The Zodiac Killer (1971)

(car horn honks)
- [Man] Give me five minutes.
- [Man] OK, take your time.
- [Zodiac] Why, why don't
you idiots ever learn?
You walk around like
everything is all right.
Don't you know people like me exist?
You're still alive.
Well, maybe you've been lucky.
(woman screams)
- Help, my God, help me please.
- [Zodiac] Would it surprise you to learn
that you've come in contact
with a potential killer
more than once?
Many of you, in fact, have
been watched by a murderer.
Someone very possibly sitting
next to you or behind you
has killed.
Sometimes it's a stranger.
But it could be a friend,
or the quiet guy that lives next door.
(dramatic music)
- Hi, Joe.
I see your pony came in today.
I heard the results on the radio.
- I told you Lake Fire wasn't hurt.
She was a good thing.
- Well, listen, not me, I
got enough problems as it is.
Here's something to
read in the men's room.
- Thanks, I'll check it.
- OK, see you.
- [Tony] Hey, Grover.
- Tony, how are ya?
- How was the trip?
- Good to see you.
- Fine, fine.
You know that cute little broad in Galt
that I was telling you about?
- Yeah, yeah.
- I scored.
- Hey, you're doing all right,
especially since you left Helen.
- That no good bitch was holding me back.
- Hey, come on, how do
you call her a bitch?
She's the mother of your little girl.
- I tell you she's no good.
- Easy, easy, easy now.
- Listen, she won't even let
me see her when I want to.
Says that I'm a bad influence on the kid.
One of these days.
- Yeah, one of these days
you're gonna get married,
and then you're gonna be rid of Helen.
- Hey, listen Tony, I'll
see you in a couple days.
Here's the papers.
Catch ya.
(bright music)
Keeping you busy?
- Oh, hi Grover.
Oh, gee, I'll be glad
when Christmas is over.
These cards are breaking my back.
Nothing but waste of money.
Who gives a damn, anyway?
- Anything for me?
- Yeah, I think so.
And here's something from the courthouse.
- Thanks a lot.
Oh, are you going to go down
to Annette's this evening?
- Gee, I don't know.
Hadn't planned on it.
Yeah, maybe I will.
- OK, I'll see you there.
- Hey, stupid.
Hey, you ignorant mailman.
You better come back here
and empty that bottom tray.
I told you a hundred times already
not to put the ad papers in the tray.
I have to keep cleaning it out
because the tenants won't take 'em.
- Mrs. Crocker, we put all the
occupant-addressed mail in the tray.
That's what it's for.
- That's your problem.
It goes in the boxes.
And I'm gonna report you
if you don't put it there.
- You tried that already.
- I'll do it again.
How you ever got this
job, I'll never know.
- Oh, shut up.
Quit picking on me.
- Don't you shout at me.
Listen here, I'm going to take your mail
and spread it on the ground
and tell them that you did it.
- Why you hairy old...
(door closes)
- The check or jail.
- Helen, what's with you?
I've got, it's just before Christmas,
I got a friend in the
hospital that's dying,
I'm trying to get to see him
and you're here bugging me about money?
Now get outta here.
- Look, Grover, I need the money.
- Get outta here.
(door closes)
(jazz music)
Oh God, I gotta get ready for that party.
- Hey Jerry.
All through for today, eh, Jerry?
- Yeah, you could say that.
I swear I don't know what's worse,
the little old ladies
or the big old ladies.
- Well after a lifetime of
experience I can tell you.
Once they get over 20,
they're all no damn good.
- What's so special about 20?
- Well, you see, when they get
20, that's the turning point.
The turning point to disaster.
Chinese got it put right, they
call it the year of the dog.
Or better explained in English,
the birth of the bitch.
- Yeah, you got 'em
pegged all right, though.
- Damn right I have.
The only trouble is us guys never learn.
We learn too late, too late.
Oh, I can remember.
I think back and the
romance and all that
sweet innocence turn into
conniving and coldness and
crabbing and competition.
It's a shame, it's a dirty shame.
- That's why I'm still bachin' it, Doc.
- Good.
Don't let them dames get
their claws on you ever.
You know they don't let go very easy.
- You don't mind if I get my claws
on some of them young ones, do you, Doc?
- Be my guest.
And hey, hey.
If you get any leftovers
or extras, remember I,
I like 'em plump,
and juicy.
And dumb.
(ominous music)
- Hi, fellas.
Beautiful creatures must be hungry.
If people were only as
good-natured as you guys,
wouldn't have so much
trouble in this world.
Hey, you didn't eat today.
Oh God, no, what's the matter Leo?
Oh my God, he's dead.
Why are evil people allowed to live?
Poor innocent rabbits like Leo must die.
For no reason at all.
It's sickening.
(door closes)
We're all gonna miss you.
I don't need to tell you, Leo.
You were my favorite.
Take good care of the grass here.
Goodbye, old buddy.
(leaves crunching)
(wind blowing)
(jazz music)
- That should really turn her on.
Too much around.
Too much action to tie yourself down.
If I have to say so myself,
you're a good looking son of a gun.
(door opens)
(door closes)
(horn honking)
- I'm leaving Mom, he's here.
- [Mom] OK honey, be careful,
and don't stay out too late.
- Don't worry, I won't.
Hi Judd.
- Hi honey.
- Judd, the next time you come,
please come to the door instead
of just honking your horn.
