Thunder Road (1958)

Each year, the millions of gallons | of illegal whisky
manufactured | in the south-eastern United States
represents millions of dollars in taxes | lost to the American people.
The A & TTU, in their continuing | service to their country,
have within one year captured | over 10,000 stills
and impounded over 3,000 of the powerful | vehicles used by the transporters -
those wild and reckless men | who transport illegal whisky
from its source to its point of distribution.
This is the story of a transporter | and his opposite number -
an agent of the US Treasury.
- Raider One calling Raider Base. | - Go ahead, Raider One.
This one's gone on. | Lost him and he's loaded.
He's driving a 1950 Ford two-door coupe. | He's got a racing mill under his hood.
- What licence? | - Never mind that.
I'll bring you his plate - | it's hanging on our car.
- The kingpin again? | - That's right. A real stampeder.
Over and out.
His luck can't hold out forever.
Yeah, Mike. We got time on our side. | Let's head back to the barn.
Oh, let me tell the story
I can tell it all
About the whippoorwill | who ran illegal alcohol
His daddy made the whisky
The son he drove the load
And when his engine roared | they called the highway Thunder Road
Sometimes into Asheville
Sometimes Memphis town
The Revenuers chased him, | but they couldn't run him down
Each time they thought they had him, | his engine would explode
And he'd go by like they | were standing still on Thunder Road
Thunder, Thunder | Over Thunder Road
Thunder was his engine | and white lightning was his load
Moonshine, moonshine | To quench the devil's thirst
The law they never got him
Cos the devil got him first
- You got a new car. | - Repaint job.
- Hi, Robin. | - Hi, Roxy.
New bumper. | Must have been a close one.
It was pretty close.
That was a good idea of yours | putting that drop lever on.
There's a Treasury agent | with three bumpers hanging on his car.
- Whose car is that? Niles Penland? | - He brought some stuff up for Mom.
- Coming to the dance tomorrow, Luke? | - Not tomorrow. I'll be in Memphis.
- But Robin will keep you company. | - You have to high-speed 'em?
Yeah. I pushed her hard, | so look everything over good.
That right rear tyre's frayed. | Change that. Keep a list.
Don't fuss. I reckon I know | as much about this car as you do.
You know more about it, | but I have to sit in it.
- How's your papa, Niles? | - He's still got the misery in his legs.
I think it's that poison-oak salve | he's been using.
- Hi, Luke. How's it going? | - Pretty fair.
- You loaded? | - Yeah. For Knoxville.
How about giving Roxy a tote back?
Lt'd be a purdee pleasure. Come on, Roxy.
You take it easy, Niles.
Watch him, Roxy. | You gotta watch him every minute.
- Where's Papa? | - Up the hill.
Why don't you buy yourself | some new clothes, Ma?
You don't have to dress | like you're going to a funeral.
The money you make | might as well be counterfeit.
If I buy anything I'd like to, | the news'll be all round.
Somebody will ask me where I got it. | You know that.
Co on and get some sleep.
I have to make it real early in the morning. | If I'm not up by six, give me a shake.
Cood food, good meat, | it's getting late, let's eat.
Now get up and do it right.
Heavenly Father, we thank thee | for the gifts we are about to receive.
Yes? This is her.
Thank you for calling, Roxanna.
Niles Penland was ambushed and killed | last night outside of Knoxville.
Poor Mr Penland. He worshipped that boy.
You think the Revenuers | have started that kind of stuff?
No, they wouldn't do it. Never have.
I'd better go up and talk to Papa.
Hey, Papa.
- Well, son? | - Niles Penland finally bought it last night.
Cot ambushed and killed | down on the Knoxville road.
So it begins.
Seen a corpse bird yesterday.
First one I seen in years. | Knew it was an ill omen.
I peg the guilt squarely on Mr Kogan.
Exactly who is this Kogan fellow, Papa?
Oh, Mr Kogan is a man with a big idea.
Wants to combine all the stills | in the valley, take all our makings.
Claims he's got territory round Memphis | and north Tennessee wrapped up now.
Says he'll guarantee us 4,000 a week.
You go on driving, you get the same pay | as you do now - maybe more.
Well, he's free with his money.
Maybe not so free either.
When he pays, he knows all the stills, | our stash locations, the retailers.
He come prepared. Seemed to know who | the folks were making moon around here.
After he left me, he talked to the Penlands, | Buchanans, the Couges.
Like me, they all said they'd let him know.
- What do you make of it? | - It's a shade harder than what I think.
Turning into the same rimption | they had in Phoenix City.
I don't think we oughta mess | with Mr Kogan's proposition.
You might be right.
While I draw this fleeting breath
When my eyes shall close in death
When I rise to worlds unknown
See thee on thy judgment throne
Rock of ages, cleft for me
Let me hide myself in thee
Let us pray.
