Thunderbird 6 (1968)

We are gathered here today
as representatives...
of some of the greatest
design teams in the world.
We are here to listen
to a proposal...
from a Mr. X...
a man who is 50 years
ahead of his time...
A man who is undoubtedly...
the world's greatest
aircraft designer.
The daddy of them all.
Mr. X?
Are you with us?
I am with you,
Mr. President.
Gentlemen, you must
forgive the extraordinary...
security precautions
taken today.
But when I tell you
that Mr. X...
is none other than
the man who designed...
the International
Rescue aircraft...
you will understand the
importance of security.
Mr. X has a proposition
to put to us...
for a revolutionary
new type of aircraft.
It is, perhaps...
The most exciting moment in
the history of our company.
And now, gentlemen,
the moment has come.
What is it to be?
An aircraft that flies 10 times
the speed of sound...
A space vehicle that travels
the speed of light?
If I were able to guess...
Mr. X would not
be here today.
And now, Mr. X, it is
with great excitement...
that we await breathlessly...
the details
of your new design.
Well, gentlemen...
I thought it would be
a good idea...
in this day and age
of, uh, speed...
And, uh, things like that...
to build an... airship.
An airship?
An airship?
A beautiful island
in the pacific...
secret base of
International Rescue...
So far undetected.
Outwardly, the luxury home
of millionaire ex-astronaut...
Jeff Tracy.
Now, let's have a rundown...
on the International
Rescue craft.
At the moment, there are 5.
Thunderbird 1...
sleek, first, and fast.
Thunderbird 2...
giant transporter.
Carries all the rescue
gear to the danger zone.
Thunderbird 3...
designed for space rescue.
Thunderbird 4...
capable of withstanding
the pressure of the depths.
Thunderbird 5...
space monitor.
Capable of receiving
or intercepting...
distress calls from
any part of the world.
And I'm telling you, Brains,
in no uncertain terms...
That we now need
a Thunderbird 6.
Sure, Mr. Tracy.
But can you give me
some sort of a steer?
I like to work
to a specification.
You didn't need to work
to a specification...
when you designed
that airship...
for the New World
Aircraft Corporation.
That's right. I didn't.
And what happened?
They laughed.
Yeah, that's right.
They laughed.
And then they built it.
There you are, Brains.
Your specially commissioned
painting of Skyship 1.
Thanks, Virgil.
It's really great.
But I guess that's
about the nearest...
I'm gonna get to it
for some time.
I'm sorry about this,
But I've got this feeling,
and I know I'm not wrong.
We desperately need
a Thunderbird 6.
That's OH, Mr. Tracy.
Of course,
I would have liked...
to have been on
the maiden voyage.
But at least
International Rescue...
will be represented by
Alan, Tin Tin, and Penelope.
They'll give you
a full report.
So, you like
the painting, eh?
Say, talking of painting...
Yes, Dad?
You better get cleaned up.
Don't forget, it's your
farewell dinner tonight.
Just 10 more minutes, Dad,
and I'll be through.
How's she looking?
Great. Just great.
I finished our
packing, Mr. Tracy.
Our packing?
Tin Tin, come here a minute.
Certainly, Mr. Tracy.
Is there anything wrong?
Tin Tin, Alan wanted
to travel to England...
in an unconventional way.
Well, I've organized that.
But it's gonna be
a long journey...
and not exactly the way
for a young lady to travel...
in this day and age.
You are traveling
by scheduled airline.
But Mr. Tracy...
I want to travel with Alan.
Now, Alan leaves tomorrow...
and you leave
in 2 weeks' time.
Come on, Mother, over here.
You'll get a good view.
Well, I guess we've seen
a lot of launchings...
but this will beat all.
Say, where's Tin Tin?
I don't know, Dad.
Unusual for her
not to see Alan off.
Here she comes.
So long, folks.
Dearest Brains...
I know how much
this project means to you...
and I feel that you, not I,
should be making this trip.
But, of course, you are the one
person who cannot be spared.
I shall be thinking of you.
Love, Tin Tin.
I stowed aboard
the Tiger with Alan.
She's what?
That's right, Mr. Tracy.
She's aboard
the Tiger with Alan.
