This Is the End (2013)

Hey, Seth Rogen. What up, man?
Oh, hey, John!
Over here!
Welcome to Los Angeles
International Airport.
Attention, all passengers.
Do not leave your
baggage unattended.
All unattended baggage
is subject to search...
We're so happy!
Look at this!
What's happening, man?
Good to see you, buddy.
How you doing?
I'm good, man.
Yes, you are.
How long
has it been, man?
Sometime in the last...
Inside of a year or something.
I have the best weekend
ever planned, man.
Lay it on me. Ooh!
I don't want to ruin it.
Seth Rogen!
Shit, here we go. Hey.
How's it going, man?
Yeah, good.
So, you, like, always play, like,
the same guy in every movie.
When are you gonna do some,
like, real acting, man?
Okay, thank you.
Give me something.
Give me, like, the laugh, man.
Give me
the Seth Rogen laugh.
Seth Rogen, everybody.
All right, I've landed. I'm here.
We've said our hellos.
Can we please go to
fucking Carl's Jr.?
I would... I would love to.
I'm on a...
I can't really eat
that stuff right now.
I'm on a, uh...
I'm on this cleanse.
You're on a what?
I'm on a cleanse.
It's good for you.
I didn't know... You're supposed
to take six shits a day.
That's not true.
It is true!
You're supposed to shit
twice a day. No.
That's not true.
That's what they used to think.
Now they know you're supposed
to shit six times a day.
So you're not drinking.
You're not smoking weed. You're not...
No, no, I'm drinking
and smoking weed. But...
I'm on a cleanse.
I'm not psychotic.
Look, man, if you stopped
eating gluten,
you'd feel way fucking
better all day.
Whenever you feel shitty,
that's 'cause of gluten.
That's not true.
It is.
Who the fuck told you not
to eat gluten? It's just true.
You don't even know
what gluten is.
I know what fucking gluten is.
No, you have no idea
what gluten is.
I do know what gluten is.
Gluten's a vague term.
It's something that's used to categorize
things that are bad, you know?
Calories, that's a gluten.
Fat, that's a gluten.
Somebody just told you you
probably shouldn't eat gluten,
you're like, "Oh, I guess
I shouldn't eat gluten. "
Gluten means bad shit, man,
and I'm not eating it.
Each bite is better
than the previous bite.
It is.
Hey, this
looks beautiful.
Yeah. Do you like it?
I totally redid it.
It's fucking awesome.
It's all new.
Those are new.
God damn, son!
It's pretty nice, huh?
So this is how
the other half lives.
Come on.
Air hockey tables.
Jesus Murphy!
Right? Okay,
get ready, Jay.
I have a little
surprise for you.
Here's the best weekend
you ever had in your life. Oh!
Look at it, man.
Oh, my...
Are you serious?
It's all of your
favorite things.
Starburst and Airheads on a...
And it says "Jay. "
In joints.
In joints.
It says "Jay" in jays.
Seth Rogen, you are just
the best people.
Come on, I know you don't love it in LA,
so I figure I'll make it...
You know, I'll lube up
your entry a little bit.
It eases the transition.
Yeah, right?
This is the much-needed foreplay.
You know what else I got?
Yo, this...
A 3-D television.
No, you didn't...
I got a 3-D TV.
Are you serious?
Oh, my God.
I did it, man.
Let's get into it.
Oh, my God, bud.
It's Gandalf the Grey's pipe.
Damn, no shit.
Hello, little hobbit.
Spark my ganja.
I'm a well-known
homosexual advocate.
# Backstreet's back,
all right
# Hey, hey, yeah, well
# Everybody
Rock your body
# Everybody
# Everybody
# Rock your body right
# Rock your body
# Everybody!
# Backstreet's back... #
Oh, my eyes feel like
they're melting.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I need a break.
Oh. You know what, actually?
We should go to
Franco's house soon.
He's having a housewarming party.
He just finished building his house.
I haven't even seen it yet,
but it's supposed
to be bonkers.
I haven't been
in LA in, like, a year,
and I came here
to chill with you.
We can chill together, and we'll chill
with those other guys.
We'll all chill
as one big unit.
Will I even know
anybody there?
You know James Franco.
James Franco doesn't even
know my name.
Jonah Hill will be there.
Can't stand him.
He can't stand me.
He's, like, the nicest guy in the world!
He likes you so much.
He specifically talks
about how he likes you.
Out of nowhere,
he just said, "You know what?
"Jay's an inspiration. "
There's no way he said that.
Also, just can't stand him.
Okay, fine.
Craig Robinson.
Never met him.
He's hilarious.
Sweats a lot,
but he's a great guy.
So it's gonna
be fun, man.
For you, I will go.
I promise, I'll stay
with you all night, okay?
I won't ditch you. No, 'cause I
want to be with you all night.
And you know why else?
'Cause nobody puts
Jay in the corner.
Thank you. Thank you.
There you go. Cool.
Thanks a lot, eh?
Thanks a lot.
Okay, man.
Holy shit.
This is crazy!
Yeah, man, right?
Look at it.
A bit much.
I don't think
it is a bit much.
I think it's right
on the money.
What is he,
Pablo Escobar?
Come on, man, this is an
awesome street.
Channing Tatum
lives up there.
Oh, for the love of...
Will you stop talking about...
This is the sexiest
street in America.
You and
Channing Tatum.
I think
he's attractive.
I think it's a cool house.
I know you do.
I can't wait
to see inside it.
That's why I'm excited.
Ha-ha! Yes!
What's up, man? Seth!
So happy you're here.
I'm so happy to be here.
Hey, Johnny,
what's up?
It's Jay.
It's Jay.
I'll never forget it again, man.
Good to see you.
Nice to see you.
Come on in. Yeah! Yeah, great.
Check it out.
My new place!
Awesome, man!
Designed it myself.
Really cool.
This place is beautiful, man.
This place is
like a piece of me.
You two just
stepped inside me.
You let us both
cum inside you. Yeah.
Icing on the cake.
Check it out.
Painted them myself.
Side by side.
A team.
Holy shit.
So, is it weird?
You sure?
I really like it.
What do you think, Jay?
I'm not a big art guy.
You don't like art?
Well, come on...
You play video games?
Well, guess what, buddy?
You like art.
You ever been
to Subway?
You order a sandwich?
Somebody put that together
for you, dude. That's art.
Sandwich artist.
So, let me
lay this on you, Jay.
Oh, fuck.
Your mama's pussy
was the canvas.
Your dad's dick
was the paintbrush.
You're the art. Huh?
Thanks, James Franco.
You got it.
Mindy, hello.
Oh, my God, great to see you.
Oh, you, too.
Long time.
How's it going?
You know Jay? I don't think
I've ever actually met you.
You were so good in
Million Dollar Baby.
That's amazing.
Thank you so much for saying that.
Oh, my God, if I don't fuck
Michael Cera tonight,
I'm gonna blow my brains out.
Fucking pale, 110 pounds,
hairless, probably has a huge cock,
coked out of his mind...
You can do a lot better.
That's just trouble.
So, Ri-Ri, how about you,
you ever see a psychiatrist?
That's not cool.
Don't touch my butt, bitch.
Michael, that's not cool.
Would you shut the fuck up, Jason!
We're playing
a game, man.
Say cheese, baby.
What's up, buddy?
How's it going, dude?
Good to see you, man.
Is that Jay Baruchel?
Hi, there. Hey.
Oh, my God,
get in here, dude.
How's it going, Jonah?
What are you doing?
Good. How you doing, buddy?
Oh, my gosh.
Welcome back.
Thank you very much.
When'd you get in?
Uh, this morning,
and boy,
are my arms tired.
Dude, that's great.
Thank you.
What have you guys
been doing?
Oh, we just
hung out all day.
Ate a bunch of dirty burgers,
and smoked about a fucking pound of weed
and played
a bunch of video games.
Weed is tight. Weed is
tight. That's awesome.
That's awesome.
Weed is awesome.
It was like the golfing
sequence in Navy SEALs.
Sick reference, though,
bro. Oh, thanks, bud.
Dude, your references are out
of control. Everyone knows that.
Hey, thanks, man.
I'm jealous.
I would have been there
in a heartbeat,
but, uh, I actually just
adopted this incontinent spaniel.
She's a really
beautiful soul.
Her name's Ahjhai.
How do you spell it?
A - H - J - H - A - I.
A - H...
You want to see
a picture of her?
Oh, she's so sweet.
Look at her.
She can't bark. She
doesn't know how, so...
She doesn't know
how to bark, even?
She doesn't know
how to bark,
so I've tried
to teach her
and she just kind of
screams, and so she was up,
had her face smushed against
the cage, and was, like...
Yeah, cool. Um...
Tell you what, boys,
I'm kind of jonesing,
so I'm gonna find someone I can bum
a smoke off of outside, all right?
That's tight, dude.
Honestly, I like you.
Hey, likewise.
Okay, dude, come back.
I'll be right back. You're
holding court. All right, boys.
Dude. I know. I think
we're making some progress.
That was really good.
And honestly,
he's your old friend.
We're your new friends.
He feels threatened.
Yeah, man.
You know,
and I get it.
It's gonna be fine.
I honestly think
tonight's the night
we bust
this whole thing open.
And I'm lucky. It's the
same thing a lot, though.
It's, like, my TV wife
opens the fridge,
and is, like, "What happened
to the birthday cake?"
And I come out with, like,
a little frosting, like,
"What birthday cake?"
'Cause you ate the cake! Yeah.
'Cause you ate the cake!
"It's my birthday. "
That's why y'all number
one. 'Cause of that.
You're Jay, right?
Seth's boy?
