To All the Boys I've Loved Before (2018)

The forbidden kiss.
We knew that it was wrong,
that he was betrothed to my sister.
But if this wasn't what he wanted,
then why did he come
to the field of desire?
It was fated,
that we should meet like this.
Are we hanging out or what?
I just want to finish this chapter.
Should we go down and help him?
He wants to do it himself,
but please come help me set the table.
I hate when Dad makes Korean food,
it always tastes like butt.
Regardless, whatever Dad puts
in front of you, take a bite
and say, "Mm, just like Mom's," okay?
I was still eating smushed peas
when Mom died.
- Hey.
- Hey!
I'm not too late, am I?
I was trying to meditate,
but I ended up falling asleep.
- Smells good, Dr. C.
- Hey, Josh.
Lara Jean.
So, uh... What you cooking?
- If you just rock thisback and forth...
- It's supposed to fall off the bone.
Hey, Josh, come hang on to this
while I saw, would ya?
Electric knife's in the kitchen,
it'll have that ready in two seconds.
Looks great, Daddy. I'll be back.
I can't believe we're not going
to see her until Thanksgiving.
Christmas actually, Scotland's too far
to come back for Thanksgiving.
Wait, are you kidding?
We're not gonna see her till Christmas!
Look on the bright side,
Margot won't be taking the car every day,
you can practice your driving.
- I forgot I had to drive with Lara now.
- Feel free to take the bus.
I can give you a ride.
I'm not disappearing, I'm next door.
Or I can drive,
and if we get pulled over,
we'll switch places real quick.
- Top-notch idea, honey.
- What'd I miss?
We were talking
about what a bad driver Lara Jean is.
Yeah, we were,
but we were also talking about airplanes,
which speaking of...
I have a surprise for you.
You couldn't come home for Thanksgiving,
I figured I'd bring home to you.
It's a plane ticket,
I'm coming to Scotland.
Look at Josh stepping up!
You... You already paid for this?
Yeah, I had a Google alert set for flights
as soon as you decided
you wanted to go to school there.
Mm... Just like Mom's.
I guess I should tell you
a little bit about Josh.
He and Margot have been together
for the past two years,
but before Margot even cared
that he existed,
he was my first boyfriend.
Well, space between the words...
boy who was a friend.
I could talk to him about anything.
We really understood one another.
Okay, would you rather only drink water
for the rest of your life,
or you can drink whatever you want,
but it has to have a drop of pee in it?
Clear or yellow?
It has to be a little yellow.
I mean, pee. Definitely pee.
I can't give up Mountain Dew.
Yeah, definitely. Pee's the only answer.
We didn't stop being friends
when Josh and Margot got together,
it was just different.
Water. Definitely water.
Yeah, me too.
They didn't want me to feel left out,
so they invited me everywhere...
even on dates.
They tried to make it
as normal as possible, but...
I still felt like a third wheel.
It's not that I wanted to steal
my sister's boyfriend or anything.
I was super happy for Margot.
She deserves a great guy like Josh.
And so I wrote him a letter.
I wasn't going to send the letter,
it was just for me
to understand how I was feeling.
But really, I guess it was mainly
about how sometimes I imagined
what it would've been like if I'd realized
how I felt about him sooner.
...making me look
like the bad guy.
- You know how hard that was?
- You shouldn't have in front of them!
My letters are my most secret possessions.
There are five total:
Kenny from camp;
Peter from seventh grade;
Lucas from Homecoming;
John Ambrose from Model UN;
and Josh.
I write a letter when I have a crush
so intense I don't know what else to do.
Rereading my letters reminds me
of how powerful my emotions can be,
how all-consuming.
And Margot would say I'm being dramatic,
but I think drama can be fun...
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
Just as long
as nobody else knows about it.
Your room's a mess.
Are you okay?
I don't know, I just broke up with Josh.
You did what?
Before Mom died, she said I should never
go to college with a boyfriend.
But you love him.
I know.
So, do you think
you might change your mind?
No, never.
When I was packing for college,
I had Daddy make a box of things
to take to Goodwill.
I think you should do it too,
I made you a box.
I don't really think there's anything
I can part with at the moment.
Lara Jean, I'm leaving tomorrow.
That means
you're going to be the biggest sister.
You need to set a good example
for Kitty,
no gorging on chips before dinner
and a clean room.
Can we go back to talking
about how you're sad?
Margot says
when something is no longer useful,
you either donate it,
recycle it, or throw it away.
I always knew she felt that way
about objects but...
I didn't think she could feel that
about a person.
...will depart from Gate 39.
Come here.
Hey, you need a magazine.
We'll be right back.
You gonna be okay?
Did you have to pick the furthest college
you could think of?
Who am I supposed to eat lunch with?
I think you should look at this
as an opportunity to branch out,
- make new friends.
- No.
- You never know what could happen.
- That's what I'm afraid of.
If you need me, I'm a Skype call away.
Until you start going to pubs
and eating haggis
with your Scottish friends,
and forget about us.
I can promise you I will never, ever...
eat haggis.
We couldn't decide,
so we got you all of them.
That's Road & Track,
it doesn't sound that interesting,
but if you stick with it... Come here.
Alright, I gotta go.
Think she'll turn around?
No, that's not Margot.
Can we have a dog now?
No, but that's a nice try.
Lara Jean. It's only gonna take
a second. Just smile.
Sixth grade and junior year,
can hardly believe it.
Okay, you ready to go?
One sec.
Give me those.
Okay, just drive safe. I gotta go.
You look great.
All set.
- That's very funny.
- Very necessary.
- Ow! Excuse you.
- Oh, my God, Gen.
I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention.
Oh, it's you.
We used to be best friends,
but post-middle school,
for reasons having to do
with her popularity and my lack thereof,
we are now decidedly not.
Cute boots.
Thank you so much for your service.
They're vintage, but I got them on Etsy.
And they're amazing!
Not everybody can pull them off.
Lara Jean can rock 'em!
But for you, cuz, well,
let's just say it's probably a good thing
you're playing it safe with those Uggs.
Christine. Chris...
Gen's cousin, my best friend.
My only friend, really.
Know what, Chrissie? Screw you,
you know my feet are always cold.