He flies through the air
With the greatest of ease
The daring young man
in his flying machine
His movements are graceful
All girls he can please
And my heart is stolen away
Isn't it a lovely ouit?
It belonged to my ancestor,
the Duchess of Crighton Ward.
Well? What do you think,
I think it's very elegant,
Mind you, I prefer
mini-skirts m'self...
but I suppose
it's appropriate...
that you should be dressed
like that...
For the revival of
the airship, so to speak.
Thank you, Parker.
And that ouit
suits you beautifully.
Well, if Alan's
on schedule...
he should be arriving
at any moment.
Yes, milady.
I understand that he's been
on his way now for 2 weeks.
That's him, Parker.
We must go onto the roof
and see him land.
Come on.
There it is, Tin Tin.
Yes, Alan!
It looks lovely!
OH. You know what to do.
I expect he's
coming in to land.
Milady, he's coming
straight for us!
I don't believe it.
Hi, Penny. Hi, Parker.
Alan, I'm so glad
you're safe.
You gave us quite a scare.
Gee, I like
your ouit, Penelope.
Yes, I was rather
pleased with it myself.
Uh, uh, excuse me.
All the family
send their love to you.
Uh, excuse me,
Mr. Alan. Excuse me.
What is it, Parker?
Uh, your aircraft, sir.
It's got no pilot.
I... I just thought
I'd point it out to you, sir.
Oh, forget about it,
I'm finished with it now.
Now, you were saying,
Mr. Alan, please!
Don't you understand?
It's gonna crash
into the house!
Parker! What has
got into you?
Sorry about that, Alan.
Stone the crows...
It's going to land
on its own.
Parker? Milady?
Tin Tin's
an excellent pilot.
Don't you think, Parker?
You should have seen
Parker's face, Tin Tin.
It was the funniest thing
I've ever seen in my life.
I can just imagine it.
Of course, I saw immediately
what Alan was up to
because I knew
you were on board.
Jeff called me yesterday.
I could hardly
keep a straight face.
Come in.
All the baggage
is aboard, milady.
Thank you, Parker.
Now, there's only one thing
left to do before we leave.
Bon voyage.
Bon voyage.
Bon voyage, milady.
As president of the New
World Aircraft Corporation...
this flight is of paramount
importance to me.
The fact that members
of International Rescue...
will be on
the maiden flight...
enables us to achieve
worldwide publicity.
In order to make this
possible in the first place...
we have given
assurances to them...
that the strictest
security arrangements...
will be enforced.
That is why the airfield is
cleared of all personnel.
The passengers are due
to arrive in, um...
30 minutes.
Virg, I can see them
at 2 o'clock!
OH. I've got them, Scott.
Operation escort, go!
This is what I call
driving in style, milady.
It isn't every Rolls-Royce
that has an aircraft escort.
OH, all checks complete.
- Martin?
- Yes, sir.
- Lane?
- Yes, sir.
- Carter?
- Yes, sir.
- Hogarth?
- Yes, sir.
OH. Return to your posts...
and await the arrival
of the passengers.
Hold it right there.
Quickly, we haven't much time.
Scott from Penelope.
Come aboard with the others
and have a farewell drink.
We'll meet you
in the ballroom.
The ballroom!
May I book
the first dance?
No, Scott.
It isn't what it seems.
You'll see.
And now, by the courtesy...
of the New World
Aircraft Corporation...
we bring you the
Drinking Half Hour!
Now, milady,
what will it be?
I think this occasion
calls for champagne...
all around, Parker.
All around, milady?
All around, Parker.
And now,
ladies and gentlemen...
on behalf of the New World
Aircraft Corporation...
I welcome you aboard
Skyship 1.
As you know, this is
the maiden flight.
It is, of course,
a great honor...
for us to have such
distinguished guests.
You can be assured that
the crew and myself...
will do everything
in our power...
to make this
a trip to remember.
Well, bon voyage.
Bon voyage!
Godspeed, milady.
OH, one minute to takeoff.
Now, we know the ship
is fully automated.
Everything is
height, speed, course.
We're all supposed to be
trained men.
The only way that our cover
will be broken...
will be if anything
goes wrong with the ship.
Takeoff now, 30 seconds.
Well, we're off.
Come in.
