Three Secrets (1950)

It looks just like milk.
Mommy, when are we getting home?
Santa Rosa Tower to NC1202.
Can you read me? Over.
Santa Rosa Tower to NC1202.
Can you read me?
Give me a call, please. Over.
Give me traffic control center at Oakland.
Santa Rosa Tower to NC1202.
Can you read me? Come in, please.
Control Center? This is Santa Rosa Tower.
We've lost contact with a private plane,
Last contact on 931,
25 miles Northeast of Bishop.
Right waist to pilot.
Think I've spotted the wreckage, sir.
At 3 o'clock.
That's it all right.
Pilot to crew.
Ready camera.
We'll make two runs over the area.
On course, sir.
Okay, Mahoney, start your camera.
Yes, sir.
Good sharp picture, Sargeant.
It's that new camera, sir.
This was the first run, 10:53.
Well, they must have been killed instantly,
if that's any consolation.
Photographic Center, Hugh speaking.
One moment.
Your call to the sheriff's office, Captain.
Yes, this is Captain Draper at Hamilton Field.
We've located the wreckage of the plane.
It's up on Thunder Mountain.
A ledge on the Southwest side.
Altitude about 12000 feet.
Three bodies, man, woman and child.
No, not yet.
We'll get their identities from the CAA
and we'll let you know.
In the meantime do what you can
to recover the bodies
It'll be tough getting up those cliffs.
And how. Good-bye, Sheriff.
Captain, look at this.
It's a picture we made on the second run.
Look at the kid's position.
He moved. He's alive, sir.
Why that tough little sun of a gun.
Get me the sheriff's office, quick.
What was the difference in time
between those pictures?
Seven minutes, sir.
The second run was 11:00 on the nose.
Ask the operations officer to come here.
Sheriff, Captain Draper. About that crash.
Get a party start up Thunder Mountain
right away.
The kid's alive.
Forget it.
I want a picture of Thunder Mountain.
A winter shot.
Something grim and dramatic
if you've got it.
Plane crash.
Kid trapped in the mountain alone.
Parents dead. Name of Peterson.
West Los Angeles. Check the home.
And you'll get more if you get that first.
I saw, I've heard.
Five years old today.
That's why they were flying back.
So as Johnnie could have his birthday party
at home.
I baked that cake for him this morning.
Chocolate, his favorite kind.
Look around the living room.
Oh, Lord... Lord, he'll be so cold up there.
Oh, Lord.
Sure it's tough. But a kid can take a lot.
They'll get to him in time,
don't you worry.
He's such a happy boy.
Always laughing.
Even when he was a baby.
You been with the family a long time?
I brought that baby up.
I went with them when they got him.
Got him?
Carried him home in my arms.
That sweet little face.
You mean he was adopted?
That didn't make any difference.
Mr. and Mrs. Petersen loved him
like he was their own flesh and blood.
Where did they adopt him?
Here in Los Angeles.
I mean which foundling home. It's important.
It'll help Johnnie.
Oh, why...
The Shelter.
Have the Petersons got any relatives?
No, Johnnie was all they had.
Who was Johnnie's mother, do you know?
Wow, that's great.
Look, in a few minutes this place
will be crawling with reporters.
Tell them what they want to know,
but it'll be better for Johnnie
if they don't know he was adopted.
I'll keep my mouth shut, but those other guys
will spread it all over the front page.
All right, sir.
A couple of those, Tony.
I'll see you at the office.
I've already told you, Mr. Harden.
We're not at liberty to give you
the name of the mother.
But you of all people must realize,
with the boy's foster parents dead,
we'd be doing him a service
in locating his mother.
Her circumstances may have changed.
She may want the child now.
I'm Sorry.
Circumstances don't alter our rules.
Haven't you heard?
Rules are made to be broken.
That boy is a foundling again.
The Petersons had no family.
He'll become a ward of the State.
Is that what you want?
Mr. Hardin...
For 18 years we've worked hard to gain
the absolute confidence of the people we deal with.
Both the mothers and the foster parents
know that they can rely on us.
Mrs. Gylwin we all know the really splendid job
you're doing here.
And my paper would like to help
in any way possible.
What would you say to a big special feature
on The Shelter?
Pictures and a good quote from you.
I gave up being vain about my pictures
twenty years ago.
Good day, Mr. Hardin.
I'll have to try some other way.
I don't think we've seen the last
of Mr. Harden.
I'm afraid he's only the first, Harriet.
Well, we'll be ready for them.
Open the safe, please.
We placed 4 children born on September 14th.
A girl and two... three boys.
Then there are 3 women who could be
the mother of that child.
No one's going to see those records,
do you understand, Harriet? No one.
Not even ourselves.
Is that you, Bill?
It's me, Mrs. Chase.
Josie, would you get the lights on,
Sure you couldn't use some help, Susan?
It's practically done.
He'll only be gone three days.
Would you like me to stay here
until Bill comes back?
Thanks, mother, but I'll be fine.
Is anything wrong, mother?
I was only thinking I don't see
as much of you as I used to.
You don't have to pretend.
I know why you're here today.
Of course you do, darling.
Your husband's going on a trip.
I thought you might like company.
I suppose the date today had nothing
to do with it.
All right, Susan, I admit I was worried.
Look, mother, let's get this straight
once and for all.
I'm happier than any girl deserves to be.
I have a wonderful husband,
we have a wonderful life.
What's past is past.
We decided that five years ago.
I don't steal upstairs once a year
to wring my hands and shed quiet tears.
I wrapped up my girlish grief, tied it in a ribbon
and locked it away for good.
This is just another day.
So what are you worried about?
Forgive me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, mother.
You will stay, won't you?
Yes, of course, darling.
That must be Bill.
You go on down, I'll finish packing.
Thanks. Don't forget the shaving cream.
Hello, darling.
Was it my imagination,
or did you just kiss me?
I've got to pack.
It's all been taken care of.
Mother's finishing it. Come on.
I'll fix you a drink.
Lucky me.
Anything new on the Johnnie Peterson thing?
Who's Johnnie Peterson?
You mean you haven't heard?
Oh, you disappoint me, Mrs. Chase.
A good American housewife loves her radio first
and her husband second.
