There's Always A Woman (1938)

Thanks for the lift.
Any time, Mrs. Reardon.
And how does your husband
like having his own office?
Fine. Clients are
just pouring in.
One fine little woman,
that Mrs. Reardon.
Please, let's not have a scene.
Look, it's just as tough
on me as it is on you.
Listen, let's face the facts.
You're a luxury.
I can't afford a luxury.
I can't keep you any longer.
After all, I'm a married man
I've got to think of my wife.
And about time.
Oh, Mrs. Reardon.
What's going on here?
Maybe you can
explain to Miss Jacobs
that I'm letting her go only
because business is so bad,
I can't afford to
keep a stenographer.
Now don't cry, Miss Jacobs.
Someday this will be the largest
detective agency in town,
then my husband will take you
back at a bigger salary.
Now look,
here's a bonus for you.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you, Mrs. Reardon.
I don't mind anything,
but your husband shouldn't
have called me that name.
What did you call her, Bill?
I didn't call her any name.
You did too.
You called me a stenographer,
and I'm a private secretary.
Listen, I gave her a week's salary.
Why the extra $5?
$10, for being here six months
without flirting with you.
Oh, yeah?
Lady, you've been robbed.
Why that little...
Well, that settles it.
From now on, I'm your secretary.
No, no. No thanks.
I don't need a secretary.
I don't even need a stenographer,
so you go on home,
see if you can't think up
a good menu for a change.
I'm tired of going home,
cooking for you.
I want to go out in the
world and meet people.
Oh, no...
No, it's no life for a girl like you.
Millions of clamoring clients,
the white lights,
the gay night life!
Oh no, go home...
Go home little girl, before it's too late.
Mister, for better or
for worse from now on
I'm your secretary.
All right, take a letter.
To whom please?
Oh, what's the difference?
Oh, Bill, keep your chin up.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Who cares about Rome?
All I'm interested in is in the
career of William H. Reardon.
Now listen to me young lady,
six months ago I was
making $3,500 a year
as special investigator in the
district attorney's office.
Doing all the work while
the DA got all the glory.
Now you listen
to me, Bill Reardon.
I did once, now look at me.
My own boss, no work, no
glory, and nothing a year.
Someday you'll thank me for
making you go on your own.
You're the best detective in
this town, and you know it.
Yeah, I know it and you know it.
The trouble is
nobody else knows it.
Some day they'll find out.
Now tell me something, Snooks.
If I'm as smart as you say,
how did I happen to fall
for a dumb dame like you?
Believe me, I've sat up nights
worrying about just that thing.
Well, there you are.
If I'm really a good detective,
I'd be able to explain
how the whole thing happened.
You are a good detective.
You're just stupid.
Oh, now I'm stupid.
About some things.
A minute ago I was the
smartest guy in town,
now I'm stupid.
Well, make up your mind, which is it?
Both. You are the
smartest guy in town,
but it's publicity
you're stupid about.
Nobody knows you have an office.
How do you expect
to get any clients?
I bet I could get more
publicity in two minutes
than you've
gotten in six months.
Oh, yeah?
All right, young lady,
from now on
suppose you take charge
of the whole office.
Hmm, for two cents I would.
Well, if I had two cents...
Maybe that's a customer.
Yes, sir.
May I see
Mr. Reardon, please?
Yes, sir. Mr. Reardon,
here's a client.
I'll get those letters
right out, Mr. Reardon.
Oh, pardon me.
Oh, dear.
Well... Oh, excuse me.
Right there.
Oh, yes, yes.
Oh, busy days these.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Oh, Bill, did you get it?
I'll say I did.
Oh, what is it?
A divorce case?
No. They want us to do
some collecting for them.
A fellow owes them some money.
Well, anything is better than nothing.
Did you get an advance?
No, no. It's not the sort of thing
you can ask for an advance on.
You dope, you can get
an advance on anything.
Yeah? All right,
see for yourself.
Oh, Bill, what are
we gonna do now?
I'm doing it.
Hello? Is the
District Attorney there?
Don't talk to that guy.
Don't talk to him, Bill!
Hello, Joe? Yeah,
this is Bill Reardon.
When will he be in?
Half an hour?
Okay. Thanks.
Where's your pride?
I just swallowed it.
Listen, honey,
I'm not going on relief
when there's a good
job waiting for me.
Come on.
Well, you can quit if you want to,
but I'm going to carry on here.
All right, baby, you carry on
until the first of the month.
You might take
care of this, too.
I'll call you in half an hour.
Wish me luck.
Yes, I do. I hope
you don't get the job.
Well, if we don't there's a cute
little bench in Central Park
where we can spend the winter.
Oh, Bill.
You'd better start packing.
Pack up?
What's there to pack?
A lot of silly pictures
as far as I can see.
Never could run an office.
He's just a schlemiel,
that's all.
I beg your pardon,
is Mr. Reardon in? No.
Well, can you tell me
when he will be in?
I want to see him on business.
Oh, won't you sit down.
Mr. Reardon has gone
out for a moment, and a...
When will he be back?
Well, he won't.
That is, right now he is out
on a very important case
and I don't know exactly
when he will be back.
Would you like him to call you?
I prefer not to leave my name.
Oh, just as you
wish, Mrs. Fraser.
How did you know my name?
Your picture was in the paper
when you were married.
It is a detective's business
never to forget a face.
Are you a detective?
Oh, yes. Yes.
I'm Mr. Reardon's
chief operator.
I handle all the women clients.
You see, women often feel
they can talk more freely
to another woman.
There may be something in that.
Do sit down.
You'll promise to keep
the matter confidential?
I won't even discuss it
with Mr. Reardon.
Oh, he'll have
to know, won't he?
Not unless you want him to.
Your case will be entered
on our books as a number.
Just a moment.
Our last case
was No. 375.
Your case number will be 376.
Now what can I do for you?
There's someone I'd like
to have followed.
Her name is Anne Calhoun.
Has this inscription
anything to do with it?
She was engaged
to my husband before I.
I'm beginning to understand.
There hasn't been anything
to understand until recently.
Suddenly, Mr. Fraser has been getting
letters and phone calls from her.
I haven't spied, but I know her
handwriting and I know her voice.
There's something
going on between them
and you've got to
find out what it is.
376, I'll stake
my reputation on it.
If I don't solve this case
before the first of the month,
I'll retire from business.
Fine. Tomorrow I'm going
away on a two week trip
and when I get back, I want a
complete report on Anne Calhoun,
everybody she sees and where
and when she sees them.
You go away and forget it.
Maybe I'll have good news
for you when you get back.
Any news will be
better than this suspense.
Oh, by the way,
my husband and I are going to the
Skyline Club tonight for dinner
with believe it
or not, Miss Calhoun.
If you want to get
a good look at her.
I'll be there.
