Three Fugitives (1989)

Got 25 cents per hour. 6 hours per day
for 5 years
that means $ 1740.
Hey, what you gonna do with all the money, Lucas?
Good luck! And not come back.
Come on, open the gate, please.
Good luck, Lucas.
I thought you miss someone.
I had missed you.
- 5 years have been forever.
- It's
Had to be 10 and I would have been
Miss you more.
- What a shame for committee proceedings.
- What are you doing?
However you went out now, Lucas.
I've covered several times.
Might you get back.
To make lieutenant.
Do not tell me thousand promotions.
Sorry I dejamagit,
but I do not want to die inside.
You were a pretty tough guy and in a day
do not you start again with the banks.
You really think so?
Want to bet?
I robbed a bank for you.
Give me right.
Would you drive to a bank?
Here, Pacific National Bank.
Yes, thanks, guys.
You do not think c-gonna do?
No. It's stupid. But not even so ...
or at least not that I ...
However to be a discredited, if
to know that I brought him to the bank in November.
Shut up and go!
Excuse me, where the consul?
I want to open an account.
Have a seat, please.
- Do you really think it will be honest?
No. 14 armed attacks, right? 14.
They never change.
- I know, I really feel like talking.
- And you are naive.
Next time I will be stuck
for 5 years.
- You are hired?
- There are two jobs.
Everybody! Hands up! It is a robbery!
I said hands up!
Have you seen? You know what this is?
A grenada.
And I was shooting cuiul, so no jokes ...
If you throw grenada, will explode.
All will be made dishes.
Move! Hurry up, already!
Come on, hands up!
It's very good.
You take the bag.
Fill it with money, faster.
All units available.
A mugging on the National Bank 48.
A possible robbery. Street 48. Pacific National Bank.
All units.
- Here, Dugan. Please repeat.
- A robbery at the Pacific National Bank.
Enough! Enough!
Come on, zipper pull and throw it.
- You did it intentionally.
- I swear I did.
Do not move anyone. Hands up!
Knock the bag off,
for Christ's sake!
Come on!
Police here!
Bank is surrounded.
Get out with hands raised
and no one was ok.
Repeat. Come out with hands raised
and no one was ok.
Don 't believe that
we brought here.
Shut up!
Do not nobody move like fire.
You come with me!
- I think not.
- What did you say?
Police here! Police!
Here they come.
I believe it.
I have a hostage. Get back to kill!
Okay. To discuss.
- I believe it.
- Fir-as damned.
- What?
- You are a fucking asshole.
What about this game?
Okay, Lucas. Listen.
Tell me what you want.
I do not want anything.
I am hostages.
- What did he say?
- As it is hostages.
What kind of joke is this?
What I think you idiot?
Cut the crap, Lucas.
- Tell them!
- What?
I hostages are, dipshit.
- You're hostages ...
- Don 't tell me, tell them.
Excuse me ... but I think ... I swoon ...
No, no ... grenada.
Get up, jackass.
What the hell is going on here?
Who wants to take the gun,
for Christ's sake!
Hey, get your gun, jackass.
What a disgrace!
Get your gun. Well, as you gun
a man ... for Christ's sake!
Hold your fire!
Cease fire!
These guys are crazy! It is indefensible.
Dugan! Dugan, hear me?
What wanted to say?
So I wanted you?
Lucas, get out!
You know what's the procedure.
Okay, okay ... ies.
I have no connection with this fool.
So are unarmed.
Do not move!
What are you doing?
I give you 5 seconds ...
Dugan, listen to me ...
Motherfucker, I shoot.
Dugan, do not be stupid, man.
I'll kill hostages!
Understand? I'll kill him.
- How to kill a hostage?
- Give me the gun! Gun!
Well, Lucas, right.
Okay, I hear.
- I wanted to stop him too.
- Shut up!
Give him a hand on the
roof and then go free ...
Where is your car?
What the hell is going on here?
