This Land Is Mine (1943)

Albert? Yes, Mother. Hurry up,
you'll be late. Coming, Mother.
Darling? Yes, Mother, coming.
Sit down,
don't let your breakfast get cold.
Morning, Mother.
How's your rheumatism?
I didn't sleep.
That means it's going to rain.
Here's the newspaper.
Newspaper(!) Lies!
Shhh! There may be something
interesting in it today.
How did you get milk? The doctor
prescribed it. Are you sick?
Have I ever been well?
Never since you were born.
Not that I blame you.
You know I can't stand milk.
I never could.
There's no reason why you shouldn't
take advantage of my condition.
You were so weak as a child. I
saved your life by giving you milk.
It's shocking. So many cows
in the country and no milk.
Look, your coat. That filthy cat.
Take it off and let me brush it.
That girl should keep
her cat at home.
I couldn't sleep for the yowling.
I thought it was your rheumatism.
My rheumatism and the cat.
Come now, drink your milk,
you bad boy!
Some people get milk
without a prescription.
CAT MIAOWS There's a whole pitcher of
cream on the mayor's table every morning.
Our mayor's doing all right,
so are the merchants.
Black markets -
that's why there's no food to sell.
Selling meat and butter for ten times the
price but they won't raise your salary.
No, the schoolmaster must starve,
while men who can't spell
their names get rich.
Ah, well, at least we have order.
Things are quiet in the town now,
we shouldn't complain.
Drink up your milk.
What's that?
"Citizens, do not believe in
the generosity of the conquerors.
"If they are not driven out, it
means generations of slavery for us.
"We must resist.
"Let each of us say to himself,
'This land is mine.'"
Troublemakers. This is dangerous.
I'd better burn it.
Not here! They might see you.
I'll watch here. You can't trust
your neighbours nowadays.
Aaah! Get the cat! Go, tch-tch!
Go, tch-tch! Oh, my.
Albert, hurry up,
you'll be late for school.
Goodbye, Mother. Goodbye, my darling.
Edmund, hurry up!
Good morning.
Good morning. My sister's
been looking for that cat.
There's the runaway.
Won't you ever stay at home?
Did she annoy your mother again?
Not all. We're very fond of her.
My brother had a flat tyre.
Is it fixed? It'll do.
I'm waiting for Edmund Lorraine.
Edmund! He's coming, Mr Lory.
You don't mind if we wait?
Not if you walk fast.
Why not ask him to dinner?
Please do. George Lambert's coming.
Coming(!) He's bringing the
pigeon for dinner. Don't be silly!
Who's silly? I couldn't figure out
why he was on the office roof.
I found out he's got traps
up there for the pigeons.
Will you come? Thank you but my
mother doesn't like being on her own.
I'm sorry.
Have you seen this? Paul!
Paul, don't be crazy.
Why? Soldiers.
Hans, want to read something?
Someone's trying to compete
with our official newspaper.
Where did you get this?
Under the door.
They are all over town.
If you find any more, tell us. Sure.
Any at your house?
You're very smart(!)
I don't want to get into trouble.
They are just doing their job. Are
you doing yours? Just as fast I can.
Why pick on me?
You don't say anything to George.
Hi, Paul. Don't tear my stockings.
Just like all women,
thinking of your legs.
Edmund, come along, we're late.
Come on. Come on.
Burn these books. Is that your
order, Mr Mayor, or the enemy's?
Juvenal, Voltaire...
...Plato - The Republic.
My dear friend, we have to be
careful about that word republic.
Would you like my resignation?
By no means, my dear Sorel.
You have the respect
of the whole community.
I only want you
to understand our problems clearly.
I'm so sorry, Mr Mayor. Come in.
Come ahead, Lory. I'm just leaving.
Good morning, Miss Martin.
Is anything wrong? Yes. Come here.
Come here, Mr Lory.
It's a delicate surgical operation.
Cut out the heart
without killing the patient.
Our country's history
is a tough old patient.
We'll do the best we can.
We start here with Charlemagne.
Here he comes!
Why do we have
to do this dirty work?
Why not get the Germans to do it?
It's only a few pages.
Oh, Albert!
Vincent, close the door.
Until our new schoolbooks arrive,
we will make a few... corrections.
Edmund Lorraine, collect the pages
and burn them in the stove.
Pages seven and eight...
...pages fifteen, sixteen...
...seventeen, eighteen.
Pages twenty one and twenty two -
now tear them out carefully.
Page thirty.
It's the British.
Emily, don't be nervous.
We have plenty of time.
We must take shelter..
...even from our friends in the sky.
Now, when you pass out,
give me all the pages
you have taken out of your books.
The day will come
when we will paste them back.
Order, young man. Don't let girls
be better soldiers than the men.
Could I get my mother? She's
so afraid of the raids. Go ahead.
Albert, why are you running?
Why aren't you in the shelter?
Professor Sorel.
There's room over here, Mrs Lory.
You move over here.
There's a draft in this cellar.
He catches cold easily.
His lungs are weak.
Shhh! Now they're over us.
Four engines. Wellingtons!
No, they're American.
Just listen to them.
It's outrageous, bombing civilians.
