since.
It's been 5 days now.
I'm terribly worried.
So when we were told to
stand by for emergency,
You made up your mind
he'd be in the thick of it.
Yes, Margaret, Im afraid I did.
Well, you can be wrong, you know.
I hope you are.
Do try and rest.
Both motors cut.
Sit down, will you?
This is extremely confidential, Susan.
I've been notified
by the surgeon general
To prepare for casualties
within 24 hours.
He anticipates a possible 5,000.
So many?
The matron tells me
we can take 300 here.
Can you have that number
of extra beds ready?
If you allow us to
use the corridors, yes.
Yes, of course you may.
I've had a talk with the matron, too,
About nursing and surgical facilities.
Will you see that your
staff thoroughly understands
What will be expected of them?
Thank you. That will be all.
I suppose I mustn't ask questions.
My dear, your guess is as good as mine.
Obviously a big show somewhere.
No, hardly. A raid on
the French coast, perhaps.
On a big scale, by the sound of it.
Is that...
They usually start at dawn.
It's been a long day, Margaret.
I never could have managed without you.
You sure you won't let me
get you something to eat?
You haven't had very much today.
No, thanks.
Shall I open the window?
It seems a bit warm in here.
All right. Thank you.
Strange, isn't it, Margaret?
The way one's mind races about.
When one's happy...
when life's going along
In its normal, peaceful way,
I don't suppose we think very much-
Very deeply, anyway-
But in times like these,
we think. We wonder.
All sorts of thoughts have been
going through my head all day.
I know.
When I first came from
America to England as a girl,
I was only going to stay two weeks...
and Ive spent my whole life here.
My whole life.
And I have a son out there somewhere.
A life is really a very,
very long time, Margaret,
When you look back to
when you were young.
Of course, you wouldn't know that.
I will soon.
Good night, Margaret.
Good night.
A very, very long time.
Strange to look back
To the day so long ago-
The green sea and the purple haze
And then, far off and low, England.
I watched the long day
start on that gray shore,
A young girl with an open
heart at Englands door.
I had no thought then
of husband or lover.
I was a traveler, the guest of a week,
Yet when they pointed "the
white cliffs of dover,"
Startled, I found there
were tears on my cheek.
Sue, there are tears in your eyes.
Ha ha! Oh, are there?
It's just that Im so thrilled.
I've never traveled before,
And it's so wonderful to see
the things you've read about.
That coast is full of history-
Our history.
Raleigh set out from here to find
A new world called Virginia,
And so did the mayflower
With those English rebels
To find a new England.
I suppose I sound like a schoolmarm,
But that's our background-
That little green island.
Her past belongs to us,
Her history and her glory.
The Magna Carta's ours
And Milton and Shakespeare.
You think Im an idiot
Spilling over like this.
I think you're wonderful.
I'm crazy about you, sue.
I haven't got a lot to
offer, but it's a good farm.
It's dad's, of course, but
it will be mine someday.
That's why Im going to Scotland-
To buy cattle, improve the strain.
I'm looking for a bull
and some good heifers.
Going to bring them back with me-
In the hold, of course.
Oh, gosh, I say dumb things.
I'm not like this all the time.
It's just that Im trying to
make a good impression on you.
But you hardly know me,
Sam. Don't you think-
Oh, I know it's kind of sudden,
But if you'll just think about
it. I won't see you in London.
Father, you stayed up after all.
Yes. I got talking at the bar.
Where's this England
I hear so much about?
There she is.
Ah. Ha ha! Doesn't look much bigger
Than Marthas vineyard to me.
Always rains in England.
That's what they say.
Good-Bye, sue. I've
got to catch my train.
Good-Bye, Sam.
You don't mind if I write?
Of course not. Good-Bye.
Good-Bye, Mr. Dunn.
Oh, good-Bye,
my boy. Good-Bye.
Immigration, sir. Can I
have your name, please?
Hiram p. Dunn.
The "p" is for...
Porter. That's my mother's maiden name,
Since you're so interested.
Thank you, sir. Your age, please?
I'm the publisher of the Toliver sun.
That's a daily newspaper.
How long do you propose
to stay in England?
From April 2, 1914,
until April 16, 1914-
That's exactly two weeks.
You've got adequate means of
subsistence for this period?
Well, now, let me see.
I, uh-I have with me 75 in cash
And a letter of credit
On the security trust company
Of providence, Rhode island.
My bank balance in the
Toliver national bank
Is $1,742.07.
I have 3 bonds in Toliver utilities,
Par value 3,000.
3 bonds in union pacific
railroad fives 1932,
And 100 shares of united
states steel preferred.
Really, Mr. Dunn, this
is hardly necessary.
I have a fully paid-Up policy
That will give me $60
weekly at the age of 65.
Anything else?
What did I tell you?
It will be like this the
whole time we're in England.
Suffering cats.
Well, there's no use
making faces at me, Susan.
The lady wants the window open.
She likes cold air.
It's a national characteristic.
Doesn't matter if you and I
here are frozen to the bone.
Doesn't matter if my lumbago
Gets to start up all over again.
No, sir. Give an Englishman a window,
And by heaven, he's going to open it.
It might be he'll find a
nice, icy draft outside.
Oh! Ah...
Susan, you better go
down to your dinner.
This food is bad enough when it's hot.
Did you find out what
time the boat train leaves?
Yes, 10 a.m.
Are you sure you'll be
able to travel tomorrow?
Oh, Im going to get out of this
If they have to carry me
on board on a stretcher.
And, sue, when we get back home,
Don't you ever dare give
me another boiled potato.
And what in heaven's name is that?
It's suet pudding. You put syrup on it
And eat it for dessert.
Do they eat it?
I've seen them.
What a people!
You've got to hand it to them.
They've certainly got
intestinal fortitude.
No, no, please.
Take this stuff out of my sight.
Whew! What an article Im
going to write for the paper
When I get home on my trip to England.
You mean to tell me you came 3,000 miles
To spend two weeks in the bedroom
Of a Bloomsbury boarding house?
Well, Im afraid so.
My dear child, you must stay over.
You must see something of England.
I've seen a good deal of London.
I've seen the British museum and
the national portrait gallery.
Great heavens! Ha ha ha!
No, thank you.
No, thank you!
British museum, eh?
You saw the mummies, eh?
Been to any shows, any dances?
Speaking of dances, Im afraid
I can't play cards tonight.
It's the night of Millicent
Waverlys ball, and, uh...
I thought Id like to go this time.
I hear the king and queen are going.
Have you received your
invitation, colonel?
No, by Jove, I haven't.
Oh, I must give Millicent a ring.
Do you care to come to that
shindig with me tonight?
I don't know whether that
sort of thing interests you,
But everybody will be
there from the king down.
Oh, Id adore it...
if father doesn't mind.
Shall I ask him?
Would you? He'd love to see
someone. He's been so lonesome.
Is that so?
Does he play cards?
No, not much, but he loves chess.
Does he? Ha ha! I used
to be pretty good at that,
And Ive got some chessmen here, too.
You have?
A sort of heirloom. Very
well, then, Ill venture in.
May I be excused?
Isn't that wonderful? A real ball.
Oh, it's so different, so English.
It's like a Victorian
novel come to life.
Oh, and I won't mind going home now.
I shall really have seen something.
I wouldn't count on it too much.
I don't understand.
Well, he's a very old
man. He has his fancies.
He's been with me for 8 years,
And every year he tells
me he's going to this ball.
Perhaps you don't know, dear,
But the duchess of Waverly is the
most exclusive hostess in London.
Oh, I hope you're not disappointed.
I'm dreadfully disappointed.
If you'll excuse me,
I'll see if my father wants anything.
Of course, my dear,
And you'll be busy with your packing.
Too bad, isn't it? Such
a nice little thing.
Not a bit like an American.
Not entirely new.
If Im not mistaken, Blackburn
introduced that variation
In the Hastings tournament in '95.
The British chess master.
Oh, you're wrong there, colonel.
Pillsbury introduced that move.
Are you sure? Pillsbury?
Positive. Paris, 1900.
Oh, Pillsbury in Paris?
That's right. You can bet
your bottom dollar on it.
Father, don't be so cocksure.
It's hardly raining now.
I think Ill go out
and look at the shops.
Yeah, do that, dear.
Good idea. Get yourself a new bonnet.
Have a nice time, you two,
And don't get into any arguments.
Charming girl. Yes.
It's refreshing to see
someone young around.
These-These are very
interesting pieces, colonel.
Where did you pick them up?
Oh, well, a family heirloom.
Yes, these pieces are
over 100 years old.
Well, now, to follow up
the Blackburn variation.
The American master
Pillsbury in Paris, 1900.
your daughter said we were not to argue.
