Things We Lost in the Fire (2007)

- Dad?
- Yes.
The water is green.
No, it is fluorescent.
- How is it? Fluore...
- Fluorescent.
Fluorescent it means
ignition from inside.
Am I then fluorescent?
Yes Dory, you are it.
Why does he/she call himself to sleep charmed?
Sedada affection is.
Not I know that that that
word means, mom.
It means that she has taken
pills to be able to sleep.
She lost their son, Harper.
Not there is nothing else painful
in the entire world.
More than to lose your father?
... different.
- Mom's cousin comes.
- Yes, why?
Not I have spoken with
her in almost ten years.
It is Brian's computer.
- Not I can go, you would rot...
- Ok, I understand it.
Who is Nicks290?.
Oh God, is a friend of Brian of the
university. Now he/she does live in Michigan, what does he/she say?
He/she says How you believe that
do new Sonix work?.
What do you believe of him?
He/she has a good rebound, but
he/she needs something to jump.
Then he/she writes that.
Ok can make it.
- Shit
- What? What does it happen?
- I forgot to tell to somebody.
- To who?
Neal, can you take me to Rend?
Rend? Not you can call?.
No, he/she doesn't have telephone.
- Who doesn't have telephone affection?
- Can you take me?
- Non affection, we go.
- It is well, I have it, I will go.
He/she looks at the address book here
and it looks for Jerry Sunborne.
Who is Jerry Sunborne?
Who devils is Jerry Sunborne?
- Do you want to eat something?
- I am well.
Audrey is well.
- Could you give me one of those?
- Yes.
Thank you.
- My name is Howard Glassman.
- Jerry.
- Of where you know Brian?
- Crecimosjuntos.
Oh, me alone I live in this street
and I financed some of their treatments.
- Oh, no...
- I sit down it.
My wife.
A pleasure to know you, Jerry.
Oh, so you are smoking again.
- Hey
- Hello.
- David
- My name is Jerry.
- Are you Harper?.
- Yes.
- Their father was my best friend.
- Why?
When I had your
age, last week.
You can always be young if you want it.
And Dory has that scar in the nose...
... because he/she was running and he/she thought that
the glass door was open.
But it was closed.
Everybody knows that, Dory.
- You don't like mice, they scare you.
- Not they speak.
Yes, that is it they make.
Their suit is squeezed a little.
Oh, thank you, it was improving the view.
Comely to that cannot make this.
He/she practices.
- Hello.
- Hello, Jerry.
I sit down it a lot.
Thank you to come.
I am very grateful that you came.
Not it was very sure that you would make it.
Not there is problem.
I hated you.
I hated you during so many years.
- It is well
- I know it.
This seems so silly.
It was so loyal.
He/she didn't surrender, you know.
Most of people him ago,
but him not.
- I know it.
- Better I leave.
- No, I need you to stay.
Porfavor could be alone for a while.
- Sure.
- Alone a little.
- Sure.
Brian was some 6 years old and
we were in Cuntry Club,
he/she was swiming in the pool
and all that said was that...
... it had been made pis in the pool.
Everybody lost temper, Jude
Addison also and he/she told him/her...
What are you making?
He was urinating in the
pool the same as in their urinal.
At the end it was proud
of what had made,
he/she was not a bad boy,
it was calm, you know.
And I said...
... I have forgotten the history.
I said...
Why... ? Be quiet.
I said: Why did you make that?
He looked at me and he/she told me...
Shit, I have forgotten what said,
it was so comic, oh.
He said: Not I do want to wet my bat and what?
Not I do want to wet my bat and what?
That is well.
The era a little slowed
when he/she was boy.
No, I sit down it, but it was it.
It was slow, you already know.
Are we at home?
Don't allow them to grow.
I will make something of pasta.
I will get dressed for the occasion,
do you want that?
When he/she returns.
- No, not.
- I have to make it.
- Why?
- It is their birthday.
- And what?
- Because I know it since he/she was boy.
Every time that you will see scares me to it a lot.
- You cannot return.
- Not be so dramatic.
He/she stops to be so frank.
