They Found Hell (2015)

Mysterious craters been found in Russia.
News of this latest crater
was first reported
late last night
by local residents
having been awoken
to the sound
of a massive explosion.
Some even say that they thought
it was a sonic boom,
with nearby homes shaking,
and in some cases,
even windows were blown out.
The cause of the ruptures
is still unknown,
and local authorities,
along with a team of scientists
from the Institute,
are on-site as we speak.
Burning like an inferno,
the gaping chasm
is estimated to be
a whopping 100 feet across,
with a yet undetermined depth.
In the nearby town of Vonsk,
local residents are
in a state of panic,
and many residents within
a mile of the crater...
Dude! Dude, wake up! Wake up!
What the hell?
Have you not seen
the news all morning?
What time is it?
Civilians harmed
in the explosion...
Where is that?
What is that?
are pretty unanimous...
That's Russia, man.
And that there is
most certainly...
We blew up Russia.
Element to this
particular crater
and that most of those sites
be open to scientific
We should be throwing
everything we found
in the Dumpster behind
the campus cafeteria,
but he wants to do a retest.
I am sorry, Trish,
but your boyfriend has
gone 100% bat-shit crazy.
Well, then my boyfriend
is in good company.
With who?
With guys like Einstein,
Copernicus, Galileo.
Okay, transponder's set, Peter.
All you guys ready?
Ready. Ready. Ready.
You think it worked?
Peter thinks so.
Oh, Peter thinks so.
Well, I kind of hope it didn't.
Are you jealous?
Trish, this could be
really bad.
We are dealing with forces
of nature we cannot fathom,
and we are really smart.
So does a part of me
hope that it didn't work?
Yeah. Yeah, it does.
Well, then here's
to documenting nothing.
All right, Dad.
Let's do this.
Transponder coming online now.
Okay, system ready.
We're ready out here, guys.
Transponder's set.
Set. Set.
Everyone ready?
Ready. Ready.
Okay, in 3, 2, 1.
Holy... Whoa.
Yes! Yes!
He got it.
It worked!
It worked!
It's coming your way!
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.
Peter. Trish?
Peter! Peter, something...
Help! Peter, help!
Trish! Try the other signal.
Are you on channel two? Yeah.
Oh, no.
Let's go. Let's go!
The car's here. Peter, stop.
Get out.
Get out of the car!
What is that?
Look. Trish!
Did we do this? Ward!
There's no one here.
They're gone! Ward!
Need to wait by the car.
Oh, my God. What did we do?
Hold on!
Oh, God! Oh, G...
You guys okay? Anybody hurt?
Where the hell are we?
What the hell happened?
Where's Evan?
He's probably still up there.
Something's not right.
I don't see the opening
we fell through. Do you?
It's hot as hell down here.
Oh, I can't breathe.
Try the walkie-talkies.
Evan, come in!
What the hell?
Giles, what?
Ava! What?
Get off. What?
I-I'm seeing things.
I think we're running out of oxygen.
We have to move.
What was that?
You saw that, too, right?
Move! Move! Move!
Go! Go! Go!
Okay, come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Go! Go! Go!
Okay, okay. Come on.
Come on. Let's go.
Come on! Hurry. This way!
Come on!
M-theory is a theory in physics
which unifies all consistent
versions of superstring theory.
Nice of you to join us, Evan.
I need to speak with
you, Professor Maro.
Take a seat.
In order to accomplish this
M-theory requires 11
different dimensions...
Something happened
with the transponder.
Class dismissed.
What? A gate?
Oh, this is like
a bad trip, man.
Where the hell are we?
I don't know, but we
gotta get outta here
before those things come back.
This must be the way out.
Let's go.
"Omens relinquite spes,
o vos intrante"?
What does that mean?
Oh, my God! Come on!
Go! Get it!
Look at... Look at 'em.
I think they're backing off.
What are these things?
I don't know.
This is so wrong.
We need to get out of here!
This can't be real.
Wait. Is that the watch?
We teleported it here?
It worked?
What if we didn't
just teleport something?
What if we opened something up,
some sort of portal?
A portal? To where?
Another dimension.
It's the same inscription
on the gate.
"Omens relinquite spes,
o vos intrante."
"Abandon all hope,
all ye who enter here."
"Dante's Inferno."
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Let me get this straight.
So what you're
saying is the gates
that we just went through
are the gates to Hell,
actual Hell?
That's what the gate says.
Dude, we're not
in, like, Hell Hell,
'cause that's not real, right?
Hey, look.
It's Trish's bracelet.
There's footprints.
And blood.
Trish and Ward are here.
Yeah, and one
of them's hurt bad.
