Three Kings (1999)

Are we shooting?
Are we shooting people or what?
Are we shooting?
That's what I'm asking you!
What's the answer?
I don't know the answer!
That's what I'm trying to find out!
- Give me some gum.
- I already gave you some.
I can see a grain of sand in there.
I just can't get it out.
I think this guy has a weapon!
Yeah, he does!
Whoa! Congratulations,
my man, you shot yourself a raghead.
Dag. Didn't think I'd get to see
anybody shot in this war.
Aw, take my picture.
I just want to celebrate
another day of livin'
I just want to celebrate
another day of life
I put my faith in the people
But the people let me down
So I turned the other way
And I carry on anyhow
That's why I'm telling you
I just want to celebrate
Another day of livin'
I just want to celebrate
Spirits are high,
and the music is boisterous... these young troops...
Shit, hold on a second. Okay.
Music is high, and the spirits
are soaring as these...
Did I just say "soaring"?
How did it sound?
They say you exorcised the ghost of
Vietnam with a clear, moral imperative.
We liberated Kuwait.
If I had to start again
With just my children and my wife
I would thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
Because the flag
Still stands for freedom
And they can't take that away
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
And defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land
God bless the U.S.A.
It was you that chose your due
You built a maze you can't get through
I tried to help you all I can
But I can't do nothing for you, man
I can't do nothing for you, man
I can't do nothing for you, man
- Go lean on shells
- Answer man
I can't do nothing for you, man
- Go lean on shells
- Answer man
I can't do nothing for you, man
You jumped out of the jelly into a jam
Make you love the wrong instead of right
Not a thief cat burglar through the night
The cop told your girl her name was Shirl
About a rooftop crime to steal her pearls
Oozy down the bullets in the gun
Trained warrior! Trained warrior!
Trained warrior! Oh, my God!
Major Gates, Major Gates, Major Gates!
What's Adriana got?
Just the celebration story.
That's it? That story's evaporating.
The Iraqi POW story's evaporating.
I still have my gold story, though.
Returning the gold to Kuwait.
What do you know about that?
They think it's in
some bunker somewhere.
Oh, oh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
- What's going on?
- I was about to ask you the same thing.
You said he was former Delta, he'd take
great care of me. What a bunch of bullshit.
- Let me handle this.
- Doesn't she have an escort?
- Of course she does. She's right here.
Find her someone she can fuck...
- ... so she'll leave my escort alone.
That's unnecessary.
I don't want him going to other
reporters and giving away my stories.
- You don't have any stories.
- You don't tell people that!
Look at you.
Look at what's become of you.
Yes, look at me.
I've got my clothes on! I'm dressed!
But I will say you are old, Adriana.
I really don't need this shit, major.
You understand me?
- This is a media war. A media war...
...and you better get on board!
We'll talk about this tomorrow.
I'm gonna straight you out!
Take a picture!
One more!
- Very handsome.
- All right.
So please stay off my back
Or I will attack
And you don't want that
- Good shot, Barlow.
Hey, enough!
Captain's coming!
You better move your butts.
He's coming right now.
Goddamn it! Where the hell did this
booze come from? Hey, get rid of it!
We gotta take more Iraqi prisoners
tomorrow! Tomorrow!
Remove the magazine from your weapon.
Sling your weapon over
your left shoulder, muzzle down.
Have both arms raised above your head.
Approach the multinational force's
position slowly...
...with the lead soldier
holding this document...
...above his head. if you do this,
you will not die.
You will be processed
as prisoners of war...
...provided food, shelter and clothing...
...and be treated according to the
guidelines provided by the Geneva Convention.
Do not resist.
If you do this, you get this.
If you surrender,
you will get food and shelter. Okay?
Everything is cool.
Nobody's gonna hurt you. Just relax.
Sir, you're gonna have to
take the turban off as well.
Did you rape and torture anyone
in Kuwait, Abdul?
What about you, motherfucker?
Hey, hey. You're making them hysterical.
Stop pointing that. You'll get us in trouble.
Just relax. We want everybody facedown.
- Come on.
- Get down.
Take these things... Hey,
no comprende English, motherfucker?
What is your fucking problem?
Act in a more
professional manner, please.
I wanna be professional.
He wouldn't take his rags off.
Pay attention to how it's done.
Excuse me, sir.
Listen. Sir, we're gonna need you to
disrobe like all the other towelheads, okay?
I hate to see it come to this.
Strip him down.
Come on, motherfucker.
Take your fucking clothes off.
Come on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Troy. Troy.
Troy, come here. Check this out.
Freaky thing here, possibly.
There's a document in that guy's ass.
We got a classified situation.
You think he ate it?
No, it wouldn't come out
perfect like that if he ate it.
- Pull it out, private.
Back off! Back off!
Pull it out.
Man, I didn't join the Army
to pull paper out of people's asses.
No, sir. Not what I signed up for.
Aw... Aw...
Open it up.
You only gave me one glove.
Sorry, I only have one,
but you have to open it.
That's how the chain of command works.
What is it?
It's important enough
to squeeze your cheeks for.
You're supposed to make her
feel good about stories we want...
...not push stories we don't want.
You don't walk away from her
and go screw another journalist.
I never wanted this job, Ron.
Your work in Iraq was over. Done.
I'm trying to help you out.
If you play your cards right...
...maybe she'll hook you up
with the media at home.
- Fuck that.
- Fuck that?
Where you going?
You got your star clinched.
Oh, so now it's my fault that
you plateaued a long time ago?
- I don't even know what we did here.
- Don't start.
Just tell me what we did here, Ron.
You wanna occupy Iraq
and do Vietnam all over again?
Is that your brilliant idea?
- Fuck it, I'm retiring anyway.
- Until you do, you're an Army officer.
You're still taking care of
that reporter, so do it right.
Let's move this now!
Come on, you've washed your hands
a thousand times.
Lord knows what vermin
live in the butt of a dune coon.
Why do you let this cracker
follow you around, man?
He's got no high school.
He's from a group home in Dallas.
- He doesn't know better.
- Don't say that.
