Thick As Thieves (2009)

All right.
I know, I know, I know.
A gun...
It's dangerous for no one except you.
You know what I want, don't you?
You're wasting time.
Don't fuck with me!
Open it. Open it!
Open it!
Give me what I want.
I don't understand,
I don't have anything else.
If the man's offering you
all that money, I'd take it.
When I need financial advice,
I'll call my broker.
- I'm just saying, is all.
- Whatever.
Take off your coat.
Take off your coat!
- Now, how hard was that?
- Excuse me.
Mister, I thought I told...
What the?...
Go, go! Move! Everybody down!
Move! Move!
Go, go, go!
Suspect white or Hispanic male.
Wearing a reflective vest.
He's on top of the cars.
All units at Vernon Jackson.
Everybody down! Stay down!
Other end!
Everybody down!
Keep moving! Keep moving!
Move, move! Everybody down!
Face down on the platform!
Come on, face down!
Everybody off the train!
Come on, face down!
Get down!
- Officer...
- Move!
Come on, guys, get down!
Get your ass down!
Get down!
Get down! Search the tracks!
He went down the tunnel?
Check the tunnel, check the roof.
Come on, people!
Face down on the ground now!
He jumped!
He was on the roof!
This train is closed.
Nobody gets on.
Sir, I need you to calm down.
Get these people moving.
Stop right there.
The punk's got balls...
but no positive identification.
No... huh, there's another
camera pointing at the platform.
Michaels, stop it right there.
You see what I see?
- Maybe.
- That's him, Lieutenant.
That's who?
How long have you been
a detective, Micheals?
I'm 22 years in robbery
and homicide.
One of your subcategories
of robbery is art theft.
There's a lot of that in the Apple.
Are you aware of that, Michaels?
- I guess so, yeah.
- I wasn't.
When I was your age, I was happy
with regular murder and mayhem.
Lieutenant Weber minored
in art history at Fordham.
Anyway, the Chief starts
calling me Lieutenant Picasso...
and puts me in charge
every time there is the theft...
of as much as an Etch-A-Sketch.
Two decades,
I've been putting 'em all away.
Everybody but him, Keith Ripley.
He's the best there is.
Howdy, Keith.
You've been bad boy.
- Perhaps I could give you 15.
- No.
That is not possible.
I wouldn't take less than 100.
I'm just saying, is all.
- You...
- Mind if I borrow this?
- Well, I may have wanted to use it.
- Mm.
But yours will do.
Will you please put down my gun?
There's one thing
you should be aware of, Gabriel,
or do you prefer Seor Martin?
The police cannot arrest you
for armed robbery,
if your gun isn't loaded.
Your point?
You think I'd walk around
with a loaded shotgun?
Let's see.
- You could have checked.
- Why?
You have my diamonds,
my score, my money.
Nice meeting you both. Bye.
By the way,
I was going to ask for 125.
I'm just saying, is all.
- Gabriel, stay.
- Why?
What else do you want?
You gonna shoot me now?
Well, in as much as
you did steal the diamonds,
I figure it's only fair
to share the proceeds with you.
So to what do I owe
this act of generosity?
I have a proposition
I wish to discuss with you.
how did you know
I would come here,
as well as my name?
It's part of the proposition...
Oh, shit!
- Come on:
- All right, take it easy, take it easy.
Nicky would like his money.
- Ask him.
- Thank you.
This is between you and them.
Got nothing to do with me.
Everything does now.
Call this interest.
Nicky is tired of waiting for you.
You must have very bad karma.
I actually don't believe in it.
Still, about this propos...
No, no, no, no!
You're totally out of your mind.
Good night.
- Hey.
- What?
Here's your karma.
- What was in the other envelope?
- Your cut.
Now you've got mine.
- Think about it.
- Yeah, sure, yeah.
Now... what do you want?
A partner.
What'd you think
I was doing on that train?
- I was watching you work.
- Hm.
I've been your shadow
ever since you got to town.
So why were you in my town
robbing subways?
It's hurricane season in Miami.
I don't like hurricanes.
Or you didn't feel like
going back to Angola.
It's over.
Lesson learned.
Gabriel Martin is a rock star.
So why were you holding
open-mike night on the subway...
for a lousy 100 grand?
Two reasons...
Yes, Miami was getting too hot.
And perhaps you can relate to this.
Sometimes you just need
to feel the rush.
The juice.
