Three Musketeers, The (1948)

Well, you're not|just some pumpkin.
Some son of a country boar.
You're a gentleman.
Remember that|when you get to Paris.
A D'Artagnan from Gastonny is
as much a gentleman|as anybody else.
Maybe more so.|Yes, father.
Now I give you this letter|for monsieur De Treville,
he is a Gaston.
He's captain|of the King's musketeers.
I can't give you anything else.
A little advice.
A few crowns.
A horse.
A horse?
A great black horse?
A horse, yes.
It's not the horse.|It's not the money.
It's that letter to|monsieur De Treville.
And remember above all|that you are a D'Artagnan.
Your honor is your treasure.
And you are nothing from any man.
I've taught you the sword.
Now alright.
The slightest insult.
The smallest spoke.
My son.
I shall endure nothing sir|from any man!
My horse.
My horse.
You find me amusing?
Perhaps you will find three feet|of steel even more amusing.
If you are trying to be|as funny as your horse.
You haven't a chance.
I endure no such remarks|from any man.
Watch him fender.
Forgive me My Lady,|there will be a short delay,
while I dispose of|this local fire pot.
Which is more important?
Richelieu's mission|or your petty quarrels?
How do you know|he's one of the King's spies?
But my Lady, I...
Sir, I await your pleasure.
Must I arrange everything?
Soldier, if he has any papers;|destroy them.
Yes, my Lady.
Where do I find|monsieur De Treville,
captain of the King's musketeers?
Inside, up the stairs.
What am I going to do with you?
As a King's musketeer Aramis,|you'd make a fine priest.
And you Porthas.
A fine structure|to hang pretty clothes on.
With Athos.
Ill captain. Very ill. Mortally ill.
Then recapture me.
What do you want?
A monsieur D'Artagnan.|He has no letter.
Then why are you bothering me?
He's a Gaston sir.
Show him in.
The three of you brawling.
Getting yourself arrested.
By three of Richelieu's guards.
When you weren't even outnumbered.
The King is humiliated.
Forgive me captain, I am late.
You are wounded.
Who told the King|we weren't outnumbered?
He was lying.
Tell me who said it|and I will cut him...
I will address you,|or report the affair to the King.
My apologies, gentlemen.
Monsieur De Treville.
I ask one favor, my captain.
Let mine be the hand that|avenges these men.
I have a bad cough.
These three men happen to be|the three best swordsman in Paris.
I think Gaston;|they can take care of themselves.
What is it you want?
To be a musketeer.
I admire your spirit, but you have|come to me without even a letter.
I had a letter.
It was stolen.
Oh, that swine, if I get my...|Quietly, quietly.
What happened?
Well Sir, it was at Desacres.
A great tall,|ugly man with a scar.
Was he alone?
There was a Lady in a carriage.
A very beautiful lady.
Did he speak her name?
No sir, he called her a Lady,|but...
Do you know them sir?
She's back.
I beg you. Tell me their name.
I am going to the King.
D'Artagnan, a man is sometimes known|by the enemies he makes.
You will receive an appointment|to the cadets.
In due time you may perhaps|be admitted to the musketeers.
Captain, my gratitude.
...then tarnish.
Clumsy, big-footed idiot!
You are addressing|a future musketeer.
A future musketeer?
If you get the cackle birds|out of your hair perhaps.
And the barn yard|out of your manners.
I resent that.
Well, I shall give you|every opportunity
to put your resentment|behind the Luxembourg at noon.
Willingly sir.
The duchess gentlemen.
The duchess is swooned by feet.
I'll rapture my cape and...
My cape
A thousand crowns!
How do I get out of here?
By the end of my foot.
I endure no such insult|from any man.
Rapture and endure my sword in your belly|at the Louvre.
Name the hour.
You embarrass me.
Aramis, don't tell me|there is no Lady in your life?
My life is dedicated to things|of the spirit,
not of the flesh.
My habit may be that|of a musketeer,
my habits are not.
You sir!
Who, me?
Yes, you!
I was addressing you sir.
What is your hurry?
No, hurry at all sir. Oh, that's better.
Come on, that's enough.
Now tell me.
Do I look like a man who|spends his time with the ladies.
Well, if you don't sir,
then Paris must sigh|with the Ladies sighs.
That's not what I asked.
These gentlemen insist that|I waste my time with the Ladies.
I cannot conceive, sir.
That in the company of a Lady,
you would waste a single moment.
Take your heel,|before I take your throat.
Monsieur Aramis, your language.
Would you care to|object to my language
behind the Louvre at one o'clock?
Yes sir.
Couldn't we make it at two?
Well, you are in good time.
Where are your seconds?
Oh, I have no seconds|monsieur Athos.
I only arrived in Paris|last night.
What a pity.
To arrive in Paris on one day
and to be killed on the next.
Oh, there is no hurry,|my second hasn't arrived yet.
With all respect sir.
Would it be proper|if we didn't wait?
You see, I have|a similar appointment in an hour.
That is, if I survive this one.
No, just as you say.
But don't worry about it,|you won't survive.
You know, you're quite a fellow.
Your first day in Paris|and two duels.
I have another one an hour later.
Oh no.
Are these your seconds?
Athos,|this is not the man you fight?
Why not?|But I fight him in one hour.
And I am too.|You are too?
What a complete madman!
You know I'm affording|a positive affection for you.
You can afford his affection.
You will get him|before he is a corps.
Who are you to complain?|Complain!
Now just a minute!|Who found him first?
Gentlemen,|your quarrels are with me,
not with each other.
To talk so well|and to die so young.
I really do regret this.
Sorry, you're wounded.
You'll find the left hand|most confusing.
Come on.
Athos! Hussacs
Richelieu's guards.
Five of them.
Leave your swords.|You are under arrest.
Three against five uh?
Four against five.
This gives me great pleasure|gentlemen.
Duels are forbidden.
In the name of|Prime Minister Richelieu,
I arrest you.
Do your best in the King's name.
Why don't you use|your right hand, Athos?
I save my right hand|for my drinking.
Be careful. That's Husac
Behind you.
Let him go.
No, come watch.
Is this the peasant you were going|to fight with your left hand?
Bravo! Bravo!
Who are you?
Tell Richelieu,|the name is D'Artagnan.
You are moderate men.
Which one of you was so vulgar
to use a dueler's trousers|as a target?
