The Zookeeper's Wife (2017)

- Hello, Jerzyk.
- Good morning, Miss.
It's a beautiful day.
Good morning.
- Hello. Welcome.
- Good morning.
Good morning.
Enjoy yourselves today.
Good morning.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Come along, Adam.
Time for morning rounds.
Hello, my loves.
Good morning, sweetheart.
Good morning.
How's our girl today?
No problems today, Miss.
Hello, old Kasia.
Yes. Tembo.
What a beautiful girl you are.
Good morning.
Good morning, darling.
Good morning, Punia.
Have you come to help me?
The torchlight
was flaring in front of me.
Behind me, I could hear the
breathing of a maddened creature.
It was midnight, black as coal.
I couldn't see
my hand in front of me,
but I could feel
her breath on my neck.
Hot and thick.
I had interfered,
and she was angry with me.
She took two steps.
I thought it was the end of me.
I took my rifle, raised it,
and that's when she charged.
There was nothing I could do,
I had to shoot her.
It was the picture
of perfection.
An exquisite creature.
A great desecration for me.
But I have to say,
her cubs did survive.
They thrived, and have grown to a
proud maturity in my zoo. Cheers.
Herr Heck has taken over the
Berlin Zoo from his father.
And his brother
runs the Munich Zoo.
Would you like a canap,
Herr Heck?
It looks delicious,
but no. Thank you.
This is Magda Gross, the sculptress.
Perhaps you know of her.
Indeed, yes.
She also made this...
Excuse me.
And what do you do
with yourself, my dear,
while your husband is
playing with his monkeys?
I help him.
Oh, isn't that sweet.
Sweetness is the least of it.
Antonina's a magician.
Thank you. I'll take it.
We met five or six years ago,
didn't we, Frau Zabinska?
I think you've
changed your hair.
You've only grown more beautiful
in these past years,
I have to say.
The look of a stray
barn cat, if you ask me.
Did you know that barn cats have the
keenest sense in all of nature?
More astute and fine than any
human being I hope to meet.
Do you play the piano,
Frau Zabinska?
A little.
Why don't you play
something for us?
I think it's the perfect time
to soothe the savage
beast and all that.
Maybe she should play
a German waltz.
We may all be learning the
goose-step within a year.
Stefan, please. STEFAN:
Isn't that so, Herr Heck?
Not now, please, Stefan.
Well, Hitler wants Poland.
It's what everyone's saying.
I wouldn't know anything
about it, I assure you.
I'm a zoologist,
not a politician.
Mama, Jerzyk needs you!
It's Kasia.
Excuse me, everyone.
Be quiet, don't startle her.
Here, stay here. Hold the
light steady for me.
She's not breathing.
I'm here, Kasia.
I'm here.
Hello, Tembo.
Hello, Tembo.
I can bring you overalls, Miss, please.
I can find other men.
There's no time.
She's suffocating.
Let me help you, Kasia.
Please, let me help
you, my darling.
Let me help you, sweetheart.
I have no rifle, Miss, please!
Hush! Enough now!
Oh, she's blocked!
No, please, let me do this.
I'm trying, Kasia.
I'm trying, my darling.
Wait, wait, wait.
You should go. You can go.
Why isn't that man armed?
Whoa, Tembo.
What's his name?
Tembo! Tembo.
Good. Good, good, good.
We're losing her!
Jerzyk, help me!
Push, Jerzyk!
Go. Go, go, go-
Oh, she's breathing!
Oh! She's breathing!
You beauty!
She's beautiful!
Amazing! Amazing!
That was hard work, wasn't it?
It's all right.
It's all right, sweetheart.
You are a, um...
You are a wonder, Punia.
You are Eve in her garden.
It's late. Let's go home.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Let's go! We're going.
Mama, what are those men doing?
They look like mules.
We were on Nalewki Street today.
They're working the Jews
like pack animals now.
I think you should take Rys
out of Warsaw tomorrow.
But where will we go?
You could stay with
my cousins in Zalesie.
