The Wild Thornberrys Movie (2002)

I'm Eliza Thornberry,
part of your average family.
I've got a dad and a mom
and a sister.
There is Donnie.
We found him.
And Darwin. He found us.
We travel all over the world.
See, my dad hosts
this nature show
and my mom shoots it.
And along the way,
something amazing happened.
I freed a warthog
who was really a shaman:
Shaman Mnyambo.
He granted me the power
to talk to animals.
It's really cool...
but totally secret.
And that was just the beginning
of my biggest adventure ever.
And now, Phaedra the magnificent
will walk the Circle of Destiny.
Oh! Oh, dear! Oh...
Circle of Destiny, indeed.
Eliza, your friend stinks.
And look at those tusks.
They could poke an eye out.
Darwin, chill.
Phaedra, can you take us
around that tree?
Hey, here's how
our moms make us go.
They nudge the back of our necks
with their trunks.
Like this?
That's it.
And if she wanted us
to turn around
she'd just nudge one side.
Oh, cool!
Yes, rub behind the ear,
and the elephant turns.
Eliza, can we go now?
My butt's gone to sleep.
Okay, Darwin.
Bye, Eliza.
Bye, Phaedra.
Bye, chimp.
Oh, I think I hear
your grandmumsy
opening a fresh tin
of figgy pudding.
Shh. Darwin, listen.
To what?
I don't hear a thing.
That's what I mean.
It's too quiet.
It's a shame you couldn't spend
more time with us, Mumsy.
Oh, two weeks is
more than enough.
You know your father
gets a bit daft
when left on his own too long.
For all we know,
he's searched the entire estate
for his reading glasses.
Good thing I take after you,
eh, Mumsy?
Have you had any luck
locating my binoculars?
Try around your neck.
Bad news.
Jungle boy used the teapot
to store his grubworms.
Dad, Mom, stampede!
Battle stations, everybody.
Mumsy, stand absolutely still.
They're not carnivores.
In fact, the gazelle
is actually quite harmless
unless you happen to be
a tuft of grass.
It's Akela!
Does this sort of thing
happen often?
Thank goodness.
Cordelia, I hate to leave you
but we really need
to get some footage
before it gets dark.
Oh, yes, Mumsy.
Will you be all right here?
Don't worry.
The girls and I will have
a nice quiet evening together.
See you later then.
Oh! Just when
we get something cool to drive
I have to be grounded.
Certainly, you're grounded.
I understand
you tied young Donnie
to a termite mound.
Hey, he was happy.
where are you going?
Just going for a walk.
Have we forgotten
about that cheetah?
It's okay, Grandmumsy.
I do it all the time.
Deborah, does your sister
Talk like a monkey,
dress like a geek?
Yeah. You get used to it.
Come on.
Akela's cubs must be nearby.
Cheetah cubs?!
But to them,
I'm a walking Snack Pak!
Do-do, do, do-do,
do-do, do, do-do, do...
See your soul, open your eyes
From inside,
your soul comes shining...
Hey, guys.
It's Eliza!
Oh, you've grown so big.
Hey, where's Tally?
Here I am.
You should see me run.
I'm really fast now.
Fast? As in able to outrun
defenseless chimps?
You guys remember Darwin.
Hey, I've got an idea.
Let's have a race.
Me first.
Children, it's time for dinner.
Don't look at me.
I'm skin and bones.
Mom, Eliza wants us to race.
No. The plains are too dangerous
for little ones like you.
But Akela, I'll be with them.
I'd never let anything happen.
You can trust me.
-Please, Mom?
All right, Eliza.
But keep an eye on them.
And don't go beyond
the acacia tree.
You don't have to be old
to be wise...
Oh. Oh!
A bird doesn't wait
till he dies to fly.
Hey, slowpokes, I'm winning!
Who you calling "slowpoke"?
Eliza, you've passed
the acacia tree.
Just barely.
Don't worry. We'll be fine.
Oh! Oh!
Give him back!
He's just a baby!
Deborah, we need you
to bring the commvee
straight away.
I wish I could, Dad,
but I'm grounded, remember?
Debbie, now!
Deborah, slow down
Sorry, Grandmumsy.
Dad's orders.
Donnie, this is no time
for the wedgie dance.
Will somebody do something?
We'll discuss your impertinence
later, young lady.
Debbie, follow that helicopter!
I couldn't have had
a sister
who plays with dolls.
Hello, Mumsy.
Having a jolly holiday?
Nigel, we must discuss
your children's manners.
We're equally as proud,
but now's not the time.
My baby!
My baby.
We can't just sit here.
Mom, we have to find
those poachers!
Eliza, you were almost killed.
You have to let Jomo
take care of them.
But, Mom, I have to save Tally.
That's what I call
the cheetah cub.
She names man-eating
wild animals?
Names 'em, plays with 'em
talks in monkey to 'em.
Debbie, enough.
Could you identify this man,
No. He shined
a light in my eyes.
But I saw his knife.
The handle, it was carved
in the shape of a falcon.
That'll help find them,
won't it?
There are many knives,
many poachers.
But I have to find Tally!
Eliza, you must
leave this to us.
Promise me you will never
go off alone at night.
I promise.
Good girl.
Nigel, I will call
if I hear anything.
Good night, all.
Thank you, Jomo.
Eliza, I don't want you
going out in the
savannah at night.
