The Wilde Wedding (2017)

So, what can I tell you about Eve Wilde
that you don't already know?
Well, for starters, she absolutely hates
being called Grandma or Grandmother
or anything with "grand" in it.
So she's just plain old Eve
to both you and me.
Oh, you probably do know
she's been married before, right?
But the only one you really need
to pay attention to is Laurence,
husband number one
and my personal favorite
because he is technically my grandpa,
but guess what.
I can't call him that either. Actors.
Eve and Laurence met in New York
where Laurence was studying
to be a famous actor.
And Eve wanted to be an actress,
but, well, you know
how that old chestnut goes.
Life's what happens
while you're busy making plans.
Laurence got cast
as the lead in this big comedy.
and he got Eve a part in it too,
which was super cool of him.
But when the film came out, all of the
reviews said, "Hello. A star is born."
But they weren't talking about Laurence.
By the time Eve was
one of the biggest stars in the world,
she and Laurence were exchanging
humorous divorce gifts.
A silver cowbell for Eve
to wear around her neck
so Laurence would always know
she was coming.
A birdcage for Laurence so that
the next Mrs. Darling couldn't get away.
I'd say Eve is on the whole
what you'd call a positive person.
She says that her whole life has been
one long fairy tale and everything.
But I might just disagree with Eve here.
I might say in everything except love,
which, frankly, if you knew the family
would be considered the family "hurdle."
But all that was about to change.
MAN: Like the lightning
that precedes thunder,
my eyes took in what my heart knew
an instant later,
that this was love.
Love at first sight.
YOUNG WOMAN: So I'm making a film
for Eve of the weekend.
It's my wedding gift.
And from prior experience,
I can say it'll have
a little bit of all the genres:
comedy, drama, musical
and, of course,
documentary, which is my forte
because I like to think
I ask the tough questions.
I bet it was the Swedish nanny
who jumped you when you were, like, 16.
- Excuse me?
- Mom told me.
She said that girl
was totally your type. Bad girl.
Oh, my God.
Mackenzie, that is so inappropriate.
Come on,
it was the Swedish nanny, right?
Actually, my first love was...
My first love...
MACKENZIE: OK, so he's doing
this whole drum-roll thing
because deep down,
he wants to say it was my mom,
but instead he's just trying to think
of something funny.
That's my mom and dad
in this band they had.
Mom said there were a lot of guys
trying to get her attention,
but she only had eyes for him.
She said he wrote the most dreamy music.
Thing is, he still does,
just not for her.
My first love was a crme brle
that I had in the south of France
when I was 12.
You're so emotionally retarded, Dad.
- Thank you.
Alright, hang on.
- Hey, Jimmy.
- I'm patching Ethan in.
- OK.
- But I got everything.
All of Harold's numbers,
bank accounts, loans, debts...
MACKENZIE: My Uncle Jimmy has fallen
in love, like, a gazillion times.
He says he's a romantic.
- Look.
- MAN: Jimmy?
MACKENZIE: There he goes again.
MAN: Jimmy? Jimmy, you there?
- Sorry. What? Sorry. Where was I?
- Having your suspicions confirmed.
Right, confirming my suspicion
that people who write serious novels
have a relatively small pot to piss in.
- Which is why this fucking prenup is...
- Dad.
- Hey, honey.
- Hi, Dad.
Your bus is very late.
Yeah, I know. I was on it.
Dad, this is Pink.
- Pink?
- Hey, dude.
She's coming with us for the weekend.
Well, honey, it's kind of
a special weekend, don't you think?
I brought a friend to her last wedding.
But you were five.
I brought a friend to your last wedding.
Thanks, babe.
Please, I finally erased
that whole debacle from my memory.
- Where's the car?
- Right there.
Come on.
Hello? Where the hell's Ethan?
MACKENZIE: My Uncle Ethan
says he's never getting married.
Oh, fuck! My God! Ah!
MACKENZIE: He says why would he,
with all the interesting people
he meets on social media these days?
Good boy, Yoyo. Good boy.
WOMAN: Oh, hey, Guy. Yeah.
You heard the new tracks? OK.
I'm gonna have the number-one
album and the number-one tour
if you pull your finger out of your ass.
Do your job. I want arenas.
- Oh, honey, look. Look.
- No. Mom, please.
Yes, yes, yes. Hey, can you pull over?
Yes, yes, right here.
MACKENZIE: The problem is
that when it comes to relationships,
examples have to be set.
But in my case, the adults setting them
are quite possibly
the worst examples known to man.
JIMMY: Mom, Mom,
that slope near the boathouse.
Somebody's gonna go ass over backwards
into a lawsuit.
Well, it leads down to the lake.
I don't want to board it up.
Well, can we at least put up
a couple of signs?
Al, could you make up a couple of signs
that say "Beware of Steep Slope"?
- A sign?
- WOMAN: Hello?
A sign's gonna save us
a million dollars if someone falls.
- We're in here.
- Mom.
Sam can't pass a vintage clothing store
without begging me to stop.
- Hello, darling.
- What's up, buddy?
- That's for you.
- Come sit down.
- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
Sam, just do what I do.
Donate all the clothes Mom gives me.
I think your mother
has a charming fashion sense.
- So do I.
- This is lovely.
- Sam. Tell me, how is your father?
- He's in Miami.
- Yeah. Sebastian and I broke up.
- EVE: Why?
Well, you know, it was either that
or I was gonna strangle him.
Sure, the go-to options.
- MACKENZIE: So, Eve...
- EVE: Mm-hm.
MACKENZIE: What can you tell us
about your first love?
There was a beautiful boy, Cosmo.
He was the reason I joined
the theater class where I met Laurence.
