Thing, The (2011)

I remembered a joke.
That's funny.
Seorg and his wife
were having sex one night,
when the young son
suddenly enters the room.
Wait a minute.
We are going in the right direction?
What are we looking for?
Just move on.
A little more
and will be flagged on the site.
Continue the joke.
The boy gets scared and leaves
running from the room, crying.
The mother says, "Honey, and now,
what should we do? "
You know women
The father says:
"Let me handle this."
Then he leaves
and goes to the child's bedroom
say he was joking.
He opens the door
Sven and the small
is lying on top of his grandmother.
Sex with her!
Most animation. Rises and falls,
up and down.
And then he looks
for the father and says:
What was Dad?
You play with mine,
and I with her, right?
Is it here?
It's right here.
Do not move!
Turn on the light.
I'm sorry, Kate.
This guy said
you waited.
Sure. Thanks, Hanks.
Thank you.
You forgot that...?
No, no, I just
He just wants...
In fact, this is it.
I'm Dr. Sander Halvorson.
Kate Lloyd.
You know who I am?
I know.
Adam also told me
a little about yourself.
He said you specialized
in vertebrate paleontology.
Mostly, yes.
And of course,
already extracted specimens of ice.
I've worked in several
excavations in places icy.
An old friend of mine,
a colleague of Oslo,
heads a research station
geological Antarctica.
his team found something
What they found?
'll Fly there tomorrow
at night to examine the site.
And I need a paleontologist.
Doctor, I understand that
I need to know a little more
what prompts me to dig.
There is a structure.
A structure?
-In Antarctica?
And a specimen.
That's all I can tell you.
And I do not have time
to think about.
No, sorry. I need
an answer right now.
I agree.
Adam will give you the details
on our departure.
-I hope you in the car.
Yes, of course. Thank you.
So, Adam.
What the hell is it?
Officially, you know
as I did.
But I tell you one thing,
work with him for three years
and never seen him so excited as well.
She is American?
Look at this guy.
You know, this is
humanly impossible.
Could you
help me with something?
Only with old newspapers,
more than three weeks
and I'm a desperate man
for certain information.
Carter, do not do it
with yourself, man.
And what information would that be?
I wonder how
Cavaliers are going.
I do not follow football.
It is a basketball team.
They play basketball.
Not very well.
Are the Cavaliers face.
Sorry, could not help it.
-All right.
Just so you know,
whatever they are doing,
is best done
in a few days.
Is it? And why?
There's a storm approaching.
A pretty ugly.
Good morning, Griggs.
It is. He's right.
And the last place
where you want to be
is confined to a dozen
Believe it.
Based on the view to my right.
Here is H3 Sea King / i
Thule calling. Are you receiving?
Hello, H3 Sea King.
Please, approach from the west. / I
airstrip released. / i
Bravo, returning. / i
We arrived, Griggs.
-Dr. Halvorson?
-Welcome to Thule.
Thank you.
The Edvard asked to go
to the site right now.
Lars will take them.
Hi. Welcome.
-Please enter the Spryte / i.
Thank you.
Hello, sir.
Watch your step.
-You got it.
Sure I could.
This is Kate Lloyd.
Adam Finch
my research assistant.
Edvard, my friend.
This is part of our team.
Karl and Juliette. Both geologists.
Let me show you
that flew 16,000 km.
Holy shit!
We estimate here is
about 100,000 years ago.
Picking up a signal
being transmitted.
Some type of request
relief, perhaps.
We find that the signal
was initiated
when the survivor
left the ship.
My God.
You know how long it will take
to get him, Kate?
If we have the equipment
appropriate, shall we say
perhaps half of the day.
I ask
how fragile is the ice?
There is an area of??rupture.
So the risk of cleft
is very small.
And the ice is very dense.
So, we believe
we can take it over.
We estimate that has
-Something like...
-All right.
Make sure that all
keep the radio off.
