The Wind (2018)

[film reel ticking]
[wind whistling]
[whistling continues]
[door creaks]
[whistling continues]
[whistling continues]
[whistling continues]
[male number 1 screaming]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[door slams]
[water gurgling]
[intense music]
[crow cawing]
[instrumental music]
[wind whistling]
He's gonna sell,
move back to Illinois.
She had my gun.
I'll get supplies
while I'm in town.
It would be good to get stocked
up before winter sets in.
How did she get my gun?
You got to keep your wits
about you.
Will you do that?
Won't be long.
Couple of days, maybe.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
Lizzy, wake up!
- Isaac?
- Lizzy!
We got to get the baby out!
[music continues]
[breathing heavily]
[wind whistling]
[intense music]
[wind whistling]
[wolves growling]
[growling continues]
[breathing heavily]
[wolves growling]
[intense music]
[sheep bleating]
[birds chirping]
We got new neighbors.
They bought
the old Bergson Cabin.
A man and his wife.
Did you invite them over
for dinner?
Of course. Said you wouldn't
take no for an answer.
What are they like?
A little funny.
- Funny?
- Nervous?
Better get dinner started.
[crickets chirping]
This is the best food
we've had in weeks.
Lizzy, you'll have to
give my Emma a few lessons
on making a decent meal.
I'd be happy to.
You two have a hell
of a lot to do
before the winter sets in.
Everyone said that
this was the best time
of year to get started.
Well, sure, but between getting
that old cabin livable again
and planting your garden..
We'll do what we can to help,
of course.
Maybe I can bring my plow
around tomorrow.
We could at least get your crops
in the ground.
That would be a,
a mighty big help.
- You're German?
- Yes.
I was brought over as a child.
Thank you.
- How were your travels?
- Long.
- Meet anyone?
- Uh, a few people.
A family going to Oklahoma
some men, a reverend.
Is there a church nearby?
Not enough people
around here yet.
- Now many?
- Now..
[flies buzzing]
[thunder rumbling]
[both laughing]
[door opens]
Oh, my.
Is the rain always like this?
This intense?
It can be.
Oh, my.
Lizzy, these are beautiful
Did you bring them with you
from Saint Louis?
No. Isaac made most
of our furniture.
That's incredible.
Isaac, you are truly talented.
My father made most
of our pieces as well.
He was quite the man.
How long have you been married?
Eight years.
Oh, my.
And no little ones?
- We had a son.
- Wasn't the Lord's will.
It's none of my business,
of course.
Ah, sometimes I don't know
when to stop talking.
And the rain..
Well, I tend to get
a bit restless.
Is that what we look like
to them,
just a little flickering light
in the middle of nowhere?
What do you think of them?
It's nice to have people close.
Something I've always
longed for.
But it feels odd.
In cities,
strangers stay strangers.
Here we don't have that luxury,
do we?
Come to bed. It's too cold
to have the door open.
[thunder rumbling]
[rain pattering]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
Are you sure
they're expecting us?
Come on.
We were very comfortable
in Illinois, you see?
Be sure to hold firmly
and get the root.
Gideon couldn't stand working
for my father
as if it were something
to be ashamed of.
He's not strong like Isaac.
Like you.
I'm going to get some water
for the men.
Be sure to bring some
for us as well.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
I fear I'll never really
get clean again.
Something wrong?
Just getting used
to everything, I think.
That takes time.
This land is funny, you know?
It plays tricks on your mind.
[music continues]
[birds chirping]
[wind whistling]
[intense music]
[gun cocks]
[banging on door]
It's Emma, she..
She's not well.
Better to wait outside.
No point in us all getting sick.
It is not that kind of sickness.
We'll wait outside.
[crickets chirping]
[door opens]
[indistinct chatter]
Give us this day
our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses.
It's coming for me.
It's coming for me.
It's coming for me.
It's coming for me.
It's coming for me.
No one's here but us.
Gideon and Isaac are outside
but in here
it's just you and me.
No. This place is wrong.
We're not supposed to be here.
And now it wants my baby.
You're with a child.
Come on.
Don't touch me! Don't..
[intense music]
Is she pregnant?
Uh, did she say she was?
She needs rest.
Lizzy, what are you doing?
Shh. It's okay.
- You're exhausted.
- I'm not.
I can't rest because
it's coming for me.
No, Lizzy.
Please don't do that.
Lizzy, don't..
Lizzy. Lizzy! Lizzy!
