These Three (1936)

That concludes the exercises.
Martha .. Martha.
Excuse me, please. Martha.
Here I am. Martha.
Martha, dear.
- Aunt Lily.
And Karen.
A glorious, glorious day.
Wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Yes. Glorious.
No matter how many sacrifices
I made to send Martha here.
It's all been worth it today.
- Sacrifices?
Aunt Lily, I've worked awfully
hard to stay in college.
All sacrifices are not made
in terms of money, Martha.
Isn't that so, Karen?
Oh, my train. I must get a cab.
Come along. I'm off to St Louis.
You can join me next week in St Louis.
Not as good a company as
I am accustomed to, but ..
What are your plans
for the future, dear?
You know you can always make yourself
useful helping me with my part.
No, aunt Lily. No.
I've no plans but I'll write you.
Really, Taxi .. oh, just a moment.
And Martha.
My salary. Not until next week, dear.
And I had to get some very
new clothes for my part and ..
Yes, alright. I haven't earned
much lately, but I'll mail it to you.
Alright. Goodbye, dear.
Goodbye, Karen.
Goodbye, goodbye.
Be seeing you soon. Goodbye.
Where are you going to send that
trunk when you get it packed?
To Lancet.
Maybe if I go there, I can sell that old
farmhouse my grandmother left me.
It's about all I've got.
Suddenly I know about ..
Not having any family
and not having any home.
I always thought this
would be a happy day.
It isn't.
What are you going to do?
Oh, I don't know. Teach somewhere,
I guess. If I could get a job.
Do you think I could teach?
Maybe we could find some place together?
Two well-educated young women.
Also neat and clean .. wish position.
That farm of mine.
I haven't seen it in years,
but its a lovely old place.
I used to spend my summers
there when I was a little girl.
We could go there.
Why not?
Why shouldn't we? We could work there.
Teaching the farmhands?
- No. There isn't anyone there anymore.
Hasn't been for years.
Martha, we might start a school.
Something of our own.
It would be fun and
we'd be good at it, too.
But it isn't practical, Karen.
But we've got to do something.
Oh Martha, take a chance
with me and come.
Take a chance with me.
Will you take us out to Mulberry Road.
It's about a mile past the Foster place.
Let's see now. That's about five miles.
That would be .. five dollars.
Well, say ..
I could take you a little shorter way.
That would be three dollars,
but I can't do better.
Let's go by the three-dollar way.
Ain't that funny. It always acts
that way on the three-dollar trip.
Well. Here we be.
Are you sure this is the right place?
- Yep.
I guess you'll be wanting
to go back later.
That will be five dollars if you call me
at night cos I've to go by the long way.
Welcome to our house, Miss Dobie.
Lafayette ate dinner here.
It doesn't matter, Karen.
It matters a great deal.
There must be a train
sometime this evening.
Perhaps it wouldn't cost
too much to fix it up.
No. Not much.
About a million dollars, might do it.
Is he really knocking down the house?
And that thing on his head?
Maybe he's something from long ago.
I say!
I say, you!
You up there with the bees.
Oh yes .. how do you do.
We're alright, thank you.
We were just a little
bit worried about you.
Oh these? Oh, I won't get stung.
No. That isn't quite what
we were worrying about.
You see, this is a house.
And while it isn't the best house
I've ever seen, it belongs to me.
And I'd rather not have
its roof knocked off.
It belongs to you?
Hey, you ain't old Mrs Wright, are you?
No. I am not old Mrs Wright.
She was eighty when she died.
I'm her granddaughter.
Well I didn't think you
looked eighty, but ..
You can't tell these days, can you.
Both of you look rather young, in fact.
Do you live up there?
No, but the bees do.
They've been at your roof for years now.
They've ruined it for you. I've only
assisted them in the most minor way.
He assists bees.
Well now, I really
haven't done any harm.
I'm very fond of this old place.
I come here whenever I have
a day off from the hospital.
Oh, the hospital.
I see.
You've been there a while?
In a way .. I'm a doctor.
Here it is.
Have a sandwich.
No thank you.
Do you always wear that when you eat?
Would you untie this for me?
Right back here, please.
Well, that bucket belongs to you now.
You'll like it. It's very good honey.
I shan't need it.
We're not staying here.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Would you ..
Do you find you need
that egg on the left?
Oh, please.
Thank you.
- And they are very good sandwiches.
Sit down. Please.
I won't bite you.
Why aren't you staying here?
This is a lovely old place.
What's the matter? Afraid of work?
- No. We're not afraid of work.
I see .. two rich young women ..
Who can wander around the world and
live any place you happen to like, huh?
Yes, we are very rich.
We have exactly 38 dollars between us.
And we figure that will last
us for the rest of our lives.
It's a lot of money.
You know, my place
was just as bad as this.
It didn't cost much to fix it.
Much less than you think.
Borrowed a little money
from the bank and ..
It was fun doing it. So much fun,
I'd like to start all over again.
Anything you can do,
we can undoubtedly do.
I think so.
You know.
I used to operate in hospital, then run
home to paint the side of the house.
We wouldn't starve anyway, Karen.
We'd always have free honey.
And free help.
I'm a good carpenter.
A good house man and a good plumber.
Why do we talk to this man in this way?
As though we've known him all our lives.
That happens sometimes.
Come on, Martha.
Quick before he talks us into this.
- No, come on.
Come on. See your house.
You know, you'd be my neighbors.
I can't let you go now
without a struggle.
Anybody home?
Well, I remember you
when your face was clean.
We missed you yesterday.
- What are you doing?
Look what I've found.
May 25th 1883.
Brooklyn Bridge opens.
- Two great cities united.
A fair day for the ceremony.
May women wore their fur tippets.
And the pearl grey
bowlers of the gentlemen.
It was also attended by His Honor
the Mayor and his fat wife.
And all the beaus and belles of Brooklyn
and Manhattan in their fluff and finery.
Is that you, Joe?
- Yeah.
Come on, lazy. I need help.
Where are you?
Sure. I'm fine.
I'm full of splinters.
I mean, is the lumber alright?
That's the important thing.
I can always take out your splinters.
I'm sorry. I guess we'll have to push.
Oh. How do you do, Mrs Tilford.
- Hello, Dr Cardin.
Sorry to hold you up. Would you mind if
your chauffeur helped with this lumber?
No. Of course not.
Sorry to be in your way.
- Not at all. - John, will you ..?
Come on, Karen.
Come on. I've got to
push this lumber again.
Oh, I'm tired of seeing you push lumber.
Are you Karen Wright?
I am Amelia Tilford.
I knew your grandmother very well.