Dinner is served in the
bottle room, milady.
Well, they've gone.
May we have the blinds
drawn, Captain?
The entire operation
of this Skyship...
Lady Penelope, is
totally automatic.
As the light falls, the curtains
will draw automatically.
Of course.
That's just
the sort of thing...
Brains would have thought of.
Well, it looks as if
we're all set
for a lovely,
peaceful holiday.
Calling Black Phantom.
This is White Ghost.
Calling Black Phantom,
this is White Ghost.
Come in, Black Phantom.
Come in, Black Phantom.
Have disposed of cargo.
Operation Ambush underway.
International Rescue.
This is Lady Penelope.
Jeff, I want you to send
Thunderbird 1 and 2...
to a disused airfield...
10 miles south
of Casablanca.
International fix system
24-04. Reference E.
Ensure that Brains is aboard.
This is imperative.
Do not acknowledge
this transmission.
Will call later
with further details.
It's going
to be difficult.
That's what
we're paid for.
Now, I've had this
whole place bugged.
I want every word she
speaks on this trip...
to be recorded.
Whenever possible,
I'll talk to her myself...
and maneuver
the conversation...
in the right direction.
Right. Get to work.
OH, Carter,
breakfast is served.
Start recording.
Morning, Alan.
Morning, Penny.
Morning, Alan.
Breakfast over New York.
What an experience.
This is really
the way to travel.
Yeah, it's great.
Only thing is, as the
ship's fully automated...
if anything should go
wrong with the computer...
we could hit one of
these skyscrapers...
and then we'd really
be in trouble.
Then, Alan...
it would just be
a simple case of...
International Rescue.
Calling International Rescue.
And now, gentlemen...
it is with pride that I
present to you Thunderbird 6.
Now, so that I'm able
to demonstrate...
this new machine properly...
I have built this
radio-controlled model.
The situation?
Man trapped in top floor
of burning skyscraper.
Thunderbird 6
drives up to the building.
The helium balloon
now rises...
lifting a plastic hose
into the air.
When the balloon reaches
the correct height...
the reel is locked off.
I don't get it, Brains.
What's the point?
This is the point.
And so you see, gentlemen...
another international rescue
is made possible.
Well, Mr. Tracy,
what do you think?
Well, it's, uh, certainly
ingenious, Brains.
But it means
building a vehicle...
that gives us only
one means of rescue.
The end product just doesn't
justi the cost.
I... I'm sorry.
I'm afraid you'll
have to scrap it...
and start again.
Too bad about
the wasted effort.
Wasted effort, Mr. Tracy?
Heh heh.
What's a mere 28 days...
Working day and night...
Think nothing of it.
We must be descending.
I'm getting butterflies.
I always do
when we lose height.
You're absolutely right,
Lady Penelope.
We'll soon be flying
over the Grand Canyon...
at zero feet.
An automated announcement...
will tell us when
it's the right time.
Don't worry,
you won't miss a thing.
There. You can see
our exact position.
The Grand Canyon.
You know, I was once
hopelessly lost...
in a jet plane,
and then, at last...
I made contact
with the Grand.
Was I glad to hear
that voice!
You are directly over
the Grand Canyon.
Your position
International fix system
24-24, Reference E.
Correction, Captain Foster.
International fix system
24-04. Reference E.
Of course. 24-04.
Heh. I didn't think
I'd ever forget that.
Ladies and gentlemen...
we are now approaching
the Grand Canyon.
If you care to take up your
positions on the balcony...
you will be in good time...
to get the most
advantageous view point.
I think it's the most
beautiful sight I've ever seen.
Come across to the
other side of the ship.
There's an even better
view over there.
Yes, let's do that.
I really don't think
I like Captain Foster.
Ah, he's just an old man.
Thunderbirds 1 and 2...
I trust the beaujolais was
to your liking, Parker?
And now, how about a cigar?
As you know, milady...
I've been spending
quite a lot of time...
with the stewards...
drinking and all
that sort of thing.
Well, what worries me...
they... they don't seem
to know as much...
about the ship
as they ought to.
Thank you, Parker.
I've had my own thoughts
on the matter.
I'm glad you told me.
Yes. Well, uh...
sorry if I disturbed
you, milady.
You were quite right,
Good night.