I ask your blessings | on all these sinful sheep
who are gathered under your roof today | to worship thee.
And, Lord, be merciful | to one of our recent departed ones -
Niles Penland, son of Jessie Penland.
And, O Lord, | bless the men of this congregation
who were unable to attend | because of pressing business. Amen.
And now let's sing hymn 297.
There ain't no point | in making a long speech.
Niles Penland's dead.
If you'd get rid of that plug, Elmo, maybe | we could understand what you're saying.
I was saying there ain't no call | to make a long speech.
Niles Penland's dead, | but he may not be the last one.
It appears that this fellow Kogan | is out to put us in his pocket -
no matter how rough he has to make it.
And the Revenue boys are tightening up.
Now, I want some opinions | as to what we oughta do.
What does Luke think | is the best thing to do?
He'd fight Kogan till hell freezes over.
How should we go about it?
Well, Luke and me has discussed it | a good bit.
We'd start by rechecking every man who's | hauling or making moon in the valley -
still men, watchers, walkers and catchers.
When we were | absolutely sure of our men,
we'd move every still to a scared location, | buy new transporter cars.
And we'd have the drivers change their | road approach to every delivery point,
carry weapons in every car.
That in itself is a violation,
but Mr Kogan intends to shoot us | off the road, if he has to.
Seems to me you're gonna | have to come to this eventually.
Unless you're gonna fight a tornado | with a peach-tree switch.
You're talking | about spending a lot of money.
Stacey, you make as much money as us.
If your folks'd dig up | the cash they've got buried,
you could equip a whole fleet.
Wait! No offence, Vernon, but maybe | your son is responsible for this grief.
He come out of the service with | a good record and went back to driving.
But he's got a machine-gunner's outlook | and death don't faze him much.
I admit he hasn't been busted | in the moon traffic yet.
We're in a business, Jess. | We keep up to date or go under.
Is my son up to date?
Seems to me he went under. I buried him.
- That ain't necessarily Luke's fault. | - It ain't?
He died trying to imitate Luke.
Let's check the facts. Since Luke came | back, arrests in this valley have doubled.
Because every sheriff and police officer | from here to Memphis is after him.
The Treasury Department's | got a special investigator to turn him up.
That's why the pressure's on everywhere.
I'm sorry you feel the way you do.
Luke never intended any harm | to come to your boy.
Whatever you all want to do, | me and Luke will abide by it.
But don't forget - and this | hasn't been mentioned here today -
we're in an illegal business.
We've always had the government on our | backs and now we've got another enemy.
Well, we'll have a show of hands.
Those opposed to Kogan's offer, | signify it.
Those approving Mr Kogan.
By majority consent, we do not accept.
Centlemen, I guess | that finishes the business.
- You change those plugs? | - Just cleaned 'em. They checked out.
- You think I'd short you on gas? | - No, but you might forget.
When can I go with you? | You can't fire that and handle the wheel.
Not now, Rob. Trouble on the roads.
- Did you phone? | - Yeah. Roxanna said the road's clear.
Sounds like a real twistification | down at the store. Cuitar music.
OK, let me out, kid.
Luke? Cood luck.
Thanks, kid.
- Jed, I just can't dance another step. | - OK, Roxy. Let's sit awhile.
Ain't this a lovely night?
Yes, it is, Roxy.
You know, Jed, folks are saying | this investigator, Barrett...
he was sent in special because of Luke.
Imagine that.
You imagine it. Roxy, I'm sick and tired | of hearing about Luke.
He ain't the only driver in the hills.
Here he comes now.
You can tell it's him when you hear those | pipes come grumbling down the road.
Big deal!
- You going out with Jed? | - Yeah. He's riding empty ahead of me.
Oh, that's a shame. | After I put on my best shaving lotion.
You smell sweet enough.
When you gonna get a job | down in Mama Dunn's dance hall?
No need to get mincey about it. You don't | have to shake that stuff all over yourself.
Maybe some day | you'll come tippy-toeing around -
even if you think you're the lord | of the valley cos you've been to a war -
but I may not be here!
Cood night, pretty girl. | You have a good time.
Cot a little shot up, eh, Luke?
- You burned some rubber too. | - Yeah. Things are rough all over.
Pretty good bead. | How much you carrying?
250 gallons. Clean and high proof.
You empty her out, Mac. | I've gotta do some phoning.
Hello? Hi-Hat?
Hi, Jim. Luke Doolin.
Can I talk to Francie, please?
She's on, huh? You crowded?
OK. I'll be along a little later.
Hello. Harry? Doolin.
Listen, Harry, I'm gonna need | a new left-rear window, left wind wing.
Yeah. Hail.