Yeah, right.
She and the monkey are
always sneaking off.
Hey, no, I've
covered long enough.
Do you know that she once fed
one of my protein bars
to a Komodo dragon?
And back in--
wherever land that was--
she rode a Siberian tiger.
Oh, oh, and ask her
about the time
that she was dancing with
a bunch of crazy dingoes.
Oh, that is not even
the half of it, Mom.
Thanks a lot, Deb.
Nigel, I...
I don't know what to do.
Well, I do!
It is perfectly obvious
that Elizabeth has no regard
for her own safety.
We have discussed
this for years.
She needs to be
in a structured environment.
One such as a boarding school
back in London.
Oh, hold on!
She messes up, and she
gets to go to boarding school?!
that's rather drastic.
Nigel, need I remind you
that it was in the confines
of boarding school
that you received
your education
not here in the wild.
Surely you don't think
it's civilized
for a girl to play
with cheetahs and chimpanzees?
What about me?!
Do I look civilized?
Frankly, no
but I'm afraid it's
much too late for you.
Mom, Dad, I can't leave.
Tally never would have
been out on the plains
if it wasn't for me.
It's all my fault.
Eliza, how can it
be your fault?
But I have to go
back out there!
We make these rules
for a reason, Eliza.
And if I have to send you
away to be safe, I will.
Dad? Please...
Poppet, your
intentions are noble
but you're just too young.
I'm sorry.
We agreed when we took this job
that we wouldn't
split up the family.
We'd keep the children with us
on the road.
I remember, dearest.
Oh, Nigel, are we doing
the right thing?
You heard Eliza.
She blames herself
for this unfortunate incident.
She'll never stop
until she finds that cub.
She's quite
fearless, you know.
She takes after her father.
That poor girl.
Boarding school?
I never heard of anything
so ridiculous.
Did anyone bother
to ask my opinion?
Sometimes I wish I could just
tell them I talk to animals.
Then you'll lose your power
and we'll never be able
to talk again.
How will I know what
Debbie's saying about me?
Calm down, I won't
break the rule.
I promised Shaman Mnyambo.
Now about this boarding school.
You don't think they'll make me
take gym class, do you?
Because those tight shorts
show off my problem area.
Uh, Dar...
you can't come with me.
Darwin, come back.
Whatever is the matter
with Darwin?
He saw me pack my suitcase.
I guess he figured out
I'm leaving.
Very intuitive, that chimp.
I'm sorry about all this, Dad.
Well, I'm not sure
I wouldn't have done
the same thing, poppet.
In fact, I went up
against poachers myself once
to save an elephant, remember?
I remember.
Let me show you
where we're headed next.
The Congo.
To look for forest elephants?
Yes, if we can find any.
You see
there's an old, old Bacha legend
that tells of a solar eclipse
when thousands of elephants
made their way to Tembo Valley.
I wonder why.
Nobody knows
but there's an eclipse
in a few weeks
in this exact spot
and I intend to
witness it firsthand.
Oh, I wish I could
see it with you, Dad.
Eliza, I received this medal
when I was in boarding
school about your age.
Perhaps you would like
to take it for luck.
"Awarded for bravery."
It was nothing, really.
A blazing building,
20 students trapped
a makeshift rope ladder...
Well, never mind.
The point is, you will have
your own challenges, poppet
and I predict you will
meet them splendidly.
I looked everywhere for Darwin.
I looked everywhere for Darwin.
I didn't get to say good-bye.
I'm sorry, honey.
You'll see him again soon.
I love you.
I'll miss you, Mom.
You won't leave without him,
will you, Dad?
Of course not, poppet.
Okay, here's what I need for you
to get me in London:
CD's, boots, T-shirts.
Basically anything cool.
Don't forget. Cool.
It's time for takeoff.
Kiss your natural wilderness
girlhood good-bye.
If you leap awake
in the mirror of a bad dream
And for a fraction of a second
You can't remember where you are
Just open your window...
Bye, Dad.
And follow
your memory upstream
To the meadow in the mountain
Where we counted
every falling star
I believe a light
that shines on you
Will shine on you forever
And though I can't guarantee
There's nothing scary
hiding under your bed
I'm gonna stand guard
Like a postcard
of a golden retriever
And never leave
till I leave you
With a sweet dream
in your head
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one
is two, ooh-ooh
There could never be
a father
Who loved his daughter
more than I love you.
Would you look at that?
Is that a new girl?
Oh, my goodness!
Oh, Sarah, can I borrow your...?
Well, you didn't think
I'd let you get civilized
without me, did you?
You can't be here!
Yes, it's a miracle
I survived the baggage hold.
You should know, your bags
are not handled with care.
I told you.
They don't allow chimps
in school.
Oh, they'll change their mind
when they meet me.
Oh, now let's take a look
at my new home.
Small, yet charming.
Not much in the way
of natural light
but haven't we really
had enough
of nature?
Dibs on this bed!
Ooh! Feel those springs--
firm, yet flexible!
Would you lend me
your cashmere sweater
for the dance?
Oh, no!
Someone's coming!
Room service?
Oh, I like school already.
Darwin, no, you can't be here!
But why?
I'm a fast learner, and... ooh!
I can see your feet!
Let me in!
Or are you still quibbling
about that two percent
difference in our DNA?
