There Will Be Blood (2008)

You have a great chance here...
...but bear in mind: you can loose
it all if you're not careful.
Out of all men that beg
for a chance to drill your lots...
...maybe one in twenty will be oil men...
...the rest will be speculators
that's men trying to get
between you and the oil men... get some of the money
that ought by rights come to you.
Even if you find one that
has money, and means to drill...
...he'll maybe know
nothing about drilling...
...and he'll have to hire
out the job on contract...
...and then you're depending on a contractor... rush the job through - so he can get
another contract just as quick as he can.
-This is way that this works.
What is your offer?
We're wasting time.
I do my own drilling...
...and the men that work for me, work for me...
...and they are men I know.
I make it my business to be there
and to see to their work.
I don't lose my tools in the hole
and spend months fishing for them...
I don't botch the cementing off and
let water in the hole and ruin the whole lease.
I am a family man,
I run the family business...
This is my son and
my partner H.W. Plainview.
We offer you the band, a family...
...that very view oil men can understand.
I'm fixed like no other company in this field...
and that's because my
Coyote Hills well has just come in.
I have a string of tools
all ready to put to work.
I can load a rig onto trucks and
have them here in a week.
I have business connections...
so I can get the lumber for the derrick...
...such things go by friendship in a rush like this.
And this is why I can guarantee to start drilling...
...and put up the cash to back my word.
I assure you, ladies and gentlemen,
no matter what the others promise to do...
...when it comes to the showdown,
they won't be there...
Mr. Plainview.
Mr. Plainview where are you going?
I don't need the lease, thank you.
-No, we need you
-Too much confusion.
-Thank you for your time.
-No, no, no, there's no confusion.
I wouldn't take the lease
if you gave it to me as a gift.
Mr. Bankside, I'm not going to waste your time
I certainly you appreciate it,
if you didn't waste mine.
If you wish to sign with me we can
have a well drilling within ten days.
Your lot is further North from
the discovery well up here... it means we will probably
have to dig deeper.
If there's as much oil up
here as I think there is... will be harder to reach...
...but once we find it
we can take it right out.
But we have to act quickly...
...because very soon these fields will be dry.
I need you to know what you want to do.
Because of the distance from the discovery well...
...I'll pay you a smaller royalty
than you'd get down there...
But I'm prepared to give you
a 1000 dollar bonus on your lot.
-What kinda royalty you're talking about?
-One sixth.
Plus a guarantee to start drilling within ten days...
That's somethin' you won't
find anywhere else.
What age are your children now?
Ten and twelve.
Mr.Plainview, a question sir.
Where's your wife?
She died in child birth, Mrs. Bankside.
It's just me and my son now.
-Mr. Plainview? -Yes?
Are you Daniel Plainview?
What can I do for you?
You look for oil?
That's right.
What do you pay for a place that has it?
-That depends.
-What does it depend on?
On a lot of things.
If I told you I knew a place that had oil...
...where land could be bought cheaply...
...what do you think that would be worth?
I think that you should let me
know what you know.
And we'll try to work something out.
-Can I sit down?
What church do you belong to?
...I enjoy all faiths...
I don't belong to one church in particular.
I like them all - I like everything.
Where are you from?
That would be telling you.
That's what I want to sell you.
What are you doing in Signal Hill?
We have oil and it seeps through the ground...
Do you want to pay me to know where it is?
Just because there's something on the ground
doesn't mean there's anything beneath it.
Why did Standard Oil buy up land?
-Is it in California? -Maybe.
How much land did they buy?
I'd like it better if you didn't think I was stupid.
Why did you come to me?
You just brought this well in.
That's right.
Yes, so: just give me 500 dollars in cash
right now and I'll tell you where it is.
I'll tell you what I'll do son,
I'll give you 100 dollars now...
...and if it proves to be a promising lease...
...I'll give you a 1000 dollar bonus.
Six hundred dollars.
Just tell me one thing to help me decide:
What else have you got up there?
What do you grow?
We have a big ranch,
but it's mostly rocks.
You plant things,
nothing will grow but weeds.
What makes you think it's up?
Is there sulphur around or alkali deposits?
Alkali nearby. I don't know sulphur.
-Is that your son?
-Who are you?
-I'm Fletcher Hamilton.
Nice to meet you, son.
What's your name?
What do you do?
I work with Mr. Plainview.
Here's 500 dollars, you tell me something worth hearing.
This money is yours.
I come from a town called Little Boston in Isabella County.
This is us here.
Spur station here at Little Boston.
The Sunday ranch is what you're looking for.
There's a sheep trail that takes you there
- it's a mile out of town...
...headed west - not far.
Just through a small pass here
- near the base of the hills.
You'll pass a church, just follow the sheep trail.
And where's Standard buying up?
Here and here.
-Your family's name is Sunday yes?
-That's right.
How many's in your family?
My father and mother and sisters and my brother, Eli.
-How many sisters do you have?
-What's your name?