Audrey, is its birthday.
Who does know how many more he/she will have?.
- Jerry.
- Hello.
Happy Birthday.
- Happy age.
- Happy age.
- You are already an old one.
- Yes.
It happens.
- Is she well?
- Yes it is well.
He/she has a seat.
I am hungry. Do you want to eat something?
- Yes.
- Yes?
Let us leave.
- Something eats coffee...
- Strawberries.
- Strawberries?
- Yes.
- Let us look for some soup.
- OK.
I am happy with the work.
Not you said that you would discharge
to the workers?
YAudrey is with another.
You have revised those
messages in their cellular one?.
Not I have to make it.
You don't understand it, she shines so well,
that it is not possible that
alone he/she goes to bed with me.
Our neighbor is as Langdon Higgs,
that mountaineer, drawee
of beers, funny.
She is in love of Langdon Higgs.
Then you should have a
I hurt with the bad type.
The era the good one.
You still... ?
You are still in the rotation, you don't believe.
You know, you can accept the good thing,
but also the bad thing.
You have all that a man would want.
The good Brian accepts.
You have what I have never had...
- No, don't speak that yourself.
Brian, you are the only one true
does friend that I have left, know it?
Audrey was bothered because
did you come tonight?
Not I know why you don't want to see it another time.
Not I want to see anybody until
to be clean, it is for that reason.
Did the ascent of taxes affect you?
No, people will continue buying
while he/she has good legs.
Who is?
The brother of Audrey Burke, Neal.
Do you open me the door, please?.
Brian is dead.
It was murdered.
Somebody killed him.
It is dead.
Of what cono are you speaking to me?
It is dead.
Are you I jodiendo?
A type hit its wife and Brian...
Brian is dead.
Their funeral one is today.
I am here to take you.
It will be better than non mejodieras.
Do you have a suit?
Yes, I have a suit.
What do you find chicken, Harper?.
Can you eat chicken, not?
The chicken is an animal,
dad, I don't eat animals.
- From when?
- Since it is murder.
Not more meat, affection.
Meat is murder.
Where you learned that?
I know some things,
all that I know the I read.
That is not true, the knowledge
of the nature you learned it in...
- Dad.
- Yes.
I like the meat.
Me you that yes, he likes the meat,
Harper. He will be bigger than you.
She eats broccoli.
Cgiste 60 dollars of the car, Brian?
It is curious, because he/she had them
in the ashtray and they are no longer.
I didn't catch them.
Your friend was in
the car the other night?
He didn't take them.
- He would not make it.
- Who?
Why don't you wake up, Brian?
To eat meat is a murder.
- Do you want to enter?.
- Yes, but I have to leave.
Oh, was very pleasant to go out with you.
You know that I appreciate it
more than what you believe.
Happy Birthday.
It was good to see you.
It is well.
Not forget, don't forget that.
Not do forget what?
The food.
You, pretty boy hear.
It was concerned that
you had passed a bad while.
Not you will be seeing the film
Lifetime another time. No?
No, it is this commercial one that we have seen.
Are they crying for a commercial one?
Not you have idea of what you/they happen
the seals babies in Alaska.
They are so pretty, dad.
Donate them a lot of money.
There is a place in lnternet
to make the donations.
It is well, Harper salt. It was.
We see each other then.
We see each other then.
Charmed of knowing you.
I will refresh.
How was he?
It is all jodido for their addiction.
It is very jodido.
He told me a thing...
... that I was thinking
while he/she returned to the house.
He/she asked me if the taxes
they had affected my business,
that doesn't have relevance
for Jerry and their world not?
He/she could have read it in
some place and to remember...
... because he/she has relevance for me.
I know that you think that I always give him/her
and I give him/her and him alone he/she receives, but...
... he is my friend, him you
it worries for me and I understand it.
He/she is my friend.
I forgot to put him/her those
switches to the lights.
I will discharge to these types
and I will hire some Poles.
- Can you take to the children to swim tomorrow?
- Yes.
Will they put the head this time?
That waits.
If they don't make it the I push.
Oh that would be well.