I don't care if he's from Johannesburg.
I don't wanna hear "dune coon" or
"sand nigger" from him or anybody.
Captain uses those terms.
Look, the point is, "towelhead" and
"camel jockey" are good substitutes.
- Exactly.
I apologize.
A little confusing with all this pro-Saudi,
anti-Iraqi type language and all that.
Did you get the aerials?
How'd you get those?
Chief is hooked up.
- Hey. Keep Walter on that door.
Would you take
those fucking things off?
I never got to use night vision.
They do not work during the day.
Yeah, they kind of work.
Just stand outside so Chief
can translate my Iraqi ass map, okay?
Are you ready to work with me now?
I'm ready to work with you.
Good. Because I've got an amazing lead.
- It was in his ass.
That's not the real story.
- What's the real story?
- it was in the guy's dick.
- Had to pull it out with a pair of tweezers.
- A 10-page atlas of Saddam's bunkers?
Yeah. Only real small, like those books
you get in a box of Cracker Jacks.
They pull it out the guy ear.
- What?
- "Out of his ear. "
Maybe out the nose.
- What's he talking about?
- "The nose. "
- What body part?
- Let me handle this.
- It was stitched in back of his head.
Stitched in the back of his head.
- The guy's name?
What guy?
The guy who found it.
I cannot tell you.
Fuck that!
- You said you could.
- Sorry, not now.
This guy doesn't know shit.
Adriana, come here.
He doesn't know shit.
Listen to me. This guy is French
Special Forces and he can help us.
- He can?
- Yes, and he's my friend.
But he's not gonna talk to me
if you're around.
- Better not be fucking with me.
- I'm not.
- I want the story this time.
- You'll get the story. Okay?
These have got to be Saddam's
bunkers between Karbala and Nazaria.
What's inside?
According to Intel,
Picasso, Sony, Armani, Rolex.
Kuwait was like the Arab Beverly Hills.
Saddam jacked them for it.
Be nice to bring something home
besides sand fleas.
One gold Rolex would get me a very
nice house outside of Garland.
Five would get a Lexus convertible.
- Lexus doesn't make one.
- Yes, they do.
It has room for a kid seat.
- Infiniti has a convertible, not Lexus.
- Wrong.
Either way, the Lord put this map in
our path. I believe we'll find something.
He could also put a land mine
in our path.
I don't think so. I've been fire
baptized, and this feels safe.
What are you talking about?
I have a ring of Jesus fire
to guide my decisions.
- You're putting me on, right?
- Do I look like I'm putting you on?
Okay, ring of Jesus fire.
Freeze, motherfucker!
- Sir, this tent is restricted, sir.
- Get out of my way.
Sir! Sir!
Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Goddamn it.
Good afternoon.
Would this be the proctology tent?
No, sir.
Maybe it's a urology tent.
Or the neurology tent.
Or the ear, nose and throat tent.
Captain's at a staff meeting, sir.
Captain a proctologist?
- What's a proctologist, sir?
it doesn't matter.
I'm not looking for him.
I'm looking for Barlow.
You're on the path to truth when you smell
shit. Isn't that what they say, sergeant?
I don't recognize you, sir.
Are you in this division?
He's not from this division.
He's Special Forces.
Have you soldiers
presented this map to your captain?
Not yet, sir.
I'll take it to him.
That's not necessary, sir.
He's my CO. I can take it to him.
Don't get grabby, sergeant.
He's our CO, sir.
I'd have to tell him you took it.
That won't do either of us any good,
will it?
No, sir.
Sit down.
- What do you see here?
- Bunkers, sir.
What are in them?
Stuff they stole from Kuwait.
Bullshit. I'm talking about
millions in Kuwaiti bullions.
You mean them little cubes
you put in hot water and make soup?
No, not the little cubes
you put in hot water to make soup.
Gold bricks, Conrad.
Saddam stole it from the sheiks.
I have no problem stealing it from Saddam.
My guess is, he's divided these bricks
into several different stashes.
Just one of these stashes would be easy
for us to take from his deserting army.
That would be enough
to get us out of our day jobs.
Unless of course you reservists
are in love with your day jobs.
I don't really have a day job, sir.
First thing we have to do... make sure this is more
than a love letter to an Iraqi.
It's a series of bunkers
outside Karbala, sir.
- Definitely, sir.
The recon photos match.
We'll see.
It's what makes S.F. so badass.
We got the best flashlights.
Still looks like a series of bunkers.
Three villages a little farther
to the east.
- Seventy-five clicks north.
More like 65.
Way north of any allied troops.
Perfect. We don't want
any troops around.
Yeah. Just us and a Humvee
up by the Euphrates River Valley.
Where they put Moses in the basket.
That's Egypt.
We three kings be stealing the gold
Quiet down!
My friends all drive Porsches
I must make amends
Hey, just shut up, okay?
Are you done singing?
What about mines, sir?
Grid was swept by the 82nd.
We'll stick to the roads.
Are we gonna need
a deuce-and-a-half?
it's easier to slip out in a Humvee.
- What if we have a lot to carry?
We'll grab an Iraqi truck.
Better cover if we get stopped.
We could always say we captured it.
- That's right.
We leave at dawn, back before lunch.
No big deal.
- What's the guy's name outside?
- Walter.
- Bolo! Get in here!
- Who's Bolo, sir?
Bolo is a guy who
doesn't know what he's doing.
- Yes, sir?
Want you to get this reporter... my back.
Know who Adriana Cruz is?
- Reporter on NBS, sir.
That's right.
Tell her I'm checking a story
and you're bringing her to meet me.
In Iraq?
- No.
I'll give you a fake copy of this map.
Take her on a ride
that lasts all morning...
...and goes nowhere near
the villages outside of Karbala.
When you don't find me, it'll be
because you got lost. Is that clear?
- Yes, sir.
- Any other questions?
Yeah. Is it true that to be S.F.,
you gotta cut off an enemy's ear?
- Are you able to control him?
- Yes, sir. He'll be fine, I promise.
Let's get ready to roll in the morning.
