The World of Henry Orient (1964)

A country of the ancient world
on the Mediterranean, north of Palestine.
The Phoenicians were great travellers.
They colonised Cyprus, Rhodes...
Crete. Cyprus, Rhodes and Crete.
Cyprus, Rhodes and Crete.
Please! Catch 'em, will you?
Gee, I'm sorry. What was it?
Music notes. I'll just have to
do them all over, that's all.
And I know Mr Drago's
going to have kittens.
I've a good mind to push it all in the river
and let them throw me out again.
- Are you in the eighth?
- Sure.
I've seen you.
You sit two rows in front of me.
Boy, is that Phoenicia a draggy dump.
Did you finish it?
I read some of it on the bus this morning,
but not all of it.
Were you really
thrown out of here before?
Not here. Two other schools,
though, in one year.
For gosh sakes, what for?
I'm unmanageable.
You're new here too, aren't you?
- Last month.
- You like it?
They say it's the finest girls' school
in the country.
I don't either. Gum?
You like Mr Drago?
- I think he stinks. Do you?
- I hate him!
So do I. What about Miss Cooney?
You like her?
- I think she stinks worse than Mr Drago.
- Me too.
- You know many other girls around here?
- Not many. Do you?
- Not many.
- Oh, darn!
- Do you have rubber bands?
- Yeah, listen.
- Haven't you?
- No, but I've got railroad tracks.
- Golly Moses.
- How long have you had yours?
- Nearly a year. Yours?
- Nearly two.
- When are you gonna get 'em off?
- June, he says.
For goodness sakes, me too!
- What are you doing Saturday?
- Nothing.
- Do you wanna go adventuring?
- How do you mean?
I mean, like jumping right of your skin
and being absolutely somebody else.
Not just pretending,
but being somebody else.
- Know the sailing pond in Central Park?
- Yeah.
You meet me there at ten o'clock
and I'll show you.
- What's your name?
- Marian Gilbert. What's yours?
- Valerie Boyd.
- Boyd?
Are you the one that
goes home early every day?
I forgot. I've gotta go see someone.
- Mom!
- Yes, dear.
Can I invite a friend
for lunch some Saturday?
You've finally found a friend
in that snob hatchery?
- Merci very beaucoup.
- How long should I leave the curry on?
- I'd give it another five minutes.
- Mom?
Of course. I've been hoping you would.
I'd like to meet your friends.
- Thanks.
- Better make it ten.
Maybe she can go with you
afterwards to Mrs DePaul's.
Mom, I told you,
I'm not going to that thing.
- Who's Mrs DePaul?
- She runs a cruddy old dancing class.
On the contrary,
she happens to be a very nice woman
who offers these ungrateful brats
a chance to meet some very nice boys.
I saw some of those very nice boys
waiting for the bus the other day.
Trinity School boys.
You know what they were doing?
- What?
- Burping.
They were having a burping contest
to see who could burp the loudest.
You can't beat the upper classes
for gracious living.
Did you see these Italian shoes
in the Altman ad this morning?
I couldn't wear anything like that.
I guess they're too pointed.
- It's a good heel, though.
- What about that? I rather like that.
Gil! Come on!
- What was it?
- Bandits.
What kind?
- Chinese.
- This could mean death.
- Especially to two beautiful white nurses.
- Look.
- D'you think we can make it?
- We must never be taken alive.
Here's the poison.
Hold it in the back of your mouth.
When they try and radish us,
just bite down on it.
- When they try and what?
- Radish us.
- Why would they do that?
- We're two beautiful white nurses, silly.
- My last thoughts were of him.
- Who?
- Gregory Peck.
- Too old.
Wait here. I'll scout.
- Did you see those eyes?
- X-ray eyes.
I hope I don't dream about 'em.
There's one thing
I can say for my apartment.
You don't have to sit on granite there.
- I'd be scared to death, Henry.
- Yeah?
I can tell you this for certain. We're
a lot more liable to run into your husband
in the middle of Central Park
than we are in my living room.
No, somebody might see us going in.
I've never been out
with another man before,
so you'll have to give me
a little more time.
We're never gonna be able to get together
except on rocks in Central Park?
Darling, we don't want anything to happen
that would spoil our friendship, do we?
It's so beautiful the way it is,
don't you think?
Yes... yes.
Then why don't we just keep it that way?
Little punks.
- Splitsing!
- Splitsing!
- Splitsing!
- Splitsing!
- Splitsing!
- Splitsing!
- What's this?
- It's where I live.
We splitsed a kid. We splitsed a boy
on a bike, never even touched him.
- Did you?
- I didn't.
- Is this Marian?
- I'm sorry. That's Emma, Gil. Come on.
Marian, I can't tell you how pleased
we are that Valerie has a real friend now.
- I'm very pleased to be her friend.
- She spends too much time alone.
Or with adults, which is even worse.
We'll talk later.
I can't compete with her music.
Thank you.
- Are your parents divorced?
- Yes. How did you know?
- Just a guess. Was it a mess?
- I don't even remember it. I was a baby.
My father lives in Florida, but I see him
when he comes to New York.
- You don't seem bothered.
- I don't think about it much.
- I'm used to living with Mom and Boothy.
- Boothy?
She's an old friend who lives with us.
She's swell.
Is Emma your mother?
No. She and her husband Charles
take care of me. She's sweet.
- Very.
- The school found them.
- Are yours divorced?
- No, but they travel all the time.
Europe and places like that.
Dad's business is
international trade or something.
Where's your home?
I mean, your real home?
I'm not sure exactly.
We've got a place in Arizona.
I've never really seen it.
It's for winter and I go to school then.
They've got an apartment in Paris. Used
to, anyway. They stay in a hotel here.
You miss them very much?
I used to, but I guess I'm like you now.
The only time I really miss my dad is
six in the evening when it's getting dark
and we're gonna sit down for dinner,
just the three of us - Mom, Boothy and me.
- You know Lillian Kafritz?
- Stringy-haired girl?
- I can't stand her.
- Why does she put that guck in her hair?
Isn't it awful? I was having dinner
at her house one night
and about six o'clock
her father came home from the office.
He bought Mrs Kafritz
a bushel of roasted chestnuts
and a couple of crummy little bunches
of violets for Lillian and me.
How corny can you get?
- You think your dad'll ever come back?
- How can he?
He's married again
and got a couple of kids.
- But how do you know he's happy?
- He's crazy about her.
I know, but...
just suppose he suddenly realised
his second marriage was a tragic mistake.
His eyes are opened at last
and he knows now that your mother
is the only woman
he's ever loved in his whole life.
I don't think there's much chance of that.
