Theeb (2014)

He who swims in the Red Sea
cannot know its true depth.
And not just any man, Theeb,
can reach the seabed, my son.
In questions of brotherhood,
never refuse a guest.
Be the right hand of the right
when men make their stand.
And if the wolves offer friendship,
do not count on success.
They will not stand beside you
when you are facing death.
Hey, Theeb!
Come here.
Come water the camels.
Let me get the other camel.
- No playing, come here...
- Let me get it.
Fill it up.
That's right.
Listen carefully.
See this?
Put the target here, understand?
Then line it up with that sight.
Good, now watch how I do it.
Come here.
Put it to your shoulder.
Hold the rifle properly.
Move forward.
- Good.
- Let go.
- What?
- Where's the bullet?
Where is it?
No bullets until you aim straight.
Take it.
Careful, it's sharp.
- Wait, wait!
- Get up, don't fall in.
Let go.
Let go or else!
- Or what?
- Let go.
- Shall I drop you?
- Hussein, don't!
- No more joking, agreed?
- Agreed.
- Let's eat. I'm hungry.
- Let's go home.
- Six!
- Tabb.
- He got him.
- No, he's short.
- He's not short.
- It is Tabb.
- Don't touch it!
- It's Tabb.
- It's Tabb, no argument.
- It's Abu Eid's turn.
- Ottoman gold!
- It's a two.
- Your turn, Sheikh.
- How much?
- Another six.
- Six!
- Two.
- Your dog's dead.
- No chance.
- Count them.
You're cheating.
- We lost.
- Not yet.
- How much?
- Six, Sheikh.
Absolutely, six.
- Six!
- Got him.
He's out.
Someone's out there.
Who is it, Hussein?
We have guests.
They are welcome.
Peace be upon you.
And unto you, welcome.
- How are you?
- Welcome.
- Peace be upon you.
- Welcome.
- How are you?
- Good and you?
- Welcome.
- Come in.
Sit, sit.
In the name of God.
- How are you?
- We are well and you?
- Good evening.
- And to you.
- Coffee, Hussein.
- Coming.
Good evening to you all.
- A long life.
- And to you.
- Long journey?
- Yes, it's been a long ride.
God give you strength.
- How is our guest?
- Well and you?
How are you?
How's your health?
Come on, Theeb.
- Who's the foreigner?
- I don't know.
- What's he want?
- Quiet, child.
Choose one.
Bring that one.
That's right.
It's a good one.
In the name of God.
- You want to kill it?
- Yes.
- Alright, but don't tell our brother.
- Don't worry.
Take it.
Say a prayer.
Don't be scared.
Cut here.
- Should I do it?
- No.
No, let me.
Help me hold it.
In the name of God.
- Eat, eat.
- It was delicious.
You didn't eat.
Water's there.
Theeb, get him water.
- Where's your friend from?
- He's English.
Stop it!
I'll send you to Mother.
- Where's Sheikh Abu Hmoud's tribe?
- You've arrived.
- How is the Sheikh?
- He passed away.
May he rest in peace.
- He was a good man.
- Thank you.
- Does he have sons?
- Yes.
I'm the eldest
and this is Hussein and Theeb.
- It's an honor.
- The honor's ours.
What's he saying?
I don't know.
Keep quiet.
Get an ember from the fire.
He has his own.
Are you a prince?
How many men have you killed?
- I have a request, Sheikh.
- Of course.
The sharif said you could guide us
to the Roman Well.
On the Pilgrim's Trail?
That trail's been abandoned
since the railroad came.
I have people there.
With all respect, there are more raiders
than pilgrims on that trail.
Your father's reputation led us here.
You've arrived.
My brother Hussein will guide you.
- I'll see you, brother.
- Soon, God willing.
- With your permission, Sheikh.
- Go in peace.
We need the boy's brother
to guide us.
What about the boy?
We can't leave him.
- What's he saying?
- Hold on.
Who takes the boy back?
We need his brother to guide us.
- What's he saying?
- You must come with us.
I'll take him home
and come back.
He wants to leave now.
- Convince him.
- He won't listen.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Who is she?
His wife.
Hussein wants to marry.
- Don't be rude.
- Congratulations.
It's a long wait.
Why do you always wink at her?
Quiet, you're rude.
- What's that?
- When you're older.
Let your friend sing.
- Sing.
- Sing, man.
Sing for us.
- Sing!
- Sing, sing.
For too long now
You have forsaken home
- What do you think?
- Six riders.
Pilgrims maybe.
Then let's ride.
There's a problem, Marji?
No problem.
What do they want
with the well?
I don't know.
We take them and go home.
- What's in the box?
- The box?
He goes crazy if I touch it.
The Englishman keeps his gold in it.
I'll give them some bread.
Don't touch him.
- Don't you dare touch him!
- Calm down.
- Go over there.
- Never touch him!
Never touch my brother!
No matter what he does.
He doesn't want anyone
to touch the box.
- He didn't know.
- So tell him not to.
Don't touch it again.
There's your well.
They're coming.
Marji, blood!
- They slaughtered them.
- Let's go.
We're being watched.
Could they be your men?
Let's get out of here.
That way, that way.
They killed our men.
Those are our men down the well.
What's happening?
We need more men.
He's crazy.
I can't.
I won't leave them.
What's wrong with you?
We brought them here.
We cannot leave them.
I'm not leaving them!
I'll die before I abandon them!
- What are they fighting about?
- It's none of our business.
Brotherhood is more important
than your railway.
You're leaving?
You've done enough.
You honor your father's memory.
- Peace be upon you.
- Goodbye, Marji.
- I hope we meet again.
- God willing.
Peace be upon you.
Marji, I'm worried
you won't find the next well.
The trail's too dangerous
for the boy.
