Thing From Another World, The (1951)

- H, Eddie.
- Hiya, Scotty.
- Cold enough for you?
- Well, I'm only faintly alive. It's 25 below.
- You know everybody?
- We haven't met.
- McPherson.
- Hi.
Ned Scott, Capt. Hendry.
Scotty just got in today.
Hi, care to join us?
Wait till I count my fingers.
I may have lost one.
Scotty's a warm-weather man. We met
at Accra. Quite a spot. 105 in the shade...
...and the women hardly wore
anything at all. Very intelligent of them.
You just lie there in a hammock
while three of them fan you.
- Remember, Scotty?
- I remember.
- Oh, boy. When I die I hope I go to Accra.
- I was there.
I'm in.
- What are you doing here, Mr. Scott?
- Looking for a story.
Scotty's a newspaperman.
- How many?
- Three.
- Cards?
- I'll play these.
- Caught from ambush.
- Check.
- Well, I'll bet a buck.
- And I'll fold.
- Pair of queens.
- I thought so. Aces.
You ought to know better than to try
fooling our captain. Only dames can do that.
- Lt. Dykes, I promise...
- Slip of the tongue.
- What do you hear from the general?
- Fogarty's nursing secrets like a June bride.
I got an idea. A guy in Seattle
knows a whole radar defense story...
...Ioves to talk.
General McLaren.
Tell General Fogarty you want to go
to Seattle, and Pat and I will fly you there.
I met General McLaren too.
It's warm in Seattle. They got girls
there without fur pants on.
- What about it, captain?
- That could be right.
You won't be able to shoo our captain
southward with his heart...
...wrapped around the North Pole.
- That'll do.
- What's going on up there?
- Scientists are holding a convention.
- Looking for polar bear tails.
- Ever hear of Dr. Carrington?
- The fellow who was at Bikini?
- The same.
They're holding about 2000 miles
north of here. A whole bunch.
- Botanists, physicists, electronic...
- Including a pin-up girl.
- Very interesting type too.
- Very.
Capt. Hendry can give
you any data on her.
- You probably shouldn't have said that.
- Well, after I read...
Now look!
Someday I hope to have a navigator and a
copilot who are at least dry behind the ears.
- Oh, captain.
- You mail-order...
Capt. Hendry, report to General Fogarty's
quarters at once please.
for his troops. Sounds like the old days.
- Take my hand. Will you?
- Yeah.
Captain, if it amounts to anything,
bring me in on it. Will you, please?
I gotta get a story someplace.
Come in.
- Close the door.
- Yes, sir.
- Good evening, sir.
- Didn't take you long.
Not many places to hide, sir.
Just got a queer message from your picnic
party up north, from Dr. Carrington himself.
"Believe an airplane unusual type
crashed in our vicinity.
Please send facilities to investigate.
Most urgent."
What would you find up there
besides a good-Iooking girl?
- I don't know, sir. Any ships missing?
- No.
- No Canadians either.
- Could be Russians.
- They're all over the pole like flies.
- You're going.
Take along a dog team or anything
you might need for rescue.
Come in.
Close the door!
You suppose the Pentagon
could send us a revolving door?
Could be, sir. We got pith helmets
last week.
- Weather report, sir.
- Okay, that's all.
If any messages come in from Dr. Carrington,
I want to be notified personally.
- No matter what the time.
- Yes, sir.
Here's your weather.
There's a front moving in...
...but you ought to have time
to get there and back.
- General, that newspaperman, Scott...
- What about him?
- He'd like to go with us.
- It's all right if you maroon him up there.
Don't get me wrong
about who gets marooned.
I'd like it if you didn't smash
into the landing ski this time.
That was an unavoidable accident.
Well, look, I'll expect you back
tomorrow night.
- Yes, sir. And I'll close the door.
- Just tell me what you find up there.
No one tells me anything around here.
Want some coffee?
- Hey, thanks.
- Here you are, sir.
Mr. Scott. Coffee.
- Are we there?
- No, sir. Hot coffee up front, sir.
- Lieutenant? Coffee, sir.
- Thank you, stewardess.
- Coffee?
- Yeah, thanks.
How far are we from camp?
Three hours. We've slowed down.
A little headwind.
A little headwind?
Close to 40 miles.
Our captain has some funny ideas
about the North Pole.
He thinks it's a garden spot.
Come and bring the kiddies.
Now look, don't you two guys start.
You know, Perry went to the North Pole
once. He retired with a sack full of medals.
Hey, Pat.
We go there every three weeks
just like it was lover's lane.
Mr. Scott, some people
seem to think... Wait a minute.
Hello, Air Force 191 from
Polar Expedition 6. Can you read me?
Air Force 191. Hear you fine, Tex.
Go ahead.
- What's your position?
- Three hours out.
Captain, switch over to your radio compass.
Check it against your magnetic heading.
What's on your mind, Tex?
We've got some disturbance up here.
It's whacking away at everything.
- What do you figure it's from?
- Don't know. We noticed it last night.
- Six to eight degrees difference.
- We're quite a bit off here, Tex.
You better home in on me.
I'll leave the key open.
- Or would you rather have me sing to you?
- Leave the key open.
I was afraid you'd say that.
Hey, the taxpayers ought to see this.
Hello, doctor, professor.
- Still the same game?
- Yes.
Hello, boys.
- Doctor, professor. Here's your mail.
- You're just in time for lunch.
- Ken, I bet you forgot my hairpins.
- Don't tell me I'm nearly at the North Pole.
- Looks more like my Kentucky home.
- Mr. Scott, Mrs. Chapman.
- A pleasure, Mrs. Chapman.
- Hi, nice to see you.
- Dr. Chapman, Mr. Scott.
- Dr. Chapman.
- Scotty's a newspaperman.
- You've come at an opportune time.
I happened to be in Anchorage when your
message came. I hope you have a good story.
- No more than you know already.
- Nothing more at all?
Just discussions as to what it might be.
We all have different ideas.
- There's been arguments about it.
- Where's Dr. Carrington?
- In the lab.
- See you later.
Does that mean you've seen the plane?
- Coffee, captain?
- No, thanks.
Our captain seems in a hurry, Lee.
- Where are you two going?
- We're with you.
- We want to tell her she treated you badly.
- Lf you don't want us to go...
- I'm gonna get even with you two someday.
- We got up in there.
Come in.
Hi, Pat. Welcome to our igloo.
How was your...?
- How was your trip?
- All right. About usual.
Well, that's fine.
- I think Dr. Carrington wants to see you.
- He can wait. I wanna talk to you.
- What about?
- That was a dirty trick you played.
- Don't lose your temper.
- Why did you do it? Just tell me why.
Well, your legs aren't very pretty.
You didn't have to write a note
and put it on my chest.
I'm sorry, Pat...
Six people read it before I woke up.
Now the whole Air Force knows.
- Not so loud. They'll hear.
- They already heard.
The only place it hasn't been
is on a billboard.
I didn't know you had
such a nasty temper.
Now, Pat, just be careful.
Now take it easy.
Now wait a minute.
We had a lot of fun
when you were up here.
Then when you asked me down
to Anchorage, you deliberately fed me...
Tell me, did you really drink
all those drinks?
- You didn't throw any away? Not one?
- No.
Holy cat. I thought I was good.
And another thing, why did you leave?
When I woke up in the morning
you were gone.
I told you I had to take
that cargo plane back here.
- You told me?
- Don't you remember?
Right after dinner. You were telling
me all about a night in San Francisco...
Did I tell you that?
What else did I do?
Well, you had moments
of kind of making like an octopus.