All right, here we go, ma'am.
Let me get some, chief.
- I gave you a better arc!
What you talking about?
I threw the ball at a higher arc.
- Made it easier.
- Bullshit!
Blacks make better receivers
than quarterbacks.
Stop speaking.
Warren Moon is one of
the best in the league.
Houston's gone nowhere
with Warren Moon.
- Randall Cunningham?
- Don't get in the mud with him.
Eagles'll never make it to
the Super Bowl with Cunningham.
Doug Williams not only took
the Redskins to the Super Bowl...
- ... but they won.
- Yeah, so?
We can all agree there are many
excellent black quarterbacks.
Let's see what you can hit.
Come on, sorry-ass cracker!
You'll never hit no Iraqi!
I'll hit that Iraqi.
I'll blow his fucking head off!
Chief, he talks like that,
ignore him or it'll get worse.
You're right, you're right.
Just can't help myself sometimes.
Watch this.
Whoa! Unh!
- What was that?
I rigged a football with C4, sir.
Why would you do that?
You said we could fire off
some rounds when we left camp.
I said that you could fire a few rounds.
We didn't get to see any action, sir.
- You wanna see some action?
Yeah, I do, sir.
Is this what you're after?
We dropped a lot of bombs here.
We also buried a lot of guys alive.
The only action we seen was on CNN,
except for that dude Troy shot.
- Shot him in the neck?
- That's right, sir.
Fucking badass. I was there.
Fucking took him out at 400 yards.
Head popped up 3 feet in the air.
It was a crazy shot, man.
You know anything
about gunshot wounds?
- I don't know.
The worst thing about a gunshot wound,
provided you survive the bullet...
- ... is something called sepsis.
- infection of the blood.
Right. Say a bullet tears into you...
Creates a cavity of dead tissue.
That cavity... fills up with bile and bacteria.
You're fucked.
But we're gonna do this
without firing any shots...
...and just to be sure,
we're gonna do a dry run.
So get your suits on.
We will say that the cow is
a primary guard outside the bunker.
Pull up fast. Stop short.
Move very aggressively. Got it?
Got it!
Who's hurt?
It's all cow.
Yeah, it's all cow.
Y'all see that cow's head shoot up?
Just like a cartoon.
It's fucking crazy.
You said this area was swept for mines.
Wasn't a mine. It was a cluster bomb.
Very hard to see.
Get in the Humvee.
We're moving on.
Round, round, get around
I get around
Yeah, get around
Ooh, ooh, I get around
Round, round, get around
- I get around
- I get around, yeah
Get around
I get around
- I get around
- Get around, round, round
- I get around
- From town to town
We go in fast, leave the safeties on.
Hit them with the blinding power
of American sunshine.
- I'm making real good bread
- Get around, round, round, I get around
I'm gettin' bugged
Driving up and down the same old strip
I gotta find a new place
Where the kids are hip
My buddies and me
Are gettin' real well-known
Yeah, the bad guys know us
And they leave us alone
I get around
Where's the bunker?
There. No, there!
Round, round, I get around
- I'm a real cool head
- Get around, round, round, I get around
I'm making real good bread
Orders from the president
of the United States of America.
Orders from the president
of the United States of America.
- Step aside.
Get back!
On the ground, right now.
We are the Army
of the United States of America.
Stay back!
We are the Army
of the United States of America.
No milk! Baby milk!
- Baby milk!
- Let's go.
We are here for
your protection and safety.
Stay calm. Lay back. Hey.
Let's go, step aside. Move!
Orders from President Bush.
Part of the ceasefire agreement.
Clear. Let's move.
United States military!
United States military!
Everybody out!
We are here for your protection
and safety, all right?
Hey. Get down on the ground.
Get down on the ground.
Order from the United States.
Ah. Shit!
- I love the United State of freedom.
- I hate Saddam.
- Yah! Yah!
- Yah! Yah! Yah!
- Let him go!
No problem, my friend. No problem.
No problem.
Tell him to shut up. Be quiet.
I am love United State of freedom.
I'm love United States of freedom too.
Just calm down and be quiet, okay?
I am friend. Friend.
I am... I am friend. I am friend.
- You look for chemical weapon?
- We look for the gold.
- No gold here.
No gold.
What did you say?
No gold.
He says there's no gold here.
Where's the gold?
- Kill him.
- You wanna die?
- Other bunker, other village! Yes.
- Other bunker?
- Not this bunker? Another?
No. Not this town.
That town? That town?
That town! Yes, yes, yes! That town.
Let's go.
Why you throwing rocks at them?
It's milk.
Please bring us food.
- Please bring medicine.
Medicine. Medicine.
- Please help us.
Hey, hey. Hey, come on.
We need doctors.
Off the vehicle!
Ma'am, you'll have to step down
from the vehicle.
Hospital! Hospital!
We need your help, please.
Food. Food.
Give them the M.R.E.s. Let's go!
Take that. Take that.
The soldier's taking the water
away from that woman.
Heads up!
Here you go.
Look out! Get off!
Hey, give that back to the boy!
- Take me, take me, take me.
Excuse me. No.
- You can't come with us.
- Please take me. Aah!
Right here, right now.
The fuck was going on back there, major?
Civilians spitting on soldiers.
Soldiers shooting civilians.
Ignoring us like we weren't there.
They surrendered.
Now they're after civilians.
Why'd they blow up that milk truck?
- Trying to starve the people out.
- Why?
Bush told the people
to rise up against Saddam.
They thought they had our support,
they don't.
Now they're getting slaughtered.
So where's the next bunker?
About 20 clicks on the map,
according to what that guy said.
No, it's not.
There was something about that well.
What well?
The well in the center of town.
There were soldiers guarding it.
I bet there's a bunker in there.
The guy lied to us.
It's back where we came from.
Hey, I don't know if I can do this, okay?
Hey! I got a family.
If I shit in a bag for life because
I got shot after the war was over...
...that'd be pretty stupid,
wouldn't it?
What is the most important
thing in life?
What are you talking about?
What's the most important thing?
- Respect.
