The Zohar Secret (2015)

THE ZOHAR SECRE Ancient Rome was one of the
leading civilizations of antiquity.
The Roman Empire reached the apex
of its power in the 2nd century BC,
when it stretched from
modern-day Britain to Ethiopia.
And it was precisely during this
period that the most mysterious
piece of writing in the
history of mankind was produced.
It was authored by ten
scientists of the time,
each of whom had attained a unique,
profound insight into
the highest dimensions of reality.
Having integrated their knowledge,
they recorded and
expressed it in a book -
The Zohar.
Had these manuscripts
become public domain,
it would have led to the
demise of the Roman Empire
and an utterly different course
of development for the world.
The 10th Legion was
ordered to intercept the scrolls
and deliver them to Rome,
but the plot took a different turn.
Great, you're coming round.
Let me look at your wound.
How do I know you?
From a past life, perhaps?
Return the scroll to Jerusalem.
The doctor said that you'll gradually
regain your memory.
You are Legate Maximus.
Commander of the
10th Legion of the Roman Empire.
I told you right away: something isn't
right with this scroll.
Caesar wouldn't have sent a whole
legion to deal with it.
You shouldn't have taken
the scroll with you.
We could have destroyed it
right there and then.
There are riots in Jerusalem.
The rebels are
advancing from the south.
It's not safe here any more.
We must set out for Rome right away.
You must issue an order.
You are the only one
they will listen to.
Did you have that dream again?
Go back to sleep.
It's just a dream. Sleep.
You think it was a dream?
You would have been done
with everything long ago.
Done with what?
Who are you?
And who are you?
Who is that woman in your bed?
Do you know these walls?
You have to return this
back to where it came from...
to Jerusalem.
Then you will regain your memory.
Just do it, be so kind.
Return the scroll.
Want it or not,
you'll have to do it sooner or later.
So why put it off?
Better go there on your own
than be driven there with a rod
like a mule,
your ass red from the whipping!
Dumb beast,
wretched swine!
Pissing blood!
Cunt, warm!
What am I...
What the...
Oh, God... I'm sorry.
That just slipped out...
For God's sake, forgive me.
Time is of the essence.
Take the tunnel.
Here, take this.
The door to the tunnel
is right of the entrance.
Good luck!
What's going on?
What's this noise?
Where are you going?
What's with him?
We found him in a tunnel, unconscious.
And he didn't have the scroll on him.
Where's the scroll?
Where's the scroll?
The scroll?
Do you have it?
Where's the scroll?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
He's dying because of you!
Take a look at this.
What are you doing?
That's Venetian glass. Very expensive.
It happens to be a very
fashionable trinket nowadays.
Who are you?
Who am I?
I am you.
You are asleep now.
And I am you
on the other side of the dream,
trying to help you wake up.
Return the scroll to Jerusalem.
Then everything will fall into place,
and you will remember and
understand everything.
What is this scroll?
You know, every person has an
inner mechanism of sorts,
an inner essence,
but for the time being, it's dormant.
People think that this is life. Life.
They don't even suspect
that they are asleep.
Well, this scroll contains a code.
If you read it correctly,
you activate that inner mechanism,
and by doing so, you lead yourself
out of the dream
into an entirely new
level of existence.
It's like you're in a cocoon
from which a butterfly
is about to emerge.
Explain that to me.
I don't understand anything.
What are you talking about?
A Spaniard will escort you.
He will show you the way.
Be careful.
Where are we...
1520, SPAIN
The Spaniard has escaped!
The Spaniard has escaped!
What happened?
The Spaniard has escaped.
- Where are they?
They escaped from the docks,
it's too dark to see.
Be quiet!
Look, there they are!
Aim the cannons that way
and prepare to fire!
Turn the cannons!
Thank you, friend.
Thank you!
You've made me the
happiest man in the world.
You can't even imagine what this is...
What do you all want from me?
I'm a friend.