I told to Jerry that you were
putting to bed with Langdon Higgs.
Did you tell him/her what?
-Langdon Higgs?
-He knows that he/she was joking.
Why I would be
putting to bed with Langdon Higgs?
I don't know it.
If he/she will go to bed with somebody
it would not be Langdon... Higgs.
No? Why not?
Because the not even speaks, it is for that reason.
He will make it.
The gun of water.
The gun of water? Why?
Why the gun of water?
Because you remind me to a cowboy.
If Howard had a gun of
he/she is flooded he/she remembered to a cowboy.
Oh, yes.
Not ask if you don't want to know.
It shoots.
Alone you make it.
Do they need something?
Non thank you Howard. Won't you take a bath?.
He doesn't swim.
Who wears out 200 thousand dollars
in a pool if he/she doesn't swim?
It is well, it is enough.
Maybe next time you attempt
to build a mosque.
That was amusing.
I will return in a couple of hours.
We go.
Not I want.
The difficult one is making
so that they assist him, dad.
Thank you doctor, but him
the attention has been won.
Dory is well, only attempt it.
I already made it.
No, you didn't make it.
You owe enfrentartus fears.
Everybody has to make it.
OK, you are a man, you are almost 6 years old.
It is time, we will make it.
Not I have to make it,
you cannot put under an obligation.
Me yes I can put under an obligation.
Baby, joking.
- Am I joking?
- He are not?
Oh, yes. Were we joking not?
I leave you with mom. lr with your sister.
They come with mom. They come with mommy.
Your dad is a man very...
... abusive.
He/she looks at what I have made with this.
I have bothered him completely.
I believe that it is well.
At some time you will give me
a honest answer,
or simply owners everything that makes.
It is, oh... I believe that it is... ugly.
Thank you.
It is uneven, without form, faded.
I have a lifetime and alone
an opportunity to finish it.
Now I have bothered him and
everything has been disorganized.
Oh that bad. He/she had listened
that you liked to live in the water.
I promise that I will transform into a stone.
I will be contained.
To control.
Don't move, is it well?
Hello, baby.
The history of the strawberry bores.
- You already finished it.
- Yes.
What you mean with
what does the strawberry bore?
I will return in a moment.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
Oh, Dory.
You seem a puppy,
that it is alone.
What are you saying?
- Apologize.
- Mom.
It is amusing. Not he/she responds.
Are you Brian's lady Burke?
You don't tell me that you love him. Do you hear me?
- Don't lie me.
- No.
- Not make that again.
- Hold.
- This is my wife.
- To my I don't care it.
Hold, it is everything.
Man breathes, it counts up to 10.
- Am I breathing it is well?
- It counts up to 10...
- 1, 2,
- Likewise.
... 3, 4.
Yes, hello.
I Am in Southwest and Alm,
I have a woman here that...
... it has been hit,
it is too wornout.
I have 2 children.
I have a girl of 10
years and a 6 year-old boy.
They are waiting to that
their father returns home.
Not I can scream.
I sit down it a lot.
What does it happen?
-Oh, I sit down it.
-He doesn't already live here.
It is well. You can me
to say where to find it.
lntente in clinical McKinley.
Ok Clinical McKinley.
- Hello.
- Hello.
What do you make here?
Not I know, alone I came to see how you were.
How good to see you.
Do you want coffee or does it dilute?
We go.
- Then this it is a Clinic of Rehabilitation.
- Yes.
- You take metadona.
- No, not me.
Alone I help in the Clinic and them
they give me a place where to stay.
When was the last time that you used it?
I was about using it after the one
funeral, I had a relapse.
How are the children?
They are a disaster in the school...
... and Dory is having nightmares
in those that their dad is the monster.
- Do you want more?
- No.
I leave.
For, Harper.
Not I am making anything.
For already, Harper.
For! Not they can give me a rest?!
All that I requested them this morning
it was that they sat down here...
... and that they ate calm.
But they cannot even think in
that. Don't laugh Dory, it is not amusing.
Can I sleep with you?
Yes, we go.
He/she hears, this it is the treatment.
