Thunderbirds Are GO (1966)

Thunderbirds are go.
This is Assembly Control
calling all Zero X units.
Assembly phase 1, go.
This is Assembly Control.
Clear launch apron.
Zero X moving into position.
This is Assembly Control.
Radio-controlled lifting body 2
about to take up position.
All fuel tankers should now retire
to dispersal area.
Repeat: all fuel tankers
should now retire to dispersal area.
Weather conditions for takeoff
remain at go.
All takeoff beacons
are transmitting normally.
Lifting body 2 reports all systems are go.
Propeller temperatures are normal.
Locked and checked
and fully operational.
Radio-controlled lifting body 1
about to take up launch position.
This is Assembly Control,
calling all Zero X units.
Fuel temperatures are correct.
All pre-start lights are green.
All radio readings are go.
Countdown continues.
This is Assembly Control.
The Zero X Martian excursion vehicle
will be joining the main ship
at zero minus five.
Phase 1 now completed.
This is Assembly Control closing down.
Dr Grant, Dr Pierce,
- can you hear me?
- Loud and clear.
Paul. Greg. Brad.
Now this is a tough assignment.
But if this mission is successful,
you will be the first men to land on Mars.
This project has been
the most costly yet devised by man.
However, the safety of the crew
and passengers still takes top priority.
Now is that clearly understood?
Captain Paul Travers?
Yes, sir.
- Space Captain Greg Martin?
- Yes, sir.
- Space Navigator Brad Newman?
- Yes, sir.
- Dr Grant?
- Yes, sir.
- Dr Pierce?
- Yes, sir.
OK. Away you go, and good luck.
Thank you, sir.
All right, this is it.
Takeoff lighting.
Here we go.
This is Central Control.
Ignition: 18 seconds.
This is Central Control. Out.
Central Control, from Zero X.
Height: 20,000 feet. Air speed: Mach 1.
Commence chemical-engine
countdown on green light.
- Check trim.
- Roger.
- Elevator control's jammed.
- Jammed?
We're going out of control.
Base, this is Zero X.
Our control system is jammed.
Nose is dropping. Ejecting nose cone.
Zero X Control, what is
your speed and rate of descent?
Rate of descent: 3,000 feet a minute.
Air speed: Mach 1.4.
This is Central Control.
Air-sea rescue units, immediate launch.
Vector: 276 magnetic. Range: 172 miles.
Central Control, this is Captain Travers.
We are still unable
to free the control system.
I'm ordering crew to eject. Repeat: eject.
Roger, Zero X. Do not eject
until you are at 1,000 feet.
Air-sea rescue is on its way.
Flight deck to escape unit. Ready, Greg?
- OK, Paul. All in position.
- OK, Greg.
Coming back now.
Stand by.
Here we go.
You've now had time
to study the fine report
that has been produced
by our aviation investigators.
We at the Martian Exploration Center
thank those concerned
for their untiring efforts in this direction.
Although the report runs to 862 pages
and meticulously describes
every happening that led up
to the crash 24 months ago,
the conclusion is
all too simple: sabotage.
Now, before we progress, I would
ask you for a vote of confidence
in the findings of this very fine report.
Thank you, gentlemen,
for your unanimous support.
24 months have now elapsed
since the tragic crash of the Zero X.
In eight weeks, Earth will again be in
a suitable position in relation to Mars
to make the second attempt.
Can I take it that I have
your approval for this, too?
I think our security arrangements
are inadequate
and suggest we ask International Rescue
to be present at the next launching.
Are you suggesting we are incapable of
handling our own security arrangements?
I have 862 pages here, sir,
which say just that.
Well, Father?
Takeoff is scheduled for tomorrow.
- You'll have to make a decision soon.
- Even if it's no.
This is a tough one. I know how you boys
feel. I guess you're rarin' to go.
But as you know,
we have a strict rule here:
no International Rescue craft is launched
unless someone is in grave danger.
- Right?
- Right.
- Guess so, Dad.
- That's the way it's always been.
- Guess you're right, Dad.
- Yeah.
However, rules were made to be broken.
Now, this is what we do.
- Scott.
- Yes, sir?
Launch Thunderbird 1,
go to Glenn Field and stand by
- for the takeoff of Zero X.
