Timberjack (1955)

Tim! Tim Chipman!
Mr Tilton. My friend. The son of my good, old
friend. It's good to see you. You look fit.
I believe, like Cicero did, you must begin to be
an old man early, if you want to be an old man long.
This is no way to welcome you. Come! No, Swifty, I've
had bad news about my father. Your father. Oh, yes.
Well, you've got five minutes
to spare to see Lynne. Lynne? Where?
My lovely, successful progeny - apple of my
failing eye - in her successful establishment.
Lynne owns all this?
Lock, stock and whisky barrel.
That piano came from San Francisco.
Everyone's got to remain bareheaded while here.
Except me. I bare my head to no man.
Lynne has elegant ideas of grandeur.
This primitive area does not have sufficient problems
to keep a man of jurisprudence gainfully occupied.
When evil days fell upon me, Lynne's
melodious voice stood her in good stead.
Croft Brunner set her up in business right
here in his warehouse - all designed by Lynne -
first as a partner, and then, by the winds of fortune,
as sole owner. I, of course, did the contracts.
.. A drink, bartender!
Ladies and gentlemen, the Vermilion
Belle takes pleasure in presenting...
THE Vermilion Belle!
Hello, Lynne.
I can't get over how great you look.
I'm glad to see you, Tim. I knew
you'd get here as soon as you could.
Let me interrupt to apologise for not having spoken
about your father, but Lynne will do it better.
I'll see you soon. This is important.
You know, of course, about your father. Only the
wire from old Riika saying Dad had been badly hurt.
Is he dead?
Four days ago. They found him
along one of the old roads.
He'd been in a fight or something.
His skull was fractured.
Who did it?
The sheriff spoke to the doctor.
Did he have any ideas?
Sorry. I haven't heard.
I'll find out.
It's nice seeing you again, Lynne.
That is as far as you go, Chipman.
Oh, it's you, Ole.
Get that out of there.
I'm going through.
Can't do. Mr Brunner's orders.
I'll do it myself.
All right, Ole. That's enough.
C'mon, let's go.
Your hats and your boots,
take 'em off.
Good evening, Jingles. Howdy, Mr
Brunner. How's that hunk of mange?
Someday Napoleon's
after mistaking you for a bone.
A shinbone, I mean.
Where's Lynne? Back in her room.
Tell her I'm here, will you?
.. Napoleon, it's your turn.
Go fetch Miss Lynne
All right, Napoleon.
Will of the Woods to see you,
Miss Lynne.
Croft, missed you at supper.
I had some work to do.
That's a beautiful dress, Lynne.
Beautiful! When it costs over $200,
it's called a gown, Mr Brunner.
Saw an old friend of yours, Miss
Lynne. Anybody special in mind?
Tim Chipman. He was trying to tear
down our barricade. What happened?
Just convinced him
to be more law abiding.
And his father dead only four days.
I think she mad at you, boss.
A woman's like the logging business.
The more you chop, the more you got.
Hurry, Jingles!
are you all right?
I'm all right.
Where are we?
In the storeroom at Talka.
You brought me here?
Another bad accident like that
and you'll have no grandchildren.
Yeah, I guess
I fell off my own railroad.
I figured the sheriff would've put
Ole in the poky a long time ago.
I could've handled maybe two of them, but... three
of them hit me with everything except lightning..
You've only been away 12 years and already
you've forgotten how rough they play in the woods.
Brunner just showed up.
Why, Lynne! Have a cigar.
Fresh from Havana.
Nevermind. I've got Tim Chipman in the storeroom.
Good. Wrap him up. Maybe Risolli here can sell him!
I thought maybe you'd given him a fractured
skull. So that's why you left me so mad.
You were afraid we'd given him
too much of a going-over.
Welcome home, Chipman. Sorry you've come under
such unhappy conditions. We live and we die.
Your father was a great man. His kind
carved it all out of the wilderness.
We had our differences. In later years, he didn't
like me much. But Clay Chipman taught me all I know.
