Three-Cornered Moon (1933)

Look, Jenny. The recipe
for the waffle batter
calls for two
glasses of milk.
Do you understand?
Keep away.
Me for him,
and she`s for me.
Stove, not you.
I don`t mean to interfere,
Jenny, but you must have milk.
Do you understand now?
Two... Glass...
Oh, never mind.
Make it boiled eggs.
ALBERT.. Good morning.
NELLlE: Good morning, Albert.
Good morning, Mrs. Rimplegar.
That`s a load.
There you are.
$1 1.47.
Are you sure it`s right?
Oh, yes, ma`am.
Let`s see.
Seven and four are 1 1,
and three make 15,
and eight makes, so...
Let`s see,
that`s 15 and eight...
Oh. The children gave it
to me for my birthday,
and If I don`t wear it,
they feel hurt.
It`s beautiful, isn`t it?
Oh, those...
Those are feathers, yes.
All right.
Oh, yes, l`ve just got it.
There you are.
Now, let`s see.
And 27 cents.
47? How`s business, Albert?
Awful, ma`am.
It`s the depression,
I suppose.
I hear it`s still going on.
Everyone said it
would end with beer,
so I bought 10 cases,
but it doesn`t seem
to have done much good.
I`m sure if my
husband were still alive
and he still
owned the laundry,
it would still
be doing business.
Well, he was smart
to die when he did.
Oh, yes.
Look, Mrs. Rimplegar,
you gave me $11.17.
You still owe me
30 cents.
Huh? Oh, dear.
Jenny, can you
lend me 30 cents?
Yes, 30 cents.
Go away.
The stove, she`s mine.
(CHUCKLES) Her English
is very poor.
I`ll be right back.
KENNETH: What do you mean,
you didn`t want to
hurt his feelings?
But you can hurt
my feelings, can`t you?
Can you lend me 30...
Look here, Kitty.
You pulled this
trick once too often.
I`m through!
Do you hear me, l`m through!
Kenneth, can you lend...
So through that
if I ever wanted
to call you up again,
I`d have to look up
your number in a phone book.
Oh, dear!
DOUGLAS: And cousin of
His Most Christian Majesty,
the King of France!
Permit me the honor
of presenting to you,
His Royal Highness,
the Duc d`Orleans,
Duc de Chartres,
Duc de Nemours,
Comte de Beaujolais,
and cousin of His
Most Christian Majesty,
the King of France!
Douglas, can you
lend me 30 cents?
(SlGHS) For heaven`s sake,
I`m rehearsing my lines.
It`s only 30 cents.
Tell him, my friend, who
Monsieur Beaucaire really is.
Permit me the honor
of presenting to you,
His Royal Highness,
the Duc...
Yes, that`s right, Agnes.
Be sure and tuck it in.
Good morning, Elizabeth.
Could you lend me 30...
Oh, dear!
What`s the matter?
What`s it all about?
Going to bed at night,
getting up in the morning.
What for?
It`s that cheese
you ate last night!
You`ve got that green look.
Now you go right back to bed.
I`ll go downstairs and get
you something for it.
Oh, Kenneth! Kenneth!
What is it, Mother?
Have you seen
the castor oil?
We used it all last
night in the cocktails.
Didn`t it make
you awful sick?
Why, Kenneth,
what`s the matter with you?
Yes, certainly.
It`s for you, Mother.
Oh, that`s nice. Hello.
This is R.G.
Briggs and Company.
Mr. Stokes speaking.
Yes. Yes, Mr. Stokes.
Yes, l`ll come right
down and cover it up.
Yes, l`ll come right away.
Mrs. Rimplegar, the man,
she want 30 cents.
Oh, yes, yes,
of course, Albert.
Okay, Mrs. Rimplegar.
Let it go until next time.
No, no, come along, Albert.
Permit me the honor
of presenting to you,
His Royal Highness,
the Duc d`Orleans,
Duc de Chartres,
Duc de Nemours,
Comte de Beaujolais,
and cousin of His
Most Christian Majesty,
Hey, that`s for me!
I`m sorry.
It`s for Elizabeth.
Oh, yes. Elizabeth.
Oh, Liz, telephone!
ELlZABETH: Coming!
She`s coming.
Is it Ronald?
No, it`s Dr. Stevens.
Tell him l`m still asleep.
She says she`s still asleep.
Oh, you rat! Give me that.
(CHUCKLES) l`m sorry, Alan.
How are all the
crazy Rimplegars
this morning?
Hey, you know you
have a date with me.
Oh, l`m sorry.
I don`t think I feel quite up
to visiting a clinic today.
We all feel that
way sometimes. Yes.
Another time, then.
Sure. Bye.
Tell him, my friend,
who Monsieur
Beaucaire really is.
Permit me the honor
of presenting to you,
His Royal Highness,
the Duc d`Orleans,
Duc de Chartres,
Duc de Nemours,
Comte de Beaujolais,
and cousin of His
Most Christian...
EDDlE: Hello.
Well, your little
brother`s back.
Have you been away?
Oh, hey, what does a guy
have to do to get a
rise out of this family,
make a transatlantic flight?
(EXCLAlMlNG) My little boy!
Hello, Mom.
My Eddie! My baby!
(CHUCKLlNG) You`re back
safe and sound!
He`s been gone
two whole days!
Gee, l`m in an awful hurry.
I`ve gotta be up at
college for an 11:00 class.
I didn`t have time
to change last night.
Went driving till morning.
You don`t look
very well, darling.
What`s wrong with me?
Did you have your
three glasses of milk
while you were away?
I don`t like milk!
How long do you
think you can keep
on going this way?
Running around
without any milk?
You sound as if he were
a dairy wagon or something.
Tell him, my friend, who
Monsieur Beaucaire really is.
Permit me the honor
of presenting to you,
His Royal Highness,
the Duc d`Orleans...
(SlGHS) I hate Monday.
What can you do
on a Monday?
You`ve been getting
awfully moody lately.
What`s the matter,
have you quarreled
with Ronald?
We never quarrel.
Duc d`Orleans,
Duc de Chartres, Duc...
You ate two eggs, too?
No. No, Jenny,
I ate coffee.
Has Ronald finished
that novel of his yet?
Give him time.
He`s only been working
on it for two years.
How many years is it since
you`ve been prancing around
that Little Theatre of yours?
I propose to learn the
fundamentals of my work
before going into it
Well, it seems to me that
accent`s about the only thing
you brought back from Harvard.
Can`t you speak English
when you`re home
with just us folks?
We won`t tell your public.
I shall speak exactly
as I please. It sounds
well. It sounds very well.
It sounds lousy.
NELLlE: l`ll answer it.
Never mind.
That`s for me.
I`m expecting
a phone call.