Don't do this, I'm a friend.
What is this scroll?
Let me go!
Through these letters, these symbols,
you come into contact
with the next dimension,
a different realm...
Please, don't.
I'm telling you the truth.
Try to penetrate through
the letters to get inside.
Most importantly, you need
to want it really bad...
Suddenly, I was seized
by a terrible fear.
Something unbearably heavy
was crushing me from all sides.
I thought I was...
Suddenly, I was hurled
into a dimension,
a dimension...
of infinite love,
an ocean
of warmth...
And in response to it,
a hitherto unknown desire
poured out of me,
an overwhelming yearning
to give back this feeling.
This sensation
wholly embraced me.
And I was no longer
aware of myself.
But no one should know about this.
Did you drop something?
What do you want?
I'm not a soldier.
I shouldn't be here,
this is all a mistake...
Help me!
Why are you alone?
I'm not alone.
My husband will be back soon.
Why'd you stop chewing?
He won't be back.
I haven't seen him
since he was drafted.
Why did you help me?
Why not help another human?
If you head out now,
you'll be in the city by dinner.
So you've found me, after all.
I don't know you, good sir.
You don't know me?
Please, please!
I've got a wife and kids.
I'm begging you, don't do it!
Are you comfortable, my friend?
I see you've
settled in quite well here.
Why not spoil
yourself a little, eh?
So, how is she?
What's with your face?
It's as if you're not happy to see me.
Well? Are you ready?
Ready for what?
To move on, of course.
I'm staying here.
If you stay here,
there'll be trouble...
Everybody will suffer,
you and her included.
I want a normal, peaceful life.
This isn't life, Max. It's a lie.
You only think this life is real
because you don't remember
the other one.
You love this woman.
But what do you love about her?
Her young, supple body?
But the body is
only a temporary vestment,
a costume.
So what do you love?
Who do you love, Max?
These poor people,
they live with nothing but the
perceptions of their bodies,
wasting their entire lives
on indulging them.
It's as if you, Max, got a puppy that
became the center of your Universe.
You take care of it,
feed it and wash it,
forgetting all about yourself.
Eventually you start identifying
yourself with the puppy entirely...
Do you see, Max?
This body isn't you, it's the puppy.
Get out of my life,
do you hear me?
Get lost!
What happened?
Where are you going?
Bolt the door and
don't go anywhere until I get back.
I warned you
not to show up here again.
What didn't you understand?
Daddy's home!
1899, AFRICA
1914, FRANCE
I'll do it.
I agree. I'll do it.
I'll do it!
1917, RUSSIA
Your papers!
Move along.
Return the scroll...
I'm so happy we're together again.
And that you have agreed.
Could you please come over here?
Hold this, please,
with your finger.
Grasp right here.
Humanity's latest invention.
Watch, I'm going to
show you something.
it's just a movie, a film.
There's nothing there.
It's a screen, a stretch of fabric.
A reflection.
A film!
It was real then, but now
you're looking at it from aside.
To be frank,
everything happening to you now
is also a film.
All of this.
I would call it...
the perfect... cinema.
I've tried
explaining it to you before,
picking the words,
looking for an example.
And now I've found
an example!
Do you still not get it?
What am I supposed to get?
You have a role to play,
and you need to play it right.
Then the film will turn out a success.
Life will be good,
and the director will be happy.
To play?
Of course! What's with you?
You incarnate in thousands of lives,
living out all of them.
You're a king, a slave,
a knight, a traitor,
a nice lad, and a murderer.
You include the whole
world inside of you,
discover all the universes!
You laugh and you cry,
you gain and you lose.
It's monstrous, simply monstrous!
Of course, it's monstrous.
But also monstrously interesting!
Horrifying. Monstrous!
And monstrously prodigious!
Imagine: to live this way
till your last breath,
to be invigorated
until the final moment,
to plunge at that final moment
so your heart simply bursts!