Thanks for the tip.
I don't know
what your rates are,
but this should do
until I get back.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you Miss...
Operator number seven.
One, two, three, $300.
$300! One, two, three.
Well, what this office needs
is a few pictures on the wall.
This will go here.
Oh, Bill, we should have
done this a long time ago.
Reardon Detective Agency.
Oh, hello, Bill.
You sound awfully happy.
Oh, you landed that job
with the District Attorney?
Why, that's very nice.
What's the salary?
75 smackers a week
and every week.
What's the matter?
You don't sound very enthusiastic.
Oh, I think it's wonderful.
Yes, I really do.
And how's the Reardon Agency coming
along under its new management?
Splendidly, thank you.
Customers are popping in all over the place.
Customers, ha.
Name one.
Why, Bill, I'm surprised,
the Reardon Detective Agency
never reveals
the name of its clients.
That's our policy.
What did you say?
Any more bills come in?
Why yes, three of them.
Aw, forget them.
What do you say we celebrate tonight?
Oh, gee, that sounds swell.
Where do I want to go?
Well, let's see.
How about the Skyline Club?
Can we afford that?
No, we cannot afford the Skyline Club.
Don't be silly.
Bill, just this once please.
All right, if you promise to have
one drink and the regular dinner.
None of that a la carte stuff.
I promise.
All right.
The Skyline Club.
Little gold-digger.
And then I'll take
some filet mignon.
Oui, madame.
Oh yes, ixnay.
You mean instead of filet mignon?
Do you have any ixnay?
Ixnay? Pardon?
Well, never mind if you haven't any.
I'll just take filet mignon.
You see, they're all out of it.
And, uh, chiffonade salad.
Salad chiffonade, madame.
Then I'll have strawberry parfait and coffee.
Pork chops on
the regular dinner.
Any wine, monsieur?
Oh, I'll take some.
No, no wine.
Thank you, monsieur.
You mean, no wine?
That's what I mean, no wine.
Not even a teeny-weeny itsy-bitsy?
Not even a teeny-weeny itsy-bitsy.
You mean, no wine.
Yeah, that's it, no wine.
Religious scruples?
No, no, just mathematics.
Filet mignon, $3.50, strawberry
parfait, 75 cents, six martinis.
I only had three.
But they're charging me
for mine, too, you know.
And all I've got in my
pocket is a 20 dollar bill.
You don't happen to have a couple
of dollars in your purse, do you?
Why didn't you say so?
I've got half a dollar.
Hand it over.
I'm in no mood for quibbling.
Oh, Shane.
Hello, Mr. Reardon.
Just the man I want to see.
Will you cash a check for me?
Sure. What do you want?
Oh, not much, 25.
You better make it 50 in
case we want some wine.
Yeah. Oh, Mr. Shane,
Mrs. Reardon.
How do you do?
Here's your 50.
Got a pen?
You're taking an
awful chance, Mr. Shane.
I don't think he has
$50 in his account.
Say, she has
a great sense of humor.
Yeah. Can I buy
you a drink?
No, thanks.
Have one on the house.
Oh, no, we couldn't do that.
Oh, you can have one more, Bill.
I'm taking you home.
What will it
be, Mrs. Reardon?
A martini, please.
Same thing.
Jim, three martinis.
Haven't seen you around lately.
No, no, I've been pretty busy.
How do you like
being on your own?
Well, I'm not exactly on my own anymore.
I'm back with the DA again.
Say, you don't happen to have
his home phone number, do you?
Why, yeah.
Lexington 28672,
but he won't be
home till pretty late.
To you, Mrs. Reardon.
Oh, to you, Mr. Shane.
May your checks never bounce back.
Remind me to talk to
you when we get home.
Pardon me, sir, but you
are wanted in the office.
Oh, excuse me.
I'll probably see you around later.
Nice personality.
Yeah, most gamblers have.
He happens to own that
casino across the river.
Oh, why didn't I
marry a man like that
instead of a prohibitionist.
Your table is ready, monsieur.
All right, thanks.
Come on.
Psst, psst.
Come on, that looks swell.
This one will be all right.
Wouldn't madame prefer the
table over by the window?
No, we can't see
anyone over there.
I like this one right
in the center of things.
We can watch people coming in.
As you wish, madame.
I don't know why we couldn't
have had a decent table.
What's wrong with this table?
Oh, nothing, this is great.
Nice draft, too.
I knew you'd like it.
Do you remember way back
when I said I'd take
you to the Skyline Club
and you promised you would
go light on everything?
Oh, that was before
we made the $50.
Hmm. Yes, it was.
Of course, we didn't
quite make the $50.
There's just a chance that
Mr. Shane might deposit that check.
Well, even if he does that's
$50 more than we came in with.
That's certainly a profit.
Yes, it certainly is.
Do me a favor, will you?
Don't mention it to
the income tax people.
Oh, you can trust me, Bill.
Puree mongole?
No, my name is Reardon.
Good evening, Mr. Fraser.
Good evening.
Your table is all ready.
Oh, thank you.
I wish you weren't
going away, darling.
I'll probably be sorry myself.
Why don't you get yourself
a pair of field glasses?
As long as I'm paying 90 cents
for that puree mongole,
I'd like to see you
eat some of it.
Why don't you watch
where you're going?
Anything wrong, madame?
I should say there is.
If you think I'm going to sit
here and be jostled about
by everyone you're mistaken.
But the guy never came
anywhere near you.
I don't see how you have the nerve
to offer anyone this table.
I want to sit
over at that table.
Come along, Bill.
Sorry, madame.
Your wife?
You want to make
anything out of it?
Breast of guinea hen and heart
of artichoke in butter sauce.
This is more like it.
Are you angry
at something, Bill?
Me? No, what have
I got to be angry about?
Well, I don't know.
You just look like
you're ready to
sock somebody in the jaw.
No, no, I got over
that an hour ago.
Now I'm looking for an axe.
I think it's silly
getting mad at a waiter.
You haven't by any chance found an
answer to that question, have you?
What question?
How a smart guy like me happened
to marry a dumb cluck like you?
I don't think
there is any explanation.
That's what I thought.
But you did like my dancing.
Oh, did I?
All right, let's try that.
Oh, don't be silly, Bill.
You couldn't dance
these modern dances.
Not at your age.
Oh, not at my age.
Maybe I'm too old for you?
I wouldn't want a younger man.
I don't know why we come
to these places anyhow.
I do.
I like to dance.
That's a good idea.
Come on.
Oh, but I just promised
this dance to Walter.
Didn't I, Walter?
Oh, yes, of course you did.
Say, who's engaged
to her anyhow?
Oh, don't be so jealous, Jerry.
All right, Bill.
What are you trying to do?
But this isn't one of the new dances.
Sure you can do it?
