Three Coins in the Fountain (1954)

% % [Man Singing: Ballad]
% % [Ends]
[P.A. System:
Man Speaking Italian]
[Man Speaking Italian Continues]
Pardon me.
Are you Maria Williams?
- Yes, I am.
- Oh, I'm Anita Hutchins.
- Hi.
- Hi. Mr. Burgoyne sent me down to meet you.
I'm with the agency.
Here, let me take your bag.
Thank you.
We're over here. Come on.
- This is your apartment?
- You like it?
I'm awed!
Secretaries live very well in Rome.
You'll get spoiled after a while. Frances!
Yes? I'm having breakfast
on the balcony. Come on out.
- Welcome to Rome.
- Thank you.
- Did you have any trouble finding her?
- I picked her out first try.
- Have you had any breakfast?
- I can't remember.
Then have some with us. Anna!
Oh, my, oh, my!
Oh, what a beautiful way to live.
I'm glad you like it. When Anita leaves,
I was going to suggest...
- [Anita] I've already told her.
- Anna. This is Miss Williams.
- Buon giorno, signorina. [Italian]
- How do you do?
[Speaking Italian]
What would you like?
- Oh, anything, thank you.
- [Speaking Italian]
I don't think I could afford anything
as elegant as this, or even half of it.
I promise you can.
You're paid at the agency in dollars.
The rate of exchange
is in your favor.
- Are you with the agency too?
- No, I'm John Frederick Shadwell's secretary.
- The man who wrote Winter Harvest?
- Mm-hmm.
- No less.
- Mmm. He's a great writer, isn't he?
He's a great man.
I thought he was dead.
Most people do, because he hasn't been
back to America since his early 20s.
Frances has been with him
for 15 years.
Oh, when do I meet my boss?
After breakfast.
We'll all drive to work together.
You'll meet him in plenty of time.
There's nothing rushed in Rome.
Oh, I'm going to like Rome,
at any rate of exchange.
- What's that?
- That's the Fountain of Trevi.
Do you want to see it?
If you throw a coin into the pool,
you're supposed to get your wish.
Only the wish must always be the same thing...
that you'll return again to Rome.
I've tossed a coin into the fountain
every April for the last... 15 years.
It's my spring ritual.
It's time to throw one in again.
- Don't you want to wish?
- Oh, yes.
Keep me in Rome at least a year,
Mr. Fountain.
No! No, no. You have to turn around
and throw it over your shoulder.
- Oh.
- [Splashes]
Bring me... another year
of contentment...
whatever gods are listening.
A penny's worth of hope.
Aren't you going to wish?
No. I don't want to
come back to Rome.
Anita's going home to be married.
Then I don't blame you.
Don't tempt fate.
- Good morning, Eleanor.
- Good morning, Anita.
This is my desk. You'll share it
with me for the time being.
Oh, when do I meet Mr. Burgoyne?
- I'll see if he's in.
- [On Intercom] Yes?
Good morning, Mr. Burgoyne.
Miss Williams is here. Shall I bring her in?
Not at all. I'll come out.
- Boss loves to make a good impression.
- Any particular instructions?
No. Just be yourself.
Well, well, well, Miss Williams.
Welcome to U.S.D.A.
I abbreviate the name of the agency.
It's the age of the alphabet.
- Oh, I see. Thank you.
- We hope you like Rome and the agency.
- Thank you. I'm sure I will.
- Good, good, good.
I thought I'd spend the morning
showing Maria how we operate here.
Fine, fine, fine. Oh!
Mrs. Burgoyne is giving
a cocktail party this afternoon.
Anita, if you and Miss Williams
are not otherwise occupied...
Mrs. Burgoyne would like
to meet Miss Williams.
- Thank you. I'd love to meet Mrs. Burgoyne.
- We'll expect you, then.
- Buon giorno.
- [Man] Buon giorno, signorina.
Oh. Good morning.
I didn't think you'd be up.
- I've been up all night.
- I must say, you look it.
You might show a little consideration for
a man who's just written 20,000 words.
You've started it.
I got home at midnight
intoxicated with an idea.
I worked myself
into a creative hangover.
- Let me fix you some coffee.
- No. No, thanks.
While you type these up,
I'm going to fall into bed.
I'm glad you've given up
writing articles...
and started back to work
on a novel again.
- I was afraid you were afraid.
- What do you mean by that?
Nothing. I was worried for fear the critics
had intimidated you after that last one.
- I should have known better.
- Of course you should have.
I write for myself, not the critics.
You'll be pleased to know
the old master is back in stride again.
I'm rather anxious to hear
what you think about the start.
Not only do I consider it magnificent...
but I have a sneaking suspicion
it's pretty good.
Get some sleep.
I'll knock on your door in time for you
to make it to the Burgoyne cocktail party.
Not I.
I have no intention of exposing myself
to that dreary assemblage.
When I get up, I'm gonna stroll
through the gardens of the villa...
in solitary contentment.
But I've already accepted
the invitation in your name.
Then jolly well
make an excuse in my name.
Do you know what people say
when I mention I work for you?
Something envious, I presume.
- They say, "Oh, I thought he was dead."
- Do they, indeed?
You can't be as antisocial as you are
and still expect people to know you're alive.
- So they think that I'm dead, do they?
- Hmm.
Well, well.
Wake me at 4:00.
I'll make an appearance
to prove my public only half right.
When these come in from Washington,
they have to be translated into Italian.
- By me?
- Oh, no. We have interpreters here.
Georgio, would you come in
for a minute, please?
Georgio handles
our translations for us.
Then they're given to Mr. Burgoyne
for clearance with the Italian bureau.
- Good morning, Miss Anita.
- Oh. Good morning.
Maria, this is Georgio Bianchi.
Georgio, this is Maria Williams.
She'll be taking my place
when I leave.
If I can be of any help,
please call me.
I heard you were returning
to America, Miss Anita.
I shall... We shall miss you.
Oh. Thank you.
Here, would you make a translation
of these for Mr. Burgoyne, please?
Yes, Miss Anita.
I forgot to tell you.
There's a policy here.
Secretaries are not allowed
to go out with local employees.
- Mr. Burgoyne's policy, if you please.
- How do you manage it, then?
Georgio? [Scoffs] We've never
exchanged more than two words.
- He's just part of the office.
- Oh.
Does his hand always shake
when he gets near to you?
You're imagining things.
He doesn't even know I exist.
Oh! He doesn't know
anyone else exists.
He didn't even notice whether
I was a blonde or a brunette.
Well, you're wrong.
- Call him in.
- [Gasps]
Well, I just want to look at
those beautiful brown eyes again.
