This Is Martin Bonner (2013)

[ Keys Clattering ]
[ Door Opens ]
[ Door Closes ]
[ Exhales ]
[ Australian Accent ]
This is our introductory pamphlet.
Do you mind if I ask how much more time you have?
Eighteen months and six days.
Basically the program works in three phases.
The first phase is to develop personal
thought processes and moral filters.
Um, the second phase, and this is important,
tests those moral filters
in real-life situations.
So you could find yourself,
you know, working off-site, uh,
in work programs,
and any money you make gets put into a bank account...
which is available to you when you're released.
- You mean I get to earn money outside?
- Yeah.
Well, that would depend on, um,
the type of work, I suppose.
You know, minimum wage.
How much is minimum wage?
Well, in Maryland
it's $7.15.
Could be a little less here.
That ain't bad.
Yeah, well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.
Um, the third phase is reentry into society,
where you work with your mentor to make
sure that you don't end up back here.
You ain't gotta worry about me ending up back in here.
- Well, I hope not.
- Yeah, I paid my dues and then some in this motherfucker.
Yeah, well, some people find the transition
a little more difficult than they expected.
What type of jobs they got for someone like me?
Truthfully, I don't know, you know.
Um, custodial, maintenance?
Crafts labor mostly.
Factory stuff.
You new at this job?
Yeah, I'm new at this job.
What kind of job you have before?
I worked for a church.
Like a preacher?
No, like a business manager.
[ Chuckles ]
A business manager.
I guess even church got to have business, huh?
Yeah, they do.
Why you don't have that job no more?
What, your church go out of business?
I have this job now.
Do you like this job?
I think I will, yeah.
You get to talk to people like me, offer your charity.
- Makes you feel good, huh?
- I'm not offering you charity.
You have to work really hard at this.
You can't watch TV, you can't smoke,
you've gotta fully dedicate yourself--
'Cause we got other things for you to be doing.
You're gonna be in class five days a week.
Oh, so then that translates into, like, an early release?
- What do you mean?
- What do I mean?
I mean, what's in it for me?
People come here all the time
talking about programs and shit.
I always wanna know what's in it for me.
I'm out the door in 18 months no matter what.
You know what I'm saying?
We can't speak for the parole board,
but if you're successfully participating in the program,
we're happy to send somebody into
the meeting to vouch for your work.
So you ain't got shit to bring to the table.
Can't watch TV, classes five days a week,
and then you send somebody to the parole
board to say I've been a good little boy?
That's a bunch of bullshit, man.
That's a waste of my time...
when I'm out the fucking door already.
We're interested in rebuilding
your commitment to community.
What the fuck you know about community, man?
Hey, look.
What you think this is in here, man?
I've been in the penitentiary system my whole life.
I already know a thing or two about community.
Tell me something I don't know.
What if you transferred those skills...
to outside the penitentiary?
[ Scoffs ]
You've got an opportunity here.
I don't believe in Jesus or none of that, man.
That's fine.
This is Jesus, ain't it?
That is Jesus.
You know, the program seeks to develop the whole person--
spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically.
But the spiritual aspects of the program
are based on the teachings of Jesus.
Like I said, man, I don't believe in none of that.
Well, like I said, you don't have to.
You ain't trying to sell me on Jesus Christ,
then why am I looking at this white-ass picture then, man?
Why don't you come to the table with some real-deal shit,
talk to me about how I can get the
fuck out of here in six months,
and then maybe we have a conversation
about your damn program.
You did a nice job.
Carried yourself real well.
Thank you.
Hey, listen.
It's not our job to sell them.
In fact, we try to make it sound unattractive...
so that way you really get the guys
that are willing to go for it.
[ Chuckles ]
- Well, look, thanks for letting me tag along.
- No problem.
See you back at the office.
See you, Bob.
Cheers, mate.
[ Woman ]
Are you having any problems with your vision?
[ Man ]
Um, no. Not really.
- Have you had any dryness in your eyes?
- No. No.
I'm just going to put this up against your face,
and now you tell me which lens
makes the letters more clear.
Number one?
Or two?
Three or four?
They both look the same.
Nine or ten?
There you go.
Thank you.
- Have you been to this office before?
- Uh, no.
Okay, can I get your full name and address, please?
Martin Bonner.
Two N's.
350 Capitol Hill Way.
Apartment 4.
Reno, Nevada.
[ Man ]
Okay. Great.
Thank you, Mr. Bonner.
We'll give you a call when they're ready.
Should be about a week or two.
[ Speakers: Orchestral ]
[ Continues ]
[ Food Sizzling ]
[ Continues ]
[ Ends ]
[ Woman ]
I was gonna call you right after I put the baby down,
but he's been acting up all night.
Put some whiskey on your thumb and let him suck it.
He'll be out like a light.
[ Chuckles ]
I will not.
And we don't have any whiskey in the house, thank you.
Shame on you, girl.
You know.
It worked for you when you were a baby.
[ Chuckles ]
Hey, how was your day?
What'd you do?
What did I do?
Um, I unpacked,
and I went and bought some household
stuff and made myself some dinner.