I've been getting you ready for a trip,
I haven't had time to hear anything
about anything.
You poor overworked slave.
Well, that's more like the man I married.
So is that.
Bill, mother's in the house.
She is, eh? Lucky for you.
She's going to stay with me
while you're gone.
Good, keep you out of trouble.
Maybe you don't want this drink.
Quiet, I've been thinking about a martini
all the way home.
Hey, where's the news?
You'd think they'd get out bulletins.
Who is this Johnnie Peterson, anyway?
Why are you so interested?
A terrific story.
Plane crash up in the Sierra,
man and his wife killed.
Somehow the little boy survived.
He's Johnnie Peterson.
Not even injured?
Nobody knows. There's no way of getting
to him except on foot.
Bill, how terrible.
Great day for a youngster
to spend his birthday, isn't it?
Hey. What about my drink?
Oh, I'm sorry, darling.
Here. See if it's dry enough.
Perfect. Perfect as usual.
We have just concluded the program
of recorded favorites.
This is station KWB, the voice of San Diego.
Here we go, now you'll hear all about it.
Hello, mother.
Hello, Bill.
You're all packed and ready to go.
Drink, mother?
Thank you.
We take you now to the editorial room,
for our round-up of the news.
Here it comes.
In the deepening shadow of Thunder Mountain,
preparations are under way to rescue
little Johnnie Peterson,
believed miraculously alive after a plane crash
that killed Eric and Helga Peterson
of Los Angeles.
When Army Air Force pictures gave the
first hint that Johnnie might be alive
a helicopter twice tried to land
a volunteer rescuer, Sargeant William Lions,
but failed because of perilous downdrafts.
State patrolmen, forest rangers
and mountaineers
are now converging on Jackson's Lodge
at the base of Thunder Mountain.
There, an effort will be made at dawn to scale
the sheer face of the cliff literally hand over hand.
Meanwhile the tragedy takes on added poignancy
with the revelation that Johnnie Peterson,
whose fifth birthday it is today,
was an adopted child.
The sturdy little boy, whose plight
in the darkening mountain
has captured the tense imagination
of the entire country
was adopted from the foundling home
The Shelter in Los Angeles.
It was while en route to Los Angeles
in a private plane piloted by Mr. Peterson...
I'm sorry.
Forget it honey, it was giving me
the jitters too.
I'll do it, Bill. You'd better hurry.
You haven't much time.
All right. I won't give it another thought.
I'll just go upstairs and change.
Susan... Susan, get hold of yourself.
Susan, do you think yours was the only child
born five years ago today?
He came from The Shelter.
And hundreds of babies.
Mother, you only have to look at him.
What do you expect me to see?
He has my mouth and my colour...
Is that your evidence?
A newspaper picture five years later?
Be sensible.
I can't help it. I can feel it, he's mine.
All right, what if he is?
There isn't anything you can do about it.
Except throw away your marriage.
What do you think you can tell Bill?
What I should have told him
a long time ago.
The truth.
It's too late for the truth.
Darling, listen to me.
If I hadn't listened to you my child
wouldn't be in that mountain.
I'm trying to help you.
You made a mistake
and you've done your penance.
Five minutes ago you told me
you'd wrapped up your girlish grief.
Don't bring it out in the open again.
Don't do this to yourself.
And Susan, don't do it to Bill.
If that's Ralph, honey,
tell him I'll be right down.
It's written all over your face, Susan,
pull yourself together.
Come in, Mr. Lewis.
Thank you.
Hello, Mrs. Connor.
Hello, Ralph.
Hi, Susan. Our boy ready?
He's coming right now.
Are you all set for the case, Ralph?
If Lewis&Chase don't win this one
we're hocking our law books
and going to the beach.
It would be more like it if we don't
get there on time.
Is Betty driving us to the station?
She certainly wants to.
Hi, Mrs. Connors.
Hello, Betty.
Oh, excuse me, folks, official business.
I do love you.
Don't tell me that now, honey.
I've got to go to Sacramento.
Miss me.
I will, darling.
Bye, mother.
And keep the wolves from the door.
Shall we see a movie when I get rid
of the legal eagles?
Perhaps tomorrow, Betty.
Right, I'll call you.
Come on.
You sit down, darling. I'll see about dinner.
Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this program
to bring you another on the spot report
from Thunder Mountain.
This is Bill Welsh.
In the glare of the emergency lights...
men are working feverishly to prepare
for the ascent which will start at dawn.
This reporter hasn't seen such team work
since the war, five years ago.
Five years ago, five years ago,
five years ago...
Joe gave me your message.
What happened, what's wrong?
We got our Christmas presents early.
We're shipping out.
Oh, Paul.
They wouldn't let me call.
And I couldn't leave without saying
good-bye to you.
Paul, darling,
I love you so.
Don't say that.
Supposing I don't come back to you.
You will, nothing's going to happen.
That isn't what I mean.
Susan, I had to see you because I...
Because I had to talk to you.
I haven't much time.
But... is it something more
than shipping out?
hasn't just been another short leave.
You've got to believe that.
If you weren't so wonderful I'd have
just gotten on that ship and gone.
Paul, what are you trying to say?
There's someone else.
Someone else?
Back home.
Before I met you.
I can't forget her, I tried to,
but I can't.
You really love her?
We went to school together,
we've known each other since we were kids.
Susan, I can't even explain it to myself.
All I can ask is please forgive me.
Say something.
Say good-bye to me.
Tell me you hope I get killed,
but don't just stand there looking at me.
Hold it!
What are you doing here?
You're in shipment?
Yes, sir.
All right, get his name.
Forget it.
We're gonna give you a break.
Get back to your barracks and stay there.
Thank you, sir.
Don't thank me, thank Christmas.
And her.
You better go on home, Miss.
Your feet are wet.
You're liable to catch cold.
Operator... operator!
What'll I do?
What'll I do now?
You've got a whole life ahead of you,
A rich, full life.
You've got to go on living.
I'm so ashamed.
When I went to the doctor...
I pretended I was married.
He knew I wasn't.
Why didn't you let me die?
No, Susan.
You made one mistake, a bad one.
I won't let you make another.
I've thought it all out.
We'll go away until it's all over.
And then we'll come back.
No one need ever know.
