Today We Live (1933)

Richard Bogard.
- Yes.
American, eh?
- Yes, sir.
You got a bit more than you
bargained for crossing, what?
Your torpedo was actually fired.
Good show, eh. Nice to have
watched, for you Americans.
Well, I hope you don't
see more than you want.
Purpose of visit?
Just looking around.
Sympathies in the war?
None, that is ..
- Neutral. That's all.
You've passed.
And there.
I am sure the place will meet
with your requirements.
When would you like possession?
Just as soon as they
are willing to vacate.
They will be happy to do so at once.
The owner is at the front.
Naturally, his income has stopped.
His son is in training and
only the daughter is left.
I feel rather like a villain throwing
the daughter out and that sort of thing.
It must be rather difficult for her.
England is at war, Mr Bogard.
There is the address.
The gentleman is here, Miss.
Mr Bogard the name is.
I'll send him away, Miss?
- No.
No, I'll see him.
- No, Miss. No.
It's ..
It's a long way from London and .. he ..
He might not want to come back again.
When I ring for the tea.
No blubbering.
Mind not.
Miss Boyce-Smith?
- Yes.
My name is Bogard.
How do you do.
I have just been admiring your view.
Those old trees. They are
very old, aren't they.
Yes, very.
This is just like I hoped it would be.
You've lived here all your
life have you? - Yes.
I thought so.
You seem to fit in somehow.
Are these your brothers?
Yes. One of them.
That's my father.
Yes. They told me he was in service.
- Yes.
Shall we have tea?
Yes. Thank you.
- Thank you.
You know, I'm just beginning to
realize what this is all about.
We don't know there is a
war going on, we Americans.
It's getting pretty close to you
with your father .. and brother.
And now a stranger moving in.
Is tea ready?
Yes .. Miss.
Thank you.
I suppose now that you
are giving up your home.
You are going away?
No, I've moved my things to the
gardener's cottage on The Place.
I see.
Please don't worry about me, Mr Bogard.
I'll be quite alright.
Thank you.
How will you have your tea?
Just sugar please.
Will you fetch the sugar, Wendy.
- Yes.
It's there, Miss.
Thank you.
How many?
I've been very stupid.
I forgot that your sugar was rationed.
I've already put it in.
You have so little.
Why do you give it to me?
Why shouldn't you have it?
I'm sorry. I couldn't drink it now.
Shall I show you the rest of the house?
Is .. that the library?
That is my father's study.
May I see it?
Of course.
This is perfect.
You shoot too?
Hello boy.
Your father's?
- Yes.
He's even burnt the
table with cigarettes.
That's what a study is for, isn't it.
Do as you please.
Be comfortable.
Must you do that?
Must you?
Sorry. I didn't ..
- Oh, don't.
I'm the one to apologize.
You see .. it's only because ..
This has always been
my father's room and ..
I'm not going to ask you
to show me any more.
I've been thoughtless. I didn't realize.
I promise to take good
care of all these.
If you .. excuse me.
Please make yourself comfortable.
As to the room.
I only hope you enjoy it.
My father did.
Look here.
Everybody seems to be rather
upset about my coming.
If the servants worry about losing their
jobs, tell them I'll keep them will you.
It isn't that, sir.
It's the master.
They've just had word
that he's been killed.
I see.
Men of England. Hail.
Your bodies are buried in peace.
But your name liveth for evermore.
I gave them permission, Diana.
They asked me if you'd mind.
Not tonight.
Just when I think I can't cry anymore.
I haven't any tears left.
I surprise myself.
Oh, he was so fine.
Why did he have to go? Why?
I've answered that question as many
times as there are names there.
And the answer satisfies no-one.
Not even me.
I don't know, but ..
There are times in the lives of women
even more than in those of men.
When they must have a
sublime, unreasoning faith.
But I haven't any faith.
I don't even hope.
Just a lot of silly tears
that come rushing out.
When I least expect.
Father is dead.
There is room for more names.
Soon, Ronnie and Claude
will be there too.
They haven't gone yet, Diana.
His name is Ronnie. Your brother.
Mine is Claude.
Little boy from next door.
I shan't be satisfied with this
long arm. Demand my rights.
Padre, hello.
I can hardly believe that you're here.
I've something to show you.
The village did it for father.
Remember the time you slipped
with the communion wine, Ronnie?
It was just there.
Under the plate by old Daddy's pew.
And father passed the empty glass.
All down the way as if
nothing had happened.
Dad gave me his hymn
book to hide my sniggering.
He laughed after it was all over.
I wonder what he'd say.
If he knew we were
shoving off in five hours.
He'd say:
"It's worth a world war
to get a uniform like that".
Or he'd say: "Five hours? How
can the Admirals spare you?"
"A grand celebration and talk of .."
- "Cabbages and Kings."
And give us his best wine.
- And drink us all under the table.
Five hours, Ann.
Five hours?
How can the Admirals spare you?
Then we're off.
Tea, Padre?
- No thanks.
This time belongs to you.
- You are family, you know.
Yes, thanks. I'll say goodbye now.
Good luck.
Good luck.
- Thanks.
Say one of your best prayers
for us, Padre. - I will that.
How do you find your American, Ann?
Out of things.
Sort-of safe.
This is home now.
Jolly, isn't it.
I'll go say hello to Applegate.
- Oh Ronnie, wait a minute.
You'd better not. You'd
better let me tell her first.
I'll need this.
Upstairs if you want to tidy up.
I say Ann, I hope you didn't rent
all the Scotch to the American.
I should say not. I'll get some.
- Hmm?
Ronnie and Claude are here.
Here. Now time just for
a quick one. Come on.
They go tonight.
Going, Miss?
- Yes.
Going? Oh, Miss ..
- I said a quick one.
Besides, they go at nine.
Who's going to get dinner?
I am, Miss.
Poor lambs.
Half starved. That's what they is.