So you're keeping busy?
Oh, yeah.
Lots to do.
Lots to do.
What about work?
Work? Still in training,
and, um, yeah,
you know, you'd think I was joining the C.I.A.
for the wringer they put you through.
[ Chuckles ]
Well, we miss you back here.
Ryan and I didn't do Sunday brunch
this week for the first time.
I don't know. We just forgot.
You were the one who always reminded everyone.
Well, I'll see if I can get some vacation
time in a couple of months, all right?
And I'll come and visit.
Okay. Hey,
do you wanna say hi to Andy?
No, you two can put that holy terror to bed.
All right?
I'll call in a couple days.
[ Chuckles ]
I love you, Dad.
Love you too, pumpkin.
- Bye.
- Okay, bye.
[ Line Ringing ]
[ Man ]
Hey, this is Ryan. Leave a message.
[ Beeps ]
Hey, Ryan, it's your father.
I just talked to your sister,
and she said that you are as elusive
with her as you are with me.
All right, so why don't you take her
out for lunch or something, all right?
Or go and visit the baby, okay?
And if you're busy painting, paint me
something really big for my wall here.
I look like a darn college student.
All right.
Call me if you've got some free time, okay?
Otherwise I'll call you in a couple days.
All right?
Love you, Son.
[ Man ]
30. Now 35? 35.
Sold, $30, number 36.
is a German inkwell.
How about $25 to go on the inkwell?
$25 to go. 25 to start it off?
$25 to go. 25 to start it off.
How about $10 to go?
$10 to start it off.
[ Shouts ]
[ Man ] 10. Now 15?
10 bidding.
15 on the inkwell?
[ Shouts ]
15. Now 20?
20. Now 25?
20 bidding. 25?
20 bid. 25?
20 is the bid.
25 where?
[ Shouts ]
25. Now 30.
25 bidding. 30.
25, 30. 25, 30.
25 is the bid.
30 where? 25, 30?
$25, number 298.
We've got the four etched Fostoria stems.
On the four etched Fostoria stems, how about $25 to go?
25 to start it off for Fostoria.
$25 to go, 25 to start it off.
$25 to go.
How about $10 to go?
$10 to start.
Now 15.
[ Man #2 Shouts ]
10 is the bid. 15 where?
10 bidding. 15.
10 is the bid. 15 where?
10 bidding. 15?
Sold. $10. Number?
- [ Man #2 ] 319.
- All right. On the lamp, 10 is the bid. 15 where?
10 bidding 15.
10 is the bid. 15 where?
10 bidding 15?
10 is the bid.
15. Now 20.
15 bid. 20 where?
15, 20. 15, 20.
15 is the bid. 20 where?
15 bidding. 20?
15 bid. 20 where?
[ Woman ]
Now 25.
25. 20 bidding. 25.
Now 30.
25 bidding. 30?
Now 35. 35.
30 bidding. 35.
35. Now 40.
35 bid. 40 where?
35, 40? 35, 40?
$35, number 300.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Carrie Dozier.
Born 1890.
Died 1970.
Age of 80.
[ Voice Fading ]
[ Shutter Clicks ]
[ Typing ]
[ Shivers ]
[ Horn Honks ]
[ Man On P.A. Speaking, Indistinct ]
- I'm Martin Bonner.
- Travis Holloway.
Good to meet you, Travis.
Thanks for picking me up.
Oh, absolutely no problem.
Sorry about the cold.
Yeah, it's a real bummer.
I've got an extra jacket in the back if you want it.
I'm fine, thanks.
Okay. So where to?
I'd like to go to my bank.
Okay. What's your bank?
Bank of America.
Yeah, well, that's easy.
Okay. Put your seat belt on.
[ Engine Starts ]
I'm actually not your mentor.
Um, I work for SBL. I'm the volunteer coordinator.
You short on volunteers?
Oh, no.
No, you've got a mentor.
His name's Steve Helms.
No, I know.
He came to visit.
Oh, yeah. Of course.
Anyway, he couldn't be here today.
Where is he?
I don't know.
But he thought you were getting out tomorrow.
So did I.
Where are you from?
[ Car Speakers: Man Singing Aria ]
[ Continues ]
Order what you want.
It's on me.
I ate.
They gave me breakfast.
[ Woman ] What can I get for you?
I'll just have a coffee.
Breakfast bagel.
Coffee, cream and sugar.
- You got it.
- Thank you.
You married?
No. Divorced.
Yeah. Two.
Boy and girl, both grown up.
They live here?
No, they live in Maryland.
What part of Maryland?
You got family in Maryland?
No, I have a buddy who lived in Baltimore.
You have family in Reno.
Family anywhere?
I have a daughter in Arizona.
That's not too far.
How old is she?
[ Plates Clatter ]
That's good coffee.
This is a cool little place.
Yeah. Yeah.
This is my breakfast place.
You know, it's funny.
I've never been to Reno,
but technically I've lived here for 12 years.
I've never seen any of it.
So you didn't live in Reno?
No, I lived in Sacramento.
Well, I've only been here about a month myself,
and I will say it's a place not without charm,
but I didn't think it could get this cold on the desert.