Did he teach you
to have people beat up?
Let's not say things we'll be sorry
for, with the lady here.
Don't go building a high line because of
me. Here's to good health and good sense.
Skol. Skol.
What do you do now, Tim? Construction
engineer. Last job was in Venezuela. Oil.
Oil in Venezuela! What's a man
want oil for when he's got timber?
I've come to the same conclusion myself.
It might be rough on a college man.
He was born and raised here,
After he's picked up the pieces of his
old man's outfit and made money on 'em,
you and I'll throw him the biggest
champagne party ever seen here.
Why don't you just sell out and
start somewhere else fresh? Uh-huh?
It'll be tough on you
without a railroad.
Half of that railroad belongs to Chipman. Provided
you pay the $11,000 assessment on your stock.
Brunner, is that what you
and my dad had your fight about?
Don't get some silly idea that I was
responsible for what happened to him.
In the last couple of years, your father
thought everyone was trying to cross him.
Like Axe-Handle Ole. I'm trying to be your friend,
Chipman. You're better off out of here. I'm staying.
Lynne, is my hand car out there?
No, I saw it back at the depot.
Those were my orders. It's railroad
property. The barricade is, too.
Is that what you call trying to be friendly?
You can use my carriage. No, thanks. I'll walk.
He can't walk. Make him use my team.
I need the exercise.
Tim... things will seem better
in daylight.
Sure, Lynne. Sure.
You feel dandy, Chipman?
Come here, Ole.
Ole, I think you're
a pretty strong fella...
.. with that axe handle. Without it,
you're a no-good pinhead. Ja. Ja. Ja. Ja.
Someday, somebody will pound it into
your skull. Are you a killer or a klutz?
Ole, turn him into macaroni.
Go on!
By golly, Chipman, here's axe handle!
I once know a girl in Fargo,
North Dakota, was stronger than that!
All right, Ole, come on!
That's a pretty good trick
to pull on a halfwit.
If you're that smart with men with brains, maybe
you'll get somewhere in the lumber business.
I might run you out of this country,
What do you want, monsieur?
I'm Tim Chipman. How we know,
monsieur? Ask your boss. Ask Riika.
Tim! Riika!
I got here as soon as I could.
I was afraid you didn't get my message. Papa Clay
died right after I come back from sending the telegram.
Yeah, I heard.
Ah, it hasn't changed a bit.
Your papa loved this room.
Who did it, Riika? Who killed him?
I don't know, Tim.
That's the truth. I don't know.
It was Brunner, wasn't it?
They've been fighting
two or three years.
Much worse than the old days. Brunner told
me Dad was getting full of linsey-woolsey.
Have you had a fight with him
already? So soon?
Ole. I tried to take a hand car through the
barricade. He and a couple of his buddies.
Riika, who did it? Who killed Dad?
Brunner told the sheriff he thought
it was someone here in this camp.
Dirty liar! All my French Canucks are good,
honest boys. Did the sheriff believe it?
I don't know.
Maybe yes, maybe no.
Maybe half of it.
Brunner and your papa started fighting when Brunner
closed the railroad and tried to steal our men.
Papa chased Brunner's men
off the north boundary track and...
Brunner tried to buy your papa out.
Did he try to buy the whole outfit?
I told your papa he was crazy not to
take it. $67,000 Brunner offered him.
Papa kicked him in the pants and chased
him off the place with a Winchester.
What a guy! I'm glad you told me that,
Riika. Makes me feel a little better.
Then Papa went to Noken Lake
to crew some trees we'd been logging.
We looked for him all day Thursday.
Friday morning, one of the fellas found him three
miles out on the west road, crazy in the head.
He never came out of it.
He died...
It's getting late, Tim. Tomorrow
we've got to go to Silver Junction.
You go all that way round to get the timber out?
Brunner's blocked the railroad. I got a payroll to meet.
I do the best I can.