- How do you do, Mrs Tilford.
And this is my
granddaughter, Mary Tilford.
How do you do.
- How do you do.
I've been hearing all about you
and Miss Dobie in the village.
How are the plans for the
new school coming on?
Well, it's a little hard. You see,
we don't know many people here.
Well then, perhaps we
can help each other.
I've just taken Mary
out of her old school.
Could you and Miss Dobie come
and have tea with me next week?
I think we might arrange
to have Mary be with you.
Oh, we'd like to very much, Mrs Tilford.
- Fine.
In the meantime, I'll talk
to my friends around here.
Grandma! You said maybe I wouldn't
have to go to another school.
You said I could have a teacher
at home. You told me ..
Thank you so much, Mrs Tilford.
We are very grateful to you.
Well then, I'll see you next week.
Alright, John.
- Goodbye.
It's magic, Joe. We've got a pupil.
She'll make the school for you.
What she says goes round here.
They follow her like lambs.
I knew good would happen to you.
- Won't Martha be happy.
And it all seemed so hard
and impossible before.
Nonsense. Going back to get my lumber.
We've got a lot of work to do.
What did you do?
- Nothing.
Just took a splinter out of your hair.
Hurry up.
It's the place.
I'm accustomed to having
the driver open the door.
Why? Got a bad arm?
Hello .. hello.
Martha, I am so glad to see you.
I had a most difficult time getting here
but I'll tell you all about that later.
Oh, what an odd place. Strange.
But quaint. Very quaint.
How well you look. Almost pretty.
And Karen.
Oh, Karen.
Oh Karen, darling.
Prettier than ever.
I'm so glad to see you dear.
How are you?
And now, who is this gentleman?
Your assistant?
Yes, ma'am.
This is Dr Cardin, a friend of ours.
- Oh.
I am so sorry. Really.
I am so pleased to meet you.
Aunt Lily, is this a visit?
You see, we aren't well equipped here.
We've been having an awfully hard time.
Oh, I know, dear.
I know all about the school too.
That's why I am here.
To put my shoulder to
the wheel with yours.
I knew very well that you
needed an elocution teacher.
And a general supervisor.
That's why I came.
Aunt Lily .. this is Karen's house.
But I'm here to help you both, dear.
And until you get started I shall take
only the smallest fee for my services.
Will you help?
- Certainly.
Now I shall go upstairs with the
luggage and rest a few hours.
And then I'll be down and help
you arrange the furniture.
Come, doctor.
The Duchess?
- The Duchess.
Yes, the Duchess.
You alright, Martha?
Your class timetables will be posted
on the bulletin board in the hall.
You will find your books in the library.
Your regular classes won't
begin until Wednesday.
We want you to take this evening and
tomorrow to get to know each other.
And feel that this is your home.
We're happy to have you here and hope we
can make you just as happy to be here.
Now go and have a good time.
Yes, yes indeed.
And we want you to remember ..
That we, your teachers,
were young once ourselves.
Not so long ago however that we've
had time to forget your problems.
Very well. Dismissed.
[ Latin poem ]
- Indicium.
This plan was.
This plan was ..
Made known to the Helvetians.
By ..
By ..
Which is your index finger, Rosalie?
What do you use it for?
To point.
To point out.
To indicate, to inform.
By informers.
That's right.
What are you doing?
My gold bracelet. It's gone.
I wonder who stole it.
I didn't say anybody stole it.
Will you read the next lines.
On the day appointed for the trial
Geterix drew to the hearing all his ..
His retinue, numbering
ten thousand persons.
And all of his.
Followers and debtors of
whom he had a great number.
He gathered there too.
With their help, he saved
himself from going to trial.
That was a lovely translation, Mary.
It was as lovely when Professor Hobson
of Harvard published it ten years ago.
Tomorrow, I'd like your own
less perfect translation.
You can leave the phony upstairs.
Now run along girls.
It's a fine day for your hockey.
Olives .. fruit.
Lettuce. Chicken.
Oh, I forgot the chicken.
We've got to get some cocoa.
And castor oil.
Do you know, I never realized how
much castor oil these children need.
And I never realized how tired you look.
Come on, take a vacation with me
this afternoon. What do you need?
I know just the place to.
- Certainly not. I've got to get back.
Why do you have to get back?
The castor oil can wait.
No it can't. I've got to get back.
Well, just as you say.
Put me down you idiot.
Put me down, you're hurting me.
Make him let me go!
You let me go!
Is she alright, Doc?
- Yes, just a mild fit.
Doctor, is she ..?
Bad blood in the whole family.
- What?
Oh Karen, let's get off this thing.
Five times is enough.
Five times is enough.
I say, lets get off this thing.
I've got something very
important to tell you.
I say I've got something
very important to tell you.
Try and keep up.
Now will you get off this thing.
I've got something very important to ..
I've been trying to
tell you for an hour.
Excuse me. I beg your pardon.
Listen, darling ..
Will you get off that thing.
Well, that was fun.
We can go back later.
- Uhuh.
I'm hungry. I'd love a piece of cake.
Wouldn't you?
- Nope.
You mean, you don't
want a piece of cake?
What's the matter with you?
- I'm bored.
You are awfully grouchy.
Do you want a bite?
I know what's the matter with you.
You've been working too hard. That's it.
- Oh.
Something happened at the hospital?
- Yes, dear.
I mean, did a bad case
come in or something?
Well Jones came in today, dear
and I said to him "Jones", I said ..
"Now is the time to buy all the
bonds you can lay your hands on."
"My wife wants you to come to dinner
as soon as we've a new cook."
And then I went down
to the Stock Exchange.
And bought nine million shares
of Abyssinian preferred.
Then my seven secretaries
came in and I ..
Oh, stuff that man-woman talk
will you. It makes me sick.
What's the matter with you?
- This is what's the matter with me.
I'm in love with you! I've been
trying to tell you so for an hour.
Now I'm tired out, see.
And I can't tell you.
I can't ever tell you.
I won't be able to.
There aren't words
enough to tell you with.
But I love you, see.
I love you with all my heart.
And I love you with all my heart.
Hey, Karen.
Stop making such a row.
She went to town for supplies.
She'll be back later.
Come up and help me paint a table.
How is the hospital?
Oh, just the same.
A bad laboratory, no money and
everybody growling at everybody else.
Phew. I'm tired.
Gee, it's quiet around here.
Is it late?
No, but the girls are in bed and aunt
Lily is all worn out from doing nothing.
Karen tells me your aunt was showing the
girls how to play King Lear the other day.
That will come in handy
later in their lives.
That's nothing. Wait until she
does Portia standing on a chair.
