The Witch (2015)

What went we out into
this wilderness to find?
Leaving our country,
our fathers houses?
We have travailed a vast ocean.
For what?
For what?
- We must ask thee to be silent!
Was it not for the pure and faithful
dispensation of the Gospels...
...and the Kingdom of God?
- No More!
We are your judges,
and not you ours!
I cannot be judged
by false Christians,
for i have done nothing...
...say preach
Christ true Gospel.
Must you continue to dishonor
the laws of the commonwealth...
...and the church with
your prideful conceit?
If my conscience sees it fit.
Then shall you be banished out
of this plantations liberties!
I would be glad on it.
Then take your leave,
and trouble us no further.
How sadly hath The Lord
testified against you.
I will confess Jehovah
with all heart...
in secret and in
assembly of the just.
Great are the works
of our Lord Jehovah,
sought out of all that
in them do delight.
I here confess
I have lived in sin.
I have been idle of my work,
disobedient of mine parents,
neglectful of my prayer.
I have, in secret,
played upon thy sabbath,
and broken every one of thy
commandments in thought...
...followed the desires
of my own will,
and not the holy Spirit.
I know I deserve all shame
and misery in this life,
and everlasting hell-fire.
But I beg thee,
for the sake of thy Son.
Forgive me.
Show me mercy.
Show me thy light.
There you are! There you are!
Where is Sam? Wheres Sam?
Where is that little man?
There you are! There you are!
All will be well.
God give you good morrow.
All are still a-bed.
Save Mother.
No ease to rise on a grey day.
The Devil holds
fast your eyelids.
Wake them.
- No, let them be.
Thy mothers not
slept a night since.
We can search no longer, Caleb.
We cannot.
If not a wolf, that hungerd
have taken him yet.
Lets to The Wood.
I've been a-laying traps
for some while now.
Even before this new misery.
Within The Wood?
Will you not help thy father?
You and mother have always
forbad us to set foot there.
Caleb, our harvest
cannot last the winter.
We must capture our food
if we cannot grow it.
We will conquer this wilderness.
It will not consume us.
Art thou then born a sinner?
Aye. I was conceived in
sin, and born in iniquity.
And, what is thy birth sin?
Adam's sin imputed to me,
and a corrupt nature
dwelling within me.
Well-remembered Caleb.
Very well.
And canst thou tell me what
thy corrupt nature is?
My corrupt nature
is empty of grace,
bent unto sin, only unto
sin, and that continually.
Soft now.
We must layt again.
Was Samuel born in sinner?
How might then...
We pray he hath entered
Gods Kingdom.
What wickedness hath he done?
- Place faith in God, Caleb.
We'll speak no more
on thy brother.
He hath disappeared
not one week past,
yet you and Mother
utter not his name.
He is gone, Caleb.
- Tell me.
- Tell thee what?
- Is he in hell?
- Caleb!
Mother will not
stop her prayer...
And if died?
- If I died this day?
- What is this?
I hold evil in my heart.
My sins are not pardoned.
Thou art youngly yet.
An if God will not
hear my prayers?
- Caleb...
- Tell me!
Look you,
I love thee marvelous well,
but tis God alone, not man,
what knows who is a son of
Abraham and who is not.
Who is good and who is evil.
Fain would I tell thee
Sam sleeps in Jesus,
that thou wilt, that I will,
but I cannot tell thee that.
None can.
Where are these from?
From Indian Thom and Old Slater,
when last they passed through.
What did you trade?
Thy mothers silver cup.
Speak none of this to Mother.
She is over-wrought already.
I'll tell her when
the grief is passed.
Let's not speak on this again.
Fool of an animal.
Fowler! What is it?
Praise God. Look at the size.
Make haste Caleb.
Fie upon it
Off Fowler.
"Black Phillip, Black Phillip,
crown grows out his head."
"Black Phillip, Black Phillip,
o nanny queen is wed."
"Jump to the fence post, running..."
Jonas, Mercy! Come hither!
"Black Phillip, Black Phillip,
King of all."
Jonas! Mercy!
"Black Phillip, Black Phillip,
King of sky and land."
"Black Phillip, Black Phillip,
King of sea and sand."
"We are ye servants,
we are ye men."
"Black Phillip eats the lions
from the lions 'den."
"Black Phillip, Black Phillip,
a crown grows out his head."
"Black Phillip, Black Phillip,
to nanny queen is wed."
"Jump to the fence post, running..."
- Get thee back!