- You just moved here?
- Yeah.
From where?
Welcome to the neighborhood.
[ Chuckles ]
Does this look okay?
Looks fine.
Here's my card.
Um, call me if you have any problems with Mr. Helms...
or if you need to know anything else.
Do you want me to hang around until you get checked in?
I'll be fine.
Good to meet you, Travis.
You too.
All right.
You take care.
Yeah. Thanks.
[ Keys Clink ]
[ TV: Instrumental Soundtrack ]
[ Man Speaking, Indistinct ]
[ TV: Channels Changing ]
[ TV Clicks Off ]
[ Bubbling ]
[ Horn Honks ]
[ Truck Horn Honks ]
[ Horn Honks ]
[ Siren Wailing ]
[ Travis ]
This is it.
Nice room.
Very clean.
You can put that anywhere.
Oh. Yeah.
I have another full box for you.
Oh, thank you.
It's really nice. Thanks.
Oh, you're welcome.
You're welcome.
They-- These are clean,
they're not ripped, but they-- they
might be a little out of style.
What, are there bell-bottoms in here?
[ Laughs ]
No, those I kept for me.
Are you making coffee?
- Yeah, you want a cup?
- You know what? We don't have time.
We're gonna be late.
You oughta shut that off, grab a sweater, and we gotta go.
Now they're trying to figure out
what to do with these trees--
whether to leave them there and tunnel through them...
or to rearrange the trail.
Although we are not trees,
in our Gospel lesson we find the story of a man...
who couldn't tell the difference between the two--
between people and trees.
To heal this man, Jesus spit on the man's eyes...
and laid his hands on him.
But the man opened his eyes and could see men,
but they were blurry and looked like trees walking around.
And then Jesus repeated the
process, and the man could see.
The striking detail in the story is that the
blind man's vision was only partially restored.
How many people among us still see persons as things?
We do not see them as children of God.
We do not consider them as persons of infinite worth.
[ Congregation ]
So that we may love you with our whole being...
and love our neighbors as ourselves...
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.
[ Cell Phone: Ringtone Chiming ]
- Hello?
- [ Woman ] Hi, Dad.
Hey, pumpkin.
How you doing?
Not much. Watching TV.
What are you doing?
I'm at the art gallery.
You are? That's nice.
Who are you with?
You went to the museum by yourself?
- Yeah.
- Hey, you're not talking in the gallery, are you?
Uh, no. I am outside.
Okay. Well,
I don't want to keep you.
Well, no, no, no, no.
No, talk to me.
What's-- Is everything okay?
Yeah. I'm just checking in.
I am still alive.
Okay, good.
Have you met any nice women up there?
What do you mean? What do you mean what do I mean?
Women. To date.
To take to the museum.
[ Chuckles ]
I'm too old to date,
No, you're not.
Hey, you should try signing up for an online service.
Yeah, no, I'm too busy for that.
Okay, well, what if I signed you up?
Would you do it then?
Probably not.
That's not a "definitely not."
Well, it's a most likely definitely not.
Okay, what about I do it, and then we'll see?
Okay, you can do it, but...
I will still probably most likely definitely not do it.
Okay, I already did it.
So I'm just looking for belated permission.
That's my girl.
[ Chuckles ]
All right. So do I have
any hot dates yet?
Not yet, but I will let you know.
All right. Well, weed out everybody
except the 28-year-old supermodels, okay?
Gross, Dad.
[ Chuckles ]
Hey, I'm gonna
head back inside. Um--
I'll call you in a couple days, all right?
Okay. I'm gonna
e-mail you about this.
This is happening.
Okay, that's fine.
How's that brother of yours?
He's good.
He's good.
All right.
Love you, pumpkin.
Okay, I love you too.
Bye, Dad.
Bye, sweetheart.
So, how have you been making out on the
bus, getting around town? Is that okay?
Yeah, it's been no problem.
Well, I can drive you anywhere
that you ever want to go, okay?
Like, especially--
- ...salad.
- That job interview tomorrow.
All right? I'd be happy
to take you there.
You know, I worked it out on the
bus, and I think it's gonna be fine.
Well, you've got my number--
Angela and I.
Either of us would be happy to take you anywhere.
Did you decorate this place yourself, Mrs. Helms?
Yes. Oh, please,
call me Angela.
You did a great job.
It's a good look for the room.
Oh, thank you. It's, um,
thrift shop, antiques.
I'm a bit of a bargain hunter.
And lots of great stuff comes through here.
- Are you from here?
- No. Actually, St. Louis.
Oh, I love St. Louis.
Mmm, I love St. Louis too.
[ Chuckles ]
Yeah, I got stuck there once for two weeks.
Oh, yeah?
I was driving cross-country
with my girlfriend,
and we broke up in St. Louis,
and she left me there.
Yeah. I was stuck there
for two weeks,
but then I got a ride back to New York.
- But that must have been terrible.
- [ Steve ] Mm-hmm.
Well, I don't know.
I had a blast there.
And she broke down
in Utah, so--
[ Both Laughing ]
Well, actually, I was pretty young when I left St. Louis,
so I don't really know too much about the nightlife.