Just be quiet until I
figure out what to do!
I'm Eliza Thornberry.
Guess we're roommates.
So it appears.
I'm Sarah Wellington.
Have you been romping on my bed?
Oh, just trying out the springs.
Firm, yet flexible.
Perhaps we should take
this opportunity
to negotiate a few issues.
You stay on your side,
and I stay on mine.
My things shall be off-limits
as they are antique
and rather expensive.
This perfume is French.
And don't even dream
about wearing my clothes...
no matter how tempting the urge.
I see that you've already rooted
through my wardrobe.
One of my mom's homemade
peanut butter cookies?
I might have a use
for you yet.
It's so great
to talk to you guys.
Oh, you have no idea
how awful it's been.
Go on, Eliza.
Tell Reggie your troubles.
Uh, before you do,
don't suppose
you have any of those
cheesy snacks I fancy, eh?
Cheeze Munchies?
Right here.
Mmm, brilliant. Mmm.
Now, what's the problem?
I miss my friends
in Africa.
Thank you.
Oh, you should
see it there, Reggie.
I've even met
some squirrels who fly.
Fly? Like a bird?
Don't like
the sound of that.
I heard that her family
lives in the jungle
in a motor home.
And that she bathes
where animals drink.
Next, she'll be bringing
animals into my room.
Eliza, can you hear me?
It's Mom.
And your dear old dad.
Uh, what did you say, honey?
I said, has Jomo found Tally?
Sorry, poppet, no...
and, in fact, the poachers
disappeared without a trace.
Nigel, tell her about Darwin.
Yes, I was leading up to that.
I'm afraid we've lost track
of Darwin.
Oh, he'll be all right.
He's probably foraging for his
bugs and berries right now.
Eliza, the shepherd's pie
is heavenly.
But why do they
have to put
these smushy green things in it?
They look like bunny poop.
Honey, is someone there?
Oh, th-that's just
my roommate, Sarah.
Mom, please don't forget
about Tally, okay?
We won't.
We left word with Jomo
where we were headed.
Now, try to have fun
with your new friends
She's making friends?
Give me that.
Hi, okay.
Here's what's going
on with my life.
Donnie's now half-goat,
my hair is half-terrier
and we are heading
into the abyss
where there is no hope
of teen interaction.
Oh, uh, Debbie!
Debbie? Mom, Dad?
We're all
a bit curious...
have you ever seen a tiger
up close?
Close enough to pet.
Oh, really?
Tigers, bears,
Kimodo dragons.
Once, when we were in the Arctic
I hung out with this polar bear.
Hmm! Seems my roommate
is making friends...
my friends!
really gentle, and...
Sarah, Eliza swam
with the whales.
Isn't that lovely?
Tell us more, Eliza.
She's a lady
Whoa, whoa, whoa, she's a lady
Talking about that little lady
And the lady is mine.
I know. Don't I look fetching?
Wh-Wh-Where was I?
Oh, yes. Swimming
with dingoes...
I mean, dolphins... uh...
but enough about me.
Did anyone try
the boiled cabbage?
Oh, I can't get
enough boiled cabbage.
I'm going back for seconds.
Anyone else?
Who's that girl?
I've never seen her before.
When did she come
to Lady Beatrice's?
Is she Eliza's friend?
That's my monogram!
Who are you, and why
are you wearing my new blazer?!
There's an ape in my uniform!
Ugh! Give it back!
Give it back!
Did he escape from the zoo?
Darwin, no!
Food fight, everyone!
Aye, yi, yi!
-Aye, yi, yi!
-Yeah, yeah, baby
Talking about the big monkey man
-Aye, yi, yi!
Aye, yi, yi...
Come on!
Talking about the big monkey man
Food is for eating!
Food is for...
Run, monkey, run!
Run!, la, la-la-la, la la
This is the best meal
we've ever had!
Miss Thornberry...
...your grandmother will hear
of this in the morning
and when we revive her
I'm sure she'll be
gravely disappointed.
Now, say good-bye to your pet
and come along!
Eliza, don't leave me
in this place.
I'll never last the night!
No offense.
I'm sure you're very nice.
"Thunder," is it?
How horsy.
I'll come see you
in the morning, Dar.
Trot along, lassie.
Your friend will be fine
with me.
Thanks, Thunder.
Miss Thornberry.
Come along.
I could use a hot bath
and a good meal.
You're in luck.
They'll be bringing the hay
'round any minute.
I'm to eat hay?
Aye, and sweet crunchy oats
from time to time, too.
Oh, that changes everything.
I'm beginning to see
why they call you Thunder.
Uh, never mind.
Where's the bathroom?
You're standing on it.
Did Mrs. Fairgood make him go
to the zoo?
Where did he sleep?
Oh, Eliza, tell us everything!
How ever did you smuggle
the chimp in your suitcase?
Darwin decided to...
Oh, uh, I mean it was easy.
From hiding him from Sarah--
that's a different story.
Ooh! Miss Sarah Wellington
thinks she's the bee's knees.
Why would you ever come here
where it's so boring?
I got into trouble.
I snuck out at night and...
there were poachers,
hunting some animals.
-With guns?
What happened?!
Go on, Eliza.
There were these three
cheetah cubs I knew.
Like kittens, only-only wild.
Well, we were running
when we heard shots.
And a man dropped out
of a helicopter on a ladder
and... grabbed the one
I named Tally.
