Third Star (2010)

James Kimberley Griffith
See I...
The thing about life is...
A what is it they say?
The thing about life is ...
I'm 29 today. Won't see 30
But I'm uh ... I'm okay
Really. Okay
My mate Davy. He's been
helping out since he was made redundant
He was head of a PR firm that ...A
Jesus I don't really know what they did
Thank God my sister Chloe's got her
girls. She's taking it pretty badly
Tries to hide it but... I just hate seeing it
There are people arriving
Bill... ah he's so excited!
I think he's just glad to be away from
his girlfriend. And the TV job he hates
He brought a tree with him
that he grew from seed
He's determined to plant it
for me when we get there
Ah, when we get there ...
My parents keep a brave face... but...
no one should outlive their children
The sicknes may be mine but
the tragedy is theirs
I have to put a distance between
me and all of this
Pitying mob
Oh Christ I need to escape!
So my friends are taking me
to my favourite place on earth
Barafundle Bay
Miles. Made it at last. Haven't
heard from him in a while
His dad died when we were 16.
Cancer again. His dad was a writer
Made us both want to be writers too
Miles is at the pressure of expectation, I'm
at the pressure of ... time, I suppose
Too much of it then, too little of it now
- Miles?
- You look like shit
I thought they'd stuck you out here 'cos
you'd snuffed it
Having a pretty good day rhabdomyosarcoma-wise..
You, you, you .... Jeeesus!
No, no, absolutely not. I agreed to
this whole trip and there's one condition
No, he's not taking it!
Take care, sis
- Oh God. Aw!
- He'll be fine
I love you too
No, Davy, Davy, Davy! Watch it, yeah?
You ever played tetris?
- Oh, James! No, I'll get that
- I'm fine, I'm fine!
- I'll get the cushion
- No, no, not just yet. I...
I'll get started under my on steam
- Who wants to push me then?
- Me.
- It's a bit bumpy, isn't it?
- Like sex with an anorexic
How is Melissa?
- She's fatter
- Is she?
Nothing wrong with that...
How bloody beautiful is this!
We need to get to Sound Point this evening
Now we'll walk until James needs a rest
No, I'm fine
wanted to be agricultural story editor in the...
- Do we have to talk about work?
- No I don't
- It's something some of us spend our lives doing
Shut up Miles. Get a job
- Malfunction everybody
- Okay
- I knew it! It's the weight, I'm telling you
- What??
- Is it fucked?
- Not on my shift. Alright, all aside!
Alright, Davy, can you get me the
toolbox? At the bottom
I see the toolbox but I can't actually get it out
cause it's way too much weight on the cart
Okay, well start unpacking it then
Gee weez!
- If you'd let me!
- Pull out an apple
- You didn't just say 'gee wizz', Bill?
- I did say 'gee wizz'. I'm exasperated
Now get that webbing bag out of there and inside
there's a little stalking set and some pliers
- Gee wizz! Look at that webbing bag!
- Hey...
Great on their own
But once they're dipped in tea
they become a whole different journey
Taking you to piss always makes me wanna piss
You piss far more than I ever used too
Where's all this new piss coming from?
- I'm not drinking more...
- Would you shut the fuck up please?
My makeup girl's read one of your dad's books
At work the other day...
the Lebanon tree
- How's your book coming on?
- Oh, I gave up on it. Couldn't be arsed
You should just write a diary about
bangin Chelsea chicks
- I'm finally bored of meaningless sex
- Bollocks!
Alright I might as well piss now too
Too nice to be true? Yeah...
I'm just saying: we could stove some of
the stuff here and pick it up on the way back
Well if you girls hadn't packed your
entire wardrobe
How's work going?
- You hate what I do
- Because you do
You writing?
I'm so bored with my book question, James
I'm not a writer, I'm an ad man
I'm good at it
- Did you get the short stories I sent you?
- Yeah, the one about the biker was great
Really great
The one about the nurse - it was bollocks
Well, I'm no writer, but I liked it
- Good for you Davy
- Waft!
Oh my God!
That's actually working
Don't be angry. I told your mum
I'd call her in a bit
- Yeah and you just called her last night
- I know, I promised
Alright, alright!