- Why, what's wrong with that?
- Well it's just not cool when a guy just
honks his horn.
- Did your mom say anything?
- Well, no, not exactly but
next time please come to the door.
Maybe she'll like you better.
- OK, OK, we'd better get going,
we'll miss the whole Christmas concert.
- What do you say?
(indistinct conversation)
- Three cheers for Grover.
(indistinct chattering)
- Let's go.
- Sir, do you have 20
cents for a cup of coffee?
- Yep, think I'll get a drink instead.
(groovy music)
(indistinct chattering)
- Jer, Jerry.
Excuse me a second, excuse me.
- You better hurry.
- There's a live one.
Listen, I'll be right back.
Just hold it, hold it.
Hey, hey, Jerry baby,
just the man I wanna see.
Let me get you a drink, Jer, OK?
What'll it be?
- Get me a beer.
- Dick, would you give Jerry a drink?
Put it on my tab.
Listen kid, I got four broads wired.
You gotta help me out, OK?
- Got a good look at 'em
going through the door.
- Hey listen, so I give you your pick.
- Last time I saw a mob like
that I didn't look at it.
- The old sack over the head routine.
Come on, OK?
- Speaking of pigs.
(cigarette machine clangs)
- Merry Christmas.
- Creep.
Probably came in for his annual payoff.
Well, what do you say,
are you gonna help me out?
- Oh, I don't know.
- Come on, what's with it with you?
Sometimes I think you're
a faggot or something.
- Why?
Just 'cause I don't drool over every bitch
that wags her tail?
I don't need it.
- Don't get uptight, I
was only putting you on.
Will you do me a favor?
You can split anytime you want.
- Apologize?
- Well, OK, you're not a faggot.
- Or something?
- Or something.
Now, come on, will you go with me?
Come on.
Hey girls, told you I'd bring him back.
Want you to meet a very
good friend of mine.
Jerry, this is Lakey, this is Donna.
- Hi.
- Barbara and Susan.
Jer, come on, sit down, don't be afraid.
They're not gonna rape ya.
At least not here.
- Come on, honey.
You won't be sorry.
Between you and Groovy here,
I don't know who's the best looking.
- I know, the one that
spends the most money.
- Groovy, baby, you're beautiful
even if you don't spend any money.
- Now there's a woman after my own heart.
Come on girls.
- Why, come on now.
- Come on, cool it, cool it.
Hey, don't touch the hair, now listen.
Don't touch the hair.
(horn honks)
- Wasn't it beautiful, Judd?
- Yeah.
I really enjoyed the concert
for more than one reason.
- What were the other reasons?
- Just that I was with you, that's all.
- Oh Judd, you're sweet.
- What time do you have to be home?
- About midnight, why?
- Well I thought we might take a little
drive up by the reservoir.
- OK, why not?
- I do love you.
- I don't love you.
- Sweetheart, you're a player.
- Shut up, stupid.
(indistinct conversations)
(rock music)
- Oh my God.
You're smooth.
- Bitch, I told you a thousand times,
don't touch my hair.
(woman laughing)
- Hey.
- I never met a bald-headed
bastard I could trust.
- Why you listen.
I'm gonna get you.
- You'll only get yourself in trouble
over a dumb broad.
- I'm gonna get her, I'm gonna get her.
No one calls me a bald-headed bastard.
I'll get you, I'll get her.
(patrons clamoring)
- You better go out the
back way when you leave.
Grover gets pretty mean when he's loaded.
- Do you still love me?
- So much so that it scares me.
- Oh, darling.
(creepy music)
(sirens wailing)
- Apparently one shot
was fired into the truck,
but the girl managed to get out.
- She made a break for
it, she got 18 or 20 feet.
They found spent shells along the way.
- [Pittman] Well how could
he hit her without the light,
even if he was a crack shot?
- Well, if the moon was
out he had a silhouette.
- Running silhouette, Ken?
That's damn good shooting.
What time's the lineup?
- We better run.
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
Listen bitch.
I'll get the kid a few toys for Christmas
so don't bug me.
Yeah, I know it's only a
few days for Christmas.
What do you think I live
under a rock or something?
No, I'm not spending any money on dope.
Hey listen tramp,
you don't even let me
see my kid when I want to
so stop complaining.
Look it.
My head hurts.
Call me later.
(phone bangs in cradle)
- You OK?
Hey Jerry.
You all right?
You OK?
- Huh?
(cheery music)
- Boy, they must have had some night.
(door opens)
(door closes)
- Tom.
- Hard wire.
- Just the man I'm looking for.
They told me I'd find you down here.
- Well they were right, what's up?
- Well, it's been a slow week 'cause
looking for a story is all.
- I didn't know you lost one.
- Hey Tom, do you remember
that double murder
last December, the two
teenagers up near the reservoir?
- Yeah, I sure do.
- I covered that story
and I think you could help
keep the editor off my
back if you can provide me
with a follow up.
- Gee, I'd hate to see
you lose your job, Pete,
but we haven't had a new
lead on that in seven months.
Tell you what though,
got a possible on an old lady
who was murdered and robbed last week.
Maybe you can keep your job after all.
Wanna catch the lineup?
- OK, great.
- [Ken] Hi Jack, any winners today?
- Ken.
- Hi fellas.
- [Jack] Hi Tom.
You said it right, all winners today.
Working on a new one?