To never grow old.
To live like that!
Get it? Like that!
Then it fills up with life,
with inner creativity.
And you advance to a new round,
a game... with Him.
And then it doesn't matter
if you're a hero or a villain.
For you are with Him!
With whom?
And, for the most part,
this applies to the rich,
who make up only
ten percent of society.
Not only religion,
but the entire global justice system
serves the rich and only the rich.
To say nothing of
moral dogmas and ideals.
What's happening?
They're waging a revolution.
I hope you'll succeed.
The scroll is in the desk drawer.
That's some hat you've got there.
What scumbag put all these pots here?
And I asked you
to fix the lighting, damn it!
Well? Answer me! Did I or didn't I?
How many times must I repeat myself?
How dense can those dimwits be?
Fix the lighting first thing
tomorrow! Or the day after...
In the name
of the revolution, open up!
1943, POLAND
Me? Okay, okay, I'm coming.
Oh, umm... Don't push me, please,
I can't walk any faster.
You see, I ate a lot of grapes,
plus I've got hyperactive peristalsis.
He's coming.
Just don't show him the puppy...
Don't show the puppy...
not right away.
Max, you need to hurry.
A liaison will be waiting for you
at the central square in 10 minutes.
His license plate number is...
Who is he?
Who is who?
You told me about him last time.
Who is he?
He is the one who created all this,
this whole film,
this theater.
It is the higher force,
the highest thought...
It is a field that
encompasses everything, Max...
Remember the cinema?
Light shone on the film,
resulting in a huge
projection on the screen.
But all the information,
the picture is on the film,
and not on the screen. Do you see?
And you're the same.
This force influences you,
and you see your reflection,
your projection from the outside.
It's as if you're
looking at yourself from aside,
watching a movie about yourself.
So it's an illusion that anything
exists outside or in front of you,
that there's something alien,
not yours.
It is all you, Max. You see?
All these walls, plants, animals,
people, galaxies - they are all you!
I don't want to hear
any more of your ravings!
It's not easy, Max,
I understand.
No, you don't understand anything.
You senile old fart.
Don't you remember
what always happened to you
whenever you tried
to digress from the path?
Why do you need all this? Tell me.
What are you trying to accomplish?
Please... I'm here to help you.
To help drive me mad?
You're taunting me, is that it?
But you won't succeed. Not this time.
I'm revoking your mission.
Max, you are me.
I am me!
You don't even exist!
You're just a figment
of my demented imagination!
A cancerous tumor in my brain!
You're the cause of all my suffering!
I'm very sorry.
All right,
I have something for you.
So... how are we feeling?
Where am I?
You're home.
Untie me!
so you can knock me out
with a heavy object?
This is some kind of a mistake.
Everybody says so.
But don't worry, the doctor will help.
You know the doctor?
Of course. Everyone here knows him.
Where is he?
Fyodor Arkadievich Pirogov,
your attending physician.
Oh, right.
Untie me, please.
How about this:
you tell me everything
and I'll untie you.
So, you're saying
you were forwarded to us
after you killed the doctor
and burned the scroll?
Yes, to the next round.
So, what are we to do?
I don't know.
I know.
I know!
I know what to do.
Don't bother hiding. I can see you.
Escort the dear professor please.
No need for shots, I'll cooperate.
Well, Max,
how long will you keep amusing us?
Still trying
to get to Jerusalem?
Who are you?
Very well.
Go get some rest.
Escort our friend to the ward.
Need help?
- Nope.
Are you sure?
- Yup.
And now you'll tell me
where you got that nail file.
Do you remember me?
Russia, the revolution...
Hold on a moment!
Do you have papers?
Move along.
Move along!
They say 20 people are holding
the whole of France under their thumb.
This is the
upper crust of society...
The scroll!
Who put this music on for the patients?
It's driving them mad!
If you ever put this on again,
I'll shove this tape up your ass!
Do you get me?!