Good night, milady.
Yes, Penelope?
I've just had some
information from Parker.
I'm a little uneasy.
Tell me, what do you
think of Captain Foster?
I don't go for him,
He's a little too smooth
for my liking.
Tell me, Alan, has he
been questioning you...
about International Rescue?
As a matter of fact, he has.
Well, not directly, mind you...
but the conversation always
seems to lead that way.
I think we'll have to go
into the situation...
a little more closely.
I don't like
the sound of it.
The storm seems
to be getting worse.
I think you'd
better come in here.
We need to discuss this
right away.
Oh, well, um...
Perhaps we are allowing
our imaginations...
to run away with us.
After all...
everyone's interested
in International Rescue.
It's only natural
he should ask questions.
Oh. So you don't think
there's anything...
to worry about, Penelope?
No. After all, they have
all been screened.
They're carefully
selected men.
That was a close one.
Put on the edited tape.
One thing's for sure.
We gotta play this
really cool from now on.
Lady Penelope,
I underestimated you.
Calling International Rescue.
Jeff, I want you to send
Thunderbirds 1 and 2.
fix system.
24-04. Reference E.
OH. Continue recording.
Doesn't sound as if we'll
get much more tonight.
When I was talking to you
just now, Alan...
I discovered a bugging device
in a lamp by my bed.
I wondered why you'd
changed your attitude...
so abruptly.
What's our next move?
For the moment, nothing.
We know we're being bugged,
but we don't know why.
We must just be on the alert.
OH. I'll mosey around...
and see what
I can find out.
Of course I understand,
Mr. Tracy.
It isn't quite the thing
you had in mind.
Of course I don't mind
designing yet another one.
You know, Scott, one
of the remarkable things...
about Brains is that he
never loses his temper.
Well, if he did,
I wouldn't blame him...
after all the work he's done.
Upset? Me upset?
Of course I'm not upset!
Go ahead, John.
Father, I've just
received a message...
from Lady Penelope.
It was sent in scrambled
electronic code.
Right, John. Let's have it.
It's just coming out
of the descrambler now.
It reads, "Ship bugged.
Reason unknown.
"Am investigating.
"Imperative, no
communication from you.
"Will contact you
when we have a lead.
"Signed, Penelope. "
F.A.B., John. Heep in touch.
I don't like
the sound of it, Dad.
We've gotta do
something about this.
Yeah. But what?
Well, why not
radio the police...
at their next port of call?
Have the crew interrogated.
No. Whoever it is
on that ship...
that is looking
for information...
is probably an agent for
a larger organization.
If we're to protect
ourselves, we've gotta...
wait for them
to show their hand.
You lead an interesting
but secretive life.
Your lifeline shows that you
will meet many dangers.
You will become involved
with a handsome stranger.
You would be well to let
your heart guide you.
Well... stone the crows.
Beautiful, Alan.
But it's far
too expensive.
Right. We'll take it.
You won't regret it, sir.
It will bring you
much happiness.
Oh, Alan, it's been
such a lovely day.
I just wish it
could never end.
The sari suits you
very well, Penelope.
It was a very kind thought,
Captain. Thank you.
Did you get anything
interesting today, Tin Tin?
Yes. Alan bought me
this beautiful ring.
He paid far too much
money for it...
but I'm very thrilled with it.
Buying a ring for a young
lady is prem significant...
to me, Alan. Don't tell me
you're going to desert...
the league of bachelors.
I'm afraid not,
Captain Foster.
The life I lead in
International Rescue...
is far too dangerous
to ask anyone...
to share it with me.
For me, at the moment, marriage
is out of the question.
That's right,
Captain Foster.
We all of us lead
dedicated lives...
in International Rescue.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I think I'll retire.
But wouldn't you
like another drink?
Thank you, Captain, but no.
It's been a lovely,
but very tiring day.
I'm going to bed.
Oh, so soon?
I'm afraid so.
Good night, everyone.
So, your rooms aren't bugged...
but the lounge, bar,
and dining room are.
All places where I go.
It would seem it's me...
they want the
information from.
But what?
If we knew that, we'd know
the answer to everything.
Have you found any trace
of the receiver?
Parker's had no luck.