Too dependent on other people.
- What, love?
- A little Disneyland, isn't it?
God's will.
- Close.
What is it then?
As in...?
People do what is most necessary
to them at any given moment.
Now, what's most necessary to Saddam's
troops is to put down the uprising.
We can do what we want.
They won't touch us.
All right. I'll be wearing
fashionable Kevlar.
Me too.
Come on, Conrad.
Where the hell are the bunkers?
Supposed to be right around here.
How about these fires?
I already did this story, goddamn it.
How about a rare pelican
migration out by the marshes?
Fuck that! Stop the car!
I don't see any bunkers. Do you?
We'll find Major Gates, ma'am.
Bullshit. All we're finding
is Ukrainian cranes.
This story has been so done.
A waste of my fucking time.
Look at these poor fucking birds.
All covered in some kind of fucking oil,
ecological, catastrophic...
Fuck it.
It's so goddamn horrible!
Jesus Christ!
Poor fucking birds.
Look at them.
It's so sad.
You're not gonna fuck me.
I was promised the gold story,
and I'm driving.
Military regulations. You cannot drive.
Step away from the Chenowth, ma'am!
Don't make me shoot you, ma'am!
Ma'am! Please fucking stop!
You gonna tell me where he is?
I can't tell you. I can't.
- Where is he?
- I can't give you that...
Come on, bitch. Tell me where he is.
I can't, ma'am.
You'll die here like these birds!
It's a village near Karbala!
All right. Let's go to Karbala.
Get down! Get down!
- Hey, get down!
- Get down!
Don't make me smoke your ass, Abdul.
We're gonna have no nonsense this time.
Hey! You fucking liar!
By orders of the ceasefire
signed in Safwan, March 3rd...
...the United States military
hereby confiscates...
...all materials stolen by Iraq
from the state of Kuwait.
That means everything you took
is going back.
Everybody stay calm and
we'll get through this quickly.
Is that clear? Good!
Now... Hey! Grab that...
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Keep your finger off the trigger.
- Sorry about that, sir.
- No.
For wife.
I'm divorced.
Newest and best. Newest and best.
Newest and best has
better noise reduction.
Less distortion. Get on the ground.
This is bad music. This is bad for you.
Now, I want you to tell me
where the gold is.
There's another door over here.
It's okay. He is prisoner. It's okay.
Okay, okay. We take them outside
so we don't bother you, okay?
Hey. You open that door now.
Open that door.
Let's go!
Hey. Get down on the ground.
- The prisoners stay!
You, soldier.
- Get on the ground!
- The prisoners must stay!
Listen to me. Everything you stole from
Kuwait belongs to us now. You understand?
I got him.
- Put it back.
- Why?
We stick to the plan,
plan is for the gold. We're not thieves.
We're returning Kuwaiti bullion, correct?
I'm getting a fleet of Lexus convertibles,
every color.
I told you, Lexus don't
make a convertible.
I'll bet you a Lexus they do.
Okay. You're on, but it won't be
a convertible. I guarantee you.
Ow. Shit! Ah.
- You all right?
Yeah. It landed on my foot.
They definitely didn't get it here
in these bags.
The tensilary strength in these
is only 200 pounds.
- What?
Tensilary strength.
He works at an airport.
If we put it in one
of these Vuitton bags...
...they can hold about 65 pounds,
maybe more.
You have any more luggage?
United States military
is in charge here.
I saw a truck out by the gas station.
- What gas station?
- The one upstairs.
Let's see what U-Haul has on the lot.
Conrad. We need a truck.
Did we get it? Did we get it?
- We got it.
- Is it a lot?
Conrad, you have no idea.
Are you cool here?
Yeah. They've been ignoring me.
Don't worry about it. Just stay calm.
I'm gonna find a truck.
Move! Move away from the vehicle!
Let's go!
You take the Kuwaiti gold, yes?
We take the Kuwaiti gold, yes.
Saddam cannot keep?
No, Saddam cannot keep.
Saddam have too many problem today.
- He certainly does.
- You need help to carry?
I think we'll be all right.
- These men help you.
- Yeah, these men help you.
And then you go away fast
from all this bullshit.
Keep it going, keep it going.
Don't leave. Please don't leave.
Don't leave!
Look! Look!
Don't go. Don't go.
You go now, please.
I don't think so.
This man is leader of uprising.
Major, let's just stick to the plan.
The plan is for the gold.
We can help these people first,
then we'll be on our way.
This is not what we're here for.
Let's go!
Cover me.
No unnecessary shots, Conrad,
because we know what they do.
They make infected pockets
full of bile, sir.
That's right, that's what they do.
I want you to leave this town.
Saddam kill us if we leave.
Kill our family.
We give you the gold.
Now U.S.A. out of Iraq.
No shooting.
Okay. Okay, we work something out.
Easy! Take it easy!
What's happening?
Accident. Stay cool.
Put your hands up.
I'm okay.
- Chief.
- Get down.
Shut up! Get down!
Get down! Shut up.
- Put the people in the Humvee.
Put the people in the Humvee.
- There's no room.
Make room.
What happened to necessity?
It just changed!
Not for me. Let's go!
- What if that was you?
- What if this was you without Kevlar?
Hey! Hey.
Great, a fucking tank.
That should send us on our way.
L.A.W., sir?
No, let's get out of here.
It's about fucking time!
Ride in that Humvee. Let's go!
Let's go! In the Humvee.
Come on, sweetheart.
Come on, come on, come on.
Hurry up.
Let's go.
Stupid son of a bitch.
We were home free!
Give me that arm.
What's that tank doing?
I don't know. Looks like it stopped.
It's gas!
Where's my mask?
Where's my fucking mask?
Where's my mask?
Hey, stop! Stop!
Hey! Wait! Those are mines!
Come back this way!
Hey, stop!
No, no, no, this isn't sarin.
We'd be dead already.
What is it, mustard?
It's C.S. Come on.
Tear gas?
Yeah, times 10.
Come here. Come here. Put this on.
Here, you take it.
You see that? That's a mine!
Come here.