When they go.
Mind not.
I won't mind, Miss.
I don't need this anymore.
Stout fellow.
Hear, hear.
Hey. Hey, get out of here will you.
Will not.
Of course, you're a big girl now.
I'm starting tomorrow morning
bright and early being a big girl.
I haven't time now.
Hey, bartender.
Thank you, milady.
- Right.
He's still a kid to you, isn't he.
Why not?
You think just because you wear
an officer's tunic you're grown up?
This morning, when
commissions and orders came.
He said, get Ronnie.
Officer now. Navy.
Now I can ask her.
He counts on it.
Awful knock if you let him down.
Won't let him down.
Good girl.
Ronnie, when you say "good girl" to me.
It feels just like jumping
over Robin Hood's barn.
Don't take too much of
our five hours will you.
I never thought I'd live to see the day.
There I was.
And the Queen not two feet away.
No further than from here to there.
And talking to me just
like I was her sister.
I never thought I'd live to see the day.
That's remarkable, isn't it.
Have another.
Have one yourself.
- That I will.
I've had one already. That makes two.
Hear, hear. I have things to say.
We've no secrets from Ronnie, have we.
Not one.
Remember what we said? That when
the time came and I asked you ..
You would say without a lot of fuss ..
"Right, Claude".
Stay, Claude.
I do.
And we promised whatever you said.
That we three would be just the same.
Well, Ann?
Right, Claude.
Oh, I say.
I say, Ronnie. Did you hear? Did you?
It's "right".
- Told you it would be.
I don't know what to do.
I haven't a ring. I should
have a ring, shouldn't I, Ann.
We'll trade. Our names are inscribed.
Then each ring will mean two things.
- Good. Good idea.
Here Ronnie, you must
be in on this. Yours, Ann.
You ought to say something, Claude.
Something important.
Go ahead. Say it.
I can't think of anything important.
I can only think of silly things.
- Well then, say silly things.
Must say something.
I ..
Say ..
Go ahead.
I know what your father would say.
- Say it.
"The time has come the walrus
said, to talk of many things".
"Of shoes and ships and sealing
wax, of cabbages and kings."
"And why the sea should boil in .."
[ Clock chimes ]
What hails?
- Drink hearty.
Master Ronnie.
Now take care of her, Applegate.
Make her toe the mark.
You know, girls have no sense.
I know, master Ronnie.
I'll take care of her.
- Well?
I suppose you want me
to kiss you goodbye.
You don't have to if you don't want to.
Guess I'd better.
Better had.
Silly business, though.
Better finish this by letter.
Train might not wait.
Good girl.
See, Miss .. I didn't cry.
You may cry now.
- Hello.
You are late this morning.
- Am I?
Every morning this week you left at ten.
So I waited.
Nice of you.
You don't mind my riding with you?
Not at all.
I'm riding to Valleysmith.
The view from the hill is nice.
Oh, you've seen it?
Of course.
I was going to ask you
to ride there with me.
I'm going to the village.
Applegate has lost her darning egg.
Darning egg?
- Uhuh.
She's had it for thirty years.
That's too bad.
- Yes, isn't it.
Valleysmith is that way.
Village over here.
I suppose I ought to say something
good about our roads dividing.
I suppose you can get
darning eggs at Valleysmith?
Afraid not.
Is that "cheerio" or "cheero"?
Well, cheero.
Well .. hello.
Applegate can use a
bottle for a darning egg.
My grandmother used
to use a little gourd.
It rattled.
Do you find England like America?
Countries are such
silly things, aren't they.
Just places on maps with ..
Exports and tariffs and
queer places to visit.
They don't mean much to you until you
get tied up with them through people.
I thought the war was silly, too.
Never believed in it until now.
Does that mean ..
You're going in?
If they'll let me.
Because I love you.
I was going to say it
a little further along.
Kinda work up to it.
Talking about England.
But I do love you.
I know it.
Please forget what I
told you this afternoon.
I'll never forget it.
Because I love you too.
What time did she leave?
She took the evening train to
London, sir. In an awful hurry.
And you don't know where
they were going? - No, sir.
No more did she.
It's the ambulance service.
She hopes she'll be sent
somewhere near her brother.
She'll write back, sir.
Goodnight, Mrs Applegate.
Look, Ronnie!
Hi, sailors.
Ronnie .. you're here.
On the way up I kept saying you
wouldn't be, you couldn't be here.
So I wouldn't be disappointed.
The Admiral's sub couldn't
have kept us away. - Yes.
He made us run the last
4 squares to get here.
Did you, Ronnie?
Aren't you going to kiss me?
What for? Never kissed you in my life.
Look at you.
You dress up to meet me?
What you look like every day.
No time, Ann.
You should have seen us scraping
the mud off this gold braid.
Listen. I'll report and
I'll be right with you.
Different already, isn't it.
Here it is.
Got the key?
- Hmm.
Well, as Applegate would say, I never
thought I would live to see the day.
Room fit for a Queen.
All the comforts of home.
Every convenience milady.
Ah .. Chippendale.
I wonder what's in here.
- Find out.
What-oh, feather beds.
Running water. Cold and colder.
- What?
A nest of mice. Non-nibblers.
Beaver! Look, Anne. Help me.
- What is it?
Cockroach. There he goes, up your way.
- Quick, quick.
- Get him.
Get him, Ann.
- He's heading back to you, Claude.
Here he is. Here he is.
There he goes, there he goes. There.
Don't hurt him.
- No, I won't.
I have him.
I have him.
Ah, he's a beauty.
- Looks like a born fighter, eh.
Who will he fight?
Remember Jamie Wetherspoon?
- Hmm. - He has a roach.
The best fighter in the division.
They're betting 3-1 on him.
I'd bet on this fellah.
Bring him out.
- Okay.
Ronnie, get a glass. Quickly. Quickly.
There. Got him.