I did sir.
You did that act!
By tomorrow|you'll be the talk of Paris.
But you have a great deal to learn.
Richelieu is|the King's first minister.
He is an unpopular,|but an extremely powerful man.
Richelieu has many ambitions.
Such as war against England.
And most important, the complete|destruction of the King's powers.
The King's position is delicate.
We don't want to|make it impossible.
Send him back a corps alright.
But don't send him back|with his trousers dripping.
Now do you understand?
No, sir.|Captain De Treville.
His majesty the King orders|the immediate presence of
Captain De Treville, musketeers|Athos, Aramis and Porthas.
And somebody called D'Artagnan.
Find that brainless cut throat.
Yes, your Majesty.
Obvious imbeciles!
Which is this one?
D'Artagnan, your Majesty.
Well find him some decent clothes.
How can I face Richelieu
when my men don't wear|decent clothes?
Which of these is the one|that so embarrassed me?
D'Artagnan, your Majesty.
Don't they realize that|Richelieu is my dearest friend
and stance defender?
They are too young, Majesty.
Don't they realize
that the dignity of my first|minister is the dignity of...
They're impetuous men|your Majesty
Don't interrupt me|when I am talking well.
What did you say?
They're impetuous men|your Majesty.
Impetuous imbeciles!
Five hundred francs.
Go on. Go on! Go on away.
And get him some decent clothes.
Wardrobe, a valet, a horse.
All he needs now is a rich widow.
Planchet, my horse.
Gentlemen, my quarters.
Welcome to your quarters|D'Artagnan.
Get that man out of here!
He claims to be your landlord.
He is, monsieur Bonnasieux.
Just as I suspected.
He was telling the truth.
Well, get him out of here.
I can not abide landlords.
Please,|just a moment of your time.
I need you sir.
I live below you.
I am going away on a long journey
and won't be back for weeks.
I have a goddaughter|named Constance.
She is in danger sir.
In danger of what?
Well, she is one of|the queen's maids.
I suspect she is been followed|by Richelieu's men.
Richelieu's men are notorious|for their complete lack of taste.
I believe that.
I beg your pardon sir,
but the purposes are,|as I suspect, political.
But she is trusted, by the queen.
Well, I beg of you sir.
It won't be a matter of|any great inconvenience.
She comes home from the palace|only once or twice a week.
You can keep an eye on the street|from your windows.
And here.
You can keep an eye on our rooms.
That all sounds|a little too convenient.
The floorboards, the Goddaughter, the danger
And my young friend has recently|distinguished himself
as an outstanding defender|of the throne.
It smells my dear landlord,|of Richelieu.
Now get out of here.
Oh, gentlemen.
Planchet! Remove this man.
I swear to you.
Monsieur D'Artagnan.
He rolls well.
Planchet!|Get me some nails and a hammer.
Maybe I can borrow some|from the landlord.
Get out!
Oh monsieur, monsieur.|You come from heaven.
No, mademoiselle.
Just from upstairs.
Who ever you are, in the queens name I thank you.
And now please, please,|just for an instant.
Alright? Please.
Master, you're wounded.
Mortally, fatally, in the heart.
I shall get a physician.
I shall never recover.
Keep watch man.
I am on the queen's business.
Sorry monsieur, to be in such a hurry.
No greater hurry then I.
I love you.
What?|I love you. I love you.
Oh mademoiselle, inside me is a raging storm.
From the first instant|I behold you.
By the way, what's your name?
Oh, Constance.
My all.
My all.
My blood rages like a torrent.
My heart beats like a drum.
I come from the end of the earth to employ you.
I thought you said|you came from upstairs.
R from you as that is what it takes to be at the end of
You're mad.
No, don't stop.
Lace me off my back|while you are talking.
I'm your servant,|your subject, your slave.
Your pleasure is my life.
Your will, my law.
My life is yours.
My heart, my sword.
Anything you demand.
My last drop of blood.
Why do I have to|style out oasis?
I didn't do very well, did I?
I was only trying to say|I love you.
Maybe you should|tell me your name first.
The famous swordsman.
The famous will be.
Oh, no.
I only came from the country|a few days ago, I...
I just got these clothes today.
The famous D'Artagnan.
Oh, I'm sorry. I'll go.
Oh, D'Artagnan.
I am just as simple as you are.
I'm just a girl|who works at the palace and...
I am not used to being in love.
I'm late.
Oh, I am late.
Swear on your honor|you won't follow me.
But you're not going out of here alone.
Oh trust me.
I beg of you, trust me.
Where are you going?
If you love me, please,|please don't follow me.
But I...
You asked me to trust you.|D'Artagnan!
Eave me to keep some cheap rendez-vous on a stree
Stop. Stop.
It's George,|the minister of Buckingham,
Prime Minister of England.
I'm sorry my dear,|but the man can not be left
in the possession|of such knowledge.
It becomes my necessity|to kill him.
Oh, your grace.
He is loyal to the queen|and besides I...
I love him.
I face Richelieu and all his spies
and than I am risking|being impaled on a lovers sword?
What a fate for England.
In here a moment please.
Your Majesty, a messenger|from Spain has come
with intelligence|about your presence.
Her majesty the queen.
Anne, my little Anne.
George. A thousand times|you must not come.
A thousand times I shall come.
Why don't you help me?
Why can't you understand?
I understand nothing|except that I love you.
But the earth is small
and there is no room on it|for you and me apart.
Oh, my darling.
Confess to me that you still love me.
Bear your tears in my evidence.
I weep for myself.
For my husband, for my country.
Your country is wise.
But your husband is an idiot.
But Richelieu's spies|are everywhere.
In my court, in my bedchamber.
I have no one to trust.
You have me.
I have?
Chelieu's spies discovered you were coming to France
even before you left England.
And Countess De Winter?
What intimate circumstances did she discover the se
Can't I even trust you?
And I love you.
And I can't help myself.
You accuse me of faithlessness?
I accept it.
George, I love you.
But you must not come here again.
I forbid you|ever to come to Paris.
Alone, in disguise, at the mercy|of Richelieu's villains.
Richelieu forbids me|to come as ambassador.
Then I shall never see you again.
No, if I can not see you as beggar.
If I can not see you as ambassador,
then I shall see you as conqueror.|You understand?
Buckingham.|England is mine.