What`s all the riot about?
So am l.
Oh, wait a minute,
will you?
It`s the wrong number.
I made up my mind.
I`m going away.
With Ed`s clothes?
Ed`s clothes!
My clothes. Look at them.
All I need is my
own toothbrush.
(SlGHS) Is it Kitty again?
You know, honey,
when it comes to Kitty,
you all is what we call
down East here a schlemiel.
Kitty had nothing
to do with it.
I`m just fed up
with everything!
I hate being a law clerk.
What`s the sense of working
if you don`t need the money?
Hate the family!
Hate you!
Well, well, well!
I don`t care if l
never see any of you again.
(SCOFFS) You`ll break
your old mammy`s heart!
Don`t pull that one on me.
I`m not going to lead
a negative life just
because I have a mother.
Women are becoming mothers
all over the world.
Yeah. Yeah,
somebody ought to
put a stop to it.
From now on,
l`m going to be absolutely
independent of everybody.
That reminds me,
l`ve got to ask Mother
for some money. Hey, Ma!
Oh, hello, Kitty, darling!
I just want you to
know that my feelings
are terribly hurt,
the way you talked to
me a little while ago.
Well, sweetheart,
you know I didn`t mean to.
l`ve a good mind
never to forgive you.
Say, who are you
talking to, anyway?
It`s Mother.
What was that?
It was only Mother.
What was that noise?
It`s Mother`s asthma.
I`ll meet you at lunch.
Listen, I love you.
I love you. I love you!
Gee, Doug,
she`s the swellest
kid in the world!
Give me that!
What`s the matter?
Have I got it on wrong?
Give me that back!
Come back here
with that!
You crazy!
KENNETH: Pick up your feet!
That wasn`t anything!
Ronald, darling!
I`ve been waiting for
your call all morning.
What? You`re dispossessed!
You mean she actually
threw you out
because you didn`t
pay your rent?
Listen, you go right back
to that landlady and make
her return your manuscript.
All right, then l`ll do it.
I`ll be at your house
in half an hour!
DOUGLAS: Come back
here with that.
KENNETH: Try and get it,
you big...
Come on!
Give me that wig!
You`re ruining it!
I won`t! I won`t!
Enjoying yourselves, children?
Playing a game?
Hey, Ma!
Ma, See, l`m awful
late for my class.
Can I order a cab?
No. That`s awfully
extravagant, Eddie.
Oh, just this once.
Come on! Come on!
All right, baby.
Oh, l`m going out, too.
Tell them to send one for me.
DOUGLAS: Mother!
Order one for me,
too, Eddie.
You big ham!
Hello. Yellow Taxi?
Send a cab right over
to Mrs. Rimplegar`s.
EDDlE: Hey!
Give me that phone.
Hello! Yellow Taxi?
MAN: Listen, son,
don`t try to get rough
with the old lady.
I`ll not stand for
anything like that.
Ronald, darling!
Don`t you worry.
I`ll settle this.
How much does
he owe you?
Give me that!
Okay, Mike.
10, 15, 16.
Have you got everything?
ELlZABETH: Oh! Why...
RONALD: My Togassa nude!
He`s throwing it
down the steps.
Come on.
Is this the stuff
you wrote yesterday?
Help a guy make a living,
won`t you, mister?
It just occurred to me.
I`ve had no breakfast.
Oh, you poor darling.
Give me a bar
of chocolate.
Oh, no, no, no.
Can you?
Thank you.
The beginning of the
chapter I wrote soft
and, you know,
full of sunlight.
Like this Togassa nude.
But there`s a recurring,
ominous beat in it.
First it`s faint,
like a dropping tear,
but later it pounds
more and more,
furious, like rainy,
thunderous music.
Oh, that sounds swell!
No! It`s rotten! It`s hollow.
It`s falling to pieces!
I can`t get it to go right.
I`m a failure.
there you go again.
You know perfectly well,
you write like
a tree on fire.
If I could only
be like you, dear,
so wonderfully at
peace with yourself
all the time.
That`s what you think!
Ronald, I haven`t
told you, but for the
last six or seven months,
I`ve been in despair!
I hate everything in life,
people, everything!
So do l!
I suppose a lot of
people feel that way
when their youth is gone.
(SlGHS) I was so happy
when I was in college.
Nothing will ever
be the same as it
was when I was 18.
I was such
a happy little dope.
Yes. Yes, that was my zenith,
when I was 18.
I`ve had two zeniths.
You need some breakfast.
ELlZABETH: Let`s see.
Chopped ham, lamb chops.
What do you want, Ronald?
Oh, I don`t know.
Bring us the luncheon.
All right.
Darling, how about
getting out of all this?
Well, we just got here.
No, not that.
How about one grand,
beautiful exit together?
Together. You and l.
A beautiful, original suicide.
Get away from me!
I haven`t thought seriously
about suicide since I was 14
and flunked algebra.
You mean it?
Life without ecstasy,
Elizabeth, isn`t worth that!
Maybe you`re right.
The most beautiful
thing in life...
God bless you, darling.
I`m sorry.
What I wanted to say...
you`ve caught cold!
Am I feverish?
(GASPS) Yes!
My throat feels
kind of funny, too.
Let me see!
See if there are any spots.
Oh, you`ve got to
see a doctor.
Alan Stevens.
He`s crazy about me.
I mean, he`s a
friend of the family,
and he won`t charge
you a cent, see?
Come on, hurry up, now.
Once more.
Well, old man,
your throat is
absolutely spotless.
Yeah, we`ll have to
do something about that.
Send in
Miss Rimplegar, please.
Oh, hello, Elizabeth.
Is he all right?
Well, ordinarily
l`d say yes, but under
the present conditions...
Say, Ronald tells me that
you plan to commit suicide.
No, I didn`t.
All I asked was...
You know,
some methods
are very painful.
Let me see. Here.
Here. Six of these,
dissolved in a glass of water
and taken on
an empty stomach.
Go to sleep and
never wake up again.
There you are.
Very simple, isn`t it?
No convulsions,
no stains on the carpets.
I suppose you think
you`re being very funny.
Oh, no. I`m just
trying to be helpful.
Come on, Ronald.
MAN: Going lower!
Look at Telephone!
WOMAN: They`re going higher!
Look at Atchison!
Say, two minutes late.
Market`s lower.
WOMAN: Roosevelt`s
attending to that.
The Rimplegar account,
Mrs. Nellie Rimplegar.
Yes, ma`am.
Mr. Bailey, Mr. Stokes
wants you to sell out
the Robinson account.
All right.
Will you attend to that,
George, please?
Now, you can see
for yourself, ma`am.
They tell me my
margin is down.
Yes, ma`am.
Will you tell me
something, please?