So there's nothing to do but to tell her
the truth. The second wife, I mean.
He's simply got to go back to the only
woman he's ever loved in his whole life.
Goodbye, second wife.
- You think that's possible?
- He's got no choice.
He can't live a lie, can he?
He's got to go back to his one true love.
Maybe... during Christmas.
- Christmas Eve, maybe.
- About six o'clock.
You and your mother are all alone
trimming the tree when the doorbell rings.
- I'd be the one to answer it.
- You'd be wondering who it could be.
You weren't expecting anyone.
You'd open the door and he'd be standing
there, simply loaded with presents.
Before you could say anything,
he'd say "Sh",
because he wants
to surprise your mother.
But first he'd give you a big hug
just as tight as he could.
Then Mom would come to see who it was.
She'd been wondering why
she didn't hear anybody say anything.
For a long time they'd just stand there and
stare at each other, not saying anything.
They wouldn't have to.
And then he'd take her in his arms
and rain kisses on her upturned face.
And they'd just love each other to death
right there in the front door.
Do you really think...
- Who'd like some clam chowder?
- Clam chowder!
Wash your hands first.
Then two small bladders
came out of their mouths.
- If you'd been at rehearsals...
- Just as she was beginning to hum.
Henry, you've got to remember
you're not Van Cliburn.
If Van Cliburn misses a rehearsal,
nobody says "Throw the bum out. "
Not too much off the back.
I tried to phone them.
But I feel I would be remiss
in my obligation to you as your manager
if I didn't inform you
that they're not prepared
to take this understanding
attitude toward a...
well, let us say a non-Van Cliburn.
- What is it, Sidney? It's unnatural, isn't it?
- You're in a little slump, that's all.
Now look at me. Can you see
any difference? Be honest with me.
On my mother's grave,
you don't look a day older
than when we played
stickball in Brooklyn.
I will give somebody 1,000 dinars
who can find one grey hair in my head.
Henry, don't you understand
what I'm telling you? You're in trouble.
If I keep on telling them you're at the
dentist, they'll wanna count your teeth.
Very funny.
You seem to be pretty chummy
with Boyd these days.
Any reason why I shouldn't be?
Not if you don't mind going around
with somebody who's crazy.
I think you're the one that's crazy.
You know why she gets let out of school
early every day?
What makes you think I don't?
You'd never guess in a thousand years.
- All right, how much?
- It's worth at least a quarter.
- I'll give you 15 cents. It's all I've got.
- Give me the dime tomorrow, can't you?
If it's really interesting...
All right. The reason she gets out
every day, she goes to a psychiatrist.
- You mean a doctor?
- Doctor for the head, for the mind.
- Who told you that?
- Never mind. It's absolutely true.
School knows it,
but nobody else is supposed to.
- Are you making this up?
- It's the absolute truth.
Miss Cooney said Boyd
had asked her to keep it a secret.
Miss Rollyman said she was right,
the other eighths might think she's crazy.
"But if I was that rich,"
she said "anybody could call me crazy... "
Who said?
Miss Rollyman said
"In view of Boyd's marvellous IQ,
she's a prize to the school,
even if she's a little difficult. "
- What's IQ?
- Intelligent quota.
If you're smart, you have a high one.
If you're not, it's low.
The way they talked,
Boyd's some kind of a genius.
- Gosh sakes.
- And very, very rich besides.
- Want some more, darling?
- Yeah, I think I'd like some.
- I hate to go, but Emma's gonna skin me.
- What for? It's not late.
- I missed Dr Greentree.
- Who's Dr Greentree?
- Her doctor. Who do you think?
- Naturally, but I just wondered.
I don't mind your knowing.
Dr Greentree's my psychiatrist.
- Your what?!
- Boothy, please!
- He's my psychiatrist.
- Now I've heard everything.
It's not a thing to joke about.
Boothy's not really joking.
It's just that Val's so young.
I was well into my 30s
before I hit the couch.
- Why did you go, Mrs Booth?
- It's become part of the ritual of divorce.
- I'm sorry.
- The only fun I got out of that little scuffle.
- This is the first time I ever heard about it.
- May as well know I took a shot at it too.
- Mom!
- We had to.
In those days it would
have been like not owning a TV set.
When people need help, they go
wherever they think they can find it.
That's what Val did,
cos she needed help. Isn't that right?
- That's what everybody says anyway.
- Your mother went twice.
The third afternoon there was
a sale on at Bergdorf Goodman.
- That's not true. It was Lord & Taylor.
- You know the only reason I quit?
One day I was telling this wizard
a most delightful dream.
Straight out of Henry Miller.
I heard him snoring.
Now really, Boothy.
- My trouble was I couldn't dream.
- That's my trouble.
- Dr Greentree gets mad if I don't dream.
- I dream all the time.
You stay out of this. You're normal.
Have you ever tried eating
a bowl of chilli con carne before retiring?
- That gives you nightmares, doesn't it?
- Psychiatrists love nightmares.
- I'll give her some of my dreams.
- That's a wonderful idea.
Tell him my dreams and tell us
what he said. I'll get treated for nothing.
- And then you'll be one of us.
- Three kooks and a hitchhiker.
I've got to run.
- I'll get my coat and walk you to the bus.
- It's been fun, Val.
- Will you ask me again?
- What about next Friday?
Dinner, maybe tickets for something.
And any other time you can come, dear.
From one kook to another.
You know what I thought it was,
why you had to leave school every day?
- I thought you had an incurable disease.
- You mean I was gonna die?
Maybe they'd given you a year to live,
even with daily injections.
- May I take your arm?
- And so young too.
They tried to keep it from me.
They told me it was a bad cold.
- Did you try Mayo brothers?
- Yes, they were completely baffled.
- John Hopkins?
- He knew less than they did.
I knew a girl who was dying once.
She lingered and lingered
till everybody nearly went crazy.
- I have too many red corpuscles.
- You mean white.
- Sure?
- That's what I read once.
I have too many white corpuscles.
May we stop for a moment?
Have you some Kleenex?
No, but...
- It was only a momentary faintness.
- Here, try this pill.
- You are so good to me.
- You are my friend.
I'm determined that your last year will be
the happiest of your life. When's it up?
- October 18th. What's this flavour?
- Chocklo-Mint.
It's fabulous!
You know what I hate most
about this tragedy?
- Dying?
- No.
Being such a burden on everyone.
But what can I do?
Doctors have done all that is humanly
possible and yet I suffer day and night.
What's the matter with her?
- What's wrong?
- It's one of my attacks.
- This kid needs help.
- No, really.
I can't see. Everything's gone black.
- Open her collar.
