Tokyo Story (1953)

Tokyo Story
Screenplay by
Kogo Noda and Yasujiro Ozu
Produced by Takeshi Yamamoto
Cinematography by Yushun Atsuta
Production design
by Tatsuo Hamada
Music by Kojun Saito
Chishu Ryu
as Shukichi Hirayama
Chieko Higashiyama
as Tomi
Setsuko Hara
as Noriko
Haruko Sugimura as Shige Kaneko,
So Yamamura as Koichi Hirayama
Kuniko Miyake as Fumiko,
Kyoko Kagawa as Kyoko
Eijiro Tono as Sanpei Numata,
Nobuo Nakamura as Kurazo Kaneko
Shiro Osaka as Keizo Hirayama,
Hisao Toake as Osamu Hattori
Directed by Yasujiro Ozu
The train gets in to Osaka at 6:00.
Is that right? Keizo should have
finished work by then.
If he got our telegram,
he should be at the station.
- Here's your lunchbox, Mother.
- Thank you.
I'm leaving now.
You don't need to see us off
if you're busy at school.
It's fine, I have plenty of time.
- Are you sure?
- I'll see you at the station.
- I've put tea in your thermos, Mother.
- Thank you.
- Right, I'll see you later.
- See you.
See you later.
Have you got the air cushion?
Didn't I give it to you?
It's not here.
- I'm sure I gave it to you.
- Did you?
Good morning!
- Off to Tokyo today?
- Yes, the train's this afternoon.
- I see...
- We're going to see all our children.
They must be looking forward
to your visit.
You'll keep an eye on the house
for us, won't you?
Of course. You enjoy yourselves.
You're lucky you've got such
fine sons and daughters.
Well, we'll see how we fare.
- And it's a lovely day, too.
- We're very lucky.
- Well, I wish you both a safe trip.
- Thank you.
- I still can't find that air cushion.
- It must be there. Have another look.
- Oh, here it is.
- Found it?
Got it.
Doctor Hirayama
Don't make the place untidy, Isamu
I'm back!
Welcome home!
Hi. Have grandpa and grandma
They'll be here very soon.
- What is it?
- Why have you moved my desk?
To make room
for grandpa and grandma.
You don't have to move my desk,
do you?
They need the space to sleep in.
Where am I supposed to study
for my exams?
You can study wherever you like.
But Mum...where do I do my homework?
- Where, Mum?
- Just pipe down.
- You never usually want to study.
- Yes, I do!
You do not!
So I don't have to do
any homework, then?
- Well, that suits me just fine!
- Quiet, Minoru!
They're here.
Welcome home, dear.
Come on in.
- Welcome.
- Come in.
Come in.
There you go.
You must be tired, Mother.
Did you sleep on the train?
Yes, very well.
Come and sit here.
Welcome to you both.
It's been a while
since we last saw you.
Many thanks for having us to stay.
- It's been ages, Mother.
- It has indeed.
It's lovely to see you.
- Is our sister Kyoko well?
- Very well, thank you.
- She's looking after the house?
- Yes.
Oh, wait, Fumiko.
I brought you a little something.
Just some rice crackers.
They're quite tasty.
- Thank you so much.
- Mother's fond of them.
Shall I serve them?
Any bowl will do.
- How about this?
- Perfect, perfect.
Did Noriko go to the station?
No, she didn't.
I told her when they were arriving.
- I wonder what happened?
- Serve these, will you?
Minoru? Isamu?
What are you up to?
Come with me.
Grandpa, grandma...
You've both grown.
- Minoru's at primary school now.
- I see.
- And how old are you, Isamu?
- How old are you?
How old?
The bath's ready for you
whenever you like.
- Would you like a bath, Father?
- All right...
- Would you like to change, Mother?
- I'll get you a light kimono...
I'm fine, Fumiko.
I'll get in the bath.
I'll take that.
This way.
Did Keizo meet you at Osaka?
Yes, I sent him a telegram
and he met us.
- Is he well?
- Yes.
He sent a present for you.
It's all right, Mother,
give it to me later.
- Have you got a towel, Father?
- Yes, yes.
Take your time.
- What shall we feed them?
- I don't know...
- Hey, brother?
- What?
Meat's all right for supper, isn't it?
Yeah, fine.
And maybe some sashimi?
The meat'll be enough.
There's plenty to go round.
- Hello?
- Here's Noriko. Come in!
- Welcome.
- I was too late!
- Did you go to Tokyo Station?
- By the time I got there, they'd gone.
- For you.
- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, come in.
- Welcome.
- Sorry I'm so late.
- They're upstairs.
All right, I'll go and say hello.
Welcome to you both.
- It's been a while, Noriko.
- It's lovely to see you.
Were you very busy?
Not really, but by the time I'd finished,
it was too late.
Oh, you needn't have rushed round here.
We could've met tomorrow.
Still working for the same company?
- It must be hard, supporting yourself.
- Not at all.
- Your bath's ready, Father!
- Coming!
- I'll do that for you, Mother.
- I'm fine.
Being in Tokyo is like a dream.
I always thought Tokyo
was so far away...
...but it was only yesterday we were
in Onomichi, and now we're with you.