I do not want
no information leak.
We have a crane
or something appropriate for this?
Yes It's already there.
Everything is prepared.
I am Peder, by the way.
-Nice to meet you.
You already took care of everything.
I do not need me.
What about him?
It seems a little disinterested.
That's Lars.
He does not understand English,
but it works like a bear.
And, as seen in images
the spacecraft dug a tunnel
Let me get this straight.
He hit a glacier.
And without enough information
he left the interior
welcoming the ship?
Maybe he was wounded and was
seeking a warmer place.
It seems that he did not.
What would be the weight
for shipping?
To cut it down to a size
we can carry,
we have to do it
from here to here.
Start with 4 inches.
I never believed in these things.
I always believed.
-Almost there.
But before we do that,
I'll take a tissue sample.
Do you really think is a good idea?
Yes, I think.
The conditions are unpredictable
and we have no
appropriate equipment.
Sterilization is a problem.
Edvard, we would have by chance
a small diameter drill?
Up to 30 mm.
Very good.
Let's do
some holes in this area.
Just a second.
In the future, do not contradict
in front of the team again.
-I just thought...
-You are not here to think.
Here's the thing to take
ice safely.
I hope we have
we understood.
Then, as experienced
this before?
No, not tasted.
-It tastes bad.
After an investigation
short but detailed
our visitor
I can tell,
no doubt
I've never seen anything
in any cellular level,
as we have
in that other room.
The impact of this discovery / i
will be felt
for thousands of years. / i
this point on, / i
the world as we know it
was changed forever. / i
You, my friends,
will all be immortalized
how people
who made this discovery.
Thank you.
Do you think we pay a bonus
by bringing an alien
instead of coal samples?
There's nothing better
this cough syrup?
Hey, Griggy.
You can go outside
the reserve captain's pick?
No problem.
I'm coming.
Where did I put this bottle?
Jesus Christ!
Go fuck yourself, man.
Son of a
It escaped!
No joke, man!
The damn thing is alive!
I was there, man,
looking at the ice
and the thing jumped out!
We look
in groups of two or three.
Watch out.
Can you help me here?
Come on.
Pull to the side.
His face is wrapped in
a kind of sac.
The fabric looks almost new.
What was it
doing with it?
It seems that
was absorbing it.
Some kind of digestion.
It's fascinating.
It's really fascinating.
-What is the problem? Okay?
Yes, I am.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm fine.
-Do you need anything?
No, no. I'm fine.
What is this?
It seems a titanium plate.
It is used to strengthen bones
broken and fractures.
Yes, that's right.
Henrik broke his arm
last year.
Had to go to Argentina
to the operation.
If this was on his arm,
making out of it now?
Good question.
What are you doing?
I took a sample
Henrik tissue.
I want to find out what this thing
was doing to him.
I think you should
take a look at it.
Its cells
are not dead.
This is not possible.
It seems that the alien cells
are somehow
attacking cells
Henrik and then
What is this?
Are becoming
Cells are imitating him.
I do not know if that's
I'm seeing, but
They imitate him.
This place gives me chills, man. / i
-Tell me about it.
Do not wait to get out of here. / I
Caught- those clothes?
-I got everything I could. / I
He'll be fine, Olav.
A doctor will take care of it
in McMurdo.
We're leaving.
Once the weather improves,
go back
with all the help
we can.
-Keep me posted.
-I will.
Let's go.
Sit there.
I can not wait
to get out of here.
Carter, wait!
Come on.
Is signaling
ready to land.
-What is the problem?
-They can not go.
Let's get out of here, man.
Fuck it. I'll land.
We'll land.
Is something wrong?
No, that's okay.
Probably forgot something.
Soon we'll be in the air, right?
Do not worry.
Hold on.
There is something wrong.
Calling McMurdo, or whoever is
the emergency channel.
Are you receiving? Exchange Rates.
Again, here is the Thule Station.