France shall be mine and|you shall be mine Anne.
But you must go.
I give this to you in parting.
We must never meet again.
I shall treasure these
like I treasure the dearest|recollections of you Anne.
As I treasure the anticipation|of our next meeting.
The countess De Winter.
Your Excellency.
Welcome my Lady.
And you were never so welcome|as at this moment.
Nor so unwilling to come.
You promised me a holiday.
I am having my holiday.
And what is the name|of your holiday?
The count De Wardes?
Do you know everything|that transpasses in France?
I only know that I am|in the midst of a great project.
And that you my Lady,|are part of that great project.
I need you my Lady.
Buckingham is in possession of|a set of diamond studs.
Twelve studs.
I would be grateful,|immensely grateful,
if you were to go to England|and steal two of them.
Steal two.
What am I, a common thief?
I could hardly trust a common thief|with such a mission.
The jewels were presented|to Buckingham only last night.
By the queen.
Oh, so he reached the queen.
How comical,|despite all your precaution.
I leave the making of excuses|to Rosewood.
And his excuses|can be quite imaginative.
It is claimed that|some lone monster named D'Artagnan
annihilated all my men.
Oh no, what a catastrophy!
It takes a good man to prevent|a catastrophy my Lady.
And a great man|to make use of one.
You and I, my dear|are rare creatures
in this ancient world of impulsive men.
We have intellect.
We think.
When we think our impulsive enemies|are helpless.
The King opposes my plans|for war with England.
It is my belief that|if Buckingham's relations
with the queen|can be demonstrated,
his Majesty's objection|to my plans may be lessened.
But your grace, how can you|trust me with such a confidence?
What if I refuse to go to England?
Can there be any one|be more trustworthy
than an ambitious woman|of fashion...
with a history?
You said yourself my Lady,
I know everything that transpires|or has transpired... in France.
The spies. They're everywhere.
Can you go to England?|To England?
Nobody knows I come to you.|Only the queen.
Oh the poor queen.
Oh Constance.
Richelieu arranged a banquet|for the first of the month
for the express purpose of|displaying the queen's new jewels.
It's a set of|twelve diamond studs
and he gave them to her|for her birthday
and she has to wear them.
But I...|But they're in England.
She gave them to Buckingham.
Richelieu has found out and now|he wants the King to find out.
And she just has to wear them|at the banquet or...
Well, it's only nine days|and I don't...
I love you.
Oh, you need this letter.
You tell the queen I'll be back|with the jewels in nine days time.
What would I do without you?
When I come back...
When you come back...
So this letter must be delivered|in England
and the jewels returned to Paris|by the first of the month?
We have just one advantage.
Richelieu doesn't know|we're going.
My friend, my friend.
My young country friend.
When will you learn about Paris?
By now, Richelieu,|without the slightest question,
knows even the color|of your underpants.
Well, it is my obligation,|not yours.
If we all went,|there'd be a better chance
that one of us would survive|to return to Paris.
To die among friends.
Can a man ask more?
Can a world offer less?
Who wants to live|till the last bottle is empty?
It's all for one D'Artagnan.
And one for all.
On your way|Four against one...
In the queen's name wouldn't you,|on your way!
Stay with your master, Porthos. Go!
The town of Becourt lies|just beyond there.
I once knew a Lady|that lived there.
Some of my most beautiful memories|are associated with this road.
D'Artagnan, are you alright?|D'Artagnan, are you alright?
This way, lieutenant.|That was long ago, I tell you.
I hope your Lady|still lives in the town.
That was long ago, D'Artagnan!
Long ago!
Separate, men.|We will cut them off.
Here, master!
We meet again, D'Artagnan.
Ride, D'Artagnan, the queen.
A boat for England.
The port was closed last night.
By whose orders?
Richelieu, monsieur.
Our beloved Reginald.
A boat for England.
No boats.|The port is closed.
I am the count De Wardes.
I have special permission|for revenue.
You will have to get it signed|by the governor of the port.
Where could I find this individual?
The last house on the point.
And such a handsome man he was.
Don't talk like that.|He is not dead.
Well, I'd rather be dead|than resemble a seal.
Or maybe I...
Maybe I'd just rather be dead.
What a man.|Hmm.
I said what a man.
Letters from the famous|Countess De Winter.
By the way, Planchet, don't forget.
My name is...
I am the count De Wardes.
The count Du B...
I can not think of no one|I can put my trust in.
The only good thing is that|you are not an Englishman.
An Englishman in his grace|would probably take this box
back to Paris without|looking to see what is inside it.
With all respect Sir,|I am a Frenchman.
You skeptic.
You disgusting thief.
Which one of you|stole these jewels?
I will have you hanged|from the highest bridge in London.
Oh, your...|Don't lie to me!
No one has been in my room, except...
Summons my jeweler.
This instant!
How many days do you have left?|Five?
Without the one or two stops, sir...|Never mind about that.
If your feet have wings and|you roll the wind.
How long does it take|to get to Paris?
Three days.|You are alone?
I came to Paris with friends, Sir.
I hope at least|one of them is alive
and can help me get back.
Rosewood. Draw 100,000 Francs|for the Countess De Winter.
Yes, monsieur.|Oh and Rosewood,
what about that body of|young D'Artagnan?
He is dead.|Excellent.
Then why do you look so unhappy?
Well, five of my men|have each assured me
he has killed him.
And each of them|in five different places.
Place extra guards on every road.
Close the gates of Paris
until D'Artagnan's corps is|delivered to me here in my palace.
Or his person is lodged|in the Bastille.
Yes, monsieur.
Nobody has seen him.
I have every confidence that you,
you a man of equal capacities|to the King,
will someday be equal to a man
that is not yet a musketeer.
Hello, D'Artagnan.
I thought you were wounded.
I am, I am, but the jewels...
Here, safe.
Ah, that man, that Buckingham.
Two have been stolen and|he wants two made in 48 hours.
Well, come on, man.|Take your horse. I need you.
Porthos, when did a wound come|between you and a fight?
Well, unfortunately|the position of this wound
comes between me and my horse.
I give you my word|I was not running away.
I was fighting magnificently when...
who should appear?
But no, what a beautiful woman.
I let my eyes stray for|just one moment when... zip
I am disgraced.
When was I ever wounded|in a locality?
So it was impossible to explain.