How you doing, man?
Good to see you.
Likewise, likewise.
I'm Craig, man. This
is Emma. Hi. Hi, there.
You just in town visiting him, or what?
Yeah. Just for a little visit, you know.
I try to not come down here very much.
I don't really
love it here.
You don't like LA?
I'm just not really
into the LA lifestyle.
What lifestyle
are you into?
Look at him. He's,
like, a hipster, right?
No, I'm not
a hipster, at all.
Yeah, yeah, you do seem
to hate a lot of things,
and the bottom of your
pants are awful tight.
No, I just... I don't like Los
Angeles. It doesn't make me a hipster.
I'll bet you hate movies
that are universally loved.
I don't even...
You like Forrest Gump?
No, no, it's a horrendous piece of shit.
"Life is like a box
of chocolates," no?
Yeah, no,
I'm familiar with it.
"You never know
what you're gonna get. "
Why don't we do a sequel
to Pineapple Express?
I would love to do
a sequel to Pineapple.
Do you have
any ideas, or...
I do have an idea.
It's that Red, Danny, has
become, like, the drug lord,
you know, since we
killed the other one,
and he wants to
assassinate Woody Harrelson,
'cause he's gonna give a speech
that makes all of weed legal,
effectively rendering
drug lords out of business.
Awesome. Yeah, it's fucking awesome,
but we don't have... We don't
know how it should end yet.
I... I know.
Danny's trying to kill us. Yeah.
And I sacrifice
myself for you.
And he kills me,
and I die for you.
And Danny
fucking eats me.
Why does he eat you? I don't know.
I'm just trying to think of,
like, the nastiest way to go.
Yeah, he could eat you.
Okay. That's a good idea, man.
He's just out of his mind.
He just, like, eats me.
Hey, Chris.
How's it going?
Hey, does this coke smell funny? Ooh!
Fuck! Michael, what the fuck, man?
That's expensive shit,
What are you doing?
I've never fucking done cocaine,
dude. Why does it fucking...
Well, you did the best shit
possible for your first time,
'cause that's
good fucking...
Fuck, fuck, fuck,
I'm nervous, dude.
I don't know what... What
is wrong with you, man?
Look, he's freaking out. Oh, shit.
I've never done this
fucking drug before, man.
Mike, please.
I'll walk you through it.
I will walk you through it.
Mike, no one...
I'll be your guide.
You're fine, Chris.
You're fine. Is it on...
You got some in
your mustache, baby.
What are you...
Now, fellas, I want you
to real sexy right now.
We're gonna sing
to all the ladies.
All the fellas go like this,
in your Barry White voice.
# Take your panties off
# Take your panties off
# Come on, Rihanna
Take your panties off for me
# Come on, Craig,
can you fuck off for me? #
I'll do one of them things.
Like an angel.
What about
the host of the party?
# I ain't got
no panties on
# He ain't got no
panties, everybody!
# We ain't got
no panties on
# We ain't got
no panties on
# We ain't got no panties on
# Ain't nobody
got no panties on
# We ain't got
no panties on
# Ain't no party
like a no-panty party
# 'Cause a no-panty party
don't stop
# Fuck those panties
# Fuck those...
# Fuck those panties
# Fuck those panties #
What's not kid-friendly?
There's a lot of sharp edges.
Concrete, sharp edges.
He's gonna bust his head open
on one of those things.
A kid could fall off this
fucking railing right here.
That's why you have the railing,
so they don't fall.
Hey. Sorry.
I want to have kids one day.
Hey, Jay.
Oh, hey, hi, Jonah.
Is there any place around here
I can buy a pack of cigarettes?
There's a place like, it's like,
four blocks away, maybe.
You want to
come with me?
Give me this much time.
That much joint time.
Hey, Jay.
Hey, you need to use the toilet, honey?
Go ahead.
Nope, I'm... I sorry.
Who wants a sip?
Sip time.
You okay, man?
It's nothing.
It's just, you know,
as soon as we got there, you did what you
said you wouldn't do.
What did I do?
You just fucking ditched my ass.
I didn't ditch you.
Are you kidding me, man?
I did not ditch you.
I was talking to Jonah, and then you left
to go have a cigarette.
Well, you know, my cigarette
was an excuse.
I really went outside 'cause
Jonah was being a prick.
Jonah was not
being a prick.
If anything, you were
kind of being a prick.
Jonah's the nicest
guy ever, man.
Oh, my God, that's a thin veneer
of kindness.
Nobody's that nice.
Jonah is that nice.
Serial killers
are that nice.
Just answer me
one question.
Is Michael Cera's butthole
as adorable as I pictured?
Oh, for fuck's sake.
I picture it looking
like a little donut,
like a little
pink sprinkled donut.
Oh, it's so
bright in here.
It is fucking bright.
Oh, I'm so high.
There's so many delicious choices.
What do I do?
I'm gonna get something to drink.
Excuse me,
would it be possible
for my daughter to
use your restroom?
She's really got to go.
Read the sign.
Customers only.
Why the fuck you think
I put up the sign?
It's okay, Dad. I can hold it.
Let's just buy something
for your mother.
Yeah, well,
I guess you better, huh?
This cash register lady
is mean.
I have anxiety. Will
you buy this for me?
When I'm stoned,
I can't do this.
I think I'm just gonna
head back to your place.
I'm not really liking it very
much over there at Franco's.
Dude, I want you to get to know
these guys. That's never gonna happen
if you don't put in any
effort whatsoever, okay?
I hate it in there.
I just want to drink some
pop and smoke some weed.
What about...
What about me?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Did you just see that?
What the hell?
Oh, my God, Jesus, Jesus! Run, run, run!
This way!
Okay, okay, okay!
Oh, my God!
Oh, oh...
Oh, Jesus.
Jesus Christ!
Why the fuck did you
bring me down here?
The fuck, Seth? I don't
know what's happening!
We're going back to Franco's. Why?
Just run!
Keep running!
Oh, my fuck!
We are going
back to Franco's!
Oh, God damn it.
Oh, shit!
This way. We're almost
there! We're so close!
Hey, you guys okay?
Are you guys okay?
There was a crazy earthquake.
Did you guys feel that?
That was insane.
Fuck, no.
We can't feel
anything in here.
This place is
a fucking fortress.
That wasn't
an earthquake, man.
That was something way
fucking crazier. No...
What's crazier
than an earthquake?
There were beams of blue
light coming out of the sky
and people getting
sucked up into the sky.
He's on hallucinogens.
Come on, guys. Don't bully
Jay. He's a sweetheart.
Keep going, man. What
are you talking about?
There were people,
and they were there,
and they got
sucked up into the sky.
Sucked up into the sky?
Nobody got
sucked up in here.
I got sucked off here.
No, okay, ask Seth.
He was...
You were there.
Tell them.
Seth, what the fuck's
he talking about?
I have no idea what he's
talking about honestly.
Did anybody get
sucked up into the sky?
I didn't see anything.
I don't know what
he's talking about.
You were there with me.
What are you saying?
All those people that were in the store
with us, they just fucking vanished.
I didn't see blue light
sucking people up in the sky.
You sound crazy, man.
We should just be lucky we're...
It's not over!
It's okay.
Just relax.
Everyone, it's all right. Just a
little tremor. Party's still going.
In-N-Out truck's
coming in 10 minutes.
- Yes.
- Animal style!
Oh, my fuck!
- Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
- Move! Move!
Move, move, move, move!
This place is safe!
This place is not safe!
where you going, man?
It's a fucking earthquake!
Move, move, move, come on!
Get out of my way. Move, girl!
- Oh, my God, Seth!
- Oh, shit!
What the fuck?
Don't go on the grass,
not everybody on the grass!
What the fuck?
Oh, God!
What the fuck is happening? Paul!
What's happening?
All right, everybody,
listen up. Listen up.
Who took my fucking
cell phone, man?
Martin, empty your pockets! What?
I saw you in the bathroom,
man! Somebody dial my phone!
Shut the fuck up!
It's unbelievable!
It's unacceptable after all the
coke I've wasted on you people.
I've thrown it away.
I didn't take your
fucking cell phone.
310... Whoa, whoa, whoa! Mike, Mike,
Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike...
My face!
What's happening to me?
What's happening?
Oh, my God!
Oh, shit,
that's embarrassing.
Please give me
your foot!
Oh, my God!
Craig, Craig, help me.
I'm losing my grip!
It's too late for you!
You're already in the hole!
What the fuck
are you talking about?
Get the fuck
out of my way!
Seth, come on! Get in
the house! Come on, Seth!
Oh, my God,
I'm gonna die!
Oh, shit!
Kevin! Kevin!
What the fuck?
Geez, get the fuck
off me, Aziz!
Ow, ow, ow!
Fuck you, Kevin!
Oh, God, no, get your
fucking hands off me!
Get your fucking...
Jay, I can't hold on
much longer.
You have to reach out
and grab me. You hear?
Okay, uh, you take my hand,
and I will swing you up.
Are you sure? I'm gonna
give you my whole weight.
I'm gonna reach for you,
all right? Yeah, yeah.
Are you sure
you can do that?
I can grab you
on three.
One, two, three.
All right, buddy.
Now I'm gonna,
I'm gonna swing across.
I got you, buddy.
You're gonna hold
my weight, all of it.
Okay, come on.
You can hold on to my
full weight? I can do it.
I don't want to die.
One, two...
Two, three.
No! No!
Oh, man.
Holy shit!
What happened?
Jay, you're alive.
Oh, thank God, Jay.
I'm not dead yet.
I told you guys
not to go outside.
What just happened?
Jesus Christ, they are
all fucking dead.
I told you guys
not to run outside.