Sir Henry told her to do it that way. He
said it was the test of a great actress.
You must have had a fine childhood.
Oh I did .. I did indeed.
How I used to hate it, though.
I was so ashamed then ..
I went to sixteen schools altogether.
Every time the stage company
moved, I'd move with it.
The school wasn't the worst part.
It was after school and never anything
but little hotel bedrooms to go home to.
In the evening I'd do my homework
sitting on a dirty box back stage.
Jumping up to help aunt Lily change from
a blousy costume to a blousier one.
I was so alone and so sorry I
couldn't have what other kids had.
I think that's really the
reason I decided to teach.
Being young is awfully hard.
And I wanted to make it easier
for other kids when I grew up.
I'm running out of paint.
Want a glass of milk?
Asleep, Joe?
Do you always wake up so violently?
- I was asleep.
Doctors never sleep.
Sorry, I was so clumsy.
- Oh that's alright.
Sorry to have kept you
up so late, Martha.
I heard a very strange crash.
It was me. I was wrestling with myself.
You are a late visitor, aren't you.
- No. Oh, no.
As a matter of fact,
I've been here for four days.
I was hiding in your trunk.
Goodnight, Martha.
Don't go. Karen will
be home in a minute.
Well, I've got to get home.
I'll have at least five
calls from the hospital.
Warn Karen when we marry she must stay
home and see me knock over milk glasses.
I hope I'm not hurrying you off.
Not any more than usual.
Joe is so in love with Karen, isn't he.
I do hope they will have
a wedding in the spring.
We could stage it so well in the garden.
Of course, when they get married
it will be rather hard on you.
But Karen says she intends to
keep right on with the school.
There was never any question of that.
And it really won't be so lonely for you
as you'll be seeing her all the time.
And you'll be seeing Joe too.
You might even be seeing him more often.
[ Martha crying. Quietly ]
"It is twice blessed. It blesses him
that gives and him that takes."
"It is mightiest in the mightiest."
"It becomes a throned monarch
better than his crown."
"The sceptre shows the
force of temporal power."
"The attribute to .."
Girls .. girls!
You are disturbing our
enjoyment of Shakespeare.
Can't you sit quietly?
And drink in the immortal
words of the immortal bard?
Continue, Evelyn.
"The attribute to our majesty wherein
doth sit the dread and fear of kings."
"But mercy is above the sceptred sway."
"It is enthroned in
the hearts of kings."
Evelyn. Evelyn.
Can't you imagine yourself as Portia?
Can't you read the lines with
some feeling, some pity?
Ah, pity.
As Sir Henry said to me many the time:
"Pity makes the actress."
Why can't you feel pity?
Well I guess I can feel pity.
Go on then and feel it.
"It is twice blessed. It blesses him
that gives and him that takes."
"Mightiest in the mightiest."
"It becomes the throned
monarch better than his crown."
"The sceptre show the
force of temporal power."
"The attribute to awe and majesty."
"Wherein doth sit the
dread and fear of kings."
"But mercy is above this sceptred sway."
"It is enthroned in
the hearts of kings."
"It is an attribute to God himself."
"And earthly power doth
then show likest Gods."
"When mercy seasons justice .."
- Mary.
Are you just arriving
for your elocution class?
If you have no interest
in your work, then ..
I went to get these flowers
for you, Mrs Mortar.
You told us you loved flowers and
I walked so far to find them for you.
That was very, very sweet of you.
I suppose I will have to
forgive you this once.
Thoughtfulness and
courtesy mean breeding.
Breeding is an excellent
thing in a woman.
I think you had better write
that down. All of you.
Mary, put them in a vase for me.
- Yes, ma'am.
Good morning, Miss Wright.
Evelyn has just been
reading Portia for us.
Sometimes I think Evelyn hasn't
quite the right feeling for Portia.
Where did you get those flowers, Mary?
Why she picked them just for me.
It made her a little late for class.
The first wild-flowers of the season.
But not the very first.
Where did you get them, Mary?
Near Conway's cornfield.
It wasn't necessary to go quite so far.
There was a bunch exactly like that
in the garbage can this morning.
Oh ..
What a nasty thing to do, deceiving me.
And I suppose you have just as fine
an excuse for all the other times?
That will be all, girls.
Just a minute, Mary.
Miss Wright, I must get my Latin book.
- No. Stay here.
Come with me, Mary.
Mary .. why do you do these things?
Why do you lie to us so often?
I'm not lying.
If you have to do things,
come and tell us about it.
We'll try to understand.
We'll try to help you.
But this kind of lying is
so bad for everybody.
I got the flowers near
Conway's cornfield.
Very well, Mary. You will
have to be punished.
There doesn't seem to be any other way.
Take your recreation periods alone.
No hockey, no horseback riding.
Don't leave the school grounds
for any reason whatsoever.
But you said I could go to
the boat race this Saturday.
I'm sorry. You can't go.
I'll tell my grandmother!
I'll tell her how I'm treated here and
how you punish me for everything.
I'll tell her.
- Go upstairs, Mary.
I don't feel well.
I have a pain.
I've had it all morning.
It hurts. Here.
It's a bad pain.
I've never had it before.
It's my heart. My heart!
Its stopping or something.
Oh did you hear it?
Is it serious? Is it a heart attack?
Telephone Joe and ask him
to come over, will you.
I think that the feet should
be higher than the head.
No, no. Maybe the head should
be higher than the feet.
Alright, thank you.
What is it?
I punished her for playing
another trick on your aunt.
And she had a sudden pain in her heart.
Then she threatened to go to grandmother
with tales of how badly she was treated.
And we could pray that grandma will
believe her and take her away.
Oh, Martha.
Martha, do you think we
could get rid of Mrs Mortar?
It's awfully hard having her
around with the children.
And we could afford to support her now.
- I know. I know.
I'll talk to her today.
She'd like a trip to England.
Did you get Joe?
He was already on his way over.
Isn't he always on his way to see you?
And I hope he always will be.
When we're married this summer, we'll ..
- This summer ..?
Is it .. is it so soon?
So soon as all that?
Why, what's the matter, Martha?
I'm just tired.
[ Car horn ]
Oh, there is Joe now.
Oh my dear. My dear.
Try it here.
- Here, here, here.
Yes, there, there.
A most important spot.
Oh yes. Yes indeed.
When Delia had that
attack, this is the spot.
Did this Delia survive?
Oh yes. I saved her.
Ah .. well then, perhaps you ..?
I was practically put out of the room.
You don't resent your aunt
being snubbed and humiliated?
Oh, aunt Lily.