Tell her we have hope in our hearts and wings in
our heels and after that no more phone calls
And if you got your bloody phone on you
I'll find it
- Bill, we could just plant this tree
- No!
Sometimes I watch the credits and wait
for the camera man
Yeah, it's not Shakespeare but
pays the mortgage
Mate, Antiques Roadshow has a big audience
I work on Cash in the Attic, Davy
- Are you sure?
- What?
- Wait, The White Bull? Screw it!
- I thought you knew where we were
Yeah well I do now
- My Spidey Senses are tingling
- Loving this, boys, lovin this!
Hit it, lads!
I'll get the beers then
I'll have a Guinness
Oi! alcohol and morphine don't mix
I'll have never taken LSD
And lost my shoes playing poker
I've never had a bandit hold a gun to my head
- I've never been to Birmingham
- I've never sailed around ... really?
- No.
What about when Mark was 18?
- Was that Birmingham?
Have you told him?... I miss you xx
Don't you ever get the urge to do
something really dangerous?
Eat some undercooked pig
I mean a real thrill, a man thrill
- Steady!
We've all forgotten that moment when you
realize you'll never play in the World Cup Final
or ... be the first man on Mars ...
and all those daydreams
become fantasies rather than possibilities
I have no response to that
This is nice though, isn't it?
Yes it is!
Where did you get that watch?
From my father. Birthday present. It's a
Rolex Oyster Perpetual Sea-Dweller 4000
Yeah your dad's a liar - it's a fake
Fuck you!
Nice. Give it to me!
I'm gonna tell'em you asked to see my cock
Do you like my wings?
Give me the wach or I'll tear
your fucking wings off!
Don't want it anymore
Don't like fakes
- Yeah, me neither, come on!
We're both better off
Hey, poofter!
What's the time?
Brothers, this is not the way!
I'm sorry. That was an accident
He's like an Alsatian pup. he's one of
those guys everyone just seems to love
Hold your fighting!
Oi! Oi!
- Davy, I'm going in.
- This is what we were talking about
- Your morphine chases. You're drunk
- Maybe. A little
- This is it
- Maybe you should sit this one out
- NO!
- Sorry
Davy, ramming speed!
Hey! What are you doing?
Not him! He's got cancer!
I'm not shitting with you
You don't hit people with cancer
Sensible retreat but the tide was turning
Why would you sleep naked in a tent with me?
Cause it's like ...
Look I don't wanna feel you poking me in the back
Yeah did you feel that in the middle of the night
- What is that??
- I'm not gonna ...
- I think I farted, sorry ...
I don't know any adults who still
use talcum powder
I don't use talcum powder
That's your boil skin flaking all over
our lovely tent
- Aw Jeesus ...
- We laid the tent on a cow pat
I knew that pillow was
too good to be true
I have an insight into what it's like
to be one of your wank puppets
Pretty great I'm told
- Where are my clothes?
- Mine are missing too
Yes they are...
All your spare clothes are missing
Why? Why would you do this? Why?
We have no need for the wasteful
conforts of modern life
- I'll fucking kill you!!
- What?!
We are going to experience the landscape
A wardrobe from leaves and Kendal mint cake
Don't chase him, you just encourage
Don't wrestle again! I'm bored of
seeing wrestles
God, it's like deliverance
That's it, I'm wearing your clothes
if I get wet
- Where are my digestifs?
- Up my arse you prick!
Now that is deeply, deeply, deeply disturbing
- If the cart breaks ...
- Ah, get on, get a grip!
- Come on, ok?
- No!
- No? Come oon!
- Steady boys
Ok? Go, go, go!
Hello there! We 4 would like to take the ferry
- When?
- Whenever it leaves
Four. There are four of us ...
- And the cart.
- Yees.
Singles or returns?
Return. But not today, we're camping
- When you're coming back?
- Saturday. Latest
- Is he wearing eye make-up?
- He is...
- Four returns?
- Yes. Does it run everyday?
last ferry back 8pm
No ferry at Christmas, New Year's day
or Easter
So it's neither 365 days a year,
nor 24/7.