It's pretty serious.
It was back then.
Are you from Nevada?
No, I'm from North Carolina.
- I thought there was a little Southern in you.
- Mm-hmm.
There's a lot of Southern in here.
[ Both Chuckle ]
So why did you come here?
I don't think we planned on coming here.
I think it was a surprise, but,
you know, we prayed on it and, uh,
asked the Lord where we were needed, and here we are.
But I was hoping he'd pray for a second choice.
[ Steve Chuckles ]
And you did. You did.
Yes, you did.
[ Angela Chuckles ]
So you were already together when you came here?
- Mm-hmm. We met on a mission trip in England.
- Oh, cool.
Yeah, actually, Steve's fiance was my bunkmate.
- Really?
- [ Chuckling ] Yeah.
She complained about him every night,
and I eventually talked her into breaking up with him,
which now sounds
a little self-serving,
but I actually thought he was kind of a jerk.
Yeah, I was a jerk.
[ Chuckles ]
But it's a great story.
And, actually, he was the one that got
me really serious about the mission.
Were you always serious?
About Christianity?
No. I was a punk kid,
and I think my-- my parents were the
only two atheists in Asheville.
I didn't get serious until I was 16.
Sixteen's pretty young.
I had a pretty significant dream.
What happened in the dream?
No, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
He's embarrassed to say.
Well, no, no, no.
I just-- I don't want him to think I'm crazy.
Oh, I think he's seen crazier than you.
[ Steve ]
I don't know.
Must have been some dream.
It was.
[ Angela ]
Did you have enough salad there, Travis?
Have some rolls. Extra rolls.
Yeah. Maybe.
Thank you.
We've got a good dessert coming up too.
[ Radio: Country ]
[ Man Singing, Indistinct ]
[ Bell Dings ]
So what brought you here?
Um, would you believe my daughter signed me up?
[ Gasps ]
Mine too!
Oh, really?
[ Chuckles ]
How old is yours?
Oh. Mine's 17, so only one more year before I'm free.
You know, enjoy them as long as you
can, 'cause you're gonna miss them.
Yeah, she signed me up about three weeks ago,
and she only told me this week.
[ Gasps ]
Oh, my God.
[ Chuckles ]
- That's funny.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Well-- Well, good for you
for coming out.
Oh, dear.
- Have you done this before?
- No.
Well, dating, yes, but this--
this speed thing, no.
You seem like a pro.
Thank you.
I guess.
I mean, that is a compliment, right?
Oh, yeah.
Oh-- Yeah.
So, um,
tell me something unique about you, Martin.
I don't--
Come on.
I sang in a rock band in the '60s.
Get out!
What were you called?
With a "K."
- Oh, that is really unique.
- Yeah?
What about you?
I was gonna say I can juggle.
Oh, really?
No, uh, the balls.
- [ Clears Throat ]
- [ Chuckles ]
Excuse me. I--
[ Clears Throat ]
- I'm a little nervous.
- Oh, that's all right.
I was pretty apprehensive about this too.
You know, just this meeting new people-- it's tough.
I feel a little...
socially dysfunctional,
but I guess maybe we all are a little bit to be here.
Maybe we're just unlucky.
[ Bell Dings ]
It's good to meet you, Cheryl.
- Wait. It was nice to meet you.
- Hey, thank you.
It's a pleasure. Bye.
Hi, Sandra.
Are you having fun yet?
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
Hey, handsome.
You looking to keep warm tonight?
[ Chuckles ]
I could use someone to keep me warm.
You might try a couple more layers.
That could do the trick.
Come on. You're not gonna leave
me standing around here, are you?
I don't know if it's a good idea.
Why wouldn't it be a good idea?
I don't know. Uh--
All right. Let's get
out of the cold.
I don't have much cash on me.
Fifty dollars, plus the room for anything you want.
I'm staying in a motel.
[ Siren Wailing In Distance ]
So you're looking at a bargain.
What's your name?
- All right, Lacy.
- Where's your car?
[ Chattering ]
[ Travis Grunting ]
[ Door Closes ]
- Thanks for meeting me.
- Not a problem.
I'm interested in hearing how
things are going with the program.
And with you, in general.
I got a job.
What is it?
Parking lot attendant.
[ Chuckles ]
That's great.
Yeah, a lot of people have trouble with that first hurdle.
Things are tough, especially now.
No, that is really good that you got that.
Yeah. I mean,
it's something to do. Um--
It's somewhere to be is more like it.
How are things going with Steve Helms?
I don't want to be rude, but is there a reason
that you wanted to meet me and not him?
Well, I did call him.
We talked for a little bit.
He's a really nice guy.
He's just, uh,
very Christian.
I mean, I believe in God.
I just feel like I'm a fraud around him.
No. Steve.
Oh, I see.
I don't mean that you're not very Christian.
I don't know much about you at all.
I just felt that it would be nice...
to talk to someone different once in a while, you know.
Yeah, well, that's understandable.
Are you?
Very Christian?
I've got a degree in theology,
and I worked for the church for many, many years.
