Titanic (1953)

"Happy Maiden Voyage."
Mr and Mrs John Jacob Astor,
Stateroom A-56.
- Not so fancy as some. Only bluebells.
- Have a look.
"From the woods of Windsor Castle."
Devonshire cream for Mr Benjamin
Guggenheim. Drop it at the icebox.
"Happy Maiden Voyage, Mr Guggenheim."
"Happy Maiden Voyage."
They're in a bloomin' rut!
"Captain EJ Smith."
Deliver this to the bridge, and hop to it!
"Mr and Mrs Straus."
With this lot we're taking on
from the Continent, we'll have 2200 aboard.
It's thick weather in the harbour.
But it'll be clear when you get out.
Cherbourg to New York.
- You'll go by the Great Circle route.
- Yes. A southern track.
A fine start, Captain.
This is excellent tea.
As to your running time,
we know you'll exercise prudence.
However, the company
wouldn't resent a record run.
They're good engines, sir.
Any other instructions?
With a ship like this, there isn't
much to be said, except good luck.
- And I wish I could go with you.
- Perhaps next time, sir.
Yes. But that isn't a first sailing.
- For you, sir.
- I suppose my wife dug up an extra shirt.
"From Henry Evans,
Benbecula, The Hebrides."
Captain Henry Evans.
I thought he was dead.
It flew from the mainmast of the old
Star of Madagascar, nearly 40 years ago.
I joined as an apprentice.
She was a fine sea boat.
Shall we hoist it, sir?
She's not top issue nowadays.
But up she goes.
Mr Sanderson.
Looks pretty good at that.
The tender
is coming out from Cherbourg, sir.
Mr Sanderson will go ashore on the tender.
Will you show him to the gangway?
- Well, Captain, she's all yours.
- Goodbye, sir.
Mind your helm! Steady as you go.
Julia. Julia!
- Sandy. I thought you were in Biarritz.
- My beautiful Julia, to these ears,
- Biarritz has become a dirty word.
- How much did you lose this time?
Well, these are borrowed trousers.
Where's your husband?
- He didn't come.
- Good. Maybe we can cause a scandal.
I'm afraid I brought the children.
I thought you were
taking a house at Deauville.
I changed my mind.
Annette! Norman!
Sandy! Quel plaisir de vous voir ici.
- She means "Hello".
- Norman.
Good afternoon, sir.
I have to go to the starboard side
to see the Marconi aerial.
Stay right here.
I'll try to get a chair.
Oh, John, I'm not the first woman
in the world who's going to have a baby.
As far as I'm concerned you are.
Forgive me, Mr Astor, but if you're looking
for a chair, perhaps my suitcase would do.
- Why, thank you.
- Mr Astor, my name's Earl Meeker.
- Yes. Thank you.
- I'm looking for the Widener maid.
The maid of Mrs Widener.
Is Mrs Widener's maid around?
The Wideners?
I think I saw them over there.
I'm looking for the Widener maid.
I'm looking for the Widener maid.
Widener maid.
I'm looking for the Widener maid.
Well, don't look at me! I got so many maids,
some of the maids take care of the maids.
Can't say I blame the poor fella.
I just haven't got the kind of a face
that goes with a bankroll.
I'll flash my badge
and blind a few people.
My name's Maude Young,
Montana lead mines.
Seasick? That some kind of a cure?
No, it doesn't cure anything.
No running, no pushing!
I'll pick that up.
Have your boarding tickets ready!
Passagers, attention!
La vedette bientot vient de retourner pour
prendre les passagers de troisieme classe.
Mettez-vous devant la passerelle.
Ne courez pas, ne vous poussez pas.
Prenez vos billets d'embarquement.
I'm Richard Ward Sturges.
I want to arrange passage.
On the Titanic? I'm sorry, sir.
This first trip has been sold out since March.
My congratulations.
However, I must be on that ship.
I'd like to help you, sir, but I'm sorry.
- Cuida la ninita.
- Cuidadito con el camastro.
- No puedo hacer todo, eh?
- Es muy pesado.
Perdon. You are Spanish?
- We are Basque.
- From wine country.
We go to California, Oregon perhaps.
Start grapes, make good wine.
- You have land there?
- We buy little piece.
Well, it needn't be such a little piece.
Now, you give me that ticket,
and there's enough money here
to buy five times as much land.
Madam, there's nothing to discuss.
He can take the next boat and join you in
a week or so. One boat's as good as another.
All right, I can always get someone else.
Now, just stop and think. How many years
would it take you to buy 100 acres?
Now, go into one of your tribal huddles
and convince your wife.
Thank you, Mr...
- Uzcadum.
- You've done me a great favour.
Tender alongside.
Prepare for boarding.
Stand by main elevators.
Let every good fellow
now fill up his glass, vive la compagnie
And drink to the health
of our glorious class, vive la compagnie
Vive la, vive la, vive I'amour,
vive la, vive la, vive I'amour
Vive I'amour, vive I'amour,
vive la compagnie
Hey! Look at the one in the fur hat.
- She's mine. You get the one way back there.
- Don't fight. There's plenty to go around.
Come on.
I'm the steward assigned to you, lady.
Just call me Giff Rogers. Carry your bag?
Shouldn't you be in school somewhere?
Come on, let's beat the rush.
Drinks and draw for the first watch.
Hurry up, Dan.
Keep it honest, keep it fair.
Come on, come on, come on.
Well, chaps, here we go.
- Don't trouble yourselves. Lucky Lightoller.
- Same old story.
Mr Murdoch, Mr Wilde, Dan,
remove your bottles. It's my treat.
It's a pleasure.
All passengers aboard.
Stations for departure.
- Very good, Thompson.
- Away you go, old man.
And remember, first watch,
first man with the ladies.
Fire all boilers!
Have a go, mates. Bend your back.