Does any of your family know
about the oil that you say is there?
I don't know.
My uncle always said there was oil there...
...but I don't know what they
heard or what they think.
-What do you grow?
-It's goats. It's a goat farm.
I told you: nothing grows but weeds.
-Is there water?
-It's salty.
You drill a well, it's hard not to get salt water.
The oil is there.
I'm telling you.
-I want to go now, so...
-You can stay tonight.
No. I wanna go now.
I wanna leave.
Listen, Paul.
If I travel all the way up there and I find that you'd been lying to me...
I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna
take more than my money back.
Is that alright with you?
-Yes, sir.
-All right then.
-Nice luck to you. God bless.
-And to you, young man.
There's someone coming.
Good evening.
Good evening.
My name is Daniel Plainview.
This is my son HW.
Are you hunting?
Hunting for quail.
We were told there might be...
...a good place to camp up near the Sunday ranch.
This is the Sunday ranch.
You can camp here.
-Thank you. Do you have water?
We heard there was an earthquake
up here a few days ago is that right?
-Your family?
-Yeah, all fine, thank you.
We have goats milk if you'd like.
That'd be fine.
If we set our tent away over there
we'd be out of your way over there.
That's fine.
Ruth, help these men and
bring them some water.
No, H.W.
Mr. Plainview
- would you like that milk now?
-That'd be fine.
-Mary, bring them some milk.
My family will help you set up your tent.
No, please. We set
ourselves on this camping trip.
We have to do the camping.
Hurry up.
-Do you have bread?
-We have potatoes.
Potatoes would be nice, thank you.
I'll have them boil you up some potatoes.
That's alright, I thought maybe we'd make a fire.
I wanted to work with my son on making a fire.
All right, my son Eli will bring you some wood.
Thank you so much for the hospitality, Mr. Sunday.
-Yes. -We'll be out of your way.
Just hunting for quail.
-I'm sorry we don't have any bread.
-No, no.
Corn just doesn't fill out in the hills here.
It's mostly rock...
...and we don't have room to raise the grain.
Thank you, young lady.
My name is Eli.
Yes, you're Eli Sunday.
-H.W. -Eli.
-You're hunting quail? -That's right.
We will bring dinner.
Thank you, thank you so much.
Dad! Dad, look at my shoe.
That's earthquake oil set loose.
-So... -So?
If there's anything here, we take it to the sea.
What we do is - we build a pipeline to Port Hueneme or Santa Paula...'s about a 100 miles...
and we do a deal with union Oil.
This is what we do...
...and we don't need the railroads and
the shipping costs anymore, you see?
-You see that?
And then we're making money.
we're making the real money...
...that we should be making and
not just throwing it away on shipping costs.
Otherwise it's just mud.
How much we gonna pay them?
Who's that?
The Sunday family.
We're not gonna give them the oil prices.
We keep them quail prices.
A few minutes, there's something I
very much like to talk with you about.
Mother would you take the girls outside, please.
I believe in plain speaking.
This is a beautiful ranch.
I love hunting for quail.
My boy has been sick, you know.
He needs fresh air.
Doctors all say he needs plentiful fresh air.
What would you say would be
a fair price for this lot, Abel?
-To buy this place?
-That's right.
Take a moment.
-I'm sorry, I don't know.
-Six dollars an acre.
Six dollars. Thank you, Eli.
And with the improvements to the ranch over the use at 500 dollars...
I'd like to offer you 3700 dollars for this ranch. That's $3700.
-The Lord has sent this man here, Eli.
Yes, I believe he has.
My offer to you is 3700 dollars.
What is it that brought you here, sir?
The good Lord's guidance.
And of course within that we're
gonna develop a lease.
-What's that?
-What about our oil?
-What about it?
-We have oil here, that's worth something.
Do you have someone who can drill for it?
Do you think there's oil here?
-I know there is.
-It's very expensive to drill.
To get it up and out of the ground.
Have you ever tried that before?
-How much is it?
Well, our oil sits right up on top of the ground.
I believe that's gold seepage,
doesn't necessarily mean there's anything underneath it.
-What would you give us for it?
-I don't know.
-Something you don't know?
-That's right.
What would you like, Eli?
Ten thousand dollars.
-For what?
-For my church.
That's good.
That's a good one.
If we decide to drill for oil...
...if the well begins to produce...
...I'll give your Church a 5,000 dollar signing bonus.
Do you wanna find someone else that's
gonna come up here and drill? Eli?
Make the investment and do all the hard work...
...that goes into it?
I can just as easily hunt for quail on
another ranch as I can here.
Though I happily be a supporter
of your Church for as long as I can.
For the bonus only.
As it happens,
I do have some connections in the drilling business...
...who might help get us started.
How do you feel about this, Abel?
Yes. What Eli says.
Well. Good. Let's draw up some
contracts and let's give it a try.
Appreciate your help with this, Eli.
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
-Real estate?
I'd like to talk to you.
