Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000)

Hello. I'm Mr. Conductor...
and I'm going to tell you
a story about trains...
folks far apart and the magic railroad
that brought them together.
Every story, like a railroad,
has its heroes.
Meet Thomas.
He's our number one hero.
But he's running a little late today.
This is the Island of Sodor
where Thomas and his friends live.
It's at one end of my special universe.
I like helping out here.
By the invitation of Sir Topham Hat,
of course.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Who do we appreciate?
Practicing your numbers, Gordon.
That's a good engine.
I'm counting
how many seconds late you are.
What does that sign say?
"Sodor Railway.
Really reliable and right on time."
Signed, " Head of the railway,
Sir Topham Hat."
But you weren't on time,
little Thomas.
You're being bossy.
Please excuse me.
I'm meeting Mr. Conductor.
He's looking after us while
Sir Topham Hat takes a needed holiday.
I think we can take care
of ourselves.
Get out of my way!
I have unfinished business here...
and I wanna finish it fast!
Diesel 10's back!
Yes, ten out of ten for devious deeds
and brutal strength.
The blast from the past
who hates steam engines.
Maybe we do need
Mr. Conductor here after all.
On time!
At the other end of my universe...
far away across oceans of time...
up and over Muffle Mountain
and hidden deep in a valley...
is my hometown...
Shining Time.
Every now and then
There appears a sign
That points just round the bend
To a place you'll find
Covered in clover
The magic comes over you
Showing up right on time
This is your Shining Time
Climbing through stars to
Your own cloud nine
Soft strokes of lightning
Paint the skies brightening
Up all your Shining Time
And by the way, I think you're
going to help me and Thomas...
somewhere in this story.
If Diesel has unfinished business...
there's sure to be trouble
right around the corner.
Boo, fly! Shoo, fly! That's it!
Better still, buzz off!
You weren't concentrating, Thomas.
Lucky for you
that the buffers were there.
That's what buffers are for,
to stop engines from crashing.
Why are you in the sheds, James?
I'm feeling a little blue...
which isn't so hot when you're red.
I was naughty and Sir Topham Hat
told me to think...
about all the ways I can be useful.
Then I can come out again.
He's just trying to make this
a better railway for steam engines.
He says, the harder we work,
the less he'll need diesels to help.
Help you?
You'll always need help!
Because steam engines
are cowardly, cranky...
worn-out hunks of metal
who couldn't hurt a fly.
- No, we're not!
- Yes, you are!
- Aren't!
- Are!
Now, I've come back
to find a lost steam engine.
I'm gonna destroy her
and dominate you!
And then you'll be nothing
but useless scrap! Right, Pinchy?
Big bully!
- Stinker!
- We're really useful engines!
You won't dominate us
and you won't destroy her!
We won't let you. Neither will
Mr. Conductor. I'm off to fetch him now.
What lost engine?
There, Mutt, paint job's finished.
I reckon Shining Time has the best
welcome sign of any town in our valley.
I'm glad you agree.
Billy's old map sure helped a lot.
He's on his way back now?
You hear that train whistle sooner
than it hears itself.
Fine work, Patch.
I've been looking at your map.
What are these mysterious
shadowy lines?
They look like
straight railroad tracks...
but I can't see any tracks around here,
except the ones you travel on.
- It's mysteries that make this land so...
- Magical?
I better be off to Muffle Mountain.
I promised Mr. Stone I'd clean his yard.
Does Burnett Stone
ever give you a smile?
No, but he doesn't frighten
my horse, either.
Which means,
I don't think he's a bad man.
I think he's just sad.
I didn't know
that in Muffle Mountain there was...
a secret that Burnett had shared
only with his childhood friend, Tasha.
One day, Tasha, I'm going to drive
this engine and I'll take you with me.
Promise you will, Burnett. Promise!
I promise.
This engine was vital to the magic
that held these worlds together...
but only Burnett knew that.
Hello. Shining Time Station.
Manager StaceyJones speaking.
Oh, yes, the 10:15 from Pelican Falls
to Shining Time...
is right on schedule.
You're welcome.
The 10:00 to Lucy's Leap
is leaving now.
Billy, I found this child's drawing...
in an old locker in the lost and found.
Look at the signature, Billy.
Burnett Stone!
It's hard to believe Burnett
could have ever looked that happy.
Burnett had a wonderful smile.
And he loved railroading, too.
How did you find me here?
I found the entrance
to your workshop ages ago.
But I would never tell anybody.
See that switch on the wall?
Flip it on.
I guessed there was something mysterious
about this mountain.
Yeah. All mountains
have their secrets, Patch.