Of course,
Cosmo wasn't interested in girls.
Yeah, duh. Of course. His name is Cosmo.
Alright, so... so, what,
your first love was Laurence?
I remember the first time
Laurence and I rehearsed.
He looked at me
with that smoldering stare that he has.
I mean, you know. You know the one.
I know it well.
And it was goodbye, Cosmo,
hello, Laurence.
EVE: Now, of course,
Laurence has had the career
every actor would dream of having,
unless, of course,
you're Laurence Darling.
He's recognized as a great actor.
I'm just a... a simple movie star.
And he could find that very annoying.
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Boys, boys, boys.
- Dad.
It's so good to see you.
Why isn't it more often?
- You never return any of our calls.
- Dad, Dad, Dad.
It was a rhetorical question, James.
We all have such busy lives now.
- Laurence.
- The Lady Eve.
- How are you?
- I am grand.
I have come to see you off again.
Maybe we'll get it right this time.
That's why I'm here,
to make sure that this one is a keeper.
You are so thoughtful.
As if you'd have any idea
what a keeper was.
- WOMAN: Laurence.
- I'm sensing a theme here.
Are all the exes invited?
- Just the ones Mom likes.
- And they're still alive.
Well, I'm glad I still qualify.
Has the great man arrived?
Not yet. His sense of timing's
even better than yours.
Upstaged again?
- WOMAN: Bad Girls.
- HAROLD: Uh...
Right. Uh, Bad Girls, Bad Girls.
(BRITISH ACCENT) Dad, come on.
It was one of her biggest hits.
Oh, yeah, got it.
Uh, Eve steals into a prison...
an Indonesian prison
to save her daughter
who's wrongly accused of murder.
OK, and it ends...?
Oh, f... Um...
Hang on just a minute. Uh...
Oh, yes, uh, it turns out
the daughter actually did it,
but Eve takes her place
on the scaffold anyway.
Actually, it's a rip-off
of Tale of Two Cities.
Dad, I think it's very romantic
that you're going to all this effort.
- Thank you, Clemmie.
- Romantic?
It's an absolute bloody miracle.
RADIO: You're an angel from up above
Sent down to give me love...
I'm sorry.
It's a big day here.
- Waiting for Harold.
- (BRITISH ACCENT) It's a very good day.
Harold, man. Oh.
Hey, hey, hey.
- ETHAN: Here they come. Here they come.
JIMMY: He's going around the wrong way.
EVE: Alright, everyone, behave, behave.
BOY: Our new family.
EVE: Welcome! Welcome!
And there's number five.
Right. This is my daughter, Clemmie.
Hello, Clemmie.
I've heard so much about you.
- My daughter, Rose.
- Rose, yes.
And this is Rose's friend
and almost third daughter.
- Hello.
- Saffron.
Saffron. Hi.
Come meet my family.
There's Jimmy, my oldest.
- Hey, Jimmy.
- James.
- And then Rory.
- Hi, Rory.
- Ethan.
- Ethan.
Back there with the camera
is Mackenzie,
whose mother is Priscilla
who was married to Rory.
Here's Sam.
You are doing...? Hi.
- My daughter, Mackenzie.
- Hi.
- Hi, Mackenzie.
- Hi.
EVE: My nephew, Dylan.
My brother's son,
who sadly couldn't be here. And...
- You are who?
- Dylan.
- Dylan, hi.
- And Laurence, the father of my sons.
And husband number one.
What a great pleasure. I am a big fan.
The pleasure is all mine.
I'm a bigger fan.
EVE: So you guys are in here.
Oh, thank you very much.
MACKENZIE: According to Wikipedia,
"Harold Alcott writes novels about love
that are tragically comedic."
Which means he's gonna fit right in
with this family.
- HAROLD: I missed you.
- EVE: Well, that's your fault.
It's because you have
so many books to pack.
HAROLD: Well, I'm a writer.
Just as long as you have that book
with the pictures that we like.
The Pompeiian bathhouses.
Yeah, those saucy Romans.
I brought it in my hand luggage.
RORY: Get off.
Stop it.
Did the cat get the cream?
- What cream?
- Silver fox.
Major hottie. For an old guy.
Oh, you know, hang on here, you guys.
You make me sound so... so superficial,
like it's all about
his, granted, good looks
and not about his big...
Do I really have to hear this?
Did I wanna hear about you and Priscilla
and the best sex of all time?
Hey, hey, hey. I never said that.
- Really?
- Really?
Do not repeat that to Mackenzie. Do not.
It wasn't the greatest sex of my life.
It was the greatest sex of his.
RORY: Seriously?
Hello? Hi, yes. I'm trying to track down
an employee of yours.
She drove the Montauk bus yesterday
that arrived at 11:45.
Actually, I say it arrived at 11:45,
but in point of fact
it was very, very late.
Why do I wish to contact her?
Is that any business of yours?
I mean, I could be an estate attorney.
So what does marriage mean to you?
What's your experience with that?
Uh, well...
My... My parents fighting.
People getting divorced.
Whoa, OK. You're being a little bit
of a Debbie Downer here, alright?
What about first love?
What's your experience with that?
First love?
Let me give that some thought.
Dylan, Dylan, I'm still filming.
Girls, you know that crazy,
warm sensation you get
when you cross your legs
and squeeze really tight?
Well, the first time I had that,
the weirdo in me
was thinking about D ylan.
But what would, o f course,
get tongues wagging around these parts
is that Dylan and I
are technically first cousins,
but first cousins once removed,
so there's, like, a three percent chance
our kids would have, like,
15 fingers and three eyes.
OK, the first-love question
was a bit leading
as Dylan and I have already kissed,
but it was last summer
and I haven't even seen him since.
