Thieves' Highway (1949)

The loud one's my old man.
You owe me a buck, 90.
Keep the change.
# Da-da-dah-da, da-da-dah-da #
# Da-da-da-da-da
da-da-da #
# Da-da-dah-da, da-da-dah-da #
# Da-da-da, da-da-da
dah, dah, dah ##
# La, la, la-la la, la
La, la, la-la-la-la, la, la #
Hey, Nico!
Hey, mitera. Is Nico.
Hiya, Pop.
- Nico, Nico! Oh, Nico.
- How's my girl?
Why you don't write?
Why you don't telephone you coming?
I get ready, I cook up dolmades.
Because I want to cook up surprise.
Where's Polly? I called
her from the station.
- Sh-She not here.
- Aw, she don't like you.
What are ya doin' home? I could hear him
singing three blocks down the street.
- Ha, ha, ha, ha!
- "Ha, ha, ha, ha!"
Look, presents for everybody.
- Presents?
- The big box is a lamp from India.
- Oh, India!
- China. Japan.
Melanese Islands.
Ho-ho, you hear, mitera?
Man of the worid, Nico.
I bet he the best
mechanic on the ship.
Shoot a rod, they send for me.
Blow a valve, they send for me.
Yeah, they cry when you quit. Ho-ho-ho.
Look, Ma, earrings.
For you.
Dancing giris in Java
wear them.
No. No, Nick.
I-I am too old.
- You wear them. You're my dancing girl.
- Papa?
And look what I got for Polly's pop.
- Ho, ho, look just like him.
- Just about!
- Nicky! Nicky!
- Shh.
- Nicky? Oh, where is he?
Oh! No! Hey! No!
Oh, Nico!
- Bravo!
- Oh, Nick. Where did you get that awful thing?
- One of the Cannibal Islands.
- Polly.
- Dancing giris wear them in, uh Nico?
- Java, Ma.
- In Java.
- Oh, they're lovely.
And here's something for you.
Oh, isn't she pretty?
Oh, thank you, Nick.
I like it very much.
- I'll use it as a pin cushion.
- The finger.
Keep your eye on the finger.
Oh, Nicky!
Oh, it's beautiful.
Why, it must have cost a fortune!
- Hey, what do you think of that?
- Oh, that's wonderful!
1,800 smackers. More than enough
to go into business with your old man.
He's got an option on the vacant lot
next to the drive-in.
Hey, Jive-boy.
These I got for Pop.
All the way from China. Mandarin slippers.
The Chinese have small feet.
I had a tough time...
trying to get a size
to fit your number 12's.
Here, try them on.
See how they fit.
What's the matter? Did I say something bad?
All I said was, try them on.
I can't try on, Nico.
Why not?
- Pop
- Cover me, Nico.
What happened?
- Tell me, what happened?
- Nico
I came in here like a clown.
I couldn't tell.
He plays the phonograph, he sings
Oh, what I'm gonna do?
I don't lose my head, just my legs.
What happened?
Tell me what happened.
I get a nice truckload tomatoes.
Earlianas, first of season.
I leave with produce dealer.
Mike Figlia.
In San Francisco.
On consignment.
I go back for money.
He say, he sell good,
for good price.
"Come on. We have party,"
he say. "I buy you drinks."
I go for drink.
Two, three glass wine.
I say,
"Now you pay me money."
Mike Figlia say,
"Sure, I'm gonna pay.
Have another glass wine."
Two fellas from market,
they say, "Come on, pop."
So, we drinks lots of wine.
I laugh, I feel good.
I have good time.
I think how happy
Mama gonna be when I come home...
throw money like leaves
all over the floor.
Don't remember no more.
All I know is,
here it hurt. It hurt.
For long time, he don't believe his legs gone.
He think new legs will grow.
Don't you know
how it happened?
They find truck
turned over in ditch.
Yeah, they find me,
but they don't find money.
I think Mike Figlia,
he don't pay.
I telephone Mr. Figlia in San Francisco,
he say he pay.
- He no pay.
- My father saw a lawyer.
- He say, forget all about.
- I never forget.
- The lawyer got in touch with Figlia.
- Two witnesses say he pay.
I say, he no pay!
All right, Ma.
Leave him alone.
Polly, I'll see you tonight
after you get home from work.
Sure, Nicky.
So long.
Pop, those two witnesses...
- did they work for Mike Figlia?
- Yeah.
They big crook, too.
They big liars.
- He's right, Mom. He never got paid.
- Uh-huh. Yeah.
They just got him drunk,
put him in his truck and sent him home.
On the way,
he probably fell asleep at the wheel.
Where's the truck?
Insurance company fix.
I got no legs. I don't need it.
I sell it to trucker
named Ed Kinney.
Ed Kinney, he don't pay no money.
Just take the truck and give promise.
Ah, you're doing good all around, ain't you, Pop?
- Where's this guy live?
- Why, Nico?
I'm gonna get that truck, go up to San Francisco
and gouge your money...
- out of Mike Figlia's carcass.
- Is no use, Nico.
I wanna see Figlia, Mom.
Where's the truck?
Uh, maybe Mom is right, Nico.
Maybe Figlia pay.
Maybe somebody steal money from truck
after I have accident.
Where does Kinney live?
1600 block, Elm Street.
But you leave
Ed Kinney alone.
He know more about crop
than anybody in state.
He pay me.
You're a pushover, Pop.
Hey, Get-Rich-Quick, somebody to see ya.
- Tell him I'm busy.
- He says he can't see ya.
- Tell him I can see him.
- Better come out, honey.
Looks like the man's gonna stay.
- Yeah?
- My name's Nick Garcos.
You haven't kept up the payments,
so I'm takin' the truck back.
- You don't have to do that. I'll pay.
- When?
Day after tomorrow,
all the money I owe in one lump.
And a box of cigars
for your old man.
My old man falls for that stuff, but not me.
Where are the keys?
Tell him I need the truck.
I got a big haul coming up.
- Can I have the keys?