- No, she'll freeze.
Somebody get a cab.
- Open her collar, quick!
- Don't open it. She'll catch pneumonia.
You want her to choke to death?
It's no skin off my nose
one way or the other,
but the way that kid's sweating, you'll
have a case of pneumonia on your hands.
I'll open her collar, I'll close her collar.
Somebody make up their mind.
- I'm a physician. Can I help?
- There's a girl over here very sick.
- I'm feeling a little better now.
- Take it easy.
- I'll do what I can. I'm a physician.
- Doctor, she's dying!
- I'm feeling a little better now.
- We'll take a look anyway. Hold her still.
You don't mind having a little checkup?
But she's all right, Doctor.
Honestly, it was all a joke.
Joke, huh? You know what doctors do
with people who make jokes like that?
We take them straight to the hospital
and pump their stomachs out.
Ever have your stomach pumped out
by a real good pumper?
I once pumped out a joker
until he couldn't get out of bed.
- We didn't mean anything.
- If I don't find anything...
I got a cop! There's a cop car on the way.
He's at the office.
You just talked to him on the telephone.
- He couldn't possibly be around here.
- I know, but...
Look out!
Hey, you!
You little punks!
Someday we'll come here to see you.
- Not me, I'm afraid.
- I'll bet you.
I'm no musician, not a real one.
Just playing the piano isn't enough.
You have to have something special
and I haven't got it.
Just 10 more feet, 12 at the outside,
and I'd have been home.
They don't like it when
you don't show for two rehearsals.
You don't think it's peculiar
that they were the same little punks?
They live in the neighbourhood
and they play in the park.
- But twice with the same dame.
- It's the only dame you ever go out with.
I tell you, she's nervous as a whippet.
- They're ready, Mr Orient.
- All right, all right, all right.
I think next time I'll drop
a couple of Miltowns in her drink.
What's this avant-garde stuff it says here?
Sure, way out. It said it in The Times.
- No tune?
- Are you kidding?
I hope I don't throw up.
- You shaved your legs.
- You are the biggest blabbermouth.
- You didn't tell me.
- I don't have to tell you everything.
- What is it?
- She shaved her legs.
Louder. Some of the people
on the balcony can't hear you.
- You're gonna have bristles.
- Not if I keep shaving.
Please, girls.
But why'd you do it? You're not so hairy.
- I'm old enough if I want to.
- It's not as if you were as hairy as Kafritz.
Talbot's hairier than Kafritz,
arms and legs.
It doesn't show so much on her.
She's a blonde.
A brunette always looks hairier
than a blonde. Kafritz is the hairiest.
- It's him, isn't it?
- Of course.
Don't you remember those eyes?
If this is music,
what's that stuff Cole Porter writes?
Val? Val!
What is it?
I'm in love.
- With that creep?
- What do you mean, creep?
Isn't that him?
Isn't it awful?
Boothy read all about him in a magazine.
He's been married about a dozen times.
- Still got the magazine?
- I'll ask her.
Not that it matters.
I love him anyway. I adore him.
You can tell the whole world if you want to
that I, Valerie Campbell Boyd,
love and adore the great and beautiful
and wonderful Henry Orient,
world without end, amen.
- But look.
- No, you look.
Isn't he absolutely divine?
Yeah, he really is cute,
but I thought you said he needed practice.
Gilbert, have you no soul? Of course he
needs practice, especially on the scales.
But... this is love, Gilbert.
My dreamy dream of dreams,
my beautiful, adorable, Oriental Henry.
How can I prove to you that I'm yours?
What am I gonna do, Gil?
- You mean it's real?
- I don't know what else.
I can't eat, I can't sleep,
I can't even think of anything else.
Next day I went
to the record shop when it opened
and I bought his only two records.
That's all he's got out, poor darling.
I've been playing them ever since.
Are you gonna tell him?
You've got to, Val. He's got to know.
- I wouldn't dare.
- Why not?
You're not a little child any longer.
We're practically adolescents.
And I'll bet you Mr Orient
would be proud to know you love him.
You mean just walk right up to him
and tell him in person?
You've got to.
- What are you doing?
- It's the most important thing in the world.
- But it's got to be a secret.
- It's got to be.
Then we'll make a blood pact
never to betray our secret.
And we'll have a secret language.
His language.
- The mysterious language of the Orient.
- That's it, O mysterious Cherry Blossom.
- Do we have to draw blood?
- That's what makes it important.
It means that we'll help each other
as long as we live, especially in love.
I'll help you now and you'll help me
later on when I find my true love.
Now jab yours. But be careful. It hurts.
Now together like this.
And we take a solemn oath.
I do solemnly swear...
That whereas love is the most
important thing in the whole world,
especially true love, hereby be it resolved
that Marian Gilbert and Valerie Boyd
do solemnly swear that
we will live a secret life for ever
and eternally dedicated
to the one Henry Orient,
the truly beloved of Miss Boyd.
On pain of human sacrifice.
I do.
And from this minute on, we will devote
our whole lives, both day and night,
except during homework,
to the study of the aforesaid Henry Orient.
- His life both public and private.
- Where he lives.
Who he sees and what life means to him
when he's not practising his art.
Exactly where is your husband
at this very moment?
In New Rochelle, I suppose.
Playing golf.
And New Rochelle is on this side
of Stanford, is that not right?
On finishing a game of golf
in New Rochelle,
has your husband
ever been known to return to Stanford
by way of East 64th Street, New York?
- No, but...
- Right.
So you grant that it would be
a most peculiar thing for a man to do,
to go home to Stanford
from New Rochelle, New York,
by way of East 64th Street,
New York City?
- Yes, but...
- Now, now, now...
Now comes a very important question.
Does Paul know anything about me?
No, but I was going to tell him
that I had met you.
- No, no.
- No?
My darling, that has never yet been known
to lead to anything else but...
Never mention my name to him, right?
You want me to set your poem
to music, don't you?
So much!
And why shouldn't you? It is
unquestionably the finest poem for music
since... well, since
Only God Can Make a Tree.
It cannot fail to become a classic.
My darling, a composer has to compose.
Even Only God Can Make a Tree.
The fella didn't compose it in a tree.
He went right home and he sat down
at the piano to compose it.
You understand what I mean?
- I know, but...
- All right, then.
What are we gonna do?
Are we going to pass up a chance
at a song that could live for ever?
Or... shall we nip up to my place
and take a hack at it on the piano?
- I shouldn't.
- Waiter.
- No, not yet.
- Check.
Darling, listen. Who on earth
is gonna take the least possible interest
in two very respectable people
going about their own business
on a dull Sunday afternoon in New York?