I'm glad I'm alive to see
so many changes.
But the two of you
haven't changed at all.
Of course we have,
we're a couple of old folks now.
What are you two talking about?
Let's go downstairs.
Mother, I'm sure you're getting taller.
How could I have grown?
It's true, you have.
And you've put on weight.
When I was a child,
she was so big...
...I used to feel ashamed
in front of my classmates.
- Once, she broke a school chair.
- Don't tell lies!
That chair was already broken.
- You still believe that?
- Of course!
Never mind. Let's go down.
- Shall I take this through, Sister?
- Yes, do.
- And this?
- Just leave it out.
It's a little cooler now.
- It must be hot in Onomichi.
- It is indeed.
Mother, how is O-Ko?
She must've been born
under an unlucky star.
When she was widowed,
she married again last spring...
...and took her child with her
to Kurashiki.
But I hear the poor woman's
not very happy.
What was the name of that fellow
on the council staff?
Oh, Mihashi, you mean?
He passed away.
- Quite some time ago, wasn't it?
- That's right.
Do you remember Hattori?
In the military section?
I remember him.
- He's living in Tokyo now.
- Is that right?
- I intend to go round and visit him.
- Where is he?
Somewhere in the Daito district.
I have his address.
Have you tidied everything up?
Thanks so much.
Noriko, here's your present
from Keizo.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
- Oh, sorry, Grandma...
- Not at all, Fumiko, not at all.
You're going out tomorrow, aren't you?
It's Sunday,
so I can show them around.
- Right. Shall we be off then, Noriko?
- Let's leave together.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for coming.
- Thanks for dinner, Brother.
- Sorry it's so late.
- I'll see you soon, Father.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
We'll be fine, Fumiko.
- Thanks for having us so late.
- Thank you for supper.
Thank you for coming.
You must be tired, Father.
Do you want to go to bed, Mother?
Shall we retire, then?
- Night, then.
- Goodnight.
- Night.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Night.
I'll bring you some water.
- You must be tired.
- Not really.
I'm glad they're all well.
We're here at last.
What part of Tokyo is this?
- The suburbs.
- I guess so.
It was a long ride from the station.
I thought they'd live
somewhere more central.
- Than here?
- Yes.
Koichi did want to move more centrally.
But it's not easy.
Urara Beauty Salon.
How long are your mother
and father staying?
Four or five days. Pass me that.
- Shouldn't I call round to see them?
- Don't bother. They'll come here.
I should take them to a show
or something.
You needn't bother
worrying about them.
They're delicious, these beans.
What are their plans for today?
Don't eat all those beans.
My brother's taking them sightseeing.
So I needn't bother, then.
Kiyo, come and get some food.
Behave yourselves today
when you're with grandpa and grandma.
- You hear me?
- Yes.
Sit down.
- How much longer?
- They'll be ready soon.
Go upstairs and
ask if they're ready to go.
- Are you ready?
- Ready.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.
- Let's go, then.
They're coming.
What about lunch?
We'll go to a restaurant
in a department store.
- The children will like that.
- Fine
- Isamu loves those kiddy lunches.
- All right.
Excuse me...
- How is he?
- No better.
- Any appetite?
- He'll only take a cold drink.
- Has his temperature fallen?
- His temperature is still 102.
I see. I'd better see him.
Thank you, I'm sorry to spoil your day.
Are the hypodermics sterilised?
I must visit a patient.
Father, I'm afraid
I have to visit a patient.
- I see.
- Sorry.
- Never mind.
- It could take a while.
That's all right.
- I'll see you later.
- Take care.
- Still not ready?
- No...
- I may be late.
- What about your mother and father?
Shall I take them?
You can't leave the house unoccupied.
We'll go next Sunday.
Very well. See you later.
- Where's dad going?
- To see a patient.
I'm awfully sorry.
Never mind.
A busy doctor's a good doctor.
He's very dedicated.
Aren't we going, Mum? It's not fair!
It can't be helped. A patient needs him.
Not fair!
- You can go another time.
- Not fair!
Behave yourself, Minoru!
- You lied!
- Make yourself scarce!
- Come here.
- No way!
- They're so naughty.
- It's good for boys to be spirited.
Now just behave yourselves.
It's not fair!
You can go another time.
It's always "another time".
We never go!
It can't be helped
that dad had to go out.
- As usual!
- Now don't be so difficult.
- It's not fair!
- Not fair!
- Not fair!
- What? You're being horrible.
- Behave, or I'll tell your father.
- Go and tell him!
- You just remember those words!
- See if I care!
- What's the matter?
- Oh, nothing...
Come along, Isamu,
come for a walk with granny.
- Won't you come, too, Minoru?
- Minoru...
- Come on, then.
- That'll be nice with granny, Isamu.
Let's go.
Sure you don't want to come, Minoru?
Thank you.
Minoru, go with them.
- Shan't!
- Suit yourself then.
See you later.
Here you are.
Thank you.
- What's up with Minoru?
- He's just so stubborn.
His father was the same.
Koichi always had to have his own way.
It's just a shame he had to go out
when you're here.
Oh, we're fine.
We'll go next Sunday.
Thank you.