I tried to save him,
but they cut the ladder, and...
I fell.
Tally was gone.
Poor Tally.
I think he's alive.
I just feel it.
This is terrible!
Can't we write letters
or something?
Let's have a bake sale!
-Yes, let's!
-Oh, let us help!
Thanks, you guys, but...
What's going on in my room,
and why wasn't I invited?
Sarah, Eliza was just telling us
the most awful story
about... Tally.
Never mind.
I've been at Mrs. Fairgood's,
filling out a report
and I'm quite tired.
You'll all have to go.
Good night, Eliza.
Good night, Sarah.
Night, you guys!
I still can't believe
you harbored a wild animal
in my room, and I never...
There are peas in my bed!
Tally. Oh, Tally,
I knew you were alive.
These trees...
Eliza, help me!
-These trees
I gave you this gift
for a reason, Eliza.
Shaman Mnyambo?
You must not waste time.
You must go to your destiny.
What do you mean?
Where am I supposed to go?
Tally is alive.
Go save him, Eliza.
Go. Go!
Shaman Mnyambo's right.
I have to go.
What are you doing?
I have to leave.
I'm calling Mrs. Fairgood.
No! Please!
You have to keep
this a secret.
Do you have a credit card?
I need two tickets to Africa.
Africa?! I am not
taking part in this.
My parents will pay you back,
I promise.
And no one will know
you helped me
until it's all over.
Until what's all over?
You're acting so odd.
I'm reporting you at once.
Sarah, please, it's
a matter of life and death.
I have to go now,
and I really need your help.
And just think-- you'll get
the room all to yourself again.
Would you prefer
aisle or window?
Darwin, wake up!
Uh? Oh... what?
Oh, I've tried to keep track
of the days
but they've bled into months.
Dar, it's only been four hours.
Ah! Ooh!
get out of London
Hold tight
I'm walkin' on the pavement
Scarin' all the lions,
so the bears don't eat me
Send me to the salt mines
Get on the bus,
but the bus don't start...
I'm facing a photo,
a beauty is there
Tears on my cheek
She's living in a nightmare
Turn the page
to a brand-new leaf
Resolute, psycho dude,
time to be a Z
Okay, all right,
I know I'm doing wrong
But save it till tomorrow
Gotta guh-guh-guh-guh
Get out of London.
Well, it's certainly better than
riding in the baggage hold.
-But I still don't understand...
I'll tell you
after the plane takes off.
I can't risk anyone
finding us now.
And stop fidgeting!
I can't help it.
I've got hay in my skirt.
She has that hairy disease.
We're going to see
a special doctor...
in Nairobi.
I didn't meet you
in the jungle
Swinging from a tree
I sat down at the piano,
you were playing with me
I couldn't believe
all the things you could do
The apes I'd seen
were in the zoo
They say we are unique with
this language that we speak
But you have proved them wrong
Skinner and Chomsky--
how could they be so blind
With evidence this strong?
Intelligent life
is all around us
Intelligent life
is all around us
Bonobo calling me now...
I'll find you, Tally.
I promise.
Bonobo calling me now
Bonobo calling me now
Bonobo calling me now...
We'll be gone
until after the eclipse.
Will you be all right
with Donnie?
Are you kidding?
This will be the highlight
of my young life.
That's the spirit, poodles!
Dad, have you completely
lost your ability
to recognize sarcasm?
I'm not sure I ever had it,
Now, stay close to camp.
If you're lucky, you might see
a hyena roving about.
Excuse me while I go find
a container for my joy.
Very well,
we'll wait right here.
Oh! That's sarcasm, isn't it?
You do that rather frequently,
don't you?
Debbie, just how long is
this sulking going to go on?
Hmm, another 35, 40 minutes.
Then I'll start up
again tomorrow.
Well, get some rest.
I know it must be draining.
We'll call you
on the shortwave.
Be careful,
and have a good time.
No problem.
I'll take the Congocon
for a spin.
Absolutely not!
Absolutely not!
But do have fun!
Acci-dent, acci-dent, acci-dent.
Acci-dent, acci-dent, acci-dent.
That is so wrong.
Help! The poachers!
Help! The poachers!
I've been shot.
Darwin, get up!
Excuse me, uh...
A rhino's been shot!
You've got to let me
off this train!
Hang on.
We'll get help.
You'll be okay.
They shot me...
at the river.
They were trying to take my horn
when I ran away.
Please help me!
This rhino's been shot!
Hold this, right here.
Is he still alive?
Barely, but don't worry, honey,
I think I can save him.
You're a very brave young lady.
We saw you jump from that train.
I had to save this rhino.
I... I...
That's the knife from the man
who took Tally.
Excuse me?
Honey, keep applying pressure.
L-I'm sorry. L-I just...
Oh, thank goodness.
The authorities.
What happened here?
Poachers shot him.
They're at the river.
Please, you must find them.
They took a cheetah cub!
A cheetah.
I recognized their knife.
You have to call Jomo Umbelli.
You know Jomo?
Yes, yes! He's best friends
with my father
Nigel Thornberry.
Just tell him
Eliza found the knife.
He'll know what it means.
We were just at the river.
There was no sign of poachers.
Oh, by the way,
I'm Sloan Blackburn.
We're studying
the endangered wildlife.