Put this down. "Honourable Henry
eat much chow-chow. "
Yes, O mysterious Cherry Blossom.
"Very generous.
Lets lovely waiter keep yen-yen. "
- Yen-yen?
- Change.
They're getting up.
What's the matter, darling?
Don't you think I'd better wait in here
while you get us a taxi?
All right. Don't go away.
Hey, taxi!
Hold it right there, will you, chum?
Won't be a second.
- He tell humble rickshaw to wait.
- Yes, yes!
- Hey, where'd the young lady go?
- She just ran out the back door.
- She just... ran out the back door?
- Yeah.
Stanford, Connecticut.
164, East 64th Street.
This is fabulous, Val.
Absolutely fantabulous!
Here's the first letter he ever wrote me.
"O, heavenly Valerie,
"O, moon of my delight... " He'd call you
the same thing you call him?
Why not? He's supposed
to love me the same way.
"How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
"I love you to the depth and breadth
and height my soul can reach. "
Say, that is neat!
You could really be a writer.
I got the general idea from Elizabeth
Barrett Browning. But isn't it wonderful?
- Are you gonna answer it?
- Tonight. Is that the magazine?
And I have all my notes
from the restaurant.
And the cigarette the waiter gave us.
- No filter.
- He's not scared.
- Does it tell where he lives?
- On East 64th.
"A typical day begins at noon, awakened
by his valet with lotus-blossom tea. "
Five, four, three, two, one...
And now he's just opening his eyes.
Isn't that fantastic?
And now he's just beginning to sit up.
Good morning, Jeeves.
Good morning, sir.
I do hope you've slept well.
Very well indeed. Thank you, Jeeves.
That lotus-blossom tea smells ravenous.
Thank you, sir. I make it from the highest
grade lotus blossoms - fresh, daily.
It's exceptionally scrumptious.
You're crazy. He's not English.
Then what?
"His breakfast is always a seasonal fruit,
melba toast, a coddled egg. "
- What's that?
- We'll ask Emma later.
"And black coffee. At one o'clock
he begins his daily constitutional,
a brisk walk up Fifth Avenue. "
- We'll take the Fifth Avenue bus.
- We can follow him the whole day.
Don't forget the magazine,
so if we lose him we can read it.
Wait a second.
- These are cool. Where'd you get them?
- Oriental bazaar. Aren't they neat?
- He's still there.
- Did you talk to him?
- When he said hello I hung up.
- He's got a very masculine voice.
Like Gregory Peck's. If he doesn't
come down soon, we'll buzz him again.
- I'll call him next time.
- OK.
- Hello?
- Hello, Henry. It's me.
Why, darling. Where are you?
What are you kids
hanging around here for?
We're waiting for our mother.
The note said
they were gonna let her out here.
- Let her out of what?
- Out of the car.
They're bringing her back this afternoon,
the note said. To 64th and Lexington.
What are you talking about?
The men that took her off are bringing
her back and we're waiting for her.
- Are you trying to kid me or something?
- No. That's exactly what the note said.
- Show him the note, sister.
- I left it with Mademoiselle.
You mean that your mother
was, like, kidnapped?
No, they didn't grab her.
They just sent a message backstage
that a friend wanted to meet her
after the show in the Bronx.
When she got there, they tied her up.
You can always get a ransom for a star.
What's your mother's name?
- Jayne Mansfield.
- That's your mother? Jayne Mansfield?
- They're gonna let her out here?
- That's what the note said.
How about Mr Mansfield, your father?
Where's he at?
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
We're used to it now.
How about getting a few cops here
and grabbing these monkeys?
- We couldn't do that.
- One condition was not to tell the police.
Yeah, but I didn't make
no promise like that.
No, no, you mustn't, really!
They might find out
and do something terrible to her.
The cops, they know
how to handle a deal like this.
Believe me, you mustn't. Promise.
What's going on? Will you get up?
What's the matter with you?
- Promise you won't do anything.
- OK.
But that's a fine thing for people to see,
like you're praying to a fella.
- Thank you, sir.
- I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna keep my eyes open,
just in case.
The minute that you spot the car,
you scratch your head.
Which one?
Either one. Just scratch your head
like it itches, that's all. OK?
You're gonna get us in jail yet.
Get me the police department.
- What time does his train leave?
- It's just left.
Then what are you waiting for, my
darling? Just take a taxi and... step on it.
My darling.
Honourable Henry, if you only knew
what Golden Bells goes through for you.
- Who's Golden Bells?
- Me. I'm tired of Cherry Blossom.
Shut the door.
You know what this is?
- You.
- I?
Take off your hat and sit over there
against the last rays of the sunset.
That was out of my memories of you.
And now you...
The curl of your hair.
The soft curve of your cheek.
The burnt umber in your sultry eyes.
The bare bronze of your shoulders.
The sweet warmth of your throat.
Those satin arms.
Twin poems.
Go on. Read some more.
Let's see. "On returning
from his daily constitutional,
Henry Orient plunges into his work
with the dedication of a truly great artist. "
"Friends say it is not unusual for him
to spend hours perfecting his technique. "
Please... I'm frightened.
Play for me again, will you?
I've a copy of my poem here.
You've no idea how long
I have dreamed of this moment,
since I heard your voice on the telephone.
Please, Henry, I'm frightened.
Darling, there's no need to be frightened.
Nothing to be frightened about.
You know what? I thought
you were gonna jump out of the...
- What's the matter?
- You see those kids?
Aren't they cute?
Those kids are everywhere we go.
That day in the park. At my concert.
In front of the spaghetti joint last Sunday.
Paul! Close the curtains, quick!
- Did he see you?
- Who?
- Your husband.
- Is he out there too?
- Didn't you see him?
- No.
- What am I going to do?
- Listen. Listen.
Did you or did you not
see your husband out there?
No, I didn't see him. Didn't you?
Then what the hell is the idea
of yelling his name at me like that?
I meant those children.
Didn't you say they were following you?
- I never said...
- I mean in the park and last Sunday.
And out there now watching.
You must be out of your mind.
That's what you said, isn't it?
Always when we're together.
You said your husband
didn't suspect anything.
I didn't think he did. But how can you tell
what your husband is thinking?
He's peeking, see?
I'm sure of it now. It's exactly
the sort of thing Paul would think of.
- Girl detectives nobody would suspect.
- That's the nastiest thing I ever heard of.
The unfair thing about it is I haven't done
anything, not one single blessed thing.
Except for listening to music.
Imagine being busted in on
by a couple of little punks like that.
Once a man thinks his wife's been
in another man's apartment,
even in broad daylight, wild horses
wouldn't interest him in the truth.
