Titanic (1997)

( SonarPings)
( SonarPings)
Okay, take her up
and overthe bow rail.
( OverRadio ):
Okay, Mir2, we're going overthe bow.
Staywith us.
( SonarPings)
( Mechanical Whirring)
Okay, quiet. We're rolling.
Seeing her coming out of
the darkness like a ghost ship
still gets me everytime--
To see the sad ruin
ofthe great ship sitting here
where she landed at 2:30
in the morning ofApril 1 5, 1 91 2
after her long fall
from the world above.
( ManSnickers)
You are so full ofshit, boss.
- ( Giggles)
- ( Mechanical Whirring)
( SonarPinging)
Man: Dive six-- Here we are again
on the deck of Titanic
The pressure outside is
These windows are nine inches thick
and ifthey go
it's sayonara
in two microseconds.
All right, enough
ofthat bullshit.
( Mechanical Whirring)
Just put her down on the roofof
the officer's quarters likeyesterday.
- Man: Sure.
- Man ( OverRadio ): Okay, Mir 2.
We have landed right on the grand
staircase. You guys set to launch?
Yeah, Brock-- Launching Dunkin now.
Go, Charlie.
- All right, tether out.
- Man: Tether out.
Man ( OverRadio ): Okay, Brock,
we're dropping down along the hull.
Rogerthat. Okay, drop down and go
into the first-class gangway door.
I wantyou guys working the D deck
reception area and the dining saloon.
Man ( OverRadio ):
- Tether out.
- Man: Tether out.
- Now left, left.
- I'm coming left.
Snoop Dog is on the move.
We're headed down the stairwell.
Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck.
A deck.
Give me some rope, Captain.
B deck-- get in there,
get in there.
Brock: Watch the doorframe.
Watch the doorframe.
- I see it. I got it.
- ( Bang)
( Mechanical Whirring)
- ( Cracking)
- We're good.Just chill, boss.
Makeyourturn. Come around.
- Lewis: Cable out, Captain.
- Makeyourturn. Watch the wall.
Yeah, Brock,
we're at the piano,you copy?
Okay, copythat.
Brock: Okay, right there.
Right there. That's it!
- That's the bedroom door.
- I see it. I see it.
We're in!
We're in, baby. We're there!
Brock: That's Hockley's bed.
That's where the son ofa bitch slept.
Oops, somebody left the water running.
Hey, hold itjust a second.
Go backto the right.
That wardrobe door--
get closer.
- You smelling something, boss?
- I want to see what's under it.
- Give me my hands, man.
- ( Mechanical Whirring)
All right.
- Take it easy, it might come apart.
- Okay.
Go, go, go, go.
Flip it over. Flip it over. Go.
Keep going, go, go, go.
Okay, drop it.
Oh, baby, baby,
areyou seeing this, boss?
It's payday, boys.
(ManSpeaking OverLoudspeaker)
( Cheering)
( lmitates Cash Register):
- We did it, Bobby.
- Lewis: Oh,yeah. Who's the man?
Who's the best, baby?
Say it. Say it.
You are, Lewis.
( SawBuzzingLoudly)
- Bobby, my cigar.
- Bobby: Right here.
( Cheering)
Okay, crack her open.
( ManSpeaking OverLoudspeaker)
No diamond.
You know, boss, this same thing
happened to Geraldo
and his career never recovered.
Turn the camera off.
Bobby: Brock, the partners
would like to know how it's going.
Hey, Dave, Barry, hi.
Look, it wasn't in the safe
but hey, hey,
don't worry about it.
There's still plenty
of places it could be.
Hell yes! Floor debris in the suite, the
mother's room, purser's safe on C deck.
-Jimmy Hoffa's briefcase.
- Brock: A dozen other places.
Guys, look,you'vejust got to trust
my instincts. I know we're close.
Wejust got to go through
a little process ofelimination.
Hang on a second.
- Let me see that.
- We might have something here, guys.
Where's the photograph
ofthe necklace?
We'll call you right back.
I'll be goddamned.
Reporter: Treasure hunter Brock Lovett
is best known forfinding Spanish gold.
It's okay.
I'll feed you in a minute.
Now he has chartered
Russian subs to reach
the most famous shipwreck
ofall: the Titanic.
He is with us live
via satellite
from the research ship Keldysh
in the North Atlantic.
- Hello, Brock.
- Brock: Hello, Tracy.
Everyone knows the familiar
stories of Titanic--
the nobility, the band playing
till the very end and all that.
But what I'm interested in
are the untold stories
the secrets locked deep
inside the hull of Titanic.
We're out here using
robot technology
to go further into the wreck
than anybody's ever done before.
Your expedition is at the center
ofa storm ofcontroversy
over salvage rights
and even ethics.
Many are callingyou
a grave robber.
Nobody called the recovery ofartifacts
of King Tut's tomb "grave robbing."
- Woman: What is it?
- Turn that up, dear.
I have museum-trained experts
out here making sure
that these relics are preserved
and catalogued properly.
Take a look at this drawing
that we foundjust today:
A piece of paperthat's been
underwaterfor 84 years
and myteam were able
to preserve it intact.
Should this have remained unseen at
the bottom ofthe ocean for eternity?
I'll be goddamned.
Man (Over Loudspeaker):
Vnimanye, vnimanye...
Bobby: Brock!
There's a satellite call foryou.
Bobby, we're launching. You see
these submersibles going in the water?
Trust me, buddy.
You want to take this call.
This better be good.
You got to speak up.
She's kind ofold.
Great. This Brock Lovett.
- How can I helpyou, Mrs.--
- Calvert. Rose Calvert.
Mrs. Calvert?
I wasjust wondering ifyou had found
the Heart ofthe Ocean yet, Mr. Lovett.
Told you you wanted
to take the call.
All right,you have
my attention, Rose.
Can you tell us who the woman
in the picture is?
The woman in the picture is me.
( Yelling OverEngineNoise):
She's a goddamned liar--
Some nut case seeking
money or publicity.
God only knows why, like that
Russian babe, Anesthesia.
They're inbound!
Rose Dewitt Bukater died on the Titanic
when she was 1 7, right?
- That's right.
- Ifshe had lived, she'd be over 1 00.
Okay, so she's a very old
goddamned liar.
Look, I've already done
the background on this woman
all the way backto the '20s
when she was working as an actress.
An actress! There's
yourfirst clue, Sherlock.
Her name was Rose Dawson backthen.
Then she marries this guy named Calvert.
They move to Cedar Rapids
and she punches out a couple of kids.
Now, Calvert's dead, and from what
I hear, Cedar Rapids is dead.
And everybodywho
knows about the diamond
is supposed to be dead
or on this boat, but she knows.
Doesn't exactly
travel light, does she?
Mrs. Calvert, I'm Brock Lovett.
Welcome to the Keldysh.
Okay, let's get her
inside there.
- Hi, Ms. Calvert.
- Hi.
Welcome to the Keldysh.
Hey. Hey!
- ( Knocking)
- Rose: Yes?
- Areyour staterooms all right?
- Rose: Oh,yes, very nice.
Haveyou met
my granddaughter Lizzie?
She takes care of me.
We metjust
a few minutes ago.
Remember, Nana, up on deck?
There, that's nice.
Have to have my pictures
when I travel.
Can I getyou anything?
ls there anythingyou'd like?
I would like to see my drawing.
Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone
that was called
the Blue Diamond ofthe Crown
which disappeared in 1 792
about the same time old Louis
lost everything from the neck up.
The theory goes that
the crown diamond was chopped, too
recut into a heart-like shape that
became known as "Heart ofthe Ocean."
Today it would be worth more
than the Hope Diamond.
It was a dreadful, heavything.
I onlywore it this once.
You actuallythinkthis isyou, Nana?
It is me, dear.
Wasn't I a dish?
I tracked it down
through insurance records--
An old claim that was settled
underterms ofabsolute secrecy.
Can you tell me
who the claimant was, Rose?
I should imagine
someone named Hockley.
Brock: Nathan Hockley, that's right.
Pittsburgh steel tycoon.
Claim was for
a diamond necklace
his son Caledon
bought his fiancee--you
a week before
he sailed on Titanic.
It was filed right
afterthe sinking
so the diamond had to have
gone down with the ship.
You see the date?
"April 1 4, 1 91 2."
Which means ifyour grandmother is
who she says she is
she was wearing the diamond
the daythe Titanicsank.
And that makesyou
my new best friend.
These are some ofthe things
we recovered from your stateroom.
This was mine.
How extraordinary!
And it looks the same as it did
the last time I saw it.
The reflection
has changed a bit.
( GaspsQuietly)
Areyou readyto go
backto Titanic?
Lewis: Okay, here we go. She hits
the berg on the starboard side, right?
She kind of bumps along punching holes
like Morse code-- dit-dit-dit--
along the side,
below the waterline.
Then the forward compartments
start to flood.
Now as the water level rises, it
spills overthe watertight bulkheads
which unfortunately
don't go any higherthan E deck.
So now as the bow goes down,
the stern rises up
slow at first, then faster
and faster until finally
she's got herwhole ass is sticking
up in the air and that's a big ass.
We're talking
And the hull's not designed to deal
with that pressure, so what happens?
She splits,
right down to the keel
and the stern
falls back level.
Then as the bow sinks, it pulls the
stern vertical and finally detaches.
Now, the stern sectionjust
kind of bobs there like a cork
for a couple of minutes, floods and
finally goes under about 2:20 a.m.
two hours and 40 minutes
afterthe collision.
The bow section planes away
landing about a halfa mile away
going 20, 30 knots when
it hits the ocean floor.
( lmitates Crashing)
Pretty cool, huh?
Thankyou forthat fine
forensic analysis, Mr. Bodine.
the experience of it was
somewhat different.
Will you share it with us?
( Music Playing)
( Crying)
- I'm taking herto rest.
- No.
- Come on, Nana.
- No!
Tape recorder.
Tell us, Rose.
It's been 84 years.
It's okay.Just tryto remember
anything-- anything at all.