After a few days here,
we're thinking of visiting Shige.
There they are.
What do you want to be
when you grow up, Isamu?
Do you want to be a doctor
like your daddy?
By the time you're a doctor,
I wonder where I'll be?
Welcome back.
- There was a call for you.
- Who from?
- Enomoto phoned about that business.
- That's all wrapped up.
- What are your folks up to?
- They're upstairs.
I bought some sweets for them
from a place in Asakusa.
Try one, they're delicious.
These are expensive.
They don't expect such things.
Tasty, eh?
Yes, but such things
are wasted on them.
Rice crackers would've done.
But they had rice crackers yesterday.
Yes, but they really like them.
Will you take them out somewhere
Tomorrow? I'm afraid I can't.
- I have to collect some accounts.
- Really?
I was hoping my brother
would do something with them.
- How about taking them to a film?
- What's on?
- There's plenty on in the evenings.
- Do that with them, then.
They've seen nothing of Tokyo yet.
It'd be a shame for them
not to get out.
I know, but who has the time
to take them?
- You look busy.
- Oh, you're back.
- Here.
- Oh, thank you.
- What a job you've been asked to do!
- Not at all.
- Where's father?
- Putting clothes out to dry.
I see. Let's go to the bathhouse.
Father? Father!
Let's go to the bathhouse.
Welcome home.
Let's go to the bathhouse.
- And we can buy ice-cream afterwards.
- Oh, thank you.
Right, let's go.
- We're off to the bathhouse.
- All right.
- See you later.
- Bye.
See you later.
Mother, you can use my old sandals.
Really? Thanks.
Hello? Is that Yoneyama & Co?
May I speak to Noriko Hirayama?
Thank you.
Ah, Noriko? It's me.
Don't mention it.
Listen, I need a favour.
Can you spare any time tomorrow?
Father and mother haven't
been sightseeing yet in Tokyo.
I was wondering if you could
take them out somewhere tomorrow.
I know. I ought to take them really,
but I'm too busy at the shop.
I know, I'm sorry.
Eh? Really?
- Thank you.
- Not at all.
Wait a moment, I'll have to see.
- I'm sorry it's such short notice...
- What is it?
- May I have tomorrow off?
- All right.
- Thank you.
- What about the aluminium contract?
I'll get it finished today.
Hello? Sorry to keep you waiting.
I'll call for them at 9:00
tomorrow morning.
Not at all.
Give my best regards
to your mother and father.
Till tomorrow, then.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to Tokyo.
Let's trace the illustrious history
of this great city.
On your right, the Imperial Palace,
formerly Chiyoda Castle.
Built 500 years ago
by Lord Dokan Ota...
...its tranquil setting amid
green pine trees and a large moat...
...contrasts strongly
with the bustle of modern Tokyo.
- Koichi's house is in that direction.
- I see...
- And Shige's house?
- Her house is that way, I think.
- And yours?
- My house is in that direction.
- It's over that way.
- I see
I hope you'll come home with me later.
Who is it?
- Only me.
- You're home early today.
- Is Miko sleeping?
- She's just settled down.
- You don't have any sake, do you?
- Sake?
- My in-laws are here.
- I think I might have some.
- This is all I've got. Is this enough?
- Fine. Thanks.
Where did he have this photo taken?
In Kamakura. A friend took it.
- I see.
- When was that?
- The year before he was conscripted.
- Really...
That's his typical look.
Head on one side.
He always stood like that.
- What is it?
- May I borrow a flask?
Oh, right.
There you go. Do you want these, too?
They're delicious.
Thank you.
Sorry to bother you.
Noriko, please don't go to any trouble.
It's fine, it's no trouble.
Thank you so much for today.
Not at all.
You both must be exhausted.
No, we've seen so many places,
thanks to you.
I'm sorry you had to put up with us
all day.
Of course not.
- You must be busy at work, though.
- Not really.
We're only a small company and
not that busy, so I can take time off.
Well, that's lucky for us.
All right...
And on an empty stomach, too...
This is good stuff.
Do you like a drop of sake, Father?
Oh, yes,
very much so in the old days.
If we ever ran out at home...
...he'd rush out for more,
any time of the night.
Every time we had a son...
...I'd pray he wouldn't
become a drinker.
Did Shoji drink?
- He did indeed.
- Is that so?
Often, when he went out drinking
after work...
...he'd bring friends home because
they'd missed their last trains.
- Really?
- So you had the sort of trouble I had.
Yes...but now
it's a very dear memory.
How true.
Poor Shoji,
he lived so far away...
...I feel he's still alive somewhere.
Father often tells me
not to be so foolish.
He must be dead. It's been
eight years since the end of the war.
I know, but all the same...
He was so wilful as a boy.
I'm sure he gave you
plenty of trouble, too.
Not really...
Then he had to die. Poor Noriko.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.
- Thank you.
It's not much, but...
- There you are, Mother.
- Thanks.
- Help yourself.
- Very well. Thank you so much.
- They're late.
- They'll be back soon.
How long are they planning
to stay in Tokyo?
- They said nothing to you?
- No...
Listen, Brother...
...I was thinking, are you willing
to put up 3,000 yen?
- What for?