Shouldn't surprise a kid like you.
Could I help you.
Sure. You can help me dust her off.
This engine's name is Lady.
Why is she locked up?
She isn't.
She's safe from harm.
Long ago, I made a mistake
as Lady's caretaker.
An evil diesel found Lady
and threatened to destroy her.
He chased her
and used up all her coal.
He made her go too fast,
and then he crashed her.
I brought her here.
I tried my best to fix her up...
but I've never been able to make up
for the mistake I made.
And I've never been able
to bring her to life.
To make her steam.
Patch, she's as precious as gold.
Pinchy, you captured the real me.
That's beautiful. I could cry.
Boss? We're here.
Listen, you two.
I've got a job for you, Splodge.
- Actually, it's Splatter.
- And Dodge.
I ain't got time
to say both names!
I've come back
to find a steam engine.
- That's easy.
- Yeah, they're everywhere.
Not the one I want.
She escaped me once before.
As long as she exists,
so do the others.
But if she can be destroyed...
- Destroyed? The "D" word?
- Did you say the destroyed?
Yeah, destroyed!
There's one problem.
Mr. Conductor's coming,
and he won't let you destroy.
I can do whatever I want!
I'll get him, too! With Pinchy!
Pinchy, I hate it when you do that!
- Hello, Mr. Conductor.
- Hello, Billy.
Tool kit? Check.
Ticket puncher? Check-check.
All aboard!
Just testing, Billy. Mustn't let
my conducting skills get rusty.
Important day, Mr. C?
It is a very important day!
I'm going to the Island of Sodor.
It's the only place in my universe
where I fit in size-wise.
Sir Topham Hat has given me
a big responsibility.
Diesel 10 is back, and I have
to make sure he behaves himself.
Excuse me, Billy.
I hope your visit goes well.
Thank you.
I must be responsible, reliable and...
Don't tell me.
Really useful. I knew that.
I'm sorry. What did you say?
Well, thank you, Moby Dick.
I like my sparkle, too.
Gold really is your color.
Stacey, where did you find
this painting?
In an old locker. It was done
by Burnett Stone when he was a child.
I was told that he used to work
on this railroad.
But he never leaves the other side
of the mountain now.
You seem puzzled, Mr. Conductor.
I am puzzled.
This place looks like
the Island of Sodor, but how would...
Burnett Stone travel there
without gold dust?
Sparkle's been the only way to make the
trip since the lost engine disappeared.
Anyway, I just came to say good-bye.
I have to go now.
Right now?
Yes. I have to make sure everything's
safe and sound on the Island of Sodor...
just as I try to do here.
Like Stacey, Mutt sensed danger.
He didn't want either Billy or me
to leave Shining Time.
Old Smoky, you stay right here
until I get back.
Ah, there you are.
Is something wrong here?
What kind of answer is that?
I'm going to be late.
I'll get back as fast as I can.
I have to concentrate now.
I'm suddenly having problems
with my sparkle.
Good-bye, Mutt.
Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle.
Mr. Conductor, where are you?
I know you live far away,
but you always seem to get here on time.
Mr. Conductor!
Are you all right?
Yes, Thomas. But sometimes
everything happens at once.
I have to see Sir Topham Hat
to get my orders right away.
The journey from Shining Time
keeps getting bumpier and bumpier.
Does it?
A big bully Diesel is back.
You had better be careful.
Sir Topham Hat warned me about Diesel.
Don't worry, Thomas.
I'll just pop in and out
with my sparkle wherever he goes...
and keep him in order, I hope.
Old McDiesel had a plan
Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee
Apinch-pinch here, a pinch-pinch there
Here a pinch, there a pinch
I crack myself up.
Tasha, the Conductor family has
a little steam engine...
with her own railroad,
and has wonderful energy because of it.
But a diesel wants to destroy her.
And without her, the Conductor's
universe will vanish.
The man with the sparkle told me that
one day one of his family will return...
but until then,
"Guard her well, young Burnett."
But I didn't guard you well.
I just don't...
seem to understand about...
magic anymore.
This is where Burnett's granddaughter,
Lily, comes into our story.
She lives with her mom and dad
in the big city...
a few hours train ride
from Shining Time.
She sees magic no one else has time to.
Like lovely reflections
of light on a rainy day.
Soon, she was off to stay
with her grandpa on Muffle Mountain.
Grandpa's been so sad
since Grandma Tasha died...
and he never comes here to see us.
Well, maybe your visit
will cheer him up.
Did you get his present?
Here. I'm making him
a friendship bracelet.
Honey, that's beautiful.
But I'd rather just stay here with you.
