The Young Messiah (2016)

SALOME: For a camel, you
make a triangle like this.
That's the hump.
It's so easy. See?
Then some lines for legs here.
Teacher taught me
how to do this.
He showed me
elephants and cats, too.
But I told him you like camels.
That's the neck.
You're not watching.
Then on top, I put another
triangle for a head.
They have big round eyes
and a skinny tail here.
Little baby, playing with girls?
Get off! Get off him!
Don't touch her!
He's dead.
Eleazer's dead!
Over there. He did it.
You! You killed him!
That man told you to say that.
What man?
The apple! Eleazer
tripped on the apple.
You killed him.
We all saw it.
He did it. He killed him.
He killed him.
BOY: You killed Eleazer.
We all saw it.
There was a man. He told
them that I... Shh.
Go home. Go.
James, close the door.
Show me your face.
What's happened?
Jesus killed Eleazer!
Don't say that!
He's your cousin.
He couldn't.
There's no evil in him.
But he did! He cursed him,
and Eleazer fell dead.
Don't you threaten me.
Never! Not my nephew!
Joseph, they're all out there.
Jonathan bar Zakkai
and his brothers.
They're saying
he killed that boy.
How could that be? Eleazer's twice
as big and a bully to boot.
It's envy, that's what it is.
We've got the jobs they wanted.
Is the boy dead?
Our son is not a murderer.
JOSEPH: ls he dead or does he live?
Can anyone tell me?
Is the boy dead?
He was not moving.
You saved me.
I didn't hurt him.
Just do what you did before.
Like the dead bird.
SALOME: Go on.
I won't tell.
(SOFTLY) Wake up.
Wake up now.
How dare you come here!
Get out! Get out,
you vile little...
Son of David! Son of David!
Come! Come! Quickly, help!
Where did you learn medicine?
From cavemen in Britain?
The boy was dead,
I'm telling you.
How could that boy be dead?
Look at him!
He was dead.
Because of him.
Well, he's not dead now.
He's possessed.
He killed my boy and then
brought him back again.
Only Satan can do that.
So you're complaining
he's alive?
you go back to Galilee?
Take your tools and your women
and your bewitched children,
and just leave.
Seven years is too long.
We're done with you.
We don't want you here.
Eleazer is alive.
For which we thank God.
As it happens, we're going
back to Galilee anyway.
CLEOPAS: What, because of a
little hubbub in the street?
Because Herod is dead.
We can return now.
JESUS: ls that true?
Is it all my fault?
He's just a little boy!
Wait for me here.
Nobody else can do what you did.
You know that?
How can I? Tell me.
They won't let me.
They're saying
that with a touch,
a simple touch, he raised
him from the dead.
It's confirmed, isn't it?
Did you ever doubt it?
No. No. It's just...
It's just so soon.
How do you know
that Herod's dead?
I had a dream today.
Before all of this.
That he's dead?
Or that we have to go back?
It was a dream that I had that
brought us here, remember?
And it turned out to be true.
Had we not left Bethlehem that
night, our son would be dead.
This was the same kind of dream.
So we're destined to wander.
Like all Jews.
Not wandering, going home.
Nazareth, not Bethlehem.
Never Bethlehem.
What do we tell
our frightened little boy?
How do we explain
what happened today?
How do we explain God
to his own son?
I can't. Can you?
You're a child that
needs a meal and a nap.
JOSEPH: What is it?
Him! Don't you see him?
MARY: Come, child,
you need to rest.
This sea air's enough
to kill an elephant.
You're the one who said you
didn't want to die in the desert.
Who's dying?
MAN: All of us.
But it'll probably be in Jericho
or Bethlehem
or some other snake pit.
I was born in Bethlehem.
MAN: Were you, boy?
How old are you?
Too young to talk to strangers.
JOSEPH: We live up north.
No boys his age
in Bethlehem anyway.
Why not?
Herod took care of that.
Come over here, little one.
You going through Jerusalem?
Greatest city in the world!
Avoid it.
Pilgrims seeking answers in the temples
find only riots and violence there.
Bandits, rebels, soldiers
taking what and who they want.