I'm looking for some land,
I just bought the Sunday ranch.
And... Well, where's the map?
Where are the hills behind the Sunday ranch?
That's here, it's the Bandy tract.
He has over 600 acres.
What about this?
AC Maude, Blodget, Redlick, Carr...
-What's it held at? -Six dollars an acre.
What about this?
That's the Belvins and that could be got, I'm sure.
-Can everything around here be got?
Paul Sunday turned out to be a good friend of ours.
That's right.
You get here as soon as you can.
Bring Fred English.
Good enough.
Thank you, porter.
-H.W., how are you?
-Fine, and you?
-Pretty good, where's your dad?
-You fellows are a long way from Signal Hill.
-Hello Plainview.
-Hello G.
-Good to see you.
-On your way somewhere else?
Passing through, looking around.
Funny to see you.
-Funny isn't it.
-You boys are a regular family business.
You boys are a little late.
-What'd you find?
-I found some interesting prospects.
-Did you hear Standard bought up?
-It's in the north so far.
That's what I hear.
I'm gonna tell you Gene,
if you're gonna make a play: look east...
I'd rather it would be you than someone else.
There's a lot around here that's been taken.
Life must be easy when you've got such
a cute face to carry around with you.
Are you telling me how handsome my son is?
-Well then I am.
-That's very nice, thank you.
Good luck, Gene.
I said: go east.
I'll be your lawyer if you
need to draw up a contract...
...make sure you don't get swindled, boy,
get half of what your dad is making.
What are those men doing?
They're just guys that are working for us.
They're just looking around.
How much money can we make?
I don't know, depends...
One thousand dollars?
Mary said that her father beats her,
if she doesn't pray.
Mary, she is the smaller one?
Yes, she is.
-Everyone here?
-Very successful.
There's one who is holding out.
-William Bandy.
-Who is he?
He's an old man, who homesteaded here.
He lives with his grandson...
He said he'd like to speak with you.
-Was he here?
-No, he'd like you to come visit with him.
He's boosting his price?
He said he'd like to speak with
whoever was doing the buying.
Well, let him wait He'll come around.
Let's go.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for
visiting with us this evening.
I've traveled across half our state to
be here and to see about this land.
Some of you might have heard...
...some of the more extravagant
rumours about what my plans are.
I just thought you'd like to hear it from me.
Face to face, no great mystery.
I'm an oil man, ladies and gentlemen.
I have numerous concerns
right across the state.
I have may wells flowing at
many thousands barrels per day.
I'd like to think of myself as an oil man.
As an oil man I hope that you forgive just
good old fashioned plain speaking.
This work that we do,
is very much a family endeavor.
I work side by side with my wonderful son H.W.
I think one or two of you might have met him already.
I encourage my men to bring their families as well.
It makes it a so much more rewarding life for them.
Family means children.
Children means education,
so wherever we set up camp... is a necessity,
we're just so happy to take care of that.
Let's build a wonderful school in Little Boston.
These children are the future that we strive for.
So they should have the very best of things.
Now something else and don't please be
insulted if I speak about this. Bread.
Let's talk about bread.
Onto my mind it's an abomination to
consider it to any man, woman or child... this magnificent country of ours.
Should have to look on a
loaf of bread as a luxury.
We can dig water wells here.
Water wells mean irrigation,
irrigation means cultivation.
We're gonna raise crops here.
We're gonna have more grain
than we know what to do with.
New roads, agriculture, employment,
These are just a few of the
things we can offer you.
And I assure you ladies and gentlemen
that if we do find oil here...
...and I think there's a good chance we will.
This community of yours
will not only survive, it will flourish...
I'd be happy to answer any
questions that you might have...
-Yes. -Will the new road lead to the church?
That'll be the first place that it leads.
Thank you, Eli. Anyone else?
Well if anything comes up,
I'm pretty easy to find.
You just come visit with me.
Thank you so much for your time.
-Daniel, may I speak with you?
-Yes come in.
-Good morning. -Good morning.
-How is all the work coming?
-Everything's good.
-All the men are provided for? -Of course.
Spirits seem high.
Is there anything that you need from me?
Anything the church can do for you.
I don't believe so, no thank you.
I understand you've asked
the people to gather around...
...and watch the well to begin to drill.
-Is that right? -That's right.
I will bless the well.
Before you begin you should introduce me.
You'll see me walk up
towards the oil well and...
The derrick.
You see me walk up and
then you can say my name.
-When you walk up?
-Yes, you'll see me walk up.
And then you could say:
the proud son of these hills...
...who tended his fathers flag
and then you could say my name.
-That's fine.
-And what happens then?
Well then we start the drill.
It's a simple blessing,
Daniel, but an important one.
It's just a few words, it won't take long.
-What time? -What time's good for you, Eli?
-Four o'clock. -Well let's make it four o'clock then.
My thanks for your visit.
Good day. Thank you.
Afternoon everyone.
I'll thank you all so much for
visiting with us at this time.