- I will if you will.
2,000 yen should suffice.
- No, we'll need 3,000 yen.
- What for?
I was thinking we could send them
to a hot springs.
You and I are too busy
to shepherd them around.
And we can't keep asking Noriko.
- What do you think?
- Not a bad idea...
I know a nice hotel in Atami,
not expensive at all.
- Sounds good. Let's send them there.
- I'm sure they'll be pleased.
I was worrying about the cost of taking
them around. But 3,000 yen's fine.
Of course, sending them to Atami
will be much cheaper for us.
What is it?
We're making plans
to send the old folks to Atami spa.
That's a great idea.
I wish I could show them around,
but I'm just so busy.
- So you agree?
- Absolutely. It's a great idea.
Let's do it, then.
- We can do nothing for them here.
- Yeah, you're right.
Atami is a good idea.
Rather than tramping around Tokyo...
...they can bathe in the hot springs
and relax.
- The old folks will love it, won't they?
- You're right.
They are late, though.
- Perhaps they're at Noriko's place.
- Oh, maybe.
I've never been to a hot springs before.
We've put them to additional expense.
Isn't this nice, though?
Let's get up early tomorrow
and take a walk along the beach.
Let's do that.
The scenery around here
is supposed to be lovely.
- That's what the maid told me.
- Really?
The sea is so calm.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.
- The noodles have arrived.
- What's the bet?
- You had that?
- That hurts me.
- Not bad, not bad.
- There you are.
- I'll take, I'll take.
- Ready!
- Ready?
- You discarded this?
- Yeah, I did
I'm out.
How do you like that, you idiot?
That makes 1632.
He thrashed us!
It's so noisy
I wonder how late it is.
What's the matter?
You didn't sleep well last night,
did you?
But you slept well.
No, I didn't sleep a wink.
You say that,
but you were sound asleep.
This place is for the younger generation.
You're right.
Hey, what about those newlyweds?
They made so much noise!
Do you think they're really
He was up this morning,
but she was lolling in bed.
He's a fool.
I heard him tell her, "You're all mine!
Ears, eyes, mouth, all mine!"
A woman like her!
I wonder how Kyoko's getting on
by herself.
Shall we head home?
Are you feeling homesick already?
You're the one that's homesick,
aren't you?
We've seen Tokyo,
we've seen Atami.
- Shall we go home?
- Very well, let's go home.
What's the matter?
I just felt slightly dizzy.
I'm fine now.
You didn't sleep very well, that's why.
Let's go.
How about sweeping it back?
That would suit you.
You think so?
You have a lovely neckline.
Keep the left side flat
and put a wave in the right side.
- I'll try it next time.
- It will enhance your personality.
Kiyo, pass me another magazine.
And some matches.
- Welcome.
- We're back.
What? Back so soon?
- Afternoon.
- Why didn't you stay longer?
- What happened?
- Well...
- Who's that?
- Just some friends from the country.
Kiyo, take over this for me.
What happened?
You're back so soon.
- How was Atami?
- Yes, we liked the hot baths.
And our room had a lovely view.
I know. That hotel's only just
been built. Was it crowded?
Hmm...a little crowded.
- And what about the food?
- Sashimi, savoury egg custard...
Their sashimi is tasty.
It's on the coast, that's why.
And they served huge omelettes, too.
How come you came back?
We wanted you to relax.
We thought you'd have
two or three days' rest.
We thought it was time
we got back home.
So soon?
You're not that often in Tokyo.
Still, we'd better be going.
Kyoko must be feeling lonely at home.
She'll be fine, Mother.
She's not a baby anymore.
Next time, I plan to take you
to the Kabuki theatre.
I don't want to put you
to so much expense.
I just want you to relax.
Still, my colleagues are holding
a meeting here tonight from 7:00.
Oh? Will there be many of them?
Yes. It's my turn to be host.
We've come back
at the wrong moment.
I should have told you. That's why
I wanted you to stay at Atami.
- The dye's ready.
- All right. Excuse me.
What shall we do?
I don't know.
We can't go to Koichi's
and bother them again.
You're right.
Shall we get Noriko to put us up?
She hasn't got room for both of us.
You go there.
What about you?
I'll visit the Hattori family
and stay there if I can.
Anyway, let's get going.
Well, we've become homeless at last.
- Noriko ought to be home by now.
- You think so?
Perhaps it's still a bit early.
If you're going to the Hattori family,
you'd better start now.
Yes, we'd better go.
That's just like you.
Isn't Tokyo vast?
Isn't it just?
If we were to get lost,
we might find never each other again.
Hattori - Professional Scribe.
Is that how long it's been?
It must be 17 or 18 years.
Still, you've sent me a card
every New Year's.
Don't mention it.
I suppose Onomichi
has changed a lot.
Well, fortunately, it wasn't bombed.
The area you used to live in
hasn't changed at all.
Is that right?
It was such a nice place.
We used to enjoy the view
from the Senko temple.
The price of sea bream used to drop
after the cherry blossom season.
We haven't eaten it
since we moved to Tokyo.
That's so true.
Listen, dear...
Hmm, later.
Tell my friends
I'll be playing pin-ball round there.
- See you later.