No matter what I say to him, he'll put the
most sordid construction possible on it.
He'll go absolutely stark raving mad!
I know it!
Yeah? How big is he?
I gotta get outta here, Mr Orient.
Is there a back entrance?
There is, but you're going out of
the front door so they can see you leaving.
- Are you crazy?
- I'm not crazy.
You want them to say you stayed here,
and have him come here with a gun?
You're gonna go straight
out of the front door,
as if you owned the whole building,
so if they do happen to turn in a report,
you can draw their attention to the fact
that you were hardly here long enough...
This must not be a typical day.
- Shall we try again next Saturday?
- What about...?
You've got nothing to worry about.
Don't even look in their direction.
Grab the first taxi you see. Tell him
to step on it to Grand Central Station.
You got nothing to worry about.
It's gonna be perfectly... all right.
- Come again sometime.
- Thank you so much, Mr Orient.
- Bring Mr Dunhill with you next time.
- Dunworthy.
Either one you wish.
Bonsoir. Good afternoon.
Val, no!
- Jayne Mansfield?
- Jayne Man...?
Mom? Mom?
Darling, please.
You don't wanna break my neck, do you?
- Why didn't you let me know?
- You knew we'd come for the holidays.
Please, dear. How could you forget?
My goodness me, but you've grown.
I never would have known you.
Dirty face. What are you doing
with these peculiar hats on?
- This is Marian Gilbert. My mother.
- How do you do, Marian?
- Fine, thank you.
- Are you playing Chinese?
- Where's Dad?
- He had to go straight to the office.
He's gonna come back for dinner with us.
How about The Four Seasons?
- Wild! Can Gilbert go with us?
- Thanks, but I can't make it tonight.
I'm terribly sorry, dear. Perhaps
you'll make it another night with us.
- How long will it take you to pack?
- Right now?
- That's OK. I've gotta be going anyway.
- I'll be ready in five minutes.
I'll be upstairs with Mrs Hambler.
Don't waste time.
I've got some people
coming for drinks at five o'clock.
Goodbye, Marian.
I know we'll be seeing you soon.
I hope so.
Boy, am I gonna get some goodies now.
Four Seasons, 21.
That's the only kind of place they go to.
And someplace where everything's on fire
when they bring it. I may get the gout.
- You're not coming back here at night?
- No. They usually take a room for me too.
And you oughta see the clothes.
Bergdorf, Saks, Hattie Carnegie.
That's the one break when they don't want
you - plenty of loot when they do show up.
- How long d'you think they'll be here?
- Till after New Year's usually.
If they don't get fed up with me first.
- See you.
- Wait. We'll drive you home.
Gilbert! Gilbert!
Mrs Boyd, what should I do
about her laundry?
If you don't mind, send it over to the hotel.
We're at the Melton.
Oh, darling. Didn't I ask you to hurry?
I'm sorry.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
Couldn't you have phoned
and said I was sick or something?
Now stop being childish.
The fact that Val wants to be
with her mother and father
has nothing to do with your friendship.
- She could have at least phoned.
- Behave yourself.
Merry Christmas, everybody!
- Hello, I'm Marian's mother.
- Hello, Marian. How are you?
- Miss Gilbert, isn't it?
- This is Mr Boyd.
This is Mrs Gilbert
and this must be Boothy.
I knew it. Won't you all come on in
and have a drink?
- It's so sweet of you to...
- Darling!
Perfectly lovely that you could come!
We have some absolutely
fascinating people for you to meet.
Very strict around here.
- Mrs Gilbert, I missed you.
- We've missed you too, you little scamp.
- Hi, Boothy.
- Those big feet pounding up the stairs.
Won't you come and meet our guests?
Will either of you ladies be traditional
with me and have an eggnog?
Or is it going to be martinis for you?
- I'll be trad, Dad. Where's the bowl?
- I'll get one for each of you.
- Aren't you wearing stockings?
- Ever since I got here.
- I've got something to tell you.
- How do you keep 'em up?
Mrs Gilbert is the mother
of one of Valerie's school friends.
Just a smidgen higher
with that hideous little angel.
Comment a va, Miss Manhattan?
- Is it some kind of corset?
- Garter belt.
- See that fella playing the piano?
- Let me see.
- Doesn't it cut?
- Of course not.
His name is Joe Daniels
and I had a date with him.
- He's as old as the hills.
- Over 30 easily, and he's married.
- Where was his wife?
- They're busted up.
Did you neck?
Here you are, girls.
Just don't gulp it down.
One other thing.
Don't do any more driving tonight.
- He's cute.
- He's sweeter than he used to be.
- Did you neck?
- It was at Schrafft's, crazy!
I asked him to lunch there.
You mean, you made the date?
Look, you've got to promise not to say
a word about this to anybody ever.
Of course not. We've got a blood pact.
- On the bones of your ancestors?
- I do.
OK. I made the date
because I wanted to talk to him
about how much he'd been seeing Mom
when Dad wasn't here.
- Think they were passing at each other?
- I don't know, but I didn't want Dad hurt.
- Who are you?
- Valerie.
- Valerie who?
- Valerie Boyd.
Oh, I see. Isabel's kid.
Who's that with you?
Marian Gilbert,
a friend of mine from Norton.
You mustn't expect me to talk with you.
I don't know what the hell
to talk about with school children.
- Will you excuse us, please?
- You can bet your sweet little...
- We'll go to my room.
- Did you tell Dr Greentree?
You think I'm crazy?
- You artists.
- That's supposed to be a secret.
I should certainly hope so.
All we were doing was pretending.
- How did you meet Mr Orient?
- We've never met him.
- Stop it.
- Honestly, Mrs Boyd, we haven't.
- I wasn't speaking to you, Marian.
- I wouldn't go in any of your things.
Will you please excuse me?
You tell me, kid, if she's too tough on you.
- You should be going too.
- I'd like to stay, if you don't mind.
- I do mind.
- It was just make-believe.
Good night, Marian.
Why don't you call her, darling,
and see if she can come?
The operator says they don't take
any phone calls before noon.
What about the gifts?
They gave them to her last night
so they could sleep late.
The sort of thoughtfulness that never
would have occurred to Mr Dickens.
- We'll set a place for her just in case.
- They'll never let her out today.
- Hello.
- This is Isabel Boyd.
- Good morning, Mrs Boyd.
- Can I talk to Val, Mom? Can I?
- May I speak to Valerie, please?
- Valerie's not here.
- Are you sure?
- Just a minute.
Mrs Boyd's looking for Valerie.
Any idea where she might be?
I'll bet she's run away.