- I bought this truck from your old man.
I'll talk to him.
- I'll square everything with him.
- You'll talk to me.
- Where are the keys?
- Look, kid. This bargain your old man sold me...
I been keepin' it together with spit.
The universal's shot,
the rear end sounds like she's comin' apart.
I'd be glad to give it back to him, but I need it.
For one more haul. Just one.
If your old man's worried about his money,
tell him Ed Kinney's got the first load
of Golden Delicious apples.
If you got money to buy apples,
why don't you pay for the truck?
I haven't got a dime,
but this crop is so hot...
two guys are buyin' me a load,
just to find out where it is.
You talk just like
my old man used to.
Always blowing off
a lot of smoke.
Come on.
Let's have the keys.
You'll have to kick my face in
to get 'em, brother.
I know when I've got a good thing.
I've been hauling a long time. And this is it.
I found this orchard
where they come ripe early.
A south slope that catches the sun.
Golden Delicious apples.
It's like money in the bank. Ask your old man
if any produce dealer in the country...
wouldn't give
his eyeteeth to get 'em.
Would they, um
Would they go for them
in San Francisco?
They eat apples in Frisco.
They ain't snobs. They'd grab 'em up like that.
- You think Mike Figlia might be interested?
- That chiseler.
He'd be so crazy to get 'em,
he might even make a straight deal
It's too bad
your old man is laid up.
He'd go in with me
if he had 1,200 bucks.
Then I wouldn't have to
go in with these other two guys.
They ain't no friends of mine,
but your old man, I like him.
He used to be a good trucker.
We could buy two loads of Golden Delicious
one for him and one for me
and make a killing.
Hey, Doc!
The two guys I was
telling you about.
I wish I didn't have to
go in with them. They're sharp.
I got a hunch they're gonna bounce me
after they find out where the apples are.
Hey, you beanpole,
you long drink of
When are you gonna
get that gas-buggy heated up, huh?
Maybe I could raise
1,200 bucks.
- Hi, Ed. Got her all set to go?
- She's ready to roll.
That's our partner, boy. That's our partner.
After we pick up the money
tomorrow noon, we're on our way.
Tomorrow's too late.
You should have been here yesterday.
- Wait
- We ain't goin' nowhere. The deal's off.
- What?
- I don't hear ya. I don't hear ya!
The farmer called up.
Said he sold the whole orchard to a big shipper.
He can't do that!
You said he made a deal with us!
Yeah, you can't trust
nobody these days.
How do you like that? We get kissed off
before we even get a chance to pucker up.
I know how you feel.
Well, something may come up next week.
Keep in touch with me.
I got my eyes open.
Great, great!
I should have known it
when I had that dream.
You know I had a dream
that I had a handful of $1,000 bills?
- And when I woke up
- No. It don't sound kosher. It don't sound kosher.
- What do you mean?
- He's takin' it too easy.
What do you want him to do?
Wiggle in the dirt there and have convulsions?
That's just it.
He don't feel bad enough.
We'll need another truck.
I know a guy who's stuck
with a lot of war surplus jobs. Triple-A Garage.
That's where they got theirs. Just give 'em
a down payment, and we're in business.
- Tell 'em Ed Kinney sent ya.
- That was a dirty trick you pulled on those guys.
Kid, this ain't no lace pants business.
It takes tricks to get what you want
in this game, and I know 'em.
You just buy the loads.
I'll sell 'em.
You pull a trick like that on me,
I'd climb all over your neck.
You want to back out?
Any time you like.
- When do we go for the apples?
- Tonight.
After you pick up the truck,
go home and get some shut-eye.
We'll be on the road for 36 hours.
- You think you can make it?
- Sure, I can make it.
But remember, no tricks.
Now why would I want
to pull a trick on you?
Because I'm a pushover, too,
like my old man.
I come down here to pick up his truck,
and I wind up blowing all my cash.
I wanna tell you one thing,
I worked like a dog for that dough.
Gyp me, and I'll
cut your heart out.
I'll remember that.
Havel! What you do?
Pick the apples. Olga, Fedya.
Maria, he's picking
twice as many apple than you do.
Truckman waiting.
- What's the matter?
- Universal. Sounds like it's ready to go.
- So that's what I heard.
- Ah, I was afraid it wouldn't hold out.
- Look at that thing.
- Oh, great.
- What do we do now?
- Don't get the shakes.
I been keepin' this together with spit,
and I'm ready to spit all the way to the market.
Uh, I'll need 1,200 bucks.
Will you get your end wrench
and try to tighten those bolts?
Just the front ones.
I'll go down and pay off
the old geezer.
My wife, she say to tell you,
dollar a box.
- That's right.
- Thank you.
Thank you!
Good luck!
Have a nice trip!
And sell good my apple!
Hey! Wait!
Hey! Stop!
- Don't go! Wait!
- Truckman!
Wait a moment.
You didn't count right. You make mistake.
You make mistake. This only 900.
- That's right. Six bits a box.
- Six bits a box?
- "Six bits"?
- Six bits cojest 75 cents!
Seventy-five cents?
You cheat.
Six bits is all I'm gonna pay.
If you don't like it, you can have your apples back.
- What you say?
- I busted my truck pulling up your hill.
I don't care whether I haul 'em or not.
You take your money!
And I take my apples!
- Seventy-five cents!
- Papa!
Here! Here! You cheat!
- Papa!
- Seventy-five cents, huh? Here!
All this cheating! You!
Seventy-five cents!
Nice going, Ed.
- Nah, he cheat!
- He says one dollar. He pay six bits.
Saves two bits a box.
That's a lot of dough.
- 300 bucks.
- Sure, we could lose our shirts at a buck.
- What I am going to do with all these apples?
- He got no truck. They gonna rot.
- Give him his money.
- What?
- Go ahead.
- We'll need it for that shot universal.
If the universal goes out,
we'll park your rig and come back later.
- Sure, we got lots of time. We're on a tour.
- You made a deal. Give him his money.