Yeah, I should have known.
Yeah, you shouldn't be intimidated by that.
Doesn't mean anything.
Well, I feel like it should mean nothing or everything,
and I can't get to either place, you know.
I know that sounds very vague.
I just--
I'm trying to restart my life,
and I feel like if I don't
get on the train at the get-go,
then I'm gonna miss it, and I'm gonna fuck everything up.
Sorry about my language.
I wouldn't worry about it.
I mean, I--
You know, I know where you're coming from.
I'm in a similar place myself.
Are you?
Yeah. I had
what you call a--
a crisis of faith...
a few years ago.
What happened?
I mean, you don't have to answer
that if you don't want to.
[ Woman ]
More coffee?
- Uh, I'm fine, thanks.
- I'll have a little. Thank you.
I'll tell you if you tell me why you were in prison.
Can't you just look that up?
Yeah, I can look it up.
I was in prison for manslaughter.
I killed a man drunk driving.
He was 26.
He had a wife, no kids.
He drove a Mazda 626.
[ Sighs ]
[ Clears Throat ]
I wish I could say there was something to start it,
but-- you know, like if my son had been in that car.
But I, um--
I woke up one Sunday morning, and...
I didn't wanna go to church anymore.
I felt I'd sacrificed enough of my life to God,
and I didn't wanna do it anymore.
So I woke up selfish, and it hasn't gone away.
So you quit the church?
No, I was fired when I got divorced.
- They fired you for getting divorced?
- [ Chuckles ] Yeah.
It wasn't funny then, but it is now.
But you still wanted to work
for a Christian organization?
Frankly, Travis, these are the
only people who would hire me.
Well, you could always be a parking lot attendant.
[ Chuckles ]
That's not so funny, you know.
I applied for a manager's position at Starbucks,
and I couldn't even get
an interview, so--
No, this is pretty much all I'm qualified to do.
- [ Martin ] Where are you off to?
- [ Travis ] Back to the bus, to the motel.
[ Martin ]
I'd give you a lift, except I have to be somewhere.
No problem.
The bus is fine.
Well, do you like soccer?
No. Why?
[ Whistle Blows ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Girl ]
No! No! The ball!
[ Girls Shouting ]
[ Whistle Blows ]
[ Cheering ]
[ Whistle Blows ]
[ Girl ]
Hey, Ref.
Do that again.
- You want me to take a shot?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna kick it to your right.
Not bad.
You wanna take a shot?
Yeah, I don't think I've ever kicked a soccer ball.
Come on. Just pick your mark
and kick it.
[ Laughing ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Girl ]
That guy has no aim.
That was a horrible shot.
Thank you.
[ Chuckles ]
Is it tough being away from your kids?
Yeah. Yeah, it is.
You talk to 'em much?
Well, I don't get to talk to my son very often,
but I talk to my daughter as much as I can.
She's got a baby around, so she's busy.
So you're a grandpa.
And I don't look a day over 40, right?
Why don't you get to talk to your son much?
He's an artist, and he runs a gallery,
and he's very busy.
And... I get the feeling he just doesn't
wanna talk to me at the moment.
That must be tough.
- [ Travis ] Thanks for the ride.
- [ Martin ] Not a problem.
And thanks for showing me around a bit.
Hey, anytime.
I'm, uh, thinking of inviting my daughter up.
Oh, yeah?
That'll be nice.
Yeah. I think she might like
to see how I'm settling in.
Did she visit you much
when you were in the--
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
She did.
She, uh, you know--
She came by as much as she could.
What's her name?
That's a pretty name.
All right.
All right.
You take care, Travis.
I'll see you around.
[ Rock ]
[ Martin ]
Oh, Genevieve
[ Singing Along ]
Sweet Genevieve
Oh, Genevieve
My Genevieve
Don't you leave me
Oh, don't leave me
In misery
[ Chuckles ]
My Genevieve
Baby, don't you leave me
Oh, don't you leave me
In misery
Well, you've gone
And left me in misery
You've treated me so horribly
You've treated me so bad
You've treated me so carelessly
You're the one and only girl I've ever had
Hey, punky, it's your father.
It's about 10:30 your time,
so you might already be in bed.
Um, I thought I'd ring and let you
know that I went on those dates,
and they were terribly awkward.
You know, it's hard enough to impress
one woman a night, let alone 10.
I didn't get any matches.
But, you know, I only put one name down,
and I wasn't sure
who was who at the end, so, um--
Give me a call tomorrow, okay?
And I love you.
And you owe me big-time, all right?
[ Line Ringing ]
Hey, this is Ryan. Leave a message.
[ Answering Machine Beeps ]
Hey, Ryan, it's your father.
Um, I just read about your latest show online,
and it sounds to me like it was a huge success.
"Toast of the art world," I think someone said.
Um, really proud of you,
and you better send me some of your new work...
before it's too expensive for me to afford, all right?
Give me a call when you can.
Just put this in your window.
And pay when you come out.
[ Computer Voice ]
Now serving H750...
at counter number 22.
[ Man ]
Okay, let's see here.