- They're not brown, they're blue.
- Oh.
I mean...
It's a good thing I'm going home.
With you around here,
I'd be in a puddle of trouble in no time.
Here, sit down and open those for me.
% % [Orchestra]
Mr. Shadwell,
I don't care what the critics said.
I want you to know
I just adored your last novel.
there were not enough of you.
Tell me... do you get your
best ideas at night? I always do.
Invariably, but hardly material
to write about.
My husband declares that I
was simply born to be a writer.
He says if anyone just took a pencil
and followed me around, they'd have a novel.
My dear lady, I should be delighted
to get behind you with a pencil.
Excuse me.
[Anita] We've learned from long experience
this is the best way to pass the time.
So this is Rome,
where the pigeons eat caviar.
And the secretaries eat alone.
Look, did you ever see
such a handsome car?
- You ever see such a handsome man?
- It's Prince Dessi.
A prince? Do you know him?
- He's a friend of Mr. Shadwell's.
- Part of the Roman scene.
Um, eligible?
Dino is handsome, wealthy, and has
one of the oldest titles in Europe.
As long as he has the first two,
you won't catch him getting married.
Oh, what a shame. Oh!
- What's the matter?
- Oh, I knocked my purse off the railing.
- I'll ask Dino to get it for you.
- Oh, no. Please don't.
- He'll think I did it on purpose.
- He won't mind. Dino!
- Yes?
- We dropped a purse from the balcony.
- Would you mind bringing it up?
- With the greatest of pleasure.
You sure you didn't
knock it off on purpose?
Oh, no, believe me, I didn't.
I'm not that quick-witted.
Well, just in case it was instinct...
perhaps we'd better warn our friend
about Dino before she meets him.
He's known as
"the predatory prince."
And girls who are seen in his company
more than once are known as Venice Girls.
The time comes when he asks you
to fly to Venice with him.
Once you're known as a Venice Girl,
you might as well go home.
- I hope nothing was broken.
- Thank you. It belongs to my friend.
Maria, this is Prince Dessi.
This is Miss Williams.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
Fresh from the States.
Of course, you know Anita.
- Oh, yes. We met when I first came to Rome.
- I remember it with sadness.
People said bad things about me, and you
would not permit me to show you Rome.
Have they been telling you
disgraceful things about me too?
- Oh, no.
- That's too bad.
If only half the things said about me
were true, I'd be a happy man.
- I suspect half of them are.
- You see?
There is a conspiracy against me in Rome.
You must excuse me.
I haven't spoken to my host yet.
I'll be back.
He's nice.
Oh, I don't believe
he's the wolf you say.
- Why, he looks as innocent as a little boy.
- Oh, that he does.
But don't try taking him
on your lap to mother him.
You'll find yourself suddenly
screaming for the police.
Well, so much for your first
cocktail party in Rome.
- Shall we walk home or ride?
- Let's walk.
Do you know something strange?
Except for that handsome prince...
not one attractive man
came near us at the party.
Well, I guess now is as good
a time as any to disillusion you.
If you're romantic,
Rome is not the city for you.
Why not?
Well, wealthy Italians don't
waste their time on secretaries...
and the Italians that work at the agency
are too poor.
Oh. No wonder you're
going home to be married.
I'm not even engaged. I gave that
as an excuse at the agency for leaving.
But at least I'm going back to a country
where I hope some nice guy will ask me.
That's why I didn't throw a coin
in the Fountain of Trevi.
Oh, dear. It looks as though
I've wasted a perfectly good penny.
Well, which way?
This way looks sort of interesting.
- You want to try it?
- It doesn't look very respectable.
Good. Let's have a look.
- [Whistling]
- [Chattering]
[Wolf Whistle]
- Anita, somebody pinched me.
- Don't look back.
It's considered an encouragement.
Pretend you didn't notice.
Are you kidding?
I'll kick him in his antipasto.
- Oh, let's go.
- [Speaking Italian]
[Bell Dinging]
- Georgio!
- Oh. Miss Anita.
We've been waiting for you. I thought
you said 7:00. What detained you?
[Speaks Italian]
I've been showing Maria the city,
and he followed us.
You shouldn't be in this section
unescorted, Miss Anita.
Things can happen
that American girls don't understand.
We understand, all right.
A pinch is a pinch in any man's language.
As long as you are here
and I am here, Miss Anita...
would you allow me
to show you my Rome?
- We'd love to.
- Well, sure.
[Speaking Italian]
It's strange.
We have seen each other
every day for two years...
and yet this is the first time
I have ever really talked to you.
I always thought
you didn't like Americans.
- Oh, no. I thought you didn't like Italians.
- Isn't that silly?
What's that monastery?
[Georgio] Oh, no, it's not a monastery.
It's a palazzo.
- Apalazzo? That's a palace, isn't it?
- Mm-hmm.
- Who owns it?
- It's the home of the prince, Dino Dessi.
Oh. Well, you two
just drink your wine.
I'm gonna sit here
and look at the palazzo.
- Does he live there all alone?
- Oh, no.
- Oh.
- He lives with his mother, the principessa.
Oh, how sweet.
But he must get lonely.
What does he do for amusement?
Oh, he has diversions.
He plays the piccolo.
- He plays what?
- The piccolo.
He's an excellent piccolo player.
- My cousin is his teacher.
- [Laughs]
That does it. I think I'll have
some wine with you after all.
Good! This is the wine
that we drink on our festa.
Have you ever been to
an Italian festa, Miss Anita?
No, I don't think so.
We are having one
at our farm tomorrow...
to celebrate my sister's engagement.
You shouldn't go back to America
without seeing an Italian festa.
Uh, if you would like
to come too, Miss Williams...
No, thank you. I have to stay
and write some letters.
My family expect a report from me,
and I can't disappoint them.
- Why don't you go, Anita?
- I'd love to, but I don't think I could.
I know. It's against the agency rules.
Oh, but it's only this once.
You're not gonna let
some silly old rule stand in your way.
Well, it isn't that.
I have packing to do.
My cousin has a truck. He is driving in
to pick up our relatives in Rome.
We could ride in the truck,
if you didn't mind.
Oh, all right, Georgio. I'll be darned if
I'll spend my last weekend in Rome alone.
[Shouting In Italian]
[Shouting Continues, Laughing]
Georgio, you're not giving it wine?
Oh, no, no, Miss Anita. Water.
I am sorry to be late,
but unfortunately, a wheel came off.
- This is my cousin, Enrico.
- How do you do?
[Speaking Italian]
- [All Laughing]
- What?
- These are all your cousins?