- I never saw so many hands in all my life.
- All right. All right.
Look, my only excuse
is that I liked you...
...right away.
- So I started wrong. Can't we begin again?
- How would you begin?
- Well, I can think of several...
- Never mind.
We don't have time for that now anyway.
I know Dr. Carrington's waiting
to see you.
- What about this business of starting over?
- We'll talk about that later.
- Hello, captain.
- Hi, professor.
- Dr. Carrington, Capt. Hendry is here.
- Yes, I know.
- How do you do, captain?
- Doctor.
Miss Nicholson, would you add
a note to the others?
November 2, 11:30 a.m.
Deviation in sector 19 continues
No lessening or wavering
of disturbing element.
That's all.
- Captain, can we start now?
- Mind telling me where we're going?
Your message said an airplane crashed.
Is that what we're looking for?
I don't know, captain.
- I think you better explain.
- I'm sorry.
Miss Nicholson, would you read
Capt. Hendry my first notes?
I was thinking only of the vagueness
of my information. I dislike being vague.
- "November 1 st...
- Yesterday.
...6:15 p.m. Sound detectors and
seismographs registered explosion due east.
At 6:18, magnetometer revealed deviation
- That deviation has been constant.
- We ran into it before we got here.
"Such deviation possible only
if a disturbing force equivalent... 20,000 tons of steel or iron ore...
- 20,000 tons?
...had become part of the earth
at about a 50-mile radius."
You're getting a bit beyond me,
but it sounds like a meteor.
Yes, very much. Except for one thing.
- Will, show it to Capt. Hendry.
- Yes, sir.
We have some special telescopic cameras.
On the appearance of radioactivity,
a Geiger counter trips the release...
...and the cameras function.
They were working last evening.
This is the result.
This first picture was taken
three minutes before the explosion...
...or 6:12.
You can see the small dot
below there in the corner.
On the next picture, one minute later,
that dot is moving from west to east... enough to form a streak.
- What shutter speed is it?
- 1000th of a second.
- Moving pretty fast. Wasn't it?
Here, at 6:14, it's moving upward.
and vanishes.
A meteor might move almost horizontal
to the earth but never upward.
- Then it isn't a meteor.
- That's obvious.
How'd you find the distance of impact?
- By computation...
- Dr. Carrington?
- Ready?
- It's quite simple, captain.
We have the time of arrival
of the sound waves and detectors.
And also the arrival time
of the impact waves on the seismograph.
By computing the difference, it becomes
obvious they were caused by the object.
- The distance from here is 48 miles.
- I'll take your word for it.
One thing, doctor. 20,000 tons of steel
is a lot of metal for an airplane.
It is for the sort of airplane
we know, captain.
- Yeah, we'd better be going.
- Redding will check every quarter-hour.
- Will you want me, doctor?
- It won't be necessary.
- You come with us, Bill.
- Yes, doctor.
We'll be there pretty soon now, Pat.
Bob, get Carrington up here.
We're almost 50 miles out, doctor.
With your compass deviation,
how are you navigating, captain?
That peak ahead is practically due east.
We got the wind before we left camp.
- Very good, captain.
- We should be there about now, Pat.
Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six.
Picking up something
on the Geiger counter, sir.
Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Look there.
- Pat, the compass is in a spin.
- Geiger's up to the top.
Yeah, that's it, all right.
- You see someplace to set down?
- Looked smooth about a half a mile back.
We'll take a look. Bob!
Get them ready. It might be rough.
Right, sir.
Fasten your seat belts, gentlemen.
We're gonna land.
Sit down and hold on back there.
All set for landing, sir.
Half flaps.
- Full rich.
- Full rich.
Half flaps.
There we are.
Holy cat! What a weird-Iooking thing.
Let me get a picture
before you track up the whole place.
This Geiger counter is going crazy.
Something's melted that surface crust.
It's frozen over again into clear ice.
The bottle shape apparently was caused
by the craft first making contact...
...with the earth out
at the neck of the bottle...
...sliding toward us and forming
that larger area as it came to rest.
With the engines generating enough heat
to melt that path through the crust...
...then sink beneath the surface.
- What could melt that much ice?
Let's go down and see. Barnes.
Take the dogs over on that side.
Dr. Chapman, could an airplane
melt that much ice?
One of our own jets generates enough heat
to warm a 50-story office building.
- It's part of an airfoil. Probably a stabilizer.
- It's an airplane, all right.
- Can you tell what metal that is?
- I'll need some tools.
Barnes, bring some tools!
Hey, it's down pretty deep over here.
I can't see anything but a dark mass.
It's deeper over here.
Captain, may I suggest that we spread out
and try to determine the size and shape.
Right. Spread out, everybody! We're gonna
try to figure out the shape of this thing.
Here's the tools, sir.
Holy cat!
It's almost...
Yeah. Almost a perfect...
It is. It's round.
- We finally got one.
- We found a flying saucer!
Can anybody see anything
through the ice?
- Only an outline.
- Nothing but a dark shape.
Seems perfectly smooth.
No doors or windows.
- I can't see any engine.
- I doubt we find anything we call an engine.
Dr. Carrington, this isn't
any metal I know.
Probably some new alloy.
- Get some filings for analysis.
- Right.
Captain, I don't think we have a chance
of chopping through the ice with axes.
I know. We think so too.
We'll try to melt it out with thermite bombs.
- Oh, excellent.
- Where do you figure it's from?
I don't know, Mr. Scott.
- Well, from this planet?
- I doubt it.
- Well, do you...?
- The answers will be much easier...
...after we've examined the interior
of the aircraft...
...and its occupants, if there are any.
- Occupants? Why, I never...
What a story!
Where's the radio? Hey, Barnes!
- Hold it. No private messages.
- What do you mean private?
- I'm sending it to the whole world.
- This is Air Force information.
We'll have to wait for authority
to let you file it.
You got your authority in the Constitution!
It's called freedom of the press.
- I'm sending a story!
- Not from our ship.
- Where do you want the bombs?
- One by the stabilizer...
...another over in the far side
if we need it.
It's the biggest story since the parting
of the Red Sea. You can't hide it!
- Think what it means to the world.
- I don't work for the world.
- Look...
- No, Scott. I'll take that.
- Here's the detonator.
- Get back to the ship and call the camp.
Have Tex radio we've found a flying saucer
in the ice. We're gonna try to get it out.
- What about me?
- Also, ask if Scott can send his story.
- That's all I can do.
- You're gonna grow up to be another Fogarty.
- Where we gonna touch this off?
- Over there.
Have you looked to the west?
That front's moving fast...
...and the temperature's dropping too.
- We don't have more than an hour.
- Where do you put those, Bob?
- Right on the surface.
- Tell Stone. Will you, sir?
- Right.
Say, what will this thermite do?
This is S-O-P, standard operating
procedure for removing ice.
Hook this wire up, will you, lieutenant?
It just melts it.
How fast does it work?
It'll uncover the whole saucer
in 30 seconds.
- All ready over here!
- Be right with you!
Better clear the field! Over near the dog
sled! Gonna get pretty hot here in a minute.
Hook her up. We'll try the stabilizer
first. Use the other one if we need it.
A few minutes from now
we may have the key to the stars.
A million years of history
are waiting for us in that ice.
- Say when. I wanna get a picture.
- All ready, sir.
- Ready here.
- Let her go, Bob.
- Okay, all clear.
- Wait a minute, everybody. Stay back.
- It's burning under the ice.
- Careful, captain.
What's happening?
Tell me, doctor.
Get down on the ground, everybody!
Everybody all right?
That last explosion was the engine.