[ Paper Rustling ]
Mm-hmm. Well, you know, I can
tell you right off the bat...
that you're gonna have to retake the
written and the behind-the-wheel test...
before we can issue you a driver's license.
Um, what I need to tell you is that
Nevada is an illegal "per se" state.
And what that means is that when you
blew hot at the scene of the accident,
the D.M.V. took immediate
administrative action,
completely separate from any criminal penalties.
It's an automatic
three-year suspension,
and the clock doesn't run while you're behind bars.
Okay, well, I'm really just trying to figure out...
what I'm gonna need for this to happen.
Not necessarily today, but when the time comes.
I perfectly understand.
What you do is fill out this form...
and provide residency and proof of identity.
Then we can issue you
an I.D. card...
that should be helpful in the interim.
But, uh, what you're gonna have to do...
is complete a Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program.
It's fairly simple.
It's a computer-scored
that assesses your lifestyle and your drinking patterns.
Then you'll meet with a counselor,
and they'll go over your drive record here with you...
and make a recommendation of
either a basic 10-hour program...
or a weekend
48-hour program...
or a 50-hour
clinical program.
Uh, and they'll cost you about $190.
Now, you have a right to a second
opinion from a different counselor,
um, but that normally goes about 120 bucks.
If you're recommended
for the basic 10-hour program,
uh, that's included in that $190 assessment fee.
But if you are recommended for
the weekend 48-hour program...
or the 50-hour
clinical program,
that can cost you anywhere from $350 to $750.
[ Bell Clanging ]
Now, as soon as you've completed that program,
and we have confirmation that you've been successful...
and you can show proof of liability insurance,
then we can get you behind the wheel and get you tested.
So don't worry.
It's just like riding a bike.
And once you're successful at the drive test,
all you have to do is pay the $45 reinstatement fee...
and remember to just smile pretty for your photograph.
[ Man ]
When I really wanna worship, I love to be in there.
Because these people really get it.
And the beauty of this is not just the men
and women who are being ministered to,
whose lives have been changed, who are
gonna get out of prisn and get a mentor--
And the studies have shown THT we have reduced
the recidivism rate to 8% when we do this.
Not only is that a wonderful thing,
but the world sees something.
And what they see
is what John Calvin said--
that the church is making the invisible kingdom visible.
And when they see these people
coming out of these communities,
getting transformed and living for Christ,
that's when they see the invisible kingdom become visible.
Thank you for being a part of it.
And those who are not, I urge you to do so.
I think you'll find great blessings
in it, as I have these past 30 years.
God bless you.
I wanna thank y'all for giving me this opportunity...
and for letting me know that even
though I've made mistakes in my life,
there was somebody out there that cared.
You know, I also found that my
father Jesus Christ also cares.
And he's really blessed me.
And I woke up this morning, and I thanked him.
Because I got
an 11-year-old son,
and I made him some breakfast.
And that's something I've been asking
for since the day he was born,
and I just thank him for that.
[ Woman ]
We've seen the wonderful benefits of this program...
to our community time and time again.
We will have an offering for SBL if
you'd like to contribute financially,
and the volunteer coordinator,
Mr. Martin Bonner, is here today.
If he'd stand up.
Martin will be over in the fellowship hour...
if you'd like to sign up to be one of the mentors.
Thanks, Martin.
And now if you'd all stand...
and please join in singing
"For All the Saints."
Hymn number 711.
[ Auctioneer ]
60, 65.
60 bid. 65 where?
[ Ringing ]
This is Martin Bonner.
Martin, it's Travis.
Hello, Travis.
Sorry to bother you at work.
No trouble.
So I just talked to my daughter on the phone.
Really? How'd it go?
Good. Really good.
I mean, she cried, but I think
it was a good cry, you know?
So anyway she's gonna come out and see me.
She's gonna grab a bus tomorrow and come out for the day.
I-- I talked about you
and what a help you've been,
and-and she really wants
to meet you.
She was hoping that you would have lunch with us.
Well, don't you wanna spend time with her alone?
Yeah, we will. It's just, uh--
She said she really wanted to meet you,
and I thought that lunch would be the only opportunity.
All right.
She gets in at noon.
And the station is right next to a Carrows.
I was thinking that maybe I could
take a bus over to your office,
and if you didn't mind too much,
you could drive me over there.
That'll be fine.
I really appreciate it.
Uh, anyway, I'm at work, and I'm
not supposed to be making calls,
so I'll see you tomorrow
at 11:30?
Okay, Travis.
It'll be my treat, all right?
No worries.
[ Customers Chattering ]
- [ Woman ] Hello. How many?
- [ Woman #2 ] Two.
[ Woman #1 ]
Right this way, please.
- Who's this?
- This is my friend Martin.
He works for the program I'm in.
Diana, yes?
Travis has told me a lot about you.
Um, are we all eating together?
Okay. We're gonna need
a bigger table then.
When did you start wearing glasses?
Uh, 12th grade.
They look good.
Excuse me a second. I need to make a quick phone call.
I'm sorry.
Give me a second.
I'll be right back.
Wait a minute, man.
Where are you going?
What's going on here?