Maybe not in Memphis, but it was sure | hailing hard up in Chalk Cap tonight.
I'm gonna need it now. Tonight.
And, Harry? If one of those slobs of yours | so much as touches that motor,
I'm gonna come down | and spray you all bright green.
The keys are in it. | It's here at MacKenzie's.
All right, Harry.
Eight, nine, ten...
1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400. OK?
Just a minute.
- That tank empty? | - Naturally.
Let's just check it and make sure, huh?
One of these days you're gonna leave | a little too much in that tank.
Conna cost me two years in jail.
I wish you'd remember that.
Won't you come home, my baby? | Won't you come home?
I miss you day and night
You have my promise, baby | From this day on
I swear I'd treat you right
Forget that rainy evening | when you walked out
With nothing but your brush and comb
It's not the same, I know I'm to blame
Baby, won't you please come home?
Forget that rainy evening
This'll slay ya!
I know I'm to blame
Baby, won't you please come home?
Baby, won't you please come home?
She's trying to make a living. | If you wanna bray, go find a barnyard.
The night was young
You shouldn't do things like this. | This is a nightclub and it's late.
- People pay to get a little drunk. | - All right.
I'll pick up the tab | for moonface and his friends.
- Ask him to please quit yakking. | - OK.
The whippoorwill sang sweet and low
The moon was low, our hearts were high
- Fellow would like to buy you a drink. | - Who?
- Fellow named Carl Kogan. That's his hat. | - Tell him no.
Luke, you don't say no | to a fellow like this.
Then tell him "No, thanks. "
Poor whippoorwill
The tree is bare
He wonders still why you're not there
I'm all alone beneath the tree
Where once you pledged | your love to me
My lonely heart...
The man would still | like to have a drink with you.
I said no.
Look... Here's his card.
A little friendly conversation | never hurt anybody.
Maybe I'll talk to him, maybe I won't.
If I were you, I would.
My lonely heart cries out for you
The whippoorwill
Is crying too
home folks.
- Finally decided to come see the man? | - Yeah. Finally made the time.
Creat. Let's go in.
We've got mills that'll blow | that heap of yours right off the road.
Carl Kogan? My name's Doolin.
I didn't mean to be rude, but...
...there's a bird making a nest out there.
It's working very hard.
So I'm trying him out - | different kinds of music.
That bird won't interrupt his work | for trashy stuff.
Cive him one of those modern ballads and | nothing happens - he just keeps working.
But slam him full-volume | with something real good -
Wagner, Bach or Beethoven - | and then he really takes off.
I'm kinda interested in that stuff. | What's on your mind, Mr Doolin?
- I don't like being shot at. | - Hardly anybody does.
I don't like people who slap my hat | around. So we'll make it short and sweet.
I control most of the action around here | and I'm taking over Rillow Valley.
If we talk business, you'll get | the price I quoted and we'll all be happy.
If not... I'll take you over anyway.
Like you took over Niles Penland?
An accident. Like you put | two of my boys over the falls last night.
That puts you one ahead. | I'm willing to leave it that way.
The biggest danger is if one | of the alcohol-tax boys gets knocked off.
Nobody beats a Federal murder rap.
They'll stalk the ridges until there | isn't a still left in Kentucky or Tennessee.
Then you good folks in Rillow Valley | can go back to raising bumblebee cotton.
- You think it's that easy? | - There's no middle way.
How rough do you want it?
He blatted me | and he baled out the window.
Crey Ford proceeding north | on State Street.
Violation 702. | Licence 5J 3174 Tennessee.
1950 grey Ford proceeding north | on State Street.
Violation 702.
- Might be our boy. | - With a new repaint job?
Right. Raider One to Raider Two.
Make contact immediately. | State Street cutoff.
1950 grey Ford. | Licence 5J 3174 Tennessee.
Licence 5J 3174.
Violation 702. | Licence 5J 3174 Tennessee.
Cood afternoon. I think | I've got a bumper that belongs to you.
Why don't you give it back? | That's just like stealing, ain't it?
I guess. Come out | with your hands up high like the sky.
Turn around | and put your hands against the car.
- It's a tanker, but it's unloaded. | - Cet him in the car.
We'll pull Harding off that Ross Street | stakeout at midnight.
Thanks, Jerry.
- I'm sorry, Troy. Co ahead. | - That's all right, Ritch.
You got a boy booked | as Howard Ransom from Frankfort.
His real moniker's Doolin - Lucas Doolin. | That's the name on his army discharge.
The Ford he was driving is a tanker.
The maniac who went cartwheeling | through the parking lot?
- Yeah. That's the one. | - We can put him away for a while.
I wish you wouldn't, Ritch.
I wish you wouldn't.
I'd like to see him fined and turned loose, | so we can tail him.
