Thrill of a Kill, The (2011)

Rosenborg! Yeah! Are you coming?
The soccer game is downstairs.
- Just a couple of more minutes.
- I'll go back down.
And here we have team Rosenborg.
Rosenborg soccer club!
Rosenborg soccer club.
Turn the volume down.
I can't hear a thing.
So you've finally woken up?
You've been sleeping all day.
You wake up and go
straight for the computer.
- You could do something.
- I'll get a job soon.
You have said that often. You don't
care. You should be like your sister.
- At least she goes to school.
- I'll get a job soon.
- You've been home half a year.
- Uh!
- You're giving up everything.
- Be quiet, you're always arguing.
If you don't want me here
then I'll go. I can't handle this!
- Goddammit! Shit!
- Where do you think you're going?
- Out! I'm going wherever I want!
- No you're not! You're not going!
- Yeah!
- Show a little respect here!
I've helped a lot around the house.
You'd see it if you were awake!
You never notice! Dammit!
Can you turn down that damn noise?
- It's going to be nice to go inside!
- Yeah, it's cold, I'm freezing.
- It was good to dance with you.
- Was it a wedding waltz?
You're hoping for too much.
This wasn't an easy walk.
That's right.
- Cheers!
- Yeah, cheers!
You live here?
- You see that big stone over there?
- That one?
Ah, that's it.
- I'll have to be a gentleman, then.
- Thank you! Thank you my dear.
- Where are you?
- Here I am.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Do you have kids?
- What the hell are you doing here?
Get out! Get out! How many times did
I tell you not to have your cap on!
Get out! Can you hear me? Shitboy.
- Get out, shitboy!
- Where's my cap?
- You're just like yourfather!
- Goddam whore!
You don't call your mother a whore!
Finally the house for ourselves.
What do you wan't to do?
- The sofa or the bed?
- Great. Finally got rid of that worm.
- Let's go in and do strange things.
- Like what?
Oh goodness.
Arobin, yeah.
Is there anybody there?
Anybody there?
Are there people in the woods?
Have you walked long on this path?
Did you lose this?
- Yeah. Thanks.
- I found it over there. There's more.
- I got hit.
- Hit? Here in the woods?
- Yeah.
- Let me see! Jesus.
- That's a cut.
- Ouch.
That's not a mosquito bite.
Where was it you got hit?
Was it a person that did this or
something else?
- I didn't see it. I can't remember.
- You can't remember?
- I can go take a look.
- Alright.
There's more clothes overthere.
Anything else?
- No. I think that's all.
- Ok.
Alright, I'll go take a look.
We'll meet up in a little while.
- Thanks.
- Go this way.
My son, remember what your dad said
about your reel.
The same with yourrod, take care of
it and always put it in it's case...
so nobody breaks it.
I'll have a beer.
There's nothing here.
It's empty! Damn it!
Damn boy, he never does
as his mother tells him.
Damn shitboy, where the hell are you?
Where are you?
Go to the store at once!
You hear me!
Damn shitboy.
Come on!
Damn! Your only interest is in your
father's things. Listen to your mom!
Damn boy. Can't you listen,
I've asked you a hundred times!
Go to the store and buy me some beer!
Do as I say.
I want it today and not tommorrow!
I'm fed up with you! Now go!
Go to the store at once!
I hate that damn bitch!
Damn it...
Damn it!
That's it, so you don't
scare the others in here.
Shut up!
Help! Help us!
Help! Help!
- Were you at a party yesterday?
- Yeah, I was there, you know.
- Did you get to dance?
- No, well, yeah...
That's where I live.
You see smoke coming out my chimney.
It'll be good to get warm.
- Yeah.
- I'm freezing.
What the hell is in the bottle?
You can't just lie there.
Come on, get up.
Cheers! Where's the cap? Oops.
Thank you so much.
Let's get warm now.
It'll be nice to come inside.
That's where I live!
You see smoke coming out my chimney.
I'm freezing.
It's tough today.
Goddam bitch!
Goddam bitch! Whore!
So... We have one waking up.
Are you awake? That's nice.
What are you saying?
I can't hear what you're saying.
You want to see who I am?
Do you want to?
This is what I look like.
I'm not dangerous. Even if there's
a lot of weird stuff around here.
I'm just a regular family man.
Ok? I'm just going to get undressed
and we'll see how things work out!
Don't make so much fuss.
I've had enough noise fortoday.
Stop wriggling around.
You'll just get tired.
Let's start with you.
- Over here?
- We've been everywhere.
- We don't have more places to look.
- You can't think of anywhere else?
Nowhere else?
Well... There's one place
I really don't feel like going to.