Well, if you didn't want to dance
with me, why did you ask me?
Well then, I'll dance by myself.
That's my little gentleman.
Did you bring it?
Yes, it's right here.
Well, how am I doing
for an old man?
Now don't you be nervous, Bill.
You just follow me.
I'm sorry, I should have
brought my running shoes.
New step.
I don't have to
say thank you, do I?
Not to me.
Applaud, Bill.
What have I got to applaud?
You want to
dance again, don't you?
This time we do it my way.
Well, what now?
Oh, you'll have to excuse me.
Are you finished, monsieur?
I certainly am. I've taken about
all I can stand for one evening.
Hey, listen, never mind
the rest of the dinner.
Just bring me
something to drink.
The best champagne
and one glass.
Yes, but madame?
One glass.
Yes, sir, one glass.
Good night.
Good evening, Miss Calhoun.
Good evening, Mr. Shane.
So nice to see you.
I didn't dare hope
it'd be so soon.
What's that?
Where's my glass?
Hmm, I only ordered one.
Not a taste even?
Ah, here she is now.
About time.
What's the matter?
Oh, nothing.
I just told him I didn't mind
letting him have my girl,
but I thought he
ought to return her.
Did you think I was lost?
Well, it wouldn't be the
first time he lost you.
What do you
mean by that? Walter. Walter...
I'll tell you
what I mean by that.
I'm engaged to Anne now,
and I'll kill the
first man that horns in.
It's all right, gentlemen.
It's just my wife.
Well, why didn't you pick
me up, you big lummox?
I picked you up once
and now look at me.
Are you hurt?
Everything is under control.
I'm sorry to have intruded.
Please go on
with your quarreling.
I thought I married a gentleman.
Well, live and learn.
Anyway, it serves you right for
snooping into other people's affairs.
I haven't snooped.
You have, too.
You've been
snooping all evening.
You're just a snoop poopity-popp,
that's what you are.
Of all the selfish, beastly pigs I
ever met in my life, Bill Reardon,
you are about
the lowest form of... Hello, Reardon.
Hello, Schuster.
How are you? Who's that?
There you go snooping again.
What's it to you?
His name's Schuster.
I know his name's Schuster.
What does he do?
What difference does it
make what he does?
He's a lawyer.
What kind of a lawyer?
What difference does it
make what kind of a lawyer?
He's a divorce lawyer.
Wait a minute.
I want to see that guy.
Get me two bottles of
this and one glass.
Oui, madame.
What did the lawyer say then?
Well, in New York
State the grounds are
desertion, insanity,
and a couple of other things.
In California,
it's mental cruelty.
What's mental cruelty?
Refusing to dance with your
husband when he wants to dance,
dancing with him when he doesn't
want to dance, snooping.
Snooping when he
doesn't want to dance
and dancing when
he doesn't want to snoop.
In Russia, the man
gets the alimony.
Oh, let's go to Russia.
All right, Sally,
let's go to Russia.
Waiter. Time table.
Where is our waiter?
I tell you what.
Let's go to bed.
That's a very smart idea.
How did you ever
think of that idea?
It just came to me.
Do you really think that's a good
idea, or are you just saying it?
Oh, no, I really
think it's wonderful.
You know, I get
a lot of good ideas,
but I'm afraid to mention 'em.
You shouldn't be afraid, Bill.
If you can't tell your
wife, who can you tell?
I could tell my mother.
A boy's best
friend's his mother.
There you go sticking up
for your mother,
instead of your
own flesh and blood.
Come on, let's go to bed.
I've got to get up
early for the DA.
And I've got to get up
early for my office.
I know what.
I'll get us some hot milk.
That'll make us sleep.
There's just nothing...
There's nothing in the
world like hot milk.
Bill. Bill.
Huh? What?
If I get you some hot milk,
you'll go right to sleep.
Leave me alone.
Hot milk is the only thing.
Say, how do you expect to go to
sleep with that tight collar on?
What's going on?
I'm just trying to
put you to sleep, honey.
There must be something I
can do for poor little Bill.
I know.
Might have turned off
the alarm before he left.
Wake up, Bill, it's late.
Poor Bill.
Oh, poor Sally.
Walter Fraser.
I'll kill the first
guy that horns in.
I'll kill the first
guy that horns in.
I'll kill the first guy
that horns...
I'm sorry, Bill,
but business is business.
Hello. Dispatch?
Give me the City Desk.
City desk.
Good morning.
Could I interest you in the Fraser murder?
You might. Why?
Did you kill him?
But I think I know who did.
Sally Reardon of the Reardon
Detective Agency, you know.
No, I don't know, but go ahead.
Eh? What?
Say that again.
63rd Street.
We'll be right over.
Fine. That's great.
Stay right where you are.
And you say Marlowe made this threat
in the presence of witnesses?
My husband and I both heard him.
Where is your husband?
He's down at the DA's office
covering the case from their angle.
How did Marlowe
look when he said it?
Don't quote me, but he had a
very ominous glitter in his eye.
And you were close enough to see
this ominous glitter in his eye?
Yes, I was.
My back was right toward him.
Marlowe would have killed
Fraser right then and there
if I hadn't stopped him.
How could you stop him?
Well, I threw a chair at Marlowe
just as he was getting
ready to draw his gun.
Interesting, if true.
Don't forget to put in the Reardon
Detective Agency gave you your clue.
Publicity helps,
you know. Oh, yeah.
Oh, that's not fair.
He has no pants on.
Hey, give me that plate.
Come on, Joe.
You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.
What happened?
What's going on?
Oh, Bill, you haven't
got your pants on.
What was that noise?
What was that noise?
Oh, you finally heard something, did you?
I've been slamming in and out doors
all morning trying to wake you up.
You were supposed to be down
at the District Attorney's.
Do you know
what time it is? Ow.
Bill, are you all right?
Yeah, yeah, get me a clean pair
of socks, will you, Sally?
And bring me the morning paper.
Oh. There isn't any.
What, no clean socks?
No. No paper.
You see, the boy
forgot it this morning
or else the neighbors
stole it again.
Let me help you with your socks.
Bill, do you love me?
Yeah, only don't
ask me in the morning.
No, I mean really love,
no matter what happens?
Sure, sure.
And no picture could
ever come between us?
And no picture...
Say, what's the matter with you?
Are you crazy?
What picture?
Well, any picture.
You know, like when you
and I go to the movies
and we see a picture,
and I like it and you don't
and you make an awful fuss.
Oh, let me alone, will you?
Here I am trying to get to
the DA's office on time
and here you are bothering
me about a moving picture
and can it ever come between us.
Hello. Yeah.
What? Holy smoke.
Yeah, yeah.
I'll be right down.
Say, Sally, you know that party that
were sitting right next to us in the cafe?
One of them was a guy named Fraser.
He was murdered last night.