Now get lost, blockhead!
There, that's better.
The autopsy? I passed it with a B.
But not an A,
which I becried, "Why me?!"
I was so pissed, I jabbed
a screwdriver into your wrist.
But then a nurse
consoled me - what a twist!
We boozed,
I rummaged through your entrails,
But in my drunkedness
I couldn't find the pancreas.
Your organs' beauty
touched me to the core,
And I rejoiced -
you're with us nevermore!
You'd otherwise be
roaming to and from,
Lamenting that my love
has reached a low.
It's my 43rd birthday.
That we should pay
a visit to your mama,
And other wacky bullshit,
full of drama.
But now you're lying on the table,
dead and nude.
A pleasure to behold
your freshly shaved pubes.
And I am stitching up
your body like a seamstress,
A lovely criss-cross pattern -
sleep, my princess!
You have a slight memory lapse.
It's a side effect of the treatment.
Don't worry, your memory
will recover soon.
What treatment?
I'll be frank with you, Max.
You were delivered here
six months ago with acute psychosis.
You kept saying
that you need to find some
Zohar scroll
and return it to Jerusalem.
Max, you willingly,
I repeat - willingly
agreed to the treatment.
So you are saying that
everything that happened to me
never took place?
You kept a diary,
and your imagination
projected all these images.
You lived in that reality, Max.
The treatment exacerbated
the hallucinations
and we needed to identify the source.
The hallucinations will subside soon
and you'll resume your normal life.
I'll catch you, bitch!
Hold him!
Who am I?
Your name is
Maxim Leonidovich Chekhov.
You were born in 1968
and you're an engineer.
You have a daughter
and a wife.
Perhaps you'd like to see them?
I'll hang these undies
on your ears, bozo!
- Hello, Lyuda?
- Oh, my! Oleg Moiseevich!
- Should I come up?
- Yes, please.
- Coming!
- Thank you.
And who is this doctor?
People tend to trust themselves.
That's why you and I
have invented him,
making him similar to you.
This is called the association method,
where an image is introduced
into the patient's mind,
enabling him to come
out of his crisis.
Every time you...
delved too deep inside yourself,
the doctor appeared
and helped you
out of your predicament.
But you don't need him anymore, Max.
Welcome to real life.
He is running upstairs!
Catch that idiot!
You little bitch.
how are you feeling?
I'm well.
I saw Lena and Sergei, they said hi
and promised to visit soon.
Come over here.
When I look at photos of you,
he starts moving.
He recognizes his daddy.
And he's such a hefty eater!
I feel like I'm eating for three.
The professor said you're doing well.
Hold on just a little longer
and we'll get you out of here.
I can't take it anymore.
She's always hounding me.
You see? Well, do you?
Can I please bum a cigarette?
Do you remember the cinema?
The light shone on the film,
creating this huge
projection on the screen.
But all the information was
on the film, not on the screen.
Where did you hear that?
Shh, quiet!
Where did you hear it?!
You told me about it.
Don't you remember?
Can I please bum a cigarette?
Who am I?
I don't know who I am
or where I came from.
Or how I ended up in this cave.
When I opened my eyes,
I saw a Roman legionnaire
holding a burning torch
whose bright light was reflected
off the metallic armor.
I was dragged up a ladder
and my feet got caught
on one of the rungs.
The Spaniard gave the order
and I was thrown overboard.
The warm, salty water instantly
engulfed me, covered my face,
I began to suffocate...
I threw the axe aside and
grabbed the rifle from her hands.
Dropping the wounded duck, she fell
into my arms, weeping like a child.
"I only wanted to cook you
a hot dinner,"
she said, flustered,
her face buried in my chest.
For the first time ever,
I felt that somebody needs me.
I love this picture!
You are so sweet here!
You're so beautiful...
my love...
Let's elope from here!
Just leave it all behind.
What do you say?
You'll be home soon.
Oh! A still life with a pheasant.