Don't step there. Do not step there.
Where's your kids?
Cover your face. Come here.
Where are your children?
What happened to your children?
Watch your back!
Freeze! Don't move!
What's going on?
I don't know.
It's okay. They're helping us.
They're with the rebels.
They got a shelter.
Go, go. Get in!
I gotta look for Barlow.
Where's Troy?
Wait a minute! Where's Troy?
Hey, man. We gotta get out of here.
Where is Troy?
Come on!
Get off me!
Let's go.
You motherfucker.
Get the fuck off me!
Get the fuck off me.
We have to go back and get Troy.
He's not out there.
We have to wait till it clears.
You made a choice in the village
and we lost Troy.
- I had no choice.
- You had a choice!
I had no choice.
What about Troy?
What choice does he have now?
Paco, start shooting!
I don't like this. We should go.
Let me handle this.
- Get dressed! Get dressed!
I said okay!
- Do you speak English?
- Yes.
- Could you...?
- Yes, sir?
I have a little problem.
I need to know the number.
What number, please?
Operation Desert Storm.
I'm sorry? I need to know the number.
The big Army in the desert.
It's an emergency.
- You'll have to give me more specific...
- Fuck. Maybe...
Come on, come on, come on.
- Honey, it's me.
Troy? Aah!
Oh, my God! Oh, baby,
I was hoping it was you.
- It's me, honey.
- Oh, God, the baby's crying.
How's she doing?
She hasn't slept good, and Mom had to
go back to work, so I'm real tired, baby.
- I wish I was there to help, gooney bird.
- When are you coming home?
Well, I'm working on that right now.
I saw an ad for a computer job.
You want me to set up an interview?
- Listen, honey...
- What date are you coming home?
They haven't given us
an exact date yet...
If I knew,
I could set up this interview...
- Listen to me, please.
- What's happening?
- What was that?
- The wall just exploded.
I thought the war was over.
It is and it isn't.
Could you call the reserve center?
What do you want me to do?
Tell the duty NCO I'm stuck in a bunker
near 223 north outside Karbala.
Two-two-three north outside Karbala.
- You're okay? Everything's okay?
- I don't want you to worry.
I tried to do something
for the family, and...
- I just want you to know...
- Know what?
- I love you.
- What's going on?
- Just tell Krystal.
- Troy.
Tell Krystal I'm a rich man and if things
work out, she'll be taken care of.
What are you talking about?
- I gotta go, gooney bird! I love you!
- What's going on?
Troy? Troy?
Spirits are high
and the music is soaring... these young troops
celebrate the liberation of Kuwait.
The mood here is boisterous and giddy,
as these troops are...
I'm being held by a bunker outside...
Shit! Wait!
I'm being held captive by Iraqi troops
outside a bunker near the gritty city...
Cut, cut! You said "gritty city" again.
Who gives a shit what I said?
These people are dying, for chrissake!
- What about Private Wogaman, Adriana?
Let's lay one down first.
In three, two...
I'm being held captive by Iraqi troops...
Okay. Okay. Okay.
The rebels have gone down the road...
Now, the assault, started by
the rebels from Karbala, came up on...
Hey, back off! Hey, hey! No!
Sir, that's enough!
- We have a right to be here!
That's mine.
- Yes.
Yes. Fuck it. Walter?
- Could I have my pants, please?
My pants, on my legs.
Out! Get out!
What did you wanna be as a little boy?
As a boy, I wanted to be either
a veterinarian or a CIA sharpshooter.
- Really? That's very complicated.
Yes, colonel.
- What the fuck are you doing?
I'm giving an interview to NRG.
- Do you have authorization?
- Yes, sir, I do.
- No?
- No.
- Who gave you this?
- Major Gates.
Archie Gates gave you this?
Jesus Christ, Doug.
- I don't get to do the interview?
- No, you don't get to do the interview.
Come with me.
Tell me where he is, or you're going
back to the hotel in Dhahran.
I don't know. I think
he's helping Adriana Cruz.
- Is she here?
No, sir.
So who else is missing?
- Chief's not here.
Chief's not here?
You don't know where
your staff sergeant is, captain?
Barlow and Vig are gone too, sir.
They got a document
out of a guy's ass yesterday, sir.
I don't know what it was. Some map
or secret list. But I saw it happen.
- Did they bring it to you?
- No, sir.
Yeah, see, he's working something.
Get me some maps.
Check radio transmissions.
Maybe we'll get their positions.
What's wrong with him? Is he dead?
Is that guy dead?
Where are you gonna put him?
A shrine.
A shrine? What kind of shrine y'all got?
A shrine near a holy man...
...that gives him comfort
and access to paradise.
Hey, that sounds like
a pretty good shrine, right, chief?
I'm not kidding.
It sounds like a good shrine.
Hey, man, I'm sorry I hit you.
I was just worried about Troy,
you know. He's my friend.
I didn't want nothing
to happen to him.
He's gonna take me to Detroit
with him, hook me up with a job.
Come on, man. Chief.
I know you was coming to help me.
Thanks. I don't wanna hold no grudges.
You got kicked out of that
ring of Jesus fire, huh?
That ain't how it work.
How's it work?
I take care of whatever he puts
in front of me, no questions asked.
He put that gold in front of me,
and I took it.
That's how it works.
What about now?
I don't know. I gotta see.
- How you doing, Conrad?
- I'm fine.
It was my choice today.
You can try and head back if you want.
Take your share and bury it.
I'll find Barlow myself.
I wanna find Troy.
I'm here. I'm ready.
Let's check the suitcases.
I count 79.
That means we're missing 41 bags.
That's about $23 million left.
Not bad for a disaster, provided we find
Barlow and not get court-martialed.
How is she?
Hey. How is your little girl?
She's traumatized.
What do you expect?
I went to B-school
at Bowling Green, okay?
I came back to open
a couple of hotels near Karbala.
I'm nearly in the black
when this stupid war starts...
...and you guys bomb all my cafs.
Now we try to get rid of Saddam...
...Bush leaves us twisting in the winds.
Look at these people.
Where is America now?
