Tinker' (2018)

- [water trickling]
- [birds tweeting]
[door creaks open]
[Grady] Everything in my life
has lead to this moment.
After leaving home,
instead of going to Vietnam,
I was sent to an undisclosed
facility in the desert.
We called it Koli.
32 of the brightest men,
including myself,
were teamed up into groups
and assigned
each their own tasks.
The vetting process
was mentally intense.
So many questions.
Confidential access was granted
to those who passed.
Our primary objective
focused on research
the government confiscated from
Nikola Tesla after his demise.
[snorts and gasps]
[engine starts]
[cows lowing]
- [door hinges creak]
- Hey, Miss Jeannie.
Hold on just a minute.
Hey, baby, how are you doing?
Good, good.
He's in the back
if you want to go on.
Yes, ma'am.
[drill whirring]
Hey, son.
Dropping off
or picking up?
- Picking up.
- Well, it'll be
that black riding lawn mower
on your right.
It's going up
to the Drinker's.
Right out back
on the right.
[birds tweeting]
[distant laughter
and indistinct chatter]
[Mary Ann]
You about ready for bed?
Do you remember
what happened last?
The man was... the fearless man
was boarding the ship.
That's right.
"And the captain ventured off
into the unknown,
"searching for treasure.
"But he knew
there would be dangers,
and a chance he would
not return."
That's all for tonight, okay?
Let's say our prayers.
[Mary Ann]
Yeah, let's say them.
- Ready?
- Ready.
Now I lay me.
Now I lay me.
- Down to sleep.
- Down to sleep.
I pray the Lord.
Pray the Lord.
- My soul to keep.
- My soul to keep.
If I die.
If I die.
- Before I wake.
- Before I wake.
I pray the Lord.
Pray the Lord.
- My soul to take.
- My soul to take.
Let's get you tucked in.
Good night, sweetheart.
Good night. Love you, Mom.
[Mary Ann]
I love you, too.
Can you give me
the exact...?
So the meds didn't work.
[sniffles and cries]
Hey, buddy,
you ready for school?
Are you okay, Mama?
Yeah, honey,
I'm okay.
I'll go get
your uniform, okay?
[humming softly]
Dimensions are specific.
- Then what...?
- [door locks click]
These crystals
were my father's.
Crystals hold energy.
If you learn to listen,
you can hear their sounds.
They were programmed.
By placing them out
at the right time,
day or night,
you can hear the sounds
of the sun or the moon,
and all the other things
that other people can't hear.
What about that one?
This one...
[turns ignition off]
[vinyl hisses and pops]
[acoustic guitar music plays]
I hear my mama pray
That hope is on the way
That hope
Is on the way
And I hear my daddy say
Boy, you got a price to pay
Yeah, you got
A price to pay
Hmm, hmm, hmm
I'm on my way home
I got to get back home
Hmm, hmm, hmm
I'm on my way home
I got to get back home
I hear my sister pray
For justice every day
For some things
To heal the pain
I hear my brother say
Boy, some things
Have got to change
Yeah, some things
To rearrange
Hmm, hmm, hmm
I'm on my way home
I got to get back home
Hmm, hmm, hmm
I'm on my way home
I got to get back home
[Mary Ann] The butterfly
is a symbol of rebirth.
Do you know why?
Very good.
Should I let it go?
Yeah, let's see
if it'll fly.
[Grady, Sr.]
September 2nd, 1970.
We just received funding
to move forward on Tesla's
agriculture blanket.
At this point,
we have proven
that his magnetic
power generator we call Jack,
combined with a Tesla coil,
stimulates plant growth
reducing harvest time by half.
But the plants have to be
in close proximity.
We are impressed
with the results.
However, I have
my reservations.
There's something
they're not telling us.
[phone rings]
- Hello?
- [woman, on phone] Yes.
- Is this Grady Lee, Jr.?
- Yes, this is him.
This is the office
of Ethan Gosser,
- attorney at law.
- Mm-hmm.
We regret to inform you
your sister,
Mary Corregan,
she's passed away.
The circumstances are urgent,
and we would like your presence
within 24 hours.
Okay. It's gonna take me about
11 hours to get over there.
Thank you.
[radio host] It's coming out
on different levels.
For example, agrosonics,
the use of sounds
to interact with plants
to make them grow faster.
There's even more research
that they can target
specific frequencies
for specific plants,
and they can accelerate growth
by 50, a hundred times.