- Otherwise what?
I should point out
That this surprise move of a
pawn is typically Blackburn.
Blackburn is not the only chess
player who can push a pawn around.
Well, perhaps we'd better
get on with the game.
Yes, perhaps we had...
though your position
doesn't look any too good.
Huh! That remains to be seen.
Well, it's your move.
I'll prove it to you later.
Prove what?
That this variation was introduced
By Pillsbury in Paris.
Oh, to the devil with
Pillsbury in Paris.
Well, credit where
credit is due, that's all.
Exactly, and Im quite positive
The move originated in the
Hastings tournament in '95.
By Blackburn, eh?
By Blackburn, certainly.
The British chess master?
Pillsbury was the
chess master of America.
I'm quite aware of that, Mr. Dunn.
You're darn tooting you're aware of it.
What do you mean?
You're saying that the
British master was superior
To the American master,
that's what you're saying.
Nothing of the sort.
It's a question of fact.
Harry nelson Pillsbury
Could play rings around
any English master anytime!
The English haven't the knack for chess.
But the Americans have, you mean?
That's right. Chess calls for
ingenuity, enterprise, and skill.
Qualities which the English
do not possess, you mean!
You go too far, sir!
No, no. Now, hold your horses!
It might interest you to have a look
At this board on which we're playing.
Dolly Madison!
President Madisons wife.
Where did you get this?
My grandfather picked it up in 1812.
When 6,000 British soldiers
Lacking in skill and enterprise
Captured the city of Washington,
The capital of the united states!
How did your grandfather
get hold of this chess set?
By the simple act of taking it.
He was dining in the mansion
From which your president
had fled in some haste.
You mean he stole it?
My grandfather was flag
lieutenant under admiral Cockburn.
The president's dinner was
cooked and ready to serve.
The admiral and my grandfather ate it.
This-This is stolen property!
They're spoils of victory, sir!
Father! Father! Father, please!
Why didn't you stay to
protect your property?
Didn't figure you fellas would steal it.
Father, the colonel's your guest.
You ran like hares
- Like hares, sir!
The roads were littered with the guns
Your men dropped as they ran.
Well, now, colonel,
probably we were just
Hurrying ourselves down to New Orleans.
Bah! A deucedly disorderly rout, sir!
It seems to me, colonel,
that we won that war
Somewhere down around New Orleans.
I think Ill just take this board
In the name of the
united states government.
Keep your hands off my
property, you Yankee rebel!
Yankee rebel! Do you hear that, sue?
Why, for two cents, Id-
You are a receiver of stolen property!
Father, you must apologize.
Well, I, uh...
oh, father.
Oh, Im sorry, sue.
Gwennie, what the devil are you doing?
You've been racing up and down
those stairs for the last hour.
I'm sorry, ma'am. The colonel rang.
What does he want?
He wanted me to take a message to
Mr. Dunn. They've had a quarrel.
Then Mr. Dunn rang for me to
carry an answer to the colonel.
He said he wouldn't take back a word to
him, but as long as the colonel apologized-
That will do, Gwennie.
We don't discuss our guests.
And then I was helping miss Dunn to
dress, ma'am. She looks ever so pretty.
The colonel's taking her to the ball.
The ball?
You don't mean to say so.
Gwennie, wait. Is the colonel dressing?
Oh, yes, ma'am. I had to take
his shoes up, cleaned special,
White tie and tails, ma'am,
and a ribbon around his neck.
Can it be true?
The duchess of Waverly?
The duchess of Waverlys motor
For colonel Forsythe.
Yes, sir. I'll tell him.
Well, don't stand there gaping, girl.
Run up and tell the colonel.
Here they come now.
The duchess has sent her motorcar.
She said she would.
Oh, my dear, you look charming.
Thank you.
Indeed she does. Ha ha!
I'm a proud man tonight.
Isn't it wonderful? I'm so thrilled.
Have a good time.
Thank you so much. Good night.
Good night.
Well, gives quite a tone
To the house, doesn't it?
One of our boarders
gone off to see the king.
Why, Walter, this is nice.
You've been neglecting me.
No, no, no, no.
Miss Susan Dunn of the united states.
My dear, Im so glad you could come.
Nothing less would have
brought this old bear out.
See that he finds you
some acceptable partners.
Thank you. Is that the
order of the garter?
Instituted by Edward
iii in the year 1348.
Oh, right, I believe.
Are the king and queen here?
No, no, they always come last.
But there's the prime
minister over there.
Right by the orchestra,
And he's talking to
your ambassador, by Jove.
Oh, that makes me feel lots better.
Braver. Not-Not so mousy.
Oh, young lady, Im the one
That's got to call upon his courage.
May I have the audacity?
Ha ha! It will be a very great pleasure.
Time of my life!
Oh, dear.
I haven't enjoyed
myself so much for years.
Now you must have your reward.
I'm going to get you a
delightful partner to dance with.
How do you like them-
Dark? Fair? Bashful? Dashing?
Ha ha! I'm going to be hard to please.
I'll be back in a moment
With a lucky youngster.
Don't let anyone run off with you!
John, my boy! Ha ha! Well met.
The very man Im looking for.
Glad to see you, sir. It's been ages.
I've brought a girl
- A charming girl.
Promised her a topping
partner, and you fill the bill.
I'm sorry, sir. The fact is-
A delightful child! You'll bless me.
Yes, Im sure I should.
I know your taste.
The fact is, I have a
sort of an appointment.
Bertie's cousin from Australia
- She's a girl Ive never seen,
But he's going to be late, and
I promised to take care of her.
Pig in a poke, eh? That's too bad.
How are you going to find
her if you've never seen her?
I'm to wait for her in the Adam room.
Of course, it's early yet,
But Id like to get
there before she does.
The Adam room, eh? Do you
know where the Adam room is?
No. I haven't any idea.
Come along. I'll show you.
Through those double
doors in the corner-
That's what you're looking for.
Oh, thanks. I'm sorry I can't
oblige, but duty must be done.
That's all right. Good hunting.
Hello, John.
Hello. You must be
Berties cousin Nancy.
I'm John Ashwood.
Hope I haven't kept you waiting.
Ha ha! No, not at all.
Well, I came early. I
thought Id be here first.
I know it's awful to be hanging
about when you don't know anyone.
Yes, it is, isn't it? I
suppose the colonel sent you.
No, Bertie sent me. He told
me to tell you he'd be late.
He's detained at the foreign
office. The weekly crisis, I suppose.
He said you weren't
to wait supper for him.
As a matter of fact, he said you were
to try and behave as if I were he.
Do you think you can?
I'm sure of it, quite easily,
but you see, Im afraid-
I hear this is your
first visit to England.
Yes, it is. But you're
not staying very long.
No, indeed, not long at all.
We must make the most of it, mustn't we?
May I have the pleasure of this dance?
I should love it.
This is my favorite waltz.
Mine, too.
This is a stroke of luck
meeting you like this.
The joke is, I didn't want to come.
Had a regimental dinner and told old
Bertie he was no end of a nuisance.
Can you imagine? I
might have missed you.
Oh, what a pity. Right in the middle.
It's the, uh, king and queen.
Oh. Oh, Id forgotten.
Man: their majesties the king and queen.
Mercy, they're coming right towards us.
What shall I do?
Oh, just curtsy.
Like this?
Ha ha! No, the usual thing.
I forgot you're an Australian.
Well, put one foot back
And bend the knee, you know?
Which one?
Right foot, left knee.
You must think Im terribly awkward,
But we don't do that
sort of thing back home.
You haven't been presented at court?
Oh, good gracious, no.
I know lots of Americans are,
But Im just a small-Town girl.
But Bertie said you were Australian.
Oh. Oh, of course.
In all the excitement, I forgot.
I'm not Nancy. I'm not
Berties Australian cousin.
I'm... Im an impostor.
Good heavens.
I say, are you really?
Who are you?
Oh, Im nobody in particular.
I come from a little
town called Toliver
In the smallest state in the U.S.A.
Well, why didn't you tell me?
You didn't give me much time.
I sort of wanted to dance with you.
Did you? I say, that's splendid.
I say, that's splendid.
Won't you?
I don't really belong here.
An old gentleman from our
boardinghouse brought me
In the kindness of his heart.
Not colonel Forsythe?
Yes! You know him?
He wanted me to meet
you. I turned you down.
Can you imagine?
I say, this is splendid.
You living in London?
No. We're going home tomorrow.
But Ive just met you.
You can't go home
tomorrow. I can't allow it.
You don't want to, do you?
No, I don't, but my father does.
You see, it's rained every day,
And besides, he's a bit
prejudiced about London, anyway.
What, do you mean he doesn't like us?
Well, lots of people don't, you know.