Where is your car?
- There.
- Okay.
Let's go.
- Give me the keys.
- Give me the gun.
Give me the keys donkey, before you kill ...
But it is my robbery.
I do not know what you want to arrange ...
But if you steal my money
make a mistake.
Give me the gun, or if not, jump in the air!
Sorry, sorry.
But he said he will not shoot anybody.
The suspect is in a yellow car.
Headed to the street 48.
Watch it, quick!
I want to lead?
I think you feel good.
I said Sorry!
He exploded?
Yes, exploded.
Hey, are you okay? Are you okay?
I just came out today morning.
Motherfucker, you'll lime
teach and will exonerate me.
I tell them that I have no fault,
if not, break your head!
And that only as I beat the game
of a robbery.
Yes, I did 14 robberies, jackass.
But I know who you are.
I just have taken a hostage.
I have nothing against you personally.
Listen, I am in deep shit.
Shut up!
Where are we going?
Well, what the hell are you doing?
What happens here?
I do not want to go to jail.
Donkey that wants to give a statement.
No ... I have nothing to say!
You have nothing to say? Punk!
Hey, easy, easy, stop!
Tell us what's the problem.
That was robbery and
I took me hostage.
Here, what are these?
This is Lucas! Hands up!
He arranged everything. Arrest him!
- What did you say?
- I warned you I do not want in prison.
Get away, otherwise the shot.
Hands up!
My money!
Could jump above. Anyway, I
basseball the player was in Hawaii.
- And he?
- What about him?
- He did something unusual?
- No.
- I have talked to each other?
- No. It was a customer.
Look. Look at that movement.
I caught the camera.
Could you do me a copy to me?
That was a very dangerous.
He threatened.
And this is the customer who you ask.
And he was scared, because that was a grenada.
- And what has helped?
- Maybe I was scared.
Might choose anyone else.
Why did they chose Lucas?
Let me tell you why?
These two are a team.
Secatura! Let! I changed my mind.
Damn! You told me not only brought bad luck.
Why take people hostage?
To protect.
And you were a big jerk.
I needed money, so
I wanted to rob the bank.
You can kill me, but not leaving
this car without my money.
Get out of here.
So what you gonna do?
You lose much blood.
Get away, I know someone
that can take care of you.
And not too far.
Come get away, quickly.
Ask someone to help us.
And go and hide the car.
It's a very nice guy.
A to defend him.
Doctor Horvath?
Doctor Horvath?
Wait. Up. Go get it.
- The doctor that I call the cops.
- There is a friend of my father.
There is no such friends.
If a doctor, have to make the report.
There is a veterinarian and
will call the police. Understand?
Doctor Horvath?
- Who?
- I'm Ned Perry.
- Do you remember me?
- George, how pleased you came.
I'm Ned, George was my father.
I need your help.
A friend of mine gets hurt.
It's in the surgery room.
But I never operated recently.
But it is in a very
bad and no place to go him.
So please, Doctor.
- Look at him, it's urgent.
- But you know what to do.
- How bad is it?
- It 's not a dog. Come to see.
- God!
- There is only one broken bone.
- And what is that?
- A friend of mine.
It hurt and lost much blood.
But I am not a doctor, George.
I get the bullet
and bandaged her wound.
But who he mpuscat-?
Poor puppy! You were hunting?
Or follow a rabbit?
You hunters ...
- You said something, Doc?
- No, nothing.
It's hot. Very hot.
Easy, easy, kid.
Maybe you should go elsewhere.
Dr. Horvath, in her will
discommode long.
Go into the operating room.
Stay here, I will take care of your
Will be fine. Dr.Horvath will take care of your
I escaped from ndata.
- Do you think it can do, Doc?
- Sure. Nice wound.
Poor puppy. But I understand ...
Bite it!
Get me outta here!
It was better to get a bit dopey.
Ned Perry. Height 1.72 ...
He worked 11 years in the same place,
Nordwest Lumber, as seller.
and he lost the job.
