Tintarella di luna (1985)

At the end of the scenery was the
village. Water ran there no more.
A plague was running. Food became scarse.
The weak were dead and nature ruled.
Charlotte however survived.
There's six dead !
Good evening !
Hey Charlotte, that's enough now
Come, come my balls are on fire!
oh (...indistinct mumble...) anyway..
pfff. Ok, your loss. I'm going inside
Dear neighbours...
It's the end of our wonderful
d..dayly radiophonic show...
See you tomorrow !
Good Good Good night
Na.. N
Na.. Na
Na.. Na.
Na.. Na..
Na.. Na.. N
Na.. Na.. Na
Na.. Na.. Na.
Na.. Na.. Na..
Na.. Na.. Na.. N
Na.. Na.. Na.. Na
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat..
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. N
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Na
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nat
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Natu
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Natur
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature a
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab..
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. N
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Na
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nat
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Natu
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Natur
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature a
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature ab
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature aba
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature aban
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature aband
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature abando
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature abandon
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature abandons
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature abandons u
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature abandons us
Na.. Na.. Na.. Nat.. Nature ab.. Nature abandons us.
oh look, a drowned woman!
mmmme i
mmmme i s
mmmme i sp
mmmme i spl
mmmme i spli
mmmme i split
mmmme i split t
mmmme i split to
mmmme i split tom
mmmme i split tomo
mmmme i split tomor
mmmme i split tomorr
mmmme i split tomorro
mmmme i split tomorrow
mmmme i split tomorrow.
I... I... remin..
We resume our program on november 20th 1963
for a music you all like
But before... I remind you
that Pepino your grocer awaits you...
...with necessary and quality products.
Butter,...,flour, ...
Hurry up, there's not much left.
[sings] Pepino, Pepino waits for YOU !
You see ?
You see hu ?
It's my fault.
Agenor. It's not my fault.
Because Lola,
...she turns me on.
But you..
You.. you're worthless.
You'll die before you even know what love is.
You're withered like....
Ah! And the neighbours..
They all laugh when they talk about me.
What are you doing here you ?!
You're lost or what ?
My potatoes...
What, what, what my.. my potatoes ?
The bastards, they wrecked my garden.
You've seen them ?
Well I... No.
Oh well... I know who it is.
We're going there.
You see that truncheon ?
We'll use it to straighten his brain.
It's Curly again, but don't worry...
If his father is not here, he won't
even have time to regret.
Look, the cuckold waves to us.
That's saddens you too hu ?
That he leaves Fatso feel up his wife.
He's not a real man to accept that.
Well, us, our pride, we'll know how
to have it respected hu ?
- We'd been fucking your cousin for hours
- And then ?
She was dying of pleasure but...
a dirty dog jumped on us, then she left...
And the dog, he bit you ?
You're kidding ?
We ate everything.
Hello kids !
Us ? We are men !
You're kidding right ?
I'm off...
- Did you notice her legs ?
-Too much !
And me i've seen her panties !
What do you want ?
Nothing... Nothing.
You think I didn't see you ?
Anyway.. You.. You won't get me.
Put that back!
Oh at last i'm lucky enough to be on time !
I'm closing !
- oooh
- But for you i can make an exception.
You're too good with me !
().... That's what i can do...
I don't kwow if you've noticed...
But tonight it's ()
We'll start with a song dedicated to our wives...
Where are we going ? I'm tired.
at the caf, come.
So. You should have been less dumb.
You go see the guy, you tell him Give my
potatoes back or i'll smash your head!
without even checking if his father is in.
You're and ass, always will be one...
Come on, eat..
No, wait.
Ok, i'm going to bed.
I'm going back at my mother's
Thank you.
Look, the sky is all black already
Pepino, the soup is ready.
shhh, speak lower!
I was glad today you know ?
Me too.
As soon as you need something
come see me.
I would like to stay with you. Would you ?
- What a puke.
- What ?
Look those two faggots, the way they beat their balls
There's nothing left but pierced
asses in this village.
The climber it seems like he fell
-oh ?
That turns you on ?
I bet you never jerked off.
Pierre, let's go before they ()
- You will come with me
- No !
No, no I want to stay.
No ! No ! No ! No ! I don't want
Excuse me !
What do you want?
Marion expects me.
would you take me home ?
How much you got ?
Me, I've got nothing.
Let me sleep !
But Marion is your friend no ?
Go away ! Go away !
Bbert drank water i tell you. Look at the wounds.
Don't touch it !
We should close the shop you know.
Mummy !
Do you know her ?
N.. No, no no.
Pepino, that's you she wants ?
No I think it's Mario's wife.
Mum !
Mum !
Titarella di Luna, papayo, papayom ...
The stage-hand went to the sea.
The village stayed in the dark.
In a few days the plague propagated
to the rest of the inhabitants.
The vegetation covered the place.
And the climber died of hunger.