Thief of Bagdad, The (1940)

I never knew
why the men
came back of the sea
The sea is cruel,
but the sea
is pure
That the immense sea is pure
Must come of the fact
that the men in sea
Are few
and very distant
She/it never caused to me
that of the sufferings
And yet I wonder
why the men
come back of the sea
The sea is cruel,
but the sea
is pure
Oh, poor brunette earth
So much kindness
you could have dispensed
Of good news
of the princess?
No, master.
Still sleepy.
Did you obey me?
Yes, master.
The blind?
One found it.
The charity,
for Allah's love.
The charity,
for Allah's love.
Does your illegitimate child dare to bark?
Beautiful gratitude, in truth!
Your piece is false.
Then you cheat, malandrin.
A blind
cannot make the difference.
Alas, I see drop there.
It is my dog.
How a dog
can he/it know?
By Allah's prodigies!
She/it is false
and I ignored it.
amateur of trunks of trees
and unearth the false piece.
It is not a dog
but the Large reincarnate Treasurer!
Oh you to that Allah
fills the eyes
of all these beauties,
dedicate a thought to the one
for that these marvels
in the eternal night.
The charity,
for Allah's love.
The charity,
for Allah's love.
Bring it to me.
Pray for me,
I am called Halima.
I don't know you.
Does one know all his/her/its friends?
I don't have some.
You will trust
to the one that offers you
food and rest
in his/her/its house?
What is mine is yours.
In return for what?
Of your prayers.
It is little strong.
Take my hand.
My dog sees for me.
He/it gives to me more
that he/it doesn't receive in return.
This sleep
pass my understanding.
But when the blind will come,
she/it will come out of the sleep.
trange that he/it can succeed
where we fail.
He/it will heal it
and I will hunt it.
But she/it likes the blind.
The lisp of two children
is he/it the love?
She/it ignores all of the love.
I am going to teach it to him.
Poor blind.
And even poorer than it.
One is not veiled.
My eyes are... veiled.
What is your name?
You don't have need anymore
to beg.
- Nor to wander.
- Remains with us!
I know you beautiful
but would not know to stop
before having recovered
my beloved.
The seers often pass
their life without finding it.
Our physicians
will heal you maybe.
Sink perspective...
You speak by enigmas.
I go
to put you on the way.
He/it was a king, son of king,
and of hundred kings.
His/her/its topics were numerous,
his/her/its huge fortune
and his/her/its power, absolute.
This dog was not a dog,
but a kid of Baghdad
who became dear to the king.
Then, he/it was again
that a small thief.
That you to sniff have
my fish, manant?
Do I call the care?
To the thief!
Stop it!
King Ahmad,
son of Akbar,
of Haroun-Al-Raschid,
the Large, the lllustre,
Lord of the Earth,
Defender of the Faith,
Servant of the Almighty
and Mr. of all men.
the king!
Ahmad, the king...
Alas, I was this man.
I possessed 365 women
but my heart ignored the love.
I had 50 palaces,
without being at home.
Although rich,
I was poorer than the poor people.
All desire satisfies
removed me all other desire.
I didn't find anything to make
in my vast kingdom.
I was without projects,
without goals,
because my big vizir Jaffar
between me and my people.
Again an execution...
For what misdemeanor?
He/it thought,
my Lord and master.
Is this a crime?
It is unforgivable
for a topic.
Is it necessary to govern by the fear?
The man is bad, hateful,
lying and traitorous in the soul.
You will learn, big king,
that the man
only respect three things:
the whip that stings,
the yoke that suppresses
and the sword that kills.
By the terror that they trigger,
you will be able to conquer the earth.
Do I want only of it?
What would you like to make?
I would like to make they happy.
Happy? It is not
that of the silly and the roguish.
Your grandfather had learned it.
Make as him,
one evening, when the night falls,
leave the palace,
mingle yourselves to the crowd,
enter at people,
listen, observe,
and remember of it.