- Hey, babe.
- Oh!
- Hi.
- How you doing?
- I'm good. How are you?
- Good.
Remember Peter,
the second non-recipient
of one of my love letters?
That's this Peter. Gen's Peter.
Seventh grade,
my first real boy/girl party.
Everyone knew that Peter and Gen,
who at the time was still my BFF,
only wanted to kiss each other.
I can spin it again.
You can't cheat the bottle.
So I was just complimenting Lara Jean
on her government-issued boots.
Come on,
I see someone we need to say hi to.
- Bye!
- What...
She just stopped drinking caffeine
for some diet,
I think she's in withdrawal.
Are you sure she just doesn't have
a chemical imbalance?
Really think my boots are amazing?
If you ask, it ruins the whole vibe.
Be cool.
Anyway, you think I'm gonna
let my cousin talk trash about you?
Um, is this seat taken?
Well, by you.
I gotta ask...
did she tell you she was gonna do it?
Because I just figure you guys
talk about everything, right? So...
She didn't tell me about this.
We're still cool, right?
We can still talk and...
you know, kick it?
Ugh... Don't say "kick it."
Yes, we are cool.
Do you want a carrot?
Give me a carrot.
I know what you're thinking,
but we really were cool.
However I felt about Josh...
New album.
...I would never do that to Margot.
The middle school cafeteria
is so ginormous.
Alison wanted to sit at lunch,
but so did Brianna and Katy.
I ended up rotating so everyone had time
next to me, you know?
Yeah, I can totally relate.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Good thing I'm wearing my helmet!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How you doing?
- Good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You know people usually check behind them
before they reverse
to avoid killing others,
it's a thing we do.
Yeah, I'm just not completely comfortable
with using my mirrors yet, so...
Yeah, clearly.
Think you're gonna be able
to make it out of the parking lot?
Yeah. We're fine.
Really, seriously.
Um, so you should just...
go, seriously.
Sure, whatever you say, Covey.
Hey, you're in charge.
Who was that?
That was Peter Kavinsky.
- What are we waiting for?
- The rest of the cars to leave.
Oh, my gosh.
Blanche, you simply have to help me.
- What do you think Margot's doing tonight?
- Crack.
Kitty, why would you say that?
It's how Scottish people say fun.
Like, "You're a good craic."
I looked it up.
It's weird not having her here, huh?
It's weird not having Josh here, too.
I miss his Blanche impression.
How many boyfriends
could a naive farmer's daughter
possibly have had?
Excuse me?
You know,
Lara Jean, if you had a boyfriend,
maybe you wouldn't have to drive at all
'cause he would take us places.
If that's what it takes,
I think you're stuck with me.
I dunno. What about the guy
you almost killed the other day?
He's dating Gen.
It's not just that...
Don't you find it kinda depressing
that it's Saturday night,
and you're having a Golden Girls marathon
with your little sister?
No. I love the Golden Girls,
and I love hanging out with you.
I'm not telling you this
to make you feel bad,
but, Lara Jean,
I'm 11 and I canceled plans
to be here tonight.
And well, you're 16,
and I don't think
you had anything else going on,
am I right?
That is way harsh, Kitty.
The truth hurts, Lara Jean.
What'd you do last night?
I finished another book. It was so good.
Another bodice ripper, you little perv.
- I enjoy them for their camp.
- Yeah, right!
- Don't worry, girl, no judgment.
- Hey! Can I talk to you?
- Um, me?
- Yeah.
Hey, PK, I heard my cousin dumped you
for a college student, that true?
- I heard you have a tail.
- Yep, really cute. Like a little piggy.
I need to talk to...
I need to talk to Lara Jean.
If you need me,
I'll be in the nurse's office,
with a migraine,
Googling Justin Trudeau shirtless.
Look, I wanted to say that I really...
I appreciate it,
but it's never gonna happen.
I'm sorry, what?
From what I remember that kiss was hot,
you know, for being in seventh grade,
and I think it's really cool you think
I have golden specks in my eyes.
It's just, Gen and I are in
a really weird place right now.
I don't know
what you hoped to accomplish. Whoa!
Hey, Lara Jean.
Lara Jean!
Lara Jean, wake up.
Hello? Hey, can I get some help over here?
Hey. Hey...
Wake up!
Are you okay?
- What happened?
- You fainted.
Oh... Okay.
Here, give me your hand.
And the other one, too.
Come on, you got this.
Here we go. And you're up.
Want me to call someone,
get you some water?
No, I'm okay.
You sure?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Oh... Okay. Wha...
Stop that!
Two more laps for you, Covey!
- Thank you.
- Wait... Wha...
Uh, I...
Lara Jean!
Hey, Lara Jean, you in there?
Hi, Lucas.
Hey, Lara Jean.
That ascot looks really cool on you.
Oh, yeah. Thanks.
It's actually a cravat.
I really like your braid crown.
Oh, cool. Cool.
My sister did it for me.
I... It's dope.
Do you maybe wanna dance?
Oh, my God. I never thought you'd ask!
Look, I didn't mean to barge in on you.
I saw you run in here and I wanted
to make sure you're OK, and, uh...
thought you might want that back.
It seemed a little personal.
Lucas, I wrote this years ago.
Freshman homecoming, right?
I had a lot of fun that night, too.
But I feel like I should tell you, though,
you know I'm gay, right?
I did not.
Yes. Of course, yes. I... I did. I did.
But don't like tell anyone, though.
I'm out and I'm not ashamed.
You know, my mom knows.
My dad kinda knows.
It's just...
- High school.
- High school. Yeah.
Hey, sweetheart.
Hi, Dad.
All good?
Have you seen a green box? It has fabric
on top, it's round, there's a bow on it.
Wow. No "hi, Dad,"
no "why are you home early?"
Maybe because your patient delivered
in under six hours,
you brought a new life into the world,
and you're home to...
I really need to know.
Mom gave it to me. It's very important.
I don't know. Maybe it went out
with the Goodwill boxes.
The Goodwill boxes?
No, no.
Hey, you got some mail.
This is all your fault!
I hate everyone!
What's her problem?
Moon day?
Moon day?
Menstruation is science,
nothing to do with the moon.
Says you, doctor man!
