Theatre Bizarre, The (2011)

Here we were in mer par France with all kinds
of mounted gargoyles on the wall.
- Honey, can we go?
- That's so impressive.
That's the "Green Man" a classic
pagan fertility symbol.
You've got to come see these
They're so cool.
- Be careful.
- What?
If you touched then
you have to buy it.
you are more than welcome to
to try them on.
Thank you.
- thank you.
-you are American?
you make a
lovely couple
- Thank you.
Honey there gorgeous
- Let me have a look.
- I want them.
you like em.
This is the "alter sign'.
What're you talking about?
The "lter sign' from
H.P. Lovecraft.
- The Necronomicon and all that.
- Yes, you're right.
- Was'nt that a hoax or something?
- Of course not.
it comes from a very old source,
which has been part of my family
for generations
I'm reserching paralal traditions
ar'nt i
He calls anthropology.
If you are interested, you must
come this afternoon.
Oh 'Honey, we can't this
Afternoon. We have plans remember.
This is just down the road.
I think we can make it..
Well , we'll discuss it in the car then.
Is that enough? It is
only slightly wrinkled.
It's all in French.
I do not understand what they are saying.
Yes, we're in France sweety.
it's going to be in french
Alright , there's things your going to
adapt too
Otherwise, we should have
stayed back in the States.
Alright , look sweety
Why do not you go to the spa?
go to the spa for a bit
and pick me up from the old ladys house
latter on ,its just down the road
You dont understand she says , got
a copy of the Necronomicon .
I've got to check it out,
thats what I'm here for.
She has a copy that ran into her
at a market in Mirepoix.
got to go. there. It might
just another fake.
i got to check it out , so go do
your thing. go get your nails done,
go to the hammam. That's okay. But
Now let's enjoy the ride.
We should have taken that left turn at Benet
like i told you before
i did , it was the left after Benet outside
the little brook
No. left turnt at Benet
your not paying attention to me
- Baby ...
- Just keep going.
- What the hell is that?
- What?
Wow.would you Look at this
look at the face there
- Yes, it's a cross Martin.
-no babe it's not just a cross.
this right here is not a division
of the crossroads
Right over here was a spiritual gathering
place back in the time of the Gauls.
Well, honey if would have payed more
attention to our vacation...
We wouldnt have gotten lost
- lost?
Yeh! Where are we? What is this place
i dont get it.?
hey were not lost
see whats happening here
Look at the signs,
the market.
The lady has a Necronomicon and alter sign
Earrings for you , now this..!!
This is the infinity sign.
you realise, its the joining of two
worlds, heaven and earth.
yeah it's a fucking eight martin
What are you talking about? .
I'm leaving , I'm going to Spa.
- You can do what ever you want.
- This is not a fucking eight man ...
I see you have
come alone.
Karina she had a previous ingagement.
She does'nt share your interests then?
She just finds them a little esoteric
Sit down.
A Pastis from the area.
it is the custom in the region.
The book is very old.
I can not believe this..!!,
this looks real.
All the women in my family
have used it.
In one way or
the other way.
Oh God ...
it's horiffic
Fantastic. what is it?
The mothers of toads.
Must you leave so soon
my little one
- Yes, actually its getting quite late.
one for the road then.
the mild wine will warm you up
on your journey back
Alright one for the road...
it will warm your stomach
and other parts
I really should be going now.
Do you like me now, my pritty one?
One of these days , im going to
seriously kill him for this
What the.
No ...
Why did you leave so hastely
my little one?
Stay away from me.
Stay away.
Why? , do you loath
me so much
I can give you all that other
women give and more.
You are not a fucking woman!
You're a fucking freak!
No ...
No, no, no ...
What a story.
So imaginative.
Not every horror is
a creation of the mind.
Hi, it's me.
please call me back when you get this
It is important.
Hey, George, it's me.
I woke up with a nasty cut on my hand
A broken glass or something.
Maybe , i got in a fight
i dont remember.
I can't reach Mona.
She does'nt return my calls.
He doesnt sound good.
He got in a fight last night ,
he cant even remember it.