Doyou want to hearthis
or not, Mr. Lovett?
It's been 84 years...
and I can still smell
the fresh paint.
The china had never been used.
The sheets had never
been slept in.
Titanicwas called
"The Ship of Dreams"
and it was, it reallywas.
Man: All third-class passengers
with a forward berth
this way, please, this queue.
- Right here.
- Big boat, huh?
- Daddy, it's a ship.
- You're right.
( CarHorn Tooting)
I don't see what
all the fuss is about.
It doesn't look any bigger
than the Mauritania.
You can be blase about some things,
Rose, but not about Titanic.
It's over 1 00 feet longerthan
Mauritania and far more luxurious.
Your daughter is fartoo difficult
to impress, Ruth.
So this is the ship
they say is unsinkable.
It is unsinkable.
God Himselfcould not sinkthis ship.
Sir,you have to check
your baggage through the main terminal.
- It's round that way, sir.
- I put myfaith in you, good sir.
- Now, kindly see my man.
- Yes, sir, my pleasure, sir.
- If I can do anything at all.
- Oh,yes, right.
All the trunks
from that carthere
to the parlor suite,
rooms B-52, 54, 56.
- ( Whistle Blowing)
- Ladies...
better hurry.
( People Saying Good-byes)
- My coat?
- Woman: I have it.
Man: All third-class passengers
due here for a health inspection.
All third-class passengers
due here for health inspection.
Head up.
Welcome aboard, ma'am.
Welcome to Titanic.
Rose: It wastheShip ofDreams
to everyone else.
To meit wasaslave ship
takingmeback toAmerica
in chains.
Outwardly, I waseverything
a well-brought-up girlshouldbe.
Inside, I wasscreaming.
( Steam Whistle Blows Loudly)
( SpeakingSwedish )
Jack,you are pazzo.
You bet everything we have.
When you got nothing
you got nothing to lose.
All right, moment oftruth.
Somebody's life's about to change.
- Ola?.
- Nothing.
Uh-oh. Two pair.
I'm sorry, Fabrizio.
Che"sorry?" Ma vaffanculo!
You bet all the money.
I'm sorry,you're not going to see
your mom again for a long time
because we're going to America.
- Full house, boys.
- Whoa!
- Yeah!
-Dio mio, grazie!
( Cursingln Swedish )
- Come on.
- Figlio diputtana!
- I'm going home!
- ( Cursingln Swedish )
- I'm going home.
- I go to America.
Man: No, mate. Titanic
go to America in five minutes.
- Come on. Come on. Here.
- Fabrizio: Andiamo.
We're riding in high style now.
We're a couple of regular swells.
We're practically goddamn royalty,
ragazzo mio.
You see, it's my destino!
Like I told you,
I go to America to be milionario.
- Driver: Whoa, whoa!
- Bastardo!
- You're pazzo!
- Maybe, but I've got the tickets.
- Come on, I thoughtyou were fast.
- Aspetta!
Wait, wait! Hey, wait!
We're passengers. Passengers.
Haveyou been through
the inspection queue?
Anyway, we don't have any lice.
- We're Americans, both of us.
- Right, come aboard.
We're the luckiest sons of bitches
in the world,you know that?
( Ship's Horn Blares)
- You know somebody?
- Ofcourse not. That's not the point.
Good-bye! I'll missyou!
Good-bye! I'm going
to neverforgetyou.
( Crowd Cheering)
All the way, darling.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Oh, right here.
Hey, howyou doing?
Jack. Nice to meetyou.
I'mJack Dawson.
Nice to meetyou.
Howyou doing?
Who saysyou get the top bunk?
( SpeakingSwedish )
This isyour private
promenade deck, sir.
Would you be
requiring anything?
- Hmm.
- Excuse me.
- Woman: This one?
- Rose: No. It had a lot offaces on it.
This is the one.
Would you like
all ofthem out, miss?
Yes, we need a little color
in this room.
Put it in there,
in the wardrobe.
God, not those finger paintings again.
They certainlywere a waste of money.
The difference between Cal's taste
in art and mine is that I have some.
They're fascinating, like being
inside a dream or something.
- There's truth, but no logic.
- What's the artist's name?
- Something Picasso.
- "Something Picasso."
He won't amount to a thing.
He won't, trust me.
- Put the Degas in the bedroom.
- At least theywere cheap.
Ah, put it in the wardrobe.
AtCherbourg, a woman came
We all calledherMolly.
Historywould callher
"the Unsinkable MollyBrown. "
Well, I wasn't about to wait
all dayforyou, sonny.
Here,you thinkyou can manage?
someplace out West
andshe was whatmothercalled
"newmoney. "
By thenext afternoon, we were steaming
westfrom the coastoflreland
with nothing outaheadofus
Take herto sea, Mr. Murdoch.
- Let's stretch her legs.
- Yes, sir.
- All ahead full, Mr. Moody.
- Very good, sir.
- ( Bells Ringing)
- ( BelIRings)
- All ahead full.
- Man ( Shouting): All ahead full!
Come on, lads. Get moving.
What's the reading?
( Crew TalkingAndShouting)
All right,
let's stoke them right up!
We're going full ahead!
Hey, look, look, look!
Look, look!
See it?
There's another one. See him?
Look at that one.
Look at himjump!
I can see the
Statue of Liberty already!
Very small, ofcourse.
I'm the king ofthe world!
( WhoopingAnd Yelling)
( Whooping)
Man: She's the largest
moving object ever made
bythe hand of man
in all history.
And our master shipbuilder,
Mr. Andrews here
designed her
from the keel plates up.
Well, I may have
knocked hertogether
but the idea was Mr. Ismay's.
He envisioned a steamer so grand
in scale and so luxurious
in its appointments that its
supremacywould never be challenged.
And here she is
willed into solid reality.
Hear, hear.
You know I don't
like that, Rose.
She knows.
We'll both have the lamb, rare,
with very little mint sauce.
Hmm,you like lamb,
right, sweet pea?
Areyou going to cut her meat
for her, too, there, Cal?
Hey, uh, who thought
ofthe name "Titanic"?
- Was ityou, Bruce?
- Well,yes, actually.
I wanted to convey sheer size
and the size means stability
Iuxury, and above all,
Doyou know of Dr. Freud,
Mr. Ismay?
His ideas about the male
preoccupation with size
might be of particular
interest toyou.
- What's gotten intoyou?
- Excuse me.
- I do apologize.
- She's a pistol, Cal.
- Hopeyou can handle her.
- Well, I may have to start minding...
what she reads from now on,
won't l, Mrs. Brown?
Freud-- Who is he?
ls he a passenger?
( Man ExplainingPropeller
To Little Girl)
It makes these waves,
makes them spin.
The ship is nice, huh?
- Yeah, it's an lrish ship.
- Is English, no?
No, it was built in lreland.
Solid as a rock.
Big lrish hands.
That's typical. First-class dogs
come down here to take a shit.
Uh, it lets us know where we rank
in the scheme ofthings.
Like we could forget?
- I'm Tommy Ryan.
-Jack Dawson.
- Hello.
- Fabrizio.
Hi. Doyou make any money
with your drawings?
Oh, forget it, boyo. You'd as like
have angels fly outyour arse
as get next
to the likes of her.
( Laughs)
- Doyou mind?
- I hopeyou're proud ofthis.
Isawmy whole life
an endlessparade
ofparties andcotillions
yachts andpolo matches
always thesamenarrowpeople,
thesamemindless chatter.
Ifelt likel wasstanding
with no one topullmeback
no one who cared
oreven noticed.
- ( Woman Grunts)
- ( RoseSobbing)
( RunningFeetAndSobbing)
( TakingShort,
Anxious Breaths)
Don't do it.
Stay back.
Don't come any closer.
Come on.Just give meyour hand.
I'll pull you back over.
No! Staywhereyou are.
I mean it.
I'll let go.
No,you won't.
What doyou mean, no, I won't?
Don't presume to tell me what I will
and will not do. You don't know me.
Well,you would have
done it already.
You're distracting me.
Go away.
I can't. I'm involved now.
You let go and I'm going to have to
jump in there afteryou.
Don't be absurd.
You'll be killed.
- I'm a good swimmer.
- The fall alone would kill you.
- It would hurt.
- I'm not saying it wouldn't.
To tell you the truth
I'm a lot more concerned
about that water being so cold.
( ShoeDrops To Deck)
- How cold?
- Freezing.
Maybe a couple degrees over.
You ever, uh...
ever been to Wisconsin?
Well, they have some
ofthe coldest winters around.
I grew up there
near Chippewa Falls.
I rememberwhen I was a kid,
me and myfather, we went ice fishing
out on Lake Wissota.
Ice fishing is,you know,
( Angrily):
I know what ice fishing is!
Youjust seem like,you know,
kind ofan indoor girl.
Anyway, l, uh...
I fell through some thin ice
and I'm tellingyou...
waterthat cold,
like right down there
it hitsyou like a thousand knives
stabbingyou all overyour body.
You can't breathe,
you can't think--
at least not about anything
but the pain.
Which is why I'm not looking forward
tojumping in there afteryou.
Like I said...
I don't have a choice.
I guess I'm kind of hoping
you'll come back overthe rail
and get me offthe hook here.
You're crazy.
That's what everybody says,
but with all due respect, miss
I'm not the one hanging off
the back ofa ship here.
Come on.
Come on, give meyour hand.
You don't want to do this.
I'mJack Dawson.
Rose Dewitt Bukater.
I'm going to have to getyou
to write that one down.
Come on.
- ( Screams)
- ( Grunting)
I gotyou! Come on.
Come on!
( Screams)
Help! Please!
Help! Please!
- Please get me!
- Listen. Listen to me.
I've gotyou. I won't let go.
Now pull yourself up. Come on.
( Grunts)
Come on. That's right.
You can do it.
I gotyou.
What's all this?
You stand back!
And don't move an inch!
- Fetch the master-at-arms!
- Care for a brandy?
Cal: This is completely unacceptable!