No, we haven't heard
from her this morning.
You know, Mrs Gilbert, if Valerie is there,
it would be a mistake to cover up for her.
I've told you, she's not here, Mrs Boyd.
- I'll bet she comes here.
- I hope so.
But she'll have to call her mother
at once, you know.
- I mean it, the minute she gets here.
- I understand.
What a dreadful woman.
I'm sure she's there
and that woman is lying about it.
I'm afraid I don't think
you handled the situation very well, Is.
- You didn't see the book.
- No, but...
Don't all young girls begin
to dream about romance at that age?
- If she confined it to dreaming.
- That's ridiculous.
You mean trapping Joe Daniels
into a date is only dreaming?
I think the less said
about Joe Daniels the better.
What's that supposed to mean?
If we don't hear anything by noon,
I'm gonna call the police.
This is something new, such concern
for a child you don't even think is yours.
No, that's not what I said, Is.
I said once I wished I could be sure.
But that doesn't matter any more.
That's just an unimportant technicality.
I'm gonna get dressed.
- Joe.
- Oh, good morning. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Have you seen or heard from Valerie?
- Are you kidding?
- She's gone, completely disappeared.
She's hardly likely
to come knocking at my door.
She did before, didn't she?
I'm sorry I ever told you that story.
I was just trying to be funny.
I'll bet.
If you'd just use your mind,
you'd realise Val loathes me.
She even called me a lousy pianist. You
should have seen the look she gave me.
I'll have to call you back
because Frank just came in.
# No cloud above
# No earth below
# A universe of sky and snow
Hail and Merry Christmas,
whoever you may be!
Mr Orient?
I am and God bless you
for making the point so charmingly.
And who, may I ask, are you?
This is Mrs Franklin Boyd.
Mrs Franklin Boyd, you are the possessor
of one of the most angelic voices
it has yet been my pleasure to listen to.
Speak on for me, will you?
I am Valerie's mother. I know she's there.
May I speak to her, please?
Mr Orient, I told you
I wanted to speak with my daughter.
If you don't put her on the phone,
I shall call the police.
Before you do something
you will later regret,
may I first tell you that your daughter
does not happen to be here.
Do you happen to know
how old my daughter is, Mr Orient? 14.
- Mrs Boyd...
- That's all the police will need to know.
Mrs Boyd...
Mr Orient?
Mr Orient?
Hello, Mrs Boyd? Mrs Boyd?
- Hello?
- Mr Orient?
- Mrs Boyd?
- We were cut off.
Mrs Boyd, tell me something.
Does your daughter
ever dress like a Chinaman?
Mrs Boyd?
Mr Orient.
Won't you join me?
- Would you perhaps care for a drink?
- No, thanks.
- Some coffee?
- Thank you, no.
Niente, grazie.
- Still no word.
- No?
But I would not worry. They all come back
as soon as the money runs out.
I've heard of you, of course, but I haven't
had the pleasure of hearing you play.
Well, since I'm not Liberace,
I would be surprised if you had.
You know...
You puzzle me, Mrs Boyd.
In what way?
Remember I mentioned
your voice on the telephone?
- And you told me you didn't sing.
- I don't.
I see. Have you ever been on the stage?
Strange, because I have
a very good ear for voices.
Nine times out of ten it tells me...
well, almost everything.
After hearing yours,
even over the telephone,
I could have entered a room
that was full of women
and I could have walked
directly up to you.
That is remarkable.
- But I would have been wrong.
- Why?
Because I would have
walked up to a dark woman.
Dark and sultry, like one of... like one of
Sargent's Edwardian beauties.
And that... is what puzzles me.
Would you mind
if we talked about my daughter first?
You see, you are not by Sargent.
Oh, no. You are by Renoir. Oh, yes.
Definitement Renoir.
Have you ever seen
his Girl in April in the Frick?
- I'm sorry. I...
- Beautiful. All rose and gold.
Golden hair, golden sunshine.
A golden girl smiling in a rose garden.
You're a nymph with a sultry voice.
If you're not in a hurry...
I'd love to have a cup of coffee.
Would you?
Garon, due caff, per favore.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- Night, David.
- Night. Thank you again.
Don't forget the school benefit meeting
a week from Tuesday.
- All right.
- Night.
Why don't you call again
and see if they've heard anything?
I can't imagine where she'd be
if she didn't come here.
She's probably riding
around the subway, poor kid.
Melton Hotel?
May I speak to Mrs Boyd in 3729?
Some Christmas for her, I'll say.
- Hello?
- Mrs Boyd, this is Marian Gilbert.
- Have you heard anything?
- No. That's what I was calling you about.
No, but I've called the police
and the Missing Persons Bureau.
I'm sure she's all right.
You might also be interested in the fact
that I had a word with Mr Orient.
You called Mr Orient?
We won't have to worry
about him any more.
- What did you say to him?
- I can't discuss it now.
I'm awaiting a call from Mrs Hambler.
Good night, dear.
I don't care if she is her mother.
It was a crummy thing to do.
Poor Val.
She really loves him very much.
I know. I went through exactly
the same thing with John Barrymore.
- Who?
- What did you say?
I said who's he,
this guy you went through it with?
You mean you don't know
who John Barrymore was?
- You've never even heard his name?
- No.
Excuse me. It's later than I think.
Isn't there anything we can do for her?
They don't love her.
Nobody loves her but us.
They stick her in schools and
with doctors. Anything to get rid of her.
It'll ruin her. It'll kill her
if she's gotta go on like this.
- I know, darling.
- Couldn't we ask Mr Boyd?
- Of course not.
- But if they don't want her...
You don't know that, not really.
Families have different relationships.
It wouldn't matter, anyway. No matter
what they do or how they feel about her,
they're still her parents,
and children belong to their parents.
- Who fixed that?
- Don't look at me.
But this much we can do. We'll give her
our love as much as we possibly can
and try and make her feel
that our home is also hers.
- If we can do more, then we will.
- Thanks, Mom.
And for the stockings
and the money and everything.
Except for Val,
it's been a wonderful Christmas.
Good night, darling.
And don't worry too much about Val.
One thing about unwanted children - they
soon learn to take care of themselves.
Good night, Mom.
- It's OK. It's me.
- Did you bring anything? I'm starving.
Holy cow!
If you'd let me tell Mom,
you could have cranberry sauce too.
No matter how nice they are,
they all belong to the same club.
The minute it's about a daughter,
straight to the telephone.
- Heard anything else?
- The police are after you.
- For what?
- Missing Persons Bureau.
How do you like that!
Maybe they'll drag the river.
- We could watch them.
- If they find somebody else's body...