I wish you could
stay longer.
[wind gusting]
Uh-huh. Yeah, we can do 12:30.
Great, see you then.
[door opens]
Mr. Lee? Come on back.
- How are you doing?
- [Grady] Okay.
We're here today
because your sister,
Mary Ann Corregan,
passed away.
She has hired me to write
her last will and testament.
She also hired me to be
the executor of her will.
She doesn't have any debt.
She had some personal property.
She had no real property,
meaning she had no real estate.
She rented her apartment.
She had a small
amount of money,
and she also appointed you
as guardian of her son, Kai.
Mr. Lee?
Now it's up to you
whether or not
you want to be Kai's guardian.
Well, what happens to him
if I don't take him?
If you don't, he'll be remanded
to the state of Virginia.
We'll place him inside
of foster care.
- I'll take him, yeah.
- Perfect.
There will be a package
and a letter from your sister
sent to your home
on Kai's seventh birthday.
I'm hungry.
Wow, you live on a farm?
How many acres
do you have?
Like the house.
[birds tweeting]
I'm hungry.
Who's that guy outside?
Oh, Manna?
Who's Manna?
He's just a fella that...
helps me out with a few things
around the house.
What's he work on
with you?
Splitting wood,
feeding the chickens and cows,
stuff like that.
He's your partner?
Manna just kind of needed
a place to hide for...
a little while,
and he's just passing through.
He's a good fella.
I see you met
our new visitor.
This is Kai.
Kai, this is Manna.
How you doing?
Kai, come on, load up.
I got the tractor
waiting for you.
Get the shop cleaned out,
get my welding gear out.
[high-pitched tone]
Now listen,
I don't want you
fooling around
climbing on anything,
all right?
Well, here it is.
Why are we here? Where is this?
It's a salvage yard.
You ever seen
a salvage yard before?
Of course not.
I live in the city.
What car are we
getting parts from?
I don't know.
Got to find it first.
That's part
of the fun, though.
The exploring.
Looking in stuff,
finding what you need.
It's kind of like a...
like a treasure hunt.
What do you say?
Good idea.
Good idea? All right.
All right,
remember what I told you.
All right?
Don't climb on nothing.
- Yes, sir.
- Okay, here.
Oh, oh.
Boudreaux, this is...
this is Kai.
A little buddy of mine's gonna
be waiting for a little while.
And stay out of his way,
all right?
- Yes, sir.
- [Grady] Goddang it.
These arms might work
for you.
You all right?
Yeah, something went down
my throat. I almost choked.
[alarm clock beeping]
Get up.
[newscaster, on TV]
An hour-long investigation
into the dangers facing
the U.S. power grid.
What would it take
to bring it down?
And if our system
did break down,
how would you survive?
And what would it be like
in the dark?
[Mary Ann]
My dearest Kai.
Happy birthday,
I'm sorry that I can't
be there with you.
If I had one wish,
it would be
to watch you grow up
and become the amazing person
I know you will be.
[newscaster, on TV] The
United States electric grid.
Are we ready
for a terror attack
or EMP blast?
And what would we do
if the lights went out?
This is awesome.
Don't thank me.
Thank your mama.
Thank you, Mom.
[Mary Ann] I'll always miss our
walks by the river, our alone times,
and being surprised
by the things that you say.
I gave Grady something for you
so you can look to the heavens.
You can use this
to find yourself.
You're always
looking to heaven.
It's like you see things
that no one else can.
God works in mysterious ways,
and he outdid himself with you.
Always remember,
I'm closer than you think.
I love you, sweetheart.
Think I can see
the moon already.
[Grady, Sr.]
December 24th, 1970.
Merry Christmas.
Today, we had
a breakthrough.
Team seven was testing a device
that emits massive amounts
of frequencies.
We are not privy to the details
of other projects,
but heard their result
resembled that of an EMP.
Sector E was completely
And our Jack
woke up on its own.
We will be combing through
the data for weeks.
I'm beginning
to rethink protocol.
What are you doing?
I fix.
Lawn mowers
and weed eaters.
Doesn't look like that.
Because I'm not working on that
right now.
I'm working on something
Then what are you working on
right now?
Hmm, it's a surprise.
What's this on the board?
What's on the board?
Different things.
[bell dings]
Can you go find something to do
outside please, sir?
What are these?
Whose is this?