He had a fearful
quarrel with the colonel
About the war of 1812.
Hmm. We didn't fight in 1812, did we?
That's the time you burned Washington.
What, burned the general?
No, no. The city.
We burned it? Oh, what a pity.
Well, no wonder people don't like us.
I say, I apologize on behalf of England.
I accept your apology.
I would like to talk to your
father and get him to let you stay.
Do you mean to say you've
never been out of London?
I've really not seen much of London.
I've never seen London at night.
We have the night before us.
Yes. My last night in England.
Wait here. I'm going to find the colonel
And tell him Im taking you home.
I say, don't you go running off again
With the first man who asks you.
It's vast, isn't it?
Biggest city in the world.
No. New York is that.
Isn't it?
If you say so.
You're nice. I wish my
father could meet you.
He thinks English people
are hard to get along with.
Well, you do have to know them.
But we're doing very well, aren't we?
You did get a bit uppity when I
said I thought titles were silly.
A bit what?
Uppity. You know, on your high horse.
Not uppity.
No. I was scared.
Scared? Why?
Guilty conscience.
You see... I have a title.
I'm a baronet.
A baronet? What's that, a lord?
No, it's not quite so grand.
Well, Im...
Im sir John Ashwood.
Sir John.
This will be something to tell
the girls back in Toliver.
Ha ha!
May I?
Have you ever been to America?
Oh, yes. I was in Canada last year.
Well, it's not quite the same, you know.
We're those queer colonists
who wanted to be free.
Who's uppity now?
Ha ha ha!
I'm sorry.
Do you work for a living?
Yes, quite hard. I'm a captain
in the king's fusiliers.
You know, if Bertie hadn't-
Angels and ministers
of grace, defend us.
What's the matter?
I never gave it a
thought until this moment.
I promised to take care of her.
Bertie will never forgive me.
Oh, dear. What can we do?
Nothing. She can hardly be sitting
waiting for me in the Adam room
At 3:00 in the morning.
It's all my fault.
I'm awfully sorry.
Yes, so am I.
No, Im not.
You know, I feel an awful cad,
But if it hadn't happened,
I should never have met you.
How still it is.
I never knew London could be so still.
When Wordsworth stood here, he could
see green fields in the distance
And tall oak trees.
Don't go back to America.
I must.
There's so much to see.
Let me show you England.
We'll drive down roman roads
where Caesars legions marched
And follow Chaucers
steps to Canterbury.
I'll show you the isle of
Avalon where king Arthur died
And the holy grail is buried.
Beautiful places. Old places.
Little villages that were
standing in the wars of the roses.
And jolly places. You know, there's
a moat at wales where the swans swim
And ring a bell for their
dinner when they're hungry.
I say, you're crying.
No. No, Im not.
I... he's...
oh, how stupid you are.
I don't want to go back,
and you're making it worse.
I'm a hopeless idiot.
I ought to be kicked.
I ought to go and hang myself.
Oh, no. No, don't do that.
It was just that last bit
about the swans that got me.
Do they really do that?
Oh, yes. They do. I've seen them.
There's a little house, and they all-
Don't tell me any
more. Not another word.
I have to go back to America...
and back to the boardinghouse now.
There's big ben.
I wish I thought you
minded as much as I do.
Oh, I do mind.
I dropped tears all over my packing.
Now I mind even-
I mean, it's been a wonderful night.
When I think of England, I
shall always think of you.
A bit set in her ways,
a bit sure of herself,
But nice. Very, very nice.
And will you think often of England?
I'm afraid I shall.
Miss Dunn-
Please don't say it.
I must go now. I see the milkman.
Mr. Dunn?
Mr. Dunn? Yes, sir.
That is, he's leaving in a minute, sir.
Yes, I know. I wonder if he
could spare me one moment?
Tell him sir John Ashwood, please.
Sir John...
Oh, yes, sir!
Step in, sir.
A gentleman to see you, sir.
Good morning, miss Dunn.
Good morning, sir.
I know this is an inopportune moment.
I hope you'll forgive me.
Father, this is sir John Ashwood,
who brought me home last night.
Oh. Well, Im glad to meet you.
I'm sorry we haven't much time.
Fact is, we're a bit rushed.
Our train leaves at 10:00.
I've come in the hope that I
can persuade you to miss it.
What was that?
Uh, I hope your lumbago's better, sir.
Yes. Well, it will be when I
get away from this eternal rain.
It's pretty bad, isn't it?
But we seem to be in for
a spell of fine weather.
Oh, are we? Well, it's about time.
Right you are, sir.
Mr. Dunn, uh... my
mother lives in Devon,
And at any moment, she
may call you on the phone.
My mother would be delighted
if you and miss Dunn
Could spend a week or two with us
And see some typical
English country life.
Oh, hold on, hold on there.
Well, that's out of the question.
Good heavens, man. We're
practically on the train.
Besides, we don't know your
mother, and she doesn't know us.
What is it, Gwennie?
Please, sir, can the
man take the trunk down?
Oh, yes. Come in.
You see, sir, I run a newspaper,
and I have to get back to it.
Oh, yes, of course.
I suppose it wouldn't be possible
For miss Dunn to remain behind alone?
What? What's that?
Oh, my mother would take the
greatest care of her, sir.
The cab's here, sir.
Oh. Tell him we'll be right down.
Can I take the suitcase, sir?
Yes. You can take this one.
Now you see, we're going
now. Come on, Susie.
Allow me, sir.
Oh, thank you.
About miss Dunn, sir, Im sure you'd
like her to have a little pleasure.
Oh, yes. Well...
Ill put her on a later boat myself.
Miss Dunn has such a fine
historical sense, sir.
It seems a pity that she should
be denied the advantage of travel.
Susan, have you a half crown?
This infernal money.
Every civilized nation in the
world has a decimal system,
But England has to still
cling to an antiquated-
Right you are, sir, but that makes for
A certain amount of
interest, doesn't it?
Are you still here?
I mean the little differences, you know.
What do you want? Good heavens, man!
I can't leave my daughter
behind in a strange country.
Come on, Susan. We'll miss our train.
It's for you, Mr. Dunn.
What is it?
Lady jean Ashwood.
Oh. Well, tell her we've gone.
My mother, sir.
It's a trunk call!
But I haven't time to talk to her,
And it wouldn't do any good, anyhow.
Well, Susan, don't stand
there like a wooden Indian.
Say something.
Tell this obstinate young
man that you can't stay,
That you don't want to stay.
But I do, father. What?
I want to very much.
You see, sir?
You keep out of this. You mean
you'd have me go home alone?
Would you mind very much?
I'm holding the line, Mr. Dunn.
Well, of all the unfeeling-
Just a week.
Just a week, darling.
I'll take the next boat.
We'll take good care of her, sir.
The cab, sir.
The telephone, Mr. Dunn.
Oh! Holy mackerel!
The cab, the phone, my
daughter, my lumbago!
Hello? Hello?
Dunn speaking. Hiram p. Dunn.
I expect you'd like to go
to your room, miss Dunn.
You must be tired after your long drive.
Thank you, but honestly,
Im too excited to be tired.
Really? That's charming of you.
Then perhaps you'd like
to see the gardens first?
They look lovely at this hour.
Yes, I would, lady jean.
Suppose you take miss Dunn
for a little stroll, John?
Yes, that's a splendid idea.
It's so nice to have you here.
Thank you.
Come on, Susan.
I'll let you know when tea's ready.
We're rather proud of our lawn.
It's very old, you know.
Not bad, eh, the girl?
Very attractive.
Worried, old lady?
I'm rather bewildered.
Well, it looks serious.
An old stick-In-The-Mud
like John
Meets a girl for the
first time last night
And brings her home to the family.
I thought there was some
sort of an understanding
Between John and the Hampton girl.
Oh, Helen? She's mad about
old John. Always has been.
I'm worried about Helen.
Not that John is in any way committed,
But Im afraid Helens taking
things too much for granted.
You're fond of Helen, aren't you?
She's a sweet girl, and
she's right for John.
Oh, by the by, Im going
over to the Hamptons.
I'll tell Helen that John's
coming home and ask her to dinner.
It might be amusing.
You know, it's odd.
John's like you. He's straight and good.
My precious husband is
an out-And-Out rotter.
Thank you.
He's unscrupulous, and he's crude.
But you love him best, don't you?
I have no favorites.
Reggie's like his father.
I adored his father.
Oh, miller, will you tell sir John
and miss Dunn that tea is ready?
Yes, my lady.
I spent days in that
manor house in Devon.
I roamed with John
beneath the old great trees
In gardens trampled down
by Cromwells armies,
Through foliage rustling
in the wet, soft breeze.