List me, stop that!
Phillip! Back!
Heavens, bless us!
Caleb, ope the gate!
Ill have thee quiet.
Whither were you and
Caleb this morn?
How could you disappear!
And thee! I told thee to keep
watch of Jonas and Mercy.
I was and I bade them help
me and they paid me no mind.
Whats the matter with thee, Thomasin?
Whats the matter with thee?
Take thy fathers rags to
the brook and wash 'em.
- They would pay me no mind...
- And brush out his woolens.
Help him!
My lamb.
It gave me such a fright
to find thee gone.
Ill not be left here alone.
Dost hear?
The mornings work
is well behindhand.
Jonas! Leave thy sister be!
She likes it.
What, cannot a father spend
Godly time with his son?
- Father said stop it.
- Thomasin!
- Stop.
- Stop it, each of you! Stop it.
- Thomasin, take the twins inside.
- No!
Get inside. Get inside.
Get inside.
As you like.
We went to find apples!
In the valley.
I had thought I had seen an
apple tree in the valley.
Father brought the gun,
- for if we glanced that wolf again.
- Why did you not tell me?
Father wanted it a
surprise to cheer you,
but there were none.
I thought I had seen them.
I like you not outside the farm.
Even to the valley.
Dost hear me?
Be a good lad and get
some water for thee Mother.
Stray not from the brook.
Why are you dallying?
What then?
- Stop it!
- I meant no harm in it.
Whats the matter with thee?
Come hither.
Whats the matter with thee?
I've seen no apple since
we went from England.
I would thou hadst found em.
I so wish for one.
- Hear that?
- Aye.
Whos there?
I be The Witch of the Wood.
Mercy, come out.
I be not Mercy, I be
The Witch of the Wood.
And i have come to steal ye!
Hear me stick a-flying
through the trees.
- Mercy!
- Clickety-clackety-clickety-clakety!
Why ist when thou dost a wrong, I be
a-washing Fathers clothes like a slave,
and thou art playing idle?
- Because Mother hates you!
- Spoilt child.
Ill tell Mother you have
left the farm alone.
Black Phillip saith I
can do what I like.
Devil take your Black Phillip.
Its your fault I
cannot leave the yard.
I could go to the brook before
you let The Witch take Sam.
- Quiet thee.
- It was a wolf stole Sam.
A witch. Ive seen her in her
riding cloak about The Wood!
- Father showed me the tracks.
- It was a witch!
It was a witch, Mercy.
You speak aright.
- It was I!
- Liar.
Twas I what stole him.
- I be the witch of the wood.
- Liar! Liar!
I am.
List not to her Mercy.
I am that very witch.
When I sleep my spirit
slips away from... body and dances
naked with The Devil.
- Thats how I signed his book.
- No!
He bade me bring him
an unbaptized babe,
so I stole Sam, and I
gave him to my master.
And Ill make any man or
thing else vanish I like.
Aye. And Ill vanish thee
too if thou displeaseth me.
- Be quiet.
- Mercy, shes but telling fantasies.
Perchance Ill boil and bake
thee since we are lack of food.
- Stop!
- Stop Thomasin.
- Its not true!
- It is, thou thing!
How I crave to sink my
teeth into thy pink flesh.
If ever thou tellst
thy mother of this,
I will witch thee
and thy mother!
- And Jonas too!
- Caleb!
Stop thy tears and
swear thy silence.
I swear it.
You will not tell
Mother nor Father!
- I swear!
- Thomasin, let her alone!
Get away from her Caleb
or shell witch thee!
Why tell Mercy those
horrible fancies?
- Dost thou hate me too?
- It was a wolf stole Sam.
Leave me be.
Go tell Mother and
Father of my wickedness.
- Thomaisn.
- I hate thy pity.
I need it not.
...and forgive us the sins we have
this day committed against thee...
Free us from the shame and torment
which are due unto us for them.
We beseech thee, increase our faith
in the promises of the gospel,
our fear of thy name, and
the hatred of all our sins.
that we may be assured that
thy Holy Spirit dwells in us,
that we might be thy children
in thy love and mercy.
For as we hunger for
this food of our bodies,
so our souls hunger for
the food of eternal life.
Finish soon our days of sin,
and bring us to
everlasting peace...
...through the purifying
blood of thy son,
our Lord and only
Saviour Christ Jesus.
- Amen.
- Amen.
where hast thou put
the silver cup?
Ist not on the shelf?
In the six board then.
Taint there neither.