Just exactly
what is margin?
Well, look.
Here`s what you`ve got. See?
Here`s what we need,
that much more.
Oh, I see.
Margin means more money.
Yes, ma`am.
How soon must you have it?
Well, it`s 2:10 now.
The market closes at 3:00.
Couldn`t they keep it open
just a few minutes longer?
Oh, no.
l`d better go to the bank.
I`ll be back in half an hour.
(CHUCKLES) Oh, that`s fine.
Oh. You`re not the man
I talked to three years ago,
are you, with the moustache?
He was such a nice man!
How do you do,
Mrs. Rimplegar?
How do you do,
Mr. Kline?
I want just lots
of money this time.
I was just going to
phone you about that.
Your balance is
down to $1.65.
How much money
did you say
I had in the bank?
Oh, dear!
Good night.
ELlZABETH: Hello, Jenny.
You shouldn`t have
bought those, honey.
You`re broke.
That`s all right.
He lets me charge him.
How you call him?
I call him George.
Yes, Jen.
Here, Jenny.
You take George
into the kitchen,
cut off his ends,
and give him
a little water.
I guess we`ll have
to put you in the room
on the third floor.
Beautiful George!
Things are never quite as
bad as they seem, are they,
Mrs. Johnson?
Why not?
That`s hot!
Yes, dear?
Have you an extra
key to the front door?
What for?
Ronald`s coming
to live with us.
Well, take mine, dear.
It`s in my purse
on the bureau.
All right.
Oh, who did you say?
Oh, that`s nice!
Sell 5,000
Three Cornered Moon
at the market.
Make it snappy.
That`s the Rimplegar account.
Look here.
But, Mother,
what does this mean?
``Your half hour up.
Must deposit
additional margin.``
What margin?
That`s just what
I wanted to know.
And listen
to this one!
``Unless we hear from you
by 2:30, we`ll sell out
your account.``
What on earth is this?
Oh, never mind her.
I`ll get the hot oil,
Mrs. Rimplegar.
Why, here`s another one!
``Having no response to our
two previous messages,
``we have closed you out.``
That one came last.
Well, what`s the
matter here, anyhow?
Well, all I can say is,
children, that from now on,
we`ll have to paddle
our own canoe.
Mother, why didn`t you ever
say something about this?
I`m not the kind of
mother who throws her
burdens on her children.
have we any stocks?
Well, yes and no.
She means we did have,
but we haven`t anymore.
Mother, are we cleaned?
For heaven`s sake, Mother!
Don`t get excited,
or you`ll all have
nervous breakdowns.
And please sit down.
People always think better
when they`re sitting down.
I`m a lawyer.
I`m studying law,
so let me question Mother.
Mother, when did
you get these stocks?
Well, let me see.
Oh, It was a
long time ago.
The year after
Papa died, I think.
It was the year
Elizabeth won the
poetry prize in college.
When was that, dear?
About four years ago,
Are you sure?
The year you won
the poetry prize,
Ed was just graduating
from the Poly Prep.
I was having my
teeth straightened.
Who cares?
No, you weren`t, either.
It was after that.
All right, Ma,
so it was
four years ago.
Well, there I was,
left all alone with you
children to look after.
I wanted to plan
a surprise for you.
A surprise?
So, I invested
$75,000 in some stock.
And later on, $50,000 more.
Oh, Mama!
$50,000 more!
Well, a man told me
it was very good stock.
Who was he?
Where did you
meet him?
A strange man?
Don`t ask silly questions!
He was a very nice man.
Maybe we could
get some of the
money back!
Most of it was in
Three Cornered Moon.
Three Cornered Moon,
what`s that?
Well, it`s a
mine or something.
What kind of a mine?
Well, it`s a metal mine.
He was a very nice man,
and he was most enthusiastic.
What was the nice man`s name?
Now, let me see.
(CHUCKLES) ``D`` is on
the tip of my tongue.
Never mind the name!
Well, the stocks
were fine until...
The fall of 1929.
How did you know?
All right, Mom,
so they started
to go down.
and then they went up again,
and I thought they`d stay up.
But then it went down again,
and then up again,
and down again,
and I thought it would
go up again and stay up,
but it didn`t.
It went down
again and stayed down.
Then, last week,
Mr. Briggs called me up.
That was the name, Briggs.
Well, he told me to deposit
some more money, and I did.
A whole lot more.
Then this morning,
he called me up again, and
when I went down to see him,
it was a different
man with a moustache.
No. No, without a moustache.
Well, I found my
margin was...
It wasn`t what it
ought to have been,
and I was going to
deposit some more money,
but there wasn`t any
more left in the bank.
Well, what did you do then?
Well, what could I do?
I`m not a child, you know.
I know just as
well as anybody else
when there`s no
more money in the bank.
So, I took a taxi home
and had my hair washed.
Oh, Mrs. Rimplegar,
she is doctor for you.
Oh, Rimplegars!
Oh, children!
Dr. Stevens is here!
Hey, Doc!
Listen, Doc!
KENNETH: Our money`s all gone!
It`s all gone!
EDDlE: Mother lost it!
Three Cornered Moon!
We`re flat!
What are we gonna do?
We`ve got to do something!
Yeah. You know about
the stock market, Doc!
Now, wait a minute!
This whole thing
bowls me over!
(CRYlNG) Oh, help my poor
children, Dr. Stevens.
It was all my fault.
Yes, cry about it now,
Mother, dear,
when it`s too late.
That`s right,
that`s right,
blame it all on me.
You children never
took any interest.
Did you ever ask me
how our finances were?
Listen, all of you!
It isn`t all Mother`s fault.
After all,
there`s a houseful
of adults here.
The least we could have
done was to have realized
how incompetent she was
and taken things
out of her hands.
That`s right.
What do you think
of selling the house?
EDDlE: That`s an idea.
Wait a minute.
We could put a
sign in the window.
Sure. A large,
beautiful home.
There`s a depression on,
you know.
Why, you can`t give
big places like this away.
On the other hand,
if you hang onto it,
at least you`ll be assured
of a roof over your heads.
I think l`ll get
you all some hot milk.
Sit down, Mother.
What about all
those rooms upstairs?
Instead of using
them to play house with,
why don`t you try
renting them out?
Oh, no! Imagine a lot
of strange people
running in and out,
destroying our privacy!
All right, l`ll rent one.
I live alone, anyhow.
Oh, what good will it
do to rent one room?
Let the house fall down!
We`re licked!
We`re done for!
We`re penniless!
I`m gonna get out of here.
Let him go.
Let`s all go.
Let`s all hold hands
and jump in the river!
Now, look here,
the whole pack of you!
You`ve all been
crazy long enough.
This is the one time
you can`t fly off the handle.