- Oh, yeah. Cousins, brothers, nieces.
I will introduce you later.
[Shouting In Italian]
% % [Singing In Italian]
- [Shouting]
- [All Imitating Horn Honking]
My cousin has no brakes, nor horn.
Did we frighten you?
Oh, no. I'm all right, I think.
When the driver gives the signal,
we must all toot like horns.
But don't you think it's a little dangerous
to drive without brakes and a horn?
Oh, no. We hang a St. Christopher
medal on the windshield.
Nothing can happen to us.
[Imitating Horn]
- Did you ever ride in a truck before?
- No, I haven't.
[All Chattering]
- Georgio, what happened?
- Oh, nothing.
Nothing? It's an accident.
[Arguing In Italian]
Isn't that Anita, your secretary,
in that truck?
And with the interpreter
from the office.
- % % [Guitar]
- % % [Singing In Italian]
% % [Continues]
Pronto. Why, yes, she is.
Just a moment.
- It's for you, Maria.
- I don't know anyone in Rome yet.
Hello? Yes.
Yes. It's that Prince Dessi.
How did he ever find this number?
Well, how did you ever
find the number?
Oh, one has ways.
I was planning on flying my plane
to Venice this morning.
Have you been to Venice?
He wants to know if I'll fly with him
to Venice. What'll I say?
- Say no.
- Yes, I'd love to, but I'm sorry.
I can't.
Y... Um... He says we could fly there
and be back by tonight.
That's what he always says, and then
he'll have trouble with his propeller...
and you'll have trouble
with your reputation.
- Thank him kindly, but hang up.
- Yes, I'd love to, but...
It's very kind of you,
but I'm sorry. I can't.
- Say yes.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Just a moment. Why?
You want to see Venice. But tell him
you have to be back by tonight.
- But you just said...
- Never mind what I said. Tell him you'll go.
You will? Oh, I promise you
I will get you back tonight.
And I will do everything I can
to see that you enjoy your trip.
Can you be ready in a half hour?
I shall be there.
[Horn Honking]
You are ready! This is the first time
I have not been kept waiting.
It's a good omen. Good morning,
Miss Frances. It is very nice to see you.
At the prospect of going to Venice,
I could be ready in five minutes.
Oh, I can promise you it will be a trip
that you shall long remember.
So let us not waste any time.
You don't mind giving Miss Frances
a lift, do you?
Not at all.
Where shall I drop you, Miss Frances?
- Venice?
- Well, if it's not too much trouble.
You see, Frances was going to Venice
herself this weekend...
and I thought it might be fun
if she came along with us.
- Oh.
- You don't mind, do you?
Oh, not at all. Not at all.
But, well,
my plane is not a large one...
and, well, I'm afraid it would be
most uncomfortable.
Well, I suppose I had better
take the train after all.
Oh, that is too bad. I certainly
couldn't let you make that trip alone.
So I'll go on the train with you,
and I can meet you in Venice.
Is that all right?
% % [Singing In Italian]
[Children Shouting]
- Mama!
- Caro.!
[Both Speaking Italian]
This is my mother, Anita.
I told her all about you.
Buon giorno, signora.
Come sta?
[Speaking Italian]
She talks too fast.
What'd she say?
- She said you're very pretty.
- Grazie.
- This is my father.
- Come sta, signore?
- Ohh!
- Bravo, Georgio. [Speaking Italian]
Quando il matrimonio, eh?
- What did he say?
- Oh, nothing.
My father means well,
but he misunderstands.
This is my sister Angela.
- We are celebrating her engagement today.
- Oh, ciao, Angela.
[Speaks Italian]
- [All Laughing]
- [Woman Shouting In Italian]
[Repeating Italian Phrase]
Dinner is ready!
% % [Singing In Italian]
[Speaking Italian]
- [Cheering]
- Bravo!
% % [Ballad]
Off there is Rome.
I used to sit here when I was small...
and dream someday
of going away to the city.
When I first came to Rome as a boy,
I threw a coin in the Fountain of Trevi.
I wanted to return
and become a lawyer.
- What do you think?
- You got your wish.
No. There is something more
to the dream than I asked for.
Well, you'll be a lawyer.
You'll be a very good one too, I know.
I've always liked lawyers.
That's not what I meant.
The man you are going back
to America to marry...
is he, by any chance, a lawyer?
Well, the truth of the matter is...
[Laughs] Actually, it embarrasses me
to have to tell you, Georgio...
but I guess I do owe you
an explanation.
No, you owe me nothing, Miss Anita.
I have no right to cross-examine you.
It was not judicial.
- But l...
- No, no. Please.
What's in the valley below?
- The bottom of the hill.
- [Laughing]
But there is also a pool
and a stream.
- Very shady and beautiful.
- Hmm.
I've always liked streams.
Could we go down?
But of course.
Uh, shall we take my cousin's truck?
- I'll honk when you signal.
- All right.
% % [Ballad Continues]
You wouldn't believe it, I know,
but this car and I are the same age.
Hmm. I believe it.
- Oh! Are you hurt?
- Put the car in gear!
- Georgio!
- Jump, Anita.! Jump out.!
Georgio! Georgio!
[Shouting In Italian]
- [Gear Grinding]
- Georgio!
Anita, put it in gear!
- Anita!
- [Grinding Continues]
Anita! Anita, jump!
- Jump out.!
- I can't!
Anita! Anita!
- Georgio!
- Anita, did you get hurt?
No. No.
No, I'm all right.
L... I just couldn't get it into gear.
You could have been killed, Anita.
Anita. Anita.
[Speaking Italian]
I love you so much.
I want to tell you that I love you.
[Man Shouting]
[All Shouting]
What are they shouting?
They want to know
if we are all right.
You tell them we're quite all right...
for the moment.
[No Audible Dialogue]
- Look.
- [Tolling]
- It's been a wonderful day. It really has.
- I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I'm sorry I was 15 years late
in accepting your invitation.
Perhaps we can do it again,
in another 15 years.
Scusi, signor.
- [Speaking Italian]
- Oh, grazie. Will you excuse me a second?
Something tells me he's angry.
I don't blame him.
It was a mean trick.
Pity is, I really like him, and now he'll
probably never want to see me again.
I really should have stayed at home.
Nonsense. We agreed this was
my chance to see Venice.
Why don't I take the train back tonight,
and you can stay on an extra day?
- If you want to. Do you want to?
- Well...
[Speaking Italian]
It was the airport. My plane
is ready to take off at any time.
I was just trying to convince Maria
that she ought to stay over another day.
Well, of course, if you two wish to remain,
but I have to get back tonight.