Now that you're here, I can help you like
I helped your papa. I'll help YOU, Riika.
We'll do what Dad couldn't finish.
Bonjour, Monsieur Tilton. Is
Tim Chipman here? He's inside.
Hello, Swifty.
Tim, I just hurried up here
to tell you that my client Croft Brunner
will present an offer to buy you out.
Well, thanks, Swifty. Sit down.
Don't let him know that I told you.
With Lynne so dependent on Brunner's goodwill...
Swifty... Just what is the deal between Brunner and Lynne?
Economic convenience, purely and
simply. It seemed like more than that.
No. Lynne is shrewd. Brunner is
an important citizen in this area.
Do I detect a rebirth of that elusive
emotion referred to as love?
Swifty, you were going to tell me
about Brunner's offer. Tim...
Have I the confidence of the son of
an honoured father? I never saw you.
Before you sell to Brunner, you must know
about the High Chilco grant, north of the Nobs.
The last great stand of timber in
these parts. The forest primeval.
Murmuring pines... bearded with moss. In the twilight
stand like druids... They'll stand for a long time!
The original grant stipulated that
no timber could be cut for 100 years.
Brunner found an old law which limits the government
restriction to 50 years. Then Chilco is clear.
Chilco is clear.
How much do you think it's worth? To Brunner, $250,000.
It'll make his outfit the biggest in the north.
To you, nothing. You can't log it. If I paid off my
railroad assessment? He'd think of something else.
The Chipman troubles have not come
about by fate. He's got you bottled up.
Sell, but make him pay.
Don't be stubborn like your father.
And end up in a box. We could both
end up that way. Sell out, eh?
No, Swifty. I'll take a look at the
High Chilco first. Just like your father.
I don't know why I was daft enough
to think different.
"He dies only half who leaves
an image of himself in his son. "
Fortunately, it's Lynne.
Good morning, Tim. Lynne. Croft and Ole are coming
up here. I know. You'd better get going, Dad.
I'm going, my love. What's with Brunner?
Swifty's an old friend of mine...
The courage and wisdom necessary for the practice of
law and equity do not exist where my client is concerned.
I will go out the back door. But remember, son,
you're in a war here. Brunner plays for keeps.
Explain nothing, deny everything,
demand proof... and don't listen to it.
Tim, did he have a drink?
No. No, he didn't even ask for one.
He must like you. He drinks too much when he has
something unpleasant to do. Like Brunner's hatcheting?
Well, here he is. I'd better go.
Lynne, thanks for the visit,
short as it was.
The shorter it is now,
the longer it can be next time.
Chipman, where can we talk?
Right here on the porch.
What's on your mind, Brunner?
I made your father an offer
which he foolishly turned down.
I'll give you $70,000
for all your holdings.
Cash. That's not much money, considering that
fine timber up on Granite Nob. Chilco? Chilco.
Sure. But you'll have to wait 40
years to log it. I hear different.
Whoever told you that is batty, a liar. No, I
had my dad's lawyers run a check on the titles.
Even if it were true, which it isn't, that timber
isn't worth more than $5,000 to anybody but me.
I'm the only man who can log it. I think you're
bluffing. I intend to get that timber myself.
It'll make Chipman all over again.
Just like the old days! Just like the old days,
before the tree-life started creeping around.
I'll give you $80,000... No,
I'll go the whole hog - $100,000.
All right, Chipman.
You're as foolish as your old man.
I'll get it for nothing.
I'll drive Miss Lynne home. Reckon
you can handle them, Mr Brunner?
What were you doing here, anyway?
Just making sure he was all right.
It'd take more than that to crease
HIS brain. Keep away from murder!
Who do you figure tipped him that the restriction
on Chilco had expired? His dad's lawyers.
I thought I was the only man here who knew about
it. Lots of timber between thinking and knowing.
Our best bet is to get the logs
down to Little Lake.
At the lower lake, we'll throw an earth
and log dam across the mouth of the creek.
