Threads (1984)

In an urban society,
everything connects.
Each person's needs are fed
by the skills of many others.
Our lives are woven together in a fabric,
but the connections that make
society strong also make it vulnerable.
Peaceful up here, in't it?
Oh, I'd love to live out in the country.
Wouldn't you, Jimmy?
Would I 'eck!
- Why not?
- It's dead.
Nowt to do.
Just imagine living down there.
Take you an hour
to get to t'nearest boozer.
Oh, I know, but the air's lovely.
Oh, do you know, I love it
this time of year with spring coming on.
See the leaves just coming out
on that bush over there?
What are you looking at?
Trying to make out where our house is.
Wish I had a pair of binoculars.
You can see t'floodlights at United.
- With the news...
- What time is it?
- There's been further fighting in Iran...
- T'half-time scores will be on.
Oh, honestly!
We're surrounded by all this countryside
and all you can think about is football?
- It's not all I can think about.
- Oh, stop it.
You've got no consideration at all,
You think you can do what you like.
Where are you going?
West Brom 1, Manchester United 0.
West Ham United 2,
Queen's Park Rangers 0.
Division 2- Barnsley 1, Derby County 0...
There you are. It's a peace offering.
- Not much smell to it, though.
- It's lovely.
Heather's supposed to bring good luck.
- It's what they say.
- Wonder if it'll bring me any.
This film, shot secretly
by a West German television crew,
shows one of the Soviet convoys
on the move in northern Iran.
The convoys were first spotted
by United States satellites on Monday
moving across three of the mountain
passes leading from the Soviet Union.
The Soviet foreign minister
has defended the incursions
and has accused the United States
of deliberately prompting
last week's coup in Iran.
Speaking on his arrival in Vienna,
Mr. Gromyko claims the Soviet vehicles
were responding to an appeal...
- Are you being serious?
- Of course I am.
I've never been more serious in my life.
- Are you sure?
- Not definitely.
I'm normally as regular as clockwork.
Anyway, what if I am?
It's not the end of the world, is it?
And now a look at programmes
later this evening on BBC1.
- And don't forget No.24 today.
- What?
I said don't forget No.24 today. You're
gonna ruin your hearing wi' them things.
Honestly, Jimmy,
you want your bloody head seeing to.
I think he wants
something else seeing to as well.
- Don't blame me. It's not my fault.
- Whose fault is it, you daft bugger?
Don't go blaming it all on Ruth, Jimmy.
That's not fair.
It's irrelevant who's to blame now.
- There you are.
- Ta.
The point is,
what are you going to do about it?
We're gonna get married.
What for?
Because we want to. What do you think?
You don't have to, you know, Jimmy.
I wouldn't want you thinking
we were pushing you into it.
Nobody's pushing us into owt.
It's what we want. We've decided.
I suppose you've talked
about an abortion?
Of course we have,
but neither of us want that.
We wanna get married and have t'baby.
- What does that mean? Abortion.
- Michael...
Never mind what it means. Get on with
your game. It's nothing to do with you.
We were thinking
of getting engaged anyway.
It don't make much difference, really,
it's just brought it forward a bit, that's all.
I hope you know what you're doing,
It's a hell of a time to be starting a family,
in the middle of a recession.
- What are you doing with that?
- I'm not hurting it.
- Our Jimmy's getting married.
- Are you?
- I might be. Why?
- Well, it's a bit sudden, in't it?
- You're not even engaged.
- How do you know?
It's nowt to do wi' you,
so keep your nose out.
Are you getting married in a church
or a registry office?
Alison, what's an abortion?
- Michael, I've told you once...
- Oh, so that's it.
I'll give you a good hiding
if you don't keep your mouth shut.
- What for? I ain't done anything yet.
- Are you gonna shut up about it?
I hope you two are both satisfied now.
What are you blaming me for?
I haven't done anything wrong.
Come on.
The time now 7:30. Douglas
Barton with tonight's headlines.
The United States may send troops
to the Middle East
if the Russians don't move their forces
out of Iran.
Come on. Come on.
... Western leaders calling for
immediate withdrawal...
Hang about.
Four people were killed today
on the M6...
Come on.
... when their car was in collision
with a tanker.
The accident happened at the junction...
Do you think we'll get on all right?
I can't see why not. They're ever so nice.
I wish we were meeting
in different circumstances, that's all.
You're making it sound like a funeral.
Well, it is a bit embarrassing, isn't it?
It ought to have been a happy occasion.
It is a happy occasion.
Well, I'm happy, anyway.
I must say, it's brought out
a very determined streak in you, has this.
... in the waters off the coast of Iran.
No further details are given in the story,
attributed to the paper's correspondent.
However, one rumor being heard
increasingly in the Capitol today
says the vessel is a US submarine
that has disappeared
whilst on routine patrol in the area.
Didn't you hear what I said, Gordon?
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp are here.
Come on, turn the television off.
You can't watch while they're here.