Sell many retuns, do you?
What's your problem, mate?
- I'm gonna have to charge you for the cart
- Listen, Tootsie ...
I'll charge you for an extra passenger.
How's that sound?
Single or return for the cart?
Fucking idiots!
Jenna Jamesson is naked right there.
Kristin Scott Thomas naked there
Double barrel all the way
Davy. Can't get up
No, no,no. I'm okay.
It's just a bit more than I'm used to
Just need to take some meds, I'll be okay
Don't tell the others
D'you know, if this was heaven
I'd be pretty fucking chuffed
I like the way you subtly brought
it back round to you dying
I'd forgotten
No, seriously though
I don't believe in the pearly gates
What do you think Davy
Come on!
- I don't know. I wanna
believe in something like .. God. I do.
I do
Reincarnation. Born again
- As a Mollusc?
- Don't piss on my Nirvana!
No but seriously. Our souls...
I don't know but I've done a lot of thinking
and reading about it recently, of course, and
I think it's got something to do
with that magic science we
barely know anything about like ...
dark matter
Actually there's a belief in buddhist
faith about a kind of constant energy
Quantum physicists have
proven its existence
Perfect timeless universal space
Yeah ...
It's just ... like being, is-ness ...
I can't help but picture myself this dust
dancing in the flicker light
Millions of atoms of constant ... is-ness
What the fuck are you talking about??
Just picture me tapdancing in the firmament
and I'll be well happy
What do you think, Miles?
what happens when we snuff it?
- No idea
- You must have thought about it
What's your instinct? I wanna know
After your 'dancing across the stars' do you
wanna hear that I think there's nothing?
That you'll rot and that's it
- After my father died, that's what I decided
- Really?
I suppose one day we'll
live on in our kids
Did anybody get any sleep?
Sand in sleepbag
Christ, that is a great cup of tea
You make a great cup of tea that
gives you real pleasure
Then you go and ruin it
Why don't you finish it then get off
your ass and make a new one?
Oh Bill, you were gonna film
treefrogs in the Amazons
Save the planet and instead you're filming
some heinous piece of daytime TV shit
In order to pay a mortgage
to live with a girl that you don't even...
I don't recognize you anymore, you're getting
more and more watered down every day
- Nice. Was that rehearsed?
- Shut up, Miles!
Jim, lots of people would kill for Bill's job
At least he's in a relationship
unlike any of us
Just ... I never seem to get things done
the way I thought I would
When I am happy I just ...
and now ...
I love lessons learned through anecdotal
Seriously, did you prepare that?
Like you finish anything anyway ...
- I'm fine
- Ignore this
- Shit!
- I'm fine
- Give me the joint
- Oh, fuck!
Here, take the Phemoryl
Hey, we can get to Goat's Head
tomorrow easily. The perfect spot
- Soft grass. Great view
- Sounds good
- Miles, you know a lot about women
- No
Me and Abby have been together
seven years now. And I just ...
Bill, we both know that most people settle for
something that they think is better
than being alone
- Great. Is that me?
- I don't know. How should I know?
Why do I want the oppinion of a man
who doesn't believe in love
The love you're talking about is
like an addiction
You should be thinking "I can't
live without you today". Everyday
You'd do everything to make
her want you more
Make her want you
- Someone chinked the armour?
- No ...
- Okay, do you always tell me the truth?
- Yes.
Is there really such a thing
as multiple orgasms?
Yes ...
I need you guys to hold him down.
I have to get this up inside him
- You bastard!
- Bastard
Your soap I'm gonna stick it up your arse
And you!!
If I'm reading this map right -
and I know I am
I'm seriously gonna save us some time
- Can I see the map?
- No
- Couldn't we go round that way?
- Davy, this is gonna save us a day
- Miles, let's get you strapped up
- You can fuck off
- There, lift your arms
- Really?
- Why am I going first?
- Because you're useless and we can do without you
- Hold it!
- Can I have your car if you fall?
- You can fuck off! What are you doing?
- Get a grip
- Who's fucking idea was this?
- Not mine
- Davy, you're doing well. Lean back into it
- Davy!