Anyway, just...
it raises that age-old question.
You know, can you ever go back?
EVE: That's exactly what I was thinking,
though I think maybe a couple more here,
possibly another hydrangea.
- I think that'd be very nice.
The last thing
I would call either of us is selfish.
In fact, the term "generous to a fault"
springs to mind.
But in this instance,
I suggest we put it to the vote
to keep our one solitary decanter
of liquid nectar
a secret from the vin ordinaire drinkers
and rendezvous back here
aprs le diner.
I second that motion and say aye.
Harold and I will meet you back here.
Yes, Harold.
He's a fine-wine man, is he?
I don't wanna fucking talk
to you, asshole
Fuck you
(IN PORTUGUESE) So are you happy?
Go on, say it,
and I'll tell you what I think.
I think you're a liar.
Me? I'm fine.
- Hey.
- I'm fine.
Moving right along.
In fact, you know what?
You know what I feel like doing?
I feel like making love right now.
I want a man to devour me
and kiss every inch of my naked body
until I am begging him
to fuck me hard.
How do you feel about that?
Well, guess what.
I'm looking at a guy right now.
And I can tell from his shit-eating grin
that he'll be happy to oblige.
It will probably surprise you to learn
that Ethan speaks five languages,
Portuguese among them.
So he understood every word of Saf f ron's
phone call to her, quote, "grandma,"
and explains the grin
she was referring to.
ETHAN: How about we go on a little ride?
I got some delicious magic mushroom
chocolates. You up for it?
SAFFRON: Mmm. Very naughty.
Half will get you really high. Easy.
To you.
EVE: Mmm.
So how's it going
with the young actress?
Young is a relative term. She's 36.
She went back to her boyfriend,
at my suggestion, of course.
They're getting married.
Must be catching.
I'll probably be
at that wedding as well.
Ah, so that leaves
a position to be filled.
Already filled.
So, tell me, am I giving you away
for good this time?
Harold is an extraordinary man.
That he is, but will he understand
your way of thinking?
I don't think that way anymore.
Fame, success, the flattery.
I'll leave it all to you.
Thank you. I'll take it.
Very generous of you.
Eve didn't tell you I was coming, huh?
Oh, I wonder why.
Maybe she thought
you'd have a problem with it.
- Oh, hey.
- What's up, guys?
- Hey.
- Wear less.
OK, that happened. Um...
Look, a rock 'n' roll tour is not
a place for a 16-year-old girl. Come on.
Well, why don't you come?
Oh, sure. What, now that Sebastian
is no longer needed?
- Sure.
- Oh, honey.
- What?
- I think I'd rather be dead.
- Shit. OK, good night.
- OK, good night.
SAFFRON: Alright, now, who's shaggable?
I don't know. I can't decide
between the beautiful 17-year-old boy...
(IN PORTUGUESE) You cradle robber.
...or the naughty 30-something-year-old
that you were tarting around with
last night.
He's much more up your alley.
- Right.
- He's all yours. How about you, Clem?
Why would I tell you,
Tweedleslap and Tweedleslapper?
- Oh, my God!
- Come on, Clem!
- Dad.
- Yeah?
Eve's one and only Golden Globe
was for, A, Loves of a Blonde,
or, B, Blonde Love?
Uh... Loves of a Blonde.
ROSE: Uh, wrong.
It was actually for Blind Lover.
That's a trick question.
That's not fair.
ETHAN: An early wedding present.
What is it?
I got sent this the other day
and they want the two of us to be in it
playing mother and son.
That's imaginative casting.
It's actually a really good script.
You should think about doing it.
I'm in a wheelchair.
You end up in a wheelchair.
Last scene is the two of us
dancing in wheelchairs.
- A lot of crying scenes.
- Really? I'm retired. You do it.
- It's a both-or-nothing deal.
- Oh.
- Will you at least read it?
- Oh, honey.
Come on, on your honeymoon.
Gotta get out of bed sometime.
- Bow-chicka-wawa.
- That is so bad. You are my son.
- Where are you guys going?
- Venice.
- That's original.
- Well, it was Harold's idea.
I didn't wanna start off
as a difficult wife.
Then don't be a difficult mother.
RORY: OK, Eve and Harold's wedding song,
take one.
Bet the house, bet the f arm
Fourth time is a charm
It's amazing what a book tour can do
He's tall, debonair
And he's still got his hair
Coolest couple in "Vanity Fair"
Six weeks is all it took
Two books and the sales are strong
You know you can never go wrong
When love comes along
You never go wrong
When love comes along
You never go wrong
When love comes along
You never go wrong
When love comes along
ROSE: I think it's very adult of you
to be this civilized.
I mean, not everyone would have
their ex-husband at their wedding.
My mum would turn into the Exorcist
if Dad showed up at her wedding.
Oh, God.
Projectile green vomit.
Head 360. The whole thing.
She still really hates him.
- Dare one ask why?
Oh, well, um,
as Dorothy Parker once said,
"Hogamous, Higamous,
Man is polygamous
Higamous, Hogamous,
Woman is monogamous."
Um, I doubt Dorothy Parker
actually said that.
Yes, it has a man's fingerprints
all over it.
Yes, it sounds
suspiciously self-serving.
RORY: You know,
if it helps explain anything, Rose,
Mom and Dad here
were like the poster couple for divorce.
Yeah, they gave each other
divorce gifts.
Really? What?
- I've forgotten.
- Me too.
Actually, one time, Mom took the three
of us out of the country for a vacation
and she didn't get Dad's permission.
Dad waited patiently until we got back
and then had Mom arrested at the airport
and put in prison for the night.
What a guy.
Character building.