- Hmm.
Jamie calls his "Bonaparte".
Have to get a name for
this one. What will it be?
Duke or Duchess?
The Duke Of Wellington.
That's just the thing.
Two nice things in one day, Ann.
You and Wellington.
Refuse to share honours
with a cockroach.
We'll drink to you first.
- Nice of you.
I'll get a bottle and we'll celebrate?
- Right.
Don't move.
Stay here.
Just like that.
I'll come back pretending
you're not here.
And there you'll be.
It will be fun all over again, won't it.
- Yes.
Fun all over again.
Stay there.
I'll be right back.
They don't make them
any better, do they.
Poor Ronnie.
Ronnie, what is it?
- Nothing .. sore.
You've been hit?
- Nicked a bit.
Alright now. Almost well.
Oh Ronnie.
- Steady.
It's been bad?
How bad has it been?
- No lark.
Not so bad for me. Worse for Claude.
You've never written
what you do you know.
I couldn't. The censor.
It's hush-hush stuff.
Silly. I'll tell you later why.
Do you often run into
this sort of thing?
Sometimes show gets pretty warm.
Tell me about Claude.
- Told you.
I'm alright.
I'm older. Dull.
Claude's not dull. He's quick.
He's missed you, Ann. Lots.
It's always Ann with Claude.
He drinks too much.
You're here now.
Yes, I'm here now.
And you need me.
Both of you.
You do need me, don't you?
- Hmm.
Something to tell me, Ann?
You always know, don't you, Ronnie.
What is it?
The chap that took the house.
I love him.
Thought so.
Your letters.
I couldn't help it, Ronnie.
I tried, but ..
- You can't help feelings, Ann.
You can't change love.
You'd have liked him too, Ronnie.
I know you would.
Sure I would.
You'd not have liked
him yourself otherwise.
But it's all over now.
I have you and Claude and ..
I don't want anything else.
Truly I don't.
Claude's young.
Time to get over it.
I didn't want you to say that.
I wanted you to understand.
I do.
Then don't ask me to let Claude down.
Not when things are like they are.
Stop feeling them.
That's what I wanted you to say.
Say it again.
He kissed me.
Steady now.
Hi, sailor.
In here.
- Hello.
Get enough sleep?
Do we ever?
- No.
How about a cup of tea?
- Had mine.
I meant how about my poaching a cup.
- In there.
Pretty strong by now.
Don't need it strong this morning.
Another day of it, they say.
Three days now.
Wounded coming in in car loads.
I don't know where they'll put them.
They're turning the
churches into hospitals.
- Hello.
Have a cup of tea or what was tea?
- No thanks.
May I speak with Ann a minute?
Of course.
Don't be long though, Ann.
We're late now.
Is it ..?
Is it Claude?
No, not Claude.
Is it ..?
"Richard Bogard."
He's dead before I even
learned to say his name.
Coming, Ann?
Waiting for you.
Ronnie, I can't go.
Really, I can't.
Yes you can.
It's no good, Ronnie. Can't.
Ronnie, don't make me go, please.
Ronnie, don't. Don't make me go.
Please. Can't.
I can't.
That's a terrible looking hat, Ann.
Dropped it in the soup.
Good girl.
Boulogne is pretty hot
at this time, Ronnie.
We tried though.
One thousand capsules 5-grain quinine.
Thirty gallons disinfectant.
Four dozen dark-eyed glasses.
Twelve gross diphtheria antitoxin.
Ten thousand units.
Twelve gross ..
Forget it.
Twelve gross tetanus antitoxin.
Fifteen thousand units.
Twelve boxes hypodermic needles.
"Donald Osborne, aged 19."
What will I say this time?
What difference does it make?
No matter what you say
it will break her heart.
Twelve only surgical gloves.
Ten gallons, tincture of iodine.
Ten gallons tincture of iodine.
Stop it.
I just told the poor mother
her "iodine" has been killed.
Five gross safety pins.
Five only safety razors.
Alright girls. Need more help. Coming
in faster than we can handle them.
Get out and get all the stretchers
down to the north face.
I can't.
I can't go out there.
Yes you can.
Come on.
Goodnight, Alma.
Goodnight, Ann.
Goodnight, Mary.
Come on, youngsters.
Four o'clock, sailor.
I know.
Shouldn't have done this.
I broke my promise and drank too much.
I'm alright now, though.
Do you go out again tomorrow?
What is it this time?
Don't know yet.
Special means "bad", doesn't it.
I can't tell yet.
Is it tomorrow's job, Claude?
Is that why you ..
Why you waited for me?
It's not that alone.
It's lots of things.
I'm not holding together, Ann.
I'm all mixed up.
No secrets.
Have we Claude?
- I'm afraid, Ann.
Afraid of what?
Going out in the boat.
I think about .. coming back to you.
Just the way I did coming from school.
You were always there, waiting.
But lately, it's different.
I don't know.
You've gone away somewhere.
Not here.
There's nothing to come back to.
Ann is here again.
Always will be.
No-one in the world I love so much.
Except Ronnie.
Believe me, sailor?
Come along.
Have Lieutenants Boyce-Smith
and Hope come in yet?
Not yet, Miss. Just had a
telephone from the lookout.
Said one of the boats has
just entered the harbour.
Maybe it's them, Miss.
- Thank you.
Get a stretcher will you.
- Yes, sir.
Stretcher needed. Stretcher.
There you go, Bert.
- Aye-aye, sir.
What's the matter with you? Get
the stretcher down. Hurry up.
Ronnie, are you alright?
- Hello, Ann.
Alright. Up in a moment.
Steady there.
Here you are, boys.
- Alright.
Anyone else in yet?
- Mr Witherspoon, sir.
Trust Jamie.
He always gets the first drink.
Bert, look here.
- Aye-aye, sir.
Better see to that before you leave.
Aye-aye, sir.
- Hello.
Make a hit?