Where is the Army now?
- Do you have a radio?
No radio, no water.
- Where's Barlow?
They got him.
Where would they take him?
Oasis bunker.
It's full of Saddam's Republican Guard.
Where's that?
- Approximately 17, 18 miles from here.
Take us there.
- We have no transportation.
We'll walk till we find some.
- Why don't you call in the Marines?
- With what? We don't have a radio.
We'll find a vehicle, you drive back,
get a helicopter, fly in, get your man.
We can't do that.
- Why not? You have a huge Army here.
We shouldn't be involved
in the uprising.
We killed Iraqi soldiers,
broke the peace accord.
You know what I think?
You're stealing gold. We're fighting Saddam
and dying, and you're stealing gold.
You're wrong.
They have half a million men here.
They send four guys
to pick up all this bullion?
I don't think so.
We need to find our man.
How much do you want to take us to him?
Is this still yours to give? Huh?
The only reason you have these bags
is my people picked them up.
We'll take our share...
...and we will help you
carry your share.
And find our man.
Amir Abdulah.
Archie Gates.
- You'll take us to the Iranian border.
- What?
If we don't get to a refugee camp,
we are dead. The nearest is in Iran.
You don't need us. Buy your way.
No. Saddam's soldiers
will never take Saddam's gold.
Our only chance
is if we are with Americans.
- We can't take you to the Iranian border.
- Then we don't have a deal.
- Give me a fucking break, man.
- We just saved your life!
- And we saved yours.
- We lost a man for you.
What good is it if you leave us here
to be slaughtered, huh?
The big Army of democracy beats the ugly
dictator and saves the rich Kuwaitis...
...but you go to jail if you help us
escape the same dictator?
You saw what happened to my wife.
Look at my daughter.
Who's going?
Everyone but the priests. That makes 55.
Did we save anything from the Humvee?
Yeah. Vig's bag.
What is your rank, bro?
Sergeant first class.
Your company?
U.S. Army Reserve.
My main man...
...tell me something, okay?
What is the problem
with Michael Jackson?
What do you mean?
What is the problem
with Michael Jackson?
What is the problem
with Michael Jackson?
You understand my question?
No, I'm not sure I do.
The King of Pop. Woo-hoo. Hee, hee.
Yeah, Michael Jackson.
He come to Egypt.
I see picture in newspaper.
"Hello," with the white glove.
"I'm Michael Jackson in my hotel room...
...with my chop-up face. "
Your country make him chop up his face.
I don't think so.
Michael Jackson is pop king
of sick fucking country.
That's bullshit. He did it to himself.
You are the blind bullshit, my main man.
It is so obvious a black man...
...make the skin white and the hair
straight, and you know why?
Your sick fucking country
make the black man hate himself...
...just like you hate the Arab
and the children you bomb over here.
I don't hate children.
- This is illegal. The war's over.
- That's why you are illegal.
You broke the ceasefire,
and I think maybe even you steal the gold.
So nobody know where you are, right?
Your Army don't know.
I'm gonna send you to Baghdad
for a long time. Nobody found you.
- Do they care, buddy?
- Does who care?
Do your Army care about the children
in Iraq? Do they come back to help?
No, they're not coming.
Do your Army...
- ... come back to help the people?
Tell the truth, dude-ski.
Save us the big bummer.
That's the truth.
Does it hurt?
I asked you a question, man.
Does it hurt?
Yes, it hurts.
You bomb my family. Do you know that?
You blow up my home. The whole street.
My wife is crushed by
big fucking block of concrete.
She lose her legs.
Those legs cut off now.
That's horrible.
- What?
I said that's horrible.
Oh, my God, buddy. I didn't even
told you the horrible part yet.
My son...
My son was killed in his bed.
He is 1 years old.
He is sleeping with his toy
when the bomb come.
I have a daughter.
Very nice for you, bro.
She's safe in Arizona...
...without the bomb, the concrete
and all this shit.
I'm not from Arizona.
How old is she?
One month old.
What's her name?
What make you decide to tell me
about Krystal, my main man?
Because we're both fathers.
I'm not father no more, dude.
My son is dead now.
Can you think how it feel
inside your heart...
...if I bomb your daughter?
Worse than death.
That's right. Worse than death.
Y'all think America is Satan, right?
America is Satan?
What'd they say?
They say he want salon.
- A what?
- A salon. Hair salon.
You cut hair?
- Yes.
- Yes, yes.
Look, they don't care if they cut
American hair, Shiite hair, Sunni hair.
They just want get rid of Saddam
and live life. Make business.
He wants to know,
do you want to kill every Arab?
That's what I was trained to do.
No. That was not our training.
We got Arab allies, man.
Yeah, well, we got Arab allies.
He says, "So you don't want to
kill every Arab. "
- Well, not...
- He's just had no high school.
- No high school.
- Don't tell people that.
- What'd they say?
- He says you have terrible haircut.
Troy gave me this haircut.
It's a badass haircut.
- America!
- America!
America, welcome.
Welcome, America! Welcome!
Major Gates.
- How you doing?
- He says, "How are you?"
He's happy to welcome America.
- Thank you.
- We welcome America.
They're all deserters.
They leave Saddam army.
- But they help us near Karbala. Good man.
- Karbala.
Welcome, America.
No, no, my friend. The man don't do that.
Only the woman.
- Why's that?
- Because it's their custom.
- You have a radio?
No radio.
George Bush get rid Saddams now?
- Not exactly, no.
- Congratulation!
Would you inform this gentleman
we need a vehicle of some kind?
From Kuwait.
Man, let me ask you a question.
Does Lexus make this model?
Infiniti convertible only.
No Lexus convertible. Infiniti only.
Infiniti only.
Exactly what I said.
Listen. We use these cars
to fight Saddam's soldiers.
What's so funny?
Cannot take.
What you mean, cannot take?
We kicked Saddam's ass. We definitely take.
We are the United States Army.
You are three guys with a bunch
of civilians and no Humvee.
Need money. Have no money.
To eat, to live.