Tonight, Jaffar.
Tonight, my king.
Your people, my king.
I am near to him.
Observe and remember.
He/it is said,
by Allah's grace,
that he/it was a king
among the kings,
master of the weapons,
of the armies and vessels,
a main oppressor
of the time and the people.
The earth was a punishment
for his/her/its topics.
What does he/it say?
I don't know.
Does he/it speak of the king?
Don't ask any questions.
The spies swarm.
It is necessary to be prudent in Baghdad.
I am a stranger,
you can tell myself
of what he/it speaks.
He/it speaks of hope,
of a prophecy
about a liberator.
Only the silly believe there.
A liberator...
Not so much as Ahmad will be a king.
They complained in secret
and were punished
on the place of the market.
But a sage among the sages
announced them this prophecy:
"With time,
a liberator will come.
"ll will be the humblest
"of the humble
and will appear on the clouds."
"We will observe them! "
tells people,
"But if the Almighty
is not able to anything,
"what will he/it be able to there, him"?
The visionary answered:
"Have confidence in Allah,
"because in the sky
you will see a boy
"of the humblest,
overlapping a cloud.
"Cloud as strong
that a rock under snow
"from where he/it will shoot the arrow
who will hit the tyrant."
The tyrant's name?
I dream of a miracle.
That he/it dies today.
Stop it.
Throw it in jail.
If he/it tells himself/itself king,
call it madman.
Kill anyone
comes to his/her/its help.
I understood then
that he/it was bad.
He/it had deceived me
to trap me better.
One threw me in jail...
and there, my life began indeed
because I knew there
the one that became my only friend,
the small thief of Baghdad.
One doesn't throw
that the small in jail.
No, not the jail!
Advance, thief!
First cut him the hands,
then the legs
and finally the head.
I don't want to die!
Tomorrow morning.
As for the mad,
our sultan is generous,
only the head.
To the sunrise.
You became madman.
Me? Would I be mad?
It is you the mad.
Are you indeed?
It is that, I am mad.
I must be he.
The maddest
of the mad of the palace.
You are mad, really mad.
What imports?
Tomorrow, unless the sun
don't rise, one will die.
The thief and the mad...
I don't want to die.
You are not mad
and we will survive maybe
at dawn.
We will have died at dawn!
To the dawn,
we will take a boat
and we will go toward the sea.
I never saw the sea
but I heard
of the sailors to speak of it.
There are fish
big as the temple
and of others, small as my finger,
with wings.
There are some boats
as big as Baghdad,
to the veils
big as clouds
and that spin
as quickly as of the antelopes
until the islands of the Indies
and of China.
The Indies and China...
Whereas we are in jail.
The ax will fall at dawn.
And you pretend
not to be mad!
It is the key of the jail.
Give it to me!
One is not able to
to leave now.
- Why?
- Wait.
They are going to eat
and after them will fall asleep.
Then one will leave.
Quickly, take this paddle!
Pass me the rope!
Do you want us to make kill?
You believe
what they would have mercy?
If the king knew,
would not he/it have mercy?
The king was a silly.
I hope that he/it suffers to death.
Do you hate it so much?
Everybody hated it.
So only
I could hold it there,
I would tell to him
my way of thinking.
Tell it to me,
I am king Ahmad.
King Ahmad died yesterday.
Jaffar is the new king.
would never have sent
the whole care
for me all alone.
Mercy, master.
I am your slave.
Punish me slightly
and I will pay for double tax.
How are you called?
Abu the thief,
son of Abu the thief,
grandson of Abu the thief.
Last of ten children
with the hunger pegged to the body.
Raise you, my friend.
Let's go back to Baghdad.
Are you completely silly?
My king would make himself/itself kill.
we won't be able to anything anymore.
You seem me
to be the prince of the thieves.
The breeze
will push us toward the liberty.
I possessed everything,
except the liberty.