What madeyou think
thatyou could putyour hands
on myfiancee?
- Look at me,you filth!
- Cal...
- What doyou thinkyou were doing?
- Cal, stop.
- It was an accident.
- An accident?
It was. Stupid really.
I was leaning over,
and I slipped.
I was leaning far over
to see the, uh...
uh... uh...
the, uh... uh...
- Propellers?
- propellers and I slipped.
And I would have gone overboard
but Mr. Dawson here saved me
and almost went over himself.
You wanted to see...
She wanted to see the propellers.
Like I said,
women and machinery do not mix.
Was that the way of it?
Yeah. Yeah,
that was pretty much it.
Well, the boy's a hero then.
Good foryou, son. Well done.
So it's all's well
and backto our brandy, eh?
Look atyou. You must be freezing.
Let's getyou inside.
Perhaps a little something
forthe boy.
Ofcourse. Mr. Lovejoy,
I think a 20 should do it.
Is that the going rate
for saving the woman you love?
Rose is displeased.
What to do?
I know.
Perhapsyou couldjoin us
for dinnertomorrow evening
to regale our group
with...your heroic tale.
Sure, count me in.
Good. Settled then.
This should be interesting. Mmm.
( Whistles)
Can l, uh... bum a smoke?
You'll want to tie those.
It's interesting.
Theyoung lady slips so suddenly
and you still had time
to removeyourjacket
and your shoes.
- ( Music BoxPlaying Tune)
- ( KnockAtDoor)
( DoorOpens)
I knowyou've been melancholy.
I don't pretend to know why.
I intended to save this
until the engagement gala
next week.
But I thought tonight.
Good gracious.
Perhaps as a reminder
of myfeelings foryou.
- Is it a...
- Diamond? Yes.
It was worn by Louis XVI
and they called it
"Le CoeurDeLa Mer. "
The Heart ofthe Ocean.
It's overwhelming.
Well, it's for royalty.
We are royalty, Rose.
You know, there's nothing
I couldn't giveyou.
There's nothing I'd denyyou
ifyou would not deny me.
Now open your heart
to me, Rose.
Jack: Well, I've been on my own since
I was 1 5 since myfolks died.
And I had no
brothers or sisters
or close kin in that part
ofthe country.
So I lit on out ofthere
and I haven't been back since.
You couldjust call me
a tumbleweed blowing in the wind.
Well, Rose...
we've walked about a mile
around this boat deck
and chewed over how great
the weather's been and how I grew up
but I reckon that's not why
you came to talkto me, is it?
- Mr. Dawson, l--
I want to thankyou
forwhatyou did.
Notjust for... for pulling me back
but foryour discretion.
You're welcome.
Look, I know
whatyou must be thinking.
Poor little rich girl.
What does she know about misery?
No. No, that's not what
I was thinking.
What I was thinking was
what could have happened to this girl
to make herthink
she had no way out?
Well, l--
It was everything.
It was mywhole world
and all the people in it
and the inertia of my life
plunging ahead
and me, powerless to stop it.
God! Look at that thing.
You would have gone
straight to the bottom.
All of Philadelphia society
will be there
and all the while
I feel I'm...
standing in the middle
ofa crowded room
screaming at the top of my lungs
and no one even looks up.
Doyou love him?
- Pardon me?
- Doyou love him?
You're being very rude.
You shouldn't be asking me this.
Well, it's a simple question.
Doyou love the guy or not?
This is not
a suitable conversation.
-Why can'tyoujust answerthe question?
-( Nervous Laughter)
This is absurd. You don't know me,
and I don't knowyou
and we are not having
this conversation at all.
You are rude and uncouth
and presumptuous and I am leaving now.
Jack. Mr. Dawson,
it's been a pleasure.
I soughtyou out to thankyou
and now I have thanked you...
- And you've insulted me.
- Well,you deserved it.
- Right.
- Right.
- I thoughtyou were leaving.
- I am.
You are so annoying.
- ( Chuckles)
- Wait.
I don't have to leave.
This is my part ofthe ship. You leave.
well, well, well.
Now who's being rude?
What is this stupid thing
you're carrying around?
So what areyou,
an artist or something?
Well, these are rather good.
They're, uh--
They're very good actually.
Jack, this is exquisite work.
They didn't thinktoo much
ofthem in old Paree.
Paris! You do get around
for a poor--
Well, uh, uh, a person
of limited means.
Go on, a poor guy,
you can say it.
Well, well, well.
And these were drawn from life?
Well, that's one
ofthe good things about Paris--
Iots ofgirls willing
to take their clothes off.
You liked this woman.
You used her several times.
Well, she had beautiful hands,
you see?
I thinkyou must have had
a love affairwith her.
No, no, no, no, no.
Just with her hands.
She was a one-legged prostitute.
- ( Aghast): Oh!
- ( Both Chuckle)
Ah, she had a good sense
of humor, though.
Oh, and this lady...
she used to sit
at this bar every night
wearing every piece
ofjewelry she owned
just waiting
for her long-lost love.
Called her Madame Bijou.
See how her clothes
are all moth-eaten?
Well,you have a gift,Jack.
You do. You see people.
I seeyou.
You wouldn't havejumped.
But the purpose of university
is to find a suitable husband.
Rose has already done that.
Look, here comes
that vulgar Brown woman.
Quickly, get up
before she sits with us.
Hello, girls. I was hoping
I'd catch you at tea.
We're awfully sorry
you missed it.
The countess and I werejust off
to take the air on the boat deck.
What a lovely idea.
I need to catch up on my gossip.
Soyou've notyet
lit the last four boilers?
No, I don't see the need.
We are making excellent time.
The press knows
the size of Titanic.
Now I want them to marvel
at her speed.
We must give them
something new to print.
This maiden voyage of Titanic
must make headlines.
Mr. Ismay, I would prefer
not to push the engines
until they've been
properly run in.
I'mjust a passenger.
I leave it toyour good offices
to decide what's best.
But what a glorious end
toyourfinal crossing
ifwe were to get into New York
on Tuesday night and surprise them all.
Make the morning papers.
Retire with a bang, eh, E.J.?
Good man.
Well, afterthat I worked on
a squid boat in Monterey.
Then I went down to Los Angeles
to the pier in Santa Monica
and started doing portraits there
forten cents apiece.
Why can't I be likeyou,Jack--
just head out forthe horizon
whenever I feel like it?
Saywe'll go there
sometime to that pier
even ifwe only
everjust talk about it.
No, we'll do it.
We'll drink cheap beer. We'll ride
on the roller coastertill we throw up.
Then we'll ride horses on the beach
right in the surf.
Butyou'll have to do it like a real
cowboy. None ofthat sidesaddle stuff.
- You mean, one leg on each side?
- Yeah.
- Can you show me?
- Sure... ifyou like.
- Teach me to ride like a man.
- And chew tobacco like a man.
And spit like a man.
They didn't teach you that
in finishing school?
- No.
- Well, come on, I'll showyou.
Let's do it.
I'll showyou how. Come on.
Jack, no!Jack, no!
Wait,Jack. No,Jack.
I couldn't possibly,Jack.
Watch closely.
- That's disgusting!
- All right,yourturn.
That was pitiful!
Come on,you really got
to hawk it back,you know?
Get some leverage to it.
Useyour arms, arcyour neck.
( Hawks)
- See the range on that thing?
- Mm-hmm.
- ( RoseHawking)
-Jack: Okay, go.
( Hawks)
-That was better. You got to work on it.
Reallytry and hawk it up
and get some bodyto it,you know?
You got to...
( Snorting)
( Swallows)
May I introduceJack Dawson?
Charmed, I'm sure.
The others were gracious
who hadsavedmylife
likean insect--
a dangerous insect
which mustbesquashedquickly.
Well,Jack, sounds likeyou're a good
man to have around in a sticky spot.
( TrumpetPlayingFanfare)
Why do they always insist on announcing
dinner like a damn cavalry charge?
- ( Laughs)
- Shall we go to dress, Mother?
Seeyou at dinner,Jack.
Uh, son? Son!
Doyou have the slightest comprehension
whatyou're doing?
Not really.
Well,you're about to go
into the snake pit.
What areyou planning to wear?
I figured. Come on.
I was right.
You and my son
arejust about the same size.
Pretty close.
- ( Whistles)
- You shine up like a new penny.
( Laughs)
Good evening, sir.
( Orchestra Playing
"On TheBeautifuIBlueDanube")
Good evening.
Cal: Doyou know that there are
several thousand tons
of Hockley steel
in this very ship?
- Ruth: Hmm. Which part?
- Cal: All the right ones, ofcourse.
Then we'll know who to hold
accountable ifthere's a problem.
- Where's my daughter?
- Oh, she'll be along.
- There is the countess.
- Hello, my dear.
- Good evening, Cal.
- Cal: So good to seeyou.
I saw that in a nickelodeon once
and I always wanted to do it.
( Snickers)
I'll seeyou at dinner.
Darling? Surely
you remember Mr. Dawson.
( Chuckles)
Well, it's amazing.
You could almost pass for a gentleman.
- Almost.
- Extraordinary.
My dear, it's delightful to seeyou.
What a remarkable
voyage this is.
- It's mad, isn't it?
- Ruth: I loveyour perfume.
There's the Countess of Rothes.
And, um, that'sJohnJacob Astor--
the richest man on the ship.
His little wifeythere, Madeleine,
is my age and in delicate condition.
See how she's
trying to hide it?
- Quite the scandal.
- Hmm.
And that's Benjamin Guggenheim
and his mistress Madame Aubert.
Mrs. Guggenheim is at home
with the children, ofcourse.
And over here we have
Sir Cosmo and Lucille Lady Duff-Gordon.
She designs naughty lingerie,
among her manytalents.
Very popularwith the royals.
Congratulations, Hockley.
She's splendid.
Why, thankyou.
- Care to escort a ladyto dinner?
- Certainly.
- ( Chuckling)
- Sweat pea?
- Cal: Sweet pea.