But the Goddess within says
it's a sacred rhythm
that represents the deepest celebration
of womanhood.
The letters are out. They're out.
There's nothing you can do about it.
Silver lining,
Kenny's letter was addressed to camp,
so at least he'll never find out how hard
you were crushing after Chubby Bunny.
You really oughta relax.
I know you love me.
Loved, past tense.
You're Margot's.
Dear Josh, I lie awake at night
and imagine running my fingers
through your hair.
- Feeling your strong arms aro...
- Shut up!
You're not real.
I'm more real to you than he is.
What are you doing?
Lara Jean, Josh is here.
You never saw me!
Ow, ow, ow. Ow!
Hey, Covey.
Oh... Anything for your friend?
He's not with me.
I'd like a chocolate shake. Thanks.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
So what you doing here?
I'm just here to take down
one of those chocolate shakes.
Actually, I stopped at your house,
your sister said you'd probably be here.
Look, I just wanna be super clear.
- Okay.
- Okay?
I'm flattered, I am, but...
Gen and I, like, just broke up so...
Are you trying to reject me?
Yeah, it didn't really seem like it took
the first time.
Peter Kavinsky,
I'm not trying to date you.
Your mouth is saying something,
but your mouth said something different.
Thank you, uh... Joan.
Okay, um... So here's the thing,
I don't actually like you.
I just had to make it look
like I liked you
so someone else wouldn't think
I liked them.
Oh, okay. Okay, who?
- What?
- Who?
You gotta tell me
who this mystery stud is,
otherwise I'm gonna go on believing
you have a secret tattoo with my face on.
Should I tell the school
that you wrote me a love letter?
Okay, okay. Fine. Fine. Um...
It's Josh Sanderson.
Wait, hold on, Sanderson?
Doesn't that guy date your sister?
Well, he dated my sister,
in the past tense.
He also got a letter, so you can see
how awkward and complicated
- that's gonna get if he thinks I like him.
- Hold on. Stop.
I'm not the only guy that got a letter?
Wow, you really think you're special,
then you find out she wrote two guys.
I wrote five,
so don't go feeling too special.
- You wrote five love letters?
- Yeah.
Damn, Covey, you're a player.
Who else did you write letters to?
- If I tell you will you leave me alone?
- Maybe.
Okay, Lucas James.
He's... He's gay.
- You don't know that.
- Everyone knows.
- Who else?
- Um...
Someone from camp and someone
I went to Model UN with in fifth grade.
So, are we good here?
Um... Yeah. No, yeah, we're good.
Okay, great.
Wait, wait, wait.
It's just...
That sparkly bike out front,
is that your ride?
Thanks for driving me.
Yeah, sure.
- Sorry for the whole jumping you thing.
- Coulda been worse, right?
What are you gonna say to Sanderson?
- I guess the truth.
- Yeah, but, you know...
What is the truth?
Do you like him, do you not like him?
It's not your problem, Peter.
Hey, hold on.
What if you didn't tell him?
What if we let people think
we were actually together?
Just for a little while.
And not just Sanderson. I mean everybody.
Why would you want that?
For starters, when Gen heard
you kissed me, she went nuts,
and if she thinks you and I are a thing,
she'll want to get back together.
Oh, so you wanna use me as your pawn?
Ah, well, see... Technically, you used me
as your pawn first when you jumped me.
You don't have to give me an answer now,
just think about it, okay?
Yep. Don't hold your breath.
Yo, Sanderson, yeah?
Taking Lara Jean home?
Looks like it.
Hey, how long you two been hanging out?
Not long.
- Will you call me?
- Stop.
There's so much I wanna talk about,
music I wanna share,
tattoos I wanna get with you.
Stop. Josh, this cannot happen.
We'd be so great together.
Oh, my God. Shut it.
It's a cool trick, right?
You wanna see me do it again?
Oh, my God.
Hey, Kavinsky!
Let's do this.
I'm going to trig.
- Have a nice day.
- Yeah.
Carry on.
As you were.
So, first things first,
we need to have a contract
so we're on the same page
about the rules.
You got rules? Come on, you really know
how to zap the fun out of a situation.
It's important to know
where you stand on certain issues.
Okay, like what?
For example,
I don't want you to kiss me anymore.
You crazy? Who's gonna believe
we're in a relationship
if I'm not allowed to kiss you?
You may be the James Dean
of this kind of stuff
but I've never had a boyfriend.
You have the references
of an 80-year-old woman.
What does that matter?
It mattersbecause
I don't want all my firsts to be fake.
If I'm making out with someone,
I'm gonna do it for real.
But you kissed me first.
This is non-negotiable.
We need to figure something out
because people are gonna get suspicious
if I'm not allowed to touch you.
Okay, you have a point. How about this?
You can put your hand in my back pocket.
Hand in your back pocket?
What the hell is that?
Sixteen Candles?
It's the opening image.
It's a couples thing.
Yeah, maybe in the '70s.
Sixteen Candle s was the '80s.
John Hughes?
- Nothing?
- Mm.
Two more rules.
You have to watch Sixteen Candles with me
because it's a classic,
and we can never tell anyone
this relationship is fake,
because it would be too humiliating
for both of us.
Duh, first rule ofFight Club.
Are you serious?
You've never seen Fight Club?
Oh, my God!
Okay, write it down. Double feature.
After we watch the Candles movie,
we are watching Fight Club.
Fight Club...
Sixteen Candles...
No snitching.
Anything else?
I could...
I could write you notes,
every day.
You'd do that?
Gen was always on me
to write her them. I never did,
so if I start sending them to you,
she'll be pissed, it'll be good.
How romantic.
Also, you have to come with me
to my lacrosse games and parties.
You have to pick up my sister and I
and drive us to school.
But you're coming on the ski trip.
The Adler High ski trip was infamous
for being the location where
more students lost their virginity
than Senior Week and Prom combined.
I have never been.
That's three months away. Do you think
we're still gonna be doing this?
Let's call it a contingency.
No one in their right mind is gonna let
their boyfriend go without them,
so if we are still doing this
by the time it comes around,
you have to go with me.
I'm certainthat by the time
the ski trip comes around,
Peter and I will be ancient history,
and that is the only reason I say...
