The Witches (1966)

Pack the books tightly, Mark,
we don't want to leave any behind.
Mark! Stop that!
It is what men say, Miss.
It's not true.
Nothing like that can happen to you.
They're just trying to wear us down.
This continual noise...
Come on, let's get the other things.
I don't think
anything can happen to us now.
As a matter of fact I know it can't.
They probably know
that help is on its way as much as we do.
Oh, more books, Mark.
Oh dear, but...
There's... so much to pack
and so...
Come on, get some desks.
No good, Miss. He come now.
They're just
trying to terrorise us, that's all.
That his sign.
That say he come.
No, he'll eat your soul.
Nothing can eat your soul.
Adam! Mark!
Come back here!
I wonder,
are there any messages for me?
I'll check, Sir.
Would you come this way,
please, Madam?
Your coat, Madam?
- Miss Gwen Mayfield?
- Yes.
- How do you do? I'm Alan Bax.
- How do you do?
- Please sit down, won't you?
- Thank you.
- Er... waiter!
- Sir.
- We'd like some tea.
- Please.
- And anything to eat?
- No, thank you.
No? Just tea then.
- It was good of you to come.
- It was good of you to ask me.
We had a lot of replies
to the advertisement.
- Oh?
- But there was something about yours.
That's why I suggested meeting.
Your background sounded
more interesting, your work in Africa.
Yes, well, er...
my letters told you all about me.
I've been teaching
since I came back to England.
Yours is a church school?
Er... no, a private school.
Just for the village.
My family founded it many years ago.
- Private?
- Oh, the salary's good.
Oh, I didn't mean...
Well, I know about private schools,
but ours is well-endowed.
We're a rich family, I'm afraid...
or used to be.
Not quite so rich now,
and that's just my sister and myself.
And we both felt...
someone who's worked abroad
might stimulate the children's minds.
- Was it a mission school in Africa?
- Yes.
Now, you mentioned
a breakdown in health.
Well, I did have,
but I'm perfectly all right now, thank you.
Well, I'm sorry to have to...
Well, of course you do.
I understand.
- When 0ne's dealing with children...
- Mr Bax, I'm completely well now, I...
Well, I mean, there were
special circumstances, you see.
A tribal rebellion,
and things got out of hand.
It wasn't the people's fault, the...
It was the witch-doctors
who led them.
You see, they wanted us out,
and they used horrible ways, I...
I can't, I mean...
Well, what happened, ljust can't...
You'll like Heddaby,
Miss Mayfield.
It's a remarkably attractive village,
though I've known it all my life,
of course, but it really is.
We've taken care of it, you see.
And the schoolhouse -
you'll like that, too, I know you will.
- Do you mean... I've got the job?
- If you want it.
- Goodbye.
- See you tomorrow.
- Erm...
- Can I help you, Miss?
Yes, please.
Which way is the schoolhouse?
- Just round the corner.
- Round there. Hm, thanks.
- You the new head teacher?
- Yes, I am.
- Pleased to meet you, Miss.
- Thank you.
Miss Mayfield.
- Welcome to Heddaby.
- Thank you.
They told me to say that
the very first.
- I'm Valerie. Valerie Creek, that is.
- How do you do?
- Er, can I take your bags?
- Oh yes, please.
- Afternoon, Miss.
- Good afternoon.
I'm Dowsett.
I look after your garden for you.
It's lovely.
- It's nice, isn't it?
- Mmh.
They do look after it.
Old Miss Westleton,
what I was here till now,
she never had to do a thing.
They wouldn't let her.
Mr Bax,
he says to me this morning,
"Now, see everything's perfect
for Miss Mayfield when she comes."
Mind you, I...
I didn't expect you so soon, like...
I would have had tea all ready.
Still, I'll er...
I'll make it in a minute.
Here's the bedroom.
You all right then?
More than all right,
thank you... Valerie?
Yes, Valerie.
I come in every day.
Er... do you want to see it all
right away?
- No, you make tea. I'll explore.
- All right.
Hello, puss. Hello.
Does the cat belong here?
Oh... no, he don't.
But he's hung about all day.
Maybe he's looking
for a new home.
Pretty boy.
You like it here too, do you?
How far is the rectory?
- The rectory, Miss?
- I thought I'd pay my respects to Mr Bax.
Oh, you mean the Bax's house.
Is it far from here?
Why, it's just up the lane
and around.
I'll show you after tea, Miss.
- I'm Miss Mayfield.
- Please come in.
Miss Mayfield?
I'm Stephanie Bax,
Alan's sister.
- How do you do?
- I've been so longing to meet you.
Will you come into my study?
Excuse the mess.
I'm in the middle of an article.
- Sorry I Interrupted you.
- Not a bit. It deserved interrupting.
It just won't jell.
Well, perhaps it will tomorrow,
you never know.
- Will you have a drink?
- Please.
Gin? Or there's er...
oh dear, gin again, or...
Oh no, it's not possible -
more gin.
Well, let's call it
a very dry Martini.
- Will you sit down?
- Thank you.
Er, are you the Stephanie Bax?
"The"? Oh dear!
I knew your name straight away,
but I wasn't sure it was the same person.