I,m just going to talk to him,and pick up a few things
and i'll be right down
I do not think that's a good idea.
I think we should leave right now , drive to paris
get a place
We settle down and disappear.
He will try to find me
you don't want that do you.?
I'll tell him what ever i have to .
to make him understand.
Trust me, okay?
My God, where have you been?
Why havent you answered your phone
or returned my calls ?
I've told you,i was going to my cousins,
for a few days.
You didnt answered the phone.
daniel didnt answer her phone
I left you a dozen messages
I know , i needed some time to myself
to think.
and did you?
- Yes, I did. It was good.
I needed to do that
good im glad
Because Ive missed you so much missing.
What are you doing?
just getting some things
, then we can talk.
Why do you need to get some things? you had time
to think ,now your staying home, right?
it's not that easy Axle
ive got things to decide
Damn it ...
what did i do thats so fucking horrible
Please just, tell me!
You did not do anything. It is
to me. Try to understand it.
I'm trying to understand,
But you arnt telling me anything!
stop what the fuck you are doing
and look at me!
your not wearing your wedding ring
i know i left it at Danielle.
I'll get it,
when I go back.
You're not going anywhere, until you ...
tell me what's going on!
Really now what , keep me prisoner
why dont you grow up?
Stop it!
Stop it..!!
You ...
You are a real pig!
You werent at danielles the last five days
so Where were you?
- You're being paranoid.
- You were not there, I know.
You checked up on me?
I was worried about you
I love you.
You poor fool.
cant you see why i cant stay here
because your killing me
how am i killing you
Axle you wont leave me alone for a
if i step out of the apartment , you want to know
where I'm going ...
what im doing
when ill be back
If I'm late,
i have to explain why
If I meet someone, you want to know
who it is and what we talked about.
- Dont i have a right to know,
with whom my wife is meeting with, No..!!
You call me 20 times a day
just to check up on me.
I just want to say hello
but I'm sick of you showing up , where ever
i happened to be ,by coincidence.
you know in the beggining
i liked the attention , it was nice
But now it's too much,
i cant live this way anymore.
you want some body who is there for you
every minute
somebody who lives there life just for you
well im not that person
Nobody is
I know you're right.
I'm neurotic.
But only because I
love you so much.
Stop saying that......
Do you even know what that means?
It means that I love you.
I'm sorry that this has happened
i tryed to make it work , i really did
And we had some great times together.
But I cant stay.
- Give me one more chance.
- No, I cant.
- Please, I'll do what ever you want , what ever
you say. - no
- quiet no more no.
- No.
- Axel ...
- Please Mona, kiss me back.
- One last time, then
you can go. - I'm leaving now.
Please, sweety, fuck me harder, okay?
Come on!
- I dont want to hurt you.Mona
go ahead i wont break.!!!
Come on, fuck me harder!
Please Mona, dont ruin it for me ..!!.
you do still love me
- I'm still leaving.
- Why?
I dont understand.
We belong together. I can make you
happy, if you let me.
No, that's not true.
Please just stay , and give us another chance
. I'm begging you.
I cant.
Look If you've met someone ,then just tell me
I forgive you.
Otherwise it doesnt make any sense.
Go into the living room.
i'll be in, in a minute.
I'll tell you everything, you want to know
. The absolute truth.
i wont sneak out
, I promise.
That's so mean.
You know where this is going dont you?
I think so.
Because I'm falling in love with you.
i'm falling for you too
then its settled , just stay in Berlin permanently and....
just move in with me.
We will get married and
share our lives together.
We will have a home and a family.
All that happy people have together.
I'd like that.
- A friend of yours?
- Who?
- The guy you just smiled at.
no sweety i havent seen him before in my life
So, the absolute truth, right?
The truth ...
I admit , i havent been at my cousins the last week
and Yes, Ive been with someone else
I've been unfaithful to you, and now I want to
be with this other person.
So I havent been paranoid all this time.
Just because you were right, doesnt mean
you're not paranoid.
- You admit to cheating on me?
- Yes.
I cheated, I lied.......
i've betrayed you.