And me, it is the opposite.
What are we going to make?
What you want.
In 3 days one will be in Bassora.
Take this stick and shoot!
I want to be a sailor
who sails on the sea
Life on dry land
let me a bitter taste
The aunts and the cousins
are not very shrewd
They give desire to be marine
or bandit of big path
I want to be a brigand,
have it understood you
To sail on the sea
it is my life
It is my life...
Abu! Bassora!
Bassora... That it is beautiful!
have felt so good!
Of the pancakes!
You are indeed silly.
has eaten himself with the honey.
How to steal it?
One already has that,
Allah will provide there also.
Do you want the honey?
- One intends to buy some.
- A jar.
A jar?!
If he/it is good.
It is the best.
Easy to say,
I must first taste.
I saw better.
What do you say of it?
No, not good enough.
has lack of flavor.
Take care of your bees!
Say, old man,
what is this palace?
The one of the sultan, let's see!
You know well,
the palace of the one thousand toys.
Of where take yourselves,
beggars of nothing at all?
The sultan has the most beautiful
collection of the world.
Of the toys?
The sultan is aged
and he/it falls again in childhood.
He/it stays up more jealously
on his/her/its toys
that on his/her/its own girl.
I told to some enough.
Out of my path,
bags to fleas.
Allah is with you.
I question some.
[Skipped item nr. 320]
Release me!
The princess arrives!
- Does reason flee one?
- One risks the death.
She/it must not be seen
before his/her/its marriage.
Is she/it so ugly?
She/it is beautiful
as a star!
Release me!
- Spin!
- Where?
Up there!
Your appetite will cost us life.
Without eating one dies.
Abu, there they are!
I must see it again.
I spoke to Sinbad the sailor,
he/it takes us on his/her/its boat.
I ever imagined some of as beautiful.
He/it leaves to the next tide.
I cannot leave.
I must see it again.
All my life I dreamed
to leave on a big boat.
I cannot leave.
I must see it again.
If you see it again,
after you will follow me?
I will follow you.
Oh my poor heart
who palpitates so strong
curb your transportation
Because it is necessary for us to wait
of the men
this famous tender word
And when, oh my heart,
This one makes itself hear
Beat the chamade and venerate
This word that would be able to
to be sincere
[Skipped item nr. 354]
He/it is sufficient.
It is as heavy
that the air of noon.
Let's wait for the nightingale of in the evening.
To the swimming pool!
A genius!
Don't go there!
II has a genius there!
A genius!
Are you afraid?
Yes, frightfully.
Why don't you flee?
I want to see.
You are my first genius.
Then, observe me well.
It is not necessary to lie to a genius.
You are not ugly.
Are you a good genius?
Not indeed.
The good geniuses are overwhelming.
Do you live thereunder?
- Why are you there?
- To see you.
I was going to bathe.
I wait.
Whereas you are there?
Give me your hand, in water.
You left!
I didn't want.
Will I ever see you again?
Don't be afraid,
I am not a genius.
Who are you?
Your slave.
From where do you come?
On the other side of the time,
to find you.
Did you look for me since when?
The beginning of the times.
And now,
will you a long time remain?
Until the end of the times.
For me,
you are what of more beautiful has.
He/it is not
of bigger pleasure for me
that the one to satisfy you.
You will be there
tomorrow at the same hour?
A gardener supervises this park
day and night,
he/it is called the Death.
You must not come.
Prohibit me from coming.
Me then to forbid you it.
To tomorrow!
On every following day...
Did you see it?
We will be able to leave
this night.
I cannot leave.
You yet saw it again.
Exactly, for it
I cannot leave anymore.
Then I will leave alone.
How will avoid you keep them
without my help?
I will find a means.
You will make yourself take.
Do you remain with me?
Whereas you dream to leave?
Why would you remain?
Because I am as silly as you.
The following day,
Jaffar the usurper
makes visit
to the sultan of Bassora.