I read your articles
in the Sunday papers - I really do.
And agree
with every single word?
- N0.
- That's better.
- Do you often disagree?
- Sometimes. Violently.
I think you'll like it here.
It's primitive,
septic tanks and all that, but it's real.
- The church...
- What about it?
I looked for it on the way -
I couldn't see it.
Well, there isn't any.
- But surely...
- Alan?
- Isn't he the rector?
- The Reverend Alan Bax? No.
But the collar?
It's all perfectly harmless, really -
you'll see.
Alan. Visitor.
Miss Mayfield. I'm sorry,
I didn't know you were here.
I was running a new tape.
Nice to see you again, Mr Bax.
At first I thought it was the real thing.
Well, it is the organ
of Salisbury Cathedral.
Just as well
we have no neighbours.
What a fascinating room this is.
Alan's the collector, not me.
I have no visual sense.
Actually, most of it belonged here,
didn't it, Alan?
- This lovely lady...
- From the old church.
But I thought you er...
- Oh yes, there was once.
- I'd like to show it to you.
Well, what there is left of it.
Why don't you stay to supper?
Oh, I'd like to,
but there's a meal waiting for me.
Oh... well, next time.
And soon please, because
we're determined to see lots of you.
- That's very kind of you, Miss Bax.
- May we drop the formality?
Gwen, Alan, Stephanie.
Thank you both.
I know I'm going to love Heddaby.
I'll see you home.
How long has it been like this?
- Almost 200 years.
- Hmm.
It was damaged.
They didn't try to rebuild it.
Just let it go.
Did a storm do it?
Did Stephanie tell you about me?
About my not being a priest?
I rather wish she had.
There's nothing wrong in it,
you know.
I don't try to officiate
or persuade anyone, but...
I wanted to enter the church,
but I failed.
Somehow it's just the collar,
just sometimes it... a feeling of security.
Mr Bax?
Well, I'll say good night, then.
- Miss Westleton...
- Not so fat either.
How can I get you all sorted out
if you talk at once.
Let's start with you.
- What's your name?
- I'm not in your class.
- Whose class are you in?
- Hers!
Miss Mayfield?
I'm Sally Benson.
I bet you thought you'd have to start term
without me - tinies and all.
I am sorry - I just got back from France,
and the boat was held up in fog.
Never mind,
we'll have a proper talk later.
Come along my lot.
Come on through, come on.
- This one belongs to you, too.
- Yes.
Come on.
Come on through, come on.
Come on, hurry.
- Maureen Crovvther.
- Present, Miss.
- Ronnie Dowsett.
- Present, Miss.
- Mary Parker.
- Present, Miss.
- Gordon Parker.
- Present, Miss.
Linda Rigg? Linda?
Present, Miss.
Linda, what have you got there?
This, Miss.
A doll. Don't you think
you're a bit big for that?
You put it away.
Now I shall try very hard
to remember all your names,
but it's going to be easier for you
because you've only got one
to remember,
and that's Miss Mayfield.
Yes, Miss Mayfield.
You sit there while you drink your milk.
I'll be back in a moment.
How he's wept -
have you heard him?
- His first day, too.
- Yes.
Are you getting them sorted out?
I'm trying to,
but they all look alike.
That's the Heddaby face.
Inbred for centuries. Appalling.
- All except that rather darker one.
- Who? Ronnie Dowsett?
They're very thick those two.
Well, good luck to them.
- Do you like Heddaby?
- Yes, don't you?
Mmh, not to live in.
My boyfriend lives in town.
Still, it's very restful.
Good for the soul, as they say.
It's a nice place to get over things.
I mean, well, it's unhurried,
among nice simple people.
Well, all good fresh meat here,
Miss Mayfield.
None of that frozen stuff.
Leave that to the Eskimos, I say.
It chills good hot blood -
eh, my dear?
Speak for yourself,
she says.
How much?
Six bob.
Six shillings.
Oh, he's a right good 'un,
this one.
He'll jug out fine.
Just remember now
and do him good and slow.
That's all.
Thank you.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Miss Mayfield.
- Good morning, Joe.
- Good morning, Miss Mayfield.
Good morning, Linda.
Good morning, Ronnie.
Good morning, Miss Mayfield.
- Here's your tuppence ha'penny change.
- Thank you.
- Oh, Miss Mayfield.
- Valerie.
A right old squash in there, eh?
Every Saturday.
Oh, give me your order, look,
and I'll bring it round later.
- Are you sure?
- I was going to finish off that bit of ironing.
- Oh, that's good of you, Valerie.
- l'vejust got to help my mum out first.
Hello there, Miss Mayfield.
- How's she making out?
- Oh, she spoils me.
- Won't let me lift a finger, Mrs Creek.
- That's right.
My Val was brought up to hard, work.
Eh, girl?
Oh, you're a terror, mum.
I can wind her
round my little finger, really.
- You give the game away.
Did you see anything like that?
Linda Rigg, your granny was in here
looking for you not half an hour since.
- Granny?
- Left to run her own errands.
You better go and find her.
- Oh, I expect she just forgot.
- No, she never.
You tell her you're sorry.
And you, boy...
You let her go.
Did you see that then?
Well, they were just looking
at the things.