- You didn't tell her about me.
- I'm sorry, okay?
I didn't know that it was gonna go down like this.
I don't-- I'm--
Just don't go, please.
No, I've got no business being here at all.
Look, I haven't seen the kid for 12 years.
I didn't know if I could handle it alone.
It was a shitty thing to do.
I get it. I'm sorry.
You cannot go.
You have got to stay.
What is that?
I said it would be my shout, so, you know, take it.
I have to get back to the office.
[ Door Opens, Closes ]
[ Engine Starts ]
Did your party come or leave?
Um, I'm not sure.
Well, would you like to order?
Could you give me
a few minutes and--
Sorry about that.
It's fine.
I'm sorry if you had to wait.
I'm sorry to be late.
It's fine.
Can we start again?
Can we hug?
Are you crying?
No. Why?
You looked like you were crying.
Well, I'm not.
I haven't eaten at a place like this in ages.
Me either.
Oh. Right.
How was the bus?
It was fine.
I took the Greyhound.
It was fun.
It felt like that Simon & Garfunkel song.
- Which one?
- Are we ready over here?
Oh, I haven't even looked.
I can be ready.
You go first.
Um, is it possible to get a half
portion of the turkey melt...
and then a cup of the vegetable soup?
Um, I'm sure they can do that.
Are you sure?
What kind of bread?
And for you?
Oh, and no mayo if it comes with mayo.
I'll have the Superbird.
Also with no mayo.
Uh, french fries or onion rings?
And can I have a glass of water also?
Sure. Can I take these?
Thank you.
[ Chuckles ]
One time when you and Astin were having a sleepover,
you asked me if you could have
French toast for breakfast,
and I said, "Yeah," but I didn't know how to make it.
So I went to Denny's, and I--
I got some when you went to bed,
and I came back and heated it up the next morning.
You said the food was bad and that I was a bad cook,
but really it was just a day old.
That's gross.
Are you and Astin still best friends?
Oh, God. I mean, she was my best friend in middle school.
I--I have no idea
what she's doing now.
I don't even talk to her on Facebook.
- On Facebook? On the Internet?
- Mm-hmm.
What about Mark?
Do you still talk to him?
Mark who?
Uh, I don't know.
You had a boyfriend named Mark.
Oh, Mark.
I don't even remember his last
name, and he wasn't my boyfriend.
He's-- I thought
he was a good kid.
Well, how are you?
I'm good.
Are you--
Are you working?
Yeah. I work at Best Buy.
But I'm going to school for my
master's of library science.
So you're a librarian.
Well, studying to be a librarian.
I didn't know you needed a master's for that.
[ Chuckles ]
I mean, you always were good at reading, I guess.
You read a lot
of Baby-sitter's Clu books.
Well, my-- my taste is
a little different now.
I remember you won a lot of personal pan
pizzas for reading stuff at school.
I don't even like pizza.
Can I have a sip of your water?
You sure?
Go ahead.
[ Exhales ]
Are you married?
That's why I'm getting
into the library business--
for the men.
[ Chuckles ]
You're funny.
This is...
very hard, you know.
[ Sighs ]
Yeah, I know.
I mean, I'm--
I'm trying to be positive.
I'm glad that you're out,
and, uh, I'm glad I came, but--
There's a reason I didn't come visit you.
I know.
I don't--
I ju-- I think this
might be a mistake.
No. Wait. A mistake? Why?
You asked me about Astin and some random boy...
before you even asked how I was doing.
Well, wait a minute.
I'm trying here.
I think that I should go.
- No, no, no, no, Diana.
- Sorry about that.
Phone call took a little longer than I expected.
Where are the menus?
We ordered.
Oh, never mind.
I'll have a coffee.
What did you guys get?
Uh, turkey melt and a soup.
Ah, that's a good one.
What's that, a giant chicken?
It's a, uh, turkey sandwich.
Ah, all right.
Well, um, this is kind of funny.
Um, I mean, it seems so silly now that I see you,
but, um, I brought a picture of you
with me in case I didn't recognize you.
But you look exactly the same.
I don't really know what I thought
was gonna happen in 12 years,
but I guess you don't really change
that much when you're older.
[ Chuckles ]
I wish.
[ Chuckles ]
Which picture?
Yeah, I don't remember where this was taken.
Your mother took it though.
Yeah, I know.
The glory days.
Well, you could have chose a worse picture.
You mean like...
this one?
- Let me look at it.
- [ Travis ] No, no.
No, come on.
Come on. Come on.
[ Chuckles ]
Very sharp.
Burn this one.
I don't have many pictures of when I was a teenager.
How come?
I don't know.
We didn't own a camera.
Um, but there-- Someone must have brought
it around because there were a few.
Did you grow up in Australia?
Yeah, yeah. In Perth.
Oh, really?
- I've always wanted to go to Australia.
- Me too.
Well, you should go.
Did you need a menu, hon?
Uh, no, thank you.
Um, just a coffee.
- [ Woman ] Milk and sugar?
- Yep.
- [ Woman ] Um, your food will be out in just a second.
- Thanks.