As soon as the water gets deep enough, we'll raft
our logs into the lake and on down to the mill.
But how are you gonna get your sticks from here to
the Little Lake? You'll need an engine and track.
We'll borrow an engine from Brunner. And take
track, beginning at the barricade. You're crazy, Tim.
We just need to get possession. When are you
going to do it? Tomorrow night? The night after.
I'll leave here right after dark.
If it all adds up, we'll do it
on schedule. It's a crazy idea, Tim.
Better take a rifle with you.
Brunner's men are
a bunch of crazy Polacks.
What are you doing out here alone?
Alone? Jingles is up on the road.
Besides, I have this.
Well, what's wrong?
Croft knows all about it, Tim.
All about what? The train.
Then one of my men must've told him.
Any idea who it might have been?
If I knew, I wouldn't tell, but I
don't know, so that makes it easier.
A spy in my own outfit, eh?
It's nice of you, but you shouldn't be taking
chances like this. I don't want you killed. Or Croft.
He wants to marry you, doesn't he?
Of course.
Remember when we were kids
in school together?
I used to spend all my time
thinking about you.
If you cared so much for me,
why... why didn't you say so?
I couldn't get up the steam.
Then you went to college.
Did you know I cried when the boat
disappeared across the lake? No! You did?
Well, why didn't you write me?
Why didn't you?
Oh, I started to,
but I always tore them up.
Well, that was a long time ago.
Let's forget about it.
I still don't think
you're in love with Brunner.
Lynne, I know he backed you in the Vermilion
Belle, but you don't need him any more.
Anyone who thinks he doesn't need
Brunner ought to have his head examined.
We'll take her to the roundhouse
as soon as I get back.
Just as you figured, Miss Lynne. He's fixing
to steal the train tonight. Brunner'll hear him.
Hello, everybody!
Miss Lynne and Jingles!
We were just driving by and heard
the music. Ja, ja, Miss Lynne.
Jingles, give us some stoosh!
Gentlemen, the Vermilion Belle takes
pleasure in presenting... THE Vermilion Belle!
Riika. Tim. I'm down below.
Can you hear me?
.. Good. Now, listen.
Everything we decided still goes,
but we've got to change our plans.
We'll close the deal tonight.
Yeah. Yeah.
I'll be there with pen and ink!
That's right. And don't forget
to bring the witnesses.
Charlie! You're going to be late for
supper. You're not going to the roundhouse.
Tim Chipman, what are you doing
here? I own half of this line.
I'm taking the engine and half of the
flats. We're heading for Chipman. Let's go!
Mr Brunner, an engine
is highballing for Chipman.
He did it! He stole her!
Get the hand cars out!
That's what you were doing up here, making a lot of
noise so we wouldn't hear the train. That's right.
I suppose you tipped him off
about tomorrow night. Right again.
Lay 'em out on the table, Lynne.
Who are you for? Him or me?
I'm for everybody staying alive, not killing
each other for money. You like money pretty well.
I get mine making people happy.
What am I supposed to do
at the barricade? Blow your whistle.
Maybe he's already tore it down.
There's two of Brunner's men.
No, we're going through. You take her through
alone. I'm unloading. I'm with you, Charlie.
It worked. Don't count your sticks
till they're lumber on the woodpile.
Send two men out to tell us when Brunner's gang
shows up. Pauquette, Veazie, go up on the hogback.
So, you think Brunner's coming?
Yeah. Red Bush saw me leaving.
Oh? We'll stop him.
ALL: Yeah!
They come! How many? Eight. They'll
be no trouble, monsieur! Come on!
Boss, we're outnumbered two to one.
That's far enough, Brunner. Stay your
side of that line and nobody'll get hurt.
Chipman, did you think you'd get away with
stealing that train? I took what was my legal right.
You've committed armed assault and
robbery. I'll let the authorities decide.
When I take you into court, you'll come
out as naked as the day you were born.