- Don't. Don't look down just lean back
- I'm gonna pull here, mate
- Oh, God
- Use your pelvis and your back
- Get down
- Oh ... oh yeah man
Slowly, slowly
Why am I always the one that's getting it
rather than giving it ... ah!!
- James!
- James!
Tie off his leg
- Got it?
- Yeah
- Yeah? Good
Go on!
Oh God!
- Are you okay, Jim?
- Fine
Nice one Bill!
What do you think it is?
It's a lovely day for it
Is it?
Did you find anything useful?
It depends on one's needs
I'm looking for something pretty specific
Fifteen years ago I was in a bar in Marseille
A Chinaman ... a cargoboat skipper
was saying he lost a fortune
A container of Star Wars figures. Yeah?
But no ordinary Star Wars figures
faulty Darth Vaders - made brown
like Ben Kenobi
instead of black.
Unique. Collectable
But he'd lost'em in the storm
The only container to go over board
breaking up on the rocks
Now years later I'm here in Pembrokeshire.
Walking. Trying to clear my head
A lot. And I see these coves you know
and all this ... all this rubbish
It should just be beautiful drift wood,
not all this industrial flotsam and jetsam
but, you know, men should still wear hats
every day, the world's changed
Am ... you were talking about the Chinaman
No, nono .. the brown Vaders should be here
So everyday I started coming down to look
A month went by. Then two. Then three...
I started thinking I was... crazy
But then one morning I found a yogurt pot
It had a 'sell by' date on it:
November 1980
So stuff is being washed up here
from that exact year
- Obviously, I kept on looking
- Obviously
A year, two years. Still no Brown Vaders
- And then last month ...
- No!
No, but ...
It's a light saber.
from a Darth Vader made between 1980 and 1981
They're here ...
- I never heard anything like it in my whole life!
- That makes two of us
- I need a piss
- No! Let me
- I'm dying to see James's cock, it's been ages
- I'm going down there!
- Your friend is ill
- No, he's just excitable
Not him, the other one
Yes. He's got cancer. It's terminal
Right. I lost a friend to cancer.
My best friend ever
- Sorry.
- It's not your fault
Its just really really, really, really,
really, really unlucky.
- Right.
- I have other friends
People find me attractive
But I started looking for a new best friend
from my existing friends and
then acquaintances, and then new people
- How long are you gonna carry on looking?
- For a new best friend?
- No, for the ...
- Oh
No I tend to look for things. I'm okay
Great to be needed. Isn't it?
I'd forgotten
- Maybe you're one of the lucky ones
- Yeah
- Rare ... a gift. There already
And good
- Thank you, I ... thank you
- No. Thank YOU
- Where are you going?
- To shit
Enjoy your walk
- I LOVE that dude!
- I really thought he was going to kill us
Possibly fuck us. And then eat us
- He could turn around and stalk us
- He was ... I don't know he was actually
Davy. Did he touch your private place?
Okay, that is wrong
It's the third star to the right
and then straight on till morning
- Well I thought it was second star
- Well, fuck, the one of the lot
You've been hitting the morphine
kind of hard
Guys! If this weather keeps up, how about we
anchored down here for an extra night?
No. I have to get back to work
I still think we're carrying too much stuff
I mean.. the fireworks
- Fireworks?
- Davy!
- What fireworks?
- You've ruined it!
Sorry, but
We had this idea, because you love
looking at the stars and
Dancing through the cosmos that we put on
a firework display for you at Barefundle
But they weigh a ton so can we
just light the fuckers here?
Did you light all of them?
Fucking hell!
Oh fuck! FUCK!!
Fucking great! What do we do now?
You fucking idiot!!
- You idiot!
- It was Bill as well!
It was ... an accident
You fucking child!!
'Oh my God he's funny!'
Oh how humorous! We're all gonna have to
sleep in a tent that was made for ...
fucking anorexic pygmeys!
Ah come, we'll have a little cuddle
Right. I got my knife. So any of you starts going
'Brokeback', I'll be going 'Rambo', alright?
Oh, God, you feel good...
So how you turn the light off then?
- You twist it round
- What?
- Turn the ... that's it
- Dance, dance, wherever you may be
- No!