Herod's soldiers are protected...
What is it?
It's the best camel
I've ever seen!
MAN: Here.
It's a gift for
the boy from Bethlehem.
For your travels.
Thank you.
MIRIAM: It won't be long before
we have a kitchen again.
You'd like that.
Come, daughter.
Husband, who are you talking to?
He's talking to God.
Tell Joseph.
JESUS: Uncle Cleopas
is coughing again.
We'll rest for a few minutes.
I'm not tired.
Can I go ahead?
All right, but not far.
Just up to the pass,
and then wait for us.
James, go with him.
He'll be fine.
Go! Get on! Get out!
Son, come here!
We had nothing to do
with this, Centurion.
We are not rebels.
We're travelers.
Next time
there will be no mercy.
Come with me.
HEROD: Fill it.
HEROD: There's a boy
who can perform miracles.
And in Alexandria,
he raised a boy from the dead.
That's the rumor.
You call them the mob, Severus.
We call them the Rejected.
Listen to them, to the street,
and you'll know what's going on.
(CHUCKLES) Sounds like
the Jewish madness.
There's a messiah behind every
tree, under every rock.
I'm Jewish.
Do I have the madness?
You served my father.
How long have you been in Judea?
Eight years.
Were you in Bethlehem?
Yes, I was.
Then you understand.
You've done it before.
HEROD: Damn serpents!
I can't send my troops.
Jews won't do it again.
Not a child. Not the...
Not the Messiah.
Get out!
I've had enough of you, witches
and lizard-eaters. Go! Go!
I know what they said
about my father.
They won't say it about me.
You have your assignment,
(GASPS) I saw him! That man who died.
You were sleeping.
It was just a dream.
It was so real.
You have to watch out
for those dreams, nephew.
It runs in the family.
Well, they do.
In fact, we have dreams
to thank for being here.
Come to think of it,
every big decision
this family has made
in the last eight years
is because of dreams.
What do you mean?
You're not to ask.
Why not? Teacher always
answered my questions.
So did the rabbi.
You've got to tell him sometime.
I'll get water. Joseph!
Cure him! Cure him!
I know you can.
I can't!
They told me not to.
I don't understand.
Don't you love him?
You know what they say about
Herod the Dead, don't you?
Do you mean Herod the Great?
They say he choked to death
on the blood of children.
You've killed children before.
So have you.
No doubt I'll kill more.
You didn't tell the men.
A few officers know.
They'll keep watch
for him and so will we.
I don't want to start
a general panic.
And when we come across him,
we'll do our duty.
It's a small task.
It's a small boy.
I do as ordered.
The boy must die.
CLEOPAS: Praise to the Lord!
I will sing praises to God!
But no,
not to so-called princes,
kings, tax-mongers,
bandits, mercenaries!
He's scaring everyone.
I'm going to get him.
Leave him. If he's to die,
let him die as he wants.
By the River Jordan,
raving over king and taxes
and shouting at the Lord.
O Lord of Zion,
you shall reign forever
as you wash me
in your living waters!
SALOME: Father?
Oh, Lord, everyone yet
to be born will hear me,
praise your faithfulness!
Happy am I,
brother to the
prophesized virgin,
uncle to the promised.
Lord Father, let us keep him.
God, I ask this.
Is this too much?
Let us keep him, please,
for as long as you will.
Did you see that?
He's a healer.
That little boy,
I saw him do it.
That man was sick and now he's
well, and the boy did it.
Maybe it's the Devil.
Give him to me.
MAN: We should rejoice!
He's fine!
How do you know?
Because of who he is.
This is dangerous.
It's a miracle!
There are witnesses.
MAN 2: They're charlatans
using our faith against us.
Rabbi, praises!
MAN 3: We saw.
MAN 4: They'll hurt us
all, don't you see?
Bless the Lord!
Where's the food?
He's all better.
Are you mad at me?
How could we be mad at you?
We love him, too.
We just have to be careful.
Am I dangerous?
No, but others are.
And we need
to keep away from them.
Because of me?
Because I can do things
nobody else can?
There were angels at the river.
I couldn't see them,
but they were there.