I, who have worked my
fingers to the bone here.
Don't tell yourself that too often.
You'll come to believe it.
To the bone, to the very bone.
Aunt Lily.
You've wanted to go to
London for a long time.
It's been twenty years.
I shall never live to see it again.
But you will. You can go now.
I can spare the money and ..
So, you want to get rid of me?
Turning me out! And at my age.
How can we deal with you? You've talked
of going for years. Now when you can ..
Please do not raise your voice.
I refuse to be shipped off to England.
Next season I shall go back to
the stage and .. - No.
I would like you to go sooner.
The truth is I don't think the
school is quite the place for you.
The truth is I should have known enough
to stay out of your way when he is here.
When who is here?
Don't think you're fooling me
young lady. I wasn't born yesterday.
I know what I know, and I
know how you feel about him.
You don't want them to get
married and I know why.
Be still.
- I know what's going on.
You were never very smart
at hiding things, Martha.
Why, I know that you're
in love with him.
Of course, I myself am
a little old fashioned.
And I was shocked when
I saw what was going on.
Well, I suppose people are like that
nowadays. But why Karen doesn't speak ..
Be still, aunt Lily. Be still.
- You can't close ..
You can't close people's eyes, Martha.
The way you used to running
over to his place on any excuse.
And, that night when he was coming
out of your room late. I saw it.
There's no trouble in this house.
And I won't let you do your
usual job of starting any.
I want you to leave as quickly as ..
Come in.
What were you girls
doing outside the door?
Well, we just came down
to see how Mary was.
You girls never used
to do things like this.
I'm afraid we'll have to
do something about it.
You wait outside and
then I'll call you in.
Oh, Rosalie, I'm so sorry.
- No.
No, really, really. It's alright.
Really Miss Dobie, it will be alright.
- I'm awfully sorry.
Money is in the bank for you, aunt Lily.
I want you to leave as
soon as its convenient.
Do you think I would take your money
I'd rather scrub floors first.
- I imagine you'll change your mind.
Don't worry about me. I shall be
out of here before it's dark.
Good day, Joseph.
The Duchess cutting up again?
Yes. She was particularly good today.
What about Mary?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I could have managed a more convincing
faint when I was six years old.
We've about reached the
end of our rope with her.
Aren't you taking this
kid too seriously?
Yes, I'm taking everything too
seriously. Everything. Everything!
Now wait ..
- Please, Joe.
Well, the angel child is now
putting her clothes on again.
The angel child's room-mates
were busy eavesdropping ..
Outside the door while aunt Lily
and I were yelling at each other.
We'll have to separate
those girls from Mary.
I have a class. They are outside.
I'll take care of it.
Girls, will you go in, please.
Rosalie, Evelyn, come in here please.
Well .. how does it feel to
be back from the grave?
It's my heart and it hurts.
Science has failed.
Try a hair brush.
I want to see my grandmother.
We're awfully sorry, Miss Wright.
I'm sorry, too. But I'm afraid
we'll have to separate you girls.
Rosalie, move into Helen Burton's room.
Mary, you can move in with Lois Fisher.
- Oh, Miss ..
And it's all because I had a pain.
You're always mean to me! I get punished
and picked on and blamed for everything!
Go up now girls and move your things.
Oh don't do that. She'll hear you.
- Who cares if she does?
And she can hear that! Too.
Did you really have a pain?
- I fainted, didn't I.
I wish I could faint sometimes.
What were you two doing?
We heard Miss Dobie and
Miss Mortar having an awful fight.
A fight?
Rosalie dropped a book
and there we were.
A lot of crawling and crying
you both did too, I bet.
What were they fighting about?
Miss Dobie wants Mortar to go to
England, and Mortar got sore at that.
And said she knew why
Miss Dobie wanted to get rid of her.
Oh ..
What's the matter?
- Nothing.
She got her arm caught in the door
when Miss Dobie was closing it.
Something is always happening to you.
Well I'm going to start moving my
things before Miss Wright comes up.
Ah, go on.
Doctor Cardin and Miss Wright
are going to get married.
Oh, everybody knows that, stupid.
But everybody doesn't know that Miss
Dobie doesn't want them to get married.
How do you like that?
Why doesn't she?
Why doesn't she?
Because she's is in love
with Dr Cardin too.
That's why.
Go on.
And Mortar said she knew it all along.
And then she said an awful
lot of funny things about them.
All about one night, late.
When Dr Cardin was up
in Miss Dobie's room.
What does she mean, I wonder?
It's a shame we have to move.
I've got to go in with Helen.
And she blows her nose all night.
Lois told me.
A dirty trick.
Dobie just wants to see how much
fun she can take away from me.
She hates me.
No she doesn't, Mary.
She treats you just like the rest of us.
Almost better.
That's right. Stick up for your crush.
Take her side against mine.
I didn't mean it that way.
You'd better start moving.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm going home.
- What?
I'm going home.
- Why, you can't do that.
Can't I? You just watch and see.
They can't treat me like this and
they've no right to think they can.
Your grandmother will send you right
back. What are you going to tell her?
I'll think of something. I can always
do it better on the spur of the moment.
You'd better stop talking silly
and get your things moved.
I'll go through the field at French's.
- How will you get home from there?
Taxi, idiot.
Got any money?
Not me. Not a cent.
I need some money to get home.
You've got two dollars and 25 cents.
Go and get it for me.
No, I won't go and get it for you.
Go and get it for me.
I won't, I won't! You took it last time.
It took me so long to save it.
Go and get me that money.
I won't, I won't, I won't!
That's my sore arm! Don't!
Children, children. What are
you making such a fuss about?
I am most upset today with all
my packing and my moving.
I cannot stand this noise. I shall have
a headache. That's what I'll have.
What were you girls doing?
Of course, it's not any business of
mine any longer what you're up to.
Isn't that Helen's bracelet?
The one that was lost.
No, ma'am.
It's Rosalie's bracelet.
Here, Rosalie. You dropped it.
I cannot stand this noise.
In my day, children
were seen and not heard.
Try and be ladies.
Now will you give me the money?
Come on.
I don't see why I have to come with you.
I'm not going in.
I want to go back to school.
Oh shut up. You think I
wanted you with me?
I just knew you'd go and blab
to everybody about your old arm.
Go on.
Go on in there.
I don't know where
grandma is, and be quiet.
May I ask why you aren't in school?
You look like a pig. Where you been?
- Where is grandma?
Where should any clean person be at
this time of day? She is taking a bath.
What did you come home for?
Leave me alone. I came home
because I didn't feel well.
You don't feel well.
Can't you feel bad in your own coat?