Sergeant, will you try your Geiger counter?
- Only a trace.
- That's just residual.
It's all gone.
Secrets that might have
given us a new science.
- Gone.
- That's just dandy.
Standard operating procedure.
- I should've thought...
- You sure should.
Greatest discovery in history up in flames.
Turning a new civilization
into a 4th of July piece.
Captain, I'm getting something
over here.
- Probably a fragment from the saucer.
- We may salvage something yet.
Hold it, everybody.
I'm getting a reaction.
Let me get a reading.
Getting warm.
Hotter now.
Here's where it's coming from.
- What is it?
- Looks like a man.
It's got legs and a head.
I can see them.
Yeah! He must be over 8 feet long.
- Somebody got out of that saucer.
- Or was thrown out.
And frozen fast before he could get clear.
- Man from Mars.
- How do you propose getting him out?
- I don't know.
- Use more thermite.
Whatever's quickest.
We don't have much time.
Here's axes. You could chop around
and put the block on the plane.
- I agree.
- Get started.
- Give me room.
- Bob, clear the sled and bring it over here.
Eddie, get the ship warmed up.
And be ready to get out
of here in a hurry.
- Pat, I think we made a mistake.
- What do you mean?
You ever read this? "Department
of Defense, Office of Public Information.
Washington, D.C.
December 27, 1949.
Bulletin 629-49 regarding item 6700...
...extract 75,131.
The Air Force has discontinued investigating
and evaluating reported flying saucers...
...on the basis that there
is no evidence."
Probably make you a general
for destroying evidence that they're wrong.
"The Air Force said that all evidence
indicates that the reports...
...of unidentified flying objects
are the result of:
One: Misinterpretation of various
conventional objects."
Didn't look very conventional to me.
"Second: A mild form
of mass hysteria."
That'd be when General Fogarty got
to shaking hands with that thing in the ice.
What are the other reasons?
"Third: That they're jokes."
What did you say the number
of that bulletin was?
"629-49, item 6700,
extract 75,131."
Oh. Oh, that one.
- Get on that rope, professor.
- I need a hand over here.
Watch your feet.
Let me tie another rope
to go down.
- Hold it!
- Hold it back now.
Hold it!
Pull, back there!
Keep tight on those ropes!
- Easy.
- Here we go.
- Keep it going.
- Keep it going!
Whoa! Take it easy.
Can't see through the ice too good.
Good enough to know that where he came
from, they don't breed them for beauty.
Well, what do we do now, defrost him?
This ice will melt pretty soon.
- Can you control the heat in this room?
- No, captain. This is our storeroom.
The temperature's constant here.
We don't need to melt it.
We can chip it away.
We're not going to melt it
or chip it. Eddie, open that window.
- We're not allowed to examine it?
- I mean just that.
- This is stupid.
- We're scientists.
- And Dr. Carrington's in charge here.
- Hey, Pat, these windows don't open.
It's practically certain we'll be asked
by your superiors to study it.
- Probably, but we can't permit it now.
- We don't need permission...
- Eddie, break that window.
- All right.
Sorry. We already pulled one boner
out in the ice.
We may not know anything about this...
...but until I receive instructions from my
superior officer, we'll have to mark time.
- You have no authority...
- lf you want to talk, do it in the corridor.
- It's gonna get cold in here.
- At last a sensible suggestion, captain.
- Mac.
- Yeah?
Please stay here.
And take four-hour shifts.
- It's hands off for everyone.
- Yes, sir.
- Gonna be warm enough?
- Lf not, you'll hear me squawk.
- Bob will bring you dinner.
- I could use something to read.
- A nice, quiet horror story.
- Might be kind of tame for you, sir.
- Well, gentlemen?
- Capt. Hendry...
- Excuse me, doctor. May I?
- Certainly.
In relation to removing the body
from the ice, I'd like to point out...
...there are organisms that survive
after death, but cold can destroy them.
- In view of that...
- I don't know...
But these organisms may be dangerous. They
may be carrying germs from another planet.
- Germs we couldn't cope with medically.
- Thank you.
- I can't agree with you, Dr. Chapman.
- I don't either.
Here's another: We don't know
what effect the air of our Earth...
...may have on this creature's remains.
- Sort of go up in smoke, like the saucer?
- Nonsense.
- Isn't that far-fetched?
- So is a man from Mars.
- We're getting nowhere.
I suggest that Capt. Hendry communicate
with his superior at once.
I'm getting senile.
We should have done that first thing.
I'm surprised, captain, that you didn't try
to reach your general on our way back here.
We did. Barnes.
I tried through your radio operator.
Couldn't get through. Too much interference.
- I see. My apologies, captain.
- Yes, doctor.
- Hi, captain.
- Hi, Tex.
You sure stirred up a lot of trouble...
- Did you send out my message?
- Sure did.
- Get an answer back?
- This came an hour ago. Can you read it?
- No, you'd better.
- "Fogarty to Hendry:
Withhold newspaper story
until permission from Air Force HQ."
- There you are, Scotty.
- Fine. Now somebody else will get the story.
"Remove aircraft from ice at once. Use
thermite bombs if necessary to melt ice."
Oh, that's what I like about the Army.
Smart all the way to the top.
- That lets you off the hook for the thermite...
- Take it easy. Go ahead.
"Erect temporary structure to protect aircraft
until my arrival."
Here's another one. Came a few minutes ago.
Could only get part of it.
- Go ahead.
- "Everything grounded. Can't..." Something.
- "Want you..." Something or other...
- That sounds like Fogarty.
- Then it got fouled up.
- You're getting nothing?
Nothing. Static's knocking
it right out of the air.
- What about your stuff?
- Don't know if they're getting it. I doubt it.
I don't believe it.
Even the Pony Express got through.
- Well, doctor?
- In view of this new situation...
- Doesn't alter the old one.
- We disagree with you.
- There's no reason to delay...
- Sorry, gentlemen. That's it.
Tex, I'd like to leave Barnes
to help out all he can.
- Sure.
- Barnes, keep trying to get through.
I wanna get a message
to the general.
Tell him the aircraft was completely
destroyed by the thermite bomb.
- Tell him we found a passenger...
- A fellow from Mars? Where?
On ice, buddy.
Tell him the body's in ice
and Dr. Carrington wants permission... remove the body
from the ice for examination.
We're standing by for instructions
before further action.
Yes, sir.
- You got anything to add, doctor?
- Yes, one very essential point.
That it's vitally important
that the examination be made.
- By all means. Yeah.
- Add that, Barnes.
Thank you, captain.
That's all that concerns me.
When you get your answer,
I expect you to let me know.
Yes, doctor.
Wait till I interview the doctor
about what he thinks of you.
- Probably be good.
- Lf it isn't, I'll make it good.
Tex, keep trying. Barnes, if he gets through,
ask again about clearing Mr. Scott.
Don't try to soft-soap me.
I don't like you any better.
- I'll eat with you, Eddie.
- I'll send you some chow.
Captain, I'm gonna check the ship
and tie her down. We'll need our gear.
- This storm may blow for weeks.
- Get the Eskimos to help.
They took off
when they saw that ice.
They'll need a lot of coaxing
to get them back.
If Mr. Scott and the lieutenant
would give me a hand...
- I'm a guest.
- I'm an officer.
You can order me around
while carrying the other end.
That'll help a lot, sarge.
You know, Pat? I thought
we were gonna have a little trouble.
- So did I.
- The geniuses were ready to tear you apart.
They're like kids drooling over
a new fire engine.
Professor Vorhees, come
to the laboratory as soon as possible.
- Holding a meeting. Whole thing's weird.