Trust me, darling.
I want to forgive you.
I hope God will, too.
In the last few months I've begun to feel
as though the bookstore were really my own.
All your usual customers come in and ask
how you and Susan are enjoying your trip
I know they'll be delighted when I tell them
you're returning in about two weeks.
Mother, I can't go through with it.
I won't let my child be adopted.
All the arrangements have been made.
I can't help that, I won't give him up.
What do you plan to do instead?
Keep him, bring him up.
And what pose will you maintain?
He'll never know.
I'll tell him I was married...
that his father was killed.
You can't keep that kind of secret forever.
Don't cheat your son, Susan.
Think of the moment when he finds out.
But giving him away...
my own flesh and blood
it's wrong...
Living with an illegitimate child will be
wrong and unnatural too
only it will last the rest of your life.
This will be over in a few months.
It's right and natural for every child
to be brought up in a normal home.
You must realize that.
Is it so terrible that I'm fighting
for my own child?
No, Susan, after all,
I'm fighting for my child.
I'll come back this evening.
Now you get some rest.
Just a minute, nurse.
You must be new here.
Yes, I am.
This baby never goes to its mother.
Oh, nurse.
I'm Mrs. Connors.
May I hold the baby for a moment?
Of course.
She'll be back at The Shelter at five.
Spread on child welfare might be interesting,
don't you think?
Just whistling in the dark myself.
Bad joke.
Why don't you keep quiet,
or would you like to wear a sign
with your name on it?
Relax. The way you're acting
you'd think you were the father.
Look at that. Isn't she a classic example?
Hey, I could swear
I've seen that girl before.
You have.
That was Ann Lawrence.
You may come in now, please.
Before you sign these
final surrender papers, Miss Connors...
it's my duty to tell you that
upon signing them
you sever all connections, both legal
and personal, with your child.
You'll have no recourse through law
for recovering your child.
And never under any conditions
will his whereabouts or any information
concerning him be available to you.
Do you understand, Miss Connors?
Is it empty?
It's me.
Are you going through?
No, can I park?
Right over there.
Under the dawn light, the drama here
at Jackson's Lodge intensifies
with the preparation of the rescuers
making ready for their perilous ascent.
The volunteer climbers will be led
by kingpin mountaineer Noel Stephani
expected momentarily from Winnipeg.
Stephani is the only man available
who has made the direct ascent of the sheer face
of the south cliff where Johnnie Peterson lies.
Sunglasses, lady? You're gonna need them
when the sun comes up.
No, thanks.
Not many left, $3.
This climb, with the boy's life at stake,
is one of the most desperate challenges
ever hurled
at the group of men who are attempting
to scale the rocky cliffs.
And now I want to bring you the man in charge
of the operations here, Mr. Neil MacDonald.
Sir, could you tell our radio audience
how high Thunder Mountain is?
It's 12,892 ft.
That's over two miles.
Looking at it from here it seems almost impossible
that anyone could get to that peak.
We're counting on Stephani.
We've been informed by the Bishop airport
that Stephani left there by car
half an hour ago.
I suppose the climbers will start up
as soon as he arrives.
That's right.
Would you like to forecast how long
it might take them
to reach little Johnnie Peterson?
That depends on Stephani, Sir.
And God.
Thank you, Sheriff.
And now, while we're awaiting
the imminent arrival of Noel Stephani,
I want to bring some of the other climbers
to the microphone.
These volunteers from the rock-climbing section
of the Sierra Club
are all from different walks of life
with the one thing in common:
a relish for danger and for high places.
Pardon me, would you be good enough
to tell me your name?
Yes, sir, Paul Estes.
Where are you from, Paul?
I see, how long have you been doing
mountain climbing?
Approximately 12 years.
I see, undoubtedly then you've been
in some rescues before this.
Yes, sir.
Thank you very much, Paul.
Over here on the emergency truck,
one of the other climbers is working
on some metal objects.
Pardon me, may I have your name, sir.
My name is Lavelle.
And where are you from, Mr. Lavelle?
Los Angeles.
And what's your business?
I'm an engineer, and I, well,
I like to climb mountains particularly.
I see, well, you're gonna have
a pretty grim task today, I wonder...
Yes, it is.
...what are you using there, Mr. Lavelle?
These are pitons.
And how are they used?
Those are used to drive in cracks in the rocks
to anchor the carabiners and rope
as a means of safety.
I see, the carabiner, that must be this
sort of chain link there...
That's right.
You mean these little things are strong enough
so they can stand your weight?
That is right. They will stand
several thousand pounds of pull.
I see, thank you very much.
Over here, by the Red Cross table
a couple of the other boys are having
a cup of hot coffee
I bet that tastes pretty good this morning,
doesn't it?
Really hits the spot.
What's your name?
Roy Ghoren.
I see, where are you from, Roy?
I'm from Los Angeles.
What's your business?
I'm with the Treasury Department,
Bureau of Customs.
I see, the government, in other words, has given
you a leave to participate in this rescue.
That's right.
I see, thanks very much.
You're welcome.
Over by the ambulance...
one of the other fellows is packing away
tennis shoes.
Does that mean you're gonna have to use
different kinds of shoes in the climb today?
Yes, on the steep rock
we'll have to use tennis shoes.
Hm-hmm. What is your name?
Ray Van Aken.
Where are you from, Ray?
Los Angeles.
And do you work?
No, I go to school.
Oh, I see. Then mountain climbing
is sort of a summer hobby with you.
Yes, that's right.
Thank you very much, Ray.
Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard
from several of the climbers
about to make the dangerous ascent
up the side of the south cliff
It won't be long before...
Do you know anything about
the terrain up there, Mr. Stephani?
Can you tell me what course you'll take?
We'll approach the main buttress
from the north.
Then take the south couloir
up to the third pitch
We'll make a piton traverse to the west end
Follow the west direct to the main head wall,
after that, straight up.
How long do you think it will take?
That's enough, boys.
We got to get these men started.
I won't waste any time, men.
Stephani here will lead you.
The Army will keep you spotted
from the air
and your handy talkie will keep you
in touch with us.
If by any chance we lose radio contact
you will use flares.
When you reach the boy
send up one flare.
If he's still alive, send up another.