- Ain't nothin' to it, is there,Jack?
Remember, they love money, sojust
pretend likeyou own a gold mine...
and you're in the club.
- Hey, Astor!
- Well, hello, Molly. Nice to seeyou.
J.J. Madeleine,
I'd likeyou to meetJack Dawson.
- How doyou do?
- Pleasure.
Areyou ofthe Boston Dawsons?
No-- the Chippewa Falls Dawsons,
Oh,yes. Yes.
Hemusthave been nervous,
he wasone ofthem--
Heir to a railroadfortune,
Newmoney, obviously,
butstilla memberofthe club.
Mother, ofcourse,
couldalways be countedupon.
Tell us ofthe accommodations
in steerage, Mr. Dawson.
I hearthey're quite good
on this ship.
The best I've seen, ma'am.
Hardly any rats.
( Laughter)
Mr. Dawson isjoining us
from the third class.
He was ofsome assistance
to myfiancee last night.
It turns out that Mr. Dawson
is quite a fine artist.
He was kind enough to show me
some of his worktoday.
Rose and I differ somewhat
in our definition offine art.
Not to impugn yourwork, sir.
( Clears Throat)
She may be mine on paper
but in the eyes ofGod,
she belongs to Thomas Andrews.
( Whispering):
Are these all for me?
Just start from the outside
and workyourway in.
He knows every rivet
in her, don'tyou, Thomas?
- Your ship is a wonder, truly.
- Thankyou, Rose.
- And how doyou takeyour caviar, sir?
- No caviarfor me, thanks.
Never did like it much.
And where, exactly,
doyou live, Mr. Dawson?
Well, right now, my address
is the R.M.S. Titanic.
I'm on God's good humor.
And how is it
you have means to travel?
I work myway
from place to place--
You know,
tramp steamers and such.
But I won myticket
on Titanic here
at a lucky hand at poker.
A very lucky hand.
- All life is a game of luck.
- Mmm.
A real man makes
his own luck, Archie.
- Right, Dawson?
- Mmm.
And you find that sort of
rootless existence appealing, doyou?
Well,yes, ma'am, I do.
I mean, got everything I need
right here with me.
Got air in my lungs
and a few blank sheets of paper.
I mean, I love waking up in the morning
not knowing what's going to happen
orwho I'm going to meet,
where I'm going to wind up.
Just the other night, I was sleeping
under a bridge, and now here I am
on the grandest ship in the world
having champagne with you fine people.
- ( Laughter)
- I'll take some more ofthat.
I figure life's a gift,
and I don't intend on wasting it.
You never know what hand
you're going to get dealt next.
You learn to take life
as it comes atyou. Hereyou go, Cal.
To make each day count.
- Well said,Jack.
- Hear, hear!
To making it count.
- All: To making it count.
- Archie: Bravo.
( MollyLaughing)
Mr. Brown had no idea
I'd hidden the money in the stove.
( Laughter)
So he comes home drunk as a pig,
celebrating and he lights a fire.
( Laughter)
( Softly): Next it'll be
brandies in the smoking room.
Well,join me in a brandy, gentlemen?
( MenAgree)
Now they retreat into a cloud ofsmoke
and congratulate each other
on being masters ofthe universe.
Ladies, thankyou for
the pleasure ofyour company.
Rose, may I escortyou
backto the cabin?
- No, I'll stay here.
- Hereyou go, Molly.
Joining us, Dawson?
You don't want to stay out here
with the women, doyou?
No, thanks.
I've got to be heading back.
- Ah.
- Probably best.
It'll be all business
and politics, that sort ofthing--
Wouldn't interestyou.
But Dawson, good ofyou to come.
Jack, mustyou go?
Time for me to go row
with the other slaves.
Good night, Rose.
( Clock BeginsChiming)
( Sighs)
Soyou want to go
to a real party?
- ( Drums Pounding, Men Whooping)
- ( PlayingLively Tune)
Is okay I put my hand here? Okay.
- Talla frikkensvenska?
- What?
( Repeats Phrase)
I can't understand you.
( GlassShatters)
Hey! Bravo, bravo!
- Thankyou. Come on, guys.
- Let's go!
I'm going to dance
with her now, all right?
- Come on.
- What?
- Come with me.
- What?Jack--Jack, wait!
- ( BandPlayingAtFast Tempo)
- I can't do this.
We're going to have to
get a little bit closer.
Like this.
- ( PipesAndDrums PlayingDance Tune)
- You're still my best girl, Cora.
- I don't know the steps.
- Neither do l.
Just go with it.
Don't think.
- ( Laughing)
- Hey.
( RoseSquealing With Delight)
Wait! Stop,Jack!
- Ba-ba-ba.
- ( Dancers Whooping)
- Rose: Wait!
- Hey! Hey!
( Whooping)
-Jack: Yeah!
-Jack, no!
( Squeals, Giggling)
...jurisdiction ofthe Sherman Act
so my lawyers will argue.
That's what Rockefeller said, but
the Supreme Court is not swallowing it.
( MenShoutingAndCheering,
DrumsAndPipes Playing)
What? You think
a first-class girl can't drink?
- ( Squeals)
- Get out of here.
- You all right?
- ( Laughing)
- I'm fine.
- ( Growls)
Two out ofthree,
two out ofthree.
you thinkyou're
big, tough men?
Let's seeyou do this.
Hold this for me,Jack.
Hold it up.
( Laughing)
-Jesus, Mary andJoseph!
- You all right?
I haven't done that in years.
Go see Maggie, lads.
Give herthe holley! Let's go!
Coffee, sir?
I had hoped you would
come to me last night.
I was tired.
Your exertions below decks
were no doubt exhausting.
I seeyou had that undertaker
ofa manservant follow me. How typical.
You will never behave like that
again, Rose. Doyou understand?
I'm not a foreman in one
ofyour mills thatyou can command.
I'm yourfiancee.
Yes,you are, and mywife!
Mywife in practice if notyet by law,
soyou will honor me.
You will honor me the way a wife
is required to honor a husband.
Because I will not be
made out a fool, Rose.
Is this in anyway unclear?
- No.
- Good.
Excuse me.
Miss Rose!
- We had a little... accident.
- That's all right, Miss Rose.
- That's all right.
- I'm sorry, Trudy.
Let me helpyou.
It's all right, miss.
It's all right, miss.
- Tea, Trudy.
- Yes, ma'am.
You're not to see that boy again,
doyou understand me?
- Rose, I forbid it.
- Oh, stop it, Mother.
You'll giveyourself
a nosebleed.
This is not a game.
Our situation is precarious.
You know the money's gone.
Ofcourse I know it's gone.
You remind me every day.
Yourfather left us nothing but a legacy
of bad debts hidden by a good name.
That name is the only card
we have to play.
I don't understand you.
It is a fine match with Hockley.
- It will ensure our survival.
- How can you put this on my shoulders?
- Why areyou being so selfish?
- I'm being selfish?
Doyou want to see me
working as a seamstress?
Is that whatyou want?
To see ourfine things
sold at auction?
Our memories
scattered to the winds?
( Sighs)
It's so unfair.
Ofcourse it's unfair.
We're women.
Our choices are never easy.
" Protect them byThy guardian hand "
" From every peril
on the land. "
" O spirit,
whom the Father sent "
"To spread across
the firmament "
" O wind of heaven,
byThy might "
" Save all who dare
the eagle's flight "
"And keep them
byThywatchful... "
- Hello, Mr. Andrews.
- Hello,Jack.
- Sir.
- I need to talkto somebodyfor a sec.
You're not supposed
to be in here.
" ...fire and foe
Protect them... "
I wasjust here last night.
You don't remember me?
No, I'm afraid I don't.
Nowyou're going to have to turn around.
He'll tell you.
I just-- I just need--
Mr. Hockley
and Mrs. Dewitt Bukater
continue to be appreciative
ofyour assistance.
They asked me to, uh...
giveyou this in gratitude.
- I don't wantyour money. Please, l--
- And also to remind you...
thatyou hold
a third-class ticket
and thatyour presence here
is no longer appropriate.
Please, I just want
to speakto Rose for--
Gentlemen, will you please see that
Mr. Dawson gets to where he belongs
and that he stays there?
Yes, sir.
Come along,you.
" Oh, hear us
when we cryto Thee "
" Forthose in peril
on the sea. "
Ruth: And why doyou have
two steering wheels?
We really only use
this near shore.
Excuse me, sir. Another ice warning.
This one's from the Noordam.
Thankyou, Sparks.
Oh, not to worry.
Quite normal forthis time ofyear.
In fact, we're speeding up.
I'vejust ordered
the last boilers lit.
Man: Okay, son,
wind it up tight like I showed you.
Okay, now, let it go.
- Was good, wasn't it?
- Quite nice.
That's excellent, son.
Mr. Andrews, forgive me...
I did the sum in my head
and with the number of lifeboats
times the capacityyou mentioned
forgive me, but it seems that there
are not enough for everyone aboard.
About half, actually.
Rose,you miss nothing, doyou?
ln fact, I put in these new type davits
which can take an extra row
of boats inside this one
but it was thought by some
that the deckwould looktoo cluttered
so I was overruled.
Waste ofdeck space as it is
on an unsinkable ship.
Sleep soundly,young Rose. I have built
you a good ship, strong and true.
She's all the lifeboatyou need.
Just keep heading aft.
The next stop will be the engine room.
Come on.
Jack, this is impossible.
I can't seeyou.
- I need to talktoyou.
- No,Jack, no.
Jack, I'm engaged.
I'm marrying Cal.
I love Cal.
Rose,you're no picnic.
All right,you're a spoiled
little brat, even
but underthatyou're the most
amazingly astounding
wonderful girl-- woman--
that I've ever known and...
-Jack, l...
- No, let me try and get this out.
You're,you're ama--
I'm not an idiot.
I know how the world works.
I've got ten bucks
in my pocket.
I have nothing to offeryou
and I know that.
I understand.
But I'm too involved now.
Youjump, I jump, remember?