Bill, this is your chance.
You pick up the trail
from the time they
left the restaurant
to Marlowe's house.
Oh, that's all I got to do, eh?
We can break this
case in no time.
If we solve it before
election, we'll be heroes.
If we don't...
I know.
If we don't, I'm the goat.
Oh, I wouldn't say that.
I know you wouldn't say it.
Now, suppose a miracle occurs
and I do crack this case.
Do you think you might mention
me in one of those interviews?
Save it, Bill.
I'll give you all the publicity in the world.
Yeah, well,
I never got it before.
Hey, wait a minute.
You've got it now.
"No picture can
ever come between us."
Who's your tailor, Reardon?
"Blonde Sleuth
accuses Marlowe."
Why should I hire
anybody who says that?
So she'll stop saying it.
I don't want any part of it.
Say, who's the lawyer
here, you or I?
You made the threat, didn't you?
Yes, I made the threat,
but I didn't kill him.
Well, whether you did
or not is unimportant.
The important thing is to make
sure that you're not convicted.
- Yes?
- Mrs. Reardon is here.
Send her right in.
Now you be nice to her.
Nice to her?
I'd like to kill her.
That's the sort of talk that
got you into trouble before.
Mrs. Reardon.
How do you
do, Mr. Ketterling?
How are you, Mrs. Reardon?
You know Mr. Marlowe?
Oh, yes, we met
last night, didn't we?
Won't you sit down.
Thank you.
Mrs. Reardon, I have
explained to Mr. Marlowe
that you've agreed to do
a little investigating for us.
Yes, I have. Of course, we're very
busy at the office right now,
but this is such
an interesting case,
I felt I couldn't
afford to turn it down.
It is interesting,
isn't it, Mr. Marlowe?
That's very generous of you,
Mrs. Reardon. Isn't it, Jerry?
Oh, yes, it's very generous.
Oh, well, money
isn't everything.
We agreed upon 200 a week
and expenses, didn't we?
Oh yes, yes. I have your check
all ready for you, Mrs. Reardon.
No, wait a minute.
How are you going to
fix that newspaper story?
Oh, that.
May I use the telephone?
Thank you.
Don't you worry about a thing.
I can fix it.
Hello, give me the City Desk.
this is Mrs. Reardon.
Yes, I have a new story for you.
Have you a pencil ready?
All right.
"Marlowe is innocent"
says blonde investigator.
I know I said he was guilty,
but I've just picked up
some new evidence.
Hello, Bill.
Oh, it's dark isn't it?
Oh, that one's on.
There you are, honey.
What about this?
Bill, you promised that no picture
would ever come between us.
Yes, but I never said
anything about shorts.
Well, anyway, it shows
you have nice straight legs.
Never mind my legs.
Why did you repeat
that crack of Marlowe's
to the reporters?
Well, I told you I was going to
get publicity for the office,
and anyway, Marlowe did say it.
He was drunk.
I always tell the truth when I'm...
When I've had a few drinks.
If you do, it's the only time.
Yes, it's very obvious.
If you're going to kill someone,
you don't advertise it, do you?
Have you had any dinner?
No, I don't want any dinner.
Maybe you'd feel better
if you had something to eat.
I'd feel better
if I murdered you.
Making a monkey
out of me with the DA.
I'm sorry, Bill.
I won't butt in again,
really I won't.
If I thought you meant that, I'd
be the happiest guy in the world.
Oh, I do mean it, Bill,
honest I do.
Okay, you can live.
If you really mean it.
Of course, I mean it.
I appreciate
how you feel, Sally,
but it's a man's place to
make the money for the house
and the woman's place to take care
of the man when he comes home.
Oh, you're
absolutely right, Bill,
and to prove it I'll make you
the best supper you ever had.
How do you like your
coffee, weak or strong?
Strong. I got
things to do tonight.
What things?
I thought you were going
to do the housework.
Well, a wife ought
to take some interest
in what her husband
is doing, don't you think?
Well, if that's the way you
feel about it, all right.
Are you and the DA going
to arrest anyone tonight?
No, we're not going
to arrest anyone tonight.
We don't arrest people
on a lot of flimsy evidence,
and we don't accuse them till we
are pretty sure they're guilty.
Oh, I think that's
a very nice attitude, Bill,
but don't forget to
question the butler.
What butler?
I don't know.
All I know is that
when I read a detective story
there's always a butler.
Open the sardines, Bill.
I thought you were going to
take care of the housework.
Hurry up, will you?
I've got a date with the DA.
We are going to re-enact
the murder tonight.
Oh, Bill, did you hurt yourself?
No, I just lost a hand.
Oh, well, do be careful.
Where are you going
to re-enact the crime?
In Central Park.
Oh, that's very silly.
You ought to re-enact it where
the crime was committed.
Oh, don't, that's the last can.
It might be easy enough for
anyone to get up on this terrace
from the other building.
Yeah, but the doors were
locked from the inside.
The glass isn't shattered.
So it couldn't have
been done from here.
There's Mrs. Fraser.
Oh, you can't go in there.
Isn't this the
Marlowe apartment?
That's right.
Well, I have to take this in to Mr. Reardon.
It's very important.
I'm from the District Attorney's office.
Well, just a minute.
I'll take it to him.
You wait here.
What I want to find out is just where
each person was when the shot was fired.
What about you, Miss Calhoun?
I was in the kitchen
mixing a drink.
Where did you
last see Mr. Fraser?
Here, in the living room.
It's true, isn't it, that you
were once engaged to Mr. Fraser?
Yes, I was.
And now you're engaged
to Mr. Marlowe?
What of it?
Nothing, only I may have to
dig into these relationships.
So if I ask a few
personal questions,
it won't be out
of idle curiosity.
Where were you, Mrs. Fraser,
when the shot was fired?
I was in the library.
I was just reaching
for the phone when...
That's all right.
How about you, Marlowe?
Frankly, I'd had a few drinks.
I couldn't swear
just where I was.
Why, Jerry, you were in
the kitchen with me.
But, Jerry.
Yes, Mrs. Fraser?
But you were about
to say something.
Well, Jerry had walked through
the living room with me
to show me where the phone was.
The shot came almost immediately
and I didn't think he'd had time
to get back to the kitchen.
He'd just come back
when the shot was fired.
Well, what about it, Marlowe?
I really don't remember.
Nobody seems to remember
much around here.
Mr. Reardon,
a lady brought this.
She's waiting for an answer.
No answer.
What are you two talking about?
Is it against the law for me
to give an order to my butler?
Where were you last night?
I was asleep.
The shot awakened me.
I put on my bathrobe
and I... I came down.
How long have you
worked for Mr. Marlowe?
I engaged him in
London two years ago. Let him talk for himself.
Who did you work for
before Marlowe hired you?
For a Dr. Murray.