- You know what it reminds me of?
The time I was stuck on Beulen Island
with the old 97th bomber group.
An Army nurse came ashore
and caused the same disturbance... this guy from Mars has here.
- What happened to the nurse?
She liked it there.
- Scotty, what's new?
- What's new? What more do you want?
Biggest story ever to hit this planet,
and I run into this human clam.
Why are you getting pretty?
You'll never look good to me.
- That's not for you...
- Take it easy.
The captain here passes the buck to
General Fogarty, he takes it to Washington.
- Who will Truman ask?
- Margaret.
- I've got to find a way to get to civilization.
- How, for instance?
I don't know. Pogo sticks. Kiddie cars.
Gondolas. Dogsleds.
- Hey, Barnes, any word come from Fogarty?
- Plenty. Nothing about you, sir.
I think the old man's gone crazy.
Sorry, sir. Shouldn't have said that.
- Lf he hollers louder, we won't need a radio.
- What was the gist of the conversation?
- There's been a leak, and the newspapers...
- I knew it! Like water through a sieve.
Everyone wants information,
Congress, Secretary of State...
...and especially General Fogarty.
He's having a fit.
- Isn't Anchorage picking us up?
- No, sir.
We're picking up them
because they have a stronger station.
A picture just came to me:
My editor climbing all over his office...
...yelling, stamping his feet.
He'll probably shoot himself by midnight.
- Take it easy, Scotty.
- Just a minute. I'm not sure you're ready.
You may have missed a spot.
Son, would you like
double guard duty tonight?
No, sir. I wouldn't.
- Oh, captain.
- Yes, sergeant?
- Could I see you for a minute, sir?
- Sure.
What is it, Bob?
It's about Lt. McPherson sitting in there
with that thing in the block of ice.
Getting nervous?
Well, he wouldn't want me to tell you, sir,
but he's having kittens.
I haven't heard him squawk like this
since Rechenberg.
You see, sir, the ice is clearing up,
and we can see that thing pretty good.
It's got crazy hands and no hair,
and the eyes...
- They're open and look like they can see.
- Bob, I haven't heard you...
It's got me too, sir,
and I wasn't in there very long.
Besides that, it's pretty cold.
I got the lieutenant an electric blanket.
- Captain, I got a suggestion.
- Go ahead.
Instead of four-hour shifts,
we could cut them in half...
Okay. You tell Barnes to take over
at 2200.
You take over at 2400,
and I'll relieve you at 0200.
- I think you're right, sir.
- I think you are.
Thank you, sir.
- I want to talk to you.
- Sure.
Pat, what's really going on?
Nothing. I just can't agree with your pals.
I had to set a guard.
They'd have that thing
up waltzing with them.
No, that isn't what I meant.
What does that boogeyman
in ice really mean?
I don't know, Nikki.
Well, does it mean that we'll have visitors
from other planets dropping in on us?
Do we have to return the call, or...?
Oh, jeepers.
- I know. Yesterday I'd said it was crazy.
- I'd say it's crazy now.
Forget it. Tomorrow it'll all seem different.
I suppose so. I like the way
you handled this whole mess, Pat.
I'd just as soon not.
You know, it's funny. I'm glad I was here.
I am too.
You're much nicer when you're...
When you're not mad.
Sounds promising. How about that
business of beginning over again?
Well, I think I'll buy you a drink this time.
I think you've earned it.
- That is, if you want one.
- You can tie my hands if you wanna.
- That might not be such a bad idea.
- You mean that?
- Well, you suggested it.
- All right. I'll bring a rope.
- You want another one, Pat?
- Don't you think you could untie me now?
I don't know. What's the matter?
You gals. If a guy asks you to dinner and
buys you a drink and tries to kiss you...
- Why are you laughing?
- You never kissed me.
- I haven't tried.
- How do you know?
- Oh, stop bringing that up.
- Never mind. You haven't. Maybe if you'd...
- Go on with what you were saying.
- What?
About the dinner and the drink.
Well, if the same man asked you
to have 30,000 dinners...
Then he's not a wolf anymore?
That's fine philosophy.
So you really want your hands untied.
Just when everything was nice and peaceful.
You know, I'm glad we decided
to start over again. I like it.
- I like that too.
- Talk about Japanese tortures.
No, not at all. I think this
was a great idea.
Come here.
Well, look at you...
...sitting there like a civilized man instead
of grabbing around like a throwback.
If you weren't tied up, I wouldn't dare
have told you how much I liked you.
You know, Pat, the trouble with you is that
you don't know anything about women.
What a woman wants is to...
Is to...
- How long have you been loose?
- Long enough.
It's been a very interesting evening.
Good night, Miss Nicholson.
- Pat, if you walk out on me like this...
- I wouldn't go, except I gotta check up.
Get a good night's sleep.
I'll see you in the morning.
It's the eyes being open that gets you.
Makes you feel so...
Hi, Pat. Barnes just got here. Sure glad
I'm not looking at that guy anymore.
- All set, Barnes?
- Yes, sir.
- Got an electric flying suit and coffee.
- Bob will relieve you at 2400.
- Take it easy.
- Yeah.
That's better.
Capt. Hendry! Capt. Hendry!
Capt. Hendry.
What's the matter, corporal?
Where's the captain? I've got to tell him
that thing's alive. I saw it.
It chased me. It's not dead. It's...
Capt. Hendry!
That thing's alive, sir.
I saw it. I shot at it. I hit it, I know it.
Nothing happened. It kept coming at me,
making a noise like a cat meowing.
If you could have seen those hands and
those eyes! You've got to do something...
Mac, Bob, get some guns.
Now, Barnes, what happened?
I'm sorry, sir. I don't know exactly, but all of
a sudden it was alive and coming at me.
I shot at it and hit it.
Nothing happened, so I ran...
- Easy, easy.
- I'm sorry, sir.
- Here, captain.
- Take care of him. Will you?
Get back to sleep.
Get back with the rest of them.
- What could've...?
- Kid said he was alive. I believe him.
I knew it. All the time I was here,
I could feel it.
Here's what did it.
This blanket was on. It's still warm.
- He got out of here, all right.
- Get parkas, boots and a flashlight!
- Listen. They'll tear him to pieces.
- We must save him.
Hold it, doctor. You'll freeze to death
in five minutes. Use your head!
- I expect you're right. I was overanxious.
- Look over here, captain!
- I think I've got yours.
- May I have one, captain?
Better let us go, doctor.
- Doc, can you see anything out there?
- Not much.
- You all set?
- Let her go.
Captain, it would help if you, any of you,
would describe what you saw out there.
It was too cold to see well,
but the dogs had him down.
- He got up with three hanging on his arm.
- He threw one at the rest.
- Two were dead.
- Looked like they'd been through a chopper.
- Where did you find the arm?
- Partly under one of them.
Could dogs tear off an arm?
This kind of an arm.
- Be careful, doctor. Those barbs are sharp.
- Seems to be a sort of chitinous substance.
Speak English.
Something between a beetle's back
and a rose thorn.
- Thorn-fingered?
- Amazingly strong.
- Very effective as a weapon.
- Very.
We don't have to worry about that. An arm
off and out in that cold, he's dead now.
Got along fine in a block of ice
for 24 hours.
- Pretty spry for a guy with 12 dogs on him.
- And for losing an arm.
- I'm losing my mind.
- Amazing, isn't it?
- Amazingly strong.
- Strange.
- I'm sure of it.
- That is blood on the hand. Isn't it?
- Yes, but not his.
- Probably from one of the dogs.
There's no blood in the arm,
no animal tissue.