And when Dad came back after having
been away working for three months,
he found that Mom
had completely redecorated the suite
and put it on the bill.
Yes, it was much more cheerful.
Hello, there!
- Hey! Hombre!
- Ah!
My best man.
- Cmo est?
- Oh, muy bien. Usted?
Bien, bien, bien.
- Seor.
- Cmo ests?
JIMMY: I just think we have to make
at least one attempt
to get Mom to do a prenup.
I don't know. She's done
quite well for herself so far.
Yeah, but so far
all of her husbands have had money.
Except for you.
- Of course.
- Yeah.
Come on!
So what does true love
mean to you, Mother?
True love? Um...
Well, you know, if at first
you don't succeed, try, try again.
Which is what I keep saying
about those songs, Mom.
- PRISCILLA: What songs?
- SAM: Your new ones.
What do you know, anyway?
You... You sing along with Les Mis.
Mommy is a rock goddess.
Mom... Mommy is a rock goddess.
A couple of my novels
that were turned into films
sent me to bed with a bottle of Scotch.
Well, that's where the films I'm usually
in these days always send me.
And why I'm in graceful retirement.
Yeah, but that is such a pity, Eve.
- You played some great roles.
- Has she... She has.
Harold has seen all my work.
You've seen all of Eve's films?
- Yeah.
- LAURENCE: Seriously?
Uh... well, you know, nearly all.
And which performance
do you treasure the most?
Well, I'd have to say, um... it was
the first time I saw you on screen.
You were playing a waitress in a diner
who kept getting the orders wrong
and you nearly killed this poor guy
who had a nut allergy.
It was hilarious.
Available Man.
Laurence got me that part.
Yes, I also played the guy
with the nut allergy.
Though that wasn't
Eve's first leading role.
It was meant to be, anyways, supporting.
HAROLD: Well, obviously, yes.
Um, in a leading role,
I would have to say, um... uh...
Bad Girls was very moving.
Look, it doesn't have to be perfect.
Can you get a prenup here by tomorrow?
Dance party. Here we go.
Taking us down the road. Let's do it.
Step, and down.
Step, step. Clap, clap.
ETHAN: Work it, girl. Work it.
- Here we go. Here we go.
- Oh, come on. You can get this.
- Take off! These are our tarts!
- Get outta here.
OK, again.
Go. Get down.
LAURENCE: Do you really think
he's seen all your films?
EVE: Of course not. But I think
it's sweet that he pretends he has.
- And you never miss it?
- Oh, God, no.
We always did it for different reasons.
- We did?
- Yeah.
You did it, well, you still do it,
for the work,
for the challenge of the work,
for the absences the work affords.
I always thought of the family
as integral to my work
and you thought of it
as detrimental to your work.
EVE: Speaking about
mixing family and work,
Ethan has this movie
he wants me to act in with him.
Good part?
A mother in a wheelchair, apparently.
Do you think it could be changed
to a father in a wheelchair?
Possible Oscar bait.
"He walks away with it.
I'm supporting."
- "I'm supporting."
- "I'm supporting."
"We start out supporting
and we end up supporting."
(IN SPANISH) Hello. Tomas,
ask her who the cute boy is.
My sister wants to know
who Harry Potter is.
That's Dylan.
He's your boyfriend?
- He's my cousin.
- Ah.
(IN SPANISH) What did she say?
(IN SPANISH) His name's Dylan.
He's not her boyfriend. He's her cousin.
(IN SPANISH) Oh, good. I'll go over.
Um, he's actually my first cousin...
He's my first cousin once removed.
- (IN SPANISH) I don't understand her.
- I think she likes Harry Potter.
But he's her cousin.
That's disgusting.
They'll have children with 15 fingers.
No, he's her second cousin,
so they'll probably have normal fingers.
But they're cousins. I'm going.
- (IN SPANISH) Hello.
- Hi.
- (IN SPANISH) How are you?
So how old are you?
DYLAN: Oh, Girl At War.
Do you need some help?
But first I have to confess something.
I had my first serious snog to
Up All Night In The Diner With Julie.
Snog. That's...
That's English for "make out," right?
Yes, but with lots and lots of tongue.
Alright, well, that was a...
that was a great choice to, uh, snog to.
- It was amazing.
- I'm glad to hear it.
So, being a bit of a fan,
can I ask you three questions?
Alright. Go for it.
Why did you stop writing?
Who said I stopped?
Right. OK.
- Why did you leave your band?
- Oh, it was never really my band.
It was our band.
But, you know, you got a lead singer
with a huge personality.
It was always gonna be her band
in the end. I mean, rightly so.
And is that why you left?
No, honestly, I, uh...
You know, that whole
rock 'n' roll lifestyle thing,
it just... wasn't that important.
Not fame or money?
No, it's not everything.
I mean, I figured that out pretty early.
OK, uh, I have two questions.
- Oh. Really?
- Yes, I do.
What is an Orange Prize?
- Oh, my God, you googled me.
- No, please.
No, Eve told me
one of Harold's daughters was a novelist
and it's obviously not Rose.
She said that an Orange Prize
had been won.
An Orange Prize is an award
they give to first-time female authors,
and I didn't win, I was shortlisted.
- Was it autobiographical?
- Why do you ask that?
Oh, come on.
It's about an older sister who's kind of
attractive in a bookish kind of way
who lives with her hipster,
skirt-chasing dad
and wild-child younger sister
and they all live on red wine and pizza?
- You read it.
- Sure.
Gotta check up on my new stepfamily.
Some of it was me, yeah,
but most of it wasn't.
- I can't actually cook a chicken Kiev.
- Not a problem.
- But I do like books.
- Obviously.
Do you know,
I would prefer if you referred to me
as kind of sexy in a librarian way
rather than bookish.