- Thank you.
We rent the upstairs room to him.
He likes going out at night.
He's a law student,
but he never does any studying.
He's always gambling at pin-ball
and mah-jong. I feel sorry for his father.
Go on, dear...
How's about going for a drink
for old times' sake?
I'm sure my cooking isn't
good enough for you.
Forgive me for turning up
out of the blue.
- Remember our old police chief?
- Numata?
- He lives nearby.
- Does he? How is he?
He's fine. His son's an executive
in a printing company.
- Well, good for him.
- Shall we pay him a visit?
That would be wonderful.
Fancy that?
- Drink up.
- I've had plenty.
Drink up, for old times' sake!
I haven't touched a drink in years.
Remember how you drank
when the Governor visited us?
You mean at the Takemura?
You got absolutely legless!
Remember that young geisha
who served us?
- Umeko?
- You really took a fancy to her.
So did the Governor,
if you remember?
And you, as well.
Ah, youth! I always disgraced myself
whenever I got drunk.
Not at all!
Drink is good for your health.
You're lucky, your children
are all well settled.
I'm not so sure about that.
I often wish at least
one of my sons were alive.
Both were killed in the war.
Didn't you lose one?
Yes, my second son.
I've had enough of war.
It's hard to lose one's children.
However, living with them
isn't always easy, either.
A real dilemma.
Let's drink.
Let's change the subject.
- And cheer up!
- Yes!
If I had an extra bedroom for you,
we could drink till morning.
Miss, more sake!
Come on, Miss,
bring us some sake...
Anyway, I'm really glad you came.
I never dreamed
I'd see you here in Tokyo.
Okaya Noodles.
Here's some warm sake.
Pour one for me, would you?
You're so drunk.
Hirayama, she looks like
someone, don't you think?
- Here we go again!
- Don't you think so?
Well, like who?
- Yes, she does.
- Like who?
- That geisha Umeko?
- Oh, no! She was much fatter.
- She looks like my wife.
- You're right.
See, especially here...
Isn't it time you went home?
You've had enough.
- And both of them are bad-tempered!
- You're being a nuisance.
That's what my wife says, too.
Hey, come here and pour for me.
Have some more.
No, thanks.
I think you're the luckiest one of all.
How come?
With good sons and daughters
to be proud of.
You can be proud of yours, too.
No, my son's no good.
He's henpecked
and treats me like I'm in the way.
He's nothing!
But being head of department
is a good position.
Head of nothing, more like!
He's only an assistant section chief.
I get so depressed that I lie to people
about his position.
He's a failure.
I don't think so.
He's my only son,
so I spared the rod and spoiled him.
You brought your son up properly.
He has a degree and everything!
All doctors have to have degrees.
I'm afraid we expect
too much of our children.
They lack spirit.
And they lack ambition.
I've told my son that.
He said that there are
too many people in Tokyo...
...that it's hard to get ahead.
What do you think?
Young people today have no backbone.
Where is their spirit?
That's not how I raised him!
But Numata...
You don't agree with me?
- You're satisfied?
- Of course not, but...
You see?
Even you aren't satisfied.
It makes me feel so sad.
No more to drink.
However, Numata,
until I came up to Tokyo...
...I was under the impression
that my son was doing better.
But I've found that he's only
a small neighbourhood doctor.
I know how you feel.
I'm as dissatisfied as you are.
But we can't expect too much
from our children, Numata.
Times have changed.
We have to face it.
- That's what I think.
- Is it?
- Yes.
- I see. You, too.
My son has really changed,
but there's nothing I can do about it.
After all, there are
too many people in Tokyo.
You think so?
I suppose I should be happy.
Maybe you're right.
Nowadays, some young men
kill their parents without a thought.
At least mine wouldn't do that.
Look, it's gone midnight.
So what?
It's time you went home.
You get more and more like my wife.
I like you, you know?
Do something with him, will you?
Leave him alone.
Let's drink up tonight, right?
A wonderful night, eh?
Wonderful, wonderful.
Wonderful night.
Thank you. That's enough for me.
It's been a long day today.
First we get back from Atami...
...then to Shige's house...
...then over to Ueno Park.
You must be tired.
Not so much.
And here I am, troubling you.
- I'm so sorry.
- Not at all.
But I really appreciate your coming.
I'm so happy.
I'm a burden to everyone.
- You've done more than enough.
- Really?
Thank you so much.
You must go to bed now.
You have your work tomorrow morning.
You need to go to bed, too.
Let's both get some sleep.
- Very well. I think I will.
- Please do.
What a treat,
to sleep in Shoji's bed.
- Forgive me if I'm being rude...
- What is it?
Well, it's been eight years
since my son's death...
...yet you still keep
his photo up there like that.
I feel sorry for you.
Because you're young and...
I'm not that young anymore.
Yes, you are.
I feel we're doing you wrong.
I've often talked to Father about this.
If you ever meet someone else... must feel free
to get remarried any time.
I mean it.
It pains us to think
that you won't remarry.
All right, if I meet the right man...
You certainly will.
Why wouldn't you?
You think so?
You had more hard times
than happiness after marrying him.
I know we should have done
something for you.
Please, Mother.