It has been disappeared
for some while.
Didst lose it?
I havent touched it.
Where has it gone then?
I havent touched it.
I have caught thee
trifling with it before.
She says she havent
touched it Katherine.
How thou couldst lose my
fathers silver wine cup... this hovel, I cannot know.
- I have no...
- Peace child, it is gone.
Did a wolf vanish that too?
She havent touched
it Katherine.
What is amiss on this farm?
It is not natural.
Will you read out the chapter
of The Word tonight?
We must find some light
in our darkness.
Tomorrow we will have a
fast day but for our sins.
Didst not bed them
down before supper?
You must sleep tonight, Kate.
Thou dost remember I love thee?
I do.
List me Kate.
I fear thou lookst too
much upon this affliction.
We must bend our
thoughts towards God,
not ourselves.
He hath never taken
a child from us.
Never a one, Kate.
Who might earn such grace?
We have been ungrateful
of Gods love.
- He hath cursed this family.
- No.
He hath taken us into...
...a very low condition to humble us
and to show us more of his grace.
Was not Christ was led into the
wilderness to be ill met by the devil?
We should neer left
the plantation.
- We should never have left.
- That damned church!
There is naught hither.
What need we? Silver Chalices?
How dare you chide me on a cup?
Tis not for vanity that
I am grieved of it.
Katherine, I must tell thee...
- We might have sold it.
- What?
What fool will trade
for our corn?
List me.
Our daughter hath begat the
sign of her womanhood.
Are yabed?
Shes old enough.
She must leave to
serve another family.
Twas not her fault.
must tell thee Kate...
It was thine for taking
thy family hither.
- This is Godly land.
- Godly?
Our children are being
fostered up like savages.
How oft I begged and begged thee
to take Samuel for baptism.
Theyd not baptize
outside the congregation
- Our Sam is in hell!
- Go to.
God save us, Caleb is well.
We must keep him still.
And Thomasin.
That corn is trash.
We cannot back to that church!
- We will starve!
- Peace. Peace.
Youll wake em. Peace.
Ill to the village with the
horse and Thomasin tomorrow.
The Tildens or the Whytings,
they can make use of her.
They are good folk.
Stop. Kate.
We will find food. I know it.
What are you doing?
Go to sleep.
Whats this? Tell me. Now!
- Running away then?
- No.
- Lie not to me.
- I dont.
Then what?
Tell me!
If thou wilt back to sleep,
and keep silent of this,
I promise thee, youll need not
leave to serve the Tildens...
...nor any family else.
Ill be back by midday.
- Let me along with you.
- No.
- Let me along.
- I cannot.
If you don't let
me along with you,
Ill wake mother and
father this instant.
- Aye but we did!
- Nay.
- We did.
- No.
We had glass windows in England.
We haven't been hither so long
that you can forget that?
- As you like, Thomasin.
- Youve gone mad!
Dost not remember Fowler laying
on the floor in the sun?
- You must!
- Nay.
And where the sun would shine,
would he warm himself.
Remember once he lay
upon the table,
and Father saw him and he saith
we will have him for meat!"
"Kate, Kate! We will
roast this beast.
You must remember that!
I remember that
day, but no glass.
Well... was pretty.
What ist boy?
Burt, calm thee.
Fowler Nay! Fowler!
Stand here with Burt!
Caleb, no!
Ill straight back!
Hes gone mad!
- Thomasin!
- Caleb!
- Thomasin!
- Thomasin!
- Caleb!
- Thomasin!
- Caleb!
- Caleb!
- Thomasin!
- Caleb!
"O God my Lord, I now begin,
O help me and I'll leave my sin."
"For I repentant now shall be,
from evil I will turn to thee."
"None ever shall destroy my faith,
nor do I mind what Satan saith."
"O God my Lord, I now begin,
O help me and I'll leave my sin."
"For I repentant now shall be,
from evil I will turn to thee."
"None ever shall destroy my faith,
nor do I mind what Satan saith."
"O God my Lord, I now begin,
O help me and I'll leave my sin."
- Caleb!
- Father!
How are you! My girl.
Where is thy brother?
Whats the matter with thee Thomasin?
Whats the matter with thee?
Ill leave at first light and
Ill return not till I find him.
Twould be better to go to the
village and raise up help.
Tis a days ride and
I have not a horse.
There is not time to be lost.
Well, likely you should
have left this morn then.
You have no gun, William, nay,
not even a dog. Be not a fool.