It is regrettable, but I have a meeting
with some of my tenants tomorrow.
If both of you are leaving, there's
no point in my staying on here alone.
Under the circumstances, I'm sure
that I can make some arrangements.
Oh, no. I don't want you
to disappoint your tenants.
Well, where are you?
I was just wondering
how it would feel...
to ride to work
on the handlebars of a bicycle.
- Why?
- [Intercom Buzzes]
- Yes, Mr. Burgoyne?
- Maria, will you come into the office at once?
Yes. He must have slept here.
[Door Opens, Closes]
Yes, Mr. Burgoyne?
I want to talk to you, Maria.
We feel, at the agency, that Americans
abroad have a responsibility to their country.
They should always conduct
themselves with dignity.
If you mean about my going to Venice,
Mr. Burgoyne, I assure you...
- I was referring to Anita, Miss Williams.
- Oh.
As you know,
it is the policy of our agency...
that our secretaries do not go out
with the local employees.
- Yes, sir.
- Anita has been violating that rule, hasn't she?
Why, whatever makes you
think that, Mr. Burgoyne?
I saw her going out
of the city with Georgio.
There was some sort of festival
in the country and...
She spent the weekend with him?
But she's going back to America to be married.
Oh, no, she isn't.
She only used that as an excuse...
You... You mean that the situation
is such that it became necessary...
for her to create this deception?
You don't have to answer that,
if you prefer not to.
I'd gladly answer it, Mr. Burgoyne.
Anita has done nothing wrong,
I promise you.
Why don't you ask her yourself?
I will. Thank you
for your reassurance, Miss Williams.
It's only that my interest in my girls
here transcends official obligation.
- Is that all, sir?
- Yes, thank you.
Yes, but you see, we haven't had
any official notification of it yet.
Yes, sir. Yes. All right.
Via Condore.
Fifty-one, yes.
I can't understand why she said
she was going home to get married.
Do you know if she's seen a doctor?
Such a thing would never occur to me.
She seems like such a nice girl.
Nice girls are human, my dear.
- What are you doing?
- I'm moving.
- Anita, what's happened?
- How could you have done this to me?
- How could you?
- Do what?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
What business was it of yours
if I went to the country with Georgio?
What right had you to tell Burgoyne
I'm not going home to get married?
Well, he asked me why...
I only thought I was helping you.
Did you think you were helping by
telling him I spent the weekend with Georgio?
I didn't say it that way.
Well, he asked me
if I wanted to consult his doctor.
He said the office would be
very happy to pay for it.
He wanted to know how long
this had been going on.
Anita, l...
I'm sorry.
Well, I'm going home
in a few days anyway...
so in the meantime,
you stay here in the apartment.
I'm going to stay someplace
by myself.
Will you please listen to me?
I can't remember what I said to Mr. Burgoyne,
but believe me, it's been distorted.
Well, he fired Georgio!
Oh, no.
He fired him
without a recommendation.
Jobs are hard to get
without a recommendation.
He wanted to be a lawyer.
Now he can't.
We certainly left him
with something to remember us by.
- Anita!
- [Door Opens, Closes]
- Hello, Georgio.
- Anita.
You should not have come here.
How did you find this place?
I looked your address up
in the office files.
- I cannot ask you in.
- Please.
It's not a good place.
Burgoyne told me why he fired you.
I knew the rules. I broke them.
I cannot honestly say I regret it.
- What are you going to do?
- I shall try for another position.
Failing that,
I can always return to my family.
It's not hopeless.
If you'll have to go home, you won't
be able to continue your studies.
Perhaps I shouldn't be a lawyer
if I cannot honor simple office rules.
Look, don't justify Burgoyne!
This could cost you your career.
- I'm not gonna let him do it to you.
- Anita.
You must not be angry.
I knew what I was doing.
This happened.
I will accept the consequences.
I'm gonna go back to him
and make him take you back.
You will only convince him
he acted wisely in the first place.
But... I can't just go away...
leaving you here to face
a problem I created for you.
You will go back to America,
as you have to...
and I will return to our farm,
if I must.
Georgio, I have a day or two left
before I have to go back.
Would it help you at all
if we spent them together?
Oh, cara.
No. What could I offer you?
I have no job. In the end,
you have to leave anyhow.
- You are not free.
- I'm free to do anything I please!
- You are going home to be married.
- I'm not going to be married.
I'm not even engaged.
I only told Burgoyne that as a excuse
for leaving the agency.
There is no one?
There's no one.
- Come in, signorina.
- Thank you.
- Frances!
- Yes?
- Hello, Maria.
- Hello.
- Should I have phoned?
- No, of course not. Thank you, Louisa.
- What is it?
- I can't find Anita.
I've checked the hotels. She hasn't
been back, hasn't been to the office.
- I'm just worried sick.
- Well, I don't think we need worry about it.
Anita's hurt and unhappy, and she probably
wants to be alone for a few days.
She'll show up.
Did you talk to Burgoyne?
He won't take Georgio back.
Oh! He's a fool.
- What can we do?
- Nothing at the moment.
Now, stop worrying about it.
It wasn't your fault.
Look, do you think Mr. Shadwell
could get Georgio's job back for him?
- That would help.
- Well, we'll see.
I'm going over to the museum to pick
him up now. Why don't you come along.
- You haven't been to the museum yet?
- No.
Museums I can do without.
I was born in one.
- You were?
- Sure.
My dad had an Indian museum
on the highway next to his gas station.
It was free with 10 gallons of gas.
This one has a different
kind of an attraction.
Prince Dino is there with Shadwell
discussing some paintings he's donating.
- Oh.
- Wouldn't you like to see him again?
- He'd just love to see me.
- You could discuss art with him.
That would be a change.
What does he collect, nudes?
No, as a matter of fact,
he's mad about modern paintings.
Oh, that's a side I'd never suspect.
Why don't you show him you have
a side he'd never suspect?
- Show him you have a mind.
- Oh-ho!
Oh, I love you,
but I couldn't fool a fool.
- I don't know anything about art.
- Give it a try.
You might end up
meeting his mother.
And why should I want
to meet his mother?
Meeting Mama in Italy
is the first step to the altar.
Oh. Well, um,
let's discuss art some more.
Don't forget... neo-impressionism.
Harmony of color... and infinity.
You'll do.
How can you say it bores you?
You, with your heritage.
My heritage included a castle
with no plumbing...
but I happen to prefer
running water and modern art.
You'll forgive me if I don't take
your opinion seriously.
I knew you when you were still running
around in three-cornered pants.
Hello. I'm Maria Williams.