There's going to be one
less rhino in the world
if we don't get this
poor guy back to our camp.
My wife, Bree.
She's a wildlife veterinarian.
We'll take him
to the rhino sanctuary.
Eliza, they'll take care of him.
Don't worry.
Eliza, can we give you
a lift somewhere?
You really shouldn't be alone
with poachers out there.
No, thanks. Our camp's
not too far from here.
We have to get back
to our work, Eliza
but I do hope we see you again.
Me, too.
Uh, thanks for your help! Bye!
Why don't we talk about it?
Come on, Dar.
We have to find those poachers.
You mean, we have to find
your parents, don't you?
You saw what those poachers did
to that rhino.
But if they're nearby,
then Tally is, too!
Eliza, no!
If those awful people
see you again, they'II...
well, they'll hurt you.
And I'm not going
to let that happen.
You're right, Darwin.
We can't do this alone.
All right, we'll find
my parents' camp.
It's not far, is it?
We'll get there...
by morning.
Oh! Oh, I wish we'd never left
Lady Beatrice's.
Thunder said there'd be days
like this.
Don't walk away...
So, this cute dude named Jack
plants these magic beans
'cause he's, like, hungry.
Then, a mondo beanstalk
grows overnight
way up into the clouds...
Bush babies-- how annoying.
So, Jack-- who is totally buff,
by the way--
climbs up the beanstalk,
and he finds a golden goose
a golden harp
and a big, scary...
You never told me how to land!
It's all in the knees, Cordie!
You're looking well, Deborah.
Do we have kiss for Grandpapa?
I knew I shouldn't have brought
the good china.
Debbie, dreadful news:
Your sister has run away
from Lady Beatrice's.
Under cover of night,
with Darwin.
Excuse me?
Uh, did you say the monkey
got to go to London?
Debbie, are you there? Over.
Mom! Guess who's here?
There's no need
to alarm your parents.
What your grandmama means is
there's no need to have
Marianne blame her
a minute earlier than necessary.
Eliza was seen boarding a train
heading to the Congo.
We take her back to London
the minute she arrives.
Debbie, who's there?
Uh, some really cute
bush babies.
Debbie, did I just hear you call
a wild animal "cute"?
That's called sarcasm, dearest.
Li-Li-Live Long, Live Long
Changin' faces
in the strangest places...
Sure, you can ride with us.
Oh, my owner will never know.
I'm gonna shake the tree,
gonna shake the tree
Let 'em know, let 'em know,
let 'em know
Ha-ha-ha-ha, yeah!
Turning the tide,
you were on the incoming wave
Turning the tide, you know
you are nobody's slave...
How did I end up here?
Amongst chickens...
Souma Yergon
Oh, Sou Nou Yergon
We are shakin' the tree...
Donnie, this may look
like a shark cage
but it's really a playpen.
It's where nice little boys play
when their sisters
want peace and quiet.
Hey, Donnie!
Well, if it isn't
the boarding school dropout
and her sidekick Chimpo.
Save it, Deb.
I need to talk to Mom and Dad.
Well, they're not here.
You can talk to me
and pretend I'm listening.
Where are they?
Off in the jungle,
filming some solar thing.
But the eclipse
isn't until tomorrow.
Fine. I'll call them
on the radio.
Don't go in there.
What are they doing here?
Taking you back to England.
Not that you deserve to go.
Well, I'm not going back.
I came back to find Tally,
and that's what I'm going to do.
I just need Dad's help.
What is wrong with you?!
You finally get a chance
to escape our rolling jail
and instead, you come back
like some freaky homing pigeon.
You ruin the family name
and wreck my chance
of ever getting
out of this place.
I don't know about you
but I am not going to
slow dance at my prom
with some purple-butt baboon!
Debbie, leave me alone!
I'm going to find Mom and Dad
and you're not going to stop me.
Oh, yes, I am.
Debbie, no!
Uh, wha...?
Hey! Let me out of here!
Sorry, Deb,
you'll have to take that up
with the warden.
Donnie, bring me the key,
like a nice little animal-boy.
Cordie! It's the blitz!
You're dreaming, Raddie.
England is safe.
When I get my hands
on that ungrateful
know-it-all sister...
Wow, if I weren't so mad,
this would totally rock.
Hey, get back here!
Oh, man!
Oh! Hello.
Both of my daughters
are missing?
But the good news is
the chimpanzee turned up
in England.
But never mind that now.
Debbie left a note.
"Don't freak."
That's Deborah talking, not I.
"Took the Congocon
to find Donnie
"who followed Eliza.
"She's going to some valley.
Later, Debbie."
My children are
in the jungle alone.
We'll find them, lovely.
I say, Dad
are you there?
Right here, my boy.
You'll have to pick us up
down river.
I'll give you our coordinates.
Can you triangulate
our position?
They didn't call me Colonel
for my chicken recipe, huh?
Fire away.
Here I am driving around
this sweaty jungle,
looking for my ungrateful sister
when I could be sitting
in front of the AC
watching part two
of "Before They Were Teens."
Ooh, who smells?
'Cause it's completely
my vanilla-ginger body splash.
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.
Does this, uh... human
belong to anyone?
I hope he wasn't any trouble.
Not really.
But you might want to tell him
that when a gorilla
is sleeping
he doesn't want a dung beetle
shoved up his nose.