How do I know that?
You have to stop
asking these questions.
Why won't you tell me?
Because you're
too young to know.
When will I be old enough?
When your father
decides you are.
I prayed for my big
brother to get better.
And he did.
Let that be enough for today.
We're done. Go. Leave!
They claimed to have seen a boy
heal a sick man
at the Jordan River.
A miracle.
What happened to the boy?
They don't know.
Anything else? Names?
Other people
traveling with them?
Something distinctive?
No. Just Jews.
Same story again.
Yes. It's a popular one.
They all love their miracles.
There's only one miracle.
That's Roman steel.
MARY: Joseph!
Come on, come on, come on!
Stay away! Stay away!
It's all right.
I won't hurt you.
Stay away! Stay away!
Stay away! Stay away...
I won't hurt you.
Are you...
What? Unclean?
That's not what I meant.
I just wondered if he...
Yes, he did.
And he'd do it to you, too.
He killed my master and his
wife, then burned the house.
I hid in the tunnels.
Under the house.
But he found me.
Bandits. They're like locusts,
destroying everything in their path.
He was taking me
to Sepphoris to sell.
I was born in Sepphoris.
It's not far from here,
near Nazareth.
You're good Jews.
Don't go there.
It's a world on fire.
Here. You'll need these
to walk to Nazareth with us.
Am I going to Nazareth with you?
Joseph will decide.
We're safe. All of us.
He's buried.
No one will find him.
Father, can she come with us?
As a sister?
Smells like Egypt.
Nephew. Nephew.
It was a killing,
but it wasn't murder.
The wrong was his.
Not hers, not ours.
The water...
The purification ritual...
God himself gave it
to the Jews on Sinai.
Yes. But now I know why.
This is good.
Hand me the tunic.
You should be with your mother.
Go now. Go on.
What are you doing?
CLEOPAS: Listening to him.
You might consider
doing it yourself.
Can't you see he's
bursting with questions?
He's seen a lot for a little boy.
For that matter, we all have.
What are you implying?
I don't imply. If I have
something to say, I say it.
Then say it!
He needs answers!
We need answers.
I don't have them!
He has them! Must I remind you
that we are men of faith.
He's just a child.
I was just a child,
and so were you.
But, he...
He is not just a child.
JOSEPH: Come with me, boy.
MARY: The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie
down in green pastures.
He leadeth me
beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
He leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil
for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies.
Thou anointeth my head with
oil, my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow...
all the days of my life.
And I will dwell in the
house of the Lord forever.
Keep on, son. Keep walking.
Keep walking.
Eyes down. Do as I say.
Do as I say. Eyes down.
Right where we left it.
JESUS: Mother,
are we almost there?
Yes, it's just ahead.
Stay where you are.
Look at you.
All the Nazarenes that are
left gathered here together
in one courtyard.
Let's crucify them.
We're not guilty of anything.
Not one single rebel among you?
Not one escaped slave?
We can't go back
without someone.
I'll go. Take me.
I was saved at the river for this.
To die for the family.
No. If someone must go,
it'll be me.
State my crime.
It should be me.
You all know why.
I like her idea.
My lords!
Quiet! An old lady speaks.
My lords!
I would bow, my lords,
but I'm too old for that.
And you are young men.
I offer you sweetcakes
and the best wine
from the vineyards
of our kindred.
You'd feed an army that's
crucifying your own people?
I'd offer you ambrosia
from the gods of Mount Olympus
and conjure up dancing
girls and woodland nymphs
if you would spare these
children of my father's house.
If you tell me these men
are not bandits and thieves,
I'll believe you.
They've been in
Alexandria seven years.
They're craftsmen.
I received a letter
only a month ago
that tells of their
plan to come here.
You know we have to
put down this rebellion.
It's good wine.
It's very good wine.
For the life of my family,
would I give you bad wine?
Take it.
Take it with you.
It's a hard thing
you have to do.
We leave this village as it is.
I thank you, grandmother.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face to shine
upon you and be gracious unto you.
The Lord lift up
his countenance upon you!
And give you peace.
CLEOPAS: What would you know
about woodland nymphs
and gods who eat ambrosia?