Dr. Ferguson will go along with
first-aid supplies.
He's not an expert climber so I suggest
you keep him in the middle in case of a fall.
I don't have to impress upon you
that speed is important.
But caution is also important.
An injured man can cost you hours.
Well, I guess that's all, men.
Good luck, and God bless you for volunteering.
It's going to be a dangerous climb
but they go fully equipped
taking with them, as we can see, of course,
a stretcher which will be used to bring
the young man down should that be necessary.
And here at the base,
an ambulance waits also to remove him quickly
to the hospital if that may be.
We know of course that the prayers
of the nation
the prayers of everyone in this radio audience
go with these gallant men as they start
their dangerous climb to the top of the mountain.
Can you see anything?
Just that it's no nursery.
May I take a look, please.
All you can see is rock.
Thank you.
See those two boulders about halfway up?
Now go straight up the side of the mountain
until you come to a big piece of rock
that looks like a hook.
That's Devil's Hook.
Move over to the right a little bit
where there's a sheer cliff wall.
The boy's on the other side of the cliff.
Thank you.
How have you been?
The Shelter. Remember?
Oh, yes.
Seeing you here, I don't know whether
to be disturbed or relieved.
I never stopped to think
he might be someone else's.
You mean you think he's your child?
Could be.
But mine was born on the 15th.
So was Johnnie Peterson.
And so was mine.
I'm sure he's my son.
You found out?
No, but I'm sure.
Feminine instinct, huh?
Come on. I'll buy you a cup of coffee.
Personally, I hope you're right.
Wherever my kid is,
I hope that he's well and happy.
But I'd rather not see him again.
Then why did you come here?
I'm just a reporter covering a story.
Wouldn't it be ironic if it turned out
to be my own?
Phyl Horn.
Since when do they send executives out
to cover up stories?
I thought you were behind a big desk.
I tried to send the desk. It wouldn't come.
Sitting in that swivel chair hasn't changed
you one bit.
Sorry, we're closed. We're out of season.
We got no sheets, we got no help,
we got no food in the kitchen.
All we got is confusion.
Hello, Casey, the office told me
you were here.
Hello, Phyl.
Where's the coffee?
I'll send that for you.
You know better than that, Phyl.
Can't kill a girl for trying.
Take that table. I'll bring the coffee.
Hi, Phyl.
Game's starting. Want a hand?
Later. When I find out who's got the money.
What's the idea inviting her?
Women are no good in a poker game.
Are you kidding? She's won so much money
she's got bank rolls back to back.
If you want sugar, you're out of luck.
There isn't any.
I don't really want any coffee,
thanks anyhow.
Take it easy. We won't know anything
for hours.
I've got to know what's happening.
I can't just sit here.
Go on outside and walk it off.
Don't tell me you signed that kid up
for his life's story.
Charly, where'd you come from?
I'm haunting you.
I still haven't forgiven you for London.
They tell me you went up in the air
like a V-2.
I had those four heroes all sewed up.
Next thing I knew they were on a plane
to New York... with you.
That was one war back. Okay?
Okay. I guess you can get over
a lot of things in five years.
I guess you can.
Five years is a long time.
See you later.
Attention. Air Transport Command flight 12A
from London arriving gate 3.
Phyllis, welcome home.
How was the trip.
Oh, those bucket seats, my aching back.
Where's Duffy?
Oh, he'll turn up.
You know Duffy.
For my prettiest reporter.
Orchids. Next time bring nylons.
Still a sentimentalist.
I'll take care of your boyfriend.
That'll do it.
I've got a car waiting for you
and rooms reserved.
Everything is on Transamerica News Service.
Take care of them, Henry,
and see to it that no one gets lost.
And bring Miss Horn's bag, please.
Yes, sir.
Come on, Phyl, let's get out of here.
Good-bye, fellows, see you later.
So long.
Behave yourselves, now.
They're all in love with me.
Don't let it go to your head.
I'd rather have it go to my bank book.
It will.
You just delivered four heroes
to the American public
neatly packaged with a big pink bow.
Tonight we'll sock it across
with a coast to coast broadcast.
Then there'll be...
Oh, no, forget me after the broadcast.
I'm gonna be busy.
With Duffy?
If he shows up.
After a year you'd think my husband would
at least come to the airport to meet me.
Why isn't he here?
Look, Phyl...
I've got an old spinster with glasses
running my advice to the lovelorn column.
I don't want to get tangled up with
what's going on between you and Duffy.
Where is he hiding out?
Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium,
sports desk, take your pick.
I'll find him.
You've got the look.
What look?
I've met hundreds of guys coming back
from overseas.
You're just like they are.
First thing they want is a companion
and a chocolate soda.
What would I do with a chocolate soda?
Thank you.
Seen anything of a fellow so tall,
coat and pants don't match...
wears a battered brown hat...
You mean Bob Duff? Right back there.
Need a good architect?
Well, well, look who's here.
What happened, the war over?
Gonna kiss me?
At least you could buy an old pal a drink.
Sit down, old pal.
The way they build things nowadays,
no foundation.
Just like people.
If you said that, it's pretty clever.
I'm a fan of yours, too.
I read every word you write.
I always wondered what you were like
in person.
Trying to draw blood?
Quit the stalling, Duffy.
Okay, you want it straight?
I'm getting a divorce.
You're kidding.
Am I?
Look, Phyl...
I happen to be a sentimental guy
that comes from a big family of 12 kids.
I get lonesome without 11 people around.
Or even one.
What do you want me to do?
Stay home and cook for you?
Wash the dishes?
No, I'm not the type, Duffy.
You knew that from the beginning.
And ever since the beginning you've been
in and out of my life like a weekend visitor.
This time, don't bother to check in.
This time it happens to be a war.
I didn't start it.
I'm sorry there is one.
But so long as there is I'm a chump
if I don't make it pay off for me.
I don't like war profiteers.
You sell agony by the paragraph.
You were noble about the war
so you got yourself a purple heart.
Well now let me get something for us.
Oh, that reminds me.
Here are your checks uncashed.
What checks?
The ones you had slipped into my weekly envelope.
To pay for the maid and the extras.
Duffy, I don't understand you.
Seven years ago
I didn't understand you either.