Mere kids.
They'll take watching.
Oh, don't you worry, mum.
Miss Mayfield'll
keep an eye on 'em.
- I'll do what's right.
- Course you will. You lay it on.
- I'll bring these round later.
- Thank you.
- Ronnie.
- Yes, Miss?
Are you going my way?
I'd like to have a word with you.
About that essay
you wrote yesterday.
It turned out to be more of a story
than an essay, didn't it?
- I suppose it did.
- Oh, don't worry about it. I liked it.
It was really quite remarkable
in its way.
And you didn't need me to tell you
it was good, now, did you?
- Gordon Parker.
- Present.
Linda Rigg.
Lin... Does anyone know
why Linda's absent today?
All right, then.
Er... geography
Sandra, how long did you spend
on your homework? Three minutes?
- No, Miss Mayfield.
- Less than that?
Ronnie, did you write this?
It isn't my writing.
No, and it's not your spelling either,
I'm glad to say,
butjust the same - did you?
Ronnie, tell me.
Is this some kind of bad joke?
No. It's true.
That Linda's grandmother
is cruel to her?
- Now, did Linda tell you that?
- I saw it.
You saw what?
They were in the wash house,
and she thought I'd gone.
I looked.
She stuck Linda's hand in the rollers
and turned the handle.
- What?
- She put Linda's hand in the mangle.
Mrs Rigg?
- Hello?
- Mrs Rigg?
- Yes, that's right.
- I'm er...
Oh, I know who you are.
You're the new teacher.
- Come in my dear.
- Thank you.
- Ah, Linda. Good afternoon.
- Hello, Miss Mayfield.
- Look what Gran gave me.
- Hmm. How nice for you to have.
Well, I'd half promised her,
and with her feeling a bit poorly like
ljust run over to Cogham for it.
Well, we were rather wondering
why Linda hadn't been to school today.
Tell your teacher.
I hurt myself with the mangle.
I was wringing out
some dolls clothes, see?
I dunno -
Gran says I'm cack-handed.
Clumsy that is, Miss.
She is too sometimes, bless her.
Well, I couldn't find no bones broken,
so I just gave her a herb brew
to give a good night's sleep.
Slept right through, I did.
Gran's a wonderful one with herbs!
The old ways, Miss.
They served when there were no doctors,
and they serve still.
Ever had a poultice
made of mouldy bread?
No, I don't think I have.
But you've had this penicillin though,
haven't you?
- Oh yes.
- It's the same thing.
She makes wine and all.
Give her a glass
of your cowslip, Gran.
Won the Women's Institute prize.
Anything Gran put in for
she always wins.
Except the chutney, love.
Don't forget the chutney.
Is Ronnie all right?
Yes, he is,
but he's worried about you.
- Did he tell you about this then?
- He's mentioned it.
He shouldn't have.
He shouldn't have been
hanging around here at all.
We don't want anything
to do with him, do we, Gran?
That Ronnie Dowsett?
No, we do not, and that's a fact.
He's no good, that boy.
He's going right ahead
to be another layabout like his father.
- Miss Mayfield.
- Thank you.
- Just a drop for you, pet.
- Looks delicious.
Ronnie Dowsett -
he seems like a bright, decent boy.
Ah - "seems".
They're both getting to a certain age,
and I won't have him messing about
with my Linda.
- Oh, but...
- No, it's all right.
I've had it out with her.
I won't have her go
the same way as her mother.
I've had it happen once.
Never again.
She understands.
- Of course. You have a right...
- I have, and I must use it.
I must go.
Thank you for the wine, Mrs Rigg,
and Linda -
hope to see you in school tomorrow.
Oh, here's my cat.
He must have followed me here.
- Yours, Miss?
- Mmh, he's adopted rne.
I haven't a name for him yet,
but I think I'll call him Smokey.
You're mistaken, Miss.
I've had him five years.
He's my Vesper. My lovely boy.
Aren't you, love?
But he comes to my house.
D0 you Vesper'?
Bad boy. You never told me.
- Well... bye, Mrs Rigg.
- Goodbye, Miss.
Go after her.
- Finished?
- Yes, Miss Mayfield.
Right, then bring it here
and the pamphlet, too.
Did you find, it difficult?
Well, no, just a bit different
from anything I've done.
What's it for?
Well, it's a... a kind of test.
That's all I'll tell you for now.
Good night, Ronnie.
Good night, Miss Mayfield.
Oh, Miss Mayfield.
I'm so very, very grateful to you.
But surely
you knew he was clever?
Yes, but... well, I thought
maybe that was just a mother's pride.
But now you've proved
it's really in him.
Our boy's going to have
his chance.
We'd better be practical.
- Oh, yes... yes.
- Not count our chickens.
I'm afraid he's very far behind,
and he'll have to make it up.
Now, there are two possibilities.
One is the suggestion of Mr Bax
that he go to a cramming school,
a good one.
Oh, there'd be nothing to pay.
Mr Bax will see to everything.
It's a very generous offer.
He'd er...
he'd have to live away from home?
- Yes, it's a boarding school.
- Leave Heddaby?
Just because you never would?
We're talking
about the boy's whole career.
Yes, I know, but er...