Well, look in the boxes
of scrolls, o curious one.
Do you think my father had no room
in there for Homer and Plato?
Where are the rest of
the people, Old Sarah?
They're hiding in the hills
in the caves, child.
Or in the tunnels.
But I'm too old
to go crawling through tunnels.
And besides,
the Romans fear the young.
Let us pray
they don't come back.
They're Romans.
They're everywhere,
protecting a corrupt
Jewish king.
How can we pray
they don't come back?
Because a messiah is born
who will save us.
His star has been seen.
He lives.
He will deliver us.
(CHUCKLES) Ooh. Mmm.
JOSEPH: Son! Are you here?
There you are.
You're all alone.
I was praying-
And playing-
I'm sorry. I was
supposed to help James.
I think he's climbing
a tree somewhere.
I know this isn't Alexandria.
Do you miss it?
No. Do you?
I don't think of it like that.
But it was the only home
that you ever knew.
And this is
so quiet and isolated.
We're safe here. No one
knows what I've done.
And you must never tell anyone.
I know you have many questions.
But you need to let them
sleep in your heart for now.
Because your questions
are the questions of a child.
But the answers
are the answers for a man.
That is one bridge
I cannot build.
I don't know how.
But God can,
and we must trust him.
I do. I trust him
for everything.
My boy.
Yes, my king.
I give you your mission,
and where are you?
Out crucifying rebels
like some common Roman.
I am vulnerable!
Do you not see that?
Yes, my Lord, I understand.
It's difficult.
Where's the boy?
Where's the boy?
I can't question
every 7-year-old in Israel.
Ahhh! I don't want
every 7-year-old!
I want one 7-year-old.
A man came to me today
with the story of a boy
that age born in Bethlehem.
He heard a rumor
we were looking for one.
Where is he?
I had him crucified.
Come with me. Come.
He's down the road.
He's probably still alive.
HEROD: Come.
This boy,
where was his family heading?
He's just like his father.
Who? The boy?
I'll give you water.
Give him water!
So I can suffer longer?
What then?
That's all I remember.
Some little town.
Near Galilee?
I gave the boy a toy camel.
Why did you go to Herod?
Reward. Blood money.
Don't make me wait.
CLEOPAS: Brother, you won't mind if I teach
him a thing or two myself, will you?
Since I was almost a scribe.
JOSEPH: Your uncle has always
been very imaginative.
These are our sons, Rabbi. It's
time to resume their education.
I know James, your cousin
whom you adopted, but
who is this? Jesus bar Joseph.
He's my son.
Everyone here
remembers your betrothal.
There are other things
we also remember.
The morning your betrothed, young
Mary, came out of the house,
crying about an angel,
upsetting the village.
Rabbi, is it not for his father
to tell him these things in time?
OLD RABBI: Where was he born?
The City of David.
And then you went
to Egypt, I understand.
CLEOPAS: They have good
rabbis there, too.
Same old Cleopas.
Look at me, Jesus bar Joseph.
Why did the Phoenicians
cut the hair of Samson?
Forgive me, Rabbi, but it
was not the Phoenicians.
It was the Philistines, and they
cut his hair to make him weak.
Where is Elisha who was
taken up in the chariot?
It was Elijah who was taken up.
Elijah's with the Lord.
Who resides in
the Garden of Eden?
No one.
There is no one in Eden.
There is no one
in Eden writing this
and all the deeds
of the world down?
Men say it is Enoch,
but Eden is empty,
until the Lord says all the
world will be Eden again.
Why did the Lord break his
covenant with King David?
The Lord does not break his covenants.
The throne is there.
Where is the King?
He will come.
And his house will last forever.
Will a carpenter build it?
Yes. There's always
a carpenter.
Even the Lord himself
is a carpenter sometimes.
How is the Lord a carpenter?
Tell me.
Didn't the Lord himself tell
Noah how to build the ark?
What kind of wood to use,
and how it should be pitched?
And wasn't it the Lord
who granted the vision of the
new Temple to Prophet Ezekiel
with the dimensions of the
galleries, the gates, the altar?