Had me fooled for a while,
long enough to get a license and marry you.
Just for a moment there
I thought you were a human being.
Ever since then in a hundred ways
you've been proving different.
It's all over... baby.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to leave.
Who's playing tonight?
Me and a Mrs. Smith.
She's a simple honest little dope.
She thinks taking care of Bob Duff
is the most important job on earth.
I think Bob Duff is the most important
man on earth, too.
That's the truth.
So long.
You're making a big mistake, Duffy.
There's one legitimate thing about me.
It's the way I love you.
Put it in your column.
You win.
Just one last favor.
Will you kiss me good-bye?
Fetch your artillery, you just fired a blank.
Look out, Duffy, you're limping.
Transamerica News Service.
Mr. Jackson?
No, I'm sorry, he's gone home.
Okay, good-bye.
Why, Miss Horn.
Welcome home.
Gee, your stuff's been wonderful.
Hiya, Phyl, glad you're back.
How are things breaking, Eddy?
No complaints.
Are you alone?
What's on your mind?
I thought you might be lonesome
without eleven people around.
Or even one.
What else?
Do you mind?
One of these is gonna taste of toothpaste.
I like bourbon and toothpaste.
To years, Duffy.
I got the toothpaste.
And the drink.
Look, I know it's late.
But I'd like to speak my piece
before I go.
Just so you keep it under a thousand words.
It's only two words.
I'm scared.
I mean it, Duffy.
Ever since I sold my first squib for $5
I've been fighting to get to the top.
I've been ruthless, connived,
stepped all over people.
Worked like a man in a man's world,
and I made it.
But I don't want to lose you, Duffy.
Cause this is home plate.
If I lose you I'll roam around like a homeless
alley cat with no place to come back to.
Don't throw me out.
Why is it the only time you ever sound
like a woman is in this crummy room?
Because it's ours, Duffy.
I shouldn't have let you in.
You couldn't keep me out.
It's always been that way with us.
I won't be running out on you, Duffy.
I'll either do my writing from here or...
or Ill give it up.
Welcome home, Mrs. Duff.
What's the matter?
I've only got one shoe on.
Let's do something about that,
shall we?
Anybody home?
In here.
What in heaven's name are you doing?
As you can plainly see,
I'm cooking a meatloaf.
No cracks.
Put that silly ladle down and start packing.
Uh-huh. What I said last week still goes.
Get yourself another girl.
The world's trembling on the brink
and you're bending over a stove.
The whole Pacific is going to blow
wide open.
We just got word to have someone
take off in two hours to cover it.
They're only taking six reporters, Phyl,
and you're one of them.
The army will just have to do
without me.
Or is it the Navy.
I don't know, I only know it's big.
This came right from the top.
This is no sideshow.
I don't know what it is
but I'll make a small bet right now
it'll sound like the crack of doom
when it comes.
Now get going.
No, sir. Duffy and I signed a peace treaty.
I'm not going to blow up my world.
Your world? This is the biggest assignment
I've ever offered you.
It's so big I thought of going myself
but I'm bringing it to you.
This will make you the biggest newspaperwoman
since Nellie Bly.
Never heard of her.
Well, you've heard of Mike Harrison
and I gave you your first job.
You're Phyllis Horn
because I made you Phyllis Horn.
But Mark, you're asking me
to break up my marriage.
Duffy's a grown man. I'll make him understand.
Admit it, Phyl, you want to go.
Of course I want to go.
But I don't want to lose my husband.
How could I ever tell him?
Stick a note in the meatloaf.
You're not going to lose him.
I'll take full responsibility.
I'll tell him you fought me like a tiger,
that I ordered you to go,
that I threatened to break you,
that you'd never work for another newspaper
as long as you lived.
He'll listen to reason.
You see, I'm a very persuasive man.
I just persuaded you, didn't I?
Let me handle Duffy. Then you call
from San Francisco and clinch it.
The car'll pick you up in an hour.
I won't even have time to say good-bye.
Don't worry, I'll think up a farewell message
that'll have him panting like a schoolboy.
So long, Mark.
I just got your message.
And don't you bother to call
from San Francisco.
Don't be sore, Duffy.
You heard him, I'll only be gone a month.
Two at the most.
I've got to do this.
Sure, I heard.
Thanks for hesitating.
You gotta hurry, you only got an hour.
But I must cover this assignment.
It means an awful lot to me.
Don't you understand?
That's the trouble. I do understand.
I'm sorry for you, Phyl.
You tried very hard to be a woman.
You just couldn't make it.
Well, Doc?
This makes you practically unique
in these islands.
A baby.
This really complicates things.
No need to worry about that.
I'll make arrangements to get you back
to the States. I'll manage everything.
You couldn't manage to get
my husband back for me, could you?
He divorced me two weeks ago.
Is he going to be surprised.
You know what his grounds were?
He said I wasn't a woman.
San Francisco? All right, I'll take it.
Oh, Phyllis.
No, this is Max.
Yes... Duffy's not here.
He got married last week.
Didn't you know?
Yeah, to a Miss Smith.
He... hello.
Hello, Phyl...
I'm still here, Max.
Sorry I woke you up.
If you see Duffy...
tell him I wish him all the luck in the world.
Well, is it all over?
All over.
Phyl, I hope you're not making a mistake.
It was the only sensible thing to do.
I don't want to mess up Duffy's life.
He's married. I'm free to do
as I please.
The kid'll have a mother and a father.
Now we can all scramble for ourselves.
Hey, fellas, come on,
there's a report coming in.
What's happening?
I don't know.
They're getting some kind of report,
but I can't hear what they're saying.
Wait here, I'll keep you posted.
Phyllis Horn, Transamerica News Service.
Okay, Miss.
A couple of rock falls so far,
but nothing troublesome
Got a long way to go yet,
but not as long as the North Wall route.
Like Stephani said, the shortest way
is the steepest way.
Spotting plane to Stephani.
Spotting plane to Stephani.
Loose rock in the chute above you.
Bear a couple of points East if you can.
Bear a couple of points East if you can.
It looks better a little bit to the left.
Stephani to plane. Stephani to plane.
He says okay.
Headquarters to Stephani.
How far would you say you have to go?
Hold it a minute while I ask him.
He's got his hands full right now.