John showed with pride the
ancient lettered casement
That watched the proud
armada pass the coast,
Some of the pictured
forebears in the gallery,
And told the legend of the family ghost.
Well, here are the ancestors.
Awful lot of them, aren't there?
I thought they'd look
more solemn somehow.
Well, you see, they didn't
know they were ancestors.
They just mixed in with
whatever was going on.
Tell me about them, John.
Really? Really.
All right.
But don't forget, you
brought it on yourself.
The most noble knight,
Percy Ashwood of ash,
It was probably painted
some centuries later.
Percy was killed at
the battle of Evesham.
And this is his wife,
the first lady Ashwood.
We're indebted to her
for the family ghost.
The family ghost?
No. Tell me about it.
Well, rumors of the
battle had reached her,
And as night fell, she heard
the sound of galloping hooves.
She came out onto the
steps with her ladies
And waited in the light of torches,
Hoping perhaps that her
husband was returning.
But a faithful retainer
of the family rode up,
His face white as wax
and his voice hollow
As he gave the fatal tidings.
And even while this was happening,
According to the legend,
Peasants were fishing
his body out of the river.
He'd been drowned fording the
stream more than an hour before.
It was a ghostly messenger?
Riding a ghostly horse.
Oh, John, it's wonderful.
And does the ghost still ride?
Yes, so they say.
Whenever a male of the clan
is gathered to his ancestors,
The women of the family hear
the hoof beats of the messenger
As he rides down the old roman road.
Do you believe it?
I can't say that I do.
I've a suspicion my mother does, though,
And she's a levelheaded woman.
Anyway, she doesn't like to
hear anyone laugh at the story.
This is the ancestral black sheep.
He guessed wrong on the war of the roses
And was executed for treason.
Well, Im worn out.
Aren't you fed up with us?
Not a bit. It's most exciting.
Yes. This gorgeous officer
is the present baronet
And your humble servant.
How is it you weren't called Percy?
Well, the eldest son
is always called Percy.
I had an elder brother
who died as a child.
Here, my... wife's portrait will hang.
Oh. You must have often
wondered what she'd be like.
Yes, I have...
until a few days ago.
Then, I began to hope that she'd be...
oh, tall and fair
with a mind of her own,
And that when my great-Grandson
showed visitors her portrait,
He'd say, "this is
my great-Grandmother.
Lovely, isn't she? She was an American."
Oh, John.
You must have known.
I've been out of my mind since
I first saw you in the Adam room.
I meant to wait, give you
more time, but it's out now.
Don't say no, sue.
If you can't... give
me the right answer,
Pretend I haven't spoken.
May I do that, John?
For these few days.
I don't want to make decisions.
I just want to live and be happy.
You are happy, sue? Happy here?
When we are together, yes.
When we are alone...
what does that mean?
Please don't ask me.
It's just that-Well,
it's all so strange.
This place, your family.
Here, mother.
Oh, there you are. Is that miss Dunn?
Yes, of course it is.
Helen's going to sing, John, dear. I
thought perhaps you'd like to come down.
Of course. Be with you in a jiffy.
Flow gently, sweet Afton
Disturb not her dream
Thou stock dove whose echo
Resounds from the hill
Ye wild, whistling blackbird
In yon thorny dell
Thou green-Crested lapwing
Thy screaming forbear
My slumbering fair
Thank you, my dear.
That's a favorite of mine.
Yeah. Very nice. Now how
about a rubber of bridge, huh?
Oh, Rupert, it's after 10:00.
Is it?
Shall we go out into the terrace?
It's mild in this moon.
John, Helen must go home now.
Oh, mother can send for me.
No, John wouldn't hear of it.
Certainly not. I shan't be long.
It's just across the path.
Come and see us one day, miss Dunn.
Perhaps John will bring you to tea.
Do please come, won't you?
I should love it.
Come on, nuisance.
Good night, lady jean.
Good night, my dear.
Good night, all.
Good night. Good night.
Is it serious between those two?
Oh, it's one of those things-
Boy and girl sweethearts,
parents' blessing.
Yes, I suppose they're for it.
Mmm, they're a nice couple.
I should never have taken you
for an American, miss Dunn.
You don't speak like one.
American women are so smart and pretty,
But their voices-
I've no doubt our voices sound
equally strange to Americans.
Yes. Enjoy London, miss Dunn?
Very much.
You stayed at the savoy, I suppose, huh?
Americans always stay at the savoy.
No, we didn't stay at the savoy.
We stayed at Mrs. Bland's boardinghouse
In Bloomsbury.
What is it, nanny?
It's a telegram for the young lady.
Michael murphy had to get out of
his warm bed to bring it along.
It's from the ship, he says.
The young lady's father.
May I?
Of course, my dear.
I would think that some people
would say what they had to say
While they were still here
to say it, if you ask me.
Yes, my lady?
Thank you, nanny.
Foreign ways.
You must excuse nanny.
She's brought up all my children,
So she thinks she has
the right to bully us.
Better get Helen and John married
And keep her busy with a new generation.
I hope your father's
recovered from our climate.
I suppose you'll find our houses cold.
I suffocated in new York.
Don't know how you stand it.
Great city, though,
when you get used to it.
Yes, I met some quite nice people there.
You speak as though that
were rather surprising.
Well, I must admit, Id only
met the traveling Americans,
And the traveling American... you know.
Remember those dreadful people
we bumped into in Rome, my dear?
But miss Dunn isn't a
bit like an American.
You don't mean to be rude, do you?
No, of course not.
Why, whatever-
On the contrary, it was
intended as a compliment.
But sooner or later, you all
say something of the kind.
"So you're an American, miss Dunn?
Really? You don't speak like one.
So you're an American, miss Dunn?
Really? You don't act like one."
My dear, my sister had no
intention of offending you.
Just the same, it was
tactless. Utterly tactless.
Well, upon my word.
It's a compliment not to be
like an American. How insulting.
A compliment not to
speak like an American.
I suppose if you wanted to
be altogether flattering,
You'd say I was quite English.
Well, I shouldn't be flattered at all.
I'm glad and proud to be an American.
Bravo, bravo.
I came here loving England and all it
meant to me. I was happy to come here.
I was so sure Id like
you all because of John.
I hoped you'd like me.
My dear-
But I was an outsider. I didn't belong.
You made that perfectly clear.
Well, it may interest you to know
my father's entirely of your opinion.
Perhaps I should read you his cable.
"Been pacing deck and cursing myself
For leaving you in the
hands of that Englishman."
Upon my word.
"You come right home, my girl,
without foreign entanglements.
"Marry a regular,
warm-Hearted American.
"You're a Yankee through and through.
"Never forget it. Think of Paul Revere.
"Think of the old north steeple.
"Remember the Alabama.
"This is a mighty expensive message,
"And that will show
you Im scared stiff.
I am your devoted father."
Neither you nor my father
need have any anxiety.
Miss Dunn, wait.
Oh, Im so terribly
sorry I started all this.
I had no intention of hurting you.
Won't you put it down to my stupidity
And... forgive me?
May I call you Susan?
I've been hoping you would.
I want you to understand
That if there's been anything
in my manner to hurt you,
It's been nothing to do with John.
It's just that
- Well,
Perhaps we express ourselves
a little differently.
Perhaps we do, too.
The English are anything but effusive.
The scots are worse,
and Im a scot, you know.
So if Ive hurt you, my dear,
It was in my manner, not in my heart.
Please understand that.
I know. I'm sorry.
I'm so ashamed of myself.
Here Ive made a stupid scene.
I guess Im just a little
homesick, that's all.
I hope you'll forgive me.
Will you tell John
that I have a headache
And that Ive gone to bed?
I'll tell him. Good night, Susan.
Good night.
The boat train rattling
through the green countryside,
The girl within it battling
with her tears and pride,
Believing in her blindness
that she was heart-Whole yet.
His love, his laugh, his kindness-
In time, she could forget.
The Washington, miss?
Yes, please.
Nice, steady boat.
Yes. I came over on her.
John, you shouldn't have
come all this long way.
I was afraid you'd want to see me off.
That's why I ran off and left a note.
I've not come to see you off, Susan.
I've come to take you home.
Home? To Ashwood.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Take my things onto the boat, please.
I'll give you my ticket.
Never mind the ticket. The
London train on platform two.
No, please.
You'll find a carriage reserved
under the name of Ashwood.
No, please. You are to take
the luggage onto the boat.
The London train.
John, this is ridiculous! I was
awake all night, thinking things over,
And Ive made up my mind.
Shall we...
Im not at home in that great place.
It scares me. I live in a
little house in a little town.
I'm used to simple, friendly people
Who don't give a hoot
about family and traditions.
Yes, but, darling-
I've been homesick.
I've got a terrible longing
for our green mountains,
For daddy and his
tempers-For anything American.