Now you come right on upstairs
and see your grandmother.
If you're so sick then you
don't mind some medicine.
A good dose of rhubarb
and soda will fix you up.
And don't let her tell you she's sick.
- Mary.
She is no more sick than ..
Oh grandma, I couldn't help it.
I had to come. I just had to.
I was so sick for you.
Well .. I'm glad that is all it is.
You said she was sick.
I said she wasn't sick.
I bet she only came for
Wednesday night fudge cake.
You mean you left without permission?
I couldn't help it, grandma. I couldn't.
I ran away.
I had to.
That was a very bad thing to do.
Agatha, phone Miss Wright and say
that John will drive Mary back.
No! Grandma, don't do that.
Please don't do that.
Grandma, please!
They'll kill me.
I can't go back. I can't.
They'll kill me, grandma.
They will, they will!
If you're going to let her ..
- Whatever makes you say such things?
It's true. Honest, honest.
I fainted today.
Yes. My heart, I had a pain in my heart.
And Dr Cardin said
I didn't have any pain.
And I'll bet he was right.
Well, have you still got the pain?
Well, I guess I haven't
got it much anymore.
But I feel a little weak.
- Careful.
Little girls often have pains, but
they don't need to mean heart trouble.
Now John will drive
you back after dinner.
After dinner?
Maybe I could stay until Saturday?
It's your birthday.
We don't celebrate my birthday anymore.
How much do you love me?
As much as all the words in
all the books in all the world.
Remember when I was little and you used
to tell me that before I went to sleep?
I miss you so much, grandma.
Couldn't I stay here for
the rest of the term?
And then maybe I wouldn't
mind going back so much.
No. Back you go tonight.
And remember.
No more running away from school. Ever.
Then I really have to go back?
- Of course.
You don't love me!
You don't care what happens to me!
- Mary!
You don't, you don't! You don't
care whether they kill me or not!
But I do care that you
are talking this way.
I'm sorry, grandma.
Forgive me.
What made you talk like that?
Because I'm scared, grandma. I'm scared.
They've got something against me
and they punish me for everything.
Today, they even said I
couldn't go to the boat races.
Oh, really.
It's not just that, grandma.
It's things. Other things. Funny things.
What nonsense are you talking?
They've got secrets, grandma.
Funny secrets.
What about Miss Dobie and Dr Cardin ..
And Mrs Mortar told Miss Dobie
that she knew what was going on.
She knew what was going on and she'd
always known about what was going on.
Stop using that silly phrase, Mary.
But that's what she kept using, grandma.
And Miss Dobie said she'd
have to get out of the house.
That's why we had to
move our rooms I bet.
Because they're frightened
we'll hear things too.
Well, I don't know what you're talking
about, but I don't think I like it.
If anything puzzled you, you should
have gone to Miss Wright or Miss Dobie.
They would have punished me
more and more and more.
I guess they knew how I couldn't help
hearing about that awful night that ..
What awful night?
- Well.
Dr Cardin was in Miss Dobie's
room late and ..
Other times when things happened, too.
I can't them out loud, grandma. I ..
I've got to whisper it.
- Nonsense!
Why must you whisper?
- Because I've got to.
Because it's bad.
Well, it was late at night and Miss
Dobie's room was next to ours and ..
Do you know what you're saying?
Are you telling me the truth?
- Honest, honest.
And today there was an awful row.
And Mrs Mortar said they were putting
her out because she couldn't be fooled.
And she knew about the things that were
happening with Dr Cardin and Miss Dobie.
And Miss Dobie got awfully angry and
said she must get out right away and ..
It was things like that all the time.
Mrs Mortar said that's why
they were putting her out.
How do you know what Mrs Mortar said?
Because Rosalie and Evelyn heard them.
And Miss Dobie got mad when she
found out that they had heard and ..
And she was so mad, she ..
She took Rosalie's
arm and hurt it .. bad.
She did what?
- Wait a minute, grandma.
Come here.
Hold this.
Hold this!
What are you doing?
What? Stop it ..
Shut up.
But ..
Will you stand still!
Come on.
See, grandma?
- Why, Rosalie.
See how they hurt her arm?
- Rosalie, what ..?
I had to bring her with me because
they hurt her arm so. See?
I'm sorry, Rosalie.
Does it still hurt you?
Yes, Mrs Tilford.
But Mary, she ..
Rosalie, is your mother
still in New York?
Yes, Mrs Tilford.
Then you will stay here
until she returns.
Now run along. Get ready for dinner.
Do I have to go back that awful place?
You won't have to go back.
Leave it on.
- What for?
What did you put it on for anyway?
Never mind. Leave it on.
I don't understand what's happening.
Aren't we going back to school tonight?
Maybe I'm never going back.
Well, I want to go back.
Do you know what's happening?
You're always pretending
you know everything.
Anyway, I don't want anything
to do with your silly secret.
Oh? Well, suppose I told you that
maybe you are in on this silly secret?
Suppose I told you I may have
said that you told me about it?
Why ..
Mary Tilford.
I didn't tell you anything.
I'm going right in to your grandmother
and tell her I didn't tell you anything.
Whatever it is.
You're just trying to
get me into trouble.
Well, why don't you go?
Go on. Go ahead.
I'll come with you.
- What for?
I want to tell her all about this.
- What about it?
Just that you stole
it from Helen Burton.
Shut up! I didn't do any such thing.
I found it and I was going to put it
back as soon as I went to the movies.
I never meant to keep it.
I was putting it back the
day when you came in.
And who is going to believe that?
I guess I ought to go and
tell grandma anyway.
And then she can call the police.
And you'll spend the rest of your
life in one of those solitary prisons.
And you'll get older and older and when
you're very old they'll let you out.
With a sign on your back
saying you're a thief ..
And you won't have any place to
go and you'll beg on the streets.
Oh, stop that balling!
You won't tell!
Say you won't tell. Please!
Maybe. If you'll take the oath.
Say from now on:
I, Rosalie Wells am the
vassal of Mary Tilford.
I will do and say whatever she tells me.
Under the solemn oath of a Knight.
I won't say that! I won't.
That's the worst oath there is.
Mary, please don't!
- Will you swear it?
But then you can tell me to do anything.
And you'd have to do it.
Say it quick or I'll ..
From now on .. I, Rosalie Wells ..
Am the vassal of Mary Tilford.
And will do and say whatever she tells
me under the solemn oath of a Knight.
Mrs Mund, please. This is Mrs Tilford.
This is Amelia Tilford.
I have something to
tell you. Something ..
Very shocking, I'm afraid.
It's about the school.
About Mary. And Evelyn.