I've had the pleasure of meeting some of you...
...and I hope very much the months to come
I'll be able to visit with each and everyone of you.
I'm better at digging holes in the
ground than making speeches.
So let's forget the speech for this
evening just make it a simple blessing.
You see one man doesn't prospect
from the ground, it takes a whole community...
...of good people such as yourselves
and this is good we stay together.
We pray together, work together and if
the good Lord smiles kindly on our endeavour...
...we share the wealth together.
Now before we spud in, Mary's Well Number One...
...named for the lovely Ms. Mary Sunday here by my side.
A proud daughter of these hills.
I just like to say:
God bless these honest labors of ours.
And of course, God bless you all.
Won't be a minute.
Fast as you can, H.W.
That's it ladies and gentlemen.
Al Rose was very generous,
he provided some refreshments...
...for this occasion out of his own pocket.
Thank you.
Don't just stay, help yourselves.
I'll be back in a minute.
-Do you like your new dress?
-Yes, thank you.
You're welcome. I thought you'd like it.
-Are you happy I came here? -Yes.
Your daddy doesn't hit you anymore does he?
Does he now?
Better not, right?
I'll take care of you.
No more hitting, right?
No more hitting. Now go.
Go play some more and don't come back!
It's okay H.W.
Go back to sleep.
We lost a man down in the well.
-What man?
-Joe Gundha.
-Do I know him?
Then what happened?
-Where's the body?
-We're fishing him out now.
-Where's the bit? -Down the jack.
Well clean him up and put some clothes on him.
And set up a tent.
Anyone goes down into the cellar,
you tell somebody.
-Yes? -Yes sir.
Shut down till midday.
And my stomach spoke in a whisper, not a shout.
Touch this woman with your hands and bless her.
My dear Mrs. Hunter, you have arthritis, don't you?
Yes I do, Eli.
Yes the devil is in your hands
and I will suck it out.
Now I will not cast this ghost out with a fever.
For the new spirit inside me is so powerful
I have a new way to communicate.
It is a gentle whisper.
Get out of here ghost.
Get out of here ghost.
Get out.
Get out of here ghost.
Get out of here ghost.
Get out of here ghost.
Get out of here and don't you
dare turn around and come back.
But if you do, the toe of my boot will kick you in the teeth.
And you will be cast up and thrown
in the dirt and thrashed back into partition.
And as long as I have teeth, I will bite you.
And if I have no teeth I will gum you.
As long as I have fists I will bash you!
Now get out of here ghost!
Get out of here ghost!
And it left!
Great Day!
Mrs. Hunter.
Dance with me.
-It was a wonderful ceremony.
-I'll see you tomorrow.
We had a tragedy at the well last night.
Yes I heard.
Joe Gundha was a man of considerable faith.
So if you wish to say a few words his burial is at noon tomorrow.
Daniel, this accident could have been avoided.
-It is terrible to think that...
-Yes it could if...
...these men work in 12 hour shifts
and they need their rest.
...if they don't have it,
they start to make stupid mistakes.
I've seen some of the man drinking, don't you think...
We need these men well rested to bring in this well...
They can't get that if they're up here listening to your gospel.
And then the well can't produce and blow gold.
I wish I had more time with Joe Gundha,
more could have been done.
And then the well can't produce...
...and blow gold all over the place.
Would you see to it that his personal possessions
find a way back to his family?
Thank you.
You are managing the relations.
Yes our congregation is growing strongly.
We need more room.
Well that was one goddamn hell of a show.
We were happy to have you Daniel.
Lights out!
Wait here! Wait here!
Let go you're safe, you're safe...
You're safe now, I've got you here.
Tell me where it hurts.
-Did you see this? -No.
Tell me where it hurts.
Where does it hurt?
I can't hear my voice.
Were you hit in the head?
Were you hit in the head?
Tell me. Tell me if you are.
I can't hear my voice.
That has to be stopped. You wait here for me.
You wait here for me. I'll be back.
I'll be back in a minute. You wait here.
-Please. -I'm gonna take care. Stay here.
-I'm gonna fix this. -Please.
Get the spigots and hook up some hoses.
Billy, get the roof wet before it's too hot.
What are you looking so miserable about?
We've got a whole ocean
of oil underneath our feet.
No one can get at it except for me.
Is H.W. okay?
No he isn't.
-Where is he? -Mess hall.
That's enough now, that's enough H.W.
That's enough.
Do you hear me?
Can you hear me in there?
That's enough.
-It's Daddy. That's it.
-Easy boy. Easy.
-Soon be over.
-Yeah, that's good.
-Now the other side.
-Turn him over.
It's over, it's over, it's over...
Who do we know in San Francisco?
...Los Angeles?
Someone to teach H.W.
Could you figure out that?
A Cole...
...god damn it, what's his name?
Bobrody in San Francisco?
Cole Bobrody,
get someone down here.
I'll do it right away.
When do we get our money, Daniel?