We met at the Burgoyne's, Mr. Shadwell,
but I'm sure you don't remember me.
You're quite wrong.
I remember you very well.
It's the party I've forgotten.
- How do you do, Miss Williams?
- Hello.
I drove over with Miss Frances. She asked me
to tell you she's waiting for you outside.
Punctuality is the vice of virtuous
women. May I drop you?
No, thank you. I have my car.
Dino, take the advice
of an old friend.
Don't treat a work of art
as you do an automobile...
turning it in for a new model
every year.
- We can't live in the past forever.
- Exactly.
Nonsense. We live in the past
from the moment we're born.
Personally, I think heritage
can sometimes shackle art.
Not to forget plumbing.
- Good day, Miss Williams.
- Good day.
I shall leave heretics
to their heritage.
Well, it's very nice to see you again.
Oh, I wonder... do you know
if the museum has any modern art?
Modern? In what sense?
Now you really will think
I'm a heretic, but...
I'm passionately interested
in the, uh, neo-impressionists.
- You are?
- Oh, I thought you'd be outraged.
But, yes, I'm mad about them.
As a matter of fact,
I'm a neo-impressionist myself.
There's a fine collection here.
May I show you the room?
- Well...
- This way.
Unless I miss my guess...
sending that girl in to get me
was a feminine intrigue of yours.
- Am I right?
- Whatever makes you think that?
Don't be evasive.
Dino told me
of your interference in Venice.
What are you trying to be,
Mother Goose?
- Maria is a friend of mine.
- And Dino is a friend of mine.
Let people lead their own lives.
They have absolutely nothing
in common.
You'd be surprised. Dino's fond of art,
and Maria was born in a museum.
- She was born where?
- Ask her yourself.
Her father is curator
of a museum out west.
You're right. I am surprised.
- Do you like it?
- How can you ask?
- Does it speak to you?
- Oh, yes, definitely.
Well, then, what does it tell you?
What does it say?
Well, different pictures say
different things to different people.
Yes, but the right paintings say
the right things to the right people.
Yes, and you're so right.
Well, this...
Now, this seems to have a...
a feeling of space.
Those lines that carry you off
into the distance.
Oh, infinity is... is so lonely.
Yes, it makes me want to cry.
You surprise me.
I could not have
put it better myself.
Oh, well,
you mustn't let me keep you.
I'm just going to sit here a while
and absorb it.
If I may,
I'll sit here and absorb also.
- It was such an enjoyable afternoon.
- What are you going to do now?
Well, I'm going to go inside
and sit down and just think quietly...
about all those lovely paintings.
You must think me silly
to feel so deeply about art.
Oh, not at all. One seldom meets
an American girl...
with your sensitivity,
your sense of appreciation.
It's wonderful.
Well, if that is so it's probably
because I'm half Italian.
- You are half Italian?
- Well, actually, three-quarters.
But I resemble
my Irish grandmother.
Now, imagine! Three-quarters.
Mmm, well,
that's why I took this job in Rome.
I wanted to be near my own kind.
Well, thank you again
for dropping me here. I must hurry in.
Now, I shall see you again?
I don't know.
You see, I'm rather afraid of you.
- Afraid? Of me?
- Oh, not because of your reputation.
But, you see, I've discovered
you have an exciting mind.
Something that handsome men
rarely have.
The combination might be too much
for someone as responsive as I am.
Well, good-bye,
and thank you again.
[Car Door Closes]
[Engine Starts, Car Pulls Away]
You sent for me, signorina?
Yes. I'm told that the Prince Dino Dessi
often dines here.
- He is a friend of the signorina's?
- Oh, yes.
I'm giving a small dinner party for him,
and I thought you might be able to tell me...
what his favorite dish is.
Of course. He is particularly fond
of saltimbocca alla Romana.
Oh. Just a moment.
- Saltimbocca...
- Alla Romana.
Alla Romana.
And his favorite wine?
Oh... Oh, yes. Lacrima Christi.
Lacrima Christi.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Would the signorina
like to order now?
Yes. I'll have a cup of coffee,
A cup of coffee.
It is his favorite opera, signorina.
This I know.
Oh, no. No, I know
that he likes, uh, Wagner.
Wagner? That is impossible!
He likes Italian opera.
I heard, myself,
him say many times...
that German music
assails the ear with its fists.
Italian caresses with its fingertips.
Well, thank you.
% % [Orchestra: Classical]
% % [Continues]
% % [Man Singing In Italian]
% % [Continues]
Will you excuse me?
I'll join you presently.
- Yes, of course.
- Buona sera, Dino. Come stai?
- Ah, my friend. You must sit with us.
- I can only stay a moment.
I'm with the Burgoynes, and I wouldn't
want to inflict them on you.
- How do you do, Miss Williams?
- How do you do?
- I saw you at the opera. Did you enjoy it?
- Rossini is one of her favorites.
Indeed. I do wish Alvarez
were less limited in his tessitura.
- Don't you?
- Do you?
- No. No, not at all.
- I don't either.
But surely you disagree about
the various tempi of the conductor?
Now, my friend, we found no fault
with this performance.
- You cannot spoil it for us.
- Oh, I'm sure Mr. Shadwell wouldn't do that.
- L-It's just that he's a perfectionist.
- Thank you.
I know that from your books.
- Which one?
- All of them.
Well, you've certainly covered
a lot of territory.
Dino, you're in the hands
of an expert.
Good evening, Miss Williams.
Arrivederci, caro.
He likes you.
And I'm glad,
because he's my friend.
Now, what shall we have?
Well, I know this is mad...
but I would just love
some saltimbocca alla Romana.
Excellent! Saltimbocca alla Romana
is a favorite of mine.
Now, what would you like
to drink with it?
Do you suppose they'd have
some Lacrima Christi?
But of course!
Maria, it is astounding
how much we have in common.
Well, you're very kind.
Italians certainly have mastered
the art of gallantry.
But it's true.
It's sweet of you to say so, but you needn't
pretend that you like everything I like.
It's too tiresome for you.
But I swear it's true. I can think of nothing
on which we disagree. It's amazing.
You really are a nice person.
You try so hard to make a girl feel
that she's chosen the right thing.
Whether it's true or not
isn't important.
It's the motive that counts.
Don't you think so?
Of course. Which proves
that we agree on everything.
[Speaking Italian]
- [Responds In Italian]
- Grazie.
What's the matter?
there is something I want.
- Well, what?
- I should like to have you meet my mother.
Well, if you like.
- Sunday.
- So soon?
I shall call for you.