Brother of the Lions...
Fountain of hospitality...
I have the most beautiful
collection of automatons
from all over the world.
This one is the most remarkable.
He/it measures the time.
See how he/it functions.
Magic, this is not?
Dangerous, to not to put
between the people's hands.
If people
can measure the time,
you won't be anymore
the Mr. of the Time.
They will be interested in the time.
Very just.
They must not know.
Hold, look at which...
What thoroughness.
What precision.
What mastery.
I prefer them
so about my cases...
there is the most sublime of all.
Admire that.
I turn the key
and they make the same thing
every time,
as I hear it.
What doesn't make
still my topics
and I see myself obligated
to make decapitate them.
Magnificent collection
and nearly complete.
Nearly complete?
But, my collection
is quite complete.
Don't be mistaken.
I know that only a miracle
could complete
this magnificent collection.
He/it is
that this miracle exists.
An automaton
more beautiful than mine?
your interest on the subject,
I brought it with me.
Show it to me, quickly.
I am in a hurry to see that.
That I am in a hurry to see that!
If His/her/its Size
wants to carry up it.
What is he/it going to make?
Will II advance?
Will he/it rear?
Will II move the tail?
Is not he/it going to kick, hey?
I must confess
that I am nervous
so much that I don't know well
a horse.
He/it has a sacred spring.
Overlap it, I pray you.
Pull on the reins!
It is marvelous,
I am a bird!
I am the king of the birds!
I want it, I need it.
Demand what you want.
He/it is yours.
I don't ask
that a thing in return.
What you will want.
Your daughter.
My daughter?
Big God...
It is very troublesome.
Why my daughter?
To found a dynasty.
Of course, of course.
A dynasty...
I understand that.
Very pleasing.
I have myself tried
several times
and I only have a girl.
She/it is the personified misfortune.
His/her/its eyes are on familiar terms...
His/her/its eyes are sumptuous,
his/her/its eyebrows are such
of the crescent moons,
his/her/its body is slim.
What do you know of it?
- I saw it.
- Impossible.
- I saw it.
- Where?
In my ball of crystal.
That the devil carries away it!
That he/it carries away
all balls of crystal!
Are you magician?
I have some grants.
Don't tell to some more.
I need this horse,
you will have my daughter.
[Skipped item nr. 502]
Not question,
rather the death.
I will go to my sister,
in Samarkand.
She/it will protect me.
Turn over to the garden,
you will find there
the one that one took
for a genius.
Tell to him that I will wait for it
in Samarkand.
Well, mistress.
Your Size,
the princess is untraceable.
One searched the garden,
there were two beggars.
Bring them!
there are us face-to-face,
man to man.
A sword!
Allah will judge, noble sultan.
I say truly,
my eyes are witnesses of it.
My eyes!
I am blind!
Noble sultan,
I know the truth!
Learn that this man is!
And that is this one!
Son of dog...
By my magic incantation,
take the shape
of your forebears
and bark to the moon.
Such is my malediction:
You will remain a dog
and you, you will walk
in darkness
so much that she/it won't be
in my arms.
Here is, my benefactresses,
we browse the world
in search of a lost love,
no without hope,
because without hope
there would not be anything.
Allah is merciful.
Him the East, undoubtedly,
because this love is here.
Don't be played of me.
On no account. Your princess
has been sold like slave.
To a rich merchant from here.
But she/it fell
in a strange lethargy.
As dead, no doctor
don't manage to leave of it to him.
She/it asks
the genius of the swimming pool.
I am this genius!
You only can save it.
Where is she/it?
My genius,
will I ever see you again?
Approach me of her.
Why did you come?
To recover you.
Since when do you look for me?
The beginning of the times.
And now,
will you a long time remain?
Until the end of the times.
This dream...
My dream...
Still the same dream...
You don't dream.
Thin dish to this comedy.
Don't look at me so.