Yes, it was.
And when the Lord
made the world,
wasn't wisdom there
like a master craftsman?
If wisdom is not the Lord,
what is wisdom?
And when Cyrus
the Persian decreed
that we could
return to our Holy Land,
the carpenters came home
to build the Temple
as the Lord said
it should be built.
And how...
This is a good child.
I like this child.
School tomorrow morning.
CLEOPAS: Let me edify you.
Whilst Mary was
weaving the veils
for the Holy of Holies
in Jerusalem,
I studied with the Pharisees.
Some of the best ones, too.
And some maybe not so good.
Like some of the students.
Sometimes I amaze myself
at what I might have done...
CLEOPAS: had I not
gone off to Egypt.
Son, are you all right?
Your hand, it's very warm.
Son! Son! (GROANS)
I think I could've been a prophet.
Joseph, what do you...
It's the fever. Riba,
get more water and rags.
MARY: Dear God,
heal my child, I beg you.
May your love and compassion
shine upon your blessed child
and spare him from suffering.
Please forgive the sins
for we have this day.
Send a word
from his righteous path...
You are no child.
Who are you?
Why don't you dwell
in the house of
the Lord in Jerusalem?
Answer me!
You don't know the answers.
You don't know what's
going to happen, do you?
You don't know
how it's going to end.
Who are you?
I demand you tell me!
Don't touch me!
Never, ever lay
your hands on me.
Or what, angel child?
I'll drop dead?
Let me show you
your precious Jerusalem
last Passover.
Is that it?
Is that all you can do?
I'm watching you, angel boy.
So, go on, walk like a child,
talk like a Child,
play like a child
when I'm watching.
I may not know the future,
but I know this.
Your mother's a whore.
Your father's a liar.
And the floors of
your house are dirt.
Your cause is lost.
Every day and every hour
it's lost, and you know it.
Your little miracles can't
save these foolish people.
I tell you, chaos rules!
And I am its prince!
What are you doing out of bed?
I'm all better.
You have to rest.
I want to go to
Jerusalem for Passover.
MARY: It's dangerous.
Herod, the Romans,
Jerusalem, the Temple.
It's been purified.
It's calm for now.
There's no time.
We haven't prepared.
We can manage it.
That's not all I mean.
I'm not prepared.
This path that he's on,
I don't know where it leads,
except that his enemies
will be there.
Such fierce enemies.
Why did God choose me?
What if I'm not strong enough?
You're the brave
and shining girl
who protected her
infant son from an army
that was dedicated
to murdering him.
It is they who should fear you.
You've taken on so much.
That you married me and took Jesus
as your son truly is a miracle.
One that only
God will ever know.
Not really,
except for me.
JOSEPH: I thank God
for choosing me every day.
Every day.
We're going, Sarah. We're going
to Jerusalem for Passover.
Yes, yes, as you must.
Thank you.
Come on, brother!
Let's go! Before my naptime.
SEVERUS: Was there a boy about seven
or eight years old with them?
Yes, there was.
When was this?
Just after the uprising
in Sepphoris. We were
establishing order.
It's a bloody business,
establishing order.
And what of this family?
Did you establish order?
They appeared innocent.
We left them untouched.
Was that before or after
they gave you the wine?
Your own men
won't even lie for you.
We're going. Move!
Back for more cakes and wine?
OPTIO: We're looking for the family
recently arrived from Egypt.
Gone to Jerusalem for Passover.
Is the boy with them?
We have many boys in our family.
The boy born in Bethlehem.
The boy who's seven.
If my memory serves,
all the boys that age
born in Bethlehem
were slaughtered
by Herod's soldiers.
Or perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps
they were Roman soldiers.
Perhaps they seek a boy
because they ran out of girls.
There are plenty of girls.
And children die easily.
What's the name?
What's the boy's name?
(SOBBING) Jesus bar Joseph.
Jesus bar Joseph of Nazareth.
What have I done?
Who is this child?
Tell me, who is he?
JAMES: I asked Father about going
to Jerusalem for Passover, too.
Then you ask,
and suddenly we all go.
I didn't know that.
There's plenty you don't know.