Aren't .. aren't we coming back soon?
I mean, all the girls are
going home and ..
It's all so funny.
Go ahead, Joyce.
Your mother wants you to hurry.
I'm sorry to go.
We're sorry, too.
Mrs Walton says will you have
Joyce's trunk ready tomorrow.
I'll come and pick it up.
And she says I'm to pay you right
now for the rest of Joyce's term.
How much will that be?
Tell Mrs Walton we don't want
her money or anyone else's.
Until we know why all this is happening.
Don't get mad at me, lady.
You don't have to take the
money if you don't want it.
It ain't my fault.
All I know is what I hear.
And what do you hear?
Well, that ..
It seems that Mrs Tilford ..
Has found out about ..
Mrs Tilford?
Found out about what?
Well ..
It seems as if one of
you ladies has been ..
Carrying on with the other's fiance ..
And she don't think it's a
fit place for kids to be.
What are you saying?
What are you saying?
There, there lady. It's got
nothing to do with me.
If you ask me ..
It ain't none of the old lady's business
what goes on after the kids are asleep.
Get out!
Get out of here, quick.
Don't cry, darling. Please.
Don't, darling.
What is happening to us?
What are they doing to us?
We're being kicked
around by crazy people.
Kicking you two around most.
Nobody is going to do that to us.
Nobody, my darling.
Come on.
We've got a fight on our hands.
It's got to be the best fight
we know how to make.
I don't think you should have
come here, Miss Wright.
I was coming to see you tomorrow to
explain my position in all this. And ..
To ask you to explain yours.
I am deeply sorry that you
had to be involved in this.
I think we'd better
understand each other.
There is nothing for us to explain and
I very much dislike your sympathy.
So you don't think we should have come?
What were we expected
to do, Mrs Tilford?
Lie down and grin until you'd finished
kicking us around with these lies?
And that's why I think you
shouldn't have come.
No amount of words that we can
throw at each other, Dr Cardin.
Can do any of us any good now.
Can do any of us any good?
Listen, you're not
playing with paper dolls.
We are human beings, see.
It is our lives you are fooling with.
Our lives. That's serious business
to us. Can you understand that?
I understand that.
And I understand a great deal more.
You have been playing with
a lot of children's lives.
And that is why I stopped you.
I think I know how you must feel.
You don't know anything
about how I feel.
You can't know how any of us feel.
One gets lost trying to fight a lie.
Very lost.
- I did what I had to do.
Whatever went on in your school
may possibly be your own business.
It becomes a great deal more than
that when children are involved.
But it's no true!
Not a word of it is true.
Can't you understand that?
We are standing here defending
ourselves against what?
Against nothing.
Against a great, awful lie.
I am sorry, but I can't believe that.
But you can believe this.
We happen to be people who've
worked hard for what we've got.
You wouldn't know about that.
That school meant things to us.
It meant self-respect and bread
and butter and honest work.
And now it's gone.
There must be something
we could do to you.
Something that would make you
feel the way we do tonight.
Don't get the idea that we'll
let you whisper this lie.
You made it and you'll come out with it.
And we'll make you come
out with it in a courtroom.
Tomorrow Mrs Tilford, you will
have a libel suit on your hands.
That will be very unwise.
Very unwise for you.
It's you I'm thinking of.
It was wrong of you to
brazen it out here tonight.
It would be criminally foolish
for you to brazen it out in public.
It is already quite public, Mrs Tilford.
Five hours ago we had our
lives decently to ourselves.
Now we have nothing left but
the dirt you've made of us.
Or the dirt you've made for yourself.
Clean your house, Miss Wright.
And in time, count yourself very lucky.
I know those are easy
words for me to say.
And hard for you to take.
But someday you will
know what they mean.
You have understood nothing.
These are my friends.
And when we clean house the
three of us can clean it together.
Perhaps we should clean your
house for you, Mrs Tilford.
Where is Mary?
- Under no circumstances ..
I would not allow that.
So that's really where you got it?
We couldn't believe it.
She is a bad girl, your Mary.
She always has been.
- I won't have any more of this.
All I wanted was to get
those children away.
That has been done.
You've been in my house long enough.
Get out.
The wicked very young
and the wicked very old.
Let's go home.
When three people come to you with
their lives spread out on a table ..
For you to cut to pieces.
The only honest thing to do is to give
them one last chance to come out alive.
We want that last chance.
If you're honest, you'll give it to us.
Where is Mary?
Very well.
I want to tell you something, Mary.
Everybody lies all the time.
Sometimes they have to
and sometimes they don't.
I've lied for a lot of
different reasons myself.
But there never was a time
when if I'd had a second chance.
I wouldn't have taken back
the lie and told the truth.
You're a lucky girl Mary, because
we're giving you that second chance.
Were you telling your grandmother
the exact truth about ..
About us this afternoon?
- Yes, Dr Cardin.
Remember, you're not
going to be punished.
You didn't .. you didn't
make a mistake, did you?
Oh no, Dr Cardin.
We are not finished, Mrs Tilford.
Mary, why don't you like
Miss Wright and Miss Dobie?
Oh, I do like them.
They just don't like me.
They are always punishing me.
For everything.
Tell your grandmother why you
were punished today, Mary.
Just because Rosalie
and Evelyn heard things.
And you took it out on me.
- That isn't why you were punished.
What things, Mary?
Mrs Mortar was telling Miss Dobie
that she knew what was going on.
She knew what Miss Dobie felt about you.
And things that had happened.
My aunt is a stupid woman.
What she said was unpleasant.
It was said to annoy me.
It meant no more than that.
What do you think Mrs Mortar
meant by that, Mary?
I don't know.
But funny things did happen.
Then she said things about the
times when you'd come at night ..
And we'd listen and I'd get frightened.
- Be still.
No, no. You don't want her still now.
Go on Mary. What did you see?
What did you hear?
I don't know. There were just things.
What .. things?
I don't know.
But I saw plenty of things. We all did.
And that's why Rosalie
got her arm hurt, grandma.
Go on, Mary.
One night you were in
Miss Dobie's room late.
Why did you think it was wrong for
me to be in Miss Dobie's room?
Because ..
Because it was at night and I leant
down by the keyhole and I saw things.
I got scared and then you left and ..
Ask her again how she could see us.
I was leaning down by the keyhole.
There is no keyhole on my door.
There is no keyhole on my door.
It wasn't her room, grandma.
It was the other room.
She was in Miss Wright's room.
She was there.
How did you know anybody
was in Miss Wright's room?
I told you. Because we
heard you. I heard you!
My room is on the first floor
at the other end of the house.