It is well,
We had a fire in our garage.
The good news are that
we begin to reconstruct it.
The bad news is that we never finish.
Then, now the only thing that there is
it is a room with a bathroom.
You cannot stay here, Jerry.
You are crazy.
Because it is free.
Not I need charity, Audrey.
Who is offering charity?
I am me the one that needs help.
Not you realize the
that I am telling you?
You can move, to make comfortable and with the one
time can obtain a work...
... and you can pay me the rent.
Why did Brian never mention you?
Because he/she was recovering
of my addiction.
I hate my wife.
I mean, that it is their butacn.
I hate all that has to do with her.
He/she leaves to ponerfuriosa when
discover that I gave you this shit.
It is well.
- Hello Dory.
- Hello.
Do you want to shake hands us?
Don't worry.
We have it.
Good work.
It happens.
It is hour of eating.
Hour of eating?.
Yes, my mom told me
that he/she came to look for you.
My souls.
I have two souls.
An and two.
It is well, we go it stops there.
He is so fantastic.
Yes, it is so comic.
We go, it happens.
Small, this it is Jerry.
- Jerry she is Emily.
- Hello Emily.
- And this he/she is Sara.
- Hello Sara.
Jerry is a good friend of the family
that he/she will eat with us today, Ok?.
Who does want chicken?
- Me.
- Yes.
Chicken Jerry?.
No, I am vegetarian.
Are you it? Me also.
The meat is murder.
I like the chicken.
I will give you right now.
Seriously? I knew to a
boy that is very well.
It is very difficult in summer, I was
there and I was sure the whole time.
Of what?
He/she hears.
He/she Hears, Jerry.
He/she used to run with Brian every morning.
Do you want go to run?.
I am smoking, Howard.
I will wait.
Howard, I don't run from the primary one.
We will run more or less for one hour,
then I bring you
managing or what is.
Alone we will go, do you know?
Not I know if he/she can make it.
We will run slowly.
- He/she waits, he/she waits, I am not able to...
- It is well.
It is it is our route.
I planned to change it, after...
... but...
... this it is our route.
... it doesn't accept of the reality.
Doesn't she have to look for a work?
Who did tell you that?
Brian was a great innovator.
You already know, he/she had everything thought, it created
the opportunities, he/she knew with who to fight.
Its house, is Atlantic.
Do you know? Audrey one will never have
that to worry for the money.
- Good morning.
- Hello.
Can you give me water?
Put your shoes here.
He/she closes the door.
We go.
It is well.
I need to sleep.
Not I am very sure of this.
We go, it trusts me.
Alone I know your friend for a moment.
Put this leg here.
This way.
It turns off the light.
It is well, now...
... put your hand...
... in my ear and caress her.
Yes, likewise.
Too quick.
Too hard.
This way.
- This way?
- Yes.
Allow you to take.
No, I am not still awake.
You have to continue.
Alone for today, my thoughts
they will be for my recovery.
Living a life
pleasant without using drugs.
Alone per today I will trust in
somebody in Anonymous Alcoholics...
... that he/she believes in me and he/she wants
to help me in my recovery.
Alone per today a true A.A.
I will be about finding one
better perspective in my life.
Alone per today I won't be afraid,
my thoughts will go to...
The shoes walk well.
How it is that a person you
does addict return to the heroine?
Good, you have to be in the court
and to be a very big error,
you enter in a paranoia,
you find the heroine and
after that, wa, wa wa...
Are you a good lawyer, truth?
To who does he care who was?
He/she works for me.
Not I know the things
main of your business.
Do you know my house, not?
We will make one
he/she interviews. You have the work.
Here you have.
Thank you.
- This is the room.
- Yes.
As you can see the doors
they are decorated as the furniture,
Ruth made the same thing.
She will keep everything,
you already know, including the house.
Then you do want to be impeded it?
Not I could face my fears.
Not I am strong as you.
Strong as me?
He/she looks, you will have to make this test.
It is a regulation of the State of
Washington, but don't get scared,
I have it all low control.
Are you sure?
- Sure?
- If.
I brought your clean clothes.
- If.