People there and they let go,
pure and simple.
Maybe you better call the
Therefore the company sales.
Maybe he got a better job.
Anyway, you should check.
Why he had to rob a bank?
- Daughter of 6 years. It is not normal.
- But what happened?
We do not know. Is a special school.
It looks like it cost a fortune.
Individual that does not like Lucas.
T make sense.
Anyway, if you know something,
would be good to go at school.
Sorry. Daddy a little late.
Have you waited long?
Dr Horvath is the car. You know?
Vet ...
Let us hurry.
What is that?
Go ahead.
Pursuing a suspect. Street's Well Street.
Don 't be afraid, my dear.
Everything is fine.
Still asleep. I hate that.
A. .. there is wake.
- That sound outside.
- Oh, shame ...
I want to wake up.
Let latra this way.
I know my daughter, Meg?
I brought her here about 2-3 years.
- You know?
- Yes? No?
A. .. good kitty.
Hello! How are you? Hello!
Do you remember me?
- Magic?
- Yes, I am. How are you?
Yeah, me neither I'm not doing too well.
It was a lot of cops out-p.
I'm in trouble and in a way
's fault. You know?
Actually I wanted to upset you.
Because of you, all the cops
State 'm looking for.
- What do you do? To cry?
- No, I want to help me.
We have to get out of the country.
I need false documents.
You know where to buy something.
You know these things, right?
You have to help me.
Yes, forget it.
You know why I robbed the bank this morning?
Because my daughter was sick and
I had to go to that special school.
But I do not want to get in jail
and I take for me.
And why say that?
I could pay no rent and
was to give me out of the house.
If you have no house, and takes the kids.
That's why I got in this mess.
Please help me!
Listen, if I be arrested,
I pull for me, right?
I know it's terrible,
but do it anyway.
Because the only thing
counts for me is my little girl.
Sorry in truth.
- Asshole?
- Yes.
- Bring me the phone.
- On the phone, boss.
Charlie. I'm 5 years. You know who is talking.
Yes. I walked out.
Listen! I need some
documents for a friend.
Today or when you think. Well.
Go to bar King Solomon
and talk to Charlie.
$ 200 for permit
and 500 for a passport.
Thank you very much.
Get out!
To get your bag?
No, leave it here.
- To take the bus or walk?
- No, go on foot.
And do not look into the eyes of anyone
on the street.
- Why?
- It's a rule.
If you do not need a cock being
observed. So you eyes in the ground.
You have friends there.
Remember that.
- And what else?
- You are a donkey. Come on, get out ... I am tired.
- Meg?
- What are you doing?
I did introduce my daughter.
I do not want children. Especially girls.
She is my daughter. His name is Meg.
Listen, honey.
Dad has to go somewhere.
I leave you with Mr. it.
He is sick, so be
take care of him.
- I need nothing.
- Let me talk to her me.
He is very weak,
so you must protect it.
I do not want no baby here.
I want to be left alone.
Don 't worry! Won 't bother.
Unable to speak.
I opened my mouth for almost 2 years,
since her mother died.
- Well, what happened?
- No, thanks.
See where you go, buddy ...
- Excuse me ... I want to talk to ...
- Who?
- Charlie.
Why you want to see dl.Charlie?
He called a friend of his now
few moments. A friend disappeared for 5 years.
Come, please.
What is your friend?
- Okay.
- Sit down!
Not much and lost time.
What came out ready, he robbed a bank.
I'm kinda hurry!
A. .. excuse me, please. I am
realized that you hurry.
Can I ask you if you brought
photos for passports?
Yes. Are still wet.
Are awesome.
You 're really very nice.
- You know the price?
- Yes. 500 for a passport.
No! No! No! That was 5 years ago.
Now cost 50,000.
- How?
- 50000. A great price for a friend.
- Dollars?
- Not pesos.
But I have money, Where
I find $ 50,000?