I know. Come here.
I'm gonna go up this way.
- Be careful.
- You always say that.
See you in a minute.
You're coming with me
to Grandpa's, Bluebird.
I know how much you like to travel.
Far away on Sodor, the steam engines
were confident, cheerful...
and determined
not to be bullied by Diesel.
OnlyJames, who now felt
really useful too, was complaining.
- Wobbly wheels.
- Puffy pistons.
Thomas, I should have collected
Mr. Conductor!
James is right, little Thomas.
Collecting Mr. Conductor
is an important job.
Important is big.
James is a big engine.
You, Thomas, are small, small, small.
Teeny, weenie, weenie.
And I am a big blue engine
who knows everything.
Bossy sprockets! All that steam
has gone to your funnel!
- There they are.
- We'll fix their wagons.
What's important is to stand up
on our own wheels to Diesel.
Diesel knows that the lost engine
in the legend really exists.
- What engine?
- What legend?
An engine whose magic makes her
more powerful than Diesel will ever be.
That's why he wants to find her.
- Then we'd better find her first.
- Leave it to the big engines.
Little engines can do big things...
especially when they have nice
blue paint like me.
Hey, just watch what happens
to that blue puffball...
When Harold the flopper chopper
flies past here.
Routine fly-by, chaps. Hello.
The boss dumped sneezing powder
Let's start laughing now.
Sorry, fellas. A bit of a dust up.
Love to stay and clean up.
Got to go. Bye.
Did you mean to look like that?
- No.
- Neither did I.
This must be Diesel's doing!
"Dear Mr. Conductor.
Where were you?
My wife said she couldn't miss
our little holiday.
We'll telephone to make sure
you have arrived."
Signed, "Sir Topham Hat."
Sir Topham Hat.
Where were you?
Good afternoon, sir.
A real honor, sir.
Like my family before me.
And how is Lady Hat?
Yes. Watch out for Diesel.
Keep an eye on Henry's health.
Yes, sir, the three R's,
reading, writing and arithmetic.
I mean...
I will be responsible, reliable...
and really useful.
Yes, sir. We will all get
a good night's sleep.
Looking forward to a hard day tomorrow.
Good-bye, sir.
So, who dropped the ball then?
Oh, there you are.
I'd like a nice cup of hot cocoa.
Would you fellas care to join me?
No? What would you rather do?
Go outside and play?
Well, I can understand that.
What do you think? Why do you
keep hitting him like that?
You need a time out.
Just a little sweeter, I think.
All right, Pinchy,
my little bucket of badness...
time to feast yourself.
Ah! Now that's better.
- Cinders and ashes! It's Diesel!
- Diesel? Oh, no!
Hello, Twinkle Toes!
I've got a plan,
and you're not in it!
You can't catch me, Diesel!
Losing your sparkle, huh?
What perfect timing.
- Where is that lost engine?
- You won't find her here.
- You're not clever enough to stop me.
- Yes, I am!
- No, you're not. Is that...
- That's right. It's sugar.
And if I throw this in your tank,
it'll seize you up for good.
Make the most of tonight,
Twinkle Toes...
because you won't like tomorrow!
Neither will that line of tin kettles!
Shut up, Pinchy.
Mr. Conductor,
but what happened to your sparkle?
I don't know, Thomas.
I'll just have to sleep on that.
On your sparkle?
No, Thomas. On the problem
of what happened to it.
But, Mr. Conductor...
without your sparkle
or the lost engine...
you can't travel here
to help us anymore.
I'll solve the problem.
You just go to sleep now.
Easy for you to say.
Sparkle, gold dust, magic...
railroad, buffers, lost engine.
The family told me, as long as there is
a railroad, there will be harmony.
As long as there is gold dust,
there will be energy.
You will never have to worry.
Yeah, sure.
Mr. C?
Mr. C!
Why aren't you here?
Why couldn't you travel anymore
to the Island of Sodor...
or back home here
to us in Shining Time?
The magic is all gone.
What's going wrong
with our railroad and why?
My universe is in danger.
I've got to find more gold dust!
Next morning, Mutt traveled with Billy
to the big city station.
Mutt was sure Lily could help
her grandpa...
and that together they could help me.
But only if Lily met someone special
at Shining Time first.
The train for Muffle Mountain
will depart from track three.
The train for Shining Town
will depart from track four.
I don't suppose you know where
track three is, do you?
You do?
Is it that one?
Well, why not?
I hope you're right.
Mutt was feeling pleased with himself.
He had put Lily on the wrong train...
but he knew he had done so
for the right reasons.