Okay. Deal.
Come on, Kitty. We're gonna be late.
I hate taking the bus.
Can you please man up and start driving?
Hey. Y'all ready?
Oh, hell, yes!
Hey, little LJ, what is that?
A Korean yogurt smoothie.
And my name, thanks for asking,
is Katherine Song Covey.
Kitty to my friends.
You can call me Katherine.
Yes, ma'am. She's feisty!
Kitty, put on your seat belt.
So how exactly
do you know my sister again?
I guess I'm her boyfriend.
Can I have some of that?
Oh, wow. That is really good.
Hey, what do I have to do
to get you to bring me
one of these tomorrow?
You're driving us again?
Yeah, of course.
Okay, you can call me Kitty!
I was used to being invisible,
but now, people were looking at me,
talking about me.
What are you doing?
This is for you.
Good job.
I'll see you in a bit, okay?
It's weird and somewhat off-putting
to be congratulated on doing nothing more
than accepting a note
and having an ass pocket
for someone to stick their hand into,
but I guess
that's where my life has taken me.
The Kavinsky thing is insane!
Who knew you had a secret boner
for the king of the cafeteria crowd?
I know, I'm just as shocked as you are.
Did Margot freak?
Actually, you know,
I've been avoiding her calls
so she doesn't know yet.
Hi, Margot. How's college?
So listen, did I mention
I have a fake boyfriend?
No? Yeah, it's Peter Kavinsky.
How did it start?
See, that's a funny story,
because it definitely was not because
I was trying to convince your ex-boyfriend
that I wasn't in love with him,
that's for sure.
Oh, shit...
Hi, finally. I feel like we haven't talked
in forever, so tell me everything.
I'm just making cupcakes tonight
for Kitty's bake sale.
Cupcakes? No.
It's so much easier to do brownies.
Well, I bought all the ingredients
for cupcakes,
and you're not really here, so...
Okay, fine, do cupcakes.
I'm sure they'll be great.
So have you seen Josh at all lately?
What? No. Why would I be seeing Josh?
I don't know, 'cause he's our neighbor?
Is everything okay with you?
No, you know... No, you know, sorry.
I am just so excited
to get to these cupcakes.
I think I'm gonna go and do that,
but it was so good to see you.
- Wait, Lara Jean!
- Bye!
Who are you supposed to be,
the Pillsbury Doughboy?
No, I'm making cupcakes
for Kitty's bake sale.
Can I come in?
- Sure.
- Cool.
You know it's easier if you make something
you can cut into squares like brownies?
My mom used to do it for my brother.
Peter Kavinsky, what are you doing here?
Did you not read my note?
I'm taking you to Greg's party.
- Oh, I'm not going to that.
- Yeah, you are.
One, Gen is gonna be there,
and two, parties are in the contract.
Sorry, Peter, I can't.
A deal's a deal.
You can't what? Is that Peter Kavinsky?
Little Peter Kavinsky,
you're as tall as me now.
- Good to see you again, Dr. Covey.
- You can call me Dan.
I'm here to pick up Lara Jean,
take her to a friend's party.
The parents will be home,
and I will have her home early.
Is it alright if we go?
- Yes.
- No!
I can't go.
I have to finish these cupcakes.
I think Kitty
and I can handle some cupcakes.
Why don't you go have fun
with your friend Peter Kavinsky?
Get dressed, get changed,
you look like a crazy lady.
Dad, don't, please.
No drinking. No drugs.
- No hands.
- You got it.
I don't know, Peter. I...
No, we're going. It's in the contract.
- What are you doing? Give me this.
- No.
What? No. Give that back.
I'm keeping it. I like your hair down.
You look pretty.
I'll prove it to you.
- See?
- Fine.
But you can't lose it.
That's my favorite scrunchie.
Deal. Give me your phone.
- Why?
- Would you trust me?
Alright, you need to make this
your new background.
- What's your new background?
- Come on. You know I already got it.
- Wait, maybe I should just...
- Come on!
I never miss.
I told you I never miss, man.
Welcome to my party.
It's gorgeous. This your new pad?
It's my parents' pad,
but I'll take credit.
- I'm gonna get you a drink. You want some?
- Cool, yeah. I got you.
Hey, Lara Jean.
Come sit with us.
Sit with them.
Sit with them.
Nice talk.
So... Dish.
What's up with you and Kavinsky?
Oh, no. Don't push her. She's shy!
- What do you wanna know?
- Everything. When? How?
How far? H on B?
H on C?
H up and down on P? T on C?
Sorry, what are we talking about again?
You know, forget it.
Clearly they haven't done anything.
How would you know?
Because I know Peter,
and I know Lara Jean.
I'm gonna get a refill.
Um... can I get you anything?
Like a juice box or chocolate milk.
Peter's going to get me a drink,
but thank you so much for offering.
Ooh. What's up, babe?
Why is beer so vinegary?
Oh... It's not.
Kombucha is, though.
I'm driving, remember?
You drink kombucha?
Yeah, it's good for your digestion.
Here. Take a selfie.
Alright. You do it.
Hey. Boo!
Hey. I didn't know you came.
Well, here I am.
So you're with Kavinsky, huh?
Guess those letters worked.
- Yeah, but you gotta keep it a secret.
- Your filthy secret's safe with me.
What's that?
Whoa. Hey, occupied.
Lara Jean Covey, really?
What do you care?
Aw, this is so cute! Is this hers?
Come on.
How do I look?
You look good, Gen. You always look good.
Come on, give it back.
No, I'm going to keep it for a while, 'k?
Don't worry, I won't tell.
Go on, try it.
Not gonna lie to you, that sounds nasty.
Bottoms up.
Hey. Do you want to get out of here,
go grab some food?
- Oh no, go ahead. Go, go.
- Okay.
- See you later.
- Bye.
See ya.
You did so good tonight, Gen was pissed.
Yeah, I just hope she doesn't
put glass in my smoothie on Monday.
- I love how you're not afraid of her.
- No, no. I'm terrified of her.
But you don't let her steamroll over you.
Like that day she was being a bitch
about your shoes.
- You remember that?
- Yeah, of course.
I mean, I couldn't say anything
because we were together and everything
but those shoes weren't just cool,
I thought they were kinda hot.