A Pentagon spokesman
has refused to be drawn on the crisis...
- Oh, hello.
- Do come in.
- Mum, Mrs. Kemp, Mr. Kemp.
- Pleased to meet you.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Jimmy, my dad. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp.
- Oh, hello.
- How do you do?
- How do you do, Mrs. Kemp?
- Do go through.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
- Come in.
BBC news at eight o'clock.
The Soviet Union has protested strongly
to the United States
about dangerous provocations
by American ships in the Gulf of Oman.
This follows an incident where damage
was caused to the Soviet cruiser Kirov
when she was in collision
with the US destroyer Callaghan.
It's in a bit of a state
but it's got possibilities.
I'd have that door stripped down,
all this paper off and the walls white.
There's about 16 layers on here.
My mother and dad'll help us,
I'm sure they will.
My dad'll give us a hand as well.
He'll be glad of summat to do.
What you laughing at?
His face when my mother said
we could borrow his redundancy money.
He were fancying a trip to Bermuda on it.
- Looks like being Blackpool again.
- Oh, dear.
I like the gardens. It's lovely for children
to have somewhere to play.
I wonder if they'll let me
build an aviary down there.
Oh, you and your birds.
Makes you feel funny, though, don't it?
What do you mean?
Us owning a home,
being married, having children.
- Enough to put years on you, in't it?
- Don't be silly.
It'll be lovely.
I just know it will.
- Here you are, love.
- Ta.
American and Israeli
search and rescue vessels
today came across debris and oil slicks
from the missing submarine.
It's being said in Washington
that the Los Angeles was on a routine
reconnaissance mission off Iran
when she sank last Tuesday
with a loss of all hands.
After paying tribute
to her 127 officers and men,
the President said he held the Soviet
Union responsible for their deaths
and for the vessel's disappearance.
The unprovoked attack
on our submarine and the move into Iran
are the actions
of a reckless and warlike power.
I have to warn the Soviets
in the clearest possible terms
that they risk taking us to the brink
of an armed confrontation
with incalculable consequences
for all mankind.
Britain has
emergency plans for war.
If central government should ever fail,
power can be transferred instead
to a system of local officials
dispersed across the country.
In an urban district like Sheffield,
there is already
a designated wartime controller.
He's the city's peacetime chief executive.
If it should suddenly become necessary,
he can be given
full powers of internal government.
When, or if, this happens
depends on the crisis itself.
The United States
government has been forced
to take action to safeguard
what it believes are legitimate
Western interests in the Middle East.
This administration
has therefore resolved
to send units of its rapid deployment
force, the US Central Command,
into western Iran.
We are confident that the Soviet Union
will take note of our resolve
and will desist from
its present perilous course of action.
There's an important score
from the Hawthorns,
where West Brom have taken the lead
over Manchester United.
It's West Brom 1, Manchester United 0,
McKenzie getting
that all-important goal...
Thank you very much, sir.
Thank you.
If you want to tighten up
the thigh muscles,
the only piece of equipment you want
is a chair with legs.
Right, I'll just let you listen...
Mary, contact the following people and
have them in my office in ten minutes.
They're to get here right away.
Is that clear?
Right. You got a pencil? OK.
Alan Boulton, George Cox,
Roger Fisher, Susan Russell...
Yes, Administration,
Tony Barnes, Roy Chamberlain...
It's busy for a Wednesday, in't it?
You'd think it were Christmas.
What about the food situation?
What have we got?
And what about flour?
What else is there?
Corned beef.
I hope it's not from Argentina.
OK, what about supplies
to the first-aid post?
Is that all? Well, that's not
going to get us very far, is it?
Well, I'm sure I don't know if I'm honest.
We've heard nothing
about emergency powers as yet.
Anyway, don't make a song and dance
about it. Just get on with it.
And don't tell anybody
you don't have to, eh? OK.
The remaining units of the
United States Tenth Airborne Division,
which parachuted
into western Iran yesterday,
have taken up defensive positions
near Isfahan,
designed to block any possible move
towards the oilfields in the Persian Gulf.
Squadrons of B-52 bombers
are arriving at US bases in Turkey...
- All right?
- All right.
... together with
three AWACS early-warning aircraft.
They'll be used in a supporting role
to the Middle East task force.
All right, John?
The 84th Airborne Division has also been
placed on a state of combat readiness...
- Come to give me a hand, then?
- No chance. I'm knackered.
Not too knackered to be going out,
though, I see.
It's different, in't it?
I need a break. I've been down at t'house
every night this week.
- How's it coming on?
- Not too bad.
Trying to get t'living room
and bedroom finished.
Ruth says will you take some flowers
down when you've finished?
- Third since teatime.
- Aye.
- Where they going to?
- Finningley, I suppose.
Pop down to WH Smith's and
buy yourself an aircraft spotter's book.
Make a change from gardening.
You can laugh
but there's summat going on.
There'll be summat going on tonight
after a few pints.
Don't be going mad. You haven't only
got yourself to think about.