Maybe the Pacific National Bank.
But there was $ 50,000
Therefore in the bank.
But how many were?
I do not think talking to you.
How much money was there?
You heard what he said dl.Charlie?
How much money was there?
Sit down.
Lucas would not have put
for $ 13,000.
But Lucas has not robbed the bank.
He was my hostages.
I loot the bank and
I took Lucas hostage.
- That says it took him hostage on Lucas.
- It's
- I hope not I've done nothing wrong ...
- I like ... shot.
- Really? Where?
- In the car.
Tell Lucas as it costs 50,000,
otherwise il police.
I said I wanted to be left alone!
- Hello?
- This is Charlie. I give it to your friend.
Like 50000. 50000, if not,
I will teach police.
Tell him you've taken hostage.
So, what's with this story?
I was taken hostage? Who pacalesti you?
Listen well, if you give me 50,000 in 24 hours
Al Capone does it reach the police.
Get out of here. To stop
see me, you hear?
Doctor Horvath?
Hello. The doctor's not here?
Perhaps I came too early.
She told me to stop at 5.
Honey, do not you be afraid.
Won 't bite.
Hey, Max, leave the man alone.
- So you're friends with the doctor?
- No, I'm a patient.
Yeah, all right. So did Max.
Hi, you want the doctor?
Let me tell you something. I have a
real meeting in a few minutes.
The doctor he saved my life.
Hi, stop!
Honey, you want to have one too
that big dog in a day?
- What happened? Someone cut your tongue?
- Yes.
Here K 9-14. Adam 12.
Pursuing a suspect.
I am going to block the road.
Well, you can expect.
Follow a guy who robbed a bank.
Probably will return later.
Individual is a little hurt,
so I will not resist much.
Come on, Max, go.
What happens there?
No, Max ...
Get out of here. Have you heard? Get out!
Down there.
If you worry, I will call the police.
No. My daughter is not feeling well.
You have to take care of her. Let me go ...
Did you sleep here? Ass wipe!
This is our place. Will be
pay rent for the room ...
- Too bad, go get the money ...
- Yes, here.
Hurry up, pants down ...
if not, download the whole charger.
I want to stay here. Do you understand?
Do not leave.
Why do not you talk?
What would you give to a party, man?
Come on man, get off
of my way.
I wait here, okay?
I lose patience.
You mean that I lose patience?
Sure that I on my nerves.
Listen, Lucas is a very good customer.
- Where you going?
- In it, what a crime?
I lose everything.
I will deal personally
of these two clients.
No problem.
When you get your hands on the lamb, you know ...
il touch it ... that little bell.
- Hey, Charlie.
- Are you crazy! The police are everywhere!
Let go and get it now.
I told you to bring him ... now!
- Who?
- Go get it!
- You're crazy. Why do this?
- You know that I am lambkin.
If you do not bring him in 10 seconds
you wake up with a bullet ...
- Go, go!
- Where's Meg?
Get in the car.
Glad I saw you, Charlie.
I 'm glad I saw.
But I still planned robbery.
Daniel Lucas not be accused unjustly.
It's completely innocent. Honestly.
Sign Ned Perry.
Here. I wrote everything. Why am
did, how you've taken hostage.
I will have no problem.
Come on, honey.
It seems like this was it. I
imagine that we will never see again.
Cancel. I do not life a hell.
It's too small. Can not tolerate.
Money is followed.
You have to be honest.
However you win,
if you have a decent job.
But you have to handle the child.
Yes. I was mixed
in things like that.
You're right, but not to denounce,
to know ...
Yes ... Asshole.
Gotta go.
Thanks for everything!
Do not go!
You have to tell him something that human
and come immediately.
- He speaks!
- What I soptesti?
Doctor said not to like
to blocked again.
Not something happen.
God, I feel like crying.
If you leave here, too dangerous.
God is the most happy days
of my life.
Two years I waited this.
- You got a handkerchief?
- Of course not.