There is nothing wrong with
your memory now, is there?
You might try remembering a
few things about last night.
I'll take another look around.
I'll see what I can do.
You know Jerry's innocent.
I know only one thing,
that Walter is dead.
I have been all
over this place, too.
That gun ain't nowhere in here.
It's got to be someplace.
I looked in there.
I think I've found the gun.
What are you talking about?
You just don't
know where to look.
What a place for a gun.
I just found something.
Where did you locate it?
Sit down.
In the butler's pantry.
Take this downtown
for fingerprints. Yes, sir.
Well, how do you
account for that?
I don't know, sir.
Ever handle a gun?
No, sir.
Oh, you say you
never shot a gun?
No, sir.
Well, here's your first lesson.
Shoot this.
Oh, no, sir, I wouldn't know how.
I... I couldn't.
Just pull the trigger.
So you never shot a gun before?
No, sir.
But you knew enough to
release the safety catch
before you pulled the trigger.
Take him downtown.
You can't do that.
Are you trying to hang this on him?
Oh, do you
want to go along? You bet I do!
Fine. It might help you to
remember where you were
when that shot was fired.
It's all right, darling.
That's all for the present.
We're very grateful
to you, Mrs. Fraser.
I hope we won't have
to bother you again.
Will it be all right if I
go away for a few days?
Certainly, as long as
we know where you are.
Miss Calhoun, we'll get in touch
with you when we need you.
I'd like to go away
for a few days myself.
No, I think you'd better
stay in town, Miss Calhoun.
Very well.
Whatever made you
think of the butler?
Whatever made me
think of the butler?
Why, I suspected him
from the very first moment.
Stop that!
How did the gun get
in the butler's pantry?
I don't know.
But you were the only person
who cleaned the pantry.
Never mind, we don't have to
ask him any more questions.
All we need now is a confirmation
of the facts we have.
On the 2nd of this month,
you went to a pawn shop
located at 374
Hillcrest Drive, Newark.
No, no. You bought a
revolver there for $15.
No, I didn't.
The pawnbrokers identified your photograph.
It's a frame-up!
But before you bought the gun
you examined several rifles.
I didn't. He tried to
sell me a rifle... Oh!
I thought you'd walk into that.
Okay, let's have it.
Come on, you've admitted
you were there. Come clean.
I bought the gun
for Mr. Marlowe.
You mean to say Marlowe
sent you to a pawn shop?
No. He gave me
$20.00 to buy a gun.
Oh, I see.
He gave you $20 to buy a gun
and you only paid $15 for it.
You chiseled him out of $5.
Well, I hid the gun
for him, didn't...
All right. Now let's
have it step by step.
After I bought the gun,
Mr. Marlowe kept it in
a drawer in his room.
About a week ago
the gun was missing.
Did you say anything
to Marlowe about it?
No, I didn't think it
was any of my business.
Go on.
Well, when the shot was fired,
I put on my bathrobe
and rushed down.
Fraser's body was
lying on the ground.
A woman was screaming
and Mr. Marlowe...
Yeah. Tell us
about Mr. Marlowe.
Oh, he was trying to
keep the ladies quiet.
Then I saw a gun lying
by the French window.
The gun you bought
from the pawn shop?
Yes. I picked it up,
slipped it into my bathrobe
and I hid it in the pantry.
Marlowe asked
you to hide it? No.
Now, what did he say when
you told him where it was?
I didn't tell him.
A three year old child
could make up a better story.
And you expect
me to believe that?
I don't care what you believe.
It's the truth.
I did have Grigson buy a gun and
it disappeared about a week ago.
Oh, the gun just walked
out of the desk, eh?
I don't know what
happened to it.
Did you ask Grigson about it?
No. When I saw it
missing I was glad.
And why were you glad?
Because I was afraid
I might use it on Fraser.
You bought it to use
on Fraser, didn't you? Yes.
Because he was up to something with Anne.
And she'd been writing to him.
How do you know
she'd been writing to him?
I was in his apartment when
the maid brought the mail in.
I know Anne's handwriting.
He didn't open the letter,
he just looked confused
and slipped it in his pocket.
Any idea what it was all about?
No. She denied
everything. He lied.
I was going crazy, I tell you.
I'd have killed him all right.
I'm only sorry I didn't.
Cheer up, Marlowe.
Maybe we can prove you did.
Will you please tell the District
Attorney that Mrs. Reardon is here.
Sorry, he's busy.
You'll have to wait.
How do you
do, Mrs. Reardon?
Oh, Mr. Shane. Well.
And what is
a night club owner doing
in the District Attorney's
office, if I may ask?
Oh, I get around.
Oh, you're not complaining about
my husband's check, I hope?
Oh, no, that hasn't bounced yet.
Well, that won't be a bounce,
that'll be an earthquake.
What might you be doing
in the District Attorney's
office, if I may ask?
Some new clue
on the Fraser murder?
Say, maybe you could help me.
Well, I'd appreciate
the opportunity.
What was in that letter that Anne
Calhoun gave you the other night?
Letter that Anne
Calhoun gave me?
Oh, Shane, I'm sorry I
won't be able to see you.
When I called you the other
night, you told me to be sure
and drop in to
see you this morning.
I know, I know.
That was before the Fraser case turned up.
Come and see me
next week sometime.Okay.
I'll tell you what, I'll call
you when I'm ready for you.
Goodbye, Mrs. Reardon.
Goodbye, Mr. Shane.
Think it over.
Mrs. Reardon.
Oh, I'd like to talk to you.
I've got some
very valuable clues.
Yes, I've been reading
all about your clues.
But this is a new one.
Well, tell it to your husband.
Maybe he'll listen.
It's no use.
He isn't speaking to me these days.
Smart fellow, Reardon.
I think Shane is
mixed up in this case.
Shane? Nonsense.
But you...
As it happens,
I was talking to
Shane over the telephone
just about the time
the murder was committed.
What do you think he was doing,
holding a revolver in one hand,
and a receiver in the other?
Maybe he's a ventriloquist.
A ventriloquist?
Hello, Mr. Ketterling.
I have some marvelous news for you.
I tried to get you earlier, and
then later I was busy myself.
Uh-huh. Shopping.
The good news?
Oh, well, it isn't exactly good.
No, it looks pretty bad
for poor Mr. Marlowe.
But don't you worry.
I have a wonderful plan.
If I can get rid of my
husband by 8 o'clock,
I'm starting out
and... Huh?
Well, I can't tell you.
No, because I'm not
sure what the plan is.
Bye, Mr. Ketterling.
Bill. Bill, darling.
Bill, darling, speak to me.
All right, you
little double-crosser.
Why you... You acrobat!
Wait a minute now,
I can explain everything.
You were doing so well
with the case that I...
Well, I just got so discouraged
I hid in the closet.