- Yes, sir.
Virgil, launch Thunderbird 2
and follow Scott to Glenn Field.
When Zero X takes off, escort it
on the first part of its journey.
- Yes, sir.
- Father, can I...?
Yes. Launch Thunderbird 3
and orbit the Earth
until Zero X has
established its course to Mars.
- Gee! Thanks, Dad.
- What about me, Father?
It's unlikely that you'll be needed,
but be ready, in case.
- Yes, sir.
- OK, boys.
Thunderbirds are go.
Thunderbird 1, ready to go.
OK, Scott, clear to go. Good luck.
Thanks, Father.
Well, you made your decision, Mr Tracy.
Yes. I only hope it was the right one.
Now that the boys are going to be
at the launching of Zero X,
the safety of the crew is assured, but...
But what about the saboteurs?
Do you think they will strike again?
Say, what's the time, Tin Tin?
The time? Just about
eleven o'clock, Mr Tracy.
That makes it about 4pm
in England - tea time.
I don't understand, Mr Tracy.
Well, those saboteurs you were
talking about. If they do strike again,
I know just the person
to take care of them.
Will that be all, m'lady?
Thank you, Parker. That will be all.
Very good, m'lady.
International Rescue, England.
Lady Penelope speaking.
Hi, Penny. Well, I've made my decision.
We're gonna oversee the Zero X launch.
Thunderbirds 1, 2 and 3 are on their way.
Go to the States immediately and ensure
that there's no sabotage attempt this time.
FAB, Jeff. I'll fly over
with FAB 1 right away.
Now, I'll need to move around there freely
on this type of assignment.
Can you pull a few strings
to see that I get the necessary passes?
Will do, Penny. There's a big
press conference tomorrow evening.
- You'll represent a British magazine.
- FAB, Jeff.
You rang, m'lady?
Yes, Parker. Get out the Rolls-Royce.
I'll call the airport - we're taking off
for America with FAB 1 immediately.
Thunderbird 2 from Mobile Control.
You are clear to land.
Mobile Control from Thunderbird 2. FAB.
Well, I guess we're all set.
By morning, Thunderbird 3 will be
in position to observe the launch path,
- and we've got all our gear here.
- Thanks.
I guess that's all we can do
for the moment.
See you at the press conference tonight.
No, thanks. As far as we're concerned,
the only good publicity is no publicity.
And in conclusion, as I always say,
the only bad publicity is no publicity.
So have a good conference,
but please be brief.
Our astronauts can only
spare you half an hour
as they have a very busy schedule
ahead of them tomorrow.
- Captain Travers?
- Yes, ma'am?
I'm Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward,
representing The Universal Mirror.
First question: tell me,
what do you find most frightening?
The ordeal of this press conference
or your flight tomorrow in Zero X?
Without question,
this press conference, ma'am.
Thank you, Captain Travers.
Now, I'm sending a messenger over
with a small St Christopher,
specially struck for the occasion
by The Universal Mirror.
I would like to tell my readers
that you'll be wearing it during the flight.
- It'll be a pleasure, Lady Penelope.
- That's very kind of you.
Well, it looks as if my time is up.
Best of luck for tomorrow.
Captain Paul Travers.
Package from Lady Penelope,
Universal Mirror, sir.
There'll be three crew
and two scientists. Right...
Right again.
Yep, at 1400 hours tomorrow.
That's right. Six weeks and two days.
I'm afraid I can't answer that question.
I'm afraid you'll have to
refer that question to the PRO.
Why, sure. We'll do anything
to help the press.
I've got a feeling that the takeoff
tomorrow is gonna be just fine.
60 minutes to liftoff.
Commence Zero X pre-flight assembly.
Thunderbird 2 from Mobile Control.
- Are you ready, Virgil?
- Standing by, Scott.
Mobile Control calling Thunderbird 3.
OK, Scott, in orbit.
I should see Zero X as it leaves
the Earth's atmosphere.
- Unless liftoff time is altered.
- FAB, Alan.
Now, m'lady?
Now, Parker.
Channel 1, m'lady.
Good. That's all right.
Channel 2, m'lady.
Clear launch apron.
Zero X moving into position.
Channel 5, m'lady.
Thank you, Parker.