Did you draw that mouse?
Come on, daddy,
where do you see a mouse?
He's got the key!
What happened?
The Spaniard has escaped.
I hope it works out for him this time.
Good evening
and welcome to another episode of our
youth show, Another Angle.
I am your host, Savely Marin,
and today we have two
very unusual guests in the studio:
Semion Semionovich Vetlitsky,
a physicist, and his spouse Margarita.
Welcome and thank you for
being here today!
As you may know, our show's editor
has recently stumbled on your article
in the Science and Life magazine,
where you share your impressions
of a near-death experience.
It's as if your consciousness remains,
but all the corporeal sensations
disappear. They're simply not there.
So what is there?
There's only...
the sensation of...
unbounded love washing over you
and a desire
to return the same love. A desire
to reciprocate the love you receive.
And all you want is to
stay in this ocean of love forever.
It's as if you and everything
around you merge, becoming one.
Even though there aren't any bodies,
no personalities, names,
deities or angels.
None of that.
There's only an information field,
as scientists call it today,
whose substance is love,
harmony and perfection.
And you blend into this field,
becoming its integral part,
literally one with it.
What an incredible story.
And now it's time for
questions from our viewers.
I'm sure there are plenty.
What do you want?
Excuse me, I need to
make an urgent call.
Bugger off!
Hello. Please introduce yourself.
You're on the air. Hello?
- Can you hear me?
- You're on the air. Hello?
- Hello, hello!
- Hello!
I can't hear you. Hello!
Bloody hell!
I've got a funny
feeling lately that...
What kind of people are you?!
Who knows, maybe you'll become
normal citizens one day,
but all I see here now
is a bunch of idiots!
Jimi Shmendrix!
As long as you're here,
which I hope will be a long,
long time,
you will behave in accordance with the
rules of this institution!
Enemas for everyone!
One year later
Well, Max. I suppose
congratulations are in order?
You're going home tomorrow.
Thank you - you've given me
another chance at life.
Oh, don't say that!
Second century CE.
For 180 years now Judea has languished
under the fist of Rome.
Seeking to put down the rebellions,
Caesar sends his finest
legionnaires to Jerusalem.
But the Romans were ambushed
by the valiant archer Abraham,
capable of slaying five foes
with a single arrow.
The insurgents hid on a hill
and unleashed the attack
when the order came.
Some fell, some lost their footing,
some even giggled as they ran...
Many ran apprehensively, trying not to
get cut by their own sharp swords.
I hear you're being released.
Have a seat.
Have an orange.
You don't exist.
I'm hallucinating you...
Is that what the professor told you?
And where is he now?
Where did everybody go?
They never existed
in the first place.
I want to go home.
Where is my family?
You have no family.
It's your own fault.
You dreamed up a beautiful wife
and a precious daughter for yourself.
How unoriginal.
Couldn't you think of
something more interesting?
Why are you whimpering
like a little girl?
Who am I?
Tell me, who am I?
Who a-a-a-am I?
Try hitting me again
and I'll break your arm.
You got me?
I can't hear you!
I can't hear you!
I got you.
In the very beginning, back
when Rome reigned over Judea,
there was a clash between
Rome and Jerusalem.
It was a collision of two worlds,
two worldviews, two philosophies.
You commanded a legion tasked
with finding and destroying
the Zohar scrolls because they
contradicted the Roman doctrine,
which is founded on the material
evolution of mankind.
The scrolls spoke of a different path,
posing a risk to Rome's expansion.
Fortunately, the Zohar was hidden away
in a safe place just in time.
You managed to intercept only
a portion of it... this single scroll.
You knew that there's a special
power concealed within it,
and you tried exploiting it selfishly.
That is why you lost your memory.
How will I get to Jerusalem?
Liontail, come in this is foxhead.
Radio check. Over
Copy fox head. Over
Entering tunnel sector. Confirm, over.