Why don't they stay at home?
Things are bad enough.
I wish I could see
the sky full of them.
Why don't they bomb Germany,
young woman?
Every factory and railroad in Europe is
Germany until the Germans are driven out.
Emily, there's nothing
to be worried about.
We're perfectly safe down here.
It'll be over in a few minutes.
Look at Mr Lory.
Young men...
Let's all sing. If we sing loud
enough, we won't hear the guns.
I know that Julian Lamont
has a good strong voice.
Girls, we don't want
the boys to sing louder than us.
Now, are you all ready? One, two.
# Ting-a-ling, ring-o-ring
# Two bells in the steeple
# Ting-a-ling, ring-o-ring
# Calling all the people
# Guide you on our way from play
# Work begins another day
# Ting-a-ling, ring-o-ring,
# Welcoming another day
# Ting-a-ling, ring-o-ring
# Two bells in the steeple
# Slowly swing, another ring
# Calling all the people
# Here the pealing clear and high
# Like those angels in the sky
# Ting-a-ling, ring-o-ring
# High in the steeple... #
Come in.
You wished to see me? Yes, Mr Lory.
I know what you're going to say.
I know I'm ridiculous.
I'm stupid and weak.
I can't help it, sir.
I'm a coward. No, no. Yes, I can't
stand violence. It terrifies me.
Noises and explosions,
something happens to me.
I can't conceal it from the boys
any longer. They see it.
They saw it this morning. You saw it.
Even Miss Martin.
Sit down, Mr Lory. No, sir.
Now she knows I'm a coward.
Would you like to be transferred
to where there are no air raids?
No, no, no. Because of Miss Martin?
Yes. Does she know how you feel?
I thought you were
a confirmed bachelor like me.
Like all young men, I fell in love,
but she died.
I found great comfort in my work -
our work.
My family became this school,
my books, my teachers, my pupils -
many of them have grown up.
It's wonderful to be a schoolmaster.
It's a life work, Lory.
You sacrifice a lot
but you receive a lot.
We are the most important people
in the land.
Now is a time for sacrifice
more than ever.
Our real happiness lies
in doing our job well.
Our mayor was here this morning
talking about duty.
I prefer to use the word job.
These books must be burnt.
We can't resist physically.
But morally, within us,
we can resist.
We contain those books,
we contain truth.
They can't destroy the truth
without destroying all of us.
We can keep the truth alive
if the children believe in us.
Children like to follow a leader.
There are two kinds of leader.
We have no weapons, we don't march
except to air raid shelters.
Our heroes are called criminals
and shot against walls.
The others have guns and parades.
They teach violence, vanity,
everything that appeals to children.
Their criminals are called heroes.
That's a lot of competition, Lory.
Love of liberty isn't glamorous.
Respect for people isn't exciting.
There's one weapon
they can't take away - our dignity.
It's going to be a fight,
it IS a fight.
If the children admire us,
they will follow us.
We will win, Lory.
Or maybe we will get shot.
Everyone of us they execute
wins a battle for our cause,
because he dies a hero and
heroism is glamorous to children.
I don't ask you to die -
not immediately.
Think about these things and they'll help
when we are visited by our friends in the sky.
Can you handle your class
and feel less nervous next time?
Yes, I'll try. Good.
Professor Sorel. Yes, Victor?
What's the trouble? There's been
a wreck at the railroad yard.
Now it begins. They'll take
hostages even if it was an accident.
Now we've got to be strong, Lory.
Number nine.
I haven't touched it since.
Was it all right?
Yes, I watched the train back in.
Well, I expected it to but it ended
up in front of the other train.
It was too late to do anything.
See if it works now.
Control cable's broken. Cut.
You know nothing about it? No,
it was all right when I pulled it.
You turned in
an illegal newspaper this morning.
That's right, sir.
Any idea where it comes from?
No, sir.
If you do get an idea,
will you report it?
I think so.
Martin, this was an accident.
You understand? Yes, sir.
So, Hans, am I in a jam?
Ach, no.
You smoke and forget it, Paul.
What's the old man up to?
Why does he call it an accident?
We never ask questions.
Oh, Julie!
Where's George? In his office.
He's in an awful temper.
I'm worried about Paul. That fat pig
just left the switch tower.
If the boss asks,
I've gone to the warehouse.
You don't have to worry about Paul.
Go ahead and load, number four.
We'll get the tracks cleared.
Speed it up. George? Hello, darling.
The men will have to work overtime.
Refer any complaints to me.
Call me back when you're finished.
I'm in for some trouble.
Everything is in a mess.
I'm worried. So am I. Everything
seemed all right at the switch tower.
I work so hard to keep everything
moving. They'll blame me.
Perhaps I'm selfish
but I'm thinking about me.
Something's happened
that I don't understand. What?
I went to buy dinner and when I got
back, the house had been searched. I...
Excuse me, Lambert,
if I'm intruding.
That's OK. You know my adjutant? Yes.
Louise, this is Major von Keller
and Captain Schwartz - Miss Martin.
I know Miss Martin very well,
even if she doesn't know me.
It is my duty to know what the
teachers are teaching and thinking.