You heard that phone call?
I heard part of it.
I wasn't interested much.
You weren't interested much?
No, when a man
discovers that his wife's
been double-crossing him, nothing she
can say is of any interest to him.
Anyway, there's been a man from
headquarters listening in,
taking down
the full conversation.
You mean, these wires
have been tapped?
Hello, Mike,
did you get it? Okay.
Well, then you know everything.
Oh, no, no, I'm not that good.
But I know Ketterling
and Marlowe hired you.
How did you find out?
Oh, well even a boob would
get suspicious of his wife
when he finds her
giving out interviews,
sneaking around when he's
trying to question people
and behaving in general
like a madwoman.
Besides, I'm the smartest
detective in town.
You said so yourself, remember?
Of course, that was
before you began to think
you were the
smartest detective in town.
Anyhow, I got some clients.
One client.
A potential murderer.
How do you know
I haven't got more?
Because nobody would hire you
except somebody who wanted
to spy on the DA's office.
Is that so?
To me, the most convincing
proof that Marlowe is guilty
is the fact that he hired you.
Only a desperate
man would do that.
But he's not guilty.
That's what you think.
But of course,
you're paid to think that.
He has his man buy a gun in order
to kill Fraser and Fraser's killed.
That adds up, doesn't it?
No, it doesn't add up.
Someone stole
that gun a week ago.
Yeah, that's what he says.
I can prove it.
If you do, you're a better
man than I am, Gunga Din.
If I do prove it will you take
orders from a better man?
Sure. I know
when I'm licked.
All right. You quit
the DA's office
and I'll give you a job with the Reardon
Detective Agency at a big salary.
And if you're licked, will you
go home and look after the kids?
It's a bet.
What kids?
Oh, I'm sorry.
A woman with a career wouldn't have
time to bring up a lot of children,
but if you ever decide to give up
that career, Mrs. Sherlock Holmes,
come up and see me, we'll
have a nice, long chat.
Oh, I suppose it's
only fair to warn you
that wherever you go tonight,
you'll be shadowed
by one of my men.
Oh, that's not fair, Bill.
All's fair in love and war.
Well, this is war
in a way, isn't it?
I guess it must be love too,
otherwise I'd have
killed you long ago.
So long, dangerous.
Doesn't this remind you
of those Civil War stories
where the Northern captain falls in
love with the beautiful Southern spy?
Well, I think it's romantic.
Gee, we sure miss
Mr. Fraser around here.
Oh, I'm awfully
sorry, Mrs. Fraser.
Stick 'em up.
One move and I'll plug you.
Let me go, please.
I didn't know anyone
else was in here.
You think you'll ever
leave this room alive?
I'm married to the greatest
detective in the world.
He'll track you down to
the ends of the earth.
You mean Bill Reardon?
Bill! Oh, I was never so glad
to see anyone in all my life.
It's lucky for you I was here or
that fellow would have plugged you.
Oh, my legs are shaking.
I was really scared.
What are you doing
in that get up?
I'm a lone widow
who forgot her keys.
Plain idiot who lost her brains.
Oh, these widow's weeds are hot.
I hope, darling, I never
lose you in the summer time.
Oh, any other season,
I suppose, would be okay.
It would be
much more comfortable.
I know what!
We'll do our searching together.
If you find a clue you tell me and if I find a clue I'll tell...
I know if you find a clue you'll tell the newspapers.
You nit wit,
I believe you'd answer it.
Maybe it's a clue.
Mrs. Fraser's stockings
aren't any better than mine.
Are you searching
or sightseeing?
This is the kind
she wears all right.
"Love's Temptation No. 5".
Oh, you get me
some for my birthday, Bill.
It's only $25 an ounce.
Hey, come out
of there, you thief.
I thought it was a wall safe.
What are you hiding from me?
Good evening.
Don't touch me or I'll shoot.
Oh, my letter.
Give it to me. It's mine.
Sally, Sally, come back here!
Never mind.
I'll get that later.
Sit down, please.
Do you want to tell me about it?
No, you wouldn't
believe me anyhow.
Maybe not.
I'll tell you what I do believe.
I believe that you wrote
Fraser a blackmailing letter.
And when he wouldn't be blackmailed,
you killed him.
No. No.
Oh, yes, you did.
I'll tell you.
All right.
You might as well tell me the truth.
I'll find out anyway.
I was desperate.
I had lost $2,000 at roulette.
Roulette? Where?
At Shane's place across the river.
And I gave him
a bad check for it.
So I wrote to Walter asking him for old
times' sake to lend me the $2,000.
And he did?
If that was all, why did you
take your life in your hands
and steal in here?
Because I thought Lola would find the
letter and give it to the papers.
I didn't want Jerry to find out.
Can't you understand that?
Are you sure Jerry doesn't
know and suspect the worst?
You're trying to trap me
into saying he killed him.
He didn't. He didn't.
If anybody did it was Lola.
She was jealous. She...
Oh, I don't know
what I'm saying.
Oh, yes, you do.
I'm afraid I'll have to place you
under arrest, Miss Calhoun.
You can't.
You've got nothing
to arrest me for.
Have you a permit
to carry this gun?
Then I can hold you
on the Sullivan act.
Oh, no, no, no.
That's better than suspicion
of murder, isn't it?
Oh, hello, Bill, home so early?
For the last time, are you
going to give me that letter?
What letter?
All right, boys, get to work.
Rip the place wide open.
Bill Reardon, I won't allow strange
men to search my apartment.
I know my rights.
You don't know anything.
I thought you'd pull some
cockeyed idea like that,
so to save an argument I brought
along a search warrant.
Oh, it's pretty.
Will you autograph it for me?
Fogerty, take the kitchen.
Flannigan, the bedroom.
Be sure and put everything
back where you found it.
Empty everything in the place,
including the garbage can.
Aw, I wish I'd known you were coming.
I just emptied it.
All right, off with you.
That's a fine way
to treat my husband.
What are you looking for?
A letter.
Imagine a big man like you
wanting to play Post Office.
You're getting
warm, Mr. Flannigan.
Am I?
Warmer. Warmer still.
Hot, very hot, red hot.
You're getting warm again.
Warmer, hot, hot,
cold, cold. Ice cold.
Well, now am I getting hot?
Just under the collar.
Go on.
Listen, don't pay any
attention to what she says.
Just search every
inch of this place.
You play by yourself.
I'm busy.
Hello, Mike, are you there?
Oh, you aren't there.
You old faker.
I thought you said
this wire was tapped.
Hello 376,
I'd like to make an
appointment to see you.
Well, if it's about
that other matter,
just forget it, won't you,
and keep the money.
Oh, but this is very important.
Just a moment.
Who is it?
Oh, it's that
dumb Reardon woman.
You see, I'm not seeing
many people these days.