Why not? Might as well enjoy myself
while I'm single.
- Not long to go now, you know.
- You could be right there.
- Come on.
- I'll have a half.
Half? What's up with you? Getting
into training for when you're married?
Two bitters, please. Cheers.
In a statement issued a short time ago
by the Pentagon,
the United States
has accused the Soviet Union
of moving nuclear warheads into their
new base at Mashad in northern Iran.
According to the American spokesman...
Hey, I were watching that.
Turn it back again.
... aboard two giant Antonov transport
planes late yesterday afternoon,
and were moved under cover
into temporary hangars.
I were watching about t'Far East
and he turns it over.
- Far East? What's going on there?
- Iran. The Americans have just...
Iran? That's not the Far East, you pillock,
that's the Middle East.
China, Hong Kong, that's the Far East.
So what? It's far enough, in't it?
Sooner go to t'Near East myself.
Scarborough and Skegness.
Skeggy? I'd rather watch
my toenails grow than go there.
Never mind that rubbish.
What about these two birds sat there?
NATO's position
on the United States' action in sending...
- You're dead right. It's getting serious.
- There's nowt we can do about it.
Might as well enjoy ourselves
whilst we can.
Don't it scare you, what it might lead to?
Yeah, but there's nowt
we can do about it, is there?
If the bomb does drop, I wanna be pissed
out of my mind and underneath it.
Arriving here in Brussels
a short time ago,
the NATO Secretary General...
Come on, you miserable bugger.
It's all these family responsibilities.
- You're acting like a married man.
- It'll not be long now.
You might as well make t'best of it
whilst you can.
What about
chatting these two birds up, then?
- I can't do that.
- Come on. It might be your last chance.
Anyway, if we are gonna cop it,
might as well go out with a bang.
Can't be many better ways of going,
I suppose. Blown up on t'job.
The Prime Minister has issued
a message of support for the US.
The statement just released
from Downing Street
condemns what it calls
"reckless Soviet actions
"which can only worsen
an already grave situation."
To the Director of Technical Services.
Please let me know what fuel stocks
are held in each depot.
Please ensure tanks are topped up and
fuel is used for essential works only.
There's been no response
from the Soviet government
to the United States' ultimatum
delivered to Moscow last night.
It calls for joint withdrawal
of all US and Soviet forces from Iran
by noon on Sunday.
However, NATO observers
in West Germany
have reported increasing build-ups of
Warsaw Pact troops and vehicles
at points
along the central frontier this morning.
The Ministry of Defense is sending
more troops to Europe
to reinforce
the British commitment to NATO.
The first contingents
left RAF Brize Norton this morning.
Jobs not bombs!
Jobs not bombs!
Demonstrations took place
up and down the country,
both for and against the government's
decision to reinforce Europe.
Although most of these passed off
without incident,
police made a number of arrests
for disorderly conduct
at rallies in the North and Midlands.
The government has taken control
of British Airways and the ferries.
They say it's a temporary step
to help move troops to Europe.
Thousands are stranded
at Heathrow and Gatwick.
And the Royal Navy is to guard
the North Sea oil rigs.
The MOD says
it's a prudent precautionary measure.
They are playing with, at best,
the destruction of life as we know it,
and at worst, total annihilation.
You cannot win a nuclear war.
Now, just suppose
the Russians win this war.
What exactly would they be winning?
What would they have conquered?
Well, I'll tell you.
All major centers of population
and industry will have been destroyed.
What industry?
We ain't got no industry in Sheffield.
Yes, and if the money hadn't...
If the money hadn't been spent on
nuclear weapons, you'd have industry.
Get back to bloody Russia!
Where's your red flag?
We'd have put money into welfare,
found alternative sources of energy.
Industry will have been destroyed,
oil refineries will have been destroyed,
all our water will have been polluted,
the soil will have been irradiated,
farm stock will be dead,
diseased or dying.
The Russians would have conquered
a corpse of a country.
Let us pray.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come...
Since the expiry of the US
ultimatum to the Soviet Union yesterday,
there have been intense efforts
to mediate between the two countries.
There is still no information
from Iran itself.
No news teams have been allowed in or
out since phone and telex links were cut.
This morning the Foreign Secretary said
he had no definite news to report
and that it would be unhelpful to
speculate without any hard information.
There's been a run on tinned food,
sugar and other storable items,
which is causing shortages
in some areas.
A spokesman for the main supermarket
chain said panic buying is unnecessary.
Fuel shortages are hindering resupply
in some areas,
but there is no shortage of stocks.
They urge the public to calm down...
They were only 26p last week.
Shop somewhere else
if you're not satisfied.
There's a national emergency
and you're lining your pockets.
Nobody's forcing you to buy 'em.
Put 'em back on t'shelves.
Yes, I will. I'd sooner starve first.
Excuse me, love.
- They've started fighting, Mum.
- Who has?
The Americans and the Russians.
It's just been on the news.
My dad says
you've got to come home now.