Hot dogs, flapjacks...
And your family doesn't
like me. They resent me.
Your mother wants you to marry Helen.
Helen's in love with
you, John. Helen fits in.
She's pretty and conventional and good.
I'm not. I'm stubborn.
I'm an American right through.
I'm not adaptable. I'm a rebel.
Yes, but, sue-
Oh, I do love you,
John. I can't deny it.
I'll remember you to
the last day of my life,
Only I could never be happy.
I could never make you happy.
Don't make it harder for me.
This has taken courage, John, darling.
How would you like to be
married at the American embassy?
I have a cousin married
to one of the attaches.
She's an awfully jolly
girl. You'll like her.
Or would you like a country
wedding? Mother thought you might.
She sends you all
sorts of kind messages.
She's going to move
into the dower house.
Says young couples should
have their homes to themselves.
You know, Ive been wondering
about the honeymoon. Paris?
You've never been to the
London theater, have you?
Just imagine. Thank you.
But, John-
But, John, John-
No. No. Let me out, dear.
I cabled my father. He's
meeting me in new York.
Let me out of here.
I brought a lunch basket. Some
cold chicken and a bottle of wine-
Let me out of here, do you hear?
You stupid, arrogant,
pig-Headed Englishman.
Let me out!
Why don't you take
your hat off, darling?
And sit down and lean back comfortably.
Sue, you obstinate little beast.
Oh, John. Sue.
And now, I have the
honor to propose a toast
To our hostess.
To lady Ashwood.
Oh, no, no. Excuse me.
To lady jean Ashwood.
Lady Ashwood
- That's my daughter. Yes.
Little sue Dunn gone
high and mighty on us.
I don't mind telling you that
it was a bit of a shock to me
When I heard the news back in Toliver,
And I hustled right back to England
to see what I could do about it.
But the scotch know a good
thing when they see it.
Hear, hear.
And maybe-Maybe my daughter
knows a good thing, too.
Well, and now Im going
back to America alone.
Having lost my daughter to the British,
I had hoped to take back with
me a certain piece of property
Also looted from the united states-
From the white house, to be exact,
But apparently, the gentleman
in possession of this stolen item
Is devoid of a sense of shame.
No. Don't get me wrong.
The English are fine.
Of course, they think
England is gosh-Almighty,
But, uh... a people that's managed to
collar 1/3 of the earth, my daughter,
And a certain article
from the white house
Is no small potatoes.
And that brings me to my point.
I raise my glass to
a very charming lady.
She's British, but I kind of like her.
Make a good job of it, girl.
I mean to.
Bless you both. I'm very happy for you.
Good-Bye, father.
Take care. Bye.
Yacht, ahoy!
The sea gull. Who are you?
Naval patrol e-2.
Stand by to be taken in tow.
Get your sails in.
Aye, aye, sir.
We are bringing you in with us.
What's wrong?
England is at war.
Mercury dispatch!
Paper! Paper!
The place is a madhouse. I suppose
everybody is trying to get home.
By George, they're on
their way to France already.
I must find a telephone,
report to the adjutant.
You mean, you think you
might have to go at once?
We'll see, darling. Don't worry.
There's a telephone box.
Will you wait for me, darling?
I shan't be a minute.
Sue! Hey, sue! What a stroke of luck!
This is wonderful. I thought
you'd gone back long ago.
You're going on the boat, of course.
Where's your father? Can
I do anything to help?
Father's in America.
No, Im not going back,
Sam. I'm staying in England.
Staying here? With the war on?
Yes, Sam-
I got the adjutant, and it's all right.
I have to get up to
town at once, though.
John, I want you to meet a
friend of mine, Sam Bennett.
This is my husband sir John Ashwood.
How do you do?
Oh, well, that was
silly of me, wasn't it?
Trying to rush you on board like that.
Married, huh? Well, what do
you know? Congratulations!
I hope you'll be very happy.
I hope you'll be as
happy as all get out.
Not in the army, are you?
As a matter of fact, I am, and the
adjutant tells me my regiment's-
Soon, John?
I'm afraid sue picked a bad
moment to marry an Englishman.
I guess she picked a good man at that.
But, well, it's too bad.
All the luck in the world!
I guess Im just in the way
here. I better get going.
No need to tell you how I feel.
Good-Bye, Sam. I'll write to you.
Oh, gee, thanks!
Oh, boy!
What about all this mail for
the third king's fusiliers?
Been holding for weeks.
So have they.
In a spot, aren't they?
John dearest, it is nearly 3 weeks
Since your last letter came.
No letter for your mother, either.
Nothing from you, nothing from Reggie.
We know you must have written.
You're so good about writing.
We try not to worry, to think of all
the reasons there must be for the delay.
Your mother is braver
than I am, Im afraid.
A letter is a little piece of you.
Without it, I feel so much alone.
I miss you so. I hardly knew you,
darling, before you went away.
God keep you safe. I love you so.
Hello, Davis.
Hello, sir.
Reggie? Reggie!
Are the telephone lines still out?
The runner get back?
We just hang on.
Those are the orders. Position
must be held at all costs.
At all costs.
Well, here's to the last battalion.
I suppose they'll be
coming in for the kill soon.
Take it easy, Davis.
It's been 5 weeks.
I don't think we
should worry, sue, dear.
Remember last spring?
We heard nothing for nearly two months.
Yes. I'd forgotten.
You look tired.
I didn't sleep very well.
I know. I saw a light in your window.
Were you awake?
About 4:00. What woke you?
I don't know. I was dreaming, I think.
Sue, you're not more
anxious than usual, are you?
Oh, no. Why should I be?
Don't worry, darling. We've
been through all this before,
Then we've gotten several
letters all at one time.
You're a great comfort to me, sue, dear.
When I remember how badly we started-
Well, we know each other better now.
If I could only see him.
I love him so unreasonably.
I know, dear.
Sometimes Im afraid if I lose him,
I won't be able to remember,
Hold on to all the
things I loved in him.
I'll lose him dead as I lost him living.
Sue, don't talk like that.
You're killing him with words.
John's coming home. Peace will come.
You'll have years together.
Am I intruding?
No, no, nanny. Come in.
I only wanted to show you this.
It caught my eye this minute
- Here in this corner.
Look. The government
is to allow the wives
Of men who have not had
leave since last autumn
To go to France to meet them.
Let me see.
The first bit of sense they've shown-
The blithering old idiots.
Why, if this is so-
And now you haven't
an excuse in the world.
Dear knows, it's time
you put a baby in my arms.
Oh, nanny, really!
They have now completed
all necessary arrangements.
It's rather wonderful, isn't it?
Yes. We'd better look
into it right away.
We'll telephone uncle
henry at the war office.
And take a word from me to master John
that I am expecting him to do his duty
And not be sending you back
with things otherwise this time.
Poor little mite
- He'll be half a foreigner at best.
And it's a queer sort of country
that says it's too proud to fight.
What do you mean? You get out of here.
You'll find out whether
we're too proud to fight.
Imagine the government having a heart.
Course, there'll be thousands
of wives wanting to go,
But how wonderful to have something
to look forward to, to plan for!
To plan for. Ha ha ha!
Are you crazy, man? Standing
there with the door wide open,
With the draft blowing
right up to the attics?
There's a telegraph boy.
Here it is, sir.
Thanks, mate.
It's a fine morning.
'Tis that.
For her?
It might be one of them was hurt.
Yes. Will you give it to her?
If I must.
Surely she'll not be called upon to-
I'll have to wait my turn,
But it may not be too long.
I must write John and tell him.
What is it, nanny?
It's a telegram.
Shall I read it to you?
Give it to me.
It's not John.
not John.
He died heroically.
Oh, Im so sorry... so sorry.
It's all right.
Sue, you must go to John.
You must go to John at once.
Oh, how good you are. How good you are.
And now, my dear, I
think Ill go to my room.
Porter, pouvez-Vous
me dire si le train-
The train's late, isn't it?
When do you suppose it-
It signaled, didn't it?
Thank you.
Hotel Normandie?
Hotel Normandie.
John, darling.
Hotel Normandie.
Oh, you've changed. You're so thin.
Hotel Normandie.
I'm so happy.
Very good hotel. Many English.
Let me look at you. You're
so beautiful. I'd forgotten.
And what a lovely hat.
You like it?
Hotel Normandie
- Prix tres raisonnable, cuisine excellente.
Oh, this is my batman Jennings.
How do you do, Jennings?
You must excuse me.
I know my husband
thinks the world of you.
Thank you, my lady.
Hotel Normandie
- Sur la plage, tarifs tres moderes, madame.
I'm sorry. I have rooms.
Nous sommes au prince
de galles. Je regrette.
Mol aussi, madame. Infiniment.