- Who's this? - none of your buisness
Nobody, you know.
- Do you love him?
- Yes.
Why did you tell me sooner
before it got to this point
Because I was afraid of,
what you would do.
- I would never hurt you Mona, you know that
- No, you hurt yourself .
You threaten with suicide.
You swollow fist full of pills
and throw the big guilt trip on me
it was just one time
Yeah but ,I've learned my lesson.
How long has it been going on?
The first time three years ago.
- The first time?
yeah there have been others too
How many?
Hard to say
One-night stands included?
So, are you saying that
you're a whore and a slut?
remember when i had that internal bleeding
- The uterine infection?
thats what i told you it was
come on mona you have too eat something
honey please im okay , im not hungry
I just want to sleep,
go into the other room.
I stay here when you sleep
incase you need something
My lover at the time
was married.
And he was not going to leave ,his wife
and kids for me
and you and i certainly werent
not ready for a child. So ...
Was it mine?
it wasnt anybodies
it was in me then out of me
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
how can you be so cold about it
You love kids.
Yes, other people.
besides i didnt want to be chained to you
for ever
so i did things to hurt myself
and everybody around me
remember when i left you
and went to my sisters in paris
And you came back,
because you had me missing.
thats not why i came back
did you come?
I dont believe you.
Why do you think, my sister and i have
not talked since then?
you are only saying these things
to drive me away
But I still love you.
I cheated on you at every opportunity
and laughed about it behind your back.
i would come back home and not even wash so you
would smell the sex on me and go crazy about it
what did i do for you to hate me so much
i used to think it was your weakness
your selfishness
And ... your passive-aggressiveness
But it's the little things too.
the way you button your shirt from
top to bottom
the way food squishes around.....
in your mouth...while you chew
the way you fuck me...
as if im some fragile little china doll
that you put back on the shelf,
when you're finished.
you with your soft, mellow orgasm
like a whisper.
when what i need is to be ,fucked....
with a scream
Your penis and my vagina
never liked each other.
didnt you ever realise that
In five years, you never once made me come
and that never bothered you
Can I ask you something?
- What?
- Are you pregnant?
You think I'm leaving you, because I'm having
another mans baby ?
- That could be a reason.
- Not for me.
You are cruel Mona and
you hurt people
I almost feel sorry for this new guy
does he know the kind of women hes sleeping with
He will find out soon enough.
So are we settled now ?
We go our seperate ways before we hurt each other
more than we already have ?
Do you think you can hurt me more
than you already have ?
I do not know.
i dont want to find out
I'm sorry.
where you going to go
to his place ?
you cant ask me these questions anymore
will i get to meet this mystery man
I do not know.
i wasnt going to tell you this
but now it doesnt matter anymore.
i had a biopsy last week and the results
were inconclusive
they are not sure if its cancer
- Stop it, its not going to work this time.
the big medical emergency
why is george calling on your cell
Hi, George. It's me.
what's new! '
Monas right here , come on up..!!
shed like to see you.
But give her a minute,
shes still getting dressed
For you.
Hi, no, im fine
im leaving now..!!
No, please dont.
Fucking asshole!
Mona! Bloody hell,
what the fuck happened?
i'm leaving for good this time
you cant stop me...
Oh my God!
George did this to you!
you wanted to stay with me
and he flipped out
no sweety he didnt
i'm leaving now
i'd like to see you try and bring me back this time
no i didnt mean it
I'm so sorry! Mona
Please, do not leave me!
Please come back!
Damn it! mona
damn you
dont worry honey
you wont be alone
because im coming with you
mother fucker..!!!
I ...
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love ...
Perhappes i am mistaken
starts in the mind
Pause. And All.
What is your story?
What are you doing ?
Baby. I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
have you seen it ?
The remote , the god.....
damn remote?
No ..
Could you help look , the stealers
are playing tonight
so watch the stealers
but i need the dvr
the last time i let you do it , all i got was 3 hours
of lifes time
Valerie Botanelli over
Cancer or some shit.
- You're going out?