You know what I mean.
you took down two jewelers...
for a few stones from Romanov's.
My idea is Romanov's itself.
Specifically, two Faberg eggs
worth 20 million dollars...
It's a two-man job.
Do I have your attention?
Wait here.
I hear they prefer cash...
or your first-born.
Why don't you try
The Standard instead?
Of who?
The mystery bandit.
I'm afraid that type of thing
is not my style.
Well, I think this guy's
got panache... guts.
And a passing resemblance,
at least in body type.
Well, you don't have
to rob trains to have panache.
Or guts... but you've gotta admit that
kind of thing immediately brands you.
My treat... too painful watching
you attempt to read Cyrillic.
Oh, no, no, no... I was just... huh,
looking at the picture.
So you are jealous.
Yes... you got me there.
I've gotta get this...
Chinese food to my boss...
so, um...
some other time.
- When, some other time?
- I'll call you.
But you don't have my number
or know my name or anything.
I guess that could be a problem.
- Oh, shit!
- Are you with him?
I don't know.
Should I? More or less.
Ahh... yes, I am.
What'd you want?
Can't I bring my goddaughter
a birthday present?
My birthday was last month.
It was two weeks ago
and I'm sorry it's late.
Alex, it's just a present.
No strings.
No thanks.
Well, it was nice
to have almost met you, Gabriel.
- Gaby.
- Gaby.
It's a shame you don't keep
a higher class of company.
- Don't even think about it.
- Think about what?
You go anywhere near her.
I'll rip your heart out. I mean it.
It looks like it's your heart,
she's not so fond of.
You were warned.
Let's go.
I thought you said
the target was Romanov's.
- This is research.
- Research?
Oh, wow!
They're absolutely stunning.
They are.
Between 1885 and 1916...
Faberg produced 50 of these
Easter eggs for the Empress...
and her daughter-in-law,
the Czarina Alexandra.
Should I take notes?
Will there be a quiz?
No quiz but there will be a test.
Okay... the Fabergs are all made
of precious metals and fine jewels.
- Every one a unique masterpiece.
- Indeed.
Most are on display in the Kremlin.
The rest in private collections,
museums... or lost.
In this case, at Romanov's.
Who is your buyer?
You don't want to know.
Oh, I'm stealing 40 million dollars
worth of eggs so I want to know.
I also want to know
why these particular eggs...
are even worth 40 million dollars.
Because no one knows they exist.
- The so-called mystery eggs?
- Mm-hm.
Yeah, I've heard rumours,
but I thought it was just a myth.
Last year, they turned up...
at Romanov's.
So how do you know this?
I was partners with a man named
Victor Korolenko... Alex's father.
He was in tight with the Russians.
What they knew, he knew.
So, why aren't you
pulling this job with him?
Let's just say
he's no longer around.
Leave it at that.
He's gone.
You're here.
Now we just have to deliver.
- Ripley...
- Hmm?
Why risk your freedom at all?
This will not be
anything close to easy.
You are not in jail in the present.
- Are you not comfortable?
- I'm never comfortable.
Some people
were born to compose music.
Others to split the atom.
I was born to steal shit.
Hold out your hand.
That coin was given to me by Victor
when we became partners.
The coin represents
a Russian phrase.
"Vorovoslky mlr".
Loosely translated, thieves' world.
Victor belonged to it.
you belong to it.
Psst... Hey!
You misunderstand.
Ripley's just... huh, business.
This is... huh...
Well... if you had given me
your number, I would have called first.
Those are two
very flawed assumptions.
Do you have a vase?
I just took these
from a roadside shrine...
and I think they need some, huh...
- May I use that... huh, thing over there?
- Sure...
I... I've noticed this... huh,
Russian nightclub, down the block, huh...
Riga Rose
or something like that.
Why don't we meet there
after work?
I'm busy.
- I'll wait.
- I won't show.
I'll take my chances.
Do svldanja, Alexandra.
Research. Keith Ripley.
'93, the Brooklyn Museum.
'94, the Diamond District Warehouse
and then in '95...
I'm very familiar
with Ripley's life story, Michaels.
In fact, I busted him twice.
Both times he walked
because of good lawyering.
Exactly, so I thought
why not swing for the fences?
Murder one, Victor Korolenko.
Thinkin ' of the Brighton Beach steam bath?
Forget it. There was no...
- No body. But we've got a ton of forensics.