How are your friends in the sky?
I wanted to talk to you alone.
She wants to ask about
some papers she's lost.
Not lost, stolen.
My report says neither.
The forbidden pages were burned.
We protect the people
from their own mistakes.
What did you do? Nothing -
except prove our efficiency.
I found out what I wanted
to ask you. I'll see you tonight.
Don't be disturbed. We've more
important matters to discuss.
I've been investigating the wreck.
An unfortunate accident.
I wouldn't call it an accident.
Neither would I. It was sabotage.
I knew that illegal newspaper
would cause trouble.
Do you suspect anyone? I don't know.
Who prints the newspaper?
Every man in this yard gets a copy.
Find the publishers and find the
saboteurs. Logical but not helpful.
Not very intelligent
for either of us. You said sabotage.
It is sabotage.
You don't understand, my friend.
Look, if we call it sabotage I will
have to take hostages from the town,
and shoot them finally,
if the guilty are not found.
I don't like
to shoot innocent people.
Once you begin making martyrs,
it never stops.
Finally, we end up on a powder keg.
I see. The taking of hostages
will make the guilty more cautious.
The shooting
will make them more rebellious.
Next time,
a troop train will be wrecked.
Fortunately, no German soldiers
were killed.
Whatever was destroyed by
this "accident" can be replaced.
This town's good citizens
will eat less and talk more.
You can't be blamed for an accident.
In the meantime,
we keep our ears open.
I have many ears and you're in
touch with all those who work here.
Do you think they tell me anything?
They regard anybody
who gives orders as an enemy.
We had the same problem in Germany,
during the Republic
under capitalism.
I killed workers with my own hands
for our Fuhrer.
With both hands then. For my class,
it was either kill or be killed.
But we won and now we are brothers
- absolute obedience.
I too fought the unions
in this yard. I nearly died.
You had a leader and were many.
We had no leader and were few.
That's why you're here.
But not as your enemy. If you were,
I wouldn't do what I do.
We're here to rebuild your country.
Remember Germany before our Fuhrer?
A country
without food, arms or honour.
The people were waiting
to be told the truth.
We have shed German blood to give that
truth to your people and the whole world.
Your ideas are my ideas.
I saw our country being destroyed.
False democratic ideas,
women refusing to have children,
strikes for a 40-hour week when
your people worked 70 and 80 hours.
I want the new order for my country,
I work for it.
I know we can't have it
until this war is over.
But the truth is
I don't like the occupation.
Neither do I.
I'm glad we understand each other.
We both want this war to end.
Only then can Europe
be peaceful and united.
Only then can men like you
regain their dignity and honour.
Let us both work for that day.
Sorry, but you must keep in line.
The sound of the mob.
I don't like the way they look.
Don't worry. Break up the printing
presses and you break up rebellion.
Let's go.
A man is dead.
Go ahead!
GUNSHO Hello, Mrs Lory.
Eh, eh, eh!
Hello, Paul.
There's been trouble.
Did you hear the shooting?
Paul, what's the matter?
Paul! It's nothing. I'm all right.
Paul! Paul, it was you.
Oh, Paul, why didn't you tell me
it was you, it was you?
Now you're the brother
I've been so very proud of.
I can believe in you again.
MUSIC STOPS Herr Major. Man hat ihn
gesehen, aber nicht mehr erkannt.
Die Gruppenfuhrer war sicher dass
einer ihn getroffen hat.
So bloed. Abreden.
That settles it. The man got away -
not even recognised.
This concerns you. An attempt was
made on your life as well as mine.
Any suggestions? The two men
you arrested must know who it was.
You don't understand your people.
I know these men.
We had them in Germany - fanatics.
They'll die but they won't talk.
I'll have to take hostages.
Two German soldiers
have been killed.
I'm so sorry, Major von Keller. My
superiors won't accept apologies.
Have you ever studied this paper?
"They make a desert
and they call it peace."
That's classical flavour.
Who wrote that?
The two men you arrested.
Oh, no, my dear Mayor,
they were only printers.
They're the hands,
I'm looking for the brain.
This shows scholarship.
Schwartz, give me the list of books
on Professor Sorel's desk.
Voltaire, Plato, Juvenal, Tacitus.
Tacitus! Ubi solitudinem faciunt
pacem appellant.
You recognise it, Manville?
Is it Greek? It's Latin.
Tacitus was speaking
of the Roman occupation.
"They make a desert
and they call it peace."
We've got it.
Surely you don't suspect Sorel?
I've known him all my life.
He's a little radical, crazy ideas.
I never agreed with him
but he's highly respected.
He'd never try to kill me. Of
course not. Have a glass of wine.
Let's drink a toast to Tacitus.
Boys, boys!
What have you been doing?
I'm very disappointed. This is
a place of learning and culture.
The first requisite of culture
is good manners.
I've tried to keep dignity
but if you continue to misbehave,
I'll report you to the principal.
Edmund, what's that on your face?
They say I'm a Jew.
Who did it?
I don't know, sir.
Got to the washroom
and clean your face.
Mr Lory, come quickly!
They're arresting Professor Sorel.
Professor Sorel!
They mustn't take you.