- Trouble, Parker.
- I thought it was too good to be true.
Lady Penelope calling Scott
at Mobile Control.
- What's the trouble, Lady Penelope?
- Number 5 negative.
OK. Penelope, here's what we do.
The countdown must continue,
or we miss the rendezvous
with Thunderbird 3 in space.
I'll attend to number 5.
Meanwhile, locate Dr Grant.
This is Assembly Control.
Radio-controlled lifting body 2
about to take up its position.
Everybody OK?
Yeah. Yeah, fine.
Everything's just fine.
And how about you, Dr Grant?
Are you OK?
Keep quite still, Doctor.
There's something wrong with your
- face.
- He's got a gun.
Allow yourself ten seconds before
coming through this door after me.
Otherwise, you might
get your head blown off.
I think I've located number 5, m'lady.
That's him, Parker.
Well done. Number 5 was a phoney,
but he's got away. Take care of him.
Right, Scott. Leave it to me.
But before I go, you'll find
the real Dr Grant on a bearing of 174
and a range of 1,204 yards
from my present position.
I can see the gentleman
in question ahead, m'lady.
He's just leaving the control tower
in a motor car.
Right, Parker, away we go.
Now, you'll find the real Dr Grant
somewhere in this building here.
Airport police. This is Assembly Control.
Search the missile store,
block F, immediately
and locate Dr Grant's whereabouts.
Providing he's OK, bring him over
to Central Control immediately.
Roger, Control.
- Say, how do you know all this?
- A pretty little bird told me.
- He's got a good start on us, m'lady.
- Yes, I can see him down below.
My guess is he's making for
that motorboat by the jetty.
- How're you feeling, Dr Grant?
- Just fine.
He just held me at gunpoint, tied me up,
and locked me in the missile store.
Guess it's another sabotage attempt.
What beats me is
how you knew where I was.
All you need to know is that the launch
is taking place as per schedule.
OK, sir.
So much for the good-luck charm
given to me by Lady Penelope.
- Safety belts on, m'lady?
- Safety belts on, Parker.
Lowering hydrofoils now, m'lady.
I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
Takeoff lighting.
It looks as if an accomplice is waiting
to pick him up in that helicopter, m'lady.
It's an army 'elicopter, m'lady,
and no doubt it's 'eavily armed.
Well, let's hope they attack, Parker.
Then we may have an opportunity
to shoot it down.
Mobile Control to Thunderbird 2.
Launching underway.
- You'd better lift off yourself.
- Thunderbird 2. FAB.
- Stand by to take evasive action, Parker.
- Yes, m'lady.
Now, m'lady?
Now, Parker.
Just a little bit over to the right, old son.
Thank you very much.
I don't think there's much point
in looking for survivors, Parker.
No, m'lady.
Look, m'lady.
- Look.
- What a magnificent sight.
Central Control from Zero X. Liftoff A-OK.
Air speed: Mach 1.2.
Rate of ascent: 3,000 feet per minute.
All systems are go.
Height: 50,000 feet. Mach 2.8.
Mobile Control from Thunderbird 2.
Am returning to base.
Zero X is entering rarefied atmosphere.
- In a few minutes, it'll be over to Alan.
- OK, Thunderbird 2.
Thunderbird 3, can you hear me?
Mobile Control, I hear you.
Alan, Zero X entering
rarefied atmosphere.
- It should be with you in one minute.
- Right, Scott.
100,000 feet. Mach 3.2.
Start countdown for chemical rocket.
Commence of countdown coming up on
computer. Countdown commencing now.
- Stand by to release lifting bodies.
- Standing by.
Height: 112,000 feet.
Height: 120,000 feet.
Increase rate of ascent
to 6,000 feet a minute.
Computer reports jettison lift bodies:
ten seconds. Release on green light.
- Roger.
- Five seconds.
Three, two, one.
Computer reports chemical rockets:
five seconds.
Air speed: 3,000 knots.
- 7,000.
- Leaving Earth's atmosphere.
Computer reports jettison nose cone:
ten seconds.
Central Control, this is Zero X.
Lifting bodies and nose cone jettisoned.
Escape velocity reached.
We are leaving Earth's atmosphere.
Switch in arc-jet engine.
Mobile Control, this is Thunderbird 3.