- Yeah, a little old lady
over on Beachwood Drive
found murdered and
robbed in her apartment.
We got a few clues though.
- Maybe we've got something for you here.
Morrie, where were you last night
between 10 and midnight?
- I was at a whorehouse in Gary.
- You smart ass.
- You know anything about his whereabouts?
- He's been pimping broads downtown.
He could have been.
- [Ken] What time did you
pick up the long-haired one?
- [Jack] 9:30, beating the
hell out of his girlfriend.
- How about the one on the end?
- Got a positive on him.
So far he's admitted five armed robberies.
Last night he really blew it.
Tried to hold up a liquor deli.
One of the customers was
an off-duty, Officer Reed.
He really flattened him.
- Ask him where he was
Thursday night around 10.
- Nedwick, can you remember where you were
Thursday night at 10 p.m.?
- Yeah, casing a liquor
store at Western and 21st.
- [Ken] I don't suppose
you can prove that.
- I can tell you every
customer, male or female,
and what they were wearing
from seven o'clock to 11 :45.
- [Jack] Why not after 11 :45, Nedwick?
- That's when I stuck up the joint.
- OK, thanks Jack.
- Lot of candidates.
No suspects.
- Tell me something new.
- Hi Jerry.
Eating out today, huh?
- Yeah, thought I'd get me a
big salad before I went home.
- Leave off the ham and cheese, right?
- Right, that's always best.
- What kind of dressing would you like?
- Oil and vinegar.
- OK.
Chef's salad, oil and vinegar
dressing, hold the meat.
Want coffee?
- Mm-hmm.
(smooth music)
- Oh, hi Jer.
- Hi, you just left work too?
- Yeah, yeah, just got
finished for the day.
- Hi Grover.
- Hi Gloria.
- What'll you have?
- Well honey,
what's on the special?
- Delicious rabbit stew.
- Rabbit stew?
You know what kind of bunny that I like.
- Nobody should eat rabbits.
- Oh everybody likes rabbit
stew, it's delicious.
- Hey listen, I really don't give a shit.
I don't want any rabbit stew.
Just bring me a ham sandwich.
- Ham on rye.
- Salad up.
- OK?
- No explanation?
- I don't think one is necessary, do you?
- Yeah, I do.
I'm not in the habit of having
my broads walk out on me.
- [Chef] Ham on rye.
- Two errors.
One, I am not one of your broads,
and the word is driven off.
- What's this BS?
- You don't remember what you said to me
the other night when you were drunk
in front of 20 people?
- No.
- No.
Well you called me an easy piece.
- Well?
- Yeah.
Well the next time I see you at Annette's,
when there are plenty of people there,
I'm going to show you to
be the cheap, ignorant
phony you really are.
Truck driver.
Beep beep.
- Hey love.
- Hmm?
- Can I bum a ride home?
- Oh, finally decide to
protect the citizens and
take away your license?
- No, no, my trans beat 'em to it.
Like the hippies who dropped out.
- Did you ever hear of a cab?
- Hey they're too dangerous,
they drive worse than me.
- Why don't you have Marlene pick you up?
- No, no, no chance, that's all over.
- Wanna tell me about it?
- On the way?
- Don't you know if you love the girl?
- Of course I love her.
- But you don't want to face the music.
- How the hell do I know it
was me that got her pregnant?
- [Gloria] Well how do you know it wasn't?
- Now, wait a minute,
she's the one that's been
running around, not me.
What the heck is that?
- Oh, it's not a lightning bug.
Just what we need, some nosy cop.
(intense music)
- Dammit.
Not one single print.
No license number and half a description.
- Tom, you're letting it get to you.
Wearing gloves isn't
anything new, you know.
- Yeah, but this looks
like a repeat of that one
seven months ago.
Just senseless killings.
No visible motives.
The same MO.
- I'm running down Lulu's,
I got a good one for you.
Grover McDerry.
He's a truck driver that
pretends he's somebody else.
- You run a check on him?
- Yeah.
He's divorced, he hangs
out there at Annette's bar
on 11th Street and a lot of others.
Picked up for narcotics
twice, no convictions,
picked up for a barroom brawl.
Punched a woman in the stomach
and said it was self-defense.
Charges were dropped and he packs a gun.
This was par for McDerry until last night.
- Yeah, what happened last night?
- He went bananas.
- OK, send him in.
I want to talk to him.
- I figured you would.
He's outside.
- And, uh, Ken?
Stick around just in case of--
- [Ken] Bananas?
- Had a little too much
white lightning last night?
Attempted assault, indecent exposure,
disturbing the peace,
and resisting arrest.
What's it all about, Grover?
- I don't know, just a, just a bad scene.
Everything got out of hand, I guess.
- Do you often strip in a bar?
- On a bar.
- Proceeded to urinate
in customers drinks,
yelling "The fountain of youth lives"?
- Hey, wait, I remember
arguing about a bet, but I, uh,
everything just got a
little hazy after that.
- Has that ever happened to you before?
I mean, where you couldn't
remember what you did
or where you were?
- Never.
- Short memory, huh?
You pay the rent on a
lot of bars, McDerry.
- Look you flunky boy scout,
I don't like cops either
but that's my business.
- Listen, if you don't
want to get locked up.
- I've got bail posted down downstairs.
I'm here voluntarily so you
speak to me with respect.
- Sit down, McDerry.
How's his timing check
out with the murders?