I am a fool to go. There is
none will help this family.
Let me be.
The moon is bright.
Rain bothers me not.
Ill be back in a two day. If
any a man will return with me.
Dont go Father!
- Please you Father, dont go!
- Enough.
Tell us why you
went to The Wood.
- I promised.
- I care not.
Let me find favor in your eyes.
Child, tell me and thou wilt.
- I..
- I took thy fathers cup.
I sold it.
Forgive me Kate.
Forgive me Thomasin.
What is this?
Katherine, I must
make a confession...
I, yestermorn, took
Caleb to The Wood.
Twas for food, and the pelts for
money. Good money.
I knew you were false!
I knew it!
I meant it as a surprise,
twas why I kept secret.
I will trap that wolf, Kate.
You stood by whilst
our son lied to me!
Twas for thy sake.
I love thee Kate.
You took him to the Wood!
I will find him.
You have broken Gods covenant.
You are a liar.
- And you have lost another child.
- I will go now!
- You cannot escape the wood!
- I will find him!
And kill thyself too?
Will Jonas be the
man of the house?
Will you damn all your
family to death?
- Katherine.
- Let go of me.
Picking apples.
The goats have bedded down yet?
- Nay.
- I'll to it.
Let it wait till the morrow.
They dare not scape
with this rain.
Nay, I'll to it.
Please you, Mother.
Come hither child.
Hurry back.
Caleb. Caleb!
Caleb. Caleb.
What ails Caleb, Black Phillip?
What ails him?
Did Thomasin make im
sick in The Wood?
What say you?
Black Phillip saith
you are wicked.
- Aye, he told me too.
- Damn your Black Phillip!
He saith you put the Devil in
Caleb, thats why hes sick.
Id never hurt Caleb,
nor Sam, nor thee.
- You beat me!
- It was a jest.
- You said youd eat of me!
- Mercy!
Mother and Father will find out.
- What?
- That you are a witch!
Dost remember John Kempes son?
That first winter, he was
tormented of Indian magic.
Tis not the same.
This is unnatural providence.
- I know not that.
- Look at thy son.
- Will...
- What?
- Think.
- Think what?
- Think.
- I have no thought.
- Does this not look like witchcraft?
- What witch?
Who does this thing? Who?
Thy thoughts are as a child.
What are you doing?
Well back to the
plantation in the morn.
Find a good family for Thomasin.
Take Caleb to the Doctors.
He will tell us this be
some natural ill or no.
Yet we cannot return as beggars.
I will scour the field. There must be
some fruit yet untouched by this rot.
I beseech thee Katherine, what
canst thou do for him presently?
How might we all bare it to
the village with no horse?
Well, the little corn and the
goats, should fetch a fair price.
Well back with
Caleb and sell em,
return with a horse for
the twins and Thomasin.
- You cannot leave them here.
- Thomasin and thee...
- Forget the crop Will!
- What?
What dost thou want, Katherine?
Tell me and I will
give it thee!
I want to be home.
Thou shall be home by
candle-time tomorrow.
In England.
I also have a
confession to make.
I never meant to be
a shrew to thee.
I have become as Jobs
wife, I know it,
but since Sam, since...
My heart has turned to stone.
I had dreamed once,
twas when I was of
Thomasins years,
that I was with
Christ upon earth.
I was so very near him,
and in many tears for the assurance
of the pardon of my sins,
and I was so ravished
with his love towards me,
I thought it far exceeding the
affection of the kindest husband.
And since Samuel disappeared,
I have such a sad weakness
of faith, I cannot shake it.
I cannot see Christs
help as near.
I pray and I pray but I cannot.
I fear I cannot ever feel that
same measure of love again.
Thou shalt have of it in heaven.
Ill be in field.
If you can spare a while, do.
Well leave at dawn.
I promise thee that.
Jonas, Mercy! Come hither!
Speak not a word!
"Black Phillip is a merry merry king,
he rules the land with mirth."
- I cannot abide your songs.
- Please you, Mercy.
"Black Philip has a mighty mighty
sting, hell knock thee to the earth."
"Sing bah bah King Phillip the
black sing bah bah bah bah bah."
- Peace thou thing.
- Mercy. Thomasin.
"Sing bah bah King Phillip the black
hell knock thee on thy back!"
Get the broad axe and
cut off her head.
Get the narrow axe and
cut off her head!
Get the broad axe and
cut off her head.
Get the narrow axe and
cut off her head!
Shes upon me...
She kneels...