I can see Zero X.
She's on course and accelerating
to 100,000 miles per hour.
- OK. Thanks, Alan. Return to base.
- FAB.
International Rescue calling Zero X.
Congratulations on a superb liftoff.
Our services were not required,
although a sabotage attempt
was made just before liftoff.
But we took care of it.
The rest is up to you.
International Rescue from Zero X.
Dr Grant has just told us about it.
The only thing we really
want to say is thanks.
And may I add my thanks
and congratulations, too.
You did pretty well yourself.
Mobile Control from FAB 1. Are we clear?
Hi, there, Penelope. All clear.
I'm on my own. Well, how'd it go?
- FAB.
- Well done, Penelope.
Well, it's been a hectic time for all of us.
How about us all getting together
tonight over a drink?
I hear there's a fab nightclub called
the Swinging Star near my hotel.
Hi there, Penelope. I just happened to be
monitoring your frequency and I...
Well? What do you say, Virgil?
Are you game?
I sure am.
You're going where?
Ah, the... to the Swinging Star, Father.
It's some kind of nightclub.
That means you won't be back
till morning.
Sure, I understand - you need a break.
But this is a tough job we're doing here.
Mr Tracy, all work and no play
makes Scott a dull boy.
OK then, Scott. Have a good time.
Gee thanks, Dad. Glenn Field will be able
to reach us by radio at any time.
Don't forget, Dad,
we'll be at the Swinging Star.
Right, Scott.
- The Swinging Star?
- Yeah, it's some sort of a nightclub.
- They're all going out to celebrate.
- A nightclub?
And I'm stuck back here
at base. Just my luck.
Say, Tin Tin, why don't we go off to
the mainland tonight - just the two of us?
That would be lovely, Alan.
I'll wear my new dress.
What goes on around here?
Have you all gone crazy?
This is International Rescue, remember?
We can't leave the base unmanned.
- Sorry, Tin Tin.
- That's all right, Mr Tracy. I understand.
Well, I don't.
- I'm going to bed.
- But won't you have some coffee?
No, thanks. It keeps me awake.
We're all going to the Swinging Star.
No, Alan. Have you gone crazy?
We can't leave the base half-manned.
Penelope, you're 30 seconds late.
The Swinging Star... Sounds great.
Why, here she is.
Why, hello there, Penny.
- Have I kept you waiting?
- Of course not. You're dead on time.
Where to, m'lady?
Why, the Swinging Star, of course.
- Now, m'lady?
- Now, Parker.
Why, we're flying.
That's right.
Turn right just past planet Mars
and you should see the Swinging Star
straight ahead of you, Parker.
Right, m'lady.
There it is, m'lady. Straight ahead.
- Gee! It's fabulous.
- I thought you'd like it.
No parking problem here, m'lady.
Wow. What a terrific group.
Yes. They always play
at the Swinging Star.
You see, they're way-out.
Say, Penelope, how... how did you enjoy
your night here with Scott and Virgil?
Oh, we didn't come
to this Swinging Star.
- Oh, really?
- No. This is reserved especially for you.
Gee! Have some more champagne.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we
present the biggest star in the universe:
none other than Cliff Richard Junior.
# Sometimes I feel you are cheating me
# Then you kiss me and my mind is free
# But then I think I should let you know
# That I got friends
# So, baby, listen to me
# A shooting star will shoot you
# And Mars will go to war
# The man in the moon will jump on you
# If you don't love me no more
# I saw you in someone else's car
# You told me that he won't go too far
# That may be so
# But you let him know
# That I got friends
# So, baby, listen to me
# A shooting star will shoot you
# And Mars will go to war
# The man in the moon will jump on you
# If you don't love me no more
# You tell me that I'm the man for you
# But you do things you should never do
# So now, hear this warning once again
# Yes, I got friends
# So, baby, listen to me
# A shooting star will shoot you
# And Mars will go to war
# The man in the moon will jump on you
# If you don't love me no more
# If you don't stop making me lose face
# I will have you put up there in space
# So just do what I'm a-telling you
# Cos I got friends
# Baby, listen to me
# A shooting star will shoot you
# And Mars will go to war
# The man in the moon will jump on you
# If you don't love me no more
- What an evening.