Do you hear that?
Go. Go. Hide. Hide. Hide.
Come on. Hurry.
Ah, this can't be, man!
Tell me this is just
a bad dream, right?
We're in Hell.
Peter, you have
to get us out of here.
Wait. Just so
we're clear, right,
Hell is not real, right?
Yeah, whatever you say, Slade.
Where are you going?
Not that way
and definitely not that way.
Wherever we are,
we have to find a way out...
and I'm not leaving
without Trish or Ward.
What if they're dead?
They're not.
That's enough, Slade.
Enough? This is a dream, man,
a nightmare maybe,
but... but this is not real.
We got knocked out when we
tested the transponder,
and this is all one big dream.
We're all
in each other's dreams?
No. You're all in my dream.
Does that feel
like a dream, huh?
Snap out of it, Slade.
You know what
makes sense, Peter?
We all got knocked into
a coma from the blast.
We're not sharing a dream.
We're not in comas!
This watch is here. Trish and
Ward are here somewhere,
and if they're here,
that transponder's here.
That transponder
could be our only way back.
The transponder?
How are you gonna do that?
I don't know yet,
but I'll figure it out.
Just gotta find them first.
I'm not going.
I'm staying with him. Ava, no.
This is not the time
to split up.
More blood prints! Same ones.
What was that?
Guys, w-what was that?
I don't know, but I'm not
sticking around to find out.
Come on. We gotta go inside.
Slade, come on!
I'm staying! Come in here.
Slade! Come on. Slade, come on!
Oh, my God!
I told you.
I told you!
Slade. Slade.
Oh, j...
Slade! Slade!
We gotta go. Come on.
No! No!
Giles? Giles?
Anybody there?
Help me.
Dad, what's wrong?
Want your soul, Peter.
Just give us your soul. Hello!
Peter? Are you there?
Oh, my God!
Someone please help!
Can anybody hear me?
Hear me?
Oh, my God.
Someone please help!
Please help.
Help! Help!
Help me.
Help me.
Oh, no.
You fools.
What have you done?
You... You said experiment.
You said push the limits, you
know, go where no one has gone.
I also told all of you
there's a thin line
between taking a risk
and being stupid.
Yeah. We... We need
to call the police.
We need help.
No, no, no, no, no.
You can't do that now.
They're dead!
We don't know that for certain.
You mean they're alive
down there?
I mean we don't know.
If what you're
telling me is true,
they could be
in Siberia right now
or Antarctica or Pittsburgh.
You could have opened up
a dimensional rift.
What? They could be...
in an entirely different
plane of existence.
Oh, God.
Help me!
Help me!
Let me out of here!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me.
Please. Please!
Help me!
I can't.
I can't do this.
No way.
I can't.
I can't.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God! Ohh!
Oh, God, Trish!
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's all right. It's okay.
I'm gonna get us out.
No, Trish.
No. Hold on.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
It's okay. No.
Trish, it's okay.
Trish, I'm sorry.
I'm just... I'm just not...
Into me?
Screw this!
This is for the police!
No, no, no, no, no!
I said listen to me!
Listen to me!
I didn't start this,
and neither did you, okay,
but there's a chance
we can fix it.
No. We can't fix this.
Right now, the rest of your
life hangs in the balance.
Either you go to jail
or help me.
Help me reverse the experiment,
and we can all be talking about
the kind of scientific discovery
that comes around
once in a millennium.
Do you understand
the implications?
I... I just understand
that my friends might be dead.
I'm gonna get help.
Don't follow me, Giles!
No, wait, man! We need
to stick together!
Leave me alone!
Stop, man! You're hurt!
Just talk to me, man.
Leave me alone, Giles.
Dude, we need you.
We're trying to find
the transponder.
Do you have it?
Look, I know.
I know it's all messed
up, man, all of it.
We can find a way out.
I said...
leave me alone!
Come on. Come on.
Oh. Oh, God.
I just found her like that!
We're gonna die!
We're all gonna die!
I'm gonna get us
out of here, okay?
Let's get out of here.
Peter. Peter.
Give us your soul. Peter.
Come here, Peter.
Give us your soul.
Come join us, Peter.
Peter! Ahh!
Give it to us. Your soul
Oh, my God, Ava!
Ava, you're here!
Oh, Trish.
That hole...
this can't be real, right?
I mean, this can't be real.
We have to find the others.
We have to get out of here.
That's what I've
been trying to do.
I mean, one minute,
I'm in a church,
and the next, I'm here.
Wait. Where's Ward?
I... I don't know. He ran off.
We were in a cave or something,
and this thing
bit him on the leg.