Don't leave us.
We can't run the school without you.
Don't leave us! Dignity, Lory.
You can run the school.
Stop it! Let go! You can't take him.
I won't let you.
Father! Father! It's all right, son.
Don't worry, I'll be back. Comfort
your mother. You're the man now.
You're a brave boy, Edmund.
And so are you, Albert.
You're wasting your time.
And mine too.
You surely can't have anything
against Professor Sorel.
Everyone respects him. Some of us
love him. He's a good man.
He writes well. I admire his style.
You know he'd never do anything
violent. Mr Lorraine... He's a Jew.
What will happen to them? Two
German soldiers were murdered today.
Unless the criminal gives himself up,
ten hostages will be shot but not by me.
But by the cowardly criminal
who won't confess his guilt.
You'd shoot innocent men?
I'd have nothing to do with it.
But I'm not grieving
for the innocence of Sorel.
Your hostility to me comes from him.
You pass it on to your pupils.
We must stamp out these ideas
in the schools.
Children are the soldiers
and mothers of tomorrow.
Ten years ago,
our children were like yours.
We threw out the Sorels
and took over the schools.
They'll rule the world. You won't!
If I didn't know you're marrying
a reliable man, I'd worry about you.
Thank you for helping me understand
exactly what this occupation means.
Thank you for your company,
Miss Martin.
Don't worry too much about Sorel.
We have ways of finding out things.
The chances are
we'll find the guilty man.
My regards to Lambert.
And save me some wedding cake.
They've arrested Professor Sorel.
Poor darling, don't cry.
Come and sit down.
I know how you feel
but crying won't do any good.
There now. Is that better?
Oh, George!
I'm frightened. I'm scared to death.
Life is getting terrible.
I don't know what to do.
I need you.
Of course you do.
That's what I'm here for.
I love you.
I know about Sorel and that
they took that shopkeeper Lorraine
and eight other men.
One of them worked here.
If they find the man who threw
the bomb, they'll be released.
You don't understand.
The man who threw the bomb...
Oh, George, I'm in such
an awful situation. I know.
The man who threw the bomb
is a criminal.
If he had any courage,
he'd admit his guilt.
You really believe he's a criminal?
We all hate this occupation.
I told Major von Keller just that.
But we must face facts.
They have the power.
If one of us resists and gets killed,
he takes the risk
and the punishment himself.
The man who resists with acts of
sabotage escapes but innocent people die.
You really think that?
It's obvious, darling.
Anyone who resists
ought to give himself up?! Yes.
Then there's no more resistance.
Isn't it better to have peace?
What happens to a nation
if all its citizens die?
But I saw them take Professor Sorel.
He isn't afraid to die.
He's old, we're young.
Life means everything to us.
I know young men
who aren't afraid to die.
Nothing is worth
the sacrifice of your life, Louise.
We have everything before us.
Love, marriage, chi...
No, George! I was in love with you,
perhaps I still am.
I feel as if
I don't really know you.
This is the first time
you've been frank with me.
I haven't found the answer
to the things you've said.
I feel... I know you're wrong.
Hello, folks.
What's the matter?
She's just upset.
She'll get over it. You know women.
I sure don't.
I don't know what's keeping Paul.
He knew you were coming.
I have something to say to you.
Are you worried about your mother?
I know she doesn't like me. I...
You don't have to explain a thing.
She's old and lonely.
I understand how you feel.
You can go home. Thank you.
You forgot something. It's for you.
For me?
They're lovely.
Where did you get them?
Edmund picked them for you.
He's very fond of you.
Lou... Louise, I must speak to you.
Louise, I... I know I'm not young.
You are so very young in my mind.
I remember the day you graduated.
I remember when you came back to
teach. I was so worried about you.
I was so happy
when I saw the children loved you.
Now we're both here together. We're
the only ones left in the school.
I feel so very close to you...
Paul! Lory, sit down at the table.
Understand? I was here for dinner.
I've been here an hour.
Breathe in.
I don't smoke.
Hello, Sergeant.
What were all those explosions?
Ammunition train.
Anyone come in? No.
Do you live here? Why are you here?
He's Mr Lory from next door.
Why didn't you answer me?
I don't smoke.
He's a teacher.
It's his first cigarette.
How long have you been here?
I came home and then read the paper.
What time? Six o'clock.
Who was here?
Louise was here. And my brother Paul.
I'm not asking you. Who was here?
He was here.
You're sure about that? Yes.
He was here all the time?
He's sweet on my sister.
Get those men out of my house!
Where do you think you are? Please,
lady! Don't give me "please".
Get those men out! I'm a decent
woman. I don't hide anybody.
What do you mean? You've got
no right to go into my house.
Albert, come home. Come on.
Wenn ihr hier fertig seid, kommt mit!
My best china. Waaah!
Get out of here, you lummox!
Get out! I'm sorry.
My wedding gift from the mayor.
Come here.
Are you satisfied?
NO! You're a brute.
They're all brutes.
Albert! Yes, Mother.
Yes, Mother? Sit down.
You'll be late.
They ought to be ashamed to call
this coffee. Morning, Mother.
Nothing but burnt corn.