- It isn't over yet, Alan. The night is young.
- Come on, let's dance.
- Yeah, let's dance.
Alan Tracy, International Rescue.
Oh, Alan, sorry to disturb you,
but this is an emergency.
Look, Father, can't Scott and Virgil
handle this? I'm kind of tied up right now.
I'm afraid Scott and Virgil are away
enjoying themselves, as usual.
You are the only one I can rely on, Alan.
I quite understand, Dad.
I'll be down right away.
- Penelope, we've got to go.
- Oh, Alan. Must we?
Penelope, I'm afraid we must. Duty calls.
But is there no way
you can get out of this?
Look, Penelope, Dad needs me.
He's depending on me.
I've just got to go.
Mind the gap, m'lady,
when you step into the car.
Thank you, Parker. We don't want
to fall back to Earth, do we?
Mind the gap, Alan.
Mind the gap, Alan.
Mind the gap, Alan.
I can't possibly make it.
What's the matter, Alan?
What's the matter, Alan?
Don't tell me - you're afraid.
- I'm not afraid.
- A brave astronaut like you, afraid?
I am not afraid.
Alan, are you OK?
Alan! Alan, where are you?
Sorry, Dad.
I... I guess I fell out of bed.
I've had a word with Brains. He says this
modification is possible. Right, Brains?
- Check.
- What the heck are you talking about?
Oh, come on, you two.
The water's lovely and warm.
Thunderbird 4 at your service.
Can't a guy get any peace around here?
Wish John was here to enjoy the fun.
But someone's got to
man the space satellite.
Zero X to Earth. We have just
touched down successfully on Mars.
All systems are go. Will radio a full report
to you in 30 minutes' ground elapse time.
Go ahead, John.
Father, I was just listening to
the Zero X transmission to Earth.
They've safely landed on Mars. Thought
you'd all be interested to hear the news.
Thanks, John. Keep in touch.
Listen, everyone. Just heard from John.
After six weeks in space,
Zero X has safely landed on Mars.
- Well, Dr Grant? What do you think?
- We need to get as many samples
back to Earth as possible, so we can
look into the possibility of life on Mars.
Sure, but what's your initial reaction?
The atmosphere would be breathable,
but too thin to sustain life as we know it.
The early Martian photographs
are going to prove right:
- there's no water up here.
- You can tell this from your instruments?
80 per cent instruments,
20 per cent intuition.
I agree with all Dr Grant has just said.
But I've always been fascinated
by that phrase "Life as we know it".
I have a feeling that we may
encounter life as we don't know it.
These strange formations seem
to be all over the planet's surface.
Don't ask me why, but they worry me.
Ray, don't let your imagination run riot.
Yeah, Tony, I know it would be
all too easy to happen up here,
but can you account for
the strange rock formations?
A considerable study will have to
be made before we know the answer.
But my first impression is that
when the crust of the planet was
very thin, it was struck by meteorites.
As they punctured the shell, so the hot
rock exuded onto the planet's surface,
- like toothpaste out of a tube.
- A good theory, Tony.
Now explain to me how the exuding rock
wrapped itself into a coil.
Ray, you've got a point.
This is one of the many things
we have to investigate.
We're behind schedule. Can we move on?
Sure. Sorry.
Ray, I don't like the look of
these peculiar formations either,
though I'm sure they're just rock.
There's no sign of movement.
We'd better take a sample back to Earth.
I must say, I think that would be
a wise precaution, Tony.
Can you break one up for us, Paul?
I'll go out and collect some pieces.
OK, Paul, not too big a charge now -
I want to get a sizeable piece.
OK, Ray.
- And, Paul.
- Yeah?
As soon as you fire, I recommend
you stand by at the ready.
Stand by at the ready? What for?
I don't really know.
I've just got a feeling, that's all.
Right, I'll go and get my gear.
- Greg, get the airlock ready.
- OK, sir.
Dr Pierce. Come back in here, quickly.
Zero X from MEV. We're under attack
from a form of life we do not understand.
Require immediate rendezvous
with main body.
I'm just coming round on third orbit.
Will be in position in four minutes.
We'll take evasive action
until you're in position.
- Give us liftoff clearance when it's OK.
- Will do.
But we must lift off immediately. We don't
know what damage they can do to us.