- And no witnesses.
Nobody there admitted
to seeing a thing.
I was this close to convincing
Korolenko to take witness protection,
in exchange for giving up Ripley.
But Ripley got to him first.
I can't prove it.
Right, okay. I see, I see... okay.
what you don't see, Michaels,
is why Ripley got involved
in a small-time caper,
like grabbin ' a few diamonds
off of some couriers on a subway.
And neither did I.
Until I read
the Dutch guy's statement.
Those diamonds
came from Romanov's.
You mean Ripley and his new partner
are planning to take down Romanov's?
Ah... come on.
Like that could ever happen.
Not even Ripley
could take down a place like that.
Wanna bet?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You know this place very well.
- I never said I didn't.
Let's face it,
you didn't see the nightclub.
You saw the flyer in the fax
and then you made an assumption.
Yeah. Guilty. So I did.
Never assume anything,
especially down here.
- How mysterious.
- What?
How mysterious.
- Can I buy you a drink?
- I don't drink.
Another assumption.
You wanna dance?
I'm willing to make a fool of myself.
Why not?
- And for him.
- Thank you.
I thought all Russians drank.
we're a race of suicidal alcoholics.
No... I didn't mean that. No.
Actually, we are.
- Nastravila?
- Nastravise
So... how is it...
working for the lawyer?
- Huh... I'm a lawyer, too, you know.
- Oh.
Maybe I won't say another word,
because everthing I say is wrong.
- Well, you don't know until you try.
- True.
Besides, my father warned me
about being a lawyer.
He told me I should try and do
something honest with my life.
As if he would know.
Your father and Ripley,
they were close, right?
Once upon a time.
I'm sure Ripley told you.
My father's dead.
Now Ripley likes
to try to take care of me.
Pay for stuff. That kind of thing.
Of course, it's the least he can do.
Sorry. I don't mean to pry.
Yes, you do.
Now who is making assumptions?
No, Gaby. I'm not assuming a thing.
You wanna know about Ripley?
Stay away.
You son of a bitch!
Well... you dropped these...
and I am a gentleman
bringing them back to you.
No, no, no, no, no!
Shit, man! What do you want?
I told you to leave her alone.
I'm not gonna tell you again.
Get dressed. I'll be downstairs.
Son of a bitch.
You could start a whole new trend
in interior design.
- What are these?
- What do they look like?
Police IDs?
There's a reception at Romanov's
tonight, honouring the NYPD.
And our invitation's just arrived.
A cop for the night.
And all the doughnuts you can eat.
Meanwhile, however,
Ineed you to go to the dry-cleaners.
Why don't you go and pick up
your dry-cleaning yourself, sir?
Who said anything about picking up?
You're dropping off.
Cellphone, please.
- Commissioner Rawls.
- Gentlemen.
Deputy Commissioner Morelli.
Such a pleasure having you here.
May we give you gentlemen
the grand tour?
- The secrets of Romanov?
- You might say so.
- Thank you. We're honored.
- Please.
The guards,
all FSB secret police.
Every door, every inch of glass
wired and alarmed.
So even if a bird flies in here,
you know about it.
No, the bird flew into the museum,
landed on the wire...
and set off the alarm in Topkapi.
You're a cineaste.
Actually, I only see heist movies.
Well, the lesson to take away from
the bird flying into the museum...
is no matter how well you planned,
always be ready to improvise...
because, I guarantee you,
something's gonna go wrong.
- I'd prefer to avoid that.
- Uh-huh.
How comprehensive
is the surveillance system?
Let's take a look.
- Smart card for the elevator.
- And all the doors.
This way. After you.
We're on.
Good to see you, old friend.
Let me introduce you.
Lieutenant Weber, I presume.
You know, Ripley,
identity theft is a serious crime.
- And quite an embarrassing one in this case.
- Really?
Do you realise
how ashamed I felt...
telling that nice lady at the door
that I was still a lieutenant?
I mean at my age?
Or should I say at your age?
I'm not amused.
What are you doing here?
And why did you appropriate
my invitation? As if I didn't know.
I apologise for the subterfuge.
I just wanted to show my friend here
some of the finer things in life.
If you want to arrest us for impersonating
police officers, go right ahead.
I'm sure my lawyer
will have us out in two hours.
It'd be a delightful two hours.
Get your hands down.
Then there's all that explaining
you'd have to do to your superiors.