It is impossible to hear
anything from there.
What is this, Mary? Why did you
say you saw through the keyhole?
Why does everyone yell at me? I don't know
what I say with everybody messing me up!
Oh I did see them! I did see them!
I want the truth, so help me.
All the truth, whatever it is.
We've finished here. We've
cleaned your house for you.
We can go home now.
Please. Wait a minute.
Stop that crying!
I want the truth.
What is the truth?
It was Rosalie who saw them.
I just said it was me so I wouldn't
have to tattle on Rosalie.
You ask Rosalie.
You just ask Rosalie.
She told us all about it.
You deserve whatever you, Mrs Tilford.
I don't know.
I don't.
Come dear, I ..
I ..
Come dear, sit down.
Mary tells me there has been a
lot of talk at the school about ..
About Miss Dobie and
Dr Cardin. Is that true?
I don't know what you mean.
What was the talk about, Rosalie?
Why ..
I ..
- Don't be frightened.
I don't know what Mrs Tilford means.
Mary has told her grandmother that ..
Certain things at school have been ..
Puzzling you girls. You particularly.
History puzzles me.
I guess I'm not very good at
history and Helen helps.
No. No Rosalie, that's
not what she meant.
She says that you saw ..
Certain .. certain acts between
Miss Dobie and Dr Cardin.
That weren't quite right.
Oh, Miss Wright.
I didn't .. I didn't.
I never said any such thing.
I never saw any such thing, ever.
What is the matter with your arm?
- Yes.
Why did you say ..
That Miss Dobie hurt your arm when
you heard a fight between her and ..
But I didn't, Mrs Tilford.
I ..
I mean, the door slammed.
But that wasn't .. I never said that.
I never saw anything.
Oh yes you did too.
You told me about your arm.
You told us about what you saw.
You are just trying to get out of it.
I remember when you said it.
I remember it because it was the
day Helen Burton's bracelet ..
I never did.
It was the day Helen Burton's
bracelet was stolen.
And nobody knew who did it.
And Helen said that if
her mother found out ..
She'd have the thief put in jail.
There is nothing to cry about, Rosalie.
You must help us by telling the truth.
That's all.
There is something I've got to tell you.
Yes .. yes!
I did say it! I told Mary.
What Mary said was right.
I said it .. I said it!
I said it!
I cannot but agree with the
verdict the jury has brought in.
And to add here a few words of my own.
I feel strongly that this case never
should have been brought into court.
At best.
Slander cases are slim
and dangerous suits.
But in this instance.
It has been shameful.
To witness the spectacle of two innocent
children, dragged day after day ..
Through a story they should
never have known at all.
The slander suit against Amelia Tilford.
Brought by Joseph Cardin,
Karen Wright ..
And Martha Dobie is dismissed.
Plaintiffs to pay costs.
I don't have to tell you either,
how much we valued having you here.
And how much your skill has meant to us.
- Yes, thanks.
I'm very tired of speeches.
I understand my name has
been in the paper and ..
All my work here, that's .. that's gone.
They've forgotten about that.
Now, now doctor.
Don't feel that way about it.
There are lots of other places.
Are there?
On a day like this I must charge eight
dollars as I figure the rain ain't ..
Doing the car no good.
And these will cost extra money.
My bag, please.
Lady, you use more
gas when its raining.
And another thing. I got to figuring
the wear and tear on the top of the car.
It is very vulgar to be so concerned
about money. I pity you.
You can charge this.
My niece will pay you tomorrow.
Yoo hoo.
Yoo hoo.
I am here, I am.
The Duchess.
Returned at long last.
Hello, hello, hello.
We are delighted to see you.
And I am so glad to see you both.
I'm so glad to see the old place again.
Dreadful weather, isn't it.
And how is everything?
Everything is fine and
we're splendid, thank you.
Where have you been?
Around, around. I had a
most interesting time.
Why didn't you answer our telegrams?
You should see the change in the
theater. Drastically changed, I may add.
Why didn't you answer our telegrams?
Oh Martha, there is your temper again.
Don't bother about my
temper but answer me.
Well, I was moving around a great deal.
You know many of the newer theaters now
have fully equipped bathrooms backstage.
Is that why you refused to
come back and testify for us?
Now, that's the wrong way to look at it.
I didn't refuse, but we were
putting on a new play.
And the curtain must go up.
Now, now, now.
Let's not talk about this anymore.
I'll go upstairs and unpack.
Things have changed here, you know.
She doesn't know.
She very carefully waited until
the whole thing was over.
We've been trying for months now
to defend ourselves in a courtroom ..
Against the lies of a child
called Mary Tilford.
Oh, what a dreadful girl she is.
A great part of the Tilford case ..
Was based on remarks made
by Lily Mortar, actress.
Against her niece. That's me.
And a greater part of the case
rested on the telling fact ..
That Mrs Mortar would
not appear in court.
To deny or explain those remarks.
As you probably read in the papers.
We lost the case.
But it couldn't have done any good
for all of us to get mixed up in this ..
This unpleasantness.
Oh, but now that I'm here, I'm going to
stand shoulder to shoulder with you.
I'm going to help all that I can.
- There is a 4 o'clock train.
Get on it.
You've come back here
to pick the bones dry.
There aren't even bones anymore.
When you wish to apologise.
I shall be temporarily in my rooms.
Well, look who's here.
A little late, aren't you.
Well, I call that loyal of you, Karen.
Lots of women would
have felt very differently.
Get out of here!
Apologizing for my aunt is like ..
Apologizing for an earthquake.
And just as silly.
Don't let her worry you this time.
We'll give her some
money and get rid of her.
Tired? Were you busy at the hospital?
I was very busy.
- Hungry?
Would lunch help?
- Uhuh.
With biscuits?
- Lots of them.
We're going away.
We're going to Vienna.
I've cabled Fisher and he says
I can have my old job back.
It will be nice seeing it again.
The hospital. The dirty little
tobacco shop next door.
The cake shop with the
fat girl next door to that.
I used to go there every day
at 4 o'clock for coffee.
You don't want to go to Vienna.
No, I don't want to go to Vienna.
I'd rather have stayed here.
You don't want to go to Vienna. You'd
rather stay here but we can't stay here.
We've got to start over and start
quick with all this far behind us.
We'll start over again.
All three of us.
What's the matter?
- Oh yes there is.
No, it's nothing.
- What did you do then?
I didn't do a thing.
- You've not done it before.
Nothing, nothing at all.
- Karen, what's wrong?
Everything we do, everything we say to
each other seems to mean something else.
Look at me.
Your face is the way it
was that last day in court.