I can see you're in doubt.
No, my dear friend,|merely in a hurry.
Where can I find Athos?
In a monastery.
My friend Athos has renounced|the world of the flesh.
But it has only been a few days.
Yes. He says a great deal|can happen in a just few days
that can change a man's life.
I suspect...
His Lady has great courage|in remembering him.
Oh heaven, heaven.|Let Athos still be alive.
I said wine!|I have none.
What kind of idiot...
Why don't you go down|in your cellar?
I can't go down there.
Why not?|Merci, gentlemen.
Believe me,|there is a madman in my cellar.
A madman.
He took refuge in my cellar|a week ago.
He's been down there for a week.
All my food. All my wine.
Three more days like this|and I am ruined.
Athos, Athos!
Open up, it's D'Artagnan.
Open up, it's D'Artagnan!
We'll fight dragons with wine...
My friend, welcome!
My beautiful magnificent friend.
Hinault,|wine for monsieur D'Artagnan.
The best in the house|for my dearest...
for monsieur D'Artagnan.
I thought we had to be|in Paris tonight.
Here man, I'm drinking.
Please sober up, for heaven's sake.
Ah purity.
His Lady doesn't approve of drink.
Let me tell you about women.
Athos.|I knew a woman once...
No. Let's say that|I had a friend.
An aristocratic young friend.
He knew a woman.
Athos, for heaven's sake.
Have you forgotten|we are riding to the queen?
I was telling you about women.
Women! Women are the things|of your own making!
Have you forgotten our pledge?|All for one and one for all?
You pumpkin, village fool.
You hero.
What do you know of|anything besides swordplay?
I was speaking of women?
This friend is aristocratic,|a friend.
Fell in love with a country witch.
He married her.|Took her to his ancestral bed.
She was beautiful.
He worshipped her.
He saw her as nature was.
The pure, the good.
His angel of light.
But within a week's time his angel|of light had led a neighbor,
a young and truthful life|of chastity
and together they eluded|the local church.
My friend run the confession|for the woman
and turned her over|to the executioner.
They branded and shouldered her.
Then they cast her|out of his house,
renounced his ancestral claims|and he fled.
He changed his name and joined|the legions of the king.
He never saw the woman again.
But he still loves her.
I am speaking of...
We will ride to Paris.
Move on.
Move on.
Planchet, take the horses|inside that barn.
Hold those men.
In richelieu's name,|Stop or I'll fire!
Guards!|Surround that barn!
Get to the loft!
D'Artagnan!|Will you surrender?
I drink too much.
Come on!
Oh my headache!
Come on! Attack the barn.
Seize firing.
If we should meet again.
I believe I was drinking|this morning.
I will.
I can tell fairy tales|when I drink.
You remember that.
Are we to surrender?
No, we will be here two minutes|and you will be free.
The gates of Paris will be open.
Come along, Planchet.|There must be two of us.
They will take you for D'Artagnan.
We will spend the night|in the Bastille.
Is Her Majesty|never going to appear?
I told you all I know.
She sent word|she is not feeling well.
Cystic food?
The supper is almost finished.
Well.|Maybe when the dancing begins.
I have a little gift for her.
When she does appear, Your Majesty,
Without sign of 12 studs|that were your gift to her.
Can I ask her|who stole these from her?
I am ready now.
But Your Majesty,|without the jewels you can't...
The jewels, Madame.
I suspected you might have some|need for jewels, Your Majesty.
And so I...
I am heartbroken, Louis.
I had no time to display|the jewels properly.
My dressmaker arrived too late.
Your dressmaker,
Madame D'Artagnan no doubt.
But I am all confused.
Where did you get those two studs?
He said they were stolen.
Our great Prime Minister|reduced to stealing?
Perhaps we better|increase his allowance.
You may give them to me|just the same.
My profound compliments.
Dispose of them as you will.
Where can we go?
I can't leave the palace tonight.
Tomorrow, somewhere.
My gratitude.
I kissed the queen's hand.
Have you no higher ambitions?
Tomorrow night.
Eight o'clock as the hand sounds.
The end of the flowers.
All the things|I go through for you, master.
No sooner they let me|out of the Bastille.
And here I am,|wearing your clothes.
I almost prefer the Bastille.
Ah Planchet, we must be careful.|Maybe Richelieu plans revenge.
If we run into an ambush,
surely his men must|mistake you for me.
Oh yes, that's true.
What are you saying, master!
You may hang me if you desire.
But call upon you to witness|that I surrender freely,
voluntarily of my own choice.
Because I cannot stomach|the kind of justice
that takes the woman|and lets the man go free.
The man surpasses|even your description of him.
It's unbelievable.
You will release|mademoiselle Borassieu.
I bargain with you sir,|my life for hers.
Why should I want your life?
You don't want me?
Of course I want you.
I want you as a lieutenant|in my guard.
Young man, I can't afford to|have you as my enemy.
It's true.
You bring the affairs of state|to a complete halt.
But hang you?
What a waste.
Now a man like you D'Artagnan|brings out but one thing in me,
my inquisitive instinct.|Monsieur, I...
You are an ambitious man or|you would not have come to Paris.
May I suggest that|in your legions to the throne
you have joined your ambitions|with a falling style.
Monsieur, I did not come here|to pair you.
I came here about|a certain young Lady.
Why don't we speak of her|another time.
Some time perhaps after you have|accepted my commission.
The countess De Winter.
Over here, you two haven't met.
The Countess De Winter.|Monsieur D'Artagnan.
Or have you met?
I am extremely interested in|this young man, my Lady.
I wonder if you would be so good|as to entertain him.
Give him a glimpse perhaps of|the kind society that will be his.
If he accepts a lieutenancy|in my guard.
Careful, my friend Albert|has a very tender butt.
Aramis, they told me|you went to a monastery.
I thought I would not see you again.|It has only been a few days.
A great deal could happen|in a few days
that can change a man's life.
It seems, my friends, I am prepared|to increase the life of the stage.
I expected you at any time|to be joining me in the Bastille.
Richelieu took Constance in stead.
Where is she?
I don't know.
Richelieu knows.
Rochefort.|Countess De Winter, I think.
Oh, the famous countess De Winter...|Has anybody actually met her?
Yes, I have been seeing|quite a bit of her lately.
Gentlemen. Don't misunderstand me.