- I am the Lord of the Dance, said he
- No!
Who packed these?
You know you can use condoms to cover
a microphone actually
To record dolphins underwater.
That's what they use
Cool. Everyone get that? It may
not come up but - thanks Bill
We shouldn't have cooked all the
beans tonight
- We've plenty of food.
- I'm not worried about me!
- Jesus, stop!
- Stop what?
Stop making sure he gets to do this bloody trip?
You two don't have any idea how much
responsibility I have to take so you
can just piss about
- You get thanks all the time
- Well, that's nice
- Why are you so desperate to be needed?
- I'm glad you see it like that. I don't
I'm grateful!... But what are you gonna
do when I'm not around? I can't picture it
- Who knows, Jim?
- Yes but before you used to moan about how
you felt you were being taken advantage of
at work until you lost your job and then I think
my cancer came along at just the right time
I shall treat you all to a shrink when we get back
but for now can we just have a laugh?
It's not about failing it's about finding your...
If you say Raison d'etre I'm going to kill myself
- Shut up Miles, this is ...
- Repugnant? Boring?
- What do you want? What...
- What special thing are you searching for?
- James. He's doing fine
- Ok? And your being a bit ... harsh
- It's not about the cards life dealt you
It's about the hand that you feel safe playing
I thought the tea life making metaphore was
good but that was .. exquisite
You know, Miles, it's so easy to take the piss
but 'm angry with all of you
I don't want to die!
I want... more time
I want more time
I'd take any one of your pointless
consumer-fucker lives!
I was gonna do so much!
I was going to be special. And I know it sounds
pompous. It is
You are
You make me sick!
Don't. I love my life.
Cancer's no excuse for being an egomaniac
- Why are you special?
- Right, so you don't think I would have
amounted to anything as a writer ..
- I don't know! That's the point!
But by our age my father had already written
three books.
Your writing's good but you only finally sat down
to do it because it became too painful to stand up
What? You want to hit me now,
you .... pissy little arse-licker?
Oh, fuck off! You bore the shit out of me!
We're not your secretaries. We don't run away
if you turn nasty
- I'm telling him the truth!
- I know! But WHY?
Why are you so cruel? You're just cruel.
There's other ways to get what you want
Davy. It's like you're actually looking
at my soul through a microscope
I'll have to redeem myself! Davy will you
give me Aids! Bill? Rabies?
Come on. Ah, GOD!
We don't need to be doing this! We should be
laughing and talking bollocks
about the good old days ...
- I read your book!
I read it
He finished it years ago
- When did you read it?
- Two years ago
I knew you've been writing something and I
snooped around on your computer and there
it was. Finished
Hated you for it
I copied it but I... I did't read it
And then I got sick
and I gave in to my desire to... Even though I
knew you'd never, ever be able to forgive me
Mate, if you wanted to get somethig off your
chest why didn't you just call me?
I'd have come round, we'd have had a chat
watch Jaws and pretend that you weren't sick
- I AM sick!
- BECAUSE you are!!
And when you're gone, you won't...
know that this is fucking killing me!
It's not worth talking about it, it's not going
to change anything.
This is just unnecessary fake soul searching
which everyone is doing these days
And I can't even say this REAL stuff
because I just might not get a chance to see you
again so I can say ...
You don't need to apologise, Miles ...
I wasn't going to apologise you arrogant little
fuck! I'm right!
And we don't apologise
I can say this shit, and come back in 5 minutes
and say nothing. That's the point!
- Your book ...
- Ah, shut up!
- You know it is.
- Jesus this trip has been like a walk with the
You would hate you right now
Thank you
I'm not afraid of failing now
- I don't have to live in ...
- I know
You see my dad was so ...
Yes, I know
- And now the only other person who I
- Yeah, I know
Well, if you're not gonna fucking listen...
Fucking hell
Don't worry about Jim. It's morphine talking.
This morning he called me Robert ...
You've been fucking hard, Bill
You're psychotic
- You promised!
- I've gotta get it. It's important
What, more important than this trip?
- Aw, Davy has a phone
- For emergencies
It's not about the phone,
it's about you not wanting to be here
- Alright. Give me the phone!