I can't turn away
without knowingyou'll be all right.
That's all that I want.
Well, I'm fine.
I'll be fine, really.
I don't think so.
They've gotyou trapped, Rose
and you're going to die
ifyou don't breakfree--
Maybe not right away
becauseyou're strong, but
sooner or laterthat fire
that I love aboutyou, Rose...
that fire is going to burn out.
It's not up toyou
to save me,Jack.
You're right.
Onlyyou can do that.
I'm going back.
Leave me alone.
Countess: Tell Lucille about the
disasteryou had with the stationer's.
Well, ofcourse, the invitations
had to be sent back twice.
- Oh, my dear!
- And the dreadful bridesmaid's gowns--
Let me tell you what an odyssey
that has been.
Rose decided
she wanted lavender.
She knows I detest the color,
so she did it onlyto spite me.
lfonlyyou'd come to me sooner.
Ruth saw some of my designs
in "La Mode Illustree."
Theywere forTrousseau ofthe Duchess
of Malborough'syoungest daughter.
Theywere quite charming, but I think
you'll agree, my dear, that together
we've created something ofa phoenix
from the ashes.
( Women Laugh Politely)
I changed my mind.
- They said you might be--
- Shh.
Give meyour hand.
Now closeyour eyes.
Go on.
Step up.
Now hold on to the railing.
- Keepyour eyes closed, don't peek.
- I'm not.
Step up onto the rail.
Hold on. Hold on.
Keepyour eyes closed.
- ( Giggles)
- Doyou trust me?
I trustyou.
All right, open your eyes.
I'm flying!Jack!
( Softly):
" Come,Josephine, myflying machine "
" Going up, she goes "
" Up, she goes... "
That was the last time Titanic
ever saw daylight.
So we're up to dusk
the night ofthe sinking.
- Six hours to go.
- Incredible.
There's Smith and he's standing there
and he's got the iceberg warning...
in his fucking hand-- excuse me--
his hand, and he's ordering more speed.
working against him.
He figures anything big enough
to sinkthe ship
they're going to see
in time to turn
but the ship's too big
with too small a rudder.
Doesn't cornerworth a damn.
Everything he knows is wrong.
( Laughing)
It's quite proper, I assureyou.
This is the sitting room.
- Will this light do?
- What?
Don't artists need good light?
( ln French Accent):
That is true
but I'm not used to working
in such horrible conditions.
- Doyou know his work?
- Ofcourse.
Look at his use ofcolor here.
Isn't he great?
I know, it's extraordinary.
Cal insists on carting
this hideous thing everywhere.
Should we be expecting him
anytime soon?
Not as long as the cigars
and brandy hold out.
- That's nice.
- What is it, a sapphire?
A diamond,
a very rare diamond.
Jack, I wantyou to draw me like one
ofyour French girls... wearing this.
All right.
Wearing onlythis.
The last thing I need
is another picture of me
Iooking like a porcelain doll.
As a paying customer...
I expect to get what I want.
Over on the bed--
the couch.
Go... Iie down.
- Tell me when it looks right.
- Putyour arm backthe way it was.
Put that other arm up,
that hand right byyourface there.
Now, head down.
Eyes to me,
keep them on me.
And tryto stay still.
( Exhales)
So serious.
I believeyou are blushing,
Mr. Big Artiste.
I can't imagine
Monsieur Monet blushing.
He does landscapes.
Just relaxyourface.
- Sorry.
- No laughing.
( Exhales)
My heart was pounding
the whole time.
It was the most erotic moment
of my life.
Up until then, at least.
- So what happened next?
- You mean, did we do it?
Sorry, to disappointyou,
Mr. Bodine.
Jackwas very professional.
( RoseLaughing)
Whatyou doing?
Will you put this back
in the safe for me?
Would you excuse me?
- None ofthe stewards have seen her.
- This is absurd.
It's a ship, there's only
so many places she could be.
Lovejoy, find her.
- Clear.
- Yes.
I don't think I've ever seen
such a flat calm.
Like a mill pond.
Not a breath ofwind.
It will make the bergs
harderto see
with no breaking water
at the base.
Well, I'm off. Maintain speed
and heading, Mr. Lightoller.
Yes, sir.
It's getting cold.
You look nice.
- ( KnockAtDoor)
- Lovejoy: Miss Rose?
My drawings!
( DoorCloses)
Come on!
- No, wait, wait!
- Wait, wait, wait!
Go, go! Down, down!
Quickly, quickly!
( Giggling)
- Sorry!
- ( Giggling)
- It's all right!
- ( Laughing)
Prettytough for a valet,
this fellow.
- Seems more like a cop.
- I think he was.
-Jack: Oh, shit.
- ( RoseScreams)
No, over here!
( BoilerBlasting)
- Now what?!
- What?!
Hold up! What'reyou two
doing down here?
You shouldn't be down here!
It could be dangerous!
Jack: Carry on! Don't mind us.
You're doing a greatjob!
Keep up the good work!
Ah, lookwhat
we have here, huh?
( Rose Clears Throat)
- ( Honks Horn )
- Where to, miss?
To the stars.
You nervous?
Putyour hands on me,Jack.
God, it's bloody cold.
You know, I can smell ice,
you know, when it's near.
- Bollocks.
- But I can, all right!
Murdoch: Did you everfind
those binoculars forthe lookouts?
Haven't seen them
since Southampton.
Well, I'll be on my rounds.
You're trembling.
Don't worry.
I'll be all right.
- They ran down there.
- Right.
Anything missing?
I've got a better idea.
( RoseLaughing)
( Laughing)
Did you see those guys' faces?
Did you see the...
When the ship docks...
I'm getting offwith you.
This is crazy.
I know.
It doesn't make any sense.
That's why I trust it.
( Quietly):
Oh,yes. Here, look at this.
Oh, look at that, would you?
- They're a bit warmerthan we are.
- Well, ifthat's what it takes
for us to get warmer I'd rather not,
if it's all the same toyou.
- Bugger me!
- ( Alarm Bell Clanging)
- ( PhoneRings)
- Pick up,you bastards!
( PhoneRinging)
- Is there anyone there?
- Yes, what doyou see?
- Iceberg! Right ahead!
- Thankyou.
Iceberg! Right ahead!
Hard to starboard!
Hard to starboard!
- ( Ringing)
- Crewman: Turn, turn! Steady!
- ( Ringing)
- ( Bell Clangs )
Full astern!
- Hard over.
- Helm's hard over, sir.
- ( Ringing)
- Go, lads! Go!
( Men Yelling OutOrders)
Shut all the dampers!
Shut them!
( DampersSlamming)
Hold it.
Hold it!
Now, engage
the reversing engine!
( EngineStops)
( EngineRestarts)
Why aren't theyturning?!
- Is it hard over?!
- Crewman: It is,yes, sir, hard over!
( Softly):
Come on, come on, come on.
It's going to hit!
Jesus Christ.
( Glass Tinkling)
- ( Softly):Jesus.
- Hard to port!
Hard to port!
( MenScreaming)
Get back!
( Screaming)
- ( Hissing)
- ( Screams)
- ( MetaIDoors Closing)
- Come on, let's go!
Get out the door!
They're closing the doors! Get out!
Get out! Get out! Get out!
Get out the door! Go on!
Go on! Come on, lads!
Go, lads, go!
Get out!
( Screams)
( DoorsSlamming)
( Softly): Oh, my God.
That was a close shave, weren't it?
Smell ice, can you?
Bleeding Christ.
Note the time
and enter it in the log.
What was that, Mr. Murdoch?
An iceberg, sir.
I put her hard to starboard
and ran the engines full astern
but it was too close.
I tried to port round it
but she hit and the...
- Close the watertight doors.
- Murdoch: The doors are closed, sir.
- All stop.
- Crewman: Aye, sir!
( Ringing)
Find the carpenter.
Get him to sound the ship.
Yes, sir!
Porca puttana!
Che cazzo e?
Come on, let's get the hell
out of here! Come on, hurry up.
Excuse me. Why have the engines stopped?
I felt a shudder.
I shouldn't worry, madam.
We've likelythrown a propeller blade.
That's the shudderyou felt.
May I bringyou anything?
No, thankyou.
Did you see anything?
I don't see anything now, doyou?
( Commotion)
Ifthis is the direction the rats
are going that's good enough for me.
Crewman: Please, sir, please.
Everything's under control.
- You there.
- Sir, there is no emergency.
- Yes, there is, I have been robbed.
- Get the master-at-arms.
- Now,you moron!
- Yes, sir.
( Men Laughing)
Hey,you're going to miss the fun.
Did you see what happened?
No, I missed it.
Apparently, it hit overthere.
Crewman: Boiler room six
is flooded eight feet above the plate.
And the mail hold is worse. She's
all buckled in in the forward hold.
- Can you shore up?
- Not unless the pumps get ahead.
Haveyou seen the damage
in the mail hold?
- No, she's already underwater.
- This is bad.
We should tell
Mother and Cal.
I thinkthey're very good, sir.
Don't touch anything.
I want the entire room photographed.
Just keep holding my hand.
We've been looking
foryou, miss.
Rose ( Sighs):
Well, here we go.
Something serious has happened.
Yes, it has.
Indeed. Two things dearto me
have disappeared this evening.
Now that one is back I have a pretty
good idea where to find the other.
- Search him.
- Takeyour coat off, sir.
- Now what?
- Come on.
Cal, what areyou doing? We're in the
middle ofan emergency. What's going on?
- Is this it?
- That's it.
This is horseshit!
- Don'tyou believe it, Rose. Don't!
- He couldn't have.
Ofcourse he could.
It's easy enough for a professional.
But I was with him the whole time.
This is absurd.
Perhaps he did it whileyou were putting
your clothes back on, dear.
Real slick, Cal.
Rose, they put it in my pocket.
- Shut up.
- It isn't even your pocket, is it, son?
Property ofA. L. Ryerson.
- That was reported stolen today.
- I just borrowed it.
- I was going to return it.