- Hey, now wait a minute.
- No you wait a minute, I said sit down.
- Says he was out drinking,
but he can't remember where.
- I know I did some
screwy things last night,
but I'm no killer.
- Well, what do you pack a gun for?
- Protection.
I've got a permit.
- Yeah, we know McDerry.
But you're a pretty big
boy to need protection.
You ever use it?
- Yeah, yeah, I've used it.
I target practice a little bit.
Besides it feels good on me.
And you know there's been a
few truckers hit this year.
- Well why do you wear it
when you go out boozing,
disguised as a business man?
With hair?
- Now wait a minute.
- Are you ashamed of being a truck driver?
- No, of course not.
- [Tom] Then why the big
exec act all the time?
- Well I--
- You ever think of
psychiatric help, McDerry?
- I don't need a headshrinker.
So I put on the dog a little.
So what, everybody does.
People just don't look
up to a truck driver.
Besides, I get better
treatment and more broads
by being a successful
business man, and that's all.
Is there anything wrong with that?
- If it gets you into
trouble, maybe there is.
- And you better try keeping
that temper in check.
What do you think?
- No, we don't have enough to hold him.
You can go, McDerry.
(door closes)
You know Ken?
I get bad feelings from that one.
Before you give him back his gun
have the boys down at the lab
fire a few samples.
Someday I'm afraid he's gonna use it.
And not for target practice.
(machinery vibrating)
- Now look Charlie, I'm
running a newspaper,
not a kindergarten school.
It's got to be done,
it's your responsibility,
and I want you to do it.
- Listen, this is a hard
job, the guys didn't come in,
the help is not here--
- I don't care, look, they're
running an hour and a half
behind now you get it
done, you understand?
- Yes sir, I'm gonna try my best.
- All right Charlie, you do it.
- OK.
- Well, morning.
- Oh, it's one of those days, Ray.
- Yeah.
I got your mail here.
- Oh, thank you.
- The regular stuff.
And then this big one marked
please rush to editor.
Probably old lady Johnson's
latest views on sex education.
- No Ray, it doesn't look
like her style at all.
Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
(envelope crinkling)
- Sergeant Pittman.
Yes, Lemay here.
Look, I just received one
of the strangest letters
that I've ever gotten and I
think you should hear about it.
- What is it?
- Well now listen to this.
"Dear Editor,
"I am the killer of the two
teenagers last Christmas
"at the reservoir and the
couple the other night.
"Now to prove this I
shall state some facts
"which I only and the police know.
Now he lists four points here, Sergeant.
"Brand name of ammo, Super X.
"10 shots fired,
"boy was on back, feet to car.
"Girl was lying on right
side, feet to west."
Now, Sergeant, in the July shooting here
he lists three things.
"The girl was wearing patterned pants.
"The boy was also shot in knee,
"and brand name of ammo was Western.
"Here is a decipher, rather a cipher,
"or what is part of one.
"The other two parts have been mailed
"to the San Francisco Examiner
"and the San Francisco Chronicle.
"I want you to print the
cipher on your front page
"by Friday night.
"That will be the last, the whole."
Now let me check that out.
"That will.
"That will last the whole weekend.
"I will cruise around and
pick off all stray people
"or couples that are alone,
"then move on to kill some more
"until I have killed over a dozen people.
"The Zodiac."
Now here on these other two pages,
it looks like some kind of
Egyptian writing or something.
Outside of it, that's it, Sergeant.
Except for a signature
with a circle dissected by,
by a cross.
You mean to tell me all of the facts
about the murders are correct?
- Look, as soon as I contact
the San Francisco papers
I'll be right over.
Oh, and think about running
the cipher on the front page.
Just in case.
(phones clatter in cradles)
- This is madness.
It's total madness.
(gate creaks)
- You stupid kids.
- [Helen] Who is it?
- It's me, Grover.
- What do you want, bum?
(door closes)
- I want to see my kid.
- You're doped up again
and you can't see her.
- Listen, whether if I'm on dope or not
is none of your damn business.
Now I wanna see my kid.
- As long as you're on that stuff, no.
- Why you dirty bitch.
The goddamn kid is half mine.
- That's right.
And I've got the custody and
there's nothing you can do.
- There's nothing I can do?
You'll see what I can do.
(door clanging)
- Operator, get me the police.
- I'll show that bitch what I'll take.
(tool clatters)
This'll get me my half.
Helen, Helen.
Where the hell are you?
Where's that no good mother of yours?
- I don't know, Daddy, I don't know.
(tires squealing)
- Oh.
- That no good bitch, she called the cops.
- Hurry, hurry, he's in
the house with my daughter.
- Calm down lady, calm down.
- Please hurry.
- Who's in the house?
- My ex-husband.
He's drunk or doped up or
something but just get in there.
- Does he have any weapons?
- I don't know, I don't know.
He has, he does own a
gun but I don't know.
(sirens wailing)
- Cover the back.
Ma'am, get behind the car.
(door closes)
- Come on, come on Julie.
Come on, don't cry.
Hey, come on, hey, Daddy's
not gonna hurt you.
But, honey, I just got to
get rid of them my way.
Now you'll see, come on,
come on honey, don't cry.
- [Cop] McDerry, give yourself up.
You don't stand a chance.
(door opens)
- The Zodiac, that's me.
I'm the Zodiac.
- Hey.
(water splashes)
- [Helen] Oh no.