Well, what do you say, Miss?
I mean, you know him.
Frankly, I think he'd be miserable.
He'd find himself so far behind
that he might lose heart.
- And if he stayed here?
- Then I'd coach him myself.
Could you?
We'd have to work hard, both of us,
but he'd be taught, not crammed,
and he wouldn't lose confidence,
I'd see to that.
He'd have to have
a lot of homework,
and you'd have to be sure
that he did it.
I mean,
it's really up to all of us.
Perhaps you'd like
to think it over?
Oh, I reckon not, Miss.
If you take him on, us'll help.
I hope Mr Bax won't think
that we're ungrateful.
No, I'm sure he won't.
- Good night, Mr Bax.
- Good night, Sir.
- Good night, Miss Mayfield.
- Good night.
- Good night, Mr Dowsett.
- Good night, Miss.
What is it?
It would have been better
if he'd gone.
Thank you.
About the essay.
I want your very best effort, mind you,
not just something
you can get away with.
All right, Miss Mayfield.
And you do understand
you're going to have to work very hard?
Intensive study, no distractions.
- You mean Linda?
- Mmh, for one.
D0 you want me
to stop going around with her?
Well, it might be better.
- For my work?
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, Alan.
Go on, say it.
'None today, thank you.'
- What's all that?
- Just some stuff for the pageant.
- The what?
- The school pageant.
- There's always one in June, isn't there?
- Yes, Sir.
Nobody told me. Am I supposed
to make costumes and things?
And write it and produce it.
Traditional duty
of the head teacher.
As they say,
"That's show business."
Well, I'll try. After all,
there's always a first time.
Good night, Ronnie.
Good night, Miss Mayfield.
Good night, Sir.
Alan, there's something
I wanted to ask you.
Why did you say
it would be better for Ronnie to leave?
I meant easier.
- Easier for whom?
- Well, for you.
Well, I was going about it too,
but rather in a gentler way,
yet it doesn't seem to be
for Ronnie's sake.
It's really to keep them both apart,
and yet it's not for Linda's sake either.
Why, Alan?
Why is it so desperately important?
- Hello there! How's it going?
- Oh, it's chaotic.
This is supposed to be
the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Does it lean enough?
It looks most dangerous.
- Want to come and watch?
- Dogs. Not to be put off.
- Well, see you later then.
- Right. Bye! Good luck.
Now then, where's erm...
Where's Galileo?
- I'm Wilbur.
- Where's Linda?
- What have you done with it?
- It disappeared.
- Don't be stupid. It can't just disappear.
- Well, it did.
- I know: you slung it away somewhere.
- I never.
You are mad because
I didn't turn up yesterday.
- I lost it!
- But where?
If I knew where
it wouldn't be lost, stupid.
What's all this about?
- She threw away that boy doll I gave her.
- I never.
Now come along, Linda.
You're Signor Galileo, remember?
I don't want to be in it, Miss.
- Oh, nonsense. Everybody's in it.
- I don't want to be a man.
There are hardly any girl's parts because
hardly any girls invented anything.
Now get up there and try it.
I've written you a jolly good part now,
and you'll feel better
when you get your moustache on.
Here it is.
Come on, here are the props.
Now then, "l, Galileo, here am bent."
I, Galileo, here am bent.
"On a scientific experiment."
On a scientific experiment.
All men do bicker
about which falls quicker -
a pound of feathers
or a pound of lead.
Look out below there,
mind your head.
Linda, give me that moustache.
- What about your homework?
- I dodged it.
- Miss Mayfield'll be mad.
- Oh, let her.
She'd be madder still
if she knew.
- What?
- That you were here.
She don't like me.
- What's the matter?
- Shh...
Ronnie Dowsett.
Does anyone know what's the matter
with Ronnie. Linda?
No, Miss Mayfield.
- Mrs Dowsett, what is it?
- I can't talk now. I got to go with him.
What happened?
He was took bad in the night.
It didn't seem like anything.
Bit of a headache,
touch of fever, that's all.
This morning he seemed
to be sleeping peaceful enough,
but the wife would have
the doctor along, see, and...
He took one look at him and he said,
"That boy's in a coma."
- A coma?
- Sort of... unnatural sleep he meant.
Well, he didn't waste any time
after that.
I told him yesterday I'd fix this.
I didn't go along.
His mum's along,
that's enough.
- What do they think it is?
- They don't know yet.
But my wife,
she's got some funny notions.
She's a Welsh woman.
Last year she took shingles
all round here, you know - very painful,
and she got it into her head
that it was done to her.
- Done to her?
- Mmh.
That somebody had done it,
you see, on purpose.
- Just because she'd had a row with her.
- A row?
Mmh... about Ronnie that was.
- With whom?
- Old Granny Rigg.
Don't go too far ahead!
No nettles here now.
Come along, you stragglers,
or Mr Curd'll be after us.
Come along, Sue.
Oh, look there - lovely shade.
Shall we go over there?
Not too much noise now.
You'll frighten the sheep.
All right now, let's start
with first things first, shall we?
Erm... the man and the wheel
and the dinosaur.
Who's the dinosaur?
You're the din... you are.
All right. Here we go...
I know what you want.
All right again!