Every john in the business will know
about apples by tomorrow morning.
- They'll flood the market.
We'll be peddling ours out of our hats.
- Give him his money.
Thank you. Thank you.
You good boy.
I tell from your face.
Here's five dollars for boxes
he throw off truck.
You almost saved me 300 bucks.
- Or weren't you gonna tell me?
- Maybe you'd like to wash up the deal we made.
Look, I buy the load,
you sell 'em. That still goes.
- No grudge?
- No grudge.
Let's get the top on.
- You go on ahead. I'll tail ya.
- Maybe I'd better tail you.
- Just in case you break down.
- Nah.
You'd lose time that way.
You get south, fast.
- We're hauling north.
- Thanks.
I thought the deal was,
you buy the loads, I sell 'em.
You can have the rest your way,
but this first run we're making north.
Okay, it's your dough.
Hello, hello. Uh
Well, lookee,
lookee, lookee.
Hi! Hey, Pete...
ain't we seen these boys
someplace before?
Yeah. Yeah, they do
look familiar.
Well, what do you know?
They got apples.
- What's the idea of following us?
- Ha! That's very funny.
Pete, some guys has always
got a suspicious nature.
Why do fellas have to be like that?
We weren't following them.
It's just fate.
I don't want you to rupture your brain,
but did you ever stop to figure...
if we all showed up with apples,
we'd all come out with peanuts?
We understand that.
We don't want to cool off your load.
Nah, that's the last thing
we'd want to do.
- Listen, chiselers
- Okay, okay. It's free enterprise.
We all want to make a buck.
We're gonna haul north. You guys haul south.
Now, there's a fella's
got good manners.
Go on, Slob.
So long.
Good luck.
Maybe we'll see you
again sometime.
- Listen, "Free Enterprise."
You know where they're gonna haul?
- Uh-huh.
- Where?
- San Francisco.
They wanna go where you go,
figure you got the nose for a buck.
At least we got the jump on 'em.
We're all loaded.
But they can spell each other. We gotta
drive alone. Get in and get goin' fast.
Watch it goin' down the hills
or you'll blow a tire. You got an overload.
- I'll watch her.
- If you get sleepy,
stick your elbow out the window.
- Cool off your blood, wake you up.
- Right.
When you get to Frisco,
don't talk to nobody about the load.
They'll see you're green,
they'll murder you. You hear?
Wait'll I get there. I won't be
more than 40 minutes behind.
- I'll be waitin'.
- Right.
Forty-five, 50.
We got 150 bullets.
Well, that won't buy too many apples,
but we'll make some change.
Maybe we'll do better than that.
Listen to that guy's truck.
Sounds like she's beatin' eggs.
Yes, Slob, we're gonna
make out fine!
What's from beatin' eggs?
Let's grab the apples and get goin'.
- There's no hurry, Slob. No hurry now.
- What are you
He Hel
Maybe you better tail me, huh?
Hey, Nick. Nick!
Nick, try to get your head
out of the sand.
Nick, get your head up!
Nick. Nick.
Come on.
Get up.
- Hi.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah. I'm okay.
- Come on. Let's get over to my truck.
Hey, hey!
- Can you stand there for a minute?
- Yeah. Sure.
- Let's take a look at that neck.
- No, I'm okay. Let's get goin'.
Sure, you're okay.
But I gotta fix that tire first, don't I?
I better put something on that neck, too.
Let's get in front of the light.
There. Let's clean you up a little.
Ah, it's good.
I'm glad you've got a fast truck.
Like the fella says,
I got here, didn't I?
Don't forget to
clean behind the ears.
Listen, I knew a guy once walked around
for a full week with his neck busted.
- How's it look?
- Swing your head around.
Go ahead, try it.
- How does it feel?
- Great.
- Haven't got a bandage.
- There's a handkerchief in my back pocket.
No, I'll use mine.
- What?
- I bet we look silly, sitting here.
- You think you'll be able to drive?
- Sure I can drive.
- Let's change the tire.
- Oh, no. You'll watch.
Next time you'll know better than to try to
jack up a truck with the back of your neck.
- Ed?
- Yeah?
I'd be a goner
if it wasn't for you.
Hey! Hey, you.
Hey! What do
you do with a guy
Them guys ain't gonna let you sleep,
so how 'bout moving this heap out of the way?
Hey, there, sonny boy. How long do you think
you're gonna keep this truck parked here?
- Just for a little while.
- Well, that happens to be a loadin' platform, sonny.
Well, I'm only going around the corner
to check on some prices.
Oh! Say, that looks like a mighty fine load
of apples you got there.
- Go ahead.
- Help yourself.
- Can I have some of that?
- Sure.
- Get the guy a paper cup.
- Aw, never mind.
Wanna try it? That's asparagus packin'on ice.
Hey, Mac.
What do you think of this?
- Hey, that's a nice apple!
- What do you think it's worth?
- Huh?
- What do you think they're worth?
- I don't know. Ask the boss. He'll be back soon.
- Thanks.
- Stop bargaining. Take it or leave it.
- I'll take it!
Too late.
What are we gonna do with you?
Juice is juice.
Too dry.
- How do you like that?
- Are you selling or pricing?
- What do you think they're worth?
- A lot more than I can give.
People who deal with me,
little hole-in-the-wall grocery stores,
can't afford to pay off.
- Where can I find Mike Figlia?
- Mike Figlia?
- What'd he say?
- He says, Mike Figlia stinks.
- Oh. Where can I find him?
- You're practically in front of him now.
- Oh.
- Hey! What do you want to
get mixed up with him for?
- There are plenty of straight outfits on the street.
- Thanks.
- What do you mean 12 bucks a crate?
- That's Golden
I don't care if it is Golden Bantam. People ain't
gonna pay two bits an ear to eat this stuff.
I give you 10 crates at 12
and five at eight and a half.
You're so nice to me.
I'll tell ya what. I'll take it if you make a deal
on 20 boxes of Golden Delicious.
Tell you what. I'll give you just one bite.