Look out! Run!
Come in, Stephani. Come in, Stephani.
Headquarters to spotting plane.
Headquarters to spotting plane.
Have lost contact with Stephani.
Will you try? Over.
Spotting plane to headquarters.
Rock fall came right down on them.
Can't see anything now for dust.
Spotting plane to Stephani.
Can you hear me? Come in, Stephani.
Headquarters to Stephani.
Can you hear me, come in Stephani.
Hello, headquarters.
It's clearing up now, I can see him.
I'll get this in for you guys.
Cover for me.
What's wrong?
I don't know yet.
Please, you must tell me, what's happened?
There's been an accident.
I can see them loading him now.
It's gonna be a pretty tricky operation...
It's all right. There was a slight accident.
One of the men's hurt
and they're bringing him down.
But the others are going on.
Are you sure?
Why should I lie about it?
You better get ready to rush
that injured man to a hospital.
From here it looks like he's in plenty of pain.
Let's lay him right down here.
What's your name?
We'll give you all the dope
as soon as we take care him.
Roy. Roy.
Where were you when the slide hit?
Stephani had just started up
the main dead wall.
What happens now, Sheriff?
Stephani and the others are trying to make it
up main headwall.
Think they'll do it, Roy?
They're all good strong climbers, Sheriff.
There's no question about it, they'll make it.
Well, there's your answer, boys.
Keep your fingers crossed.
There's still a good chance.
Let's go inside.
Okay, here's the dope.
Some of the rescue party
had to turn back.
Joe Gleason, of Bishop, busted his leg.
Yeah, Gleason, they're taking him
up to County Hospital now.
The longer that kid has to wait,
the tougher his chances are.
Yeah, Gleason. This climb is no picnic.
I'll bet you a buck we'll end
with a casualty list on this one.
Yeah, I'm sending in the dope now.
You must be doing all right, Ed,
with all this going on.
All the money in the world isn't worth making
if they can't get that baby down.
I'd hock the mortgage to have him
right here.
Hey, hey, let's have that.
Let go of me!
Come on, sister, that bottle's spoken for.
Let go!
Come on, Hardin, you can lick her!
Keep going, lady, he's yellow.
I'm betting on the dame.
Take your filthy hands off me!
Nice work, kid.
Well, what are you all staring at?
Go back and write your headlines.
That's what you're here for, isn't it?
Let's see what kind of a story
you can get out of a kid's body.
What's she taking it so hard for?
Oh, she's loaded.
Here, you keep the bottle.
You need it more than I do.
Say, Benjy, we got a new guest up here.
Ann Lawrence.
I don't know how long she's been out,
but she's out.
Listen, didn't she have a baby?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Find out when it was born, will you,
and what happened to it.
Oh, no, just a wild hunch.
Get going, huh?
You're Ann Lawrence, aren't you?
So what if I am?
Don't give it another thought.
Keep an eye on her.
Have one?
You can buy all the food you want outside...
I can't feed anybody. Haven't got a cook
and the gas is turned off.
Can't do a thing.
Jackson, I want a room.
A nice big room.
Are you crazy?
If my mother arrived right now
I couldn't put her up.
Yeah? But your mother hasn't got this.
Don't do that. It makes me dizzy.
You just got my room.
You got a big heart, Jackson.
Now where do I sleep?
Don't you think you've had enough?
And I don't see how you can stay sober
if you think that's your kid up there.
Look, stop picking on each other.
We're all in the same boat, you know.
Yeah, when they told me at The Shelter
there were three women
I thought they were just trying
to put me off.
They weren't.
I can vouch for the third personally.
It's very funny, isn't it?
Three little maids who lost their way,
waiting together.
It's very funny.
A scream. This room is too small
to get hysterical in.
We got a long time to wait.
I've been waiting.
Have to have that mountain staring at us
all the time?
Can't stand to look up there anymore.
Where he's lying dead.
Don't say that.
A couple of drinks don't make you
a fortune teller.
Yeah, he's gotta be alive at that.
I need him.
Ever since it happened I always counted
on finding him.
I don't know what I'm saying anymore.
Forget it. We're all on edge.
Six years old.
When they were making this, I was in love.
What am I telling you for?
Go ahead, it might help.
Nothing helps.
Get it out of your system anyway.
You sound pretty anxious.
Is that why you brought me up here?
So you could get a story.
Your story was in every paper
in the country.
I don't have to get it from you.
You believe everything you read?
You don't know the true story.
They never printed I was in love
with him.
Everybody thought I was after Gordon Crossley
because he was important.
Well, they were wrong.
I didn't care who he was
or what he had.
Because to me he was everything
I respected and admired.
It was everything I ever hoped
to find in a man.
And he was in love with me.
No, I didn't go after him. He found me.
He liked the way I danced.
He liked my looks.
And he let me know of his love
in a hundred ways.
It became more and more perfect.
Just what I thought being in love
would always be.
And when I came out of the theater,
New York was mine.
There was the car,
just like it was every night.
But standing beside it was the one
sour note.
Del Prince, Gordon's jack of all trades,
handyman, companion.
I never understood their relationship.
Good evening, Miss Lawrence.
Hello, Del.
Take Miss Lawrence home.
Where's Mr. Crossley?
We were supposed to go to the mountains
for supper.
Isn't he going to be there?
He doesn't tell me everything he does.
He just told me
to see that you got home.
Did he say he'd call me tomorrow?
Good night, Miss Lawrence.
All right, Joe.
Take me to Mr. Crossley's apartment.
Sorry, Miss Lawrence, but Mr. Prince said...
I don't care what he said.
Take me to Mr. Crossley's apartment.
Very well, Miss Lawrence.
Oh, Miss Lawrence.
Is Mr. Crossley in, Matthews?
He's not here, Miss.
I'll wait.
I don't know, Miss Lawrence, I...
I was trying to tell you...
It's all right, Matthews.
You can finish packing.
You don't do as you're told, do you,
Miss Lawrence?
Where is he going?
Oh, uh... he's gone.
Urgent business on the Coast.
You know how it is, the war.
It isn't like him to leave
without saying good-bye.
I was to say good-bye for him.
Good-bye, Miss Lawrence.
Maybe you'd like a drink?