You all right?
I tried to save Aziz.
I tried.
You did your best, man.
I love you.
Why the fuck did you
guys run out there?
You know what, James,
can you lower your voice?
You're freaking out Jay!
Maybe I'm a little
freaked out, too!
- He's not as strong as you.
- They all fell in.
- Look at my house!
- I tried to save them. They all fell in.
Get your fucking hands off me.
Jonah, stop touching me.
Can we get Jay
some water, please?
Can we get him
some hydration?
- He needs to be hydrated.
- The water's not working!
Everyone just
runs out the door!
My phone is dead.
Guys, the fucking
Internet's not working!
Let's watch the TV.
Let's check the news.
Where is the TV?
It's in the floor.
In the floor?
- Oh, that's dope.
- Yeah, cool, huh?
That's really neat.
That is impressive, James.
The biggest earthquake
to ever hit Los...
Officers urging people
to stay in their homes right now.
And also reports of looting
and rioting
are spreading
across the city.
Police are pretty
much outnumbered
as people are
turning to one another.
Martial law has
now been declared.
Air Force One
has gone down...
Shit. It's gone, guys.
So I think we should...
I think we should probably
go back to your place, eh?
What are you
talking about, man?
No, no way.
I'm not leaving here.
I don't want to die
at James Franco's house.
You heard the TV.
The TV said stay here.
It said stay in your homes.
We need to stay here until they
start rescuing people, okay?
A huge earthquake happens.
Who do they rescue first?
Famous people.
They'll get Clooney,
Sandra Bullock, me.
If there's room,
you guys'll come.
The point is, is that we're all
gonna get out of this first.
What the hell was that?
It's already going
crazy out there, guys.
We can't leave. I'm not leaving, okay?
I'm a victim.
I've had a victim's mentality my whole life.
People can smell it on me.
When I was a kid,
I had man-titties.
The bullies held me down,
they tittie-fucked me.
That's what's happening
out there right now.
That's right,
we are all soft.
We are all soft!
We are actors! We
pretend to be hard, man.
We soft as baby shit.
As baby shit, soft as...
Wait, Craig, what are you doing, man?
Hey, hey, what are you doing?
What are you doing to the painting, man?
We got to board this shit up, man.
Board it up?
We got to protect ourselves.
We don't know
how long we gonna be in here.
Okay, chill.
There's raccoons, and bandits,
and shit out there.
This is Obey, man!
If you get out the way!
This is my favorite fucking painting!
What are you doing, Craig?
Guys, help.
Help. Help. Get off.
Chill. Look.
The good guys are here.
We're fine! It's gonna be fine.
God damn!
Oh! God damn!
Ow! Shit!
You okay?
No, I'm not okay!
Fuck your house, Franco!
My house didn't do that! Aah!
You don't got a tool kit
or nothing? Just a toolbox?
I don't know.
Look in there.
Where's the edge
of this shit?
Your thumb's
in my butthole, man.
Y'all need this dick?
No, we're not using it.
All right, I'm gonna
take it over here.
Careful with that dick.
It's heavy.
There it is,
got that dick now.
That dick is coming now.
Yeah, got this big dick.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hey, hey.
What now?
Not the Rogen, all right?
Don't take him.
Take me.
We got 12 bottles of water,
56 beers, two vodkas,
four whiskeys, six bottles of wine,
tequila, Nutella,
cheese, pizza, eggs, bananas,
apples, bacon, steaks,
pancake mix, CT Crunch, milk,
ketchup, a Milky Way,
half ounce Sour Diesel, three and
a half grams Grand Master Kush,
one ounce of 'shrooms,
15 pills of ecstasy,
a porno mag,
a baseball bat,
and the video camera
from the movie 27 Hours.
127 Hours.
127 Hours.
And a functioning revolver
from the movie Flyboys.
Old Faithful.
Thing's real.
No, I kept this from the movie. Yeah.
This is an actual revolver. I see.
Franco, that's
very uncomfortable.
Could you put
that down, please?
Love it.
Can you just put the gun
away? I always keep my props.
That's really cool.
Always keep my props.
I know how to
handle it.
He knows what he's doing.
I like this bit.
I like it. I get it.
Let me see.
It's real. It's heavy.
Let me see it like that.
God damn!
Come on, guys!
You could kill...
Bang, bang!
Please, put it down!
Oh, fuck!
Bang, bang, bang.
You're dead.
I hope you're fucking happy.
Pow, pow, pow.
Guys, stop fucking with the gun.
Jesus! Jesus!
Pow, pow.
It's a real gun!
It's so funny.
It's so funny.
Guys, it's funny.
It's not funny!
We're getting
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'll just kill myself.
Don't do that, Jonah!
Oh, no.
Jonah, give it back.
I don't know! I don't know.
Don't do that.
I'm so...
- Oh, my God. Hey.
- Oh, dude.
Come on, no, no.
Don't. Jesus!
Would you put the thing down?
The whole...
I'm trying to
have some fun, man.
Okay, okay, Jesus.
Look, just because a bunch of
people fell into a hole outside
doesn't mean we can't
have some fun.
We're a bunch of best friends
hanging out. It's like a sleepover.
Okay, food. How are we
gonna deal with this?
Can I have that
Milky Way?
No, you can't have
the Milky Way.
That's my Milky Way.
There's a bunch... What?
I went out
this morning,
specifically bought this Milky
Way to eat after my party.
That's weird.
It's not weird.
It's my special food.
I like it. Back me up on that, Seth.
I don't think you should get
the whole Milky Way.
I want some
of the Milky Way.
I'd be pretty bummed if I don't at
least get a bite of the Milky Way.
Oh! Now Craig wants
a bite of the Milky Way.
Yeah, I want a bite of the Milky
Way. It's a fucking Milky Way.
A fifth of everything is
what's fair and reasonable.
Everyone gets
a fifth of everything.
I want one-fifth
of your T-shirt!
I want the bottom part,
the belly.
I'm not sporting
a crop top in your house.
I'll cut that shit off
and make a headband.
You couldn't
handle my midriff.
Guys, the only issue is,
I kind of need the Milky Way.
For fuck's sake.
No, for real,
I have low blood sugar,
and if my endorphins
drop too low,
I'm gonna be
a nightmare to be around.
What? Your LBS starts acting up,
you can have a finger
scoop of Nutella, okay?
One finger scoop of Nutella. Fair.
I'm going to bed.
Jesus fucking...
Don't touch that
Milky Way, Jonah.
Night, James.
Oh, God, no!
I'm gonna
sleep with you.
What? I'm gonna sleep with you.
It's too scary
to sleep alone.
But this is
my little area.
Well, I'm invading
your little area.
I'm sorry, but I'm
too scared, okay?
Are you mad at me, man?
If I was pissed at you,
I'm sure it would
have something to do
with the fact that
I had no interest
in coming to
this house socially,
and now,
I am barricaded in here
with a bunch of people
that I really hate.
Maybe this was
meant to be.
Maybe this horrible, horrible,
deadly earthquake happened
so we could become closer
as a group of friends.
I don't need a group. I'm
like DMX, man. I'm a lone wolf.
DMX isn't a lone wolf.
DMX has
the Ruff Ryder crew.
You can't stop, drop,
and open up shop alone.
You need people to help you in
an earthquake disastery situation.
It was something else.
It was Judgment Day.
Like Terminator 2?
No, not like Terminator 2.
For God's sakes.
Like Skynet?
You think this is Skynet?
Like, Skynet went live?
Will you please
stop saying "Skynet"?
Well, you're the one
that said Judgment Day.
The biblical
Judgment Day.
What? That's crazy. It's just...
You fucking heathen.
Okay, here's the thing.
Let's say for a second
there was blue light
sucking people
up into the sky.
That means that we were not
awesome enough to go to heaven.
Shit! Shit.
What y'all doing?
Fuck you, Craig.
I'm scared.
It's scary by myself.
It's way better
with more people.
I'm gonna
come down here.
Oh, yeah, good, yeah.
Get in here, man.
Get right in there.
So, you're gonna...
Right here.
Right here.
I feel better, actually. I like that.
It's better with
more people.
Hey, guys...
- Jesus Christ.
- Jesus!
Sorry. Franco has this
crazy open floor plan.
I can hear every word
you guys are saying.
I might as well hang with
you guys if that's cool.
Coming in hot.
I gonna grab
a blanket from you.
Give me that blanket.
Get in the middle of it. That's good.
That's it. It feels so
much more safe now, guys.
It's nice here.
Should we spoon it?
Yeah, you want to?
Want to go...
Dick to butt?
My butt to you
and then Jay.
I don't want to butt
to dick to anything.
Are you docking into me?
You're doing tip to me?
Or what
are you doing?
Should we go butt to butt or dick to...
Seth and I are
gonna go ass to ass.
Do you want to go
front to front?
No, I'm fine
just going dicks up.
Dicks up?
I think I'm going dick
to ass. You know what?
I'm going
Both of you guys.
Wait, yeah.
There we go.
This is the best way.
Good night, boys.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night, guys.
Night, my sweet guys.
Good night.
Sweet dreams, fellas.
# Livin' on fat pockets
on flat wit tha gat
# Rollin' around
a nine deuce Cadillac
# Still got my homies
to watch my back
# And they'll smoke ya ass
if you wanna come and chat
# Why wallow when you come
to roll on? I put the clip
# And before
I bring ya ass on
# Kickin ' dust on your head
like I bust
# My grip surrounded,
I'm about...
Fuck, yeah.
# When tha shit goes down
ya better be ready
# When tha shit goes down
# When tha shit goes down
ya better be ready
# When tha shit goes down
# When tha shit goes down
ya better be ready
# Ya better be ready #
Good morning, sunshine.