All my life
I've sat here in this swamp.
It's very muggy and extremely damp.
And when I get depressed
I can only roar.
What else can I do?
I'm a dinosaur.
All right. Roar!
Who's this?
What's he rolling round and round...
- Look, Miss Mayfield...
- What's the matter?
There's something up there.
- I can't reach.
- What is it?
- That's Linda's doll.
- It's got no head!
- Look!
- Look at that!
I'll give it back to you later, Linda.
But look at this -
stuck full of pins and its head missing.
- What do you think it could possibly be?
- Witchcraft?
- Hmmm
- Somebody having a little dabble?
Yes, I would think so.
Or did you think I was going to say,
"No, no, no, it can't happen here?"
I bet there are lots of remote spots where
remnants of witchcraft are still practised.
Places like Heddaby in fact.
I've often wondered.
- What are we going to do?
- Do? Ah...
Well, I'd like to start
by removing those pins.
Yes, we could...
Oh, no. Emphatically not.
Do you see why?
Well, that would mean admitting
belief in it - to ourselves, I mean.
- Oh, I see.
- I did some articles on witches once.
No, not witches - damn them -
people who thought they were witches.
The psychology of it.
It's a sex thing deep down of course.
Mostly women go in for it-
older women.
Like er... Mrs Rigg for instance?
Yes. They relish the idea
of a secret power,
especially when their
normal powers are failing.
Now, they may believe in it.
The point is do we ?
What are we giving in to
if we admit the possibility
that a healthy young kid
can be put in hospital by mere ill will?
- That's where it gets fascinating.
- I see.
What we admit we believe
and what we believe, I suppose,
could destroy us.
Oh, beautifully put.
Did you ever write anything?
- Well, I...
- I've got it.
Why don't we collaborate
on an article together?
- You... Oh, I couldn't.
- You could!
Nobody better.
About these very things.
Fetish men in Africa,
witchcraft in England.
There may be more in common
than people think.
It's very good
for a Sunday magazine, too.
- Oh, I'd love to!
- Good. It's settled. We'll split the fee.
Really, we could help each other.
Writing's good, you know. It heals.
And right now Ronnie Dowsetfs
probably responding fast to penicillin.
But we'll hang on to this
for the illustrations.
Miss Mayfield!
- That thing... how did it get here?
- What thing?
Oh, this little duster?
I've been wondering
where I put it.
Kind of a feather duster...
Did you buy it?
No, it's one of the things
Mr Bax had sent.
Oh. Took a pill, did you?
No wonder.
I had a cousin of mine
who used to take pills -
made her walk in her sleep.
Nowjust you wait -
I'll get you a nice cup of tea.
Oh, Mr Dowsett.
I didn't expect you this morning.
I just thought I'd do a bit...
keep my mind off things.
- Any news?
- Just the same.
It's three days now.
They're making tests, they say.
Yes, I know,
Miss Benson's been calling.
His mum's been up the hospital
all the hours that's in.
I went there yesterday myself.
Did you see him?
He didn't know me.
Mr Dowsett...
Well, these things take time.
He's in good hands.
They're bound to find the trouble.
- Er, Valerie...
- Yes, Ma'am?
Could you make Mr Dowsett
some tea and some breakfast?
Thank you.
- Oh, I took him that bat.
- Good.
- Mrs Dowsett.
- What do you want?
I was going to the hospital
to see how Ronnie was.
They won't let you -
only me, because I'm his mother.
- I only wanted to know how he was.
- They won't tell you anything.
They don't know anything.
Them and their tests.
- He just lies there.
- ls he worse?
He's as well as can be expected.
That's what they say.
What do you expect then?
He'd be sitting up,
laughing and chatting...
God, I wish I knew.
- Let me give you a lift home.
- No, I can go by bus.
Oh no, the car's just here.
You'll be home in a minute.
Come along.
What do you think
is the trouble with Ronnie?
How would I know?
But you're his mother.
You must have an instinct.
Do you think
it's a natural illness?
I always took good care of him.
Why shouldn't it be?
Mrs Dowsett, I don't know
if this means anything to you,
but yesterday
I found a doll in the fork of a tree.
- Doll?
- Hmm.
It was stuck full of pins,
and the head was missing.
I... I don't know what you mean -
talking about dolls.
what kind of silly talk is that?
Well, last year
you had the shingles.
- Shingles? I don't remember.
- Your husband told me.
Shingles. Dolls.
You're just trying to mix me up, that's all.
You're trying to upset me.
- Put me down.
- But I...
Just put me down here.
But I'm only thinking
what's best for Ronnie.
You only want to interfere.
He could have gone away to that school.
He'd have been out of it by this.
But oh no, you had to butt in
and do things your way.
- Believe me, it's for Ronnie's good.
- His good?
Do you call it his good
where he is now?
Who's that?
Oh, Mr Dowsett.
I... I seen your light.
- Can I come in?
- Please do.
You've heard?
About Ronnie?
Yes, isn't it wonderful news?
You've been celebrating.
When is he coming home?
- They've gone.
- What?
Both of them.
She packed up her things.
Said she was taking the boy
straight off to her folks in Wales. See?
Your wife said that?
The boy must never
come back here, she said.