There's a guy... His name is Tom.
He's a weirdo. He's been living
alone in the woods for 20 years.
- Which Tom?
- Can I explain later?
I'll give you an answer later.
But I want you to go in there,
I can't handle it.
- Is that ok?
- Yeah. I'm not afraid of any Tom.
Alright. That's the last spot and
he knows just about everything.
Let's see what we find out.
- Be careful over here!
- Yeah, I'll be careful.
Hello! Anybody home?
What the hell are you doing here?
Well... have you seen my sister?
She's somewhere around here, we can't
find her. We've been looking all day.
Mom said you knew where she was.
Or that you maybe knew.
You know what goes on around here.
I have a picture of her on my phone.
That's my sister Kimsy.
Don't know for sure. Maybe.
- You don't know?
- No. You can come in and take a look.
- You don't want to take a look?
- Don't think so. No.
- You don't want to? Come on!
- No!
Come on!
Let's go in and see, can't we?
What the hell!
- Come here!
- What the hell! Come overhere!
What are you doing?
Let go of my daughter!
You already fucked me! You're these
kids' father. Now you fondle them!
- Go away bitch!
- You bastard!
- Let her go, you bastard!
- Fuck off!
- Goddam bitch.
- Come on, let's go!
Bitches everywhere!
We're safe. Come on, let's go!
Get in the car.
Go away!
- What did you mean he was my father?
- It's something I've kept from you.
I'll give you a quick explanation.
Tom and I were partners many years
ago. The result was you and Kimsy.
Is that perverted old pig our father?
Yes. He is violent and he can't
handle either me or any of you.
I'll explain properly later.
Let's leave it forthe time being.
The most important thing is to find
Kimsy. I think we should hurry.
So, it's the two of us...
You'll be a nice girl? You sure?
You want to be my dog?
Now you're going to do as I say:
Just bark, don't talk!
Can you bark?
Woof? Yeah, that's right.
I'll take you into the house soon
but first I have to be sure...
- that you do as I say.
Do you understand?
Just rememberto bark.
No silly games.
Let me get undressed.
Let's see if you obey.
We're just going to enjoy ourselves.
Right? That's it.
We'll just do it like this!
That's right! That's it!
That's a good dog. Yeah, that's it
That's the dog I want. Yeah!
Good time. Yeah!
"Yeah, oh, yeah.
Oh, my god this is good!"
Ho, ho!
You were good. That's how I want you
to be all the time.
What? Ok?
Hell of a day.
This damn house!
No more coffee, no more booze...
Hey dog?
How was your day?
Probably much better than mine.
What are you whining about?
You have nothing to complain about.
What do you want? You're so thin
you don't eat anyway.
You don't need food orwhat?
- Woof...
- Woof?
What are you whining about, huh?
You bitch.
- Thirsty.
- Are you thirsty?
You're a pain. You shouldn't talk.
You're supposed to bark.
You! Woof! Damn dog!
I think I need another dog.
You're useless!
You just bark, no whining.
You hear? Woof, woof.
You'll see you damn mutt!
What are you doing? Resisting?
Fuck, you're crazy.
You are crazy, eh?
Bloody cunt of a dog.
You fucking dog,
you'll bloody see now...
You damn mutt.
I'm going to take you outside.
Come on, down on all four.
Crawl. Come on.
Stop it!
Down on all four.
Come on, get out.
Damn dog that won't listen...
Come on, get out now.
On all four. Come on. Come overhere.
Stop it. You're so damn difficult.
Down on all four!
You get it? Over here.
Come over here. That's good.
Don't speak, bark!
Come here... Come on.
- We're almost there.
- Help...
Come on. Come over here.
Listen to me.
Come over here. Come on.
- Don't use tape!
- Stop! Shut up!
Listen to me. Don't spit at me!
Don't spit!
That's it! That's a good dog.
Now we'll let you loose.
In a special way.
You'll be free, just like
the other dogs. Let's see.
Come on!
Drive, come on!
Just leave it there
and let's go inside.
Damn moped!
Now I want a drink.
Just leave it there.
Let me help you.
- You won't manage alone.
- Give me a drink.
- Yeah!
- That's it!
Come on.
- God damn.
- Let's go.
- Come on.
- It's so steep.
Come on.
You're really drunk.
Do you always have to drink so much?
Let's go inside and warm up.
You shouldn't drink
so much every day.
- Where are we going?
- Into the house.
There's a bed there also.
Come on in!
There's a step over there.
Come on up.
- Here's my bed.
- Oh dear.
You want help with your jacket?
And all those tight clothes?
- Take off your helmet, it's a relic!
- No, the helmet stays on!