You're the only one
who really matters.
That's not true.
Everybody loves you.
I'm mean.
You're not mean to me.
Yes I am! I hated you
when you were born.
I hated you
before you were born.
Everything changed.
There were angels and three nobles.
The ones in Bethlehem.
JAMES: These three noblemen from
the east arrived to see you.
Everyone in Bethlehem
saw them come.
They believed in magic.
They read stars.
And they advised the kings of
Persia what they should do.
They said they followed
a great star in the heavens
to that house
where we were staying.
They called you king, and their
servants laid gifts in front of you.
Gold and other things.
I don't remember.
Looks like you two found
something to talk about.
Here. Have some water.
A little shower would
be nice to cool off.
Come on, on your feet now.
So why did we have
to leave Bethlehem?
Don't ask me anymore.
Thanks for talking to me.
Don't make it rain.
I know you can.
I told you not to!
I didn't. I didn't!
Come on!
JAMES: Father!
I found a cave.
SEVERUS: We seek a family from
Nazareth, with a boy of seven
named Jesus bar Joseph.
If you know such a family,
and you know this child,
then tell us
and Rome will reward you.
MARY: They know who we are and where
we're from. They're offering money.
We have to turn around.
CLEOPAS: But we can't go home.
If they don't find us in
Jerusalem, they'll go to Nazareth.
We'll live in caves.
I hate living in caves!
She's right. We can't go.
She's just a woman.
And she's right!
Tomorrow we go back.
The Essenes will help us.
We can find a way.
CLEOPAS: Not the Essenes.
At least the Romans are rational, you
can deal with them, but the Essenes?
They live in the wilderness
with hyenas and crazy people.
Maybe it's the water or too much
sun on their hairy heads, but...
Lord Father in heaven,
guide me on this path.
Watch over my family
and calm their hearts.
When I enter your temple,
please take my questions
that I might
receive your answers.
Your will be done. Amen.
He's gone.
Could someone have taken him?
That's impossible.
We were here.
I could've told you he'd go!
Because you decided
to turn back!
He wants answers,
and you won't give him any!
That's why he wants
to go for Passover.
We have to find him.
Mary and I will go ahead.
The rest of you
follow with the pack animals.
You there with the donkey.
Where are you from?
ELI: Jericho.
Your name.
(STAMMERING) He can't speak.
He's been that way since birth.
Go. Go to your temple.
You are alone?
It's all I can give you.
God be with you
and watch over you.
Thank you.
WOMAN: This bird is no good.
I tell you, no good!
The priest won't accept it.
It's flawed.
I don't have any more money.
Please, I need to exchange it.
MAN: Come on,
get away from here.
How can you cheat me
in the Temple in front of God?
I have to have a sacrifice!
Little boy, do you want a bird?
A flawed bird!
Do you want it?
Anything else?
It's no good, you know.
It can fly.
Tell it to a rabbi.
Where are they?
Over there,
in Solomon's Portico.
WOMAN: This time I want one that
is unblemished. Do you hear me?
He's here.
He's in the Temple.
BLIND RABBI: The Spirit of
the Lord will be with him
to give him understanding,
wisdom and insight.
He will be powerful.
And he will know
and honor the Lord.
His greatest joy
will be to obey the Lord.
Yes! We have
a real student here.
Now, isn't that wonderful!
Come. Sit.
Tell me, what does
a boy want with me?
Rabbi, about seven years ago...
A boy was born
in a stable in Bethlehem.
Three magi came from the east
and gave him gifts.
Yes, I know this tale well.
What happened to
the boy after that?
No one talks about it.
Why do you want to know?
It's all I can think of.
It's why I've come
from Nazareth.
It's as you said.
Those three magi
visited Old Herod,
the one they called
Herod the Great.
He told those three kings
to return once they had
found the child.
The magi
never returned to Herod.
when Herod found out
that he had been deceived
and that they had found the
child, he went into a rage.
Such a rage, beyond hell.
He sent his soldiers in the
to kill every child under two.
Not one survived. Not one.
Think of it, an army of men
to slaughter infants.
Son, it's over.
It's a long time ago.