My bowels...
My stomach...
She pinches, scratches.
Sin! Sin! Sin!
Thomasin, take the
children outside.
Who does this to thee?
Who does this?
His mouth is sealed-up.
God! William!
Children, away from this.
Thomasin help!
Hell break his jaws.
What ist?
He is witched!
- Tis she!
- No!
- Horrible fancys this?
- She told me she stole Sam!
She gave him to the
Devil in The Wood.
- They lie!
- What say you?
She turned Floras
milk to blood.
She had bade us keep
secret from you.
- It was but a jest to quiet her. I..
- She made bargain with Satan!
- She signed his book!
- Silence.
Dont let her near me.
Shell place a curse on me.
- They conspire against me.
- Thomasin is a witch!
Nay. Ill not hear it.
Ill have proof of it,
or heaven help thee.
On thy knees!
Look me in the eye daughter.
- Dost thou love the word of God?
- Yes.
Love you The Bible?
Love you Prayer?
Yes! Yes!
We are children of sin all,
yet I tell thee, I have raised
up no witch in this house.
Let us pray,
then we need fear nothing.
We shall never lie open
to the wicked one.
Pray for thy brother.
- You must believe us.
- Evil, wretches!
- Thomasin!
- Thomasin!
Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name...
Jonas, pray!
I... I cannot
remember my prayer.
- What?
- Nor I.
I cannot.
- What nonsense is this.
- Speak children:
Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name...
Pray you beasts.
- Get on thy knees and pray!
- Damnation!
I cannot hear this.
This is not so!
A toad.
A cat.
A crow.
A raven.
A great black dog.
A wolf.
- She desires of my blood.
- She desires of my blood.
- She sends em upon me.!
- She desires of my blood.
- They feed upon her teats,
- She desires of my blood.
- She desires of my blood.
- her nether parts!
- She sends em upon me.
- She desires of my blood.
- My Lord, My Jesus! Save me!
- She desires of my blood.
- Think on Christ!
- She sends her Devils...
- I am thine enemy,
- She desires of my blood.
wallowing in the blood
and filth of my sins.
- The Lord is my shepherd...
- I am thine enemy,
I shall not want. He maketh
me to rest in green pasture,
and leadeth me by
the still waters.
He restoreth my soul, and leadeth
me in the paths of righteousness...
- ...for his Names sake.
- I am thine enemy,
Yea, though I should
walk through the valley...
...of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil.
- For thou art with me.
- For thou art with me.
Caleb? Caleb?
Cast the light of thy
Countenance upon me.
Spread over me the
lap of thy love.
Wash me in the ever-flowing
fountains of thy blood.
Wholly thine I am,
my sweet Lord Jesus.
My Lord, my love! Kiss me
with the kisses of thy mouth.
How lovely art thou!
Thy embrace!
My Lord!
My Lord! My Love!
My soul's salvation,
take me to thy lap!
Wake up, please.
Wake up, please.
Wake up. Wake up!
No! Wake up!
He is dead.
He is dead.
Jonas, Mercy. Get up.
Get up!
Get away from him! Go!
Thomasin! Thomasin! My girl.
This tree will be
lovely come spring.
Do you remember when
we came hither?
Such a pretty tree.
Next year Id have
sewn a wheat field.
Started at this tree
and ended thither.
Wed have been a
proper farm then.
Brought us a
great fat milk cow,
finished us the barn...
You must tell me, Thomasin...
Tomorrow, I cannot
keep secret of this.
A council will be called
and thy life is...
- Thy life...
- You will not believe me?
I saw the Serpent in my son.
You stopped their prayer...
They lie.
I saw it.
Caleb disappeared with thee!
- I love Caleb!
- And who then found him,
pale as death,
naked as sin and witched?
Thomasin listen to me.
The bargain thou hast
made is of no effect.
I made no bargain.
- Thy soul belongeth to Christ.
- I made no bargain.
The Devil hath no
interest in thee!
I am no witch, father!
What did I but see in my house?
Will you not hear me?
- I prithee, confess...
- Why have you turned against me?
Christ can unwitch us if you
will but speak the truth to me.
As I love thee, speak truth!
- You ask me to speak truth?
- I beg thee!
You and Mother are planned
to rid the farm of me.
Aye. I heard you speak of it.
Is that truth?
You took of Mothers cup
and let her rail at me.
You confessed not
till it was too late.
- Is that truth?
- Peace thee.
- I will not.
- I am thy father!