And for once in your lives,
you`ve got to get
hold of yourselves.
You`ve got to stop
screaming and you`ve
actually got to think!
How about it, Elizabeth?
That`s right.
I`m sorry.
You were saying
that we`d have to
sell some things.
That sounds like
a very good idea.
Yes, and whatever money
you realize should be
turned over to you.
And Elizabeth will
take care of the books
and sign the checks.
Now, just a minute, children.
Just a minute!
I`m still your mother,
you know.
Not with that
thing on your head.
And the mother
signs the checks.
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Now look, Mrs. Rimplegar,
one of the purposes
of this meeting
was to retire you
from active economic life.
From now on, Ma,
you`re a has-been!
I`m still the head
of the house, and l
must sign something!
I know.
Dr. Stevens will let you
sign the receipt for his
room rent every week.
Oh! That`s nice.
And it looks
like the rest of you
will have to get jobs.
No more college
for you, Eddie.
That`s right.
We`ve got to
go to work.
We`ve got to
get some money.
Find the ``Help
Wanted`` section.
Where`s the
evening paper?
DOUGLAS: Let`s see, let`s see.
Janet Welsh knows
one of the directors
down at the Theatre Guild.
Where`s the phone book?
Where`s the phone book?
Now, what am l
going to do?
You stick to your
law office until you pass
your bar examinations.
All right. I`ll start
studying right away.
Where`s my Lewis on Evidence?
Mom, have you seen
my Lewis on Evidence?
It was here
a little while ago.
Here`s Main Street by Lewis.
Will that do?
Why, Kenneth!
Now, Mrs. Rimplegar,
there`ll be no money
to pay Jenny or
the upstairs maid
or the gardener.
Oh. I can do the cooking.
I`ll go and explain to Jenny.
``Operators, Union Special,
machine-sewing beef casings.``
What`s beef casings?
Hey, here`s one,
sis. Here`s one.
``Salesman, experience
unnecessary, sell awnings.
``Good proposition
and commission.``
Oh, shut up.
That`s for men.
``Helper, high-class work.
``Press operators and
hand ironers on
family finish work.
``Experienced only.``
Listen, Janet,
do you remember telling me
you met Rouben Mamoulian
at a party last month?
Yeah. Where he
gave you the cocktail.
Yeah, the Guild director.
Yeah. Listen,
I need a job.
What? Yeah.
Yeah, sure,
if you`ll give me a letter
of introduction to him.
Uh-huh. Sure.
I`ve got to
go to work...
Elizabeth, l`ve got it.
The perfect ending
for the chapter!
Listen to this.
``Short, sharp, hard, strong.
``Words like iron,
pouring, pounding.``
Look, Jenny,
you don`t understand.
We can`t keep you.
Out! You keep there,
I keep here!
But, Jenny, we haven`t
any more money.
Oh, dear!
``Suddenly, the room
was pervaded with
``a silence that was
louder than thunder!``
Who puts books in
shelves upside down!
Hey, look, sis!
``Salesman wanted,
not over 25.``
Oh, no, this guy`s
got to have a car
and small capital,
or is it capital
and a small car?
Here it is.
``She rose from the table,
took a step toward him,
``then faltered
and turned away.
``His face was stubbornly
averted from her.``
``Wanted, a man
to clean sewers,
easy hours.``
Gee, that sounds swell!
Hey, what`s got into
this family, anyhow?
Never mind, darling,
nothing that you
have to worry about.
Well, then,
what are you doing?
I`m looking for a job.
EDDlE: Laundryman wanted,
plumber, groom, electrician,
experience necessary,
barbers, union only...
MAN 1: /`ve tried
there before.
MAN 2: That`s just a come-on.
MAN 3: By the time
/ get over there,
they don`t need nobody.
MAN 4: They want you
to work free till
you get experience.
MAN 5: You won`t lose
nothing by trying.
MAN 6: /`ve spent my last
nickel on the subway.
MAN 7: /`ve been
walking since January.
MAN 8: Oh, who`s got shoes?
MAN 9: There`ll be plenty
for everybody today.
Don`t crowd!
WOMAN 1: Yeah,
we`ve heard that before, too.
MAN 10: / thought you
said they were going
to open on part-time.
WOMAN 2: Look,
here`s something new.
WOMAN 3: Look, Mary,
here`s something.
WOMAN 4: What`s the address?
We`ve gotta hurry.
Get back there!
Get in line!
Come on, now, ladies.
Get in line. Come on.
Hold your places
and stay there.
Oh, Shut up!
Now, remember,
what I told you.
Where did you work
in St. Louis?
The Johnson-Brown
Shoe Factory.
What kind of a machine?
Kendall lmproved,
rotary action.
Okay, kid, now,
don`t forget.
Thank you.
What shoe factory
did you work in?
That is, supposing
you have worked
in a shoe factory?
The Walk-Easy Factory
in St. Louis.
That`s the name of the shoe.
What`s the factory?
Oh. Johnson-Brown.
What machine did you use?
The Kendall lmproved,
rotary action.
Sure. That`s the best kind
for a little girl like you.
Hey, here he is now.
You`ve got
a pretty good stroke.
Where`d you learn it?
Columbia, freshman team.
can`t you read that sign?
Get down off there!
I may be able to
use you around here,
watching the kids.
Little night work thrown in.
You get a dollar
for the whole thing.
A dollar a day.
Yeah. With the
night work thrown in.
Sure, I understand that.
Here are the
pictures of me from
Monsieur Beaucaire.
Yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes.
Here`s your part.
$1 2 a week.
We don`t pay salary
during rehearsals.
Well, is this all
there is to the part?
And we rehearse
three weeks.
Just the one line?
That`s a good little part.
Good night,
Mr. Clark.
Good night.
That`s the star.
That`s the lady
that talks to you.
She says,
``You`re the third
man to annoy me.
``l can`t stand it,``
and so on and
so on and so on.
Then she works
it up to a climax,
and you say, ``Yes.``
Can you handle it?
Going to lunch, Ken?
No, thanks, gentlemen.
I`ll stick with
this a while longer.
Lunch later.
So long.
It just looks as if no
matter how hard I try,
I can`t keep up.
You`re doing all right.
You`ve learned more
in two weeks
than I did in two months.
MAN: Good morning,
Mr. Hawkins.
Here comes Hawkins.
What about last night.
What`s the alibi?
Only girl in the shop
who don`t keep
up to our minimum.
Well, do some talking.
My mother was very ill.
I had to hurry home.
What about tonight?
By the way, Mr. Hawkins,
aren`t you married?
I don`t ask my
wife no questions,
and my wife don`t
ask me no questions.
6:00, across the street,
right in front of
that drugstore.
And if your mother
is still sick,
you can go and nurse her,
and stay there!