Hotel Normandie!
You don't know how wonderful it is
To be able to open my eyes
and find you still there.
You see, all these months, Ive
had to close my eyes to see you.
There'd you be in some crazy little hat,
And then somebody would
say, "pardon me, sir,"
And Id open my eyes,
and bang! You'd be gone.
Oh, my love, none of that.
I can't help it. I've
just got to brim over.
It's so wonderful.
You are here at last.
Madame has been all
impatience, but now...
madame is all tears.
But of course. Que
voulez-Vous? She's so happy.
You like the rooms?
Oh, it's the band.
Come and see the view.
Oh, what gorgeous weather-
More like June than April.
Isn't that a cute little bandstand?
That's a cute little bandmaster.
It's the mustache that gets me.
Dear, are you going to cry
the whole time Im here?
I think so.
Thanks. Merci.
Merci, monsieur.
Jennings, go and amuse yourself.
I don't want to see you again.
Very good, sir.
Oh, sue, my darling, I
simply can't believe it.
You're not going to cry again?
Yes, I am. I am.
It's so perfect.
Oh, darling, you don't
know what it means.
It's been almost 3 years now-
3 years without peace of
mind, 3 years of being afraid.
Now to have you, to know you're safe-
For these few days at
least, to know you're safe.
For the first time, I dare to be happy.
I'm going to be very
happy these few days.
I'm going to hoard up every moment.
I know...
as though it had to last us
for the rest of our lives.
I've dreamed of this a hundred times.
Tackle the champagne, will you, darling?
With enthusiasm.
I think it's grand that you
and mother hit it off so well.
Does nanny bully you?
Does she? To hear her,
you'd think I was doing it
Just to be contrary
because Im an American.
Doing what?
Well, I should say not doing it.
Not doing what?
Sue, you're blushing.
You look a little pink yourself.
Well, I know nanny,
And it'd be just like
her confounded nerve to-
It wouldn't have anything to
do with young Percy, would it?
Why, John.
The eldest son is always
called Percy, dear.
Not my eldest.
Our eldest.
But I don't like the name Percy.
I don't care very much for it myself,
But the eldest son is
always called Percy.
It's a family tradition.
But I want him called John, after you.
That's very sweet of you,
darling, but the eldest is...
always called Percy.
The eldest is always called Percy.
Of course, I don't want to ask
to call him Hiram after my father-
How is your father? What
do you hear from him?
You wouldn't be changing
the subject, would you?
Oh, father's all
right, cocksure as ever.
Want some bread?
The paper doing all right? Quite.
What does he say about things over here?
Father says Germany better
stop pushing our ships around,
Or she's going to get into
trouble with the Toliver sun.
Getting his dander up, eh?
Oh, John, I want America to come in.
I want it terribly. I
pray for it every night.
I want this war to end, and
they can help so much to end it.
I want you home again.
Father says I want to plunge
the whole united states into war
Just to save one Englishman.
Sounds a bit drastic, doesn't it?
Champagne for you, my girl.
Here's to peacetime.
How lucky we are-
Bright sun in the day
and such a perfect night.
But how fast the days go.
I want to hang on to the hours a bit.
Only 4 days and one gone already.
Where's that music coming from?
I don't know... but it's
just right, isn't it?
We heard the sea murmur,
We saw the full moon wane,
Knowing that our happiness
might never come again.
I, not forgetting till death do us part,
Was outrageously happy
with death in my heart.
What are you thinking of?
Of us.
Monsieur left his pipe.
Oh, what a pity.
We were rather rushed at the last.
And the train was
perhaps late, after all?
No. The train was very punctual.
When it came in, I waited
for him nearly an hour,
But this morning, the train
went out right on time.
And Madames boat leave tonight?
Yes, this evening.
It's a long wait.
Madame is sad.
But these were good
days. Monsieur was so gay.
He laughed so much.
They were wonderful days. I
shall remember them all my life.
And he will come again.
Can I do anything for madame?
No, thank you, dear.
Madame has not noticed that monsieur
left a note on the mantelpiece.
Oh, John. John!
What is it? What is it?
What's happened?
I don't understand a word.
America has declared war!
It's official, madame!
America has declared war!
Rockets' red glare
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there
Oh, say, does that
star-Spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free
And the home of the brave?
Lady Ashwood, sir.
There you are! And none too soon.
What a time we've had. The
train was late. How are you?
You're looking well.
Where's my young friend?
You haven't come alone?
Certainly not. Here he is.
Ah, nanny.
John Ashwood, esquire.
Oh! So that's John's boy, eh?
And mine. And mine, colonel.
He's a fine lad. He looks like John.
You know, Mrs. Bland,
if it hadn't been for me-
I have a bit of a share
in this young fellow.
You cut things pretty fine.
You have no idea of the
crowds in the street.
The cab simply crawled. We had
to fight our way across the curb.
They nearly tore the child from my arms.
They're coming! The yanks are coming!
Mrs. Banks, they're coming!
The yanks are coming!
They are coming.
Oh, I could faint with excitement!
No point in that. Look here.
But Ive waited so long for this
- To see them myself.
Listen to the music. It's
so American, that song-
So gay and aggressive and boastful!
There they come! Nanny? Nanny.
Give him to me.
Be careful, my lady.
Look, young man, look.
Those are your mother's people.
See how well they march.
Your mother's people and yours,
too, because you're half a Yankee,
You little Englishman, and Im
never going to let you forget it.
Wave your hand, Johnny. Wave your hand.
This is your first glimpse of history.
Look, darling, they're right underneath.
Look how beautiful they are.
They'll help bring us peace, darling.
They'll bring daddy home again
- Home to see his son.
Here, I want you to send
these to your father.
The chessmen.
I thought it might give him some pleasure
to return them to the white house.
It's a small return for
what they've sent to us,
But it'll please the
pig-Headed old mule, anyway.
You darling.
Hello? Hello?
Ashwood? He's at the manor house?
Who's speaking?
I can't hear you. There's
an infernal racket here.
Oh, nanny! Nanny, have
you heard the news?
Oh, you have.
Pity. I thought Id be
the first to tell you.
Armistice, yes. It's
wonderful, isn't it?
Peace again.
You should hear the
bells. The town's gone mad.
You can't blame them.
She must be delighted,
eh? Let me speak to her.
Lady Ashwood.
What? I can't hear you. Speak up!
Huh? John?
Killed in action. Oh, no, no, no, no.
Poor souls.
I do not remember
The words that they said.
Killed, doual, November.
I knew John was dead.
All done and over, that day long ago,
The white cliffs of
dover. Little did I know.
Sue, I brought you a little broth.
You must take something.
Please, dear.
You can't go on like this.
You make me very anxious.
I've left you alone all day.
Won't you make an effort?
Susan, you're showing no courage.
One has to go on.
You're not alone, you know.
You're one of thousands.
It's my loss, too.
You have your son,
And when he grows older,
You'll know just how much that means.
I knew John as a little boy.
I watched him grow up.
He was part of my life
From the hour he was born
Of my hopes and dreams.
I died a little with each of them.
Sue, sue, darling, you must face it.
Think of him.
You're shutting him out.
Oh, darling, can't you
cry a little for John
Because he's dead so young?
He'll never come home,
Although peace has come.
He'll never see his little boy.
Well, here's the young gentleman
To say good night to his mammy,
And a very sleepy young gentleman it is.
He didn't sleep so well
after his 4:00 bottle.
I think that tooth's
worrying him a wee bit,
But he's such a good baby.
Aren't you the best
baby in all the world?
Come, now. Say good night to your mammy,
And off we go to the sack.
There we are. Ho ho!
Look at the fat legs on him.
I declare, I never saw
a baby grow so fast.
Why, that little blue coat
you bought for him in august
Is too short in the sleeves already.
And strong. Feel the strength of him.
Yes, he's fine and strong-My baby.
He'll grow up tall and straight,
And he'll go into the army.
The eldest son always
goes into the army.
It's a family tradition.
Sue, dear-
A tradition to die young
in a country not your own-
Please, darling.
For honor and glory.
No, I haven't any glory now, have I?
They took that, too.
They took it all away from me.
They took...
but he'll live out his life.
I'll teach him to do that.
I'll teach him to run and hide
when the drums start playing.
I'll take care of him.
I'll keep him safe.
I don't care how. I'll keep
him safe. You understand?
Now, me lady-
He's mine. He belongs to me.
They shan't have him.
They shan't take him
Because he's young and
strong and kill him, never.
Never! Never!
Darling, please. You're
frightening the baby.
You don't know what you're saying.
We have peace. John died for that.
We've learned a dreadful lesson.
We know now what war means.
We're all losers,
And we've all suffered so much
That good must come of it.