Gen's gorgeous,
but you have way better style.
Thank you.
You need anything else?
Um, no. I think we're good.
- She makes me so angry sometimes.
- We're still talking about her?
Tonight, she barely talks to me, we leave,
and I have a thousand texts from her.
- Okay, have you been responding?
- No, I'm...
- I'll just call her when I get home.
- You guys still talk on the phone then?
I mean, not as much as we used to,
but yeah, sometimes.
- What?
- Hmm?
You do this thing,
you have this whole judgy face scenario
going on.
I guess I just think it's really weird
you still talk to your ex-girlfriend
on the phone.
It's not healthy.
Sorry, you're the expert?
You've n e ver even had a boyfriend.
You've only had one girlfriend,
and you're obsessed with her.
That doesn't necessarily
make you The Bachelor.
One, I am not...
obsessed with her.
Okay. So then, prove it.
Don't call her tonight.
For some who's quiet all the time,
you have a lot of opinions.
That's just because no one's been
honest with you before.
Okay, fine.
Be honest with me, then.
Why haven't you ever had a boyfriend?
I don't know.
I guess no one's ever liked me like that.
Lies. I know that those are lies,
because I know for a fact Carlos Myers
asked you to Spring Formal last year
and you said no.
- Are you keeping tabs on me?
- Come on, Covey, talk to me.
What happened to no secrets?Fight Club.
Okay. Um... So love and dating?
I love to read about it,
and it's fun to write about
and to think about in my head, but...
when it's real...
What, it's scary?
Why? Why is that scary?
'Cause the more people
that you let into your life,
the more that can just walk right out.
Just like... Like your mom, right?
Uh, did you know that...
my dad left us?
Yeah. That was a while ago, right?
Two summers ago.
He's got a new wife and kid now.
I'm so sorry.
No, it's fine. It's...
I don't usually talk about it.
I just felt like maybe you'd understand
'cause of your mom.
Not that
it is anywhere near the same thing.
No, it's totally fine.
I completely understand.
Yeah, it's... It's hard, huh?
It's whatever.
We don't have to talk about it,
but it's not whatever.
I think it's funny,
you say you're scared of commitment
and relationships,
but you don't seem to be afraid
to be with me.
- Well, there's there's no reason to be.
- Yeah?
Why's that?
'Cause we're just pretending.
Right, of course, Lara Jean Covey,
ladies and gentlemen, you can count on her
to be honest, always.
Wait, Peter?
- Are we cool?
- Yeah, we're fine, Covey.
Thank you for coming to the party tonight.
Fake dating Peter was getting easier
and easier.
I always ate with him in the cafeteria
and was even becoming friends
with some of his friends.
Don't touch my fries.
Listen, Lara Jean,
I was thinking about your name,
Lara Jean, put them together,
you get Largie! Largie.
They were nothing like my old friends.
- Are you on something?
- I'm on to a new nickname for you.
Largie, it's funny because she's so small!
But it was fun to be part of a group.
Of course, there were still moments
I wanted to disappear.
Can we talk now?
I can't believe you're dating Kavinsky.
Is it so unbelievable
that someone could like me?
No, it's unbelievable that...
you're like the sweet, innocent girl,
and he's a complete dick.
I don't get it.
You know you make me sound really boring,
right, Josh? I'm not that innocent.
Well, great. If that was the reason
you came over to talk to me...
No, it's... I... Wait.
Did you mean what you wrote in the letter?
I don't know. Okay?
It was a long time ago.
Well, not for me, alright?
This is all new, so like, I'm...
I'm trying to understand here.
There's nothing to understand.
You should have never seen it.
I did see it!
Alright? So... What am I supposed to do?
- Not tell Margot?
- Margot's not even talking to me.
You don't have to worry about that.
I'm sorry. Thanks, I...
That's it?
Margot dumps me, you're dating Kavinsky,
and we can't even be friends?
I don't know
how to be friends with you like this.
We can't go back to how it was
before you and Margot were dating.
We definitely can't go back to how it was
when you were dating.
- If I'd known I was gonna lose both of...
- Stop. Don't finish that sentence.
I just...
- You can't just ignore me.
- No, we can't talk. Sorry.
Go away!
I'm sorry, isn't this character,
Long Dong Duck...
like, kinda racist?
Not "kind of." Extremely racist.
So why do you like this movie?
Why are even asking that question?
Hello, Jake Ryan!
I am way better looking than that guy.
You wish!
Oh, yeah? Incoming!
Whoa. Okay.
I just hoped
that Kitty wasn't getting too attached.
In fact,
I wish we could've kept our families
out of it altogether.
We're so happy to finally meet you.
Peter tells me that you have two sisters.
Yes, I have an older sister who just left
for college, and I have a younger sister,
who's Owen's age.
Aw. Well, your mom must love having girls.
And me? I'm stuck with these two heathens.
Mom, I told you.
Lara Jean's mother passed away
when she was little.
I am so sorry, Lara Jean, I...
Actually, she... she did love having girls.
Kitty is definitely still a heathen.
So, Owen's a pretty shy kid, huh?
I think Kitty could help with that.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
I think they would be good friends.
Probably. Yeah.
Hey, I'm really sorry
about what my mom said to you.
No, it's okay.
Honestly, you know, it's nice
talking about her like it's normal.
Like it's not some tragedy.
Is it weird not having your dad around?
It's not as weird as it used to be.
Sometimes I walk around the house
and see he's not in any photos anymore,
and I really miss him.
But then I think about everything
he's doing with his new family
that he used to do with us,
and I get so mad I'm glad he's gone.
You don't mean that.
You can be mad at someone
and still miss them.
I bet you really miss your mom, huh?
Every day.
But you know, it's...
It's been so long now that, like...
Okay, it's like this,
I'll be doing my homework,
or I will be washing dishes or something,
and I'm thinking about my family,
and I forget there was a time where
it wasn't just my dad and my sisters.
And it only happens
for like a quarter of a second, but...
I feel really, really guilty about it.
I've never told anyone that before.
I mean, I get it.
It makes sense to me.
I don't actually hate my dad,
I didn't mean it like that.
At least he's not, you know...
It's okay.