I know how the moon must feel
Looking down from the heavens
Smiling at the silly things
We put ourselves through
Missing magic each day
And not seeing the wonder
That's how the moon
Must feel
I know how the moon must feel
When he makes someone happy
That's the feeling I will feel
When you smile at me
I'll be floating on air
I'll be beaming with wonder
That's how the moon
Must feel
Left a bit. Right a bit.
Up a bit!
There, James.
Tickle all gone now?
No. Still itchy.
Hey, Mr. C, why do you look so tired?
Is it because I'm red?
Diesel says red is a very tiring color.
But, Mr. C, red looks so nice
against the snow.
It's not me, is it?
No, of course not, James.
Red is bright and cheerful.
- Good.
- Just like my sparkle.
Or at least it was,
and must be again!
I'm sorry. I'm going to the windmill
to search for something important.
Now off to work.
Okay. Keep your steam up.
What happened?
Where's the windmill?
That's where I'm supposed to be.
Now I've lost my sense of direction.
Now my gold dust really is all gone.
If I can't find the source for making
more, the consequences will be bad.
I saw them in my dream last night.
My family never told me what to do
in a gold dust crisis.
They only said,
"If you can't remember the clue...
the windmill will remind you."
But where is the windmill?
And what is the clue?
Smile, you steamers.
It's a sunny day.
It's not sunny, 'cause Mr. C's
not at the windmill. I looked.
I think his sparkle's all gone.
My smoke box doesn't feel sunny.
It feels stuffed up.
Nasty fumes from dingy Diesel.
And Diesel is after the lost engine.
And if he finds her,
I fear that will destroy us all.
What, even an engine as big as me?
Yes, Gordon, even you.
Say it, don't spray it, Thomas.
I've still got sneezing powder
up my funnel.
Now I'm going to look
for Mr. Conductor.
Let us get back to work.
That's what he would want.
How about a race, Thomas?
Sorry, Bertie. I can't today.
I have to be a really useful engine
and solve some mysteries instead.
I guess that means I win.
Perhaps another day.
What's that?
What's this?
"I notice you left
your thinking cap behind.
Try these instead.
They're good for the brain.
Gone fishing. Rabbit."
Well, well, well!
How very thoughtful.
Plane. Drain.
Mountain. Fountain.
That might be something.
I think I'll try the celery.
Sausage. Bicycle.
Toothpaste. Beach.
Wait a minute.
Beach! That's it! That's it!
I have to find a bellflower.
I need to make a call.
It's a summer Sunday and I'm under
A cloud that shades my happiest blunder
Catching the wave of another
This easy life
I never thought that I
Could ever give my life to one girl
I feel like I'm finished
Washed up and unaccomplished
I've dissolved too soon
Thinking of swimming on a Sunday
To a lady more fair
than the spray and the cool
That's my shell phone!
- Hello?
- Junior? Junior is that you?
Oh, hi, Cous. Are you in a tunnel?
This isn't a very good line.
Where are you?
I'm in paradise.
- I got on cloud nine, and here I am.
- Listen to me.
You've got to come
to the Island of Sodor right now.
Now? But I'm waiting
on the perfect wave!
No, you're not!
You're coming here.
You have to help me find the source
of our family's gold dust.
- What is the source?
- That's the trouble. I haven't a clue.
And I've used up most
of my gold dust, too.
Then go to Shining Time Station first...
and in my signal house,
in the box under the staircase...
you'll find my emergency whistle
with the last of my supply.
Please take care of this and...
don't talk to anyone about the buffers!
What buffers?
This is a really bad line.
My shell phone's not working properly.
You've got to come here right away!
I'm counting on you!
I want my money back.
Shining Time?
What does that mean?
Do you want me to get off here?
Where is everyone?
What have you brought me here for?
That's gonna leave a mark! Oh!
Maybe it's in here.
Oh, cake!
Ugh, that's not cake!
How cute. Six little...
Five little glass figurines.
This is too much.
I've got to get back to the island.
I've got to get to cousin.
- Hiya. Who are you?
- I'm Lily. Who are you?
C Junior.
Did I drop some sunglasses
when I came in here?
I don't know.
Oh, well, I might as well use
some more of this stuff.
See you, Lily.
What is this stuff?
The magic is gone.
Why did I take my gold dust
for granted?
I can't help without my gold dust.
What is the source of my gold dust?
Is someone there?
Thomas, is that you?
Mr. Conductor?
- Mr. Conductor!
- Thomas?
Oh, Mr. Conductor, where are you?
How could I possibly say that
I'm really useful now?
Excuse me. Are you Lily?
Hi. I'm StaceyJones.
I'm manager here.