- I told you.
got that thing with percy , im pritty sure the
Christmas bonus depends on it.
i'll be home early i promise
you make a lot of promises dont you
Jesus Christ, give me a break, i was in
my sleep Carla.
just throw a little makeup on for a change
you'll hardly notice ....
My mother will notice , shes coming for lunch
what am i supposed to tell her
tell her....your busy , she can come by next week
sure next week yeh..
Why not.
Breakfast is up.
thats how it plays out , night, after night
with your wife serving up.....
your cock for breakfast?
Not very Freudian.
did you see anybody new ?
seen anybody , you mean
am i fucking anybody new
Yeah, I mean,
are you fucking anybody new
not at present
what about the girl in your dreams
the one with the , love crafting vagina
she anybody you know , in your waking life
No ..
you sure about that...
- Yes.
i have to ask you some thing sensitive
whens the last time you .........
raped somebody
i rape my mother all the time
in dreams of course
i even kill people
i've killed people i love
you know , i should start charging you for
these sessions.
The point is, dreams can
be a release
As a safety valve.
They allow us to solve dilemas in ways
we wouldnt contemplate in real life
sometimes there the only truth we have
It is the reality of the soul.
it's real life thats the distortion
i dont want an explaination , i just want to know
how to make it stop
Have you tried........
opening your eyes ?
I'm serious. The moment you know your in a
you can make a consious effort to stop it
Okay ..
- And how do I do that? , simple just close your
eyes and count
you can do that donnie , cant you
Three, two, one ...
wake up.
Over here! Hey!
Hey, you ..
i found the remote
Maxine! No!
Carla, take her down!
Maxine! Carla , stop that thing!
what the fuck you doing
Carla, stop it!
Okay, Carla , you got
what you wanted.
Please leave,just let me go.
No, Donny.
What the fuck do you want from me?
The truth.
what the fuck you talking about
- I'm talking about your wife.
let me out of here
- The woman you courted.
the women you took a vow to , love , honor ,obey unto,
stay with me now ,till death do you part
aahh what the fuck
aaahhh , aaaahhh
i'm dreaming....
It is a dream.
it's a dream
Three ...
Two ... ...
. One!
You look great.
You look like a movie star.
get any sleep.?
- Like a baby.
it show's
- Thank you.
What's that smell. ?
Smells delicious.
it was a denver omelette
you have time , i can make you one.?
No, not today.
Are you okay?
- Yes.
- Look.
can't hurt us anymore
- Poor baby, are you okay?
- Yes.
i brought you some goodies
dont forget to feed it
Good morning.
Breakfast time.
hold on a second tiger , i just want to see
how you're doing down there.
your looking good..
you my dear were out like a light last night....
after the surgery
i never thought , i would see the day when Donny boy
would be conked out before the game
you know i would have dvr'd it for you
But you know me ...
you , you , are the expert........
with the remote.
you can't even screw in a light bulb
let alone screw your own wife
But when it comes to
a remote
Donny ... is a fucking black belt.
You want to say something?
Yes? Really?
if i take this of , do you promise not
to spit again..?
your not very good at keeping
promises, Donny.
you've been ruled by that one-eyed monster
between your legs
I'll bite.
what's so funny?
You. You sick fucking bitch
at least ill be with you , tearing your tits of for starters
For starters? Wow.
thats some threat
how do you plan on doing that
I mean ...
I am stunned.
No offense.
all i got to do is close my eyes
and at count of three,
when I wake up,
im going to kill you
Do you understand me, Carla?
im going to kill you for real
Ready or not,
here I come.
Three ...
Two ... ...
Three, two, one!
Three, two ...
Three, two, one!
You were right, that was
really a funny joke.
Especially the punch line.
This is my dream, bitch.
You can inprison us ..... stories
Even if they are our own.
Especially if they
are our own.
The power is to write your own stories
... Is the power
to define your life
To define your life
Why do we die, Mommy?
i guess its to make room for the new people
that are born every day.
theres only so much room
to fit everyone you know
Does that mean my grandmother
died ...
... To make room for me?