I'm quite happy as I am.
But you should have had
a better life.
Not at all. I like it this way.
You may be happy
while you're still young...
...but as you get older,
you'll find it lonely
I won't get that old,
so don't worry.
You're such a good person.
Goodnight, then.
Good evening!
Hello? Hello?
Mrs Kaneko?
Yes? Who is it?
Who could it be?
- Who is it?
- The police. Officer Takahashi.
Oh, all right...
Sorry for calling so late.
I've brought your friends round.
They're quite drunk.
Why, Father!
- I'm terribly sorry.
- Goodnight.
Who's he, Father?
Father, what's all this?
Hey, what's happened?
- He's brought some stranger with him.
- Who is it?
- I don't know.
- Stop all the noise!
What's all this, Father?
- Father! What's all this?
- Well...
You've started drinking again!
Hello? Hello?
Hey, you! Hey, you!
Father? Father!
You're hopeless!
What happened?
Where's he been drinking?
Where? How should I know?
He used to drink all the time.
Used to come home blind drunk,
upsetting Mother.
We hated it.
But he stopped drinking
after Kyoko was born.
He was like a new man,
I thought it was great.
Now he's started again.
Hey, what shall we do?
I didn't expect him back here tonight,
let alone with company!
- We can't leave them there like that.
- It can't be helped.
Let's bring Kiyo down
and we'll put them upstairs.
They're too drunk to make it upstairs.
What shall we do?
What a mess!
You sleep upstairs.
I'll put them here.
What a bother!
Why didn't he tell me
he was coming back?
So late and so drunk!
I hate drunkards.
And with a stranger, too.
Oh, I can't bear it!
- Thank you for letting me stay.
- Not at all.
I'm sorry the place is such a mess.
Won't you be late for work?
Will you be all right?
Yes, I'll be fine.
- Mother?
- What is it?
I want you to have this.
- What is it?
- Spending money for you.
- What do you mean?
- It's not much, though.
You don't have to do this!
Please take it, Mother!
- I couldn't possibly.
- Please, Mother!
- I couldn't...
- Please.
I'm the one who should be
giving you something.
Please accept it, Mother.
Must I?
Then thank you very much, my dear.
You must need money for yourself,
but still you do this for me.
I don't know what to say...
...but thank you so much.
Thank you.
Let's get going, Mother.
If you come up to Tokyo again,
Mother, please visit me.
But I don't know
whether I'll be able to...
I know you're busy, but you should
try to come to Onomichi.
I'd really like to,
if only it were a bit nearer.
You're right. It's so far away.
Mother, you forgot these.
Oh, again! I've got so forgetful lately.
Let's go, then.
Next Tokaido line departure
on Platform 14
21:00 express to Hiroshima.
It's packed, isn't it?
But we're in a good position
to get seats here.
The train should arrive in Nagoya
or Gifu by morning.
- When does it arrive in Onomichi?
- 01:35 tomorrow afternoon.
Did you send Kyoko a telegram?
Yes, I did.
Keizo will meet you at Osaka, too.
Mother, I hope you have
a good sleep on the train.
She can sleep soundly anywhere!
Even if I don't,
I'll be home tomorrow afternoon.
And Father, don't drink too much.
Well, last night's reunion
was an exception.
Has the headache gone?
It's fine.
Let this be a warning.
I'm sure it was a good lesson.
You've been very kind to us, all of you.
We enjoyed our trip.
Thanks for looking after us
when you have such busy lives.
Now that we've seen you all,
you needn't come down...
...even if anything should happen
to either one of us.
Don't talk like that, Mother.
This isn't a farewell.
I mean it. We live so far away.
Sorry for keeping you waiting.
The 21:00 departure is now ready...
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Morning. Sorry about yesterday.
- I heard your parents came.
- Yes. What a palaver.
They weren't supposed to get off
the train, but my mother became ill.
- What was the trouble?
- She didn't feel well here.
- Was it her heart?
- Travel sickness, I reckon.
She hadn't been on a train
for a long time.
What a drama.
I had to borrow blankets
and send for the doctor twice.
- And how is she now?
- She's feeling fine this morning.
How old is she?
Let me see...
She's way over 60.
67 or 68, maybe.
Fairly old, then.
Take good care of her.
"Honour your parents
while they are still alive".
That's right.
And they say, "One cannot serve
one's parents beyond the grave".
It must've been
because the train was so crowded.
You're probably right.
- Feeling better?
- I feel fine now.
I should be able
to leave for home tonight.
Well, let's stay here one more night
and tomorrow take a less crowded train.
Kyoko must be worried about us.
But at least we're here in Osaka
and able to see Keizo.
In the past ten days
we've managed to see all our children.
And our grown-up grandchildren, too.
Some grandparents seem to prefer their
grandchildren more than their children.
What do you think?
What about you?
I prefer my own children.
I agree with you.
But it surprises me
how children change.
Shige used to be
a much nicer person before.
She did, didn't she?
When a daughter marries,
she becomes a stranger.
Koichi has changed, too.
He used to be such a nice boy.
Children never live up
to their parents' expectations.
Let's just be happy that
they're better than most.
They're certainly
better than average.
We're fortunate.