Guys! Guys! Wake up!
Danny's alive! He's eating
all the fucking food!
Danny, man, don't.
No, it's cool, man. I fucking
made this for you guys.
Stop eating!
Don't eat another
piece of bacon.
Guys, just chill
the fuck out, okay?
I'm sure the Green Goblin can
fucking afford some more bacon.
Dude, that shit's supposed to
last us till we get rescued!
Wait a second.
I know what happened.
You guys dropped acid,
didn't you? Mmm-hmm.
Craig doesn't have any pants
on. He got fucking wild.
Probably danced, sweated
all over the place.
You got white shit all
over your mouth, Franco.
You probably sucked
somebody's dick.
Jonah over here probably
watched and jerked off.
Jay, I didn't even know you
were in town. Good to see you.
Danny, we're not on acid. We
didn't suck each other's dicks!
James Franco didn't suck
any dick last night?
Now I know
y'all are tripping.
You actually not know
what happened last night?
Daniel, you may want to
stay seated for a second.
Some really
messed-up stuff happened,
and there were
a lot of fatalities.
Oh, really? You're putting
your serious voice on, Jonah?
Okay, tell me about
these "fatalities. "
Dude, Segel's dead, Krumholtz
is dead, Michael Cera's dead.
Guess if Michael Cera's gone,
it's not a total loss, huh?
Jesus, Danny.
Michael Cera's dead.
It's not like that.
It's not funny, man.
It's really not funny.
Seth, that's
a better performance
than you've given in
your last six movies.
Where the fuck was that
in Green Hornet, huh?
Jonah, you're fucking
sucking balls.
You're an Academy Award
nominated person.
You need to be fucking
selling that shit, dude.
There were some fatalities. "
Okay, now that was good.
That was good.
Does it seem like
we're fucking joking?
Hey, hey, hey! What the
fuck you eating, man?
Spit it out your mouth.
Give me the bacon!
Shit, what do we do?
Shoot 'em!
Shoot 'em! Shoot 'em!
Should I shoot?
- Shut up, Franco!
- Shoot the door, Franco!
Oh, God!
Did you not hear me knocking out here?
I've been knocking forever.
Please! Please!
You've got to let me in!
Hang on a second.
Guys, I know
it sounds really weird,
but I don't think
we should let him in.
Why not?
Yeah, why not?
I can hear you, by the way.
I'm sorry.
We just don't know you, man.
You could be like, a looter, or a rapist,
or a tittie-fucker.
Like, I'm sorry.
Look, guys, we just boarded up this
whole house to keep everyone out,
and the first guy comes to the door,
we're gonna let him in?
I mean, how do we know
we can trust this guy?
I want to live!
Things have gone crazy out here!
"Fucking crazy out here!"
This guy fucking sucks.
What if he's the rapist?
Man, even if he
is a rapist,
he can't rape all of us.
Yeah! No! So I'm not...
I'm not a rapist!
You want to tittie-fuck us?
If you want me to tittie-fuck you, I will!
So good! You'll love it.
Seth, back me up, please.
We can't just leave him out there to die.
Are you crazy?
What do you want to do?
I'll do whatever you want to do.
Let's vote on it.
Yeah, I fucking vote
you let me in.
Here's my vote.
Fuck all of you.
I'm letting him in.
This is boring.
There's something out here!
This is real!
This is fucking real!
God damn it!
You guys!
This man was alive
a few seconds ago.
We can't play soccer
with his head!
Pick it up, Jonah!
What the fuck
is going on?
He blinked at me.
He blinked at my face.
Seth, put it over there.
Oh, my God!
I got it.
I got it, guys.
There's blood
all over my floor!
Time to relax for a second.
Okay, someone should
look out the hole.
I ain't looking
out that hole!
Last person looked through that
hole got his head chopped off!
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Whatever is
out there might still be out there.
Okay, I know, I know.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Oh, God.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
There's a lookout!
Jesus Christ! Look, there's a
huge fucking hole down there!
What the fuck is this?
Where's the thing
that killed the guy?
I don't know.
How'd his head
fall off?
And where's
the rest of him?
This is James Franco,
in my house,
in my library.
We've been stuck here
for about 24 hours.
Danny McBride is here.
I didn't even
invite him to my party,
but he came and passed
out in the bathtub,
and I got to say it's, like,
typical fucking McBride.
Like, I've been feeling
really weird about him lately.
Like, I don't really know if
I want to be friends with him,
and then he fucking
showed up at my party,
and now, we're stuck here with
him in disaster lockdown, so...
What up?
What's going on?
Hey, Danny.
What's up, man?
Not much. What are you
doing? What is this?
Oh, it's just
a video confessional.
Fuck that dude.
- Earthquakes cause tsunamis.
- Yes.
Tsunamis cause
other tsunamis, disaster.
I mean, for all we know, the
fucking Lakers could have just won,
and that's the reason
why all this is happening.
Hole in Franco's front yard? Sinkhole.
Every single time I turn on the news,
sinkhole in South America.
Bunch of South Americans
getting sucked into the ground.
Sinkhole de Mayo.
Sinkhole de Mayo.
That's why it's
named that,
because sinkholes happen
in the summertime.
It's not wildfires. It's not earthquakes.
It's not sinkholes.
I think I know
what it is.
Let's hear it.
I think
it's the Apocalypse.
I'm serious, boys. It's all in here,
in the Book of Revelations.
You took my Bible?
Well, just hear me out,
and you tell me that
what I'm describing
isn't what's
going on right now.
"And the skies shall open up, and the
light of the Lord shall shine down,
"and those of good heart shall be brought
into my kingdom of heaven. "
That's the Rapture, those are the gigantic
beams of blue light.
"And there will be a great
mountain burning in fire. "
I mean, the Hollywood Hills are literally
engulfed in flames
as we sit here right now.
The Hollywood Hills ain't no mountain.
It's a hill.
Takes about 10 minutes
to get across
that motherfucker
with no traffic.
I take Laurel Canyon.
I usually zip down Barham.
Boys, can I just fucking finish?
I love Laurel Canyon.
"And out of the pit rose a great
red dragon having seven heads,
"that old serpent
called the devil and Satan,
"which deceiveth
the whole world,
"was released
onto the earth. "
I love that dude. He's from
Where the Wild Things Are.
It's a load of bullshit.
It's not bullshit.
Want to know
something else, Jay?
If this is
the end of the world,
and all the
good people died,
what you're saying is Seth,
me, Jonah, Craig and Danny
are a bunch of assholes.
I'm straight-up
lovable, son.
And if this really
is the Apocalypse,
you're here, too.
So, that means you're just
as shitty as the rest of us.
Doesn't feel
too good, does it?
Hey, guys.
I'm going to sleep now.
Nobody come in here
and bother me.
Go fish.
Put it back
inside of here.
Do you know what it is? Yeah.
Now you ask me for
something that you need.
First bit.
You're not cutting it all?
That's smart. You're
divvying it up first.
This is like, Fruyere
or some shit. That's me.
Come on, Danny!
You licked your finger. Come on, man.
If they're all equal,
what does it matter?
Keep your hands
and fingers off.
Can I talk to you for
a second? Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, no shit.
Off the menu, my man.
Holy shit, man.
Where did you get these?
Hey, what's cheese without a few
crackers? Know what I'm saying?
Hide it.
'Cause we're a team.
Freaks forever, brother.
Let's do all the drugs.
I don't really want to.
Should have thought of that before
you drank a can full of ecstasy.
# Gangnam style
# Op, op, op, op, oppan
Gangnam style
# Gangnam style
# Op, op, op, op, oppan
Gangnam style
# Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
# Eh, sexy lady
# Op, op, op, op
# Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
# Oppan Gangnam style #
# I fly like paper,
get high like planes
# If you catch me at the border
I got visas in my name
# If you come around here,
I make 'em all day
# I get one down
in a second if you wait...
Should we call Red?
Get more weed?
Oh, I don't know, man.
That guy's gone crazy.
Good thing I have a lot of
fucking weed for you guys.
I hooked you guys up.
Now I need you guys to assassinate
Woody Harrelson.
If pot's legalized,
my business will suffer.
And if my business suffers,
I suffer.
So much suffering.
All 'cause of that inbred hemp seed,
Woody Harrelson.
I have to do
what's right.
Weed is for the people.
It's the people's weed.
If you don't assassinate him...
We already quit.
...I'm gonna assassinate
both of you.
# And take your money
# All I wanna do is... #
Look out!
You're letting them
get away!
I smoked weed
with Steve Jobs,
and that's when he came up
with the iPad.
It's pretty great.
We should make sequels
to more of our movies.
How 'bout we not
do Your Highness 2?
Do 128 Hours.
The beginning of the rest of
your comedies. Looks good.
Oh, my God!
It's Emma.
Oh, my God,
you guys are alive.
You're actually alive.
Thank God!
I hid in a drainpipe
for days.
Like, three or four.
I don't even know how many.
And then I stopped
hearing people,
and I started hearing
growling noises.
Out there,
in your travels, uh,
did you see anything
that you would describe
as Apocalyptish?
I mean, no,
but, uh, I would say it's completely
obvious what's going on here.
I mean,
it's a zombie invasion.
Fuck! I'm the one who
said it's been zombies.
You said zombies?
I said zombies the whole time.
You said zombies? I don't think...
You never said zombies.
Wait a second.
You guys haven't been proven right.
These are still
just theories.
Honestly, I'm just so relieved
that you guys are here,
and I'm very happy about the
idea of sleeping and just...
You tired?
If you want to
take a little rest,
you're welcome to
do that upstairs.