Now that would be
an embarrassment.
Notorious thief gaining admittance
pretending to be you.
Great police work, Weber.
We should discuss my police work
when this is all over.
- Who's your sidekick?
- Jules Dassin.
Good to meet you, Jules.
I love your movies.
Enjoy the party, gents.
While it lasts.
Now... do you mind telling me
what that was all about?
- Just a cop.
- Really? No kidding.
We have been made in the very place
we are supposed to take down.
Exactly how do you stay out of jail?
Unless, of course, you and this Weber
are partners trying to set me up.
Are you, Ripley?
Here we go.
Come on. Move your damn ass!
Weber has no idea
what we're here for.
Of course he does.
He doesn't know when
and he doesn't know how.
And, no, he doesn't know
about the eggs.
No one does. Here.
The best way to neutralise Weber...
is to fuel his obsession
with busting me.
He's so blinded by it, he no longer
thinks like a cop. Trust me.
Give me a good reason to, huh?
I already gave you 40 million
good reasons. Here.
Now you've seen what the public sees,
it's time for the real treat.
That is, of course, as long as you
promise not to come back and rob us.
I guess I won't take any notes, then.
Our main vault.
Gregor dlsarm
the motlon detectors...
Even with the knowledge
of all protocols,
it is absolutely impregnable.
The voice sensors ask
our head of security, Boris Sergeev,
a random set of pre-recorded words.
But this is only half the process.
We also have
a biometric handprint sensor.
Since Mr. Sergeev and I are
the only ones who have clearance,
we must both be present
to open the vaults.
Once I activate
the biometric handprint sensor,
he must activate the voice sensor.
This way neither of us
can steal from the other.
Well, you better hope Mr. Sergeev
stays healthy.
I must stay
healthy as well!
- Hamburger.
- Hamburger.
- Blg Apple.
- Big Apple.
Jesus Christ.
The vault door
automatlcally resets on the hour...
at which polnt the sensor
must be actlvated in reverse...
All In all gentlemen
best not to get locked Inslde
Well, did I say it was gonna be easy?
No, but you didn't say
it would be impossible either.
Armoured glass...
It would take half an hour
to break through just one case.
But, I'm afraid, whoever tried
wouldn't even have half a second...
because an ultrasonic motion detector
would automatically lock him in...
and trigger the alarm.
Contalnment securlty gentlemen
Gettlng in is highly improbable...
But gettlng out
is frankly imposslble.
Where does that door lead to?
To our inner vault which
contalns our most precious items...
I'm sorry but security prevents me...
from taking even this
distinguished group in there.
Now we'll proceed back to
the reception, but before we do...
I'd like to, once again,
thank you both...
for your generosity this last year
in helping set up our business.
And thank you very much
for the donatlon of that chopper.
You're quite welcome.
- Let's go.
- We can do this, Gabriel.
No... Absolutely not.
- It was a pleasure. Goodbye.
- Wait a minute. Wait.
We're not going any where yet.
If Zykov finds that camera,
he's gonna know what it is.
They'll change all the protocols.
Which part of "I don't give a shit"
do you not understand?
Sorry. Let me just...
- I'll handle it.
- No, no, no.
- Please, please. Allow me.
- I'm absolutely okay.
I apologise, sir.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
Detective Weber, I'm Hal Donley,
special agent in charge of this op.
You're conducting an investigation
of a potential theft...
that you assume is going down
at Romanov Jewelers.
Assume, my ass.
I know it's going down
and I know who's pulling it off.
Except we're asking you
to call off your dogs.
There are other matters
that take precedence.
What could possibly
take precedence...
over the potential theft
of millions of dollars in diamonds...
from a company that donates tons
of money and equipment to the NYPD?
Vitaly Zykov, in the old Soviet days,
was the right-hand man
to a party boss named Dimitri Kuzin.
Kuzin set up a supposedly independent
Russian diamond centre in America.
But diamonds... they're not all
that he's shipping over here.
He's ripping off
the Russian Treasury, Detective.
Gold, gems, artworks.
Gentlemen, where do you think
Romanov's got the money...
to buy your department a helicopter
and now police cars?
From retail diamond sales?
- So why are they doing this?
- Is that a serious question?
So the NYPD will leave them alone.
That's their mindset.
We need more time
to build our mutual cases.
That's why we can't have
any other investigations...
potentially alerting Zykov.
shut it down.
- Gentlemen.