- Slow ahead all.
- Slow ahead all, sir.
- Steady as she goes.
- Steady as she goes, Quartermaster.
Steady as she goes, sir.
- Full ahead all.
- Full ahead all, sir.
- Full speed ahead from the bridge, sir.
- All right. Carry on!
Let her have it!
- Finish stations. Secure fore and aft.
- Finish stations. Secure fore and aft.
All right, Mr Lightoller.
- You may take her to sea.
- Aye aye, sir.
Hey, you can't come up here.
This is for first class only.
I'll do my best to behave properly.
Oh, sir. Mr Sturges. You don't remember me,
but I was on the Queen Alexandria.
Of course. Your name is Emma, your
daughter is married to a dentist in Plymouth.
- What's the number of Mrs Sturges' cabin?
- Stateroom A-52/54. It's right over here.
- But they've gone up to dinner now, sir.
- Richard!
- John. Madeleine, my beautiful peacock.
- This is a surprise.
Yes, it is. John, I'd like
to borrow a shirt and use your razor.
I'm wearing my complete wardrobe.
I left in a hurry.
- Help yourself. Take whatever you need.
- Oh, one more thing.
If you happen to see Julia,
I'd rather you didn't tell her I'm aboard.
I'd like to tell her myself.
"Jean Pablo Uzcadum"?
...I said, " What do you want him to do?
Flap his wings?"
Mama, you should have protested.
It's a really bad table.
There's not a person we know
at this end.
Be brave, Annette.
These tragedies happen sometimes in life.
Maitire d'hotel, where is Mrs Sturges' table?
Mother. Look!
Well, well.
This ship is filled with nice people.
- Hello, Mr Sturges.
- Richard!
Pommery, 1892.
Mrs Straus, be careful of this old fox.
He has plans.
- Father! How did you get aboard?
- Norman.
By the back door. Good to see you, boy.
- Hello, Sandy.
- Well... I can see a bridge game at last.
Mrs Widener. George.
- Annette.
- Father.
Julia. You all look splendid,
and this is going to be great fun.
- I'll get us a better table tomorrow.
- Daddy, I'm so glad you're here.
I hope this doesn't upset your plans, Julia.
But Norman and I can bunk together.
It's wonderful that you could get away.
- My family will be pleased.
- It makes it a better celebration already.
Can I send a message to Grandfather?
They have a wireless place upstairs.
Might be a good idea. Run along.
Nothing now, thank you.
I'll have a sandwich in the bar.
Annette, I wonder
if you'd get a wrap for your mother.
Yes, angel.
Something funny about you, Father. I know.
I've never seen you without a flower before.
Finish your coffee, Julia.
We can walk on deck while I tell you
what I think of your performance.
I'm in no hurry to finish my coffee,
and not too interested in your opinion.
If I hadn't phoned the house,
you'd have got away with it.
Will you explain
why you're kidnapping my children?
- I'm not. I'm rescuing them.
- From what?
- From you.
- That was my guess.
This family reunion story
is a deliberate trick to get them away.
It is. And they're never going back.
They're going to stop
being rootless hotel children.
- What's wrong with hotels?
- Oh, Richard, I...
Richard, please try to see this sanely.
We're Americans. We belong in America.
And yet for years we've been galloping
all over Europe to be in the proper places.
Winter in St Moritz,
Deauville in season, summer in...
What's the use?
The same silly calendar, year after year.
- Look at Annette.
- I have, with great pride.
She's entertaining, she's discriminating,
she has grace and style.
She's an arrogant little prig.
So you've chosen to drag her back
to the glories of Mackinac, Michigan.
Any town in any state
becomes comic on your lips.
But that's where she's going.
To a big, ugly, pleasant house
with the scent of lilacs around it.
Oh, don't worry. She won't turn out dowdy.
She'll meet dozens of nice boys.
I have something better in mind for her
than being tied down to a lumber salesman.
I know what you have in mind.
I've seen a great many international
marriages, but never a happy one.
I don't want to seem over-eager,
but, uh, could we...?
Not tonight, Sandy, thank you.
More coffee, Julia?
Do you think Annette will be grateful to you
for hauling her into the wilderness?
In time. And as for Norman,
I can only tell you this:
there's not going to be a carriage
waiting for him at 9am every morning.
From now on, he's going to walk to school.
Hm. I should have anticipated this.
20 years ago, I made the mistake
of thinking I could civilise a girl
who bought her hats
out of a Sears, Roebuck catalogue.
I was wrong. And don't think
I haven't had my share of regrets.
One thing, Richard.
You've... you've always been honest.
Will this one do?
Where's Father?
Never mind. It's bedtime.
Come on. It's been a long day.
I sent the wireless, sir.
- One game of checkers before we turn in?
- Yes, sir.
No more sea gulls.
It's a mystery, it is.
Take all the fish in the sea.
There must be millions.
And you don't feel friendly
towards a single one.
But put a bird in the sky,
and you feel like old chums.
Listen, lad. This'll teach you
what kind of a boat you're working on.
"Mr James J Hays, on board the Titanic."
When he gets to New York, he'll have
a private train waiting for him.
- That's handy. No waiting for a seat.
- "Mr Benjamin Guggenheim."
"Countess of Rothes. Lady Duff Gordon.
Colonel Archibald Butts."
The ship I was on before,
all we got was weather reports.
Yes, sir?
A form, please.
- Guess I broke the pencil.
- Perhaps I could take it down for you.
No, no, no. I'll do it myself.
Um... Maybe if you would...
It's to my brother.
It's Mr Frank Healey,
689 Boylston Street, Boston.
I am coming home.
I think you should advise the family now
that last week the authorities in Rome...
"Authorities in Rome..."
...authorities in Rome...
- I've got that, sir.
- Oh.
Well, then say, uh...
I'll be back later.