You're too smart for that. You know
that while we'd be in litigation,
the courts would force you to keep this
line open and then I wouldn't be bottled up.
I wouldn't waste my time licking a
Chipman that way. I'll lick 'em MY way.
The best man ain't winning!
That's got him, eh?
Let's get some of that iron, huh?
You're just like your papa.
Best man won! Oh, Jingles,
all I care is they're both alive.
Wire it up!
You're really logging them off. The fellas get a taller
bonus every day we beat the footage. Anyone slacking?
I don't know about that. I don't know.
I'm too busy watching out for Polacks.
You been down the lake? Yes. When do you think the
dam will be finished? Take over. I'll go down and see.
Maybe. And maybe I won't. You don't
think I can handle it? It's not that.
It's too quiet. Your papa always said, when
Brunner's still, you'd better look out for a headache.
Maybe you'd better go to the landing. It's more
important you check the dam. I'll stay here.
Take it easy, Swifty. Take it easy.
A wise, English proverbialist once remarked,
and I render it to you unadulterated,
"Advice comes too late when a thing is done. "
Good Sunday, thou princeling of my private Pullman.
Greetings, my love. Dad, come with me. I need this
badly, Lynne. We'll have one together at dinner.
What happened to upset you? I
learned something that made me wither.
What is it? I cannot disclose it to you. You tell
me everything. This would only cause you anguish.
I haven't been much of a parent to you, but this time
I will protect you. Oh, Dad, you've been wonderful.
When you were little, back in the old country, I
watched your beautiful mother prepare you for slumber
and I resolved that I would achieve something...
not for me, but so that you would be secure.
But what benefit's a dreamer when the clouds
become storms, when the sun turns to darkness?
And the night never-ending? What good is
knowledge, integrity, dignity and truth
when the gods of dishonesty, slime and greed demand
of a weak person the ultimate penalty? My darling...
I have not been a wonderful father.
I have only seemed wonderful
because things I could not give you,
I tried to make up for by substituting the emotions deep in my heart
- love, respect and devotion.
Now I have a small matter to settle with my client.
But Croft isn't at the landing. He will be presently.
You can see him later. Stay with me.
There are six faults a thinking man should avoid
- drowsiness, sloth, idleness, fear, anger...
and an over-loving daughter.
Come down from Talka? I did.
It must have been urgent.
It was and is. You've been drinking.
Not enough to expiate the vile feeling I suffer
because of my association with you. Barrel fever!
Why don't you go home, sleep it off?
I am here to state a simple brief.
I do not underwrite or accept what you've done
to Tim Chipman or what you plan to do to him.
Then pull out, you booze-soaked,
snivelling rum-pot! I'll run Talka.
My purpose here is to discuss with you
intelligence I came across at Talka. Like what?
Your telegram for strong arms from the
outside. Does Lynne know about this?
I am no informer of persons, places
or peccadilloes, great or small.
No sense in burdening her with
information she might slip to Chipman.
I wonder how he got wind of Chilco? It
wasn't Lynne. No, Lynne had no way of knowing.
She thinks you are the most misunderstood
of men. Misjudged and put-upon.
You are an uncut diamond, to her,
who shines with honesty.
This is an opinion
that I do not share with her.
I'm good enough to save you dying hungry,
but not good enough to be your son-in-law?
Lynne has her own life to live.
You've always hated me. I came
to comment as your legal counsel.
I leave you with a line
from Shakespeare's Hamlet -
"Murder, though it have no tongue, will speak with
most miraculous organ. " Now I know who told Chipman.
Croft, in this mood
you are dangerous. Good day, sir.
YOU! You're the fink!
Lynne, have you come to call on me?
Where is Dad? Isn't he at the house?
No, he came here. Sure, but he left.
Oh. Then you saw him.
Yes, I found him having a drink. I had one
with him, then he left. I'll walk you home.
Lynne, your pa's old enough to take care of
himself. But he was steamed up about something. What?
He didn't want to tell me. He looked
pretty happy when I saw him.