Things are too uncertain here.
We should get Rys out of
the city while we can.
But school's about to start.
Oh, he's so excited, Jan, with his
new pencils, and his shoes...
You're not listening to me. I'm
trying to tell you something.
It's feeling very dangerous
to me right now.
What about you?
I have to stay for the animals,
but I'll come as soon as I can.
Punia, Hitler and Stalin
have signed a pact.
Only Poland sits in the middle.
People are leaving.
We could stay in
Zalesie for a little while,
but if war comes, we have to
find a way out of the country.
I don't want to run away.
I don't want to carry Rys from place
to place, like a frightened cat.
This is his home.
I'm sorry, Punia. Come
back to me, come here.
People always want to run when
they don't know what's coming.
It's their first instinct,
always to run.
It's not good for a child.
It's not good, Jan,
I'm telling you.
I don't want Rys
to live that way.
Please, I want to stay here.
In Warsaw.
All right.
Rys? Rys!
Look at all the planes!
Let's go inside.
But where's Papa?
He's in Plonsk.
We'll meet him in Zalesie.
What about Pancho?
Quick, pack your things!
No, Rys, leave him!
No, I don't want to.
We'll open the doors.
He's scared.
He'll run somewhere safe.
Let's go!
Evacuate the zoo immediately!
This is the Polish Army.
Wild animals are loose.
Emergency! Emergency!
Evacuate now!
Take the boy,
Miss, please! Go, go!
No! Don't shoot him,
don't shoot him!
No, Mama!
Excuse me, where is
the train to Zalesie?
No trains running today!
No trains today!
Leave the station immediately.
Rys, Rys, come, come, come.
I thought you were lost.
Come, come. Come.
I can't believe you found us.
Let's go home.
Hey. Maybe you'd
like to fly. Come.
Come, Punia.
Pancho, I'm here.
It's all right.
He's all right, Mama.
Oh, you poor things. You
must have been so soared.
The German government
has taken charge
of the Polish people.
We rely on the
population of Warsaw
to accept the entry
of German forces
quietly, honorably, and calmly.
They're here, Mama.
Let's go.
They're using
our enclosures as an armory.
The country's
completely overrun.
I was raised with these people.
Jews, Gentiles.
It didn't matter to my family.
It never mattered to me.
Guten Tag, meine Herren.
Herr Heck.
Thank you, Jerzyk.
It's terrible, Frau Zabinska.
Yes. It is.
You know, we weren't
expecting you.
I'm so sorry. My husband's
not here, so...
Can we talk?
Yes, of course. Please.
Your zoo is to be liquidated.
I'm sorry to tell you.
I don't understand
what you mean.
For the war effort.
Meat, firewood,
No. It can't be true.
The animals?
All of them?
Another tragedy, I know.
But I see a way out
of this, my friend.
That's why I've come.
But you need to listen to me now.
You need to trust me.
Now, I could take your prize
animals to Germany as a loan.
We'll give them sanctuary.
You know you can
trust my word on this.
And when the war is over,
I can return them to you.
But what if the war
comes to Germany?
A terrible thought, I know, and
a personal nightmare for me,
but I must tell you the
Allied forces are very weak.
I expect this
to be over very soon.
I want to rescue
the best of your breeds.
And I can secure them a future
no matter what might come.
And we can do this together,
Frau Zabinska.
We can save your
animals together.
What do you think?
Of course we must do it.
I'll bring trucks
as soon as I can.
Your animals will be fine.
I give you my word.
I don't know how to thank you.
It's from one animal lover
to another, hmm?
What do you mean?
Lutz Heck is taking
all the animals?
No, just the prize stock,
for safekeeping.
Ah, but that's our stock, Punia.
That's all that's left to
keep the zoo in operation.
Why didn't he wait
to speak to me?
He said he didn't have time.
Jan, he wants to help.
So, I gave him our permission.
He doesn't need
our permission, Punia.
Don't you see? He's
Hitler's head zoologist.
Lutz Heck controls our zoo.
My God!