- We have an honest thief here, do we?
You know I didn't do this, Rose.
You know it.
Don'tyou believe them, Rose.
You know I didn't do it.
- Come on, let's go.
- You know I didn't do it, Rose. Rose!
Come on, son.
There's a good lad.
- Come on.
- You know I didn't do it! You know me!
Most unfortunate, Captain.
Water... 1 4 feet above
the keel in ten minutes--
In the forepeak, in all three holds
and in the boiler room six.
- That's right, sir.
- When can we get underway, damn it?
That's five compartments.
She can stay afloat with the first
four compartments breached
but not five-- not five.
As she goes down bythe head
the water
will spill overthe tops of bulkheads
at E deckfrom one to the next.
Back and back.
There's no stopping it.
The pumps--
Ifwe opened the doors--
The pumps buyyou time,
but minutes only.
From this moment,
no matterwhat we do
Titanicwill founder.
But this ship can't sink.
She's made of iron, sir.
I assureyou, she can...
and she will.
It is a mathematical certainty.
How much time?
An hour. Two at most.
And how many aboard,
Mr. Murdoch?
Well, I believeyou may get
your headlines, Mr. Ismay.
Oh, it is a little slut, isn't it? Will
you look at me when I'm talking toyou.
( KnockAtDoor)
- Mr. Hockley?
- Not now, we're busy.
Sir, I've been told to askyou to please
put on your lifebelts and come up to--
I said not now.
I'm sorryto inconvenienceyou,
Mr. Hockley, but it's Captain's orders.
Now, please, dress warmly.
It's quite cold out tonight.
Now, may I suggest
topcoats and hats.
- This is ridiculous.
- Not to worry, miss.
I am sure
it'sjust a precaution.
Everybody up!
Lifebelts on!
- ( MenScreaming Orders)
- What's heyelling about?
Everybody up!
Putyour lifebelts on!
- What's the ruckus?
-Just putyour lifebelts on!
That's right-- C.QD.
The distress call.
That's our position.
( Sighs)
Tell whoever responds
that we're going down bythe head.
We need immediate assistance.
Keep lowering!
Keep lowering!
( Crewman Yelling OutOrders)
Mr. Wilde! Mr. Wilde,
where are the passengers?
We moved them back inside.
It's too damn cold and noisyforthem.
You there!
(Blows Whistle)
Get down here and
help with these lines.
( Orchestra Playing
"Alexander's RagtimeBand")
( People Conversing)
Care for a drink, sir?
- Crewman: Please putyour lifebelts on.
- Hey, sonny, what's doing?
You got us all trussed up here
and now we're cooling our heels.
Sorry, ma'am.
Let me go and find out.
I don't think anybody knows
what the hell's going on around here.
It's the goddamned English
doing everything bythe book.
There's no need for language,
Mr. Hockley.
Go back and turn
the heaters on in our rooms.
I'd like a cup oftea
when I return.
Yes, ma'am.
Mr. Andrews.
I saw the iceberg
and I see it in your eyes.
Please tell me the truth.
The ship will sink.
- You're certain.
- Yes, in an hour or so....
all this will be
at the bottom ofthe Atlantic.
- What?
- Please, tell onlywhoyou must?
I don't want to
be responsible for a panic
and get to a boat quickly,
don't wait.
You rememberwhat I told you
about the boats?
I understand.
Over here, sir.
Sir, they need you
up in the second-class purser's office.
- There's a big mob up there.
- Go on, I'll keep an eye on him.
Aye, right.
Sir! Carpathia says
they're making 1 7 knots.
Full steam forthem, sir.
She's the only one responding?
The only one close, sir.
She says they can be here in four hours.
Four hours?
Thankyou, Bride.
( Softly):
My God.
( Crewmen Yelling OutOrders)
Sir! We are swung out
and ready, sir.
Hadn't we better get the women
and children into the boat, sir?
- Yes, we do.
- Sir?
Women and children first. Yes.
Yes, sir.
Crewman ( Yelling): Ladies
and gentlemen,your attention please!
Step this way, please.
That's right.
Come towards me.
Thankyou. Good.
Forthe time being, I shall require
onlywomen and children.
Right here.
All right, boys,
like the captain said
nice and cheery
so there's no panic.
"Wedding Dance."
( Orchestra BeginsPlaying)
Lifebelts on!
Here, putyour lifebelts on.
Putyour lifebelts on.
Here, putyour lifebelt on.
Here, come on, here.
( Commotion)
Crewman: It isn't time
to go up to the boatsyet.
Please stay calm.
Look, please, make sure, everybody,
you've gotyour lifebelts on
and gentlemen, allow the women
and children through to the front.
- What are we doing, Mommy?
- We'rejust waiting, dear.
When they're finished putting
the first-class people in the boats...
they'll start with us and
we'll want to be all ready, won't we?
( MenArguing)
Go and get some help.
Lower away!
Left and right together!
Steady! Both sides together.
Steady! Steady!
Stop! Stop!
- ( Screaming)
- Hold the left side! Right side only!
Right side only!
Right side only!
Hold the left side!
Right side down!
Lower awaytogether!
Steady, lads!
( Explosion)
( Passengers Gasp )
You know, I do believe
this ship may sink.
I've been asked to giveyou
this small token
ofour appreciation.
Compliments of
Mr. Caledon Hockley.
Come on, sister,you heard
the man-- into the boat.
Any room for a gentleman,
Onlywomen at this time, sir.
Will the lifeboats be seated
according to class?
I hope they're
not too crowded.
Oh, Mother, shut up!
Don'tyou understand? The water is
freezing and there aren't enough boats.
Not enough by half. Halfthe people
on this ship are going to die.
Not the better half.
Come on, Ruth, get in the boat.
First-class seats are right up here.
You know, it's a pity
I didn't keep that drawing.
It'll be worth
a lot more by morning.
You unimaginable bastard.
Molly: Come on, Rose, darling.
There's plenty of room foryou.
Come on, Rose.
You're next, darling.
Come into the boat, Rose.
- Come.
- Rose, get into the boat.
Good-bye, Mother.
Rose! Rose, come back here!
Where areyou going?
To him?
To be a whore to a gutter rat?
I'd rather be his whore
than yourwife.
No. No!
- I said no!
- ( Hawking)
Rose! Please stop!
And lower away!
- Rose!
- Man the tiller!
- No, wait!
- Lower away!
- Rose!
- Lowertogether!
Can anybody hear me?
( BangingPipe)
Hello, help me!
( Distantly):
Help me!
Can anybody hear me?
Somebody help me, please!
Mr. Andrews?
- Steward, checkthe starboard corridor.
- Yes, Mr. Andrews.
Madam, please put on a lifebelt.
Get to the boat deck immediately.
Lucy, for God's sake,
put on your lifebelt.
- Set a good example.
- Yes, sir.
- Anyone in here?
- Mr. Andrews? Mr. Andrews, thank God.
Where would the master-at-arms
take someone under arrest?
What? You have to get
to a boat right away.
No! I'm doing this with orwithoutyour
help, sir, but without will take longer.
Take the elevatorto the bottom. Go
to the left down the crewman's passage.
Then go right and left again at the
stairs. You'll come to a long corridor.
- This could be bad.
- (WaterGurgling)
Oh, shit. Oh, shit!
( Struggling)
- Excuse me, thankyou.
- Crewman: The lifts are closed.
- Woman: I do not care...
- The lifts are--
I'm sorry, miss,
but the lifts are closed.
I'm through being polite, goddamn it!
Now take me down!
E deck.
Come on. Oh, come on.
( Yells)
( Screams)
- I'm going back up!
- No!
No, no!
Come back!
I'm going back up.
I'm going back up!
Crew passage.
Crew passage.
( BreathingHard)
- Rose!
Rose, I'm in here!
I'm in here.
- I'm in here.
- Rose!
Jack!Jack! I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- That guy Lovejoy put it in my pocket.
- I know, I know, I know, I know.
Listen, Rose,you're going to have
to find a spare key, all right?
Look in that cabinet
right there.
It's a little
silver one, Rose.
- These are all brass ones!
- Check right here, Rose.
how did you find out
I didn't do it?
I didn't.
I just realized I already knew.
- Keep looking.
- Oh.
No key. There's no key!
All right, Rose, listen. You're going
to have to go find some help.
It'll be all right.
I'll be right back.
I'lljust wait here.
Hello, is there anyone here?
Hello? ls there anybody
down here?
We need help! Hello!
Damn it.
Can anybody hear me?
Please, hello! Hello!
Oh, thank God.
Wait, please, I need your help.
There's a man back here and--
( LoudRumbling)
( RoseBreathingHard)
- Hello?
- Ah, miss,you shouldn't be here now.
- Please, I need your help.
- This way, quickly.
There is a man down here
and he is trapped. Please.
- There's no need to panic.
- No, I'm not panicking.
You're going the wrong way!
Let go of me, listen!
- To hell with you.
- Oh!
( Ship Creaking)
( Softly):
Oh, my God...
- ( Explosion)
- ( Crackling)
( Gasping)
( LoudRumbling)
- Rose!
- Will this work?
- I guess we'll find out.
Come on.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Try a couple
of practice swings overthere.
All right.
Good, now tryto hit
the same mark again, Rose.
You can do it.
Okay, that's enough practice.
Come on, Rose,
you can do it. Listen.
Just hit it really hard
and reallyfast.
Wait, open your hands up
a little more.
- Like that?
- Right.
Listen, Rose, I trustyou.
-( Clang)
-( Gasps)
( ScreamingAndLaughing)
You did it!
Come on, let's go.
Oh, shit, this is cold.
Oh, shit!
Shit, shit.
- This is the way out.
- We have to find anotherway. Come on.
- Tiller: Pull.
- (Orchestra Playing)
Putyour backs into it, pull!
( DistantShouting)
Now, there's something
you don't see every day.
( DistantExplosion)
( Shouting)
What's this luggage doing here?
- Get rid of it, we need the room.
- (Crewman Giving Orders)
( Crying)
Keep calm.