Thank you.
- I'll show you the way.
- Thank you.
Thanks, guys. Seriously,
you're awesome, really.
You're awesome.
So fucking tight.
We'll be
right out here, okay?
Fuck are you guys
doing out here?
Here's what I think we should do.
She's British, right?
She's used to eating
shitty food anyway.
Let's just give her all the shitty food
that we don't want.
That's fucked up.
Look how tiny she is.
She's not even a full seven.
She's, like, half a seven.
This is a fucking
cool thing, man.
I, for one,
am very excited.
I'm a massive
Harry Potterfan.
What? Yes. I love
fucking Harry Potter.
I cannot wait
till she wakes up
and I can ask her all these amazing
questions about
how they made
those motion pictures.
Take it easy, Dumbledore.
Guys, listen, listen.
I think we need to
address the elephant
in the room.
Whoa. Jay, don't talk
about Craig like that.
That's fucked up.
I'm right here, man. Yeah.
I'm not calling
Craig an elephant.
Wow, that's fucking weird.
What does that even mean?
Yeah, no.
That's racist.
I wasn't
referring to him.
I was referring to the issue
that's on all of our minds.
This is one girl
in a house with six males.
Yeah. Really safe.
Ideal scenario.
She's like
a little sister.
I think that
she needs...
It's important
that she feels safe.
And comfortable.
And we should
be mindful.
Who's making her
not feel safe?
Well, I'm just saying,
we should...
We don't want to
give off a bad vibe.
Vibe? Vibes? I ain't giving no vibes.
Yeah, wait, what kind of vibes
are you talking about, man?
He's talking about us
giving off a rapey vibe.
Hey! Shh!
Whoa! What?
Jesus. Jay, what the fuck, man?
Chill out, dude.
Why you putting that
shit in the mix? Yeah.
He fucking said it.
You're the one saying it.
No one here is thinking
about raping anyone.
Well, you talking about vibes
is the only thing that's rapey
going on right now.
Dude, nothing was rapey
till you brought up the rapey vibes.
Fucking one who smelt it dealt it, dawg.
True that, dude.
One who denies it
supplies it.
I know,
it's farts, I get it.
Guys, guys, guys.
Jay's not rapey.
Jay couldn't rape a fly.
He probably could.
Maybe we should just stop this entire
conversation right now.
If anyone's gonna
rape anyone here,
it's probably
gonna be Danny.
What the fuck, Franco?
Why do you think
I'm gonna rape somebody?
I'm just trying
to lay it out there.
I'm not gonna
rape anyone, all right?
If anyone's gonna
rape somebody, it's Jay.
- What?
- He came up with the rape idea.
And his face looks
like the police sketch
of a fucking rapist.
What the fuck
does that mean?
If anybody's
raping Emma Watson,
it's fucking
Sir Rapes-a-Lot over here.
Chill out.
Easy. Easy.
Back the fuck up!
What's wrong?
Wait, what's wrong?
What's wrong?
I just heard
you guys talking about
which one of you is
gonna get to rape me.
No, no, no, no!
Guys, I got it.
I got it.
No. It's funny.
It's funny.
We were specifically
talking about not raping you.
Holy shit!
Back up!
It's me, Jonah!
It's me, Jonah Hill.
America's sweetheart.
J - bug, J - bone.
Your friend. I would never hurt you.
Get back!
Give me everything you have to drink!
Put it in the bag!
There's six of us.
You cannot rob us!
I'm not fucking around!
Give her drinks!
Give her drinks!
Put the drinks in a bag!
Oh, God.
Get all the drinks in a bag!
Hurry the fuck up!
Okay, they're getting
the drinks.
Put the ax down.
Don't give the Milky Way away.
All right, you can put
the ax down now.
Now, Franco!
Shoot her face!
Shoot her!
I'm not gonna
shoot Emma Watson!
Look, Emma, just stay here
with us.
It's a lot safer
than out there.
Hermione just stole
all of our shit.
Little bitty-ass
20-year-old jacked us.
And then Jay suggested that we all rape her,
and now she's gone.
I didn't...
I was just... I...
I think the only reason why he
did that is because Jay knows
he's about fucking
two minutes away
from becoming
the house bitch himself.
So now,
motherfuckers is thirsty.
All right, guys.
The door to the
basement's out there,
around the side
of the house.
I know for sure there's at least
two jugs of water.
Any volunteers?
Does anyone want to volunteer
and go with Jay?
I thought you said, "Someone volunteer
to go with me out there. "
I must have
misheard you.
I'm sorry. You did
not, you motherfucker.
Hey, okay, ease up.
Just chill out, dude.
Just relax, man. God.
So how we gonna
decide this, fellas?
All right, guys, it's simple.
Whoever pulls the burnt match
has to go get the water.
Who wants to go first?
I'll do it.
All right.
Go ahead, brother.
No whammies, no whammies.
- Hey, hey.
- Yes! Yeah!
Fuck, yes!
- Whoo!
- Fuck, yes. Fuck, yes.
So sorry, Craig.
A lot of guys in here
that I wish it was
instead of you.
You want to go
best two out of three?
If I tug, if I pull in any way,
or if you hear me screaming,
anything, you pull me
right back in, all right?
Yeah. We'll try, man,
but you're pretty heavy.
No, I mean, I'm saying,
I just don't think it's smart
to make any guarantees.
Fuck, no.
You promise to pull me
back in. No, no, we're...
You got me?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're gonna do our best.
All right.
You want to do a test run? Yeah.
You gotta scream.
Let us hear the scream.
Nice. Very nice.
Everyone thank Craig
for doing this.
Thanks, Craig.
Thank you, Craig.
Go for it, Craig.
Getting smoky in here.
Go, go, go, go.
This is fucked up.
Smoky as fuck out here.
Rope burn!
Ah! Ooh!
Grab it, grab it,
grab it!
Oh, no, no, no, no!
Oh, no.
Shit. Shit.
Come on, motherfucker.
Fuck this shit.
Fellas, fellas! Pull
me in! Pull the rope!
Pull me in! We don't
have the rope anymore!
We fucking dropped it!
We're sorry!
You've got
the rope, man!
Craig! What the fuck do we do?
Craig! Craig!
Are you okay?
What happened, man?
I don't know! There's
something out there.
Oh, shit!
A knife!
Somebody throw me a knife!
I'll get it.
Jay, I'm so sorry, bro.
The fuck?
Cut it! Cut it!
Cut it! Cut it! Cut it!
God! What the fuck
was that?
I don't know what
the fuck that was,
but I ain't
going back out there.
Craig, you didn't even
get any of the water.
The door was fucked up.
Damn it,
this is so frustrating!
It's so close,
but so far.
The water, it's, like,
right underneath us.
Like, right there.
What do you mean
"right underneath us"?
Like, literally,
like, right there.
If you went right
through the floor.
Danny and Jonah's shift ends in ten
minutes, so our break is almost over.
Let me ask you something.
You really think this is
the Apocalypse?
You saw something
out there, didn't you?
All right, let's just say for
sake of argument, what if I did?
What if this is the real
shit, right now, happening?
What if it is, man? We're
not prepared for this.
What do we do? What's
next? It says in the Bible,
"The worthy will
ascend to Heaven. "
Even if it is the Apocalypse,
it's not the end of us.
There's still hope.
We just have to somehow try
to prove our worthiness.
Okay, so, you mean, like,
like the Ten Commandments,
like, do shit unto people
that'll do
the same shit to you.
That's a great
place to start.
You know,
to just overall love.
Just be nicer and follow those
Listen. We're gonna
get through this.
We're gonna get
through this, man.
You know why?
'Cause we're gonna do it together.
You promise?
We're gonna do this.
I hear everything.
Who did this?
Did what?
What are you talking about?
Jizzed all over the pages
of this nice magazine
I was nice enough
to tell you about.
Was it you, Seth?
It was me, Franco.
I fucking made jizz
in your magazine.
When I fucking jack off
long enough,
I end up jizzing, dude.
I'm assuming the same shit
works for you?
Real fucking smart answer!
Why don't you fucking aim, huh?
I have a particularly explosive ejaculate.
It just goes everywhere.
It's like a fucking
wild fireman's hose.
You just got to grab on
and pray to God
it doesn't get in your eyes
or your mouth.
The fuck kind of
jerking off is that?
What, you never had
any brothers?
You didn't learn to jizz in a fucking
sock or on a fucking tissue?
No, I don't have
any brothers.
I was raised
in a house of women!
I highly doubt
they fucking taught you
to fucking close your eyes and
fucking cum wherever you want!
I mean, you're getting
all worked up
over a fucking
porno mag!
Who has goddamn
porno mags anymore?
Welcome to the 21 st century,
Buck Rogers!
You designed a house with
fucking iPads in the walls,
yet you're jerking your dick like
a goddamn pilgrim!
That's right, man.
I like to fucking read!
You think that's the only thing
I jerked off in here?
I've been dropping loads around
this fucking house
like a goddamn
dump truck.
You don't
cum on my stuff!
I'll cum wherever
the fuck I want, James.
I'll fucking cum
in your kitchen.
I'll cum on
your fucking art.
I'll cum anywhere
I want!
I will fucking cum
right on you!
I will cum like a fucking
madman all over you, McBride!
Ooh. I fucking wish you'd
cum on me right now.
I fucking dare you
to cum on me!
I'm gonna jack my dick
so fucking hard in here!
This, no more, man.
All over your fucking face.
This fucking all more.
All over the fucking place!
I'll fucking cum
anywhere I want!
I'll fucking cum
on these walls!
I'll cum on
the fucking cabinets!
On the fucking furniture!