Foxhead you are clear
for tunnel sector. Over
Roger that.
Foxhead, predator in imaging
pattern over your position.
Roger that.
Foxhead, imagery picking up traffic
approaching your location.
Approaching tunnel structure.
Contact right! Cover fire!
Take cover!
Foxhead at target building.
Spread out, find the tunnel.
I got the entrance.
Lets go.
Foxhead entering tunnel.
Don't shoot, Max! It's me!
It's safe here.
You can remove your mask.
What is this place?
This is the place.
Exactly the place
you were supposed to get to.
It's here.
The only thing left now
is to return the scroll.
What happened here?
Remember I told you
that back in antiquity Rome took
the path opposite from Jerusalem
and what was written in the scrolls.
The entire modern civilization
grew out of the Roman path.
Rome gave rise to modern Europe.
America has entirely
copied the Roman system.
But this path leads to a dead end.
History is coming to a close, Max.
The dreadful, agonizing history of
humankind is coming to an end.
Yet we could have lived differently.
Return the scroll.
You're the last one.
Everybody is waiting only for you.
This temptation is no accident.
It's meant to lead you astray.
Let's go home.
Max, she doesn't exist.
Max, who are you looking at?
You're still seeing that doctor?
Max, the treatment is over,
you don't need him anymore.
Forget about him.
Max, return the scroll
to where it belongs.
Why me?
What have I done to deserve
all this suffering, blood and deaths?
What is the meaning of it all?
There is no meaning
and no logic to it!
And there is no
justification for all of this!
I didn't understand or learn anything!
There's nothing left but pain!
You've changed so much!
Shut up!
You just don't feel it.
I don't want to feel anything!
Everything inside me hurts!
I don't want to feel!
Max, it's a hallucination.
He doesn't exist.
Don't listen to her!
You need to break free from him.
Don't make the same mistake, Max!
You've already been here,
at this very point,
having nearly reached the end!
Max, we need you!
Listen to me. It's a trap!
You can be stronger!
Max, come home.
Didn't you tell me
this is all a dream?
That means you're
a part of this dream too, right?
And this scroll is also a dream!
I'm dreaming it.
Well, in this dream,
I don't choose you.
Get it through your head already!
Well, what have you done?
That is not a solution!
You can't run away from yourself!
You'll need to start all over again.
You'll keep coming back here
again and again
until you fulfill the mission.
Great, you're coming round.
Let me look at your wound.
How do I know you?
From a past life, perhaps?
Right, right, yep.
What, it's gonna be in the news?
Yes, our telly is on, of course.
Alright, ok.
The most significant find
of the new millennium.
At an archaeological dig in Jerusalem,
an ancient scroll has been discovered
that is thought to be the missing link
of one of the most mysterious pieces
of writing in the history of humankind.
According to scientific findings,
the scroll contains a code
that will enable us to decipher the
secret meaning of the Book of Zohar.
In this very cave, German and Israeli
archaeologists have discovered
what they believe
to be one of the most
extraordinary pieces of writing
of the ancient world.
Dating back to the 2nd century AD,
this scroll sheds light on one of the most
frequently asked questions of our time:
what is the purpose of our existence?
This scroll speaks
of our primordial state
as being similar to that
of an embryo in a mother's womb.
Because it was incapable of sensing
the perfection in which it existed,
it had to be split up
into a myriad pieces.
According to the Book of Zohar,
we have already reached
the maximum splitting point:
the spring is stretched out
to the max,
and we are now undergoing the
reverse process of reassembly.
By returning to their source,
these parts continuously
acquire new sensory organs
as compared to the primordial embryo.
Inside this unity,
each part perceives this perfection
from more than just
its individual viewpoint
it also perceives it
through the other parts,
with which it
has established this bond...
The end result is billions of times
greater than the initial sensation,
and herein lies the aim
of the initial design:
to bring us to the same
level as the perfection
which we were originally
unable to perceive.