It's actually really nice having someone
to talk to about this stuff.
You're a good listener.
Why, thank you.
You are, too.
You're welcome.
Being with Peter was so easy
that sometimes
I let myself pretend it wasn't fake.
Remind me again why we have
to eat these subs under the bleachers?
Dude, we can't have
these contraband cups out in the open!
Don't want the powers-that-be catching on
to my lunchtime truancy vibes.
P.S. that sub is tight, right?
I don't know, Peter. It's like
you don't have time for me anymore.
All you do is hang out with her.
Am I supposed to wait
while you're off with this college guy?
- We should get out, this sounds private.
- Are you insane? That's your boyfriend!
He's not a good listener.
'Cause he's not at your beck and call
like I am.
Gen, you can't keep doing this to me.
She's not coming on the ski trip, is she?
That's our thing.
What does it matter? You have a boyfriend.
Yeah, but...
maybe by then...
I won't.
Gen is after your man.
I'm sorry, I know you don't want
to hear about Peter stuff,
but I needed to talk to someone
I thought might understand.
I feel like the more used to him I get,
the more it's gonna hurt when
he inevitably gets back with Gen,
and I'm so mad at myself
because I should've seen this coming.
Nah, I'm good.
I don't know what to tell you.
That sucks. I'm sorry.
Lara Jean!
Want me to wait?
You'd better not.
I'll see you later.
What do you think people are gonna say
when they see my girlfriend
cozying up to Sanderson?
What do you think, when they hear
you're begging to get back with Gen?
- So you're spying on me now?
- Not intentionally.
Okay, so I was talking to Gen. So what?
You don't even post about us
on your Instagram.
'Cause I don't want my sisters to see.
Yeah, like Kitty's gonna care.
I'm talking about Margot.
Look, Peter...
I don't think either one of us thought
this was going to go on for this long,
but Josh and I are cool, Gen's jealous,
I think that we need to call it.
I can't believe you're trying to break up
with me before the ski trip.
That's in the contract.
- Only if we're still together.
- We are still together!
You're trying to pull out
because you're scared.
What do I have to be scared about?
You tell me, Covey.
How do you tell your fake boyfriend
you can't go skiing with him
because you're starting
to have real feelings?
You can't.
So you pivot.
I'll go if Chris goes.
I'm not denying your right
to put food on the table for your family.
I just think it's odd that a man would
want to become a gynecologist.
Like when you were in college,
you thought,
"I'd really love
to look at vaginas all day."
Gonna leave the kitchen now, Christine.
- Hi, guys. Hey.
- Hi, honey.
Hi, Dad.
So, what's up?
Why's your boyfriend harassing me
about coming on the ski trip?
You know I don't do school functions.
Yes, and that is why I told him
I would only go if you would,
knowing that you wouldn't.
You have to go!
Gen's definitely gonna
make a move on Peter if you stay home.
So let her.
I'm sick of having her little snake eyes
on me all the time.
Dude, no!
Gen always gets what she wants
and it's bullshit!
You get Peter.
I'll make sure of it.
I'm coming on that trip.
I'm really tired of you using me
to get back at Gen.
It's not just that.
Since you've been with Peter,
well, I don't know, LJ,
I've never seen you so happy.
Honey, she's right.
I'm sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping,
but I haven't seen you have so much fun
going to parties and making new friends.
You made your old man very happy.
That was kind of sweet.
Thanks, Dad. See you in a couple of days.
We need to talk about your sexual health.
No. No, please, no.
As your father,
I think you're too young to have sex.
Did you know
most unwanted teenage pregnancies
are the result of expecting abstinence?
I know that you're smart enough
not to do things
just because a boy may want you to.
Okay, let's make this end.
It's your decision. I want you to be safe.
Why are you giving me these?
Pulling out's not protection.
Oh, my God. I'm getting out.
Don't forget to have fun.
Yes, well, I have a lot of rubbers
for that, specifically.
Whoa. Hey. Where are you going?
I'm gonna go sit with Chris.
Chris? Come on, she's sleeping.
I saw her Snapchat.
She was up all night
at this EDM concert thing.
That's more reason to sit with her.
Don't want her to go swallowing her tongue
or anything.
Is this seat taken?
This was a mistake.
Tell me about it. I can't believe
I let you convince me to go on a trip
that requires getting up before 7:00.
Who goes to an EDM concert
on a school night?
Uh, lots of people do.
It wasn't necessarily like an EDM concert,
it was more like a rock...
Oh, okay.
They said, "Greg, make sure everyone
sleeps in their assigned room."
And I said, "Overruled,
sleep where you want, sluts."
They're the chaperones?
See you on Black Diamond, Peter?
Last down the slope owes the other
a hot toddy.
- Go get your man.
- Are you kidding?
I can't go down the Black Diamond. I don't
even know how to put on the boots.
If you're not gonna ski, what are you
planning on doing all weekend?
I came prepared.
Oh, no.
That is a major backslide for you. Lucas.
What's up, dude?
Can you help me convince LJ
to come ski with us?
Yeah, right. You think I'm going skiing?
It's cold outside, I don't do cold.
Well, I have Korean face masks.
So you guys have been faking it
this entire time?
Yes, and you have to promise
not to tell anyone, okay?
It's just... I'm so confused.
Just had to let it out.
I do not care about the genesis
of it all.
I just know homeboy likes you.
I can tell by the way he looks at you.
- How does he look at me?
- Like you're a sexy littleRubik's Cube.
He can't figure you out,
but he's having fun trying.
It doesn't matter,
he's still so obsessed with Gen,
and I'm just another of the stupid girls
who fell for Kavinsky.
It's embarrassing!
Look, every guy, you know,
gets a bit obsessed with, at first...
you know...
bow chicka wow wow...
Okay, let's look at the facts, shall we?
The whole fake relationship was his idea,
you came up with a no-kissing rule,
you're trying to break up with him,
and you're carb-loading with a gay man
while he's probably waiting
in the hot tub.
So I'd say if anyone stupidly fell
for someone who doesn't like them back,
it's not you.
It's Kavinsky.
You think he's waiting for me
in the hot tub?
Hell yeah!
All by yourself out here?
So what, now you're ignoring me?