They landed here,
just behind this ridge.
It is impossible to reach them.
This makes no sense.
They had good visibility, no?
Do not go looking for them?
We should not try?
We need a helicopter
to get there.
Stocked and equipped.
This all can not be
just a coincidence.
The radio does not work.
There is no sign.
It is because of the storm.
There are a lot of interference.
We have four missing persons.
We have no helicopter or radio.
You made a mistake
to bring these people here.
More people may die.
Sander, we do not know
even if they are dead.
Colin, Lars,
pick up their equipment.
Let's take the snowcat / i
and go to another base.
Lars, do so now.
I think it is
a good idea.
And why not?
Why can not anyone
leave the field
until we know what is
going on here.
-I make decisions here.
Edvard, I know, but
Why had
the helicopter down?
I thought they were in danger.
I took a sample
Henrik's blood
and the alien cells
were still alive.
Were alive, and copying
Henrik cells.
Duplicating them.
Adam also saw.
Is it true?
I do not know.
I mean, I do not know what we saw.
I mean, we saw something.
I do not understand.
What are you saying?
What can this thing,
and probably already has,
a duplicate person.
-That is impossible.
-This is crazy.
No more. Kate?
All right! Kate.
It is not the time to create panic.
Let's stop,
for our ideas in order,
and discuss it in private.
We do not need
a private meeting.
We all want information!
There's more.
What is this?
I think they are fillings
the teeth of someone.
We along with a
pool of blood in the shower.
Pool of blood?
You can clone cells,
but not non-organic material.
Could not copy it,
then spat.
-We have already lost too much time. Lars?
When I came back to check,
someone had cleaned the blood.
Someone cleaned up.
So, whatever
still here.
I've heard enough.
Lars, Colin, get the equipment.
Please. Edvard.
You can not go.
You can not go.
Do not know that we are dealing with.
Very well.
Do not know if I should talk about it.
Do not want to cause
problem to anyone.
Talk about what?
You said
about someone having cleared
blood in the shower
-And someone here will not be himself.
-Juliette, please?
What did you see?
After the accident, I think I saw
Colin out of the shower.
He was holding something.
I think it was a towel or cloth,
something to clean.
Kate, I'm not sure,
but I saw
He leaves with Edvard.
We can not let it go.
We can not
let anyone go.
I know where they keep
the keys to the vehicles.
-Where are they?
-How should I look?
Three and four.
You said you are five?
Kate, what happened?
Karl. It took Karl.
Burn it!
Enough, enough.
Burn in hell.
What the hell
is going on with us?
It attacks the victim
the copies perfectly
and hides inside it.
Still with us?
It can be any one of us.
We need to get out of here.
Yes, right now.
And it may be
with you in the vehicle.
Be alone.
This is exactly
what she wants?
Not to mention that it would
a way out of here.
One way to spread.
It's like a virus.
And what we do with a virus?
The isolated and then killed him.
That's it.
We have to rely on science.
Exposing our blood is not contaminated
cells of the creature
can create some kind of reaction.
Then we will take samples
blood of all.
We will test each one.
Yes, Adam and I
We can do this.
Lars and I'll take care
of vehicles.
We have to trust that plan.
It is our only chance
to get out of this.
-No more vehicles?
-It is only these.
What is it?
Is everything okay?
Yes, that's okay.
-Lars, okay?
Kate, we have to go.
The storm is getting worse.
Who is it?
Hurry up. Are approaching.
The Americans.
It is impossible for a human
survive the accident.
We have to burn them.
Here and now.
Let's finish them off!
This can be murder.
-Can be survival, Kate.
Yes, but we do not kill them.
Right? We can only
them unconscious
until the test of Sander
is ready.
This is a good idea?
Lock-in here?
You need our help.
You scientists can not cope
with what we saw in the helicopter.
You may well
be one of those creatures.
It's pretty hard to believe
who survived the crash.
-I understand that, but...