- Thank you.
You are well.
That is to say, better than when you arrived.
Thank you, 39 days.
How is the heroine?
You have listened the expression
''to be kissed for heaven's sake ''?
Because that is alone at the beginning.
Everything that faces are to pursue.
To pursue that feeling
initial that you never recovered it.
You can escape and if you drug yourself.
But never as the first times.
I want to escape.
I want to know like he/she feels to escape.
No, you didn't want.
If, if he/she wanted.
And it would pursue that
feeling the whole day.
And he/she would make it until it would not rot but.
- Not you would rot.
- If it would rot.
Not you would rot.
You are too strong, committed.
I sit down it.
I sit down that.
This well.
Let us play football.
That I am not wet the head.
Do you never put the head in the water?
And the chin?
We go.
How's it going this ear?
And the other one?
The tip of the head.
There you have, you put it
complete in the head.
The chin, the tip of
the head, your two ears.
That everything is, how does he/she feel?
- Not you.
- Make it and tell it to me.
You already made it, it is easy
to make something that you already made.
Do you want to make it quick?
- If.
- At three o'clock.
- All this well?
- If, it would rot...
If he/she enters, they come.
Sit down.
Sit down.
That made today,
I broke the heart.
What did I make?
You made that Dory put
the head under the water.
That was alone a trick.
He has 6.
Harper made it when alone taenia 3.
It was something that Brian tried,
I try that Dory made.
But he/she was not able to, and today's victory.
That Dory put the head
under the water it was not yours.
It was not supposed that your
you had that moment.
And he/she stops my to see you, it was as...
- How...
- I sit down it.
Harper not this.
The director has just called.
Not this in the school
now, and yesterday was not neither.
Not he/she has gone for two days,
but it was here last night.
I am becoming madwoman,
the cellular one doesn't respond.
I saw it be mounted in the one
bus this morning.
Stay here for if he/she returns.
lr to the school.
He/she calls to your he/she suckles now
and tell him/her that these well.
If, he/she already finishes.
You call it right now, young boy.
How did you know where it was?
Your potato counted me.
You know...
You can marry with my he/she suckles
and her serious happy again.
And we could be a family.
- That never happened.
- Why?
Because serious as if my
better friend never existed.
But the if it existed.
And I believe that it is for that reason.
But if it cares because
I will never be as the one.
But you know that, I approved the test.
- Really?
- If.
- Good work.
- Thank you.
You go and tell him/her.
No, tell him/her your.
There is one day a year in
that the theater of the park,
... it puts a movie in
white and black every day.
And Brian used to not go to the one
I work and to take to Harper,
... and they played jockey and they saw
one of these movies.
For that reason I found to
Ms. Hitchcock.
How did you know about the movies?
Brian told me.
And how devils the wise ones and me not?
Not him you.
Maybe the wise one that if you him
he/she said, you would not allow it to make it.
Porfavor doesn't take it with her.
Not it is their blame.
What does it happen?
This not this working, Jerry.
Those are my children.
And I don't need that your neither nobody
but he/she tells me as raising them.
That him you.
It picks up your things and veto.
This is not exactly, it doesn't stop my.
But with Harper and Dory.
If, this being selfish.
Somebody but? Who does continue? Kelly.
Hello my name is Kelly and I am addicted.
Hello Kelly.
I am very angry and frustrated today,
... because there is a woman in the center
of rehabilitation where I work.
Their name is Katherine and he/she is 96 years old.
She has always had much
energy and it has been optimistic.
Always smiling and you him
I diagnose cancer recently.
But it is of the one that works
slow, he/she takes 20 years.
And he/she didn't want them to tell him/her,
which is the difference?
She will die from age, not of cancer.
But they told it to him and now
this sad one the whole day,
... alone he/she sleeps, he/she cries.
Alone I believe that they should have him/her
said, I will return later.
Thank You Kelly.
Those that want pray
the sentence of serenity.
Will you sell them to buy drugs?
Will you sell them to buy drugs?
Why don't you sleep?
I had a nightmare.
Good me also.
Don't take you those,
return them, that is bad.