I love Constance.
How I love her.
My time with my Lady is spent|in polite conversation.
Don't you believe me?
He makes love to one woman|in order to make love to another one.
Gentlemen, all I want form my Lady|is her confidence.
You don't believe me.|We spoke of horses and gaskets.
The woman most notorious woman|in France.
The woman that not even Buckingham|could resist.
The most dangerous, fascinating,|appetizing, tantalizing.
And all he wants is her confidence.
I only see my Lady to find out|where Constance is.
Poor Constance.
Fifty francs he is in love with|his Lady by the end of the week.
You swine. He doesn't know|what it is to be in love.
When a man is in love|he is safe from anything.
You country boy.
You know I almost believe him.
Fifty francs by the end|of the week?
I almost believe him,|but not fifty francs worth.
You're all poor, corrupt creatures.
Well, you'll see.
She hasn't the slightest|appeal for me.
Although if I had|some slight appeal for her
I might find out|where Constance is.
But my Lady despises me.
She considers me a bore.
Oh, and worse, she is in love|with another man.
All she can think of is...|Where is he?
Why doesn't he come to see you?
I have made so little progress.
I have been introduced to her maid.
Don't tell me you are making out|with her maid.
Delicious, delicious.
No, no, my relation with Kitty,
it's only to intercept her|correspondence with this other man.
My God D'Artagnan. How can you be|mixed up with so many different women
and still be in love|with somebody else?
My poor freckled friends.
You'll never understand.
Wait, if all you do care about|is Constance,
why don't you deliver|this other man.
Surely the Countess confides|in him.
Excellent, excellent.
Except that|the other man unfortunately,
is a count De Wardes.
Whom I left in Port Calais|in very poor condition
with four swords through his body.
How can fate be so cruel!
Cruel faith.
Why don't you kiss me?
Kitty, my precious,|my beloved, my all...
Oh, you do not care about me.
All you care about is my mistress.
Well, she doesn't care about you.
This is the man she's in love with.
The count De Wardes.
Oh, I have to take that to him.
I have been taking letters|to his house for days now.
He never answers.
Well, of course he doesn't,|he is not at his house.
How do you know?
He is a good friend of mine.|Here, let's see what it said.
Oh, give it to me, give it to me.
Oh, I'm not...
My undying love, my...
Oh, you're right, Kitty.|She does love him.
My, my, why don't you|answer my letters?
Come to me. I beg...
I wonder...
Could I do it?
I want it! Please!|Give me the letter.
Kitty, this man De Wardes,
if she wants to find him, I must.
Oh Kitty, stop squealing,|I'm only trying to help you.
Look, you tell your mistress|you delivered the letter.
But I didn't.
Never mind that.
Tell her|the count begs forgiveness,
but he is in hiding.
He is in trouble with Richelieu.
It was through him that|monsieur D'Artagnan got to England
and that Richelieu has given out|an order for his arrest.
Is this true?
Well, more or less.|More or less.
And then tell your mistress|that the Count De Wardes will
call on her tonight at midnight.|Well, but on one condition.
That there is no light burning|anywhere in the house.
No lights?
Oh, but if he is recognized|by one person he is lost.
Tell her that he's afraid of|running into the terrible,
Oh I don't understand, I...
I mean... suppose he doesn't come|and then she'll be angry with me.
Kitty, don't worry.
Didn't I say he will come;|he is a friend of mine.
Yes|But you said he was afraid.
Kitty, my darling,|my precious, my darling.
There, there, now run along.
And don't forget
Tonight at midnight.
And no lights!
Every light, Kitty. Hurry.
Yes, my Lady.|Oh, this is insane.
I could just as well pull|the drapes, no one could see.
Kitty, did he act insane?
No, my Lady.
Well, never mind. Every light.
If he doesn't come...
If you have made a mistake...
Kitty, the wine is warm|from the fire.
Take it. Chill it.
And the chocolate.|It's cold, warm it.
But there is no light in the house.|Do as I say!
Put out the light!
Monsieur D'Artagnan!
Where is my Lady?
In there.
Where is the count De Wardes?
Is the room dark?
There is a fire.|They're eatring by fire light.
A fire? But I said no light.
But it's only a little fire.|You can't see a thing.
You better be right about that.
Why i don't understand.
I don't understand one thing.
Uh. Kitty.
Now go in and announce me|as the count De Wardes.
The count...!
Come, come, Kitty.|This is no time for weak nerves.
Go, go, go.
The count De...
The count De Wardes.
Oh Constance, Constance.|Understand me.
This is just for|conversational purposes.
De Wardes.
De Wardes, at last.
At last. How sweet to see you.
Supper, how nice.
Never mind about supper.
A man grows hungry, my Lady.
Oh, kiss me. Kiss me.
As part of me|is going to be cremated,
sitting so close to the fire.
Are you going to kiss me|or aren't you?
Perhaps one little kiss.
I think I'll be wait...|better eat supper.
Wake up, Athos.
Athos, wake up.
Oh no.
Come on, Athos, wake up.
And help me to compose a letter.
You wake me up?
It is not even noon yet.
This is no hour|for composing letters
and looking happy.
Will you stop looking happy?
Oh Athos, we judged her unfairly.
How can I describe her?
Who? Her lips, her throat.
Who? Open your eyes,
so you can see|who you're talking about.
My Lady.
I can't describe her very well.|It was dark.
She even gave me a ring.
You carnival fellow
I resent your tone, Athos.
You have fallen in love.
I tell you we judged her unfairly.
You know. There is a certain|difficulty about this ring.
She gave it to me under the|impression that I was De Wardes.
A man wants to be loved|for himself and...
And that is why you got to help me|to compose some kind of letter.
Give me that ring.
What is it?
What's the matter, Athos?
I don't understand you.|That's a very beautiful ring.
It once was mine.
Athos, this is a|cruel sort of joke.
There are things that|a man doesn't joke about.
I know that ring|if I found it in my grave.
It belonged to my family.
It was a wedding gift to my wife.
Your wife?
The countess De Winter.
Poor heaven, how could you play|such a hideous trick on me?
How could you play|such a trick on me?
On her shoulder, there is a brand.|A floury.
But of course,|she wouldn't do that.
Oh, this is monstrous.
What kind of|drunken fantasy is this?
My friend, believe me.|This woman is my wife.