Hey, you haven't paid
for them things.
In response to today's news
of the outbreak of hostilities
between vessels
of the United States and Soviet navies,
a special session of Parliament
has passed an emergency powers act.
There will be a special announcement
at the end of this bulletin
and details will be given then
of how this affects you.
The Prime Minister is expected
to address the nation later this evening.
A statement issued earlier
from Downing Street
said the government is optimistic
that a peaceful settlement is at hand.
In the meantime the public is urged
to remain calm and continue normally.
All right?
- Are you all right, love?
- It's noisy.
It must be t'pubs turning out.
People think there is a lack
of information from the government.
The policy
of the government is clear.
We are urging people to keep calm.
Doing a moonlight flit, then?
No, we're going to our Jack's in
Lincolnshire while things get sorted out.
We should be safer over there.
Carol, stop messing about.
Come inside and do something to help.
We'll not be safe anywhere,
as far as I see.
I don't know. We've a better chance
of surviving in t'country, haven't we?
Where our Jack lives
there's only a row of houses and a pub.
I don't think they're gonna bomb that.
- I think that's about it, Ron.
- Mum!
- Carol!
- Have you turned that gas off?
We don't want
the whole street blowing up.
- Come on, Carol.
- Spot! I'm coming.
I can't find our Spot.
He was here a minute ago.
Have you looked inside?
I've looked upstairs,
along t'street, next door's garden.
It's ridiculous, all this. Spot?
- Spot?
- He was here a minute ago.
- Come on.
- He'll be here in a minute. I know he will.
- Spot! Come on!
- Come on, love.
- Spot!
- We're going without him.
- Oh, Mum, tell him. Mum!
- Honestly!
- Spot!
- You're being a right fool.
- Nothing'll happen.
- We're not standing about all day.
- Get in.
- Don't be so cruel. We can't leave him.
- Spot!
- Carol, get in.
- Get in!
- Spot! Spot! Come on, Spot!
The Russians have cut the road
links into and out of West Berlin.
- See you, then, Bill.
- Let's hope so.
It seems an American army convoy
bound for West Berlin
has been turned back at Helmstedt
on the East German border.
Reports say the Russians have offered
a safe passage out of the city
to the US, British and French garrisons.
It's not clear if this news is connected
with yesterday's riots there.
We'll bring you more details on the story
as soon as we have them.
Sutton here.
Yes, I understand.
Do I have to go right away?
No? When?
Yes, I see.
Local authorities have been given
power to suspend peacetime functions
and to requisition premises
and materials for civil defense.
A government spokesman said
this was a precautionary move only.
It was not a cause for alarm.
All right, love.
Take your time.
The AA and RAC
have reported heavy congestion
on roads up and down the country,
particularly those leading to Wales
and the West Country.
Police are urging motorists not to travel
unless absolutely necessary
and, if it is essential,
to use only minor roads
and leave motorways and intercity
trunk routes clear for official traffic.
A full list
of designated essential service routes
is posted outside
your local authority headquarters.
It includes the M1, M18, A63 and A629.
This is an essential service route.
This is an essential service route.
Unless you have official
or essential business...
- We're trying to get to Lincolnshire.
- Not this way.
Essential services only.
You'll have to find another route.
That's bloody ridiculous.
You can't stop people like that.
Excuse me. Where are you going?
Sorry, love, you can't...
- You can't stop...
- Tell you what.
Try Junction 35/36 of the M1.
They've opened up the hard shoulder.
It'll be chock-a-block.
If I were you I'd go home and sit tight.
That's what
they're advising people to do.
This route
is for essential traffic only.
There's growing evidence from scientists
and observers in many countries
that there have been two
nuclear explosions in the Middle East.
There's no official confirmation of what
has happened and the Foreign Office...
I've put half a dozen in.
I can fetch some more if you like.
No, that'll be plenty.
Well, tell him to improvise, then. Right.
- Do you think anything will happen?
- No, it's just a precaution.
Have you had a shave this morning?
You should never have said you'd do it.
You don't have to.
You won't get the sack if you refuse.
Look, Marjorie,
it's difficult for me as well, you know.
I don't want to go
and leave you and the children.
Well, then, why are you going?
Somebody's got to pick up the pieces if...
Why didn't you say something before
if you were worried about it?
You never said anything
when I went on those courses.
Sutton here.
Unconfirmed reports...
Yes, in half an hour's time.
I should be going off now, if I were you.
The roads will be getting busy.
Well, use your common sense, man.
How should I know?
Marjorie, leave that.
I'll ring you later.
Yes. Yes.
It is imperative,
while there is still time left,
that the TUC call a general strike
in protest against this disaster
which faces us all.
- That's what'll destroy this country!
- There is still time to avert disaster
if we act resolutely and show
both the Russians and the Americans
that we will have no truck
with their warmongering.
- What about the Falklands?
- What about the Falklands?
There's nobody more patriotic than I am.
I've been trying to get us
out of the Common Market.
But first...