- Ma'am, settle down, it's all right.
It's all right.
(door opens)
(door closes)
- Here's the report on
that McDerry character.
- Yeah, I figured that.
This is the same hothead
we had in here a week ago.
- Yeah.
- This is--
(phone ringing)
Homicide, Pittman.
- The Zodiac speaking.
I am not happy you gave someone
else front page coverage.
Shut up.
You just listen.
You called the information I
gave you an elaborate hoax.
And that you wanted me
to furnish more details
before you would give me
a front page write-up.
Before I give you any more details
about the good times I had at the
reservoir in Green Rock Park,
I'd like to know,
are the police having a good
time with the cryptogram?
If not, tell them to cheer up.
When they do crack it they will have me.
Now in the Christmas
episode at the reservoir,
the police were wondering as to
how I could shoot and hit
my victims in the dark.
Well, I taped a small penlight
to the barrel of my gun.
When I aim the gun at my victims,
the bullet hits right in
the center of the light.
Oh, I think this deserves
front page coverage.
I want headlines.
(phone clatters in cradle)
(paper crumples)
All the nerve.
That stupid idiot Grover tells the police
he's the Zodiac and makes headlines.
How dare he draw on my intelligence.
I am the supreme Zodiac.
I must not let the animal nature of man
block the way to my spiritual progress.
If I am to be happy in paradise,
I must collect my slaves now.
All those that I kill in
this life will be my slaves
when I am reborn in paradise.
I must kill the serpent which
guards this narrow entrance into paradise.
But I shall not penetrate until
I have proof of my slaves.
The process that I have put you through
was demanded upon me by the supreme power
of another life.
You are all now my slaves
in this reincarnated life.
In a former life,
I have selected each and every one of you.
- [Voices] How can you
prove that you selected us?
- How?
- [Voices] Yes, how?
How do we know you are not one of us,
selected by another?
- Simple, my children.
Here is my proof.
I am happy to see you recognize
the tools of your liberation.
Atlantis shall rise again.
I chose you to be with
me here in paradise.
Once Atlantis rises, there
will be a new cycle of life,
a new universe with new pyramids to build.
You are all saved.
Because I, as the supreme Zodiac,
will not allow you, my personal slaves,
to labor at such a task.
(seagulls cawing)
(waves crashing)
- He is really a great guy.
The thing that really impressed me
was the way he made me feel.
This is the first time I've ever felt
that I'm part of the company.
You know, that they really value me.
That they're counting on
me to help make it work.
- That's great, Dick.
- I only hope I don't let them down.
- Hey, what kind of talk is that?
You're gonna set records
with that company.
- I sure feel it, hon.
Howdy, can I bum a light off you?
- Help yourself.
How about a fresh-cooked hot dog?
- Oh, aren't you wonderful?
I'd love one.
- Sure we're not imposing?
- Heck no, I can't eat 'em all.
Here's some wine, too.
- Hey, all right.
- Always cut 'em open.
- Oh.
- Very good.
- I always wondered why they do that.
- It opens up the meat.
- [Kay] You work in a restaurant?
- I used to.
Real dry.
- Say, you know how to play that thing?
- Nah.
- No, I'm just a hummer.
Kay is the singer.
- [Jerry] Well, here.
- Oh.
What would you like to hear?
- Uh.
Auld Lang Syne.
- Auld Lang Syne?
- [Jerry] Yeah.
- OK, Auld Lang Syne.
Should auld acquaintance
Be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should auld acquaintance
Be forgot
In days of auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
For auld
Lang syne
- Very good.
Hey do you know that song about Laredo?
Streets of Laredo?
- Yeah, I know that.
Streets of Laredo.
As I walked out on the
Streets of Laredo
- No, no, I like the part
about the guy that got shot.
- Oh, that's the end of it, yeah, it's
Come sit by my side
And hear my sad story
I'm shot in the breast
And I know I must die
Hey the flame is going down.
- I got some more wood.
- OK.
- Be back in a minute.
- OK.
- He sure is a friendly guy.
- Yeah.
Hey, I think mine's done.
Pass me a bun.
- Must be in that bag.
- Oh.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- What the?
He's got a wig in here.
- Dick, don't monkey
with his personal things.
Everybody wears wigs now,
it's a very in thing to do.
- How in is a plastic nose?
- Dick, put that back.
Before he comes.
Put it back, here he comes.
(ominous music)
- I thought you said he was coming.
- Well he was.
I saw him.
What was that?
- I don't know.
- [Kay] Dick, I'm scared.
- I dropped the firewood.
- We wondered where you were.
- The hot dogs are delicious.
- I'm so very thrilled you like them.
- We really have to get going, Dick.
- Yeah.
Thanks again.
It was great.
- Stick around, it'll get greater.
- Bye.
- Something weird about that guy.
- Well obviously he was mad at you
for going through his things.
- No, I don't think he even saw me.
- Maybe we should go
back and apologize, Dick.
- Hey, forget about him, will you?
I'm sure he's got more
important things to do.
(children playing)
- [Joann] Just a real pigsty.
I've never been there
when it's clean, have you?
- I can't say that I have.
I was over there for Karen's
birthday last Thursday.
Honestly, I couldn't
believe the refrigerator.
I was afraid to touch the food.
It's a wonder the kids don't get sick.
There was mold on the
cheese and the lunch meat
and I swear the stuff had been
in there at least a month.