Doctor, we can't lift off until the main
ship's in the correct rendezvous position.
Otherwise, we'll be stranded in space.
Greg, there's a whole line of them ahead.
We'd better return their fire. We can't
take too much of this punishment.
OK, skipper. So far, all systems are go.
Zero X from MEV.
How are we doing, Brad?
Approaching orbital position.
Starting countdown.
Rendezvous liftoff: minus 100,
99, 98...
- ... 34, 33, 32...
- Skip the countdown. We're lifting off.
- Paul, you may not have enough fuel.
- We've no choice. We're coming up.
Greg, lift off.
- Leaving atmosphere.
- Right.
MEV from Zero X. I have you on screen.
You're approaching Zero X orbital path.
Five seconds to retro firing.
Four, three,
two, one. Retros.
Thanks, Brad.
Guess we'll make it OK now.
All systems here appear to be at green.
OK, Paul, stay where you are - conserve
your fuel. I'm coming up right behind you.
At least the Martian excursion vehicle has
joined up with the main body of Zero X.
These so-called rock snakes, Father -
what do you make of them?
Well, clearly, there's life on Mars.
But I guess it's not life as we know it.
You... you think they'll get back OK?
According to the reports John
monitored in the space station,
the damage to the MEV
has not impaired their efficiency.
As a matter of fact, I...
I had a word with the controller
at Glenn Field this morning.
He said their re-entry into Earth's
atmosphere will be straightforward.
They've done it a hundred times before
on test flights.
What's the scheduled date
for the re-entry, Dad?
Well, their flight takes them six weeks,
so they should be arriving
on the morning of September 2.
Dr Grant, Dr Pierce,
are you ready for re-entry?
- OK, Greg, we're ready.
- Roger.
OK, skipper, all set.
Central Control, this is Zero X.
Computer reports fire retros 30 seconds.
Ground stations, verify countdown.
You have our green light. Five seconds,
four, three,
two, one. Retros.
Central Control from Goldstone.
Retro firing A-OK.
Zero X re-entry attitude correct.
Woomera to Central Control.
Verifying Goldstone's report.
Zero X from Central Control.
You are in correct re-entry attitude and
are about to enter Earth's atmosphere.
Roger, Central Control.
Zero X from Central Control.
Lifting bodies now at 50,000 feet.
Radio control over to you
in five seconds,
four, three,
two, one.
OK, Paul, we've got the lifting bodies
under our own radio control now.
Rendezvous with lifting bodies
at 120,000 feet: 20 seconds.
Reduce speed to Mach 2.
Rendezvous about to take place.
Right, hold her steady, skipper.
I'm bringing in lift body 2.
Keep her steady, skipper.
Radio-control failure. I can't hold her.
What's happened?
Central Control, this is Zero X.
We have lost lift body 2 in a collision
caused by a fault in our radio-control unit.
I'll send up another lift body immediately.
That won't help - the locking gear
was damaged in the collision.
Check on all systems shows
fuel systems go. All control systems go.
Remote-control radio circuits
are dead. Escape unit is...
Central Control from Zero X.
Escape-unit circuits are dead.
OK, John, I get the picture.
- Continue to monitor their frequency.
- FAB.
Right. Now, we've got to move fast.
Zero X is coming in on one wing.
It's impossible
to get another wing attached.
She's unable to maintain height
and will crash in about 30 minutes.
The most recent check shows that
they have an escape-unit failure.
Unless we get the crew out before they
hit the ground, they are all doomed men.
Scott, you know what to do. Take Brains
with you for technical advice.
Yes, sir.
Virgil, take pod 4, with the
air-to-air rescue equipment,
and rendezvous with Zero X.
- Alan.
- Yes, sir.
I want you to board the Zero X
and fix that hatch.
- Father?
- Yes, Gordon, you'll be needed too.
Yes, sir.
Tin Tin, I'll want your help.
Thunderbirds are go.
Maximum speed, Scott.
We're gonna need all the time we've got.
Zero X from Central Control.
What is your rate of descent now,
and what is your air speed?
Rate of descent: stabilised at 3,000 feet
a minute. Air speed: Mach 1.2.
We can't slow the rate of descent -
the motors are flat out. Over.