None. The only place
I haven't searched...
is the gravity
compensation room.
Well, the trip comes to
an end in 14 days' time.
Whatever move
they're going to make...
must be made before we
get back to England.
So we'll soon know.
I think I can claim to
have been to most places...
in the world,
but, oddly enough...
I've never seen the pyramids.
I've never seen them, either.
Well, we won't
have long to wait.
We land in 15 minutes.
Oh, how dreadful.
What is it, Penelope?
There's been
a terrible air crash.
A DX 102 airliner...
tried to make a forced
landing on a disused...
airfield 10 miles
south of Casablanca.
Its nose wheel collapsed...
and the aircraft blew
up, killing all aboard.
At last, we've got it.
I've got to hand it
to you, Carter...
that newspaper idea
of yours was just great.
Now, complete the editing.
I want to hear that final
message as soon as possible.
OH, girls, let's go.
Don't forget your
camera, Penelope.
Don't worry. I've
got it right here.
So, you see, Jeff,
we nearly lost Parker.
Ah, now here's the coded bit.
We are enjoying our trip
and looking forward...
to our last port of call,
Scott, take this along
to Brain's lab...
and get it decoded.
Yes, sir.
Oh, that's all right,
Mr. Tracy.
I just love having
my designs turned down.
Gee, Brains,
your beautiful model.
Oh, h-hi, Scott.
Yeah. It just slipped
out of my hand.
Dad wants you to decode
this right away.
Gee, I wish there was something
we could do to help them.
Don't worry.
I've got a feeling...
it won't be long now.
Mr. Tracy?
Yes, Brains?
Decoding of Penelope's
letter is as follows...
"Interest is in me.
Reason unknown.
"Continue to stand by. "
Thanks, Brains.
Well, we now know that they're
bugging only Penelope.
They're interested
in what she says.
Now, what could
Penelope say...
that would mean so much
to someone with designs...
on International Rescue?
Jeff, I want you to send...
Thunderbirds 1 and 2
to a disused airfield...
10 miles south
of Casablanca.
International fix system.
24-04. Reference E.
Ensure that Brains is aboard.
This is imperative.
Do not acknowledge
this transmission.
Will call later
with further details.
Perfect. Just perfect.
OH. Now, what next?
Now, watch carefully.
Tomorrow, we make our
last stop... Switzerland.
It certainly is a fantastic
car you have, Penelope.
The only one of its kind in
the world, Captain Foster.
When those skis appeared
out of the bottom...
I just couldn't
believe my eyes.
Oh, it has many other
devices, Captain.
Many of them
still top secret.
Switching to full
boost, milady.
How are you doing, Tin Tin?
Fine. Just fine.
Switch in thrusters.
Right, have you decided what
you're going to eat?
Mmm. I think I'll
start with avocado.
Tin Tin?
Artichoke, please.
Ah. And for me the speciality
of the house.
This is a cute place.
It's certainly imaginative.
Let's hope the service
is as good.
Well, I guess
this is for us.
Gee, what a novel idea.
It must have been fun
traveling in trains...
like this years ago.
Well, let's unload the cargo.
As Parker would say,
"It looks a real good nosh. "
Talking of Parker...
what's happened to him?
Surely he's not
still outside?
But, of course.
The car is heated,
you know.
11:OO. We must go.
The skyship is programmed
to take off at midnight.
As a matter of interest,
what would happen if you
didn't get back on time?
Your dream holiday would
just come to an end.
And now, Cinderella,
we must go.
Are we clear, Parker?
Quite clear, milady.
You debugged the whole
place, Parker?
No need, milady. It was
already done for me.
There's not a hidden
microphone anywhere, milady.
They've all been removed.
That can only
mean one thing.
They've got the information
they wanted. What now?
Parker, what have you
to report?
Well, milady,
they've been recording
you on a tape machine...
in the gravity
compensation room.
I managed to get
a look in there.
They've been editing the
tape... that was obvious.
And now they've got
the tape machine...
linked to a radio
The jigsaw's nearly
completed but not quite.
Parker, issue the guns.
They're in the false
at the bottom
of my blue suitcase.
From now on, it's
emergency standby.
Black Phantom
from White Ghost.
Message will be transmitted
1000 hours tomorrow morning.
the Thunderbird machines...
will be arriving here
at approximately...