- Can you tell me if you look bad?
- No.
He spoke! God!
My daughter speaks!
He again take over.
Yeah, right.
It would be very good if you stay
with us for a little while.
For the first time I asked
something in 2 years. Just a few hours.
You crazy? No way.
Well. Go and tell him.
- I hope not to block again.
- Tell her you have to go.
- I want to take your farewell from her?
- No.
Here it comes.
- At least an hour.
- I said no.
Can not go with us, my little girl.
I would like, but can not.
Because if you stay, the police and we
hurt. And not only do I make someone sick.
Do not go!
He is right. I can not stay.
But to go back. I promise.
But now I have to let go.
Everything will be all right, Meg.
I'll be back.
But do not you worry, daddy is with you.
Are you okay? Yes? What are you crazy?
Would you killed?
Do not know where the pedestrian crossing?
That's our man.
After him!
Shut up!
All patrol cars.
I found the Lucas.
Drive a car ... 57954B.
We are doomed.
Wait. Do not shoot us.
You have to find my daughter.
Over here!
Spread out!
Where it be?
Not to be something wrong ...
Not to go to a hospital in that!
I 'kill!
And if we do not find her,
I will kill you.
I'll be constinta my entire life.
Shut the fuck up!
Why are you fucking asshole!
Look at her! How fragile e.
Whoever could do worse.
Who's That?
What to do?
Take care!
This is one that we give children candy.
What does a smart man?
Shut the fuck up!
He took bomboanele. I told him not to
accept candy from strangers!
Obsedatul that sex!
No! No!
Excuse me, gentlemen, officers,
I think that little girl was lost.
I asked her mommy and daddy,
but he did not answer.
Come with us, our baby.
My little girl!
We have no chance now. No.
After a year going to
regain back. Relax!
A visit to there,
will not be there alone.
Listen ... you have my confession ...
so go!
So what you gonna do?
Hey, talk to you!
If you go to a shelter for children
a kidnap and leaving the country.
Do not be stupid!
Leave me alone, please.
Leave me alone!
Sergeant, is for you.
Yes. Contact with social service.
Will take care of her child.
Yes, of course.
What have you got?
Something about Lucas.
The day he was released from jail,
robbed a bank and took
money than ever.
- He was shot in the leg.
- Maybe only a slight wound.
Probably he was taken hostage.
Horvath went to the doctor.
I want to hear it personally.
It's here.
Way, is a veterinarian.
Doctor Horvath?
Have a seat, Doctor.
Repeat, everything I've said to me.
The patient was shot in a
hunting accident.
- How?
- Wait! Carry on, Doctor.
In the right leg. After angle
input, it seems that the gun
was very close
place of impact.
- Thanks.
- Wait a minute. Has.
The patient never suffered.
I gave her a bone.
Otherwise ...
Thank you. Thank you.
Wait a minute! I have something ...
So we can conclude.
Mr. Lucas, after he was shot
was treated like a dog!
Anyway, hopefully will spend
one day in prison.
- Tanner to phone!
- It's Lucas.
Hey, Lucas! Come here.
Hey buddy, come here.
All charges against Mr. Lucas
were canceled.
How can a professional like you,
to be taken hostage?
I have nothing to say.
The case is closed.
- What are you doing here?
- Please forgive me!
Come on, get out!
Come on, get outta here!
I came to see Meg Perry.
I am a friend of the family.
- What is your name?
- Lucas.
Mr Lucas wants to see Perry girl.
Wait a minute.
Who you call? Police?
- Mr. Lucas?
- Yes.
Follow me.
Hi, Meg. Look what I brought.
You like?
Refuse to talk and refusing to eat.
If it continues,
we feed intravenously.
You hear, Meg? If you do not eat,
soon will be
I bagam a needle in hand
and you get hurt.
- Can I talk to her between 4 eyes?
- Please.
You need authorization from
Court of Justice.
Listen ... this kid needs
but now needs a
woman that you take.