- What did you do?
- I told her we were out of buns
and I went down to the
supermarket and threw it all out.
- Ever notice the cups
she serves her coffee in?
- And the worst part of it is
the kids pick up the habits.
- And that little Johnny
is something else.
- A real brat.
Bobby, get down out of that tree,
you'll break your neck.
He won't mind.
- I haven't found a boy that will.
- Help me, Mommy, Mommy.
Help me.
- Oh my God.
Hold on honey, we'll get you down.
- Can you reach him?
- I told him never to do this.
- I'll get him.
Hey little fella, you
got yourself stuck, huh?
- Oh my goodness, is he all right?
- Here.
- I hope he doesn't fall
on that one foot of his.
- There we go.
Come on.
All right.
- Oh, he's got him.
- There we go,
safe and sound.
- You all right?
What do you say to the nice man?
Say thank you.
- I don't like him.
- Bobby.
- Do you work here in the park?
- Oh, I just took the day off, you know.
Enjoying the peace and quiet.
- We come up here during the
week because it's so quiet.
Not so many people around, you know.
- Yeah, there sure aren't.
You walk up here?
- Oh, it's only three
blocks, and you know,
it's good for the leg muscles.
- Well maybe I'll run into you again.
- That'll be nice.
We're here almost every day.
Stop by and say hello.
- Bye bye now.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- [Joanne] Now there's a gentleman.
And handsome too.
- Joanne.
You're a married woman.
(tree branches rustling)
(mysterious music)
- Boy it's cold, what happened to the sun?
Hey, you're mean.
- Me mean, you pushed me first, remember?
(leaves crunching)
- Come on Bill, not here, there's
people all over the place.
- Who cares?
I'm proud of my affection.
- Come on Bill, be a nice boy.
- What do you mean, boy, lady?
- Oh, I know you're a
man, that's the problem.
- What problem?
- I heard you were out
with Cindy Saturday night.
- Oh yeah?
Where'd you hear that?
- Cindy Thomas.
- You did, huh?
Did she tell you she asked
me out, about 10 times?
- Yeah and you turned her
down nine times, right?
- Sandy, I don't.
Hey Sandy, look.
I thought Halloween only came once a year.
- Maybe he forgot to take off his costume.
There, he's coming toward us.
- So what?
Hey fella, I think you're
at the wrong party.
- Be quiet and listen.
I'm an escaped convict from Colorado.
I also just escaped from
Deer Lodge Prison in Montana.
Had to kill a guard while doing it.
I need a car and some
money to make it to Mexico.
Won't hurt you,
but I must tie you both up and
relieve you of your car keys.
- Sir, go easy with that thing.
We won't give you any trouble.
- Is that your white Chevy up there?
- Yes, the keys are in my shirt pocket.
- Bill.
(tape ripping)
- I'm gonna have to stab you people.
(intense music)
(maniacal laughter)
(exhales deeply)
(breathing heavily)
(leaves crunching)
(intense music)
Get me the police.
No, you dial, it's an emergency.
I want to report a murder.
No, a double murder.
Two miles north of Park Headquarters.
They were in a white Chevy.
(laughing) And I'm the one that did it.
(door bangs shut)
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
I don't know any Zodiac.
(door clatters shut)
- Good morning, Jerry.
- Oh hi, Mrs. Simpson.
Lovely day, isn't it?
- Yes, you didn't come by yesterday.
- It was my day off.
I went on a picnic.
- With your girlfriend?
- I met a nice girl there.
We had quite a time.
- Why don't you join me with some lunch?
- Well, I really got to be going.
- Oh, come on Jerry, you
never pay any attention to me.
(light jazz music)
- Boys, I just got a great
idea for better publicity.
I'll write a letter to the Examiner,
tell him to make up some buttons
with my Zodiac symbol on 'em,
and then have them pass them out
to all the people in San Francisco.
Don't you think that's
a good idea, Aquarius?
That way I'll have continuous publicity
even when I'm not collecting slaves.
(mysterious music)
(gun cocks)
Boy, they sure don't make
tires like they used to.
- It scared the life out of me.
I almost lost control of the car.
- Do you belong to the auto club?
- I certainly do,
and I saw a station back
there by the freeway turn off.
- Well yeah, that's Phil's place.
He's over in Stockton
on a wreck right now.
- Oh no.
That's just my luck.
- Ma'am, your luck's
good, I'll fix it for you.
- Would you?
I mean, I'll be glad to pay.
- Oh, no need for that.
I'll only take a few minutes.
Open the trunk.
- Isn't it awful?
How helpless a poor woman really is?
- I never really thought
they were helpless.
To me they always seemed stronger.
- Certainly not in the mechanical sense.
But do you know, we do have intuition.
Do you believe in ESP?
- You mean like mind reading?
- Don't laugh.
I once read a five digit
number on a man's forehead.
- Really?
- That's right.
Not everyone has the power, though.
They say some of us are born with it.
Do you believe that?
- I don't know, maybe.
Can you read my mind?
(metal clatters)
- Oh, well it doesn't work on everyone.
- Here hold this.
It's a wheel lug turner.
All right, you know what, let it down.
(ominous music)
Give it a try, reading my mind.
I'll concentrate real hard.
- I'll try, but I can't promise anything.
(metal clatters)
- I help the guy to the
door, two flights up.
Then he can't find his keys.
- Oh, shit.