Aren't you a healer?
And a vessel for the holy spirit?
When are you coming over
and make my son hear again?
Can't you do that?
You should have let me bless the well...
You owe the Church of the Third Revelation.
Five thousand dollars as part of
the arrangement that we made.
Don't even try, runt...
You splash around in here...
That's it, that's it...
I'm gonna bury you under ground, Eli.
I'm gonna bury you under ground.
You are a stupid man, Abel.
You've let someone come in
here and walk all over us.
You let him in...
...and do his work here...
...and you're a stupid man for
what we could have had.
I followed His word, Eli. I tried.
You didn't do anything but sit down.
You're lazy and you're stupid.
Do you think God is going to
save you for being stupid?
He doesn't save stupid people, Abel.
How did he come here?
Do you know?
-I know. Be quiet!
-Son, don't you... Please...
Shut your mouth, Abel.
It was your stupid son.
It was Paul who told him to come here. I know it.
He went to him and he said:
My stupid, weak father will give away his lots,
go and take him...
And you let it happen.
My stupid father to a stupid son.
Can I help you?
Who's that?
My name is Henry.
I'm Henry.
What can I do for you?
I'm Henry Plainview.
I'm from Fond du lac.
I'm your brother.
From another mother.
Ernest is my father.
Who are you?
Mary Brands...? Is that your mother?
Yes, sir. That's right.
I read about your gusher in the paper.
About your success.
You heard about my strike and you just show up?
Our father's dead.
Ernest died. I heard.
I wanted to find you.
-When? -Three months ago.
I got a letter from Anabelle.
My sister Anabelle?
Where is she?
Still at home. Fond du Lac.
You came all the way from Wisconsin to tell me this?
I'm coming from New Mexico. I've been there.
I came to find you.
Did you know about me?
Do you have identification?
Do you have this letter?
Where are you coming from?
-From New Mexico.
-Yes, I know, but from where?
Silver City. I've been there for two years.
I was trying drilling of my own for years...
...getting leases in Texas and Louisiana.
Anything that produced?
No. Not like your success. No.
Are you married?
No. I spent time in jail.
I had a stretch of very bad time.
...had nothing and was picked up in Louisiana.
I worked on a chain gang for six months, building roads.
That was a very hard time.
Are you married?
What were you in jail for?
Believe it or not...
...for all the terrible things that I'd gotten myself into...
...when they picked me up I hadn't done anything.
...but I've done my share of things...
...that shouldn't be talked about.
Drink it.
Drink it!
Come on...
What do you want, Henry?
If you can spare something,
I can work for you in any way.
I know I'll keep moving before
long to get back to Fond du Lac.
-Do you have any money? -Some.
-Not much. -Just answer me directly.
You say, "nothing", and then you say
you'd like to stay and work.
It's better I'd just like to hear you say
you'd like to be here.
I'd like to be here.
I'm a good worker...
I've worked cable-tool rigs and built railroads,
I won' t need any favors...
What did my Mother know?
I don't know.
I don't know if she knew and looked the other way.
If she never knew.
Why did you leave?
I know you didn't get on with our father.
I worked for Geological Survey
and went to Kansas...
I couldn't stay there. I just couldn't...
I don' t like to explain myself.
Are you an angry man, Henry?
About what?
Are you envious?
Do you get envious?
I don't think so. No.
I have a competition in me.
I want no one else to succeed.
I hate most people.
That part of me is gone...
...working and not succeeding, all my...
...failures has left me...
...I just don't care.
Well if it's in me, it's in you...
There are times when I...
...look at people and I see nothing worth liking.
I wanna earn enough money...
...I can get away from everyone.
What will you do about your boy?
I don't know.
Maybe it'll change.
Does your sound come back to you?
I don't know.
Maybe no one knows that.
A doctor might not know that.
Where is his mother?
I don't talk about those things...
I see the worst in people, Henry.
I don't need to look past seeing
them to get all I need.
I've built my hatreds over the years, little by little.
Having you here gives me a second breath...
I can' t keep doing this on my own...
With these...
Daniel, Daniel, wake up! Daniel!
I just have to go and have
a word with the conductor.
I'll be right back.
You stay... You stay here... Understand?
Henry Plainview from Fond du Lac.
H.M. Tilford, pleasure.
-So? -Yes.
How's your boy?
Thank you for asking.
Is there anything we can do?
Thanks for asking us.
So... What are your plans?
-Is this about buying up my tracts here? -Yes.
The cable was about my Coyote Hills lease.
We'd like that too.
What's your offer for Coyote Hills?
We'll offer 150,000 for full title.
That's a deal. What's next?
You have 11,000 acres in Little Boston.
You have one proven well, that was damaged...
That's three wells proven,
you haven't been paying attention.
That's three proven wells.
We'll make you a millionaire while you're
sitting here from one minute to the next.
What else would I do with myself?
Are you asking me?
What else would I do with myself?
Take care of your son.
I don't know what you would do.