I think so, too.
We should consider ourselves lucky.
Yes, we are very lucky.
My folks had to get off the train
at Osaka.
Oh, really?
Mother became sick on the train.
They got home on the 10th.
Is she all right now?
I think so.
They wrote to say thanks.
She must've been tired.
The trip was too much for her.
- Was she satisfied?
- Why wouldn't she be?
She got to see lots of places
and went to Atami, too.
I suppose so.
She'll talk about Tokyo
for a long time to come.
A telegram?
Not yet. Where from?
From Onomichi.
It came today, but it's very odd.
It says mother's critically ill.
Eh? That's right.
That's strange.
I just got a letter from father.
It says they got off at Osaka
because mother felt sick.
They arrived home in Onomichi
on the 10th.
That's right.
Hold on.
Thank you.
- It's from Onomichi.
- Read it.
"Mother critically ill - Kyoko".
Hello? Hello?
The telegram just arrived.
You just got one too?
Right, I'll come over.
- See you later.
- I'll be waiting.
How did it happen so suddenly?
I wonder if it's serious.
Should I let Noriko know?
Yes, do that for me.
Yes? Yoneyama Trading Company.
Hold the line, please.
Miss Hirayama, telephone!
For me?
Oh, hello.
Mother is?
Is that so?
Thank you.
What can it mean?
I can understand Father falling ill.
But Mother's got so much vitality.
Think it's serious?
It's not good.
They said "critically ill".
I suppose we'll have to go then.
I sensed something wasn't right
at the station.
She said,
"If anything should happen..."
She must've had a bad feeling,
somehow or other.
- Anyway, we should go and see her.
- I guess so, since she's critically ill.
If we're going, we better hurry.
We should take the express.
I'll have to make all kinds
of arrangements before I leave.
So will I.
In the middle of this busy time, too.
Come in.
Hey, can you bring a bandage?
A bandage.
Let's leave tonight, then.
Might as well, if we have to go.
See you later.
What is it?
What about mourning clothes?
Shall we take them?
Maybe we should.
All right, let's take them.
Let's just hope
we don't need to use them.
- Right.
- I'll meet you at Tokyo Station.
I'll go and meet them, Father.
That's very good of you.
I'll be back soon.
What's the matter?
Are you too hot?
The children are coming from Tokyo
to see you.
Kyoko's just gone to meet them.
They'll be here any moment.
You'll get better.
You'll get better.
You will...
Her blood pressure's dropped,
but she's still in a coma.
I see.
Her reactions are weak.
- Thank you, anyway.
- I'll drop by again.
Thank you for coming.
Take care.
I wonder where Keizo is.
He's so late.
- Did he answer the telegram?
- No, not a word.
But he lives in Osaka,
the closest of all of us.
Father, come with me.
You as well.
Listen, Father,
I don't like her condition.
I see...
What do you mean?
I mean it's dangerous.
The fact that she's still in a coma
isn't a good sign.
I see...
Did the trip to Tokyo exhaust her
and bring this on?
I don't think so. She was so lively
in Tokyo. Wasn't she?
- It might've caused it.
- So what is it, then?
She may not live till tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow morning?
It'll probably happen around dawn.
I see...
She's not going to live.
Mother's 68, isn't she?
So...she's not going to live.
That's what I think.
I see...
So this is the end?
That's all.
Then Keizo won't be in time, will he?
Life's too short, isn't it?
She was so lively, too.
She must've had a feeling
this would happen.
Still, I'm glad she came to Tokyo.
We were able to see her alive.
And we talked about many things.
Noriko, did you bring
any mourning clothes?
- No.
- You should've brought some.
Do you have any, Kyoko?
No, I don't.
You'll have to borrow some, then.
And get some for Noriko, too.
At least mother died peacefully
and without suffering at all.
I wonder if that's Keizo.
How is she?
So...I wasn't in time.
I was afraid of that.
Good day.
I was out of town on business.
I'm sorry I'm late.
- The telegram came while I was away.
- Really?
How awful...
When was it?
This 3:15.
I see...
If I'd taken the 8:40 train from
Kagoshima, I would've been in time.
Keizo, look at her.
See how peaceful she is.
Forgive my delay.
Where's father?
I wonder.
- Keizo has just arrived.
- Has he?
It was such a beautiful dawn.
It's going to be another hot day today.
What's the matter?
I can't stand that sound.
As I hear it, I feel as if my mother
were becoming smaller, bit by bit.
I wasn't a very good son.
It's time to offer incense
I can't lose her now.
"One cannot serve one's parents
beyond the grave"
We used to watch fireworks
from this room, didn't we, Father?
Oh, did we?
On the night of the town festival.
- Remember, Keizo?
- No, I don't.
You were so excited,
but after sunset you fell asleep.
With your head on mother's lap.
I really don't remember.
What were you doing
in those days, Father?
I was head of the city's
board of education, I believe.
Were you?
A long time ago, wasn't it?
Once we all went to Omishima
during the spring holidays.
Oh, that I do remember.
- Mother got seasick.
- Yes, I remember that.
She was so full of life then.
How old was she then? Forty...?
Forty-two or forty-three, I think.