Your boy will grow up in a new world.
There'll be no shadow
of war over his youth.
John gave his life for that.
You must believe that, darling.
It wasn't a vain sacrifice.
John gave his life so
that his son should live.
But the years pass,
And the heart mends,
And life takes up its quiet labor.
The bee returns to the meadow clover,
And the tree grows as the child grows.
I saw his father over and over.
His face looked out of my son's face-
His father's smile, his father's pose.
I watched him with his boyhood friends.
I watched him with his
friends and neighbors.
Good day, Betsy.
Good day, sir John.
I was just looking at your roof.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Well, as long as Im here,
I think Ill take a look around.
A very good idea, sir John.
That's quite all right, Mrs. Kenney.
We can't have the
rain coming in, can we?
No, that we can't, but Im
sorry it had to be done now,
Times as they are.
Ben was saying it's worse
for you than it is for us.
We are a bit hard up.
Income tax, you know.
6 shillings on the pound, and next
year they say it's going to be worse,
But it's improving
the economic structure.
We've had to sell quite a bit of land,
And my grandmother doesn't
like that very much.
And how is her poor ladyship?
Granny's a little bit better, thank you.
I think I better go now.
I've got 2 or 3 things to do.
Good-Bye, Mrs. Kenney.
Good-Bye, sir John.
Good-Bye, Betsy.
Good-Bye, Betsy.
Good-Bye, sir John.
Mother, I stopped in at the
Kenneys' today about the roof.
Did you, darling? And how's Betsy?
Oh, all right, I expect.
Mother, I promised the
trotters a new fence.
Oh, John, dear, you must be more careful
About promising things.
We can't even afford
to mend our own fences.
I know, mother. I explained
to them about the taxes,
But somehow their cow got
into the Pettys' backyard.
It upset the beehive and
got terribly badly stung,
Wouldn't give milk for days,
And you know they've
just got a new baby.
Uh, sir John...
come here. Do you mind?
You're, uh...
you were deucedly important
this afternoon, sir John.
Yes, sir.
Yes, a real high-Toned member of
the stranded gentry, aren't you?
Yes, sir.
Yes, your great- Great-Grandfather
on your mother's side
Kept a little dry goods store
in Toliver. Did you know that?
Did you sleep well last night, sir?
Did you?
Not at first, sir.
You see, somebody placed
a very cold frog in my bed.
Well, now, that's a strange coincidence.
Somebody sewed up the legs of my pajamas
And put a hairbrush in the pillow.
Yes, sir. I did, sir.
It's known as an apple pie bed, sir.
It's a custom in English schools,
And I know that you're
always so interested
In our English customs, sir.
You rascal!
Oh, father. It's no
wonder nanny scolds you.
Fix your hair, Johnny.
Mother, can I go down and
see what Bridget has for tea?
Why? You want something special?
Yes. You see, mother, Ive
invited those two German boys
That are staying with old lady Berdale.
Yes, rustle up some crumpets.
Ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Darn little limey.
Germans, eh?
Darling, this is nice.
Are you sure you should risk it?
Yes, it's a bit crisp today.
Of course it is, but it's
no use arguing with her.
She always thinks she knows best.
I heard that we had some young guests,
So I couldn't resist the temptation.
These are John's friends
Gerhard von Vistaberg
and his brother Dietrich.
How do you do?
How do you do?
Are you the sons of
the baron von Vistaberg
Who was secretary at the German embassy
Some years ago?
No, lady jean. The embassy counselor
was of the linden Vistabergs.
We are the oak Vistabergs.
We have an oak leaf in our coat of arms.
What do you have in yours, grandfather?
A pipe, a smelly old tobacco pipe,
And maybe a deck of cards.
I could suggest a proper animal
For your coat of arms, Hiram.
A mule.
A mule? Ha ha! Why not?
It's not an aristocratic animal,
But it knows its way around,
And it packs a healthy
wallop in its hind legs.
Very useful qualities, my dear jean.
Perhaps you're right, Hiram.
Anyhow, unicorns are
out of date nowadays.
Nothing is out of
date when one loves it.
Thank you, Hiram.
Are you enjoying your stay
In England, herr von Vistaberg?
What is it you enjoy most here?
That's hard to say, lady jean.
We've not seen much of London,
But here in the country,
I admire most the beautiful lawns
One finds around almost
every manor house.
Your lawn is one of the most perfect.
It would make an
excellent landing field.
I suppose it needs centuries of tending.
Landing field, Dietrich? For what?
For troops. They could easily
land in gliders on this lawn.
Oh, you mean airborne troops
Could land here during maneuvers.
During maneuvers, of course, sir.
Yes. Of course.
Boys of Dietrichs age learn
about planes and gliders
In their youth organizations,
So of course they think of nothing
But landing fields and such things.
All we learn in school
is latin and greek.
I wish they'd teach us
something about planes.
It's only natural that
Gerhard and Dietrich
Should be interested
in military matters.
When I traveled in Germany,
I drove by the Vistaberg
armament plants.
Very impressive, too.
Took me almost an hour to pass them,
And all the chimneys were smoking.
Of course, they weren't making arms.
That was prohibited by the peace terms.
Exactly. Under existing restrictions,
The Vistaberg plants produce
nothing but kitchen utensils,
Perambulators, gramophones,
agricultural implements,
Cameras, and so on.
Don't forget the vacuum
cleaners, Gerhard.
When father gave us the list,
He told us especially not to
forget the vacuum cleaners.
Vacuum cleaners and perambulators-
A smiling country
given to ways of peace.
Babies and cleanliness
- I like that.
That makes me very happy.
Yes, they've learned their lesson.
Germany has learned her lesson.
A beaten country-
I beg your pardon, sir!
Yes, Gerhard?
Germany was never beaten.
We never accepted the peace,
And we never shall.
The war was not fought to a finish.
The next time, we shall
not be cheated of victory.
We shall be proud and happy
to die on the field of honor.
Yes, well, if you boys are going to
play tennis, you'd better get going.
Yes, sir.
Come, Dietrich.
Lady jean, lady Ashford,
I did not mean to offend you.
You understand, I-
That's all right, my boy.
Go and have a good time.
Mother, do you want
me to play with them?
Yes, John.
They are your guests.
Out of the mouths of babes.
That was rather frightening, wasn't it?
Oh, here's nanny.
I think perhaps Ill rest a little.
Mother, don't you feel well?
Nothing. It's nothing, dear.
I'm all right. I'm a little tired.
Indeed you are.
I said it would be too much
for you coming downstairs,
But nobody ever listens to me.
That was a strange
outbreak, father, wasn't it?
Susan, I know that as
long as jean is here,
You'd never leave, and
I wouldn't want you to,
But someday Id like to think
That you'd come back home
to me and bring the boy.
Why, father? What are you thinking?
Well, Im thinking that
we might lose him...
the same way we lost his father.
It isn't only what these boys said.
I've felt it for a long while.
I can tell you honestly, Susan,
There's another war in the making.
It may come in 5 years.
It may come in 10.
But it's as inevitable as death.
Master John.
Wake up, master John.
Nanny, it's still dark.
Yes. I know it.
It's 2:00 in the morning.
Your granny's asking for you.
She's had a bad spell. She's very weak.
Is... is the doctor here?
He's on his way.
is she very ill?
She is that,
And she's going, Laddie,
But you mustn't cry.
You must be very brave and strong.
Promise me.
Are you ready, Johnny?
Yes, nanny.
The car is here, my lady.
Thank you, Benson.
Where's grandfather?
He's saying good-Bye to nanny.
May I help?
Oh, is the car here? I'm ready.
My, this seems a great big empty place
Now that she's gone.
God bless her.
I never thought Id miss her so much.
Think of what I said
about coming home, Susan.
Car's here, grandfather.
Everything's stowed.
Ah, that's fine.
Well, you're not going
to like this, young fella,
But Im going to give you one big hug.
Ha ha ha!
Yeah. You tell your mother
to bring you to America,
And Ill make you sports
editor of the Toliver sun.
I'm sorry, sir. I'm
afraid I couldn't do that.
I have to go into my father's regiment.
The eldest son always
goes in the army, you know.
Yes. If you change your
mind, you just let me know.
Yes, sir.
Ha ha! Well, good-Bye, Suzie.
I'll be waiting for a letter from you.
Take care of yourself.
Yes, Suzie.
And now, if you don't mind,
I'd like to do the driving.
May I remind you, sir,
That in England one drives
on the left side of the road?
I know, I know. Darn
foolishness. See you soon.
Is he coming back soon?
No. He meant-
I'll tell you later what he meant.
Sir John!
Good morning, sir John.
Good morning, sir John.
Good morning. I've
come to say good-Bye.
We're sailing tomorrow, you know.