I ain't got no Golden Delicious.
No apples, no corn. If you're gonna take me,
it's gotta be worth it.
Hey, wait a minute.
How about 20 boxes of strawberries?
You can twist my arm on the corn.
I want apples.
Apples? What do you want me to do,
pull 'em out of my hat?
What? Huh?
Come back later.
Might be a deal on the apples.
- Hey! Jocko. Gonna park there long?
- Is there a law against it?
No. But I don't like it.
Hey, Fig! Maybe he's got
something you can use.
I don't do no business
with no wildcat peddlers.
What do you know? Apples.
- They're not for sale.
- How's that?
I said, you don't do business
with wildcat peddlers.
Get your truck out.
It's in the way.
Anything wrong?
My tire's flat.
Tire's flat? I got stuff
movin' in and out of here all the time.
Well, here. Maybe you
can pump it up faster.
Hey, Dave!
Give the man a hand.
Hey, what do you say, Charles?
You think we may be able to use them?
I'd have to see the entire load.
That's Charles for ya.
Got a great future.
Never wants to take a chance.
I'm willin'.
- Aren't you afraid you'll lose your shirt?
- I got plenty of shirts!
What'll you take for the whole load, as is?
Cash on the line.
- Help him out, Charles.
What do you think it's worth?
- Hard to say, Mr. Figlia.
Now, if they're all like this one
- Call that an apple?
- What's the matter with it?
- It's pulpy! It's not worth bringin' in.
- Tire won't come up.
I keep pumpin', but she won't come.
That's a shame.
Yeah, it looks like you're gonna be
stuck here for a while.
If you're a nice boy,
I might be able to handle this load.
- What'll you pay?
- I don't know. It's kinda early for apples.
- First crop's always pulpy.
- Yeah, you know? There's no demand.
Hey! Hey! Whaddya got there,
more peppers?
- I can't give 'em away.
- You ordered them.
Put 'em in the back.
Unless you want to dump your load now,
I'd take 'em on consignment.
Consignment? That's the kind of deal
you like to make on tomatoes, isn't it?
Sign this, Mike. We're waitin'!
- Hey. How 'bout a straight sale?
- How much?
Two bucks won't
hurt too much.
- That's $1,200.
- Cash. Right in your fist.
Sounds pretty good.
I'll talk to my partner when he gets here.
Hey! Yeah.
You gotta sell to someone.
Might as well be me, huh?
I'll be glad to sell to you.
You're a square guy. You offered me a fair price.
- You got a good reputation.
- Okay, okay.
Get your truck outta here.
I can't.
Somebody cut the tire.
Hey, Dave. Call up the Circle Garage.
Tell 'em to send a tow truck.
- Get him outta here.
- Figlia, you're used to pushing around old men.
Touch my truck,
and I'll climb into your hair.
Ah. The old man was easy.
This kid's tough, huh?
Want me to call
the Circle Garage, Mr. Figlia?
- What for?
- For the tow truck, to tow him out in the street.
You know, sometimes
I'm worried for your future, Charles.
I want that truck
right where it is.
Hey, Mike.
Havin' trouble, Doc?
Hey, Slob. Come on over here
and give him a hand.
- Hold a light for a fella.
- Yeah.
Yeah, once a universal
conks out on ya, you're dead.
- When that hot sun hits your load tomorrow
- Brother, baked apples!
Lots of room on our truck.
We'll toss 'em on for ya.
We'll get you to town in a jiffy.
Anything to help a neighbor.
And all it'll cost ya is
half of what you make, bud.
- Hey, there's a spot on your chin there.
- Aah
- Hey! You! What
- Just wanted to give you a helping hand.
- That guy started from scratch.
- And he's still scratching.
You're not such a bad egg.
Everybody just got you wrong.
Two hundred bucks!
"You're a crook," I say.
And he says, "When you insult me,
look me in the eye."
Why don't you get up
and give the lady a seat?
- What'll you have, lady?
- Black.
- Match?
- No match.
- Looking for someone?
- Yeah, my partner.
You look tired.
You'd be tired, too,
if you drove 400 miles without sleep.
- Hey!
- Why don't you look where you're goin'?
- All right, all right.
- Come on. Get outta here.
You can sleep here Sundays.
Market's closed then.
You wanna come up
to my room and rest?
- What?
- I'm the friendly type.
No, I'm waiting for my partner.
I'm looking for his truck.
You can see the market
from my window.
I think I'll wait here.
Sweet dreams.
Hey, those are potatoes,
not coconuts!
All right, all right, all right.
All right, let's go.
Hey. You talked me into it.
What do you got?
A penthouse?
- Here we are.
- Oh.
- Got a match?
- No match.
- It isn't the Ritz.
- No, it's a nice place.
Hmm. Soft.
Ever try sleeping in a truck?
You get the steering wheel in your ear.
You can sit down.
No wheels in this bed.
- You're French.
- Mm-mmm.
- I am Italian.
- Oh. I went swimming in Italy once.
- Yes? Where?
- A beach. Place called Anzio.
- Oh.
- It's a long way from Italy.
- It's a small worid.
- Okay.
Here's to...
Long and sweet.
What's the matter?
Don't you like giris?
Sure I like giris.
Always wished I had a kid sister.
Wearing pigtails
down to here.
Giggling behind her hand
and throwing sparks out of her eyes.
You were somebody's
kid sister once.
And look at me now.
You look nice.
Nice face...
nice eyes
- You look like chipped glass.
- Do I?
Yeah, like right now.
Took me a long time
to get that way.
They fly over all the time.
They make me dream
of drowning.
How do you feel inside
when you look like glass?
I feel fine.
- I'm sorry I took a cut at you.
- Don't touch me!
Why did I do that?
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, Riley.
Hiya, Fig.
Who you rookin' today?
If that's funny,
why ain't I laughin'?
Look, you see that truck?
It's been in front of my place all night.
Why don't you ask
the guy to move it?
See, now there's a great head for you.