Beautiful. Jerzyk, wait.
Wait, please.
Stay safe, my beauty.
Put him in Herr Heck's truck.
Thank you, Jan.
Goodbye, Frau Zabinska.
"The rich shoemaker in the town
"took the measure of the
little foot into his own room
"in which stood great glass
cases full of pretty shoes.
"She sat down and made,
well, as well as she could,
"a pair Of little..." Ah!
I think Papa's home in time
for New Year's Eve.
Happy New Year, gentlemen.
Is this absolutely necessary?
Stop! What are you doing?
These creatures
won't survive the winter.
It's an order from high command.
There's nothing I can do.
No, stop!
Mama, who's shooting?
Mama, they're shooting!
Who's shooting?
Make it stop.
Tell me, where's the owner?
He's gone.
Would you tell his wife
I'd like to talk to her?
They left on holiday.
I thought I saw her.
I must have been mistaken.
Have it stuffed and mounted.
Keep moving, children.
Dr. Korczak.
That's right.
Dr. Korczak?
Not too far now.
Not too far now.
They're forcing Jews
out of their homes,
and they are taking us all
to the ghetto.
They dragged Maurycy away
like he was a criminal.
That brilliant, kind man,
like he was nothing.
We're going to go where they
want us to go, that's all.
And when the war is over,
we'll come home again.
I've known you
since we were boys, Jan.
Go on, Szymon.
What do you need from me?
I'd like to keep my insect
collection here with you.
I can't take it with me.
I want it to be safe. It's my
life's work, you know that.
Of course, Szymon, yes. We
can put it in the basement.
It's dry there, like a dungeon.
And no one will find it.
Thank you, Jan.
Thank you.
We have room.
We have the storeroom upstairs.
We could hide Magda there.
This is a human being.
This is a Jew
hiding in our house.
We can't even give her
a glass of water.
Do you understand that?
We could be shot
for a glass of water.
So, we just close our eyes
and let her go.
Our dearest friend
in all the world.
We would have to
be sure about this.
Think carefully because...
We'd have to be very sure.
Absolutely no sound
during the morning.
No sound, do you understand me?
The cook leaves at 1:00.
She'll sleep in the day.
At midnight, the patrol leaves,
and then you can come out.
How long can I stay?
I have nowhere else to go.
You'll stay till it's over.
It's done.
They've moved all the Jews behind
walls in the Nalewki District.
And they're bringing in
very little food.
Oh, my God. And no
wood, nothing for the cold.
Have you heard
anything about Maurycy?
He's practicing law from a storefront.
That's all I know.
I can't get through
the gates, Magda.
No one enters the ghetto
without a pass.
there are people I know,
people trying to help.
They have trucks,
they have guns.
And they want to use the
zoo as a way station.
What do you mean?
A place to hide Jews, until safe
houses can be found for them.
A friend is different,
one friend.
But more than one? That's dangerous, Jan.
You said it yourself.
They're starving, Antonina.
Two kilometers away.
They are trapped and starving
like rats in a cellar.
How many?
Impossible to say.
And for how long?
They'd be our guests
until we found them refuge.
A human zoo.
We have to keep the grounds
in operation, or we're lost.
But whatever it is,
whatever we do,
we have to hide it
in plain sight.
We understand the war office
is going to close our zoo.
An unfortunate consequence of the
occupation. I'm really sorry.
Well, of course we want
to save it if we can.
We've spent many years
building it.
I'm sure you understand.
I do.
What do you propose,
Frau Zabinska?
A pig farm, Herr Heck.
A Pig farm?
Is this a joke?
Your men are hungry.
Your officers, they need meat.
Uh, we need to keep
the zoo in operation, Lutz.
We'll raise pigs in the
pens to feed your men,
and we will save our zoo.
Pigs. Well, they're cheap to farm, of
course, but how would you feed them?
We could collect garbage
from the ghetto.
Of course, with your permission.
I certainly see your point.
Your 200's been of value.
That's very true.