When did he decide to go?
I don't read his mind.
No, you just sift what goes into it.
Is that what I do?
I've often wondered what my job was,
now I know.
How did you persuade him
I was no good for him?
How could you make him believe you?
You got me all wrong. I just work for a living.
And I was getting in the way,
wasn't I?
He loves me and I love him.
And it'll take more than someone like you
to come between us.
Get smart. This is the kiss-off.
The romance is over.
No, it isn't.
I'm going to Gordon.
I wouldn't.
Three thousand miles is a long way
to travel just to have a guy say no.
Miss Lawrence, have that drink.
Think it over.
A few days later I was on the Coast.
It wasn't hard to find Gordon Crossley.
Mr. Gordon Crossley.
Your name, please.
Miss Lawrence, Ann Lawrence.
Oh, room 324, go right up.
Has he been expecting me?
Yes, Miss Lawrence.
Come in.
Nice, huh?
Where's Gordon?
Oh, uh, this is my room.
Would you like that drink now?
I warned you it wouldn't be worth
a 3000 mile trip.
I have to see him.
Let me put it a little more directly, then.
He doesn't want to see you.
Why are you doing this?
Keeping him away from me.
What kind of lies have you told him?
You don't think Mr. Crossley'd listen
to anything I say.
Mr. Crossley is a genius.
It says so in all the papers.
What do you know about a genius?
That his checks are good.
I know why you're trying
to keep us apart.
You're frightened.
Is that it?
It didn't occur to you that he could
finally fall in love with someone.
You're frightened that if he gets married
you won't have a job anymore.
Look, Miss Lawrence...
You don't like me. That's all right,
a lot of people don't.
And maybe I'm not crazy about them either.
But I don't want to hurt anyone.
And that goes for you, too.
So, why don't you take the hint
and go back home?
He's got his own life. He likes it.
Write him off like a bad debt.
I can't.
A lot of girls fall in love with Mr. Crossley.
There was a dame just a year before you.
Rich. Society.
She got nowhere either.
I'm telling you what's best for you.
Go home, forget him.
Because he's forgotten you.
I'm not like the others.
It's different this time.
Not for him, it isn't.
I'm going to have his baby.
That is different.
Thank you very much.
Does Mr. Crossley know about this?
How can he when you won't let me
talk to him?
Del, I only want to see him.
Just let me tell him myself.
That isn't much to ask for, is it?
Okay, you can see him.
He'll be here around 7:30,
why don't you come back then.
Come in
Well, right on time. Come on in.
Don't look so surprised, Miss Lawrence.
You know me, Del Prince, always around.
Can I take your wrap?
Hasn't Gordon arrived?
We'll discuss that in a minute.
Sit down.
I spoke to him.
Told him everything you told me.
Mr. Crossley wanted you to meet
an old friend of yours, Bobby Lynch.
Hello, Ann.
I'm sorry, I don't think I know you.
Bobby Lynch, honey, remember?
Remember what?
Us, baby, us.
Who is this man, I never met him before
in my life.
Mr. Crossley says you have.
Bobby says so, too.
Where was it, Bobby?
The Leighton Hotel. February 23rd, February 27th
and March 4th. We had room 1206.
It was cozy, too.
And it says so on the hotel register.
What do you mean? What are you...
It's like this, Miss Lawrence.
Mr. Crossley thinks you're trying
to shake him down with all this talk about a kid.
So, being a genius,
he knows how to handle these things.
Are you trying to tell me that Gordon
knows this man, that he...
Mr. Crossley knows a lot of men
who say they know you.
They're willing to swear to it, too.
What a filthy mind you have
to think this up.
If Gordon ever heard you say
these things to me he'd kill you.
I think he has heard.
He's in there.
Let go of me.
He'll tell you himself if he has to.
But he's a gentleman, so he'd prefer that I did it.
I'm going in there.
Wait a minute.
That's all, Bobby, thank you very much.
Not at all. Good-bye, Mr. Prince.
Good-bye, baby.
Take a tip from me, don't go in there.
For your own good.
I know this is rough. But it's easier to take
coming from me than from him
because you don't love me.
Get out of my way.
Before you go in there...
look at this.
He wanted you to have it.
It's a check for $10000 to take care of everything
and cover a lot of heartbreak besides.
You recognize the writing?
I can't sign his checks.
I'd hoped you wouldn't do this.
But since you insist,
I'll have to tell you the truth.
He bagan talking.
I never knew quite what he said.
I suddenly realized that it wasn't Del.
That it was Gordon who had schemed
and figured this whole thing out.
Let me have he police.
I think you'd better have that drink now.
The people of the State of California
were kind.
They called it manslaughter.
The sentence was one to ten years.
My baby and I started to prison.
Then, early in September...
I was taken to the superintendent's office.
The state has no quarrel with your child,
It's the right of every citizen to be born
without prejudice and without stain.
So we've made arrangements for you to have your baby outside these walls.
Thank you.
Now, regarding the future of the baby.
Have you any relatives or friends?
No one to whom you would entrust
the child?
Well, then I recommend that you turn your baby
over to an accredited agency
which will care for it and plan its future.
When they let me out of prison
it was like a nightmare.
I had nothing... except a son.
And I didn't know where he was.
I just wanted to see him.
To look at him.
But it was no use.
I started drinking to forget,
and only remembered more.
And then, this morning, I finally found him.
Up there.
Well, at least you aren't to blame.
You couldn't help yourself
if they took your son away.
I gave them mine
because I was a coward.
Sorry I spoke out of turn.
I'm all right now.
Just tired.
There's a bed in the other room.
Why don't you get some sleep?
Come on, I'll wake you if anything happens.
I saw your wedding ring.
Does your husband know about this?
Then you're a fool if you don't beat it
back home right now.
I should have told Bill right at the start.
You see, when my baby was born I...
I can't have any more children.
That's why I have to wait here
until they find Johnnie.
Just in case he's mine.
I'm going to rustle up some news.
Make yourself at home.
You look as if a little sleep
wouldn't hurt you either.
I'm fine, thanks.
Sure, we're all fine.
Would you do something for me?
Do you think you could get
a wire through?
I think so.
Who's it to?
Mr. William Chase.
Carlton Hotel, Sacramento.