See how fast he figured it out?
Bright. You find him and I'll ask him.
Say, that's the same truck.
The kid with the apples.
Well, will you get it out of there?
I can't do no business.
- I've got to talk to you.
- Get in there.
Get behind.
- Listen.
- What can I do for you, cutie?
You told me to get the guy off the street, and I did.
You didn't tell me he was hurt.
Oh, he's hurt, eh?
Hey, that's too bad.
Oh, you didn't know, did you?
Take him out of my room. He's in my bed.
Well, it's your bed, honey.
Here's your 50 bucks.
What you do with him is your business.
- You've got to get him out of my room!
- What's on the lady's mind?
The lady says
there's a gentleman in her bed.
Will you kindly show the lady
to the street?
- You heard the man.
- You've got to get him out.
- I'm losin' my patience!
- I'll get into trouble!
- You heard the man. He's losin' his patience.
- Hey, not that way. Go on.
- Hey, Fig!
- Yeah?
You can't get this thing out of here.
Look at that flat.
How do you like this guy?
Get a tow truck and pull him out.
Tow truck? Ten tons
on a chopped-up tire?
- Say, that baby's loaded.
- Well, then I'll unload it.
Now, now, slow down, Fig.
Another five minutes ain't gonna hurt you.
Gimme a chance to find the kid.
Everything happens to me.
The whole street, he's gotta break down
in front of my place.
- Tough luck.
- I'm the original Tough Luck Kid.
- Unload him?
- What else?
- Hey, how about the law?
- Charles. Explain.
Is the vehicle parked
in front of our joint?
- Yeah.
- Has it been parked there a long time?
- Yeah.
- Is it obstructing our place of business?
- Yeah!
- Well?
- We unload.
- Come on! We'll sell this stuff on consignment.
I'll give the kid a fair shake.
If that's against the law, I guess I'm a crook.
Hey, Gino, Alberto!
Come on!
Hey, Mario!
You want a good deal?
- With you? When hair grows here.
- Mario! Apples!
- Apples?
- Golden Delish.
- How much?
- For you, six and a half a box.
Fig, you big crook.
But I take 10.
Okay. Charles, take order.
Mario, 10 boxes.
Hey, Midge, Midge.
You want apples? You got 'em!
- Where'd you steal 'em?
- Oh, they dropped from heaven.
How many at six and a half?
- Twenty.
- Twenty boxes, Midge.
Charles, take Midge's order.
Twenty boxes.
Hey, Julio. Julio! Bring truck.
The crook's got apples.
Hey. Get up. Hey.
Oh, let me sleep, Ma.
Ed! Is that you, Ed?
- How long have I been here?
- Oh, not long.
- Fell asleep, huh?
- Oh, I thought you were
- Passed out?
- Uh-huh.
- Nah. I must have scared you.
- Oh, you did.
It's nothing.
Just a little blood.
- I thought you were going to die.
- Haven't got time.
Well, for your neck I have
a Band-Aid and "ee-o-deen."
Why, it isn't right, "ee-o-deen"?
Is right, "ee-o-deen."
You better let me
wash it off first.
- How did it happen?
- How did what happen?
- Your neck!
- Oh, that. I cut myself shaving.
- Oh.
- Hey, do you like apples?
Everybody likes apples,
except doctors.
You know what it takes to get an apple
so you can sink your beautiful teeth in it?
You gotta stuff rags up tailpipes,
farmers gotta get gypped...
you jack up trucks
with the back of your neck...
universals conk out
I don't know what
are you talking about.
But I have a new respect
for apples.
Cold water.
Makes me feel like a new man.
Oh, my.
Sit down.
- What's so funny?
- I don't know your name.
- Nick Garcos.
- Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
- How does it look?
- Beautiful.
- You know, you're okay.
- Me, too?
Yeah, you, too. Going out of your way
to give me your bed
Someday I'll be sleepy,
and you'll give me your bed.
- You fixed my neck.
- Someday, maybe you'll buy me "ee-o-deen."
- Is right, "ee-o-deen"?
- Is right.
- Soft hands.
- Sharp nails.
- You like to make tough, huh?
- I am tough.
Is that your truck
with the apples?
Is it?
Is it? The one that looks like
an army truck?
If they're your apples, Figlia's stealing them.
He's selling them
from the truck.
All right, take it easy!
Take it easy.
One at a time.
What do you want?
How come first Golden Delish you got?
How come biggest nose in the market you got?
- Hey, hello, buster.
- What are ya doin'?
- We're movin' 'em.
- How much you getting a box?
- Uh, three and a half.
- You're so bashful, Figlia.
Go ahead, tell him
what you're getting.
- He's getting six and a half.
- Oh, that's nice. Thanks.
Listen, your rig was in the way.
Couldn't move it without unloading 'em.
- I'm selling 'em for you, ain't I?
- I said thanks.
That's good. We got 40 boxes left.
They go in no time.
- 600 at six and a half bucks a box?
- Hey. Hey.
Where did you get
that six and a half stuff?
That's what you're selling them for,
isn't it? Or is she wrong?
- She's not wrong.
- Six and a half is right.
I oughta know.
I'm shelling out.
Come on. We can work this out
up in the office.
What's the matter with
working it out here?
600 at six and a half bucks a box
makes 3,900 even.
I talk business in my office.
- He'll eat that kid alive.
- I'll take odds on the kid.
- Sit down.
- I ain't stayin' long.
3,900 bucks.
I like you.
Hey. Let's say you just rolled into town
with a truckload of apples.
Old Havana.
Now what do you think
would have been a fair price?
- Six and a half bucks a box.
- Six and a half is what I got.
- I'm talkin' about your end.
- Your end of nothing is nothing.
You're a tough kid, huh? Okay.
Okay, we'll split.
Three and a quarter for you
- Six fifty for me.
- Hey, listen, you cheap peddler.
I was in this business
when you were still suckin' a bottle.
Probably got that load for a buck,
buck and a half a box.
I'm givin' you more money
than you ever seen in your life.