So this Kiwi walks into a bar with a pig under his arm,
and the barman looks at him and
he says, "Where'd you get it?"
And the pig says,
"I won him in a raffle."
Good one.
It's a bit lame though.
You can use it if you want to.
[ Woman ]
Whenever you guys are ready.
Can I take these?
Thank you.
- [ Travis ] No, no, no, no, don't do that.
- Oh, it's fine.
Yeah, please let me get it.
- Let me give you some money for my coffee.
- No, no, no.
I've got it.
Okay. It's my treat
next time.
I mean, the day after Christmas I always work, you know,
because it's the big sales and stuff.
If you need, like, a DVD player, let me know.
Well, Diana,
it has been a pleasure to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
All right, have a nice afternoon.
Have a good trip back.
Yeah, and I hope to see you again soon.
- Okay.
- All right. Travis.
Could you come by the office this
afternoon when Diana is on the road?
I need you to do me a favor.
Okay. Duty calls.
He's nice.
[ Engine Starts ]
It's cool what those people are doing for you.
Yeah, it's cool.
I have to look at an apartment later.
Do you wanna come, or should I do it tomorrow?
Actually, I-- I think
I'm gonna head back to the bus.
I got my return ticket for the 3:00.
I thought you were
gonna take the 6:00.
I thought I might, but I didn't.
I just-- I--
I didn't know what to expect.
Can you change it?
I don't know.
Look, this was nice,
but let's just take it slow, okay?
I mean, I know you probably wanna
make up for lost time or whatever,
but I can't just do it like that.
This is how I need to do it.
Can I give you money for the bus?
No, no, no, you keep it.
I'm-- I'm all right.
Okay, well, let me know when you get home safe, okay?
Okay. I will.
So there's a closet over here.
Yeah. Over here
is a bathroom.
Listen, I prob--
Forget it.
Well, thanks for coming back.
Hello, Jeff.
Hey, Mr. Bonner.
Jeff, this is Travis Holloway.
- This is Jeff.
He's our video guy.
- Hi.
So, are you guys all set?
Yep. Just give him a quick rundown on
what you're gonna ask, that's all.
Well, you'll sit here,
and I'll just ask you about how things
have been going in the program.
It's for prospective volunteers and donors,
so hopefully you can keep it positive but truthful.
And, um, just answer with experiences you've had...
now that you've been released.
And you're gonna be filming this?
Oh, yeah.
I'm not very comfortable on camera.
[ Jeff ]
Oh, that's fine. That's fine.
You don't have to be Cary Grant.
Just answer however you feel.
All right, so--
If you can look at me when you're speaking,
and, uh, whenever you're ready,
if you could just say your name and spell it for me.
Okay. Look at you?
Travis Holloway.
So how has-- Or how do you think has the
program made you a better person...
since you've been released?
Well, I think it's made me
a better person because--
because it's shown me what a better
person looks like, you know?
Giving me all these positive role models...
and positive influences in my life...
shows you that you can be
just like that if you choose to.
How has the program made you a
better husband... or father?
Well, it's definitely made me want
to learn how to become a father,
and I think that will help me be
a better father in the long run.
[ Jeff ]
And cut.
That's a wrap.
Very good.
Thanks, Jeff.
No problem.
I'll cut these together with the
ones from High Desert State...
and get you something next week?
Sounds good.
Take care, Travis.
Now we're even.
That wasn't so bad.
Thanks also for the whole paying thing.
Oh, yeah. That's fine.
I feel like all I wanna give her
is advice or money to help her,
but I don't have any of either.
She seems like she's doing all right though, huh?
Yeah. Yeah, I think she is.
I was unemployed for three years...
between my last job and this one.
During my daughter's wedding,
I was filing for bankruptcy, and I
couldn't afford to pay for any of it.
[ Elevator Bell Dings ]
Hey, this is Ryan. Leave a message.
[ Answering Machine Beeps ]
Hey, Ryan.
It's your father.
I'm looking at this wonderful painting you sent me,
um, hanging right in the middle of my apartment.
You know, it means a lot that you sent it to me,
um, and it's wonderful to hear
from you, even though indirectly.
I wanna tell you that I love you, Son,
and... that I'm
really proud of you.
Give me a call when you can, all right?
And-- Otherwise, I'll give you a call in a couple days.
[ Sighs ]
[ Stereo: Pop ]
Here. Why don't you try those on and see how they fit.
[ Ball Bouncing ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Chattering ]
[ Rock ]
[ Martin ]
Oh, Genevieve
Sweet Genevieve
Oh, Genevieve
My Genevieve
Don't you leave me
Oh, don't leave me
In misery
My Genevieve
Baby, don't you leave me
Oh, don't you leave me
In misery
Well, you've gone
And left me in misery
You've treated me so horribly
You've treated me so bad
You've treated me so carelessly
You're the one and only girl I've ever had
[ Instrumental Solo ]
You treated me so horribly
You left me alone
You left me, darling
In your brew of misery
My Genevieve
Baby, don't leave me
Baby, don't leave me in misery
Oh, you've gone and left me in misery
[ Instrumental Solo ]
[ Ends ]