Don`t you think it`s about
time we had some fresh paper
on this window, Douglas?
Yes. Yes.
Yes. Yes.
Oh. Oh, yes.
Seems sort of empty
around here without
the piano and things.
Yes. Yep.
Yes, yes, yes.
Oh, Papa!
Oh, dear!
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
How`s that
lamb stew, Ma?
It`s all ready, Eddie,
just as soon as
Elizabeth gets home.
Oh, yeah. That reminds me.
Yes, I must speak to Jenny.
Yes, I know, Kitty,
but I can`t, sweetest.
Sure, it`ll be a swell party,
and l`d love to take you,
but l`ve simply got to work
on some briefs tonight.
It means extra money.
And then if I pass
the bar examinations...
No, I won`t know till tomorrow
whether l`ve passed the
examinations or not.
It`ll be in the
morning papers.
I can`t go tonight!
DOUGLAS: Yes. Yes.
How`s the
English diction?
(CHUCKLES) That`s the bunk.
When does the
salary start?
We go on the road tomorrow.
Good luck!
Hello, sis.
Tough day?
Still going
without your lunch?
Well, I still need shoes.
again tonight?
You`ll kill yourself.
Say, where`s Ronald?
The smell of
food nauseated him,
so he went out in
the backyard to
commune with nature.
Oh, you don`t understand
the kind of person he is.
Hey! Keep him out
there till after dinner.
I`ll eat his share.
You need it!
ELlZABETH: Oh, Ronald!
Oh, you shouldn`t
be out here
without your coat.
Wait a minute,
l`ll get it for you.
No, don`t go in
there with them.
It`s been unbearable
waiting for you all day.
I`ve had such
a mean day of it.
That chapter 14,
it won`t budge.
(SlGHS) Forget about it,
Oh, l`m tired!
And kind of blue.
That job.
I`ve got to give it up.
Oh, never mind.
It`s too silly.
Only I hate to start
looking for work
all over again.
Did you ever notice
this tree, Elizabeth?
How transparent
green-gold the leaves
are at this time of day.
Doesn`t it make you
shiver just to look at it?
Six months ago
I might have
shivered about it.
Now it`s just a tree.
Darling! Don`t talk
like that. Don`t change.
I like to think of
you as a tree somehow.
What kind of a tree?
Beautiful, strongly
rooted in the Earth.
(CHUCKLES) Ronald,
You`re such a weird person.
I can`t see how anyone
can have lived through
what we`ve gone through
so absolutely unchanged.
What do you live for?
My novel and you.
Let`s go away alone together.
Hey! Dinner`s ready.
Are you hungry,
Yeah, I could eat
if I have to.
Well, here`s some
bread, anyway.
Oh, hey, Liz...
She said I was killing
her laugh with my line.
And what do you think?
I saved a little kid
from drowning today.
When do you
get your medal?
Boy, what a grip
he had, though!
She had the nerve to ask me
to cut my line
and just nod.
He had me just like this!
Look, like this.
First he got me
like this, see?
And then I turned
around and I got him
in the hair like this.
And he was
kicking all the time!
And we went down two
or three times, too.
Did you get drowned, Eddie?
Yeah, at 3:00
this afternoon.
How`ve you been?
For heaven`s sake, Mother,
either come into the
conversation in the beginning
or stay out
After the meal is over,
we`ll give you a
typewritten report
of everything
that`s been said.
And you can sign it.
Oh, that`ll be...
I think you children
should confide
more in your mother.
Sweetheart, I tell you,
I can`t go to the party.
Hey, Ken!
Time out for dinner!
It still needs salt.
Well, there`s no use
looking at me
like that, Jenny.
The least I can do
is help with the work
since you insist on
staying here without pay.
Pay? Yeah, payday.
When I get him?
Now, listen, Jenny,
very carefully. We haven`t...
We have not any...
Oh, never mind, Jenny.
Albert says
he knows a man
who speaks Polish.
I`ll have him
over and interpret.
(EXCLAlMlNG) lt`s hot!
Oh! Jenny! Oh, dear!
Oh, dear!
Oh, dear!
Oh, Mother!
Oh, Elizabeth!
Look at me!
Look at you?
Look at our dinner!
And there isn`t
anything else in the house.
Never mind,
we`ll eat bread and butter.
No butter!
Hey, you can brush him off.
No butter? And there
isn`t very much bread.
Well, l`ll run over
and pick up something
at the delicatessen.
Hey, you got
any change, Liz?
Mmm-hmm. Six cents,
and I need five for the
subway tomorrow morning.
Oh. gee!
Hey, Doug!
You got any change?
No, l`m flat.
I don`t get paid
until Saturday.
How about that two bits
I lent you the other day?
Two bits?
I gave that to a man
standing on the street.
He was hungry.
Tell me the name of
the street and l`ll
go and stand there.
Oh, this is terrible!
Ma! We`ve still got credit
at the delicatessen store,
haven`t we?
Well, folks, how would
you all like to take a walk
to the nearest bread line?
ALAN: Hello, Rimplegars.
I just remembered.
Tonight`s the night
he pays his rent.
Oh, hello.
What`s happened?
Is anything wrong?
Oh, No.
We`re just glad to
see you, that`s all.
(CHUCKLES) Thank you.
Oh, pickles.
I like pickles.
Say, have you heard the news?
The depression`s over.
Isn`t that nice?
Yeah, that patient
of mine paid her bill.
I had two lamb
chops for dinner.
How many lamb chops?
You know, there was
something in connection
with you Rimplegars
that I was
going to do tonight.
I can`t think what it was!
Mother, isn`t it about
time you fixed the rent
in Douglas` trousers?
His trousers?
Well, maybe l`ll think
of it in the morning.
Good night.
Why didn`t you
ask him for it?
I was afraid
he might leave.
But we`ve gotta eat tonight.
Odd man loses.
One, two, three.
You`re odd man, Liz.
Go tell him.
You gotta.
No, I won`t go!
I don`t want to go!
Now, go on. Be a sport.
No, you always make
me do the dirty work!
ELlZABETH: Oh, Alan!
Yes, Elizabeth?
I just wanted to ask
you about your room.
Are you comfortable?
Oh, swell.
Say, by the way, I tried to
get you at your office today.
My office?
Yes, but nobody
there seemed to know you.
Well, you know,
they`ve got so many girls.
Why did you call?
I collected that
money and I wanted
to take you to lunch.
Oh, well, that was
nice of you, Alan.
Come here.
What`s the matter?
I want to take you
down near the light.
I want to see something.
Just as I thought.
You`ve been working too hard.
You`re tired.
Oh, l`m getting used to it.
You know, each night you
come home you look more
tired than the night before.
I didn`t know you`d
been observing me.