The bar doesn't open till 11:30.
It's the rule on British ships, sir.
I forgot.
- A cup of bouillon, sir?
- No, thank you.
He's not interested.
That poor fella had no dinner last night
and no breakfast this morning.
- What ails him?
- I've seen that look before.
- He's a runaway.
- From what? Some woman?
No. He's running too fast for that.
- What's the commotion?
- Where I come from,
this'd be a revival meeting or a crap game.
Get your tickets for the anchor pool.
Ten dollars gives you a chance to win 600.
Wait a minute. I wanna get in on this.
How do you play this?
Draw a number. If it corresponds
to the minute we drop anchor, you win.
Don't be shy there, Mr Straus.
Draw a good one.
You draw, Mama.
- What's our lucky number, dear?
- Seventeen.
Hey, Tom. Here. You get it, will you?
Morning. They're selling tickets
on the anchor pool down there.
- Oh?
- Yes. I thought you didn't notice.
- Maybe I could get one for you.
- No, thank you. I'm not much of a gambler.
- How about some soup? Nice and hot.
- Thank you. I just had some.
Oh, this is for Purdue.
It's a college out in Indiana.
- Everybody thinks it's Princeton.
- I see.
Well, to answer your question,
her name is Annette, she's going on 18,
- and I think she's very pretty too.
- Well, now that you brought it up,
I think I kinda got off
on the wrong foot with her.
When I asked her
if I could sit next to her,
she said she'd rather stand
all the way to New York.
- What's your name?
- Giff Rogers. Gifford is a family name.
My mother said one of us
had to be called Gifford.
I always get friendly, pop off the bat.
- Sit down.
- I'm on the tennis team.
The athletic association shot us over to play
Oxford during Easter. We lost every match.
- Will she be at the dance tonight?
- She likes music.
I'd better get my blue suit pressed.
Still the same. Young men hurrying
to get their blue suits pressed.
Mrs Sturges, I bet I can count on you
to put in a good word for me.
"When I was one-and-twenty,
I heard a wise man say,
"'Give crowns and pounds and guineas
But not your heart away;
"'Give pearls away and rubies
But keep your fancy free. '
"But I was one-and-twenty,
No use to talk to me.
"When I was one-and-twenty
I heard him say again,
"'The heart out of the bosom
Was never given in vain;
"'This paid with sighs a plenty
And sold for endless rue. " '
That's pretty. But do you believe it?
I can't answer for myself,
but if I were a tennis player from Purdue,
I wouldn't believe it, not a single word.
A fine, healthy bumpkin.
Are you breaking ground for Annette?
You're up early.
I had to scratch around for clothes.
Not a bad shop. They have everything.
- Dinnerjackets, I trust.
- Naturally. It'll be ready tonight.
So... life can go on.
Good morning, Annette.
I thought you were a pot of coffee.
What time is it?
Eleven o'clock.
A brand-new day that's never been touched.
I'm absolutely famished.
Your brother never picks up anything.
Where is he?
Where's my breakfast?
I sent him to order it half an hour ago.
Beautiful. Lanvin?
- This one Lucille, I imagine.
- Yes, angel.
Your mother seems
to have packed everything.
Of course, some of them will be
a little out of place in Mackinac.
Still, plenty of practical things.
What, only high heels?
You'll have to have something to walk in.
As soon as we arrive, you ought to
buy her some of those flat shoes.
"Ground grippers", I believe.
She'll need lots of things.
That'd be a waste of money
forjust a short visit.
Let's not talk about that now.
Get up, Annette.
As your mother has said,
it's a brand-new day.
Ah. Thank you, Emma.
Those cheeks of yours bloom in the salt air.
- Oh, Mr Sturges.
- Annette?
There we are.
- May I bone your kipper, mademoiselle?
- Yes, angel.
- Is today the 12th or the 13th?
- The 13th.
They should just be sitting down to luncheon
in that extraordinary room
overlooking the fountains,
the arthritic old princess
under the finest crystal chandelier in Europe,
and Mr Paderewski
complaining about the draught.
And at the end of the table, one young man
next to an empty chair with a tear in his eye.
A crystal tear is my guess.
What excuse did you give him, Annette?
I dropped him a note.
- Let's go.
- A note? Was I supposed to be somewhere?
It's perfectly all right if your mother
explained it to them. See you later.
- Wait. Explain it to me.
- What's one party more or less?
Julia, a luncheon at the Metternichs'
is not exactly a wiener roast.
Was there some reason, Mother,
I wasn't told I was invited?
Your mother's a sensible woman.
She probably felt something might come of
it, some involvement with the young master.
To be perfectly frank, I was afraid.
He's an arrogant little toad.
He does look a little like a toad.
But he's a highly eligible toad.
Not many young men are related to both
the Metternichs and the Rothschilds.
I don't think he looks like a toad. And I see no
reason why we couldn't have left a week later.
Annette, mind your manners.
It wasn't a question of a week or two weeks.
This was as good a time as any to bow out.
- "Bow out"?
- Yes, I'm afraid so.
Ah, adieu, great world.
What your father is saying
is that I'm taking you home for good.
I won't see an arranged marriage, or you
jumping from title to title the rest of your life.
Father, I want to ask you one question:
do you approve of all this?
Annette, I adore you, you know that.
Are you going to stay in Michigan for good?
I'm a hopeless case,
far too old to alter my preferences now.
- When are you going back?
- By the next boat.
Whenever you go, I go with you.
As for you, Mother, I love you very much,
but my address is Paris, France.
Thank you, Richard.
You were most helpful.
Now you see why
I wanted to steal a little more time.
Please, Julia, let's not bicker,
since there's no love lost between us.
That's the tragic part, Richard.
There's been so much love lost between us.
- Hurry up! We have our first match at 11:30.
- If it's not asking too much, what match?