- Yes. - Glad.
Been waiting.
I was ..
May I speak with Claude a moment?
Did you tell him?
- No.
I wanted to.
Suppose he hates it?
We must tell him.
We've no secrets.
- Right.
I'll tell him.
- No.
It's my due.
We'll be married as
soon as it's all over.
If it ever is.
Remember when we were tykes?
Messing about the brook and all?
She said she would marry me.
You remember.
How we all said it. All three of us.
And then when we were bigger.
How we talked about
it being in the chapel.
And veils and wreaths.
The music of the voice
that breathes over Eden.
You remember.
We were still children then, Ronnie.
We're not children anymore.
She's not. I'm not.
That chapel and Padre
seem a million miles away.
There is no Eden any more.
And to wear, it's khaki .. not veils.
We didn't wait, Ronnie.
I know it.
You knew?
- Uhuh.
And you don't ..
You don't hate me?
That's twice you've kissed me.
[ Buzzer ]
[ Buzzer ]
Who can that be, I wonder.
Alright, alright. I'm coming.
Just give a body a chance.
[ Buzzer ]
Yes, I'm coming.
If you could only see me.
If you could see me coming,
you wouldn't need to ring.
Now what do you ..?
Mr Bogard. Mr Bogard.
Hello, Mrs Applegate.
- Mr Bogard.
Ain't you a ghost? You're dead, sir.
Nope. They overestimated me.
Ann? I came to see her.
Lord, Lordy, sir. I'm very sorry.
Why we thought you was dead, sir.
Does that feel dead?
Come. Pull yourself together,
Applegate. I'm in a hurry.
I came to find out about Miss Ann.
She's in France, sir.
Miss Ann, my own dovey,
being shot at by them Germans.
Yes. I know she is in France, but where?
I don't know, sir.
When we writes, we addresses the letters
to the Officer's Unit in Boulogne.
It's a private unit, sir.
I see. And her brother ..?
Well he is where she is, sir.
And Mr Claude, too.
Wherever you'll find one of them,
you'll find the other two, sir.
I see.
Lord, sir. I thought you was a ghost.
I never thought I'd live to see the day.
Sit down, Bogey.
Walking around won't help any.
What is it?
- He wants whiskey, sir.
Why don't you get it?
There, what did I tell you? Any guy
that wants whiskey ain't dead, is he.
No, but ..
- Oh shut up. Sit down.
Sit down. Go on, go on. Anybody
would think it was your fault.
That's three front gunners in two weeks.
Miller and Jordan last week and now ..
Davis. In there.
Forget it. It's not
your fault about Davis.
Anybody would think you hunted up
those Huns and flew right into them.
Besides, Davis is not gone yet.
Not gone yet?
Did you see the blood coming out of his
mouth when they pulled him out of there?
Well .. go on. Say it.
Hello, Bogey. Can you use this?
Don't be afraid, Ann.
Oh, Richard.
Oh, they told me you were dead.
And I believed them.
Just now, I thought I was dead too.
But we're not.
We're alive.
Richard, we're alive.
It was when the ship spun
and the controls were gone.
And afterwards in the hospital.
I was listening to them say
I'd die. I knew I wouldn't.
I couldn't. Not without seeing you.
- Oh, darling.
I dreamed once that you were alive.
That you were calling to me.
I tried to answer.
I woke internally.
Why did they tell me you were dead?
You're not dead after all.
But I am.
Stop it.
Stop it.
- No. Let me go.
Let me go.
- Wait a minute, Bogey. Wait.
Look at me.
- No.
Look Miss. I don't know
what it's all about.
But I do know it's time to cut
the motors and stall her down.
You're telling him "no". Is that it?
Is that right?
I'm trying to tell him ..
Well that sounds final enough.
You'd better go, Miss. Go on.
Go on .. go on.
Wait, Ann.
- Wait, Bogey.
She doesn't want you to follow
her. Anyone can see that.
Now take it easy ..
- Let go of me, let go of me!
Hold it will you. Hold it.
Now Listen, take it easy. Take time.
Think it over. Then, if you want ..
We can find her. It's a cinch.
She's in Ambulance.
We'll go to town tonight.
Come on, I need a drink too.
Come on.
Look at all these trucks. You're
blocking the road down there.
Come on, will you.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
- Scram, you guys.
Get right out of here.
- Come on.
What's the trouble, Corporal?
Stand up. They're officers.
Your name is not Beatty, I hope.
- Hoped not.
My mistake.
No offence.
- What's he been doing?
Well you see, sir. Them trucks was
jammed up for about three blocks.
Then I come up and find this egg here.
You're talking about one of his
Majesty's officers, my man.
That will do, Corporal.
Well I find this ..
He had gone to bed in the middle of the
road with an empty basket for a blanket.
Laying there with hands under
his head and knees crossed ..
Arguing with the drivers whether
he ought to move or not.
He said the street was his.
Why don't you take him back to the ship?
- I thought of that.
He said he puts the ship away at night.
Puts it away?
- Yes, sir.
Stand up, sailor.
Maybe the Captain can
make sense out of it.
Darned if I can.
He says they keep the boat
under a wharf at night ..
And can't get it out until the
tide goes out in the morning.
Under a wharf? A boat?
- Yes, sir.
What is this?
You've seen those launches, camouflaged
and all, dashing up and down the harbour?
They do that all day and sleep
in the gutters here all night.
You mean to say they use officers to ..
Search me. Maybe they use them to fetch
hot water from one ship to another.
Or to carry napkins for the Admiral or
something like that. I don't know.
I see.
Alright Corporal, carry on.
This man will take care of him.
Hey, dog-face.
You take him.
And I hope you'll keep him
from using the street for a bed.
That will do, Corporal.
You know where he lives?
- Probably a place up the road, sir.
You come to the crossroad, turn into
a little court and count four houses.