Don't do that. Don't do that!
[muffled screaming]
Pull your wife out
from under the bed
and tie her to it.
You alright?
It was hard enough
when it was just the two of us.
And now we're expected
to look after them as well?
Gideon should take her home.
She's gonna hurt herself
or one of us with her nonsense.
Is she really pregnant?
She thinks she is.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[door creaking]
[music continues]
[music continues]
"At length, the worn out anxiety
"she determined to call loudly
for assistance
"from her casement,
and was advancing to it
"when whether the terror of
her mind gave her ideal sounds
"or that the real ones did come
she thought footsteps
were ascending.."
Perhaps we should finish
another time.
When you're feeling better.
It's just a person in the book.
It's not a spirit.
I see.
You can keep it.
Have you thought of names
for the baby?
Not yet.
They're coming in for lunch.
I've seen something.
- Just now?
- At night.
I hear it too, whispering.
I've told Gideon
but he doesn't believe me
tells me it's the wind.
- There are many natural...
- It's not.
You remember how many graves
you passed on the way here.
[instrumental music]
I told Gideon
we should turn back.
I said everyone would be dead
when we get there and there's...
Hush now.
[intense music]
Please don't be unpleasant
in front of the men.
[intense music]
[music continues]
[Lizzy singing in German]
[knocking on door]
[singing continues]
[knocking on door]
[wind whistling]
[knocking on door]
[wind whistling]
[intense music]
[indistinct howling]
[indistinct growling]
My help cometh from the Lord,
which made heaven and Earth.
He will not suffer thy foot
to be moved.
The Lord is my keeper
the Lord is thy shade
upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not strike me
by day, nor the moon by night.
He will not suffer thy foot
to be moved.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is my keeper.
...which made heaven and Earth.
He will not suffer thy foot
to be moved.
He that keepeth thee will not
[wind whistling]
[praying in German]
[intense music]
[praying continues]
Hey, hey, Lizzy.
English! English!
You're alright.
You're alright.
I shouldn't have left
you alone like this.
What's this?
It's nothing.
Have you been reading it?
I glanced at it.
You don't need to be filling
your head with stuff like this.
You need to rest.
What I saw was real.
This is yours now.
- I don't...
- No.
Promise me you will keep it
by you at all times.
It will protect you.
It will protect our baby.
And the next time you think
you see a demon..
...shoot it.
[mellow music]
[intense music]
[gun cocks]
[wind whistling]
[indistinct whispering]
What do you want now?
Where are you?
[intense music]
What must I do to be rid of you?
No! Stop!
[intense music]
Lizzy, where's your gun?
Mara, damner of souls.
Abbadon, the destroyer.
That's enough, Emma.
...bringer of jealous thoughts.
Do you want to play a game?
Why not?
You are not well, Emma.
You should rest.
Think of your baby.
I am, Lizzy.
Little lady Macklin.
I want you to know
what I'm going to name the baby.
And what's that?
I want you to guess.
I do not want to play
a game, Emma.
Three guesses
for if it's a girl.
- No.
- Sarah?
Do you want a hint?
It's one of two names
in this room.
Because you have been such
a strong person.
I would not have survived
without you.
Three guesses for if it's a boy.
Lizzy, I'm not a monster.
One more guess.
No hints this time?
I don't think you need one.
- Isaac.
- Yes.
You know why.
prince of pestilence.
bringer of jealous thoughts.
Mara, damner of souls.
...keeper of graves.
[instrumental music]
[dramatic music]
[intense music]
[crows cawing]
For I have never,
not in my entire life
seen anything like this land.
The wind never stops.
Gideon has barely been able
to do his part
in making this place livable.
My only comfort is the time
I get to spend with Isaac.
He puts in extra hours
in the long days here
away from Lizzy.
I am pregnant. I know it.
I can feel it inside of me.
Our baby.
[breathing heavily]
bringer of jealous thoughts.
Babael, keeper of graves.
Abbadon, the destroyer.
Mesimer, prince of pestilence.
Mara, damner of souls..
...I'm scared.
You're doing fine.
I wanna die.
It's a boy.
It's a boy.
[Lizzy breathing heavily]
Why isn't the baby crying?
Why isn't the baby crying?
- Isaac, why isn't..
- You stay right there, Lizzy.
He should be crying.
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
[instrumental music]
It's a good name, Lizzy.
[wind whistling]
He'll use it
more than I will.
[intense music]
[metal creaking]
[music continues]
[dramatic music]
[breathing heavily]
[cocks gun]
I.. I am so sorry.