We're hoping it's just a phase.
I'm looking for my parents.
Have you seen two people
on the way to Tembo Valley?
Two people.
Were they riding in
those loud whirlybirds?
Uh, do you mean helicopters?
Eliza, it might be the poachers.
Did you see them?
Did they have a cheetah cub
with them?
I only saw the whirlybirds
land on the ground.
And then I saw people
putting a fence
across the valley.
A fence? What for?
Something's up.
What's the quickest way
to the valley?
Follow the river.
Be careful.
Dar, get Donnie.
Donnie, this is no time
for your games.
Don't force it, Chimp.
It'll come out
in its own good time.
So, you see, as many
as a thousand elephants will
converge during the eclipse.
I'm afraid my desire
to witness a natural marvel
might have influenced Eliza.
She must have decided
she couldn't miss it.
No. Eliza wouldn't come
all the way from London
just for that.
There's something else going on.
Oh. I'm just afraid
that she'll get hurt.
She'll be fine, Marianne.
They all will.
Well, how do you know, Colonel?
And don't say,
"Because they're Thornberrys."
No. Because they've been raised
by you
and quite wonderfully,
I might add.
Radcliffe is right.
Now, let's find them.
Eliza! Donnie!
I have had enough of this!
I am not in the mood!
Oh, great.
I'm turning into Mom.
Where are the lights
on this stupid thing?
Get out of here, pork chops.
Uh... hi.
Oh, I don't normally
look this bad.
Just so you know.
Oh, which reminds me
have you seen, like,
a dorky girl with braces
and a monkey wearing clothes
and a wild boy?
I know.
I don't get it, either.
You have no idea
what kind of day
I have been having.
Do you have a sister?
Oh, I'm sorry.
That was rude.
I'm Debbie.
Hey, Boko, you don't have
like, a premoistened towelette
on you by chance, do you?
No one speaks English.
I am so... grounded.
Look-- a campfire!
It must be my parents!
Mom! Dad!
Bree? S-Sloan?
Eliza, what are you doing
out here?
-The poachers are here.
They put up a fence
in Tembo Valley.
Really? Did you see them?
No. L-I...
I mean, yes, I saw them
and-and now
I have to find my parents.
They're filming the elephants.
That's why we're here, too.
To count
the elephant population.
If we can
find any, of course.
They're really hard to find.
They only...
Oh, no.
What's wrong?
They stay in the forest
except during the eclipse.
All the poachers
must have heard the legend.
They're after the elephants.
They must be planning
to catch them.
They'll be a thousand
out in the open.
We have to call Jomo right away!
No signal.
Of all times.
Well, can't you fix it?
Guys, guys, let's stay calm.
We can't do anything
about it tonight.
Tomorrow we'll find
Eliza's parents
and use their radio.
It's settled.
Bree's right.
The poachers won't try
to go after the elephants
before the eclipse.
But I'm worried about Tally
the cheetah cub
I told you about.
Eliza, it's dark.
No sense getting yourself
lost in the jungle.
I won't get lost.
Donnie, get back here.
No, no, Donnie.
I wouldn't want you
to go in there and make a mess.
Now, you and your chimp
and your little brother--
you can sleep right here.
Oh, I'd look so hot in this.
Thanks. I'm starving.
What kind of cereal is this?
Thank you!
My soda!
Do you want some?
I'm really late for the whole
finding-my-sister thing.
It's pretty cool, huh?
And it's waterproof
for up to three feet.
Hey, why don't you keep it?
Oh, and thanks for the skirt.
You did give me this, right?
Boko give Debbie?
Debbie give Boko?
Oh, I'm so good at this
communication stuff.
I'll be fine, really.
I know exactly where I'm going.
Bye! Bye!
Bye, Boko!
Hey, who put that vine there?
Bye, again.
Bye. No. L-I'm really...
I'm leaving now.
Hi, again.
I'm just a little turned around.
Boko, listen.
You can't come with me, okay?
It's not that I don't
like you, because I do.
And it's not about the height
thing, 'cause it isn't.
I just can't drag you
into this family drama.
Things may get ugly.
I have to find my brat sister,
and believe me
she is good
at this jungle stuff.
Think this'll fit?
Donnie's gone.
We need to find him.
The eclipse is in a few hours.
Oh, but Donnie is always missing
and I was dreaming
about shepherd's pie.
Bree, Sloan,
have you seen Donnie?
Sloan told you
to stay out of there.
Bree, Sloan!
What is all this?
I don't like this place.
We've got Donnie.
Now, let's go.
What's that?
Something's in there.
Don't worry.
I'll get you out of there.
Oh, Tally!
Oh, I knew I'd find you.
Eliza, we have
to get out of here.
What do you mean?
Hello, Eliza.
This cheetah cub--
where-where did you get him?
I picked him up...
on the savannah.
You... bought him?
I picked him up...
right off the ground.
I told Sloan he shouldn't cut
that rope ladder.
It was you!
Thank you so much
for returning my knife to me.
Ooh, kitten,
you didn't drink all your milk.
How are you ever going
to grow big enough
to make me a coat?
Oh, I'm afraid
you'll have to miss
the solar eclipse.
You can catch it
on the Poaching Channel.
You built the fence!
Of course.
Now, here's a question
for your famous father:
How many volts of electricity
does it take to kill
a thousand elephants? Hmm?