That's my daddy's.
Where's your daddy?
He ain't around anymore.
Where did he move to?
He ain't move nowhere.
He passed on.
Is he where my mother is?
My mom is in heaven.
Do you know anything
about that?
No. I don't know about all
that kind of fairy-tale stuff.
It's not a fairy tale.
Buddy, if that makes you
feel better,
then you believe that.
I'll go outside
if you need me to.
Why don't you go outside
and find you something to do,
little man?
[door opens and closes]
Go on up there.
Who built this tree house?
My daddy. He built it for me
and your mama.
- [Kai] Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, you have fun up there.
Yes, sir.
But, I mean,
what can I do, though?
Well, when we get there,
just make sure my real beard's
not showing.
- You know, that kind of thing.
- I can do that.
I don't mind helping you.
I'll be right there.
I'll help you before,
during, after, whatever.
- I don't care.
- [Grady] Knock, knock.
- [Jeannie] Hey!
- Lookie here.
Hey, Kai, how are you?
What are you doing?
I was wondering if Kai could
hang out with you for a while.
Yeah, absolutely.
We would love to.
- Good.
- [Jeannie] Yeah.
You want to come
stay with us?
I got some toys out back,
and we'll go play.
- Hey, how's that sound?
- Does that sound good?
- I got to do some...
- Please?
Come on, listen, I got to do
a little bit of work.
I'll come back, okay?
Just hang out here.
[Jeannie] He'll come right back,
I promise you.
Listen, Come on, now.
It's all right.
- Stop hanging...
- [Jeannie] Come on, baby.
Oh, come on,
that wasn't necessary.
Come on, buddy.
Come on.
Come on with me.
It's okay...
- [Kai, sobbing] No!
- [Jeannie] Oh, please.
- I'll be back.
- [Jeannie] Come on, baby.
It's going to be great, okay?
- [Grady] I'll check back in.
- [Jeannie] It's okay... Oh.
- No! No!
- Oh. Oh, baby. Baby, come on.
- [door slams]
- Come on. Come on.
I don't want to!
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I believe you've got me
in a mess here.
I'm fixing to get jumped.
So, how you been?
Why is Grady so mean?
Grady's not really mean.
He's kind of got a little bit
of hard heart right now.
Ever since he was little.
When he was five,
his mother died.
She had an aneurysm.
That affected him
very much.
And he's lost his dad later on,
which was my friend.
What was his name?
Grady, Senior.
Your grandfather.
And when he lost
your mama,
he lost a big chunk
of his heart.
It could be one of the reasons
he screams,
he loses his temper.
But he loved her very,
very much.
Sometimes that calluses people.
It makes them hard
in their heart.
- Understand?
- Yes.
And we just say
a little prayer,
and we'll try
to get through it together.
- How about that, buddy?
- Mm-hmm.
We got to get over
that wall he's built.
You think you can help
old Big Papa over that wall?
All right.
You needed something?
Can you do that for me?
Well, I can
give it a shot.
For your eyes only.
Thanks for stopping by.
- [gas hisses]
- [flames roar]
Hey, Manna.
Do you have a son?
What is it like
to live on a farm?
Like living
anywhere else, son.
Do you have a wife?
What do you feed
your cows?
What do you feed
your chickens?
You know...
you ask a lot of questions.
Go play with someone
your own age.
I can't find anyone.
Yeah, well...
I can't climb out of the gates
around this place.
Listen, why don't you
go on home?
All right?
Your dad's calling you.
He's not my dad.
Maybe you should
go inside then, son.
I don't have a home.
Not everybody does.
What does
your dog eat?
Just go on back.
Tell me and I'll give you
a penny.
What do I have to do for you
to answer my question?
Just go home!
Just go home,
all right?
- I don't have a home!
- No one wants you around here.
Just go home!
Leave me alone!
I'm working!
I'm going home!
Son! No, hey!
Come on!
Get me out of here!
Moses! Where's Moses?
Get it open!
- Let me out of here!
- There you go, come on.
- Get me out of here!
- It's okay.
Oh, my leg! Ow!
[gasps and sobs]
What's up, brother?
Come on in, man.
It's time for you
to tell your story.
You tell it.
My name is, uh...
My name is Manna.
I guess I'll start off
with, uh...
I'm a vet.
I done three tours.
I'm not a hero.
I, uh...
I didn't want
to serve my country.