No ..
thats not what it means at all
grandma died because her body wasnt
working anymore
and if anything you helped grandma live
as long as she did
You were the reason that she could
still get up in the morning
just seeing you made her happy
yes i guess granma was realy old
Will I ever grow old?
not for a very long time
But that man was not old.
No, he wasnt.
then why did he die
Sometimes things just happen.
Maybe he did something bad?
People dont die for doing
bad things.
They are sent to her room,
if they were naughty.
Or they are in the oven, like
the bad witch in the gingerbread house.
your so lucky we dont have a oven a big enough
to cook you in
- Maybe I'll have Daddy buy one.
- No!
Oh my God.
Stay in the car.
We're on the Highway
north of ...
No, he is not.
Could be his father.
Okay, they send someone?
Mummy is that man ever
going to wake up again
No ..
i'm affraid , he isnt
what about maybe as a zombie
or something?
Not even as a zombie. and if he did , then i'm
sure he would come back as agood zombie
why did his daddy do that
it's like little tommy when old yeller got sick
Do you remember that?
Why do we die?
I really do not know.
What I do know is that,
as long as were here......
we should do our best to care for each other
as much as possible
so when we do die
... We all die happy.
so died happy
in other words say...
They lived happily ...
ever after
its just like that
just like living happily ever after
Well, in order to define your life ...
... You have to live it.
I'm sorry.
It is easier to get cought up in somebody
elses story.......
then to live our own
Vision Stains
I love you.
I only chose women
who want to die.
And if you think about it,
i'm finally giving them a voice
Something they never had in life.
Because of me everything they've gone through
wont just disappear.
i preserve there history
I love them.
The most important images that
People see during there life time.....
There key moments ...
of experiance
get trapped in a liquid of their eyes
as the see them
And I've discovered that these visions can
actually be transmitted to someone else
By a simple
surgical process
At the moment of there death, will there lives
flash before there very eyes
This has become my work.
I'm there biographer.
i have to admit, i've allways had
a horrible handicap
i've never dreamed
But that does not matter anymore. Their
dreams finally give me purpose
living here is the hazard of my trade
To understand them,
i have to live like them
The fact that I dont exist
is fine with me
The only things that matter,
are the books.
I'm just a technicality.
a technocality with a body
That's my only weakness.
i'm only interested in womens stories
they are the true creators
the ones who suffer
mens predictable stories hold
no intrest to me....
No blood, no life.
The strongest memories come
from women who have lived long lives.
who have had it all
then lost it....
either by choice or
by decision
those stories hurt
the most
because I feel like everything
they did.
What do the unborn?
see , think or feel
finding that out, might just unlock the
keys to life itself
No - don't touch my baby ?
Let go of me!
What did you take from my baby ?
what did you take.. ?
ah , ah fuck it
My baby ...
Perhaps you should have woke up
but it,,!!!
The unborn can see..!!!
How do you expect to write down the visions of
something that doesnt even have eyes yet
You're going to find out more than any living
person should know..!!
And you're going to regret searching..
where you did
ever wondered where that little inervoice in
your head comes from..?
The one that tells you .....
what to do?
All those people you wrote about... nothing
you me cycle of souls
There is absolutely no originality or
uniqueness about people
None what so ever
Just beings that carry out
predestined lifes ...
Then die..only to come back and to....
live out another pathetic scenario,
Designed by a very cruel creator , with
a very short attention span.
For the sole purpose of entertaining
Do you think your writing peoples
original stories
Nothing is original, you
're just a Plagiatorin.
Shut up!
Shut up!
The only way to shut me up , to
to close your eyes. for good
Stop messing with things , that no human
is supposed to know, when there alive..!!!
That's rite....!!!!
There is only one way to truly
stop seeing..!!
Do it...!
Do it..!!
Do it..!!!
Do it..!!!!
Do it..!!! ,Do it..!!!
Do it..!!!!!
I'm suddenly seeing clearer
than i ever have..!
It's beautiful to forget what i have learnt
To no longer feel the need to know
everthing all the time
Sometimes it is better to close your eyes
to be guided
I can no longer see , so now
i can finally dream
The stories are
given life.....!!!!