Dad? Oh, is...
He not here.
I'll send the boys out to track him.
He may have gone back to Talka.
On a Sunday he could be 20 places.
Please stop worrying. I guess
you're right. See you later, Croft.
Everything's all right between us,
isn't it?
Yes, just the same. When are you going
to set a date for us to get married?
Oh, let's not go into that now.
I'm so tired.
Is Chipman making a play for you?
Please, not today. Even if he so much as
looked as if he'd like to, I'd kill him!
STOP, Croft!
Stop that talk about killing!
Please send them out after my dad.
Right away. Goodbye, Lynne.
Chin! I want to change.
Get in!
I stay here.
I said, get in!
Have you seen my father?
I saw him at noontime, senorina.
Was Ole round?
I ain't seen him since dinner.
Thank you.
Punky, have you seen my father?
I ain't seen hide nor hair of him,
Miss Lynne. It's been awful quiet.
Quiet as death.
Ole! What are you doing here? I live here. Why
aren't you out looking for my father? I don't go.
Oh, you're hiding him!
.. Dad! He no' here, Miss Lynne.
You go now.
Where were you going? I got a mate.
You're quitting?
Why? I'm through working here.
Go to Puget, get the trawler.
Croft! Lynne... Did you find him? Not yet. I
thought you'd have all the men looking for him.
Ole's not looking. Nobody's looking. I've been
checking around here. He hasn't had time to get far.
Lynne, go home. We'll all head for
Talka. Chipman too, if necessary.
What did you tell her?
I tell her nothing.
Nothing about her old man? Nothing!
Now, get your stuff out of
your bags! You haven't got it made.
I'm sick with smart fellas
calling me fink.
Nobody takes double pay from me and blows the whistle
when the sticks start piling high. Double pay, ja!
I been good fella for you, boss.
Whip five, six men at one time - fists,
axe-handle, anything you tell me to do.
Don't have nothin' to do with
killing. No cut it with murdering!
All right, get your stuff and get out! If
I ever see you around here, I'll kill you!
Timmy-boy, wake up!
Timmy, you got a visitor.
A what? Ole.
Ole...? Mm-hm. OK, bring him in.
Come on.
You must've been kicked by a mule!
Who did it? Brunner? He jumped me and I quit.
Why? I tell him I go. He hit me and beat me.
Did you stand and take it? We had pretty
good fight. I good fighter, Mr Chipman. Yeah.
I know you and your axe-handle. You got any use for
a rosin-belly like this? We can use an alligator.
Go to the bunk cook, get some grub. Leave that at
the boat. And don't give me no headaches! Get out!
Tim, what d'you want a fella like that for? I got an
idea he may lead us to something we don't know about.
You mean Brunner?
Mm-hm... and my dad.
They met up with Swifty. Where?
Smack across from your outfit.
Lynne, I...
I guess he was coming up here
to see you, Tim. Yeah.
He must've left the old trail and... got
off somewhere. When did he leave? Yesterday.
Did he tell you he was coming
to my place? No, not directly.
He told me. Oh.
Then all you know is
what Brunner SAID your father said.
Are you trying to throw out that...? I don't "throw
out", I say what I see. I don't like it! Simple enough.
Those Frenchies in your camp
- when Swifty got off the trail, they slugged him.
Like they slugged Ole?
Chipman, coming back to make trouble's one
thing. Accusations and threats are another.
Making a play for Lynne is a third.
This is the last time - I warn you.
Now, wait. You're both getting it wrong.
He was terribly upset about something.
He probably tripped and fell, cutting his face on
the brush. Oh, stop making it out worse than it is.
Sure, Lynne. Sure.
I want to go back to the landing.
My men will take care of everything.
You know all about
what happened to Swifty, don't you?
No, no! "No, no"! Brunner killed him, didn't he?!
Fighting about this timber and Brunner hit him? I dunno.
I don't know! You don't know! Or maybe it was about
Miss Tilton? Mr Chipman, I don't know. You don't?