- You are a hypocrite!
- Hold thy tongue Daughter mine!
You took Caleb to The Wood and let
me take the blame of that too.
Is that truth?
You let Mother be as thy master!
You cannot bring the crops to yield!
You cannot hunt!
- Is that truth enough?
- Enough!
Thou canst do nothing
save cut wood!
- Bitch!
- And you will not hear me!
Must I hear the Devil wag
his tongue in thy mouth?
Ask the twins then.
Go and ask them.
They spend all day long
babbling to that horned beast.
- They know well his voice.
- Go to!
The Adversary oft comes in
the shape of a he-goat.
And whispers. Aye, whispers.
He is Lucifer,
you know it.
- The twins know it.
- Slander thy brethren no more.
It is they!
From my sight.
Twas they and that goat what
bewitched this whole farm.
Wast a wolf stole Sam?
I never saw no wolf.
Mercy told me herself by the stream
I be the witch of the wood!
Get up. Rise!
- What is this?
- Speak!
- I am no witch.
- Get her from my sight!
- Ill not have her in this house.
- She is no witch, Katherine.
What is the cause, daughter?
Tell thy mother.
- I cannot know for certain.
- Thou toldst me well thou knew!
- I cannot look at her.
- Aye, but you shall. Thomasin?
Jonas and Mercy...
They made covenant with The Devil
in the shape of Black Phillip.
Dost hear that?
Ye Black minions?
Dost hear that, yolk Devils?
Wake. Wake from this.
Did ye make some unholy
bond with that goat?
Speak if this be pretense!
Dissemblers! Grave
pretenders all.
Hear me this.
I will not play a fool
to childrens games!
This is no sport William.
Yet these lies from our babes
mouths are but trifles to them.
- I do not lie!
- Silence, creature!
Thy son is dead. Damned.
Caleb did but cry Jesus.
- The Devil!
- You know it not!
The Devil will speak
Scripture too.
You know it not. It is not true!
- We are Damned!
- Wake!
Fetch the billhook Wife...
...and I will smite Jonas as
Abraham would have done his seed!
No, stop it!
Fetch the billhook and
I will dash his skull!
- Do you see?
- Stop it.
Do you so see now?
- Father!
- Please, Father.
No! It is not safe.
Not with them!
Keep me from this goat.
If that old billy be The Devil,
I would have danced
with him myself.
I'll break thee out
upon the dawn,
and well set back
to the plantation.
Think on thy sins.
Are you witches?
- Does father think I am?
- Are you?
Doth he really speak to thee?
It is my fault.
I confess it.
I confess it!
O my God,
I am false.
I have infected with
the filth of pride.
I know it.
I am.
Dispose of me as thou wilt,
yet redeem my children.
They cannot tame
their natural evils.
I lie before thee,
a coward...
...and thine enemy,
and I lick the
dust of thy earth.
I beg thee,
save my children.
I beg thee my Christ...
I have not damned my family.
My lambs.
My angels!
Mother. We have
longed to see you so.
As I to thee!
I must wake thy father!
- He will be so glad.
- No,
let him sleep.
We would see you oft mother.
- Would that please you?
- Aye.
I have brought a book
for you, Mother.
- Will you look at it with me?
- Aye.
One moment now,
Samuel is hungry.
Come come, my sweet Sam.
Flora? Flora?
What hast thou done?
Where are they?
- I know not what I saw
- Where are they?
I did nothing! She came from the sky.
- Devil!
You have their blood
upon thy hands!
- It is you. It is you.
- I am your daughter!
The Devil is in thee
and hath had thee.
You are smeared of his sin.
You reek of Evil.
- You have made a covenant with death!
- Mother!
You bewitched thy
brother, proud slut!
Did you not think I saw thy
sluttish looks to him,
bewitching his eye as any whore?
- What say you to me?
- And thy father next!
No! Mother!
You took them from me!
- They are gone!
- No!
- You killed my children!
- No!
You killed thy father! Witch!
- I love you! I love you mother!
- Witch!
Black Phillip.
I conjure thee to speak to me.
Speak as thou dost speak
to Jonas and Mercy.
Dost thou understand
my English tongue?
Answer me.
What dost thou want?
What canst thou give?
Wouldst thou like the
taste of butter?
A pretty dress?
Wouldst thou like to
live deliciously?
Wouldst thou like
to see the world?
What will you from me?
Dost thou see a
book before thee?
Remove thy shift.
I cannot write my name.
I will guide thy hand.