Oh, I'm the one ignoring you?
That's funny.
Sorry I'm not a good skier,
you didn't offer to teach me.
I'm supposed to be sweet to you
after you don't sit with me on the bus?
Shouldn't you be thanking me, that you got
to sit next to who you actually wanted?
For someone who has such good grades,
you can be so dense sometimes.
- What?
- Yeah.
I wanted to sit next to you, Lara Jean.
I even packed the snacks.
I asked Kitty where to find
those yogurt drinks you like so much.
The Korean store is all the way
across town.
I know.
So if I went all the way across town
to get something you like, that means...
You must really like yogurt?
You are impossible.
Sorry I didn't sit next to you.
It's alright.
You're coming in, in your nightgown.
I didn't bring a bathing suit.
There's no one like you, Covey.
Good night, Lara Jean.
Good night.
Um... You didn't tell anyone
about last night, did you?
No, that's just how people act
with couples on the ski trip.
It's normal.
Hey, I'm tired. Can I use you as a pillow?
Hey, Lara Jean. I think it's so cool
that you came out on the ski trip.
Hope you had fun.
Gee... Thank you, Gen. I did.
Also, I just wanted to say
I think it's really big of you,
being so understanding
about my friendship with Peter.
- What?
- Oh, I just mean...
a lot of girls would be pretty weirded out
by their boyfriend sleeping
in someone else's room,
but you're so trusting... I remember that
about you from middle school.
Doesn't your hair always get so greasy
spending three hours on the bus?
Where did you get that?
Oh, Peter gave this to me. Isn't it cute?
I love the colors in it.
Well, have a nice day.
- Hi. Ready to go?
- Did you go to Gen's room last night?
Uh, yeah, but...
And you gave her my favorite scrunchie?
Am I just a joke to you, Peter?
No, you're not.
You just don't understand the situation.
No, I understand completely.
This is over,
in every possible way.
Can we just talk about this?
Let me drive you home, I'll explain.
I would rather walk home.
Actually, I'd rather drive myself
than get into a car with you right now.
You're home!
Did you do this all yourself?
Hey, little sister.
Oh, my God!
I missed you so much!
I missed you.
Tell us about Scotland.
Okay. Well, even when it's freezing,
Scottish girls still wear short shorts
and high heels
when we go out to bars and stuff.
You go to bars?
Everybody does,
the legal drinking age is 18 over there.
You drink? Who is she?
She's Margot.
Are you going to invite Josh over
for dinner?
- Why don't we make it a girls' night?
- Plus Dad.
Girls' night plus Dad. Just family.
- Guess that means you can't invite Peter.
- Peter?
I'd better go get that.
Excuse me.
Hey. We need to talk.
Not here.
Just so you know, nothing happened
between me and Gen last night.
You went to her room in the first place.
Look, Gen and I dated for a long time.
Those feelings aren't just going
to go away, we have history.
I'm tired of being second best
or fake best.
- I don't know.
- No, you do not get it.
- Last night was...
- Last night was a mistake.
Physical stuff might not be a big deal
to you, but to me, it is.
- Who says it's not a big deal to me?
- Says every single guy in the bus!
Clapping and praising you like a god,
and you eat it up.
Okay. Look, I...
Peter, just leave.
- Can we go inside and talk?
- She asked you to leave, buddy.
- I'm fine. Go back inside.
- No, it's alright.
No, no. Are you serious now?
This isn't about Gen and me,
it's about you and Josh!
Are you kidding me?
This is the reason you broke up with me?
You're still in love
with this Bon Iver wannabe?
If Lara Jean broke up with you,
it's because
she's coming
to the life-altering revelation
- she's too good for you.
- You're in love with Josh?
Margot, no...
Peter, go home!
God. You were never second best.
- I didn't know she was home yet.
- Yeah, she finished her exams early.
It was a surprise.
Guess I'll order a pizza.
Well, at least the worst is over.
Tell me about it.
Also... checkmate.
I'm busy.
Wait, Margot, please. I need your help.
You're completely covered up
and we only see your back.
If you hadn't been tagged,
it could be anybody.
It's worse for Peter than it is for you.
It's never worse for the guys.
God, how did I let this happen?
I'm so stupid.
We're gonna fix this. Give me the pillow.
Come on.
I know you're only being nice to me
'cause I accidentally made a sex tape
and you feel bad.
I do feel bad for you.
But I also don't understand
why you didn't tell me
all this was happening
in the first place.
- I thought you were going to hate me.
- I could never hate you.
But when I heard Peter,
I thought you were trying
to date Josh now or something.
How could you think
I would do that to you?
You're my sister.
You wouldn't even Skype with me,
what am I supposed to think?
I wouldn't Skype with you
because I was lying to every person,
and I knew I couldn't lie to you.
I thought you didn't need me anymore.
Are you kidding me?
Look what happened when you were gone!
I made a sex tape,
and I haven't even had sex!
Come here.
How long have you been there?
Not long...
Okay, let's make a pact.
No more secrets between the Covey girls.
I have a secret, too.
I sent the letters.
I'm gonna kill you.
No, Lara Jean! No!
She's a kid!
You were so lonely
and I could tell Peter liked you.
- I knew you wouldn't do anything about it.
- So you sent all five?
I thought five chances
at a boyfriend was better odds!
- I miss having him over for dinner.
- Alright!
Give me the unicorn.
Look, her logic was off,
but her heart was in the right place.
Her face is gonna be in the wrong place!
Lara Jean, before you murder our sister,
could I just ask you a question?
If you didn't want those letters
to be sent, why did you address them?
It's not like I added a stamp!
Can you admit that some part of you
doesn't want everything in your life
to be a fantasy?
- Maybe.
- So...
If I can forgive you
for writing my boyfriend a love letter,
do you think you could forgive Kitty
for sending them?
You owe me braid crowns
for the rest of your life.
Thank God. I was really hoping
to make it to seventh grade.
Oh, yeah.
It didn't feel like Christmas knowing
my hot tub escapades had gone viral,
but, of course,
Margot know exactly what to do
and anonymously emailed Instagram
to have them take the videos down
under child pornography laws.
I couldn't believe
I had inadvertently dabbled in porn
before I lost my virginity,
but it's been a strange year all around.