I hate to see you
killing yourself this way.
You know,
somebody should be
taking care of you.
I mean,
when are you and Ronald
going to be married?
Oh, as soon as his
book`s published.
I see.
Why didn`t you
tell us you needed
a window shade?
I don`t... Oh, that.
That`s just a towel.
(LAUGHS) Well,
l`ll get you one tomorrow.
After all, you should
have some service
for the rent you pay.
I almost forgot
all about it.
That`s all right.
Here you are.
If she doesn`t get it...
She`s got to get it!
I`ve got it!
Now, here, Ken.
Ed always buys too much.
Two pounds of hamburger.
Make it three!
ELlZABETH: Two and
a half pounds.
NELLlE: And a
pound of butter.
ALL: Butter!
Excuse me!
Watch out where
you`re going!
Who`s that?
Oh, it`s Kitty.
No! You stay here, too.
Hello, Eddie.
Hello, Elizabeth.
Hello, Kitty.
Where`s Ken?
Gone for the evening.
Gone, huh?
And here l`ve got a bid
for a perfectly gorgeous party
and I was absolutely
counting on him to take me.
At the last minute,
he`s gone and left me.
Ken get back yet?
Why, Ronald!
I haven`t seen
you for ages!
How`s your book
coming along?
RONALD: Oh, So-so.
You know,
l`ve a perfect complex
about people who write.
Isn`t that terrible?
South Wind. I`ve read that.
Yeah, you told us
that last week.
What else have you got?
Shelley! Shelley.
My, do you people
read Shelley?
I`m awfully glad
to see that.
That bird Shelley has
been seen on the floor
with more women...
Oh, Elizabeth, what do
you think of Tennyson?
What do we think
of Tennyson, Eddie?
He`s all right.
Who`s all right?
Ronald, if you weren`t engaged
to Elizabeth, do you know
what l`d make you do?
Shh! Not so loud!
I`d make you take me
to the party tonight.
Why, I never go to parties.
Well, I guess
l`d better be going.
Are you in a hurry?
I don`t suppose
anybody would care
to walk home with me.
I couldn`t bear to think
of you walking a whole
block all by yourself.
KlTTY: Hey!
I insist upon walking
part of the way with you!
Come to baby!
Now you look here!
I`ve got to work tonight
because I need the $3.
If you want to
break our engagement
on account of this party,
it`s perfectly
okay with me!
Why, I never heard of such...
And let me tell
you something!
This is more
important to me than...
Than I am!
I`m not worth $3!
Okay, that settles it!
Nobody ever said
a thing like
that to me before.
I said it!
Oh, Rimplegars!
Oh, Kenneth,
where`s Elizabeth?
I don`t know.
Hello, Elizabeth.
I just now remembered
what I wanted to
tell you people.
Hello, Eddie. Where`s Ronald?
There he is.
There he is.
Ronald, would you be
interested in a job?
EDDlE: A job?
KENNETH: For Ronald?
Yeah, a patient of mine,
a young publisher, has a
job open as a reader
or something like that.
I told him about you
and he thought you`d be
just the man for the job.
Not much money,
but $25 a week.
Boy, oh, boy!
You mean a job
in an office?
Oh, no!
Why, what`s the matter?
Well, l...
You tell them, dear.
Why, he doesn`t
want that kind of work.
You see,
he`s writing a novel.
Yeah, but $25 a week!
Couldn`t you lay
the novel aside
for a couple of weeks?
Lay it aside?
I couldn`t lay it
aside even for an hour.
It`s part of my life!
Yeah, you can`t
expect a man to
lay aside his life
for a couple of weeks,
you know.
Well, couldn`t he
go on with his novel
and get a job, anyhow?
But none of you understand.
He`s a genius.
You`d ruin him if
you sent him out.
In the meantime,
what are we going to do
about the meantime?
We need money right now.
Here we are with this
big place full of things we
can`t sell and nothing to eat.
Have you ever thought of
what you`d do if you were
married and wanted a family?
Elizabeth couldn`t
work then, you know.
Elizabeth and l
are not interested
in having a family
and living in the usual way,
are we, dear?
I don`t know.
Ronald, you`re a coward!
You`re afraid to work!
You think just because
you called me a coward
that l`ll be ashamed of
everything I have to live
for and go out and get a job?
Well, I won`t!
Kenneth, I don`t want
to meddle, but Ronald is
right. It isn`t cowardice.
It`s some sort of
an integrity that seems
like weakness to you,
but really is his strength.
Well, all I know is
he lives here and we
have to support him.
And he eats too much.
All right l`ll go.
I`ll leave!
You don`t have to
help support him.
I`ll take care of
that from now on.
What`s the matter?
I forgot about Mr. Hawkins.
Who`s he?
No. I can`t go back there.
Do you mean you`ve
lost your job?
Oh, gee whiz!
What`ll we do now?
Ronald, please!
I don`t see why you
have to beg him to work.
He knows how bad things are.
(CRYlNG) I won`t go on
like this! I`m hungry.
Really hungry, all the time.
Oh, Eddie, darling!
Darling, don`t!
Ronald, you`ve got to
do this for me.
What`s the address?
Here it is.
Penthouse over his offices.
Why don`t you go over now?
dinner`s nearly ready.
l`m not hungry.
Ronald, you`d better
wash your hands.
Well, l`m going out.
After all, darling,
it`s a publisher`s office.
It`s not a nuts
and bolts factory.
don`t be vulgar!
KENNETH: Here`s my overcoat.
I`ll get you my good hat.
You`ll need 10
cents for carfare.
Kenneth, you`ve got
change from the grocer`s.
I`ll take a subway.
I`ll hurry.
Why, Ronald!
Oh, hello, Kitty.
What are you all
dressed up for?
I`m going to the party.
If a certain person
thinks I can`t go places
without him, he`s mistaken.
Where are you going,
I`ve got to see
a man on 19th Street.
Why, that`s right
on my way. Come on,
l`ll give you a lift.
Over the bridge, driver.
Well, do you think
this is quicker
than a subway?
Oh, boy, and $25...
$25 a week.
That`s $110 a month,
isn`t it?
Yeah, just about.
I thought only bank
presidents got that.
$25. And if Ken
passes his bar exam,
that`ll double his salary.
When do you hear
the results, Ken?
It`ll be in the papers
tomorrow morning.
What`s the matter?
It`s getting me nervous.
What do you want?
Say, we`ll be able to
eat three meals a day
Iike they did in
the 19th century.
Ed, will you come up
and give me a hand
with my trunk?
Okay. Coming up!
Sending you out
to look for a job?
Why, Ronald, how wicked!
I know, but l`ve got to do it
for Elizabeth`s sake.