- Guys, guys, the cart!
Davy! Davy!
- What the fuck are you doing?
- You would have gone over with it!
- I would have got it you twat!
- He just saved your life
You think he likes me more than you,
you whiny poof!
- Why do people keep throwing my stuff in the sea?
- Ok, ok. That.. also was an accident.
The phone was bad. Bad, Davy!
But it's not the end of the world. Miles your
company knows you've gone into the wild
It's not that simple! Everything's fucked
It's all shit and people rely on me
The banks called in the loan
I'm going under
Miles is failing. Are you happy about that?
Boys. Boys!
We have a poblem
We'll just have to camp here till one of us
goes back and gets help
No. We haven't finished the walk
Mate, you weren't doing that much walking,
and your transport's gone!
We'll call your dad. Maybe stay at a B & B
on the mainland and maybe he can ...
- Where's your phone?
- In my bag
Uh. No. I'm afraid it's in my bag... on the cart.
This is un-fucking-believeable
- There's a kind of amazing natural symmetry to..
- Shut up, Bill.
- Where's the map?
- It's in the cart
- We're going on, it's not far. Il walk it. I can.
- James!
No, Davy! I'm going on. I just want
one night there
If you won't come with me, I'll go on my own.
I have to
I have to.
I'm not finished yet!
We may be closer to the emergency
phone at Barafundle. So...
either that or I run back to the last phone.
Reckon I can jog it in five hours
When did you last run for five hours?
If we go on we should stick together in case we
have to carry him
So should I tell him or let him keep going?
James, stop!
Are you coming to Barafundle?
We are. But it's that way
- Davy
- What?
What do you really think about
what I said to you earlier?
You've no right to talk to me like that. None.
Why didnt you say so in front of the others?
Loyalty you prick
Don't put out the fire with your piss, Bill.
It stinks!
Is this all the gas we have? Bill?
He's asleep
God it's good to see him off the leash.
He's a beautiful, bighearted force of nature
And she crushes every natural urge in him.
It's a horrible relationship
How do you know what he wants?
Abby's pregnant
Oh, fuck
Why didn't you say anything?
I wanted to enjoy the walk
- Con .. congratulations ...
- Don't!
I'm not saying it's good news, in the
circumstances, but you'll be a brill...
Is it definitely yours?
- Far as I know.
- And she wants to keep it?
- Baby or not... if she isn't the one...
- Of course she isn't the one!
Then use this as the opportunity to have a
fresh start, Billy...
Shut the FUCK up, Jim!
Yeah. It all gets watered down
But I stick to my decisions, however shit
And when all my dreams come to nothing,
I'll be around to bloody see it!
You should have told me before!
You should have fucking told me!
Oh, shit.
Man, you really showed that tree ...
- Listen, I'm sorry about your tree
- No, I wouldn't want it any other way
My tree will drift away
and will wash up on some distant shore.
It's perfect
You alright, Davy?
Wait, wait, Miles!
- Jim!
- Are you alright? Breathe
Fuck it. We have to get him back.
I'll run on,Bill, you run back
- We might see a boat or... or...
- Shut up, Miles.
- We're fine.
- Bil! Bill!
- This is ridiculous!
- I don't know.
- Jesus!
- You cary Jim for a bit
Don't tell me what to do
- Why?
- You feeling all hard now?! Why?
Because I didn't kick your arse for chucking my
phone in the sea! Because I'm actually right!
Just. Shut. Up!
This isn't about you right now
Pick him up!
- Pick him up!
- Fuck you!
Pick him up, you fucking coward!
- I think we should stop them.
- Yeah well, I know we should but
it's kinda fascinating ...
Alright, let's call it a draw...
I liked the little 'EEEK!' noise you made when
he got you in a head lock
I mean - why are you even here Miles?
We didn't expect you to turn up
This is actually happening
And it hurts. And it's amazing.
I've been around for it all. He needed me
and I was there for him and I'm really sorry
you have such a problem with that
- Davy. You're right
I wasn't gonna come
Your illness disgusts me. It shocks me
I couldn't physically be around it
It's true, I haven't been there for you
I'm sorry
Come on, you bugger
Jesus! Barafundle Bay
Actually do you know what?