"American Army is huge. It has planes
and tanks, and we have nothing. "
Listen to me.
We will rise up together. Tell him.
Rise up.
Look at us. Many races.
Many nations, many nations.
Working together.
- Tell him, chief.
- Yes. We're united.
George Bush. George Bush wants you.
You. You.
Stand up for yourself.
- George Bush?
Wants you!
Wants you.
- You!
- He wants everybody.
- Yes. Me and you stand up together.
We fight. Kick Saddam's ass!
- George Bush wants you.
- Yes.
He wants you.
- Yes.
He wants you!
Make the fight for freedom on your own!
- Then America will follow.
Praise the Lord!
God bless America,
and God bless a free Iraq!
Free Iraq! Free Iraq!
Free Iraq! Free Iraq!
Free Iraq!
Free Iraq!
Now, what do you say, my friend?
Cannot give car. Ha, ha.
Okay. I guess we'll buy them.
Come on, man. This is good music.
Man, Judas Priest will pump you up, man.
No! We're not listening to that
headache music. Stop.
- Just one song.
- What you need is easy-listening classics.
I do not need that.
- You need something to calm your nerve.
- Not easy-listening classics.
All right, try this.
Sir, this is from Barlow's wife in Detroit.
They may have a position on him.
From his wife in Detroit?
What the hell is this?
The war is over, and I don't fucking know
what it was about. What was this war about?
- I was managed by the military.
- Me too.
I try to be substance-based,
not style-based.
I think you got a lot of style.
That little Cathy bitch says I'm old.
That's because she's jealous.
First of all, you are smarter than her,
and that is a threat.
And second of all, you are beautiful.
You're the most prettiest woman...
- ... down there at that network.
- Thank you.
You got great skin, beautiful hair.
That's sweet, but there's
sexual politics in this business.
It's about looks, it's about sex,
it's about style.
Many an anchormen came on to me.
I didn't go for it.
I never played that game, never dropped
to my knees for an assignment.
Christ, I came out to the desert because
nobody else had the fucking balls to do it.
I only joined Saddam Hussein army
to make good living for my family.
Good house.
Now I can't get out.
I joined up for the extra cash too.
Found out I was gonna have a baby.
You know, I got
weapon and training from America.
Oh, yeah?
How you think I learned my English?
Specialist guys come here... train us when we fight Iran.
What'd they train you in?
Weapons, sabotage...
It was a total waste for your Army
to come to Iraq, right?
I heard about a lot of bad shit
that happened in Kuwait.
Yeah, bad shit happened.
I'm not proud of that.
Who's got the sick country?
Maybe Saddam is very crazy.
And then you are crazy
to bomb all of Iraq.
Too much bombing is crazy,
but not saving Kuwait.
You are here for save Kuwaiti people?
- Yes.
- Really?
- Yeah.
A lot of people
in trouble in this world, my man...
...and you don't fight
no fucking war for them.
- You invaded another country. Can't do that.
- Why not, dude?
It makes the world crazy.
You need to keep it stable.
For what? Your pickup truck?
No, for stability. Stabilize the region.
This is your fucking stability,
my main man.
We get our man, and then we
come back and pick up the gold.
- And my people?
- That's right.
Let's go over the plan.
Let's do it.
There's a bunker built into
the side of the cliff face.
It looks like a castle. There's a road
coming there, another one across.
It's full of Saddam's Republican Guard.
Now, I don't think we can overpower them.
There's too many.
- But there's one thing they're afraid of.
- What's that?
Then that's what we use.
Right. That's what we'll use.
You stay with me.
You stay with me.
Wait, hold on a minute. I wanna
go over this plan one more time.
You're scared, right?
The way this works is, you do
the thing you're scared shitless of...
...and you get the courage after
you do it. Not before you do it.
That's a dumb-ass way to work.
It should be the other way around.
I know.
That's the way it works.
If you leave me now
You'll take away the biggest part of me
No, baby, please don't go
You'll take away the very heart of me
No, baby, please don't go
Ow! I got a splinter.
How could we let it slip away?
Jesus fire, Jesus fire, Jesus fire...
Come on.
Quickly, quickly.
Oh, shit.
You all right?
Oh, shit, you're dead.
Wait! Wait!
Get back. Get back inside.
Come on. Amir, come on.
Huh? How you feel?
I told you...
Let's get out of here.
Where's Conrad?
Keep your guard up.
Barlow, are you okay?
Chief. Where's Conrad?
How we getting back, man?
- We got the Rolls.
You got a Rolls?
- Yeah.
- Hey. Hey.
This is an Infiniti convertible.
Man, I think you're in shock.
- It's an Infiniti convertible, isn't it?
Yeah, it is.
Okay, so I owe you a car.
I'm not in shock.
You sure you're okay?
Hey, freeze!
No! He's with us!
Don't shoot him. He's with us!
You're the guy with the little girl?
- That's right.
What are you doing here?
He helped us find you.
- I came here to help you.
All right. You're all right, man.
I see some people.
I can't see what's happening. Stay put.
- How's your little girl?
- She's safe for now.
Outstanding, excellent.
How can we help you?
We had a deal to get to the border, but now
we have more people and need vehicles.
That's not a problem.
We'll work it out.
We have to do this.
We can work it out, okay?
I don't know. It's a lot of people.
Okay, well, then you choose who we take.
Tell the others they're gonna have to die...
...because I can't do that.
- You're gonna have to do it yourself.
Okay, okay.
- Troy! You made it, man!
I thought that was you.
Where the fuck have you been?
- What are you wearing?
What is this?
Oh, it's a suit jacket.
The Iraqis gave it to me.
- I didn't recognize you in it.
- it fits all right, right?
- Yeah.
- Hey, chief! We need your help!
I'm okay.
Where's he hit?
It's in and out. I think
it's just above his collarbone.
Where's the Jesus fire?
It's all around you right now.
You're gonna be all right.
- You're gonna be all right, man.
I'm going to hell.
You're gonna be fine.
Can you take me to a shrine that gives you
comfort and erases the bad things you did?
- Hey. We made the right choice today.