Dr. Stern, would you have a look at this
under the microscope?
No, Mr. Scott. I doubt very much if it
can die, as we understand dying.
- Holy cat!
- Yes.
Well, doctor?
No arterial structure indicated.
No nerve endings visible.
Porous, unconnected cellular growth.
Just a minute, doctor. Sounds like
you're trying to describe a vegetable.
- I am. Are you getting all of this?
- Oh, for Pete's sake!
You know, doctor, that could be why
Sgt. Barnes' bullets had no effect.
- That's right.
- Merely holes drilled into vegetable matter.
This green fluid here.
- Like plant sap.
- We'll probably find it has a sugar base.
Please, doctor, I've got to ask this.
It sounds like, well... Just as though
you're describing some form of super carrot.
That's nearly right, Mr. Scott.
This carrot, as you call it, has constructed an
aircraft capable of flying millions of miles...
...propelled by a force
as yet unknown to us.
- An intellectual carrot. The mind boggles.
- It shouldn't.
Imagine how strange it would have seemed
during the Pliocene age... forecast that worms, fish, lizards that
crawled over the Earth would evolve into us.
On the planet from which our visitor came...
...vegetable life underwent an evolution
similar to that of our own animal life...
...which would account
for the superiority of its brain.
Its development was not handicapped
by emotional or sexual factors.
Dr. Carrington, you won the Nobel Prize.
You've received every kind of kudos
a scientist can attain.
If you were for sale, I could get a million
bucks for you from any foreign government.
I'm not, therefore, gonna stick my neck out
and say you're stuffed full...
...of wild blueberry muffins. But I promise
you, my readers are gonna think so.
Not for long, Mr. Scott. Not if they know
anything about the flora of their own planet.
You mean there are vegetables
right here on Earth that can think?
A certain kind of thinking, yes.
You ever hear of the telegraph vine?
- Not recently.
- Or the...
- Is it the acanthus century plant, Dr. Stern?
- Yes.
Go ahead, doctor. That's your field.
Well, the century plant catches mice,
bats, squirrels, any small mammals.
Uses a sweet syrup as bait,
then holds onto its catch and feeds on it.
What's the telegraph vine?
The vine, research has proven, can signal
to other vines of the same species...
...vines 20 to 100 miles away.
Intelligence in plants and vegetables
is an old story, Mr. Scott.
Older even than the animal arrogance
that has overlooked it.
- That's one for Ripley.
- Look here.
I took this from under the soft tissue
in the palm of the hand.
- A seedpod.
- Seedpod?
Yes. The neat and unconfused
reproductive technique of vegetation.
No pain or pleasure as we know it.
No emotions... heart.
Our superior. Our superior in every way.
Gentlemen, do you realize
what we've found?
A being from another world as different
from us as one pole from the other.
If we can only communicate with it...
...we can learn secrets that have been
hidden from mankind since the beginning...
Holy cat. It's moving.
- Miss Nicholson.
- Yes, doctor?
At 12:10 a.m., the hand became alive.
The temperature of the forearm
showed a 20-degree rise.
Because of this rise in temperature,
I believe it was able to ingest...
...the canine blood with which
it was covered. I believe...
You mean...
You mean it lives on blood.
- This is the best we could find.
- This should work.
- Where are you going?
- To find our visitor, if we can.
One moment, captain!
Check the storeroom again.
Bolt any outside doors.
Captain, when you find
what you're looking for...
...remember it's a stranger
in a strange land.
The only crimes were those
committed against it.
It woke from a block of ice, was attacked
by dogs and shot by a frightened man.
- All I want is to communicate with it.
- Fine, provided it's locked up.
If we catch him, let me take his picture
before somebody makes a salad of him.
Sure, Scotty.
- Bob, get up on there.
- What's up? Looks like a lynching party.
- Have any visitors?
- Not a soul.
I got part of a message from the general.
He said to wait on Mr. Scott's story.
What's the difference?
Nothing's going out anyway.
- What are you looking for?
- Couldn't come in here.
- Who?
- The man from Mars.
You mean he's alive and loose?
Keep your door locked. Use your axe
if you have to. Gun's no good.
What do you mean the gun's no good?
Now, look...
Hold it, captain.
- There's something in here, all right.
- You're a little off base.
That's the mineralogy lab.
Radioactive isotopes are in there.
Your Geiger's reacting to a roomful
of uranium ore samples.
- This door's locked.
- Dr. Stern has the key.
- Oh, yes.
- What's in here?
The greenhouse. The Eskimos have
a weakness for our strawberries.
- Strawberries at the North Pole.
- Excuse me.
Mac. Bob.
Look under these tables.
Bob, check that outside door.
- Door's locked, sir.
- Nothing up here.
We're still batting zero.
- Well, doctor?
- Captain, l...
- Nothing up that other corridor.
- Any suggestions, doctor?
- He's obviously not inside.
- We'll start looking outside...
- Close the door, please.
- Never mind.
Captain, half an hour outside now is all
we can stand. We'd better do it in relay.
- You're right, Dr. Chapman. We'll work out...
- Would you close the door, please?
We have to tell General Fogarty
what happened.
We're liable to become famous.
So few people can boast they've lost a flying
saucer and a man from Mars all in one day.
Wonder what they'd have done to Columbus
if he'd discovered America, then mislaid it.
Bunch of butterfingers.
Gentlemen, I just happened to notice...
Look at these moles.
They're wilted.
The only thing that could...
A blast of icy air
if that rear door was opened.
- Have a look at that lock, professor.
- Yes.
- 10 or 15 seconds of exposure would do it.
- Exactly.
What would that lead you to?
That it may have been...
- In here.
- Without a doubt.
Dr. Carrington, you were right.
The lock's been forced back into position.
The key's gone. Someone has entered
and gone and locked the door from...
- From the outside.
- Look. See how it glistens in the light?
It's a smear of...
- Plant sap. From the wounded arm?
- You don't suppose...?
Open it, please.
- One of the sled dogs.
- Not even cold yet.
- Doctor, doesn't it seem kind of...?
- Shrunken. Is there any blood in there?
- None.
- No blood.
- No blood?
- Its blood has been drained.
Everything falls right into line.
What could be more natural for such a being
than seeking out the only open earth nearby?
It came here for refuge, heard us and ran.
- It's been here. It will come back again.
- We better tell...
I don't agree. It's far better
if science rather than the Army...
- Are you sure this is the best thing to do?
- I'm sure we can communicate with it.
It's wiser than we are. It's our only chance
to talk to it, to learn so many things.
- Dr. Carrington is right.
- Surely you understand that, Stern.
Will you two stand guard
here with me tonight?
- Surely, doctor.
- All right.
Stern, tell Dr. Auerbach and Dr. Olson
what we've found.
Ask them to come back
and relieve us in the morning.
And tell them, please,
to confide in no one.
- Any luck, captain?
- Lee, you better get some more coffee ready.
- Find anything, captain?
- Not a sign.
- Barnes flushed a polar bear.
- Sure did.
- Scare you?
- Not after I saw it was only a bear.
- Too cold out there for that.
- You didn't find anything.
I didn't think you would.
When we lose them, they stay lost.
Not that it makes much difference.
Nothing's coming in on the radio.
- Tex, you got something?
- General Fogarty's running a temperature.
This came in clear 10 minutes ago,
then it got fouled up again.
"Fogarty to Hendry: Take all precautions to
preserve aircraft carefully until my arrival."
Same to same. "Use same precautions
with corpses of any occupants."
Same to same.
"Forward detailed description of aircraft.
Measurements, approximate weight
and so forth. Important."