I've just come across a letter
that I'm sure will interest you.
See her. Find out
what's it about.
Well, I'm going out, but I'll
be back about nine o'clock.
Will that be all right?
Nine o'clock is fine.
I'll be there. Goodbye.
Hey, Flannigan,
I'll finish in here.
I want to keep an eye on her.
I can tell when
she gets nervous.
How you doin', honey?
Mr. Flannigan,
you're still cold.
All right, it's your turn.
You want me to help search?
Oh, no, you're going
to be searched.
Oh, Bill, you wouldn't dare.
All right, if you'd rather
have the boys do it.
Oh, Bill!
Take your shoes off.
Bill, stop it.
Don't you dare!
I haven't any letter on me.
It would rustle.
Bill, don't take
any more off me.
Don't you dare take another thing off.
Bill, listen.
Bill, you old meanie.
Give me that search warrant.
I'm gonna take it
home and read it.
I've been here four hours
and we still haven't decided
when I get the 50 grand.
I can't pay you until the
estate is settled, can I?
The question is,
will you pay me then?
I'll pay you, all right.
I know I'll get my money.
Listen, if the police
ever found out that
your husband was writing
out checks to Anne Calhoun
and that you knew about it,
they might even suspect
you of the murder.
And if they ever found out that I left you to marry Walter,
they might even suspect you.
Who's the man?
I don't know, but that
voice sounds familiar.
What are you sticking around for?
She'll be here any minute.
Watch your step and don't say
anything to the Reardon lady,
because if you even say hello to her
that dame thinks she has a clue.
The wrong clue, but a clue.
Whoever the guy is
he certainly knows my wife.
Good evening, Mrs. Fraser.
Good evening.
Sit down please.
Thank you.
You said something
about a letter.
Yes. A letter that Anne Calhoun
wrote to your husband.
Even if it meant finding the murderer,
I wouldn't want anything cheap
to be printed about Walter.
Well, I know how you feel,
but see for yourself.
At least we'll find out
what Anne Calhoun wrote.Yeah.
Oh, Mrs. Fraser, you had
no right to destroy that.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Reardon,
but I can't have any slurs
on Walter's memory.
Don't you want your husband avenged?
Yes, I want him avenged,
but I don't want his name
dragged through the mud.
Well, that just means I'll have
to find another clue, that's all,
but don't you worry, Mrs.
Fraser, I get one a minute.
Perhaps I can give
you a very good clue.
Wait a minute.
I wonder how
a smart girl like me
married such a dumb cluck as Bill Reardon.
Anyway, he's got more sense than that baboon he's working for.
There now, we can
let our back hair down.
Who planted that Dictaphone?
Oh, probably that
silly husband of mine.
As if anyone wouldn't have sense
enough to look for a Dictaphone.
How long do you
suppose it's been there?
I haven't the faintest idea,
but it looks awfully new
so I guess it hasn't
been used much.
I don't like the silence.
You sure nothing is the matter?
It seems all right.
I don't like it.
Come on, Flannigan,
let's go upstairs.
I'll tell you something,
but you must promise not to
reveal where you got it.
Why, 376, you can trust me.
When I went to the phone just before
the shot was fired that night,
I heard someone on the line.
Wrong number?
No, no.
Someone was in the apartment
talking on the extension.
Someone was
talking on the phone?
Well, there was no one else there
but you four and the butler.
The butler.
I knew it was the
butler all the time.
No, no, it wasn't the butler.
I know his voice.
Well, who was it?
I don't know.
What was he talking about?
He was talking to the District
Attorney about gambling.
Talking to the District
Attorney about gambling?
Then it was Shane.
He was talking to the District
Attorney at that time.
He was in the apartment.
I knew it was Shane all along.
All right, Mrs. Fraser,
get your things.
We're taking you
down to headquarters.
Snooper. You can't
do this to my client.
Shut up.
You're under arrest, too.
Is this yours?
You'll have every
chance to explain later.
Don't talk, 376.
Don't talk.
Now, Mrs. Fraser, we know there
was a man in your apartment.
Who was it?
Shane, Nick Shane.
Shane, huh?
And he wanted $50,000,
didn't he? For what?
I owed it to him.
You owed it to him?
What for?
I lost the money
playing roulette.
Shane had promised me
that he'd...
He'd give me time to pay.
But when this happened
he started pressing me.
I couldn't give him the money.
I didn't have it.
Shane seems to have done all
right with that joint of his.
Did you know that Anne Calhoun
had lost money there?
Why, yes.
We were there together when we both lost.
And what about the remark that
Shane used to be the boyfriend?
It's true.
I was a showgirl in Chicago then.
I thought I'd left all that
behind me when I married Walter.
All right, Mrs. Fraser,
that's all.
You won't be disturbed again.
I promise.
Thank you.
Well, that seems to let her out.
Whom do you suspect now?
What about this guy, Shane?
He keeps turning
up in this case.
Shane is a gambler who uses strong-arm
methods to collect, they all do.
Just the same,
I'm not overlooking the fact
that Fraser took
his girl away from him.
I wish somebody would
do the same thing for me.
What did Lola Fraser tell you
after you cut that wire?
It's a good reading light
if I had anything to read.
Oh, you're out of matches.
Here's some.
What did Lola Fraser tell you
after you cut that wire?
She made me promise not to tell
anyone, so don't you repeat it.
I won't.
It was just by accident that
she found out about it.
Found out about what?
Oh. Oh, no.
I couldn't betray
her confidence.
It's my Girl Scout training.
Can you tie knots?
Hello, darling.
You're wasting your time.
What did she tell you?
What did she tell you?
What did she tell you?
Now, Mrs. Reardon, we know Lola
Fraser told you something.
Ten to one it wasn't important,
but if you'll
just spill it we'd...
Well, we can all get some sleep.
Are you sleepy?
Why don't you drink some strong black coffee.
That clock.
Bother you?
No, no, I just wondered
if that's the right time.
I have an appointment, you know.
Fogerty, will you
please stop that?
My, you're a nervous
type, Mr. Flannigan.
What you need is
fresh air and exercise.
Unless I can use a hose on her, I give up.
She's your wife.
Haven't you any influence with her?
I think she'd talk
if I promised to
resign this job
and go back to our office.
Tell her you'll do it.
Promise her anything.
Good morning, darling.
That's all, boys.
Well, it's another
day, isn't it?
Listen, honey,
I want you to try to realize
how serious this is.
Gosh, Bill, I love you.
Listen, a man has been murdered,
the killer must be found.
Well, if you'd let me out
maybe I could...
But this is a matter
for the police.
Now, if you'll
work with them I'll...
I'll promise to take another
try at that office of ours.
Cross your heart?
Cross my heart.
Well, Lola told me that a few
minutes before the shot was fired
she picked up the phone.