Well, that`s what
love does to a man,
traps him into
betraying himself.
But l`ll go
through with it.
I`ve got to!
DOUGLAS: Be careful!
Hey, wait a minute.
What`s the matter?
I feel kind of dizzy.
Well, never a dull moment!
Just some more
Rimplegar horseplay.
DOUGLAS: Elizabeth!
Yes, darling?
Come up and take
a look at Eddie, will you?
Anything for a laugh.
What`s the matter?
He`s passed out.
Oh, no!
Gee, he`s awfully white.
He`s dead! He`s dead!
Alan! Alan! He`s dead!
Eddie! He`s dead! He`s dead!
Mother! Mother!
He`s dead!
He`s dead! He`s...
All right.
Let`s get him
up to his room.
ALAN: That`s right.
Keep his head up.
DOUGLAS: Gee whiz!
KENNETH: I wonder
if he`s all right.
ALAN: Easy now, easy.
Kenneth, run down to
the drugstore and get a
container of hot malted milk.
And run right back.
NELLlE: Better wash
your hands, children.
Dinner`s ready.
Easy, boy.
Food`s coming up.
He`s a little starved
and mostly exhausted.
Hey, what did you
have in that trunk?
No more night
work for you, Eddie.
Dinner`s ready.
Why, Eddie,
you shouldn`t go to
bed before dinner.
Is anything the
matter with Eddie?
No, just a stomachache.
Well, now, you see,
for a stomachache, you...
Now, Mrs. Rimplegar,
don`t worry,
because l`ll
prescribe for him.
Give me the pillow.
No, this one, this one.
You see,
the head should be
higher than the feet,
so that the blood
will run up, yeah.
No, or is it down?
I don`t like hysterical
women, Elizabeth.
I`m sorry.
I wish you could
come to the party.
Couldn`t you
look in afterwards?
No. They`ll be
waiting for me at home.
Too bad, you`d have
an awfully good time.
All right, driver.
Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute!
Bring me a glass
of water, will you?
Glass water?
Yeah. Water. Water.
Glass of water.
Oh! Glass water! Yes, yes.
See? She`s learning.
Yeah. Yeah.
Feeling better, Eddie?
Haven`t felt so good
since I had the measles.
You`ve got to quit
working nights, darling.
Well, l`ll think about it.
No, no, no, You`ve got to.
Now, you don`t have to worry.
Ronald`s pay will
make up the difference.
Okay, sis.
What time is it?
Almost 9:00.
Oh, I hope nothing`s
happened to him.
Maybe that`s...
Oh! Darling, we`ve been
so worried about you!
Flowers! Oh, darling!
KENNETH: Did you get the job?
Did he get it, sis?
Did he get it?
Why, what took
you so long?
Yes, I think I got it.
I took a walk
down to the river.
You know that part
I couldn`t get to go right.
The introduction
to part four?
Well, it came to
me magnificently!
I had to sit down right there
and put it on paper.
I was so excited l
almost fell into the river.
That was after
the interview?
Oh. The interview!
I didn`t go.
I got as far as his
door and then I knew
it was impossible.
I couldn`t bear
the thought of an office.
And you brought me flowers!
You`ve failed me!
Flowers! Artists!
That`s it! Why, that`s it.
I`ve been wanting to
say that for a long time.
If a man`s an artist,
he`s holy!
Other men have to
work if they want to eat.
Other men have certain duties
to the people they love.
But an artist, no!
Oh, no!
An artist must be fed. Why?
Why, any more than
a lawyer or a doctor
or an lndian chief?
Beautiful George!
Hey! Elizabeth!
KENNETH: Elizabeth,
are you up?
l`m all dressed!
7.:00 newspaper!
EDDlE: Okay!
Calling all Rimplegars!
Mother, 7.:00 newspaper.
Bar examination!
NELLlE: All right, Kenneth.
Calling all Rimplegars!
Douglas, 7.:00 newspaper!
Douglas! 7.:00!
Wait for baby!
Calling all Rimplegars!
Don`t open it
till we get down!
Oh, just a minute, children.
Just a minute!
KENNETH: Well, where is it?
EDDlE: I don`t see it.
What time does it come?
It`s generally
in this mud puddle
under the hydrant.
Of course this is the day
it`d have to be late!
See if the Schultzes
have got their paper.
Oh, children, children!
Don`t run around
in the wet grass!
ELlZABETH: Oh, here it comes!
Why didn`t you come earlier?
Right in my hands!
Here it is!
Here it is, children!
Children, it`s here!
It`s right in here.
ELlZABETH: I don`t see it.
KENNETH: It came through
the door. I saw it!
Here it is!
I got it! I got it!
Here, that`s my paper!
Open it up,
for heaven`s sake!
There`s an index
on the back page.
Say, who took this
examination, anyway?
Here it is!
``1,031 Pass Bar Examination.
Page 19.``
19, 19, 19, 19...
Now, don`t get
excited, Kenneth.
You`ll be a judge
before you know it.
Here I don`t know
if l`ve passed yet,
and you have me a judge!
Oh, it`s enough to
drive a person crazy!
Page 19. No, this is 16...
what a time to drop it!
Oh, butterfingers!
This is going to
add years to my life!
Look for the name Rimplegar.
Page 19. Here it is.
Here it is! Let`s see now.
Get out of my way!
Will you give me a
chance to look at it!
Let`s see, now.
Brown, Frank, Farnum,
Levy, Levy, Levy, Levy...
When you get
out of the Levys,
give me a ring, will you?
Mason, Morrison,
Overton, Peters,
R, R, R, R... Rache,
Revier, Rosenheim,
Rosenheim, Rosenheim,
Rosenthal, Rosenthal...
Why, I must have
missed it. Let`s see.
Rache, Revier, Rosenheim,
Rosenheim, Rosenheim.
Didn`t you find it?
It`s not there.
Not even honorable mention?
Maybe you should have
gotten the Herald Tribune.
Maybe it`s in that.
Never mind, honey.
You can take the
exam again in March.
If I had passed,
the firm was going to
raise me to $25 a week.
Oh, forget it!
I suppose if l`d studied more,
instead of chasing around
with that dumb cluck...
I`ll get you some coffee.
That`ll cheer you up.
If Ronald had
only gotten that job!
Kenneth Rimplegar.
Is it in the paper?
Yeah, right there.
Kenneth Rimplegar.
Alan, for heaven`s sake,
don`t kid me! It wasn`t there.
All right, look for yourself.
You dumbbell!
You were looking in
the Manhattan section.
There you are in Brooklyn.
``Rimplegar, Kenneth.``
I passed! I passed!
I`m so happy!
I passed! I passed! I passed!
I passed! I passed! I passed!
Wait a minute!
I got an idea!
I passed!