I haven't seen him since.
I thought maybe
he somehow got out. I...
No, we all have to get out.
I don't know.
We have to keep trying.
Peter thinks
that maybe if we find
the transponder... Yes.
Peter's here?
We're all here.
The boat. Come on.
Where? Where are we going?
Let's go! It doesn't matter!
Anywhere but here! Come on!
Help me untie it. I can't...
Are we?
We... We don't belong here.
No one thinks they belong here.
Leave us alone, please.
Do you have something for me?
What do... What do you want?
What do I always want?
We don't have anything!
You do.
You have your souls.
No. No.
You see, in, say,
classical mechanics,
space and time
differ and refer...
You okay? Yeah.
Call absolute space
and absolute time.
This is the construct of
four-dimensional space,
fourth dimension
being time itself.
Now, Einstein says this is all
relative to the observer.
Alter the perspective
to the observer...
Giles, Wake that fool up.
And you alter
space and time, right?
Slade. Dude, wake up.
In Langrangian
or Hamiltonian...
Don't move.
You only make it worse.
No! No!
Don't move, dear.
Let me go!
Why are you doing this to me?
Oh, please. Oh, please.
Please. Oh, God.
Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
Oh, God. Oh, no, no.
No. No.
Help me! Help!
Oh, Peter. Peter.
How the hell did you find me?
I don't know.
I heard you screaming.
We have to get out of here.
What happened to you?
It was Ward.
Ward? Where'd you see him?
Where did you... It was him,
but it's not him! Something's
wrong with him! I...
You know, he wasn't right.
Nothing's right down here.
Did he have the transponder?
I don't know.
It was all so quick.
Come on.
Let's get the hell out of here.
The experiments,
tell me what they did.
You can't do this, Professor.
Like hell, I can't.
The experiment,
tell me what you did.
Well, tell me
why you tied me up?
It's a necessity.
It's for your own good.
Tell me what you did.
The, uh... the transponders,
we... we linked them up
to a frequency.
Where's the other one?
It was at the site,
so I... I guess it's in the pit,
or it's destroyed or something.
It's not destroyed.
It has to be with them.
The password.
For the project, what was it?
Uh, it was Tesla.
You people have no idea
what you're messing with.
But th-this is all crazy!
We're wasting time.
There's no way
that we can just get them
back with that transponder.
That transponder is the only
way we can bring 'em back.
You better pray they
still had the other one.
They have
about three more hours.
Three hours, that portal
will remain open.
If we don't
get them out by then,
they will be stuck
wherever they are.
Oh, my God.
Why is this happening?
Why is this happening?
Get me out of here!
Oh, my God!
Get me out of here!
Ava, you okay?
What is that?
It's a key.
Yeah, I know, but why?
You think one of us
can reach it?
I don't know.
I don't think I have enough.
How about you try it?
I'm not going
over those dead bodies!
Ava, come on!
What, you think we get that key,
that we're magically gonna get
out of here just like that?
No, I... I don't think so.
Ava, come on. Just try.
It might unlock
these shackles. Come on.
Oh, my God.
Come on. You're close.
Come on.
I can't.
You could do it. Come on, Ava.
Come on.
Aah! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
I can't, man. I can't.
I need to rest.
Okay, a rest.
Staying put is not an option.
We have to keep moving.
I have to figure a way out.
You say it like we're lost
in a department store
or something.
Look, maybe what Slade
is saying was true,
you know, the further we
go in here, the worse it gets.
I have to find Ward
and track down
that transponder.
Ward? I told you he frickin'
did this to me, okay?
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God. It's him.
It's the collector.
Try to stay quiet.
Try to stay quiet.
He's leaving.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
We're gonna die here.
Did you hear that?
Did you hear something?
No, it sounded like Ava.
Where are they coming from?
Let's go.
Trish! Ava!
Peter? Over here! Help!
Over here!
Oh, my God!
Trish, it's you.
Is it really you?
What do you mean?
Of course it's me.
This place is
doing crazy stuff.
I saw you, but it wasn't you.
You okay?
My finger hurts. Oh, my God.
Where's Lucia?
Lucia's gone.
Got to get these chains off.
Wait. The key!
No! It triggers that!
No, Ava, it's the chains.
That's what triggers
that thing.
They don't have the chains.
Get the key.
To hell with it, right?
Oh, my God.
Like Trish said.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
You guys, run away.
It's a dead end!
The only way out is the stairs!
Watch out, Giles!
Peter! No!
Go! Get to the stairs now!
That's for my finger,
you son of a bitch.
Let's get the hell out of here.
Help! Help!
Help! Peter!