Please do not play into their hands.
This is a peaceful demonstration.
We are exercising
our right of free speech.
The police have no right
to stop this demonstration.
Do not play into their hands.
You have no...
Tin openers! 1.50 a go.
Come on, all of you.
1.50 could save your life!
- Morning, Clive.
- Morning, Alan. What's it like?
- It's a bit primitive. Take a look.
- We'll get it organized.
Where the hell is everybody?
- You know Steve, Information Officer?
- Where are they?
- Jeff's car's broken down.
- That's no good, is it?
- How many missing?
- About ten.
Get on the phone.
I want 'em here immediately.
- Which is my desk?
- Straight through.
Mind your head.
No sign of the Emergency Committee.
You know
what those councilors are like.
- They're not getting paid for this.
- This is the best I could do.
Dr. Talbot, Regional Health Authority.
- How are things going?
- We're doing our best.
Emergency headquarters
like this have been hastily improvised
in the basements
of town halls and civic centers.
The time has now come to make
everything ready for you and your family
in case an air attack happens.
This does not mean
that war is bound to come,
but there is a risk of this
and we must all be prepared for it.
When you hear the attack warning, you
and your family must take cover at once.
Do not stay out of doors.
If you are caught in the open, lie down.
Can you pass us that...
If you leave your home,
your local authority may take it over
for homeless families,
and if you move,
the authorities in the new place
will not help you with food,
accommodation or other essentials.
You are better off in your own home.
Stay there.
If anyone dies
while you are kept in your fall-out room,
move the body
to another room in the house,
label the body with name and address
and cover it as tightly as possible
in polythene, paper, sheets or blankets.
lf, however, you have had a body
in the house for more than five days
and if it is safe to go outside,
then you should bury the body
for the time being in a trench
or cover it with earth
and mark the spot of the burial.
Here are some ideas
for making your inner refuge.
One: make a lean-to
with sloping doors or strong boards
rested against an inner wall.
- You all right, love?
- I've just been sick again.
Oh, I feel awful.
I think I'll go back to bed.
Don't worry about it, love.
It'll only last for a week or two.
I'll ring work and tell them
you're not coming in.
If anybody's there.
There were only one or two yesterday.
It's worse than before.
I can't get anything now.
The line's dead.
We ought to be getting the rest
of the things out of the cellar now.
The time has now come to make
everything ready for you and your family
in case an air attack happens.
This does not mean
that war is bound to come,
but there is a risk of this
and we must all be prepared for it.
When you hear the attack warning, you
and your family must take cover at once.
Do not stay out of doors.
Hello, County. This is Sheffield District.
Testing, one, two, three, four.
Please report my signal. Over.
Whose responsibility is it?
We've all got families.
Look, just get down here.
There's nine other people.
I've got a serious public order problem.
I need at least an extra six PSUs.
Yeah, but when?
Look, I'm using traffic wardens already.
Many of these officers
have had no training at all.
Some have learned of their emergency
role only in the last few days
and almost all are unsure
of their exact duties.
I ought to take this one off as well.
It'll get scratched to pieces.
It's only just been painted.
- Better than getting blown to pieces.
- Shall I go to school, Mum?
What did it say on t'telly? I can't
remember if it said schools were closed.
It said on the news we're to stay at home.
- Are you sure?
- Of course I am.
- They're sending notes out.
- Is there time?
Great. I had a history test this morning.
Alison, go to Kirby's
and see if they've got any food left.
- Like what?
- Anything. Bring what you can.
- Take my purse.
- Dad, you gonna build one of these?
Over my dead body.
I want to know something more definite
before we rip this place to pieces.
- Can I help you?
- Here. Hold that.
We'll be able to sleep in it.
It'll be like going camping.
The most widespread danger
is fall-out.
Fall-out is dust that is sucked up
from the ground by the explosion.
Fall-out can kill.
It's 8:30am.
3:30 in the morning in Washington.
In the past four days neither
the President nor his senior staff
will have had
more than a few hours rest.
This is when they may be asleep
and Western response will be slowest.
Nearly all the supermarket shelves
are empty,
but we've got the warehouses
controlled by the police.
As yet we haven't located all the
root vegetable clumps on local farms,
but stocks of sugar,
wheat, flour and rice...
Attack warning. Attack warning.
- Is it for real?
- It's for bloody real.
Get to your stations.
Get that generator going!
Lock the doors.
As soon as you can, every scrap
of information you've got on casualties.
- Get your heads down.
- We can't sell you any timber.
It's a joinery, not a timber yard.
You can't just have a piece of that.
Come on, quick. Get down.
- These have gone. Everything's dead.
- What about t'tellies?
- Why didn't you pull the aerial out?
- Get the standbys working.
Come on.
Bloody hell.
Hold on, Gordon. You're going too fast.
Come on! That might just be t'start of it.
Jesus Christ, they've done it.
They've done it.
- Where are you going?
- To find Ruth. See if she's all right.
Oh, shit.
- Come on. Move it inside.