1100 hours
tomorrow morning.
The final phase of Operation
Ambush has commenced.
OH. Rewind and stand by.
OH. Ready.
15 seconds.
Calling International Rescue.
This is Lady Penelope.
Jeff, I want you to send
Thunderbirds 1 and 2...
to a disused airfield...
10 miles south
of Casablanca.
International fix system.
24-04. Reference E.
Ensure that Brains is aboard.
This is imperative.
Do not acknowledge
this transmission.
Will call later
with further details.
The Thunderbird machines
should be arriving...
in approximately
10 minutes.
Stand by.
If pilots offer any resistance
as they leave their machines...
shoot them down.
I've got it.
Penelope, I've got!
It's the only
possible answer.
They've been recording
your voice, right?
They've been editing
the tape, right?
Editing is a form
of rearranging.
They've been
rearranging your words...
to make you say something
that they wanted you to say...
and then they've
transmitted it.
Now, who's the one person...
who would act
on your instructions?
Why, Jeff Tracy.
Roger, Scott.
Understand that you are
at disused airfield.
Call me as soon
as you've landed.
Go ahead, Penny.
Jeff, this is
an emergency.
Have you received
a message from me?
Yes, Penelope. The boys
are just about to land...
at the rendezvous
you requested.
Jeff, I haven't
sent a message.
This is a trap.
Now, remember...
just one sign of resistance
from those pilots...
and let them have it.
Thunderbird to base.
Thanks, Dad.
You gave us the warning
just in time.
Setting course now to
rendezvous with Skyship 1.
That's right, Scott.
The message was
a recording of my voice.
Now, the quicker you arrive,
the better for us.
You've got a fix
on our position.
OH, I've received a message
from Black Phantom...
to say the Thunderbird
machines were landing.
By now, they must've
taken over the ships...
and shortly,
they'll be on their way...
to rendezvous with us.
Right, the playacting's over.
Round up our International
Rescue guests.
They're unsuspecting,
so they won't be armed.
Not so unsuspecting,
Captain Foster.
Raise your hands,
all of you.
It sounds as if Alan
needs some help.
Tin Tin, I'll leave you
my compact.
You can keep in touch
with the boys.
F.A.B., Penny.
Come on, Parker.
Quickly, Parker.
Lane, get the other one
as hostage. Quick.
OH, Foster, the numbers
are eVen nOW...
and we can outshoot you,
you know that.
Throw your guns down
and give yourselves up.
I suggest you throw
your guns down.
If you don't, you can
say good-bye to Tin Tin.
Father, I've lost
contact with Skyship 1.
Right, Scott.
At what position...
do you expect
to rendezvous with it?
According to my calculations,
at approximately 10,OOO feet.
About 5 miles east of Dover.
Well, all you can do, Scott...
is beat the hell
out of those machines...
and get there
as soon as you can.
Very smart, Penelope.
So you radioed
your base?
That's right, Mr. Foster.
You should know that you can't
outwit International Rescue.
I'm not so sure.
The game isn't over yet.
We have you all
as our hostages.
When the Thunderbird
machines arrive...
I've got an idea
they're going to do...
just what we tell them to.
Meanwhile, the gravity
compensating machine...
has come to a standstill.
The jet engines on this bus...
are to give it
forward movement only.
The ship can't
maintain height...
unless the gravity
compensators are working.
I'm well aware
of the situation.
We're losing height
quite slowly.
It'll be half an hour yet
before there's any real danger.
It'll be half an hour yet
before there's any real danger.
Martin, go up
on the top deck...
and radio down as soon as those
Thunderbirds arrive. Right.
Father, I'm
at rendezvous point.
No sign of Skyship 1.
I don't understand it, Scott.
It's a big ship.
It'd be hard to miss.
Oh, wait. I can see it.
It's about 8,OOO feet
below me.
I don't get it.
According to the New World
pre-programmed schedule...
it should be at 10,OOO feet
at this point.
I'm going down
to take a look.
Foster, Thunderbird 1
directly above us.
OH, Martin.
Right. Untie them.
I want you all
up on the top deck...
and no false moves.
OH, father, I'm alongside.