Come, Bogey. We'll get
him home. Won't take long.
Why bother with him?
He's just a kid. I got a brother about
his age. Come on, take his other arm.
Come on, now. Upsy-daisy.
Upsy-daisy. That's the baby.
See the little birdie?
See it?
He's sure got a beauty.
Maybe they give 'em the
little boats to play with ..
To keep the gutters
clear during the day.
Come on.
Yeah, this it. Come on, buddy.
They told us ..
It's a mistake of course.
We were looking ..
Come on, Bogey. Let's get him in.
No, wait. We've made
a mistake. This isn't ..
Go on, sister. Tell him
and get it over with.
No .. it isn't a mistake.
This is the right place.
Bring him in.
- Sure.
Where to, sister?
So this is what you meant
when you said you'd died.
Well, he's not dead at any rate.
And he's not likely to be
hurt in that little boat of his.
Sorry, sister.
Come on, Bogey.
You take a lot of killing,
don't you. Come on.
Come on.
Short, sweet and promising, eh?
- Yes.
Hey Bogey, you see this?
- Yes.
What's the idea of
drawing lots in secret?
Just a new way to kill a guy, maybe.
Not a bad idea at that. Keep it secret.
May not even know yourself you're dead.
Come on, Bogey.
- Where you going?
- Wait. I'll go with you.
Thanks, just the same.
Come on, Wellington.
At him again, Wellington.
Well struck!
Come on, Wellington.
Come on Wellington, my boy.
Wellington wins!
A good fight, eh?
I say, you're the chaps who took
me home last night, aren't you.
I guess I was out of it and didn't
have a chance to thank you.
I can do it now.
May I get you a drink?
- Come on.
Take care of Wellington for
me, will you. - Right.
Whiskey, whiskey. One, two, three.
Ha. Speak French like a native, eh.
Oh I say, you fly don't you?
- Yes.
I've never flown myself.
Been on a mountain though.
Liked being high.
A risky sport, eh?
Yes. Sport.
- A bit dangerous isn't it?
A little more than being on a mountain.
Yet you command a vessel.
Well, it's hardly a vessel.
Nice, though.
I'm not in command. Ronnie does that.
He ranks me a bit.
- Ronnie?
Yes, the chap I run with.
Good egg. Bit of a stickler though.
A stickler?
Yes. You'd not believe it,
but whenever we sight smoke.
And I have the glass,
he always sheers away.
He keeps the ship held down, you know.
I can't get a beaver then.
He's had me two down for a fortnight.
Down? Beaver? - Yes.
- What do you mean?
He means: beaver.
Bottoms up.
- Right.
Well you see, we play
it with basket masks.
Whenever you see a basket mask,
why: beaver. You're one up.
The JurgenStrasse doesn't count anymore.
I see.
So when you or Ronnie see
a ship with a basket mask.
One gets the beaver on the other, huh?
- Right.
What is the JurgenStrasse?
Oh, she's a German,
interned in the harbour.
Her fore-mast is rigged
something like a basket.
You know, booms and cables and whatnot.
Ronnie called 'em once. They shifted her
across the bay. I called her on Ronnie.
So we decided not to
count her any more, see.
I see.
You and Ronnie run about
in a launch and play beaver.
Did you ever play ..
Take your hand away.
Sure I will .. when?
Get me?
You've never flown you say?
- No.
Always wanted to, though.
- Should you like to try it?
Should I?
You mean it?
Now. Tonight.
- Should I?
I say, wait. I'll get Wellington.
What's the idea?
What are you going to do?
I'm going to show him
something about war.
Oh lay off. I mean it. He's just a kid.
He's old enough to know
what it's all about.
Here we are getting shot at by the
clock and it's not even our fight.
Shut up. You sound like a liberty law.
He's treating it like it's a
tea party or something.
I'd like to catch him and his Ronnie.
Out on the harbour sometime.
Any harbour.
I wouldn't want anything
but a Jenny either.
A Jenny.
I'll take a bicycle and a pair of
water wings. I'll show him some war.
Sure, sure. Take him along. Let him have
Davis's place up in the front cockpit.
That would be just swell.
- But Mack.
I know you don't want him hurt and he's
taking the same chances as we are but ..
But what?
Ah well.
- Here we are.
Wellington has never
flown either. Look at him.
A big fellow isn't he.
You don't know who I am, do you.
Yes. The chap who fetched
me home last night.
I thanked you.
I can thank you again though.
- My name I mean.
It's Bogard.
You're the chap who took
the house aren't you?
They reported you dead.
You're not dead .. I'm glad.
No, I'm not dead.
Shall we start?
- Right.
Remember, you've done this before.
Have I?
Oh, quite. Yes.
This is Lieutenant Hope.
He is going up with me.
This is Moore, Skipworth, Jenkins.
- How do you do.
- Hello.
- Hello. - Rondell.
I hope you enjoy.
- I'm sure I will.
Pretty decent of you chaps
to let me go for a ride.
Yes, thanks.
Get him some gear, will you.
Ready on the line, sir.
Alright fellows, hit the deck.
Hit the deck.
Here you are, Bogey,
- Thanks.
Here, Hope. Put this on.
Oh, shall I need it? Never
worn one before you know.
Sure. Cold upstairs.
Don't talk. They'll get wise.
Say, it will keep Wellington cosy, what.
Yeah, absolutely.
Where's the Admiral from, Bogey?
The Scotch Navy, usually.
There you are kid, you're alright.
Take care of that.
- Do you want coffee, sir?
No he doesn't. Get
something else for tonight.
Coffee makes a confounded
stain on the wings.
The wings?
You pour coffee on the wings?
- You'll see ..
Lets do it, Mack. Come on.
Give me a bottle, Dave.
This is ours. I'll be with you in
a minute. Mack will show you in.
Come on.
I say, it's big isn't it.
- What?
I say its big.
I can't believe it flies
all in one lump.