- Commissioner...
Just in case
you think you're smarter than us,
decide to continue this investigation
on a down and low,
forget it.
This is bigger than you and your ego.
Do you get it?
I get it.
- What did the feds have to say?
- Nothing. Everything's still a go.
The first order of business
is to bypass the security cameras.
If we can gain access
into the surveillance system,
we can replace the light feed with
a continuous loop of study shots...
with no face inside.
That still leaves the voice sensors,
the fingerprints,
the motion detectors,
the meanest-looking vault door
I have ever seen in my life.
The inner vault door,
Swiss-made, 3 feet thick,
with spring-driven relocking bolts.
If you punch out the lock,
they block retraction...
so that you couldn't open it
even if you knew the combination.
Abraham Lincoln.
- Broadway.
- Broadway.
One week, we've got them all.
Dan McWilliams, MTA.
Yes, we're going to be doing
some maintenance work...
in the subway adjacent
to your basement next week.
We'll be working nights and didn't
want the drilling to alarm you.
You place
an ultrasonic transducer here,
broadcasting at the exact operating
frequency of the transmitter...
and it bounces back
the frequency to the unit.
At least in theory.
Have you ever used
an ultrasonic transducer?
Can you get an ultrasonic transducer?
I can get anything, my friend.
- Can you get past a keypad?
- It is, as always, a question of time.
One tumbler at a time.
It is tight... but possible.
What's so funny?
I hate Chinese food.
I absolutely, unequivocally,
loathe Chinese food.
Leonid, my boss,
is addicted to Chinese food.
I can't even stand the smell.
Another completely
wrong assumption.
It's not completely...
- You stole this.
- Yes, I did.
- Didn't you?
- Yes. That's what I do.
We have a problem.
The bracelet?
I cannot return it.
No, I like it.
So what could possibly be a problem?
- What?
- Me.
I thought that part
was not a problem.
And Ripley.
That part is a problem.
Yours and Ripley's
is a world I just can't trust.
How did your father die?
By gunshot.
Who did it?
He had gambling debts to a Russian
gangster named Nicky Petrovich.
- Nicky wants his money.
- Ask him.
This concept
of... huh, vorovosky...
"Vorovosky mlr",
Yes, I'm familiar with it.
Where... where one is responsible
for the debts of another one.
Hey, why would they kill
your father and let Ripley live?
Because Ripley has... I don't know...
how'd you want me to put this?
Earning power.
I don't wanna go
to any more funerals.
I wanna be with you
but I can't promise you that,
and you can't promise me
a thing, so...
maybe we shouldn't even try.
Oh, you, you, you, you.
Get in.
I know you don't want to, I know you
don't mean to, but you will hurt her.
She doesn't need any more of that.
None of which you had
anything to do with. Am I right?
Is there something
you want to ask me?
Why is Victor dead
and you're still walking round?
I'm sure Alex told you that Victor was
in deep to a man named Nicky Petrovich.
What she didn't know, that Nicky
was ready to forgive the dept,
if Victor pulled a job, this job.
- Victor backed out?
- He was trying to protect Alex.
Made a deal with Weber.
He was gonna drop the dime on Nicky.
- And you.
- And me.
Weber offered Victor
witness protection.
He and Alex,
but Alex didn't want to go.
Victor didn't wanna go
without her, so...
he bought a bullet instead.
So why is this still your problem?
Why don't you just... leave?
You don't make a deal with Nicky
for the throw of it and then walk away.
There's no statute of limitations.
Nicky wants those eggs.
Victor's share
would have paid off his debt.
Victor and I were partners.
He was responsible for me.
So now I'm responsible
for him and his debt.
Victor is dead. Just walk away.
- That's not an option.
- Oh, wow! This is just...
We do the job.
Nicky gets his cut,
I take a small chunk,
nowhere near commensurate
with my risk,
and you clear a cool 20 million.
I don't know. This is just...
Look, either we pull
this job off flawlessly...
or you call Weber
and you ask for witness protection,
which isn't a choice at all...
because Nicky will find you
and he will kill you.
It doesn't matter where you go
or how long it takes.
That's an unalterable fact.
Then we steal the fucking eggs, no?
Oh, shit.
All right, we are working on it.
So back off, please. Thank you.
I think he called us a name.
We do not like to be insulted.
All right.
Do you know
the significance of this coin?