- You would prefer that?
- Yes.
Well, you need glasses
for sexy librarian.
Soul patch.
EVE: "Such duty
as the subject owes the prince,
Even such a woman
oweth to her husband.
And if she is froward,
peevish, sullen, sour,
and not obedient to his honest will,
What is she
but a foul contending rebel
And graceless traitor
to her loving lord?"
I'm not just a fuckin' movie star.
PRISCILLA:It's Priscilla for Guy.
No, I don't wanna hold.
I don't wanna hold. I don't wanna hold.
Yeah. I wanna write a book.
About me.
You've never seen any of my films?
I don't think so.
Do you go to the theater?
- What?
- Not if we can help it.
Wait, hang on.
Were you in the last SpongeBob film?
I was indeed.
- Oh, my God. I love SpongeBob.
- Oh, yeah?
You used to be quite good-looking.
You've put on some weight, though.
- Come on, Saffie. Let's get a drinkie.
- Actually, I've lost weight.
- What'd I miss?
- My whole career, apparently.
- That's it. I'm moving out.
- What?
You're killing me with the second-hand
smoke and you don't even care.
I do care. But you're not dead yet.
Go over there and have the fresh air.
Go on.
Fifty bucks says Dad
brings up his Tony at dinner.
No way.
Fifty it's before the main course.
A hundred it's before the salad
and he got it for Pirandello's Henry IV.
- That's bold.
- Watch and learn.
- I'll take dessert.
- Alright, man.
So wait, wait, wait.
You guys met in a jailhouse for women?
It's actually a really good way
to meet people.
Here we go, here we go.
I, for one, would like to commend Eve
on her optimism and her perseverance
and, of course, her courage...
HAROLD: Ha-ha! taking this plunge yet again.
- ETHAN: Brave girl.
- LAURENCE: I must say, I was surprised.
In fact, I would have wagered
my Tony Award for my performance
- in Pirandello's Henry IV...
- ETHAN: Bastard.
...against the idea that you would ever
tread down this path again, my darling.
But having met Harold, I think I get it.
To Eve and Harold.
ALL: To Eve and Harold.
- Harold.
- Here you go.
PRISCILLA: So, lovebirds, hey.
I... I know it's customary
to give the gifts after the wedding,
but I really wanna give you my gift now.
- Right now.
- EVE: Sure.
- HAROLD: Love it.
- JIMMY: Cheers.
Hey, little sister,
what have you done?
Hey, little sister,
who's the only one?
Hey, little sister,
who's your superman?
Little sister, who's the one you want?
Little sister, shotgun
It's a nice day for a Wilde wedding
Hey, little sister,
who's it you're with?
Hey, little sister,
what's your vice or wish?
Hey, little sister, shotgun, oh, yeah
Little sister, who's your superman?
Little sister, shotgun
It's a nice day to start again
- It's a nice day for a Wilde wedding
- Wow.
It's a nice day to start again
That's your daughter.
What have you done?
Hey, little sister,
who's the only one?
I've been away for so long
I let you go f or so, so long, now
Hey, little sister, shotgun
- It's a nice day to start again
- Care to dance?
Oh, it's a nice day
for a Wilde wedding
- Fuck off.
- It's a nice day to start again
Hello. This is James Darling.
I called yesterday trying to track down
the young lady who drove the Montauk
bus that did not arrive at 11:45,
and you asked me
why I wanted to contact her,
and, well, the reason is when I saw her,
in her not-very-flattering
jitney uniform, by the way,
when I saw her, the little voice
in my head said, "This is the one."
Ah, fuck!
- Easy, man. I'm not a horse.
- What happened?
- Gentle.
- Jimmy?
Oh. I... I fucking tripped over
the "Beware of Slope" sign.
- Oh, my God, that is too funny.
- Alright, Mom.
It's just a grade-one ankle sprain.
There's no sign
of anterior talofibular disruption.
Really, that's
your professional diagnosis?
LAURENCE: It is indeed, James.
One of the great things
about acting on the stage
is that one gets to inhabit a role,
and you might be aware that I have
rather famously played a doctor.
Doctor Dolittle?
And your point is?
You bandaged the leg
of an animatronic giraffe,
singing "If I Could Talk
to the Animals"?
And I was complimented
on my technique by numerous physicians.
Actually, I would like
to compliment you, Laurence,
on your very gracious toast.
I meant every word I said.
You are amazingly courageous,
amazingly tenacious
and amazingly naive.
Said the old cynic.
Come on, Laurence,
what are you still holding out for?
I'm not holding out.
I like my birdcage empty, thank you.
Anyway, why would I want
a new wife and new family
when I already have the best ex-wife
and raised the most perfect family
any man could want?
Oh, my God, Dad, you have lived
in a hotel suite for the last 30 years.
With one fucking bedroom.
When we wanted to see you,
we had to check in.
I think marriage
is challenging, formidable
and to be taken very seriously,
like a great heroic adventure.
Captain Scott heading o ff
into the Antarctic.
Does that make me the South Pole?
Where I would be very happy
to plant my flag.
- Yeah!
SAM: Look at this one.
See ya.
You did remember the birdcage.
How could I forget the best piece
of advice an ex-wife ever gave to a man?
"You can't lock me up."
Lock you up?
- Yes.
- Oh, God.
After all these years,
and you had no clue.
- It's not about you.
- It's not? But I hate that.
No, no, the birdcage
was so you could keep
the next Mrs. Darling from flying away.
Like the first one did.
- It was?
- Yes.
No, wait, I thought it was because,
you know, you can fly in,
but then if you wanted to fly out, you
know, to meet up with other roosters...
Hello, my lady. Where's Saffron?