- It might lead to something. | - Well... it might be worked out.
The district attorney's office has to agree.
Cive 'em a jingle. While I'm here | I'd like to talk to Ransom.
Put Ransom down in Interrogation. | Mr Barrett of Treasury will be down.
You'll pass the word up?
Hard shake, no sentence, | so he won't know we're on him.
- Right. | - See you.
I'm Barrett from the Alcohol & Tobacco | Tax Division, Treasury Department.
We didn't have much time to talk when | you were picked up, so I stopped by.
Your car was used | for hauling illegal non-tax-paid whisky.
It's remodelled for that purpose.
Like I told you, I bought it for the mill. | It's a sweet-running car.
You bought it in Frankfort?
That's right. You can't take it away | just because I've been a blockhead?
No. We had no evidence. | We couldn't hold you on a Federal charge.
You could help us if you wanted to. | You're a handy boy.
Sorry. I'm not interested.
You're bucking | the United States government.
There's a conspiracy moving into Rillow | Valley and we intend to put an end to it.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Nobody's asking you | to blow the whistle on your own people.
Just give us a lead on who's muscling in.
I still don't know | what you're talking about.
All right.
You know and I know | that you're a transporter.
That tank of yours | was just recently emptied.
So far you don't have a record with us,
but you're standing pretty close | to the horse's head.
You've been mugged and fingerprinted.
That record goes into the Washington file | and all of our regional offices.
It's a net, buddy boy, | and the pressure won't let up.
You had over $4,000 in cash on you.
Nobody - not even the president - | carries that kind of money
unless he's trying to duck something.
You're taped.
You can change names, routes, cars, | but eventually we'll nail you.
You'll stand up before a Federal judge.
Sure there's nothing you wanna tell me?
Yeah, I got one thing to tell you.
I reckon you can do all you say,
only first you got to catch me - if you can.
I'll do that.
How about that rain?
I like the rain - | except when you're driving in it.
Then it scares me.
- You really miss me, honey? | - Of course I miss you.
That's why that candle's | always burning in the window.
- Are you gonna say you don't miss me? | - All the time. I miss you all the time.
I don't like the way you read that.
It's like we're running out of time.
Time's all we've got.
And my time is yours.
I'd just like a little more of you.
That's all.
Honey, it's like we're standing behind | the clock ready for the starter's gun.
We can't talk till the race is over.
This we've got - this hour, | this night, this rain, this music.
Things aren't so bad as they actually are | if we just accept them.
I remember when I was a little kid
trailin' my daddy up to the still | through those mountain winters.
I knew what he was doing | was contrary to somebody's law,
but my grandaddy had done it before him, | his daddy before him
and so on clear back to Ireland.
They held that what a man did | on his own land was his business.
They didn't have any noble notions then, | of course. Still don't.
When they came here | and fought for this country
and scratched up those hills | with their ploughs and their mules,
they did it to guarantee | the basic rights of free men.
They just figured that whisky-making | was one of 'em.
I don't remember anything | dark and shameful,
I just recollect the dogwoods and laurels | with little tags of ice on the ends of them -
just snap off clean | when you brushed by them.
I was just a little boy, following my | daddy's footsteps up Sorrowful Mountain.
You know something?
I love you.
I love you too, honey. | Truly in my heart, I do.
But I'm a big boy now.
When the government fetched my country | soul out of Rillow Valley to go fight a war,
everything just switched on me.
I remember I was a little confused | by that sort of logic, but I did my best.
You always do.
All I wanted was | to just stay in Rillow Valley,
but that's long gone now.
My head's full of so many other things.
I've been across an ocean, | met all the pretty people,
I know how to read an expensive | restaurant menu, I know what a mobile is.
You're at one end of the line | and Rillow Valley's at the other,
and I'm moving fast in the middle - | it's the nature of my business.
- Then take me with you. | - With me?
Honey, every Revenue agent in four states | would like to catch me on that run.
The only reason they haven't made me | till now is because I travel single-o.
One of these days, honey... | One of these days I've got to fall.
Then put it down and stay with me.
I just wanna be normal people.
I just wanna be somebody.
You are, honey. That's the big trouble.
You are somebody...
and I'm a whisky man.
There's another brand-new day | coming up.
You just try that on for size and enjoy it.
- Why aren't you in church? | - I had to mind the store.
Father was at the Rankin meeting. | I thought you were there.
I had something else to do.
I been talking to my brother-in-law | about the Flat Creek house -
the one above the old mill.
It's a real pretty place.
Wouldn't take too much fixing up either.
Cot enough lived land around so's a fella | could make out real good farming.
If he worked at it.
You don't really | like the moon business, do you?
All this sudden hankering | for a place to plough?
Wouldn't be so bad to have a place
if you ever wanted | to stop outrunning the cops.