And then, my brat sister decided
to run away from boarding school
without any consideration
for me, her only sister.
Yeah. After all I've done
for her and the monkey.
Do you see something, Boko?
If it was just Eliza,
I would say
go on, go play in the jungle.
But I am responsible
for Donnie
and I take that very seriously.
I don't see anything.
Brat sister?
You're good.
Maybe we can make it
to this "Tembo Valley"
before lunchtime.
Tembo Valley?
Yeah. Do you know it?
you are a little troublemaker.
First, you show up
on my cheetah hunt.
And then you jump
from a train
to same my rhino.
He's not your rhino.
Oh, really?
And then somehow
you knew the poachers
had shot him at the river.
Yet, you were on a train
at the time.
I guessed.
And now you arrive
in the jungle
knowing about a fence.
A fence which no one
witnessed being built.
So, my little troublemaker,
who told you?
No one.
Are your parents working
with that Jomo person?
They don't even know
I'm here.
Then who is your
source of information?
There's no one.
You know too much
for a little girl.
I have too much invested
in this operation
to let anything get in my way.
If you don't tell
me who they are
you'll never see that
family of yours again.
Sloan, I hear someone coming.
What's going on?
I don't like the way that man
is looking at us.
Eliza, I saw them
with fire sticks
and then there was a loud sound.
Oh, we've got to get
out of here!
I'll help.
Go, Tally, go.
That's it.
Yes, that's it.
Get the cheetah involved again.
If we hadn't gone out looking
for them that night
we wouldn't be in this mess.
Don't you blame Tally...
Oh, I'm not.
Tally didn't sneak out
without permission.
Tally didn't run away
from boarding school.
Tally didn't trust
those awful people
who clearly
don't like animals.
I thought they were like me.
When are you going to see
that no one's like you?
What more do you need?
The shaman gave you a gift.
Use it!
Darwin, please!
You know what I think?
You don't know what to do
with your powers.
Darwin, for once in your life,
just be quiet!
Can we help you?
Oh, yes.
I'm looking for my sister
Eliza Thornberry.
Let me go, you creep!
Let her go!
Certainly, if you tell me
who is your source
of information!
I told you, there's no one.
L-I just guessed
all of that stuff--
the fence
and the explosives and...
I never mentioned explosives.
You're lying.
What's he talking about?
Tell me
or she goes over the edge.
Just get rid of her, Sloan.
She doesn't know
anything about this.
Who told you these things?!
I can't tell you.
Stop! Wait!
I'll tell you.
I know these things because...
I can talk to animals.
What has she done?
Sloan, let's get out of here!
Please be all right.
Debbie, run!
Into the woods!
Where are you going?!
I have to get Tally.
Darwin, come on!
It's really gone.
You expect me to believe
that a couple of years ago
you freed a warthog
but he was really a magic man
who made it
so you could talk to animals
but you had to keep it a secret
or else there'd be
some tornado thing
and you would lose your powers?
I knew it!
That's why you're always
sneaking out all the time
with Darwin.
Oh, I have a few things
to say to that monkey.
Tell him that
I don't appreciate it
when he leaves pizza crusts
under the seat cushions.
Go ahead, tell him.
Debbie, I broke the rule.
I told about my powers...
so I lost them.
Oh, my gosh.
You did that for me?
I can't talk to Darwin anymore.
And the last thing
I said to him was really mean.
Now I can't even tell him
I'm sorry.
I may not speak monkey
but I think he's trying
to tell us about that waterfall.
We're here.
This must be the Tembo Valley.
Come on!
The eclipse is going
to start soon!
Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
What happened?
I don't know, but we
have to get out of here.
Darwin really watches out
for you, doesn't he?
He's my best friend.
The elephants.
It's a trap.
They're all going to die,
and I can't even warn them.
But can't you, like, make
elephant noises, or something?
Debbie, I can't talk to them.
How can I help them?
You don't understand.
Shaman Mnyambo
told me in a dream
that he gave me my gift
for a reason.
It doesn't matter now.
I lost it.
Okay, enough
with the "poor me,
I lost my magic powers" bit.
Are you just going to sit there?
What am I supposed to do?
I'm just an ordinary girl now.
Eliza, ever since
you were a little kid
you dragged home birds
with broken wings
and creepy toads and stuff.
You didn't have
special powers then.
You just cared.
Trust me,
you were never ordinary.
Bree, take us into the valley.
I want to watch this.
Everyone, take your places.
This all must happen
within seven minutes
do you understand?
Do you see the girls or Donnie?
No, but Nigel
what do you make of that?
They're setting up explosives.
The barbarians are going
to frighten the elephants
and make them stampede,
right into that
electric fence.
Marianne, take us down there.
Eliza, no!
They'll stomp on you!
No, they won't!
Elephants know when
you're trying to help them.
It's not too late
to become ordinary.
Darwin, stay here.
I'll be back.
I have to stop them somehow.
Make them turn around.
Turn around!
You have to go back!
I have got to get
to the front of the herd.
Set off the first round
of explosives
The wires have been cut.
Set off the second round.
Oh, think of something quick.
Think of something.
Please, stop.
It worked!
Oh, no!
How can I make you
understand me?
What did Phaedra tell me?
I know!
Behind the ear.
We did it!
Oh, let's get out of here.
They're turning around!
Start shooting!