$25 a week!
Attorney Rimplegar!
Attorney Rimplegar!
Rimplegar for President!
Long live the President!
I passed!
Mother, I passed!
Oh, Kenneth,
you need a shave!
I passed!
Did you get
the Herald Tribune?
It was there
all the time, Mother!
I passed! I passed!
(EXCLAlMS) Where you going,
Jenny? For a touchdown?
Come on,
let`s have a drink.
Hooray! We celebrate!
Oh, isn`t that nice!
ALAN: Get some glasses,
will you, Elizabeth?
Oh, sure.
How did you find out?
Did the judges telephone you?
It was in the Brooklyn
section, Mother.
Yes, well,
naturally it was in
the Brooklyn section.
How`s that?
Here we are, friends.
Am I going to get stewed!
Am I going to get stewed!
Just a very
little one for Eddie.
(EXCLAlMlNG) Gee, Ma!
Boy, I can`t get over it!
It certainly is great!
And the first
time I took it, too.
And both parts!
Well, we eat now!
Let`s drink first.
Sure. Come on,
come on. Here, Mom.
Now I can call you ``Judge``?
Call me anything you like,
Mrs. Rimplegar!
Here`s to the judge.
Here`s to him!
His Honor!
Hey, where`s Doug?
Ed! Ed, come on!
Let`s get Doug out of bed!
Now, now! Boys, boys!
KENNETH: Can you
imagine that guy sleeping
on a day like that?
EDDlE: He`s unconscious!
Tell Ronald to come
down to breakfast!
Oh, boys, tell Ronald...
Oh, dear, they shouldn`t
run around this way
before breakfast.
That`s right, Jenny.
Take those things
out on the line.
Why, Jenny,
where`d you find that?
Oh, dear,
the last time I wore that...
No, no, that was
the other time.
We passed the bar exam
We passed the bar exam
Hi-ho, the derry-o
We passed the bar exam
No! No! No!
You see,
l`m going away for
a while with a patient,
and I want you to
keep my room for me,
and l`ll pay you
a couple of months
rent in advance.
Who`s the patient?
A man.
Look, if you want to go,
why don`t you just say so?
You don`t have to spare
our feelings by inventing
some cock and bull story.
Don`t you like it here?
Oh, yes, I like it fine.
I`m having a swell time.
But you see,
it makes it rather hard.
Here you are
engaged to Ronald,
and all of us living
here in the same house,
and the minute he steps out,
I start slapping his girl.
It doesn`t seem
quite honorable, somehow.
You`re not leaving
just for that, are you?
Yes. You see, my inhibitions
have been somewhat broken,
and well, you can`t
tell what I may do next!
DOUGLAS: No! No! Let go!
EDDlE: Hurry up!
Come on, stop him!
No, no!
EDDlE: Don`t let him get away!
Wait a minute.
You can`t go in
looking like that.
Why not?
Let me brush you off.
There. Now, you`re all right.
DOUGLAS: No! No! No!
KENNETH: Get him! Get him!
Hello, Kenneth.
Where have you been?
Why, Ronald!
Have you been
out all night?
Let me tell you
something else!
When l`m a judge,
you can come to me
for all your divorces!
A very pretty speech!
An excellent speech,
delivered with
authority and power!
DRlVER: Hey, there,
you fellows!
That`s all right, son.
Just skip it!
That`s exactly
the way I felt,
Oh, Ronald,
l`m terribly sorry.
I didn`t realize what l
said to you last night
would drive you to...
Well, after all,
you didn`t really
commit suicide, did you?
No. No,
as I stood there last night
on the edge of the river,
I said to myself,
``No, no, I must keep
on living, living!``
Yes. So, what`d you do then?
I turned back to life,
to suffering.
I still have beauty
to bring to the world.
Beauty! Or have you
forgotten what that is?
No. No, darling,
I haven`t forgotten.
But I see beauty in
a lot of things now
that I never noticed before.
A nice, juicy steak,
for instance!
do you still love me?
Listen, Ronald,
last night when you
brought me flowers
after Ed fainted,
every bit of love I had
for you just died away.
As if the person
l`d been in love with
had gone up in smoke.
You`re somebody else now,
somebody I don`t need.
Let me tell you something.
You`re somebody I don`t need!
You`ve lost every
trace of sensitivity
you ever had!
It`s you that`s
turned her away from me!
If it weren`t for you,
she wouldn`t have
been angry about the job.
Why do you suppose
he took a room here?
To help the family? No!
So he could make love to you!
Didn`t you?
Look here, I wouldn`t
start anything l`d be
sorry for if I were you.
Try to deny that
you`ve been in
each other`s arms!
You`ve kissed her,
haven`t you?
Haven`t you?
If you insist on making a
fool out of yourself you
don`t need any help from me.
But before I go,
I want to tell you something
that`s been on my
mind for a long time.
Elizabeth would make
the greatest mistake
in her life marrying you.
Why, living with you
would be like
living with a sick baby.
He`d make you live on
words and eat flowers.
I won`t let you do it!
Do you understand?
You don`t have to
worry about that,
Dr. Stevens,
because l`m not
going to marry Elizabeth.
I`d rather go through
the rest of my life alone
than be like you! I`m through.
Oh. Ronald!
You have no place to go!
Oh, he`ll be all right.
He`s coming over
to finish his
novel at our house.
All right, driver.
Has he gone?
Yes, he`s gone.
Good! Come on!
Sit down.
Ronald was right.
I did take a room here
just to be near you,
to see you every day.
I know that now.
What`s the matter?
I`m growing hysterical.
You`d better slap me again.
And $20.
And $6.
Oh, boys, where`s
Ronald and Elizabeth?
You kissed me!
Should I have said
something about it first?
Oh, no! No, l`m so
fed up with talk!
Talk about trees
and sunsets and souls!
They`re so far
removed from real life.
Life is like you, Alan.
It takes hold of you
and slaps you in the face.
I love you.
Just like that.
No similes. No metaphors.
No references to the soul.
You just love me.
That`s marvelous, marvelous!
Come on, that`s big news!
DOUGLAS: Can you
imagine anybody saying
a thing like that to me?
Boys, we`re going
to be married.
And we`re going to
have 14 children.
And I went up to
him and I told him.
You got to tell them.
Oh, Mother! Mother, listen!
The feather gives
me height, doesn`t it?
Mother, excuse me,
but we`re going
to be married.
Yes, and we
want your consent.
Do you like it?
Why, it`s Dr. Stevens!
You`re kissing Dr. Stevens!
I thought it was Ronald.
Oh, yesterday it was Ronald.
And today it`s Dr. Stevens.
Well, that`s nice.
Liz loves Dr. Stevens
Liz loves Dr. Stevens
Children! Children!