Your bison was exquisite. A perfect
specimen, and a terrible loss.
I've spoken of it
to Hermann Goring,
and I'm happy to say
that he's agreed with me.
I am to start a breeding
program this summer.
You're going to breed bison?
No, that plan has
no scope, no ambition.
No, I intend to breed
aurochsen from the bison.
Aurochsen. But...
But they have been extinct
for 300 years, Lutz.
They're storybook creatures now.
That's exactly the point.
I intend to bring them back.
That's not possible.
I didn't know that you thought
so little of me, Dr. Zabinski.
I devoted my life
to the study of genetics,
and I'm well practiced in the
study of animal breeding.
I'm an expert in that field.
And I think I know
more than anyone.
Even more than you.
Herr Goring must
respect you very much.
Oh, I believe he does, yes.
I think the pigs will work.
I'm sure Goring will be
pleased with the idea.
And what an irony, a trayf
farm fed by Jewish garbage.
And right under their noses.
Hello, Lutz. What's this? Jan.
Draw them into the pen,
and close the gate!
But be careful,
he's in a temper.
You're breeding them here?
They require a natural habitat.
We thought of your zoo, but we
had to fight the war office.
And then you came
knocking on my door,
as if you could read my mind.
You paved the way with pigs.
What a crack-brained idea, and
what splendid luck for us!
I'll work with him.
We can keep our eye on him
with the bison here.
Well, he trusts you,
that's clear.
You have a way with him.
I don't know how
I can ask you to do this.
Then don't ask me.
I'm going to do it, that's all.
The feed's ready for the pigs.
I have to go.
See you later, darling.
It's the pig farmer of Warsaw.
Up! Up!
This looks good.
This is fine.
Excuse me.
It's pig meat.
Put it away.
So, how is Magda?
Is she all right?
Yes. She worries about you.
What could I do?
I had no choice.
You can't hide this face.
Uh... It's...
It's worse than I realized.
There's a young girl back there.
It's a... A child.
And two soldiers are with her.
No one is safe.
I don't know
what will happen now.
What do they intend
to do with us, Jan?
Thank you.
Thank you.
You must stop now, children.
We need the peelings
for our soup.
Dr. Korczak. I'm sorry, we
have nothing else to eat.
No, no, I should have realized.
Uh, may we speak privately?
I might be able to help you.
Yes, of course.
It's pig meat. I'll
bring more when I can.
I can get you out.
People know your books.
They will take care of you.
You should leave with me,
Dr. Korczak.
But then what of the children?
What of them, Dr. Zabinski?
My heart is
no different than yours.
I should not be here,
they should not be here,
you should not be here.
Go, go, go.
Cover yourself.
I can help you. You
have to be very, very quiet.
Very quiet.
Here, go in, go, go.
Stay down.
Good girl.
Move over.
Stay in, but listen.
We will show you into a tunnel.
And you will spend
the night there.
The German patrol comes back
shortly after dawn.
But you will be
woken before that
and taken outside of Warsaw.
Go. Keep your heads down.
Hurry. Through the tunnel.
Through the tunnel.
Go through the tunnel.
There's a cook
that comes every morning.
Please, you can't make a sound.
Will you tell me your name?
Mine is Antonina.
A new hiding place
can feel strange.
But I promise you, you're
going to be all right.
I'll stay with you if you like.
I'm right here.
Good work, Jan.
The army's waiting for them in Lomza.
Good luck.
If you tell me your family name,
we can look for them.
Maybe we could bring them here.
What a terrible time
you must have had.
My father died.
He was shot
in St. Petersburg.
I was...
Me, I was about your age.
We were taken in
by friends sometimes,
or by strangers.
We were running for so long.
And no one knows how hard it is,
a life in hiding.
You can never tell
who your enemies are,
or who to trust.
Maybe that's why
I love animals so much.
You look in their eyes,
and you know exactly
what's in their hearts.
They're not like people.
We live in a zoo.
That's where you are,
in a zoo.
Most of the animals are gone
now because of the bombing.