Your grandpa's very upset.
You must've gotten on the wrong train.
I'll take you to Muffle Mountain.
Thank you.
Stacey, did you know my grandma?
My mother did.
She said Tasha was a wonderful dancer.
I think Grandpa
liked to call Grandma "Lady."
Yes. I heard him say that name
when they were talking.
I wish...
Oh, never mind.
Stacey, I'm a little nervous.
Well, maybe your grandpa is, too.
It's been a while
since you've seen each other.
Hello, Burnett.
Hello, Lily.
Hi, Grandpa.
Have a good evening.
- Thanks, Stacey. Good night.
- Stacey?
- You said, "I wish."
- I wish?
Oh, I wish you'd come back
and see us tomorrow at Shining Time...
if your grandpa will let you.
Here, Grandpa.
This is a friendship bracelet.
Grandma taught me how to make one
when I was little.
This one's for you.
Thank you, Lily.
As the sound of Lady's magic...
echoed through the night
on Muffle Mountain...
the engines on Sodor had her very much
in their thoughts.
Thomas, I was thinking.
How does Mr. Conductor travel here?
By gold dust.
But if there's a lost engine,
maybe there's a lost railway, too.
Mr. Conductor's railway!
The journey gets bumpier
and bumpier.
That's what Mr. Conductor told me.
He talked about buffers in his sleep!
Buffers are at the end of a railway.
I think that's how he travels here,
on a secret railway.
Belonging to the lost engine!
Percy, you are clever.
My wheels are suddenly feeling
very wobbly.
I think Diesel's around here!
I'm sorry, you two.
Diesel heard every word you said.
I'm going after him
to see what he does next.
You'd better get the mail delivered.
You're very brave, Toby.
Diesel won't bother
with an old engine like me.
He thinks I'm really useless.
I've been working on the railway
All the livelong day
Who wants to work
a livelong day anyway?
There he is.
Come in! Come in and join
the party, Splodge!
Hooray! We're gonna have a party.
- I love parties.
- Who's got the balloons?
Join the party that's over.
Just like Twinkle Toe's magic railway
is gonna be over.
Gone, like the lost engine
and the buffers that lead to her.
- What are you gonna do?
- That's a good question.
It's time to put Twinkle Toes'
lights out.
This is a job for the boss!
I've got to delay him.
I've got to distract him.
It's the old teapot!
Smash him!
Pinchy, get back here!
I hate it when you do this!
Good show!
Boss, did you mean to let
the roof fall in?
All the way in?
I always mean what I do,
you rattle traps!
Diesel was in a dump...
but the steam engines
were still right on track.
He's a really useful engine
You know
All the other engines
They'll tell you so
He huffs and puffs and whistles
Rushing to and fro
He's the really useful engine
we adore
He's a really useful engine
You know
'Cause the last controller
He told him so
Now he's got a workshop
to call his very own
He's the really useful engine
we adore
He's the one
He's the number one
Thomas the tank engine
He's the really useful engine
We adore
Morning, Henry.
What's the matter?
I've got boiler ache.
And I'm collecting one, two, three,
four, five, six trucks...
of special Island of Sodor coal
for you.
Oh, thank you, Thomas.
Special coal will make me feel
much better.
But I wish I could make Mr. Conductor
feel better too, by finding him.
Hello, Thomas
and your five coal trucks.
Five? But I'm supposed to have six.
Hello, Percy.
Thomas, I've been worried.
Bertie says you lost a coal truck today.
Yes. It disappeared when I was at
the buffers near the little grotto.
Maybe those are the buffers
that lead to the secret railway.
And the grotto is
the lost engine's special platform!
Percy, you protect those buffers
from Diesel...
and I'll find Mr. Conductor.
- Why me?
- Because you're a brave engine, Percy.
Oh, I forgot.
Hello, Twinkle Toes!
Remember me?
Fat Hat won't have much use for you
looking like that.
Oh, I see you forgot
to bring the sugar.
How careless of you.
Say hello to Pinchy!
Okay, Twinkle Toes,
I know about the buffers.
That's what I saw in my dream!
It's coming true!
My universe is starting to crumble!
And I know about the magic railway.
And when I find that engine,
you and all those puffballs...
will be history!
Now tell me where
the buffers are! Now!
You got ten seconds.
Ten, nine...
eight, seven...
six, five...
four, three, two...
Too late, Diesel!
Did you put all this here for me?
You must've known that I was coming.
How kind of you.
Oh! I'm at the windmill.
That's what I call a perfect landing.
This must be the clue to unlock
the source of the gold dust.