I'm at Jackson's Lodge, Thunder Mountain.
If possible, please come here at once.
It's important to us both.
Sure you want to send this?
Yes, I'm sure.
Feeling better?
What's going on up there?
I don't know, I can't see anything.
They've just reported from the plane.
They spotted flashlights about 50 ft from the ledge.
Thank heaven.
Not yet.
Nobody knows what they'll find there.
They've reached him.
If he's alive there'll be another one.
Please, God.
Let him be alive.
He's alive.
Let's be sensible.
There's only one thing to do now.
I'm gonna find out who the mother is.
Yes, I know.
But if you don't get me that information
I'll never write another line
for Transamerica as long as I live.
Did you hear me, Mark?
I now what their rules are.
And I know enough about Transamerica
and your methods
to know you can get me that information...
How can I know what his condition is,
I'm not up in the mountain.
Tell Maury to run more stuff on Stephani,
the mountain climber.
And give those guys plenty of pictures,
they deserve them.
The doctor here figures the kid
can have burns
contusions, fractures, frostbite
and pneumonia. Take your choice.
They're not sliding down the mountain,
you know?
What do you want me to do,
give them a push?
It'll be another five or six hours.
Although several hours have passed
since flares from the top of Thunder Mountain
announced that little Johnnie Peterson is alive
not one person in the crowd here at Jackson's Lodge
has made any move to leave.
As dawn comes, many of them are emerging
from the fitful sleep they caught under blankets
and within their automobiles.
Sheriff MacDonald waits anxiously for the
return of the rescuers
he has sent on a dangerous mission.
And the Red Cross is still in position
to serve food and coffee
to the newspaper reporters and others here.
On the job also are the Air Force men
maintaining constant communication,
tired from a vigil that has lasted many hours.
Is the manager around?
Where can I find Mrs. Chase?
Mrs. William Chase.
Isn't she registered?
Nobody's registered.
I wouldn't know if Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley
were in the bridal suite.
Can you page her?
I said can you age her?
You've got a loud enough voice,
why don't you page her?
Are you Mr. Chase?
Yes, I am.
Jackson doesn't know it,
but your wife's in his room.
What's the matter? What's wrong?
Don't... please.
Don't say anything.
Just let me talk.
There's something I should have told you
a long time ago.
I may lose you because of it,
but I have to tell you.
Before we were married, before I met you...
I was in love with a boy.
I... I thought I was...
Bill, I...
I think Johnnie Peterson's my child.
I couldn't tell you, Bill.
I wanted to, but I just couldn't.
Didn't you think I loved you enough?
Oh, Bill.
It must have been awful for you
wondering about him.
And now to find him like this.
I'm not sure he's my child, but...
if he is...
If he is... he's my child, too.
I couldn't deny it to you.
Not after the years
of happiness you've given me.
let's go out and wait for him.
I see.
That's what I thought.
Oh, wait a minute.
Give me those dates again,
will you, Harry.
Okay, good-bye.
Just a minute.
Long distance for you, Miss Horn.
Is that it?
I don't know.
Yes, this is Miss Horn.
Hello, Mark.
I don't care if you might have had
to serve ten years.
Whose child is it?
He's yours, Ann.
Good morning, ladies.
Anything left in my bottle?
I'll let you in on a secret, Phyl.
Your syndicate's got a partner.
I know about Miss Lawrence, too.
I spotted her yesterday.
There was something familiar about her.
What about it?
All Lawrence while serving a sentence
for the slaying of Gordon Crossley
gave birth to a son on September 15th, 1944.
Need I say more?
Tell me, Miss Lawrence, how does it feel
to be the mother of that boy?
You're gonna make a beautiful
hunk of copy.
You come with me.
My paper will cut her down to size.
And you'll probably get a bonus.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
It'll help make up for the two nights
I've spent in this creep joint.
And what's your paper going to do
for the boy?
I don't get you.
He's the one
who's going to be hurt by all of this.
What is this, Phyllis, song and dance?
I'm just asking you not to print it.
Even if they get that kid down alive
he's gonna be in a pretty tough spot.
Right back where he started.
Just don't think it would be a very nice feeling
to be the one who ruined
what chance he's got...
by telling the world that his mother
killed his father.
I'm touched, Phyl, but it's a story.
I had the story yesterday.
It could have been on the streets by now.
A good newspaperman leaves his emotions
at home when he goes out on a job.
You ought to know that.
All right, Hardin, I've done my best.
Now you go and do your worst.
Go on, what are you waiting for?
Tears from the Rock of Gibraltar?
Beat it, you got a story to file.
One thing first.
Why are you taking this so hard?
Are those real?
Level with me, Phyl.
What's your stake in this?
All right, Hardin.
I'll give you an exclusive.
That might have been my kid.
For a while yesterday I thought it was.
Print that, too.
That's a story.
The story's dead.
You aren't going to use it?
Look, it took a lot of guts
for you to tell me this, didn't it?
You of all people.
No, I won't use the story.
Thanks, Hardin.
Two things I never thought I'd
live to see.
Me killing a story and...
Phyl Horn worrying about somebody else.
Yes, sir...
It's been quite a morning.
Hey, watch it, Hardin.
You're liable to end up with a tambourine.
It's all right. There'll be no story.
The boy. Is he all right?
Will he live?
He's going to be all right.
You were really cut out to be a mother,
weren't you?
Who is the mother?
Did you find out?
We cancelled the call.
But why?
We thought it was better
if we never found out.
In a way, he belongs to all three of us
and since all of us can't have him...
we decided that you're the one
to try to adopt him.
I don't understand.
Yes, that was our decision.
But you can't just leave it like this.
You're not being fair to yourselves.
You'll blame yourself all your life
if you don't find out.
Listen, Susan. You can get Johnny.
No court in the world would turn
you two down.
But if he's yours.
Even if he turned out to be mine...
I have nothing to offer him.
Don't make me find him
just to lose him all over again.
It's much easier to tell myself
that maybe he's yours.
You know how much this means to me.
I wish it were different for you.
You'll never have to worry
about Johnnie again.
Neither of you.
Come on, champ, I'll buy you
a cup of coffee.
You know?
I just noticed something for the first time.
It's beautiful.