Brunner told you to bring the body up here so
it'd look like I did it! No, Mr Chipman! No!
You were more scared of a dead body than of Brunner,
so you fought with your boss. Honest, I tell truth.
I just quit! Yeah, you just quit!
Maybe YOU killed him.
"I don't know", he says, "I just
quit. " All I could get out of him.
He'll remember, the day Brunner dies. I can't wait
that long. Papa said to beat him, you gotta kill him.
D'you ever see Swifty
without a hat before?
What d'you mean, without a hat?
He ALWAYS wore a hat.
He wore a hat since I was so big.
Didn't wear one today. No hat.
And his head was bare. No hat.
Anything else, Mr Chipman? No,
I guess you know everything I do.
What d'you think, Sheriff, from
all you've heard these 24 hours?
Same as your father. Both men found
in the brush, murderously beaten.
Brunner thinks in both cases someone up here did it.
You, in both cases, think someone down there did it.
It's my job as a law officer
to find out the truth.
Well, the services for Mr Tilton
are tomorrow at the landing.
I'm glad to see you, Tim.
I... came to attend the services. The sheriff
must have given me some wrong information.
The services were yesterday.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for coming, Tim.
Are you going to stay on?
But of course. What else would I do?
The sheriff told me
he called on you.
Yes. He's as much up in the air
as we are.
You're accusing Croft.
And Croft accusing me.
You know he wouldn't harm my father.
Swifty didn't think too highly
of Brunner, though.
That's why he tipped me off
about the Chilco.
I always figured he did.
Did Brunner think so, too?
You're trying to tell me something,
Tim. Honestly, what is it?
This whole business keeps churning and turning
in my mind. And two things don't add up.
One - why did Brunner try to make mincemeat of his
oldest and most trusted camp eye? I was there.
Ole left of his own free will.
He lied to you. From the look of him, Brunner must've
been mad at him for something. It wasn't Croft.
He couldn't beat Ole.
OK, have it your own way.
Point number two. Swifty had been drinking for years,
you know that. In all his falling-downs and mishaps
did you ever see him lose his hat?
His hat?
Yeah. He was never without his hat. I'm
sorry, but he was when I saw him lying there.
He come soon.
Thank you.
A, er...
A business appointment?
Croft is having dinner here as he
usually does when he's at the landing.
It was nice of you, Tim,
to make this call.
I didn't mean to upset you.
But a man has to say what he has to.
Are you really going to marry him?
Are you?
Why shouldn't I?
Because you're not in love with him.
I know what I'm doing.
Anything trouble?
Headache. Who? Eight or ten. Somebody
started a rumour you ain't gonna make pay day.
I got money to pay
every woodhead in this camp.
Which one of you has the loudest headache? I
have. You run a teakettle outfit! Pie in the sky!
Too much highballing! Maybe I worked you too
hard without enough grub... No sweet-talking.
Always good job at talking! Yeah, and Mr Brunner
is a gentleman to work for, isn't he? Ja...!
No! Anyone who wants paid off in cash, now's your
chance. Take your bag, step out and start walking.
All right. One more thing. Three men were with me that
day when I made plans to grab that engine and flats.
Riika, Pauquette and Veazie. Riika
I'd trust with my life...
Veazie? What've you got
to say for yourself?
We hear you've no money - we worry.
It's foolish to work for nothing.
Who says you are?
It's true he has no money.
If it's not, he must pay us today! Punch
her out for anyone who says so. Veazie?
I am happy with you, monsieur.
Espece de maudit!
C'est tout ainsi, bete!
Monsieur d'ennui,
la blame passe a moi!
Pay him off.
No, monsieur, I was wrong.
Double pay for everyone the minute
the log drive is finished.
I am sorry I had to act so bad. But, French, we are
proud of our heritage. We must protect our good name.
He's crazy. It was our duty
to make him take the blame.
Let's start logging!
If Brunner does not kill us all.