"Stoke up the magic in the mountain
and the lady will smile...
then watch the swirls
that spin so well."
Where has the writing gone?
- So, Boss...
- How come you let Twinkle Toes escape?
Oh, that!
Well, I did it on purpose.
I was testing him
to see if he could escape.
- Liar, liar.
- Pants on fire.
All right! Playtime's over, Splodge.
Now it's time for the next lesson.
I call it "How to stop being stupid."
That's gonna ruin my facial.
Bet you can't climb that tree.
- Where'd you learn to do that?
- On my fire escape.
Hi. I'm Patch.
I'm Lily.
Do you live around here?
Yes. My mom and dad run the stables.
- Morning, Patch.
- Good morning, Mr. Stone.
I'm riding into Shining Town.
Could Lily come with me?
- If she'd like to.
- I'd like to.
Sure, she can go.
Be back by sunset, Lily.
Do you wanna come, too?
I never go there now.
Bye, Grandpa.
So, have you ever ridden
a horse before?
I've always wanted to go this way.
We're following some shadowy lines
I've seen on a map.
They're like railroad tracks
without any rails.
Well, Lady, what are we to do?
It all seemed so much easier
when Tasha and I were children.
I'd given up on seeing you again.
What's blue, green and red
and goes beep-beep?
A parrot and you mean chirp-chirp.
No, trains. Talking trains.
And I'm off to see them right now
in the Island of Sodor, and cousin.
But I overslept and I'm in a bit
of a hurry. Do you want to come?
Be back by sunset?
I hope so.
I wanna get back to the beach.
What do you think, Mutt?
- Okay.
- Good.
It's this way.
We'll take the shortcut.
There's two of us.
Oh, well. That means I'll have to use
Cous' extra supply of gold dust.
It doesn't matter.
We'll have plenty more soon.
Can I take this little bit back
for Grandpa?
Be my guest.
I'll take care of it for you.
Ready? Here goes.
You've grown bigger.
Maybe you're smaller.
I'm adjusting to my new surroundings.
This is the only place
this ever happens to me.
A bit bouncy, isn't it?
- Where are we?
- Conductor's railroad.
- Magic railroad?
- Whatever.
We're traveling miles and miles
to the island.
But I don't know if this railroad's
gonna last much longer.
- It'll vanish like the engine.
- What engine?
The engine that traveled this railroad.
Cous and I never saw it.
We don't know what happened to it.
Hey, what's that doing there?
You ready, Lily?
Here are the buffers.
Where are we?
The Island of Sodor, of course.
This way.
- Bogus!
- What's the matter?
I think I'm allergic to grass.
It's a good thing
I like climbing things.
What's that noise?
The trains. They talk. We're just too
far away to hear what they're saying.
Good morning.
Annie! Clarabel!
There's Mr. Conductor!
We found him!
Oh, bunko! It's Junior.
- Junior, look!
- It's Thomas!
Thomas, don't look so surprised.
I know you haven't seen me since...
You stuffed party poppers
down my funnel!
- We had a laugh.
- You did.
- You're talking to each other.
- First prize.
Lily, Thomas. Thomas, Lily.
Now, where's my cousin?
- Hi.
- Hello, Lily. Welcome to Sodor.
Come on, Lily.
I'm very at home on trains.
Annie, Clarabel,
I'll send Percy back to fetch you.
We've heard that one before.
- What's the matter?
- Traveling sickness.
What's that shining at the windmill?
Presto, Lily.
I think it's my cousin!
Mr. Conductor! Mr. Conductor!
- Thomas!
- Thank throttles you're safe!
Come on, Lily.
Hey, Cous, what's up?
- Enjoying the sun?
- No, Junior, I am not.
As a matter of fact, I just landed here
after escaping a heavy metal monster.
Junior, where have you been?
Is your sparkle back, Mr. Conductor?
No, Thomas, it isn't.
But I do know the clue.
Stoke up the magic in the mountain...
Hey, Cous, you're looking terrible.
Why don't we get more gold dust?
I used yours up.
Then you can go back home
and I can go to the beach.
Junior, I want you to listen
to me very carefully.
- I'll get that.
- I've got it.
No, this is his cousin.
Who's this?
Oh, hello, Hattie.
No, no. He's hanging
around here somewhere.
Yes, Sir Topham Hat, sir.
No, he just wanted to be friendly.
No, he is not a dog.
Let's just say he's a puppy
in need of a good trainer.
No, nothing to worry about, sir.
Good-bye, sir.
Cous, this is Lily.
She's staying with Grandpa Stone.
Hello, Lily.
Junior? Junior?
What are you doing up there?
Come down.
It's too windy!