You know, Roxy, | I reckon I'd have to clear some of it out,
but this place has got purple rhodo...
Luke, it's a beauty. | I'm available for a demonstration ride.
Not right now, pretty girl. | Maybe tomorrow.
Some heap. You got her all gussied up. | How does she roll?
The man at the shop guaranteed me | 130 on the flat. Corners great too.
- I'd like to check the motor. | - Any time later.
- You rolling tonight? | - No. Tomorrow. Memphis.
Those Illinois plates | look a bit gaudy up there.
They won't be on it too long, cousin. | Take it easy now.
"Take it easy", the man says.
When he's got the pace set so high | nobody but a lunatic could match it.
He's plumb crazy.
- How are those shackles? | - They're all set.
OK. Slide your tail under, | check that dump valve.
- OK? | - She's working.
Oughta empty 250 gallons in two minutes.
If I mounted that toggle switch | on the wheel it would work a lot better.
You may be right.
We might try it one of these days.
You really like messing around | with motors, don't you?
- I'm a fair hand. | - That's not a bad deal.
City newspapers are filled | with jobs for engineers.
I don't mean just cars - | turbo jets, ramjets, rockets.
Won't be long before every house in these | hills will be lighted with atomic power.
I guess that's a bit over my head.
You know, Luke... If I took your old '50, | gave it a new paint job, gear ratio...
Drive it straight into some penitentiary.
You forget about that old '50.
Check board's over there. | Soon as you get done, I'll road-test it.
- Hey, Luke. | - Jed.
I've been smoking over what they said at | the meeting and I do need another crate.
You want the address where I got mine?
I've got too much dough | tied up in that thing now...
You could pay for it in two weeks.
I got something else I need the cash for. | How about a deal on the Ford?
It's on the record. | They know it's a tanker.
So is mine.
I've seen Kogan's cars. | You do need new equipment.
Why don't you let me double up | on the run till you get the money?
How about the Ford?
It's not good enough. | That car's got five traffic violations.
Better than mine. Yes or no?
OK. Take it.
- You didn't say how much. | - See how you like it.
Roxanna phoned a while ago. | Said you promised to take her for a ride.
- The car ain't ready yet, Ma. | - You ought to call her.
Luke? Robin's saying | he's gonna take your old car.
Too late. Jethro Moultrie just bought it.
I told you before, Ma. Robin's not going | in the liquor business as anything.
That'd be the finest present | you could ever make to me.
We're in most of this territory, but in | Harlan we haven't got a single supplier.
The Harlan volume isn't large, but | the retailers use it to keep prices down.
That Doolin is fouling us up.
Don't worry - he'll miss one of these times | and take himself out.
We don't have time. He's gonna hold out | till he gets the fuzz down on all of us.
Now's the time to put Mr Lucas Doolin | out of commission permanently.
Lucky will arrange to wire him up | next time he's in town.
That'll be a pleasure. | I like handling these bust-out characters.
The man who owns that place | told me about that car.
It's got a moon tank built into it. | He noticed it while servicing it.
Same model as Doolin was driving. | Could be him.
It doesn't seem reasonable, Mike -
a stampeder like this Doolin | leaving his car in the open all night?
I'm gonna get me some cigarettes. | Hold the fort, eagle-eye.
I'm zeroed in.
- Howdy. | - Hi.
- My car ready? | - Yeah.
Thank you. See you later.
- Slide over, Jed. | - Why don't you get off my back?
The keys.
You could at least answer a body.
What are you doing up here | by Black Rock Mill?
The hants'll get you up here.
The hants ain't here no more, Roxy. Too | peaceful for them here in the mountains.
When hants get restless, | they up and move on.
They're down there on the roads now. | Niles Penland can testify to that.
Jed Moultrie too.
They're bringing him back to the valley | he never wanted to leave.
What they could find of him.
It could have been you, Luke.
Yeah. It could have been, but it wasn't.
There's always somebody around | to take my place.
This time it was Jed.
Maybe next time - | if there's to be a next time -
I'll have something | to do with the choosing.
There wouldn't be a next time | if you just quit.
Quit? Why don't I quit breathing?
I just ain't gaited that way, Roxy.
You'll just have to get yourself used | to there being a next time - for somebody.
I hope that somebody | doesn't turn out to be Robin.
Roxy, I told my mother, I told my father, | I told Robin and now I'm telling you:
There's never gonna be | such a time for Robin.
Robin's not gonna be a whisky runner.
I'll kill anybody | who tries to make him one.
- Co on down. It's gonna start raining. | - Luke.
Can't we just wait a while? | The rain won't bother us none.
Find somebody content to punch a time | clock, plough a field, have a mess of kids.
I would - if they looked like you.