When did you ever make
more than a day's pay?
You're getting
red in the face, Mr. Figlia.
Aah. Terrible, the way
I lose my temper, huh?
- I like you.
- I don't like you.
- 3,900 bucks.
- Hey, you sound like a busted record.
Look, Mr. Figlia.
You don't know me, but I know you.
- You tried to take me.
- Who said I tried to take you?
- Who said it?
- Never mind.
Hey, wait a minute.
I got it. That, uh
Rica, that trick that picked you up?
Hey, the joke's on me.
I tell ya, if there's one thing Mike Figlia
appreciates, it's a joke.
Okay, I'll admit it.
I wanted your apples.
You didn't want to sell.
I paid that Rica a hundred bucks
to get you off the street.
So she tells you.
Ask me why she tells ya.
Huh? Right this minute,
she's plannin' how to roll you for all your dough.
I don't mind being rolled by her,
but from you I don't like it.
- Gimme my money.
- Oh, what's the use?
Gimme my money.
I ain't got
that much cash.
I'll take what cash you got.
Write me a check
for the rest.
How do you know
I won't stop it?
I don't think you will.
- What's the name?
- Nick Garcos.
My old man's
Yanko Garcos.
- You remember him.
- Can't say that I do.
He left a load of tomatoes on consignment
with you about four months ago.
- I sell a lot of tomatoes.
- This load you remember.
My old man said you
never paid him for it.
And if he wasn't hurt,
he'd come back and squeeze it out of ya.
Oh, that guy.
He ran around here
squealin' like a stuck pig.
It's our own fault we let cheap peddlers
like you on the street.
Check ain't signed.
Would you mind pickin' that up?
Terrible, the way
I lose my temper.
Hey! Hey!
I mean it.
I like you.
3,400 dollar check.
Five hundred bucks in cash.
Hey, that's quite a killing.
Take good care of it.
Don't lose it.
Take good care of your health.
If we had some clams,
we could have some steamed clams.
That is, if you like
steamed clams.
I wonder if that thing
makes coffee at the same time.
How much further
you think he can push that jalopy?
You mean by day or by night?
By night, he'd probably go
a quarter of a mile.
With a good strong tail wind.
I can't understand it.
We got plenty of speed, plenty of truck.
Why, we'd be glad to take his load in.
Wouldn't we?
Yeah, we would. Only now, it'll cost him
half of what he makes and, uh...
a little bit more.
Oh, that's awful. The longer he waits,
the more the inflation?
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
Hello, Polly?
Hey, fellas, hold it down, will ya?
It's long distance.
Calling Fresno.
- Hello, Polly?
- Quiet, fellas!
The guy wants
to talk to Polly!
Can you hear me, Polly?
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, well,
get your bags packed.
Nicky did great.
He made a killing the first time up.
Oh, Nicky,
I'm so happy for you.
Daddy, it's Nick.
He did wonderful in San Francisco.
Yes? How wonderful?
Oh, excuse me, Nick.
I was talkin' to Daddy
I know what he wants to know.
Tell him, but tell it to him easy.
- 4,000 bucks.
- 4,000 bucks. She'll come.
- Of course I'll come.
- I want you here right away.
We're gonna be married today.
I don't know. Ask your old man
when then next train leaves.
Tell her to fly!
This is the 20th century. It's faster!
Polly, why don't you fly? It's faster.
She can catch a plane for Frisco,
be here in two hours.
Yeah, you catch a plane
to Frisco, you get here in
Huh? No.
Here. Get off at Oakland, you catch the ferry
and I'll meet you at the ferry building here.
Do you love me?
Of course I do.
- Bacigalupi, you love me?
- Antonio, you are my life! I give you a kiss.
I'll meet you in the ferry building
downstairs at 10:00.
If a guy named Ed comes in, he'll ask for me.
Tell him to wait. I'll be right back.
Where you going?
- Home, to bed.
- Bed my eye!
- I wanna take you out, buy you a drink.
- Why?
I wouldn't have gotten
six and a half a box if it wasn't for you.
- I just wanted to get you out of my room.
- Take it easy.
I told you I wanna
buy you a drink.
A little while ago you were falling asleep
and now you're like a jitterbug.
If you made 3,900 bucks
on your first deal, you'd jitter, too.
Come on!
Hey, what's that face
doing down there?
Come on. Smile.
This is a good luck day.
Hey, hot it up! Hot it up!
Let's have some jive.
- Haven't you got anything better than that?
- What would you like?
- Have you got "Apple Blossom Time"?
- No.
- "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree"?
- No.
"Ida, Sweet as Apple Cider"?
- What'll ya have to drink?
- Apple cider.
- Where'd you dig him?
- Whiskey, Shorty. We drink to luck.
- Good for him, bad for me.
- Whiskey you'll get.
What do you mean
bad for you?
- Don't you know?
- No, I don't.
I thought you were
going to be my boyfriend.
To your bride.
Tell me, does she
have pigtails down to here?
You know, Italian, American,
a cat's a cat.
Do you mind if I don't
discuss my girl with you?
That's right.
In such company,
who can you talk about?
Me. I never had pigtails. See.
Let her have them.
That's what I want.
Lots of money.
Scusa. I have to say
Polly's name again.
Polly and I have one thing in common.
She loves money, too.
- I don't wanna talk about it.
- Ah, stupido, she marries you for your money.
Give him the bill.
He likes to pay.
I am sorry. I shouldn't have
said that about Polly.
- I'm sure she adores you.
- I wanna tell you something.
Nobody could pay her
to pick me up.
Keep walkin'.
I'd pick you up
anytime for free.
You know that, lover.
Come on.
I'll take you home.
I often walk here.
I like those noises.
You don't care about the noises.
You walk here because...
- in a spot like this, you can be yourself.
- What am I?
You're not the dame
who was handing me that stuff at Shorty's.
- You're just a scared kid.
- Oh, no
You hang around crummy joints, you stay up
all night, you know a slug named Figlia
Who do you think you're fighting?