If you were me and Standard offered to buy...
...what you had here you'd want to know why. So why?
You know why.
You fellows just scratch around in the dirt
and find it like the rest of us...
...instead of buying up someone else's hard work.
I've scratched around the dirt, son.
Are you gonna change your shipping costs?
We don't dictate shipping costs.
That's railroad business...
You don't own the railroads?
Of course you do. Of course you do.
Where do you gonna put it on?
Build a pipeline, make a deal with
Union Oil, be my guest...
...but if you can't pull it off...'ve got an ocean of oil under
your feet with nowhere to go.
Why not turn it over to us.
We'll make you rich.
You'll spend time with your boy.
It's a great discovery,
now let us help you.
You just tell me how to run my family?
It might be more important now
that you've proven the field...
...and we're offering to buy you out.
One night. I'm gonna come to you inside
of your house, wherever you're sleeping...
...and I'm gonna cut your throat.
What are you talking about?
Have you gone crazy, Daniel?
-Did you hear what I said?
-I heard what you said. Why did you say...?
You don't tell me about my son.
Why are you acting insane and threatening to cut my throat?
You don't tell me about my son.
I'm not telling you anything.
I'm asking you to be reasonable,
if I have offended you I apologize.
You'll see what I can do.
This parcel here is a 3000 acre ranch
owned by B.L. Harper.
This is St. Elizabeth and County land,
from here to the coast...'s all Union Oil.
What's this?
Why don't I own this?
Why don't I own this?
That's the Bandy tract.
He was the hold-out,
when we're doing the buying.
He had hope to speak with you.
Can't you just build a pipeline around this tract?
Can I build around 50 miles of Tehachapi Mountains?
Don't be thick in front of me, Al.
I can go there again.
No, I'll go and talk to the man.
I'll talk to him show you how it's done.
All right, pack it up, Henry.
How big is his room?
Well, he's sharing with another boy.
-Who? -An older boy, about 12.
He's been there for a year, named Ballard.
How big is his room?
It's a fair size.
Got enough space.
Are you taking Henry with you to meet Union Oil?
-Are you the son of William Bandy? -Grandson.
-Is he here? -No, he's out.
That would be the last case.
Here's to Union Oil.
Hundred miles of pipeline...
...all independent producers of this great station.
That house in Fond du Lac, that John Hollister built, do you remember it?
I thought as a boy that was the most beautiful house I'd ever seen and I wanted it.
I wanted to live in it.
And eat in it, and clean it...
And even as a boy I wanted to have children to run around in it.
You can have anything you like now, Daniel.
And you should.
Where you gonna build it?
Here, maybe near the ocean.
Would you make it look like that house?
I think if I saw that house now,
it'd make me sick.
We can eat, we get some women.
Take them to the Peachtree dance.
I say get liquored up and take them
to the Peachtree dance?
Can I have some money, please.
Can I have some money, please.
I want you to tell me something.
What's the name of the farm next to the Hill house?
What was the name of the farm next to the Hill house?
-I can't remember. -Who are you?
I'll leave, Daniel.
Who are you?
I'm no-one.
Just let me get up and go.
Do I have a brother?
I met a man in King City,
who said he was your brother.
We were friends for months...
...working in King City...
...and he wanted to make his way to you Daniel...
...we didn't have any money.
He died of tuberculosis.
He wasn't harmed, he wasn't killed, nothing bad...
...but he told me about you...
...and I just took his story...
...used his diary...
Daniel, Daniel...
...I'm your friend. I'm not trying to hurt you. Never...
Just survive...
Who is it?
I'm Bandy.
Yes, yes...
William Bandy.
I'd like to lease your land.
I had asked for you to
come and talk to me before...
...when you were leasing land.
That's right.
My boy has been very sick, you know.
This was before your boy got sick.
Now I know that you would like to build a pipeline...
...through my property.
Is that right? What I've heard?
That's absolutely right.
It's eight inch pipe, it can be buried with your consent...
...I guarantee you absolutely no disruption.
God has told me what you must do.
What is that?
You should be washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.
But I am. I have been washed, Mr. Bandy.
I have been...
It's your only way to salvation...
...and your only way for what you want.
You can take it at the Church of the Third Revelation.
I'll pay you three thousand dollars.
I'd like you to be part of our Church.
I'll pay you five thousand dollars.
Be baptized...
Be forgiven...
For this sin that you've done.
What sin are you...
referring to, Mr. Bandy?
My sin of drilling?
I truly wish that everyone could be saved,
don't you?
I'm afraid that's just not the case.
The doctrine of universal salvation is a lie.
Is it not?
It's a lie.
I wish everyone could be saved,
but they won't! No they won't!
You will never be saved if you...
Reject the blood!
Is there a sinner here looking for salvation?
A new member.
I'll ask it again.
-Is there a sinner here looking for God? -Yes.
Allow me.
Thank you for coming, Brother Daniel.
Thank you, Eli.