I just wanted to be able
to provide for my family.
Food on my table.
It was just me
and my boy.
And, uh...
You know, my son,
six at the time, he, uh...
he didn't really know me
too well.
So I planned a trip,
you know?
We drove from lower...
the lower part of Florida
to Alabama, and...
I got... I got discharged
because of an accident.
It's funny, you know?
An accident.
It's not really
what it sounds like.
I hate myself!
And I just want
to lay next to him.
I don't care
if he's six foot deep.
I just want my boy.
The sound that I can't...
I can't get out
of my head.
[car horn blaring]
[engine shuts off]
Moses. My son.
My son in the back.
My son.
- Help my son.
- Okay.
[Grady grunting]
[Manna sobbing]
I killed my baby.
I killed him.
I killed him.
God, please,
just take me away, please.
Please just take me away.
I don't want to be here anymore.
You did good, man.
You did good.
It's what we're all
here for.
Just let it go.
All right, I got it.
I got it.
That'd be 1S 09.
[electronic hum]
The same number
of degrees out there.
That's the alignment.
Now I got the position.
Hey, bud.
I just want to tell you
I love you.
Daddy's not going to be back
for a while, okay?
Thanks, bud.
Love you, buddy.
I'm sure he's looking down
right now.
Thanks, buddy.
Come on, let's get you
out of here.
How you doing, son?
Where'd them come from?
It's by Mr. Ware
and Mr. Self.
Hold up a minute.
Where are you headed?
I got Kai in the truck.
I can't find Manna, so...
You can't find Manna?
He came to the meeting
last night.
He got up and spoke.
Bared it all.
Told the whole story.
You need to find him.
Where are we going?
Uh-uh, no, no.
You stay in this car.
Uh-uh, you stay
right here.
It's looking good.
- [Boudreaux] All right, Grady.
- Hmm?
- I'm getting on out.
- [Grady] Mm-hmm.
I'm, uh...
You look to the stars.
I look to the stars.
A lot of people say fools
look to the stars.
We're not wrong.
I want to give you
Four sides.
Four different winds.
The energy comes from all around
you and it's drawn to the earth.
You understand?
Thank you.
You're welcome, Kai.
- [Grady] Kai!
- Sir?
Get away from there!
Go to your room!
[chickens peeping]
[panting and whimpering]
[electric humming]
[humming powers down]
Why won't you work?
[door creaks open]
[door closes]
What do you build
the top out of?
Sticks and twine.
Sticks and twine.
Pretty cool, huh?
Where'd you get
all the sticks?
All that wood
out in your yard?
Young man, them woods,
they provide everything.
Even your firewood?
That's right.
Is most of the stuff you have
I have a little bit
of everything out here, buddy.
I don't like
living with Grady.
I like staying here.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
What's going on over there,
He... he never plays
with me.
He's just always in the workshop
or away doing something else.
He's obsessing
over that blasted machine.
It'll be all right.
I bet I could fix it.
Probably could.
Listen, I...
I'm sorry for yelling at you
It's okay.
That machine's just
very special to me.
Grady, can I show you
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Trust me.
Now try.
[electric humming]
[electricity crackles]
I told you to trust me.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
[Grady, Sr.]
March 23rd, 1971.
More members have been put
under my watch.
Failure, over and over.
We're on the edge
of a breakthrough,
just to have success
ripped from our grasps.
Jack will not stabilize.
Something's got
to be missing.
We've combed every page.
We have to make this work.
We're obsessed.
If Jack can double or triple
crop production,
the advancements would change
the food and medical industry
as we know it.
[electrical humming]
[humming powers down]
[thunder rumbling]
February 29th, 1972.
Today was a devastating day.
We lost seven
team members.
We have no idea
what Jack is capable of.
We pushed too hard.
He quickly became unstable.
But the power.
Dr. Corregan, he introduced
the special crystals
to harness the energy.
Never heard of such a thing,
but it was brilliant.
This changes everything.
[door opens]
- [door closes]
- Grady, you okay?
So before my father
became a farmer,
he was a scientist.
Mostly government research,
He even won
a couple of awards.
I found his journal,
and I found a lot
of his research.
And it's full
of diagrams, and...
Does this look familiar?
- I made that.
- Mm-hmm.