It does.
You ride up front.
Bogey and I are here.
Harper protects the tail.
Now listen.
If you feel yourself getting sick.
Take a pull of this.
Shall I get sick?
- Sure.
We all do. Part of flying.
This will stop it.
But if it doesn't.
- What?
Don't spew it overside.
Not overside?
- No.
Blows back in Bogey's and my faces.
We can't see. Bingo.
We're finished. See?
Oh, quite.
What shall I do with it?
Just duck your head and let her go.
I say, that will be in my lap.
Quite. See.
- Alright.
Get down there.
Lean forward.
That's the Vickers gun.
The gunnery Sergeant will
be along in a minute.
He'll show you how to load it.
It's loaded.
Oh, it's alright.
I pointed it west before I let it off.
There's nothing back there but
your Brigade Headquarters.
By the way, my name is Claude.
I don't think I told you.
Oh, this is going to be swell.
I hope everything is working out
just the way you wanted it to.
There isn't a Hun squadron
between the coast and Ypres ..
That hasn't already
already drawn lots for us.
They've shaved, eaten breakfast and sit
round waiting to get us on the way back.
[ German language ]
[ German language ]
[ German language ]
He's not even scared.
I am, though. Plenty.
Come on, get out of here.
We had no business going so low.
I ought to report you.
Go ahead and report.
It hangs loose.
Ah, sit down.
Tell him to stand by his guns.
Get back.
- A bomb.
Yeah. They were bombed.
We gave them all we had.
Get back to your guns.
Bomb alright?
- Yeah, alright.
Get back to your guns.
- Right.
- What?
Wellington likes this.
- Get back to your guns.
Daylight soon.
Every Hun and their whole
channel group will be on us then.
Want me to take her?
Something's wrong with that left wing.
I'm flying on aileron
and a little rudder.
Feel it.
Maybe your wire is hot.
Watch it. Keep that wing up.
Here they come.
They look like mosquitoes in September.
I hope he don't start letting that gun
flop around and shoot back this way.
See what he said? He said: "I'm sorry".
I say, what a chap.
What a judge of distance.
If Ronnie could only have
seen it. Are they like ours?
Do they load themselves as
soon as the air strikes them?
What? Don't what load?
- The bomb. It's magnificent.
I shan't ever forget it.
The bomb?
That left wing.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
I was frightened myself.
I tried to tell you of it but realized
you knew your business better than I.
Skill .. marvellous.
I say, I shan't ever forget it.
Oh, Mack.
They got Wellington.
I waited. Did you find him?
I looked in a caf.
They said he'd been there.
Went out with some air-chap.
American. Can't understand.
It was Bogard.
Wasn't killed.
Met him at the hospital.
Told him it was over.
Not why, though.
That night he brought Claude home.
He hated me.
Hated Claude too.
Thought Claude was "safe".
Thought about the boat
like everybody else.
His face.
Ronnie, it's safe .. looking at me.
He didn't understand.
Oh Ronnie.
I have to let go to you.
I've no-one else.
Let go.
Oh, I loved him.
Can't help it.
Tried, tried terribly.
Stop trying, Ann.
Stop trying?
Can't help feelings.
Claude's young. He'll get over it.
Tell him "mistake Claude".
Too late.
It's past that.
I only want him to understand.
I only want not to remember
his face as it was.
Hating me.
That's all I want, Ronnie.
Friends, brothers, elks and beavers.
I come before you
not to bury Wellington.
But to praise him.
Hear, hear.
We are gathered together on this
solemn occasion to bid farewell ..
I can't stand it, Lieutenant. I can't.
Have a drink.
I can't stand much more of it either.
- Audrey.
To the only cockroach in the allied
armies who fought Richthofen.
Now we'll have the doxology.
Johnny, get back there and play
it as you've never played before.
Make it good, boys. Make it good.
[ Singing: ]
"Under a Belgian water tank,
the young observer lay."
"As his comrades gathered about him."
"These parting words he did say."
Say, Bogey.
Somebody wants to see you.
Captain Bogard?
I'm Boyce-Smith.
I was looking for Hope here,
and I see he's alright.
Why did you look for him here?
- My sister said he'd be here.
She told you that?
- Yes.
What else did she tell you about me?
I apologise. I shouldn't
have asked that.
I say, will you ..
Will you come with us on the boat today?
Did Ann ..?
Did your sister tell you to ask me that?
Why do you want me to come?
Did you tell Claude why?
You're right .. I'll come.
At two, what. I'll leave word with
the sentry to pass you in to port.
I'll be there.
I want you to meet my friend, McGinnis.
A beaver, what?
So .. so you're going to spend the
afternoon with the children, eh?
Or should I say "eh what"?
Some guy has said that a brave man is
a fool who don't know when to be scared.
Meaning which?
Go on, finish.
That's all. I never even said it.
I was only going to remark I'd have
showed him what the war was like.
Well then, don't.
- Sure.
Excuse me for stepping
on your toes, General.
You haven't. Just shut up.
- Sure, General. - And stay shut up.
Sure, General. Excuse me, General.
Have a nice time, General.
Lieutenant Boyce-Smith.
Down at the boat, sir.
Oh, just a minute, sir.
From Lieutenant McGinnis
for the Captain, sir.
Hello there.
Well, here she is.
So you came. Thanks.
Did you think I wouldn't?
Or don't you go out in the rain?
Oh, it doesn't matter much. Come aboard.
Take that little seat up forward.
Not much to look at is she.
Do the best we can.
Shall we shove off?
Any time.
Ready forward?
- Aye-aye, sir.
Ready aft?
- Aye-aye, sir.
Cast off.
Cast off, men.
Look. See?
What? See what?
The JurgenStrasse.
They've shifted her again.
If Ronnie would only call
her I'd just be one down.
He didn't see it. Maybe he
will on the way back, though.
You've got lots of time.
- Yes.