- Yeah.
So I keep ringing the bell and finally
the old bag answers and she says,
"You can keep ringing the bell
til you're blue in the face
but he ain't coming in."
- What'd you do?
- So I took the damn
fare out of his wallet
and left him throwing
up out on the balcony.
- No tip, I suppose.
- Are you kidding?
I took an extra fin.
- What are you bitching for?
It was worth it.
- Some nights you get one
stiff after another, man.
- Well, I'll tell you something.
After tonight I'm splitting.
It ain't worth it.
- Beats driving a bus, man.
- Crap.
I'm not kidding, tonight's my last night.
(door opens)
(door closes)
- Hey, there you go, Ted.
Big tippers always sit up front.
- With my luck it's some out
of town faggot getting lonely.
(door opens)
(door closes)
Where to?
- [Passenger] Presidio Heights.
- [Ted] All right.
(eerie music)
You're so right, every time.
- Is that $2.40?
- Yeah, $2.40 it is.
- Would five leave you happy?
- Oh, like a kid with his
first toy, real happy.
(door closes)
(door opens)
- [Cop] Unit 17 request
clearance for 187 broadcast.
187 occurred approximately five minutes
ago in Presidio Heights.
(sirens wailing)
Suspect's description:
male, Caucasian, blond hair,
approximately six one
to six two in height.
220 pounds.
Suspect was last seen on foot
southbound on Knoll Drive.
Unit 17 clear.
Did you see anybody go by here?
- Yes, a guy just went by waving a gun.
He headed across there.
(sirens wailing)
- [TV Host] From the west,
Bob Keel, on the K-O-G-I news.
- [Bob] Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
Bob Keel here.
Tonight we have more news
on the Zodiac Killer.
- Hey fellas, hold it
down, I want to hear this.
- [Bob] He writes another
letter to the papers.
And I quote.
"This is the Zodiac speaking.
"I am the murderer of the taxi driver
"over on Washington and
Maple Street last night.
"I have grown angry with the
police for lies about me.
"They could have caught me last night
"if they had searched the park properly
"instead of holding road
races with their squad cars."
He goes on.
"Two cops pulled a goof
about three minutes
"after I left the cab.
"I was walking down the street to the park
"when they pulled up next to me and asked
"if I saw anyone suspicious around here.
"I said yes, there was a man
running in that direction.
"The cops peeled rubber and
disappeared around the corner
"in the direction I pointed.
"I ask you, ladies and gentlemen.
"In another."
- You know, it sure is creepy
that madman isn't caught yet.
Those cops should have had him
after the cab driver got him.
He wouldn't fool me in a minute.
Being a bartender you get
to know people pretty well.
- Yeah, I'll bet you'd
spot him a mile away.
- [Dick] You bet.
- Here Dick, give everybody a round on me.
- Yeah, sure Jerry, thanks a lot.
- Well, I'll be seeing you.
- Sure, Jerry, thanks a lot.
- Got a lot of things to do.
(dramatic music)
- [Dick] Now there's a really nice guy.
(horn honking)
(door closes)
- Look Tom, you gotta see this guy.
- Why?
- Look, they've conducted experiments.
It's been scientifically proven.
- Ken, you gotta be kidding me.
You brought me all the way up
here to talk to some psycho?
- Ha, psychic.
Look, Arnold Koslow is world famous.
They brought him in on every
major unsolved murder case
in the last 10 years.
- Yeah, how many has he solved?
(elevator doors open)
- He was in town.
I called him, he said he would see us.
Now, what have we got to lose?
- My stripes.
You're really sold on
this stuff, aren't you?
- At this point it's worth a try.
Look Tom, we're stuck.
Guess he didn't hear me.
- What you mean he
can't see through doors?
Well, why don't we just
forget the whole thing.
Come on.
(speaking foreign language)
- We have an appointment with Mr. Koslow.
- Oh. (speaking foreign language)
(mysterious music)
(door closes)
(dog whimpering)
- Good evening, sir.
Are you Mr. Koslow?
(speaking foreign language)
(dogs barking)
- Ah, gentlemen, I see
you've met everyone.
(speaking foreign language)
(dogs barking)
You're Mr. Heller, and you
sir must be Sergeant Pittman.
Sit down gentlemen, sit down.
Of what service can I be to you?
- As I told you on the phone--
- Ah yes, yes, the Zodiac affair.
Fascinating, absolutely fascinating.
I had some very interesting vibrations.
Let's see if I can get some more.
Why do you look so sad, Mr. Pittman?
- Well I, as far as I can see it's--
- You believe you made a
mistake by coming up here
to talk with a charlatan, do you not?
- I must confess it's not--
- Yes, and you, Mr. Heller?
Do you live in the small
same ignorant world
as your narrow-minded friend?
- No, we try to understand,
Mr. Koslow, Tom, uh,
Sergeant Pittman here has never--
- Oh, but I do, gentlemen.
And I suggest you allow
me the same courtesy.
Now that that's all settled, let us begin.
Your man was a civil service employee.
He was terminated under
unfavorable circumstances
oh, about four years ago.
At the present time,
he's working in an automobile body shop.
He's involved in painting the cars.
He's done this kind of work
in other establishments
over the last few years.
He tried to be a private detective but
that didn't work out too well.
He was injured on a
motorcycle, not too serious.
Oh yes, you will find a
rabbit's foot on his keychain.