- The shuffleboard tournament. I entered us.
- Good. We're the team to beat.
I'm going to dress for dinner. Alter course
at ten o'clock. It's posted in the chart house.
What's this note, "binoculars"?
- It's Murdoch, sir. We're shy on binoculars.
- Oh. How come?
I don't know, sir.
We've got enough for the bridge.
The lookouts and the crow's nest
are doing without.
Well, make up a requisition.
We'll pick up some in New York.
- It's very nice material.
- It's a beautiful suit.
I said it was nice material.
You did a fast job. Thank you.
I'd better have a handkerchief.
Norman, it's time for us to pick up our ladies.
- Norman?
- Yes, sir?
Would it be all right
if I ate in the cabin tonight?
We're dining at the captain's table.
That's just it, sir.
I'd feel out of place.
There's something bothering you.
What is it?
It's nothing, sir.
Is this what's worrying you?
There are two other boys on this ship.
They're an inch shorter than I am,
and they have long trousers.
You're a worthless scamp.
You've been growing behind my back.
Mr Webster, this is no way
to let a young man walk out of your shop.
- You'll have to put in some more overtime.
- It's a pleasure, sir.
- Your fitting, Mr Sturges.
- Thank you, sir.
Mother, could you help me with this snap?
If you're busy, I can call the stewardess.
That won't be necessary.
- I love those earrings on you.
- Thank you.
Are we going to cross the entire ocean
in polite silence?
I'd be very happy to chatter like a magpie
if I could think of a single word to say.
Come in.
- Well, are we ready?
- Yes, angel.
- You look beautiful.
- I'm glad you're pleased.
Norman's at the tailor's.
Will you pick him up?
- I don't want to go into dinner with him.
- Then you can trail at a respectful distance.
- We'll all meet at the captain's table.
- Yes, angel.
Well, Julia, I imagine after a few hours
we've reached the same conclusion.
We scream, we shout, we hurt each other,
but we calm down. Things aren't so bad.
They never are for you.
You always win.
I don't regard this as a victory.
It's an adjustment.
Before you go down,
you'd better know how things are going to be.
I've given up on Annette. Her standards will
always be the chic club, the royal enclosure,
and that's her decision,
she's almost of age.
But Norman is still a child. I'm not taking
any chances with him. He stays in America.
Now, wait a minute, Julia.
What is this all about?
I should think it would be perfectly clear.
I won't see Norman thrown away.
He stays with me. And if you try to interfere,
I'll be as common as you think I am.
I'll fight you tooth and nail.
I'll take you to the courts!
- Could you be common in a lower voice?
- I'll say it in any tone you want.
But that's the way it's going to be!
You crazy woman. You're talking about
the most important thing in my life.
- I have plans for Norman.
- That he should grow up to be you?
Possibly. I'm satisfied.
Is it so extraordinary that I should want
to have some portion of myself survive?
Some portion of your...? Oh, yes, I forgot.
The best-dressed man of his day.
That's what they're going to write
on your tombstone.
But I won't have it for Norman.
He stays with me!
My dear Julia,
I've been around enough bridge tables
to recognise someone
who is holding a high trump.
Play it now, if you're going to.
We'll discuss it later.
- All right, Richard. One question first?
- If it's about Norman, you know the answer.
No court in the world, no power under heaven
can force me to give up my son.
He is not your son.
All I propose, Mr Straus,
is a small game at small stakes.
Don't act as if I were on a banana boat.
I prefer good bridge and poverty.
Sounds rather like St Francis, doesn't it?
- Mr Sturges. Someone's looking for you.
- Richard, this young man...
At the door there's a woman. Some name
like "Uzcadum". She's French, I guess.
- Will you excuse me a moment, Captain?
- I believe we've all finished.
Do you expect to be
long in New York, Mrs Astor?
Your mother thought
you might like to dance tonight.
She and I got to be very good friends.
I'm afraid I forgot to mention you, Mr Rogers.
We were talking about something else.
If Mr Rogers would like a dance,
I'd be delighted.
You would?
- The dance floor is this way, isn't it?
- This is great. And the band's slick.
- Wait till you meet the other fellows.
- We're going to have one dance.
Just one?
I was quite horrid to my mother today.
If I can please her by dancing with you...
- As I said before, I'd be delighted.
- OK. What's the difference?
If you get a good omelette, who cares
whether the chicken likes you or not?
Keep going.
Right. Now, sign this too.
- Both of them.
- I still say not right to sign this.
- I am not head of family...
- Please, Mrs Uzcadum.
Do me a favour, and stop worrying.
Here, sign.
Now, you keep these papers.
I'll send the steward tomorrow.
Say, uh... we're getting up a bridge game.
Sandy Comstock tells me
you're a player from away back.
You need a topcoat, Richard.
It's grown cold.
Yes, it has.
The Labrador Current.
I wonder if you'd tell me, Julia.
Have I been the laughing stock
of our friends all these years?
- Does everybody know?
- No one except you and me.
Aren't you forgetting
at least one other person?
Not even he. I never saw him again.
What very good manners.
There's no way for me
to make it seem right.
It happened after one of those endless rows
and private humiliations,
in the days before you made me over
into your image.
One of the summers we had the beach house.
I'd left a party because I knew I'd cry
if there was one more reference made
to my gaucherie,
to the... to the dress I had chosen to wear.
On the beach by our cottage a young man
was skipping stones across the water.
He assured me he was not a burglar,
and we began to talk.
He said something admiring to me
when I needed it most,
a pure, sweet, unsolicited compliment.
I... I took his face in my hands,
and kissed him out of gratitude.
You... you needn't trouble yourself
as to who he was,
except that he was
a much nicer person than you or I.
I think I understand.
From now on, Norman belongs to you.
I shall make no claim.
Both of you will be taken care of decently.