Return them.
Return them.
- Ok.
- Not it is good.
Ok ok
Of what was your nightmare?
I woke up in the room of my he/she suckles.
And it was not there, he/she had left.
Go down to see where it was and I woke up.
Alone it was a dream.
Not it is real.
She always sits down
with me until I fall asleep.
He/she takes each game, each
day like a new challenge.
Jerry goes ajugarfootball.
Jerry left, the one will return to the drugs.
Not it will return to the drugs,
why do you think that?
It was for my, because I was
to watch the old movies?
I promise you that never him
I will make again, allow it to return.
Anything made, he/she made that the he/she left.
He will return, already truth.
And the one will be well, he/she is an adult.
Believe me, we go you give me the ball.
Does that mean that the one will die now?
Happiness for 2 years of being clean
My name is Francis, and I am addicted.
Hello Francis.
To already come for 2 years, there am me
fact to believe that this is possible.
My he/she suckles me he/she gave this
I dare when taenia 5 years.
And he/she planned to be given it to my
daughter when he/she had 5.
I will have a girl, thank you.
Who does speak to me?
Who does call?
My name is Kelly.
- Does Jerry live there?
- If.
This the one? Because he/she got lost the meeting.
It was Francis' birthday and not the one
meeting type to which the one would lack.
What does that mean?
It has relapsed.
Do you have idea of where this?
You won't want to go there.
It Is Audry.
It is Audry, stop, I will take you to house.
We go, stop.
We go.
Be quiet.
What I can give you now
that he/she makes you feel well?.
We go.
Leave me.
Sit down, sit down.
Jerry, what but you need?
He/she wanted some ice cream, please.
Ok will bring you something.
But now, Neil stayed with you, ok.
- Hello Neil.
- Hello Jerry.
It seems that we will be roommates.
For my this well.
But not...
Hey, Jerry.
Be sleeping.
We will take a bath.
And to take off those clothes.
I hate it, I hate it.
Do you have but you drug in you?
Some needle?
Ok takes off that.
You had just arrived, we go sits down.
- Who this with the one?
- My brother.
Thank you to tell me that of the one.
Are you their girlfriend?
No, not.
The era my husband's better friend.
To the one that you/they shot him/her?
Was the love of your life?
I also lost the love of my life.
For an overdose.
But it was it he/she made recover.
They say that every time that
a drug addict dies.
There is one that recovers because of the one.
Does he/she make as much as?
Does it feel better?.
It feels different,
I have a new life.
So now I can have
a new love of my life.
Me one doesn't swim of additions,
could you help me?.
We go, we go, we go.
You have to breathe, he/she breathes.
This well, breathes.
This well, well, well.
The antacid one gives it to him now.
He is you to help him to that doesn't vomit.
And you should give him/her antihistamines in the night.
No, no, that is for Jerry.
Do you want a little bit?
When can I see it?.
Soon affection.
I promise it.
We go, he/she takes this.
Take it, he/she helped you.
Swallow you it, make it.
Not you want water, ok.
I am cold.
Will you die as my potato?
- If.
- When?
As soon as possible, I wait.
These playing, not?
I brought you cookies and it dilutes.
- C3PO AND R2-D2.
- If.
To my I like but R2-D2.
It excuses, the one is but accessible.
He/she takes.
Hello Jerry.
Hello Audry.
- They come he/she enters.
- I am smoking.
This well, you can make it inside.
Then he/she doesn't pay you, not?
Then he are...
- Hello Diane.
- Hey.
- How these?
- I feel better.
- Well, you are better.
- Thank you.
This ruined.
Is R2-D2 but accessible?
Then it was not a hallucination.
No, that it was my son.
So pretty, he/she brought me cookies and it dilutes.
Wait, excuse.
Dory that told you your he/she suckles.
Do you want to have dinner something?
I believe that you should eat, you can tolerate it.
I will try.
Always this running this way in circles.
Brian toward the same thing in football,
basketball, in cualquierjuego.
Him you.
I miss this foolishness.
The amusement.
Not you if I will feel happy again.
- Or beautiful.