- You're never gonna have a lick of sense. | - Maybe not.
But I know what I want. Do you, Luke?
What? Know what I want?
Yeah, I know what I want. | I want to stop the clock.
- Turn it back to another time in the valley. | - What time was that, Luke?
I don't rightly remember, Roxy. | I've forgotten.
Hello, Mr Barrett. | They're waiting for you. Co in.
Thank you.
- Hello, Troy. | - Hello, Chief.
- I think you know everybody. | - Yes, I do. Hello.
- Sit down. | - Thanks.
I've just been briefing them on Harlan.
Bloody Harlan. In less than a month, | we've had four deaths in this area.
Yesterday, one of our agents - Michael | Williams - was killed in that car explosion.
I'm sending 200 extra agents down. We'll | handle it the way we did Birmingham.
If we have to, we'll ridge-walk | every foot of Harlan County.
- Come again. Come right frequent. | - We plan to.
Mighty wearing work | climbin' up and down these hills.
Might be you'd like to step over | to the house for a cup of coffee.
Phone there too. You might see | about getting your tyre fixed.
No, thanks. We'll have | that cup of coffee in my office.
And before we're through, nobody | will even make a teacup of whisky,
so you might as well get used to that idea.
We've had you before, | haven't we, Jimmy?
I did a mite of time a few years ago.
You fellas own this still | or are you working it for somebody?
Mister, I ain't gonna lie to you... | nor the judge...
but I promised the man who owned | the still I wasn't gonna lie to him neither.
OK. You're all tagged fair.
You wanna spend the weekend in jail or | report to the commissioner on Monday?
We'll be there, sure as fate.
- John? You got your records complete? | - Yeah.
Cut it up.
I'm worried about Luke.
He won't back off from nothing. | A mite edgy.
His judgment might not be so good now,
so I'm shutting down after this run.
So are most of the others.
Luke's making a run to Memphis tonight | and that's the end of it.
Harlan County's finally gonna shut down. | Never seen that in my day.
You'll see her open up again.
We've been making whisky in these hills | nigh on 250 years.
We'll be back in business | before you know it.
I just don't want nobody else | to get shot out of business.
Really put her through the wringer, | didn't you? Kogan outfit again?
Yeah. They had me boxed in pretty tight.
Henlon 37, please. Anyone who answers.
This is Henderson 6741.
What's she gonna set me back, Frank? | Figure it out, will ya?
Hello. Momma? Is Papa there? | Could I talk to him, please?
What do you think, Frank?
- About 450. | - When will I get it?
Wednesday oughta do it.
Hello? Hello, Papa?
I'm in Henderson City. | They tried to box me in tonight.
They tore my car up pretty bad -
too bad to get it through | those inspection blocks into Memphis.
I'm all right, but I'll be holed up here | for three days. You know where.
Please don't you or anybody else | try to contact me.
You might be followed. | That Kogan's playing it pretty rough.
I'll be in Memphis Wednesday | and home Thursday.
Don't worry about me... | I said, don't worry. I'll be all right.
I'll see you Thursday. Bye.
Long distance. | Cet me State 1-6721 in Memphis, please?
This is Henderson 6741.
This Kogan fella - when's someone | gonna do something about him?
Well, the Treasury man tells me I'm | standing pretty close to the horse's head,
but Kogan's standing closer.
Hello. Francie? Honey, | I won't make it to Memphis tonight.
My car conked out on me. | It's gonna tie me up about three days.
I'm in Henderson City.
I don't know | where I'm gonna be staying yet.
How 'bout you meeting me | Wednesday night at Foster's caf?
That caf on Henderson and Cherry | where we ate the last time?
You duck out after the first show, huh?
There's nothing wrong, Francie. | My car just conked out, that's all.
Honey, honest, I'm all right. | There's nothing wrong. I'm fine.
I'll see you Wednesday.
- You Robin Doolin? | - Yeah, I reckon I am.
I'm a Treasury agent. Troy Barrett. | Alcohol, Tobacco Tax Division.
I wanna talk to you.
I'd rather talk to a skunk.
- We're not really that bad. | - You are in these parts.
Wait a minute. | After all, I didn't try to trick you.
I did come right out with it.
Your brother's a big man | in these parts, isn't he?
- How come he didn't serve in the army? | - He served. He just...
He just what?
- Officially, I'm not supposed to be here. | - Then what are you doing here?
Your brother Luke's not in Memphis, here | or at any of his normal delivery points.
Somebody tore up two cars last night | on the Chalk Cap road.
I think it was your brother.
If it was, he's still loaded, | his car's torn up and maybe he is.
So use your head a little, boy.
Do you know who Carl Kogan is?
All right. Don't answer - you don't have to. | But I know that you know.
So do we. We didn't, but we know now.