I still don't understand
what you're trying to do.
I'm gonna try and
reverse what you all did.
You figured this thing out.
You actually did it,
all of you.
It was all Peter, really.
We just came along
for the ride.
Heh. So modest.
And yet you're still here,
everyone gone but you.
I find that interesting.
We need to figure out
where that signal went.
Come on. Come on.
Giles, keep up.
Let's go this way.
Oh, my God. That's Ward's shoe.
What happened to it?
I don't know,
but he's here somewhere.
You want this...
don't you?
Ward. Oh, my God!
What's the matter?
Don't like what you see?
Wait. Wait. Wait. Why is
the transponder glowing?
It's Evan.
He must have it going
from the other side.
This could be our only chance.
Listen, Ward, we need that.
We all need that if we
want to make it out of here.
I am not going anywhere
looking like this!
If you get out of here,
everything goes back to normal,
you're not like this.
Ward, you have
to listen to him!
He can help you! Listen?!
Listening to him
is what got us here
in the first place!
You're right. You're right.
I went too far. I messed up.
But I did get us here,
and I can get us out,
but you have
to give us that first.
You want it, Peter?
You can have it!
Whoa! No!
What's happening to him?
I don't know.
Oh, what's happening to him?
Run! Run!
You just killed Ward.
I didn't have a choice.
Whatever that was,
it was gonna kill her.
You don't know that!
It stopped! He stopped!
You don't know! I know.
Let's go.
Go where, man?
This is it, man.
The transponder's gone.
We are screwed.
We have to keep moving.
I can't go much farther, man.
Let's find someplace
to take a break.
This looks like a good
place for him to rest.
What is... What is... Wait.
Hold this. I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
And I have something
crawling inside of me
that's driving me
frickin' crazy!
Why didn't you tell me?
You have enough problems,
and I don't know what's
real or not down here.
Just stay with us, okay?
The transponder's gone.
Where are we gonna go?
There may be another way. Huh?
What are you talking
about, Peter?
From the moment we got here,
the gate,
what it said on the gate.
"Dante's Inferno."
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
The gate of Hell, the factory,
the old house, this place.
This Hell is... is preying
on what we all
collectively think
and know about Hell.
I'm lost. How does this
help us get out?
W-What's inside you?
Some kind of leeches.
I don't want to die, man.
I don't want to die.
We don't have any time. We're
gonna have to get it out.
You trust me?
Do I have a choice?
Ava, give me your belt.
Bite down on this.
All right. All right.
All right, Giles,
I want you to
count down from three.
When you get to one, bite down
as hard as you can, okay?
Ready? 3,
Okay. All right.
Okay. Okay.
Now cauterize it.
Burn it. Burn it. Burn it!
Trish, burn it.
Burn it. Burn it.
I'm sorry.
Wait. How do you know
that was all of them?
I don't, but it's a start.
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Giles, get... Come on.
Quick. Come on.
Come on. See the signal.
Send me something I can use.
That's not good.
No. No, it's not.
So it's over.
We just call the authorities now?
Look, could you
at least untie me
so we can just try
something else?
What are you doing?
There's still another shot.
Come on. Come on.
Get off.
We're going back to the crater.
To clean up your mess.
How the hell did we
end up back here?
Look, we've all
read the classics.
We've all been to church.
We've all seen scary movies.
This... This Hell,
this dimension we're in
is using those concepts
and archetypes against us,
our expectations, our fears
from our own thoughts
and memories.
This isn't a collective memory.
It's a collective nightmare.
Don't scream.
It draws their attention.
It wakes them up.
You mean like that? Oh, God.
Oh, my God. Slade?
No, Ava. He's gone.
He's gone. Oh, God.
We just can't catch a break!
My God. They're everywhere!
We have to get out!
All right, this way!
Stay behind me!
Come on! Come on! Run!
Get in there! Get in there!
Lock the doors.
Get... Get...
All right, look, Hercules,
Psyche, Odysseus, Theseus,
they all went to Hell
and returned!
How did they get out?
Come on. We all took classes.
We all read the books!
How? Ahh!
How did they get out?
The ferryman. All right.
Somewhere here is a man,
a river, a boat.
So what, we're just gonna
wander around aimlessly
until we either find Charon
or get ourselves killed?
We found him already!
We were in a forest by a river!
And he kept asking us
for payment.
Charon's obol! Payment!
A coin placed
in the mouth of the dead
to secure safe passage from
Charon across the River Styx!
Okay, we need to find
one of these coins,
get back to those woods,
and find Charon!
There's more coming,
guys! Come on!
Go! They're coming through!
Get out! Get out!
Get out! Get out!