I told you the story.|Of your friend.
No, no, of myself, of myself.
I lied.
I despise this woman.
She is evil, selfish.|She is death, she is poison.
You liar.
Why are you trying to|turn me against her?
What's your purpose?
The words proclaim your lie.
When you told me the story,|you told me you still loved her.
Are these the sentiments of a man
who still loves a woman?
Oh you drunken fool.
Because you hate,|all women must die?
Are you sure this is|the count's real handwriting?
Oh yes, I intercepted|that letter only today.
Aramis, you write with a fine hand.
My Lady, I find myself unable to|come to you again
this evening as promised.
Since my return from England
I have so many invitations of|this kind on my hands
that I am forced to|regulate them a little.
When your turn comes again,
I shall have the honor to|inform you of it.
I kiss your hands.
Now sign it De Wardes.
Well, she certainly can't be|too fond of De Wardes now.
But Aramis?
What's going to make her|fond of me?
You! Get out of my room!
Monsieur D'Artagnan.
He is waiting in the sitting room.
Get him out of the house.|Tell him I can't see...
No. No, wait.
Monsieur D'Artagnan,|a famous swordsman.
Kitty, prepare me.
Monsieur D'Artagnan?
How handsome you are.
My Lady, beside you,|I am a sparrow.
Oh my Lady.
I am overwhelmed.
I have no words.
It is needless for a man of action|to have words.
My, what a strong hand.
It's yours.
Don't you think it is|a little bright in here?
The light is still in my eyes.
Oh, if I had you in my arms.
My own arms.
I meant...
Tell me you love me.
If only my heart were free.
Free of anger.
Free of fear.
Oh my Lady.|Whom are you afraid of?
What do I live for|except your command?
What would you do to a man,|who holds my life in bondage?
Who persecutes me?
Who viles me?|Soils my honor in both soul.
Speak his name|and you sentence him to death.
Count De Wardes.
Oh yes, the count De Wardes.
You're afraid of him.
Well, my Lady.
Well, if you love me.
Well, that is not the question.
Do you love me?
Oh my Lady, to kill a man.
No matter my reputation,|I don't take killing lightly.
Why only yesterday|you were cool to me.
Cool to you?
You never know the agony|it caused me to sitting here cool.
While you talked about horses.
And I yearning to throw myself|into your arms.
Oh, I can't believe this.
And after you had left.
I had to receive|this filthy De Wardes.
To pretend that I feel.
My Lady.
Do I love you?
Like the stars at night.
The sun, the day, now,|tomorrow, forever.
My heart is yours constantly.
Irrevocably yours.
And yours alone.
Whatever my reputation,
monsieur D'Artagnan.|I don't take love lightly.
If I had only known.
Oh my Lady.
I am unworthy of you.
The things I have done|and had to do.
It's unworthy of you.
Oh no, my Lady.
Let me put your heart at rest.
It was not|the Count De Wardes you hate
that came to you last night.
Oh, forgive me.
Forgive me.
I know you will.
Don't you think it's|a little bright in here?
My Lady?|Oh, you foul, sickening...
Why will I take so little pleasure|in wrestling with women?
I will kill you, kill you.
Why am I a woman?
Why haven't I the strenght?
D'Artagnan, you are destroyed!
Guards! Guards! Please!
Kill him! Kill him!
He does rather well for a farm boy.
So this is how he spends his time|in polite conversation.
Shall we intrude?
She has promised to kill you.
She'll keep that promise|if she can.
Beware D'Artagnan.
Beware of strange men|in dark places.
And lonely roads.
That woman will destroy you|because she must.
You know her secret;
brand of a common criminal.|Flouris.
All I know is what I have done.
I'm unspeakable.
Merely young.
You could be so much worse off.
She could be your wife.
No. Isn't that a miracle?|The queen found me.
Oh my love.
Speak to me.
Darling, we have so little time.
Oh my angel of goodness.
Will you marry me?
Now, this instant.
I can't. There is no time.
Oh, you must.
The queen's carriage,|it's coming for me.
She's sending me where|Richelieu can't find me.
I will follow you.
I do not even know|where she is sending me.
Oh Constance, Constance.
Why don't we spend the time|there is together?
For my sake.
I have to leave soon.
Where I'll be I don't know.
What may happen to you?
We don't know.
You are afraid, aren't you?
You know, you could be killed.
Now you know everything about me.
No, it's just that sometimes I know
how young I am and know how much|I have to live for and...
I tremble, I...
I keep making mistakes that|follow me through all my days.
The Lady?
If I can figure you,|certainly she can.
Oh, you don't know her.
Oh, my darling.
Well, that's only the sun.
Your carriage is here.
Where ever you are.
Where ever I am.
Your grace.
Welcome to Grandstone castle,|mademoiselle.
You'll be safe here.|Thank you, your grace.
Within a few hours you will be|separated from Richelieu
by the most impenetrable of|all barriers; the wall.
D'Artagnan, go back!|Tell His Majesty another road.
We'll hold this one|as long as we can.
Come out!
That's no English voice.
We're Frenchman!
Come out, Frenchmen.
Identify yourselves.
Men of the King's musketeers, sir.
What are men of the King's|musketeers doing in this vicinity?
So I am going to have his Majesty|on my hands soon.
If I let these men go,
the news of this|little expedition will
reach His Majesty within the hour.
I find my self abroad|this dark night
with insufficient escort.
Well, his Majesty has...
We're at your command, sir.
There is a village yonder|with an inn called "Dragon Rouge".
One of you up front, two behind!
My own men will|stand guard outside.
Give my trusted friends here a room|downstairs with a decent fire.
Gentlemen, you may have my room.
I put in a new stove only this day.
Good.|And landlord, watch their door.
Let them out only|in case of trouble.
Monsieur, would you be|kind enough to inform me
of the reason for|the secrecy of this meeting.
It's imperative that|no one suspects
either that I had anything to do|with your leaving.
I have arranged it therefor,
that not long after|I go out of this building
men will appear|and kidnap you by force.
They will know that|you are going willingly
of course, so I advice you|not to resist them.
They will put you on a boat.
By morning you will be in England.
You will then proceed to|Buckingham's headquarters
at Grandstone castle,
and appear before him.
Well, after the affair|with the diamonds.
That's impossible.
It will help that Buckingham knows
that at least you're|in my complete confidence.