Gone inside.
Homemade chocolates?
They're super delicious
and a lot of fun.
What sort of fun?
Let's just say
they're in the 'shroom family.
Wanna go for a moonlight ride?
Vroom, vroom!
- Mm-hm.
- Hm?
I'll go change.
Do you know what's great about us?
We've been through all the bad times.
One of the benefits
of being apart so long
is that somebody else
had to take the knockout punches.
And on that note,
think I'll have another drink. Anyone?
No, I won't.
I'm getting married in the morning.
I should think about going to bed.
The night is young.
PRISCILLA: Eve and Laurence have
started in on the merits of marriage.
It's funny how they didn't have
that conversation 30 years ago.
PRISCILLA: Isn't it?
- I think that's enough of that.
- Alright.
Fuck, fuck.
EVE: Have you ever thought
what might have happened
if you'd never gotten me that part?
Yeah, I might have been mentioned
in one of the reviews.
I meant what might
have happened with us.
I don't know.
Would it have been different? Probably.
Would it have been better?
I don't know. Better than this?
What if Harold feels
there's no room for an ex-husband?
There's always room.
Ah, but maybe no more room for this.
May I tempt you?
I have a wedding dress to fit into.
You're going to be
the most beautiful bride.
Psst. Hey.
You wanna bake a cake?
- OK.
- Fantastic. Let's go.
Come on.
ETHAN: Whoo!
- You feel anything?
- Yeah. I feel fucking amazing!
Alright, I will chop the mint,
you pick the tune.
Music is important.
So what are we actually doing here,
Gordon Ramsay?
Are you familiar
with the chiffonade cut?
No. What is it?
Nice. Austrian Swing.
Is that a lucky guess
or an excellent choice?
- No, it's not a lucky guess.
- Really?
Yeah, I spent two nights
in a soggy tent in Glastonbury
just so I could shake my bum
to these gentlemen.
It's having the same effect
on my ass too, right. Come here.
OK, the chiffonade cut,
you need a knife with a long, thin blade
and a handle
that you can hold like a sword.
You know, I read that list of things
that psychopaths are good at,
and cooking
is right up there at the top.
I'm almost afraid
to ask how good you are.
Guy who taught me's
got two Michelin stars. Let's go.
Oh, my God.
You're Hannibal bloody Lecter.
I was just on my way up to bed.
Yeah. Um...
If you see Sam, will you send him up?
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Night.
You know, I'm feeling
a little bushed myself.
I think it's the jet lag.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Sleep well.
This is the best wine I've ever had.
Normally it's an OK little winery,
but 2009 knocked it out of the park.
And it goes deliciously
with these chocolates.
Oh, thank you.
- You're making me dizzy.
- Shh! Shh!
- Be quiet.
- Shh!
- My dad...
- You be quiet. "My dad."
I suffocate
if I can't inhale your love, girl
So addicted to you
I get no rush without you
I suffocate
if I can't inhale your love, girl
So addicted to you
So addicted to you
So addicted to you
To you
I wasn't a very good husband.
Or father either, for that matter.
Just couldn't say no
to the work,
to the women,
to life's pleasures.
And marriage puts a stop
to all that, doesn't it?
It does tend to, yes.
"The cradle rocks above an abyss,
and common sense tells us
that our existence
is but a brief crack of light
between two eternities of darkness."
Vladimir Nabokov.
Our time in the light is nearly done.
I sometimes wonder if we should
really be saying no to anything
before we face the long night.
So I'm making a collection
of face masks.
What do you think?
You've done this professionally, right?
Well, I don't know.
Like, I've never actually
been paid for it,
so I don't think you could say
that I'm a professional.
But, um, I've done it, like, 50 times
and I've only lost two people.
- Lost?
- Yeah.
Wait a minute.
The breathing part is a bit tricky.
Stop. Stop.
You're ticklish.
Sorry, kid.
What are you made of, rocks?
Alright, I can do this.
Did you lose something?
Yeah, yeah, actually.
Um... Uh...
The engagement ring
that you never gave back.
- Well, it's not down there.
- Really?
No. Wanna check the other side?
OK, OK, wait, wait, wait.
Mackenzie can
never, ever, ever know about this.
- Oh, God. Or Sam.
- Of course, of course.
And Eve.
- Don't tell your mother, right?
- Oh, God, no. God, no. No, not...
And you know, Laurence,
you know I love your father, I do.
No. God, he's the most fucking
indiscreet person I know.
- OK.
- Ooh!
Oh, God. Oh, God.
OK, I'm here. Here we go.
Just carry on.
I don't know who's worse;
you for putting this on,
or you for watching this.
It's hardly a comedy.
- My love.
- Yes?
- My love.
- Harold, are you drunk?
I just had the most smashing
bottle of wine
with your smashing ex-husband,
who I think is smashing, by the way.
Ah. Well, I'm glad that's going so well.
It is, but what's not going well,
my dearest, is us.
- Oh, yes?
- Yeah. I'm... I'm pining for you.
How can you leave me
to languish on this moonlit night
alone in my bed and you alone in yours?
Alright, Mr. Shakespeare, off you go.
It's bad luck to sleep together
the night before.
- But I...
- I'll bend the rules so far.
That's... That's your lot.
I feel a lot of love about the things...
Love is in the air.
JIMMY: In the air
In the air, love
In the air
LAURENCE: The last one's up.
Laurence, my sofa!
It's just a teensy, weensy
bit of spillage.
I'm gonna get another bottle.
PRISCILLA: On the scale of bad ideas,
where do you think this... this one is?
Uh, I would say
it's, uh, somewhere between
when I kissed George Michael
thinking it was you...
...and you remember that time
I surprised you on tour?