Then you must know by the mere fact
that you have it in your possession,
I cannot assume the two of you
will not attempt to double-cross me.
Nobody's gonna try to double-cross you,
Nicky... We've been trying to...
- Alex... I'm so sorry.
- Yeah, well, we're all sorry, aren't we?
There's no reason
for you to bring her here.
The fact that you gave
that coin to him...
tells me there are many reasons,
but only one I care about.
Why would we try to betray you?
Well, Ripley, in your case, perhaps,
a misguided sense of revenge.
His, perhaps, simply greed.
It doesn't matter.
I will not take the chance
of the two of you...
taking what is rightfully mine
and selling it to the highest bidder.
Please, excuse me, Mr Petrovich...
Will you please? Thank you.
Where is it written
that these eggs are yours?
Because they belong to my family.
Because my great-grandfather
made them.
Yes, Ripley.
Evgenly Petrovich made them.
He made the 1917 mystery eggs.
I will have those eggs.
And you will get them for me.
That's why I bring Alexandra here.
To keep me company while you do
what you need to do.
Anyone tries to follow us, she dies.
You'd better believe she dies.
If I don't get what I want...
she dies.
There is a subway not far.
Damn you, Gabriel!
I told you not to get her involved.
You told me? You told me?
You and her father got her involved
even before she was born.
Goddamn it: We go tomorrow.
How much time?
Just over three minutes
until the 22:00 check.
Smart card. Come on...
Come on.
Let's go.
- Norway.
- Norway.
Cheys Grodny?
Cheys Grodny?
- It wants to know if I'm hungry.
- Are you?
Cheys Grodny?
Cheys Grodny?
- All right.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Stop. Go right.
Right... Right.
Good. Straight ahead.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Stop. Flatten out.
Head down, head down, head down.
Okay, now diagonally left.
Diagonally to the left.
Keep going... Left.
Get your arm in. No arms!
- Flat. Down.
- Holy shit.
Okay, straight ahead.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Go, go.
Stop. Stop.
Stop. Stop. Flat. Flat.
Okay, hurry.
Ouick as you can.
It's working. Let's go!
Hold it, hold it, hold it!
- Lead.
- Okay... Let's take a look.
When? Shit!
All right, sit tight.
We're on our way.
Yes, I owe you.
They're havin ' a sale at Romanov.
That was my plant. Unexplained alarm
went off about an hour ago.
I want all available units
in the garage now.
Vouti and Michaels, have them
meet us at the staging area.
- Yes, sir.
- Now it's my turn.
We're good.
All right.
Easy, easy, easy, easy, easy.
- You're on.
- All right.
- A little more.
- Ready?
Come on, a little more.
Come on. More, more, more.
More, more, more.
Stop! Okay... Right there.
- All right.
- Okay.
No... Three.
No... Four.
Hold it! That's it.
Four, one.
No... Four, two.
No... Four, three.
No... Four, four.
No... Four, five.
- Go, go, go! Let's go!
- Yes, sir.
Sometime tonight. How about it?
- All right.
- All right.
Four, five, six, one, two.
Got it. Got it.
Four, five, six, one, two, three.
Four, five, six, one, two, four.
No... One.
Two, five... No.
Damn it.
Four, five, six, one, two, six.
- Bingo.
- Okay.
Four, five, six, one...
two, six, one.
One. Come on.
Come on.
What the fuck are you doing?
- Shit. Take this shit off.
- Careful.
Come on. Move around this guy.
Move those guys out of the way.
Come on! Go through the lights!
There should be two
of these boxes.
All right.
- What're you doing?
- Give me the box.
- Gabriel, don't do this.
- Give me the box.
What, you want more money? Hell...
look around you. Take what you want.
Just, shut up
and give me the box.
What about Alex?
Nicky will kill her. You know that.
I will ask you one more time.
Why are you doing this?
I'm a cop...
In Miami for the last ten years.
Weber requested me.
Just for you.
So you're a cop.
You wanna arrest me? Go ahead.
Where am I gonna go?
But in one minute that vault door's
gonna lock and we'll be stuck in here...
and Alex is gonna be dead.
I can't believe you're such
a contemptible human being...
that you would use her like that
and then just kill her...
cos you might as well
be pulling the trigger yourself.
Simply to bag
the great Keith Ripley.
You sorry, sick motherfucker.
- You got 30 seconds.
- How do I find Nicky?
Phone number in my pocket.