But I don't want to see him
or hear from him or... be remembered by him.
- Is that really necessary?
- I'm afraid it is.
As you pointed out,
Norman and I began as strangers.
So be it.
Oh, my poor Richard. How you hate me.
And for the wrong reasons.
Not because I committed an offence
against common decency,
but because Norman isn't an elegant
extension of Richard Ward Sturges.
For you, what happened isn't a mortal sin.
It is an inexcusable breach of etiquette.
Thank you, Julia. I stand reproved.
Good evening, Mr...
Thank you.
- I see you have your game.
- You're in it.
- Mr Guggenheim's keeping the seat warm.
- Uh, two no trump.
A heart bid from there.
You can only play
one more rubber, Mr Straus.
Whenever you feel like stopping,
I can take over, sir.
- My trick.
- Do you mind?
you lonely star.
Look around at the others.
The friendly Pleiades are better off.
There's seven of 'em.
No, wait. Let me count.
Answer up for the roll call.
There's four... six... seven.
They're all there.
Have you ever noticed, my dear lady,
that the stars are never late?
They made you cry.
Or wasn't it the stars?
Yes. Yes, yes, I... I'm drunk.
I... I'm always two things:
I'm drunk, and I'm helpful.
- Thank you, I don't need any help.
- Then you're very, very unique.
"Very unique". It's a grammatical error.
"Unique" stands by itself.
Are you hurt?
I'm all right.
If, uh... you would just be so kind
as to point me toward the bar.
You're going to your cabin.
What number is it?
- My dear, unique lady, I am going to the bar.
- No, you're not.
Where is the key to your cabin?
- I'll send in the ship's doctor.
- No, no, no, no. Let him sleep.
Got some, uh, spirits of ammonia over here.
I'll get it. Sit down.
Take this.
Good night.
- Thank you for being so generous.
- That's all right. Just go to bed.
You know what I mean. Thank you for
not mentioning my... strange luggage.
- Are you a minister?
- Priest.
Or, rather, I was until last week.
At three o'clock on April 8th, my duties,
my privileges as a servant of God,
were formally terminated.
It was this.
You know why I started -
at least, the reason I gave myself?
A priest in a slum parish knows all the
sadness of the world. He needs support.
So I used to lean on a little Hennessy's.
Just a little at first.
People said, " Well, that's only natural.
The young father has a bad cold."
It got so I used to have those colds
in the middle of July, lots of 'em.
I can hear the bishop's voice now:
"Do you prefer that stuff to your God?"
Well, God and I knew better,
but I couldn't stop,
because I had a private devil all my own.
In Rome, they were very kind,
but they were very final.
I was sacked and prayed for,
and sent off in the morning.
How do you cover that
in ten words in a wireless
to a family that loved you
and sacrificed for you?
You see, my dear lady,
you're not the only one
who walks in trouble.
Good night.
Can I have some eggs, please?
Three minutes.
How's topside?
Is that bridge game still going on?
- I don't think they're ever gonna stop.
- Well, time to relieve the chief.
Be careful of that coffee.
It can stand up and walk!
- Morning, Chief. Ready to relieve.
- Good morning.
Steering south 71 west, speed 21 knots.
- 21? Who ordered the increase?
- The captain.
Take over a moment.
I must speak to the captain.
Holy, holy, holy
Though the darkness hide thee
Though the eye of sinful man
thy glory may not see
Only thou art holy
There is none beside thee
Perfect in power
In love and purity
The Lord bless us, and keep us.
The Lord make his face to shine upon us,
and be gracious unto us.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon us,
and give us peace, now and for evermore.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Captain.
- Lovely day, isn't it?
- Excuse me, sir.
There's an iceberg warning
posted in the chart house.
- Yes, I know. I put it there.
- I just wondered about our speed, sir.
It's a clear sea, and our track
takes us south of the reported ice field.
- Anything else?
- No, sir.
Mr and Mrs Astor, I should like you
to meet our second officer, Mr Lightoller.
He's worried about our ship.
I remember a man like that in the old days.
Always afraid we were carrying too much sail.
But the wind never did us any harm.
- I like your spirit, Mr Lightoller.
- Thank you, sir.
All right if I skip now?
Big match coming up.
Yes, dear.
I believe that's your trick, Widener.
Are you leaving it there to hatch?
Sorry, Sturges.
I'm knocked out.
It's almost 10:30, Father.
We should have a warm-up.
You'll have to find someone else. I'm busy.
- Yes, sir.
- An even hundred rubber.
- That's enough for me.
- I guess it's time for us all to quit.
I see no reason to stop.
We'll get a fourth.
I'll be glad to fill in,
if it's all right with everybody.
Please do.
The name's Meeker. Earl Meeker.
All right, let's have some more coffee
and double the stakes.
- How much do I owe?
- We'll let you know.
Excuse me, Father.
Maybe I could have the match postponed...
I told you I'm not interested in the match.
Find someone else!
Yes, sir.
- Spade.
- Pass.
Two hearts.
He certainly clouded up.
Well, a word'll do it faster
than a hickory stick anytime.
A spade. Two hearts. Your call.
I pass.
- Morning.
- Hello.
I guess it's of no importance, but I wanted
to tell you something about last night.
No need to. You danced with me four times.
That's more than I figured on.
No, I mean the way
I walked off without saying anything.
It wasn't very adult of me,
and I believe in being adult.
Just forget it. You did your bit, only I
kind of figured you were having a good time.
- To be frank, I was.
- You left me in the middle of the floor.
I didn't know what to do when the orchestra
started playing that funny dance.
- The Navajo Rag?
- That's the one.
- I'd never heard it before...
- Never heard it?
Where have you been? Locked up?
Why, that's the hottest jig the kids do.
Yes, I noticed those girls with your friends.
They seemed to, well... shake automatically.
- Especially the pretty one with the dark hair.