"Fogarty to Hendry: Why haven't
you answered? Want immediate answer."
Same to same. "Radio silence unnecessary.
Reference message Fogarty to Hendry.
Acknowledge immediately.
Waiting report. Silence confusing."
Same to same. "Acknowledge."
- Same to same...
- Acknowledge at once.
- I gather he wants to hear from me.
- There's nothing for me? I don't believe it.
How can a man get to be
a general without...?
In the greenhouse...
- Barnes, watch that corridor.
- Bring the first aid kit.
- Captain, this is my job.
- Bob, better start warning the rest of camp.
- Does that speaker system work from here?
- Yes. The left switch runs to all rooms.
Attention, everybody in camp.
Bolt your doors.
Our visitor has returned and is dangerous.
Stay where you are until notified.
Stay where you are.
- Easy. It'll be all right.
- What happened, doctor?
In the greenhouse,
I was working. I couldn't see.
Then a blast of cold air,
and I heard Olson scream.
- When I turned, the thing struck at me.
- Go on.
I don't remember. My head...
I must have fallen.
When I came to, I saw Olson and Auerbach.
They were...
Give him some more of that. Get those axes.
Go ahead, doctor.
They were both hanging from the beams
upside down, dead. Their throats were cut.
- I crawled...
- Was it there when you left?
I couldn't see.
- Here you are, sir.
- Wait, Pat! I want to get a picture.
Wait a minute. He could get out
of the greenhouse through the outside door.
- We can get to it through the generator room.
- You two go with him.
- You mean go in?
- Seal the door with anything you can find.
That's better.
- Easy. Give them time to get in there.
- Pat, I want a picture.
- You get back with the rest.
- Don't be silly.
- It'll cost you a drink.
- I'll buy him a beer.
- Ready, Bob?
- No, but go ahead and open it.
Get something to prop this door, something
short enough to get under this bolt!
- Get your picture, Scotty?
- No. The door wasn't open long enough.
- Want me to open it again?
- No!
- Bring a hammer and some spikes!
- Hit that in, will you?
There. That ought to do it.
Doctor Chapman, you're sure
there's no other way out? No windows?
- Only the front and back doors.
- The walls solid?
- Corrugated iron.
- You don't think that...?
You found a dog in there, bled white
by our visitor. Why didn't you report it?
- It wasn't necessary.
- It was necessary to leave friends to die?
I posted them as guards...
I looked in. They're hanging upside down
like in a slaughterhouse. Wish you'd seen it.
- Can't we do something?
- They're dead.
Let's see nobody joins them. Doctor, you're
limited to your room, lab and the mess hall.
You have no authority of any kind.
No right to assume...
You better move along.
We've got the rear door blocked.
If he gets out...
...he'll have to dig through
oil drums and a couple tons of snow.
- Bob, next time raise the sights a little.
- I was too busy to think about that.
We're gonna have to set up
a guard here in the corridor.
- Two-hour shifts. We'll need volunteers.
- Count me in, captain.
You sent for us, doctor?
You said you had news for us, doctor.
Yes, yes. I...
Gentlemen, we find ourselves in a battle.
I'm not referring to the minor argument
with Capt. Hendry...
...but this creature from a new world.
Two of our colleagues have died,
a third is injured.
Those are our losses,
and there may be more.
This creature is more powerful
and intelligent than we are.
He regards us as important
only for his nourishment.
He has the same attitude toward us
as we have toward a field of cabbages.
That is our battle.
Only science can conquer him.
All other weapons will be powerless, only...
There must...
There must be a way. I've been trying to...
Sorry. I'm very tired. I haven't slept.
It's difficult...
Difficult to talk.
- Will you read my notes, Miss Nicholson?
- Doctor, you need some rest.
Yes, I know, but...
Please read my notes.
"At 9:00 p.m., I placed the seeds taken from
the severed hand of X... four inches of earth.
I saturated the earth...
I saturated the earth with two units
of plasma taken from our blood bank.
The condition of the dog found
in the greenhouse indicated blood...
...was a primal factor
in the cultivation of the seeds.
At 2:00 a. M...
At 2:00 a.m., the first sprouts
appeared through the soil."
- Five hours.
- Yes. I used another two units of plasma.
At 4:00 a.m., the sprouts began
to take on definite form.
I came to the conclu...
I see by your faces you don't believe me.
Well, you may judge for yourselves.
Oh, no. It isn't possible.
- It reproduces itself.
- Amazing speed.
This would bear out
Capt. Hendry's impression.
When he saw the creature in the
greenhouse, it had grown a new arm.
- This pulsating, doctor?
- As though they were breathing.
- Yes. Human plants.
- Superhuman.
- All this because of the blood plasma?
- That's correct.
Notice these, closer to the source of
the plasma. While these, farther away.
- How many units have we?
- Enough, I hope.
Would you care to listen to them,
Professor Wilson?
Yes, thank you. I should.
Almost like the wail
of a newborn child that's hungry.
- That's the way I would have described it.
- Doctor?
- Yes, Miss Nicholson?
- Would you mind very much if l...?
- Will you be needing me anymore?
- No. Just finish typing my notes.
Return them to me.
Let no one see them.
Doctor, I think you should
get some sleep.
There's too much to do.
- Your mind can't work if you're exhausted.
- My mind's still clear.
No, it isn't, doctor. You aren't thinking
of what's happening in the greenhouse.
He's growing those seeds in there
using blood. Just as you are.
You've seen what one creature like that
can do. Just imagine a thousand.
- I have imagined it.
- Arthur...
...what if that aircraft came
not just to visit the Earth...
...but to conquer it? To start growing
some kind of horrible army?
- To turn the human race into food for it?
- Many things threaten our world... stars, comets shooting...
- But those are theories.
- This is an enemy here.
- There are no enemies in science...
...only phenomena to study.
We are studying one.
Come in.
- Hello, Pat.
- Hi. Nikki, I want to ask you something.
Has anybody up here been hurt lately?
Anybody shot, stabbed or operated on?
No. That what-is-it in the greenhouse
has been our first diversion.
I brought up 35 units of blood plasma
two months ago. What's become of it?
- Why do you want to know?
- Why are they not giving it to Dr. Stern?
They're giving him blood transfusions
instead of plasma. Two live donors.
What's Carrington doing with
I guess...
I guess you'd better take a swing at
my chin and have a look at those notes.
I should be trying to stop you.
So that's what he's been doing.
Thanks. Thanks for not stopping me.
Pat, would you remember something?
He's tired.
He hasn't slept since you found
that thing. And he's not thinking right.
I know him. And he doesn't think
the way we do anyway.
But he's found something no one can
understand. Until he can solve it, he'Il...
- You know, like a kid with a new toy...
- Only this toy's liable to bite him.
Thanks again.
Where's Dr. Carrington?
I'm sorry. I have no authorization
to give you any...
- I'm very busy.
- I know you're busy, doctor.
I understand you've been gardening.
Where are they?
- Why?
- This way to the nursery, Pat.
I don't tolerate intrusions
into my laboratory. Don't touch.
This is what your colleagues
are doing in the greenhouse.
- This is an improvement.
- What happened was not my fault.
We've read your notes.
You should have consulted us.
I have the help I need.
Your opinion has not been asked.
It has by Capt. Hendry. And I've given
it to him. I'll repeat it for you.
We're facing something
unpredictably dangerous.
The creature in the greenhouse
is obviously multiplying itself.
We have no way of finding out
how much.
It will need more blood
and will try to obtain what it needs.
- It's imprisoned and harmless.
- How can you be sure of our safety?
Or the safety of the world?