The suffering marked me.
For me your beauty
would not know how to tarnish,
she/it is eternal.
Your eyes are so strange,
loaded of pain.
One doesn't cross fire
without aftermath.
Leave, the master came back.
I will hide to you
and when he/it will doze,
she/it will come to see you.
Say nothing about you.
You also belong
to the princess henceforth.
Protect it for me.
He/it is blind!
He/it is in your power
to heal it.
A doctor exists
who will heal it to your demand.
Take me.
Is he/it here?
On this boat?
Yes, he/it waits for you.
[Skipped item nr. 586]
Open this door!
Open it!
Approach it.
More near.
How find you
your life of dog?
Curious that an unpleasant boy
makes a good dog.
Yes, Jaffar.
Still and again Jaffar.
Since you left your palace.
When you wandered
lost in the desert,
who guided you?
To the market to the slaves,
who bought to you?
Again Jaffar...
It is at home
that one watched over your sleep
and that you dreamed until the tip
your dream of love.
It is I that woke you up.
No... it is Ahmad.
One told to me
that there was a physician
who could heal it.
I am this physician.
To the very instant
where you will be in my arms,
Ahmad will see.
Take me in your arms.
My eyes!
Do you see there?
I am again Abu!
- Where she/it is?
- With Jaffar.
To what serves me the view,
without her?
You don't have anything else,
to part her?
I have the power to submit you
to my will.
But I want more.
I want your love.
Forget Ahmad.
He/it is not blinder.
For him,
the world overflows with women.
Me I am cursed,
I can only see you.
Small scatter-brained person!
Your life didn't even begin!
Ahmad forgot you.
It is Ahmad!
Whirl, winds of the sky!
and roar!
Why refuse you
to obey your destiny?
You behave like slave.
I am a slave.
You could order myself.
Demand what you want.
Would you bring back me to Bassora?
[Skipped item nr. 646]
[Skipped item nr. 647]
This place is only desolation.
It is the most beautiful garden of the world.
If ever flowers had,
they disappeared.
The swimming pool is blackened
by algaes.
One sees more there even
your reflection.
I don't search for
my own reflection.
I don't want to go to Baghdad
with Jaffar.
Let's see, my love...
I don't want!
Let's go, let's go...
If you don't want to go there,
you won't go.
No, ever.
Ever, ever...
so much that I will live.
What is it?
The latest magic toy.
The maid of money.
What can she/it make of other?
To hug you.
All my wives make it.
His/her/its embrace will stun you
as ever no woman
didn't make it will make it.
I could get rid
of mine
and to have some of the like that?
She/it tickles me!
We leave for Baghdad.
After two thousand years!
Two thousand years ago,
king Salomon,
Mr. of the Geniuses,
locked me in this bottle in.
It is the beginning
of my new liberty
and for you!
For you, it is the end
of your life.
Yes, of your life.
I am going to raise my foot
and to crush you
as the bug,
the worm that you are.
I came you out of the sea.
I opened the bottle.
You are an ungrateful.
A slave
is not thankful.
Not for his/her/its liberty.
Listen: The one thousand first years,
I promised
to make the one
who would free me
a very rich man,
the one thousand following years
I promised to revenge me
and to kill
the one that would free me
to pacify my hate.
Are you ready?
Before dying,
then me...
Then me
to ask you a question?
Put it.
How makes itself him
that a mountain as you
yours in one
so small bottle?
You were not
really in, do say?
- I was of it.
- No.
- I was of it!
- You were not there.
Do you dare to doubt?
I am going to die soon
and I dare all.
I say that it is impossible.
I don't believe you.
I will never believe you.
Nothing will make me believe that.
To less
that I see you making.
Dog of infidel,
you will know that nothing
I am not impossible!
You will see it
and you will believe it!
There you are really, bag to wind!
Let me leave!
You benefitted from this
because you were big.
Let me leave!