- Oh, yeah, that was bad.
- That was terrible.
- Listen, I...
- Yeah, I...
- SAM: Mom!
- Fuck.
Hey, will you turn the light out?
- Mom!
- OK, I'm... I'm gonna borrow this. OK?
RORY: Huh?
- SAM: What are you doing?
- PRISCILLA: Just borrowing a book.
- Why are you up?
- SAM: I had a nightmare.
You were singing one of your new songs.
PINK: Yeah, it's pretty sick
having your own blog.
Like, you can just post
whatever you want.
My mom or whoever can't come on
and be, like, "You can't post that."
Oh, my God.
I do not fuckin' believe that.
- That is my phone.
- Who's "the boss"?
- That's my phone. Give that to me.
- It's the size of a fucking log.
Saffie, that spanking
could do some serious damage.
Get the fuck off of me!
And don't you dare call me Saffie,
you nosy bitch.
- You see it? That star over there?
- What is that? Is that the Bear?
I don't know. Is it? I'm asking you.
PINK: Now who's the boss, Saffie? Slut!
Fuck. Fuck. Yes!
Fuck. Fuck!
(YELLS) Fuck!
Oh, my God.
The sofa looks like
Gorbachev's forehead.
Oh, God.
I'm not gonna marry Harold.
What? Why?
EVE: I've been up all night,
pacing around.
What was I thinking,
getting married again?
I have my family,
the people that mean the most to me.
And you know what I realized?
There is only so much room
in the old attic.
OK, sorry. You... You lost me.
New people. All that baggage
has to go somewhere.
To make room,
I'd have to start rearranging
everything that's already up here.
New or different
doesn't necessarily mean better.
What am I gonna do?
Well, we've been here before,
having similar conversations,
normally after the marriage
has taken place.
So, in a way, I suppose we could say
we're making progress.
Come in.
It's disgusting. It's disgusting!
It's despicable!
- It's embarrassing!
- What? What?
How many other of my friends
have you shagged?
Tell me, Dad. How many are there?
Just tell me.
- What do you take me for?
- What do you mean? A fucking pervert.
- Where is that stupid fucking bitch?
- Rose. Rose. Darling!
ROSE: Where are you?
You fucking slut!
I'm gonna knock your head off!
Fucking my dad?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
SAM: Wow. This got more hits
than the piano-playing kitty.
PINK: What do we have here?
Looks like Harold,
no, "the boss," and Saf f ie.
If I ever see her again,
I'm gonna kill her.
Oh, my God.
Although it is lucky that she happened
to be outside with her phone.
ROSE: Pink's a blogger, Dad.
Course she had her phone.
PINK: Oh, my God. I can't believe
I'm getting this on camera right now.
Oh, yeah."The boss" is Harold.
Nice. That's awesome, Sam.
Good job, Sammy.
You knew, didn't you?
I wanted to come to see you,
but I was wondering if maybe by now,
you had developed
a spirit of wry realism
with regards to "happily ever after."
Wry realism?
Yes, well, maybe you were finally ready
to live with bumpily ever after.
Bumpily ever after?
- You think I'm making a mistake?
- With Harold? No.
Harold's fine.
I personally have nothing against him.
But you deserve way, way better.
You deserve to be loved
because you've always been there
to give love.
You deserve to be honored
because you carried this family
single-handedly on your shoulders.
And now it's your turn to take a ride.
My love, you spent the entire night
pacing back and forth in your jammies
and you still look so damn cute,
and that deserves to be cherished.
And maybe it was no... accident
that Harold messed up last night.
Oh, Dad.
You've embarrassed us.
What you did,
it was just creepy in so many ways.
- You watched her grow up.
- I know.
She was Rose's best friend,
for God's sake.
I know. I never meant... It was...
I want... I just...
I packed up all my books.
I really wanted this to work.
(SIGHS) Such a... idiot.
Yeah, you are.
I thought it was romantic.
I thought you'd finally found someone
to spend the rest of your life with.
That you weren't gonna be alone.
I wasn't gonna have to worry about you
living on cold pizza anymore.
Oh, darling,
that was not our relationship.
I thought you'd changed.
I'm so, so sorry.
- Come on...
- What am I gonna do?
Well, first of all, I'm not the one
you should be apologizing to.
And then we'll all go back to London
and to the shame of you
having been caught having sex
with a woman
nearly 40 years your junior.
And then you'll have to move to Italy
where they don't have a problem
with that sort of thing.
What is this thing called love?
This funny thing called love
Just who can solve its mystery?
Why should it make a f ool o f me?
I saw you there one wonder f ul day
You took my heart and threw it away
That's why I ask the Lord
In heaven above
What is this thing called love?
I gather you've heard.
- I've gone and ballsed this up.
- My cue to exit.
You may as well stay.
Eve, I really wanted to be that man.
The best man, you know, for you.
You were so utterly fucking fabulous
and gorgeous and smart and charming,
and I thought I could change.
But it's just not me.
I'm so sorry that I have caused you
this humiliation.
I just wish I could have it all
directed at me.
You might want to think
about growing up.
Chasing 25-year-olds at your age,
it looks very sad.
I look like a swine.
Way more sad than that.
I am so fucked.
LAURENCE: Harold, before you start
flagellating yourself like a monk,
may I say something?
Eve is a fabulous woman,
she's a major catch,
and I'd say that sadly, from experience,
you're the one who lost out here.
And if it makes you feel any better,
the reason I'm here in her bedroom
is because she wanted to tell me
that she wasn't going through
with the marriage,
and this was before
you broke the internet
with your Legends of the AARP vine.
I'm so sorry.
RORY: You know what?