- What about all these?
Get the mattress on the bottom.
That's right. Put it down there.
Where's our Alison?
- This one's on Finningley.
- A brown burst.
- Four-three.
- What was the other power station?
Hang on.
There's something on the airport, I think.
Shine the torch further down.
Ruth, come down here
and give us a hand.
Ruth, come and help
your grandma!
Ruth, please!
It'll be all right.
Come on. All this stuff on.
Put that on. Come on, then.
Come on.
Michael! Michael!
Take it easy. Don't hurry.
Ah, that's the girl. Well done.
It won't be long now.
Well done, Gordon.
How long can you keep that going?
- Two weeks if we're careful.
- First-aid kit, quickly.
We've lost County again, I think.
Aerials must have blown.
They were on the roof.
Switch the lights off when you get there.
Can we raise any districts? Radio amps?
- Can we improvise an aerial?
- We'll try.
Let's do something quick.
- Where's the first-aid kit?
- On this shelf at the back.
I've looked out here. I can't shift a thing.
- How is he?
- I can't find the first-aid kit.
Forget the first-aid kit. Bring me
something to cover him up with.
- There.
- No!
Leave me.
Everybody all right?
Jesus Christ, another one.
This could go on for ever.
It's Stocksbridge police.
What about rescue?
Is there anything you can do? Over.
Give me another bin liner.
- What is your RADIAC reading?
- What about the depot?
I repeat, what is your RADIAC reading?
- 100.
- 100.
It's too high.
You've got to get your men under cover.
Can you get us through to
the County Central Headquarters? Over.
Can you patch us through? Over.
Stocksbridge, are you receiving me?
- Green, I think.
- Have you heard anything from them?
Ask if they've got casualties.
They've lost them.
What about Hillsborough
and Stocksbridge?
Nothing from Hillsborough,
but Stocksbridge not too bad.
- Windows blown in but not too bad.
- That far out? Jesus Christ!
- Ask him where the last one was.
- Switch that thing off, Gordon.
The first fall-out dust
settles on Sheffield.
It's an hour and 25 minutes
after the attack.
An explosion on the ground at Crewe
has sucked up this debris
and made it radioactive.
The wind has blown it here.
This level of attack has broken
most of the windows in Britain.
Many roofs are open to the sky.
Some of the lethal dust gets in.
In these early stages,
the symptoms of radiation sickness
and the symptoms of panic are identical.
You all right, Ruth?
I couldn't help it. It just came on.
Don't worry about it, love.
It's not your fault. We've all got it.
I know, but I'm so ashamed.
Messing the bed at my age.
- It's the shock, isn't it?
- It's like being a little baby again.
Lie down.
Come and help me clean Grandma.
Ruth, be careful with that.
You don't know long it'll have to last us.
Ruth, don't just sit there. Do something.
Oh! Urgh!
Michael... I've got to find him, Bill.
You stop here
and I'll go and look for him.
You stop here.
I'll only be out a few minutes.
- Stop here, love.
- No, I've got to come. No.
- Help me.
- All right.
Oh, my God.
We haven't heard from County HQ
for two days.
Who the hell else have you tried?
- All of them, but nothing back yet.
- Send another motorcycle.
- There are no roads left.
- All the people here will be dead.
Round here 50 per cent will be alive
but here they're as good as dead already.
They've probably received a lethal dose.
- What about here?
- It'll be pretty heavy there.
If the wind's still blowing from the
southwest it's in direct line from Crewe.
Depends what sort of cover they've built.
If they've got a decent cellar
we'll get it on the radio.
There's no way of getting anything out.
Yeah. Yes, I'll pass the message on.
What am I expected to do?
I can't get anything out, can I?
Listen. I've got a message
from Rivelin Valley police.
They've managed to get through
to the works depot.
They've got some vehicles on the road
but they're nearly out of fuel.
What the hell
have they been doing with it all?
They didn't tell me. They want to know
where they can get some more.
- And they've got no food.
- Oh, God.
- I've got...
- Let me get on with it, OK?
Here you are, Mother.
Something to eat for you.
Better leave her. The rest'll do her good.
At least it won't go cold.
Ruth, love.
Come on, love.
You'll have to eat something.
But you'll have to, love.
It's not just you now, you know.
The baby needs some food as well.
Come on.
I don't care about this baby any more.
- Oh, Ruth.
- I wish it was dead.
- Don't say things like that.
- There's no point with Jimmy dead.
- But you don't know.
- He is. He is. I know he is.
You can't be certain.
We're breathing in all this radiation
all the time.
My baby. It will be ugly and deformed.
Oh, Michael. Alison and Jimmy.
All of them gone.
Alison... Michael...
- All dead.
- No. We don't know that.
They might be safe somewhere.
I wish I were dead. I wish it were me.
I wish I could swap places with him.
Right. Let's get in.
Watch that bloody water.
How far does this go back?
If four floors have come down
it could go back for yards and yards.
Try it again, Gordon.