You're only taking it out on yourself.
What's breaking you up?
What's so funny?
Oh, isn't that sweet?
He wants to save me.
Go ahead, lover.
Tell me what a bad girl I am.
I'm lost unless
you save me.
- I don't care. I'll never see you again after tonight.
- That's right. Never again.
Kiss me good-bye.
Good-bye, lover.
Frenchy, you're a beaut.
- It was in this pocket. I know it.
- The girl.
She got it.
Oh, Nick.
I looked everywhere for you.
Oh, what they did to you
- Give me my money.
- Nick!
Before you lie,
I saw you pick up my wallet.
Yes, I did! I did so Mitch
and Frenchy wouldn't get it.
Give me my money
or I'll kill you.
It's true.
I took the money.
But they caught me
and took it away.
They did it for him.
They work for him.
- Figlia.
- Oh, no, no, amore.
The way you are, you can do nothing.
Wait till your friend comes.
- Ed. He'll help you.
- Ed.
Well, that's it.
Listen to him now.
Sounds like he's
dragging cans up that hill.
What keeps that
crate together?
Get up. Get up.
I think he can.
I think he can!
- I knew he would.
- Well, I'll be
He's sure steppin' on it now.
He's goin' 55.
He's climbin' right up.
His drive shaft's busted.
That guy's got no brakes!
He'll get killed!
Pete, watch it!
- You are Polly Faber?
- Yes?
I am Rica. Nick asked me to meet you.
- How nice.
- How do you do?
We go through the market.
It's only a minute out of the way.
Nick and I are looking for a friend.
Come, please.
- If you don't mind my asking,
what's Nick doing in your room?
- He's resting.
- I hope he's comfortable.
- Hmm?
- I hope he's
- Oh, yes. He's comfortable.
I hope I'm not intruding.
I'm beginning to wonder what I came here for.
I thought it was to get married.
I ain't got no time.
Make up your mind, will ya?
- You paid Nick three bucks.
What's the matter with us?
- I like his personality.
Besides, he got here first.
Hey, Joe.
Leave 'em on the truck.
Hey, what do you want? The market's
practically closed. You want two bucks?
- Okay. Take 'em off.
- Three hundred bucks.
- By the way, where's Nick?
- I don't know. He picked up with some dame.
He don't know what happened.
He'll die when he finds out.
Yeah, it's too bad.
A fella tries to make a buck, and that's all.
Poor guy breaks his heart
to bring us some apples.
I'll never forget him.
There's the guy
- Nothin'.
- Yeah, that's a shame.
- You say his apples weren't burned, huh?
- Not a scratch.
Crime they're going to waste.
- Well, that's how it is
- Hey.
- Yeah?
- Skip it.
What's on your mind?
What'll you pay
if I bring in those apples?
- Oh, I wouldn't want you
- You said yourself they're wastin'.
They can't do him
any good laying out there.
Maybe you're right.
Give you a half a buck a box.
What are you
two guys talking about?
- 300 bucks more, that's what.
- What are ya, a couple of grave robbers?
Ah, quit your crying. Let's get 'em.
They'll only lay out there and rot.
- Pete, you seen that guy burn.
- Yeah, maybe he's right.
Nah, you ain't
foolin' me either, Figlia.
You want those apples.
That's what you're tellin' him.
- Standin' there like HonestJohn.
- Listen, you, Slob
And you know what?
There's the guy to go get 'em for ya.
Gimme my share.
If you ever see me again, you better be
on the other side of the street, because I'll
- Look, you want 'em?
- Why not?
Okay, I'll get 'em.
How do you know
he won't run out on ya with the apples?
Hey, lock up! Unload fast.
We're going with him.
I told you Nick was fine,
but he isn't.
- He was robbed last night. They beat him up.
- What?
They hurt him badly.
But he's much better today.
What do you mean,
Yes, it's good you came.
He needs you. They stole all his money.
- Nick. Nick.
- Hmm?
Hello, baby.
Hello, Nicky.
You two want to be alone.
Help yourself.
I take a shower.
- Why did you pick her?
- She picked me.
It's a pleasant surprise
finding you in her room.
Where did you want me to be,
in the gutter with my head busted open?
- She took care of me.
- Why
You are hurt.
What on earth happened?
I had a little trouble.
But I'm all right.
Poor darling.
I'll take care of you.
Oh, Nick, aren't you excited?
I can feel my heart pound.
Where are we going to stay?
I'd like to stay at the Mark.
We'll have to wait
three days though.
It takes that long
to get a license.
I quit my job. Walked in and told old Bentley,
"Bent, you old stick in the mud "
Well, you should
have seen his face.
We'll, uh, have to be
careful with our money.
Didn't Rica tell you anything?
Why, no.
Is there anything to tell?
Oh, Nick. I'm so proud of you.
You did it. I thought you couldn't,
but you did it.
- Polly, there's something I ought to tell you.
- Yes? Anything wrong?
Well, I, uh
Polly, I
It's hard for you,
is that it?
For one thing, your partner, Ed,
walked out on you.
For another, you made $4000 like you said,
but somebody beat you up and took it.
And, of course,
we can't get married.
I don't suppose you have enough money
to send me home.
Or to feed me even.
You see, I'm hungry...
but I'd rather go hungry one morning
than for the rest of my life.
Aren't women wonderful?
The only difference between you and Polly,
she's strictly an amateur.
She uses a club,
you use a knife.
- How well you know me.
- You said it, sister.
You picked me up
so Figlia could swipe my load.
- And you were so hard to get.
- He gave you 100 bucks.
- He did?
- Did he or didn't he?
No, he didn't.
He only gave me... 50.
And that walk.
Where you like the noises.
- That was to set me up for Mitch and Frenchy.
- Of course. Sure.
- Well, was it or wasn't it?
- Whatever you say, lover.
Any way you want it.
Mitch and Frenchy.
Where do they live?
Where do they live?
New Bay Hotel.
But don't go there.