I can see one
of the stewards standing...
on the top deck.
no sign of life.
When Thunderbird 2 arrives,
we'll attempt to board her.
Be with you in about
5 minutes, Scott.
OH, Virgil.
Dad, there's trouble ahead.
Dad, Skyship 1
is losing height.
Why? I don't know.
About one mile ahead is
an early warning system...
with interceptor towers.
The estimated height:
1,200 feet.
Below it is a missile site.
The way it looks from here...
Skyship 1 is on
a collision course.
The only thing that can
save it is its height.
But I've got my doubts.
It's a tower head.
We're going to hit it!
How far away is it?
I don't know.
About a quarter of a mile.
I'm coming up.
Dad, there's going
to be a collision.
You'd better alert...
all emergency services
down on the ground.
It's a missile base
about 5 miles east of Dover.
What's the situation, Scott?
Well, the ship's swaying on
top of one of the towers.
If that tower gives way...
or the ship loses
its balance...
it's going to drop
like a stone...
it's going to drop
like a stone...
right onto that missile
site below.
Come on, quickly.
Up on the top deck and move!
We've crashed, Foster.
Don't you understand?
Throw your gun away.
We're all in this
together now.
I said move!
Scott, I've been listening
to your transmission.
I've sighted Skyship.
I'm coming in
straight over the top.
Will lower escape unit.
Brains is already in there.
Is Brains armed?
He ought to be.
We've no idea what's going on.
It's OH, Dad.
I've taken care of that.
Good boy.
Attention! Attention!
All personnel
in section "D"...
to vacate site immediately.
Proceed with all
movable equipment...
to rendezvous "G."
This is an emergency.
Repeat: This is
an emergency.
Virgil, pull off!
Pull off!
Your thrusters are
throwing it off balance.
Base and Thunderbird 2...
we need to decide a course
of action but fast.
As far as I can see...
any attempt
to get near that ship...
is going to bring
a disaster.
The turbulence from
our motors alone...
will be enough
to tip it off balance.
Have you any ideas, Dad?
All personnel and vehicles
to proceed
to rendezvous "G" immediately.
This is an emergency.
Repeat: This is
an emergency.
We need a solution,
Gordon, and quick.
As far as I can tell...
the only way we're going
to get them off that tower...
in one piece is to get
a vehicle on that top deck.
Nothing we've got
would be any good, Dad.
Our machines are too heavy.
I know. I know.
We need something light,
low air speed...
high maneuverability,
short landing distance.
Say, I've got
the answer, Dad!
It's crazy,
but it could work.
Hey, what's going on?
Thunderbird 2 is leaving.
Don't tell me
they've given up.
That's right, Mr. Tracy.
We've got it aboard
Thunderbird 2...
and they just left.
We did all the necessary
checks and fueled it.
I certainly hope it works.
It's just got to work.
It's just got to.
The top of the tower
is crumbling.
I'm going to attach a line...
to the front of the ship to
see if I can hold it steady.
What the heck are they doing?
Why don't they come in and
get us off this thing?
You saw what happened
when they came in close.
Well, what are they
going to do?
If you let me call them,
I can find out.
Oh, no, you don't!
I'm not falling into
that little trap.
OH, Dad. Line secured.
I think
it's going to help.
Thunderbird 1,
from Thunderbird 2.
One mile from you.
I'm landed on
a grassy stretch down below.
Well done, Virg.
That was a quick trip.
Yeah, well, you see...
I've got a Tiger
in my tank.
OH, Brains, over to you.
Scott and Virgil...
I'm going to circle
the ship...
and then attempt a landing.
OH, Brains.
If you make it,
the order of evacuation...
will be first, Tin Tin,
second, Penelope...
then the crew, and finally,
Parker and Alan.
Right, Scott,
I'm in position.
Brains is on his way up.
I'm going to fix a line
to this end.
OH, Virg.
Still no radio contact
with Skyship 1.
I just don't understand it.
Something must be wrong.
We'll soon find out.
Attaching line.
Don't tell me they're going to
try a rescue with that thing.
They must've got it
from a museum.
You're dead right,
Mr. Foster.
But I'll tell you something.
It's a brilliant idea.
I think it's
the only chance we've got.
Lane, Get over on the
other side of the deck.