You queue all day for four ounces.
I'm sure the mayor doesn't
have this on his table. Tsh-aah!
That cat! I wish you wouldn't
let it in in the morning.
It's a very nice cat.
Albert, you'll never grow up.
How's your rheumatism this morning?
I had to get up in the middle
of the night to rub my legs.
I think I caught cold
waiting for you to come home.
You know I don't like
to be left alone, my darling.
I'm sorry, Mother.
You smelt of tobacco when you came
home from that girl's house.
I only took one puff.
With your weak lungs,
tobacco could be the death of you.
I'm sure your father would have
lived longer if he hadn't smoked.
It's poison for sensitive people.
Now, me...
I can't stand the smell of tobacco.
Now what do you want? Albert Lory?
What is it you want?
Albert Lory, hostage.
I won't let you take my boy.
Don't make trouble now.
He's innocent. We have our orders.
Don't you touch him.
My boy is innocent.
If you lay your hands on him,
I'll go to our mayor. Get out!
Mein Herr!
Where did you get this?
Under the door.
He's innocent.
Let me tell you! Mother...
Let me tell you. SHE WAILS
Get out of my way! I want to see
Major von Keller. He's busy.
Do you have an appointment?
I'm Mrs Emma Lory.
Send in an application
and I'll let you know in a few days.
The mayor's meeting the council.
Impossible to see anyone.
Perhaps he'll see Emma Bellard.
40 years he got his face slapped for
trying to kiss her. Come back tomorrow.
Sorry, Mrs Lory,
the superintendent is very busy.
Now, really, Mrs Lory!
George Lambert, you listen to me.
Do you know
what they have done to my boy?
I'm very sorry.
Sorry my eye! Do something.
Sit down and listen to me!
Go to bed now, Susie. You've
practised enough. Come kiss me.
You've not only done your duty,
you can also expect a reward.
I want no reward, sir.
This is very hard for me to do.
Between you and me,
I hope he is the man.
You know I have
to handle von Keller carefully.
He's been ordered to increase the
shipment of food from this district.
Our people
are hungry enough as it is.
It'll keep von Keller happy
if I can deliver the saboteur.
I'll save many lives. Not just Lory
but also my friend Sorel.
They won't release Sorel
unless Paul tells who threw the bomb.
The thing that makes me mad is how
he fooled us - me, his best friend,
making friends with the Germans.
I can't stand hypocrisy.
Neither can I.
They say I'm a collaborationist.
I am and you know why.
It's easy for people
in free countries to call us names.
When the Germans march in, they'll make the
best of it. Or they'll get the worst of it.
I do my duty. As mayor,
my duty is to defend this town.
Where can they find Martin?
At home? He's on the night shift. He'll
be at the switch tower in half an hour.
Hello, operator.
I want to speak to Major von Keller.
Zwei bleiben draussen, zwei hier.
Anything wrong?
Don't ask questions.
Get on with your work.
# Was soll es bedeuten
# Dass ich so traurig bin? #
Fraulein, kommen Sie zu uns hier!
Fraulein, bleib doch hier!
Julie. Julie.
Why don't you go with her?
Isn't she your type?
I know what people say.
You've got to stick by me, Julie.
Believe in me.
I've tried to, Paul,
but this is too much.
I hate these soldiers.
They killed my brother.
Not these fellows.
He... he was killed at the front,
before the armistice. I hate you!
Don't touch me. Don't speak to me.
I never want to see you again.
Hello, George.
Hey, George! Shhh!
You're early. Have a smoke.
Here's a light.
Is anything wrong?
You know I love Louise? Sure.
Do you know what
it means to me to lose her?
You'll make up. I don't think so.
Are you my friend? Sure.
Am I yours? Say, what is this?
If you were in my place and you knew
who did the sabotage, would you tell?
Do you know who did it? Yes.
And you told? Yes.
Why did you do it?
Why did YOU do it, George?
Don't look at me like that.
You're looking at yourself.
That's what you can't stand.
You can't stand it and that's why
you've warned me. Thanks, George.
Paul! Paul!
Paul, I've got to talk to you.
Don't move. Stay here.
Hold her, George. Paul! Paul!
Paul! Paul!
Ah! My boy, my boy!
My boy, let me look at you.
I couldn't sleep thinking of you
in that horrible prison.
It was very nice.
I saw Professor Sorel.
He was right across from me.
We talked all night.
When the Germans listened,
we talked in Latin.
You had a good time while
I was lying awake thinking of you.
Just like a man - talk, talk, talk
- and let the women worry.
I'm worried.
They didn't release Professor Sorel.
I was the only one they let go.
Why let me go?
They're know you're needed
at the school.
Come along, have your breakfast.
But Professor Sorel
is needed more than I am.
Don't let's ask questions.
They'll let him out, you'll see.
Come now,
have your breakfast, my darling.
I must tell Paul and Louise.
No! No! NO!
Mother, I must tell her I'm free.
It'll make her happy.
Albert, don't leave me.
What's the matter, Mother?
I don't feel well.
You must shave and change.
You can't go out looking like that.
But the house is only next door.
I shan't be a minute.
Where's Paul?