I talked to your mother too.
- I bet she's burning.
- She said she talked to Henry.
- You really think she did?
- That's what she said.
- What did she say?
- It sounded like she bawled him out.
- Oh, no.
- I didn't think you cared any more.
I didn't think so either,
but I still think about him a lot.
- What he must have thought!
- Probably that she was crazy.
Can you imagine him trying to figure out
what on earth she was talking about?
Somebody take her away
before she starts climbing up the wall.
I guess that's the end.
Goodbye, Henry, darling.
It can't be. We mustn't let it be.
It's too late. She's spoiled it.
- Wait a minute. Where's the Bible?
- Right here.
- What are you doing?
- I've got a super idea.
- What's that?
- I got it over on 3rd Avenue for 75 cents.
What is it?
The eternal flame of
the garden of the gods. Turn off the light.
August flame of the 10,000 mandarins,
hark your humble servants.
Come on. Kowtow to it.
Moon of my secret heart, speak to
your worshipful Cherry Blossom...
Golden Bells. I'm Cherry Blossom now.
Speak to your worshipful Golden Bells,
moon of the glorious apricot.
Give us the wisdom of the mysterious
Orient, mighty King of the Kong.
A magical sign from the tomb
of our honourable ancestors.
Golly Moses.
The honourable gods have spoken.
- Mr Boyd?
- Yes. Is she still here?
- Yes, sir.
- That's all. Thanks. Good night.
Night, sir.
- Who is it?
- Mrs Gilbert?
It's Frank Boyd, Valerie's father.
I apologise for this
but could I come in for a few minutes?
- Yes, of course.
- I promise not to keep you too long.
It's not late really.
We just finished cleaning up.
- Can I fix you a drink?
- Thank you, if you'll join me.
- Scotch or bourbon?
- Scotch and plain water'll be just fine.
- It's about Valerie, of course.
- Is she back?
- That's all right. I know she's here.
- No, I wouldn't do a thing like that.
I would have called Mrs Boyd at once.
You really don't know, do you?
I know she's not here,
if that's what you mean.
She came in through the basement.
The man from the Missing Persons
Bureau was across the street.
- There's no way out back, is there?
- No.
Then she's still here.
She's probably hiding in Marian's room.
- That little...
- No, please. Not yet.
I'd like to just sit for a few minutes,
if you're sure you're not too tired.
Yes, of course.
I can see why Val
considers this a real home,
the only one, in fact, she's ever known.
I can't think of a more shameful thing
for a father to have to admit.
People can't always control
their circumstances.
No, not always.
Val knows you have to travel a lot
and she's very understanding,
much more so than you realise.
- That's what I'm afraid of.
- In any case, let's not worry about that.
The little lost lambs are home again
and that's all that matters.
You're right and I apologise.
- To the return of the prodigals.
- I'll drink to that.
- Splitsing!
- Splitsing!
Please be careful.
Where can I find Mr Orient?
The posse is forming around back
at the stage door.
- What's the matter?
- I'm scared.
That's all right. I'll talk to him first.
What will you say?
How about explaining
we'd like to apologise for your mother?
That's wild!
Why don't you stick to "Chopsticks",
you bum?
You'd better take some lessons!
- Who told you you could play?
- When do we get our money back?
Get outta here!
- I told you he didn't practise.
- Come on. We'll try PJs.
- Are you sure he comes here every night?
- After every concert, to unwind.
Wait here.
Fink. He's not here. Come on.
- Do you know Mr Henry Orient?
- What about him?
- Is he here?
- I haven't seen him tonight.
He's not there either.
We've got to find him.
I've got a feeling he needs me tonight.
- And you're not scared any more?
- Not a bit.
He's probably crushed.
Maybe I can comfort him.
I've got an idea. Come on.
He's not back yet.
In a way I'm glad it happened,
even if it was his own fault.
Now maybe he'll appreciate
my understanding.
That's when a man really needs a woman,
when he's in a jam.
If we never see each other again,
this'll be the night of nights,
and we'll never forget each other
as long as we live.
They'll kill us if they ever find out.
It's one of the great mysteries
of the Orient.
It's on.
- How'd he get in?
- I'll tell you what I bet.
He came home from the concert
and took a nap.
- To unwind, I guess.
- Hey, look.
Come on.
- Come on.
- Wait, wait.
- What are you gonna do?
- Exactly what we said.
I'm gonna ring his bell and I'll explain that
you're his greatest admirer in the world
and we'll ask for his autograph, all right?
Wait. You're not gonna tell him
I love him, are you?
Of course not. If he asks us in for a drink,
we'll tell him what a nut your mother is.
August moon of my delight!
I'll ring the bell and...
- What are we gonna do?
- Whoever it is is going and he'll be alone.
- Yes, but...
- Sh!
I have drunk deep of joy tonight, my love.
Now there can be no other wine
in life left for me.
- Tomorrow?
- What time?
- Fiveish.
- Fiveish.
Good night.
A demain, carissima.
Good night.
Come on, Val.
Don't worry, Val.
I'll never tell anybody. Honest.
Val? Val?
- Are you all right?
- Yes, sir.
You caused us
considerable worry tonight.
I'm sorry.
- What was it, Mr Orient again?
- No. That's all over.
I should certainly hope so.
Where were you?
Goofing around,
looking at Christmas windows.
Till 2am you were looking in windows?
- On Broadway and Fifth Avenue.
- You don't expect me to believe that?
- I'm sorry.
- And is that all you have to say?
I don't think we oughta
go on with this tonight.
It's very late and we're all too tired
and edgy to discuss it sensibly.
You hungry? Would you like
a glass of milk or a sandwich?
No, thank you.
You go on upstairs.
We'll talk about it in the morning.
One thing. In case you and Miss Gilbert
are planning any further adventures,
I had a little talk
with your Mr Orient this afternoon.
If you ever go anywhere near him again,
I've asked him to let me know,
instead of calling the police,
as he had intended.
Call the police for what?
He's got a right to protect himself
from that sort of harassment.
- He was really gonna call the cops?
- Indeed he was.
- He sounds nuttier than the girls.
- What would you do?
If I couldn't buy them off with sodas,
I'd feel compelled to pack a rod.
You talk as if you saw nothing serious
in her behaving like a little tart.
Now look... for one thing I don't think
that's a fair description of her behaviour.
And if we go on like this, we're all liable
to say things we'll wish we hadn't.
So what do you say we just drop it?
Just so two things are perfectly clear.
One: Mr Orient.
That's finished, you understand?
- I said it was.
- And Marian Gilbert. That's over too.
- Do you really think that's necessary?
- I don't care.