Think of 1000 such creatures. 10,000. It
must be destroyed, this progeny with it.
- No.
- We can burn these.
- What about that thing in the greenhouse?
- You're like frightened boys.
- You're right. I am frightened.
- Any destruction would be an outrage...
...a betrayal of science.
- It may be.
- But I'll sleep better if we get rid of it.
- Captain, Barnes finally... a message through.
Here's the answer.
- Go ahead.
- "Fogarty to Hendry:
Carrington informs me Martian alive.
Keep it alive and protect it against injury.
Under no circumstances take action
against it until my arrival."
You have your orders, Capt. Hendry.
I consider them sane and intelligent.
- But, Tex, what about me?
- Not a thing, Scotty.
- What do we do, Pat?
- Try changing the Army's mind.
Hey! Hey, it's me, Eddie!
- What are you doing here?
- We can't take it out there.
Drop the idea of guarding
from the outside.
The wind's blowing so hard
you can't see.
It can go through walls
as easy as doors.
- How could it get through iron walls?
- Use a can opener.
- We're dropping the outside guard.
- Put that hand in some ice water.
- Who's out in the corridor?
- Stone and Wilson, sir.
Barnes, tell them they're the only ones
on guard. Tell them to watch it.
- Tex?
- Here I am.
You won't be long.
We're dropping the outside guard.
Come join the rest of them
in the mess hall.
I'll be all right. I've got the door braced,
and there's no outside windows.
All right. If you want to be brave.
- Well.
- Pat, what are we gonna do?
Anybody around here
want some coffee?
No, but you can come in.
That's the reason I brought it.
I was hoping you might ask me in.
- Who wants some?
- I could use a half.
- What were you saying, Scotty?
- I was wondering... That's enough. Thanks.
What happens if our boyfriend gets Ionely
and strolls around and ends up in here?
- I've been figuring that.
- Nothing hurts it.
- What do you do with a vegetable?
- Boil it.
- What'd you say?
- Boil it. Stew it. Bake it. Fry it.
- That makes sense.
- Cold doesn't bother it.
Maybe Dr. Carrington will ask it
to crawl into a boiler.
- Maybe you could borrow a flamethrower.
- Captain, I got a crazy idea.
We got lots of kerosene
and we could...
- Point three. Point four.
- Here's where we start cooking.
Point five. Point six.
That thing's out of the greenhouse.
Stay together.
Point nine. What about throwing
kerosene on it and setting it on fire?
- We can try.
- Here's a full can.
I'll take it. We'll need
something to put it in.
- Here's a pail.
- Here's another.
- One point two.
- We need one more.
- Pat, this one will work all right.
- Good.
Watch that cigarette, lieutenant.
How we gonna set it on fire,
rub sticks together?
- There's a Veri pistol in my bag.
- I'll get it.
If it comes in, you wet it down.
Mac, touch it off. And don't miss.
- You be ready if it needs more.
- You're right.
- Shut up.
- One point three now.
- You know how to shoot that?
- I saw Gary Cooper in Sergeant York.
- One point four.
- Come here. Get in the corner.
Hold this in front of you.
Stay by the light switch.
One point five. One point six.
- What was that?
- It sounded like a window.
- One point eight.
- Turn off those lights.
One point nine.
The needle's hit the top.
- Put the fire out!
- I am!
Watch it, captain!
- Block that window!
- Hey, Scotty!
- This will make your hand feel better.
- Thank you.
- This ought to be enough kerosene.
- Get it ready.
- How's it coming, Barnes?
- It'll be okay.
What makes me mad is he didn't do it.
I busted it falling over the bunk.
Listen, we want you all to stay here.
We found a way to fight this thing,
but burned out a room.
- It's not hurt much, from the way it took off.
- About as much effect as a hot foot.
It's sure to come back.
We don't want to burn the whole place.
So we're going after it.
It probably went to the greenhouse.
We'll start there.
Meantime, stay here.
Watch the door into the hallway.
- Keep your eye on the Geiger counter.
- Here are the fire extinguishers.
- Who's your electrical expert?
- That's my line.
- Can you hook into the intercom system?
- We can take one from any room.
- I can help.
- Mac, we'll be in the radio room.
Let us know when you're ready.
You all right?
- Yeah. I'd like to tag along.
- Haven't you had enough?
If I start burning up again,
who'll put out the fire?
We're very proud of our captain.
Now, look, put one of the intercoms
here. That'll take care of this end.
Put another down here at the junction.
See if they work through the mess hall.
You said you were gonna
use kerosene again.
- Know anything better?
- Something hotter. Why not use electricity?
- You mean your lighting system?
- No, we can hook in a new transformer.
- It will give us plenty of amps.
- Enough to burn him?
- More than enough.
- Could you use leads to two poles?
- Lf you insulate the poles.
- Sounds good.
Bob, give him a hand.
Come on, Tex. You go to work.
Get Anchorage if you can.
Tell them the whole story.
Tell them we're in bad shape
and to bring hand grenades, mortars...
...flamethrowers, anything.
Tell them if I don't send a story,
I'm gonna shoot myself.
- Better comb your hair first.
- What hair?
- Hey, say that again.
- Oh, Nikki, not you too.
- He's sensitive.
- You too.
- I got hair.
- Doesn't make you prettier.
- No, your breath.
- I'm sorry.
- He's sensitive about that too.
- I've been upset.
- You ninnies. Look. That's what I mean.
- Hey, look. You too.
- It's getting cold.
- The heat must be off.
It is off.
It's not getting oil.
See if it's the same across the hall.
- Tex, where do these heaters get oil?
- Around behind. Outside.
- Pat, heat's off in the mess hall!
- No.
- No more oil coming in.
- It's off in there too.
- Could the tank be empty?
- Filled day before yesterday.
The main line could be plugged.
Better fix it.
Probably run into our visitor,
who'd be waiting for you.
We underestimate this guy.
- Trying to freeze us out, huh?
- That isn't gonna be hard.
- It's down to 40 degrees.
- It's 60 below outside.
- How long will these rooms hold heat?
- Half an hour.
- By then, we'll be stiff.
- Lf no one goes out...
...won't it think of something else?
It'll think that our only chance to keep
warm is electricity. Heaters, blankets.
It could break the circuit,
cut a line, except at the source.
- The generator room.
- Get them all in there.
- I'll tell Tex.
- Bring food, medicine, blankets, clothes.
- Bring our flying clothes.
- Most got burned. I'll see what I can salvage.
- Get the transformer hooked up to that.
- It's cold in here.
- The thing's turned the heat off.
- What?
- What'll we do?
- I don't know.
The next thing's electricity,
so everybody's in the generator room.
Did you do a good job
on the outside door?
- Houdini'd find it tough getting in.
- He'll come through here.
It's the only way. Got any fence wire
strong enough for the voltage?
- Whole rolls of it.
- That'll work.
- What?
- Lay it on the ground.
A lead overhead and on each side.
When it gets to the spot, juice him.
- I don't get you.
- Where's the wire?
- Down here.
- Give me those.
- What are you doing?
- We'll rig an electric flytrap for him.
What do you mean?
- Scotty, get me a hammer and nails.
- Sure.
Better get out of the way.
- Looks as if the situation's well in hand.
- I've given all the orders I'm gonna give.
If I thought that were true,
I'd ask you to marry me. Here's your coat.
I wanna keep my mind open.
- Hammer and nails.
- Down there.
- Where do you want us?
- In the generator room. Move along.
- Sorry, changed my mind. It's all off.
- Keep moving, everybody.
- I want another word with you.
- No time now. Move along.