He's the head of a big city operation | trying to move in on Harlan County.
There's something else we know.
Niles Penland, Jed Moultrie, | Mike Williams - a Treasury agent -
lost their lives because of him.
Another thing we know for sure.
Your brother's the one person | that's stood in the way of Kogan.
What do you want of me?
I want to meet your brother. I'll meet him | any place, any time, unarmed.
Use your head a little. We're on your side.
It's Kogan we want this time.
There's a chance your brother can make | it easier for us to lay our hands on him.
If he's still alive.
And he won't be | if he makes the wrong move.
There's another trap set for him. Coes | into operation when he hits the road.
We got that much from | the two Kogan men we tagged last night.
You gonna help me out? | Agree to have me meet your brother?
Mr Barrett, I don't think I can arrange that.
All right.
Here's my telephone number. You call me | if you wanna or have Luke do it.
Luke? It's me - Robin.
- What are you doing here, Robin? | - I caught a bus.
Mom don't know where I am. | She tried to stop me, but I came anyway.
Took an awful chance.
When I talked to Pop, | I told him not to tell nobody.
You shouldn't have done it, buddy.
How about yourself? | Today, after school, a man stopped me.
Luke, he's got no beef with you, | just as long as you're clean.
But Kogan - he's never gonna be clean.
All Barrett wants | is for you to help get Kogan.
Keeping kinda strange company.
All the man wants to do is talk to you.
He said he'd come unarmed, | any place you say.
Oh, no. Nobody ever charmed me | with a "Play pretty".
I don't make no deals with nobody.
Luke, the man's all right.
All he's trying to do | is stop you from running.
He said his men are gonna have to tag | you to keep Kogan from killing you.
Barrett's on our side.
Barrett. Barrett and Kogan.
Nobody's gonna kill nobody. I'm just | making one more routine run, that's all.
Papa's got the still shut down | and everything's cool.
I appreciate you coming all this way, | but everything's set.
Don't go, Luke.
Please don't go.
Don't badger me, Rob.
I've tried to explain it to you.
You just can't seem | to get it through your thick head.
From Harlan to Memphis, Kentucky, | Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina -
I got my name on one police blotter.
That's from trying to outrun Kogan.
Otherwise I'm entirely clean. | You wanna know why? Cos I don't fix.
I don't buddy up with one living soul.
You ramble on back home and you | keep your mouth shut about where I am.
This is my problem. You understand that?
Yeah. I understand. | I just came down here to help.
I am your brother, you know.
When brothers meet, do they quarrel?
Co on, Rob, git.
All right. I'm gone.
- Roxy, what in the world...? | - I drove Pop's pick-up down.
I told the landlady | you were expecting me.
I've got some bad news for you.
You must have been | pretty rough on Robin.
He accepted an offer from Stacey Couge | to drive a load into Memphis tonight.
- I thought I'd better tell you. | - Drive from where to Memphis?
From Stacey Couge's garage.
Oh, no, he ain't. | He ain't driving inch one toward Memphis.
- But your car's not here. | - It will be, in time to cut Robin off.
- That takes care of tonight. | - Quit fussing.
I told you before, | Robin's not about to be in this business.
You just can't see for looking! Don't you | know you're the one that's gotta quit?
It ain't like that. Quitting's gonna be done | in Memphis tonight.
Time it to be at the city limits | a little bit before midnight.
Drop the woman and kid | off at Porter's caf,
then drive into the drop exactly on time.
If you're early, kill time. | Just don't circle the same block too often.
You going some place?
You can't stop me this time.
- You have been stopped, buddy. | - That's what you think.
I asked you a hundred times | to let me go with you, but you never did.
I've taken this man's money, | I'm gonna drive his car.
You don't understand. | These fellas are trying to bum-rap you.
That's one of Kogan's cars. | They use you as bait for me.
Stacey Couge, you dirty turncoat,
you move toward that shotgun, | I'll make a skullcap out of it for you.
Rob, pick up the shotgun | and put it in my car.
You can call your friend, Stacey. | Tell him his plan worked.
I'm on my way.
- Luke, I never thought... | - That's right. You didn't think.
Co to the bus stop and wait for | your mother. You go on home with her.
Nobody's sore at you, buddy, | so... easy. You hear?
All right, Luke.
- Operator. | - Long distance. I'd like Memphis.
Broadway 1-6624. Mr Carl Kogan, please.
Broadway 1-6624. Carl Kogan. K-O-C-A-N.
- Lucas Doolin. | - Your number?
This is Milledgeville 349.
Deposit one dollar and 25 cents, please.
- Hello? | - Hello. Kogan?
- Doolin. | - What's on your mind?
You. You're on my mind.
You finally made the big mistake tonight, | Kogan.
Niles Penland was a mistake.