Meg, look at me.
Meg, I gotta eat.
You hear me? Be dutiful daughter.
Look at me.
If you want, I come to you in
every day, but look at me.
Look at me, for Christ's sake.
Okay, go then.
I have to go. Well.
Bye, Meg.
Remember when you told me not to go?
Come on, talk to me again.
Tell me not to go.
Did you make so happy.
Do not you?
Okay, you want, but at least eat.
You are so weak. Listen, we are
bring a cake tomorrow. You like?
You think the food here is pretty bad,
but tomorrow I get you a big cake.
Well. Goodbye.
I have to leave him here with you.
Take care of him, as you
took care of me.
Why do not you want to do otherwise?
I give the alarm.
- You scared me. What are you doing here?
- Shut up!
- Do not you smell fish?
- Puti.
- Can. I slept in a net.
- God!
Everything will be fine.
I saw it yesterday. Do not look good.
It will be better when you get out of here.
Stay calm.
- It's locked.
- There is no problem.
- Is a woman who supervises.
- A cop?
That complicate things.
Over here, I think.
Stop already! Like you do on purpose.
Watch your step.
- What happened to you?
- I do not know. It's so much misery and trouble here.
Wait for me here!
It would be better to stay here.
I ride.
Don 't be afraid. It's me, Lucas.
- Come on. Give me the girl.
- Let's go.
But not mine.
Not my daughter. No kidding. Look at her.
This is not my little girl.
Let's hide.
But I want my daughter.
I want it on my face.
Meg, me, Dad!
Come on come on, Meg!
Where is it?
Give me the gun, Mr. Perry! Not be worse.
Tell me where, or shoot you.
At infirmary. Here.
- Move! Move.
I'll put you back in bed.
Please be dutiful daughter
and not guys. Agree?
Just not guys.
I'll be accused of kidnapping.
You know what will happen?
Meg, me, Dad.
Don 't be afraid.
Gotcha, so relax.
Quick, go!
Meg, come on my face.
- Why not wake up? It's ice cream.
I we do it, do not you worry.
Where are we?
A vacation home. It seems
not inhabited for a long time.
- What?.
- Nothing.
Come on, give me a thousand!
I ate too
- Give me a thousand. O to escape.
It's my daughter. I do not want to
handle anybody else.
Hold still!
- We're too heavy.
- Nothing. It.
Go put it to bed.
I hope that he will die. What do you think?
How to die?
Stop with that shit. Asshole!
- Why he died?
- Yes, it's
Stop being so worried.
Everything will be fine. Got it?
Meg. Dad is here. I am here.
Open your eyes.
I'm hungry.
He is hungry. For Christ's sake!
I bring food.
Damn, are plastic.
Nothing to eat in this house.
What you could expect,
if it is inhabited by a month?
- Maybe ii buy a pizza.
- You do not want to bring us a Bureau.
Look! God! Shells.
Liver pate. And that? Caviar.
- Who are the owners?
- Some rich.
Your face does not eat caviar?
Look what I brought you, Meg. Caviar.
- It might be better to leave it to sleep.
- Yes.
Oh, but it's very good.
Yes, very good.
Good morning, Meg.
- Hi.
Look what I brought ...
- Now I want to eat everything. Got it?
- Okay.
Look what I got this morning.
Kowalski's my name. Travel
with his wife and our son, Jonathan.
Got everything we need.
Just you wait
I dress as a woman?
Find two men and a girl.
Yes, but the police and FBI were blocked
all roads. We can not go that way.
But nothing comes me.
You have a peculiar air. I'll be ugly.
Never mind.
There are ugly women.
I know, there are a lot of ugly women.
But I do not want to play the role
a woman ugly.
Come on, get dressed!
Don 't worry.
You gonna grow back.
I look ridiculous. I'll arrest.
I look like a fool.
I can not go so transvestite.
- Cun your name?
- Jonathan.
- And my name?