We have a sinner with us
here who wishes for salvation.
Daniel, are you a sinner?
-Yes. -The Lord can't hear you, Daniel.
Say it to Him. Go ahead and speak to Him.
It's all right.
-Yes. -Down on your knees and to him.
Look up to the sky and say it...
What do you want me to say?
You've come here and you've
brought good and wealth...
...but you have also brought your
bad habits as a backslider.
You've lusted after women and
you have abandoned your child.
Your child that you raised,
you have abandoned all...
...because he was sick and you have sinned.
So say it now: "I am a sinner".
I am a sinner.
-Say it louder: I am a sinner.
-I am a sinner!
-Louder, Daniel: I am a sinner!
-I am a sinner.
-I am sorry, Lord!
-I am sorry, Lord!
-I want the blood!
-I want the blood!
-You have abandoned your child.
-I have abandoned my child.
-I will never backslide. -I will never backslide.
-I was lost but now I am found.
-I was lost but now I'm found.
I have abandoned my child.
Say it, say it...
-I have abandoned my child.
-Say it louder. Say it louder.
I have abandoned my child!
I have abandoned my child!
I have abandoned my boy!
Beg for the blood.
Give me the blood, Eli. Let me get out of here.
Give me the blood, Lord. And let me get away.
Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Yes I do.
Get out of here, devil!
Out devil! Out sin!
Do you accept the Church of the Third Revelation
as your spiritual guide?
Get out of here! Get out of here!
Get out of here and and back where you belong!
-Do you accept Jesus Christ as your savior?
-Yes I do.
There's the pipeline.
That's enough...
That's enough now.
He must take the Spirit in on his own.
We have a new member.
Mr. Plainview has been generous
enough to make a $5000 donation... the Church which we are still waiting for.
That does me good.
That does me good.
Welcome home son.
Welcome home son.
This is George Reynolds,
teacher from deaf school.
You're too heavy for me.
That's the pipeline, see. All the way to the sea.
Come here.
I love you son.
Let's take a look at you.
That's it, that's it...
Let's get some decent food inside of you.
That's all we need here,
is a good strong, expensive meal.
You hungry?
Waiter, two steaks, whiskey and water for him.
-And goat's milk.
-Very good, sir.
We're gonna have this teacher help you.
Come here.
He's gonna help take care of all of us.
Because I need you. I need your help.
We got everything we need
now to build this company.
-Good afternoon, Daniel.
-Hello, H.M. Tilford.
-You don't have to shout.
Believe we ordered these drinks
before those people.
I am sorry about that, sir.
We'll have your steaks right out.
What Standard offered is a million dollars for...
...the Little Boston leases.
I told H.M. Tilford where he could shove that.
We made a deal with Union.
On the pipeline.
And that whole ocean of oil underneath our feet.
All right.
I want you to look over there.
-Daniel, let me introduce... -
Look over there! You see.
-That's my son. You see him? -Yes.
You see?
I see him.
Do not tell me how to raise my family.
I told you not to tell me how to raise my family.
So what do you see?
-I'm very happy for you that... -
Yes, I've made a deal with Union... son is happy and safe
-I'm taking care of him now, so...
You look like a fool, don't you Tilford?
Yes will do.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Excuse him, gentlemen.
I told you what I was gonna do.
Mr. Daniel.
Mr. Daniel, you've got a visitor.
Wake up Mr. Daniel.
You can leave us now.
Daniel Plainview, the house is on fire!
I know you and I have disagreed over many things.
I'd rather keep you as my father than my partner.
Then say it!
You've got something to say to me,
then say it I'd like to hear... speak, instead of your little dog.
I'm going to Mexico with my wife.
I'm going away from you.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
You're killing us with what you're doing.
You're killing my image of you as my son.
You are stubborn, you won't listen.
You're not my son.
Please don't say that.
I know you don't mean it.
It's the truth. You're not my son.
And you never have been, you're an orphan.
Did you ever hear that word?
Tell him what I said.
You've operated here today like one.
I should have seen this coming.
I should have known that
under this all, these past years...'ve been building your
hate for me, piece by piece...
...I don' t even know who you are
because you have none of me in you...
You're someone else's.
This anger, your maliciousness and
backwards dealing with me...'re an orphan from a basket
in the middle of the desert...
...and I took you for no other reason than
I needed a sweet face to buy land.
Did you get that?
And now you know.
Look at me.
You're lower than a bastard.
You have none of me in you.
You're just bastard from a basket.
I think God, I have known you in me.
Not my son.
Just little piece of competition.
Bastard from a basket.
Bastard from a basket.
You're a bastard from a basket!
Brother Daniel, it's Eli.
-Yes it is, yes it is. -I'll make us a drink.
Your home is a miracle.
It's beautiful.
God bless it.
I've been spreading His word far and wide.
Far and wide.
So much travel for Him.
I've been working in radio.
Yes, so much, so much has been happening... be here and find you and
see you well is wonderful...
...and we have a chance to catch up.