Give it to me...
and the eggs.
- Do you want her alive or not?
- Do you?
Ten seconds.
I'm sorry.
Underground, boys.
All right, let's move!
Come on!
I'm a police officer!
Listen to me.
There is a thief
locked in your inner vault.
The guard is in the basement closet.
Move, move, move,
move, move!
Now! Move! Come on!
Tell them to put
their weapons down now.
Okay. Fine.
Put them down:
Kick them. Now!
What do you want?
You let me out the front door
so I can rejoin my unit.
They have the building surrounded.
Meantime, you go downstairs,
you find your thief and your comrade.
- You understand?
- That door is alarmed.
You have a problem, solve it.
Do not make me
shoot this man, please.
- Put down your weapons.
- We are police!
Yeah? Everybody's police tonight.
Hey, I have what you want.
No, it's just me.
Can we talk?
I have a proposition for you.
Where is she?
Do not move.
He has a gun behind the box.
Bad boy.
Give me the box
and give Andrei your weapon, please.
We don't wish trouble here.
No, no, no.
You don't understand.
You let her go,
then I'll give you the box.
You see, if I fire through this box,
which I have no problem
doing what so ever,
Nicky's not gonna
be very happy.
Then we are all expendable.
If you understand
the meaning of the word.
Open the box.
Lower the gun.
Lower the gun.
Lower it.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah. I'm just lovely. Thanks.
You go.
Give me the box.
- Get in.
- Why?
Nicky wants too see you.
Give me your weapon.
We're fine, right?
Where do you get off detaining us?
My apologies, Lieutenant Weber.
My security were,
understandably, confused.
Please go with Mr. Sergeev
down to the vault.
We have what you want. Please.
- Where's the other one?
- Nobody else. Just him.
Where the hell's my man?
Lieutenant, your personal life,
none of my business.
I apologise for bringing you here...
but I had to be sure the eggs
were genuine before I let you go.
Your lack of trust
is really depressing, Mr. Petrovich.
I'm a man of my word.
She should be with her godfather now.
Let's see.
- Do you mind?
- Sure... Call.
- Hello?
- Hey. Where are you?
I'm at the jail. I had to see him.
How is he?
Well, how do you think he is?
I had no choice, Alex.
No one had a choice.
Remember? I told you.
Neither one of us could promise a thing.
Listen, promises blow away in the wind.
But feelings are real.
And I need to know
were the feelings lies, too?
Listen, listen.
What I mean is...
are we real?
- I've gotta go, Gabriel. Good night.
- Walt Don't go
Are you satisfied?
Did you see them?
- Actually, we were in a hurry.
- Look.
They are simply...
- Oh, my God:
- Simply wood?
It was 1917, Gabriel.
Russia. People were starving.
There were no jewels,
no diamonds left.
No hope.
Yet Czarina Alexandra
had to have her eggs.
Perhaps you understand
why we had a revolution.
People needed
to believe in something.
Take him home.
I know what they say about me
but I'm not a killer.
Merely a humble immigrant.
Probably much like you.
I don't think so, Mr. Petrovich.
You're not like me at all.
Excellent. Thanks.
We've got Petrovich.
Snitch called it in. After all this time
looking for him, you know where he was?
I'm sure you'll tell us.
On the boardwalk,
watchin ' the sun come up.
He's coming in now.
I'll be right back.
Yeah, what I didn't count on
was that a so-called professional...
would be manipulated by a chick.
What kind of cops
do they make in Miami?
Good ones, Weber.
Good ones.
I don't get it.
All these years in that world.
How do you let an asset use you?
Sometimes things... change.
Things change?
Like, "which side am I on" change?
Ripley, what is he,
your best friend now?
Actually, a better friend than you.
Ah, I get it. I'm the asshole.
You're gonna tell me
what a good guy he is...
or how he got caught up
in a situation he couldn't control,
or how the sins of the father
shouldn't rest on the daughter?
Give me something better
than, "things change".
All I can give you is the truth.
Oh, fuck it.
Go back to Miami, Martin.
When your superiors get my report,
you'll be lucky if you have a job.
We'll see.
Hey, say anything
you want about Ripley...
but nothing changes
the fact that I finally got him.
Now when he leaves prison,
he'll be leaving in a pine box.
Let's go see Mr. Petrovich.
- That's not Nicky Petrovich.
- What?
Not him.