Make way. Clear this out.
Clear this place.
- Where are those cutters?
- Here.
- Where's your Geiger counter?
- I got one too.
Go to the assembly room.
If you get anything, come running.
- Get me a pair of gloves.
- Use mine.
- Leave enough to hook the overhead wire.
- Got plenty.
- Here we are, lieutenant.
- Yeah, that ought to give us a ground.
- There she is, captain.
- Down to five degrees now.
- Perfect for skiing.
- Better get rubber boots, Scotty.
- Why?
- Insulation when they turn the juice on.
- Oh, yeah.
- There's a pair back here.
- Where?
- Wait. You won't need any boots.
When it comes, go back.
You don't belong out here.
I didn't belong at Alamein or Okinawa.
I was just kibitzing.
I also write a very good obituary.
Just ignore me, please.
- Capt. Hendry.
- Go ahead.
Just hooked this up.
Checking if it works.
Fine. Watch your Geiger counter.
- Mac, did you hear?
- Every word. I hope that's all I hear.
- So do I.
- Here's another message from Washington.
"Use every means to protect lives,
but take no steps against your prisoner."
Our prisoner.
- You can't ignore orders.
- Testify to that at my court-martial.
You're robbing science of the greatest secret
that's ever come to it.
- Go back.
- Knowledge is more important than life.
We've only one excuse for existing.
To think. To find out. To learn.
What can we learn from that,
except a way to die?
It doesn't matter what happens.
Nothing counts except our thinking.
We fought into nature.
We've split the atom...
That sure made the world happy.
Didn't it?
We owe it to the brain of our species
to stand here and die...
...without destroying a source of wisdom.
- Capt. Hendry.
- Civilization has given us orders.
- Get him out of here.
Oh, you fools. You'll never hurt it.
- Go ahead.
- I'm getting a Geiger counter reaction.
- What's your reading?
- Point two, but steady.
Watch it. Tell us any change.
Mac, anything your way?
- Not a glimmer.
- Watch it.
Here's the operating switch.
- How can it get cold so quick?
- Keep moving around.
- It must be zero.
- It was. Next stop, five below.
Come on, Mr. Martian, and get some
nice Scotch blood. One hundred proof.
- Nothing like it for babies.
- Tell him to cut it out.
No, no. Let him go on. I like
goose pimples. They keep me warm.
Did you get a picture of that thing
on fire?
No. I shot one while I was
falling backward over the bed.
Probably got the ceiling
and my big feet.
Capt. Hendry, going up a little.
Point four now.
- Hang on. Mac, any change?
- Just the same. Only colder.
- Means he's coming by the mess hall.
- Excuse me. I got an idea.
- What?
- Here we go again.
Your boy's pretty smart. He might see
these wires and think it over.
- Yeah.
- Lf he thinks too long, we're cold meat.
- What if we met him by the junction?
- Let him see us there and chase us?
The less light, the better.
Turn off this light and this one here.
Don't tell me I'm right.
Capt. Hendry, going up.
Point eight now.
- I'm getting some too.
- It's showing here.
- Both of you, back here. Come running.
- Halfway there.
If you speed up that generator,
can you get more out?
- Certainly do no harm to try.
- Bill and Tex, go with him. Nikki too.
- No.
- Good luck to you.
What's the matter?
- I was wishing we'd tested this thing.
- What if we haven't enough voltage?
- Keep swinging at its arms.
- One point two.
- It's on its way.
- I got a worry.
Report from the front,
McPherson has a worry.
- This is no joke.
- What?
- What if he can read our minds?
- He'll be mad when he gets to me.
- One point four.
- Keep moving around, you guys.
Keep it quiet.
I remember the first execution I ever
covered. Ruth Snyder and Judd Grey.
- Did you get a picture?
- No. They didn't allow cameras.
- One point six and going up.
- Don't move till he sees us.
Give him a chance to look.
Leave me room to reach that switch.
Stay away from the walls
when he hits the juice.
- Everybody got rubber boots on?
- Yes, sir.
One point eight.
I heard something.
It's getting near the top.
Get your posts!
All right. Ease back.
- What the...?
- The juice is off!
Carrington's turned off the generator.
Bob, bring a flashlight. Eddie,
hold him off as long as you can.
- Watch out. He's got a gun.
- Keep away. Keep away.
Keep away. I won't
allow you to destroy...
Turn on that generator!
Get back here, Eddie.
Eddie, get back!
Stay away from that wire!
I'm your friend. I have no weapons.
I'm your friend.
You're wiser than I. You must understand
what I'm trying to tell you.
Don't go farther. They'll kill you.
They think you'll harm us.
But I want to know you,
to help you. Believe that.
You're wiser than anything on earth.
Use that intelligence. Look
and know what I'm telling you.
I'm not your enemy.
I'm a scientist who's trying...
Hold it.
Wait until he gets right
in the middle of it, sir.
He's gotta be on that walk, captain.
Wait till he gets right
in the middle, sir.
- Oh, that's it. Stop. Turn it off.
- Let it go. We don't want any part left.
Well, you can get a picture now, Scotty.
- This will take a minute to warm up.
- Okay.
Is there any reason now
why I can't send my story?
- Only take five minutes.
- I guess it's okay.
You're looking better to me
than you used to.
- All done, Pat.
- Get everything?
Burned everything in Carrington's lab
and the greenhouse.
- Burned the arm too.
- How is Dr. Carrington?
He's got a broken collarbone
and a headache.
I'm not getting enough voltage.
- I'll check the generator for you.
- Good.
- Anybody want some coffee?
- No, but you can come in.
- You better have some. You look tired.
- He should look tired.
- He's had two things on his mind.
- We've only had one.
- Our worries are over, while our captain...
- Shut up.
Isn't there something you
can do about it, Nikki?
I don't know. You know, I'm getting
pretty fed up with the North Pole.
- How much does a captain make?
- Not much.
That's a good start. Go ahead.
- Enough to support two?
- Not nearly.
- Captain, you get flight pay.
- Some for each dependent.
- We can handle that.
- I won't be railroaded into anything.
I've got an idea.
- This is gonna work.
- You ought to settle down.
- There you are.
- It'd be much better for us.
Sure. Our captain always
getting into trouble.
- Remember that night in Honolulu?
- That was pretty bad.
- I don't know what they're talking about.
- He should light somewhere.
- See, they know what's best for you.
- Here we are. Plenty of voltage now.
Anchorage, from Polar Expedition 6.
Can you hear me? Over.
- Anchorage, reception clear. Stand by.
- Press the button and speak, Scotty.
Tell General Fogarty we've sent for
Capt. Hendry. He'll be here in minutes.
- Roger. Over.
- Are there any newsmen there? Over.
- The place is full of them. Over.
- All right. Here's your story.
North Pole, November 3rd.
Ned Scott reporting.
One of the world's greatest battles
was fought and won by the human race.
A handful of American soldiers
and civilians...
...met the first invasion
from another planet.
A man by the name of Noah once saved
our world with an ark of wood.
Here, a few men performed
a similar service with an arc of electricity.
A flying saucer, which landed here,
and its pilot have been destroyed.
But not without casualties among
our own meager forces.
I'd like to bring to the microphone
the men responsible for our success.
But Capt. Hendry is attending
to demands over and above the call of duty.
Dr. Carrington, leader
of the scientific expedition... recovering from wounds from the battle.
- Good for you.
And now, before giving you the details
of the battle, I bring you a warning.
Every one of you listening to my voice...
...tell the world. Tell this to everybody
wherever they are:
Watch the skies everywhere.
Keep looking. Keep watching the skies.