No, thank you so much.
My Brother.
Daniel, my Brother, by marriage.
We're such old friends.
So much time.
Things go up, things go down
but at least the Lord... always around.
We've seen ups and downs, haven't we?
Are things down for you right now, Eli?
No, no.
But I do come with some sad news:
Perhaps you remember Mr. Bandy?
Mr. Bandy has passed on to the Lord.
He lived to be 99 years old.
God bless him.
Mr. Bandy has a grandson.
Have you met his grandson William?
William Bandy is one of the finest members...
...we have at the Church of the Third Revelation.
He is eager to come to
Hollywood to be in movies.
He is very good looking.
And I do think he will have success.
That's wonderful.
Would you like me to speak with him?
...I'm asking if you'd like to
have business with the Church...
...of the Third Revelation in developing this lease...
...on young Bandy's thousand acre tract.
I'm offering you to drill on one of...
...the great un-developed fields of Little Boston!
I'd be happy to work with you.
Yes, yes of course. That's wonderful.
But there is one condition for this work.
All right.
I'd like you to tell me that you are a False Prophet.
I'd like you to tell me that you are...
...and have been, a False Prophet...
...and that God is a superstition.
But that's a lie.
It's a lie. I cannot say it.
When can we begin to drill?
Very soon.
How long will it take to bring in the well?
That shouldn't take long.
I would like a one hundred
thousand dollar signing bonus... the five that is owed to me with interest.
That's only fair.
I am a false prophet and God is a superstition.
If that's what you believe, then I will say it.
Say it like you mean it.
Say it like it's your sermon.
Don't smile.
I am a false prophet and God is a superstition.
Why don't you stand up.
Put your glass down.
I am a false prophet and God is a superstition.
Eli, Eli, stop.
Just imagine this is your church here and you have a full congregation.
I am a false prophet and God is a superstition!
Say it again.
I am a false prophet and God is a superstition!
I can't hear you. Back!
I am a false prophet and God is a superstition!
Say it again.
I am a false prophet and God is a superstition!
Say it again.
I am a false prophet and God is a superstition!
Those area's have been drilled.
Those area's have been drilled.
No they haven't.
Yes, it's...
It's called drainage,Eli.
I own everything around it... of course I get what's underneath it.
But there are no derricks there.
This is the Bandy tract. Do you understand?
Do you understand, Eli?
That's more to the point.
Do you understand?
I drink your water.
I drink it up.
Everyday. I drink the blood of
lamb from Bandy's tract.
You can sit down again.
Oh Daniel.
-I'm in desperate times.
-I know.
-I need a friend.
-Yes, of course you do.
I've sinned, I need help, I'm a sinner...
I've let the Devil grab hold of me
in ways I never imagined.
I'm so full of sin.
The Lord sometimes challenges us,
doesn't he?
Oh yes he does...
-Daniel. Yes he does aaaaaaaaa!
-Yes he does aaaa!
He's completely failed to alert me
to the recent panic in our economy...
...and this.
I must have this, Daniel. I must have this.
My investments have...
Daniel, I won' t bore you, but if...
...I could grab the Lords hand for help, I would...
...but he does these things all the time...
...these mysteries that he presents
and while we wait...
...while we wait for his word.
You're not the chosen brother, Eli.
It was Paul who was chosen.
He found me and he told me about your land.
You're just a fraud.
-Why are you talking about Paul?
-I did what your brother couldn't.
I broke you and I beat you.
It was Paul...
...who told me about you. He's the prophet.
He's the smart one.
He knew what was there and he found me
to take it out of the ground.
You know what the funny thing is? Listen, listen...
I paid him $10,000 cash in hand.
Just like that.
He has his own company now.
A prosperous little business,
three wells producing $5,000 a week.
Stop crying you sniveling ass.
Stop your nonsense.
You're just the afterbirth, Eli.
The slithered out on your mother's filth.
They should have put you in a
glass jar on a mantelpiece.
Where were you when Paul was
suckling at his mother's tit?
Where were you?
Who was nursing you, poor Eli?
With a bandaged side.
That land has been had.
Nothing you can do about it.
-It's gone, it's had. You loose.
-If you would just take this lease, Daniel.
Drainage! Drainage, Eli! You boy...
Drained dry, I'm so sorry.
If you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake...
...and I have a straw, there it is that's a straw,
you see. Watch it.
And my straw reaches across the room...
...and starts to drink your milkshake.
I drink your milkshake!
I drink it up!
Don't bully me Daniel.
Did you think that your song and dance...
...and your superstition would help you, Eli?
I am the Third Revelation!
I am who the Lord has chosen!
Because I'm smarter than you.
I'm older...
I'm your old friend, Daniel!
I'm not a false prophet,
you sniveling boy!
I am the Third Revelation!
I am the Third Revelation!
I told you I would eat you!
I told you I would eat you up!
We're brothers! We're brothers!
Daniel, please forgive me.
I beg you for this.