A man was talking to the District
Attorney about gambling.
I told that fathead boss of
yours so at the beginning
and he wouldn't
listen to me. Bless you.
How much does that perfume
of Mrs. Fraser's cost?
$25 an ounce.
I'll buy you a whole gallon of it.
Keep her here, Fogerty.
I'm coming, too.
Hang on to her!
Lola Fraser overheard your conversation
with Shane on the Marlowe telephone.
But you checked on their phone,
no calls came out of there.
I know there's no record of it.
I don't know where Shane phoned
from or how the wires got crossed,
but I do know that call was
planned in advance as an alibi.
That means Shane is the killer.
That's what your wife said.
Well, even so it might be true.
Goodbye, angel. Keep her locked
up before she gets another clue.
I like this one.
Put her in a cell.
It will be a pleasure.
I'm sure Mr. Shane didn't
come in at all last night.
Give me the key.
You wait here.
Send out a call to
have Shane picked up.
I'll take a look around.
Yes, sir.
Mrs. Reardon.
Well, what are they
going to do to me now?
It's Mr. Ketterling.
He's arranged for your release.
Calling all cars.
Calling all cars.
Arrest Nick Shane,
wanted for murder.
Description, 40 years, dark
complexion, slight build,
armed and desperate,
take no chances.
Well, keep on ringing.
How long ago was
Mrs. Reardon released?
About a half an hour ago.
Ketterling showed up with
a writ of habeas corpus.
Well, take a man
with you and get over
to the Reardon
apartment right away. Yes, sir.
And send another man over to
Shane's hotel to warn Bill.
Yes, sir.
No, no, no, keep on ringing.
He might answer it.
It's no use, Bill Reardon,
I wouldn't forgive you for
all the perfume in the world.
Bill. Bill.
Where are you?
Bill, oh, don't hide.
Where did you put the perfume?
Oh, quit horsing around
will you, once is...
Break it in.
It's Nick Shane.
I'm glad you're doing a little
investigating around here.
It's been awful lonesome.
Hold that.
What's that?
It's a handy little instrument
for unlocking doors.
It works.
Give me that.
What are you going to do now?
Try to find out where Shane
telephoned the DA from.
I found it.
I guess this guy got
what was coming to him.
We got orders to
keep you right here.
I'm weak in the knees.
Don't faint, lady.
Smelling salts in the
bathroom, will you help me?
Oh, sure.
Of course. Certainly.
Oh, excuse me.
Are you all right, lady?
What's the
trouble, Mrs. Reardon?
Oh hello. It's nothing.
Um, uh, how's the baby?
Oh, just fine.
He's got a tooth.
Oh, swell.
Are you by any chance
going down Park Avenue
near 54th Street?
Well, it's a little bit
off our beat.
But seeing it's you.
Thank you.
Everything's dead
around here anyway.
I'm calling the DA's private wire.
Will he be surprised.
Hello. Hello, chief.
Listen, I think I've busted
the Fraser murder wide open.
Yeah. I got Shane right
where we want him.
I think I know who hired
him to do the job, too.
I bet you can't guess
where I'm phoning from.
No, I can't,
but you'd better get home.
Shane was just found
murdered in your apartment.
Well, where's Sally?
Where's my wife?
The police have her
in your apartment.
Hey, where are you going?
Thanks a million.
You don't know what you've done for me.
Okay, Mrs. Reardon.
Any time.
There's one fine little woman.
I want to
see Mrs. Fraser.
I'm sorry,
she isn't in. I'll wait.
Who is it, Mary?
Mrs. Fraser is packing up to go away.
She can't see anyone.
Just tell her it's Mrs. Reardon.
She'll see me.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Reardon,
but I'm terribly busy.
This won't take a minute.
It's very embarrassing when
a client commits a murder,
especially when
they think I did it.
What are you talking about?
Nick Shane.
Why'd you kill him?
Are you crazy?
You don't seem very
surprised that he's dead.
As a matter of fact, I'm not.
He was always being threatened.
People were afraid
of him and hated him.
And you hated and feared
him, too, didn't you?
Yes, I did,
but I didn't kill him.
Where did you get that?
I'm sorry, Mrs. Fraser.
I found it beside the body.
All right, I did kill him.
Now don't you worry,
we'll plead insanity.
Yes, sir, that Mrs. Reardon
is one wonderful little lady.
You bet she is.
That Reardon is a lucky guy.
You know, if I wasn't
married so happy, I...
Calling all cars.
Be on the lookout
for Mrs. Sally Reardon.
Height five feet, three inches,
weight 110 pounds,
complexion blonde,
suspicion of murder.
Pick her up, bring her in.
If you wasn't
married so happy...
Hey, Bill, your missus is up at
Park Avenue and 54th Street.
How do you know?
We took her up there.
That's Lola Fraser's place.
That crazy kid'll get herself
pumped full of holes. Step on it.
Come on, get back.
All right, and don't forget
my picture on the front page.
Yes, I have an awfully cute
one in a bathing suit.
Any time. Goodbye.
Sally, are you all right?
Of course.
Here's her confession.
But she did it in self-defense.
She came to
my apartment to see me
with no intention
of killing anyone.
She was minding
her own business,
but this fellow Shane came
along and made an awful row
because she told me
that he was guilty.
Then he pulled a knife on her
and the first thing you know,
one thing led to another and here
it is in the confession. See?
And you are dope enough
to believe all that?
I'm ready.
Ready for what?
Ready for the truth?
Walter Fraser
wanted to divorce you,
his lawyer is willing
to swear to that,
but you weren't willing to accept
the settlement he offered.
You knew as his widow you could
get a lot more than that,
so you offered Shane
$50,000 to kill him.
That was a gambling debt.
Yeah, that's what
you told me before,
but Shane's books show that you
never lost over $200 at roulette.
Then after Shane had killed
him, he began threatening you,
pressing you for the money.
You realized that $50,000 was just the
beginning so you deliberately killed him.
Take her away.
Wow, what a client.
Listen, honey, how did you happen
to suspect her in the first place?
Yes, do you mind
telling an old baboon?
Well, when I got home the apartment
was still full of her perfume.
Then when I accused her and she
didn't ask how or when he was killed,
I knew she'd done it.
And you managed to get a confession
with no more than that to go on?
Well, I pretended I'd found her
handkerchief beside the body.
Where did you find it?
Right here in her grip.
There are a lot of them, see?
Mr. Reardon, how about
one with your pants on?
So it was the widow, eh?
Yes, yes,
I suspected her at first.
That is,
Mr. Reardon here
had traced a previous
connection with Shane,
so he and
Mrs. Reardon had...
What are you signing?
I'm going to get
$500 for the story.
For this story?
No, the love life
of a girl detective.
Bill, don't be angry.
I wasn't going to give them
any of the real inside dope.