You don't?
- I don't wanna ever see her again.
- I'm delighted.
I think it'll save us all a good deal of grief.
Even her mother admits,
it's been an unfortunate friendship.
They've been in constant trouble together.
Marian is the typical product
of a broken home.
- She'll end up a complete delinquent.
- That's not true.
You're too young
to understand these things.
Marian Gilbert's the most linquent girl
I've ever met in my whole life.
Is that why you never
want to see her again?
- When did Mrs Gilbert tell you this?
- Tonight.
I dropped by the Gilberts
to see if they'd heard anything.
That's why I was so late.
She's a nice enough middle-class
sort of woman, but with no organisation.
- She can go to bed now, can't she?
- Yes, of course. Good night, dear.
- Good night, darling.
- Night, sir.
We ought to take her out of that school.
Do you have to go straight back to Rome?
I'm not sure that I shouldn't stay here
and get her settled somewhere else.
What did Orient
really have to say about them?
He was quite amused by it all.
- Had he ever met them really?
- No, I was wrong about that.
What were they doing?
Just following him around?
Apparently that was all.
I'm tired. I'm going on up to bed.
I'll bet that's what they were doing tonight,
as a matter of fact.
What do you mean?
Following him around someplace.
But she said not, didn't she?
No, not really.
I'll see you in the morning.
- Hello?
- Mrs Boyd? This is Mrs Gilbert.
Yes, Mrs Gilbert.
I apologise for calling so late, but I had
to make sure - did Val get there all right?
Yes, just a few minutes ago.
What about Marian?
Didn't Mr Boyd tell you? He was here.
She got back before he left.
Would have been very funny
if we hadn't been so worried.
She was trying to sneak in
as he started out.
I don't know which was the more startled.
Yes. Well, thank you very much.
Good night.
It was stupid of me. I stopped at the Stork
Club for a nightcap with some friends.
We'll talk about that in the morning too.
Yes, sir?
May I sit with you for a few minutes?
I'd like it.
I suppose we both have a secret now.
Life is a little rough at times,
darling, for everyone.
But we don't have to
shoot ourselves, do we?
Nobody has it easy all the way.
I'm terribly sorry, Dad.
Thank you, dear. Thank you very much.
Sometimes people get married for the
wrong reasons and it doesn't work out.
It's nobody's fault.
I don't know if I can,
but is there anything I can do?
Well, a great deal if you like.
What is the name of that song...
# Getting to know you...
"Getting To Know All About You".
That's the one.
You about me and me about you.
I know it's a little late,
but do you think we could think about it?
- I'd like to very much.
- In a home, do you think?
- You really think we could?
- I've never really had one of my own.
Not since I was very young.
- You mean just you and me?
- That's the way it looks.
- Where do you think we could have it?
- That is one thing we have to think about.
There is Rome, Paris, London...
Wherever we like it best.
It ought to be wherever
you could be home the most.
That's right,
but it really doesn't matter now.
I'm gonna give up all this travelling.
So wherever we decide on,
that is where we'll be.
Mr and Miss Boyd at home.
- Gee, Dad.
- OK?
- A-OK.
- A-OK.
That's it.
For a starter, is there any reason why you
shouldn't fly to Rome with me tomorrow?
- You really mean that?
- We have to look at all those places.
To decide where we wanna
set up our home.
While I wind up
a few loose business ends.
You know, I don't know
whether I ought to or not,
but I feel awfully happy
in a sort of sad way.
I guess we both do.
- You're my only sweetheart now.
- For ever and ever and ever.
No. Just till that fella comes along.
That's what I meant.
But I'm not in such a hurry now.
I'll bet.
- Henry?
- Yeah.
I'm afraid I have some rather stupid news.
- What do you mean?
- My husband knows about tonight.
How? How could he?
- It seems the children were following us.
- You sure?
- Quite.
- Listen...
Was he violent?
Well, it wasn't very pleasant.
Listen, my love, listen...
First of all, don't worry.
There was always this risk
and now that it's out in the open
I for one welcome the challenge.
We can't talk on the phone now
cos it may be bugged.
- I'll see you first thing in the morning.
- But, Henry...
Listen, my darling, listen.
Just don't panic. Above all, don't panic.
Just remember I am with you and we're
gonna see this thing through together,
come hell or high water.
- Yes, but...
- No more time to talk now, darling.
Buona notte, carissima.
Goodbye, my sweet love.
Hello. Pan Am?
Listen, what's the next flight out of here?
Anywhere. Yeah, that'll do.
- What if she doesn't wanna see me?
- I doubt that.
- Will you come with me?
- Of course. Come on.
You could write a letter occasionally.
I didn't know what to say.
I was too embarrassed.
Val! Darling!
Come on in. Look who's here!
- I can't believe it!
- Marian!
How wonderful! We thought we'd lost her.
Not likely. We're here
straight from the airport.
She's probably doing her homework
with the door shut.
Why don't you go up and surprise her
while we senior citizens have a drink?
- Are you sure it's all right?
- Are you kidding? Go on.
- Yes?
- Marian!
What is it?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Your hair's different.
- I did it myself. You like it?
- It's cool.
- You look wonderful.
I've got so much to tell you.
Is that a Paris dress?
Are you kidding? Bloomingdale's.
The whisper of little feet on the staircase.
- Scotch and plain water?
- What a memory.
- Won't you sit down?
- Thank you.
Let's end all this suspense.
Are you back here to stay?
We've taken an apartment on 70th Street.
The Hamblers are gonna take care of us.
- That's wonderful.
- And I am absolutely petrified with fear.
Of what?
At my age, to take on a 14-year-old
child and all her shenanigans,
all those crazy jams
they get themselves into.
Maybe I ought to see a doctor.
You won't have to worry
about that any more.
- Why won't I?
- Because that's all over now.
All those wild flights from reality
into their own private and secret world.
- That's all over and done with.
- That's a relief.
We now face real trouble.
There were some real cute boys.
American embassy families.
But it was a real drag
until somebody turned off the lights.
- What's that?
- It's for the eyes.
It brings out the highlights.
- What happened then?
- Brother!
- Heavy stuff?
- You should have heard 'em.
- And you really necked?
- Sure. Haven't you yet?
The way they watch you around here,
you'd think we were criminals.
But there's a boy at Mrs DePaul's.
He's simply fantastic, he's so gorgeous.
- How old?
- He's shaving already.
- Who's the boy you necked with?
- Somebody said his name was George.
- What's this?
- Some guck I picked up by mistake.
It's to remove whiskers.
- Know what I'd like?
- What?
- A mouth like a crimson gash.
- That's a cool idea.