You coward!
You know what happened to Paul.
They killed him. That's why you're
free. To think we trusted you.
You're weak but I told Paul
you'd keep quiet.
Did they pay you
or just give you your life?
It's not worth much. Louise!
You're the only one that knew.
Get out!
Get out!
Don't let that girl hurt you. She's
mixed up in it with her brother.
He's dead.
And you're free, thank God!
You may as well know,
I'm the one who told. Told?!
Told what?!
I saw him climb through the window.
My own mother told the Germans?!
I told George Lambert.
George Lambert!
Son! George Lambert.
Albert! He's your friend.
George Lambert!
Good morning, Lambert.
Mmm, I feel poetic this morning.
"Romeo, Romeo,
wherefore art thou, Romeo?
"Deny thy father
and refuse thy name.
"Or, if thou wilt not, be but thus sworn
my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."
Shakespeare. We love him in Germany.
The English don't understand him.
Sit down.
You look as if you have indigestion
or didn't you sleep well?
Now me, I slept better
than I have for weeks.
She'll never know.
We keep our secrets.
Don't worry about
that broken engagement.
Now she'll be lonely
and make up with you.
Too bad he wasn't taken alive.
I think somebody warned him.
Have you released the hostages?
By no means.
Only that fool schoolmaster.
After that, we won't have trouble
keeping him in line.
One for one.
Fair trade and good business.
Sadly, your friend Martin is dead.
And dead men can't talk.
But I've thought of a way
to find his accomplices.
People might be afraid
to go to the funeral tomorrow.
But you will go and comfort her.
She will admire you
for risking my displeasure.
She will cry on your shoulder.
I'm making up your quarrel for you.
She knows who the accomplices were
and you know the way to my office.
Do you think I'd do that?
I'm sure you will.
I have something
for the superintendent. Come in.
We caught it in a trap in the loft.
I thought you'd like it for dinner.
It's a fine, fat bird.
I wouldn't mind having it.
I'm expecting to hear from you
tomorrow night, Lambert.
I hope you like it, sir. Oh, thanks.
GUNSHO Murder! Murder!
I can only sum up by saying
the murder has been proved,
by the witnesses, by the gun he was
holding, by the blood on his handkerchief,
and a very clear motive - one of
the oldest motives in history -
You may find it preposterous
that a man of his timid character
could become so enamoured
so as to commit an act of violence
to dispose of a rival.
I've never seen a man too old
to look at a charming young lady.
I wouldn't give my oath that
such glances are always innocent.
All I ask is a just verdict.
The prosecution rests.
This court regrets that you refuse
to be defended by counsel.
You'll address the jury
from where you sit.
I advise you
to speak clearly and to the point.
I shall be brief because I have
written down all I have to say.
I don't understand.
I'm sure I had my papers.
It's all I've been doing in my cell.
It was a little hole, but I've been
away so long, nobody's sewn it up.
I hope you'll excuse me
for speaking badly.
I've never been able
to speak in public.
I hope the prosecutor
won't think I'm disrespectful
to the court and the legal
profession in having no lawyer.
My only defence is the truth.
Nobody knows the truth as well as I.
I was the only one who was there.
The truth is I wanted
to kill George Lambert
but I don't think I could have.
I'm too weak. I'm a coward.
Everybody knows that,
even the prosecutor.
That's why he's making fun of me.
I'm not a coward here.
I have brave dreams.
I'm not afraid to commit murder here.
But when I face reality... outside...
...I'm lost. I'm a coward.
It's strange.
We're two people, all of us.
Inside and outside.
George Lambert was two men.
It wasn't until I saw him dead
that I realised it.
I knew why he'd killed himself.
He couldn't face reality.
But he was different from me.
He was strong outside...
...and weak inside.
Inside he was a coward.
When this honest coward had to face
what that other George,
brave George, had done...
...he couldn't stand it.
So he killed himself.
It's strange but I felt strong for the
first time in my life when I saw him dead.
I was sorry for him.
I suddenly understood everything.
In a way,
I'm to blame for his death...
through my mother's love for me.
Even love can be a terrible thing.
It can commit crimes.
Louise, you thought
I informed on Paul.
It was my mother.
To save me, she told George.
George told the mayor, who told
Major von Keller and Paul was killed.
Even Mayor Manville is two men.
They both appear strong
but they're both weak.
The outside man pretends he's saving the town
to hide the inside man who's saving himself.
I object. The accused has
no right to slander our mayor.
If this is a court of justice,
I have a right to be heard.
If not, how can we believe
our courts deal out justice
under the occupation,
as the newspapers insist? Proceed.
Even before the war, our mayor was
sure the enemy was not the Germans,
but a part of our people.
We found your speech outside.
The mayor was born poor.
Then he became powerful.
Then he began to fear
the very people he'd come from.
Huh! Our country is
full of people like that.
Every country is.
George Lambert was not powerful but took
the side of the powerful men he admired.
He found he got on better that way.
I object. The accused is exploiting this
courtroom to indulge in dangerous political talk.
But it's the basis of my defence.
Can the accused slander his victim
in a court of justice?
Is this a free court or not?