When it comes to apologizing
for parents who behave badly,
we are a family of world champs.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
I did not expect this weekend
to pan out like this.
How is everybody?
Rose and Saffron aren't speaking.
I don't think they ever will again.
That bad, huh?
Well, not until they both coincidentally
have teenage children
in rehab in Minnesota.
How about you?
I think I'm done trying to worry
everyone into making the right decision.
They always make the same stupid
decision they were going to anyway.
I think it's my turn
to make a stupid decision, actually.
- I'm sorry. That was really stupid.
- No, no, no, no.
I can be way more stupid than that.
So how did you see this weekend
panning out?
- Well, kind of like this.
And what gave you that impression?
How we chop mint.
We've got the same taste in music.
That is important.
Yes, it is.
And you got a whole lot of new material
for your next novel.
Yeah, masses.
You know what I think?
I think you should stay in New York
and do a little research
on some of the American characters.
Well, I can think of one.
But I'm a little worried
that he wants to eat me
with some fava beans and nice chianti.
RORY: Look, I think
I ought to tell you something.
You don't have to say goodbye.
Just jump in the car.
HAROLD: It's great to see you.
- Thank you so much.
- Bye.
Bye. Bye.
I have a lot of answering to do,
to all of you, and I will.
But for now I want you to know
that I'm so sorry
for having let you all down.
But I promise you,
we will get over this
and we will move forward, together.
Yeah, right, Dad.
- I'm stopping off in New York.
- What?
Probably gonna stay for a few months.
- You two are on your own.
- No, Clemmie.
You'll be fine. You'll be fine.
Mom, if you sleep with your friend,
does it ruin the friendship?
- Oh. Well, it never did for me.
- Really?
Yeah, but I can count my real friends
on one hand.
I mean, actually,
I don't even need one hand.
You know, the important part is not
working on staying friends afterwards.
That's what ruins it.
But you don't have to worry about that.
You're gonna have kids with 15 fingers.
- Way bigger things to worry about.
- Oh, my God.
- Giant gloves.
- That's not...
- Maybe mittens. That's better, right?
- That's not even funny.
- I'm a good mommy.
- Yeah.
- I gotta go.
- Why?
I gotta go call Sam's dad.
Oh, God.
I'm gonna have to say something.
I'll do it.
Hello, everyone.
I have an announcement to make.
After much deliberation and mature
reflection by the parties in question,
it has been mutually decided
that the advertised wedding
will not be going forward.
Now, I know that's a disappointment
to everyone, but look at it this way.
(BRITISH ACCENT) At least we won't
have to have pasta after the ballet.
Too soon. Very well.
Uh, boys.
Boys, if you would,
a clever and imaginative toast, please?
To calling it off?
Well done.
To Eve and Harold for calling it off.
- Cheers.
- To Eve and Harold for calling it off.
However, Judge McCaffery is here.
Everything is set up.
Why not take advantage?
So would anyone
like to get married today?
Anybody at all? It's all on us.
Actually, it's on Eve,
because I'm incredibly cheap.
No, OK. Well, I have a suggestion.
Eve, show yourself.
My dear, before another marriage
ends in divorce or death,
why don't we just cut to the chase
and tie the knot?
I mean, if there is somebody else
you'd like to marry first,
before you remarry me, that's fine.
- Boys, what do you think?
- You're on your own here, Dad.
- I definitely wanna hear this.
- Mom, it's Dad, so a prenup is a must.
Thanks, kids. You're out of the will.
Eve, I've done some stupid things
in my life.
But that was actually
the younger, dumber me.
I remember him well.
LAURENCE: I constantly hear people say
they're looking for the person
they wanna grow old with.
But we're here, now,
living it right now.
I wanna grow old with you.
I wanna spend
the rest of my life with you.
Will you be my wife?
Will you marry me?
Come on down here.
I do.
Then I pronounce you man and wife.
All in all, I would have to say
it was one of Eve's
more entertaining family get-togethers.
Laughter, tears, love and sex.
Who could quibble?
Do you know where your grandmother is?
Sorry. One second. I'll be right back.
I just wanted to show her something.
And could you cut the "grandmother" bit?
Otherwise it's...
I bought a toothbrush, some toothpaste
A flannel for my face
Pajamas, a hairbrush
New shoes and a case
I said to my reflection
Let's get out of this place
Past the church and the steeple
The laundry on the hill
The billboards and the buildings
Memories of it still
Keep calling and calling
But forget it all
I know I will
Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered
What's been going on
Now that you have gone
There's no other
Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered...
MACKENZIE: Look at them,
standing around the piano like
they're singing "The Circle of Life"
when they're actually
singing a song about cheating.
See? I told you.
When it comes to my family,
love is just one big mystery.
Now that you have gone
There's no other
Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered
Well, I was tempted
by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered
Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered
Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the truth is discovered
Now what's been going on
Wait for it.
Almost dark.
We, we are the ones who love you
We are the ones who hurt you
We are the ones who heal you
I, I wanna see into the shadows
I can take a bit of madness
It's lucky 'cause we've seen a lot
I never said that this was organized
And I never said that we'd be fine
But I know I loved you
throughout all these years
And with you this chaos seems divine
So let's hear it for the mothers
Sisters, dads and brothers
We're all in the same old mess
I, I don't wanna see into the future
'Cause I'm OK if I can reach you
And I'll take that above all else
I never said that this was organized
I never said that we'd be fine
But I know I loved you
throughout all these years
And with you this chaos seems divine
I never said that this was organized
I never said that we'd be fine
But I know I loved you
throughout all these years
And with you this chaos seems divine
I never said that this was organized
And I never said that we'd be fine
But I know I loved you
throughout all these years
And with you this chaos seems divine