This is just like the fun fair!
Give us two seconds.
Two seconds is all it takes
for you to land in trouble!
- Aha! Twinkle Toes Junior!
- Oh, no, my beach bag!
You won't be doing any surfing
up here, Mr. Kahuna.
Really? Watch me.
Hang on tight, Moon Doggie!
Diesel's highjacked him!
What's gonna happen toJunior now?
My family's pretty good at getting
themselves out of trouble. Eventually.
I don't know what eventually means...
but it sounds very, very long.
- Where's Lily?
- I wish I knew.
I'm sorry. She wasn't at the station
when I went back for her.
It's okay, Patch.
We'll find her.
Don't worry.
I am brave. I am brave.
Thomas says I'm brave,
so I'm brave.
It's not easy being brave.
Shiver my pistons!
There's Splatter and Dodge!
They found the buffers.
Oh, now what's going to happen?
- Howdy, partner. Excuse me.
- Oh, that's just nothing.
That nothing was something.
These must be the buffers
Diesel's looking for.
Are we supposed
to go through them?
Not we, you.
Not me, you.
This is a job for the boss.
- We'll tell him tomorrow.
- Yeah, tomorrow's good.
I better hurry back
and warn Thomas.
I was doing my best
to keep Lily cheerful.
I knew she was worried about
being late for her grandpa.
Mr. Conductor,
I was supposed to be back by sunset.
You know, Lily, perhaps
your grandpa can guess where you are.
- He can?
- Maybe.
Because I think
he's been here himself, long ago.
And if he can help,
I do wish he'd hurry.
I haven't told Junior this,
but soon he'll grow as weak as I am.
Junior said there used to be an engine
that traveled on the magic railroad.
And if only we could find that, we
could still head back to Shining Time.
Oh, that engine disappeared...
never to be seen
or heard from again.
I have to tell you something,
Mr. C.
I've heard a train whistle, and it
sounded like it came from the mountain.
Mountain. I just remembered
another part of the clue.
"Stoke up the magic in the mountain
and the lady will smile."
But we need
more information, Lily.
And I know that your grandpa could help
if he would just believe that he could.
She can whistle.
I've heard her.
Yeah, so have I.
It's because she's magic.
This must be the map
of her magic railroad.
But the railroad's energy
is fading away.
I sensed it
when we were out riding.
Lily and I were traveling
on the ground above it.
The railroad needs Lady...
but I don't know
her special secret.
And I need to know it now
more than ever.
- Because of Lily?
- Yes, because of Lily.
So, Thomas, we must get Lily
back to her grandpa now...
in case Diesel
gets rid of the railway.
But how can Lily go
without gold dust?
Only in the lost engine.
- Unless...
- Unless?
Thomas, will you please
take Lily?
Through the buffers?
But what if I go on the railway
and my wheels don't work?
- But what if they do?
- But what if... if...
- Yes?
- What if it's dark?
- It will be for a while.
- And cold.
- Maybe.
- And how will I get back again?
Because you're a really useful engine
and will find a way.
Then I'll try.
I promise I'll get you home
to your grandpa, Lily.
Follow me, partner.
Right this way to Bufferville.
- Just a walk in the park.
- We're going through, Lily.
You're on your own from here on in,
little buckaroo!
Little engines
can do big things.
It is dark and cold and bumpy,
but I'm not afraid.
Oh, there's
the missing coal truck.
Coal truck? "Stoke up the magic
in the mountain."
That's part of Mr. Conductor's clue
to his gold dust.
And, Lily, that's what you do with coal:
Stoke it up to make steam.
We're going to be really reliable
and help Mr. Conductor.
We're going back
for that coal truck.
Buffers. Coal truck.
We're starting to solve
the mysteries, Lily.
You're a really
useful engine, Thomas.
- Lily, where are we?
- Muffle Mountain, Thomas.
I think I feel
a little dizzy.
I can't go any further.
My wheels won't let me.
Then I'll be back, Thomas. I promise.
But I must find Grandpa.
It's getting windy up here.
Bust my boiler!
I've left
the coal truck behind!
Where's Grandpa?
Can you take me to him?
- Jump up.
- I knew I could count on you.
Stop, wheels. Stop!
Oh, Lily,
I'm so glad to see you.
There's this island with talking trains,
and they said you might have been there.
But Mr. Conductor's very sick,
and Junior's in danger...
and I had to leave
poor Thomas behind.
Please help me.
I'd like to, Lily.
Nothing seems to work.
This is the lost engine
from long ago.
Now we can go back to the island
and bring Mr. Conductor and Junior home.
I can't make her steam.