He's been ahead since
we were ten years old.
Always ahead.
I've cut it to two now though.
I only hope he sees it.
I say, will you be warm? I never
thought to fetch another one of these.
I'm alright.
- Here.
No, no. I won't take it.
You'll tell me if you get cold?
- Yes. Sure.
Are we outside now?
- Yes.
I mean, are we outside the harbour?
Quite. Where do you think we went?
Listen. Where are we going? How far?
It's Ronnie's show. He thought of it.
I told him about last night.
He said: "flying all night".
"That must have been to Berlin".
I said I didn't know.
Well he thought and I waited.
I said we couldn't take
you to Berlin in a boat.
It's too far. Besides,
we don't know the way.
He said: but we could go to Kiel.
I knew then ..
- To Kiel, in this?
Oh, absolutely. Ronnie said
no fun for you unless we did.
What is this boat for?
What does it do?
- Yes.
That's a torpedo, isn't it?
I thought you knew.
- No. I didn't know.
How do you fire it?
Well, you pull this lever here
and it drops out astern.
As soon as the screw
touches the water ..
The torpedo is loaded.
And all you have to do
is turn the boat quickly.
And the torpedo goes on.
I see.
You aim the torpedo with the boat.
And release it. Then if you don't turn
out of the way, it's just too bad, huh?
I knew you'd catch on.
Yes. Ready.
The channel into the harbour.
Full of mines.
A pattern on all sides
and beneath us too.
Englander torpedo boat.
[ German language ]
[ German language ]
You old mutt. Now I'm three down again.
What is it?
It didn't go that time.
Right. Ronnie, get it for me.
All clear, Ronnie.
Take him, will you.
Alright, Bert?
- Aye-aye, sir.
Where are we?
We're inside the harbour now.
How do you feel?
Oh .. I say.
What is it? Your eyes hurting too?
No. No, they're alright.
Did Ronnie notice?
Notice what?
The JurgenStrasse.
That they had shifted her.
No. He didn't notice.
Shall I pass the word for
stretcher bearers, sir?
No. Never mind.
Make fast, then go ashore.
- Aye-aye, sir.
We'll go to the base and
see about your head.
It's alright.
Hardly notice it.
- It ought to be attended to.
Do it when we report.
Will you .. shake hands?
- Right.
Just one thing more.
Will you let me talk to
Ann for just a moment?
Why not?
Why not?
Thank you.
I say, Ronnie.
I can't see.
I thought so.
The fastest ..
Yet, Ronnie.
The harbour might be
full of strange ships.
That have come in since we left.
I can't see them.
You mutt. You did it!
And I made you do it.
The JurgenStrasse isn't it.
Isn't it?
- Ronnie.
I'm just two down now.
He was here. He left this.
Coming back today, later.
He says here that he understands.
He will understand, won't he Ronnie?
Please say that he will.
Yes, Ann.
He came with us on the boat.
Dear Ronnie.
You always make everything right.
It is right. Isn't it, Ronnie?
I know now that it is.
And Claude will know too.
I can tell him now, can't I?
Not yet.
Wasn't wrong this morning.
Wrong now. Things have changed.
Where is he?
- At the doctors.
What is it?
- Eyes.
Left him there. Came to you.
We'll know when we get back.
Knew you'd want to be there if he ..
Of course.
Come along.
I'll see.
Not finished yet.
Why did you bring him here?
He wanted to.
Said find out first.
Decide what to do later.
You wouldn't have brought him here.
If you hadn't been afraid.
Have you ever ..
Really prayed?
Not until now.
Neither have I.
Sister. Mine.
Your friend, who is another soldier.
Report him to the base authorities.
He is blind.
No hope, ever?
I see.
Let me.
- Uhuh.
Hi, sailor.
What do you mean, getting
a girl out at this time of night?
Never do it again.
Played the devil this time, didn't you.
A mess, isn't it.
- You're in luck, sailor.
Not dead like Jimmy
and Hobart at any rate.
You'll be out in a few months in that
boat getting in trouble all over again.
Sailor is ashore for good, Ann.
Lot you know. Doctor knows better.
Like this I can see Ann's
face clearer than ever.
Is he well enough to come
along home with Ann?
Come along.
Back in a minute, sailor.
Can't talk in there.
I only came to apologise.
To ask your pardon for anything
that I've said .. or thought.
Today I went out with them .. and
now I know why it's all happened.
You wanted me to know, didn't you.
I only wanted to see your face
different from what it was that night.
It is different.
Isn't it.
I was trying to hurt you, and them.
I can't hurt them.
He's a better man at 20 than I am at 27.
He'll be a better man
at 27 than I've been.
He loves you, doesn't he.
He always has.
I know.
- No, you don't.
You don't know, Richard.
I told you once, I loved you.
I still do.
No, don't.
Don't touch me.
A few hours ago when you came back.
I thought we could be alive.
To have each other.
It's back, just where it was.
Claude's in there.
His eyes.
He's blind.
Now do you understand?
Mack says I'd take a lot of killing.
He should have said it for
both of us, shouldn't he.
Get in any more mischief
while I was away?
A bit of thinking, that's all.
That's mischief.
- No thanks.
Come here.
Not all rain, is it.
Don't for me, Ann.
I'll be alright.
Everything will.
Of course.
You might tell me about
that wild ride of yours.
Not much to tell.
The torpedo stuck again.
Shell hit me before second try.
Bogard pulled the lever.
I guess he got more
than he bargained for.
A good chap, Ann.
I like him.
Like him a lot.
I like him .. too.
There is the Mhne,
surrounded by batteries.
There, there.
There, there.
Anti-aircraft chiefly from
the north and the east.
The cruiser lies about here.
A bit more to the north, sir.
That's a dummy there.
- The best approach is from the south.
Now you realize Captain, that
cruiser has got to be removed.
Before we can land a
single man on the Mhne.