Okay, you're officially PG-13 again.
I guess I should change my background
You could, or you could talk to him.
New Year's Eve, a time for resolutions.
My life was a mess, but...
I could clean my room.
Yep, she's cleaning...
It must be really bad.
- Can you guys hang out for a while?
- Yeah, course.
Let's go for a drive.
There it is, right there.
Your mother and I used to come here
all the time.
Really? I didn't know that.
She'd play this song, then as soon
as it was over she'd play it again.
Know what else she'd do? Get up
and start dancing in the aisles,
right by everyone eating.
I was so embarrassed, but...
you know, I was also in awe of her, too.
I think back and I think,
"Man, I should've been dancing with her."
Look at this.
Wow, this place has not changed at all.
There's so much about her
I should have told you girls,
but I haven't
because talking about her makes me sad.
It's okay.
It's not okay.
I've relied on you and Margot too much,
I know I have.
You're 16.
You don't have to be an adult yet.
That's why I was so happy
when I saw you and Peter.
- I don't want to talk about Peter.
- Peter who?
I don't know what happened with you two,
but I know how you opened up
when he was around.
Not with us, 'cause you've always been
like that with us, but to the world.
Seeing you come alive like that,
you remind me of her.
Just don't hide that part of yourself,
Dad, I really miss her.
I know you do.
Can I borrow a quarter?
So you said
she'd always play the song twice?
At least,
usually till they'd kick us outta here.
Well, like,
I didn't hear anything about it, though.
The Debate Society's New Year's Eve
nitrous oxide scandal
knocked it out of top spot.
Okay, so that's good news, right?
I'm officially back to being invisible.
Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey.
What's going on?
You didn't even say it wasn't true?
You just let everyone think we had sex?
I bet you're happy the video leaked.
You gonna do something about this?
Hey, everyone, listen up.
Not that it's anyone's business,
but nothing happened in the hot tub.
If I hear anybody talking about Lara Jean
or that video, I'm gonna kick your asses.
You understand?
Nice job, Kavinsky!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Look, I am really sorry about everything.
If I knew who did this...
I know who did it.
So should you.
Yeah, okay. Let me talk to her, okay?
This is a fight I have to handle myself.
Um, hi... Personal space, much?
I know you posted that video.
Nope, wasn't me.
But just so you know,
if you have sex in a public place,
you've gotta deal with consequences.
It's bad enough if a guy were to do this,
but a girl? That's despicable.
Yeah, like I said, I didn't do it.
I'm glad someone did, though. Finally,
everyone is gonna see who you really are.
What are you talking about?
Peter! He is not as confident
as he pretends to be.
I am not as tough as I pretend to be.
And you, Lara Jean Covey,
you are not as innocent
as you pretend to be
because you kissed a boy I liked.
You guys were broken up.
No, before we even dated!
- Middle school?
- You knew I liked him and you kissed him.
It was Spin the Bottle, you psycho,
and it was tongueless!
It wasn't tongueless to me!
I always thought no one was paying
attention to what I was doing,
that the only drama in my life
was in my head,
but it turns out that
I wasn't as invisible as I thought.
- So Margot left, huh?
- Yeah, this Sunday.
Hey, thank you for coming over.
Yeah, of course.
I feel like I owe you an explanation.
It's like driving, okay?
I can imagine myself doing it
and it's fine,
and then I get behind the wheel
and completely freeze up,
and I don't know what to do.
Okay... I don't follow.
Let me start over.
You were the first boy
I ever really liked.
Everyone else, all the other letters,
were born out of fantasy.
But yours was based off
of actually knowing you.
I didn't realize how I felt about you
until you became Margot's boyfriend.
But over time,
that feeling just faded away,
and I missed my best friend.
And it wasn't love.
Why didn't you just tell me that?
I feel like I'd have understood.
Well, I couldn't.
I didn't know until Peter.
Right, Peter.
It was real in a different way.
And I'm really sorry.
No reason to be sorry, it's like,
I think I know where you're coming from.
It's kind of how it was with Margot and I.
You know, minus all the fake stuff
and everything else.
Did you stop loving Margot
after she broke up with you?
No. Not at first.
At some point it changed, though.
The longer she was gone,
the more I understood why she ended it.
- Do you feel the same way about Peter?
- I know you don't like him.
I like how he stood up for you today.
He should have done it a lot sooner,
but then again, he's a jock,
and they're slow learners.
You are such a snob!
Look, if you miss him,
why don't you just tell him?
I can't.
And why's that?
Because if it wasn't real,
I didn't lose anyone.
But if I say that it was real,
and he still doesn't want me...
Then at least you'll know.
You've gotta tell people
how you feel when you feel it.
You can't sit in your room writing
love letters you're never gonna send.
Peter wouldn't even be in your life
if they hadn't gotten out
in the first place.
Yeah, you definitely have a point.
I don't know, I'm just tired
of writing love letters.
It'd be nice to be receiving them.
Lara Jean, I have something for you.
Don't kill me.
It's just,
you were always throwing those away,
and I thought they were something
you should keep.
You saved all these?
"Lara Jean,
everyone was so impressed
by your presentation in lit,
but especially me.
I love having
a smarty pants fake girlfriend."
"It's so cool how we can talk
to each other about real stuff."
"You looked so pretty today."
Still think
you haven't gotten a love letter?
Hi. I have to tell you something.
I drove here.
Wow, that's... that's...
that's great, congrats.
- Thanks.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's in your hand?
Oh, uh, nothing.
Oh, it's nothing?
If you want me to read that,
you need to give that to me.
Can you turn around?
"Dear Peter,
I need you to know that..."
I need you to know that I like you,
Peter Kavinsky.
And not in a fake way.
And so I guess
that's all I came here to say.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Don't I get to say something?
The reason
that I went to Gen's room that night,
was to tell her that it's over,
because I'm in love with you, Lara Jean.
Only you.
You're what?
- Wait... How do we do this?
- What do you mean?
What do you put into a contract
for a real relationship?
You gotta trust.
You gonna break my heart, Covey?
I'd always fantasized
about falling in love in a field,
but I just never thought it'd be the kind
where you played lacrosse.
Lara Jean...
It's for you!