I've tried all the different coals
in the valley.
- Is that her name?
- Yes.
Coal. Special coal
from the Island of Sodor.
That's what Lady needs.
There's a coal truck
up at the top of the mountain.
- Do you think you could get some?
- Of course I will.
I'm sorry, Lily and Cous, I haven't been
responsible, reliable, really useful...
but I will be!
So you've lost
your sparkle, too, huh?
Bye-bye, Twinkle Toes.
Oh! It's empty.
- Here we go.
- Junior, what are we gonna do?
We'll think of something.
That's it.
I'll find you some more, Lily.
I promise.
But if I'm going to be
any help at all, it's now or never.
I've got to use up
the rest of this stuff.
- Are you ready?
- No, we're not.
James the brains,
get us out of here.
Now we are.
What the...
Bye, James.
Sorry I've been
so long, Cous.
But better late than never?
Junior, we are all out
of gold dust, aren't we?
It's a beautiful day!
We're down,
but we're not out.
No, we're out...
but we are not down.
Did Grandma love Lady
as much as you do?
Did she take
a ride on her?
Grandma loved her
because I loved her.
But she never took
a ride on Lady.
I couldn't fix her in time.
Lily, look.
The railroad's
getting its energy back.
Well, my Lady, the lights
are all green for you now.
Green for glory.
- Tasha would have loved this journey.
- Yes, she would.
And she'd love it
that you're with me now.
So, Burnett,
you didn't forget about magic.
It's safe inside you.
You've found her!
And she's beautiful!
We're on the Island of Sodor.
Stop, Grandpa. Stop, Lady.
Hello, Junior.
Hello, Mr. C.
Mr. Conductor,
this is my grandpa.
I'm glad you were able
to find your way back.
Junior, do you realize
who this is?
I reckon
this is one beautiful engine.
This is the lost engine?
Are we glad to see you.
Now we can go back to Shining Time.
We won't make it back to Shining Time
without the gold dust.
Without it,
the magic can't exist.
There's the blue puffball!
And look who he's with.
Splodge, come and destroy.
- No. You do it yourself.
- We don't like you.
- We mean that. What does that mean?
- Emphatically. I have no idea.
Run, Lady. Quickly!
And I'm going to help you.
So am I, my Lady.
I'll not let you down again.
Who needs you, Splodge?
Watch out for the viaduct.
It's dangerous!
- What's the matter?
- Lady. That engine's name is Lady.
She's part of the clue
to the source of the gold dust!
Now I'll get you,
Burnett Stone.
No, you won't, because
the magic you refuse to believe in...
will get the better of you.
You can run,
but you can't hide.
Right, Pinchy?
- Pinchy's hungry.
- Get back.
Come on, Lady.
Coming, Puffball.
Look out!
Here I come!
Duck, Pinchy!
I like my lunch steamed.
Pretty fast for a puffball.
Well, Lady,
this is your shining time, too.
I hope so.
Come on, Lady.
Little engines can do big things.
Well done, Thomas!
Well done!
What's going on?
Hold it!
Tea pot!
Tin kettle!
Oh, well.
Nice time of the year for a cruise.
But, Mr. Conductor,
you still don't have your gold dust.
I think he will soon.
Wait a minute.
"Then watch the swirls
that spin so well."
Swirls. Like the shavings around Lady
when we were on the railroad.
- Is there anything else?
- Of course there is.
"So well."
A well means water.
Lily, put the shavings in
with the water.
Go ahead, Lily.
Throw it up in the air.
Please. Please.
Now, Lily.
- Gold dust!
- Gold dust!
Gold dust!
Lady, you're
a really helpful engine.
And helping each other brings to life
the magic in all of us.
Come on, Mutt.
Let's look around.
I think
I promised you something.
Take some.
So, Cous,
how else can I help?
You mean, you don't want
to go back to the beach?
Well, maybe for a holiday.
But I'm ready to work.
You got a job for me?
there is a railroad.
- With palm trees?
- One or two.
- And sunshine?
- Sunny spells.
I'll take it.
What's the way?
This is the way.
Oh, yes, Sir Topham Hat, sir.
You're on your way back
right now.
Splendid news.
I'll be at the sheds to welcome you.
Oh, yes, sir.
Everything is under control.
Good-bye, sir.
Well, see you
in Shining Time.
Here, Grandpa.
I'd like you to have this.
Well, how sweet
of you, Lily.
Here. Give me
the bluebird.
I think we should share it.
Now we'll always remember
our Shining Time together.
Have a great time.
And so we've come
to the happy end of our story.
But it's time for all of us
to go home...
just like Thomas.