But this one,
she was left behind.
This way.
Women and children will
stay here in the basement,
until we can find a safe
house that can take you.
We shall be possums now.
We shall sleep in the mornings
when the cook is here.
I will play my piano
after midnight,
and then you'll know
it's safe to come out.
But if you hear the piano
in the day, you must hide.
It's so cold today.
Would you please make
a double batch of soup?
We'll mate them this summer.
Mmm-hmm. She'll be in
estrus a short time.
Yes, a day at most.
Well, I'm afraid I've worn
you out with all our talk.
Oh, not at all.
I've enjoyed your company.
Have you?
Still, I think it's time to go.
Goodbye, Antonina.
We haven't much time,
Mrs. Aszer.
Your friends are
waiting for you in Lodz.
Rys, please, bring her upstairs.
Goodbye, cousin!
Visit us again soon!
I always wanted to draw...
but I was never good at it.
I hope someday, you'll teach me?
Can we see your rabbit?
What is his name?
I call him Piotr.
It was my brother's name.
And what's your name?
They called me Urszula.
Urszula means "she-bear."
Did you know that?
My father used to say it.
Good evening. Hello.
It's almost bearable today.
Herr Heck, Miss.
What a surprise.
I wasn't expecting you today.
A good surprise, I hope.
Of course.
Always a good surprise.
I have another surprise for you.
Our girl is ready. Come.
Take the rope, keep her calm.
Now, come on,
come on. Come on.
That's it.
That's it.
That's it.
Where are your shoes?
I must have left them
in the pen.
Well, put them on, please.
You're not a child.
Go, go, go!
Dr. Zabinski? Yes.
I'm Dr. Ziegler. I'm the director
of the Ghetto Labor Bureau.
I've come to see the bugs.
Szymon died, you see.
Szymon and I went
hunting many times.
I'm a bit of a bug man myself.
An amateur entomologist,
you might say.
What an extraordinary
Szymon died of an ulcer.
It exploded in his stomach.
He couldn't be saved.
It's such a tragedy for me.
I respected him
very much indeed.
Szymon told me about you.
said some, um...
interesting things.
Listen to me.
The ghetto walls were built against
our Labor Bureau building.
We have two doors.
One opens into the
free side of the city,
the other, into the ghetto.
In one way, out the other,
you understand me?
I will give you papers that will
give you access either way.
Dr. Zabinski,
welcome to the Labor Office.
You can take the workers out,
I will see that
they are signed back in.
This is Dr. Zabinski.
He works for me.
You will allow him through
whenever he comes or goes.
Look, this is Dr. Zabinski, he's
allowed to pass through every time.
Open the gate!
I look forward to
working with you.
Bring them out.
Bring as many as you can.
Thank you. Go.
Right, right, right, right.
Watch out. Watch out.
Goodbye. See you soon.
Who is this?
What do you mean? He works for me.
I'm Dr. Jan Zabinski.
Yes, but who is he?
I've never seen him before.
He is Dr. Kleinhauser.
He is with me.
Do you want me to go
to the Labor Bureau?
Do you want me to waste Dr.
Ziegler's time, his valuable time,
to have him come all the
way here, to talk to you,
to tell you that he is with me?
What do you want?
I'm sorry, Dr. Zabinski.
My apologies,
Dr. Kleinhauser.
Just keep walking.
You agree to have me here?
You will be in great danger.
Will you come to bed?
I won't sleep.
It's all right.
Let's just lie together
for a little while.
Was he here today?
The female's strong. She'll
give birth in spring.
Did he...
Did he bathe you, Punia?
Did he wash your hands?
We were nearly caught today.
Antonina? What is it?
I'm sorry.
Don't be silly. What
should you be sorry for?
I want to do what's right.
My heart is filled with it, my
stomach with such loathing.
And I don't know what to do.
It's a new world, Antonina.
Our lives are
turned upside down.
How can any of us
know anything now?
Miss, I can't find
any jars of beans, or...
You must continue to use your ointment,
Mrs. Zabinska, for your hands.