- You are it.
I mean inside.
You are the woman but beautiful that have seen.
What do you make here?
Invite it.
Howard can swim
tomorrow in the pool?
I sit down it Dory but I no longer live there.
Because my future former-wife,
he/she kept the house.
Affection, I will find
another place to swim.
What music type, him
did it like their husband, classic?
What did he/she take after the dinner?
Did coffee, come Italian, or anything?
Milk with chocolate, loved him/her.
What type of dental pasta did it use?
Crest, the one used Crest.
We go, wonder something Kelly.
Which was their favorite movie?
I don't remember.
He liked an old one a lot with
the type of '' Meet the Fuckers ''.
The Godfather 2.
That same one, in fact.
My potato shoots a squirrel.
- Did he/she make it?
- If.
Do I kill her?
The cry a lot, taenia 9.
- There was a fire.
- Really?
- If.
- How do I happen?
It was something electric, the door
of the garage and then...
My potato you doesn't anger, but my he/she suckles if.
We lost so many things, the clothes of you drink.
- The albums of pictures.
- My bicycle.
Your bicycle, important papers, everything.
We lost a lot and I remember,
... I told him/her like you can
calmed estartan.
And the he/she told me, that is alone
sew Audry, single things.
We still have ourselves each other.
These well?
This is a list.
Of the things that
we lost in the fire.
He left.
He/she left.
Everything will be well.
If, I am here.
In the room of Dory.
Harper told me that you wanted to see me.
Hey, comes, sit down.
Then, speak with Kelly.
She said that this place,
... or rehabilitation clinic
I work him/her well.
He/she was thinking that,
..maybe you should go.
Audry has already made enough for my.
If you will refuse for the one
money, then I will get angry.
If it is for another thing, not
you what is, will hate it.
But, I believe that I should accept it.
Brian used to say him/her
something to the children always.
It accepts the well.
It accepts the well, Jerry.
Do they light in the darkness?
If, they are fluorescent.
lr but with a condition.
When it leaves, I will look for a
I work and I will pay you everything.
And you will accept it.
Do you promise it to me?
- Hey Harp.
- Hello Jerry.
Do you want to play?.
- Can I speak with you?
- If.
Ok will tell it to you quick, I will leave soon.
lr to a hospital type.
- Since?
- Not you.
But when it leaves I will have my
own house, and you will be able to visit one another,
Do you mean that you will no longer live here?
Why do you put on this way?
It is this way like it will always be.
No, you cannot arrive and to fake
to be my potato and later to leave.
I never faked sertu potato.
Does Ytu mate?
He/she locked in the room, this angry one.
Why, this angry one with you?
No, with you.
- With me, not?
- Not he/she wants to speak with anybody.
Ok goes, salt.
I thought that he/she would not see you.
I am proud of you.
Thank you.
I will return with my wife.
I am very alone.
Thank you.
I love you good-bye.
Can you read this?
I love you.
Will you be my friend when you improve?
I will be your friend for always.
How were you it with my potato?
Undoubtedly if, now
really give me a kiss.
He/she waits, he/she waits.
He/she waits, he/she waits.
Hello my name is Jerry and I am addicted.
Hello Jerry.
I take 89 days I clean.
My mind this but white.
And I believe that it becomes better,
every day a little but.
But I want to speak
of a dream that I have.
It always begins with me
stealing the cutleries.
Then, I will sell it
to a type that he/she knew.
That taenia a service
of sale of food.
And with that money it was accustomed to
to buy the drug that he/she wanted.
And the not this.
So I go to all the places.
But for some reason there is not nobody.
All Seattle this dry one.
And then I sit down as that a fear.
I am afraid,
... and I begin to run.
And it rains, it is made at night,
... and I am in my apartment.
And I revolve it looking for something
that I can have hidden.
And I believe that I am convulsing.
And I find a globe
hidden in my suitcase.
It accepts the well.
And then there am.
With a drug bag in a hand,
... and the money for
the next one in the other one.
And I sit down completely in peace.
And I wake up.
A little every day, a little.
A little every day.
A little every day.
Thank you.