He's frightened of women.
And he has a disarming,
outgoing personality.
Last week,
he purchased products
from a health food store.
Not far from here.
- Is there anything else you can tell us?
Does he live alone?
Mr. Koslow?
What do we do now?
- Well I'm sure as hell
not gonna stand up.
- The reason you can't
find his car, gentlemen,
is because he has access to many.
He has been arrested before.
I don't...
That's all I can tell you, gentlemen.
I keep hearing water.
- Kitchen faucet's dripping.
- You must go now.
- Thank you very much for
your time, Mr. Koslow.
You've been very helpful.
- Yeah, we'll save you the rabbit's foot.
- Hey fellas, need a hack?
- No thanks, just had one.
(elevator door closes)
(intense music)
(suspenseful music)
(upbeat music)
- How far are you going?
- [Jerry] Any place you wanna go.
(door closes)
(tires screech)
- Whoa.
- God dammit, get back in here.
- Leave me alone.
- You're not gettin' out.
(door slams)
(tires squealing)
(rapid footsteps)
(door opens)
(door closes)
What's wrong?
- Oh, I don't know, this
jalopy has given me nothing
but trouble ever since
the day I bought it.
I don't know anything about
cars and I'm so disgusted.
- Look, I tell you what.
Here, put your hand on the carburetor.
No, no, honey, hold it tight.
- OK, I've got it.
(dramatic music)
(branches crackling)
(metal scraping)
(metal creaking)
- I see you're taking life easy again.
- Well good morning, Jerry.
Gosh no, they like to keep me separated
from the rest of 'em, that's all.
They're afraid I might unionize 'em.
- How they been treating you?
- Oh, same as always.
Got to be quite a ball game, you know.
They pretend that I'm getting better and,
I go along with 'em, let them make believe
they know what they're doing.
How's your dad?
- Oh, he doesn't seem to change much.
- Grapevine says he caused a little ruckus
the other evening.
- How bad was it this time?
- Oh, it was no big deal.
Seems he got into a scuffle with
one of the orderlies, I guess.
- What happened?
- Well, the orderly
claims that when he passed
the food tray your dad
grabbed his arm and bit him.
- I suppose.
Can I adjust the back
for you, Mr. Quigley?
- Mm.
Oh, thanks, Jerry.
That is more comfortable.
If I could just get these
old arms working again,
I'd have it made.
- [Jerry] Want me to give you a stroll?
- Like to, but the good doctor says
no turf til the old ticker
gets five points stronger.
What in the hell ever that means.
- Well,
the heart
comes first.
Take care.
- You too.
Oh, say hello to your dad.
- Well, hello Jerry,
how's my favorite visitor?
- Pretty good.
- Good.
Let's see, I think your
dad's up and around.
It's 10:15 yet.
- Oh.
- Why don't you go ahead and go in,
I'll tell Dr. Barton you're here.
- Thank you.
(door opens)
(door slams)
You awake?
Not an awful lot new last week.
I ran into George and Gladys Hall Tuesday,
they said to give you their best.
Bob Burnett got the newscaster job.
Oh, we finally got that
new sorting machine in.
It really is something, Dad.
Take any size, punching out 450 a minute.
I stopped by and said
hello to Mom Wednesday.
I had the caretaker clear off those weeds.
It really looks pretty nice now.
I understand there was
some trouble the other--
Some trouble the other night.
It just makes it worse
when you do those things.
Stop it.
Stop that.
Why can't you talk to me
without pulling that damn stuff?
Can't you give me some
Just some expression of your feeling?
(urine trickling)
(inhales sharply)
(sobs gently)
Nothing left, is there?
If there ever was anything.
(toilet flushes)
Oh God.
Talk to me.
He keeps getting worse.
- I'm afraid he's deteriorating
quite rapidly now.
I think you should leave because you're
upsetting him too much.
(suspenseful music)
(wheels rolling)
(intense music)
(tires screech)
- Well, now you know I exist.
What are you gonna do about it?
I'll tell you.
You won't do anything.
You'll go about things the
same way you always have.
I'm sick, you say.
I need medical help.
I should be put away.
I'm dangerous.
Yeah, yeah, that's right.
But I'm still loose, aren't I?
Me and a lot of guys like me.
What do you expect me to do?
Turn myself in?
Are you kidding?
I like what I'm doing.
Oh, I know you hear things
like mentally maladjusted,
schizophrenic, paranoia,
and, oh yes, homicidal.
Did it ever occur to you that guys like me
don't care about all that crap?
You know I'm insane, don't you?
Well, I don't think so.
(horn honks)
Your Webster's Dictionary
says insane means
absolutely senseless.
How do I feed myself, clothe myself,
and hold down a job if that's true?
Me and my kind of people are smart enough
to do our handiwork again and again.
Sure, you catch some of us,
but you let most of us go
after a few years anyway.
(horn honks)
You don't scare me.
You got him tied up pretty good.
It used to be they could use the instinct
they developed in their jobs,
but today if they make one false arrest,
fail to warn me of my rights
or because of suspicion, search my car
where I keep my loaded gun and knives.
That's illegal search.
They ain't got a case.
(horns honking)
Well, I don't wanna take
any more of your time.
Besides, it really wouldn't do any good.
I mean, you're not gonna
be careful, are you?
I'll be seeing you.
(mysterious music)
(laughter echoes maniacally)
(gentle music)