How's it look up the creek? Water'll be at
the top of the dam in a few days. That's great.
We'll raft them right down to the mill.
Is that Brunner gonna get a headache!
Oh, Mr Jingles, sing it for us.
I shouldn't do that to Napoleon.
All right.
WOMEN: Aw! Just a
minute. I'm not finished.
Glad you could get here, Poole.
Go into the Belle and have a drink.
You'll get your instructions
at Talka. All right, Mr Brunner.
Senorita, I'm crazy for you.
Crazy? Crazy?
Tonto! Tienes piedras en la cabeza.
Huh? That means
you've got rocks in your head.
Those men that just left, are they new
engineers? No, ma'am. Powder monkeys.
Why bring them in from the outside? Every
logger I ever knew could handle dynamite.
This is different. The boss of that
gang, a fella named Poole, he's an expert.
I've heard of him. What's the job?
Hit the dam where Chipman's
building up water for his drive.
You've got to get up awfully early to
put anything over Mr Brunner, don't you?
Nobody can get up that early.
Oh, so that's the way we are today.
We're nowhere, Croft, and we're not going to be.
Those eight men that got off the boat, what's that for?
Lynne, darling, do I ever tell you how to run the
Belle? Don't tell me how to run MY show. That's fair.
Dynamiters and gunfighters.
Why can't you stop?
If Chipman gets those logs down the stream, he'll
have done what he set out to do. Do you want that?
This country is big enough for everybody to
share. I won't let anyone take this from me!
I'll be the number-one man wherever
I am. Don't tell me what to do!
Lynne... Lynne, what's the matter?
YOU killed him.
YOU killed my father!
Where are you going, Lynne?
You murdered him as you did Tim's
father, as you're trying to murder Tim.
Give me the hat, Lynne, You're not
getting out of here with evidence.
You're bluffing, Lynne. You haven't got what
it takes to kill a man. Don't make me prove it.
Give me the gun! And the hat!
I heard a shot... Keep an eye on the
Tilton place. Let me know when she leaves.
Get Jingles on the phone.
Tell him to bring the carriage.
Miss Lynne just drove out.
She's headed upcountry.
Let's roll. Call Talka. Tell Ed Bush to get
a team ready and to look out for Lynne Tilton.
Miss Lynne drove through. You drive.
We're heading for Chipman. I'll show you.
See him yet? No, not yet.
is Tim Chipman at Chilco?
No, he's with the logging train
at the lake.
Better hurry, Miss Lynne.
I'll go down to the lake. If Mr Brunner comes,
tell him I went with Jingles. Oui, mademoiselle.
Whoa, boy! Whoa!
The buggy's on the way to Chilco.
Mademoiselle Tilton went to the lake
by the trail.
You go with Poole. Follow the road. Meet me
at the old Blackwater camp. Oui, monsieur.
Stop her.
Tim, Croft brought in Poole
and a gang of dynamiters
to blast out your river dam
so you can't get your logs down.
Where is Brunner?
Back in the woods with a rifle.
He tried to kill me, because I found
out... You found out that he killed Swifty.
Your papa always said... The only
way to beat Brunner was to kill him.
All right, Lynne, you stay here.
Riika will take care of you.
I won't be long. No, Tim...
No, I... I can't lose you any more.
You couldn't lose me if you wanted to.
Is that six-shooter loaded? No,
it's empty. Take this. Wait here.
What you hear, Riika?
Nothing, I guess.
Ole! Ja? Where did Miss Lynne go?
Don't know.
She was there on ground.
She got to Chipman. He's in the woods with a rifle.
Poole, come with me. Pauquette, cut in behind him.
Brunner's dead.
You're Poole. That's right, sir.
Get out!
Ole, who killed Tim's papa?
Brunner. They had fight.
Brunner beat him like he beat me.
Mr Chipman was old man...
and he died.
The Vermilion Belle takes pleasure in presenting the
new owner of the Vermilion Belle - Mr Jingles!