Jethro Moultrie and Williams, | that was a mistake - a bad mistake.
But tonight you made the big mistake -
you put your dirty, fat hands | on my kid brother.
I swore I'd kill anybody | that tried to make him a whisky runner.
I'm on my way into Memphis now.
When I get there, you're gonna find out | that I meant exactly what I said.
- Cood evening. | - I was looking for Mr Barrett. Is he in?
I'm sorry, he's not. Which Mr Barrett | did you want? Perhaps there's a mistake.
The one who's with | the Federal Alcohol Tax Office.
It's the right house, but he's not here.
Perhaps I can help you. My name | is Mary Barrett. Won't you come in?
- What's your name? | - Roxanna. Roxanna Ledbetter.
Roxanna. That's a lovely name.
You're a very pretty girl. | Won't you have some tea?
- No, ma'am. | - Oh, do sit down.
- Has Troy been flirting with you? | - Troy?
I'm sorry again. | Troy is Mr Barrett, my husband.
Most of his clients are not so attractive.
They'll kill him! I've got to turn him in.
My family and my kin would never speak | to me again if they knew I was here,
but there ain't any other way!
Why don't you tell me? | Maybe it would help.
He won't ever stop | unless somebody stops him.
Kogan's men will shoot him off the road | if your husband's agents don't get him.
- But he won't quit... | - Wait.
Who is going to get hurt | if he doesn't get stopped?
His name is Lucas Doolin.
He drives a new Ford.
Tennessee licence 5J-6389.
It's a car for moonshine liquor | and he's coming into Memphis tonight.
And this Lucas Doolin - | you're in love with him?
I reckon so, but that part of it | ain't important as keeping him alive.
Lucky, my mind's made up. That hillbilly | has caused us enough trouble.
Tonight we're gonna take him out, | really out.
Cet going.
Hello. Troy? | There's a girl here at the house.
She's told me some things | you ought to know. I think it's important.
It's about a transporter | named Lucas Doolin.
Put out a condition red | for everything north of here to Kentucky.
I'll go over with Edwards | to knock out Kogan.
We'd better put him out of action | or there'll be trouble tonight.
Joe, call the state police commissioner | and tell him I need his help.
I'll pick up the warrant for Kogan.
When we knock him out, | I'll keep you posted from the road.
Make this one loud and clear. | This one's for Mike Williams, right?
All Raider units, all points, | condition red...
This is Central Raider to all points. | Repeat - condition red.
Everything's coming off as I planned it. | Finally.
I handled that situation in Harlan - | tonight'll take care of that.
Then in no time, Virginia, West Virginia...
Then watch me.
Carl Kogan? | We've got a warrant for your arrest.
I'm a businessman. What are these for?
Two first-degree murder charges, | conspiracy against the US government,
illegal purchase and transport | of explosives. Need any more?
- Somebody made a mistake. | - That's right. You did.
Do you realise | how rarely we eat together?
We never get to do | everyday things other people do.
Honey, I told you, | it's the nature of my business.
One thing that does occur to me is that...
I seldom tell you | how much you mean to me.
- I don't complain. | - I know.
I don't need the people or even the food.
I just want you all together - cos | you're the only natural man I ever knew.
You know what happens | to those heroes when they die?
They sit around in golden apartment | houses, air-conditioned, in heaven
and grow heartsick for home.
My problem is I couldn't place my home | if I were heartsick for it.
I gotta find an excuse | for everywhere I am.
Every time you touch me, | my alibi flies out the window.
You've got me boxed in the middle.
That's just where I want you.
May I have your purse, honey?
Look... Here's $9,000.
It's too much money for me to be carrying | right now. It's getting rough out.
You just go on back to Memphis | and wait till you hear from me.
No, honey. Don't say anything. Just sing. | Find some words to that pretty music.
While all alone
Beneath the tree
Where once you pledged | your love to me
My lonely heart cries out to you
The whippoorwill
Is crying too
You better play something | bright and snappy on that box.
Raider Base to all units. | Observe radio silence.
Cars three, five and six meet at checker | points. Wait there for further instructions.
Raider units three, five and six | proceed to rendezvous three.
State unit 17 report to rendezvous K.
State unit 12 report to rendezvous K.
Attention, all cars. Raider four should | pick him up unless he changes course.
Call unit four if you make contact.
Mountain people.
Wild-blooded and death foolish.
That was Doolin all right. | He was a real stampeder.
The moon was low
Our hearts were high
You said "I will until I die"
And while we kissed beneath the tree
The whippoorwill
Sang happily
Poor whippoorwill
The tree is bare
He wonders still
Why you're not there
While all alone
Beneath the tree
Where once | you pledged your love to me
My lonely heart cries out for you
The whippoorwill
Is crying too