-She's not on the starboard side either.
We're running out oftime
and this strutting martinet
isn't letting
any men on at all.
There's one on the other side
letting men on.
Well, then, that's our play. We'll need
some insurance first. Come on.
- ( Pounding)
- This way.
- All the way down here.
- (Jack Yelling)
Here! What doyou thinkyou're doing?
You'll have to payforthat,you know.
That's White Star Line property.
Shut up!
Will you hold the boat a moment?
I just have to run backto my room--
Sit down! She's the last.
All right to lower.
Mr. Lightoller, why are the boats
being launched halffull?
- Not now, Mr. Andrews.
- There, look, 20 or so
in a boat built for 65,
and I saw one boat with only 1 2-- 1 2!
Well, we weren't sure ofthe weight,
Mr. Andrews. These boats may buckle.
Rubbish! Theywere tested in Belfast
with the weight of70 men!
Now, fill these boats,
Mr. Lightoller, for God's sake, man!
Please, I need more women
and children, please.
Crewman: Get back in there.
This is not an exit.
Get back in there.
This is not an exit.
You can't keep us locked in here like
animals. The ship's bloody sinking!
Bring forward the women!
Unlockthe gates.
Women only! No men!
( Shouting)
Get back!
Lockthe gates!
Get them back
from those gates!
Don't touch the gates!
For God's sake, man, there are
women and children down here!
Let us up so we
can have a chance!
Get back!
- Tommy!
- Can we get out?
- It's hopeless that way!
Whateverwe do,
we've got to do it fast.
- Fabrizio!
- The boats are all gone.
- The whole place is flooding.
- There is nientethis way.
- All right.
Let's go this way,
all right? Come on.
- I make my own luck.
- So do l.
- Come on!
- No, come on. Let's go this way.
- (Crying)
- (SpeakingArabic)
- This way.
- Steward:Just go back
to the main stairwell
and everything will be sorted out there.
Hell, it will.
It will all get sorted out backthere.
Go backto the main stairwell.
- Open the gate.
- Go back down the main stair.
- Open the gate right now!
- Go back down the main stair...
Iike I told you.
- Goddamn it! Son ofa bitch!
- Stop that.
Open the damn gate! Open it!
Fabri, Tommy,
give me a hand here!
Move aside. Move aside. Come on, pull!
Pull! Pull!
- Move aside!
- Steward: Put that down.
- Move aside!
- One! Two!
- Stop that!
- Three!
( Screaming)
( Screaming)
Let's go!
-Jack: Let's go, Rose.
- You can't go up there.
You can't do this!
Keep order here. Back, back, back.
( Screaming)
Hold on to her!
Pull her in!
Get back I say
or I'll shootyou all like dogs.
Keep order here!
Keep order, I say.
Mr. Lowe, man this boat.
Right, is everybody all right?
Nobody panic.
- Crewman: Stay back!
- We're too late.
There are more boats
down the front.
Staywith this one-- Murdoch.
He seems to be quite practical.
( WomenScreaming)
Sit down!
Stay back,you lot.
Stay back!
Stay back, the lot ofyou!
Stay back!
- ( Gunshots)
- It's starting to fall apart.
We don't have much time.
- Mr. Murdoch?
- Mr. Hockley.
You two, with me, now.
I'm a businessman, asyou know and I
have a business proposition foryou.
Easy now. All together.
Lower away, lower away.
Come on, Rose.
The boats are gone!
Colonel, are there
any boats on that side?
No, miss, but there are a couple
of boats all the wayforward.
This way, I'll lead you.
( PlayingFinaIChord)
What's the use?
Nobody's listening to us anyway.
Well, they don't listen to us
at dinner either.
Come on, let's play. Keep us warm.
( PlayingFastMusic From
"Orpheus ln The Underworld")
Music to drown by.
Now I know I'm in first class.
- Where is everyone?
- They're all still aft, sir.
We have an understanding then,
Mr. Murdoch?
( EveryoneShouting)
( Gunshots)
Women and children only!
Get back!
Step back, sir. Come through, madam.
This way. Step back, sir.
You'd better check
the other side. Go!
Crewman: Any more women and children?
Any children?
I found her on the other side
waiting for a boat... with him.
- Any more women and children?
- They're all aboard, Mr. Murdoch.
Anyone else, then?
Anyone else? Hurry along.
Stand bythe falls.
( Softly):
Oh, goddamn it all to hell.
- Shit.
- Fire!
Sir! Sir,you can't
go through here.
Sir,you can't go through.
Yes,yes, splendid.
Prepare to lower!
Ready on the left.
Take them down.
Keep it steady.
Both sides together, steady.
Keep it steady.
- Give herto me.
- Girl: Daddy.
Man: It'll be fine, darling.
Don'tyou worry.
It's good-bye for a little while.
Onlyfor a little while.
There'll be another boat
forthe daddies.
This boat's forthe mummies
and the children.
You hold Mummy's hand
and be a good little girl.
- I'm not going withoutyou.
- No,you have to go... now!
- No,Jack.
- Get in the boat, Rose!
- No,Jack.
- Yes, get on the boat.
Yes, get on the boat, Rose.
My God, look atyou.
You look a fright.
Put this on. Come.
- Go on, I'll get the next one.
- No, not withoutyou.
Jack: I'll be all right.
Listen, I'll be fine.
I'm a survivor, all right?
Don't worry about me.
-Jack: Now go on, get on.
- I have an arrangement with an officer
on the other side
ofthe ship.
Jack and I can get offsafely,
both of us.
See? Got my own boat to catch.
Now, hurry. They're almost full.
- Step aboard, miss.
- Cal: Come on, hurry.
- Step aboard, please.
- Man: Be Daddy's good girl.
- Step lively.
- Crewman: Keep back, keep back, I say.
Clearthe row, please.
Lower away!
( Passengers Gasp )
Slowly. Keep going. Keep going.
And lower away evenly, lads.
Easy. Lower away.
- You're a good liar.
- Almost as good asyou.
Easy now... and lower away.
There's no, uh--
There's no arrangement, is there?
No, there is.
Not thatyou'll
benefit much from it.
I always win,Jack...
one way or another.
Easy. Even, lads.
Keep going, keep going.
- Rose!
- (Passengers Yelling)
- Stop her!
-Jack: Rose, what areyou doing?
- Cal: Stop her!
- No!
You're so stupid.
Why'd you do that?
You're so stupid, Rose.
Why did you do that? Why?
Youjump, I jump, right?
Oh, God, I couldn't go.
I couldn't go,Jack.
It's all right.
We'll think ofsomething else.
- Rose: At least I'm with you.
- We'll think ofsomething.
Come on!
( Gunshot)
Come on, move!
- Come on.
- (Gunshot, RoseScreams)
- ( Gunshot)
- ( Screams)
Come on,
Come on, Rose. Come on.
-( Gunshot)
- Rose, come on!
- (Gunshot)
- Move, Rose!
- ( Gunshot)
- Go!
( Grunts ln Despair)
( MetaIGroaning)
I hopeyou enjoy
yourtime together.
( Chuckles)
What could possibly be funny?
I put the diamond in the coat.
And I put the coat on her!
Come on.
( Dishes Clinking)
( Child Yelling)
( Screaming)
We can't leave him.
All right, come on.
( Wailing)
( ChildScreaming)
Go back!
( Yellingln Czech )
It's the wrong way!
Come back!
( RoseAndJack Yelling
ForMan To Stop )
( Water Thundering)
- Rose!
( Groaning)
This way.
Come on. Give meyour hand.
Oh, God!
Wait, sir,
open the gate, please. Please.
Please. Help us.
Bloody hell.
- Come on, come on!
- Come on!
- Go, go!
Please. Come on. Hurry!
Come on!
I'm sorry,
I dropped the keys.
Wait! Please!
Don't leave, please!
Get more help! No!
I got them.
Which one is it, Rose?
The sharp one,
trythe sharp one.
- Oh, no!
- Hurry,Jack.
- It's stuck.
- Hurry.
- It's stuck.
- Hurry,Jack!
( Screaming)
I got it, I got it!
Go! Go, Rose!
Go, go!
Jack!Jack, come on!
Move, move!
Keep on rocking. Oars in place.
Get an oar under it.
Women and children only, damn you.
Hold it, hold it.
( Men Yelling)
Get these davits cranked in.
Then get the falls hooked up.
Stay back.
Help me.
( Crying)
Keep going up.
Stop pushing!
Stay back!
Will you give us a chance to live,
you limey bastard?
I'll shoot any man who tries
to get past me. Get back!
- Bastard!
- Get back!
We had a deal, damn you.
Your money can't saveyou any more
than it can save me. Get back.
Women and children only!
( Gunshot)
( Gunshot)
( PassengersScreaming)
Tommy! No, Tommy.
Oh, no, oh, no.
Oh, no. Oh, Tommy.
- No, Will!
- (Gunshot)
Stand back, damn you.
Get back, damn you.
( Screaming)
- ( Child Crying)
- I have a child.
- Cal: I have a child.
- Clear a path here.
Please, I have a child.
Please, I'm all she has
in the world.
Go on. Step back,
step back, I say.
- Please.
- Woman: Here, give herto me.
Give her here.
- ( Child Wailing)
- There, there.
Wait, wait, wait.
Mr. Andrews.
Oh, Rose.
Won'tyou even
make a tryfor it?
I'm sorrythat I didn't build you
a stronger ship,young Rose.
It's going fast.
We have to move.
Good lucktoyou, Rose.
And toyou.
Mr. Guggenheim.
These are foryou, Mr. Guggenheim.
No, thankyou.
We are dressed in our best
and are prepared to go down
as gentlemen.
But we would like a brandy.
Capitan. Capitan,
where should I go? Please.
Captain! Captain, sir.
( Orchestra StilIPlaying)
Right, that's it, then.
Good-bye, Wally, good luck.
So long, old chap.