Now, according to the research,
and it took me awhile
to get my mind
wrapped around
exactly what it is
that I had here,
but it seems
from what I can gather
that the machine works
off of magnetism,
and it creates its own power
and emits electromagnetic
Essentially wireless
Think of like, oh, um...
water ripples after a stone
is falling in.
And I'm not sure exactly,
but this could emit
an energy field
that goes on not just for miles,
but hundreds of miles.
And it says here
that the magnetic waves
can stimulate plant activity
in a way that we've
never thought before.
I just need you to help me
build these components.
So, if you think of it,
think of the components
setting down into it,
which will allow it to spin.
And according
to the information,
that's going to c...
create the electricity.
You want this to spin?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
I can do it.
Look at you people.
My goodness gracious.
Hello, everyone.
- Hey!
- How are you doing?
- Randy!
- [Randy] Oh, Aunt Meeko!
Oh, I can't believe you.
- Oh, you sweetie.
- [laughs]
Well, good to see everyone.
Looks like we're missing one,
but that'll be okay.
Well, no, I guess
we're not missing one.
Better late than never,
I guess.
It's been a memorable
and wonderful life.
Pretty day.
- Pretty ladies all around me.
- [laughs]
Could have told you that.
I'm honored for y'all
to be here, thanks.
Can't believe I made it.
Sixty years.
Pretty smile.
Kai! Come here.
You'll freeze to death,
you fall in that water.
[Boudreaux] Let me introduce
you to my niece, Abby.
Nice to meet you.
Want to go walk
across the bridge?
Sure, let me just
take off my jacket.
- [Boudreaux] I got it.
- Grady, come here.
Come here, I want to talk to you
a little bit.
Give me your hand.
I want to hold your hand.
Put your hand out.
Come on,
give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
Thank you for fixing
my lawn mower.
fathers have nothing
to do with blood.
Be a father.
Be a real father,
like Randy was for you.
- I, uh...
- I know what I'm talking about.
You're in the same
situation now.
With Kai.
Remember that, Grady.
[Kai] What's your favorite
thing to do in school?
Science, math?
I love reading and science.
It's pretty fun.
You know that everything on
Earth vibrates?
And I can actually
hear it?
What does it
sound like?
Hmm. It just hums.
Do you remember what...
what... what cont...
which state's shaped
like a boot?
I bet you can't
I can't.
Man, it's cold out here.
Here, you can have
my jacket.
I don't care.
Here, I think I want
to show you something.
Can you move back?
These are some crystals my mom
gave to me when she passed away.
Wow, they're beautiful.
[Kai] Supposedly they're
programmed for something special.
At the right time of day
and the right time I'm outside,
it'll adsorb energy
from the sun.
And if they're inside Jack,
they'll work.
You'd better say no. Uh-oh.
[truck door opens and closes]
Did you have a good time
driving them crazy?
[Randy] I don't think
we bored him too bad.
Why don't you come on
in a minute, Grady.
I need to talk to you.
I got something
to show you.
Come on.
I don't have time
to come inside.
What can I
help you with, Randy?
This is the key.
You've had this
the whole time?
Look, you've gotten farther
than I ever thought you would.
I hid it from you
for your own protection.
How dare you.
- I'm trying to help you.
- You knew what this meant to me.
And shame on you for not
giving this to me sooner.
Shame on me?
I raised you, son.
You need to do that boy
the same way.
You don't need to worry about
what I do with that boy!
You scream at me anymore,
you hickory head,
I'm trying to help you.
Calm down, Grady.
You'd better listen.
It killed your father.
It's going to kill you.
You hear me?
[truck door opens and closes]
You're just going
to have to let him go.
Just got to let him go. Okay?
Oh... oh...
What is it? What?
What is it?
- [groans]
- No, no, Randy.
Listen... oh, my God.
I'm going to call 911, okay?
Grady! Grady!
[breathing heavily]
I need you over here.
I need you to make room.
[monitors beep]
[wind gusting]
You look nice.
So do you.
Be strong tonight, okay?
He came here for a little while,
but he's gone back.
I love Randy.
Randy's not here.
A few years ago,
remember when I got so sick?
I died.
No heart. No lungs.
No brain.
And that's why I can stand here
and say he's not in this pot.
Eternity is our home.
I know that.
It's for sure.
It's true.
You can't mix your tears
With those
From an agave plant
You see, I've danced
With him myself
He's never been a friend
[Grady] Randy was always
the kind of man
that did the right thing...
without having to chirp in
everybody's ear about it.