To them, life is very cheap. Go to the police.
Aren't you afraid
if I go to the police?
Go to the police.
I can't figure you out.
One minute, you're
What do you want from me?
I want for you
not to be hurt.
Nick, go to the police.
Frenchy and Mitch, they have ways.
They can kill so it can look
like an accident.
They will follow you all the way
when you drive home.
And if you get tired
and want to sleep a little...
they will push your brake and make your truck
roll back and to crash.
What did you say?
Yes, believe me.
They have done this before for Figlia.
When he doesn't want
to pay money he owes. I know.
Nick! They will kill you!
They will kill you in your truck!
Figlia! Figlia!
- Hey, Figlia!
- Hey, hey.
Open up!
Even if you kick that door down,
he still won't be in.
How do you know?
What are you doing here?
We crossed you up, Nick.
We sold to Figlia, too.
- Where is he? You know where he is?
- Yeah.
Well, where? Where?
- He's out earnin' an honest buck.
- Come on. Tell me!
Will ya take it easy. I am telling ya.
What was your partner's name?
- Ed. Ed Kinney.
- That's him.
- Figlia and Pete went out to pick up his load.
- Did Ed come in?
- No, he didn't come in.
- Did he send word he broke down?
He broke down all right,
but he didn't send any word.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
I'm trying to tell ya.
He cracked up at Altamont.
His truck went off the road and burned.
What happened to Ed?
He burned, too.
Nick, Nick.
Why didn't I tail him?
It wouldn't have happened.
Don't murder yourself, kid.
We was right in back of him.
There was nothing nobody could do.
- What do you mean Figlia went
out to pick up his load?
- That's what he's doin'.
Figlia's paying Pete four bits a box
to take them apples off the road.
Why didn't you go along?
Don't you want your cut?
Four bits a box.
Four bits a box.
- Four bits a box!
- Nick, Nick, now, Nick
- Nick, take it easy.
- Four bits a box!
They'll rook you in the grave!
Four bits a box!
- Nick Guys, take it easy.
- Four bits a
- Leave him alone, leave him alone.
- Four-bit box.
What a man, Figlia.
He gets around.
That guy crippled
my old man.
Nick. Oh, Nick,
let me talk to you.
Leave me alone, Rica.
Where in Altamont?
- You know, them hairpin curves.
- Nick, Nick
Oh, please,
don't let him go.
No, no, honey.
Don't try to stop him.
All right, all right.
Shove over, kid. I'll drive.
Hello? Hello? Give me the police.
Quickly! Quickly!
Okay, set 'em up, Frank.
Hey, come on in.
Take that booth. Sit down.
A little business,
a little pleasure. Huh?
Hey, did you
get them all?
Hey, Pete, it's a party.
Go on.
Look. Prizes.
Go on. Take it.
You earned it.
What are you
gonna have, Charles?
A malted.
A bourbon malted!
Hey, Pete, what's the matter?
Why you ain't laughin'?
Hey, that's how I got
my chest, laughing, see.
It's good for the lungs.
It expands. Yeah?
I can't laugh.
This stuff was sitting on me.
I got something to tell you.
You're a truck jockey now. You know what
you're gonna be when you grow up?
A truck jockey.
Hey! Hey, how are you, buster?
Come on in.
Hey, you know what he's gonna be
when he grows up?
Secretary of the Treasury.
Come on.
Sit down.
Hey, two more drinks!
How is it, buster?
You know, Pete.
You're not a good businessman.
You got two bucks a box.
Ask Figlia what he paid me.
You got three bucks. He told me.
Ask him what he paid me.
I'm askin', Fig.
What is this?
We're havin' a party.
You gave him more
than three bucks.
Suddenly I don't like the company.
I'm leaving.
He paid me six and a half.
Suddenly, I like the party.
I'm beginnin' to laugh.
You got no right to get rough, Pete.
You agreed to it.
A deal's a deal.
That's right. You got your money,
so shut up.
You got paid in cash.
What I got
is a lot of smoke.
Sure, Pete.
There's always a guy
like Figlia to take you.
But you You're the kinda guy
who plays both sides.
You'll always be taken.
Listen, cocky boy, you got your money.
At least 10 witnesses know you got it.
That's right.
I gotta shut up.
Pete's gotta shut up.
How 'bout Ed?
How about Ed?
Four bits a box.
How about Ed?
You're crazy.
You busted my hand.
Does my pop
have to shut up?
You cut off both his legs.
Put your hand
on the table.
Or I'll crack your skull.
Put it down.
That's enough, kid.
That's enough.
I want to hit him
for my pop!
Sit down and watch.
It's a party, ain't it? Floor show.
You rotten drunks!
They'll pay for anything they break.
Take it easy, pop.
Take it out of this.
I was I was gonna
pay your old man.
I was gonna show you
the check in the office.
- Here, take the cash.
- What about that dough you rolled him for?
I'll make it good.
Here, I'm paying you. See.
Look at it all.
I'm paying. Take it.
Take Why don't you take your money?
Why don't you take
For my pop!
For my pop!
For my pop!
Nick, the cops!
All right, Mouse,
which one?
- Him.
- Who roughed him up?
- I did.
- Was it your old man that lost his legs in the truck?
Yeah, that was
my old man.
Okay, beautiful, come on.
Look, mister, that don't give you license
to beat up people.
You can't take the law
into your own hands.
Taking care of guys
like Figlia is our job.
Now cut.
You must be careful.
The next lady you meet...
she wants your money.
Blonde or brunette?
Well, she looks
very much like me.
And now you.
Your future.
Excuse me, fellas.
She's with me.
Hello, Nick.
Are you all right?
Yes. Thanks.
Thanks for everything.
- It's all right.
- Come on.
- Where?
- With me.
- But, Nick
- I like the way you wear your hair.
Hey, what about my future?
Uh, I don't know
about your future.
But here.
Maybe you can read mine.
You'd better practice
saying "I do."
When we get to Tracy,
we're gonna be married.
- Is right?
- Is right.