% % [Classical: Piccolo]
% % [Continues]
[Doorbell Buzzes]
[Speaks Italian]
% % [Continues]
Oh, you're early.
You play the piccolo too?
No, but I've always
wanted to learn.
If you're going to study music,
Rome is the place to do it.
- [Record Player Clicks Off]
- But I also play the piccolo!
Now, Dino, you must stop saying
that you like everything I like.
You're going to make me think
you're insincere.
But I do play the piccolo.
- You see?
- But you play like an angel.
Perhaps someday we can play duets.
I should like that.
Well, I think that we should not
keep my mother waiting.
[Speaking Italian]
[Responds In Italian]
- Maria, this is my mother.
- How do you do?
It was good of you
to come to see me.
Thank you.
- Isn't she lovely, Mother?
- You failed to do her justice.
Dino, bring my blue shawl.
It is chilly.
Uh, but, Mother,
you have your blue shawl.
Take it away. It is warm.
Go away, Dino. I want to talk
to Maria alone for a moment.
- Will you have a cigarette?
- No, thank you.
[Clears Throat]
It's a lovely day, isn't it?
I want to tell you,
I was predisposed to like you.
You were? Why?
You have made my son happy.
For that, I am grateful.
Oh, I shall not live forever.
It was a matter of concern to me that he
should depend on me for understanding.
- Well, I really haven't...
- My son tells me you are half Italian.
Oh, yes, uh, actually three-quarters.
Your father?
Yes, but, um, l-I really didn't know him.
He died when I was a baby.
A pity. My son also lost his father
when he was a child.
You both have an early tragedy
in your lives.
It is good that two people
should start with understanding.
Yes, l-I guess so.
Dino, you are much too quick.
Now, Mother, I shall tell you
something that will amaze you.
Do you know
that she plays the piccolo?
I am amazed.
Well, I don't, really.
I'm just beginning.
Oh, you are modest.
Dino, bring us some wine.
We shall drink a toast.
Do you know what wine she likes?
Lacrima Christi!
- No!
- Yes.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- No.
- Yes!
I'm very glad
that you like my mother.
How could I help but like her?
She's the only woman I've ever trusted
completely... until I met you.
- [Emergency Brake Sets]
- [Engine Off]
There is something I would
like to say to you, Maria.
But first I should like
to explain to you that...
what experiences I have had
in my life before...
have left me... suspicious.
But you're not
the least bit suspicious.
- That's one of the things I like about you.
- I hide it well.
But always beneath...
there was cynicism.
I say "was," because since knowing you
it is gone.
Oh, Maria,
it is good to be free of doubt...
to find someone
that you can trust completely.
- Dino, l-I think...
- No, wait.
First I want
to tell you something.
Here, where the heart asks
only to be trusted...
I must tell you, Maria, that l...
Dino, please don't say anything more.
Could it be possible that
I misunderstood how you feel?
- Oh, no.
- Then why should I not speak?
Because there's something
I have to tell you first.
This may hurt you,
but I must say it.
Oh, Dino.
I've lied to you
from the first moment we met.
I've done nothing to restore
your faith or your trust.
I went after you
with a well-organized system.
- You are making a joke.
- No, I'm not.
Look. Look, l... l...
I made a record...
of everything about you...
what pleased you
or what displeased you.
And then I pretended to like
everything that you liked...
music and food, everything.
And you... you were as trusting as a lamb.
You didn't have a chance.
- I cannot believe this.
- Well, it's true.
Look, I don't know opera
from boogie...
or Lacrima Christi
from Corpus Christi.
And I loathe the piccolo.
Dino, if...
- I'm sorry.
- [Engine Starts]
- Anita! When did you get back?
- Last night.
- Does Maria know?
- Yes.
Oh, I'm glad to see you. We've looked
for you in every hotel in Rome.
Maria told me. I've been
in the country with Georgio's family.
We're trying to get Burgoyne
to take Georgio back.
He'll apologize to you for all those
nasty suspicions before you leave.
He owes me no apology.
I'm going home as planned.
What about Georgio?
What about him?
Had you thought of staying
and marrying him?
He doesn't think we should.
But you're obviously
in love with him.
Well, he's dreadfully poor.
Even with his job,
he can barely support himself.
He'd have to give up his studies
or take me to live with his people.
He says either way it wouldn't work.
- Well, how do you feel about it?
- [Sobs]
Oh, my darling!
I'm so sorry.
Is there anything I can do?
Just leave me alone, please.
- Well, what are you doing?
- Packing.
I can see that. But why?
I'm going home.
I'm going back with Anita.
He hasn't even tried to see me.
Oh, dear.
Never knew I could feel this way.
It's pretty awful.
I know it is.
It's awful, for both of you.
I hope you won't mind
being alone in the apartment...
but I couldn't stay on, you know.
Of course not.
I'm glad I'm not young
and vulnerable anymore.
- [Knocking]
- Yes?
I have brought the signorina
a present.
Why, Louisa, how nice of you.
Thank you.
- [Kitten Mewls]
- Why, Louisa!
Whatever made you do this?
Oh, he's a dear little thing.
We have worried about
your being alone, signorina.
Is he old enough to be
taken away from his mother?
Oh, yes.
My sister say the age is right.
She's... How do you say?
Oh. A maiden lady.
She has many cats.
She would not be without one.
She talks to them
from morning till night...
just as if they were people.
Does she, indeed?
I will bring you a box
to take it home in.
Thank you, Louisa.
[Kitten Continues Mewling]
[Loud Meow]
Oh, no, my friend.
It hasn't come to that yet.
You're dear and small.
But I'm not going to turn to you
out of loneliness.
- Good morning, Miss Frances.
- Good morning.
- Where did that come from?
- Louisa gave it to me.
- Why?
- Why shouldn't she?
All the old maids in Rome have cats.
I've seen them in the evening in the courtyard,
feeding them leftover spaghetti.
That sounds rather waspish.
Will you be able to type up
last night's pages for me this morning?
- Is anything the matter?
- No.
You seem a bit curt this morning.
I've come to a reluctant decision.
- I'll talk to you about it later.
- Moral cowardice?
Very well.
I've decided I want to
go back to America.
Well, why shouldn't I?
- Have I done anything to offend you?
- No.
Then you have no possible reason
for wanting to go back to America.
I've been away for 15 years.
I want to go home.
- Would you like a holiday?
- No.
I'd like to finish this work for you.
Then I'd like to go
have my passport checked.
This is nonsense.
What would you go back to?
You've no relations.
You'd live alone in a hotel room,
go to concerts on Sunday...
and work for some dull-witted
business executive.
- What is attractive about that prospect?
- Nothing.