Still nothing coming through.
It must be blocked further up.
How much stuff
do you think's on top of us?
Most of t'town hall.
- When can you get to us?
- I can't get t'lifting gear through.
- What about the army?
- There's no way through.
We've not heard from County.
If we don't hear soon,
we'll never get things under control.
- You try getting through to them.
- I've got starving mobs everywhere.
It's not our decision anyway.
It's up to Zone to authorize
the release of buffer stocks...
- We can't get through to County.
- Are we going to let them starve?
We're on our own. You've got
the authority. Do something with it.
Why waste food
on people who are going to die?
I agree with Clive.
The food stocks won't last long.
A lot of people didn't stock up.
How could they? The shops were empty.
They're coming out of the shelters. We
should hang on to the food we've got.
I need that food to force people to work.
There's about 2,000
outside Roxburgh fire station.
- Make us a cup of tea, Sharon.
- Make it yourself. I'm not your wife.
Anybody got a fag?
- Bad for your health.
- They're pulling the place apart.
I don't care
how much trouble they're causing.
We're not sending our men in there
with that radiation.
What's the point? They're all gonna die
on that patch anyway.
Bill, just get me a drink. Please, a drink.
I'll see if I can find anything.
I won't be long.
Just a minute. Just a minute.
- For God's sake.
- Just a minute, love. That's it.
- Oh, God. Look at it.
- Just a minute. Just a minute.
Can you manage? That's it.
All right, put her down here.
Give us one of the blankets.
Come on. Oh, my God.
- Ruth?
- Ruth!
Come on, down you go.
Radiation levels
are still dangerous.
Residents of Release Band A,
that is Woodspring and Wolvey Dale,
should not go from their shelters
for more than two hours per day.
Residents of Release Band B,
that is Neveredge and Broomhill,
no longer than one hour per day.
Mandy! Mandy!
Have you see our Mandy?
Mandy! Mandy!
Mum! Mum!
Mum! Mum! Mum!
What time is it?
Half past two.
Night or day?
Night, I think.
I'm not sure. I'm losing track.
I'm not sure
whether it's night or day any more.
Hanging in the atmosphere,
the clouds of debris
shut out the sun's heat and light.
Across large areas
of the Northern Hemisphere
it starts to get dark,
it starts to get cold.
In the centers of large land masses
like America or Russia,
the temperature drop may be severe,
as much as 25 degrees centigrade.
Even in Britain, within days of the attack
it could fall to freezing or below
for long, dark periods.
Go back to your homes.
Allocation of foodstuffs
will begin shortly.
The distribution points
will be announced.
I repeat, go home.
There is nothing we can do for you.
We have no authority to distribute food.
- Who are you saving it for?
- This is a warning.
Any attempt to appropriate provisions
from these premises will be met by force.
I advise you to disperse
and go back to your homes.
Prepare to fire gas.
One round CS gas, straight at gates.
One round at that man.
The peacetime resources of
the health service, even if they survived,
would be unable to cope with the effects
of even the bomb that's hit Sheffield.
Rosie! Rosie!
He can't do anything. Please!
By this time,
without drugs, water or bandages,
without electricity
or medical support facilities,
there is virtually no way
a doctor can exercise his skill.
As a source of help or comfort,
he is little better equipped
than the nearest survivor.
Ma! Dad!
We've no choice,
as far as I see.
- Can't we get any food from outside?
- Where from?
We've told County.
Everybody's in the same boat.
We can't contact Rockley.
God knows what's happened there.
Probably been raided.
What do you think, Doctor?
We'll have to cut their rations.
I've worked it out.
and 500 for the rest.
That wouldn't keep a flea alive.
Should we be keeping anybody alive
if they can't work?
A lot of people are gonna die anyway.
Back to survival of the fittest, I suppose.
What is that in terms of food, then,
I don't know... A few slices of bread...
some soup...
a lamb chop...
a treacle tart...
a few pints of beer.
Look, you must have an empty factory
to put them.
No, you look. I've got thousands
of homeless people walking around.
I've got enough on with them
without worrying about criminals.
You'll have to find
somewhere to put 'em.
Well, I don't know.
Look, shoot the buggers. I don't care.
Can we get a water tank
to Broomhill? The standpipe's run dry.
Oh, Christ, Steve. This should have been
sorted out days ago.
Can we not tell them
to make their way to the rest centers?
No, there'll be no point.
They'll be overrun anyway.
What about tents?
Got any tents we could use?
Tents?! How the hell should I know?
If you want to know about tents,
go and phone the Boy Scouts.
Piss off, will you?
You're not the only one under pressure.
- I bloody know!
- You sort it!
And what the hell are you doing
about digging us out?
Bloody hell, what a stink.
Let's get out of here. I'm gonna puke.
Halt or I'll fire.
Number three,
a round for that man over there.
- Number one, go and search the house.
- Up against the wall.
- We weren't doing anything.
- You were looting.
- We were searching empty houses.
- Quiet! Shut up!