- Oh, she's a glue-foot.
Come here. I'll show you how to do it.
Now, look. All you have to do is this.
There's a dance they do
on the reservation
It's a dip and a glide
and a hesitation
Then you grab your squaw and drag
They call it the Navajo Rag
Ho, ho-ho, that Navajo Rag
What a rag, what a rag, what a rag
Ho, ho-ho, that Navajo Rag
That drag, that drag, that drag
Shake your moccasins
and roll your eye
Tear my blanket, make my feathers fly
Whirl me
Twirl me
Whirl me, twirl me
to that Navajo Rag
If we're going to be stared at,
I think we should do this to real music.
Whenever there's another dance,
will you ask me?
Goodbye, gentlemen.
Bye, Giff.
- Three spades.
- Double.
Why must the British announce dinner
as if it were a cavalry charge?
- Shall we break?
- Just when I'm getting some good cards?
Your grief has been noted.
We'll break later.
That's what you said about luncheon.
By the time we dock,
I'm gonna be one long loaf of liverwurst.
Sorry, partner. Not much there.
- Oh, Harry.
- Yes, sir?
- Is the water still hot?
- I just brought it, sir.
Is it necessary to lurk in dark corners?
I've come to ask you
to have dinner with the children.
What I really mean
is to have dinner with Norman.
Don't worry, you won't have to
put up with me. I'll eat in the cabin.
Oh, please, Richard.
Don't take it out on him.
He's too young to be punished
without any explanation.
Then give him the explanation.
Richard, you can't mean that.
Richard, it doesn't concern him.
It's an issue between you and me.
Norman adores you. You're the man he's
loved since the moment he opened his eyes.
Can't you,
for the few days we're still together,
at least show him the courtesy
you would show a... a head waiter?
I'm sorry, Julia. You're asking me to do
something which involves character.
As you have pointed out,
I am not a man of character.
Please, Richard. Please.
You're in my light, Julia.
We made it, partner.
Three spades, doubled.
Aren't we the lucky ones?
- How long will it take to get to Boston?
- Seven or eight hours, sir.
There's a lot of traffic going out. Seems
like when we get to New York, everybody's...
planning to have a party.
Yes, sir, about seven or eight hours.
Well, I guess that'll be soon enough.
That'll be 11 shillings, sir.
Shall I bill it to your cabin?
- Yes, sir?
- What time did this message come in?
Phillips handled that one, sir.
He's at dinner.
Check your log. This morning we got
an iceberg warning from the Baltic.
Half an hour ago,
this one from the Caronia was delivered.
- It came in at 7:40.
- But it's dated April 12th, two days ago.
- Why the delay?
- Maybe something to do with transmission.
We got it half an hour ago
and sent it straight to the bridge.
- Well, what did they say?
- Held up at the other end, sir.
Hello, Chief.
Thought you'd be having dinner.
Finished, sir.
Where's your plot on that iceberg
reported by the Baltic?
Right here, sir.
Ahead, and slightly north of our track.
We should sight it about 8am.
Here's another report from the Caronia.
Plot it in, will you?
42 north, 49-50 west.
That would put it up here, sir.
But the Caronia report
was filed two days ago.
That'd be about right.
There's a strong southerly drift.
A large enough berg could have moved down
there, almost where the Baltic sighted it.
- Do you want to alter course, sir?
- What's the weather forecast?
Clear and calm.
Oh, I don't think so.
No need to alter course yet.
I'll be on the bridge during the morning
watch. Shouldn't be hard to spot in daylight.
Mr Murdoch? I thought I'd let you know.
The captain will be topside for
the morning watch. Night order book as is.
- We're going to stay at 22 knots?
- Why not?
At 30, we couldn't reach
that berg before daylight.
That's true. Not this one.
But what if these
are two different icebergs?
Oh, Amherst, brave Amherst
'T was a name known to fame
in days of yore
May it ever be glorious
Till the sun shall climb
the heavens no more
Oh, Lord Jeffrey Amherst
was a soldier of the king
And he came from across the sea
To the Frenchmen and the Indians
he didn't do a thing
In the wilds of this wild country
In the wilds of this wild country
And for his royal majesty
he fought with all his might
He was a soldier loyal and true
And he conquered all of the enemies
that came within his sight
And he looked around for more
when he was through
Oh, Amherst, brave Amherst
'T was a name known to fame
in days of yore
May it ever be glorious
Till the sun
shall climb the heavens no more
Should be seeing gulls by morning. The birds
of the Grand Banks fair chilled with courage.
Never send a baby to buy the beer.
Far above Cayuga's waters
With its waves of blue
Stands our noble alma mater
Glorious to view
Lift the chorus, speed it homeward
Loud her praises tell
Hail to thee, O alma mater
Hail, all hail, Cornell
Far above the busy humming
Of the bustling town
Reared against the arch of heaven
Looks she proudly down
Lift the chorus, speed it homeward
Loud her praises tell
What a lot of songs they know.
It's only a few.
There must be hundreds more.
- Hail, all hail, Cornell
- Fifty, anyway.
Jesus Mary!
Iceberg, dead ahead!
Iceberg, dead ahead, sir!
Hard a-starboard! Full speed astern!
Hard a-starboard, sir.
Helm hard a-starboard, sir.
Keep the helm hard over.
We're going to clear.
For once again comes Williams' day
Yard by yard we'll fight our way
Through Amherst's line
Every man in every play
Striving all the time
Cheer on cheer will rend the air
All behind our men
Iceberg, sir.
We must have picked up a spur.
It's over there.
We must have come close.
Did we hit it?
No, sir. It hit us.
No damage above the waterline, sir, but
the forepeak is flooded to the orlop deck.
Water in the fireman's passage port side.
Additional damage abaft of bulkhead B.
Damage that far aft? Check again.