Aye. So we've heard.
It be true, then.
I wouldn't believe it till I
heard it from your own lips.
Ben was saying you'd
never leave England.
You see, my mother's American,
And it's only natural
That she'd want to
live in her own country.
We'll be a-Missing you, sir John.
We'll all be a
- Missing you. You know, sir John,
Us Kenneys have rented
this farm from your family
For nigh on 200 year.
Adam Steeles going to be my land agent,
And he's a good man.
He'll be a good man, sir
John, but it ain't the same.
No, it's not the same.
Ill say good-Bye.
Good-Bye, Mrs. Kenney.
Good-Bye, sir John.
Good-Bye, Mr. Kenney.
Good-Bye, sir John.
Good-Bye, Betsy.
it's for you.
What is it?
It's a ring.
I made it out of a
horseshoe nail of midge's.
You can have it.
A horseshoe nail.
It's for good luck.
Good-Bye, John.
Thank you for the ring.
Will you like it, nanny,
living with your sister?
I'll get used to it.
Is she nice?
I hardly know. I've lived
in this house for 50 years.
It's been home and family
to me. I've forgotten my own.
Master Johnny! Look away. Gracious me.
There. Now Im ready.
You're awfully like your father
At the same age, master Johnny.
You'll be the living image
of him when you grow up.
Well, Ill be off.
Laddie, will you say good-Bye
to me here and let me go alone?
I'll send that lazy jenny for my things.
I'm afraid Ill break
down like an old fool,
And Ill not let everyone in the
kitchen see me with tears in my eyes.
My Johnny...
don't you forget.
I won't forget, nanny.
Indeed, if I had my
life to live over again,
It's not a child's nurse Id be,
Giving my heart to other
people's children and...
old and lonely.
No more.
Aren't you thrilled going on
a big boat for the first time?
Oh, it'll be wonderful.
Did I tell you grandfather
Was going to meet us in new York?
I expect he's terribly excited about it.
I know I am. Are you, mother?
Mm-Hmm. After all,
that's my home, you know.
I can hardly wait to
show you the sights.
You're going to love it, darling.
I'm sure it'll be very nice.
Mother, if that man buys the manor,
Do you think he'll be
good to the tenants?
I don't know why not.
Granny said that the tenants
depended on the manor.
She said it was my
duty to watch over them
In return for the
privilege of owning land.
I don't say that's wrong, darling,
But we look at things a
little differently at home.
At home, mother?
Well, in America, I mean.
You see, we think a man ought
to start from the beginning,
That he ought to make
his own way in the world.
Yes, but supposing he has
something else to do first.
What do you mean, dear?
I mean, supposing he's
been left something to do,
As I was.
As you were?
Yes. I mean, the way father left me
You and the place to look after.
Well, I don't know, Johnny.
Wouldn't a chap want to do it just
the same if he were an American?
I guess he would.
That's all I mean.
It isn't so very different over
there than it is here, is it?
You just try and do the thing
that's there for you to do.
Johnny, don't you want to go to America?
Oh, yes, mother... if you do.
No, no. Tell me the truth.
What are you thinking of,
sitting there so serious?
I wouldn't for the world
Force you to do something
you thought was wrong,
But I do wish you could
see it my way, darling.
I want it so much.
Why, mother? Because Im afraid.
I'm afraid of what's ahead.
I'm afraid of another war.
Your father died when he was young.
He died for England, Johnny.
But you're half American. You're my son.
You belong to America,
too, not only England.
Mother, is that why we're running away?
Running away?
Mother, if there were a war,
Id want to fight for England.
You wouldn't want me to
be a coward, would you?
No, Johnny.
Do you think father
would like me to run away?
No, Johnny, I don't.
You darn little Englishman.
You're just like your father.
You've beaten me,
between the two of you.
Mother, do you mind very much?
Of course I mind.
When I see that boat go out,
Playing the star-Spangled banner...
No. That's not sporting of me.
I'll stay, Johnny, and like it.
Whatever happens,
we'll face it together.
Your American mother can take it, too.
You bet she can.
I wanted to go home then,
But your father took me by the arm,
Talking the most dreadful nonsense,
Led me up a flight of steps,
over a bridge, across the tracks,
Down the steps that
led to the London train.
I guess you can find the way.
Yes, child?
You're the best mother a chap ever had.
Thank you, dear.
So we went home again.
My English son did all those
things that all his sires had done.
No one had taught him,
yet he knew his part.
The land itself was teeter to his heart.
He watched his fields, he
kept his father's place,
A friendly boy with England in his face,
And often when he
walked across our hill,
Betsy went walking,
too, as children will,
To gather flowers
with her homework done,
And so they walked together in the sun.
If they were more than
friends, I never knew,
For a new spirit shaped him as he grew.
There was a different
England in the air.
I liked the girl. They
made a handsome pair.
And so I watched them
and was reconciled.
He was my son, as well
as Englands child.
Eton, then Sandhurst,
And, of course, at last
his father's regiment.
The die was cast.
And then to see in anguish and in doubt
The lights of Europe falter and go out,
And once again the feet of marching men
Drum in the dust and
darkness, once again.
Rumors of battles.
Headlines in the street.
Holland and France.
The desperate retreat.
Our days were busy
with a thousand cares.
Our nights were dark and
quiet with our prayers.
He came from somewhere
in the west that day,
Heading for dover and the waiting ships.
So little time, with
silence on his lips.
I did not see my son as he went through.
I thought him far away.
But Betsy knew.
Have you called your mother?
No. I thought I wouldn't somehow.
Johnny, have we much time?
Not much, Betsy.
Make sure...
the old horseshoe ring.
It brought me luck, Johnny,
now I-
Do you remember when we were kids
And I used to ride
round, see you on my pony?
Yes. All you ever said was,
"How's the roof, Mrs. Kenney?"
I suppose I did have
it on my mind, rather.
It seemed to need such a lot of mending.
How is it now? Fallen in again?
I'm afraid so.
Oh, Johnny.
And so they parted, each to his command.
"The ring," she said
and placed it in his hand
And watched him go,
Then turned to find her train.
She was not there when
John came home again.
One moment.
Come in.
Word's just come in. The
ambulances are leaving the station.
Oh, thank you, Margaret.
I'll be right down.
Ward 4.
Ward 2.
This is an emergency. Blood
is coming through the bandage.
Call the doctor's attention to it.
Yes, ma'am.
Ward 3.
How long?
4, perhaps 6 hours.
I've been asleep.
How do you feel?
Not-Not bad at all, mother.
Did you guess I was in the show?
What do you think?
I guess we're lucky.
You know, mother, I
wasn't afraid, really.
I know.
That-That bird...
what, dear?
The bird kept going round and round.
Where, dear?
There was a little bandstand.
At first, it seemed like any
other misty morning in summer-
and the air smelled sweet.
Suddenly, everything broke loose.
The Canadians fought their way ashore.
We were among them.
- I don't remember how I got there,
But I was in a shell hole
with a Canadian and American.
The Canadian was dead.
The American boy was
wounded pretty badly.
Only his eyes seemed to be alive.
We lay there with the shells
screaming over our heads,
Watching that bird spinning insanely
Over what used to be
that gay little bandstand.
Mother, do you know Dieppe?
Yes. I
- I was there once with your father.
You remember that bandstand?
I remember it very well.
Hello. What's this?
A little nourishment.
There's a parade
coming past the hospital
In a little while.
Some of those new American
units, they tell me,
Along with our own boys.
Would you wheel me to the window
When they come?
Of course.
Don't try to talk, darling.
That chap... that American...
He said he'd really start to fight
The day war ended...
for a good peace, a peace that'd stick.
He said that god would never forgive us,
Neither England nor America,
If we break the faith
with our dead again.
Write his mother a nice letter.
Tell her that...
oh, well, you'll think of something.
I say, shouldn't you be busy somewhere?
I'm all right, you know, really.
I know you are,
But you must rest now.
In a minute.
Good night, mother.
Good night, my darling boy,
And god bless you.
You, too, mother.
Here you are, mother.
They're coming...
some of your Americans.
Yes, darling. I saw them
when they came 25 years ago.
So did you.
You were 3 months old.
I held you in my arms,
and we saw them together.
Now we can see them again.
Tell me how they look, mother.
Tell me how they march.
Can you see them yet?
Yes, John, I see them,
Your people and my people.
Only their uniforms are different.
How well they march, John.
How well they march together.
Tell me more, mother.
There's a look of greatness about them,
All the strong young boys,
Beautiful and proud with dreams.
Just like you, John.
They'll help bring peace again,
And as your friend said,
a peace that will stick.
You know, John...
we must never forget
What that American boy said to you.
God will never forgive us
If we break the faith
with our dead again.