( BeginsPlaying
"NearerMy God To Thee")
(Joinsln )
( Orchestra StilIPlaying)
And so they lived
happilytogetherfor 300years
in the land ofTir Na Nog
the land ofeternal
youth and beauty.
( Playing
"NearerMy God To Thee")
( CrewmenAndPassengers
There's no time!
Cut those falls!
Cut them, cut them
ifyou have to!
I need a knife. I need a knife.
Cut her loose.
Cut those bloodyfalls.
( PlayingLastNotes OfSong)
it has been a privilege
playing with you tonight.
( People Screaming)
( Screaming)
We have to stay on the ship
as long as possible! Come on!
This way. Overthe rail!
Come on.Jump!
Come on!
( Screaming)
( Gasping)
I gotyou.Jump!
( Gasping)
I've gotyou, miss!
-Jack: Come on!
Get back!
( CablesSnapping)
( MetaIGroaning)
No! You'll swamp us.
( HystericaIShrieking)
Yea, though I walkthrough
the valley ofthe shadow ofdeath...
You want to walk a little faster
through that valleythere?
( WildScreaming)
Row! Pull together!
( Screams)
Holy Mary, mother ofGod
prayfor us sinners now and
at the hour ofour death, amen.
Hail Mary, full ofgrace
- the Lord is with thee.
- This way.
Come on. Come on!
( Gasping)
I saw a new heaven
and a new earth
when the first heaven and
the first earth had passed away...
- ( WomenScreaming)
- and there was no more sea.
( Gasping)
- Woman: Help me!
- It'll be over soon.
It'll all be over soon.
And He shall dwell with them
and they shall be His people
and God Himself
shall be with them...
Jack, this is where we first met.
And God shall wipe away
all the tears from their eyes
and there shall be
no more death.
Neither shall there
be sorrow or crying.
Neither shall there be
any more pain
forthe formerworld
has passed away.
( Shattering)
Bloody pull faster, and pull!
( People Screaming)
( Yelling)
- Man: Hang on, Miss Trudy!
- (Shrieking)
( Crashing, Shattering
( Yells)
( Screams)
Help me! Please, save me!
- Woman: Help!
-Jack: Hold on real tight!
( Shriekingln Distance)
( WomanSobbing)
( Terrible Screaming
And Yellingln Distance)
God Almighty!
Get those breakers in! Keep them in!
( Crackling)
( Screams)
- ( PanickedScreaming)
- ( Ship Groaning)
( PlanksSplitting)
( EveryoneScreaming)
( Cries Out)
We have to move!
- Give meyour hand, I'll pull you over.
- I can't!
Come on,
give meyour hand!
I've gotyou.
I won't let go.
Come on, I've gotyou.
- What's happening,Jack?
- I don't know. I don't know.
-Jack: Hold on!
- Rose:Jack!
That was close.
Man: Help me, please!
Someone help me, please!
( TerrifiedScreaming,
( Man Yells)
( Panting)
( Lets GoAndScreams)
Please help! Help! Help! Help!
( WomanScreamingForHelp )
This is it!
Oh, God! Oh, God!
- Hold on!
- Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh!
The ship is going
to suck us down.
Take a deep breath
when I say.
Kickforthe surface
and keep kicking.
Do not let go of my hand.
We're going to make it, Rose.
Trust me.
I trustyou.
Ready? Ready? Now!
( TakingDeep Breath )
( Screaming)
- ( EveryoneScreaming)
( Rose's Calls DrownedOut
- ( Gasping)
- Rose!
Get off her! Get off her!
- Rose!
Swim, Rose!
I need you to swim!
Keep swimming!
- It's so cold!
- Swim, Rose!
Come on... here.
Keep swimming. Come on.
Here, get on it.
Get on top.
( Gasping)
- Come on, Rose.
- ( Gasping)
( Rose Yells)
- Stay on it. Stay on, Rose.
You'll be all right now.
You'll be all right now.
( Whistle Blows)
Return the boats!
- ( Both Shivering)
- ( Whistle Blows)
The boats are coming backfor us, Rose.
Hold onjust a little bit longer.
Return the boats!
They... had to row awayforthe suction,
but now they'll be coming back.
Come back!
- For God's sake!
- Please!
- Help us!
- Help us!
( FaintCries ln Distance)
Come back! For God's sake!
You don't understand.
Ifwe go back, they'll swamp the boat.
They'll pull us down, I'm tellingyou.
Knock it off--
You're scaring me.
Come on, girls--
Grab an oar, let's go!
Man: Areyou out ofyour mind? We're
in the middle ofthe North Atlantic!
Now, doyou people want to live
or doyou want to die?
I don't understand a one ofyou.
What's the matterwith you?
It'syour men out there!
- ( Crying)
- There's plenty of room for more.
And there'll be one less on this boat if
you don't shut that hole in yourface!
Woman ( ln Distance):
Come back!
( Whistle Blowing,
People ShoutingForHelp )
Here, take this one.
Lowe: Now bring in your oars overthere
and tie these two boats together.
Now make sure that's tied up
nice and tight.
Right, listen to me, men,
we have to go back.
I want to transfer all the women
from this boat
into that boat right now
as quick asyou can, please.
Let's get some space there.
Move forward and aft.
( ScatteredMoaning)
( Shivering)
It's getting quiet.
( Shivering)
It'sjust going to take them
a couple of minutes
to get the boats organized.
I don't know aboutyou
but I intend to write
a stronglyworded letter
to the White Star Line
about all this.
( ScatteredMoaning
AndPleadingln Distance)
I loveyou,Jack.
Don'tyou do that.
Don'tyou sayyour good-byes.
Doyou understand me?
I'm so cold.
Listen, Rose...
you're going
to get out of here.
You're going to go on
and you're going
to make lots of babies
and you're going
to watch them grow.
You're going to die an old...
an old ladywarm in her bed.
Not here. Not this night.
Not like this.
Doyou understand me?
I can't feel my body.
Winning that ticket, Rose, was
the best thing that ever happened to me.
It brought me toyou...
and I'm thankful forthat, Rose.
- I'm thankful.
- ( Crying)
You must-- You must--
You must do me this honor--
You must promise me
thatyou'll survive
thatyou won't give up
no matterwhat happens
no matter how hopeless.
Promise me now, Rose
and never let go
ofthat promise.
I promise.
Never let go.
I will never let go,Jack.
( Shivering)
I'll never let go.
- ( Kisses HerHand)
- ( Both Shivering)
Right ahead, sir.
Doyou see any moving?
No, sir.
None moving, sir.
Bring that oar up here.
Checkthem, make sure.
These are dead, sir.
Now give way. Ahead easy.
Careful with your oars.
Don't hit them.
( Shouts):
ls there anyone alive out there?
( FaintAndEchoing):
Can anyone hear me?
Is there anyone alive out there?
We waited too long.
Well, keep checking them,
keep looking!
Is there anyone alive out there?
Can anyone hear me?
( RoseSingingSoftly
( SingingSoftly)
"And it's up she goes. "
" Up she goes. "
( ContinuesSinging)
( Lowe's Voice,
Jack, there's a boat.
( Faltering):
There's a boat,Jack.
( CryingSoftly)
( Weakly):
Come back. Come back.
( Voices OfSearchers)
Come back. Come back.
Come back.
( Louder):
Come back, come back.
Can anyone hear me?
There's nothing here, sir.
Come back.
Come back.
I'll never let go.
I promise.
( Sobbing)
( Grunting)
( Blowing Whistle Faintly)
( BlowingStronger)
( Faint Whistling)
- ( Louder Whistling)
- Come about!
( Blowing Whistle Loudly)
( WhistlingReverberates Faintly)
when Titanicsankfrom under us.
There were 20 boats
floating nearby
and only one came back.
Sixwere saved
from the water
myself included.
Six... out of 1 ,500.
Afterward, the 700 people
in the boats
had nothing to do but wait--
wait to die, wait to live...
wait for an absolution
that would never come.
Oh, sir, I don't thinkyou'll find
any ofyour people down here.
It's all steerage.
His hair is reddish brown.
Reddish brown.
Reddish brown and a white beard.
lsn't there another passenger list?
- There's no other list.
- Perhaps he's on another ship.
- We're doing all we can, ma'am.
- There's got to be another list!
That's thelasttime
Hemarried, ofcourse,
andinheritedhis millions
butthe crash of'29
hit his interests hard
in his mouth thatyear
or so I read.
( Rain Drizzling)
Can I take
your name please, love?
Rose Dawson.
We neverfound anything onJack.
There's no record of him at all.
No, there wouldn't be,
would there?
And I've never
spoken of him until now.
Not to anyone,
not even your grandfather.
A woman's heart
is a deep ocean ofsecrets.
But nowyou know there was
a man namedJack Dawson
and that he saved me
in everyway
that a person can be saved.
I don't even have
a picture of him.
He exists now only in my memory.
Man: Keldysh, Keldysh, Mir2
on ourwayto the surface.
Brock: You know I was saving this
forwhen I found the diamond.
( Man Givinglnstructions
OverP.A. )
I'm sorry.
I've thought of nothing
except Titanic
but I never got it.
I never let it in.
" Every night in my dreams "
" I seeyou "
" I feel you "
"That is how I know "
"You go on "
" Far across the distance "
"And spaces between us "
"You have come to show "
"You go on "
" Near"
" Far"
"Whereveryou are "
" I believe that "
"The heart does go on "
" Once more "
"You open the door"
"And you're here in my heart "
"And my heart will "
" Go on and on "
" Love can touchjust one time "
"And last for a lifetime "
"And never let go "
"Till we're gone "
" Love was when I loved you "
" One true time I hold to "
" ln my life we'll always "
" Go on "
" Near"
" Far"
"Whereveryou are "
" I believe that "
"The heart does go on "
" Once more "
"You open the door"
"And you're here in my heart "
"And my heart will "
" Go on and on "
"You're here "
"There's nothing I fear"
"And I know that "
" My heart will go on "
"We'll stay"
" Foreverthis way"
"You are safe in my heart "
"And my heart will "
" Go on and on "
( SongEnds)