You will present yourself|to Buckingham, my Lady, openly.
My negotiater.
My Lady.
Do I understand the great Richelieu
is preparing to negotiate a peace?
You do, my Lady.
Buckingham is arranging|an alliance with Spain.
With Austria and their reign.
If he is successful,|then the days of my power
and your affluence are numbered.
But what if he refuses|to negotiate?
You disappoint me, my Lady.
We can't play for Gods|if that is what he wants.
Of course Buckingham will|refuse to negotiate.
Well, but then...
Well, you use your|famous imagination.
Are you suggesting that|I have him assassinated?
I suggest nothing.
I merely rely on your imagination.
What are your terms?
I shall need something from you.|Of course.
In writing.
A carte blanche.
A carte blanche?
But you have my word.
In writing.
It is by my orders,|for the good of the state.
That there has been some...
This will be quite satisfactory.
Sst. Listen.
The rest is bargaining.
My terms are simple.
First, there is a certain estate|in the vicinity of Lyon.
A barony.
It was renounced by its owner|quite some years ago.
It now belongs to the throne.
I want that estate, and the title.
That's easily done, my Lady.|What else?
Second, and last...
I want the head of|monsieur D'Artagnan.
Delivered to me preserved|in a small box.
Oh no, my Lady.
As of yet I have not yet|given up hope for him.
You may give up hope for him now.
His instructions were to let us|out in case of trouble.
Nobody said we couldn't|start it ourselves.
Quickly, there seems to be trouble!
The bargain?
If he succeeds in England,|she gets D'Artagnan's head.
No, wait.
You and Portas go back to|camp with Richelieu.
Find D'Artagnan,|bring him here by morning.
Leave the woman to me.
Tell Richelieu I'm scouting ahead.
What happened?
Where is the other musketeer?
I don't know what happened,|monsieur.
Athos went on ahead.
He said he'd scout around.
This man...
I have a message from Richelieu.
All is quiet;|you have nothing to fear.
Don't be afraid, Charlotte,
I can neither kill you|nor take you away.
Your kidnappers in a few minutes|would report to Richelieu
either your corps|or your disappearance.
You, my dear wife,
thinking it's neither becoming|nor believable.
Richelieu gave you a certain paper,|a carte blanche.
Since I can not kill you,|I must at least have that paper.
You will give it to me, Charlotte,
or I shall have to take it.
Help! Don't hit me!|I'm the landlord.
Help. Help. Help.
What the hell? Stop it!
The Lady you're|looking for is upstairs!
Your orders have changed however;
she is not to be taken to the boat.
You could have at least used wine.
With the compliments and|the apologies of the house.
A woman sending apologies to a man
who has never appreciated|landlords before.
They have told you that?|Yes.
None of us can go to England.|We're soldiers.
If we're caught on English soil,|we would be hanged.
I suggest Planchet|go to Buckingham.
You're going to England.
Yes, master.
I'll get shot!
I... get seasick.
D'Artagnan.|Do you think that Planchet is a...
My faith in Planchet|is my faith in a friend.
I will go, master.
Well, just so you'll have|no difficulty in travelling.
Richelieu himself gives you|his blessing.
Be back a week from today.
My friends will be|in the French camp,
but I may be in hiding.
If you fail, Richelieu may be|wanting my head.
Now. Tell Buckingham...
That this same woman,
who has been promised|my master's head,
has come to England,|not to assassinate,
uh, not to negotiate a peace,
but to assassinate you.
Then imprison her, my master said.
This is one of Richelieu's tricks.
Bind her, chain her.
Surround her with guards.
Pick from your most trusted men.
She is evil herself.
Now can I go back to France?
How do I know you're not|one of Richelieu's tricks?
Is there anyone in England|who can identify you?
No, sir.
I uh...|Well?
Oh. My master says that|you will know this.
This man has in his possession|the diamond stud
that you once stole from me.
But of course, your grace.
That he stole of me.
He was one of my servants.
Where have you been, Duvalle?
I have been trying to find you|to have you hanged.
Hanged? Duvalle?
My name is Planchet.
My master is monsieur D'Artagnan.
Would you do me the favor of|having this creature hanged?
Oh my sweet Planchet.|How is he?
How is he?
My Lady.
You are under arrest.
Countess De Winter,|may I present to you your jailer,
mademoiselle Bonnasieux?
You will have a company of guards|at your disposal, my dear.
But you will be responsible|for this woman.
You see you are a woman yourself
and save them all|from obvious temptation.
If she escapes you,
You must know that I will be|her first victim.
And D'Artagnan,|the man you love, the second.
I think you make a better jailer|then any man in England.
Remove the prisoner.
I haven't come to the best news.|I haven't come to it yet.
The Lady who lived downstairs.
The Lady you married.|Constance?
She's in England!
You saw her?|Right in the castle!
Oh, and the wit of|that monsieur Buckingham.
You know, I had always thought|Englishmen weren't very bright.
Well you see,|there was some question about
who was to be the woman's jailer.
Never mind about that.|Tell me about my wife.
But that is what I am telling you.
He made the mademoiselle a jailer.
But that is a funny story.
Did I leave something out?
Did he trust the Madame|to the mademoiselle herself?
Oh, there was to be soldiers.
He trusted Satan to an angel.
Planchet, saddle my horse.
D'Artagnan, you can't go to|England. You will be hanged.
Stop being overprotective.
You'll be a deserter. In France.
Right! I too then!
They didn't tell me you were sick.
Let me address you.|No.
I will call the surgeon.|No!
I forbid it.|Believe me.
Pray for me. You're young.|You're good.
He will listen to you.|He won't listen to me.
Pray that I die.
Is that what you have been|praying for?
To die?
I'll call the surgeon.
No! Pray for me, that's all.
Of all you I pray.
Leave me.
Leave me.
Madame, call the surgeon?
She won't let me.
There is nothing wrong with her.|She's just pretending.
She knows that|if I call the surgeon,
he will find out.
Yes.|It's Alvin of the guard
I brought you your lunch.
Mercy, let me die.
Let the surgeon see you.
Let the surgeon see me?
Let Buckingham know?
He'll hang me.
Tomorrow, today.
But I trust you.
To be hanged.
A common criminal.
An Englishman knew...
Have I ever lied to you?
Have I ever pretended|to be anything
but what I am?