I should never have told you. I forgot
you're such a little boy with a heart.
Here, son, take it.
He's here.
What did you say?
The boy, he's here.
He's yours.
By the blind rabbi. Look.
JESUS: Thank you, Rabbi.
I'll remember you.
We'll do it quietly.
A miracle! It's a miracle.
I can see!
MAN: What's the matter?
I can see!
WOMAN: Praise God!
BLIND RABBI: God, I can see!
The boy...
Where's the boy?
Where is he?
Is it you? And you?
BLIND RABBI: He was here!
He was here beside me.
Please, help me find the boy.
The boy was here!
Did you do that?
Who are you?
You saved me once before.
It was you.
You were also at Bethlehem.
How could you know that?
Is that him? ls that the boy?
No, no, no, no. It's not him.
Keep looking, keep looking.
On your way!
Go on, it's not him.
Severus! Severus!
WEER: Back! Back! Back!
SOLDIER: Go on! Go on! Away!
WEER: It's not him!
SOLDIER: Keep looking!
On your way. Go! Go!
Son! Son!
That's my son!
MARY: Son!
I've come to take him home.
WOMAN 2: Let us out!
Let us out of the Temple!
MAN 2: Romans,
leave our temple! Leave us!
MAN 3: Romans,
out of our temple!
All of you.
SEVERUS: He's dead.
I killed him.
HEROD: You killed him?
I wanted to meet
this miracle worker.
The Son of Man, the...
The Wonder-Counselor,
the Prince of Peace.
The little boy who can make the
dead breathe and the blind see.
Why did you kill him, Centurion?
Your orders.
Your orders.
You said it was like...
Like Bethlehem.
How did you do it?
Knife under the ribs?
Head against a rock?
Did the thunder come?
Did the heavens weep?
Did you hear that?
What, sir?
That. Can't you hear that?
Hear what?
That hissing!
It's a serpent or a snake!
There's no snake.
There is!
HEROD: There is. Of course there is.
I need useful men around me!
MARY: I was just 14
when you were born.
A girl really.
Tell me about the angel.
Of course.
I knew you'd ask that.
But listen well, because I'm only
going to tell this story once.
I was a good girl,
strictly raised
and betrothed to Joseph.
When one morning
my room filled with light.
It was white light
like the sun,
but with no heat or pain.
It was pure
like the air itself was glowing.
I saw a figure
larger than a man, but like
a man, inside the light.
And it spoke to me. It said,
"Hail, Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee."
I had found favor with the Lord,
and I was blessed among women.
It said that from my womb
would come a son.
Named Jesus.
This is nice.
You're getting so big we won't
be able to do this much longer.
Go on with the story.
I said I had
never been with a man.
So the angel said that the Holy
Spirit would come over me,
and that I would give
birth to a Holy Child.
I answered,
"I am a servant of the Lord.
"Let it be done."
What did Joseph say?
Yes, that was a worry.
But an angel also came to him
and told him everything.
Then, is the angel...
No. No.
The angel is not your father.
God is.
God is your father.
But we're all children of God.
Yes. Yes, we are.
But you...
You are begotten of God.
That is why you can
make dead birds fly,
the sick well, the blind see,
and why you were able
to make Eleazer live again.
He's made you a child
to grow in wisdom
as well as in all other things.
Keep your power inside you,
until your father in heaven
shows you the time to use it.
He did not give you to a scribe
a rabbi or a king.
He gave you to Joseph bar
Jacob, the carpenter,
and me, his betrothed,
to raise you until that time.
JESUS: I've learned so much
since leaving Egypt.
I know everything
I can for today.
I even know I'm going to die.
I used to wonder
if angels would come to me,
if they would sing to me,
if they would fill my dreams.
There is still so
much that I don't know,
but I do know this.
I don't think I'm here to see
angels or to hear them sing.
And I don't think I'm here
to make it rainy or sunny
or anything like that.
I think I'm here
just to be alive.
To see it, hear it, feel it,
all of it.
Even when it hurts.
Someday you will tell me
why else I'm here.
I don't know when, but you will.
I know that.
Because, Father,
I am your child.