It'd finish him, she said.
So, that was it.
She said to me, she said,
you can come with us or stay,
just as you like, but we're off.
- It means his life, that's what she said.
- Of course.
I... I can't just go like that.
All my life I lived here.
- I didn't forbid her. Should I have?
- No.
What can have happened?
I... think I can tell you.
Well, go on then... go on!
Last evening
your wife went to visit old Mrs Rigg.
- Did you know that?
- No.
And together, lthink,
some sort of bargain was struck.
What bargain?
I don't know. I'm not sure.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to find out.
I'm going to see old Granny Rigg.
- I'm going to find out!
- Mr Dowsett...
Let me past.
I got to phone the police.
- It's West Dowsett. He's dead.
- Mr Dowsett?
Yeah, I found him up in the sheep field
there, in the pond. Drowned.
But I saw him last night.
He must have fell in drunk.
- Did you see him in here last night?
- He was well away.
Where did you see him?
He came by the school house last night.
We had a word.
That must have been late.
Didn't he come to see you?
Me, Miss? Come to see me?
Oh, I only wish he had, poor soul.
I'd have helped him.
Sent him home sober -
not like some people.
Gwen, my dear.
Dodo! Thatcher! Come here!
Come here at once!
You bad dogs. Sit!
They broke away and wouldn't answer -
they've never done it before. Are you hurt?
- No, it's nothing. I'm glad you came.
- Let me help you.
No, there's something
I wanted to show you.
- Oh, what?
- Well, there were footprints.
Oh, the sheep...
They're gone.
Well, the man who found
poor Dowsett probably left marks.
N0, there were others.
Bare feet.
Mr Dowsett
wasn't here alone last night.
He went from me to old Mrs Rigg.
Suppose he interrupted something,
and they...
They brought him here to the pond
and drowned him.
- They? Who?
- There were lots of them there.
I saw it on their faces this morning.
They knew that I knew.
Well, how many do you think there were -
judging by the footprints you saw?
- Ten? A dozen?
- Mmh. Easily.
A coven -
that's the technical word for it.
Yes, maybe he did happen
on a little witchcraft session. It's possible.
- Then you agree it could happen?
- lt has to be taken seriously.
There'll be an inquest,
there'll have to be.
I'll go to it and tell them all I know
about Mr Dowsett's drowning
and the bargain made
to keep the family out of the village.
What they did to the boy.
- Why... why was it?
- What do you mean?
- To keep Ronnie away from Linda.
- It looks like it.
Yes, but witchcraft doesn't work that way.
Quite the opposite.
There's only one reason
they'd want to keep her untouched...
To be a ritual sacrifice!
Gwen. You must be careful.
You must be sure what you're saying,
or they'll laugh at you.
Not these people,
the others - the papers.
"School teacher
alleges witchcraft ritual."
- Are you Miss Gwen Mayfield?
- Yes.
I think you might be able to help us.
I'll say all I have to say at the inquest
in public in front of everyone.
Look, Miss...
That's enough.
Until then I'll take care of her.
Yes, that's all right now -
I was right.
No need for a stitch,
that's going to heal perfectly.
Now, you may get a slight lowness
from the anti-toxin,
but that's better than tetanus.
Now you take that
and get a good night's sleep.
They work.
I'll take this to be repaired straight away.
I'm sure they can do it.
Thank you.
When is the inquest?
The day after tomorrow, Monday.
Now you get some rest.
where are you?
What's happened?
Where is this?
- It's all right.
- I was in the mission hut.
Just lie quite still.
There's nothing to worry about.
- Lie still.
- ls this Africa?
You're English.
Are we on the coast? Where?
Fully conscious just now, Doctor.
- First time?
- Yes, Doctor.
Do you remember me?
I've been looking after you here
for a while.
- It's a nursing home.
- This isn't the coast, it's too cool.
No, no, no, you're in England,
Miss Mayfield.
Safe home in England.
You had a rough time,
but you're recovering nicely.
I can't remember
since the mission hut.
Oh, that's all over.
It's a long time ago.
Long? How long?
Days? Weeks?
It's over a year,
Miss Mayfield.
A Year?
Now, you must rest again.
Well, if I have been here over a year,
I must have had work to do,
- I must have friends.
- Yes, you have friends.
Are my friends
paying for me to stay here?
Who are they? What's their names?
I have a right to know!
Please, Miss Mayfield, relax.
Let me explain.
You had a recurrence of the breakdown
you had in Africa, all right?
And you're still fragile.
You mustn't force things.
You simply must not strain
after the names of people and places.
Your memory will come back
if it wants to.
At the moment
I don't think it does.
But that happens.
There are much worse things.
Nowjust rest assured
that you have friends,
and they will look after you -
Come along.
We have someone new today.
This is Miss Mayfield.
This is Mr Glass,
Mrs McDowall...
and Miss Walkinshaw.
You're the one
that lost her memory.
I've got veins.
- Yes?
- Oh, Miss Mayfield
I saw you at the window.
All right, are you?
- Who was that with you?
- A friend.
- Another doctor?
- No, just a friend.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Like to see her? You can.
- No.
Anyway, you heard.
She saw you, but...
It seems to be total,
whatever caused her relapse.