- Nevertheless, I am going home.
- Oh.
What about me?
How am I going to get along without you?
I've come to depend upon you.
I dislike change.
I dislike new faces.
Friends of mine are going back,
and I want to go with them.
Maybe a hotel room alone in New York
will be hard to take.
But the prospect of becoming
a lonely old maid...
with a life behind her,
a stranger in a foreign country...
isn't much to look forward to either.
And who knows?
Perhaps some nice old man
will want to marry me after all.
Have you ever considered
the possibility of marrying me?
Every woman considers that prospect
with every man she meets.
I'm quite serious.
I would guarantee you
the companionship you want.
You've certainly had time to get used to me.
There would be no surprises.
You know me too well.
I have enormous respect for you.
You add greatly to my comfort.
In fact, you're about the only woman I know
to whom I would make such a rash offer.
A marriage... based on friendship?
The Chinese marry as total strangers.
At least we met.
[Chuckles] And suppose you should
wake up one bright morning and discover...
that I was desperately
in love with you.
Wouldn't you find that
rather disturbing?
The possibility of arousing unsuspected passion
at my age would be not only disturbing...
but rather miraculous.
Would you care to think this over
for a day or two?
Are you sure you wouldn't?
The offer is quite genuine...
if a bit casual.
Then my acceptance
is quite casual...
but a bit genuine.
Thank you.
I'm sure we'll be quite compatible.
- Grazie, Anna.
- Prego, signorina.
- Hi!
- Hi.
I'm just writing my folks that I'm
bringing you home to stay a while with us.
But I'm not going home after all.
- But you said this morning...
- That was a hundred years ago.
I've decided to stay and get married.
- No!
- Isn't it ironic?
You're both so young
and so lovely...
but of the three of us
I'm to be the bride.
- Shadwell?
- Who else?
- Oh, that's wonderful. How did it happen?
- I don't know.
I really don't know.
After being in love with him for 15 years,
this silly man has asked me to marry him.
Have you ever heard
of anything so absurd?
[Intercom Buzzes]
- Good morning!
- Good morning, Louisa.
I brought these flowers.
Will you put them in a vase, please?
- Is Mr. Shadwell up yet?
- He's up and gone out. His door was open.
Have breakfast ready for him.
He's probably just gone for a walk.
Yes, signorina...
Oh, the signorina has a new dress!
It is very pretty.
Maybe a... a little too young.
Oh, it is spring, signorina!
You should have come to me
the first time this happened, my friend.
That would hardly
have been possible.
I've had headaches all my life.
What do I do now?
I would advise you to go to America.
Dr. Weisner is there now.
- He has managed, in these cases, to delay...
- No, thank you.
- I have no desire to prolong uncertainty.
- Think about it a while.
I prefer to think how best
to spend this year allotted me.
One is not infallible
in matters of time.
I don't think I shall work today,
Dr. Martinelli.
There's never any preparation
for a death sentence, is there?
There is a lifetime.
That sounds like something
I might have written.
- Good-bye, Doctor. Thank you.
- Good-bye.
Mr. Hoyt, there's a gentleman here
to see you about something.
Come in, sir.
- Thank you. Mr. Hoyt?
- That's me, sir.
- I'm John Frederick Shadwell.
- Won't you sit down?
That's interesting.
Same name as the writer.
- I am the writer.
- You are?
Well, I'm one of your fans.
- That's good to hear.
- Looking for material for a new novel?
Just information. I want to know what
must be done to ship a body to America.
Well, you've come to the right man.
That's my specialty.
I handle former citizens.
- You seem to enjoy your work.
- Oh, I don't mind it.
Other vice-consuls have clients
who talk back. Mine don't.
An obvious advantage.
Now then, I should like to know the exact
procedure in having a body shipped home.
Well, first I must have a letter
making the request.
- Who writes the letter?
- That's a good question.
The regulations say a close relative.
Then I must have a certificate
from the doctor...
a notarized report
for the American port of entry...
then permission from the city of Rome
and an export license.
Sounds quite complicated.
Dead or alive,
there's still a lot of red tape to it.
Thank you, Mr. Hoyt.
I shan't detain you any longer.
I assume this is all
for a new story of yours.
- There actually is no body.
- Oh, there's a body, all right.
- Is there? Whose?
- Mine.
Good day, sir.
[Door Opens, Closes]
You were up early this morning.
- You want your breakfast?
- Not at the moment.
- I finished these pages.
- Thank you.
Is anything the matter?
- I've had a very bad night.
- Let me get you some coffee.
I was quite concerned over this impulsive
discussion we had about marriage yesterday.
This morning I realized you could not
possibly have taken me seriously.
Why not?
Because you have too much self-respect
to consider seriously...
the offer of a man who is interested
only in keeping his secretary.
You handled it extremely well,
and my admiration for your tact is boundless.
- Should I have reacted otherwise?
- No.
Of course you should go home,
since it is so important to you.
In fact, the sooner you can make arrangements,
the more convenient it'll be for me.
I want to go to Capri for the summer,
and I'd like to get away as soon as possible.
Aren't you going
to finish the novel?
No, I seem to have lost interest
in it at the moment.
So, if you can book passage...
I promise not to place any more
embarrassing obstacles in your path.
And you do forgive me
for my selfish panic?
Of course.
[Door Closes]
[Speaking Italian]
Yes, signore?
I should like a bottle of scotch,
some ice and a siphon of soda.
Sorry, sir. No bottles.
Why not?
Drinks, yes, but no bottles.
Very well, my friend.
Bring me six double scotches,
and line them up before me.
Very good, sir.
Are you, by any chance,
following me, Miss Frances?
- Yes.
- May I ask why?
Dr. Martinelli called after you left.
I see.
Is what you learned from him the reason
you changed your mind about us?
I suppose it's quite natural
for you to assume that.
But the truth is,
it had nothing to do with it.
It was one of those
unfortunate coincidences.
He told me he suggested you return
to America. You will go.
My dear Miss Frances,
my life, my career...
has been founded on facing facts
as I discover them...
never by wishful thinking.
I've no intention of seeking
a dubious year of grace.
But in an extra year's time perhaps the
doctors will have discovered an answer.
Cures must be discovered sometime.
I shall accept my fate with as much
good grace as I can muster.
- What do you intend to do with those?
- I intend to get drunk.
- Why?
- I've been cautious too long.
I'm sorry that you've
learned about this.
But since you have,
you can be of great service to me.
I intend to spend the time I have left here
in Rome, where I've lived most of my life.
But, oddly enough,
I want to be buried in America.
There are numerous details involved that I
should like to leave in your capable hands.