Then the court must permit me
to call a new witness. Who?
Mayor Henry Manville.
He'll be here by the morning.
I request an adjournment.
Has the accused any objection?
Not at all.
Very well.
This session stands adjourned.
Good evening, Lory.
I heard about that torn pocket.
You lost your speech.
But you did all right
from all accounts.
May I sit down? Please, of course.
Sit down.
Lory, I was mistaken about you.
You are a man of real courage.
Oh no, I'm not.
I know what you said in court
but you're wrong. I know you better.
I was a fool
not to realise it sooner.
Cigarette? No, thank you.
This is my second one.
Lory, I like you.
Too bad - you made a great mistake
in court today.
You say you're a coward, but
you disproved it by what you said.
Now they know you killed Lambert.
But I didn't.
Come, come - I'm here to save you.
I'm your friend.
I told the truth - I didn't.
Lory, I believe you.
Now I remember the way Lambert looked when
I left him. That makes it all very easy.
Lambert was despondent
because of losing Miss Martin.
There will be a suicide
note. You'll be acquitted.
Oh. You won't have to say
another word in court.
Did they find a suicide note?
Hmm, you're a poet Lory, a poet.
Why are you trying to save my life?
I told you - I like you.
Oh, I see. you don't want me to say
anything more in court.
My dear Lory,
it's a peculiar situation.
A courtroom is a public forum.
Of course, we Germans could take over the
whole administration, but we prefer not to.
We prefer to give freedom to those
we defeat on the battlefield.
But freedom must be limited
by the necessities of war.
It's a very small sacrifice we ask of you
when WE are still sacrificing our lives.
I have nothing to conceal. I tell you
these things as a man of intelligence.
Lambert was a tool -
very honest, but not very bright.
You're right, the mayor is
working for his own interest.
We need them. They're in
every country we invade.
Why, even in Germany. That's
the way our party got into power.
They're everywhere and that's why
nothing can stop us from winning.
America thinks of invasion in terms of armies
and aeroplanes, but they are already invaded.
The honest Lamberts and the dishonest Manvilles
are waiting to welcome us, just as in Europe.
If we need peace,
as a further weapon of conquest,
their patriotism will find plenty
of arguments for peace.
What is the United States but a
charming cocktail of Irish and Jews?
Very spectacular but very childish.
And England? A few old ladies wearing their
grandfathers' leather breeches. Well, Lory?
What do you say?
Could I have another light for
my cigarette? Certainly. Thank you.
Lory, I'm glad you've decided to live
and be a free man. You're a schoolmaster,
and you have a great duty -
the regeneration of youth.
You must make them ready for the world of
tomorrow. Believe me, it will be a fine world.
Professor Sorel!
Professor Sorel!
You may call your witness,
Mr Prosecutor.
It will not be necessary
to call Manville.
new evidence has been found
which will make this trial unnecessary.
Why hasn't the court been informed?
I only found it today among some mail I'd forgotten
to open. It's in George Lambert's handwriting.
It was mailed before his death.
I offer it in evidence. It saves us
from a grave miscarriage of justice.
It shows George Lambert
intended suicide.
Your Honour, it's a forgery.
I know all about that letter.
I mean... Quiet, you fool! One moment,
Mr Prosecutor. What do you mean, Lory?
The letter's forged. Major Keller
told me. The man's insane!
No, I'm not insane. The prosecutor
wrote that letter to himself.
I think he's trying to save my life.
This is no laughing matter!
Your Honour, I ask that the man who started
that unseemly outburst be removed from the room.
The court agrees, Mr Prosecutor.
Which of you started that laughter?
I ask you again -
who started the laughter?
Excuse me, Your Honour. I don't
know but I think I can guess.
Maybe it was the unknown soldier.
Proceed, Mr Lory. Thank you, sir.
I am a very lucky man.
This is the only place left in my
country where a man can still speak out.
I ask that the courtroom be cleared.
He's afraid, Your Honour. He wants to
deprive me of my last chance to speak.
I know I'm a condemned
man. I know I must die.
Are you going to let
me speak, Your Honour?
Or are you afraid to? I demand
that the courtroom be cleared.
Proceed, Mr Lory.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
I'm a very lucky man.
Last night, I had a moment
of weakness. I wanted to live.
Major von Keller told me beautiful
things about the future of our world.
I almost believed him.
But it's hard for people like you and
me to know what is evil and what is good.
It's easy for the working people to know the enemy
because the aim of this invasion is to make them slaves.
But it's easy for middle-class people to
believe a German victory is not such a bad thing.
We hear people say that too much
liberty brings chaos and disorder.
That's why I was tempted last night
by Major von Keller in my cell.
But this morning, I looked out through bars
and saw this beautiful new world working.
I saw ten men die because
they still believed in freedom.
Among them was a man I loved -
Professor Sorel.
He waved at me as if telling me
what to do.
I knew then I had to die.
The strange thing is, I was happy.
Your Honour,
I demand an adjournment!
Quiet, please.
Those ten men died
because of Paul Martin.
They didn't blame Paul Martin -
they were proud of him.
Paul was a soldier,
without glory,
but in a wonderful cause.