Go! Go!
If you have a plan,
now would be the time.
We need to get
payment for Charon.
Right, placed
in the mouth of the dead
for safe passage
across the River Styx.
Where we going?
I saw a room
full of dead people.
This way.
I'm not putting my hand
inside a dead person's mouth.
If you want to get
out of Hell, you will.
I think... I think
I'm gonna be sick.
There's no coin. What do we do?
We keep looking.
Come on, guys.
We have to keep looking.
Come on.
Hey, over here.
You guys.
Let's go. Down.
Down. No.
Trish. Trish. Trish.
Come on, Giles.
Giles! Wait.
Giles! Giles!
Come on! Giles.
Come on, Giles.
Stay with me, buddy.
We gotta get outta here.
Come on, guys! Come on!
Hurry up!
Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Come on, Giles.
Come on, buddy. Come on.
We have to stop the bleeding.
Hang in there, buddy.
What happened? I don't know.
You didn't think I was coming out
of there without one, did you?
Come on.
Come on.
Maybe if we wait,
maybe the lift will
go back up by itself.
No. I'm not going up.
It's not gonna bring him back,
not him, not Lucia, not Slade.
They don't...
We have to keep going.
She's right.
Come on.
I got you.
I got you.
What is that?
Let's go. Okay.
Come on. Come on.
A movie theater?
Why a movie theater?
I saw that woman.
We were in there.
Yeah, and I was there.
They're places,
places in Hell,
places we've been.
Yeah. That's the woods
near the river.
Why are they
showing this to us?
Why are you doing this to us?!
What was that?
What just happened?
I think it's a portal.
A what?
Come here, both of you.
Well, what are you doing?
Are you sure that those
woods are by the river?
We saw it. We were there.
I think it's our way out.
Hold on to me.
What? What are we doing?
When you see the woods, we go.
Go where?
Are you sure about this?
We have anything to lose?
We don't have a choice,
Ava. Come on.
That's it! Now!
I really want to get
off this ride now.
That makes three of us.
What was that?
Lots of them.
Which way to the river?
I don't know.
Here we go. We gotta go now.
Go now! Run!
Run! Run! Come on!
Ava, come on!
There's nothing we can do.
Come on. Come on.
Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go. Come on.
What's happening? I don't know,
but I'm trying to
link up the dimensions,
create a hole within a hole!
Is that even possible?
We need more power!
Pop the hood!
Pop the hood, and get
the jumper cables!
Come on.
Where's this river?
Now hit the gas!
Give it all she's got!
Floor it! More!
We need more!
Good? Yes!
Yes! Ha ha!
I think this is it.
There's the boat!
You sure this is it?
Yeah, I saw him here
before, right here.
Well, he's not here now.
Come on.
You sure he was here?
Yeah, this is it.
Now what?
Should we just take the boat?
Looking for something?
Yeah, we're looking
to get out of here.
Ah, yes.
And do you have payment?
Yes, yes, I do.
I said do you have payment?
I... I just had it.
It's... It was here.
No, he's... he's not lying!
It has to be
around here somewhere.
I want my payment!
No! No, wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!
I... I have this.
It's gold,
same gold that's in that coin.
You can take us to
the other side, right?
Please. It's all we have.
It's 24-karat gold.
Please take us.
One coin...
one traveler.
No, wait, please!
Take us to the other side!
One coin...
one traveler.
Go, Trish.
No, I'm not going.
You have to.
No, I'm not going without you!
I'll find the coin,
and I'll come after!
No! I'm not going!
It's time!
No. Go back.
Go find Evan.
Tell Dr. Maro. It's not over.
No. Trust me.
Go, damn it. Go!
What the hell did you just do?
Hercules. What?
Charon refused Hercules.
He had to defeat him.
What, so this boat is
just gonna take us back?
We're never gonna get out now!
This is our only chance.
It's gonna kill all of us!
Nah, it's our only chance!
Keep it floored!
A little longer!
Look at that!
It's working!
Keep going, Peter!
Keep going!
He's not gonna let us through!
What do you mean?
What about Hercules?
I'm not Hercules.
Give me the ax!
Peter, be careful!
Peter! Peter!
Yaah! Yaah!
Are you okay?
Find the others!
What happened? Come here.
What happened?
Where are they?
They didn't make it.
What does that mean?
It's okay.
We must get her
to a doctor. Quick.
Come on. Get her up.
All right, slowly.
Easy, easy, easy,
easy, easy, easy.
It's all right.
Where am I?
My name is Peter.
Welcome to the world
of living, Mr. Peter.
Oh, my God, you're alive!
We... We made it.
We made it.