Zero X, roger. Stand by.
Emergency Control,
this is Central Control.
Contact Washington immediately.
Zero X crash position established
as Craigsville - population 4,800.
Impact time: 35 minutes.
So you'll need to move.
International Rescue, Zero X Central
Control here. This is an emergency.
This is International Rescue,
Thunderbird 1.
Anticipated your call. We're on our way.
ETA Glenn Field: ten minutes.
Will you give Thunderbird 2 a course
to steer for a rendezvous with Zero X?
- They're on this frequency.
- Roger.
Thunderbird 2 from Central Control.
I'm passing a steer to you.
Zero X's present position
is international fix system 2-4-0-4,
- on a heading of 143 magnetic.
- Roger, Central Control.
I've tried everything,
but the escape-unit system is dead.
If only International Rescue
had been with us this time.
Zero X, this is Central Control.
Change to channel 4.
International Rescue are on their way.
They require to make contact.
- Is that understood?
- Yes, sir. Changing to channel 4.
I'll be glad when Scott's
got his Mobile Control operating.
We'll need his assistance
in locating the Zero X.
We must be getting pretty close by now.
I'll get my rescue gear on.
- Gordon, get up to the astrodome.
- OK, Virgil.
Zero X, this is International Rescue
Mobile Control. Can you hear me? Over.
International Rescue, this is Zero X.
We hear you, loud and clear.
Zero X and Thunderbird 2
from Mobile Control.
Transmit ten seconds of unmodulated
carrier wave on this frequency.
One at a time, please.
- Zero X.
- Zero X. Roger.
- Thunderbird 2.
- Roger, Thunderbird 2.
Thunderbird 2 from Mobile Control.
Steer 0-0-2. Fly at 45,000 feet.
With your present air speed, you should
sight Zero X in about four minutes.
Roger. Will do.
- What do you intend to do?
- We hope to put a man aboard Zero X.
If we succeed, we may be able to
fix the escape unit. Excuse me.
- Zero X, this is Mobile Control.
- Mobile Control, this is Zero X.
Here are your instructions. Follow them
precisely if the rescue is to succeed.
Go ahead.
There are approximately 15 minutes left
before your aircraft crashes.
For the next ten minutes,
lose as little height as possible.
Keep your aircraft steady.
Watch the trim.
In ten minutes, switch to automatic pilot
and go into the escape unit.
And then pray.
Till then, take further instructions
from Thunderbird 2.
Mobile Control, this is Zero X.
Your instructions will be complied with.
- What are they gonna do?
- We may learn more from Thunderbird 2.
Scott. I can see it.
Alan, Gordon, stand by.
Zero X dead ahead.
FAB, Virgil.
Zero X, this is Thunderbird 2.
We're coming in below you.
Reduce speed to low safe cruising
and lower nose landing gear.
We're gonna put a man aboard
to fix the escape unit.
- So that's what they're going to try to do.
- It's suicide.
- Release air brakes, Greg.
- Right.
Lower nose wheel, Greg.
Thunderbird 2, this is Zero X.
Lowering nose wheel.
Are you sure you want to try this?
It sounds mighty dangerous to me.
It is mighty dangerous, and we do
want to try it. Now hold her steady.
- Gordon, flight control over to you.
- OK, Virgil.
Left, left. One degree.
Right, right. Two degrees.
Right, Virgil.
- Stand by to hold position.
- OK, Gordon.
Good shooting, Gordon.
Zero X, this is Thunderbird 2,
air-to-air rescue compartment.
Keep it dead steady. Man coming aboard.
- Roger, Thunderbird 2.
- OK.
How are you doing, Thunderbird 2?
Fine. Just keep steady, that's all.
Slow right down and stop.
- Give me a time check, Gordon.
- You've got four and one half minutes.
Mobile Control from Alan.
OK, Brains.
On the right of the master cylinder,
that supplies power to
the hydraulic system of the nose wheel,
you will find a yellow wiring harness.
Follow this through to
a red junction box marked "EUC".
Got it.
Doctors Grant and Pierce, hold tight.
I'm removing you to escape unit.
OK, Paul.
OK, Paul.
OK, cover removed.
Place transistorised-radio-induction unit
on the side of the junction box.
- OK, Brains.