Let's follow them.
- Why?
- Help me pack.
You want them to die of thirst?
We can't leave them.
I'm not going.
Why did you follow me then?
Can you survive alone?
I can take care of myself.
So now you can take care
of yourself?
- Why did you follow me then?
- You're not my father.
Come pack our things.
This trail is for men.
All clear!
Tracks from yesterday.
They lead out of the canyon.
You sense something?
Get back, boy!
Don't fall.
It's good.
You see them?
- Save your brother.
- We won't leave you.
- Go! I'll cover you.
- Run!
- Why did you come back?
- It's a trap.
Let's face them.
Got him!
Get up the mountain.
- Where are they?
- I lost them.
You're surrounded.
Surrender and you'll have peace.
We don't want you.
We just want the camels.
We lose the camels, we die.
Are you alright?
- Kill them!
- I'll get them.
Say your prayers, pilgrims.
- Hey, brothers.
- What?
- The view's better from here.
- Here we come.
We're coming for you, boys.
Make a run for it!
Too late for prayers,
you're as good as dead.
Don't listen to them.
I'm not scared.
Remember our father.
"The strong eat the weak."
We're stronger than them.
Get some sleep, brothers.
Don't sleep, little doggies!
Hey, I think
they've really fallen asleep!
- They're dreaming.
- Hey, boys,
no sleeping in bandit country.
Don't sleep.
- Hilayal, let's wake them.
- Good idea.
If anything happens,
climb up the mountain.
When it's safe, wait by the well.
Someone will come.
You hear?
You hear?
I hear.
Get up, Theeb!
He got away, kill him!
Where's the boy?
Little doggy?
He's in the well.
Why are you hiding,
little doggy?
I missed him.
Cut the rope.
Answer me, Hussein.
Over here!
I'm over here.
Please, man.
Answer me.
I'm begging you, answer.
Let me drink.
Get it over with.
Get it over with.
I swear I'll find you!
I swear I'll kill you!
Somebody help me!
I'll get you, little dog.
There's nobody out there.
Help me!
I'm the only one
who can help you!
Help me!
That's dangerous!
Don't be scared.
Don't be scared.
Don't be scared.
Why were you
with the Englishman?
- Shut up.
- Silence.
Did I bring you here?
Your people put you in this mess.
You killed them.
Didn't I say,
"Surrender and you'll have peace"?
And what did you do?
You shot me!
So don't blame me.
God sent me so that
the beasts don't eat you.
I don't need you.
You're sure?
You don't need me?
The trail is clear.
Take my camel as blood money.
What are you waiting for?
Because you're a helpless rabbit.
At least a rabbit can survive alone.
Maybe I'll let the beasts eat you.
Until the morning.
Clean the bread.
God punish them
for not cleaning my wound.
They never appreciated
the value of brotherhood.
Don't betray me.
Come here.
Take the dagger
and dig the bullet out.
Dig it out with the tip.
Use the dagger's tip.
Put the dagger in the fire.
Put it in the fire.
Come here. Leave it.
Come here.
It's loaded.
If anything happens to me,
protect us.
Take it.
Give me the dagger.
You fed us well.
- No.
- No?
That's the Englishman's.
- What's your name?
- Theeb.
Is that your tribe's mark
on the box?
Who's Sheikh Abu Hmoud to you?
He's my father.
The Wolf begets a Wolf.
Wolf, I beseech you
don't eat the wolf
How many nights did he feed you
when you were starving?
Sing with me, Wolf.
Wolf, I beseech you
don't eat the wolf
How many nights did he feed you
when you were starving?
The departed never return.
How do you track with the stars?
Put the North Star
between your eyes.
And the South Star
between your shoulders.
- What's our direction?
- West.
- What's that?
- The iron donkey.
- What?
- You'll see.
This is what destroyed us.
What is it?
The iron donkey trail.
What's it for?
Pilgrims and Ottoman soldiers ride it.
A month by camel
now takes a week by train.
We're not raiders.
You're revolutionaries.
If you know us,
who are you?
- I'm a pilgrim guide.
- Aren't you obsolete?
I'm the last one.
Who's this pilgrim?
That's Hmoud.
You going to Mecca, Hmoud?
Mecca's behind you.
I'm taking him
to the train station.
Bad idea.
That's none of your business.
Where did you get that pistol?
Is it strange to carry guns?
There are no English pistols
around here.
I bought it in Egypt.
Have you seen an Englishman?
In Egypt,
I bought the gun from one.
And Hmoud,
did you see an Englishman?
What's an Englishman?
We have a long journey.
Time to go.
Avoid the railway.
We have business with the Ottomans.
Go in peace. Safe journey.
I've met all kinds of people.
Anyone from wise men to merchants.
I even took a ship captain to Mecca.
What's a ship captain?
They guide people at sea.
I've never seen the sea.
I've seen two.
The Red Sea...
and the Palestine sea.
I've traveled all over.
I've seen Jerusalem and al-Sham.
Everywhere from Baghdad
to Al-Madinah al-Munawwarah.
Why did you stop?
They stopped me.
The train came and ruined everything.
All my forefathers were pilgrim guides.
They left us in dark times,
without means or opportunity.
And so brother killed brother.
The strong eat the weak.
Those are your Englishman's friends.
What happened?
The train.
You can't stop a spear
with your hand.
Put the saddle on
and stay with the camel.
I won't be long.
What do you want?
- The lieutenant.
- Go on.
Come forward.
- Where did you get it?
- From Egypt.
That's my son.
Stay with the camel.
What's his name?
my right hand on the trail.
Here, Theeb.
Take it, Theeb.
Take it, Theeb.
Go to the camel.
I'll follow you.
Drop the gun!
Drop it, boy!
He killed my brother.
Go home.
Get rid of him.