But... there's a girl there.
I don't care!
Take down those elephants.
I'll take care of the kid.
It's going to be all right.
We're almost out of here.
You will regret this.
I don't care.
What you're doing is awful!
And what you're doing
is stupid!
Shame you won't be here
to help me carry out the ivory.
Oh, no!
Oh, I can't get a shot
from here.
Bree, go lower.
Shaman Mnyambo, I'm sorry.
I messed everything up.
I couldn't make them understand.
If I hadn't broken the rule...
I could've saved them.
But you did save them.
See for yourself.
And you did this,
not with your gift
but with your heart.
If this is what you can do
without your powers
you have a greater destiny
than I've even known.
I'm going to grant you
your powers back.
You are?
There is one condition.
About your sister.
How well do you think
she can keep a secret?
Don't move!
You're under arrest!
Take your hands off me.
It's a mistake.
I can explain everything.
We were trying to help
the elephants.
Need a ride?
Ew. Brat sister.
I don't know where he got that.
Debbie, stop!
There's Darwin!
Now I know you think
I talk too much.
So, from now on, I'm
just going to sit back
and quietly observe and...
Yeah, like that'll ever happen.
Did you just talk to me?
Mom! Dad!
I guess you're going back
to your family, huh?
Oh, please.
Keep it.
You know...
Pretty amazing, huh, Dad?
The legend was right.
It was indeed, poppet.
But I still wonder
why they gather
during an eclipse.
Maybe the elephants feel safe.
Maybe because it's the one day
that everything changes.
The little moon blocks
the powerful sun, so maybe...
So maybe they have reason
to hope.
Maybe these intelligent
creatures believe
that by standing together--
as they have done
for centuries--
they may, one day, live without
fear of man's greed.
I don't know, of course
but I swear she's thanking you.
I think so, too, Dad.
Tally, do you see her anywhere?
This is where we always played.
We'll find her.
Ma, I'm back!
Oh, my baby.
I thought I'd lost you.
Akela, I should've
listened to you.
I'm so sorry.
I know you are.
Tally's home now and safe.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Cut the cheetah chatter,
and let's go!
Oh, got to go.
Bye, Eliza.
I'll miss you guys.
See you next time.
I don't know how I'm going
to keep this secret of yours.
Well, you have to.
I kind of agreed to a condition
when I got my powers back.
You can never tell
anyone my secret
because if you do...
Yeah?'ll turn into a baboon.
A baboon?!
The peacefulness of
this congregation belies
the true nature of...
I am not going to spend
the rest of my life
with a big purple butt!
Ooh. Ooh. Oh.
Everybody's on the floor
People walking
through the door
They wanna dance with us
Dance, dance
-Bow Wow
-Let's dance, come on
-Let's dance, come on, Diddy
-Dance, dance
-Got our hands up in the air
-Yeah, Wild Thornberrys
Party like we just don't care
-Put your hands in the air
-Oh, yeah
Yeah, come on
-Everybody's on the floor
-People, hey
-People walking through the door
-They wanna dance with us
-Let's dance, come on
Let's dance, come on
Got our hands
-In the air
-Put your hands in the air
-You just don't care
Wanna dance with us
Ooh, oh, yeah
Yo, yo, I'm going,
going back, back
Let's dance to the music
just like that
Movin' 'round, shakin' up,
yeah, I like that
It's a party
so I know you like that
Come on, I wanna see you
dance some more
Let's keep it goin', y'all
Move with the jam, come on
Till the morning,
screaming out hey's and oh's
I don't think they understand
-Get up, let's dance, come on
These furless primates
you see behind me
are part of
an untamed subspecies
best known as...
the Thornberrys.
Dance like we just don't care
Let's dance, come on,
let's dance
Yeah, yeah.
If you leap awake
in the mirror of a bad dream
And for a fraction of a second
You can't remember where you are
Just open your window
And follow your memory upstream
To the meadow in the mountain
Where we counted
every falling star
I believe the light
that shines on you
Will shine on you forever
And though I can't guarantee
There's nothing scary
hiding under your bed
I'm gonna stand guard
Like a postcard
of a golden retriever
And never leave till I leave you
With a sweet dream in your head
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one
is two, ooh-ooh
There could never be
a father
Who loved his daughter
more than I love you
Trust your intuition
It's just like goin' fishin'
You cast your line
and hope you get a bite
But you don't need
to waste your time
Worrying about the market place
Try to help the human race
Struggling to survive
its harshest night
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one
is two
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
There could never be a father
Who loved his daughter
more than I love you
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one is two
-Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
There could never be a father
Who loved his daughter
more than I love you.
Here on Earth
Are the stars so far away
Do they hear us crying?
Can they feel us when we pray?
Can we trust
and go where it takes us?
Do we choose?
-Sometimes I wonder
-I wonder
Do we create our destiny?
Dreamers like you
Dreamers like me
We have the power in our hearts
Love is a bridge
To the stars...
Fly to the stars
Uh, huh, uh, uh
To the stars
To the stars
Nah-nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah
Nah-nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah
Nah-nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah
Nah-nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah
You could be so happy
On this brand-new beautiful day
You could be so happy, hey
Like kids getting ready
to play
Come on and bring it on,
on and on
Nothing that you do
is wrong
Come along
and don't drag it on
You could be so happy
You've got somebody
to love.