Ashamed. And sad at being ashamed.
What is it?
I don't know.
I just don't know whether
people can .. start again.
Karen, we've got to face this.
Say it now.
Ask it now.
I've nothing to ask. Nothing.
Were you ..
Were you and Martha ever ..?
Karen, Martha and I have never
even thought of each other.
Don't you believe me?
People can't believe.
Just because other people
tell them to believe.
Well, that child certainly did
a good job on the three of us.
If only we could take back these months.
Take them back and forget them.
Look .. we're standing here.
We haven't changed.
Our hands are just the same.
My face is just the same.
Even my dress is old.
We are in a room we've been
in so many times before.
It's nearly time for luncheon.
We're like everyone else.
We can have all the things
that everyone has.
We can have a house, we can sit
in the sun, we can walk together.
We can be together always.
If only we can take back these months.
Go to Vienna, Joe.
I can't go with you now.
Words are no good now.
They won't do us any good.
I'll always love you.
If you can ever believe in me again.
I'll be waiting for you.
Goodbye, my love.
Cooking always makes me feel better.
Where is Joe?
He'll be back for lunch?
He .. he won't be back anymore.
You mean he won't be back anymore today?
He won't be back at all.
What's happened?
What's happened?
Whatever has happened concerns me too.
I told him that I thought that ..
And he ..
No, you couldn't have.
You couldn't have thought that.
Didn't he tell you it wasn't true?
Yes. He told me.
You didn't believe him.
I don't know what I believe anymore.
Things can't be like this, Karen.
It isn't true. You can't think ..
Oh, it's beyond that.
Don't talk about it anymore.
You thought that for all these months?
And yet you stood by us.
You've been a good friend, Karen.
"Clean your house", she said.
Let's finish cleaning it.
It makes no difference now.
We might as well pull
all the pieces down.
I do love him.
I've always loved him.
He never knew about it.
He never even thought about me.
I think I've loved him since
the first day we came here.
There it is, Karen.
That's all of it.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for all of us.
Can't you believe me now?
It's strange.
He asked me the same thing.
Well .. I'll be going now.
The 4 o'clock train.
Get on it.
Wait a minute.
I'll be going with you.
You have a nice nature, Martha.
It's a wonder you could ever
bear to look at a child again.
Although I suppose they are
not all like Mary Tilford.
I tell you when I read what those girls
said about you right in the courtroom ..
Aunt Lily, I don't want to
talk about it. Now or ever.
Oh, but you'll be thinking about it.
I know.
Well, I always knew about that child.
I saw through her from the very first.
Of course, if I'd been
allowed to stay on. Oh well.
Oh, the things that girl used to do ..
Deceiving me with those flowers.
Late for breakfast every
day with some new lie.
Bullying the other girls.
She had little Rosalie Wells
right under her thumb.
Aunt Lily .. let's not
go into it anymore.
Why, she used to make that
child do terrible things.
I never thought about
it much at the time.
But I believed for months she made
Rosalie steal Helen Burton's bracelet.
Anyway, that day I was asked to leave
they were acting strangely about it.
And the way she said in court
that you would hurt her arm.
Why, I saw with my own
eyes how Mary hurt her arm.
Of course I never connected all this,
but you can't fool me for long.
I just bet that was Helen Burton's
bracelet that day and that Mary ..
When is your next stop?
Hello, Rosalie.
Miss Dobie.
I want to see your mother.
What do you want .. what do
you want to see my mother for?
She's out, Miss Dobie.
She won't be in.
I'll wait for her inside, Rosalie.
I have plenty of time.
We used to be friends,
didn't we Rosalie?
I don't want to frighten you now.
You see .. I've just
found out some things.
And I ..
I want to ask your mother ..
- She's not in.
She won't be back.
What are you going to ask her?
Please. Please don't
do that, Miss Dobie.
Please don't go and see my mother.
Come here Rosalie.
Why did you say I hurt your arm when
it was really Mary Tilford who did it?
And .. what's all this
about a bracelet and ..
I .. I didn't.
I never meant to .. I didn't.
Rosalie .. someday when
you're grown up ..
You'll know what it is to have something
mean your whole life to you.
That's the way I feel now.
And you're the only one who can help me.
Please help me, Rosalie.
Yes, Miss Dobie.
I did it.
I did it.
I never meant to.
She made me do it.
She made me do it.
She told me they'd put me in jail.
I took it but I never meant to keep it.
And the day we had to go to that court.
She came over when I
was eating my breakfast.
And told me that you had the
policemen all ready to take me.
And that if I didn't tell all
about the arm and things.
That the judge would put me in jail.
Because she would give
them the bracelet.
She made me do it!
She made me do everything!
Grandma, don't believe her.
Don't believe a word she said.
She's just trying to get out of it.
She's making it all up.
She lies all the time.
Everybody knows she does.
Grandma, don't believe her!
You heard what she said to ..
It was hidden in her
bureau behind a book.
Grandma. She's trying to blame it
on me! She's just trying to blame ..
Be .. still!
All my life, the mistakes I have
made have been honorable ones.
You have made me make
the first that was dishonorable.
Take her upstairs.
Lock her door.
Come here, come here.
Yours .. your very own.
To live with the rest of your life.
There won't be a word she says or a
move she makes that won't frighten you.
And that will be my punishment.
Go home now, Rosalie.
Don't be afraid of anything again.
I'll speak to your mother for you.
John will drive you home.
Goodbye, Miss Dobie.
Miss Dobie.
There is no way I can take
back what I have done to you.
But what little I can do.
A public apology.
The damage suit to be
paid in full of course.
And whatever else you would
be kind enough to take from me.
So I'm to help you with
your conscience, am I?
You've done a wrong.
And you have to right that wrong
so you can rest your head again.
A public apology and money paid.
But that will be peace for you.
That's very neat, Mrs Tilford.
But there won't be peace for you.
In the end, I think you
will be punished most.
I'm sorry for that.
Oh, that doesn't matter.
The only thing that matters is you.
I'll be alright.
Quite alright.
But let me try to help you.
Let me do what little I can.
Help me?
But I want to send a
message .. to Karen.
And I want you to take that message.
Tell her to stay with Joe,
wherever he is.
Tell her I said that.
She'll know what I mean.
She said to tell Karen to
go to Joe wherever he is.
Tell her when that
happens, I'll be alright.
She said you would know what she meant.
I know what she meant.
Tobacco shop, cake shop, hosptal.
Tobacco shop ..
Cake shop, hospital.
Mehr Kaffee, Herr Dktor?
Yah, yah.
Oh, nein, nein.
Dnke schoen.
T-G o