Coming down from flatulence!
To let take you?
I am going to return you to the sea.
Mercy, oh my master!
What do you say?
My good master!
Repeat again.
Good master,
I will grant you three wishes.
Three wishes?
I will grant them.
Do you swear it?
I swear it.
By king Salomon,
Mr. of the Geniuses?
By king Salomon,
Mr. of the Geniuses.
that no one can break.
You won't threaten,
nor won't shout?
No, master.
Don't redo
as much noise as before,
you had frightened me.
speak and I will obey.
It is better, you learned
the good manners.
I am hungry.
has stopped to think.
I would like some sausages
as home.
Your sausages...
It was your first vow.
You have two of them.
Not so quickly.
I must be prudent.
Again two...
Do you know this that I wish?
To know where is Ahmad.
For it it is necessary to have
the universal eye.
Give it to me.
I can you there to take,
but I won't be able to steal it.
To steal it?
I will handle it!
What did you steal ever?
The key of the lock,
the ring of the finger,
the genius's strength...
And the liar's language.
The one that will steal the eye
of the goddess
cannot be a boaster
but a hero.
I always dreamed
to be a hero.
Hang yourselves to my hair.
Don't forget
that it is not a vow.
There I am rather
helping you.
Yes, master.
Genius! I am afraid!
What hero...
does have gone, master?
Yes, he/it seems me.
Where are we?
Above the roof of the world.
Does the world have a roof?
A sustained roof
by seven pillars.
Pillars that rest
on the shoulders
of a huge genius
who is standing on an eagle
hung to a bull
who overlaps a fish
who swims
in the sea of the eternity.
Where do we go?
On the summit
of the highest mountain,
where the earth joins the sky,
to the temple of the dawn,
where is
the goddess of Light
whose head shelters
the universal eye.
Now, boasting,
you are going to be able to be a thief
and a hero at a time.
A hero!
Come me out of there!
To the help!
Is it the universal eye?
In 2 000 years
she/it will have another one.
While waiting, she/it will ignore
all of the men.
How to see where is Ahmad?
Watch well!
Yes, it is Ahmad!
To the help!
My vow is to join it.
I obey,
small master of the world.
Hang yourselves well,
one has the half of the world to clear.
Don't be afraid, Ahmad!
It is I, Abu!
Put me on the floor!
Clumsy! Useless!
Allah, mercy!
It is a true genius!
He/it is mine
and I am his/her/its master.
I am your master,
this is not?
Speak and I will obey,
oh master.
He/it took me
and he/it is going to come us out of here.
Why does he/it laugh like that?
To reason
of his/her/its excessive size.
The boredom it is that it is necessary
still to scream.
Hey you, up there!
What do you have to laugh?
I will be soon free.
Come us out of here.
Is it the 3rd vow?
Not again.
He/it is big but also shrewd.
I have a vow only.
I only have one vow.
Your vow, I know it.
Your princess.
I dream to see it again.
Is it all?
Useless to waste a vow.
What is it?
Watch in.
Watch attentively
and you will see it.
It is true!
A blue rose?
I heard to speak of it.
It is the blue rose
of the oblivion.
If she/it breathes some
she/it will forget all.
Of the blue roses?
What charming perfume.
Who are you?
I don't know.
I forgot.
Why did you suffer?
Would I have suffered?
I don't remember.
I was in love,
he/it seems me.
In love with who?
I would not know how to say.
I don't know anymore.
I don't want to see that more!
To know is even worse
that not to see
when one cannot make anything.
Why did you give me that?
Break it in one thousand pieces!
I flew it to help you.
You flew it
because you like that.
Without me, you would have died.
I would like to have died,
you to have known never.
I would like... to be in Baghdad.
It is my vow!
[Skipped item nr. 869]
Where are you?
Where you wanted it, in Baghdad.
Come me out of here!
Do you hear myself?
I want to go of it to me!
You will remain where you are.