I'll cum everywhere!
If I see your dick
one more time,
I'm gonna fucking
shoot it off!
You don't have
enough bullets, bitch.
No fucking jerking off
in my house, McBride!
Come on, man.
Fuck this.
I'm just... I'm too thirsty to do this.
And the fucking
bitter irony is
I'm not gonna have my thirst
quenched until I finish this.
God damn it, I hate it. Danny, no.
Don't walk away. Danny,
don't walk away from me!
It's too late, Seth. I've
already walked away too much.
No, you haven't. You
could still come back
and just fucking turn around
and come back and help me.
Need a hand?
Yeah, dude.
Your shift
just ended, man.
You don't have to help me
if you don't want to.
It's fine, I get it.
The fuck else
am I doing?
I appreciate it, man.
Thank you.
Done and done.
That's cool.
I don't know why I'm thinking
of this, but remember that time
that I got you a fucking
Taco Bell gift certificate
for, like, 20 bucks,
and I bet you
that you couldn't eat
all of that in one sitting.
I do remember that.
I remember thinking,
"How much food
could 20 dollars
"possibly buy you
at Taco Bell?"
And the answer is infinite.
And we went to see
fucking Gladiator.
And you sharted midway
through the movie.
I did. Due to the tigers' appearance.
I got scared of the tigers. Yeah.
Literally, when the second
tiger came out, I went...
...and then I shat.
I shat in the theater.
Oh, fuck.
You guys okay?
I broke my ass in half.
Shit, they got through!
You guys fucking did it.
Oh, my God.
Fuck. Did that hurt?
Oh, yes, it fucking hurt.
I loosened this up for you,
I'll have you know.
Okay, just shut up.
It's fucking dark down here.
Hold on, hold on.
Okay, good.
Thank you. What is that?
That's Terrence Peterson.
My monkey flashlight keychain.
Monkey flashlight keychain?
What's his name?
Terrence Peterson.
You see it, Seth?
No. Where...
Are you sure
it's even down here?
Terry Pete.
Uh, not sure.
Is there, is there any
weird shit down here?
Nah, it's where I keep all my
stuff from my old movies.
Costumes, props.
Is someone down there?
It's your fucking stupid
cutout from Spider-Man 3.
Jesus Christ.
No shit!
- There it is!
- Yes! Yeah!
What, did you find it?
# La-da-da-da-dah
# It's the motherfucking
D - O-double-G
# Snoop Dogg!
# La-da-da-da-dahh
# You know I'm mobbin'
with the D.R.E. #
That is so fucking good.
The two heroes over here,
breaking through the floor.
We did break
through the floor.
Any of you guys would
have done the same thing.
Oh, man.
That fucking hurt.
Yeah, I'm surprised
you didn't shart again.
I think I did.
Hey, what year is this? 19...
That's a good...
That's a good year.
Hey, hey.
Yo, yo, yo!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
What are you doing?
What am I doing?
Fuck, man.
I'm just pouring myself
another glass of water
to wash down that dry-ass
Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
That's very nice,
but you can't just
pour yourself another
glass of water, man!
Will you cut it out?
Yeah. We agreed to one
glass at dinner,
we voted on it, man.
Well, man, I'm just
getting sick and tired
of all these
fucking rules, man.
You don't see me putting rules
on you guys.
You cannot have
another glass of water.
Jay weighs 150 pounds
less than me.
Why the fuck is it fair
that him and I should drink
the same amount of water?
We should be
dividing our rations
based on our
proportionate size.
I don't want to come off
as a diva here or anything.
It's just that
I think everyone
should split
everything equally.
"I just think that everybody shoul
have the fucking same.
"I have a goddamn earring. "
Shut the fuck up, Jonah!
You know what, Danny?
If you weren't jizzing
all the time, maybe
you'd be more hydrated.
You're making me into a
joke right now, Franco,
and you are not gonna like
the fucking punch line.
No more jerking off! No more
water! Just sit the fuck down!
Okay, I'm done.
We're not gonna
have any more water.
All right.
Someone help me!
Fucking grab it!
What are you doing?
You guys
made this happen!
You guys forced my fucking
hand by ganging up on me.
God damn it, I'm gonna
fucking kill this motherfucker!
That's what I thought.
All right, guys,
let's get rid of him.
What do you mean?
Like, kick him
out of the house?
His fucking reckless behavior
is dragging us all down.
I mean, he wasted
our water twice.
Two times. Two times.
Dan is under a lot
of pressure. Okay?
And he's not handling it as
good as the rest of us are.
Look at him. He's
wearing my fucking tuxedo.
He's been eating nonstop.
The fucker's gained weight
since he got here.
The fucker's got to go.
The fucker's got to go.
This is how you all feel?
We talked about it.
You guys are gonna
vote me off the island?
I mean, I made
you guys breakfast.
Shit, man, you wasted half
of our food when you did that.
Just thought I was doing
something nice for you guys.
Just to apologize for
my behavior at the party.
Party I wasn't
even invited to.
I'm not an idiot.
I know why you guys don't fucking
call me or hang out with me anymore.
It's because I party
so fucking hard.
Always have.
Ever since I was a baby.
I wouldn't just suck
on my mama's titties.
I would fucking bang 'em
and motorboat 'em.
Everything I've been doing
has just been a cry for help.
When I came on
your magazine, James,
it was a cum for help.
I've just been crying and
comin' and crying and comin',
tears from the tip
of my penis, dudes.
I'm sorry, all right? You
can cum wherever you want.
I don't even care about
cumming anymore.
Right now, I'm just
kind of into going.
Come on, man.
I fucked up.
I'm sorry, man.
Come on, look,
I was wrong.
I feel like shit, man.
I didn't want it
to happen like this.
Let's just discuss it
some more, okay?
Yeah. Let's just
talk, dude.
We're giving you an
option. It's a choice, man.
There's nothing to
figure out, all right?
You guys have said enough, and
there's no going back anymore.
I don't know if there maybe is,
like, something you guys could give me
so I could at least have some sort
of protection while I'm out there.
Danny, you don't
have to do this.
- Yeah, man.
- All right,
if you're really leaving
then you should
take this.
You don't know
what's out there.
Thank you, James.
It means a lot to you, and I
appreciate that you'd give this to me,
you stupid,
stupid motherfucker!
Fucking psychopath.
It's a prop gun!
What, do you think I'd
put real bullets in here?
You were gonna send me out
there with a fucking gun
filled with blanks?
Oh, fuck you!
Don't turn this
around on us.
You just tried to shoot us,
you fucking dickhead!
Fucking murdering
Whatever. Fucking
civilization is broken down.
There's no more reason
for this false bullshit.
You guys act like you're so
fucking high and mighty,
like you've never made a goddamn
mistake before.
Franco, you're just
a pretentious fucking nerd.
Fuck you.
And, Jonah,
you fucking cunt.
Craig, you didn't have
my back, back there.
You fuckin' disappoint me.
And, Seth,
you duplicitous taint.
What? Then of course, there's Jay,
the self-righteous, cock-sucking,
two-faced backstabber.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
I overheard your little
conversation with Craig, all right?
The only reason why you
care about any of us is
because you think that's
what God wants you to do.
You don't give
a shit about us.
No, no, no, no, that's
fucking twisting that shit...
You're fucking lying.
Am I twisting this?
I believe you were
in Los Angeles
two months ago,
at the Four Seasons.
I saw you there, and you specifically
asked me not to tell Seth,
so that you could
maintain the illusion
that you always
stay with Seth
when you're in Los Angeles.
Fuck, man.
It's not...
Textbook twattage.
And just for
the record, you guys,
I'm choosing to leave,
you're not kicking me out.
You guys had already said
that I could come back in
and I'm the one who said
that I'm not coming back in.
Don't be cocky.
Get the fuck
out of here.
Is that true?
I know this is
probably my fault
because I put you
on a pedestal,
but you should not be
dishonest with your friends.
But you really
let me down.
Hey! Whoa!
Jay, damn, man.
What the hell?
It's all fucked,
isn't it?
Jonah, you okay?
His insides hurt worse
than my outsides.
Dear God,
I'd like to pray
to You for a second.
It's me, Jonah Hill.
From Moneyball.
I hate Jay
so fucking much.
I think he might be the
worst person You ever created.
I don't want to
judge You, but...
What's up? What were
You thinking that day?
I love Seth, I love being his
friend, he's an awesome guy,
but it's like Jay is
the last connection
to his shitty,
weird Canadian life.
Just do me one favor, God.
Just kill Jay.
That'd be so tight.
Stop, man.
Seriously, Craig, stop.
Your nails are sharp.
This is no dream!
This is really happening!
Something, um, not that
chill happened last night.
Yo, so, I just drank my
own pee for the first time.
And it ain't bad.
I never thought to do it.
I always thought, you know,
pee stink, whatever, but...
I think we all remember
how this works.
Whoever gets the burnt match
has to go to one of Franco's
neighbors' houses, get us
some food and some water.
No, I'm not going first.
I'll go first.
Thank you.
Very mature of you.
Thank you.
Good job.
You okay, Jonah?
What's that?
You okay?
Yeah. Just bad sleep.
Crazy dream.
Here, Jonah.
you feeling lucky?
Will history
repeat itself?
Thank you.
You got this, dawg.
Seth! No! Not you!
I'm not going.
I'm not going.
I'm bowing out.
I'm declining to go.
Let me break it
down for you.
I'm not fucking going.
You are definitely going.
Tell him he's fucking going.
Tell you what, why don't you
fucking go, Mr. Self-Righteous?
You're constantly saying what
assholes we are, how good you are.
You go get us
some fuckin' water.
I will go.