It must be removed at any cost.
Can you do it?
Yes, sir.
Unless I'm hit directly by accident.
I can get enough height to dive in and
drop the bombs before they can stop me.
And then what?
And then what, sir?
Well, it was my suggestion
that this thing be done by lots.
But Major Moseley said
that you volunteered for it.
Yes, sir.
Very well. That's all.
Good luck.
- Thank you, sir.
I may say there will be a
ribbon in it when you ..
If you ..
- We'll appreciate that, sir.
I say.
Wish you luck. May I?
- Thanks.
I'm sorry to hear about ..
I know .. war seems to have
a way of doing in good chaps.
I hope you'll get back.
Thanks again.
- Yes?
Where is Ann?
- In there.
I say Ronnie, don't.
She's sleeping.
Sit down will you. I want to chin a bit.
- Yes, thanks.
About Ann, Ronnie.
She loves him.
How did you ..?
- Sure of it now.
I thought so though, this afternoon.
When he shook hands.
I didn't think you noticed.
- Uhuh.
See better now.
See lots of things.
Just came from the Admiral's.
A silly mess.
What is it?
- You know. Cruiser to be sunk.
Is it on?
- Yes. He's got it.
- Yes. Volunteered to fly in.
Leaves tonight. Be there at dawn.
I say Ronnie, he won't come
back. I know. I've flown myself.
That's what Wing Commander
said: "Not get back".
But I ..
Does he know about me?
No lying, now.
Does he?
Look, Ronnie.
I'm blind.
When this is over I'll be a chap
tapping about with a stick.
In everybody's way.
England hard hit too.
Will be when this is over.
America, though.
It's far away.
Seems out of it.
She'd forget.
Children .. and such.
You know what I mean, Ronnie?
- Yes.
Listen, Ronnie.
We know the harbour.
We know the cruiser too.
We could be in and out before
they know we're there.
Yes. Thought of that.
Did you, Ronnie?
You would.
You know what I mean then?
- Yes.
I know another thing too.
- What?
You and Ann.
No, Ronnie.
Not love.
Just habit.
War, maybe.
Remember how we talked as children?
We're not children anymore.
We're grown-ups.
Look. - What?
- Look at me.
Now say it.
Say what, Ronnie?
- Say it isn't love.
No, it isn't love, Ronnie.
- You're lying. - No, really.
You're lying.
What else, Ronnie?
Wait Ronnie. Wait.
I'm going too. What do you think?
- No.
Yes Ronnie. You don't need to
see to pull a lever. - No.
Yes, Ronnie.
I say Ronnie, can we look in?
Daresn't old chap.
Might wake her, see.
Just a look? Just a moment?
Quiet now.
I promise I shan't move without you.
Are you looking at her, Ronnie?
Look at her while I'm touching you.
Is it now?
- Yes.
Alright, sir.
- Thank you, Sergeant.
[ Singing: ]
"And a bearing is close to my brain."
"Take the cylinders
out of my lungs, boys."
"And assemble the engine .."
Hello teacher. Hello. Come on.
Have a drink. Come on.
No thanks, Mack.
- Come on.
You'd better start drinking water.
Water? Water. Have you
forgotten the Johnstown floods?
The poor women, the children.
- Pull yourself together, Mack.
Don't worry about me.
I wouldn't miss it for worlds.
I never been shot at by a battleship.
Something to tell the Sunday
School class back in Podunk.
Clock eh? Beaver what?
And a couple of loons, that's us.
And while I think of it, you know ..
Who took my drink? Give me a
drink, Jackson. Give me a drink.
Bring him some coffee, Jackson.
And make him drink it.
Coffee. Do you hear what he said?
Well I guess you'd better do it.
What is it, Bert?
Mr Boyce-Smith and Mr Hope, Miss.
They've gone out on the boat.
They made me and Reece stay
ashore and they went off alone.
Why, Mr Hope. He's ..
- Yes, Miss. He could hardly walk.
He was always a fair one
for his bottle, but this time ..
But he wasn't drinking. He's blind.
Blind, Miss?
- Where did they go?
I don't know, Miss.
The trip wasn't scheduled.
They gave me this to take to Captain
Bogard, but I thought I'd come to you.
Where may I telephone?
Down the street, Miss. Round the corner.
- Wait a minute.
Ready, Mack?
No, but I guess I'll go.
I'm drawing their money. I ought
to do a little something for them.
[ Telephone ]
Hello. Who?
Oh, Captain. Telephone for you.
Hello. Hello Richard.
It's Ann.
Yes, Ann?
Ronnie and Claude went out on the boat.
Didn't take the men with them.
They left a note for you.
Bert brought it to me.
Open it and read it.
Mack, get everything ready.
It says.
It says .. "Take care of Ann".
"Happy landings."
What does it mean, Richard?
It means they're doing a job I
ought to be doing. Goodbye, Ann.
God bless you .. goodbye.
[ Whispering ]
Getting close now. Ready?
I smell smoke.
Beaver, Ronnie. Beaver!
- Ronnie.
Now I'm just one down.
Right you are.
Smoke again.
Beaver, Ronnie.
Ronnie. We're even now.
I've caught you at last.
We're even now, Ronnie.
- Right.
It didn't go, Ronnie.
The crank. Where is it?
I'll fit the crank.
You hook the cables in.
Try it now, Ronnie.
Got it yet?
Not yet.
No go.
Jammed. Can't get it back.
If I could only see.
What now, Ronnie?
Come up here.
Get out the boat.
Get out?
- They'll pick you up.
Take lifebelt. Go overside.
No. You take it.
You can't see.
You can pont the boat and jump.
I can hold her straight.
- No.
Get off I tell you.
- No.
I rank you. I say: go overside!
No, Ronnie.
Your last chance. You won't?
- Absolutely not.
I'll bet I get there first.
Is it now?
Yes, now!
T-G o