Even as the real world
slip's away..!!!
Until there is nothing left ...
as the storyteller.
A storyteller, that you have put
your complete trust in
It's not you,
it's me.
How can you even say that
with a strait face..?
With you.?
Wha..What part of it is you..?
I need some space.
Okay ...
Space... i can give you space..
Look see...
Do you see? We ...
We have space... can
we move on..?
I need some me time....
Why are you being so selfish?
What do you mean , i'm the one being selfish
you are the one being selfish
i was doing just fine , before
you came into my life.
It's been fun , but you can do much better
than me Greg
Maybe i dont want to do better than
you Estelle..!!
Maybe that makes you think you
can do better than me..!!
I'm fucked up..!!
i'm a mess..!!!
Hey.., everybody has randoms
Whats all so special about yours
We talked about this
over and over
You know that I'm
seeing other people..... rite..!!!
I didn't know that..!!
Then why did you
asked me for exclusivity?
You did you demanded exclusivity
You dont tell people im youre
girlfriend do you..?
I dont talk to anybody anymore
i dont call anyone
I just wanted to spend time with you
because they dont mean anything to me..!!.
You do..!!
I'm not ready for a relationship right now
i need to figure myself out..!!
You were begging for this..!!
I was fine taking it slow
You challenged my commitment
And i rose to that challenge
and i found something i realy realy liked
And so did you..!!
Greg.. i love you
i'm just not in love with you
What is the difference?
We have a chance okay..
We can do better
-Estelle Please, I love you!
- And I love you ...
... As a friend.
Friends dont do this to each other
Sweet, you're breaking my heart.
Do not do this to us!
We are a good!
We live again , were so good
We can work at it
Stop it Greg.
You're making it so much harder
than it needs to be..!!
If you were going to do this , why did you
introduce me to all you're friends
They seemed to like me.
They said we were good together
that we had chemistry
They liked you sure..!!
I just dont feel the same way anymore
Do you do this to every guy you incounter
No, with you it was different.
Then i woke up one morning
and something had changed.
I can't help how i feel
This has happened before,
I'm sorry.
Maybe your not in love long
You make me feel
so special.
You're not getting it Greg..!!
You need to get away from me..!!
I don't want to get away from you..Estelle..!!
Please ...
I love you.
Really, I love you.
For a minute there , i thought
you were different.
But you're just another
pathetic, little lamb.
Please, give me one more chance.
We'll see each other later..!!
I miss you!
I miss you so much!
I know that you do.
Darling, good evening.
- How are you doing
oh gastely
Oh.. never mind
I adore this women, she is one
of my..... dearest friends
Michelle Evidenci, and you are?
We've met before
we have..?
A few times actually
Antonia is a friend.
A good friend.
Well ...
Go right in..!!
I have to stop eating.
That's my goal.
For a couple of weeks at least
to prove to myself that I can do it.
It's all about moderation.
Moderation is something i'm not good at
I can't help it..!!
i just love masticating
I'm thinking about taking a
break anyway
Soon..!! i've done it before
it's fine , me too....!!!
We could do it together.
That would make me a better person
- Right.
For both we are better people
What about our friends.
they will never understand..!! they'll hate us..!!
Friends come and go.
If they can't appreciate what i need to do,
for me, then fuck them.
They can be replaced.
But let's worry about that tomorrow
Yeh,for now fuck it.
It tastes too good.
I don't do four legs
- One of my dearest friends.
Until I get what I want for me..!! it's going to have
to be all about you..!!
It has to be
that's what i say
I'm my own person right..!! if anyone
doesn't see that , will have to read the book
acourding to me..!!
It's not like i dont care about anyone, it's just that
no one will ever be as intrusting as me...!!!
To me..!!
It's me or nothing
me and only me..!!
Me, me, me ...
Me, me, me ...
No, no!
Please ...
I love you!
I'm sorry.
I'm a mess.
At the end ...
However... one of two things
always happen
It always happens.
The storyteller
moves on or ...
. Your stories.
Are over.......
Before you know it...!!!