You are astute, small master,
but you are a human.
If you are hungry,
you lose the reason of it,
if you think,
you forget some your heart
and if your heart expresses itself!
If your heart expresses itself,
you forget all!
I am not your master?
More now,
I granted your three wishes.
I am free!
Genius, come back!
Don't let me die here!
small master of the universe!
I am free!
[Skipped item nr. 887]
You forgot all your past.
You were in love with me.
You like me.
You will always like me.
The whole passes is forgotten.
I was in love with you.
I like you
and will like you always.
Throw them in jail.
Link them
on opposite walls.
Tomorrow they will die cut up living persons.
I failed, my love.
Forgive me.
I don't have any regrets.
We are together.
And we will remain it forever.
We won't be
more ever detached.
Yes, if the death is not the end.
I quarreled with Abu.
I regret it.
Abu, my friend.
and forgive me.
No, I don't want
to tell you farewell.
I want to help you.
But how?
I prefer not to see!
Welcome, our prince.
Welcome, small prince.
Father to the beard,
you make mistake.
I am not a prince,
I am only a thief.
We wait for you
since four thousand years.
No, it is not possible.
I am by chance there,
I don't know how.
Who, Father of the Miracles, are you?
Where am I?
On the Earth of Legend,
where all is possible
when he/it is seen
by a child's eyes.
We survived
to the age of gold.
Of gold,
because gold was not then
hardly more that the sand
that we trod
or the stone
that we became.
You, of the stone?
We were
petrified of horror
when we saw the men
to stop being children
and to believe
in the beauty of the impossible.
But when the heart
of a child comes to us
and in us,
we live again.
And since you are this child,
you are going to become my successor.
Come with me
and I will give to you
the two badges
of the true royalty.
Here they are.
Point it on the injustice
and you will defeat it.
No, Father of Goodness,
I don't want some.
I don't want to be a king.
I want to save my friend.
Hey well, it will help you.
Take it.
And now,
I return you homage,
because you are a king
and all in our kingdom
belongs to you, except
this carpet
that I keep for me.
Because on this carpet
who flies when one tells to him:
"Vole, carpet",
I will go until the paradise
when the hour will have sounded.
He/it is said,
by Allah's grace,
that he/it was a king
among the kings,
master of the weapons, of the armies,
and of the vessels,
a main oppressor
of the time and the people.
The earth was a punishment
for his/her/its topics.
They complained in secret
and were punished
on the place of the market.
But a sage among the sages
of Baghdad
announced them this prophecy:
With time,
a liberator will come.
You will recognize it
to this...
Oh Allah, I know,
you don't like that one flies.
It is the last time,
believe me.
Just once.
So that this small carpet
take myself in time in Baghdad.
When the hour
some old king will come,
he/it won't have need
of a carpet.
Oh Allah,
you will take it by the hand,
with sweetness, to his/her/its picture,
and you will take it.
I am not right?
I must go
to save my friend in Baghdad.
It is a question of minutes.
Allah, Lord of the Justice,
let me make.
Vole, carpet.
Vole, carpet!
Why do you close the eyes?
Soon you won't see it more.
We will observe them!
tells people,
But if the Almighty
is not able to anything,
what will he/it be able to there, him?
The visionary answered:
Have confidence in Allah,
because in the sky
you will see a boy
of the humblest,
overlapping a cloud.
Cloud as strong
that a rock under snow,
from where he/it will shoot
the arrow justicire
who will hit the tyrant.
The horse!
My people,
I owe all to Abu
and later
he/it will be my big vizir.
He/it will go
in the best school.
All sages of the Orient
will teach him the world.
He/it will be then
the wisest of the men,
a well to know,
of science and dignity.
He/it will be a vivid example
for youth
who will remember
how the small thief became...
Where do you go?
You had what you wanted.
On my turn
to find for which I look.
- What?
- Of joy!
And of the adventure finally!