Because I have
something called honor.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
That's good. Yeah,
you're very honorable.
I'll go with you, Jay.
Is it because of
our pact upstairs?
Nah, 'cause you got
them skinny-ass arms.
You couldn't carry enough
to feed a hamster.
It's working.
Let's get that money.
Let's do it.
Yo. Out and to the left. Shh-shh.
Oh, my God.
That's so sad.
Innocence lost.
What is that?
There's, like,
fire everywhere.
Damn it!
Hey, hey!
Fuck, yeah. Let's go,
let's go, let's go.
Shut the fuck up!
What? You yelling that shit for?
We got to find out...
Don't yell no more, man.
Crack you in the head
with this frying pan.
Okay. So we should probably
split up, cover more ground.
What you think
this is, Scooby-Doo?
We're gonna go in there,
we're gonna find the kitchen,
and get as much shit
as we can, together!
Then we're getting
the fuck out of here.
All right, all right.
All right?
What are you doing?
That should be me
out there.
I totally fucked
those guys.
Fuck was that?
Oh, fuck!
Is he okay?
Dude! Jonah!
What the fuck?
What do we do?
- Do you know first aid or anything?
- No.
I suck at first aid.
Are you okay? Shit!
Oh, no.
Low blood sugar. LBS.
LBS! He's having an
LBS episode!
I'll get the Milky Way!
You get the Milky Way!
Jonah, stay with me!
Stay with me.
I got it, I got it, I got
it, got it, open his mouth.
It's your friend, Seth.
Open his mouth.
Open his mouth. Open his
mouth. I'll get this in there.
Okay, okay.
Shove it right in there.
Milky Way, Jonah.
You love the Milky Way.
Yummy, yum.
It's not fucking
working, man!
What the fuck!
How do we
get it in there?
Chew it up, chew it up and spit
in his mouth like a baby bird.
You just
swallowed it, man.
It's so good.
Give me a bite.
The second it hits your
mouth is, like, amazing.
Open it.
What the fuck was that?
That's Hebrew.
That's not Hebrew.
It's fuckin' Latin
or something like that.
I went to Hebrew school for
six years. That's not Hebrew.
You will drown in
a river of blood.
The End of Days is here.
You will quiver in the
shadow of Kingdom Come.
Judgment Day is upon you.
The Apocalypse is nigh!
Hey, I think
that's all it could fit.
Man, let's take this back to
Franco's, get the fuck out of here.
Uh, uh...
What are we
going back for?
What are you
talking about?
In theory, we could
just fuckin' stay here.
And here,
you don't have to sleep
in a friggin'
tent under a dick.
I like my dick tent.
I'm just saying,
we could build a life here together,
Craig. I'd be really good to you.
All I know is
I'm scared as hell,
and I just want to
get back to our friends.
Yeah, but they're
not my friends.
Seth is your friend.
We've been growing apart for years.
That's why I didn't stay
with him last time I was here.
And I stayed with him this
time to try and salvage it,
but clearly
that didn't work out.
Jay, like it or not,
those assholes
are all we got.
Did you hear that?
Yeah, that was a creak.
What is that?
Ew! What is that? Is that bile?
I don't know.
It's cold.
Sniff it.
No. You sniff it.
It smells like puke.
Ew! Ew!
Don't get it on me! Ew!
It's in my eyes!
It's in my mouth!
He's gone!
Where is he?
He's fucking gone!
Shit! Shit!
Shit! Shit!
Please, God!
Jesus, Jesus!
Jonah, stop this!
Please! Jonah, where the fuck are you?
Why did you vomit on us!
Bad Jonah! Stop!
Stop eating him!
Watch out!
He's super strong!
What is happen...
Oh, no!
I'm gonna
tittie-fuck you, Seth.
Don't tittie-fuck me!
What are they,
big B's or small C's?
I'm gonna push
your titties together.
Push 'em together!
I'll get you something to help!
I'll pass
you something!
Okay, pass it to me.
Ow! Fuck! Shit!
Aah! Oh!
We're getting crazy!
Come on! Come on!
Jesus, open,
God damn you, open!
No, no, no, no.
Oh, fuck.
We gotta hide. We gotta hide. I know!
He's coming! He's coming!
I know he's coming!
I don't know
what the fuck to do!
I don't know...
Where are you going?
Please go away.
He's sniffing.
I'm so scared, James.
Be quiet.
You're breathing really loud. Am I?
Don't breathe through your mouth. Okay.
Now you're doing loud
nose breathing. Am I?
I don't know where else
to breathe from.
Is that...
Oh, shit.
Don't move.
Oh, shit, he's coming
right this way. Oh, shit.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Get out of my way!
Move! Move!
You okay?
Come on!
Let's go. Let's go.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
What the fuck!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
There's a fuckin'
demon chasing us!
A demon?
What the fuck happened
to you guys? That!
It's Jonah!
He's possessed!
He's crazy!
Oh, fuck!
You brained him.
Is that... I was supposed
to do that, right?
- Fasten!
- Hurry!
God damn you, bastard!
He's gonna be fuckin'
bad news
when he wakes up!
He's fuckin' strong.
My side's good.
Oh, shit!
All right,
I'll fuckin' hit him.
Fuck! Come on, come on!
This shit's
cray cray, guys.
I mean, it's, like,
the real, like Apocalypse.
It's, like,
the Book of Revelations,
like that means
there's a God.
I haven't led my life as though
there's a God this whole time.
Who fuckin' saw that coming?
That there's actually a God?
I'd say 95%
of the planet.
Jesus fucking Christ, man.
You might want to stay
away from saying that.
"Jesus fucking Christ"?
Why can't I say that?
One of the Ten Commandments.
"Thou shall not take the name
of the Lord thy God in vain. "
Jesus isn't the name
of the Lord.
God is name
of the Lord.
Jesus, God,
it's all the same.
It's the Trinity.
Father, Son, Holy Ghost.
It's like Neapolitan
ice cream.
I don't even know what
the fucking Commandments are.
Guys, I think this is sort of
bullshit, because we're all good people.
I can look at each one of you
in the eye, I know you're good.
I'm good.
We're four actors.
We bring joy
to people's lives.
Yeah, but we don't
do it for free.
We get paid handsomely, much
higher than the average profession.
It's not like it was just
handed to any of us.
We've worked really
hard to be here.
Yeah, pretend like
it's hot when it's cold.
You sitting on the beach,
it's freezing,
you in your drawers, talking about
something, everybody's surfing.
I think God
might have just fucked up,
made a mistake, and left
us behind by accident.
I mean, He's got a lot
of shit on His plate.
It's not an oversight,
it's not a mistake, okay?
We got to face facts. We're here,
and there's a reason we're all here.
Why are you so sure?
I've done things, man. I...
I gouged a man's
eyeballs out.
What the...
Fuck off.
Well, I was a kid, man.
It was a fuckin' bar fight.
It was a bad
foosball game.
He said I didn't call spinneys,
and I fuckin' called spinneys.
He got all in my face, and I
smashed a bottle across his face...
...and the first eyeball
was an accident,
but then I was, like, fuck it,
and I went for the second one.
It was fucked up.
But you know what?
That shit happens. I'm saying,
that's... I think that's why I'm here.
I got to admit something.
I, uh...
I fucked Lindsay Lohan.
She was fucked up.
She was high.
It was at
the Chateau Marmont,
and she kept banging
on my door.
She kept calling
me Jake Gyllenhaal.
That's fucked up.
Yeah, I said, "Call me
the Prince of Persia. "
See, that's what
I'm saying, man.
We've all done bad shit,
you know?
We've done more bad shit
than good in our lives, and
it's time to
pay the piper.
Whoa, shit!
Something's wrong.
God did this.
He gave us light,
and then He took it away.
You hear that?
It's the soundtrack
of us going insane.
Damn, I wish there was something
we could do to help him.
I know what we can do.
The fuckin' stench.
Jonah Hill?
Jonah Hill.
Jonah Hill is no more.
Fuck. That's not good.
That's not good.
Jay, you fool.
I say unto thee,
the power of Christ
compels you!
Oh, does it?
Does it compel me?
The power of Christ
compels you!
Does it, Jay?
The power of Christ
compels you!
Is the power of Christ compelling
me? Is that what's happening?
The power of Christ
compels you!
Guess what?
It's not that compelling.
Jay, you serious
right now?
That's your fuckin' plan? You're
gonna repeat lines from The Exorcist?
I would assume they did
their fuckin' research.
It's a movie!
It's a manual.
It's a fuckin'
training manual.
I say unto thee,
the power of Christ
compels you!
The power of Christ
compels you!
The power of Christ
compels you!
Geez, it hurts
a little bit.
It's, like,
this little sting.
The power of Christ
compels you!
Seriously, fuck off.
The power of Christ
compels you!
The power of Christ
compels you!
Holy shit!
You're pissing him
off, man. Just stop it!
Jay! The power of Christ compels you!
The power of...
Get the fuck down!
Don't fucking push
me, asshole! Geez, man!
Fuck you!
You're a fucking
asshole, you liar!
Yes. Still? Yes.
Guys, guys, we got
a possessed guy here!
Do we have to argue
about this right now?
Let 'em fight.
We got an exorcism
to finish. Hello?
Do you want to know why
I didn't stay with you?
You fuckin' changed.
You're a fuckin'
You did fuckin' sell out.
Everyone says.
At least I did change! You act like
you're fucking 18 years old still, Jay!
Grow up, Jay. That's
why he's yelling at you.
You've been holding me
back this whole time!
That means fuck you.
Come on, guys!
Come on!
Fuck you,
you piece of shit!
Everybody, out!
Craig, stop 'em!