Get ready to welcome
our guest.
Scott, that was a close one.
Are you OH, Brains?
OH. Climbing
for second attempt.
Brains, you're not
going to make it.
As soon as you touch down,
I'll open up with my jets.
The slipstream
should slow you down.
Right. Let's try it.
Penelope and Alan,
in a few moments...
I'm going to open up
my jet engines.
Hold tight to that rail.
Alan, raise your hand
if you've understood me.
OH, folks, hold tight!
Well done, Brains.
OH. Tin Tin, you're first.
Jump aboard.
Oh, no, you don't.
Get out of that cockpit
and move!
Scott, one of the stewards
has got Brains at gunpoint.
Now we know why there's been
no radio communication.
What're they going
to do, Virg?
Looks as if Penelope
is boarding the aircraft.
And the Captain's getting
into the rear cockpit.
OH. Turn this crate around.
What's happened to Brains?
Everyone's moving
towards the Tiger.
There's no doubt about it.
The crew is in control
of the situation.
Things look bad, Dad.
Guys, hold it a minute.
Come on! Hurry it up!
Get back fast! This thing's
going to collapse any moment!
What makes you think
I'm coming back?
We've got to stop him!
Quick! Jump aboard!
Come on!
We're going to crash!
We're just overloaded.
That's all.
Watch out for trees!
Penelope, throttle back.
Thunderbird to base.
Father, we're not going to be
able to hold her much longer.
How's the evacuation...
of the rocket site
Nearly complete...
but they want
about another 5 minutes.
Do everything
you can, Scott...
to prevent
that ship falling.
Penelope, throttle back.
We're down!
Where's the throttle?
Down on the left hand side.
Throttle back.
Penny, throttle back.
Penny, that's the wrong way.
Alan, it's jammed.
I can't move it.
Alan, I can't free it.
What shall I do?
Get her nose up! Quickly!
Don't panic.
Alan, there's
another bridge ahead.
Pull... up!
Pull the stick back.
Pull it back! Penelope...
Hold the rudder steady,
Alan, obstruction ahead.
This is it!
All personnel and vehicles...
should by now be clear
of sectors "A" to "Q."
Danger imminent.
I repeat: Danger imminent.
Thunderbird 1?
Loud and clear.
Scott, I just received
the OH from the missile base.
has been completed.
You can let her go.
Did you hear that, Virgil?
I heard.
OH. Release cables
on 5 second countdown.
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
I want to get into
the rear cockpit, Penelope.
But first, we've got
to get rid of Foster.
Hold tight, Tin Tin.
Hold tight, Tin Tin.
OH, Alan.
Hold tight, Brains.
OH, Penny, push the stick
over to the left.
OH. Heep us steady, Penny.
I'm getting into
the rear cockpit now.
Alan, I've only just realized
Parker isn't with us.
We must've left him
aboard the airship.
It's too late now, Penny.
Anyway, a few
moments from now...
we may be sharing
the same fate.
That's our engine gone, Penny.
Hold tight.
Hold tight, Tin Tin.
I'm putting her down.
OH, Alan.
Hold tight, Brains.
Emergency landing.
Good luck, Alan.
Hey, Tin Tin!
I still say, Alan, that was
a fantastic landing.
Well, if it hadn't been
for Parker...
we could've said
we'd got away with it.
Are you sure there was
no chance of him surviving...
when Skyship 1 crashed?
Not a chance, Alan.
I suppose
it must be shock...
but a few moments ago,
I'm sure I heard...
a distant voice
calling, "Milady. "
That's funny. I thought
I heard it, too.
And now, it gives me
great pleasure...
to introduce to you all...
my new vehicle...
Thunderbird 6.
Thunderbird 6?
I don't get it.
Oh. I know what you're
going to say, Mr. Tracy.
That you haven't
approved the plans...
how could it have been
built anyway...
et cetera, et cetera,
et cetera.
But, nevertheless,
I present to you...
Thunderbird 6.
Built, tested, and approved.
This is
Thunderbird control.
Launch Thunderbird 6.
Brains! Ha ha.
Well, I'll be a...
Look at that.
Brains, you old son of a gun.
I'll buy it.
I agree it's a good design.
It has been built...
and it sure has been tested.