I see now that sabotage is the only
weapon left to a defeated people.
And so long as we have saboteurs, the
other free nations who are still fighting
will know that we are not defeated.
Oh, I know -
for every German killed many of
our innocent citizens are executed,
but the example of their heroism
is contagious
and our resistance grows.
Oh, it's very easy to talk about
heroism in the free countries.
But it's hard to talk about it here
where our people are starving.
The hard truth is,
the hungrier we get,
the more we need our heroes.
We must stop saying that sabotage
is wrong - that it doesn't pay.
It DOES pay.
It makes us suffer,
starve and die.
Though it increases our misery,
it will shorten our slavery.
That's our hard choice.
Even now they are bringing more troops into
town because of the trouble that has started.
The more German soldiers here, the
less they have on the fighting fronts.
Even an occupied town like this
can be a fighting front, too.
And the fighting is harder.
We not only have to fight hunger
and a tyrant,
first, we have to fight ourselves.
The occupation -
any occupation in any land -
is only possible because we are
corrupt. I accuse myself first.
I made no protest against the mutilation
of the truth in our school books.
My mother got me extra food and milk,
and I accepted it
without facing the fact
that I was depriving children
of their portion.
You're the butcher, Mr Noble.
Naturally, you wanted to survive and
the black market was your answer.
You keep your business going by selling meat
out the back door at ten times its price.
Some to my mother,
who is equally guilty as I was.
You, Mr Millett, are doing very well in your hotel
although it's filled with Germans drinking champagne.
Of course, they print the money
for nothing.
But with this money,
you are buying property.
Just as the mayor is - I could say
the same about many of you.
If the occupation lasts long enough, the
men who are doing this will own the town.
I don't blame you
for making money,
but you should blame yourselves
for making the occupation possible.
Because you cannot do these things
without playing into the hands
of the real rulers of the town -
the Germans!
LORY CHUCKLES That's why I know
you must condemn me to death.
Not because I killed George Lambert,
which I didn't,
but because I've tried
to tell the truth.
The truth can't be allowed
to live under the occupation.
It's too dangerous.
The occupation lives upon lies,
as the whole evil world
they call the New Order does.
you'll find me guilty of murder.
Don't worry, my friends,
even if you were to acquit me,
the enemy would put me up
against a wall - and you too.
They can find
any reason to take hostages.
Oh, there's one final charge
I must answer to.
And I'm very guilty.
I was ashamed when the prosecutor
accused me of loving you.
I've always loved you secretly.
Now, I'm not ashamed.
I'm proud of it.
I don't want to keep it a secret.
I want to tell the whole world.
I don't feel silly at all.
Maybe it's because I'm going to die.
I feel very young.
You know, Major von Keller said
a very funny thing to me last night.
He told me I wasn't a coward.
I think he was right.
I'm not the only one
who's not a coward.
This town is full of courage.
I'm proud of it.
I'm proud to be born and die here.
Thank you.
Gentlemen of the jury, you will
now retire from this courtroom
to exercise your free conscience
and arrive at a just verdict.
We have already agreed on a verdict.
Albert Lory, please stand.
What is your verdict?
We, the jury, by unanimous agreement,
conscious of our responsibility in weighing
the accused's guilt or innocence of murder,
find him not guilty.
Thank you, young men.
Sit down.
I'm afraid this is my last class.
I don't know how much time I have.
If this must be a short lesson,
I think I've found the best book.
It was given to me
by Professor Sorel.
The only reason it wasn't burnt
was because I hid it in my bedroom.
I'm going to read you something
written by great men.
Written in a night of enthusiasm
a long time ago - 150 years ago.
These men came from all classes,
rich people, poor people,
businessmen, men of religion.
They didn't fight with each other.
They all agreed
on that wonderful night.
Now other men
are trying to destroy this book.
Maybe this will be burned, but they
can't burn it out of your memories.
You'll have to rewrite it some day.
That's why you young people
are so important.
You're the new nation.
A Declaration Of The Rights Of Man.
"Article One -
all men are born and remain free...
"..and equal in rights.
"Article Two -
"The purpose of all political
parties is the safeguarding
"of the natural
and inalienable rights of Man.
"These rights are liberty, property
security and resistance to tyranny.
"Article Three
- the principle of all government resides in the nation itself.
"No group, no individual
can exercise any authority
"that does not
expressly emanate from the people.
"Article Four -
"Liberty consists in freedom
to do all that does not harm others.
"Article Five -
"The law has the right to forbid..."
Just one moment, gentlemen, please.
"The law has the right to forbid only
those things which are harmful to society."
Well, I must go.
Not because I am harmful to society, but
because I am harmful to tyranny. Come on.
Don't move, Louise...
...and don't cry.
I'm happy. That's enough. Come on.
Goodbye... citizens.
Sit down.
"Article Six
- The law is the expression of the will of the people.
"All citizens have
the right to assist personally
"or through their elected
representatives in its formation.
"It ought to be the same for all,
"whether it protects
or whether it punishes.
"All citizens,
being equal in eyes of the law,
"have equal rights to all dignities,
places and public positions,
"according to their capacity and without any distinctions
other than those of their virtues and talents."