You have to take good care
of yourself now, Father...
...and enjoy a long life.
Thank you.
Some more?
More, sis?
It may sound heartless to say so...
...but I rather wish father had died first.
If Kyoko gets married,
he'll be left all alone.
We could've looked
after mother in Tokyo.
Kyoko, did mother still have
that grey summer sash?
- Yes.
- I'd like it as a memento.
- Is that all right, Brother?
- Why not?
And also...
...that linen kimono
she used to wear in summer?
- It's here.
- I want that, too.
You know where it is?
Get it out for me.
It's all over now.
Thank you all for coming so far
and giving up your precious time.
Thank you.
She would've been pleased
to know Koichi looked after her.
I didn't really do anything.
I remember when we went
to Atami from Tokyo...
...she had a dizzy spell.
- Oh?
- It didn't seem that serious.
Really? Why didn't you tell us, Father?
You should've told Koichi at least.
I guess I should have.
But that wasn't the cause.
Mother was overweight,
so the illness came on suddenly.
I see...
It's just like a dream.
- When are you leaving, Brother?
- I can't stay long.
Me neither.
Shall we take the express tonight?
- What about you, Keizo?
- I can stay.
- Let's leave tonight, then.
- Right.
Noriko, you'll stay with father
a bit longer, won't you?
- Yes.
- No, you're busy. I'll be fine.
I might as well go, then.
I have to make a report.
And there's that baseball match, too.
Well, thanks for coming
when you're so busy.
You'll be lonely now, Father.
I'll get used to it.
Kyoko, pass me some more rice.
Get the train tickets for us,
will you, Keizo?
Yes. Rice for me, too.
I hope the train's empty.
Father, you mustn't drink too much.
I'll be all right.
So, you're all going home?
- Here's your lunch.
- Thank you so much.
Thanks for letting me stay.
Come and see me in Tokyo
in your summer holidays.
- Do you have to go home today?
- Yes, I must.
- Sorry I can't see you off.
- That's all right.
Do come and see me
in the summer holidays.
I'm so glad you stayed.
I think my brothers and sister
should have stayed a bit longer.
But they're very busy.
They're just selfish.
Demanding things
and then leaving just like that.
That can't be helped.
They have work to get back to.
But you have yours too.
- They think only of themselves.
- But Kyoko...
Asking for mementos of mother
right after her death!
I felt so sorry for poor mother.
Even strangers would have been
more considerate.
But look, Kyoko,
I thought so too when I was your age.
But, as children get older,
they drift away from their parents.
A woman has her own life,
apart from her parents...
...when she becomes Shige's age.
So she meant no harm, I'm sure.
They have their own lives to look after.
I wonder...
But I won't ever be like that.
Otherwise what's the point
of being part of a family?
You're right.
But all children become like that
You, too?
I may become like that,
in spite of myself.
Isn't life disappointing?
Yes, nothing but disappointment.
- Well, I should get going.
- Goodbye, then.
Father, I'm leaving now.
- Take care of yourself.
- Thank you. You, too.
Come and see me
in the summer holidays.
Goodbye, then.
- Goodbye.
- See you soon.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Has Kyoko left?
Father, I'm leaving
on the afternoon train.
Oh? You're going home?
Thank you for everything.
Please, I didn't do anything.
- You've been a great help.
- Not at all.
My wife told me
how kind you were to her...
...when she stayed
at your place in Tokyo.
Not at all.
I didn't have much to offer.
Well, she really meant it.
She told me that evening with you
was her happiest time in Tokyo.
- I want to thank you, too.
- Not at all.
She was so worried
about your future.
You mustn't go on like this.
Don't worry about me.
You should get remarried
if you meet the right man.
Just forget about Shoji.
It pains me to see you
living like this.
No, it's not like that.
She said she'd never met
a nicer woman than you
I'm sure she was overestimating me.
She certainly wasn't.
I'm not the nice woman
she thought I was.
It embarrasses me that
you should think of me like that.
Well, it shouldn't.
Really, I can be quite selfish.
I'm not always thinking of your late son,
though you may think I am.
You should just forget him.
Often, there are days
when I don't think of him at all.
Sometimes I feel
I can't go on like this forever.
Often I lay awake at night wondering
what will become of me if I remain alone.
Days pass and nothing happens,
and I feel so alone.
In my heart,
I seem to be waiting for something.
- I'm just being selfish.
- No, you're not.
Yes, I am.
But I couldn't say this to mother.
That's all right.
You truly are a good woman.
An honest woman.
Not at all.
This watch belonged to her.
It's rather old-fashioned...
...but she used it
since she was your age.
Please take it as a memento.
- But I...
- Please take it.
I'm sure she'd be very happy
if you used it.
Please take it.
Thank you.
Please believe me when I say
that I want you to be happy.
I mean it sincerely.
It's strange...
We have children of our own...
...yet you've done the most for us,
and you're not even a blood relative.
Thank you.
You must be feeling lonely
with them all gone.
It was so sudden, wasn't it?
Well, she was a headstrong woman...
...but if I'd known things
would come to this...
...I'd have been kinder to her
while she was alive.
Living alone,
I think the days will seem very long.
You'll feel lonely.
The End