Wouldn't look for somebody
to pat him on the back.
You know, recently someone
told me about a...
someone told me being a father
is not about blood.
It's about accepting an
opportunity to do what's right
by another human being.
I can accept that same
responsibility, and...
do what's right.
I appreciate everybody
coming out here tonight.
It'd make him...
it would fill him up.
Thank you.
[Grady, Sr.] Randy, you have
been a dear friend to me.
Like a brother.
I leave with you the key
to my life's work.
They unlock hidden information
that, one day,
the world will be ready for.
But it's not now.
People are close
to finding Jack,
and we're no longer safe.
When the time comes,
I trust you will
do right by me
and potentially find
capable hands
that can complete my work.
As far as the other,
thanks for taking Grady.
It means so much.
We're done for the day.
That reminds me
of somewhere.
Come on.
- Thanks.
- ...here you go.
Uh, let me see.
One, two.
And the biggest one.
Big crystal,
big crystal.
That's how the legend says
it's supposed to be.
It'll be awesome
if it was.
We should at least let them
stay here for four minutes,
then we'll try it
in a different location.
If that doesn't work, well,
I don't know
what to say.
I think if you
set them out
with the way that all
the shadows are showing,
it will gain more power.
See how the sun
goes through these crystals?
Look at its shadow.
That's pretty cool.
We should let these sit out
for awhile.
All right, let's go.
Abby, does it look like it's
pointing towards the middle?
Yeah, it looks good.
But here, let me
help you a little.
The light will be coming in
just in time.
Is it supposed to be pointing
to the crystal in the middle?
What now?
I don't really know.
But there's only one way
to find out.
Hand me that pot.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
This light could blind you.
Can you leave the cabin?
Kai, be careful.
I will.
[high-pitched hum]
Kai, where are you?
Mr. Grady!
[Mary Ann]
Crystals hold energy.
You can hear their sounds.
These crystals
were my father's.
They were programmed.
What are you doing here?
The crystals worked, Mom.
They worked.
The crystals.
I knew you'd figure out
the crystals.
What do you mean?
What's important is that Grady
can't finish without you.
Jack reacts to harmony.
And you can help him
with that.
You can hear the tones
needed to program it.
God gave you a gift,
And this is how
you can use it
to make a difference
in the world.
I want to stay here, Mom.
Now remember, just because
you can't see something
doesn't mean it's not there.
It's okay.
Will you help Grady?
Mr. Grady!
No, get on, now.
Go on.
- [Abby] Mr. Grady!
- [Grady] Yeah, darling?
Hyah! Get on.
- Mr. Grady.
- Mm-hmm?
He's gone.
He was there, now he's gone.
- Who's gone?
- Kai!
He just disappeared.
What do you mean
he disappeared?
I don't know
what happened.
How long's he been gone?
That bucket
was to protect him.
Protect him from what?
What happened, Abby?
We were both in here.
He told me to go outside because
the light would blind me,
but then when I came back in
he wasn't there.
He was just gone.
We were just building
this time machine project.
What's this?
My drawing.
Your drawing?
Who's this right here?
I don't know who they are.
[thunder rumbles distantly]
[car door sensor beeps]
What are you doing?
I went to see my mom.
[thunder crashes]
How'd you get out there?
Grady, can I show you
[Grady] "Then the captain
ventured off into the unknown,
"hoping to find treasure.
"But he knew there were dangers,
and a chance that he would
not return."
I know this story.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Would you like me
to read something else?
will you ever leave me?
I'm not going anywhere,
"So the captain
loaded up his ship
"with the men
that he had left,
and he ventured out into
what was to be a new adventure."
Is 528 the right number?
That's what we're trying
to get it to.
[electrical humming
and whirring]
[electricity crackles]
Well, there's something to say
about an honest man
who doesn't give up.
Someone so committed
that it propels them higher.
Not for recognition,
but for satisfaction.
Helps people,
even when he'd rather not.
My father would tell me
the only thing a man has
is his word.
With it, he could
set an example
and set the next
I gave my word
to my friend Grady,
kept it the best I could.
And because of it,
I experienced the joy
of being a father,
and watching his son
become a man.
You know, me and my daddy,
we used to...
we used to come out here
and watch the sunset together.
You know?
It was a...
it was our one time of the day
we could spend time together.
You know, actually,
the sun doesn't set.
The Earth spins.