Just as I instructed. Now,
I will check your pulse.
Thank you, Doctor.
Pietrasia, do you mind?
No, no, no.
I'm sorry, Doctor.
I didn't see you come in.
You know, we've had to let
most of the zookeepers go.
Times are very hard.
It's not your fault.
You have always been so good to me, Miss.
You and your husband.
Now, I'll be good to you.
Be careful.
Attention. Attention.
Tomorrow the evacuation
of the ghetto will begin.
Pack your belongings,
and prepare for resettlement.
And now, listen to an old story.
I wrote it for you.
It's a children's tale.
Dr. Korczak...
Where are they taking you?
We are going to
a land called Ro,
to visit a great magician there.
His name is Zi. He's a
very good friend of mine.
Dr. Korczak,
my car is outside the gate.
It's just outside, just there.
It's impossible.
I need your help now, or the
fear will be unmanageable.
God bless you,
Dr. Zabinski.
Goodbye for now.
Pray for us.
What's this?
Look who's joined the party.
The pig farmer of Warsaw.
What will the pig farmer
do now, I wonder.
Who knows, Herr Heck?
A man might be surprised.
He comes here whenever he likes.
He touches you however he likes.
What would you have me do?
I can't send him away.
We have to work
with him, we agreed.
It was the only way to do this.
I never agreed to this.
To what?
This dance you do with him.
This fun little game you play.
You don't even see it.
He frightens me.
I am here with a house
full of desperate people,
and he comes here
and he frightens me,
and you're not here.
And there's nothing
I can do. You're not here.
People are dying, Antonina.
Thousands of people are dying.
And you are here. You stay
hidden here, safe and sound.
You don't know.
You don't know.
Grandparents, women, children.
The littlest of children.
And I'm trying to help them,
but they're dying in my hands.
And you don't know.
You don't know what it's like.
And here you are,
fooling with that man.
Jan, don't you see?
He owns us.
He owns us now.
Antonina. Antonina.
Mrs. Anzelowna?
And your mother?
Out. Come out. Out.
Here, down on your knees.
On your knees.
Was it her hair?
Was it her hair color?
Of course not.
Someone at the boarding house
must have turned them in.
On this
day, the 19th of April, 1943,
on the eve of
Adolf Hitler's birthday,
Reichsfuhrer Heinrich
Himmler announced
the final extermination
of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Rise up, citizens of Warsaw.
Join our brothers
and sisters in the fight.
For on this day,
our ghetto will be liquidated.
The Warsaw Ghetto
will be no more.
Today is April the 19th.
Passover begins tonight.
May we have a Seder?
I know it by heart.
It's snowing.
What is it?
They're burning the ghetto.
Here's cash and papers. We'll move Mrs.
Mayzel to Bramki.
They're taking Mrs. Poznanska
to Foksal Street.
Yeah, good.
How did you get here?
I followed you.
You never let me go anywhere.
Drive on.
Let me go!
Be quiet.
Burn it down.
Where's your mother?
She's at the doctor's.
And your father?
He's in Zalesie, I think.
I bet it's cold out there.
How long has he been there?
A week. I mean, a month.
A month? That's a long time.
I thought I just
saw him the other day.
No, I told you.
He's in Zalesie.
Well, I love Zalesie.
I like to swim there, in the lake.
It's beautiful.
I bet you wanted
to go swimming, too.
And that's why you yelled at
your father on Zurawia Street.
Then why did you yell?
I wasn't supposed
to leave the zoo.
I want to speak to your
mother and your father.
Tell them I've come by.
But Papa's in Zalesie.
I forgot.
Your papa's in Zalesie.
Good boy for reminding me.
Your parents
must be proud of you.
Tell them they should
be proud of you.
Heil Hitler.
Heil Hitler.
Hitler ist kaputt!
Stand down.
We had a girl, Papa.
I've named her Teresa,
like the saint.
Oh, that's a good name.
That's a beautiful name.
Hello, Teresa.
Are you all right?
I'm wonderful.