- I want to keep it on! I want it on!
- No! Take it off.
Jump on, I'm ready.
Come on, get going.
What the hell are you doing?
Out! Go away!
Get out, you hear!
- You bastard!
- Are you listening? Get out!
Damn murderer.
Damn you boy. Move! Watch out.
Well, I'm moving mother.
I've gotten another place.
I'm leaving. You won't see me
around here anymore! Good bye.
There's a gas station over here.
Let's stop and get some gas.
Not all of them are open further up.
- I'll fill her up.
- I'll go get myself some food.
Yeah, you do that. That's good.
Well, hello!
- You were nice.
- What do you want? What the fuck?
I saw Kimsy in the other car!
That nasty guy kidnapped her!
- He drove this way.
- He just took that turn.
He drove faster than us.
He could've taken a side road.
- I'm sure he went that way.
- Look! There's his car!
- Are you sure it's that one?
- Yeah.
My God... This...
This can be dangerous.
Now we have to be careful.
- Are you sure you want to come?
- Yes. I have to do it.
He can be around here somewhere.
Come over here, come here.
He can be in the car.
- No! He's not there.
- He's not here.
- It's his car. Look, there's a path!
- Are you sure?
Come on! Be careful.
Hey, Camilla! Take it easy.
- Let's go together.
- Yeah, let's go together.
Go behind that pine and take a look.
We should wait. Stop.
You wait here Camilla,
and I'll go inside the house...
- and take a look.
And if I don't come back-
run for help and call the police.
Shit, my cell phone! Damn it.
Mom? Mom?
This will hurt a bit.
Now I'm going to have some food.
This is just fantastic.
Here, you see what I mean...
For dinner we'll have filled breast.
Isn't there something called that?
Yeah, just tender enough.
What about you, are you tender?
No. Maybe you haven't
hung long enough?
Maybe one more week here, and
you'll be tender enough, I think.
Should I have a little dessert?
Yeah, I should have some dessert.
I think you need to hang some more.
You need to snuggle a bit...
This isn't dangerous.
Come on, be nice...
Will you be nice?
Will you and me snuggle a bit?
Come on let's snuggle.
You promise to be nice then?
Ok. Ok, let's snuggle.
That's it. It will be over quickly.
Will you be my dog? Are you sure?
You're so nice.
Yeah, you're really nice.
Look at that nice butt.
That's a nice dog. Apure breed.
Oh, Mamma mia...
Hey! Keep still! Hey you!
Now you'll do me a favour,
then you'll be my dog.
Do me a favour, yeah!
Keep still, keep still... Oh!
Oh... Oh, yeah...
Ouch! Shit! You bite!
Fucking dog.
You bit it.
Poor little bastard.
Yeah, maybe...
I think we need to talk.
Hey, are you awake?
How are you? Hey...
Oh, I can't reach over there. Hey?
Open your legs a bit, come on.
So difficult this was.
I need to loosen up this a bit.
I really want you. Remember
how good it was the last time?
I'll lift you up here.
Damn, I'm horny now.
Hey! You!
That's what you get you damn pig!
You're clothes are over there.
Hurry up!
Kimsy, we have to run!
Camilla, put your shoes on,
you run to slow.
- Hurry up.
- What about the others?
- Forget it.
- They'll get killed.
We can tell somebody!
There is no time for this.
- I'll go and save the others.
- Hurry up!
Hurry up, there is no time for this!
Oh... Fucking shit.
Camilla! No!
Let go, god damn it!
Let go! Let me go!
Is this all you can manage?
Ouch! Bloody hell. Ah...
What happened? Ouch.
Ouch, it hurts...
Mom! Mom.
These girls are nasty with me.
I don't like this. Fuck.
Help me!
Ah, those bitches are
pieces of shit! Mom...
Ouch. That's a piece of rope, I say.
- Are you awake, asshole?
- It hurts, let me go!
- Kick it. Ouch!
- There you go, sweetie pie.
- Take off the handcuffs.
- No, we'll keep them on a bit longer.
But. It hurts.
My balls are aching.
- Oh, no...
- Oh. Bloody hell...
- What are you doing?
- Atiny small shrimp. Asmall shrimp!
I'm no shrimp. It hurts.
My balls hurt so much.
- You like this?
- I can't see. Come closer.
- Kiss me. Come on, kiss me. Yes!
- No. No...
- Oh. Oh...
- Better now?
- Look at this, you like it?
- Oh no... no!
No, no, no!
Be nice with my dick!
No! No!
What have you done with my dick?
Oh, damn.
You see, it's not a small shrimp.
It's a real tool.
No, no, no...
No, I don't want to.
Yummy, yummy, yummy...