This isn't the one I was thinking of...
Thank you
Is there anything so peaceful as the
sound of the ocean?
I'm sorry
Who the fuck am I to tell you how to live
your lives? I mean I was just ...
I'm fucking your sister
I am totally and utterly in love with her and
I have been for ten years
I watched her marry Mike and I did nothing.
Have children, let her do her comfortable life
I wanted her. I pursued her. And I got her
My God!
We met up when you got sick. It's... a...
It's ironic, isn't it?
One day, soon, she's gonna bring the girls
to my house
We're perfect for each other
I knew she had a thing for you but then
every woman does
So what's the big fucking surprise then?
You can have anyone you wanted. Why her?
You know why
The kids! What about the girls?
- I'm gonna take care of them
- Oh, God! When were you gonna
tell me any of this?
- You weren't gonna tell me
- No
- Do you want my blessing?
- No. I'll do it anyway
- Yeah
- Yeah
James, listen. Listen!
There is one thing that my father said to me
that is bigger than everything. And anyone
And if I was any son of his,
I'll figure out what it is
I have
I hope it works out for you
There is no ribbon to tie around it all is there?
I thought I was ready. Now I ...
I look at Bill and I think
If I could get through another nine months
Hold on long enough to see Chloe
sorted out with or without ...
I'm leaving early. And it all goes on without me
The strange thing is - this is what I was
most afraid of.
But now it's ...
It's a relief, Milo
Such a bloody relief!
How's the book?
I think it's more interesting with half the
page missing
I'm going for a swim
- Your mom said ...
- I know
Tomorrow, I'm gonna swim out into the middle
of the bay and I'm not coming back.
I know the enormity of this, and I am asking you
to let me swim
- No
- No
- Jim. We can't let you mate.
- You can.
The question is: will you?
Has this been your plan all along?
I thought you wanted to live. Why would ...
Because this is how my life is gonna be
from now on
Because of the pain
Because of the drugs that I take for the pain,
because of the drugs that I take
for the side-effects of the other drugs ...
You've seen it
It's only gonna get worse
My life is all up here now really, but
it's taking over and gradually I'll sleep further
and further into thinking solely about pain
and that's not worth living for
I dont know what the pains like
but surely we can...
- What?
- I don't know. I can't ...
- You can
- What would we tell your mum and dad?
- This is insane! I can't believe you're talking
about it normally!
The same as you'll tell the police. That you woke
up in the morning and I'd gone.
That you searched the dunes and then you saw
something floating in the sea.
You went to get me but by then it was too late
every time I'd saw your family I'd know
they could have had you for another day
To say goodbye properly
That's just it, there won't be a better goodbye
than the one we just had.
There will. It isn't time yet.
I have never been so alive. And now I want to
end it, to actually finish something!
I want to finally ... finish something.
Why don't you just go home and take an overdose
like normal people.
- Itd be painless. Youd just fall asleep.
- It would be giving in.
If I swim out and the sea takes me it's different
I would be making a choice
I want to be conscious until I'm gone, I want to
feel something even if its the pain
Of salt water in my lungs. I want to FEEL
To fight
Something ... huge
and ... terrifying
and brave
I promised your mum I'd bring you back.
Sorry James.
Okay, I'm sorry.
It's too much to ask
Davy ... Davy!
I can't find his meds bag
Must have slipped out
He doesn't have any morphine left
I'm not fucking deaf!
We'll find it. Miles!
Davy! Davy!
I can't breathe! I can't...
- Miles! Miles, I got it!
- Jesus!
Anybody there? James!
James,i've got it. James!
Sorry. Sorry
You've nearly outlived Davy
You've ruined this camping trip. Can we go
home now, please?
Ah, James. I'm scared
If you can't do this, tell me
I'll swim as far as I can
I'd rather not be alone, mate
Please ... Miles
Do this
So I raise a morphine toast to you all
And, if you should happen to remember, it's the
anniversary of my birth
Remember that you were loved by me
And that you made my life a happy one
And there's no tragedy in that