All right, I'll tell him.
We're taking water in number 1, 2 and 3 holds,
and number 5 and 6 boiler rooms.
- Can they shore up?
- No, sir. Ripped us like a tin opener.
Tell the chief engineer
to start the forward pumps. Wilde.
Start the forward pumps!
Order all hands to stations.
Passengers and crew don lifejackets.
Prepare to lower away all boats.
Captain Smith?
Break off traffic, and get him up.
Stand by to send out a CQD to all vessels.
- I'll send you the position.
- CQD, sir? That's Full Distress.
We've struck an iceberg.
We're going down.
- Captain, I want to know what's happening.
- There's been some underwater damage.
- You can trust me, Captain. Is it critical?
- Give us a hand with this cover!
Over here, mate!
Call up boat crew six!
To be on the safe side,
we're clearing away the boats.
Captain, I will not be put off.
Is this ship going to sink?
She is. I'm ordering
all women and children into the boats.
As for the rest of us...
perhaps some vessel can get to us in time.
Captain Smith, in other words,
there aren't enough lifeboats for the men.
All passengers go to their cabins
and put on life jackets.
There is no cause for alarm.
You'll find life jackets
in your wardrobe.
Please proceed to your cabins immediately.
Put on your life jackets and proceed
to the promenade deck via the after ladder.
Did you hear what happened? We ran
into an iceberg, and none of us even saw it.
I knew there was something.
Norman, get dressed.
Please relax. I've talked to the captain.
There was a collision of sorts.
They evidently felt they needed
to break the monotony.
- Is there any danger?
- Danger? On a ship like this?
Nonsense. However,
we have to follow instructions.
Now, put on warm things, everybody -
comfortable, but as becoming as possible.
Annette, get the other jackets
from in there.
It might be a good idea to bring blankets.
It may be chilly in the lifeboats.
Lifeboats? And you say there's no danger?
Julia, I'm afraid you don't understand
the corporate mind.
Steamship companies serve the public.
To prove they're on the job,
they like to inconvenience people.
Here, Julia. Help Norman.
I imagine they'll row us out a few hundred
yards while they repair the damage.
All right, Julia.
We're assigned to number six lifeboat.
Remember, number six.
Well, I believe we're ready.
Norman, you'd better take these. Catch.
Haven't you forgotten something too?
So I have.
I pay $1,000 to ride
in the greatest ship ever built,
and then somebody pokes a hole in it.
Why don't they patch it up?
Don't walk out on me. I was just getting some
good cards. We're going on with that game.
Don't worry, Mrs Young. When we get back,
the cards will still be warm.
Put on that jacket, please!
Don't push, please! Don't push, please!
- Annette! Annette!
- Tie on that jacket, sir, please.
Tie yours up, sir. Take it quietly, madam.
Don't push, please. Don't push!
Number four boat, swing out.
Number two crew, see your boat's clear
of the ship's side before you lower away.
- There's nobody to man this boat.
- There's a crew on its way up.
Keep your people together.
Find your proper boat!
Them to starboard's odd, them to port's even.
- Is there any way I can help, sir?
- You can see that this passage is kept clear.
Stand back, everybody, and keep together!
Are all your people with you?
Yes, they're all here.
On second thought, I have some stragglers.
- Wait here. I'll be back shortly.
- You can't leave us now.
I'll be back.
Can you use your influence?
Do you know what's going on?
- Stand back! Keep the passage clear.
- You're Mrs Sturges?
They say it's nothing, but they're lying.
And now somebody says there aren't
enough lifeboats for the men.
Richard! I see they got you into one of those.
This doesn't fit.
- I may need you.
- It can't be that bad.
I'm afraid it is. We may be having sand
for supper tonight. Come on.
Leave everything behind!
Go up by the after deck. Come on!
Please, put on your life belts!
Go up by the after deck!
- You must take a life belt.
- Can't you get some order here?
They won't go.
We can't make them understand.
Give me a try here.
Attenzione tutti!
Mrs Uzcadum...
- Get to your feet!
- No, no. Safer place.
I am at the moment
the head of this family. Now, get up!
Non correte! Andate adesso alla scala
di fronte. Le donne e i bambini per primi.
La scala di fronte...
Remain on this deck.
The boats will be lowered down.
I don't think it's so serious.
We'll get help.
I think so too.
I'll bet there are practically
seven or eight ships coming right now.
But, anyway, just in case we get on different
boats and you get to New York first...
- would you mind calling home for me?
- Of course not. They'll be worried.
There's just Jackie - that's my kid sister.
You can tell her I didn't win any medal,
but that I bought her a pocketbook instead.
- With beads on it.
- Keep your falls clear!
- It was supposed to get there for Easter.
- You'll be there to tell her, Giff.
- You're just as apt to be there before me.
- Oh, sure.
But even if not,
there's one thing I want you to know.
I don't think you'll believe it.
But I wouldn't have missed this boat trip,
not for anything.
Officer, have you room here for four more?
- I think so. Are they assigned to this boat?
- They are now. Go ahead, Mrs Uzcadum.
Here's a nice lady. She'll take care of you.
- Bon voyage, Madeleine, my dear.
- Bless you, Richard.
Stand back there.
- Hop in for you, lad.
- Take a turn on that line!
Keep your falls clear!
Keep your falls clear!
- Some loose ends to take care of, Julia.
- Yes, I saw.
They're loading your lifeboat.
I'd better go to my own.
It's on the other side.
It will be a long walk, Richard,
but... thank you for lying.
I know you're trying to make it easy for us.
This way is easier for me, too.
Oh, Richard,
where did we miss out on each other?
I... I beg your pardon, sir.
I put you down as a useless man,
somebody to lead a cotillion.
After all, it was my major talent.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Sorry about everything.
We have no time to catalogue our regrets.