Shh, shh.
You stop with that shrine shit.
Everything'll be okay.
You think so?
- I know so!
We're getting out of here. Hey, major!
Would you please fucking help...?
Goddamn it!
What's the matter, man?
Can you breathe?
Can you breathe?
There's air in his chest.
It's crushing his lung.
- Does that feel better, man?
- That feel better?
Mm-hm. Mm-hm.
He's gone.
Air pressure's gonna build up
about every 15 minutes.
Release the valve
and close it back up.
- How long can I keep doing that?
- I don't know.
Maybe four or five hours, if you're not
bleeding too bad. You don't seem to be.
He said he wanted
to go to one of those shrines.
Did he mean that?
That's what he told me.
Qum in Iran. We can take him with us.
Then take him.
All right. We'll take him there.
We found a radio inside.
You're hooked for that call, major.
Bolo, this is Brer Rabbit.
We're going to jail.
No, we're not. Bolo, this is Brer Rabbit.
- This is Bolo. Come in.
- Where are you?
About two clicks outside of camp.
We're ready for that briar patch.
- I wanna find out where we're going.
- Ma'am, please. I'm transmitting code here!
- You got me, Bolo?
- I think so.
Who handles the briar patch?
- You do.
- Oh, okay.
Tar Baby goes to the briar patch
if everything's okay, right?
- No, it's the other way around.
- Right.
I'm sorry, sir. I don't remember
how the code goes.
I need four personnel trucks
and a Humvee.
That's a pretty tall order
for a secret operation, sir.
Talk to my friend Teebaux.
Each driver will get 100K.
Brer Rabbit at 239 north.
Add one medevac pack to the order.
Make sure you bring the reporter.
Roger. Give me two hours.
Bury those real good, chief.
After we take these people to the border,
we'll figure out a way to get it out of here.
Two-two-three north is the position his wife
called in. There's an empty bunker.
Task air recon to cover
I'll put choppers on standby.
- If they're there, they won't be hard to find.
All the way, sir.
Are you all right?
It's not me.
Barlow could use some morphine.
They've got him.
Let's see about you first.
- Did you get the gold?
No, but we helped a lot of people.
Right now we have to get them
over the border.
- They'll be killed without our protection.
- They're gonna bust you for that.
Then cover it and see what happens.
- You sure you're not coming with us?
- No.
I will stay here to fight Saddam.
Good luck.
Sit down. We're gonna pull out fast, okay?
Everybody sit down. We're pulling off.
- Walter, did you meet everybody?
- Walter, this is Kaied.
Hi, Kaied.
What are you thinking?
We walk them past
the Iraqi soldiers. Make sure they're safe.
We walk back to the trucks
and we get out of here.
All right, let's do it!
No guns. Only American soldiers
carry guns.
We are just now about...
We're getting it now? We're about
...heading into Iran.
We are just about to move across
the zone up into the Iranian border.
It's a barbed-wire point.
We have men, women and children here...
...assumed to be Iraqi refugees
crossing over into Iran.
- Make sure they take care of Conrad.
- I will. of the United States
would be not an ally of the United States.
We did see a lot of Iraqi soldiers.
They are here, up in bunkers.
Keep in a tight group.
They're going through
some kind of checkpoint.
This is a violation of American policy.
The United States has
withdrawn its support.
- Okay. Let's cut and go again.
Officially supported by
the United States, they are refugees now..., trying to escape
from Saddam Hussein...
The refugees are 150 yards
from the border of Iran.
Uh, the Americans here are not supposed
to be escorting anyone across the border...
You are AWOL, and you
are in violation of American policy.
You are under arrest.
Double-time. Let's go!
We can make it before they stop us. make it across the border
before the Americans land and stop them.
Come on. Move, move!
Arrest them. Get them away
from those refugees.
Let's go!
Come here. Come here.
Give me your hand.
Give me your hand. Come on.
- Come on.
Watch out! Unh!
You're under arrest!
- Let me just help these people get across!
Let me get her over! Ah!
- Let me get her over!
- Wait! Wait!
Just let them get over first! Wait!
I need to reach this valve in my chest.
Look what's happening!
Just let them get over!
Help these people get across
and I'll go with you!
Let me get them across,
and I'll go right with you.
Let's go. You're coming with me!
- Wait. Wait.
They'll get slaughtered
if we don't help them across!
Why you doing this, man?
They gonna kill them!
The refugees are not crossing
the border. They have been rounded up...
Just let them get over!
Not our mission!
You don't belong here!
What is the matter?
You ought to know better!
We're not involved in this problem,
Major Gates. Understand?
You're AWOL, and you're under arrest!
Are you gonna let them
kill those people? It's not right, Ron.
- They're arresting them.
I can't breathe!
Hey! You fucked me, now you're fucked!
So shut your mouth!
...of American policy, major.
Do you understand?
- I need to reach this!
- Give this man medical attention.
We're not involved in this problem here.
- You're way out of line, major.
Look at him!
I can't reach the valve!
He can't breathe!
- Put the cuffs in the front!
He'll die if you don't...
You don't worry about him!
Worry about yourself!
Damn it, Ron, cut his cuffs!
He can't breathe! Cut his cuffs!
What the hell is this?
Turn that camera off!
Hey, that's a $70,000 camera!
What are you people doing here?
- I was authorized to be here.
You were not authorized.
He's gonna die!
Why aren't you helping them?
Because it's not our policy!
Cut his cuffs!
- I should tell this story!
- Out of the pool!
- Bullshit!
- You're done!
All we had to do was help them.
It was less than 100 feet.
We got the gold.
- The Kuwaiti bullion. We've got it.
- Hold that bag. Give me that bag!
- Get the bag.
- How much do you have?
- Twenty-three million.
- Where's it at?
Get those people over first.
They helped us find it, Ron.
We made a deal. It's a soldier's honor.
You can't fuck them now.
Come on. Return the gold.
Save some refugees. Get that star.
Let's go, Doug.
Who's in charge here?
You're under arrest.
You'll be court-martialed...
...and you'll show us
where that bullion is right now.