Please don't.
I can't listen
when you talk like this.
Then I shall turn the matter
over to someone less emotional.
Your greatest asset has always
been your detachment...
your freedom
from sentimentality.
It'd be a pity if you shattered
that record at the end.
And now,
if... if you don't mind, l...
I'd like to be left alone.
Does the signora care to order?
Yes. Bring me six
double scotches, please.
- Six?
- Six.
Very good, signora.
May I ask what you intend to do
with six double scotches?
I intend to drink them.
May I suggest that you'll
live to regret it?
You may.
- But why six?
- I suspect a trick.
The Americans have thought
of a scheme to outwit us of our tips.
I must figure this out.
- How can one save on six drinks?
- Well...
That'll be all.
Shall I slap you on the back,
or shall I call the waiter to do it?
Shouldn't you be at your desk
attending to my work?
You've given up.
Why shouldn't I?
I had no idea you went in
for this sort of thing.
I don't, as a rule.
To the Fountain of Trevi.
To the lovely, romantic Fountain of Trevi,
where hope can be had for a penny.
- People are looking at you.
- Well, high time.
- Do you really think you should?
- I really think I should.
- Why?
- Because...
my life is ending.
Don't hug the shore with it.
Be... Be reckless.
You've got your whole life
ahead of you.
See what the world is like.
[Speaking Italian]
Oh! All right.
All right, all right.
Here, take it.
Take it home and play with it in
the bathtub, my brave little adventurer.
- What do you want?
- Really, Miss Frances.
Don't you think you're a bit
too old to go wading in public?
I'm not too old. I'm not too old
to do anything I want to do.
Allow me to assist you
from that ludicrous and liquid posture.
Go away. Go away, please.
Give me your hand, then.
This'll make you feel much better.
I want my mother.
You haven't got a mother.
I haven't got anybody.
Nobody cares what happens to me.
Why didn't you let me drown?
A pity you didn't reveal
your capacity for vice earlier.
The years would've seemed
much shorter, and well-spent.
You needn't flatter me.
Miss Frances, please lie back.
You're going to feel dreadful later on.
I feel dreadful now.
- I've gotta get up.
- Why?
I've gotta help my friends.
They love me very much.
- I know.
- Oh, poor Georgio.
- Poor who?
- Oh, don't pretend you don't know.
I've got to get to Mr. Burgoyne
and make him give Georgio his job back.
Anita loves Georgio,
and Georgio loves Anita.
- Yes.
- But you wouldn't understand.
You hate everybody!
Well, I should certainly hate to see you
make a daily habit of this.
And I've got to talk to Dino.
I want Maria to have her prince.
Every girl should have her prince.
At least one.
My dear Miss Frances,
please try and get a little rest.
I'll do what I can later, but in the meantime
it's important for you to sleep.
Sing to me.
The only song I know would hardly be
appropriate..."The Star-Spangled Banner."
You'd have to stand up, and...
Do you think
you're going to be all right?
Miss Frances?
[Speaking Italian]
Signor Shadwell.
Show him in.
[Speaks Italian]
- Well, John!
- Hello, Dino.
I come bearing presents. You've always
wanted these first editions of mine.
- I've decided to give them to you.
- But I cannot accept.
- But you will.
- [Chuckling] Well, I'm overwhelmed, John.
- Why are you doing this?
- Saves my packing them.
- I'm going away tomorrow.
- Oh. Off to Capri again, huh?
America. I'm going home
after 15 years... to be married.
Miss Frances?
How did you know?
For years all of Rome has known how
Miss Frances felt. Should I be surprised?
You should be ashamed.
You might have told me.
It is much better
that you waited, my friend.
No man should marry
until he is at least your age.
I shall accept that
as a compliment.
- To your happiness.
- Thank you.
Now, at my age, you see,
we have no judgment.
- We feel too deeply.
- I can understand how you feel.
After all, you've just had a narrow escape
with that girl at the agency, haven't you?
- You know about this?
- Oh, all of Rome has known.
She almost tricked you
into marrying her, I understand.
Do you know what that girl did?
Kept a little black book on you, I believe.
Listed all your likes and dislikes.
- Even to the piccolo!
- Only a woman could sink that low.
The duplicity of this grasping girl!
Of course, we all grasp at happiness,
but there are such things as rules.
I knew you would understand.
And you're quite right in letting her
go back to America without a word.
She deserves to be unhappy.
She's going back to America?
Oh, she knows she did wrong,
so let her suffer for it.
You're well out of it, my boy.
You've acted like a man.
She deceived me.
She... She lied to me.
Why can't women
play the game properly?
Everyone knows that in love affairs
only the man has the right to lie.
- Naturally.
- She was very stupid to confess she lied.
She didn't have to. Very stupid.
See, to... to disillusion me so...
These girls in love never realize
they should be honestly dishonest...
instead of being dishonestly honest.
- Do you know what I mean?
- Hmm? Oh, certainly.
So don't let anyone convince you...
that you should be flattered she went
to such lengths to capture your interest.
Don't worry. I won't.
Of course,
I would be highly flattered.
But then, I'm an older man.
- Not much.
- Thank you.
Well, I'm glad that I leave you
in this happy frame of mind.
You know what you want, Dino.
Take care of yourself.
She'll be out of your life tomorrow,
and you'll never be bothered by her again.
- Home, Signor Shadwell?
- Not yet.
- To the Burgoyne villa, and hurry.
- Si, signor.
- I guess that's everything.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, good-bye, beautiful apartment.
Good-bye, romantic Rome.
[Phone Ringing]
Oh, hello.
Oh, all right, dear.
Uh-huh. We were just leaving.
That was Frances. She wants us
to meet her at the Fountain of Trevi.
- [Speaks Italian]
- [Responds in Italian]
Why do you suppose Frances
wanted to meet us here?
Maybe she decided
to go back with us after all.
Well, she'd better hurry up.
Our train leaves in half an hour.
Why, it's empty.
[Workman Speaking Italian]
Signor, per che niente acqua?
- [Workman] Lo puliscano.
- Oh.
- Why isn't there any water?
- He says they're cleaning the pool.
Clean out the old dreams.
Make way for the new ones.
That fountain is a fraud.
When I tossed my coin in, I wished
I could stay for a year in Rome.
And here I am,
leaving after a month.
Well, I'm afraid there's no refund.
We can't wait around here much longer.
We're going to miss our train.
Oh, here she is. Well, what happened
to you? We've been waiting hours.
I only phoned an hour ago.
You're mighty mysterious.
What's this all about?
It's a surprise.
Look! The fountain's
coming to life again.
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