Yes, whatever did.
Future plans -
I think in the circumstances we'll...
Mr Glass.
- Miss Walkinshaw.
- Oh, there it goes again.
Oh, wretched thing.
We really
will have to get this fixed.
There you are.
- Mrs McDowall.
- Yes?
Look who's come to visit you!
Your little granddaughter.
Oh Julie, how lovely to see you!
Oh my,
what a beautiful dolly.
Yes, she's new.
I only got her today.
I call her Susan.
What a lovely name.
She is nice, isn't she?
- What did you say'?
- Oh. l-l'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
It's all right, it's all right.
It's only cake. Don't worry about it.
You're a little bit tired I think.
We'll get you back to your room.
Drowned footprints in the...
The girl.
Keep her a virgin, because...
But do you still remember nothing
about your life in England?
There's nothing...
nothing at all comes to mind?
Well, what I've come to say is this:
it's time for you to leave here.
Your friends have suggested it.
This place is expensive
as you've no doubt gathered.
But luckily I've connections
with another rest home.
- Where?
- Cornwall. It's a farm, really.
You'd do simple work there.
In effect look after yourself.
Be far healthier for you than here.
A natural life
without any strain or pressure.
- You'd stand the best chance.
- I'll think about it, Doctor Wallis.
You've never spoken
my name before.
Oh, I knew it soon enough.
One of the nurses has a crush on you.
All right.
Well, shall we say tomorrow morning?
Here you are, Miss Mayfield.
Your clothes.
Don't you recognise them?
They are yours, you know.
Now, let's see -
you have to be off at ten o'clock.
I should put them on now if I were you.
You'll find they do fit.
Could you give me a lift, please?
- Dr Wallis wants this mended right away.
- Yeah, jump in.
Oh, thank you.
Look out there!
What do you think you're playing at?
Why, Miss Mayfield!
Are you going to Heddaby?
Well, can I give you a lift?
Now come on now,
you needn't be shy with me.
Well, fancy running into you like that.
Ooh, what am I saying?
I nearly made a job of it, didn't I?
But you're the last person
I expected to see.
- You've been ill, haven't you?
- Yes, I was.
Ah, people in the village
were very sad to hear about it.
In hospital, were you?
- A nursing home. It wasn't very serious.
- Ah, good. Well, that's good to hear.
You're still a little pale though,
but you get out in the sunshine
in this lovely weather.
Well, I've just got to stop off
at the shop a minute. I shan't be long.
Hello, Miss Mayfield.
Nice to see you again.
Now don't you get talking
to any strange men now. (Laughs)
I heard you were in hospital.
- Nice to see you back, Miss Mayfield.
- Thank, you.
- Oh, Mrs Curd.
- They've got the girl.
I just got to drop this off
at the Bax's.
They'll be surprised
to see you all right.
Doctor Wallis,
you've got here quickly.
Oh, my dear.
I'm so relieved.
I was worried
when he told me you'd gone.
You must be tired.
Come in and rest.
Which way did you come?
Well, I had to hitch rides.
I had no money, you see.
I see.
Well, you must be perished.
What will you drink?
No, no. No alcohol.
I wouldn't advise it.
Really, Doctor Wallis,
your advice.
Some food then.
ls that allowed?
Did they feed you in that place?
- Yes, quite well.
- Well, that's something.
From what I've been hearing...
Now, what was all this
about her going to Cornwall?
Well, it seemed to me,
as she wasn't progressing,
that would be the best place
for her to go.
But she was progressing the whole time,
only you didn't spot it!
All you did was to warn me
not to go near her for fear of upsetting her.
- Professional advice.
- Oh really, Miss Bax.
And that nursing home
needs looking into.
- Stephanie!
- I mean it.
Liz, some food for Miss Mayfield please -
tasty and hot. I leave it to you.
And coffee.
Lots of it. Quick.
- We let you down.
- Oh no, I owe you...
We owed you more care
than you evidently got.
Ever since that night here.
Do you remember?
Alan found you.
- He did?
- In the doorway of your room. Flat out.
He called for me.
All I can remember is
having a horrible nightmare, I...
Take it easy now.
Let it go, relax.
I must have been on the verge
of a nervous breakdown for a long time.
I kept imagining wild things,
that people were witches...
She's staying here.
She's still convalescent, you know.
She needs care.
She'll get it here.
Ring me if I'm needed.
Was there an accident to a man?
- Dowsett. He drowned.
- Oh.
But there was an inquest.
That's when you were ill.
The verdict was misadventure.
This isn't the room you were in before
because of... well, associations.
Couldn't be better, thank you.
Now, don't worry.
I'm just next door.
And Liz'll bring the rest of your things
up in the morning.
- Thank you.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Pleasant dreams.
It's good to have you
back again, Gwen.
It's good to be here.
Mrs Rigg. Mrs Rigg.
Mrs Rigg?
~ Uh?
' M's Rig..?
On! on, it's you.
I didn't expect to see you.
- Have a glass of my wine.
- No. No, thank you.
It's good.
Yes, I know it is.
I had some the first time I came here.
A lot's happened since then,
hasn't it?
I mean...
Well, I came to enquire after Linda.
My Linda?