Your D'Artagnan.
I kill him in an instant.
And Buckingham, that swine, I...
I am who I am.
And I have no concerns with your
silly right's and wrong's.
But heaven, heaven
may I not have pride?
Must I die at the hand|of an Englishman?
I won't tell, I swear.
A knife.
Don't you?
Are you merciful or are you not?
It will save me.
Bring me a knife.
Let me end this.
I don't understand why|he is torturing me.
Oh, I can't endure.
Oh, I can't.
Here is home, there is England.
I am mademoiselle Bonnasieux.
I am in charge of a certain person.
I am sick.
I can't take|further responsibility.
His grace cannot be disturbed.
Oh, but I must see him.
Tomorrow perhaps.
I will give him the message.
She is laying on the floor.
She's all doubled up like...
Madame,|I take my orders from you.
But you are no officer|and I can tell you this:
We don't treat no dog in England
like you are treating her.
I am getting the surgeon.
Are there any other guards on duty?
Yes, madame.
Send them away.
But...|You stay by her door.
Close the peephole.
I will be with my Lady|in a few minutes.
But I forbid you to watch|or have anybody else around.
Yes, Madame.
Will you send for the surgeon?
I don't think|that will be necessary.
My Lady.
I... I brought you a book.
Lieutenant St. Clair,|returning from France.
I have urgent dispatches|for his grace,
directly for your lord,|the Duke of Buckingham.
I have to report to|the captain of the guard.
Follow me sir.
Go! Go!
Guards! Guards!
Follow me!|Frenchmen in the castle!
Fire! Fire! Officers!
You are mademoiselle Bonnasieux.
You came earlier I believe.
His Grace was disturbed|by your message
and asked that if you returned,
you'd been admitted.
Let her go.
Frenchmen in the castle.|Report to your corporal.
Yes sir!|Which way is the prisoner's quarter?
Up the stairs.|His grace has been murdered.
Lord Buckingham has been murdered!
Frenchmen in the castle!
Frenchmen in the castle,
follow me, men!
Guards, guards!
Constance. My wife.
My wife.
My Constance.
We will never have time.
Oh yes, my love.
Yes, we have time.
Of course we will have time.
Now look at me.
Look at me.
Keep looking at me.
You and I.
We will have everything|you ask for.
Time to be in love.
Hold me.
Oh heaven, let me be|strong enough for two of us.
Monsieur D'Artagnan.
We will only have a few seconds
and they will come in this room.
We have no Buckingham|to protect us now.
You must come|there is nothing more you can do.
Listen to me!
De Winter is still alive!
Catch them! Catch them!
I advise you D'Artagnan,
Try to lose yourself|on the road to Spain.
Richelieu has given orders|for your arrest.
As for the woman, forget her.
You ask the impossible.
This woman has assassinated|the Prime Minister of England,
murdered D'Artagnan's wife.
What do you propose to do?
Find her.
We lost her somewhere|on the road to Lille.
We merely asking you,|has she been in Paris?
Athos, this woman is protected|by Richelieu.
If you touch her.
Gentlemen, are you aware of|what will happen to you?
To all of you?|We are.
Leave her.
I beg of you.|Leave her to
the justice of the state.
When there is no justice|in the state.
If you come to terms in Paris
The road to Lyon.
Athos, remember the night you said
when she was bargaining?
Lyon, an estate near Lyon?
A Barony?
She demanded the estate,
and the title.
Is this more or less beautiful|than Gastonny,
I wouldn't know.
Here I grew up.
These woods, these hills.
All this was mine.
And more D'Artagnan, more.
Here I fell in love.
Is it she?
Well Athos, in a matter of hours,
we will be on the road to Spain
with a price on our heads.
Will we live to see France again?
Will we live to see Spain?
This was my family's chapel,|Charlotte.
You remember we took our vows here?
I loved you, Charlotte.
I still love you.
I loved you as|I loved war.
I love you as men love|all there is, wishful.
Don't kill me, Robert.
Before God and this Holy place
I swear, I swear.
The executioner of Lyon.
You can not... gentlemen.
How many times|have you asked for mercy
and you received it?
And then repaid it in blood?
How many times have you|taken a man's love,
their pity, their aspirations?
And their lives?
What has been|the essence of your evil?
If you would understood goodness.
We don't forgive you, Charlotte.
We can't.
We do not dare.
My wife.
They should remember you here,|Athos.
I advertise anyway.
Food landlord.
And wine landlord.
In the King's name!
The King's musketeers?
Yes, Monsieur Athos.
The best food and wine|for Monsieur Athos.
This is a trap!
Athos! Chandelier!
Athos, hurry!
We have come to a time of peace,|Your Majesty.
The queen has returned from|La Rochelle. The war has ended.
Let the dead be dead and forgiven.
Forgive these men Sire.
I hear their resignations
from the musketeers.
Aramis will embrace|the life of the spirit.
Portas, I believe|he states his intention,
or at least his ambition,
to marry a rich widow.
D'Artagnan returns to Gastonny.
Athos to the province of his birth.
Grand them peace Sire.
And forgiveness.
It was I who should be forgiven.
I have forgiven treason and arsony
and because I admire|an honest cutthroat
as much as any man.
But with the murder|of the Countess De Winter
these men have set themselves|above the state.
And she assassinated Buckingham.
You know that, and I know it too.
It was a hideous crime,
no matter who was responsible.
But I...|I am the state, Your Majesty.
And I say it now privately.
So that we have no need to|discuss it in public.
In France I am the state.
These men have set|themselves above me.
And it is I, not you|who render judgement.
I render their judgement now.
What have you there?
It is by my order
and for the good of the state.
That the bearer of this has done
what he has done.
Signed Richelieu.
That's a forgery.
This isn't theirs!
I gave this paper to...
To whom, Richelieu?
Did I understand|that you were about to
render a royal judgement?
In my humble capacity|as the throne's
Prime Minister,|your Majesty.
I was about to|offer my suggestions.
That we allow monsieur Aramis
to enter a monastery.
That we discover it|possible to find
a rich widow formonsieur Portas.
That we restore to|the Baron de la Flair,
if he wishes them,|his land, his title.
And as for monsieur D'Artagnan.
Don't let him go back to Gastonny.
Send him perhaps on a mission
of peace to England.
The English lead to dull a life.