- What choice have we got?
- We were hungry.
Two bodies in the cellar.
A man and a woman.
Not been dead long.
The man's head's battered in.
It weren't us, it were him.
- Out.
- We ain't done nothing.
Number two, pick up the stolen goods.
- We were only after a bit of food.
- Check the house and search the body.
- Bag of crisps.
- What flavor?
- Prawn cocktail.
- They fucking would be. I hate them.
Come on.
All able-bodied citizens,
men, women and children,
should report for reconstruction duties
commencing 0800 hours tomorrow.
The inhabitants of Release Band F,
that is Dore and Totley,
Abbeydale and Woodseats,
should rendezvous in Abbeydale Park.
Release Band B, that is...
Money has had no meaning
since the attack.
The only viable currency is food,
given as reward for work
or withheld as punishment.
In the grim economics of the aftermath,
there are two harsh realities.
A survivor who can work
gets more food than one who can't
and the more who die,
the more food is left for the rest.
I could murder a fag now.
I used to love a fag after a meal.
Have you got owt to swap?
I've got some Scotch.
Ohh. Bloody hell.
Detention camps
are improvised for looters.
Their numbers are growing.
- Let me out!
- Bastard!
Let him out!
Fucking full of yourself
like a traffic warden!
Let us out!
Come on. Watch yourself here. Right.
Get that light down here.
Watch the girder. Come on.
Over here. Another one here.
- Another one over there.
- How many altogether?
About four, five, six.
A growing exodus from cities
in search of food.
It's July.
The countryside is cold
and full of unknown radiation hazards.
By now, five to six weeks after the attack,
deaths from the effects of fall-out
are approaching their peak.
Return to your homes.
Return to your homes.
Return to your homes.
Turn back. Turn back.
Right, down there.
Come on.
- George Langley?
- What do you want?
- You have four temporary residents.
- I'm having no strangers here.
- You've no choice. It's law.
- I don't care what it is.
This is my house
and I'm having no strangers in it.
- You've got four spare rooms...
- Aye, and they're stopping spare.
They can't just walk
into people's houses. It's not right.
We're not here to argue the matter.
- You four...
- It's bloody dangerous.
They might bring
all sorts of diseases with them.
- In you go.
- They might be contaminated.
Well, look at him. Look at him.
- Look at him.
- Go on. In you go.
Right, No.19.
Get out, will you?
The whole lot of you.
- Go on!
- You've no right!
Get out, the whole lot of you!
Where are we supposed to go?
This is a final warning. Residents
and non-residents must register...
It is Ruth, isn't it?
I'm Bob. Jimmy's mate.
We met once or twice. Remember?
You came to our last Christmas do
at work.
Where is he?
Is he wi' you?
Have you seen him?
Is it safe to eat?
I don't know.
How can you tell?
It's got a thick coat.
That should have protected it.
You breathe it in, though, don't you?
It should be all right.
Sheep don't die of cold.
It must be radiation.
You'd be able to taste it
if it were contaminated.
Oh, I don't know.
We've no choice, have we,
unless we want to starve to death?
- I'll take some wi' me.
- Where?
There's nothing there.
North. Dales.
Doesn't really matter, does it?
It's all the same.
I'll try and skin it.
Keep me warm.
If we are to survive
these difficult early months
and establish a firm base
for the redevelopment of our country,
we must concentrate all our energies
on agricultural production.
this diminished first harvest
is now literally a matter of life and death.
Chronic fuel shortages mean
that this could be one of the last times
tractors and combine harvesters
are used in Britain.
The first winter.
The stresses of hypothermia,
epidemic and radiation
fall heavily
on the very young and the old.
Their protective layers of flesh
are thinner.
In the first few winters, many of the
young and old disappear from Britain.
Halt. If you do not halt,
we will open fire.
Halt at once.
Work. Work.
Work. Up.
and... pictures.
Words and pictures.
Skeletons and skulls
of different creatures.
We borrowed them from the museum.
Did you recognize
what some of those skeletons were?
There was the skeleton of...
a cat.
A cat's skeleton.
The skeleton of...
a chicken.
A chicken's skeleton.
The skeleton of... a bird.
A bird's skeleton.
Oi! What that be?
- Coney.
- Give us 'em. Give us 'em.
- Better, else us'll pry 'em.
- Best stand off, else tha'll get it.
Give us 'em.
Where you stopped at?
Come with us?
- Where?
- Come on. Us place.
Gaz and Spike.
Share the coney, then. Come on.
- Share the coney. Come on.
- Us place. Come on.
Come back here wi' that!
Hey, you! Come back!
Come back!
Come on, then.
Give us it. Come on.
Give us it. Come on.
Give us it. Give us it.
Give us it.
Halt. Halt!
What's wrong?
Have you been hurt?
- Baby. Coming.
- No time for babies here.
- Coming. Baby. Coming.
- No time for babies here.
You have to go home.
Use your common sense.
Coming! They're coming!
There you are.