Oh, if onlyl knew
what had happened to...
Well, she... she's on holiday, Miss.
Gone to her cousin's in Great Yarmouth.
Yes, the sea air'll do her good,
you know.
L-l'm just finishing a dress for her,
ready for next term.
- Well, I came to see how Linda is.
- Ah, yes.
Oh, here you are, Sir.
It's all ready for you.
You did this?
- I had to.
- Why?
Come away from here.
I willed you to come,
and you came.
I came...
You came to join us,
and you shall.
Alan, leave us.
Get down on your knees.
Bow down. Bow down.
Now you're one of us.
I'm sorry
about all the drama up there.
It's necessary, you know.
A sort of group release.
I can go to the police.
Straight out of a nursing home.
That place
was quite genuine by the way,
dear Doctor Wallis and all.
I'd take my chance.
No, I don't think so.
You're much too vulnerable in every way.
Is that why you chose me?
Yes, of course.
And now that you're one of us
I can tell you everything.
I shall enjoy that.
Come along.
Where does this lead?
The house. Escape route
for the priests in the old days.
Was it witchcraft then, too?
Oh, yes.
It's an old local custom.
I got on to it years ago
through Granny Rigg.
Mrs Rigg?
She made the Dowsett boy sick?
That's about her level.
But I have studied it
as a science.
Come on.
Poor Alan - he's so loyal.
He knows.
But he can't bear it.
What does he know?
All my life I have tried
to push my brain to the limit.
To get all the ideas
and the reach out of it,
and put them
at the service of mankind.
Do you believe that?
- Yes.
- Oh, you must.
Because only now
that the end of my life is in sight
do I feel that I am really learning.
If only I could live a second lifetime -
just another fifty years...
All the things I could do for the world!
A second lifetime -
that isn't possible.
But it is.
And I have found out how.
What's that?
The only existing copy of the works
of Brother Johann of Wilrzburg.
Fourteenth Century.
- Do you read Latin?
- I used to, er...
It's what you think it is.
And I have translated the rhyme.
Grow me a gown with golden down
Cut me a robe from toe to lobe
Give me a skin, for dancing in
Of course it won't be pleasant,
and I loathe the idea of it,
but it's the necessary ritual.
But she's only a child!
Of no value at all.
Gwen, how can you compare us?
That little idiot...
...with my brain and my intelligence
continuing into the 21st century.
Now, you understand, don't you?
Gwen, you could help me.
Someone intelligent-
as fastidious as I am myself,
and there's just time for you
to learn the rites.
When is it going to happen?
Lammastide. Tomorrow night.
There are
two men up on the hill.
I think they're watching the house.
That's right.
I set them there.
Do you mean they know
what's going to happen tonight?
No, they're expecting a Sabbath.
A meeting.
A little orgy perhaps.
- They'll stop you when they find out.
- They won't be able to help themselves.
And neither will you.
D0 you really believe
you could make this work?
I know it.
- Summon up the devil?
- Now, don't try to cheapen it with words.
Call it a power or a force
that we are going to release.
Perhaps it's in yourself -
something in you.
What does that matter?
You could touch
an H bomb and say,
"l know what's in there,
uranium and stuff... that is all."
But when it is triggered off...
This is a trigger mechanism, too.
Now, through it again -
check every word.
'First let the seeker after life
be solemnly warned,
'all things must be without stain.
'The maiden shall be pure,
not above five and ten years of age.'
Fourteen years and nine months.
Verified by birth certificate.
- Where is she?
- Don't keep saying that.
You have to let me see her.
ls she in the house?
You got her away
from her grandmother, I know that.
How could she have let you?
Didn't she realise?
About this? Granny Rigg?
It's not in her league.
I think she does now.
Now she can't do a thing.
'Until the very moment of sacrifice,
let all be kept pure.
'Let no single drop of blood
be spilled in that place,
'nor other defilement,
neither human nor any beast soever
'lest the whole dread power
do turn against the seeker
'and destroy him utterly.
'Let the blade be one that has been
much used for such purposes
'and has practice in it.'
You haven't one,
you can't have.
From ancient Mexico.
A sacrificial knife.
Do you know
how many this killed on the altars?
Seven thousand!
So, what does one more matter?
It did the other duty, too.
After the blow be struck,
give me a skin for dancing in.
Alan, where is the girl?
Alan, your sister's insane.
For her sake as well
we've got to stop her.
Alan, you must help me.
Alan, where is Linda?
you can't hurt her.
She'll know nothing about it.
And remember
to let her come up when it's time.
Or I'll send them for her.
Wake up, quick.
At the moment of sacrifice
let no blood be spilled.
My Linda.
It was there in her -
all the time.
Oh hello, how are you?
Nice to see you.
Come along, little one,
get ready. Good.
Now you all remember, I hope,
your seats from last term.
Would you like to take them.
And you? Hello.
You go to Miss Benson's room,
just the way you used to.
You too, darling.
- How's that?
- Oh, that's fine. Wonderful.
Sorry, ljust made it.
What's been happening?
Curd gone away,
the general store's a supermarket...
Tell you later.
Has everybody been
moving out or something?
The one who matters didn't.
Sir, are those loudspeakers?