I do beg pardon.
I haven't had much in the way
of real food for weeks.
You out here alone?
I came across an empty cabin
about a mile east of here.
Well, I've been traveling
a while..
...spreadin' the word of God.
I don't suspect
God has much business out here.
No longer a God-fearing woman,
[door opens]
Mrs. Macklin,
thank you so much.
You have been
more than hospitable.
You shouldn't be out at night.
The Harper cabin is empty
and you'll be comfortable there.
You can head out in the morning.
You and your family..
...will be in my prayers.
Reverend, don't answer the door
for anyone..
...not after dark.
Not even for me.
[instrumental music]
[dramatic music]
Mrs. Macklin?
There's something out here. Please!
Quick! Mrs. Macklin!
[pounding on door]
Mrs. Macklin, quick!
There's somethin' out here,
Move to the window
so I can see you.
Inside, quickly!
[music continues]
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
What is that thing?
I don't know.
It's been here
for as long as we have.
Why did you stay?
My husband doesn't believe me.
He... he hasn't seen it?
But sure he..
When Emma saw it..
[dramatic music]
Oh, no.
I've said too much.
I was havin' such a good time!
[intense music]
[Lizzy breathing heavily]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[breathing heavily]
[horse neighing]
[horse neighing]
Oh, hey, Lizzy!
It's me.
It's me.
[dramatic music]
Look at me. It's alright.
It's alright.
Okay. It's alright.
What happened? You hurt?
I saw the reverend
on the way home.
He said you were
very hospitable.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
[music continues]
You should have woke me.
That is probably the longest
sleep you've had in a while.
[birds chirping]
All the men are gone, but, uh..
...I brought you something.
[dramatic music]
Good Lord, Lizzy,
you've gone pale.
I just wasn't expecting
to see anything of theirs again.
They're just books.
...they'll help us pass
the winter.
Occupy our minds.
Occupy my mind?
Let's get it inside.
[instrumental music]
[rain pattering]
"I demand a creature
of another sex
"but as hideous as myself.
"It is true
we shall be monsters
"cut off from all the world.
"But on that account
"we shall be more attached
to one another.
"Our lives will not be happy..
"...but they will be harmless
"and free from the misery
I now feel.
"Oh, my creator, make me happy.
"Let me feel gratitude
towards you for one benefit.
"Let me see that I excite
the sympathy
of some existing thing.."
[intense music]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[door opens]
Oh, it's getting cold.
Maybe you should pull out
the extra blankets.
I burned this.
- It was Emma's.
- She was reading this?
She was seeing something.
- There is something out there.
- Enough.
Just enough. Enough.
I really thought
we were past this.
Nothing, nothing good can come
from reading this nonsense.
Look what happened
to Emma, she took
her own life,
for Christ's sake!
I'm not so sure she did.
No, Lizzy.
You really shouldn't be out
after dark.
Y... you don't know
what's out there.
There is nothing out there!
Oh, God. Isaac, please!
Where's your gun, Lizzy?
[eerie music]
[music continues]
[indistinct whispering]
[breathing heavily]
[music continues]
[indistinct whispering]
[Emma humming]
[humming continues]
[humming continues]
How long have you had this?
It's not safe here.
Isaac, we have to leave.
We have to get out.
How did she get your gun, Lizzy?
It doesn't matter.
- Emma?
- Lizzy!
Isaac, I don't care
what happened.
[instrumental music]
- We need to go home.
- I told Gideon.
I told Gideon
that he should leave
and that he
shouldn't come back.
What did you do?
Isaac... please untie me.
You don't understand
what's happening..
...but I do, I've seen it.
[Emma laughing]
Isaac! Please untie me!
- She was pregnant.
- Oh, God, no.
It's just gonna be me,
you, Isaac..
[thunder rumbling]
- You killed her.
- No. It wasn't me.
It was.
[dramatic music]
There's something here.
[music continues]
It's right there.
There is nothing!
[instrumental music]
[breathing heavily]
[music continues]
[music continues]
Good morning.
Morning, reverend.
How was your journey?
Fine. Thank you.
I have something for you.
I came prepared.
You can never be too prepared.
The Lord's blessing
be with you.
And with you.
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
There's something out there.
There is nothing out there.
This land, there's something
wrong with it.
Your mind is looking for
things to worry about.
First baby and all.
[music continues]
It's just you and me.
[wind whooshing]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music continues]