- Right, Alan.
Now, all you have to do
is remove the screws that are
anchoring the yellow and green lines
and reconnect them on one block,
so we get a direct link, green
to yellow, all the way down the bank.
OK, Brains. Time check, please.
- Two and one quarter minutes.
- Right.
Brad, Greg, I'm sending you both
back to the escape unit.
Right, sir. Switching to automatic pilot.
No, don't switch to the automatic pilot.
I'm staying here.
I'll come back when we're at zero feet.
That guy's risking his life.
It's the least I can do.
- I'll stay with you.
- Me, too.
No! There won't be time for us all to get
into the escape unit at the last moment.
I'm sending you two back now.
And that's an order.
- Yes, sir.
- Good luck, Paul.
Zero X from Thunderbird 2.
Are you all in escape unit?
Thunderbird 2 from Zero X.
All in escape unit except me.
I can do better than the automatic pilot
in holding this craft steady.
I'll go back into the escape unit
when it's fixed, or when we're at zero feet.
It'll help. Thanks.
He won't be able to
make it in time, surely?
- They're all running out of time.
- How are you doing, Alan?
- How much time have I got?
- One minute.
Gordon. Alan isn't through yet,
and we're dangerously near the ground.
Play out more cable.
I'm coming alongside Zero X.
OK, Virgil.
Glenn Field, this is Washington.
Evacuation of Craigsville is complete.
Thunderbird 2 from Zero X.
Is he through yet?
No, not yet.
I'll overrun my engines
to give us a few more seconds.
Zero X from Thunderbird 2.
Into escape hatch immediately.
Alan from Virgil. Jump at end
of five-second countdown.
three, two,
Now, Scott. Now.
Are you OK, Alan?
OK, Virg. Did they make it?
This is Thunderbird 2 calling
Zero X escape unit. Are you OK?
Thunderbird 2 from Zero X escape unit.
Yes, we are OK. Paul only just made it.
He's badly shaken up,
but he's gonna be all right.
- Did you hear that, Alan?
- I heard.
- Did you hear that, Central Control?
- We heard. Well done.
Virgil from Gordon.
We can't retrieve Alan.
Due to his hurried departure, the cables
are fouling the side of Thunderbird 2.
- We'd better drop him to the ground.
- FAB, Gordon.
Say, Virgil, I think that's FAB 1 below.
Thunderbird 2 from FAB 1.
Virgil, we're down below.
Why not drop Alan down here?
Yeah, Penelope, I can see you.
Say, how did you get here?
As soon as we heard the forecast
crash position, we made our way here.
OK, I'm down. Cable released.
Gee, it sure was swell of you
to come here and pick me up, Penelope.
After that brilliant performance, I think
that's the least you deserve. Now jump in.
I assume, madam, that the first call
will be Glenn Field,
and then on to your hotel.
Is that correct?
That, Parker, is quite correct.
Gee! You mean you're going
to take me to the Swinging Star?
- Just the two of us?
- Just the two of us.
It's like a dream come true.
Gee, this must be the most
memorable day of my life.
You know, Penelope, I'm always
treated like a kid back at the base.
You know, being the youngest and all.
But tonight, being alone with you,
I feel like a real grown man.
But you are, Alan. You are.
Particularly with that
snazzy moustache you're wearing.
- It adds years to you, Alan.
- Well...
We have to wear a disguise sometimes
when we're out in public,
in case we're recognised.
Do you really think it suits me?
Excuse me, Alan. I think the gentleman
on the next table wants something.
Would you mind passing that ashtray?
- Disguise. Pretty good, eh?
- Why, Dad! What are you doing here?
Just thought I'd come and congratulate
you on your great performance today.
- Me too, Alan. A great job.
- Scott.
Thanks to you, Alan,
another International Rescue success.
Virg. Who else is here?
And I think it was a splendid effort,
I really do. Even though I can't see you.
Thanks, Brains. And I guess
the little lady with you must be Tin Tin.
Yes, Alan. Congratulations
on your performance today -
and tonight.
And there was I,
thinking we were all alone.
Remember, Alan,
one of the most comforting feelings
a man can have in this world of ours
is never to be alone.
To Alan, the hero of the day.
To Alan.
"Thunderbirds Are Go"...