Look, man, Organised Crime
confirmed it. That's Nicky Petrovich.
Well, I don't care. That's not him.
I was there, remember?
There's no case here.
- What? Of course there's a case.
- You really think I'll put him on the stand?
An undercover Miami cop
who may or may not be legit?
- No offence.
- None taken.
A cop who's the centrepiece
of a botched undercover operation...
that was officially ordered stopped?
I won't embarrass the Bureau,
much less your department,
which accepted tons of money
and equipment from the Russian Mafia.
What about Romanov's? What about
the goddamn stolen treasures of Russia?
What about it, Weber?
When Zykov found Ripley in the vault,
he had everything cleared out
before you could get in.
I have a proposltlon for you.
There's no way Romanov's
will press charges against Ripley.
Cos they can never admit that the eggs
or anything else ever existed.
So we can't even prove
that Detective Martin and Ripley.
stole even a goddamn dime.
But you must have mug shots.
Russian Mafia,
known associates, something.
That's him.
That's Nicky Petrovich.
- Detective Martin...
- Yeah?
That's Victor Korolenko.
Presumed dead.
We just never found the body.
You never will...
His lawyer got him in front of a judge
on an expedited bail hearing.
Then he just walked.
- Who was it?
- Who was what?
- The lawyer.
- Who the fuck do you think?
Alex. Korolenko.
You can't promise me anything so...
maybe we shouldn't even try.
Shall we go?
Didn't wanna leave
without saylng goodbye...
I owe you one Gaby.
The real Nicky Petrovich...
is the one Zykov is funnelling
the contraband through.
Thank you, but Zykov and Petrovich
have gone to ground.
- Check out a disco called...
- Riga Rose?
Ahh, I see you're famliar
with the territory.
Well... I am a cop, remember?
I never forgot it for a second.
When did you know?
I knew you were comlng
up from Miaml before you did Gaby.
See Weber and I...
Well, let's just say
we share the same sources,
only I pay better.
Sir, we're good to go.
So why the help Ripley?
Maybe feeling guilty?
Guilt's not even in my vocabulary.
I was just hoping
you'd see things differently.
Together you and I could do anything.
Yeah. I believe we did.
I'll get in touch later on,
if you're interested.
Meanwhile, I've got to keep
an appointment with a man...
who's gonna pay
dearly for something...
he's got to keep locked
in his basement just to say it's his.
- Good hunting, Gaby.
- Wait, wait, wait!
Let me talk to her.
Just for a second.
- That's him?
- What makes you think she's going anywhere?
She didn't commit any crime.
She just lied to someone
who was lying to her.
You be good.
I'll try, Uncle Keith.
Although I suspect
my legal career just ended.
Thank God.
You come in here every night
and every night I tell you...
I don't know shit
from this Petrovich.
This is a nightclub, my friend.
You know what I think?
I think you need to check out
the action and get your ass laid.
- Yeah.
- You know what I'm sayin', dude?
Find yourself a chick.
Russian hors d'eurvres
to coat the stomach.
- Will my stomach need coating?
- I hope so.
I thought you didn't drink.
You thought a lot of things,
but I believe I mentioned something
about making assumptions.
Maybe that's a concept
we should get rid of. Immediately.
My name is Gabriel Martin.
I'm from Miami.
I was actually looking for a lawyer
but the office was closed.
I came here.
My name is Alexandra Korolenko...
and I come from St. Petersburg.
By way of Little Odessa.
I love to dance.
So... I came here tonight.
Do you wanna dance with me?
I'm willing to make a fool of myself.
Me too.
- Alex...
- Yeah?
That night when I called you
from... huh, Coney Island,
you never answered my question.
Which one?
I wanted... I want to know...
Was it all lies?
Not the part that matters.
Let's make a promlse
you and me
Let's just be honest
We're gonna run
Nothlng can stop us
That was true.
That was real.
I felt that.
That was real.
That was real. Finally.
Beyond the clouds
over the mountains
We'll run away on roads
that are empty
Lights from the airfield
shining upon you
Nothing can stop us
Not now I love you
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us
Not now I love you
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
We'll run away
keep everything simple
Night wlll come down
our guardian angel
We rush ahead
the crossroads are empty
Our spirits rise
They're not gonna get us
My love for you always forever
Just you and me
All else is nothing
Not going back
Not going back there
They don't understand
They don't understand us
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us
Not now I love you
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us
Not now I love you
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us