- Dad.
- And his name?
- Mom.
Very good.
- Do not say a word ...
- Go and put your wig.
But what did you do to your hair?
- It's okay, Mom, I will grow.
- Don 't tell Mom.
- Yes, so you tell him.
God? What now?
Everything will be fine.
- Never I felt so depressed.
- Okay, Mom. Look good.
I hate it when my mom says.
Let's take the road, Lucille.
Have you wanted to leave me alone.
- You said to hurry?
- Yes.
You have to hit it.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
You're pretty weak.
I do not like kids my weakest.
A stay with us?
Where is dad?
- Lucille!
- Friday. Friday.
It's a trick. Anyway I want to
live a normal life,
especially that are married
with a convict.
And my daughter is named Jonathan.
If you see the road is blocked,
not to panic.
Nothing, it will be all right.
Just do not be arrested. I do not want to
go in jail like this.
God ... my stomach ...
I ate shellfish and caviar for breakfast.
Behind us, the cops!
Do not go too fast and be calm.
- God! I feel so good.
- Which?
- My stomach hurts. I feel like throwing up.
- Not now.
Open the window to get fresh air.
- Feel better?
- No. I throw up.
Window! What are you waiting for!
- Wig!
- No. Asshole!
God! It took me a wind.
Here. Feel better?
Keep it.
You have to find.
I can not knock that.
I have seen women
who had short hair.
Yes, but not with that face.
Look ugly as hell!
Come on! We have to find wig.
No, never been a better find.
- I should say that.
- I mean, what?
How do I look like. It was not necessary.
You said I look like crap.
A look at her.
Wig that.
Yes. Look like a buffoon.
- But why stay so high?
- How to know ...
Damn! A blockage.
Do not panic! Don 't worry!
Your name is Jonathan.
Everything will be fine.
Listen ... if you ask questions
... are over.
Answer with a feminine voice.
How sounds that?
- Can better?
- Sorry, we did not voice the woman.
But I am convinced that no one
to arrest.
- Get the blockage.
- I can not.
I told you that you succeed.
Sorry, my dear.
Sorry to bother you.
Driving license, please.
My wife is pregnant. Not feeling well.
We want to reach the central hospital.
Does not look good at all.
Let's see ...
Larry! Martin! This young one was born.
Help her!
- No need.
- I will be more secure.
Especially with the traffic this ...
Good luck, both!
- And now what am I doing? Was born?
- Let me think.
- I would like to have a brother.
- Well, not that.
Gimme Ursuletul, darling.
Yes, it will be a surprise
for obstreticieni.
Coming now! A stretcher!
Do you feel okay, lady?
Don 't be afraid, Mom.
Why not leave idiotii they?
Everything will be all right, lady, calm yourself.
Watch your step.
Come on, Stretch your stretcher on, please.
You okay?
We expect the doctor.
Stop it. I feel much better.
Thanks. Thank you very much.
Yes, always forgetting things.
- How do you feel?
- Park would be born.
- What are you doing?
- Take the shortcut.
I get to Canada over 10 minutes.
Help me to get me that dress.
We are in Canada, my sweet,
so you can call me Dad.
This is a friend of mine. In Vancouver.
Call him. And go to him.
Here. Have at you.
No, take them all.
- I do not know what to say, Lucas.
- Do not tell me anything.
Go, go and change it.
You need gas.
Come on, get off the car, Meg.
Listen, Meg.
I can not stay with you.
But do not be sad.
I come to see you. I do.
Everything is gonna be like not
we never broke.
Anyway, we doing great
all three.
Please, Meg. I look so ...
I try to start and I
a new life, understand me?
I ran too much.
I can support that.
- See?
- No.
Oh I miss you.
I you can never forget.
Bank is surrounded!
Come out with hands up
and nothing will pati.
Again! Bank is surrounded.
I have a hostage and shoot him!
I have a hostage!
Maybe would be good to stay
with you some more time.