This is Warsaw
calling-This is Warsaw calling.
August 1st, 1944.
This is Warsaw calling.
The Polish Home Army is rising
up against the Nazi Reich.
We call on all
great citizens of Warsaw
to free our city and our nation.
The German Army must not stand.
Follow me.
This is Warsaw calling.
This is Warsaw calling.
Go, go, go!
I was told that
he was shot in the neck.
The Germans took him
to a prison camp,
but no one knows where he is.
I'm sorry, Miss.
This is Warsaw
calling-This is Warsaw calling.
Citizens of Warsaw,
we urge you to leave at once.
The city is no longer
safe for you.
I repeat, you are not safe.
We urge you to take
only what you can carry.
Leave at once.
This is Warsaw calling.
The Home Army is overrun.
The Russian offensive has begun,
and the German Army
is expected to fall.
You are not safe.
This is Warsaw calling...
Herr Heck's taking
the bison out of Warsaw.
Miss, you're not
leaving the zoo.
I have to know
what happened to Jan.
I have to know.
You've packed your things.
The war's turning. I've been
ordered back to Berlin.
What bad luck for us.
We'll be sorry to see you go.
I'm here to ask you, my friend,
I'm looking for my husband.
He was captured
by German troops.
He was taken from the zoo?
No. From Old Town.
The underground army's
fighting in the Old Town.
What was Jan doing there?
Buying grass for the bison.
What did you say?
Jan was buying grass
and he was captured.
Why are you really
here, Antonina?
I hoped you
might help me find him.
As a gift to our friendship.
He might be dead.
He might be.
I don't know.
I don't know anything.
And what gift would
I receive in return?
I'm curious to know.
Has Jan been keeping
secrets from me?
No, of course not.
Are you lying to me, Antonina?
I just want to find what
happened to my husband.
And if he's dead,
I want to bury him.
"Hitler ist kaputt! "
I heard your son say it.
He's a child, Lutz.
It means nothing
to him, it's a game.
He hears things and he
repeats them, that's all...
Where does he hear them?
I don't know.
People come and go all the time...
Who comes and goes?
Soldiers and guards and...
Believe me,
it means nothing to him.
Did he hear it from his father?
Did he?
You're lying to me, Antonina.
I can see it in your eyes.
No, Lutz! No!
Look at me.
Look at me.
You disgust me.
So, that's how it is.
You hid it well.
But I wonder
what else have you
been hiding from me?
What have you been
up to, Frau Zabinska,
in your little zoo?
Excuse me, please!
We have to get them out.
Herr Heck is coming.
The bombing is coming in.
Herr Heck wants you out.
Pack your things. They're coming!
Hurry, they're coming!
Go! Go!
Go to the truck.
Yeah, go quickly.
Go to the truck.
Quickly, please, go.
You must hurry!
Go. Go.
Come back when the war's
over, promise me.
She's coming with us!
Go quickly, boys!
Rys, get in the truck.
No, I'm not going.
- No!
- Rys!
Take Teresa,
we'll catch up to you.
Promise me you'll hurry.
Yes, please, go!
I'll find you, quick!
Go downstairs, hide.
Don't make a sound.
Search the grounds.
- Stop!
- Lutz.
Drop your weapon!
I said, drop your weapon now.
How many?
How many did you hide?
I don't know the number.
Lock her in.
Lock her in!
Do it, Rys.
Do what he says.
Do exactly what he says.
Come on!
What kind of man shoots
an innocent child?
You have no idea
what kind of man I am.
Oh, but I do.
I do, Lutz.
You are a serious man.
You're a man of intelligence
and of breeding.
Not the kind of
man that would shoot a child.
No, Lutz! No!
Ah! No!
Don't cry, Mama.
Don't cry.
I'm here.
I'm here.
I don't think I can walk. Can
you help me, sweetheart?
- Hey!
- Jerzyk!
You're here.
It's my home, son, hmm?
Where else would I go?
You're home, hmm?
Rys, look.
It's a strawberry.