-We are preparing a test.
And then we find
who is who.
It's the best we can
do at the moment.
There's a fire here!
Someone sabotaged us.
There's nothing left. Nothing.
Now there is no test.
How did this happen?
It was no accident.
You were there with them.
You were the last to leave.
-Are you accusing me?
-And why not?
-He hides something.
You're a fool?
He was preparing to test.
Come out for 2 minutes!
-You hide the truth!
-Calm down!
You're a jerk!
This is a nightmare!
There may be another way.
I think there is another way
to discover.
Peder, give me your flashlight.
Now tell Lars
to open the mouth.
Tell him to open his mouth.
Open your mouth.
Lars has fillings.
So he's human.
It can not imitate
non-organic material.
Come on.
You're next.
Open your mouth!
For now, it's something.
One way to eliminate
some of us.
Then I will be dead
because I use dental floss?
No one will be killed.
Open-soon, your ferret.
-Come on, Kate.
Open it.
Open it.
Stay on that side.
I know as well as
there are many variables.
Open your mouth.
Open your mouth!
They are porcelain.
Stay with it.
Someone else has
Porcelain fillings?
Or healthy teeth?
-This is absurd.
-Open your mouth, for God's sake!
This is wrong.
Jonah, you and Lars
go outside.
Bring the Carter and Jameson,
we examine them as well.
Why not leave them where they are?
They can not do anything.
We need to know.
She wants us to seek
the Americans.
Let us then.
Come on!
She is smart.
She is the leader now.
They escaped.
Let's go back inside.
No. We have to find them.
Lars, be careful.
They are not human!
Lars. Wait.
Stay calm!
The threat is not here.
It's out there.
Americans are
the real enemy.
He's right, Peder.
Whatever they are saying,
ow it does not matter.
You can not trust them.
Keep an eye on them.
Come on!
Come on!
Where are they?
-Where are the others?
-They attacked.
-They took Lars!
-What happened?
-Peder, keep them away.
-We have to help him.
-Keep an eye on them, Peder.
-What happened?
-Peder, they took Lars.
-The enemy is out there.
-We can not trust them.
Peder, do not give ear to them.
Watch them.
Keep an eye on them, Peder!
They entered.
Where is Lars?
-Calm down.
-What did they do it?
Sent to calm down.
-Where the hell is Lars?
-Drop it.
-Someone tell him to quit.
-Peder, do not give ear to it.
-Put it down.
-They killed Lars.
-Burn them. Burn them.
I just want to see how they are
my friends, okay?
He would shoot.
Are you going to catch fire!
-You will explode. Come on!
-Lift up.
-All right.
-You there.
Yes, you. Help him!
Right. To appear.
Right now!
All in the recreation room.
Pick him up, come on.
Sit down.
All of us are human.
Put it there on the sofa.
Help! Help me!
My God!
Take it from him!
What the hell is this, man?
Carter, burn it, man!
-There is something wrong!
Damn, Carter, burn it!
Watch out!
Carter, take it!
There is something wrong with the pressure.
Let's put the air here.
Watch out!
We have to take the air.
No. No!
I'm with you, friend.
Are you okay?
I am.
And you?
No, not yet.
Let's find it and kill him.
I think it was Sander.
God! Watch out!
Kate, is it!
Where did he go?
Stand back!
No. Do not touch that.
Hear that?
-Is Sander.
So what?
He'll freeze out there.
And if it does not freeze?
If he can get out of here
Millions of people
may die.
-He has nowhere to go.
-It does.
What is it?
What's wrong with Lars?
We do not kill.
Come on.
Run, run!
Come on.
what we do now?
There is a Russian station
about 80 km from here.
There must be enough fuel.
Let's get back,
Come on.
Put it back there.
You know how I knew
you were human
when you returned
for the base?
His earring.
It was in the other ear.
Kate, what are you doing?
Let's talk about it.
Talk to me.