All we can do
is pretend 20 years didn't happen.
It's June again.
You're walking under some elm trees
in a white muslin dress.
The loveliest creature I ever laid eyes on.
That summer, when I asked you to marry me,
I pledged my eternal devotion.
I would consider it a great favour, Julia,
if you would accept
a restatement of that pledge.
- Ohh!
- Number six boat ready to lower away.
Please, madam.
Go ahead, my dear.
Hurry up! Number six boat
ready to lower away!
Stand by your falls!
Come along, Annette.
- Help your sister, Norman.
- Shouldn't I go on the boat with you?
- The officer put you here, didn't he?
- Yes, sir.
You know the rules.
A good soldier obeys orders.
- Yes, sir.
- Au revoir, my pet.
You look fat and funny in those life jackets,
like Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Numbers four and six lifeboats,
stand by to lower away.
All passengers to the promenade deck.
Stand back, everybody, and keep together!
Attention! Attention, all able-bodied men!
We need your help forward and aft,
as quickly as you can, please!
Repairers, get over here at once. Over here!
All right, men. This way.
Keep moving. Keep moving.
Remain on this deck.
The boats will be lowered down.
- Stand back!
- All right, give me one of them paddles.
Over here, mates! Lend a hand. She's stuck!
I want some of you men on the end of this
rope, the rest of you over on the other one.
All women and children for lifeboat
number six, fasten your lifebelts, please.
Please see that your lifebelts are fastened.
Fasten your life jacket, madam.
- I'm sorry, ma'am. She's loaded.
- Where will I go, Officer?
Well, there may be another boat forward.
There's no room in this.
All right, now, don't crowd.
Stay in there.
Here's a space.
All right, lower away.
Where's Norman?
Norman? Norman!
He gave a woman up front his seat.
Norman! Norman!
There's a damn problem.
We're stuck in the block.
She won't clear. Get a marlinespike.
We'll never do it this way.
Number ten is farther aft, sir.
Seaman on number four line, haul away.
From the Carpathia, sir.
"We are coming full speed. 41 degrees 30
minutes north, 49 degrees 21 minutes west."
Give me their position again.
41 degrees 30 north,
49 degrees 21 west.
Have Mr Lightoller pass the word
to the lifeboats. Steer east-southeast.
They'll be picked up by dawn.
We're clear, Officer.
I think we have her repaired.
- Can you still keep up steam?
- We'll try, sir.
We need power for the Marconi instrument.
And I want to keep the lights burning.
If there's a ship coming, she has to see us.
Right, sir.
I presume you know
you may not make it out of here.
- Yes, sir. That's the way of it sometimes.
- Good luck.
I see you made it, Mr Meeker.
Oh, Norman.
Oh, my little boy.
- Steward! Mr Sturges. Have you seen him?
- No, I haven't.
Number seven coxswain to starboard.
Please sit down when you get in the boat.
Please keep still.
Fasten your life jacket, please, ma'am.
Number three boiler room flooded.
We're flooded to the after coal bunker, sir.
The bulkheads are about to go.
We're finished when the water
hits the main boilers.
Order all hands up from below.
Their duty's done.
- Yes, sir.
- Mr McDermott's waiting amidships, sir.
- What?
- Mr McDermott, sir.
Oh... Yes.
- You sent for us, sir?
- Yes. I think it might help if you'd play.
Yes, sir.
"Londonderry Air".
Please sit down
the moment you get in the boat.
Please sit down when you get in the boat.
Take your places, please. And keep still.
Keep your hands on the inside!
Mind your head.
- All right, Mrs Straus.
- No, please.
- Mrs Straus, this is the last lifeboat.
- Please, sir. I'm a very old lady.
I've been with Mr Straus most of my life.
I will not leave him now.
All right, ma'am.
Right, slack away your breast lines.
Keep your hands inside the boat!
Please sit still in the boat.
Fasten your life jacket there!
Lower away!
Look out! She's gonna blow!
Don't go in! The starboard boiler's gone,
and the port one's about to go!
- Are there men in there?
- A few, pinned under the rig.
- For God's sake, mister, don't go in there!
- For God's sake, I am going in.
Norman. Norman!
What's happened? What are you doing here?
- I was afraid I couldn't find you, sir.
- Come with me.
On the lower decks! It won't do any good
to jump. The water's near freezing!
Move aft! Move...
Officer, this boy's still aboard.
Where are they loading?
Sorry, sir. All the lifeboats have gone.
Well, Norman...
I didn't count on this.
All the other men were staying.
I thought perhaps I should too.
I'm wearing long trousers, sir.
I guess long trousers
is enough to prove you're a man.
Just the same, you're sore at me
for coming back, aren't you, sir?
Yes, I'm sore at you - the way I've always
been sore at those fool drummer boys
who stayed on to play "Last Retreat".
I... I thought maybe we could
make a swim of it, together.
Whatever happens...
I love you very much.
I've been proud of you every day of your life,
never as much as at this moment.
I feel tall as a mountain.
Mr Sturges? There's a boy up forward
looking for you, sir.
Yes, Harry, I found him.
He's my son.
She won't spark.
We're finished, mate.
Mr Jackson, you will make
the last entry in the log and secure.
At this hour,
all wireless communication broken off,
all lifeboats manned and lowered away...
This vessel sinking hard by the bow.
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
E'en though it be a cross
That raiseth me
Still all my song shall be
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
Though like the wanderer
The sun gone down
Darkness be over me
My rest a stone
Yet in my dreams I'd be
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee
Yet in my dreams I'd be
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer, my God, to thee
Thus, on April 15th, 1912,
at 0220 hours,
as the passengers and crew
sang a Welsh hymn,
RMS "Titanic"
passed from the British registry.
Seven hundred and twelve people,
in 19 lifeboats, survived.
Nearer, my God, to thee
Nearer to thee