Get apart!
Oh, now it's on.
Yo! What the fuck
is all this, Franco?
Uh, looks like food.
How'd that get there?
You have more food?
You knew he had
extra food?
Yeah, he gave me
one cracker.
I would have sucked a
dick for half a cracker.
All right, well, maybe I didn't
want you to suck my dick, all right?
Look... I didn't want to suck it!
That's the point of what I
said! It was my fucking food!
Guys, guys,
guys, fire!
Boys, boys, boys...
Jonah's on fire!
Put it out!
Use your mouth!
Put it out!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Where is he? Where is he?
Where is he?
Go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, get outside!
Shit, shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit!
Go, go on!
Come on, hurry up,
he's coming!
He's coming!
Watch out, watch out!
Oh, my fortress!
Uh, boys, I just want
to point out, um,
we're out
in the open now.
Oh, fuck.
Shit, shit, shit.
Oh, shit.
Hey, hey, hey.
My Prius.
What is that?
No fucking way.
We're screwed!
We're totally
screwed, guys.
I got this.
I'll distract the thing.
I'll run over there
screaming and shit,
and that should give you enough
time to get to the garage.
Well, yeah, but that thing can kill you.
Maybe I deserve it. I've
been shitty my whole life.
Being selfish,
only doing shit for me.
Maybe it's only right
that the last thing I do
on this planet
isn't for me.
It's for you guys.
Craig, you don't have to do that.
Thank you
very much, Craig.
I appreciate that.
You spineless...
I love you guys.
You're my best friends.
You're a real
mensch, Craig.
See you on
the other side.
Hey, hey, asshole!
Hey, come on!
Pickle dick,
demonic-looking motherfucker.
Nobody's scared of you.
You ain't a raccoon!
Yeah, bring
your ass, bitch!
Nobody's scared of you!
I'm Craig fucking Robinson!
What's he gonna do?
I hope you like big dick,
'cause I'm about
to fuck you raw!
For the last goddamn time!
Take your panties off!
Fuck, yeah!
It worked.
What's happening?
Craig! Craig!
Holy shit, do you guys
realize what this means?
That Craig was an angel this whole time?
No, no, it means we can
still be saved. No, no.
I don't fucking get it, why
does Craig get saved? I mean...
Craig sacrificed
himself for us,
which means that
there's still hope.
That means we can be redeemed.
It means that if we're
actually nice to each other,
we can get sucked up into
Heaven, too. That's the deal.
All right, I got it,
let's just head out
to my place in Malibu.
Just survive long enough
until we do enough good things
and they accumulate
or do enough sacrifices,
and we'll all go
to Heaven together.
That's a great
idea, James.
Seriously, really, really good idea.
Really, you're
such a smart guy.
Thanks, Seth,
you're such a nice guy.
You got a great smile.
Thanks, man.
And an awesome laugh.
I've heard it's annoying. How
about that Jay back there, man?
Dude, Jay, you kidding me? Come on.
Oh, come on.
One of a kind.
Get out of here.
You got a cool body.
You can walk around with
your shirt off anytime.
It's not working,
this isn't working.
What, you thought we
would be Raptured already?
I thought it would
happen already.
No, we've just
been talking nice.
Talking nice doesn't
get you into Heaven.
Doesn't hurt to smile...
What the fuck?
You guys okay?
Oh, shit.
- Franco!
- Come on!
Yo, cut his fucking
head off!
What's going on?
What the fuck?
You guys are
still alive?
Holy shit,
I didn't expect that.
Fuck out here.
Shit, I can't believe you guys are here.
Oh, Jesus.
That's fucking crazy, and your timing
couldn't be more perfect.
It's been a long time
since any of us have eaten,
and you three gentlemen
look delicious.
What does that
have to do with us?
The fuck are
you talking about?
I'm a cannibal, hombre.
We're gonna
fucking eat your ass.
Fuck you, you can't
eat us. Fuck that, man.
I do whatever the fuck
I want, when I want.
I butt-fucked this dude.
See that?
I fucking slide
right in that shit.
I do whatever I want.
This is my gimp.
introduce yourself.
Hey, what's up, guys?
Y'all cool?
That's Channing Tatum.
That's Channing Tatum,
dude. What the fuck?
Channing fucking Tatum. I found
him wandering on the freeway.
I collected him, made him
my bitch. Get off my dick.
I call him
Channing Tate-yum.
Hard-core, man.
I got him trained good.
Watch, he does tricks.
Wait, shake hands.
All right, Seth.
Fucking roll over.
I'm gonna create a diversion. Yeah.
You and Jay make a run for it.
Danny's gonna eat you.
Listen, full-on
sacrifice for you, dawg,
like the ending to Pineapple 2.
Yeah, lick that.
That's Channing
fucking Tatum, dawg.
I love him.
That's fucking G.I. Joe,
dude. Fucking loves me.
Danny! We're friends!
You can't eat us!
I'd love to catch up, but we're
fucking starving, so let's eat!
Fuck you!
Eat this!
Ow! Shit, fuck!
Get him!
Who wants it,
you piece of shit?
Man, we should go back.
We should go back and help
him. We should go back.
Fucking Rapture.
Holy shit!
It worked!
What the fuck?
Go to hell, McBride!
Fuck you!
Suck my dick!
Oh, shit.
What happened?
What did I do?
Take me back!
What did I do?
I'll tell you what
happened, Franco.
You don't get to get
sucked up into Heaven
'cause you were being petty.
Tom Petty.
You may not have
invited me to your party,
but you're the guest
of honor at mine.
How fucking
crazy is this?
Seth, Jay!
Oh, shit, they're running after us.
Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
Oh, shit! Run.
Bring them to me!
Get 'em!
Got to get Rogen.
Over here.
What? Over here, over here. Here. What?
Shit, shit.
They're around
here somewhere.
They kept running,
you fucking idiots.
Shit, are they
still there?
I think they're gone.
Are they gone?
Oh, my God. Why did
Franco flip off Danny?
Why did he have
to do that, man?
He was in the clear.
That is textbook.
Vanity or...
Is it vanity?
Vanity or envy.
Is it envy or wrath?
It's any of them, man.
You can't do that.
It's being a sore winner,
is what it is,
more than anything.
That's exactly what it is.
You can't be a sore winner. No.
Well, this is another fine
mess we found ourselves in.
Listen, Jay...
Oh, shit.
Get out of here,
let's get out of here.
Oh, you've got to be
fucking shitting me!
Oh, my God.
Oh, no.
That thing's big.
Holy shit.
Oh, it's so big.
Oh, man.
Oh, Jesus.
We're gonna die, man.
Okay, we're gonna die.
Oh, no!
Listen to me, man.
I'm a fucking idiot.
I put myself up.
I'm self-righteous.
I think I'm better than you. No, no.
I was resistant
to change.
No. I should have grown with you.
I should have
changed with you.
We should have
changed together.
I didn't like what I became
so I hated what you became.
It's fine, man.
It's fine.
I love you, Seth, fucking love
you, buddy. I love you, man.
I always loved you.
Let's die together, man.
Let's die together.
I love you, Jay.
Holy shit, Jay,
all right!
Yeah, we did it!
I'm not getting
sucked up into Heaven!
What do you mean?
Why not?
I don't know why not!
Take my hand!
Okay, take me
with you, Jay!
I'll take you with me.
It's working!
Oh, no!
He sees us!
He can't touch us!
We're in a force field!
Oh, shit! Shit!
It's not gonna
take me with you!
We're going down!
Keep holding on and you'll get
pulled up, too!
It's not!
No, I won't, man!
I don't deserve to.
I'm gonna let go, Jay.
You'll die!
I know, but you won't.
I don't deserve to go
to Heaven, but you do.
You do, okay?
We're both gonna die
if I don't let go.
I'm not gonna hold
you back anymore.
# And I...
# Will always love you
# I will always
# Love you
# I will always love you
Whoo! Yeah!
Come, hold my hand, buddy!
Hold my hand!
You did it!
You did it!
You did it!
We're flying!
# Love you #
# When I die
and they lay me to rest
# Gonna go to the place
that's the best
# When I lay me
down to die
Welcome to Heaven,
Oh, my...
This is awesome.
Are you an angel?
Yes, sir.
That's so cool, man.
That is so cool.
Congratulations, dude.
Ah, fellas.
Dude, you got one.
That's so cool.
Do I have one?
Do I have one?
I can't see it.
Do I have...
Let's touch 'em.
Dude, this is so...
What do we do now?
Come this way.
# So you know
that when you die
# He's gonna recommend you
# To the spirit in the sky
# Spirit in the sky #
Right? Do you love it?
Do you love it?
Whoa, they got
weed in Heaven?
You tell me.
Oh! What?
Holy shit!
That's awesome!
That's insane, man.
No, no, no,
no, no, no.
That's Heaven. Anything
you could think of is yours.
Holy shit,
this is awesome.
I've always wanted to
ride one of these things.
Go ahead, Jay,
make a wish.
Anything you
could think of.
# Everybody, yeah
# Rock your body, yeah
No fucking way.
# Everybody
# Rock your body right
# Backstreet's back
# All right
# Hey, yeah
# Oh, my God,
we're back again
# Brothers, sisters,
everybody sing
# Gonna bring the flavor
show you how
# Gotta question for you
better answer now, yeah
# Am I original?
# Yeah
# Am I the only one?
# Yeah
# Am I sexual?
# Yeah
# Am I everything
you need?
# You better
rock your body now
# Everybody
# Yeah
# Rock your body
# Yeah
# Everybody
# Rock your body right
# Backstreet's back,
all right
# All right
# Backstreet's back,
all right #